EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT dated as of July 1, 1997 (this "Agreement"),  between
dick clark  productions,  inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and
RICHARD W. CLARK (the "Executive").

           The  Executive  is  currently  employed  as the  Chairman  and  Chief
Executive Officer of the Company pursuant to an Employment Agreement dated as of
July 1, 1992 (the "Existing  Agreement").  The Company considers the Executive's
continued  employment with the Company to be crucial to the continued operations
and performance of the Company.  Accordingly,  the Company desires to secure the
continued  services of, and to continue the employment of the Executive with the
Company and the  Executive  desires to  continue  in the employ of the  Company.
Therefore,  the Company  shall  continue to Employ the  Executive  on the terms,
provisions  and  conditions  set forth in this  Agreement  and the  Executive is
willing to continue such employment, upon such terms, provisions and conditions.

           Accordingly, the Company and the Executive hereby agree as follows:

           1.         Employment

                      (a)  The  Company  shall  employ  the  Executive,  and the
Executive shall serve the Company during the term hereof,  as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company, with such duties and responsibilities normally
associated  with  those  positions;   and  the  Executive  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees to serve the Company as the Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer of the  Company.  The Company may request the  Executive to serve as the
Chief Executive Officer of certain of its subsidiaries, and if so requested, the
Executive agrees

to serve as the Chief  Executive  Officer of those  subsidiaries.  The Executive
shall also provide the Company with his creative and executive producer services
in connection with the Company's television, video and motion picture production
activities. The Executive shall devote his best efforts and the major portion of
his business  time to the  performance  of his duties under this  Agreement  and
shall perform them faithfully,  diligently and competently.  The Executive shall
report  directly  and  exclusively  to the  Company's  Board of  Directors.  The
Executive's  services  shall be performed in Burbank,  California (or such other
location as the  Executive  and the Company may agree  upon),  subject to travel
reasonably  and  customarily  required  by the  Company in  connection  with the
performance of the Executive's services hereunder.

                      (b) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in
this Agreement,  the Executive may devote a significant  portion of his business
time to other business activities,  including, without limitation (i) performing
(as actor, host or otherwise) on television,  radio and other media,  consulting
(other than in connection with television,  video and motion picture  production
in the  United  States);  (ii)  owning and  managing  cable  television  systems
(including the related telephony and data  transmission on such systems);  (iii)
authoring and writing books,  magazine articles or other publications  (provided
that the  Executive  will not during the Term of this  Agreement  license to any
third party the right to exploit any television,  video or motion picture rights
of such books,  articles  or other  publications  without  first  affording  the
Company the right to acquire such rights as follows:  the  Executive  will first
negotiate  with the Company in good faith for a period of thirty (30) days prior
to negotiating with any third parties; if an agreement with the Company does not
result  from such  negotiations,  the  Executive  shall be free to license  such
rights to third parties on terms which are no less favorable to the Executive


than the terms last  offered by the  Company  during the  negotiations  with the
Company  and if the  terms  with  the  third  party  are less  favorable  to the
Executive,  then the Executive  shall once again offer such terms to the Company
on an  exclusive  basis  for a period  of twenty  (20)  days) in which  case the
Company can match such terms; (iv) making personal appearances on his own behalf
and on behalf of third  parties  in his  capacity  as a  celebrity;  (v)  making
product and third party endorsements; (vi) licensing his name, voice, sobriquet,
biographical  material and likeness in connection  with any business  activities
permitted  by this  Section  1(b);  (vii)  serving as an officer or  director of
companies  a  majority  of whose  equity  is owned or  controlled,  directly  or
indirectly,  by the  Executive  on the date of this  Agreement  and  companies a
majority  of  whose  equity  is owned by the  Executive  after  the date of this
Agreement (provided such companies do not compete with any business conducted by
the  Company  or are  companies  in  which  the  Company  declined  to  make  an
investment);  (viii)  serving as an officer or  director of other  companies  or
entities which do not compete with the business  conducted by Company;  and (ix)
serving as an officer or director of other  companies  or entities or  otherwise
being involved in a business whose  activities or operations may be similar to a
business  engaged in by the Company,  if the Executive  becomes involved in such
business only after the Executive has offered the business  opportunity which is
presented  to him to the Company and the Company has declined  such  opportunity
and  only if the  Board  of  Directors  have  determined  that  the  Executive's
involvement with any such company or business  activity would not be detrimental
or adverse to the interests of the Company; provided, further, that in each case
the  activities  to be engaged in by the Executive do not  materially  interfere
with the Executive's performance of any of his duties and obligations under this


Agreement.  As used in this Section 1(b), the term  "Company"  shall include the
Company and its subsidiaries.

           2. Term of  Employment.  The term of  Executive's  employment  by the
Company under this Agreement  shall commence on and as of the July 1, 1997, and,
subject  to  earlier  termination  pursuant  to  Section  5 or 7  hereof,  shall
terminate on June 30, 2002 (the "Term").  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  unless
the Company gives written  notice to the Executive  prior to April 1 in any year
during  the Term of this  Agreement  that it does not intend to have the Term of
this Agreement extended,  the Term of this Agreement shall automatically  extend
for an additional  year from its then current  expiratory  date. For purposes of
this  Agreement,  the  term  "Term"  shall  include  any  extension  of the then
applicable  Term as provided in this  Section 2. An example of the  operation of
this Section 2 is as follows: if by April 1, 1998 the Company does not furnish a
notice  to the  Executive  that  the  Company  does  not  desire  the Term to be
extended, then the Term shall automatically be extended until June 30, 2003.

           3.         Compensation

                      (a) As full  compensation for all services rendered by the
Executive  to the Company  under this  Agreement,  the Company  shall pay to the
Executive  (i) a base  salary at an annual  rate of  $975,000,  payable in equal
installments  (once every two weeks) in accordance with the Company's  customary
payroll  practice for its executives,  and (ii) a bonus determined in accordance
with Section 3(b).

                      (b) With respect to each fiscal year of the Company during
the term of the Executive's employment under this Agreement, commencing with the
fiscal year ending


June 30,  1998,  the  Company  shall pay to the  Executive  a bonus equal to the
following  amounts with respect to the Pre-tax  Profits of the Company,  if any,
during that fiscal year:

           If Pre-tax Profits are:

           Over                  But Not over        Payment
           ----                  ------------        -------

           0                   - $ 7,000,000         0

           $ 7,000,000         - $10,000,000         $380,000 + 4% of Pre-tax
                                                     Profits over $7,000,000

           $10,000,000         - $15,000,000         $500,000 + 3% of Pre-tax
                                                     Profits over $10,000,000

           $15,000,000         -                     $650,000 + 2% of Pre-tax
                                                     Profits over $15,000,000

The bonus, if any,  payable to the Executive  pursuant to this Section 3(b) with
respect to any fiscal  year shall be paid not later than  thirty (30) days after
the  receipt by the  Company  from its  independent  public  accountants  of the
audited  financial  statements  of the Company with respect to that fiscal year.
Nothing  herein  shall alter,  modify,  or amend the  obligation  of the Company
pursuant to Section 3(b) of the Existing Employment  Agreement to make a payment
to the  Executive  pursuant to said  Section 3(b) for the fiscal year ended June
30,   1997,   which   obligation   shall   remain  in  full  force  and  effect,
notwithstanding the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

                      (c) As used in this  Agreement the term "Pre-tax  Profits"
of the Company for any fiscal year shall mean the net income before taxes of the
Company as shown on the audited consolidated statement of profit and loss of the
Company and its  subsidiaries for that fiscal year, but without giving effect to
accruals for the bonus,  if any,  payable for such fiscal year to the  Executive
pursuant to Section 3(b) hereof and any similar bonus payable, to Mr. Francis C.


La Maina for that fiscal year pursuant to Mr. La Maina's then current employment
agreement with the Company.

                      (d) If the Executive's  employment is terminated  prior to
the end of a fiscal  year by his  death  or by the  Company  as a result  of his
disability, the bonus payable pursuant to Section 3(b) in respect of that fiscal
year, if any, shall be calculated (i) if such termination shall occur during the
first quarter of the Company's fiscal year, by multiplying the amount determined
pursuant to Section 3(b) for that entire  fiscal year by a fraction of which the
numerator  is the  number  of days in that  fiscal  year  prior  to the  date of
termination  and the  denominator is the number of days in that fiscal year; and
(ii) if such  termination  shall occur  subsequent  to the first  quarter of the
Company's  fiscal year,  as if the  Executive  had been employed for that entire
fiscal year. If the Executive's employment is terminated prior to the end of any
fiscal year for "Cause" (as hereinafter  defined),  no bonus shall be payable to
the Executive pursuant to Section 3(b) in respect of that fiscal year.

                      (e) For purposes of Sections 3(b) and 3(c) hereof,  if the
Company's  fiscal year shall  change (the  fiscal  year  presently  being July 1
through  June 30),  resulting  in a fiscal  year which shall be less than twelve
(12) months, the bonus payable pursuant to Section 3(b) in respect of that short
fiscal year shall be  calculated  (i) by  multiplying  the amount of the Pre-tax
Profits determined pursuant to Section 3(c) for that entire short fiscal year by
a fraction  of which the  numerator  is twelve (12) and the  denominator  is the
number of months in that short fiscal  year;  (ii) by  determining  the bonus in
accordance with Section 3(b) based on the amount resulting from the calculations
in clause (i) above; and (iii) by multiplying such bonus amount resulting


from the  calculation  in clause (ii) above by a fraction of which the numerator
is the number of months in that  shortened  fiscal year and the  denominator  is
twelve (12).

                      (f)   Anything   in  this   Agreement   to  the   contrary
notwithstanding, the Executive shall not receive any additional compensation for
his  services  as a  producer  or  executive  producer  of  television  or other
programming for or on behalf of the Company,  except that the Executive shall be
entitled to such  additional  compensation  for his  services as a performer  on
television or other programming or with respect to productions  (whether live or
otherwise)  for or on behalf of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  and for the
licensing  to the Company and its  subsidiaries  of his name and  likeness  with
respect to products outside of the television, video and motion picture business
and the restaurant  business  (including,  without  limitation,  with respect to
product merchandising,  commercial tie-ins and product endorsements which may be
ancillary to the business of the Company or any of its subsidiaries) as shall be
agreed upon by the  Executive,  the Company or such  subsidiary,  as applicable,
commensurate with fees and other  compensation  generally received by performers
of the  Executive's  stature.  If the Executive  would  otherwise be entitled to
receive  a  payment  from  an  affiliate  of the  Company  or a third  party  of
compensation  for  his  services  as a  producer  or an  executive  producer  of
television,  video or motion picture programming, the Executive shall cause such
affiliate  or third  party to pay such  compensation  directly  to the  Company.
Nothing in this  Agreement  shall affect any other rights the Executive may have
with  respect to his services as a producer or  executive  producer,  including,
without limitation, his rights to credits.


           4. Fringe Benefits; Expenses

                      (a) The Executive  shall be entitled to receive all health
(other  than  disability)  and pension  benefits  provided by the Company to its
senior  executives and to all other fringe  benefits  provided by the Company to
its  executives  as a group and shall also be  entitled  to  participate  in all
benefit plans provided by the Company to its executives as a group.

                      (b) The Company  shall  reimburse  the  Executive  for all
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including, without limitation,  entertainment
expenses)  incurred by the Executive in connection  with the  performance of the
Executive's services for the Company hereunder (it being agreed that first-class
travel and accommodations are reasonable expenses),  upon submission of vouchers
and/or receipts by the Executive in accordance  with the Company's  policies and

                      (c) The Company shall  provide the Executive  with the use
of a Company vehicle, such vehicle to be used in connection with the performance
by the Executive of his duties on behalf of the Company.
                      (d) The Executive  shall be entitled to eight (8) weeks of
vacation  time  annually  (based upon the period  from July 1 through  June 30),
which shall be taken at times  selected by the  Executive  which are  consistent
with the proper performance of the Executive's duties under this Agreement.  The
Executive may accrue up to two (2) weeks of unused vacation time annually.


           5. Disability or Death

                      (a)  If,  as  the  result  of  any   physical   or  mental
disability,  the  Executive  shall have  failed or been  unable to  perform  the
Executive's   duties  hereunder  for  a  period  of  one  hundred  eighty  (180)
consecutive  days,  the  Company  may,  by  notice to the  Executive  subsequent
thereto,  terminate the Executive's employment under this Agreement prior to the
end of the Term,  effective  as of the date of the  notice.  If the  Executive's
employment is terminated pursuant to this Section 5(a), the Company shall pay to
the  Executive  (in equal  installments  every two (2) weeks) (i) for the period
from the date of termination  through the June 30 next  succeeding  such date of
termination,  an amount  equal his base  salary  for such  period at the date of
termination;  (ii) for the next succeeding  twelve (12) month period,  an amount
equal to 65% of his base salary at the date of  termination;  (iii) for the next
succeeding  twelve (12) month period,  an amount equal to 60% of his base salary
at the date of  termination;  and (iv) for the  twenty-four  (24)  month  period
commencing  on the date of the last  payment  required  to be made  pursuant  to
clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above,  an amount equal to 50% of his base salary at
the date of termination.

                      (b) The period of the  Executive's  employment  under this
Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the Executive's death. In the event
of the Executive's death, the Company shall pay to the beneficiary designated in
writing  by the  Executive  to the  Company  (or if the  Executive  fails  to so
designate a beneficiary, to the Executive's estate), an amount at an annual rate
equal to his base  salary in affect on the date of the  Executive's  death for a
period of two (2) years from the date of the Executive's death, payable in equal
installments on the first day of the month next succeeding the data of death and
the first day of every third month thereafter.


           6. Non-Competition; Confidential Information.

                      (a) (i)  During  the  term of the  Executive's  employment
under this Agreement or (ii) through the current Term of this Agreement,  if the
Executive voluntarily terminates his employment or the Executive's employment is
terminated  for "Cause" (as such term is  hereinafter  defined),  the  Executive
shall not,  directly or  indirectly,  engage or be interested (as a stockholder,
director,  officer,  agent,  broker,  partner,  individual  proprietor,  lender,
consultant  or  otherwise)  in  any  other  business  or  enterprise   which  is
competitive  with any of the businesses  engaged in by the Company or any of its
subsidiaries at the time of the  termination of the Executive's  employment with
the  Company,  except  that  the  Executive  may (i)  engage  in the  activities
otherwise permitted pursuant to Section l(b) hereof,  whether or not competitive
with the Company or any of its  subsidiaries;  and (ii) hold not more than 5% of
the outstanding  securities of any class of any publicly held company;  provided
that this Section 6 shall not prohibit the  Executive  from holding more than 5%
of the outstanding securities of any class of capital stock of the Company.

                      (b) The  Executive  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,
either during the period of the Executive's  employment  under this Agreement or
thereafter,  disclose to any person or entity  (except in the regular  course of
the Company's business or as may be required by applicable law or subpoena),  or
use in competition with the Company, any information,  acquired by the Executive
during the  Executive's  employment  by the  Company,  concerning  or in any way
relating  to any  confidential  or  secret  aspect  of the  Company's  business,
affairs,  operations,  plans,  prospects,  strategies or condition (financial or
otherwise), unless such information has become


known by the general  public  other than by reason of actions of the  Executive,
whether direct or indirect.

                      (c) The  Executive  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,
either during the period of the Executive's  employment  under this Agreement or
for a period of one (1) year thereafter,  solicit the services of any person who
was a full-time  employee of the Company  (other than Ms. Karen  Clark,  and the
Executive's  executive  secretary,  and  employees who have been employed by the
Company  for  limited  periods  of time in  connection  with the  production  of
particular television or motion picture programming) during the last year of the
period of the Executive's employment under this Agreement.

                      (d) The Executive  acknowledges and agrees that the remedy
at law (including,  without  limitation,  a remedy calculated as money damages),
for  breach  of his  covenants  under  this  Section 6 will be  inadequate  and,
accordingly, in the event of any breach or threatened breach by the Executive of
any of the  provisions  of this  Section 6, the Company  shall be  entitled,  in
addition to all other rights and remedies  available to the Company,  whether at
law,  in equity or  otherwise,  an  injunction  restraining  any such  breach or
threatened  breach (without posting any bond or other security or being required
to prove actual damages).

           7. Termination

                      (a) The Company  shall have the right to terminate and the
Executive's  employment  with the  Company  hereunder  (i) for  "Cause"  or (ii)
Without Cause.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "Cause" shall mean any
material breach of the Executive's obligations under Section 6 of this Agreement
which is not cured within thirty (30) days after written  notice  thereof to the
Executive; the conviction of the Executive of a felony, gross misconduct by the


Executive related to the Executive's position with, or duties or obligations to,
the Company,  which is likely to materially  and adversely  affect the Company's
business or financial condition, the chronic addiction of the Executive to drugs
or alcohol which materially and adversely affects the Executive's performance of
his duties under this Agreement;  or the Executive's  willful failure to perform
his material duties to the Company  hereunder  within a reasonable  period under
the circumstances after written notice  (specifically  identifying the manner in
which  the  Board of  Directors  believes  that the  Executive  has so failed to
perform his duties) from the Board of Directors of the Company to the  Executive
(provided such duties are consistent, in the reasonable opinion of the Executive
after obtaining an opinion of counsel reasonably acceptable to the Company, with
this Agreement and applicable law).

                      (b)  If  the  employment  of the  Executive  hereunder  is
terminated  for "Cause",  the Company shall not be obligated to make any further
payments to the  Executive  hereunder  (other than accrued and unpaid salary and
expenses to the date of termination),  or continue to provide any benefit (other
than benefits  which have accrued  pursuant to any plan or applicable law to the
date or termination) to the Executive under this Agreement. If the employment of
the  Executive  is  terminated  Without  Cause,  the  Company  shall  pay to the
Executive all of his compensation  (base salary and bonuses) pursuant to Section
3 as if this  Agreement  had not  been  terminated  for the  greater  of (x) the
remainder of the then  current  Term and (y) three (3) years after  termination,
all regardless of the amount of  compensation  the Executive may earn or be able
to earn with respect to any other employment that the Executive may obtain or be
able to obtain  (i.e.  the  Executive  shall  have no duty to  mitigate  and the
Company shall have no right to offset).  For purposes hereof,  the term "Without
Cause" shall mean a


termination of the Executive's  employment hereunder by the Company for a reason
other than pursuant to Section 7(a) hereof.

                      (c) The  Executive  shall have the right to terminate  his
employment  under this  Agreement  upon thirty  (30) days'  prior  notice to the
Company  given within sixty (60) days  following  the  occurrence  of any of the
following events:  (i) the Executive's title is changed so that the Executive is
no longer both Chairman and Chief Executive of the Company or (ii) any action by
the Company,  pursuant to which the Company  materially  reduces the Executive's
duties and  responsibilities  hereunder and the Executive objects thereto within
thirty (30) days of any such  reduction  and the Company  does not restore  such
duties and  responsibilities  within thirty (30) days thereafter.  The Executive
shall not have any rights pursuant to this Section 7(c) if the occurrence of the
triggering  events was the result,  directly or indirectly,  of a transaction in
which all or substantially  all of the stock or assets of the Company is sold or
the Company is a party to a merger,  consolidation  or similar  transaction,  in
which the Company is not the surviving entity.

                      (d)  The  parties   believe  that  payments  made  to  the
Executive  based upon a  termination  Without  Cause do not  constitute  "Excess
Parachute  Payments" under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code").  Notwithstanding such belief, if any benefit is determined
to be an "Excess  Parachute  Payment"  the Company  shall pay the  Executive  an
additional  amount  such that (x) the  excess of all Excess  Parachute  Payments
(including  any  payments  under this  Section  7(d)) over the sun of excise tax
thereon under  section 4999 of the Code and income tax thereon under  subtitle A
of the Code and under  applicable  state  law is equal to (y) the  excess of all
Excess Parachute Payments  (excluding  payments under this sentence) over income
tax thereon under Subtitle A of the Code and under applicable state law.


The above  determination  shall be made without regard to interest and penalties
for failure to pay or underpayment of taxes.

           8. Name and Likeness

                      (a) Except with respect to the outside  activities  of the
Executive  permitted pursuant to Section 1(b) hereof, the Company shall have the
exclusive  right  during the Term of this  Agreement  to the  commercial  use in
connection  with its television and motion picture  business of the  Executive's
name,  reasonably  approved  likeness,  voice,  reasonably  approved  biography,
reasonably approved  photograph and reasonably  approved picture;  provided that
any  such use by the  Company  is not in the  nature  of a  direct  or  indirect
endorsement of any product,  commodity or service without the Executive's  prior
written consent.

                      (b) With respect to any motion picture,  video, television
or other  programming  (each a "Program") in connection with which the Executive
renders services to the Company as executive producer,  the Company shall accord
the  Executive  (unless the  Executive,  in his sole  discretion,  elects not to
receive  such  credit)  screen  credit on the  Programs  and  credit in all paid
advertising  and  publicity  issued by or under the control of the Company  with
respect to any such Program, as executive producer of the Program, on a separate
card on the screen,  placement  as is  customary  in the  television  and motion
picture  industry,  and in a size no less than the size of type used to  display
the credit given to any other  individual  (other than performers) in connection
with any such Program. Subject to the foregoing, the Company shall determine, in
its sole discretion,  the manner, form, size, style, nature and placement of any
credit given to the Executive.  No inadvertent  failure of the Company to comply
with the provisions  hereof with respect to credit shall  constitute a breach of
this Agreement, unless the Company fails to use its


best efforts to cure the same, on a prospective basis only, promptly upon notice
thereof. In the event of any breach of these credit provisions,  the Executive's
remedies,  if any, shall be limited to the right to recover damages in an action
at law, and in no event shall the  Executive be entitled to terminate or rescind
this Agreement, revoke any of the rights herein granted or to enjoin or restrain
the distribution or exhibition of the Programs.

           9.         Miscellaneous

                      (a) This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the law of California  applicable to agreements  made and to be
performed in California, and without regard to principles of conflicts of law.

                      (b) This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and
agreement  between  the Company and the  Executive  with  respect to its subject
matter, supersedes all previous agreements between them relating to such subject
matter  (whether  written or oral),  all of which are merged herein  (including,
without  limitation,  the  Existing  Agreement).  There are no  representations,
warranties  or promises  between the parties with respect to the subject  matter
hereof, other than those set forth herein.

                      (c) Any notice or other communication under this Agreement
shall be in writing  and shall be  considered  given when  received by the party
hereto who is the  intended  recipient  and shall be  delivered  personally,  or
mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested (postage prepaid), or sent by
telecopy if sent before 4:00 p.m.  (California  time) on a business  day, to the
parties at their respective  addresses or facsimile numbers, as the case may be,
set forth below (or at such other address,  or facsimile  number, as a party may
specify by notice to the other party):


                     If to the Company, to it at:

                     3003 West Olive Avenue
                     Burbank, California 91510-4590
                     Attn: President
                     Telecopy No.: (818) 566-6690

                     with a copy to;

                     Martin Eric Weisberg, Esq.
                     Parker Chapin Flattau & Klimpl, LLP
                     1211 Avenue of the Americas
                     New York, New York 10036-8735
                     Telecopy No.: (212) 704-6288

                     If to the Executive, to him at:

                     3003 West Olive Avenue
                     Burbank, California 91510-4590
                     Telecopy No.: (818) 566-6690

                     with a copy to:

                     Joel Behr, Esq.
                     Behr and Robinson
                     2049 Century Park East 26th Floor
                     Los Angeles, California 90067
                     Telecopy No.: (310) 556-9229

                      (d) The failure of a party to insist upon strict adherence
to any  term or  provision  of  this  Agreement  on any  occasion  shall  not be
considered a waiver or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon
strict  adherence to that term or  provision on any other  occasion or any other
term or provision of this Agreement. Any waiver shall be limited to the specific
instance  for which it is given  executed by the party  affected  thereby.  This
Agreement  may  not be  waived,  amended,  modified  or  altered,  except  by an
instrument in writing duly executed by each of the Company and the Executive.


                      (e) The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  term or
provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
the remaining  terms or provisions of this Agreement  which shall remain in full
force and effect and any such invalid or  unenforceable  term or provision shall
be given full effect as far as is possible under  applicable law. If any term or
provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable in one jurisdiction,  it
shall not affect the validity or enforceability of that term or provision in any
other jurisdiction.

                      (f) This  Agreement  is not  assignable  by either  party,
except that it shall inure to the benefit of and be binding  upon any  successor
to  the  Company  by  merger  or  consolidation  or  the  acquisition  of all or
substantially  all of the Company's  assets or stock;  provided  such  successor
assumes all of the duties and  obligations  of the Company  hereunder;  and this
Agreement   shall  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  heirs,   estate  and  legal
representatives  of the Executive.  The duties and  obligations of the Executive
hereunder may not be delegated.

                      (g) Section  headings are inserted  herein for convenience
of reference  only, and shall have no substantive  aspect and shall not be taken
into account in  connection  with the  interpretation  or  construction  of this

           IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company and the Executive have executed and
delivered this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                      dick clark productions, inc.

                                      By: /s/ 

                                        /s/  Richard W. Clark
                                      Richard W. Clark
