1575 Delucchi Lane, Suite 116
                               Reno, Nevada 89502


                      ACT OF 1934 AND RULE 14F-1 THEREUNDER


              This  Information  Statement  is being mailed on or about March 6,
2006 to the holders of record at the close of business on February 28, 2006 (the
"Record Date") of common stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Common Stock"),
of Western Goldfields, Inc., an Idaho corporation (the "Company"), in accordance
with the  requirements of Section 14(f) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the `Exchange Act"),  and Rule 14f-1  promulgated  thereunder.  This
Information Statement is being delivered in connection with resignation of James
Mancuso and the appointment by the then remaining directors of Randall Oliphant,
Martyn Konig and Vahan  Kololian to the board of  directors of the Company.  The
resignation  of Mr. Mancuso and the  appointment  of Messrs.  Oliphant and Konig
became  effective on February 13, 2006 and the  appointment of Mr. Kololian will
become  effective  eleven  days after  mailing  this  Information  Statement  to
shareholders of the Company as of the Record Date.

                        WE ARE NOT SOLICITING YOUR PROXY.

                                CHANGE OF CONTROL

              As of the Record Date,  the Company had  approximately  59,743,051
outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock.  Holders  of  shares of Common  Stock are
entitled to one vote per share on all matters for which the  securityholders are
entitled to vote.

              On February 13, 2005, the Company  closed (the "Initial  Closing")
an initial tranche of $3,700,000 of a total of a $6,000,000 non-brokered private
placement (the "Private Placement"), pursuant to a securities purchase agreement
(the "Initial Purchase Agreement") with accredited investors, including officers
and directors of the Company (the "Initial Investors").  Pursuant to the Initial
Purchase  Agreement the Company sold 12,333,333  units (the "Initial  Units") at
the Initial  Closing,  each Initial Unit  consisting  of one share of the Common
Stock,  and one half of one warrant  (the  "Warrant")  to purchase  one share of
Common  Stock  for a period  of two years at an  exercise  price of  $0.45.  The
Private  Placement  was sold for $0.30 per Initial Unit,  for gross  proceeds of

              On February 17, 2005, the Company closed (the "Final Closing," and
collectively  with the Initial Closing,  the "Closings") the final $2,300,000 of
the Private Placement,  pursuant to a securities  purchase agreement (the "Final
Purchase  Agreement," and collectively with the Initial Purchase Agreement,  the
"Purchase  Agreements")  with  accredited  investors,   including  officers  and
directors of the Company (the "Final Investors"). Pursuant to the Final Purchase
Agreement  the Company  sold  7,666,667  units (the "Final  Units") at the Final
Closing,  each Final Unit consisting of one share of Common Stock,  and one half
of one Warrant  purchase  one share of Common Stock for a period of two years at
an exercise price of $0.45.  The Private  Placement was sold for $0.30 per Final
Unit, for gross proceeds of $2,300,000.

              Immediately following the Initial Closing of the Private Placement
(i) James Mancuso,  one of the three members of the Company' Board of Directors,
resigned,  (ii) the size of the  Company's  Board of Directors  was increased to
five persons and (iii) Randall Oliphant and Martyn Konig were named as

directors  of the  Company,  to serve with Gerald Ruth and  Douglas  Newby,  who
continue as directors.  In addition,  eleven days after mailing this Information
Statement to shareholders  of the Company as of the Record Date,  Vahan Kololian
will become a director of the Company.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

              The following table sets forth certain information with respect to
the beneficial  ownership of the Company's equity securities as of March 3, 2006

     o    each securityholder known by the Company to be the beneficial owner of
          more than 5% of the Company's outstanding securities;

     o    each current director and each person that will become a director
          following the mailing of this information statement to the
          shareholders of the Company on the Record Date;

     o    each of the executive officers of the Company; and

     o    all current directors and executive officers as a group.

              Unless otherwise specified, the address of each of the persons set
forth below is in care of Western  Goldfields,  Inc., 1575 Delucchi Lane,  Suite
116, Reno, Nevada 89502.


         OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                     OWNERSHIP(1)              PERCENT OF OUTSTANDING SHARES
         -------------------           -------------------------------     -----------------------------
Randall Oliphant                           4,583,333(2)                              7.41%

Ray Threlked                                 916,667(3)                              1.52%

Brian Penny                                  833,332(4)                              1.38%

Paul Semple                                  233,333(5)                              0.39%

Graham Desson                                166,667(6)                              0.28%

Martyn Konig                                 749,999(7)                              1.25%

Gerald Ruth                                1,934,585(8)                              3.18%

Douglas Newby                              1,004,334(9)                              1.66%

Lawrence O'Connor                            809,586(10)                             1.34%

Vahan Kololian*                            1,500,001(11)                             2.48%

Latitude Resources Plc.(Formerly           7,500,000(12)                            12.05%

Latin American Copper Plc.)

RAB Special Situations (Master) Fund       6,342,933(13)                             9.99%

Newmont Mining Corporation                 3,914,278(14)                             6.50%

Investec Bank (UK) Limited                11,250,000(15)                            17.72%

All executive officers and directors      12,731,837(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)           18.99%
as a group (10 persons)                             (9)(10)(11)

* Incoming  director,  effective  eleven  days after  mailing  this  Information
Statement to shareholders of the Company as of the Record Date.

(1)      A person is deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of a  security  if such
         person  has or shares  the power to vote or direct  the  voting of such
         security  or the power to  dispose or direct  the  disposition  of such
         security.  A person  is also  deemed  to be a  beneficial  owner of any
         securities if that person has the right to acquire beneficial ownership
         within 60 days of the date hereof.  Except as otherwise  indicated  the
         named  entities or individuals  have sole voting and  investment  power
         with respect to the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned.

(2)      Includes options to purchase 833,333 shares of Common Stock,  2,500,000
         shares of Common stock owned by Rockcliff Group Limited and warrants to
         purchase  1,250,000  shares of Common  Stock owned by  Rockcliff  Group
         Limited.  The options and  warrants  will become  exercisable  upon the
         approval  by the  shareholders  of the Company of an  amendment  to the
         Company's Articles of Incorporation increasing the number of authorized
         shares of Common Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(3)      Includes  options  to  purchase  416,666  shares  of  Common  Stock and
         warrants to purchase  166,667  shares of Common Stock.  The options and
         warrants  and  will  become   exercisable  upon  the  approval  by  the
         shareholders  of the Company of an amendment to the Company's  Articles


         Incorporation  increasing  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common
         Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(4)      Includes  options  to  purchase  333,333  shares  of  Common  Stock and
         warrants to purchase  166,666  shares of Common Stock.  The options and
         warrants will become  exercisable upon the approval by the shareholders
         of  the  Company  of  an  amendment  to  the   Company's   Articles  of
         Incorporation  increasing  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common
         Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(5)      Includes  options  to  purchase  233,333  shares of Common  Stock.  The
         options will become  exercisable  upon the approval by the shareholders
         of  the  Company  of  an  amendment  to  the   Company's   Articles  of
         Incorporation  increasing  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common
         Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000.

(6)      Includes  options  to  purchase  166,667  shares of Common  Stock.  The
         options will become  exercisable  upon the approval by the shareholders
         of  the  Company  of  an  amendment  to  the   Company's   Articles  of
         Incorporation  increasing  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common
         Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(7)      Includes  options  to  purchase  250,000  shares  of  Common  Stock and
         warrants to purchase  166,666  shares of Common Stock.  The options and
         warrants will become  exercisable upon the approval by the shareholders
         of  the  Company  of  an  amendment  to  the   Company's   Articles  of
         Incorporation  increasing  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common
         Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(8)      Includes  options to purchase  600,000 shares of Common Stock,  341,001
         shares of Common  Stock and  warrants  to  purchase  166,667  shares of
         Common Stock owned by Muriel Ruth (mother) and 551,917 shares of Common
         Stock and warrants to purchase 275,000 shares of Common Stock by Sandra
         Meddick-Ruth  (spouse).  Warrants to purchase  316,667 shares of Common
         Stock will become  exercisable upon the approval by the shareholders of
         the Company of an amendment to the Company's  Articles of Incorporation
         increasing the number of authorized shares of Common Stock in an amount
         greater than 115,000,000 shares.

(9)      Includes  179,334  shares of  Common  Stock and  warrants  to  purchase
         225,000 shares of Common Stock held by Proteus  Capital Corp. Mr. Newby
         is the  President of Proteus  Capital Corp.  Also  includes  options to
         purchase 600,000 shares of Common Stock.

(10)     Includes options to purchase 775,000 shares of Common Stock.

(11)     Includes  options to purchase  250,000 shares of Common Stock,  833,333
         shares of Common Stock owned by TerraNova Partners L.P. and warrants to
         purchase  416,667  shares of Common Stock owned by  TerraNova  Partners
         L.P. The options and warrants will become exercisable upon the approval
         by the  shareholders  of the Company of an amendment  to the  Company's
         Articles of Incorporation increasing the number of authorized shares of
         Common Stock in an amount greater than 115,000,000.

(12)     Includes warrants to purchase 2,500,000 shares of Common Stock. We have
         been advised that Michael Fielding is the Managing  Director of Obelisk
         Management  Consultants Ltd. with dispositive and voting power over the
         shares  held  by  Latitude   Resources  Plc.  The  address  of  Obelisk
         Management  Consultants  Ltd. is 8-10  Devonshire  Place,  St. Hellier,
         Jersey, Channel Islands, Great Britain, JE23RD.

(13)     Includes  2,595,853  shares  of  Common  Stock,   1,000,000  shares  of
         Preferred Stock  convertible  into 2,941,176 shares of Common Stock and
         warrants  to acquire  500,000  shares of  Preferred  Stock,  each share
         convertible into 2.94176 shares of Common Stock. Under the terms of the
         warrants and the preferred  stock, in no event shall such securities be
         converted into Common Stock, if after giving effect to such conversion,
         the holder would,  in aggregate,  beneficially  own common stock of the
         issuer in excess of 9.99% of the issued and  outstanding  Common Stock,
         within  the  meaning of Rule 13d-1 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
         1934, as amended.  Therefore, the beneficial


         ownership does not include 664,684 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
         conversion of the preferred  stock  warrant.  We have been advised that
         William P. Richards is the director of the holder, with dispositive and
         voting  power over the shares held by RAB Special  Situations  (Master)
         Fund  Limited.  The address of RAB  Special  Situations  (Master)  Fund
         Limited is c/o RAB  Capital,  1 Adam  Street,  London WC2N 6LE,  United

(14)     Includes warrants to purchase 459,810 shares of Common Stock. The board
         of directors of Newmont Mining  Corporation  has dispositive and voting
         power over the shares held by Newmont Mining  Corporation.  The address
         of Newmont Mining Corporation is 1700 Lincoln Street, Denver,  Colorado

(15)     Includes  warrants to purchase  3,750,000  shares of Common Stock.  The
         board of directors of Investec  Bank (UK) Limited has  dispositive  and
         voting power over the shares held by Investec  Bank (UK)  Limited.  The
         address of Investec Bank (UK) Limited is 2 Gresham Street,  London EC2V
         7 QP United Kingdom.

                        CHANGES TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

              Immediately following the Initial Closing of the Private Placement
(i) James Mancuso, one of the three members of the Company's Board of Directors,
resigned,  (ii) the size of the  Company's  Board of Directors  was increased to
five persons and (iii) Randall Oliphant and Martyn Konig were named as directors
of the  Company,  to serve with Gerald Ruth and Douglas  Newby,  who continue as
directors. In addition,  eleven days after mailing this Information Statement to
shareholders of the Company as of the Record Date,  Vahan Kololian will become a
director of the Company.

              To the best of the Company's knowledge, except as set forth below,
none of the incoming directors is currently a director,  holds any position with
the Company, or has been involved in any transactions with the Company or any of
its directors,  executive officers,  affiliates or associates which are required
to be disclosed  pursuant to the rules and  regulations  of the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission.  To the  best  of the  Company's  knowledge,  none  of the
designees  has  been  convicted  in a  criminal  proceeding,  excluding  traffic
violations  or  similar  misdemeanors,  or has been a party to any  judicial  or
administrative  proceeding  during the past five years,  except for matters that
were  dismissed  without  sanction or  settlement,  that resulted in a judgment,
decree or final  order  enjoining  the  person  from  future  violations  of, or
prohibiting  activities  subject  to,  federal or state  securities  laws,  or a
finding of any violation of federal or state securities laws.


              Immediately  following the Initial Closing (i) James Mancuso,  one
of the three members of the Company's Board of Directors, resigned; (ii) each of
the following  officers of the Company  submitted  their  resignations:  Douglas
Newby, as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer and Becky
Corigliano as Chief Financial  Officer,  Secretary and Treasurer;  and (iii) the
following individuals were elected as officers of the Company:  Randall Oliphant
- - Chairman  of the Board;  Raymond  Threlkeld -  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer;  Brian Penny - Chief Financial Officer; Paul Semple - Vice President of
Projects and Graham Desson Controller and Secretary.



              The following  table lists the  individuals who served as officers
or  directors  of the  Company  prior  to the  Initial  Closing  of the  Private

NAME                               AGE        POSITION(S) WITH THE COMPANY
- ----                               ---        ----------------------------
Douglas Newby                        47       Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President
Becky Corigliano                     41       Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer
Lawrence O'Connor                    45       Vice President Operations
Gerald Ruth                          47       Director
James Mancuso                        73       Director


              The following  table lists the  individuals who have been (or will
be, as  applicable)  appointed as officers or directors of the Company after the
Initial Closing of the Private Placement.

NAME                                AGE       POSITION(S) WITH THE COMPANY
- ----                                ---       ----------------------------
Randall Oliphant                     46       Chairman of the Board
Ray Threlkeld                        59       President and Chief Executive Officer
Brian Penny                          43       Chief Financial Officer
Lawrence O'Connor                    45       Vice President Operations
Paul Semple                          45       Vice President of Projects
Graham Desson                        58       Controller and Secretary
Martyn Konig                         48       Director
Gerald Ruth                          47       Director
Douglas Newby                        47       Director
Vahan Kololian                       52       Director(1)
- -------------------

(1)    Incoming  director,  effective eleven days after mailing this Information
       Statement to shareholders of the Company as of the Record Date.

              RANDALL  OLIPHANT,  age  46,  has  been  the  Chairman  and CEO of
Rockcliff  Group  Limited,  a private  corporation  actively  involved  with its
shareholdings,  primarily in the mining sector,  including Silver Bear Resources
Inc since  September  2004.  Mr.  Oliphant is on the Advisory Board of Metalmark
Capital LLC (formerly  Morgan Stanley Capital  Partners) and since February 2005
has served on the Board of Western Oil Sands Inc.  Since 2003 Mr.  Oliphant  has
served  on the  boards  of a number  of  private  companies  and  not-for-profit
organizations. From March 1999 to February 2003, he was the President and CEO of
Barrick Gold Corporation. Mr. Oliphant is a Chartered Accountant.


              RAYMOND  W.  THRELKELD,  age 59,  has  over 30  years  of  mineral
industry  experience  ranging from  discovery,  feasibility  study,  development
management,  operations management,  and corporate officer. Since July 2005, Mr.
Threlkeld has been the Chief Operating  Officer of Silver Bear Resources Inc., a
private mineral resource  company.  From 1996 to 2005 Mr. Threlkeld held various
senior management positions in precious metal mine development with Barrick Gold
Corporation and Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation including the development of the
Pierina Mine in Peru,  the  Bulyanhulu  Mine in Tanzania  and the Veladero  Mine
located in Argentina.  Mr. Threlkeld has had exploration  acquisition success in
the Western United States in addition to the management and project  development
experience sited above.

              BRIAN  PENNY,  age 43,  has over 20 years  of  experience  in mine
finance  and  accounting.  Since  January  2005 Mr.  Penny  has  been the  Chief
Financial  Officer of Silver Bear  Resources  Inc., a private  mineral  resource
company.  Since 2004 Mr. Penny has been and  Director of, and chairs,  the Audit
Committees of Equinox Minerals Limited and Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation and
since 2005 has been and Director of, and chairs,  the Audit  Committee of Alamos
Gold Inc.  While serving as Chief  Financial  Officer (1993 - 2004) with Kinross
Gold Corporation,  Mr. Penny was responsible for all finance,  banking,  hedging
and  financial  reporting  activities  including  the  financial  due  diligence
surrounding  a U.S.  $1.3  billion  merger with TVX Gold Inc. and Echo Bay Mines
Ltd. Mr. Penny is a Certified Management Accountant.

              PAUL  SEMPLE,  age 45,  has 23 years of  experience  in the mining
industry  and has  focused  on  feasibility  studies,  project  development  and
operations of precious and base metals deposits. From 2001 until 2006 Mr. Semple
has been President of PG Semple  Consulting  and President of Penguin  Automated
Systems  Inc.  Mr.  Semple  has  spent  much of his  time  with  Kilborn  (later
SNC-Lavalin)  where he was involved in all aspects of project  development  from
initial studies through to  construction  and operations.  During this time, Mr.
Semple held various positions including Vice President and General Manager,  SNC
Lavalin Engineers and Constructors. Mr. Semple is a Professional Engineer.

              GRAHAM  DESSON,  age 58, has served as  Controller  of Silver Bear
Resources Inc., a private Canadian company engaged in mining  exploration in the
Russian  Federation  since May 2005.  From 2004 to May 2005,  Mr.  Desson was an
independent consultant.  From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Desson was engaged as a financial
consultant  and then  served as Director - Treasury  of Biovail  Corporation,  a
public pharmaceutical company. Mr. Desson is a Chartered Accountant.

              MARTYN  KONIG,  age 48,  has 20  years  experience  in  investment
banking and commodity markets. Since January 2005 Mr. Konig has served as CEO of
AIM listed  Latitude  Resources  Plc.  Since  June 2001 Mr.  Konig has served as
Non-Executive  Chairman of EBT Mobile China. He has extensive  experience in the
natural  resource sector,  which includes senior  management  responsibility  in
resource  finance and  commodity  trading  operations  at various  international
investment  banks.  Mr. Konig was a main Board  Director of NM Rothschild for 15
years  and held  senior  positions  at  Goldman  Sachs and UBS.  Mr.  Konig is a
Barrister and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers.

              GERALD  RUTH,  age 47, has  served as a  Director  since May 2004.
Since 2003,  Mr. Ruth has been an  independent  consultant  providing  strategic
corporate  advisory services focusing on capital markets and corporate  finance.
From  1988 to 2003,  Mr.  Ruth  held  various  positions  at the  Toronto  Stock
Exchange,  where  he  served  as  Head of  Listings  from  1997 to 2003  and was
responsible for leading and directing all operations,  policy  development,  and
general management within the Listings group. Previously,  Mr. Ruth was Listings
Manager from 1990 to 1996 where he was responsible for managing original listing
applications  at the exchange.  From 1988 to 1990, Mr. Ruth held the position of
Investigator,  Member  Regulation  where he was  responsible  for  investigating
matters of  compliance  with  exchange  requirements.  Mr.  Ruth is a  Chartered

              DOUGLAS  NEWBY,  age 47, has served as a Director  of the  Company
since March 1, 2005.  From October 2005 to February  2006 Mr. Newby was Chairman
of the Board,  President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company,  from March
1, 2005 to October 2005 was Executive Vice President of the Company and in March
2005 served as interim Chief Financial  Officer.  Between January 2004 and


March 2005, Mr. Newby served as Vice-President of Cadence Resource  Corporation,
an oil and gas  exploration  and  development  corporation.  Mr.  Newby has been
President of Proteus Capital Corp., a corporate  advisory firm that  specializes
in the  natural  resource  industries,  since July  2001.  Mr.  Newby  served as
Managing Director of Proteus Consultants Ltd. from January 1991 to July 2001 and
Managing  Partner of Moyes Newby & Co., Inc.  from April 1994 to December  1998,
both  of  which  provided   corporate   advisory   services   primarily  to  the
international  energy and mining industries.  Before forming Proteus Consultants
Ltd., Mr. Newby held senior positions with the investment  banking firms of S.G.
Warburg & Co., Inc., Morgan Grenfell & Co., and James Capel & Co.

              VAHAN  KOLOLIAN,  age 52, is the founder and  Managing  Partner of
TerraNova  Partners LP, which invests in the  industrial,  services and resource
sectors.  Since 2002 Mr. Kololian has been Chairman of Precinda  Corporation,  a
private  manufacturing  company.  Mr. Kololian  started his career in investment
banking in 1990 with Burns Fry Limited  (now BMO Nesbitt  Burns).  Since 1990 he
has held leadership positions in private equity partnerships.  Mr. Kololian also
serves on the boards of the following public  companies,  Terra Nova Acquisition
Corporation  and  Manicouagan  Minerals Inc. Mr. Kololian is a Member of the Law
Society of Upper Canada.

              LAWRENCE O'CONNOR, age 45, has served as Vice President Operations
of the Company since January 2004. Mr. O'Connor has over 20 years  experience in
the natural resources industry spanning field exploration  programs,  production
geology in surface and  underground  mines,  mine  engineering,  and  operations
general management  including mine startup. Mr. O'Connor co-founded Nevada Colca
Gold,  Inc. and was President from August 1997 until January 2004. Mr.  O'Connor
was General  Manager of Eldorado  Gold  Corporations  La Colorada mine in Mexico
from June 1994 until July 1997. Mr. O'Connor has successfully managed mining and
exploration programs in Mexico, East Africa and the United States.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

              There is no material pending litigation by or against the Company.

              To the Company's knowledge,  no director,  officer or affiliate of
the  Company,  and no owner of  record  or  beneficial  owner of more  than five
percent  (5%) of the  securities  of the Company,  or any  associate of any such
director,  officer or security holder is a party adverse to the Company or has a
material interest adverse to the Company in reference to pending litigation.


              None  of the  Company's  directors  or  officers,  nor  any of the
incoming   directors,   nor  any  person  who  beneficially  owns,  directly  or
indirectly,  shares  carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attached to the
Company's  outstanding  shares,  nor  any of the  Company's  promoters,  nor any
relative or spouse of any of the foregoing persons,  other than has any material
interest, direct or indirect, in any transaction since January 1, 2005 or in any
presently  proposed  transaction  that, in either case,  has  affected,  or will
materially affect, the Company. None of the Company's directors or officers, nor
any incoming director is indebted to the Company.


              During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 the Company's Audit
Committee,  Compensation  Committee and Corporate Governance Committee consisted
of James Mancuso,  Douglas Newby and Gerald Ruth. As a result of the resignation
of James Mancuso from the Company's Board,  Messrs.  Newby and Ruth are the sole
remaining  members of these  committees.  During fiscal year ended  December 31,
2005 the Company's  Technical  Committee  consisted of Thomas E.  Callicrate and
James Mancuso.  As a result of the resignation of Thomas E. Callicrate and James
Mancuso from the Company's


Board in 2005 and 2006,  respectively,  there are no  remaining  members of this
committee.  The Company  intends to establish  new a Audit  Committee  and a new
Compensation Governance Environmental Health and Safety Committee promptly after
this  Information  Statement is furnished to the Company  shareholders as of the
Record Date and Mr. Kololian takes office.  It is anticipated that the new Audit
Committee and the new Compensation  Governance  Environmental  Health and Safety
Committee will consist of the following three directors:  Martyn Koning,  Gerald
Ruth and Vahan Kololian.


              Upon the  establishment of a new governance  committee,  the Board
will adopt a formal  policy  regarding  qualifications  of director  candidates.
Currently,  in evaluating  director  nominees,  the Board considers a variety of
factors, including the appropriate size of the Company's Board of Directors; the
needs of the Company with respect to the  particular  talents and  experience of
its  directors;  the  knowledge,  skills and  experience of nominees,  including
experience in the gold industry,  finance,  administration or public service, in
light of prevailing business conditions and the knowledge, skills and experience
already  possessed by other  members of the Board;  experience  with  accounting
rules and  practices;  and the desire to balance the benefit of continuity  with
the periodic injection of the fresh perspective provided by new Board members.

              To date,  the Company has not engaged third parties to identify or
evaluate  or assist in  identifying  potential  nominees,  although  the Company
reserves  the right in the  future  to  retain a third  party  search  firm,  if

              During the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2005,  the  Company's
Board met two times and the  Audit  Committee  met once.  Due to the size of the
Board  compensation,  governance and technical matters were addressed by written
consent of the Board.

              The  Company's  Board of Directors  does not  currently  provide a
process for  securityholders to send communications to the Board of Directors as
the  Company  management  believes  that until this point it has been  premature
given the limited  liquidity  of the common stock of the Company to develop such


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

              The   following   table  sets  forth  the  annual  and   long-term
compensation  for services in all capacities to the Company for the fiscal years
ended  December 31, 2005,  2004 and 2003 paid to the Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer and executive officers who served during the last completed fiscal year.

                                            SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                 LONG-TERM COMPENSATION

                                                                              OPTIONS/           ALL OTHER
                                            ANNUAL COMPENSATION                 SAR'S           COMPENSATION
                                            -------------------                 -----           ------------
- ---------------------------            ----       ----------      -----
Douglas Newby                          2005              --        --          150,000          $104,750
Chairman of the Board,                 2004              --        --          450,000           $81,290
President and Chief Executive
Officer                                2003              --        --            --                --

Becky Corigliano(6)                    2005         $84,060        --          450,000             --
Chief Financial Officer                2004              --        --            --                --
Secretary and Treasurer                2003              --        --            --                --

Lawrence O'Connor                      2005        $107,995        --          200,000             --
Vice President Operations              2004         $98,535        --          575,000             --

Thomas Mancuso(1)                      2005        $123,460        --          200,000            --
                                       2004        $116,300        --          400,000             --
                                       2003         $68,000        --            --               $6,000(2)

Thomas Callicrate(3)                   2005        $100,250        --          200,000             --
                                       2004         $93,300        --          400,000             --
                                       2003         $58,200(4)     --            --              $16,750(5)

(1)      Mr. Mancuso resigned as a Director and President  effective October 25,

(2)      Consists of 20,000 units, comprised of one share of Common Sock and one
         warrant  to  purchase  one  share of Common  Stock at $0.45 per  share,
         valued at $0.30 per share at the time of issuance.

(3)      Mr. Callicrate resigned as a Director and Vice President of Exploration
         effective October 25, 2005.

(4)      Consists of consulting fees paid to Mountain Gold Exploration, Inc., of
         which Mr.  Callicrate is the  President,  Secretary  and Director,  and
         salary paid directly to Mr.  Callicrate.  Mr. Callicrate was a Director
         from August 2002 to October 2005 and Vice President of Exploration from
         November 2003 to October 2005.


(5)      Consists of 55,832  units,  comprised  of one share of Common Stock and
         one  warrant  to  purchase  one share of Common  Stock.  The units were
         issued to Mountain Gold  Exploration,  Inc. of which Mr.  Callicrate is
         the President, Secretary and Director.

(6)      Ms.  Corigliano  resigned as Chief  Financial  Officer,  Secretary  and
         Treasurer on February 13, 2006.

                      OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR (JANUARY 1, 2005 - DECEMBER 31, 2005)

                             NUMBER OF       % OF TOTAL                                       POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                             SECURITIES        OPTIONS                                          VALUE AT ASSUMED
                             UNDERLYING      GRANTED TO                                       ANNUAL RATE OF STOCK
                             OPTIONS         EMPLOYEES IN    EXERCISE     EXPIRATION          PRICE APPRECIATION FOR
NAME                          GRANTED      THE FISCAL YEAR     PRICE         DATE               OPTION TERM
- ----                         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                 5%          10%
                                                                                                 --          ---
Douglas Newby                     75,000             4.5%      $0.40      2010/04/15           $0.51           $0.60
                                  75,000             4.5%      $0.40      2011/04/15           $0.53           $0.64
Becky Corigliano                  50,000             3.0%      $0.50      2008/03/07           $0.67           $0.82
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.50      2008/09/07           $0.67           $0.82
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.50      2009/03/07           $0.67           $0.82
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2010/04/15           $0.51           $0.60
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2011/04/15           $0.53           $0.64
Thomas Mancuso                   100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2010/04/15           $0.51           $0.60
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2011/04/15           $0.53           $0.64
Thomas Callicrate                100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2010/04/15           $0.51           $0.60
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2011/04/15           $0.53           $0.64
Lawrence O'Connor                100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2010/04/15           $0.51           $0.60
                                 100,000             6.0%      $0.40      2011/04/15           $0.53           $0.64


               The following table contains information concerning the number of
shares  acquired  and value  realized  from the exercise of options by the named
executive officers during fiscal 2005 and the number of unexercised options held
by the named executive officers at December 31, 2005.

                                 NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK
                                        (DECEMBER 31, 2005)                         AT YEAR END (DECEMBER 31, 2005 (1)
                           ------------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------------
          NAME               EXERCISABLE          UNEXERCISABLE                     EXERCISABLE          UNEXERCISABLE
                             -----------          -------------                     -----------          -------------
Douglas Newby                 525,000                75,000                             --                    --

Becky Corigliano              350,000                100,000                            --                    --

Thomas Mancuso                500,000                100,000                            --                    --

Thomas Callicrate             500,000                100,000                            --                    --

Lawrence O'Connor             675,000                100,000                            --                    --

(1)      Options  are  "in-the-money"  if the market  price of a share of common
         stock exceeds the exercise price of the option.



              The Company has in the past  compensated its directors in cash and
in shares of Common  Stock,  and has  generally in the past  granted  options to
Directors  upon joining the Board.  The Company has  established a  compensation
plan for its non-management directors. The Chairman receives $7,500 per quarter,
and non-management  directors receive $5,000 per quarter. The Company reimburses
the Directors for out of pocket expenses.

              During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, Gerald Ruth, James
Mancuso and Douglas Newby each received  options to purchase  150,000  shares of
Common Stock at an exercise price of $0.40 per share.


              The  Company  does not have any bonus,  deferred  compensation  or
retirement plan. There were no bonuses paid in 2005.


              The Company's  Board of Directors  chose to make option or warrant
awards to select officers,  directors,  consultants, or shareholder/investors in
order to induce  them to  assist it in  implementing  its  business  plan and to
provide long term additional  incentive.  These options or warrants, as awarded,
were not awarded  pursuant  to a plan but are  specific  individual  awards with
varying terms and conditions. In some instances, the Board of Directors reserved
the right to cancel  these  awards  for  non-performance  or other  reasons,  or
established a vesting schedule pursuant to which the award is earned.


              Lawrence O'Connor has an employment  contract which provides for a
base annual  salary of  $108,000  subject to annual  review by the  compensation
committee of the Company.  In the event of a change in control where the Company
is acquired by another company or merges with another company which results in a
change of  management  Lawrence  O'Connor is entitled to  severance in an amount
equal to 150% of his current base salary plus one month of additional  severance
for each year of employment.


              Compensation   Philosophy.   The   philosophy   of  the  Company's
Compensation  Committee  for the fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2005 was to
provide  competitive  levels  of  compensation  that are  appropriate  given the
performance  and commitment of the Company's  executive  officers  compared with
similarly situated executives in gold mining industry;  link management's pay to
the achievement of the Company's  annual and long-term  performance  goals;  and
assist the Company in attracting and retaining  qualified  management.  However,
because of the limited  number of companies  that can be compared to the Company
in terms of stage of resource  development,  net income,  and similar  items,  a
significant  amount  of  subjectivity  was  involved  in  the  decisions  of the
Compensation Committee.

              Base  Salaries.   Base  salaries  for  management   employees  are
determined initially by evaluating the responsibilities of the position held and
the  experience  of  the  individual,   and  by  reference  to  the  competitive
marketplace for management services, including a comparison of base salaries for
comparable  positions at comparable  companies within the gold industry.  Annual
salary adjustments are determined by evaluating the competitive marketplace, the
performance of the Company, the performance


of the executive,  and any increased  responsibilities assumed by the executive.
The Committee  believes the base salaries of executive  officers are at or below
those of similarly situated executives in the gold industry.

              Bonus Arrangement.  To encourage and reward outstanding  corporate
and individual  performance,  the Company from time to time  considers  awarding
merit  bonuses  to its  executive  officers,  based on the  Company's  operating
results and the achievement of certain defined major business objectives.

              Compensation of Chief Executive  Officer.  The amount of the Chief
Executive Officer's compensation for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 was
determined  in  accordance  with  the  principles  discussed  in  the  foregoing
paragraphs  and was based upon a subjective  evaluation  by the Committee of the
leadership demonstrated by Mr. Newby during the fiscal year.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerald Ruth


              The Audit Committee's principal  responsibilities  consist of: (i)
recommending the selection of independent auditors;  (ii) reviewing the scope of
the  audit  conducted  by the  auditors,  as well  as the  audit  itself;  (iii)
reviewing  matters  concerning   financial   reporting,   accounting  and  audit
procedures,  and policies  generally,  and (iv) monitoring the  independence and
performance of our independent auditors.


              Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires
certain defined  persons to file reports of and changes in beneficial  ownership
of a registered  security with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and the
National  Association  of Securities  Dealers in  accordance  with the rules and
regulations promulgated by the Commission to implement the provisions of Section
16. Under the regulatory  procedure,  officers,  directors,  and persons who own
more than ten percent of a registered class of a company's equity securities are
also required to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they

              To the Company's knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies
of Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished  to the Company  between  January 1, 2005  through
March 3, 2006, the Company's officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial
owners  complied with all Section 16(a) filing  requirements  except as follows:
Thomas  Callicrate  filed a late Form 4 for two  transactions  that  occurred on
November  5, 2004 and April 4, 2005;  Douglas  Newby filed a late Form 4 for the
one transaction that occurred on December 3, 2004; Becky Corigliano filed a late
Form 4 for the one  transaction  that  occurred  on March 7, 2005;  and  Newmont
Mining Corp.  filed a late Form 3 for a transaction that occurred on December 1,
