
                               ASTORIA BAKERY CC


                                 WOLFGANG BURRE






                         FIRST SOUTH AFRICA CORP., LTD

                              Webber Wentzel Bowens


1.       Introduction
2.       Definitions and interpretation
3.       Suspensive conditions
4.       Preparation of the seller's 1996 financial statements
         and the ABL 1996 financial statements
5.       The sale
6.       Risk
7.       Purchase price
8.       Adjustments to and manner of payment of the first instalment

9.       Adjustments to and manner of payment of the second,
         third and fourth instalments
10.      Restrictions on disposal of FSAH "B" shares
11.      Put option
12.      Security for payment of the purchase price
13.      Set-off of damages against instalments of the purchase price
14.      Completion
15.      Contracts and unfulfilled orders
16.      Insolvency Act - section 34
17.      Employees
18.      Pension fund
19.      Guarantees, suretyships and indemnities
20.      Warranties
20.1.1                assets
20.1.2                manner of carrying on business
20.1.3                goodwill and scope of business
20.1.4                contracts
20.1.5                intellectual property rights
20.1.6                laws, regulations, consents, licences and
20.1.7                labour laws, regulations, determinations,
                      agreements and disputes
20.1.8                insurance
20.1.9                employment, leave, remuneration and pension
20.1.10               restraint of trade
20.1.11               warranties regarding books of account
20.1.12               environmental warranties
20.2.1                warranties relating to the business of ABL
20.2.2                assets of ABL
20.2.3                warranty regarding registration
20.2.4                warranties regarding capital structure and the
20.2.5                warranties regarding statutory requirements
20.2.6                warranties regarding books of account and
20.2.7                warranties regarding taxation                   administration                   deductible payments
20.3            disclosure
21.      Confidentiality
22.      Restraints
23.      Value-added tax
24.      Breach
25.      Mediation and arbitration
26.      Costs
27.      Miscellaneous matters
27.1            postal addresses
27.2            addresses for service of legal documents
27.3            entire contract
27.4            no representations
27.5            variation, cancellation, waiver
27.6            indulgences
27.7            cession
27.8            applicable law
27.9            jurisdiction


         1.1      The seller carries on the business,  as defined.  The business
                  is a going concern.

         1.2      The seller wishes to sell and the purchaser wishes to purchase
                  the  business as a going  concern on the terms and  conditions
                  set out below.  The purchaser  also requires  warranties and a
                  restraint of trade from the  warrantor  and the seller,  which
                  these persons are prepared to give.

         1.3      The parties accordingly wish to enter into an agreement on the
                  terms and conditions set out below.


         2.1      In this agreement, unless inconsistent with the context, words
                  referring to:

                  2.1.1    one gender include a reference to the other genders;

                  2.1.2    the singular include the plural and vice versa;

                  2.1.3    natural persons include  artificial  persons and vice

         2.2      Whenever  a number of days is  prescribed  in this  agreement,
                  such  number  shall be  calculated  excluding  the  first  and
                  including  the  last  day,  unless  the  last  day  falls on a
                  Saturday, Sunday or official public holiday, in which case the
                  last day shall be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday
                  or official public holiday.

         2.3      Any appendices to this agreement  shall be deemed to form part
                  of this agreement.

         2.4      The following expressions shall, unless otherwise

                  stated or inconsistent  with the context in which they appear,
                  bear the following meanings and cognate expressions shall bear
                  corresponding meanings:

                  2.4.1    "ABL"-Astoria Bakery Lesotho  (Proprietary)  Limited,
                           registration no. //, a company incorporated under the
                           laws of Lesotho;

                  2.4.2    "THE ABL 1996  FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS"  - the  audited
                           financial  statements of ABL for the period ending 29
                           February 1996;

                  2.4.3    "THE  BUSINESS"-means  the  business  of  the  seller
                           conducted under the name "Astoria Bakeries" using the
                           sale assets and involving the  manufacture of breads,
                           confectioneries, and other pastry-related products;

                  2.4.4    "THE  COMPLETION  DATE"-the  seventh  day  after  the
                           fulfilment of the  last-outstanding of the suspensive

                  2.4.5    "THE   CONTRACTS"-those   contracts   of  the  seller
                           relating  to  the  business,  all  as  identified  in
                           Appendix 1 to this agreement;

                  2.4.6    "THE CREDITORS"-all  trade creditors of the seller as
                           at the effective date;

                  2.4.7    "DEBTS"-all  of the claims of the seller  against the
                           debtors of the business as at the effective date;

                  2.4.8    "THE EFFECTIVE DATE"-1 July 1996;

                  2.4.9    "THE  EMPLOYEES"-those  individuals  employed  by the
                           seller to work in the business and listed in Appendix

                  2.4.10   "THE EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENTS" - employment  agreements
                           to be entered into between the  purchaser and each of
                           Hanne Hoffman,  Wilfried  Wesslau and Dagmar Blankner
                           in a form acceptable to the purchaser;

                  2.4.11   "FIXED  ASSETS"  -  those  fixed  assets  used by the
                           seller in the conduct of the  business and listed and
                           identified in Appendix 3;

                  2.4.12   "THE FIRST  INSTALMENT"-the  first  instalment of the
                           purchase price specified in 7.1.1;

                  2.4.13   "THE FOURTH  INSTALMENT"-the fourth instalment of the
                           purchase price specified in 7.1.4;

                  2.4.14   "FSAC" - First South Africa Corp., Ltd,  registration
                           number , a  company  incorporated  under  the laws of
                           Bermuda, certain of the shares of which are quoted on

                  2.4.15   "FSAH" - First South African  Holdings  (Proprietary)
                           Limited,  registration number 95/03959/07,  a private
                           company  incorporated  according  to the  laws of the
                           Republic of South Africa, the "A" shares of which are
                           owned by FSAC;

                  2.4.16   "FSAH "B"  SHARES" - "B"  shares  in the  capital  of

                  2.4.17   "THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT" - the agreement
                           to be  entered  into  relating  to  the  sale  of the
                           intellectual  property in the recipes utilised by the
                           seller in the business,  substantially in the form of
                           Appendix 4;

                  2.4.18   "THE LANDLORD" - ;

                  2.4.19   "THE  LESOTHO  SHARES"  -the shares of ABL,  formerly
                           owned by the  warrantor  and sold by the warrantor to
                           the seller;

                  2.4.20   "THE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT" - the management agreement
                           to be concluded  between FSAH,  the purchaser and the
                           warrantor, substantially in the form of Appendix 5;

                  2.4.21   "THE  PREMISES" - the premises  from which the seller
                           conducts the business;

                  2.4.22   "THE   PURCHASER"  -  Astoria  Bakery   (Proprietary)
                           Limited,  registration number 96/10419/07,  a private
                           company  incorporated  according  to the  laws of the
                           Republic of South Africa;

                  2.4.23   "THE RETAINED LIABILITIES"-all the liabilities of the
                           business as at the effective date,  whether actual or
                           contingent, other than the sale liabilities;

                  2.4.24   "THE SALE ASSETS" - the aggregate of:-

                  the fixed assets;

                  the stock;

                  the debts;

                  the Lesotho shares;

                  the trademarks;

                  the rights of the seller arising on or after
                                    the effective date under the contracts;

                  2.4.25   "THE SALE LIABILITIES"-the aggregate of:

                  the creditors;

                  the  obligations  of the  seller  under  the
                                    shareholder's loan; and

                  the  obligations of the seller arising on or
                                    after   the   effective   date   under   the

                  2.4.26   "THE SECOND  INSTALMENT"-the second instalment of the
                           purchase price specified in 7.1.2;

                  2.4.27   "THE SELLER" - Astoria Bakery CC, registration number
                           , a close corporation  incorporated  according to the
                           laws of the Republic of South Africa;

                  2.4.28   "THE  SELLER'S  1996  FINANCIAL   STATEMENTS"  -  the
                           audited  financial  statements  of the seller for the
                           period  ending  29February  1996,  to be  prepared in
                           accordance with clause 4;

                  2.4.29   "THE SHAREHOLDER'S LOAN"-the loan by the warrantor to
                           the  seller,  which the seller  warrants  will be not
                           less than R300000;

                  2.4.30   "SIGNATURE  DATE" - the date on which this  agreement
                           is signed by the last party to do so;

                  2.4.31   "THE  STOCK"  -  means  the  stocks  of  ingredients,
                           work-in-progress  and finished  baked goods  intended
                           for resale by the seller, on hand at the commencement
                           of business on the effective date;

                  2.4.32   "THE   SUSPENSIVE   CONDITIONS"   -  the   suspensive
                           conditions set out in clause 3;

                  2.4.33   "THE   TRADEMARKS"  -  the   unregistered   trademark
                           "Astoria" and the wheat sheaf logo used by the seller
                           in its business;

                  2.4.34   "THIS  AGREEMENT"  -  this  agreement,  and  all  the
                           appendices to this agreement;

                  2.4.35   "THE THIRD  INSTALMENT"-the  third  instalment of the
                           purchase price specified in 7.1.3;

                  2.4.36   "THE WARRANTOR" - Wolfgang Burre,  the sole member of
                           the seller.


         3.1      This  rights  and   obligations  of  the  parties  under  this
                  agreement  (other  than  those  set out in this  clause  3 and
                  clauses 4, 21, 24, 25 and 26) are  subject to and  conditional
                  upon the fulfilment of the following suspensive  conditions on
                  or before 30  September  1996,  or such  later  date as may be
                  determined pursuant to clause 3.3:

                  3.1.1    the conclusion of written agreements of lease between
                           the  purchaser  and each of Strydom Park  Property CC
                           and  Ferndale  Property CC in respect of the premises
                           for a period of 5 years,  renewable  at the option of
                           the  purchaser  for a further  period of 5 years,  on
                           market-related   terms  and   conditions   reasonably
                           acceptable to the purchaser;

                  3.1.2    the  conclusion  of  the  management  agreement,  the
                           intellectual  property  agreement and the  employment
                           agreements,  and the  fulfilment of all conditions to
                           which those  agreements  are  subject  other than any
                           condition   relating  to  the   conclusion   of  this
                           agreement and its becoming unconditional;

                  3.1.3    the  approval  of  the  boards  of  directors  of the
                           purchaser, FSAH and FSAC;

                  3.1.4    the  completion  by the  purchaser or its agents of a
                           due  diligence  investigation  into the  affairs  and
                           financial  position  of the seller  yielding  results
                           satisfactory  to the  purchaser,  FSAH and FSAC.  The
                           costs  of this  investigation  shall  be borne by the
                           purchaser; and

                  3.1.5    the preparation, completion and audit of the seller's
                           1996 financial  statements and the ABL 1996 financial
                           statements in accordance with clause 4.

         3.2      Each of the parties  shall use its best  endeavours to procure
                  fulfilment of the suspensive  conditions.  In particular,  but
                  without limitation,  the seller and the warrantor undertake to
                  make available all information requested by the purchaser, and
                  to answer all questions and deal with all queries posed by the
                  purchaser  in the  course of the due  diligence  investigation
                  referred to in 3.1.5.

         3.3      The suspensive conditions are for the benefit of the purchaser
                  which may by written  notice  given to the seller  prior to 30
                  September   1996,   waive,  or  extend  the  period  for,  the
                  fulfilment of any condition.

         3.4      If any of  the  suspensive  conditions  fail  (and  fulfilment
                  thereof is not waived in terms of 3.3), this agreement,  (save
                  for the  provisions  of this  clause and clauses 4, 21, 24, 25
                  and 26) shall cease to be of any further  force and effect and
                  the parties  shall be restored as nearly as may be possible to
                  the positions in which they would have been had this agreement
                  not been entered  into.  No party shall have any claim against
                  any other as a result of the failure of the conditions, except
                  for such  claims,  if any,  as may result from a breach of the
                  provisions of this clause.


         The  seller's  1996  financial  statements  and the ABL 1996  financial
         statements  shall be  prepared by the seller and ABL  respectively  and
         audited by Messrs  Kana &  Associates.  The  seller  and the  warrantor
         warrant that the seller's 1996  financial  statements  and the ABL 1996
         financial statements:-

         4.1      will,  in the case of the seller,  be  prepared in  accordance
                  with  the  Companies  Act 61 of 1973 and  with  South  African
                  generally accepted accounting practice, and in the case of the
                  ABL 1996 financial statements,  will be prepared in accordance
                  with applicable  Lesotho  legislation  and generally  accepted
                  accounting practice;

         4.2      will be  prepared  on the same  basis  and  applying  the same
                  accounting policies as for all prior years;

         4.3      will not reflect any revaluation of assets;

         4.4      will  fairly  present  the  financial  position  and  state of
                  affairs of the seller or ABL,  as  applicable,  at 29 February
                  1996 and the  results of  operations  of the seller or ABL, as
                  applicable, for the period ended 29 February 1996; and

         4.5      will be reported on without  qualification  by the seller's or
                  ABL's auditors, as the case may be.

5.       THE SALE

         5.1      With effect from the  effective  date the seller sells and the
                  purchaser purchases the business as a going concern. Such sale
                  encompasses inter alia the acquisition by the purchaser of the
                  sale assets and the  assumption  by the  purchaser of the sale

         5.2      The sale will be deemed to have taken effect on the  effective
                  date,  notwithstanding  the date on which  this  agreement  is

         5.3      Nothing  contained in this  agreement will operate to transfer
                  to the  purchaser  any asset or liability  other than the sale
                  assets and the sale

                  liabilities.  In  particular  the sale  excludes  the retained

         5.4      The seller shall  discharge the retained  liabilities  and all
                  other debts,  liabilities  and  obligations in connection with
                  the business not expressly assumed by the purchaser under this
                  agreement and shall indemnify the purchaser against all costs,
                  claims,  demands  and  liabilities  in respect of any of those
                  obligations or any failure of the seller to discharge them.

         5.5      The parties agree that:-

                  5.5.1    the sale of the  business  comprises  the sale of the
                           seller's business as a going concern;

                  5.5.2    the  business was an  income-earning  activity on the
                           effective date and will be an income-earning activity
                           on the completion date;

                  5.5.3    the sale encompasses the sale of all assets necessary
                           for the conduct of the business.

6.       RISK

         The risk in and the  benefit  of the  business  will be  deemed to have
         passed to the  purchaser on the effective  date.  Between the effective
         date and the  completion  date the seller shall conduct the business as
         agent of and for the account of the purchaser.


         7.1      The  purchase  price  of the  business  shall,  (subject  to a
                  minimum  of  R16000000),  be the  aggregate  of the  following
                  instalments  as  adjusted  pursuant  to clauses 8 or 9, as the
                  case may be-

                  7.1.1    a  first  instalment  of  R10000000  payable  on  the
                           completion  date as to  R6000000  in  cash  and as to
                           R4000000  by the  issue of  186047  FSAH "B"  shares,
                           valued at US$5,00 per share  converted into Rand at a
                           fixed exchange rate of R4,30 to the dollar;

                  7.1.2    a second instalment equal to 4 times the consolidated
                           pre-tax  profits of the  purchaser for the year ended
                           30 June 1997,

                           multiplied  by 25%,  payable as to 60% in cash and as
                           to the balance by the issue to the seller of FSAH "B"
                           shares.  The FSAH "B"  shares  shall be  issued  at a
                           price  equal  to the US  Dollar  denominated  closing
                           price of the ordinary NASDAQ listed shares of FSAC on
                           30 June 1997, converted into Rand at the spot rate of
                           exchange of US Dollars for South  African Rand quoted
                           by Nedbank at close of business on 30 June 1997. This
                           rate shall be established, in the event of a dispute,
                           by a  certificate  given by any  manager  of  Nedbank
                           whose  designation it shall not be necessary to prove
                           and  whose  determination  shall be proof of the rate
                           until the contrary is proved;

                  7.1.3    a third  instalment equal to 4 times the consolidated
                           pre-tax  profits of the  purchaser for the year ended
                           30 June 1998, multiplied by 25% and payable as to 60%
                           in cash  and as to the  balance  by the  issue to the
                           seller of FSAH "B" shares.  The FSAH "B" shares shall
                           be  issued  at  a  price   equal  to  the  US  Dollar
                           denominated  closing  price  of the  ordinary  NASDAQ
                           listed shares of FSAC on 30 June 1998, converted into
                           Rand at the spot rate of  exchange  of US Dollars for
                           South  African  Rand  quoted by  Nedbank  at close of
                           business  on  30  June  1998.   This  rate  shall  be
                           established,   in  the  event  of  a  dispute,  by  a
                           certificate  given by any  manager of  Nedbank  whose
                           designation  it shall not be  necessary  to prove and
                           whose  determination shall be proof of the rate until
                           the contrary is proved;

                  7.1.4    a fourth  instalment,  determined in accordance  with
                           the formula:-

                                    F = [25% x (4 x P)] - M


                                    F is the value of the fourth  instalment  to
                                    be determined;

                                    P is the consolidated pre-tax profits of the
                                    purchaser  for the year  ended 30 June 1999;
                                    and M is the  lesser  of the Rand  values of
                                    the second and third instalments;


                           payable  as to 60% in cash and as to the  balance  by
                           the issue to the seller of FSAH "B" shares.  The FSAH
                           "B" shares shall be issued at a price equal to the US
                           Dollar  denominated  closing  price  of the  ordinary
                           NASDAQ  listed  shares  of  FSAC  on  30  June  1999,
                           converted  into Rand at the spot rate of  exchange of
                           US Dollars for South  African  Rand quoted by Nedbank
                           at close of business on 30 June 1999. This rate shall
                           be  established,  in the  event  of a  dispute,  by a
                           certificate  given by any  manager of  Nedbank  whose
                           designation  it shall not be  necessary  to prove and
                           whose  determination shall be proof of the rate until
                           the contrary is proved.

         7.2      Notwithstanding the preceding  sub-clauses of this clause, the
                  purchase  price  shall  not  exceed  R24000000  in  total.  In
                  calculating  this amount  appreciation  or depreciation of the
                  FSAH "B" shares shall be excluded.

         7.3      FSAH shall, if a disposal by the purchaser of all the FSAH "B"
                  shares comprised in the first instalment of the purchase price
                  realises  less  than  R4000000,  pay  the  difference  between
                  R4000000 and the price realised by the seller to the seller on
                  demand,  it  being  intended  that  the  value  of  the  first
                  instalment  shall,  provided that 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 are complied
                  with, be not less than R10000000.  This sub-clause shall apply
                  only to disposals prior to 31March1999  (after which FSAH will
                  have no liability  under this  sub-clause)  and provided  that
                  8.1.1 and 8.1.2 are complied with.

         7.4      The purchase price shall be allocated as follows: -

                  7.4.1    to the debts, their face value;

                  7.4.2    to the stock, its face value;

                  7.4.3    to the Lesotho shares, R;

                  7.4.4    to the trademarks, R;

                  7.4.5    to the fixed assets, R; and

                  7.4.6    the balance as to goodwill.

                           No value is attributed to the contracts.

         7.5      The purchaser  indemnifies  the seller  against any additional
                  tax the seller may incur as a result of any recoupment arising
                  pursuant to any allocation referred to in 7.4.4 or 7.4.5.


         8.1      The first instalment shall be reduced on a Rand for Rand basis
                  by the amount of:-

                  8.1.1    any distribution of after tax profit by the seller or
                           ABL in the nature of a dividend  between 29  February
                           1996 and the completion date; and

                  8.1.2    any  amount  paid by the seller to the  warrantor  in
                           breach of the  warranty  set out in or which
                           is otherwise outside his normal remuneration.

         8.2      The first instalment will be paid on the completion date.


         9.1      Each of the second,  third and fourth instalments will be paid
                  within 14 days of the finalisation of the consolidated audited
                  accounts  of  the  purchaser  for  the  year  concerned.   The
                  purchaser and FSAH undertake to use all reasonable  endeavours
                  to ensure that each such audit is  finalised  by no later than
                  30 September of the relevant year.

         9.2      In  determining  the pre-tax  profit of the purchaser on which
                  each of the  second,  third  and  fourth  instalments  will be
                  based,  no  account  shall be taken of  interest  incurred  on
                  borrowings to finance any such  instalment.  Any such interest
                  shall,  for the  sole  purpose  of  quantifying  the  relevant
                  instalment,  be  added  back to the  profit  reflected  in the
                  financial statements for the year concerned.

         9.3      In the event of any unresolved  dispute between the seller and
                  the  purchaser  as to the  profit  figure  on which any of the
                  second,  third or fourth  instalments  is based,  the  dispute
                  shall be resolved  by the  auditors  of the  purchaser,  whose
                  determination shall be final and binding on the parties.


         10.1     Notwithstanding  7.3, the seller and the  warrantor  undertake
                  that they shall not  dispose  of or attempt to dispose  of, or
                  cede, pledge, assign or otherwise encumber any of the FSAH "B"
                  shares  forming part of any  instalment of the purchase  price
                  prior to 30 September  1998,  provided  that this clause shall
                  not  prevent a  disposal  of the  shares by the  seller to the

         10.2     Any  sale in  contravention  of  10.1  shall  be void  and the
                  directors  of FSAH shall not enter the name of the  transferee
                  in the share register of FSAH or otherwise recognise any title
                  of the  purported  purchaser of the shares.  In addition  FSAC
                  shall be  entitled to purchase  the  affected  FSAH "B" shares
                  from the  defaulting  holder of FSAH "B"  shares  at par.  The
                  rights  conferred on FSAC and the  obligations  imposed on the
                  seller shall not prejudice  any other rights  available to the
                  purchaser FSAC or FSAH arising from such breach.

11.      PUT OPTION

         11.1     FSAC  undertakes to procure that a  non-resident  third party,
                  ("THE OPTION  GRANTOR"),  will  undertake to purchase from the
                  seller   and/or  the   warrantor   and/or  their   nominee  or
                  successor-in-title  all of the FSAH "B" shares to be issued by
                  the purchaser to the seller pursuant to this agreement,  ("THE
                  PUT OPTION").

         11.1     The material terms of the put option will be the following:-

                  11.1.1   it will only be  exercisable  when the  seller or the
                           warrantor  become  entitled  to  sell  the  FSAH  "B"
                           shares, determined in accordance with 10;

                  11.1.2   the price at which the put  option  may be  exercised
                           shall be the net price received by

                           the option  grantor  from the sale on the open market
                           in the  United  States  of an  equivalent  number  of
                           shares of FSAC.  For this  purpose  "net price" shall
                           mean the price for  which  the FSAC  shares  are sold
                           less all costs  associated  with the sale,  including
                           any broker's commission;

                  11.1.3   although  the put option may be exercised in tranches
                           each tranche shall comprise a minimum of 100 shares;

                  11.1.4   for  so  long  as  South  African   exchange  control
                           regulations  prescribe  that South African  residents
                           shall  repatriate  foreign  currency to South Africa,
                           the seller  acknowledges  that any proceeds  from any
                           sale of the option  shares  shall be  repatriated  to
                           South Africa.


         12.1     As security for payment of the purchase price by the purchaser
                  and for the  obligations  of FSAH  imposed by 7.3,  FSAH shall
                  deliver to Webber  Wentzel  Bowens,  to hold in escrow,  share
                  certificates  evidencing  50%  of  the  issued  shares  of the
                  purchaser together with blank signed transfer forms in respect
                  of those shares, ("THE SECURITY DOCUMENTATION").

         12.2     The parties  shall  procure that Webber  Wentzel  Bowens shall
                  hold the security documentation and deal with it as follows:-

                  12.2.1   if the purchase  price is paid in full in  accordance
                           with this agreement  Webber Wentzel Bowens shall,  on
                           receipt of written  notice from the purchaser and the
                           seller that the purchase price has been paid in full,
                           deliver the security documentation to FSAH;

                  12.2.2   if the purchaser  breaches its obligations to pay any
                           instalment of the purchase  price in accordance  with
                           this  agreement,  and fails to remedy  such breach in
                           accordance with this agreement, Webber Wentzel Bowens
                           shall, upon receipt of either:-

                  written  notice signed by the seller and the
                                    purchaser   that  the   shares   are  to  be
                                    delivered to the seller; or

                  written  notice  signed  by the  seller  and
                                    accompanied  by a copy of any  judgement  or
                                    arbitral  award  finding in the  purchaser's
                                    favour that the purchase  price has not been
                                    paid in full;

                           deliver the security documentation to the seller.


         13.1     Should the seller or the  warrantor  breach any  provision  of
                  this agreement the purchaser  shall be entitled to deduct from
                  the next  instalment  of the purchase  price the amount of any
                  loss or damages  suffered by the  purchaser  arising from that
                  breach.  Should  the  damages  exceed  the  amount of the next
                  instalment the excess may, at the purchaser's  discretion,  be
                  carried forward and be deducted from future instalments of the
                  purchase price until satisfaction.

         13.2     The  provisions  of this clause shall be without  prejudice to
                  any other right of the purchaser arising from a breach of this
                  agreement.  In particular,  the purchaser shall not be obliged
                  to wait until the date of payment  of the next  instalment  to
                  recover its damages.

         13.3     In the event of a  dispute  over  whether  the  purchaser  has
                  suffered  any loss or  damages  arising  from a breach of this
                  agreement,  or in respect of the quantum of such damages,  the
                  purchaser shall pay the full amount of the cash portion of the
                  following  instalment to Webber Wentzel Bowens to invest in an
                  interest-bearing   trust  account  in   accordance   with  the
                  provisions  of section  78(2A) of the  Attorneys  Act No 53 of
                  1979. Upon  determination of the amount of the loss or damages
                  in  accordance  with this  agreement the  difference,  if any,
                  between  the  amount  paid into  trust  and the  amount of the
                  damages,  together with a pro rata portion of interest  earned
                  on the  trust  deposit,  shall be paid to the  seller  and the
                  balance refunded to the purchaser.


         14.1     Completion  shall take place at the  premises of the seller at
                  13h00 on the completion date.

         14.2     On the completion date:

                  14.2.1   the  seller   shall   deliver  the  business  to  the
                           purchaser by placing the  purchaser in  possession of
                           the business,  and grant the purchaser  occupation of
                           the premises;

                  14.2.2   the seller shall deliver to the purchaser a certified
                           copy of the s228 resolution referred to in 3.1.1;

                  14.2.3   the  seller  shall  deliver  to  the  purchaser  such
                           documents, duly completed, as may be necessary to -

                  cede the contracts to the purchaser; and

                  transfer  ownership of the other sale assets
                                    to  the  seller,   including  all  necessary
                                    consents of third parties;

                  14.2.4   the   seller   shall   deliver   to   the   purchaser
                           comprehensive  lists of its  suppliers  and customers
                           and of the prices and other  material terms agreed to
                           with its customers,  and all records of the business,
                           excluding books of account;

                  14.2.5   the seller  shall  perform all such other acts as may
                           be  necessary   or  required  by  the   purchaser  to
                           facilitate completion.

         14.3     Subject to the  performance  by the seller of its  obligations
                  under clause 14.2 the purchaser shall pay the first instalment
                  of the purchase price to the seller by paying the cash portion
                  in cash and  delivering  to the seller share  certificates  in
                  respect  of  the  FSAH  "B"  shares  comprised  in  the  first

         14.4     If for any reason the  provisions  of clause  14.2 or 14.3 are
                  not fully  complied  with on the  completion  date  either the
                  seller or the  purchaser may elect (in addition to and without
                  prejudice to all other rights or remedies  available to it) to
                  rescind this agreement or to agree a new date for completion.


         15.1     From the completion date the purchaser shall:

                  15.1.1   be entitled to the benefit of the contracts;

                  15.1.2   carry out,  perform and complete all the  obligations
                           and liabilities to be discharged  under the contracts
                           and which arise on or after the effective date; and

                  15.1.3   indemnify    the   seller    against   all   actions,
                           proceedings,  costs,  damages,  claims and demands in
                           respect of any  failure on the part of the  purchaser
                           to carry out, perform and complete those  obligations
                           and liabilities.

         15.2     Nothing in this agreement shall:

                  15.2.1   require  the  purchaser  to  perform  any  obligation
                           falling due for performance or which should have been
                           performed before the completion date; or

                  15.2.2   make  the  purchaser  liable  for any  act,  neglect,
                           default  or   omission  in  respect  of  any  of  the
                           contracts  prior  to the  completion  date or for any
                           claim,  expense,  loss or  damage  arising  from  any
                           failure to obtain the  consent  or  agreement  of any
                           third  party to the entry into of this  agreement  or
                           from any  breach  of any of the  contracts  caused by
                           this agreement or completion.

         15.3     The seller shall indemnify the purchaser  against all actions,
                  proceedings,  costs, damages, claims and demands in respect of
                  any act or  omission  on the part of the seller in relation to
                  the contracts on or before the completion date.

         15.4     Insofar  as the  benefit  or  burden  of any of the  contracts
                  cannot  effectively  be assigned to the purchaser  except with
                  the consent to the assignment from the person, firm or company
                  concerned then:

                  15.4.1   the seller  shall use all  reasonable  endeavours  to
                           procure the consent to assignment;

                  15.4.2   until the contract is assigned the  purchaser  shall,
                           as  the  seller's  sub-contractor,  perform  all  the
                           obligations  of the seller  under the  contract to be
                           discharged   after  the  completion  date  and  shall
                           indemnify    the   seller    against   all   actions,
                           proceedings,  costs,  damages,  claims and demands in
                           respect of any  failure on the part of the  purchaser
                           to perform those obligations; and

                  15.4.3   until the  contract is assigned  the seller shall (so
                           far  as  it   lawfully   may)  give  all   reasonable
                           assistance  to the  purchaser to enable the purchaser
                           to enforce its rights under the contract.

         15.5     The   purchaser   shall   execute  for  its  own  benefit  any
                  unfulfilled  order  accepted  by the  seller  in the  ordinary
                  course of business prior to the effective date.


         16.1     The sale of the  business  will not be  published  in terms of
                  section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936.

         16.2     The  seller  indemnifies  the  purchaser  against  any loss or
                  damage which the purchaser may suffer as a result of notice of
                  this   transaction   not  being  published  in  terms  of  the
                  Insolvency Act.

         16.3     The purchaser  shall have no duty to resist any proceedings to
                  attach  or to  take  possession  of any of the  assets  by any
                  persons against whom this  transaction is void in terms of the
                  Insolvency Act as a consequence of notice of this  transaction
                  not being published as aforesaid;  provided that the purchaser
                  shall be obliged to give written  notice to the seller as soon
                  as it becomes aware of any such proceedings.

         16.4     Should  the  purchaser  give  notice to the seller in terms of
                  16.3,  and should the seller  fail within 7 days of receipt by
                  it of such  notice to procure  that the assets  concerned  are
                  released from attachment or are returned to the purchaser,  as
                  the  case may be,  then the  purchaser  shall be  entitled  to
                  settle the liability  and recover the amount  thereof from the
                  seller or, at the  purchaser's  discretion,  to  exercise  the
                  remedies conferred on the purchaser by clause 24.

17.      EMPLOYEES

         17.1     The purchaser  undertakes to offer to employ all the employees
                  on the basis that:

                  17.1.1   the  employment  of  all  employees  who  accept  the
                           purchaser's offer will be deemed to have commenced on
                           the effective date; and

                  17.1.2   any offer made by the purchaser  will be on terms and
                           conditions which are no less favourable  overall than
                           those enjoyed by the employees  immediately  prior to
                           the effective date.

         17.2     All  obligations  of the  seller  to the  employees  up to the
                  effective  date,  including  all  payments  due in  respect of
                  accrued  leave and bonuses  shall be borne by the seller.  All
                  obligations  to the employees who accept  employment  with the
                  purchaser  arising  on or after the  effective  date  shall be
                  borne by the purchaser.

         17.3     The purchaser  shall not be  responsible  for any costs of any
                  nature,  including  retrenchment costs, incurred by the seller
                  in connection  with any employee who does not accept the offer
                  referred  to  in  17.1.  The  seller  hereby  irrevocably  and
                  unconditionally  agrees to indemnify the purchaser against all
                  loss,  liability,  damage or expense  which the  purchaser may
                  suffer or sustain as a result of or which may be  attributable
                  to any  act or  omission  by the  seller  in  relation  to the
                  employees  of the  seller or any of them or any  other  event,
                  matter or  circumstances  occurring or having its origin prior
                  to  the  completion   date  which  relates  to  any  of  those
                  employees,  whether as a consequence  of the purchase and sale
                  of the  business  or  otherwise,  it being  recorded,  without
                  limiting the  provisions  of this clause,  that the  purchaser
                  shall not be responsible  for the payment of any  compensation
                  payable to any employee as a consequence  of his  retrenchment
                  or redundancy.

         17.4     The purchaser  and the seller shall  jointly  consult with the
                  employees and/or their representatives prior to the completion
                  date  in  accordance   with  generally   accepted   industrial
                  relations practice.

                  The  purchaser  and the seller  will agree in advance the form
                  that  such  consultation  will  take  and  in the  absence  of
                  agreement the form of  consultation  will be determined by the

         17.5     The  purchaser,  FSAC and FSAH  undertake  to procure that the
                  warrantor is appointed as a director of the purchaser.


                [INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED].


         19.1     The  purchaser  undertakes  to procure that the seller will be
                  released  from any  guarantees  and  suretyships  given by the
                  seller  in  respect  of the  business,  within  60 days of the
                  completion  date. The seller  undertakes to give the purchaser
                  all  necessary   co-operation   to  assist  the  purchaser  in
                  procuring the seller's release by such date.

         19.2     If the  purchaser  is not able to obtain the release  from the
                  guarantees and suretyships referred to in 19.1 or has not done
                  so at the time a claim is made  against  the seller  under any
                  such guarantee or suretyship, the purchaser will indemnify the
                  seller and hold the  seller  harmless  against  any claim made
                  against the seller under the guarantee or suretyship concerned
                  and against  all  reasonable  costs  incurred by the seller in
                  obtaining its release from the  guarantees.  In the event that
                  such a claim is made the  seller  shall  forthwith  notify the
                  purchaser of the fact that the claim has been made and of full
                  particulars  thereof and the purchaser  shall place the seller
                  in funds to enable the seller to discharge its liability under
                  the suretyship or guarantee.


         20.1     The  following  warranties  are,  unless  otherwise  stated in
                  respect of any warranty,  (in which case the specified  period
                  shall apply),  given as at the effective  date, the completion
                  date and for the entire period  between those dates in respect
                  of the  business  of the  seller.  Each of the  seller and the
                  warrantor accordingly warrants to the purchaser that except as
                  disclosed  in  writing to the  purchaser  prior to the date of
                  signature of this agreement:

                  20.1.1   ASSETS

                  The seller owns the sale assets and has good
                                    and marketable title thereto, and except for
                                    agreements  entered  into  in  the  ordinary
                                    course of business,  no other person has any
                                    rights to or in respect of the sale assets.

                  The  fixed  assets  are in  good  order  and
                                    condition and fully  operational  apart from
                                    breakdowns  (in the ordinary  course) on the
                                    basis that:

                           the  purchaser  shall be entitled
                                             to have the same use and  enjoyment
                                             of such  assets  as that  which the
                                             seller  had  prior  to the  date of
                                             signature of this agreement;

                           the  seller  is  unaware  of  any
                                             defects  therein  or any  facts  or
                                             circumstances  which  may cause any
                                             of such  assets to break down after
                                             the  date  of   signature  of  this

                  The seller has  maintained a register of the
                                    fixed assets in  accordance  with  generally
                                    accepted and sound accounting practice.

                  None of the sale  assets are  subject to any
                                    mortgage,   debenture   or  notarial   bond,
                                    cession or pledge or any other  encumbrance,
                                    or   have   been    purchased    under   any
                                    hire-purchase  or suspensive  sale agreement
                                    or are subject to any lease.

                  None of the sale  assets is  subject  to any
                                    option  or  right of  first  refusal  of any

                  20.1.2   MANNER OF CARRYING ON BUSINESS

                           Between 29 February 1996 and the completion date-

                  the  seller  has  continued  to carry on the
                                    business in the ordinary and regular course;

                  the seller has not changed its normal manner
                                    and method of carrying on business;

                  there has been no material adverse change in
                                    the financial position of the business;

                  no  assets   have  been   acquired  or  sold
                                    otherwise  than in the ordinary,  normal and
                                    regular  course of the  business and without
                                    the written consent of the purchaser;

                  the  seller  has  not   incurred  or  become
                                    committed  to incur any capital  expenditure
                                    in respect of the business;

                  the   seller  has  not   entered   into  any
                                    transaction save in the ordinary and regular
                                    course of conduct of its business;

                  20.1.3   GOODWILL AND SCOPE OF BUSINESS

                           Between 29 February 1996 and the completion  date the
                           seller  will not have done or omitted to do  anything
                           which has or will-

                  materially prejudice the goodwill; or

                  reduce the scope of the business; or

                  result in any  customer  or  supplier of the
                                    seller  ceasing to business with, or varying
                                    the  terms on which it does  business  with,
                                    the business.

                  20.1.4   CONTRACTS

                  All the  contracts  have been  entered  into
                                    under normal credit terms and are subject to
                                    payment in accordance with those terms.

                  There is no single  contract with a customer
                                    or supplier which is of longer duration than
                                    6months,  and the seller is not party to any
                                    unusual agreement.

                  The seller is not party to any contract with
                                    any of its directors or employees  requiring
                                    more than one month's notice of termination,
                                    or entitling any of them to  compensation on
                                    termination    of    employment,    or    to
                                    participation   in  or   entitlement   to  a
                                    commission on profit.

                  The  seller  is not  party to any  agreement
                                    which  has  not  been  entered  into  on  an
                                    arms-length  basis  and on terms  which  are
                                    normal  having  regard to the  nature of its

                  Copies of all contracts and other  documents
                                    submitted  to the  purchaser  in  connection
                                    with  this  agreement  fully  and  correctly
                                    reflect   all  the  terms   and   conditions
                                    thereof,  are not  subject  to any claim for
                                    rectification,  and have not been amended in
                                    any respect.

                  The  contracts  are in full force and effect
                                    and  the  seller  is  not in  breach  of any
                                    contract  entered  into  between  it and any
                                    other   person  and  has   complied  in  all
                                    material respects with its obligations under
                                    such contract.

                  The seller and the  warrantor  are not aware
                                    of any facts, matters or circumstances which
                                    may give rise to the  cancellation of any of
                                    the  contracts  as a  result  of any  breach
                                    thereof by the seller.

                  The   transaction   provided   for  in  this
                                    agreement  does not  constitute  a breach of
                                    any of the seller's contractual  obligations
                                    in  respect  of the  business  nor  will  it
                                    entitle any person to terminate any contract
                                    to which the seller is a party in respect of
                                    the business.

                  20.1.5   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS

                  The  business  conducted  by the seller does
                                    not   infringe   any   patent,    copyright,
                                    trademark  or  other   industrial   property
                                    rights  or any  other  rights  of any  other
                                    person and no person is entitled to an order
                                    requiring  the  seller to change its name or
                                    its trading  style,  or any of the marks and
                                    designs applied by it to its products;

                  the seller is the owner of the trademarks;

                  no person  has any  option or right of first
                                    refusal to  purchase  any of the  trademarks
                                    and  no  person  other  than  ABL  has  been
                                    granted   any   right  to  use  any  of  the


                  The condition of the premises from which the
                                    business   is   conducted    satisfies   the
                                    requirements of all relevant authorities for
                                    the grant of the same trade  licences as are
                                    presently  held by the  seller in respect of
                                    the business on terms at least as favourable
                                    as those which apply to the seller.

                  All  instructions  which have,  from time to
                                    time, been issued by any inspector appointed
                                    in terms  of the  Factories  Act  have  been
                                    carried out in respect of the premises.

                  The  seller has  complied  with all laws and
                                    regulations   affecting   its   affairs  and

                  The seller is in possession of all consents,
                                    permits  and  licences   necessary  for  the
                                    conduct of its business and affairs, and the
                                    seller  and the  warrantor  are not aware of
                                    any  facts   which  may  give  rise  to  the
                                    cancellation  of, or failure  to renew,  any
                                    such  licences,  permits or  consents  or to
                                    their  only  being  renewed  subject  to the
                                    imposition   of   onerous   conditions   not
                                    presently applicable thereto.

                           AND DISPUTES

                  The  seller  has  complied   with  all  wage
                                    determinations  and industrial  conciliation
                                    agreements  which apply to it, its  business
                                    and its employees.

                  The seller has complied  with the  grievance
                                    procedures  agreed  to by it with  regard to
                                    grievances   of  and   relations   with  its

                  The  seller  has  complied  with the  labour
                                    union  recognition  agreement  (if  any)  to
                                    which it is a party.

                  The  seller  is  not  party  to  any  labour
                                    disputes   and  is  not   obliged   by  law,
                                    agreement,  judgment  or order of court,  to
                                    reinstate employees that have been dismissed
                                    or will be dismissed.

                  20.1.8   INSURANCE

                  The  seller  carries   insurance   cover  in
                                    respect of the  business and the sale assets
                                    against loss arising  from  accident,  fire,
                                    earthquake,    flood,    burglary,    theft,
                                    employer's       liability,        workmen's
                                    compensation,    public   liability,   storm
                                    damage,  civil commotion,  riot or political
                                    risk and loss of profits, and such insurance
                                    will  continue to be effective  for a period
                                    terminating  not  earlier  than  thirty days
                                    after the effective  date;  all premiums due
                                    in respect of such  insurance have been paid
                                    and the seller has complied  with all of the
                                    conditions  to which  the  liability  of the
                                    insurers  under the  policies  of  insurance
                                    will be subject.

                  Neither  the  seller  nor the  warrantor  is
                                    aware of any facts, matters or circumstances
                                    which may give rise to the  cancellation  of
                                    the  policies  of  insurance  referred to in
                                    clause or the  repudiation  of any
                                    claims  thereunder  or to such  policies not
                                    being  renewed  in the  future or only being
                                    renewed subject to the imposition of onerous
                                    conditions not presently applicable.


                  No  employee  or  official  of the seller is
                                    entitled    to   any    exceptional    leave
                                    privileges,  accumulated  leave,  payment in
                                    lieu of leave,  pension or the like and none
                                    of the  terms on which any  employee  of the
                                    business  is  employed   (including  without
                                    limitation    any    terms    relating    to
                                    compensation  or  benefits  payable  to that
                                    employee upon his retrenchment or

                                    redundancy)  will have been changed since 29
                                    February 1996.

                  On the  completion  date the seller will not
                                    in any material  respect  have  improved the
                                    terms  of  employment  of  or   remuneration
                                    payable  to any of its  employees  from that
                                    prevailing  at the date of signature of this

                  20.1.10  RESTRAINT OF TRADE

                           The  seller  is not bound by any  restraint  of trade


                           The  books  and  records  of  the  business  are  are
                           up-to-date  and have been properly kept  according to
                           law and will be capable of being  written up within a
                           reasonable time.

                  20.1.12  ENVIRONMENTAL WARRANTIES

                   The seller complies  with all  conditions,
                                    limitations,  obligations,  prohibitions and
                                    requirements  contained in any environmental
                                    legislation  or  regulations,   by-laws,  or
                                    ordinances ("ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION") and
                                    the warrantors are not aware of any facts or
                                    circumstances  which may lead to any  breach
                                    of any environmental legislation;

                   no  poisonous,     noxious,     hazardous,
                                    polluting,   dangerous  or   environmentally
                                    harmful  substances  or  articles  have been
                                    produced,  treated,  kept at or deposited at
                                    the  premises  where the  seller  carries on
                                    business,   or   have   been   released   or
                                    discharged   from  such   premises   and  in
                                    particular   no   matter   or   thing   been
                                    discharged into any public sewer or into any
                                    drain or sewer  connecting  the public sewer
                                    and   has   not    contaminated   the   land
                                    surrounding the premises or any water;

                   there are no  deficiencies  in  the  waste
                                    disposal  arrangements  carried  on at or in
                                    respect of the premises which may lead to

                                    a failure by the  seller to comply  with any
                                    existing environmental  legislation or which
                                    will harm the environment;

                   there have been  no  disputes   claims  or
                                    investigations or other proceedings  pending
                                    or  threatened  regarding  the  use  of  the
                                    seller's  premises,  or the  release  of any
                                    substances from such premises;

                   there are   no    environmental    claims,
                                    investigations or other proceedings  pending
                                    or threatened  against the seller in respect
                                    of the  business  and  there is no actual or
                                    contingent liability of either the seller or
                                    the   warrantor   to  make   good,   repair,
                                    reinstate or clean up any property;

                   no water, whether surface or ground water,
                                    has  been  contaminated,   polluted  or  the
                                    quality  thereof  altered in such a way that
                                    the  provisions  of any  water  law  whether
                                    common law or  statutory  law will have been

         20.2     The  following  warranties  are,  unless  otherwise  stated in
                  respect of any warranty,  (in which case the specified  period
                  shall apply),  given as at the effective  date, the completion
                  date and for the entire period between those dates in relation
                  to ABL and its business.  Each of the seller and the warrantor
                  accordingly warrants to the purchaser that except as disclosed
                  in writing to the purchaser  prior to the date of signature of
                  this agreement:-


                           The seller and the warrantor  give to the  purchaser,
                           in  relation  to  the   business  of  ABL,  the  same
                           warranties,  mutatis  mutandis,  as are  contained in
                           20.1, other than the warranties set out in 20.1.1. In
                           interpreting  such  warranties,  references  to South
                           African  legislation shall be deemed to be references
                           to equivalent Lesotho legislation,  and references to
                           "the seller" shall,  unless intended clearly to refer
                           to the seller, be deemed to refer to ABL;

                  20.2.2   ASSETS OF ABL

                  ABL owns all of the assets  reflected in the
                                    ABL 1996  financial  statements and has good
                                    and marketable title thereto, and except for
                                    agreements  entered  into  in  the  ordinary
                                    course of business,  no other person has any
                                    rights to or in respect of such assets.

                  The fixed  assets  of ABL are in good  order
                                    and  condition and fully  operational  apart
                                    from breakdowns (in the ordinary course) and
                                    the seller and the  warrantor are unaware of
                                    any   defects   therein   or  any  facts  or
                                    circumstances  which  may  cause any of such
                                    assets  to  break  down  after  the  date of
                                    signature of this agreement.

                  ABL has  maintained  a register of the fixed
                                    assets in accordance with generally accepted
                                    and sound accounting practice.

                  None of the assets of ABL are subject to any
                                    mortgage,   debenture   or  notarial   bond,
                                    cession or pledge or any other  encumbrance,
                                    or   have   been    purchased    under   any
                                    hire-purchase  or suspensive  sale agreement
                                    or are subject to any lease.

                  None of the assets of ABL are subject to any
                                    option  or  right of  first  refusal  of any

                  20.2.3   WARRANTY REGARDING REGISTRATION

                  ABL is a private company, duly registered in
                                    accordance   with  the   provisions  of  the
                                    Lesotho Companies Act.

                  No steps have been taken or are contemplated
                                    to deregister ABL.


                  The  authorised  share  capital  of  ABL  is
                                    M100,000   divided  into  100,000   ordinary
                                    shares of M1 each.

                  The issued share capital of ABL is M100

                                    divided into 100 ordinary shares of M1 each,
                                    fully paid and  ranking  pari passu in every
                                    respect,   and  the   seller   is  the  sole
                                    beneficial owner of such shares.

                  Neither ABL nor its  directors,  have issued
                                    or  agreed  to  issue  any  further   shares
                                    (including bonus and capitalisation  shares)
                                    in the capital of ABL,  nor have they passed
                                    or  agreed  to pass any  resolution  for the
                                    increase or reduction of ABL's  capital,  or
                                    for the creation or issue of any  debentures
                                    or securities,  or for the alteration of the
                                    memorandum  or  articles of  association  of

                  ABL's share premium account, if any, has not
                                    been  reduced  in any manner and ABL has not
                                    transferred  any  amount  from its  reserves
                                    (including  its share  premium  account)  or
                                    undistributed  profits to its share  capital
                                    or its share premium account.

                  No  person  has any right or option or right
                                    of first  refusal to  acquire  any shares in
                                    ABL, nor to subscribe  for or take up any of
                                    the  unissued  shares in ABL, nor are any of
                                    the  shares  of ABL  subject  to any lien or
                                    other preferential right. In particular, the
                                    seller and the  warrantor  warrant  that the
                                    seller is  entitled  to  dispose  of the ABL
                                    shares  to  the   purchaser  and  that  upon
                                    delivery   the   purchaser   will   be   the
                                    beneficial  owner of the ABL  shares  to the
                                    exclusion of all others.

                  No  person  has any right to obtain an order
                                    for the  rectification  of the  register  of
                                    members of ABL.


                  ABL has complied with all the  provisions of
                                    the Lesotho Companies Act, the laws relating
                                    to  taxation  and all other  laws and bylaws
                                    which affect it and its property.

                  All  statutory  requirements  of the Lesotho
                                    company  and  taxation  authorities  and all
                                    other authorities, governmental, municipal

                                    or otherwise  have been complied  with,  and
                                    there   are  no   matters   outstanding   in
                                    connection with the rendering of returns and
                                    the payment of dues and levies.


                  The books and records of ABL are  up-to-date
                                    and have been properly kept according to law
                                    and  will be  capable  of being  written  up
                                    within a reasonable time so as to record all
                                    of the transactions of ABL.

                  The minute  books of ABL  contain all of the
                                    resolutions  passed by the directors and the
                                    members of ABL.

                  20.2.7   WARRANTIES REGARDING TAXATION


                           The records of ABL include all of
                                             the   resolutions   passed  by  the
                                             directors and shareholders of ABL;

                           ABL is  not a  party  to any  tax
                                             objection  or  appeal  nor  are any
                                             such proceedings threatened against
                                             or  likely to be  instituted  by or
                                             against  ABL, nor are the seller or
                                             the   warrantor    aware   of   any
                                             circumstances  which  may give rise
                                             to  the  institution  of  any  such

                           no queries have been addressed to
                                             ABL    or    to    any    of    its
                                             representatives   by  any  official
                                             administering  any tax nor have any
                                             objections  with  regard to any tax
                                             been  lodged by ABL which  have not
                                             been fully disposed of;

                           ABL has  paid or  will,  prior to
                                             the  completion  date,  pay all tax
                                             where the due date for  payment  of
                                             the tax  arises  on or  before  the
                                             completion;  in  respect of any tax
                                             which is due for payment  after the
                                             completion date, adequate provision
                                             or reserves for the payment of that
                                             tax will have been made;

                           ABL is  not  liable  to  pay  any
                                             penalty or interest  in  connection
                                             with any claim for tax;

                            ABL  is  not   subject   to  any
                                             liability   as  a  result   of  the
                                             re-opening of any tax assessment;

                             all   necessary    information,
                                             notices and  returns  (all of which
                                             are true and  accurate  and none of
                                             which has been  disputed) have been
                                             properly and timeously submitted by
                                             ABL  and  there  is  no  reason  to
                                             suppose  that any such  information
                                             or return will not in due course be
                                             accepted  as true and  accurate  by
                                             the   taxation    authorities    of

                           ABL has  deducted or withheld all
                                             tax which it is  required by law to
                                             deduct  from  any  payment  to  any
                                             person  and  has  accounted  to tax
                                             authorities    for   all   tax   so

                           ABL has timeously  lodged a claim
                                             for any  refund of tax to which ABL
                                             is or may be entitled;

                  DEDUCTIBLE PAYMENTS

                                    no rents, interest, annual payments or other
                                    similar expenditure  incurred by ABL will be
                                    disallowed as a deduction  wholly or in part
                                    from the income of ABL.

         20.3     DISCLOSURE

                  All facts and  circumstances  material to this transaction and
                  not known to the  purchaser,  or which  would be  material  or
                  would be  reasonably  likely to be material to a purchaser  of
                  the business, including the Lesotho shares and to the purchase
                  price thereof have been disclosed to the purchaser.

         20.4     The  liability  of the  warrantor  and the  seller  under  the
                  warranties is joint and several.

         20.5     Each of the warranties  set out above is without  prejudice to
                  any  other  warranty  and shall  not be  limited  by any other
                  clause of this agreement.


         20.6     Each  warranty  shall be  deemed  to be  material  and to be a
                  material  representation  inducing the purchaser to enter into
                  this agreement.

         20.7     The fact that the  seller  and the  warrantor  have  given the
                  purchaser  the express  warranties  set out above shall not in
                  any way be construed as relieving the seller and the warrantor
                  in any way from any  liability  which  they may have at common
                  law arising out of a failure to disclose  any fact in relation
                  to the business or affecting this agreement.

         20.8     The warrantor and the seller  jointly and severally  indemnify
                  and hold the  purchaser  harmless  from and  against any loss,
                  damages,  claims, actions,  liabilities,  costs or expenses of
                  any  nature  whatsoever  and  howsoever  incurred,  which  are
                  suffered or sustained by the purchaser  pursuant to any breach
                  by the  seller  or  the  warrantor  of  any of the  warranties
                  contained in this agreement.

         20.9     The rights and  remedies  of the  purchaser  in respect of any
                  breach of the  warranties  shall not be affected by completion
                  or by the  purchaser  failing  to  exercise  or  delaying  the
                  exercise  of any right or remedy,  except a  specific  and due
                  authorised written waiver or release, and no single or partial
                  exercise of any right or remedy shall  preclude any further or
                  other exercise.


         21.1     Without the prior written  consent of the other parties,  each
                  party  will keep  confidential  and will not  disclose  to any
                  person -

                  21.1.1   the  details of this  agreement,  the  details of the
                           negotiations  leading  to  this  agreement,  and  the
                           information  handed  over to such  party  during  the
                           course of negotiations, as well as the details of all
                           the  transactions or agreements  contemplated in this
                           agreement; and

                  21.1.2   all  information  relating  to  the  business  or the
                           operations  and  affairs  of  the  parties  (together
                           "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION").

         21.2     The  parties  agree  to  keep  all  confidential   information
                  confidential  and to  disclose  it  only  to  their  officers,
                  directors,  employees,  consultants and professional  advisers

                  21.2.1   have a need to know (and then only to the extent that
                           each such person has a need to know);

                  21.2.2   are aware that the confidential information should be
                           kept confidential;

                  21.2.3   are aware of the  disclosing  party's  undertaking in
                           relation  to  such   information  in  terms  of  this
                           agreement; and

                  21.2.4   have been  directed by the  disclosing  party to keep
                           the  confidential  information  confidential and have
                           undertaken  to  keep  the  confidential   information

         21.3     The  obligations of the parties in relation to the maintenance
                  and  non-disclosure  of  confidential  information in terms of
                  this agreement do not extend to information that:

                  21.3.1   is disclosed to the receiving  party in terms of this
                           agreement  but at the  time of such  disclosure  such
                           information  is known to be in the lawful  possession
                           or  control  of  that  party  and not  subject  to an
                           obligation of confidentiality;

                  21.3.2   is  or  becomes  public  knowledge,   otherwise  than
                           pursuant to a breach of this  agreement  by the party
                           who disclosed such confidential information;

                  21.3.3   is required by the provisions of any law,  statute or
                           regulation,  or during any court  proceedings,  or by
                           the  rules or  regulations  of any  recognised  stock
                           exchange   to  be   disclosed   and  subject  to  the
                           provisions of clause 21.4, the party required to make
                           the  disclosure  has  taken all  reasonable  steps to
                           oppose or prevent the disclosure of and to limit,  as
                           far  as  reasonably  possible,  the  extent  of  such
                           disclosure  and has consulted  with the other parties
                           prior to making such disclosure.

         21.4     Before any  announcement  or  statement is made as required by
                  any law, statute or regulation, or the rules or regulations of
                  any  recognised  stock  exchange,  the parties shall use their
                  best  endeavours  to provide the other  parties with a written
                  draft of the  proposed  announcement  at least 48 hours before
                  the proposed  time of the  announcement  and the  participants
                  shall also use their best  endeavours to agree the wording and
                  timing of all public  announcements and statements relating to
                  confidential  information.  If a written draft of the proposed
                  announcement  cannot  be  provided  to the  other  parties  or
                  agreement  cannot  be  reached,  by the  time  that  any  such
                  announcement  or statement must be made, the party in question
                  shall be free to make the relevant  announcement  or statement
                  notwithstanding  that such agreement has not been reached, but
                  in so  doing it  shall  not  disclose  more  than the  minimum
                  information  that it is compelled  to disclose.  Copies of any
                  public  announcement or statement shall be given to each other
                  party in the most expeditious manner reasonably available.


         22.1     The seller and the warrantor  undertake to the purchaser  that
                  for a period  commencing on the effective date and terminating
                  on 30 June 2002 they will not, whether directly or indirectly,
                  compete with the  purchaser or be  interested  in any business
                  which trades in any field of activity  which is similar to any
                  of the fields of  activity  referred to in 22.2 and within any
                  of the areas of restraint set out in 22.3.

         22.2     The  fields of  activity  is  respect  of which the  restraint
                  applies will be -

                  22.2.1   each and every  activity  conducted by the seller and
                           ABL on the completion  date or the preceding 12 month

                  22.2.2   any   activity   which  is  similar  to  an  activity
                           contemplated in clause 22.2.1;

                  22.2.3   any new activity which is planned to be undertaken by
                           the seller or ABL as at the completion date.

         22.3     The  areas of  restraint  referred  to in 22.1  shall be South
                  Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland,  Mozambique,  Zimbabwe,  Botswana,
                  Namibia and the Indian Ocean Islands.

         22.4     For  purposes  of this  clause,  the seller and the  warrantor
                  shall  be  deemed  to be so  "INTERESTED  IN A  BUSINESS",  or
                  "COMPETING  WITH THE  PURCHASER"  if  either  of them  becomes
                  engaged or interested,  whether  directly or  indirectly,  and
                  whether   as   proprietor,    partner,   shareholder,   agent,
                  consultant,  financier or  otherwise,  in any  company,  firm,
                  business or  undertaking  which  carries on business in any of
                  the fields referred to in 22.2 or in any of the areas referred
                  to in 22.3.

         22.5     The seller and the warrantor acknowledge that:

                  22.5.1   the  clients of the  purchaser  are or could be drawn
                           from all of the areas in which the  restraints are to
                           be operative;

                  22.5.2   the purchaser would suffer  substantial damage if the
                           seller or the  warrantor  were to  operate a business
                           similar to that  carried on by the  purchaser  within
                           the area to which,  and during the time in which, the
                           restraints are to apply; and

                  22.5.3   the restraints are the minimum restraint  required by
                           the purchaser to provide  protection  against  unfair
                           competition.   Should  the   reasonableness   of  any
                           provision  contained in this clause be disputed,  the
                           onus of providing that the provision is  unreasonable
                           will rest on the party alleging that the provision is

         22.6     Each and every restraint  contained in this clause is separate
                  and  divisible  from every other  restraint in this clause and
                  from any other  restraint so that if any one of the restraints
                  is or becomes unenforceable for any reason that restraint will
                  be  severable  and will not affect the  validity  of any other
                  restraint contained in this clause.


         23.1     The parties  record their  understanding  that the sale of the
                  business  falls  within the ambit of section  11(1)(e)  of the
                  Value Added Tax Act, 89 of 1991, as amended,  and  accordingly
                  value-added  tax is  payable  on the  sale at the rate of zero

         23.2     However,  it is recorded  that if the sale of the  business in
                  terms of this  agreement  is subject to  value-added  tax, the
                  purchaser  will  pay  to  the  seller  value-added  tax at the
                  prescribed rate on the purchase price against  presentation of
                  the relevant tax invoice.

24.      BREACH

         24.1     If a  party  breaches  any  provision  of this  agreement  and
                  remains  in breach for 14 days  after  written  notice to that
                  party  requiring  that  party  to  rectify  that  breach,  the
                  aggrieved party shall be entitled, at its option:

                  24.1.1   to sue for immediate  specific  performance of any of
                           the  defaulting   party's   obligations   under  this
                           agreement, whether or not such obligation is then due
                           and  to  require  the  defaulting  party  to  provide
                           security to the  satisfaction  of the aggrieved party
                           for the defaulting party's obligations; or

                  24.1.2   to  cancel  this  agreement,  in which  case  written
                           notice  of the  cancellation  shall  be  given to the
                           defaulting  party,  and the  cancellation  shall take
                           effect on the  giving of the  notice.  Neither  party
                           shall be entitled to cancel this agreement unless the
                           breach is a breach of a term  which  goes to the root
                           of  this  agreement,   and  the  remedy  of  specific
                           performance or damages would not  adequately  prevent
                           the aggrieved party from being materially prejudiced.

         24.2     If the breach is a breach of warranty as at a particular date,
                  notice to remedy  such  breach  shall be given and the  breach
                  shall be deemed to have been remedied if:

                  24.2.1   the  defaulting  party is able,  within the period of
                           the notice, to prevent the aggrieved party from being
                           prejudiced  or to make good any  prejudice  suffered,
                           and does so; or

                  24.2.2   the  defaulting  party is able,  but not  within  the
                           period of the notice,  to prevent the aggrieved party
                           from being  prejudiced  or to make good any prejudice
                           suffered  within  the  period  of  the  notice,   and
                           undertakes  to do so and  furnishes  such security in
                           support of the undertaking as the aggrieved party may

         24.3     If the  defaulting  party is the  purchaser  or FSAH,  and the
                  breach is the  non-payment  of any  instalment of the purchase
                  price or a  failure  to comply  with  clause  7.3,  and if the
                  purchaser  fails to remedy such breach after having been given
                  notice to do so in  accordance  with this  clause,  the seller
                  shall be entitled to cancel this  agreement  and if the seller
                  does so the seller shall be entitled to have the  intellectual
                  property  which is the  subject of the  intellectual  property
                  agreement  assigned  to the seller for no  consideration.  The
                  seller shall, in the event of  cancellation,  deliver to FSAH,
                  for no consideration,  the FSAH "B" shares forming part of the
                  purchase price  together with blank signed  transfer forms and
                  shall be entitled to a penalty as follows:-

                  24.3.1   FSAH  shall  forfeit  to the seller all of the issued
                           shares  of the  purchaser  and shall  deliver  to the
                           seller  the share  certificates  in  respect  of such
                           shares, together with blank signed transfer forms and
                           letters  of  resignation  of  the  directors  of  the
                           purchaser; and

                  24.3.2   the  seller   shall  retain  all  cash  paid  by  the
                           purchaser on account of the purchase price.

                           Alternatively, and at the election of the seller, the
                           seller may claim damages.

         24.4     The  aggrieved  party's  remedies  in terms of this clause are
                  without prejudice to any other remedies to which the aggrieved
                  party may be entitled in law.


         25.1     Should any  disputes or  differences  whatsoever  arise at any
                  time  between the parties  concerning  this  agreement  or its
                  construction  or effect  or as to the  rights,  duties  and/or
                  liabilities  of the  parties  or  either  of them  under or by
                  virtue  of this  agreement  or  otherwise  or as to any  other
                  matter in any way arising  out of the  subject  matter of this
                  agreement then either party:

                  25.1.1   may  declare a dispute by  delivering  the details of
                           the dispute to the other party, and

                  25.1.2   request  that the dispute be referred by the parties,
                           without  legal  representation,  to  mediation  by  a
                           single  mediator at a place and time to be determined
                           by him.

         25.2     If,  within 30 days of the  delivery of the  declaration  of a
                  dispute,  the parties have not agreed to accept mediation then
                  the dispute shall be determined by  arbitration  as prescribed

         25.3     If the parties agree to mediation then the mediator shall be:

                  25.3.1   selected  by  agreement  between  the  parties,   or,
                           failing agreement,

                  25.3.2   nominated on the  application  of either party by the
                           president  for the time  being of the Law  Society of
                           Transvaal, or its principal successor in title.

         25.4     The  mediator  shall,  at  his  entire  discretion,  determine
                  whether  the  reference  to him  shall  be made in the form of
                  written and/or oral representations  providing that, in making
                  this determination, he shall consult the disputing parties and
                  be  guided  by  their   desires  of  the  form  in  which  the
                  representations are to be made.

         25.5     The mediator shall, within a reasonable period after receiving
                  the  representations,  express  in  writing  an opinion on the
                  matter and shall include his detailed  reasons  leading to the

         25.6     The  mediator  shall  deliver  a copy of his  opinion  to each

         25.7     The opinion so expressed  by the  mediator  shall be final and
                  binding on the parties  unless  either party within 30 days of
                  the delivery of the  opinion,  notifies the other party of the
                  first party's unwillingness to accept the opinion.

         25.8     The costs of mediation shall be determined by the mediator and
                  shall comprise:

                  25.8.1   the mediator's expenses, and

                  25.8.2   a fee which shall have been previously  agreed by the

                           The costs shall be borne equally by the 2 parties and
                           shall  be  due  and   payable  to  the   mediator  on
                           presentation to them of his written account.

         25.9     Each party shall bear the costs of any legal advice that party
                  may have obtained in connection with the mediation.

         25.10    The expressed  opinion of the mediator shall not prejudice the
                  rights of the parties in any manner whatsoever in the event of
                  their proceeding to arbitration.

         25.11    Any  decision  given by any  representative  of the parties in
                  accordance  with any provision of this  agreement  prior to or
                  during  the  mediation  shall not  disqualify  him from  being
                  called as a witness and giving  evidence before the arbitrator
                  on any matter whatsoever relevant to the dispute or difference
                  so referred to the arbitrator as provided in this clause.

         25.12    If  either  party to this  agreement  be  unwilling  to accept
                  mediation or be  unwilling to accept the opinion  expressed by
                  the  mediator  then  either  party  may,  by  written   notice
                  delivered to the other,  within 30 days of the  declaration of
                  the dispute if there be no  mediation or within 30 days of the
                  issue of the  mediator's  opinion if  mediation  takes  place,
                  require that the dispute be referred to arbitration.

         25.13    Such arbitration shall be by a single arbitrator who shall be:

                  25.13.1  selected by agreement between the parties or, failing
                           such agreement;

                  25.13.2  nominated on the  application  of either party by the
                           chairman  for the time  being of the  Association  of

         25.14    The arbitrator  shall have power to open up, review and revise
                  any  certificate,  opinion,  decision,  requisition  or notice
                  relating  to all  matters in dispute  submitted  to him and to
                  determine  all such  matters in the same  manner as if no such
                  certificate, opinion, decision, requisition or notice had been

         25.15    Upon every or any such reference,  the costs of and incidental
                  to the reference  and award shall be in the  discretion of the
                  arbitrator,  who may  determine  the amount of the  costs,  or
                  direct them to be taxed as between  attorney  and client or as
                  between  party and party and shall  direct by whom and to whom
                  and in what manner they shall be borne and paid.

         25.16    The award of the arbitrator  shall be final and binding on the

         25.17    In  all  respects  the  arbitration   shall  be  conducted  in
                  accordance  with the Rules  for the  Conduct  of  Arbitrations
                  published by the Association of Arbitrators and current at the
                  date the arbitrator is appointed or nominated.

26.      COSTS

         26.1     Each  party will bear its own costs of and  incidental  to the
                  negotiation, preparation and implementation of this agreement.

         26.2     Any costs,  including attorney and own client costs,  incurred
                  by a party arising out of the breach by any other party of any
                  of the  provisions  of this  agreement  shall  be borne by the
                  party in breach.


         27.1     POSTAL ADDRESSES

                  27.1.1   Any written notice in connection  with this agreement
                           may be addressed:

                  in the case of the seller and the warrantor


                           address :

                           telefax no :

                           and shall be marked for the attention of [];

                  in the case of the purchaser,  FSAH and FSAC


                           address :            P O Box 4001
                                                Kempton Park

                           telefax no  :        974-7251

                           and shall be marked for the attention of
                           Corrie Roodt;

                  27.1.2   The notice shall be deemed to have been duly given:

                  14  days   after   posting,   if  posted  by
                                    registered  post to the  party's  address in
                                    terms of this sub-clause;

                  on  delivery,  if  delivered  to the party's
                                    physical  address  in terms of  either  this
                                    sub-clause  or the next  sub-clause  dealing
                                    with service of legal documents;

                  on  despatch,  if sent to the  party's  then
                                    telefax  or telex  number and  confirmed  by
                                    registered  letter  posted no later than the
                                    next business day.

                  27.1.3   A party may  change  that  party's  address  for this
                           purpose,  by notice in writing to the other party. No
                           notice  shall be  necessary  in  respect  of a new or
                           changed telefax or telex number.


                  27.2.1   The parties choose the following  physical  addresses
                           at which documents in legal

                           proceedings in connection  with this agreement may be
                           served (ie their domicilia citandi et executandi):

                  the seller and the warrantor:

                  the purchaser, FSAH and FSAC:

                  27.2.2   A party may  change  that  party's  address  for this
                           purpose to another  physical  address in the Republic
                           of South  Africa,  by notice in  writing to the other

         27.3     ENTIRE CONTRACT

                  This agreement  contains all the express  provisions agreed on
                  by the  parties  with  regard  to the  subject  matter  of the
                  agreement  and the  parties  waive  the  right  to rely on any
                  alleged express provision not contained in the agreement.

         27.4     NO REPRESENTATIONS

                  No  party  may  rely  on any  representation  which  allegedly
                  induced  that party to enter into this  agreement,  unless the
                  representation is recorded in this agreement.


                  No contract  varying,  adding to,  deleting from or cancelling
                  this  agreement,  and  no  waiver  of  any  right  under  this
                  agreement,  shall be effective  unless  reduced to writing and
                  signed by or on behalf of the parties.

         27.6     INDULGENCES

                  If any party at any time breaches any of that

                  party's  obligations  under this  agreement,  the other  party
                  ("THE AGGRIEVED PARTY"):

                  27.6.1   may at any time after that breach  exercise any right
                           that became  exercisable  directly or indirectly as a
                           result of the breach,  unless the aggrieved party has
                           expressly   elected   in  writing  or  by  clear  and
                           unambiguous  conduct,  amounting  to more  than  mere
                           delay,  not to exercise the right.  (If the aggrieved
                           party  is  willing  to  relinquish   that  right  the
                           aggrieved party will on request do so in writing.) In
                           particular,  acceptance of late performance shall for
                           a reasonable  period after performance be provisional
                           only, and the aggrieved party may still exercise that
                           right during that period;

                  27.6.2   shall not be estopped (ie precluded)  from exercising
                           the  aggrieved  party's  rights  arising  out of that
                           breach, despite the fact that the aggrieved party may
                           have  elected  or  agreed  on  one or  more  previous
                           occasions  not to exercise the rights  arising out of
                           any similar breach or breaches.

         27.7     CESSION

                  No party may cede that party's rights or delegate that party's
                  obligations  without  the prior  written  consent of the other
                  parties, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         27.8     APPLICABLE LAW

                  This  agreement   shall  be  interpreted  and  implemented  in
                  accordance with the law of the Republic of South Africa.

         27.9     JURISDICTION

                  The parties consent to the  non-exclusive  jurisdiction of the
                  Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court.

Signed at Randburg  on 20th September 1996.

AS WITNESS:                                       for ASTORIA BAKERIES CC

/s/ Bob Lillico                                     /s/ Wolfgang Burre
- --------------------------                         --------------------------
                                                         who warrants that he
                                                         is duly authorised

Signed at Randburg  on 20th September 1996.

AS WITNESS:                                              WOLFGANG BURRE

/s/ Bob Lillico                                     /s/ Wolfgang Burre
- --------------------------                         --------------------------

Signed at Randburg  on 20th September 1996.

AS WITNESS:                                    for Astoria (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED

/s/ Bob Lillico                                     /s/ Wolfgang Burre
- --------------------------                         --------------------------
                                                         who warrants that he
                                                         is duly authorised

Signed at Randburg  on 20th September 1996.

AS WITNESS:                                              for FIRST SOUTH
                                                         AFRICAN HOLDINGS
                                                         (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED

/s/ Bob Lillico                                     /s/ Cornelius Roodt
- --------------------------                         --------------------------
                                                         who warrants that he
                                                         is duly authorised

Signed at Randburg  on 20th September 1996.

AS WITNESS:                                              for FIRST SOUTH AFRICA
                                                               CORP., LTD

/s/ Bob Lillico                                     /s/ Clive Kabatznik
- --------------------------                         --------------------------
                                                         who warrants that he
                                                         is duly authorised

                                                                      Appendix 1


                                                                      Appendix 2


                                                                      Appendix 3

                                  FIXED ASSETS

                                                                      Appendix 4


                                                                      Appendix 5

                              MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT