SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT

To:      Strategy International Insurance Group, Inc.
         Strategy Real Estate Investments Ltd.
         200 Yorkland Boulevard
         Suite 200
         Toronto, Canada M2J5C1

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The undersigned subscriber (the "Subscriber") hereby agrees as follows:

         1. Subscription for Unit. The Subscriber hereby irrevocably  subscribes
for and  purchases  the number of Units (each,  a "Unit") set forth below,  each
comprised of (i) one share of Series A Insured  Redeemable  Preferred Stock (the
"Series A Preferred")  of Strategy Real Estate  Investments  Ltd., a corporation
organized  under the laws of the  Province of Ontario,  Canada (the  "Company"),
(ii) one share of Series B Preferred  Stock (the  "Series B  Preferred")  of the
Company and (iii) a warrant (the  "Warrant") to purchase  shares of common stock
of Strategy International Insurance Group, Inc. ("Parent").

         2. Payment of Purchase Price. In consideration  for the Units purchased
by the  Subscriber,  the  Subscriber  hereby pays in full the purchase price set
forth on the  signature  page hereof by wire transfer of  immediately  available
funds to the account listed below.

         Chase Manhattan Bank
         1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036
         ABA No.: 021000021
         For credit to the account of: Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP
                                       Trust Account
         Account No.: 323231195
         Reference # 66541-00001

         3.  Representations  and  Warranties of the  Subscriber.  To induce the
Company  to enter  into  this  Subscription  Agreement,  the  Subscriber  hereby
represents, warrants and covenants to the Company as follows:

                  (a) The  Subscriber  is  acquiring  the Units  for  investment
         purposes  only and not for the  account of any other  person or entity.
         The  Subscriber  is not  acquiring  the  Units  with a view to  resell,
         distribute,  subdivide  or  otherwise  transfer  the Units to any other
         person or entity in violation of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
         (the  "Securities  Act") or the  securities  laws of any U.S.  state or

                  (b) The Subscriber understands that: (i) the Units, the Series
         A  Preferred,  the Series B Preferred  and the  Warrants  have not been
         registered under the Securities Act, or the securities laws of any U.S.
         state or non-U.S.  jurisdiction;  (ii) the Units are being offered as a
         private placement only to certain qualified  investors  pursuant to the
         exemption from registration  provided by Section 4(2) of the Securities
         Act and/or  Regulation D promulgated  thereunder;  (iii) the Units, the
         Series A Preferred,  the Series B Preferred and the Warrants may not be
         resold or transferred except as permitted by the Securities Act and any
         applicable  U.S.  state  or  non-U.S.   securities  laws,  pursuant  to
         registration or exemption  therefrom;  (iv) resales or transfers of the
         Units,  the  Series A  Preferred  and the  Series B  Preferred  will be
         significantly  restricted  by  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the
         Company;  and (v) there will be no public  market  for the  Units,  the
         Series  A  Preferred  and  the  Series  B  Preferred  and  there  is no
         obligation  on the part of any person or entity to register  the Units,
         the Series A Preferred and the Series B Preferred  under the Securities
         Act or the laws of any U.S. state or non-U.S. jurisdiction.

                  (c) If the Subscriber is an individual, the Subscriber has the
         legal  capacity  and  authority  to  execute,  deliver  and perform the
         Subscriber's  obligations  under this  Subscription  Agreement.  If the
         Subscriber is a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, (i) it
         has the  requisite  power and  authority  to

         execute  and  deliver  this  Subscription  Agreement,  (ii) the  person
         executing  this  Subscription  Agreement  on behalf of the  subscribing
         entity has the full power and  authority  to execute and  deliver  this
         Subscription Agreement on behalf of the subscribing entity, (iii) it is
         duly formed and organized,  validly  existing,  and (if  applicable) in
         good standing under the laws of its  jurisdiction of formation and (iv)
         the execution,  delivery and performance of this Subscription Agreement
         will not (A) conflict  with,  or result in any  violation of or default
         under,  any  provision  of  any  charter,   by-laws,  trust  agreement,
         partnership  agreement or other governing instrument  applicable to the
         Subscriber,  any agreement or other  instrument to which the Subscriber
         or its properties is a party, or any judgment,  decree, statute, order,
         rule or  regulation  or (B) require any notice to, or filing  with,  or
         authorization,  consent or approval  of, any public  body or  authority
         applicable  to  the   Subscriber  or  the   Subscriber's   business  or
         properties.  This  Subscription  Agreement  is the  valid  and  binding
         obligation of the  Subscriber,  enforceable  against the  Subscriber in
         accordance with its terms.

                  (d)  The  Subscriber  has  received  and  carefully  read  the
         Confidential Private Placement Memorandum for the Offering of Units, as
         amended or  supplemented  through the closing date of the  Subscriber's
         subscription  for  Units  (the   "Memorandum")  and  this  Subscription
         Agreement.  If the  Subscriber is an  individual,  the  Subscriber  has
         carefully  read the  privacy  policy  attached  hereto  as Annex C. The
         Subscriber  has been  furnished  all other  materials  relating  to the
         Company  and  the  Offering,   if  any,  which  have  been   requested.
         Furthermore,  the  Subscriber  has been afforded an  opportunity to ask
         questions of, and receive  answers from, the Company in connection with
         the  Offering.  The  Subscriber  hereby  agrees  not to  distribute  or
         reproduce this Subscription Agreement or the Memorandum,  including any
         exhibits or schedules thereto, without the prior written consent of the

                  (e) The  Subscriber  confirms  that the  Units,  the  Series A
         Preferred,  the Series B Preferred and the Warrants were not offered to
         the  Subscriber  by  any  means  of  general  solicitation  or  general
         advertising.  The Subscriber:  (i) has obtained, in the judgment of the
         Subscriber,  sufficient information to evaluate the merits and risks of
         an  investment  in the  Company  and  Parent  and (ii)  has  sufficient
         knowledge and experience in financial and business  matters to evaluate
         the merits and risks  associated  with such  investment  and to make an
         informed investment  decision with respect thereto.  The Subscriber has
         not relied and will not rely upon any offering  material or  literature
         other  than  the  Memorandum,  or upon  any  information  given  to the
         Subscriber by persons other than the Company and its officers.

                  (f) The Subscriber acknowledges that the Company is a start-up
         venture with no operating history. No assurances have been given to the
         Subscriber  with  respect  to the  performance  of the  Company  or its

                  (g) The  Subscriber  has relied on its own  examination of the
         Company, Parent and the terms of the Offering, including the merits and
         risks  involved,  and has reviewed the merits and risks of the purchase
         of Units with tax,  legal and  investment  counsel to the extent deemed
         advisable by the Subscriber.  The Subscriber  understands  that neither
         the U.S.  Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") nor any
         other federal,  state or non-U.S.  agency has recommended,  approved or
         endorsed  the purchase of the Units as an  investment  or passed on the
         accuracy or adequacy of the  information set forth in the Memorandum or
         any other documents used in connection with the Offering.

                  (h) The Subscriber  understands that the purchase of the Units
         represents  a highly  speculative  investment,  which  involves  a high
         degree  of  risk  of  loss.  Due to the  privately-held  nature  of the
         Company,  and the  restrictions  on any sale or  transfer  of the Units
         described above,  the Subscriber  cannot expect to be able to liquidate
         any  investment in the Company in the case of an emergency,  or perhaps
         at all. In addition,  the  Subscriber  represents  that there are other
         important risk factors included in the Memorandum, which the Subscriber
         has reviewed and accepted in connection with the investment  hereunder.
         The  Subscriber  has  adequate  means to provide  for the  Subscriber's
         current  cash  needs  and  possible  contingencies,  and its  financial
         condition is such that it can afford to bear all risks, including those
         described in the Memorandum,  associated with a purchase of Units.  The
         Subscriber  has the  financial  capacity  to hold the  Units  purchased
         hereby for an indefinite period of time.

                  (i) The  Subscriber  received the Memorandum and first learned
         of the Company  and Parent in the country and state or province  listed
         as the  address  of  the  Subscriber  set  forth  on  the  Subscriber's
         signature page hereto. If the address is within the United States,  the
         Subscriber  intends that, in addition to U.S. federal  securities laws,
         the state  securities  laws of the state  listed as the address of that
         Subscriber  alone,  to


         the extent applicable, shall govern this transaction. The Subscriber is
         not an  individual  who resides in, nor an entity formed under the laws
         of, Canada, and no offer to purchase the Units, the Series A Preferred,
         the Series B Preferred  and the  Warrants  was made to the  Subscriber,
         directly or indirectly, in Canada.

                  (j) If the Subscriber is (i) an "employee benefit plan" within
         the meaning of Section 3(3) of the Employee  Retirement Income Security
         Act of 1974,  as amended  ("ERISA")  or (ii) an  individual  retirement
         account as  described in Section  408(a) of the  Internal  Revenue Code
         ("IRC"),  governmental  benefit plan or other  "benefit plan  investor"
         within   the   meaning   of  U.S.   Department   of  Labor   Regulation
         2510.3-101(f)(2), or if any part of the funds used by the Subscriber to
         acquire Units  constitutes  assets of an "employee benefit plan" within
         the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA or of an IRC, or assets  allocated
         to any account in which any such  employee  benefit plan or IRA (or its
         related trust) has any interest, the acquisition of Units has been duly
         authorized in accordance  with the governing  documents of the relevant
         plan or account and such acquisition and the subsequent  holding of the
         Units do not and will not constitute a "prohibited  transaction" within
         the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA or Section  4975 of the IRC that is
         not subject to an exemption  therefrom  contained  in ERISA,  or in the
         rules  and  regulations   adopted  by  the  U.S.  Department  of  Labor
         thereunder, or in an individual or class exemption therefrom.

                  (k) Neither the Subscriber,  nor any person having a direct or
         indirect  beneficial  interest in the Units to be  acquired  under this
         Subscription  Agreement,  appears on the Specially Designated Nationals
         and Blocked  Person List of the Office of Foreign Assets Control in the
         United States Department of the Treasury.  The Subscriber does not know
         or have  any  reason  to  suspect  that  (i)  monies  used to fund  the
         Subscriber's  investment  in Units have been or will be derived from or
         related  to any  illegal  activities  or (ii)  the  proceeds  from  the
         Subscriber's  investment  in units will be used to finance  any illegal

                  (l)   The   statements   in   the   Subscriber's    Subscriber
         Questionnaire  attached as Annex A are true, complete and correct as of
         the date hereof.

         4.  Representations  and  Warranties  of the  Company.  To  induce  the
Subscriber to invest in the Company the Company hereby represents,  warrants and
covenants as follows:

                  (a)  Organization,  Good Standing and Power.  The Company is a
         corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly existing and in good standing
         under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Company does not
         have any  subsidiaries.  The  Company  is duly  qualified  as a foreign
         corporation   to  do  business  and  is  in  good   standing  in  every
         jurisdiction in which the nature of the business  conducted or property
         owned by it makes such qualification necessary.

                  (b) Authorization;  Enforcement. The Company has the requisite
         corporate   power  and   authority  to  enter  into  and  perform  this
         Subscription  Agreement  and to issue and sell the Units in  accordance
         with the terms hereof. The execution,  delivery and performance of this
         Subscription Agreement by the Company and the consummation by it of the
         transactions  contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized
         by  all  necessary   corporate  action,   and  no  further  consent  or
         authorization  of the Company or its Board of Directors or stockholders
         is required.  This  Subscription  Agreement  has been duly executed and
         delivered by the Company.  This  Subscription  Agreement  constitutes a
         valid and binding  obligation  of the Company  enforceable  against the
         Company in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may
         be  limited  by  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,   reorganization,
         moratorium, liquidation, conservatorship,  receivership or similar laws
         relating to, or affecting  generally  the  enforcement  of,  creditor's
         rights  and  remedies  or by  other  equitable  principles  of  general

                  (c)  Capitalization.  The  authorized  capital  stock  of  the
         Company and the shares thereof  currently  issued and outstanding as of
         September  20,  2004 is: 100 shares of common  stock,  all of which are
         issued and outstanding;  5,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock, none
         of which are  issued  and  outstanding;  and  5,000  shares of Series B
         Preferred Stock,  none of which are issued and outstanding.  All of the
         outstanding  shares of the  Company's  Series A Preferred  and Series B
         Preferred have been duly and validly authorized. Except as set forth in
         this  Subscription  Agreement,  no  shareholders  of  the  Company  are
         entitled to preemptive  rights or registration  rights and there are no
         outstanding options,  warrants,  scrip, rights to subscribe to, call or
         commitments of any character  whatsoever  relating to, or securities or
         rights  convertible  into,  any shares of capital stock of the Company.
         Furthermore, there are no contracts,  commitments,  understandings,  or
         arrangements  by which  the  Company  is or may  become  bound to issue
         additional  shares


         of the capital  stock of the Company or options,  securities  or rights
         convertible into shares of capital stock of the Company. The Company is
         not a party to any agreement  granting  registration  or  anti-dilution
         rights  to any  person  with  respect  to any of  its  equity  or  debt
         securities.  Other than as set forth in the Company's  Amended Articles
         of  Incorporation,  the  Company  is  not a  party  to,  and  it has no
         knowledge of, any agreement  restricting  the voting or transfer of any
         shares of the capital  stock of the Company.  The offer and sale of all
         capital stock, convertible securities,  rights, warrants, or options of
         the Company  issued prior to the closing  complied with all  applicable
         Canadian and United States  federal and state or provincial  securities
         laws, and no stockholder has a right of rescission or claim for damages
         with respect  thereto.  The Company has furnished or made  available to
         the  Subscriber  true and correct  copies of the Company's  Articles of
         Incorporation as in effect on the date hereof (the "Articles"), and the
         Company's By-laws as in effect on the date hereof (the "By-laws").

                  (d)  Issuance of Series A  Preferred,  Series B Preferred  and
         Warrants. The shares of Series A Preferred,  Series B Preferred and the
         Warrants to be issued at the closing have been duly  authorized  by all
         necessary  corporate  action and, when paid for or issued in accordance
         with the terms hereof,  shall be validly issued and outstanding,  fully
         paid and nonassessable.

                  (e) No Conflicts.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
         this Subscription  Agreement by the Company and the consummation by the
         Company of the transactions contemplated herein and the issuance of the
         shares of Series A  Preferred  and Series B Preferred  as  contemplated
         hereby do not and will not (i) violate or conflict  with any  provision
         of the Company's Articles or By-laws, (ii) conflict with, or constitute
         a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would
         become a default)  under,  or give to others any rights of termination,
         amendment,  acceleration or cancellation  of, any agreement,  mortgage,
         deed  of  trust,  indenture,  note,  bond,  license,  lease  agreement,
         instrument or obligation to which the Company is a party or by which it
         or its  properties or assets are bound,  (iii) create or impose a lien,
         mortgage, security interest, charge or encumbrance of any nature on any
         property of the Company under any agreement or any  commitment to which
         the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound or by which any
         of its respective  properties or assets are bound,  or (iv) result in a
         violation of any federal,  state,  province,  local or foreign statute,
         rule,  regulation,  order, judgment or decree (including federal, state
         and province securities laws and regulations) applicable to the Company
         or by which any property or asset of the Company are bound or affected.
         The Company is not required  under  federal,  state,  province or local
         law, rule or regulation to obtain any consent,  authorization  or order
         of, or make any filing or registration  with, any court or governmental
         agency  in order  for it to  execute,  deliver  or  perform  any of its
         obligations  under this Subscription  Agreement,  or issue and sell the
         shares of Series A Preferred and Series B Preferred in accordance  with
         the terms  hereof  (other than any filings  which may be required to be
         made  by  the  Company  with  the   Commission   or  state   securities
         administrators subsequent to the closing and any registration statement
         which may be filed pursuant hereto); provided that, for purposes of the
         representation  made in this  sentence,  the  Company is  assuming  and
         relying  upon  the  accuracy  of  the  relevant   representations   and
         agreements of the Subscriber herein.

                  (f)  Financial  Statements.  The  Company  is not a  reporting
         company  subject to the U.S.  securities  laws,  nor are its securities
         registered  with the  U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  The
         Company was formed on August 23,  2004.  It has made  available  to the
         Subscriber true and complete copies of its unaudited balance sheet.

                  (g)  Actions  Pending.   There  is  no  action,  suit,  claim,
         investigation,  arbitration, alternate dispute resolution proceeding or
         any other  proceeding  pending  or, to the  knowledge  of the  Company,
         threatened  against the Company  which  questions  the validity of this
         Subscription  Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby or any
         action taken or to be taken pursuant hereto.  There is no action, suit,
         claim,   investigation,   arbitration,   alternate  dispute  resolution
         proceeding or any other proceeding  pending or, to the knowledge of the
         Company,  threatened,  against or  involving  the Company or any of its
         respective  properties  or  assets.  There are no  outstanding  orders,
         judgments,  injunctions,  awards or decrees of any court, arbitrator or
         governmental  or regulatory body against the Company or any officers or
         directors of the Company in their capacities as such.

                  (h) Compliance  with Law. The business of the Company has been
         and is presently  being  conducted in  accordance  with all  applicable
         Canadian and U.S. federal,  state and local  governmental  laws, rules,
         regulations  and ordinances.  The Company has all franchises,  permits,
         licenses,  consents and other


         governmental or regulatory  authorizations and approvals  necessary for
         the conduct of its business as now being conducted by it.

                  (i) Disclosure.  Neither this  Subscription  Agreement nor any
         other   documents,   certificates  or  instruments   furnished  to  the
         Subscriber  by or on  behalf  of the  Company  in  connection  with the
         transactions  contemplated by this  Subscription  Agreement contain any
         untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit to state a material  fact
         necessary in order to make the  statements  made herein or therein,  in
         the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were made  herein or
         therein, not misleading.

                  (j)   Securities   Act  of  1933.   Based  in  part  upon  the
         representations herein of the Subscriber,  the Company has complied and
         will comply with all applicable U.S.  federal and state securities laws
         in connection with the offer, issuance and sale of the Units hereunder.
         Neither  the  Company  nor anyone  acting on its  behalf,  directly  or
         indirectly,  has or will sell,  offer to sell or solicit  offers to buy
         any of the Units or  similar  securities  to, or  solicit  offers  with
         respect  thereto from, or enter into any preliminary  conversations  or
         negotiations  relating  thereto with, any person,  or has taken or will
         take any  action  so as to bring  the  issuance  and sale of any of the
         Units  under the  registration  provisions  of the  Securities  Act and
         applicable  state  securities  laws, and neither the Company nor any of
         its  affiliates,  nor any  person  acting on its or their  behalf,  has
         engaged in any form of  general  solicitation  or  general  advertising
         (within  the  meaning  of  Regulation  D under the  Securities  Act) in
         connection with the offer or sale of any of the Units.

                  (k)  Governmental  Approvals.  Except  for the  filing  of any
         notice  prior or  subsequent  to the closing  date that may be required
         under  applicable  state  and/or  federal  securities  laws  (which  if
         required,  shall be filed on a timely basis), including the filing of a
         Form D, no authorization,  consent,  approval,  license,  exemption of,
         filing  or  registration  with any  court or  governmental  department,
         commission,  board,  bureau,  agency or  instrumentality,  domestic  or
         foreign,  is or will be  necessary  for,  or in  connection  with,  the
         execution  or  delivery  of the Units,  or for the  performance  by the
         Company of its obligations under this Subscription Agreement.

                  (l)   Independent   Nature   of   Subscribers.   The   Company
         acknowledges   that  the  obligations  of  the  Subscriber  under  this
         Subscription  Agreement are several and not joint with the  obligations
         of any other Subscriber,  and no Subscriber shall be responsible in any
         way for the  performance  of the  obligations  of any other  Subscriber
         under this Subscription  Agreement.  The Company  acknowledges that the
         decision  of the  Subscriber  to purchase  Securities  pursuant to this
         Agreement has been made by the  Subscriber  independently  of any other
         purchase and independently of any information, materials, statements or
         opinions as to the business, affairs,  operations,  assets, properties,
         liabilities,  results of operations, condition (financial or otherwise)
         or prospects  of the Company  which may have made or given by any other
         Subscriber or by any agent or employee of any other Subscriber,  and no
         Subscriber  or any of its agents or employees  shall have any liability
         to any Subscriber (or any other person) relating to or arising from any
         such  information,  materials,  statements  or  opinions.  The  Company
         acknowledges that nothing contained herein,  and no action taken by any
         Subscriber   pursuant  hereto,   shall  be  deemed  to  constitute  the
         Subscriber as a  partnership,  an  association,  a joint venture or any
         other kind of entity,  or create a presumption that the Subscribers are
         in any way  acting  in  concert  or as a  group  with  respect  to such
         obligations  or the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Subscription
         Agreement.  The Company acknowledges that for reasons of administrative
         convenience  only,  this  Subscription  Agreement  has been prepared by
         counsel for one of the  Subscribers and such counsel does not represent
         all  of  the  Subscribers  but  only  such  Subscriber  and  the  other
         Subscribers have retained their own individual  counsel with respect to
         the transactions  contemplated hereby. The Company acknowledges that it
         has  elected  to  provide  all  Subscribers  with the same terms of the
         Subscription  Agreement  for the  convenience  of the  Company  and not
         because it was required or requested to do so by the  Subscribers.  The
         Company  acknowledges  that  such  procedure,   with  respect  to  this
         Subscription  Agreement,  in no way  creates  a  presumption  that  the
         Subscribers are in any way acting in concert or as a group with respect
         to this Subscription Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  (m) No Integrated  Offering.  Neither the Company,  nor any of
         its  affiliates,  nor any  person  acting on its or their  behalf,  has
         directly  or  indirectly  made any offers or sales of any  security  or
         solicited any offers to buy any security under circumstances that would
         cause the offering of the Units pursuant to this Subscription Agreement
         to be  integrated  with prior  offerings by the Company for purposes of
         the  Securities  Act which would  prevent the Company  from selling the
         Units pursuant to Rule 506 under the Securities  Act, or any applicable
         exchange-related  stockholder approval provisions, nor will the Company
         or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries  take any action or steps that
         would  cause the  offering  of the Units to be  integrated


         with  other  offerings.  The  Company  does not  have any  registration
         statement   pending  before  the  Commission  or  currently  under  the
         Commission's review.

         5.  Representations  and Warranties of Parent.  To induce Subscriber to
invest  in  Parent  and the  Company  Parent  hereby  represents,  warrants  and
covenants as follows:

                  (a) Organization, Existence, Standing and Ownership of Parent.
         Parent is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good
         standing  under the laws of the State of Texas.  Parent is qualified to
         do business in any  jurisdiction  in which it  conducts  its  business.
         Parent has the corporate power and corporate  authority to own or lease
         the assets owned or leased by it.

                  (b)  Capitalization.   The  capitalization  of  Parent  is  as
         described  in  Parent's  most  recent  periodic  report  filed with the
         Commission.  Parent has not issued any capital  stock since such filing
         other than  pursuant to the exercise of employee  stock  options  under
         Parent's stock option plans,  the issuance of shares of common stock to
         employees  pursuant  to  Parent's  employee  stock  purchase  plan  and
         pursuant to the conversion or exercise of outstanding equity equivalent
         securities  (including any equity,  debt or other instrument that is at
         any time over the life thereof  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for
         common stock) (collectively,  "Common Stock Equivalents"). The issuance
         of the common  stock upon  exercise of the  Warrants  will not obligate
         Parent  to issue  shares  of common  stock or other  securities  to any
         person (other than the  Subscribers)  and will not result in a right of
         any holder of Parent  securities  to adjust the  exercise,  conversion,
         exchange or reset price under such  securities.  All of the outstanding
         shares of capital  stock of Parent are validly  issued,  fully paid and
         nonassessable,  have been  issued in  compliance  with all  federal and
         state securities laws or pursuant to an exception  therefrom,  and none
         of such  outstanding  shares was issued in violation of any  preemptive
         rights or  similar  rights to  subscribe  for or  purchase  securities.
         Except as disclosed in the SEC Reports (as defined below), there are no
         stockholders agreements,  voting agreements or other similar agreements
         with respect to Parent's  capital  stock to which Parent is a party or,
         to  the  knowledge  of  Parent,   between  or  among  any  of  Parent's

                  (c) SEC Reports;  Financial  Statements.  Parent has filed all
         reports  required  to be filed by it under the  Securities  Act and the
         Exchange Act, including pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof, for
         the two years  preceding  the date  hereof (or such  shorter  period as
         Parent  was  required  by law to file  such  material)  (the  foregoing
         materials,  including the exhibits thereto, being collectively referred
         to herein as the "SEC  Reports")  on a timely  basis or has  received a
         valid  extension  of such  time of  filing  and has  filed any such SEC
         Reports  prior to the  expiration  of any such  extension.  As of their
         respective  dates,  the SEC Reports  complied in all material  respects
         with the  requirements  of the  Securities Act and the Exchange Act and
         the rules and regulations of the Commission promulgated thereunder, and
         none of the SEC Reports, when filed,  contained any untrue statement of
         a material  fact or omitted to state a  material  fact  required  to be
         stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in
         light of the circumstances  under which they were made, not misleading.
         The financial  statements of Parent  included in the SEC Reports comply
         in all material  respects with applicable  accounting  requirements and
         the rules and  regulations of the Commission with respect thereto as in
         effect  at the time of  filing.  Such  financial  statements  have been
         prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting
         principles  applied on a consistent  basis during the periods  involved
         ("GAAP"),  except  as may be  otherwise  specified  in  such  financial
         statements  or the notes  thereto and except that  unaudited  financial
         statements  may not contain all footnotes  required by GAAP, and fairly
         present in all material  respects the financial  position of Parent and
         its  consolidated  subsidiaries as of and for the dates thereof and the
         results  of  operations  and cash  flows for the  periods  then  ended,
         subject, in the case of unaudited  statements,  to normal,  immaterial,
         year-end audit adjustments. Except as set forth in the SEC Reports as a
         reserve  for  bad  debt  or  uncollected  accounts,   all  of  Parent's
         receivables  are expected to be collectible  in the ordinary  course of
         business  and the  inventories  shown on the latest  balance  sheet are
         expected  to be  liquidated  at their  carried  values in the  ordinary
         course of business.

                  (d)  Authorization.   Parent  has  full  corporate  power  and
         authority  to  enter  into  this   Agreement  and  to  consummate   the
         transactions  contemplated  hereby.  The execution and delivery of this
         Agreement and other agreements  contemplated hereby, the performance by
         Parent of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and the consummation
         of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and  thereby  have been duly
         authorized by all requisite  corporate action,  including all necessary
         action to be taken by Parent's Board and the holders of Parent's common
         stock.  No further  action or approval by Parent's  Board or holders of


         Parent's  common stock is required in order to authorize or approve the
         this  Agreement  or  to  constitute   this  Agreement  as  binding  and
         enforceable obligations of Parent.

                  (e) Enforceability.  This Agreement has been duly executed and
         delivered by Parent.  This Agreement  constitutes the legal,  valid and
         binding obligations of Parent, enforceable against Parent in accordance
         with  its  terms,  except  as such  enforceability  may be  limited  by
         applicable laws relating to or affecting  creditors'  rights  generally
         and except as such  enforceability is subject to general  principles of
         equity  (regardless  of  whether  enforceability  is  considered  in  a
         proceeding in equity or at law).

                  (f) No Conflicts.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
         the  Agreement  by  Parent  and  the  consummation  by  Parent  of  the
         transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not: (i) conflict with
         or violate  any  provision  of  Parent's  certificate  or  articles  of
         incorporation,  bylaws or other organizational or charter documents, or
         (ii)  conflict  with,  or  constitute  a default (or an event that with
         notice or lapse of time or both would become a default)  under,  result
         in the  creation  of any lien upon any of the  properties  or assets of
         Parent,  or  give to  others  any  rights  of  termination,  amendment,
         acceleration or cancellation (with or without notice,  lapse of time or
         both) of, any  agreement,  credit  facility,  debt or other  instrument
         (evidencing  Issuer debt or otherwise) or other  understanding to which
         Parent is a party or by which any  property or asset of Parent is bound
         or  affected,  or (iii)  conflict  with or result in a violation of any
         law, rule,  regulation,  order, judgment,  injunction,  decree or other
         restriction of any court or  governmental  authority to which Parent is
         subject  (including federal and state securities laws and regulations),
         or by which  any  property  or asset of  Parent  is bound or  affected;
         except in the case of each of clauses (ii) and (iii), such as could not
         have or reasonably be expected to result in a material adverse effect.

                  (g)  Material  Changes.  Since the date of the latest  audited
         financial  statements  included  within  the  SEC  Reports,  except  as
         specifically disclosed in the SEC Reports, (i) there has been no event,
         occurrence  or  development  that has had or that could  reasonably  be
         expected to result in a material  adverse  effect,  (ii) Parent has not
         incurred any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) other than (A) trade
         payables  and  accrued  expenses  incurred  in the  ordinary  course of
         business consistent with past practice and (B) liabilities not required
         to be reflected in Parent's  financial  statements  pursuant to GAAP or
         required to be  disclosed in filings  made with the  Commission,  (iii)
         Parent has not  altered its method of  accounting,  (iv) Parent has not
         declared or made any dividend or distribution of cash or other property
         to its  stockholders  or purchased,  redeemed or made any agreements to
         purchase or redeem any shares of its  capital  stock and (v) Parent has
         not issued any equity securities to any officer, director or affiliate,
         except  pursuant to existing  Parent's stock option plans.  Parent does
         not have pending  before the  Commission  any request for  confidential
         treatment of information.

                  (h)  Listing and  Maintenance  Requirements.  Parent's  common
         stock is registered  pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act, and
         Parent has taken no action  designed  to, or which to its  knowledge is
         likely to have the  effect  of,  terminating  the  registration  of the
         common  stock  under  the  Exchange  Act nor has  Parent  received  any
         notification  that the  Commission is  contemplating  terminating  such
         registration.  Parent  has not,  in the 12  months  preceding  the date
         hereof,  received  notice from any  trading  market on which the common
         stock is or has been  listed or quoted to the effect that Parent is not
         in  compliance  with the listing or  maintenance  requirements  of such
         trading  market.  Parent is, and has no reason to believe  that it will
         not in the  foreseeable  future  continue to be, in compliance with all
         such listing and maintenance requirements. The issuance and sale of the
         common stock upon  exercise of the  Warrants  will not  contravene  the
         rules and regulations of the trading market.

                  (i)  Issuance of  Securities.  The issuance of the Warrants is
         duly authorized and, upon issuance in accordance with the terms hereof,
         shall be free from all taxes,  liens and  charges  with  respect to the
         issue  thereof.  As of the Closing,  a number of shares of common stock
         shall have been duly  authorized and reserved for issuance which equals
         130% of the  maximum  number of shares of common  stock  issuable  upon
         exercise of the Warrants  (such  shares,  the  "Warrant  Shares") to be
         issued at the Closing.  Upon issuance in accordance  with the Warrants,
         the Warrant Shares will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
         and free from all taxes,  liens and charges  with  respect to the issue
         thereof,  with the holders being  entitled to all rights  accorded to a
         holder  of  common  stock.   Assuming  the  accuracy  of  each  of  the
         representations  and  warranties  of the Buyers  contained in Section 3
         hereof,  the  issuance  by  Parent  of  the  Warrants  is  exempt  from
         registration under the 1933 Act.


                  (j) No General  Solicitation;  Placement Agent's Fees. Neither
         Parent,  nor any of its  affiliates,  nor any  Person  acting on its or
         their  behalf,  has  engaged  in any form of  general  solicitation  or
         general  advertising (within the meaning of Regulation D) in connection
         with the offer or sale of the Warrants. Parent shall be responsible for
         the payment of any placement agent's fees,  financial advisory fees, or
         brokers'  commissions (other than for persons engaged by any Subscriber
         or  its  investment   advisor)  relating  to  or  arising  out  of  the
         transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Parent  shall  pay,  and hold each
         Subscriber harmless against, any liability, loss or expense (including,
         without limitation, attorney's fees and out-of-pocket expenses) arising
         in connection with any such claim.

                  (k) No Integrated Offering.  None of Parent, its subsidiaries,
         any of their  affiliates,  and any Person  acting on their  behalf has,
         directly  or  indirectly,  made any offers or sales of any  security or
         solicited  any offers to buy any  security,  under  circumstances  that
         would require  registration of any of the Securities under the 1933 Act
         or cause this  offering  of the  Warrants to be  integrated  with prior
         offerings  by Parent  for  purposes  of the 1933 Act or any  applicable
         stockholder approval provisions,  including,  without limitation, under
         the rules and regulations of any exchange or automated quotation system
         on which any of the securities of Parent are listed or designated. None
         of Parent, its subsidiaries,  their affiliates and any Person acting on
         their behalf will take any action or steps referred to in the preceding
         sentence that would require  registration  of any of the Warrants under
         the 1933 Act or cause the  offering of the  Warrants  to be  integrated
         with other offerings.

                  (l)  Application of Takeover  Protections;  Rights  Agreement.
         Parent and its board of directors have taken all necessary  action,  if
         any, in order to render  inapplicable  any control  share  acquisition,
         business  combination,  poison pill (including any distribution under a
         rights  agreement) or other similar  anti-takeover  provision under its
         Certificate of  Incorporation  or the laws of the  jurisdiction  of its
         formation  which is or could become  applicable to any  Subscriber as a
         result of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  including,
         without   limitation,   Parent's  issuance  of  the  Warrants  and  any
         Subscriber's  ownership  of the  Warrants.  Parent  has not  adopted  a
         stockholder   rights   plan  or   similar   arrangement   relating   to
         accumulations  of  beneficial  ownership of common stock or a change in
         control of Parent.

                  (m)  No  Undisclosed  Events,  Liabilities,   Developments  or
         Circumstances.   No   material   event,   liability,   development   or
         circumstance  has occurred or exists,  or is contemplated to occur with
         respect to Parent or its  subsidiaries  or their  respective  business,
         properties, prospects, operations or financial condition, that would be
         required to be disclosed by Parent under applicable  securities laws on
         a registration statement on Form SB-2 filed with the SEC relating to an
         issuance  and sale by Parent of its common stock and which has not been
         publicly announced.

                  (n) Foreign Corrupt Practices.  Neither Parent, nor any of its
         subsidiaries,  nor to Parent's knowledge, any director, officer, agent,
         employee  or other  Person  acting  on  behalf  of Parent or any of its
         subsidiaries  has, in the course of its  actions  for, or on behalf of,
         Parent  (i) used any  corporate  funds for any  unlawful  contribution,
         gift,  entertainment or other unlawful  expenses  relating to political
         activity;  (ii) made any  direct or  indirect  unlawful  payment to any
         foreign or domestic  government  official or  employee  from  corporate
         funds;  (iii)  violated or is in violation of any provision of the U.S.
         Foreign  Corrupt  Practices Act of 1977,  as amended;  or (iv) made any
         unlawful bribe, rebate,  payoff,  influence payment,  kickback or other
         unlawful  payment to any  foreign or  domestic  government  official or

                  (o)  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act. Parent is in compliance with any and
         all applicable  requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that are
         effective as of the date hereof,  and any and all applicable  rules and
         regulations  promulgated by the SEC thereunder that are effective as of
         the date  hereof,  except  where  such  noncompliance  would  not have,
         individually or in the aggregate, a material adverse effect.

                  (p)  Internal  Accounting  Controls.  Parent  and  each of its
         subsidiaries   maintain  a  system  of  internal   accounting  controls
         sufficient to provide  reasonable  assurance that (i)  transactions are
         executed  in   accordance   with   management's   general  or  specific
         authorizations,  (ii)  transactions are recorded as necessary to permit
         preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
         accepted  accounting  principles  and to maintain  asset and  liability
         accountability,  (iii) access to assets or incurrence of liabilities is
         permitted  only in  accordance  with  management's  general or specific
         authorization  and (iv) the  recorded  accountability  for  assets  and
         liabilities  is compared with the existing  assets and  liabilities  at
         reasonable  intervals and  appropriate  action is taken with respect to
         any difference.


                  (q)  Disclosure.  Parent  confirms that neither it nor, to its
         knowledge,  any Person  acting on its behalf  has  provided  any of the
         Subscribers or their respective  agents or counsel with any information
         that constitutes material,  nonpublic  information.  Parent understands
         and confirms  that each of the  Subscribers  will rely on the foregoing
         representations in effecting  transactions in securities of Parent. All
         disclosure  provided to the Subscribers  regarding Parent, its business
         and the transactions  contemplated  hereby furnished by Parent are true
         and correct and do not contain any untrue  statement of a material fact
         or omit to  state  any  material  fact  necessary  in order to make the
         statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they
         were made, not  misleading.  Each press release issued by Parent during
         the twelve (12) months  preceding the date of this Agreement did not at
         the time of release contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or
         omit to  state  a  material  fact  required  to be  stated  therein  or
         necessary in order to make the statements  therein, in the light of the
         circumstances  under which they are made, not  misleading.  No event or
         circumstance has occurred or information  exists with respect to Parent
         or any  subsidiary  or  either  of its or  their  respective  business,
         properties, prospects, operations or financial conditions, which, under
         applicable  law,  rule or  regulation,  requires  public  disclosure or
         announcement  by Parent on or before the date  hereof but which has not
         been so publicly announced or disclosed. Parent acknowledges and agrees
         that no Subscriber makes or has made any  representations or warranties
         with respect to the transactions  contemplated  hereby other than those
         specifically set forth in Section 3.

                  (r) Form SB-2 Eligibility.  Parent is eligible to register the
         Warrant  Shares  for  resale  by  the   Subscribers   using  Form  SB-2
         promulgated under the 1933 Act.

         6.   Reliance  on   Representations   and   Warranties;   Notification;

                  (a)   The   Subscriber   understands   the   meaning   of  the
         representations and warranties contained in this Subscription Agreement
         and understands and  acknowledges  that the Company is relying upon the
         representations and warranties contained in this Subscription Agreement
         in  determining  whether the Company is eligible for exemption from the
         registration  requirements  contained in the  Securities Act and in the
         Investment  Company  Act  and in  determining  whether  to  accept  the
         subscription tendered hereby.

                  (b)  The   Subscriber   represents   and  warrants   that  the
         information that the Subscriber has provided to the Company,  including
         the information contained in this Subscription Agreement and in all tax
         certificates  delivered to the  Company,  is true and correct as of the
         date hereof and agrees to notify immediately the Company of any changes
         to such information.

                  (c) The  Subscriber  hereby  agrees to (i)  indemnify and hold
         harmless  the  Company,  the members of the various  committees  of the
         Company and their respective officers, directors and employees (each an
         "Indemnified  Person")  from and against  any and all losses,  damages,
         expenses,   liabilities  or  reasonable   attorneys'   fees  (including
         attorneys' fees and expenses  incurred in a securities  action in which
         no judgment in favor of the  Subscriber  is rendered) due to or arising
         out of a breach of any  representation  or warranty  of the  Subscriber
         contained in this Subscription  Agreement provided by the Subscriber in
         connection  with the  Subscriber's  investment  in the Company and (ii)
         periodically  reimburse each Indemnified Person for its legal and other
         expenses  (including  the cost of any  investigation  and  preparation)
         incurred in connection with such a securities action.

                  (d) The  Company  hereby  agrees  to (i)  indemnify  and  hold
         harmless the Subscriber,  and its Indemnified  Persons from and against
         any  and all  losses,  damages,  expenses,  liabilities  or  reasonable
         attorneys' fees (including  attorneys' fees and expenses  incurred in a
         securities  action in which no judgment in favor of the  Subscriber  is
         rendered)  due to or arising out of a breach of any  representation  or
         warranty of the Company contained in this Subscription Agreement or any
         other  document   provided  by  the  Company  in  connection  with  the
         Subscriber's  investment in the Company and (ii) periodically reimburse
         each Indemnified Person for its legal and other expenses (including the
         cost of any  investigation  and  preparation)  incurred  in  connection

         7. Covenants of the Company.  The Company covenants with the Subscriber
(which  covenants  are for  the  benefit  of the  Subscriber  and its  permitted
assignees) that for as long as any Series A Shares remain outstanding:


                  (a)  Securities  Compliance.  The  Company  shall  notify  the
         Commission  in  accordance  with  its  rules  and  regulations,  of the
         transactions  contemplated by this  Subscription  Agreement,  including
         filing a Form D with respect to the Units, as required under Regulation
         D, and shall take all other necessary  action and proceedings as may be
         required and permitted by applicable law, rule and regulation,  for the
         legal and valid issuance of the Units,  to the Subscriber or subsequent

                  (b)  Compliance  with Laws.  The Company shall comply with all
         applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders.

                  (c) Keeping of Records and Books of Account. The Company shall
         keep adequate  records and books of account,  in which complete entries
         will be made in accordance  with Canadian  GAAP  consistently  applied,
         reflecting all financial transactions of the Company, and in which, for
         each fiscal  year,  all proper  reserves for  depreciation,  depletion,
         obsolescence,  amortization,  taxes,  bad debts and other  purposes  in
         connection with its business shall be made.

                  (d)  Amendments.  The  Company  shall  not  amend or waive any
         provision  of the  Articles  or By-laws of the  Company in any way that
         would adversely affect the liquidation  preferences,  dividends rights,
         voting rights or redemption rights of the Units.

                  (e) Other  Agreements.  The  Company  shall not enter into any
         agreement in which the terms of such agreement would restrict or impair
         the Company's right or ability to perform this Subscription Agreement.

                  (f)  Distributions.  So long as any Units remain  outstanding,
         the Company  agrees that it shall not (i) declare or pay any  dividends
         or make any  distributions  to any  holder(s)  of common  stock or (ii)
         purchase or otherwise  acquire for value,  directly or indirectly,  any
         common stock or other equity security of the Company.

                  (g) Status of Dividends. The Company covenants and agrees that
         (i) no federal  income tax return or claim for refund of federal income
         tax or other  submission to the Internal Revenue Service will adversely
         affect the  Units,  any other  series of its  preferred  stock,  or the
         common  stock,  and any deduction  shall not operate to jeopardize  the
         availability  to the  Subscriber  of the dividends  received  deduction
         provided by Section  243(a)(1) of the IRC or any  successor  provision,
         (ii) in no report to  shareholders or to any  governmental  body having
         jurisdiction  over the  Company  or  otherwise  will it treat the Units
         other  than as equity  capital  or the  dividends  paid on the Series A
         Preferred  other  than as  dividends  paid  on  equity  capital  unless
         required to do so by a governmental  body having  jurisdiction over the
         accounts of the Company or by a change in generally accepted accounting
         principles   required  as  a  result  of  action  by  an  authoritative
         accounting  standards  setting  body,  and (iii) it will take no action
         which would result in the dividends paid by the Company on the Series A
         Preferred  out of the  Company's  current or  accumulated  earnings and
         profits being ineligible for the dividends  received deduction provided
         by Section  243(a)(1) of the IRC. The preceding  sentence  shall not be
         deemed to prevent the Company from  designating  the Series A Preferred
         as "Redeemable  Preferred Stock" in its annual and quarterly  financial
         statements.  In the event that the Subscriber  has reasonable  cause to
         believe  that  dividends  paid by the Company on the Series A Preferred
         out of the Company's  current or accumulated  earnings and profits will
         not be  treated  as  eligible  for  the  dividends  received  deduction
         provided by Section  243(a)(1) of the IRC, or any successor  provision,
         the Company will, at the reasonable  request of the  Subscribers of 51%
         of the outstanding  Units,  join with the Subscribers in the submission
         to  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  of a  request  for a  ruling  that
         dividends  paid on the  Series  A  Preferred  will be so  eligible  for
         federal income tax purposes,  at the Subscribers' expense. In addition,
         the  Company  will  reasonably   cooperate  with  the  Subscribers  (at
         Subscribers'  expense) in any  litigation,  appeal or other  proceeding
         challenging  or contesting  any ruling,  technical  advice,  finding or
         determination  that  earnings  and  profits  are not  eligible  for the
         dividends  received deduction provided by Section 243(a)(1) of the IRC,
         or any successor  provision to the extent that the position to be taken
         in any such litigation,  appeal, or other proceeding is not contrary to
         any  provision  of the IRC or  incurred  in  connection  with  any such
         submission, litigation, appeal or other proceeding. Notwithstanding the
         foregoing,  nothing  herein  contained  shall be deemed to preclude the
         Company from claiming a deduction with respect to such dividends if (i)
         the IRA shall  hereafter  be  amended,  or final  Treasury  regulations
         thereunder  are issued or modified,  to provide  that  dividends on the
         Series A  Preferred  should  not be treated as  dividends  for  federal
         income  tax  purposes  or that a  deduction  with  respect  to all or a
         portion of the dividends on the Units is allowable  for federal  income
         tax purposes, or (ii) in the absence of


         such an amendment, issuance or modification and after a submission of a
         request  for ruling or  technical  advice,  the  service  shall rule or
         advise that  dividends on the Series A Preferred  should not be treated
         as dividends for federal income tax purposes.  If the Internal  Revenue
         Service determines that the Units constitute debt, the Company may file
         protective claims for refund.

                  (h) Use of Proceeds.  The proceeds  from the sale of the Units
         will be used by the Company for  certain  investment  in and funding of
         certain  residential real estate projects,  working capital and general
         corporate purposes.

                  (i)  Disposition  of  Assets.  So long as any of the shares of
         Series A  Preferred  and Series B  Preferred  remain  outstanding,  the
         Company  shall not sell,  transfer or  otherwise  dispose of any of its
         properties,  assets  and  rights  including,  without  limitation,  its
         software and intellectual  property,  to any person except for sales to
         customers in the ordinary course.

         8. Covenants of Parent.  Parent  covenants  with the Subscriber  (which
covenants are for the benefit of the  Subscriber  and its  permitted  assignees)
that for as long as any Warrants remain outstanding:

                  (a) Form D and Blue Sky.  Parent  agrees to file a Form D with
         respect to the Warrants as required under Regulation D and to provide a
         copy thereof to each  Subscriber  promptly  after such  filing.  Parent
         shall,  on or before  the  Closing,  take such  action as Parent  shall
         reasonably  determine is necessary in order to obtain an exemption  for
         or to qualify the  Warrants for sale to the  Subscriber  at the Closing
         pursuant to this Agreement  under  applicable  securities or "Blue Sky"
         laws of the states of the United States (or to obtain an exemption from
         such  qualification),  and shall provide evidence of any such action so
         taken to the Subscribers on or prior to the Closing Date.  Parent shall
         make all  filings  and  reports  relating  to the offer and sale of the
         Securities  required under applicable  securities or "Blue Sky" laws of
         the states of the United States following the Closing.

                  (b) Reporting Status.  Until the date on which the Subscribers
         shall have sold all the  Warrant  Shares and none of the  Warrants  are
         outstanding  (the  "Reporting  Period"),  Parent shall file all reports
         required to be filed with the Commission  pursuant to the 1934 Act, and
         Parent  shall not  terminate  its status as an issuer  required to file
         reports  under  the 1934 Act  even if the  1934  Act or the  rules  and
         regulations thereunder would otherwise permit such termination.

                  (c) Financial Information. Parent agrees to send the following
         to each Subscriber during the Reporting Period (i) unless the following
         are filed with the SEC through  EDGAR and are  available  to the public
         through the EDGAR system,  within one (1) Business Day after the filing
         thereof  with the SEC, a copy of its Annual  Reports on Form 10-K,  its
         Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, any Current Reports on Form 8-K and any
         registration  statements  (other than on Form S-8) or amendments  filed
         pursuant to the 1933 Act, (ii) on the same day as the release  thereof,
         facsimile  copies of all press releases issued by the Company or any of
         its Subsidiaries, and (iii) copies of any notices and other information
         made available or given to the  stockholders of the Company  generally,
         contemporaneously  with the making  available or giving  thereof to the

                  (d) Listing.  Parent shall promptly  secure the listing of all
         of the Registrable  Securities (as defined in the  Registration  Rights
         Agreement)  upon  each  national   securities  exchange  and  automated
         quotation  system,  if any, upon which shares of common stock of Parent
         are then  listed  (subject to official  notice of  issuance)  and shall
         maintain,  such listing of all Registrable Securities from time to time
         issuable  under the terms of this  Agreement  and the  Warrant.  Parent
         shall  maintain the common stock's  authorization  for quotation on the
         Over the Counter  Bulletin Board Market.  Neither Parent nor any of its
         subsidiaries shall take any action,  which would be reasonably expected
         to result in the  delisting  or  suspension  of the common stock on the
         Over the Counter  Bulletin Board Market.  Parent shall pay all fees and
         expenses in  connection  with  satisfying  its  obligations  under this
         Section 8(d).

                  (e) Disclosure of Transactions and Other Material Information.
         On or before  8:30 a.m.,  New York Time,  on the  second  business  day
         following the date hereof,  Parent shall file a Current  Report on Form
         8-K  describing  the  terms of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
         Agreement in the form required by the Exchange Act, and attaching  this
         Agreement,  the form of Warrant,  and the Registration Rights Agreement
         as  exhibits  to such  filing  (including  all  attachments,  the  "8-K
         Filing").  From  and  after  the  filing


         of the 8-K  Filing  with  the  Commission,  no  Subscriber  shall be in
         possession of any material, nonpublic information received from Parent,
         any of its subsidiaries or any of its respective  officers,  directors,
         employees or agents,  that is not  disclosed in the 8-K Filing.  Parent
         shall not, and shall cause each of its subsidiaries and its and each of
         their respective  officers,  directors,  employees and agents,  not to,
         provide  any  Subscriber  with  any  material,   nonpublic  information
         regarding Parent or any of its  Subsidiaries  from and after the filing
         of the 8-K Filing  with the  Commission  without  the  express  written
         consent of such  Subscriber.  In the event of a breach of the foregoing
         covenant  by Parent,  any of its  subsidiaries,  or any of its or their
         respective  officers,  directors,  employees and agents, in addition to
         any other remedy  provided  herein or in this  Agreement,  a Subscriber
         shall  have the  right to make a  public  disclosure,  in the form of a
         press release,  public  advertisement  or otherwise,  of such material,
         nonpublic  information  without  the  prior  approval  by  Parent,  its
         subsidiaries,  or any of its or their respective  officers,  directors,
         employees or agents.  No Subscriber shall have any liability to Parent,
         its  subsidiaries,   or  any  of  its  or  their  respective  officers,
         directors,  employees,  stockholders or agents for any such disclosure.
         Subject to the foregoing, neither Parent nor any Subscriber shall issue
         any press releases or any other public  statements  with respect to the
         transactions contemplated hereby; provided,  however, that Parent shall
         be entitled,  without the prior approval of any Subscriber, to make any
         press  release  or  other  public   disclosure  with  respect  to  such
         transactions  (i) in  substantial  conformity  with the 8-K  Filing and
         contemporaneously  therewith and (ii) as is required by applicable  law
         and  regulations  (provided  that  in  the  case  of  clause  (i)  each
         Subscriber  shall be  consulted by Parent in  connection  with any such
         press release or other public disclosure prior to its release).

                  (f)  Reservation  of  Shares.  Parent  shall  take all  action
         necessary to at all times have authorized, and reserved for the purpose
         of issuance, 130% of the number of shares of common stock issuable upon
         exercise of the Warrants being issued at the Closing.

         9. Additional  Information,  Documents,  Tax Forms,  Certificates.  The
Subscriber  agrees that  promptly  (and in any event within ten  calendar  days)
after receipt of a request from the Company,  the Subscriber  shall provide such
additional  information  and  deliver  such  additional  documents  as  shall be
reasonably  necessary  to comply  with any  federal,  state,  local or  non-U.S.
securities, tax or anti-money laundering laws, rules or regulations to which the
Company is subject.

         10. Conflicts of Interest. The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that,
as set forth in the  Memorandum,  certain  legal  counsel have  represented  the
Company in  connection  with this Offering and that such firms have in the past,
and may from time to time in the future,  render services to the Company and its
affiliates. The Subscriber further acknowledges and agrees that such counsel are
not representing the Subscriber or any other  prospective  purchaser of Units in
connection with this Offering.

         11. Survival. The representations,  warranties and agreements set forth
in this  Subscription  Agreement  shall  survive the Closing for a period of one
year from the Closing.

         12. No Assignment.  The Subscriber agrees not to transfer or assign any
rights or obligations under this  Subscription  Agreement to any other person or
entity, and that any such attempted transfer or assignment shall be void.

         13. Binding Effect; Beneficiaries.  This Subscription Agreement and the
representations and warranties  contained herein shall be binding upon, inure to
the benefit of and be  enforceable  by the parties  hereto and their  respective
heirs, executors,  administrators and other successors,  and no other persons or
entities.  If  there  is  more  than  one  signatory  hereto,  the  obligations,
representations,  warranties,  and agreements of the Subscriber are made jointly
and severally.

         14. Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Trial by Jury.

                  (a)  This  Subscription   Agreement  is  to  be  construed  in
         accordance  with and  governed  by the laws of the  State of New  York,
         without  giving  effect to any choice of law rule that would  cause the
         application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of New
         York to the rights and duties of the parties.

                  (b)  Any  controversy,  claim  or  dispute  arising  out of or
         relating to this  Subscription  Agreement  between the parties  hereto,
         their assignees, their affiliates, their attorneys, or agents, shall be
         litigated solely in state or federal court in New York City. Each party
         (i)  submits to the  jurisdiction  of any such  court,  (ii) waives the
         defense of an  inconvenient  forum,  (iii) agrees that valid consent to
         service may be made by mailing or  delivery of such  service to the New
         York  Secretary  of State (the  "Agent") or to the party at the


         party's last known  address,  if personal  service  delivery can not be
         easily  effected,  and (iv)  authorizes and directs the Agent to accept
         such service in the event that personal service delivery can not easily
         be effected.


         15. Remedies. The parties hereto agree that in the event of any dispute
between the parties hereto arising out of, relating to or in connection with the
Company or this  Subscription  Agreement or the  Subscriber's  investment in the
Company,  such  dispute  shall be  resolved  exclusively  by  arbitration  to be
conducted in New York,  New York, in  accordance  with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association. Any award rendered as a result of the arbitration shall
be  final  and  binding,  and  judgment  may be  entered  on it in any  court of
competent  jurisdiction in the country, state and county of the principal office
of the Company,  or, in the case of an award entered against the Subscriber,  in
any  country,  state and  county  in which any  property  of the  Subscriber  is
located,  including the country, state and county in which its principal offices
are located.

         16.  Entire  Agreement.  This  Subscription  Agreement  and  any  other
agreements  or  documents  referred to herein or therein  constitute  the entire
agreement  between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof,
and supersede any prior agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof.

         17. Severability.  Any term or provision of this Subscription Agreement
that is determined by an arbitrator of competent  jurisdiction  to be invalid or
unenforceable  in any jurisdiction  shall,  solely as to such  jurisdiction,  be
ineffective  to the  extent  of  such  invalidity  or  unenforceability  without
rendering  invalid or  unenforceable  the remaining  terms or provisions of this
Subscription Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of any of the
terms or provisions of this Subscription Agreement in any other jurisdiction.

         18. Amendments and Waivers. This Subscription  Agreement may be amended
and the observance of any provision hereof may be waived (either generally or in
a particular  instance and either  retroactively or prospectively) only with the
written consent of the Subscriber and the Company.

         19.  Counterparts.  This  Subscription  Agreement  may be  executed  in
counterparts  with the same effect as if the parties  executing the counterparts
had all executed one counterpart.

                            [signature page follows]


    [SIGNATURE PAGE - Fill Out Completely (except for the box for acceptance
                                at the bottom)]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  has executed this  Subscription
Agreement this ____ day of _________________, ______ [<- Insert date].

Print Name of Subscriber:                               Signature of Subscriber:
_______________________________                         [Sign here ->] __________________________________
Address:                                                If signing on behalf of an entity:
_______________________________                               Name of signatory:__________________________
_______________________________                               Title of signatory:___________________________
_______________________________                         Purchase Price:
Contact Person: _______________                               US $___________________________
Tax ID or                                               Type of Ownership (Check one):
Social Security #:______________________                |_| Individual                |_| Partnership
Telephone #:      ______________________                |_| Joint                     |_| Limited Liability Company
Fax #:            ______________________                |_| Corporation               |_| Other: _______________
E-Mail:           ______________________                |_| Trust (including an IRA)
If Subscriber is not an individual:                     If copies of the Company's performance reports and tax returns
Date of Organization:    _______________                should be furnished to the Subscriber's accountant or advisor,
Jurisdiction:            _______________                specify the name and address of such person:
Tax year end:            _______________                Accountant:       _________________________________

                                                        Advisor:          _________________________________

Bank account information to which any cash              Brokerage account information to which any in-kind
distributions may be wired or sent:                     distributions may be credited:
Bank Name: _____________________________                Firm Name:        ____________________________
Bank Address: __________________________                Firm Address:     ____________________________
Account Name: __________________________                Account Name:     ____________________________
Account No.: ___________________________                Account No.:      ____________________________
                                                        DTC No.:          ____________________________

AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED this ____ day of ________, ________

STRATEGY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LTD.                     Purchase Price:
By:    _________________________                                       US $ ______________________________
        Name: __________________                                       Number of Units Issued:
        Title: _________________                                       Units: _____________________________

AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED this ____ day of ________, ________

By:    _________________________
        Name: __________________                          Number of Warrants Issued:
        Title: _________________                          _____________________________