Industrial Zone P.O.B. 142
                                                      Hadera 38101, Israel
                                                      Tel: 972-4-6349402
                                                      Fax: 972-4-6339740

AUGUST 18, 2005


                  FORM 20-F FOR FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004
                  FILED JUNE 28, 2005


Dear Ms. Sifford

In reply for your letter dated July 21, 2005, here is our reference:

Control and Procedures, Page 48

      1.    Comment - We note that your performed an evaluation of the
            effectiveness of the design and operation of your disclosure
            controls and procedures within 90 days prior to your report. Please
            note that you were required to perform your evaluation as of the
            last day of the reporting period. Refer to Release 33-8238. Please
            amend your filing to comply.

            Answer -The company maintains, as mentioned in the Form 20-F,
            disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to ensure that
            information required to be disclosed in the Company's periodic
            filings with the SEC is recorded, processed, summarized and reported
            within the time periods specified in the SEC's rules and forms, and
            that such information is accumulated and communicated to the
            Company's management. The specific evaluation of the effectiveness
            of the design and operation of the Company's disclosure controls and
            procedures, that was performed within the 90 days prior to the date
            of the report, is designed to enable a detailed check of the
            procedures, and by that we are convinced, by the date of the report,
            that the procedures are effective also at the last date of the
            reporting period. Therefore it could be concluded that the
            evaluation was made for the last date of the reporting period as
            well. In response to your comment, the company will amend the filing
            (following the completion of this correspondence) in ITEM 15 as
            Instead of: "Within 90 days prior to the date of this report, the
            Company performed..." it will be written: "As of the end of the
            period covered by this report, the company performed..."

Financial Statements, Page 51

      2.    Comment - Please explain to us why your reconciliations to U.S. GAAP
            on page 56 do not include an adjustment equal to your proportionate
            share of the differences between amounts recorded for Israeli GAAP
            and amounts recorded for U.S. GAAP in the financial statements of
            your associated companies.

            Answer - The reconciliation to U.S. GAAP on page 56 includes the
            adjustment equal to our proportionate share in the adjustments of
            our associated companies within the "functional currency" item. The
            company has classified historically the said reconciliation to the
            "functional currency" item because, in the past, most of the
            difference between the Israeli GAAP and the U.S. GAAP, regarding the
            associated companies was caused by the functional currency
            differences (report adjusted to the dollar under Israeli GAAP as
            compared with unadjusted report under U.S. GAAP).

            In light of your comment, if it is preferred to report separately
            the reconciliation resulting from our share in the adjustments of
            the associated companies, attached hereby a proposal for an
            amendment in ITEM 18 as follows:


      1)    Consolidated statement of income figures:

                                                                                                 Year ended December 31
                                                                                             2004         2003         2002
                                                                                           -------      -------      -------
                                                                                                    NIS in thousands
                                                                                                (except per share data)
Net income, as reported  according to Israeli GAAP                                          62,732       60,047       37,460
Effect of treatment of the following items in accordance with U.S. GAAP:
Functional currency*                                                                         2,385        5,834       22,517
Deferred income taxes - net                                                                 (2,080)      (4,703)     (17,156)
reconciliation resulting from our share in the adjustments of the associated companies       2,442        2,409       10,737
Other then temporary impairment of an investment in an associated company                               (16,986)
Amortization of other then temporary impairment of an investment in
   an associated company                                                                     1,699
Applying APB 25 in respect of employee stock options:

Gross amount                                                                               (12,660)     (12,705)       1,667
Deferred taxes                                                                               4,202        4,573         (601)
                                                                                           -------      -------      -------
Net income under U.S. GAAP                                                                  58,720       38,469       54,624
                                                                                           =======      =======      =======

Exhibits, Page 93

      3.    Comment - We note that you provide an auditor's reports for Effeh
            landfill Ltd. With regard to this report:

            o     Comment - Please explain to us why this report is provided. We
                  note that this company does not appear to be mentioned among
                  the your subsidiaries.

                  Answer - The auditor's report for Effeh Landfill Ltd.
                  (hereafter - Effeh) is provided since the auditor's report of
                  Barthelemi Holdings Ltd. (hereafter - Barthelemi) and the
                  auditor's report of TMM Integrated Recycling Industries Ltd.
                  (hereafter - TMM) makes reference to and place reliance on the
                  work of the auditors of Effeh (see also questions 5 and 7 in
                  your letter dated July 21, 2005).
                  Effeh is not mentioned among our subsidiaries, because our
                  effective holding in its shares is 10.4% (it is a 25% owned
                  associated company of our 41.6% owned associated company,
                  TMM), and Effeh is also immaterial to our operations (our
                  share in Effeh's loss was 0.07% of our net income in 2004).

            o     Comment - Please tell us why you believe it appropriate to
                  include this report on the two years ended December 31, 2004,
                  rather than on the three years ended December 31, 2004.

                  Answer - We included the report for the two years ended
                  December 31, 2004 rather than for the three years ended
                  December 31, 2004 because the shares of Effeh were purchased
                  by TMM only in 2003.

            o     Comment - Please tell us why you believe it is not
                  inappropriate for the financial statements of Effeh Landfill
                  Ltd. to be audited by Bar-Lev, Merrari, Geva & Co. C.P.A.,
                  which firm does not appear to be registered with the Public
                  Company Accounting Oversight Board.

                  Answer - We believe that it is appropriate for Bar-Lev,
                  Merrari, Geva and Co., C.P.A. to be Effeh's auditors, as they
                  implemented the regulations of the PCAOB, as mentioned in
                  their report. We emphasis again, as described above, that
                  Effeh is an associated company of our associated company, and
                  it is immaterial to our operations (0.07% in 2004). The
                  company will approach Bar-Lev, Merrari, Geva and Co. to ask
                  them to comply with the requirements of the filing.

      4.    Comment - We note that the auditor's report for Carmel Containers
            Systems Ltd. makes reference to and places reliance on the work of
            other auditors. Please tell us the identity of such other auditors
            and whether their report is also included in your filing.

            Answer - The "other auditors" referred to by the auditors of Carmel
            Containers Systems Ltd. (hereafter - Carmel) are PwC, and their
            report regarding Carmel's subsidiary is not included, because PwC
            are AIPM's auditors.

      5.    Comment - We note that the auditor's report for Barthelemi Holding
            Ltd. makes reference to and places reliance on the work of other
            auditors. Please tell us the identity of such other auditors and
            whether their report is also included in your filing.

            Answer - The "other auditors" referred to by the auditors of
            Barthelemi are Bar-Lev, Merrari, Geva and Co., C.P.A. (auditors of
            Effeh) and Mualem Glazer Inbar Junio & Co. (auditors of M.M.M.
            united Landfill Industries (1998) Ltd. (hereafter - M.M.M)), and
            their reports have been included in our Form 20-F for 2004.

6.    Auditor's report for M.M.M.

      Comment - We note that you provide an auditor's report for M.M.M. United
      Landfill Industries (1998) Ltd. With regard to this report:

            o     Comment - Please explain to us why this report is provided. We
                  note that this company does not appear to be mentioned among
                  your subsidiaries.

                  Answer - The report is provided since the auditor's report of
                  Barthelemi and the auditor's report of TMM makes reference to
                  and place reliance on the work of the auditors of MMM (see
                  also questions 5 and 7 in your letter dated July 21, 2005).
                  M.M.M. is not mentioned among our subsidiaries, because our
                  effective holding in its shares is 13.7% (it is 33% owned
                  company of our 41.6% owned associated company, TMM), and M.M.M
                  is also immaterial to our operations (our share in MMM's
                  profit was 1.67% of our net income in 2004).

            o     Comment - Please tell us why you believe it is not
                  inappropriate for the financial statements to M.M.M. United
                  Landfill Industries (1998) Ltd. to be audited by Mualem Glazer
                  inbar Junio & Co.,

                  which firm does not appear to be registered with the public
                  Company Accounting Oversight Board.

                  Answer - We believe that it is appropriate for Mualem Glazer
                  Inbar Junio & Co. to be M.M.M.'s auditors, as they implemented
                  the regulations of the PCAOB, as mentioned in their report. We
                  emphasis again, as described above, that MMM is 33% owned by
                  our associated company, and it is immaterial to our operations
                  (1.67% in 2004). The company will approach Mualem Glazer Inbar
                  Junio & Co. to ask them to comply with the requirements of the

      7.    Comment - We note that the auditor's report for TMM Integrated
            Recycling Industries Ltd. makes reference to and places reliance on
            the work of other auditors. Please tell us the identity of such
            other auditors and whether their reports are also included in your

            Answer - The "other auditors" referred to by the auditors of TMM are
            Bar-Lev, Merrari, Geva and Co., C.P.A. (auditors of Effeh) and
            Mualem Glazer Inbar Junio & Co. (auditors of M.M.M), and their
            reports have been included in our Form 20-F for 2004.

      8.    Comment - We note that the auditor's report for Mondi Business Paper
            Hadera Ltd. references only the financial statements at December 31,
            2004, and for the year ended December 31, 2004. Please amend your
            filing to include a reissued audit report on the financial
            statements of this company at December 31, 2003 and December 31,
            2002, and for the two years ended December 31, 2003.

            Answer - Before the year 2004 the auditors of Mondi Business Paper
            Hadera Ltd. were PwC. The filing will be amended to include PwC's
            audit reports for the corresponding years.

      9.    Comment - We note that you include a US GAAP Adjustment Report for
            Rakefet Marketing and Trade Services ltd. Please explain to us your
            relationship to this company and why this report is included.

            Answer - Rakefet Marketing and Trade Services Ltd. (hereafter -
            Rakefet) is an associated company. All of Rakefet's assets are the
            holdings of other associated companies of AIPM. Because it has no
            activities of its own, we consider Rakefet to be immaterial to our
            operations, and therefore it is not mentioned among our subsidiaries
            and associated companies.
            In addressing your comment it was noted that the auditor's report on
            Rakefet was inadvertently omitted from our filing, and it will be
            included in the amended filing.

      10.   Comment - As to US GAAP adjustments presented for associated
            companies, amend your filing to include US GAAP adjustments for all
            periods presented in your filing.

            Answer - The company receives, historically, a report regarding
            adjustment to US GAAP from other auditors regarding its associated
            companies, for the reported year, while the results regarding
            previous years are based on the reports received in the years before
            (that were included in these years fillings).

            The filing will be amended to include US GAAP adjustments for all
            periods presented in the filing.

      11.   Comment - Please expand your disclosure to include explanatory
            language that clarifies your relationships to all companies whose
            financial statements and/or audit reports are included in your
            filing. Provide sufficient information so that it is clear to the
            reader that all of the required information is, in fact, included.

            Answer - The list of subsidiaries and associated companies, attached
            in ITEM 4 C. in our filing, contains the material and directly held
            subsidiaries and associated companies. As the other companies are
            immaterial to our operations, and their results are included in the
            results of the above mentioned companies, we believe that any
            additional information could be confusing to the reader. In light of
            your request, we will add the following sentence in connection with
            the list of subsidiaries and associated companies (in ITEM 4 C.) :

            " In the exhibits we enclosed the auditors' reports of other
            companies, because they have other auditors depending on their audit
            reports, although these companies are immaterial to the company's

      We hope the above is answering all your questions. You may contact me at
      972-4-6349470 if you have any questions regarding our response.

      The amended filing will follow the completion of this correspondence.

      At your request we hereby acknowledge that:

            o     The company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of
                  the disclosure in the filing;

            o     staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff
                  comments do not foreclose the commission from taking any
                  action with respect to the filing; and

            o     the company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
                  proceeding initiated by the commission or any person under the
                  federal securities laws of the United States.

                                            Israel Eldar, CFO
                                            AMERICAN ISRAELI PAPER MILLS LTD.