Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 12b-25

                                                                 SEC FILE NUMBER

                           NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING              CUSIP NUMBER

(Check One): [X]Form 10-K  [ ]Form 20-F [ ]Form 11-K  [ ]Form 10-Q [ ]Form N-SAR

                   For Period Ended: June 30, 1998 
                   [ ] Transition Report on Form 10-K 
                   [ ] Transition Report on Form 20-F
                   [ ] Transition Report on Form  11-K 
                   [ ] Transition Report on Form  10-Q 
                   [ ] Transition  Report on Form  N-SAR
                   For the Transition Period Ended:  ---------------------------

Read  Instruction (on back page) Before  Preparing  Form.  Please Print or Type.
Nothing  in this  form  shall be  construed  to imply  that the  Commission  has
verified any information  contained  herein.

If the notification  relates to a portion of the filing checked above,  identify
the Item(s) to which the notification relates:


                         First South Africa Corp., Ltd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full Name of Registrant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Former Name if Applicable
                                 Clarendon House
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address of Principal Executive Office (Street and Number)

                      Church Street, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
City, State and Zip Code

PART II -- RULES 12b-25(b) AND (c)

If the subject report could not be filed without  unreasonable effort or expense
and the registrant seeks relief pursuant to Rule 12b-25(b), the following should
be completed. (Check box if appropriate)

a.       The reasons  described in reasonable  detail in Part III of this form
[X]      could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expense;

b.       The subject annual report,  semi-annual report,  transition report on
[X]      Form 10-K, Form 20-F, 11-K or Form N-SAR, or portion  thereof,  will be
         filed on or before the fifteenth  calendar day following the prescribed
         due date; or the subject  quarterly report of transition report on Form
         10-Q, or portion  thereof will be filed on or before the fifth calendar
         day following the prescribed due date; and
c.       The accountant's  statement or other exhibit required by Rule 12b-25(c)
         has been attached if applicable.


State below in reasonable  detail the reasons why Forms 10-K,  20-F, 11-K, 10-Q,
N-SAR, or the transition  report or portion  thereof,  could not be filed within
the prescribed time period.
                               See Attachment "A".

    (1)  Name  and  telephone  number of  person  to  contact  in regard to this

          Clive Kabatznik               305                    856-1949
          ---------------               ---                    --------
             (Name)                (Area Code)           (Telephone Number)

    (2)  Have all other periodic  reports  required under Section 13 or 15(d) of
         the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 or Section 30 of the  Investment
         Company Act of 1940 during the  preceding 12 months or for such shorter
         period that the  registrant  was required to file such  report(s)  been
         filed? If answer is no, identify report(s)                
                                                               [X] Yes [ ] No
    (3)  Is it anticipated that any significant  change in results of operations
         from  the  corresponding  period  for  the  last  fiscal  year  will be
         reflected  by the  earnings  statements  to be  included in the subject
         report or portion thereof? 
                                                               [X] Yes [ ] No

         If  so,  attach  an  explanation  of  the  anticipated   change,   both
         narratively and quantitatively,  and, if appropriate, state the reasons
         why a reasonable estimate of results cannot be made.
                               See Attachment "B".


                         First South Africa Corp., Ltd.
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

has  caused  this  notification  to be signed on its  behalf by the  undersigned
hereunto duly authorized.

Date September 28, 1998             By /s/ Clive Kabatznik
     ---------------------------       --------------------------
                                       Clive Kabatzik
                                       President and Chief Financial Officer
                                       and Chief Financial Officer

                                 Attachment "A"

         As a result of the effects of Hurricane Georges in southern Florida, on
September 24 and 25, 1998,  and because the  Company's  financial  personnel are
currently  located in Israel and South Africa,  the completion of the Form 10-K,
most significantly, the MD&A, has been delayed.

                                 Attachment "B"

FROM:             First South Africa Corp. Ltd.
                  2665 South Bayshore Drive
                  Coconut Grove, FL  33133

                  Contact:  Rebecca Freeman

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                      FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998.

Coconut  Grove,  FL,  September  25,  1998 -- First  South  Africa  Corp.,  Ltd.
(NASDAQ-FSACF) today released its annual results for the year June 30, 1998.

For the year  ended  June  30,  1998,  the  Company  reported  a net  income  of
$4,406,912 or $.69 a primary  share,  with  6,424,981  weighted  average  shares
outstanding  and  $.63 on a fully  diluted  basis,  on  sales  of  $113,408,350.
Consolidated earnings for 1998 were $6,408,046.

For the year  ended  June  30,  1997,  the  Company  reported  a net  income  of
$6,683,165 or $1.30 a primary  share,  with  5,139,855  weighted  average shares
outstanding and $1.22 on a fully diluted basis, on sales of $66,575,931.

For the three  months ended June 30,  1998,  the Company  reported net income of
$956,189 both $0.14 on a primary and fully diluted basis with 7,075,000 weighted
shares  outstanding.  Sales for the quarter  totaled  $27,637,393.  Consolidated
earnings for the quarter totaled $1,248,645.

The fiscal 1998 shares outstanding include approximately 1,173,000 shares issued
in connection  with the voluntary  Warrant  exchange that  concluded in December

For the  quarter  ended  June 30,  1997,  the  Company  reported  net  income of
$3,710,576  or $0.67 a  primary  share  and $.67 on a fully  diluted  basis,  on
revenues of $22,038,451 and 5,594,912 shares outstanding.

During the quarter ended June 30, 1998 the company  recorded a net gain from the
disposal of subsidiary  stock of $2,608,834.  During the  comparable  quarter in
1997,  the  Company  recorded  a net gain of  $3,327,478  from the  disposal  of
subsidiary  stock. In addition the Company  incurred a non cash foreign currency
charge of approximately  $400,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 1998 as well as
retrenchment costs related to lay off effecting approximately 100 employees. The
company anticipates laying off approximately 75 additional  employees during the
current quarter.

"The results for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, while  positively  impacted by
the  outstanding  performance  of our First SA Food  Holdings  subsidiary,  were
negatively  effected by the expected  seasonal losses of our lifestyle group, as
well  as  accounting  provisions  taken  in a  number  of  our  subsidiaries  in
anticipation  of the  difficult  economic  environment  in  which  South  Africa
currently finds itself" said Clive Kabatznik,  Chief Executive  Officer of First
South Africa Corp., Ltd."

"For  the year as a whole we have  seen  revenue  increasing  by over  70%,  and
operating income before  depreciation and amortization rising to $9.6 million an
increase of 29% over the previous year.  These gains came despite a depreciation
of approximately 10% in the Rand/U.S. dollar exchange rate and without a full 12
month's results in our lifestyle group."

"This being said,  the tremendous  turmoil in all emerging  markets has not left
South Africa  unscathed.  Interest  rates are at historic  highs,  and the South
African currency and Johannesburg  Stock Exchange have fallen  dramatically over
the past few months. Our share price in the United States has also been impacted
by this turmoil.  The South African economy has been negatively  effected by the
financial  volatility  and extremely  high real interest rates and we foresee an
extremely difficult business environment while these conditions last."

"However,  we remain  committed to our strategy of building high  quality,  well
focused  business  groups in those segments of the South African markets that we
hope will show  above  average  returns  due to the  enormous  socio-demographic
changes occurring in that country. We are helpful that the current stress on the
country and on the market  capitalization  of our Company will ease as investors
realize the inherent  strength of South Africa and the  underlying  value of our
business. Numerous operating challenges face our management in the coming fiscal
year,  but we believe we have the team and the assets to weather  this storm and
to emerge even stronger once calmer conditions prevail."

Mr.  Kabatznik noted that First South Africa's  balance sheet had  approximately
$18 million in cash,  $89 million in assets with  operating debt of just over $9
million, long term convertible debentures of $25 million and over $37 million in
shareholders' equity. During the past three months approximately $4.5 million of
the Company's 9% Subordinated Debentures have been retired or repurchased.

The statements  which are not historical  facts  contained in this press release
are  forward-looking  statements  that involve  certain risks and  uncertainties
including but not limited to risks  associated  with the  uncertainty  of future
financial  results,  additional  financing  requirements,   development  of  new
products,  regulatory approval processes,  the impact of competitive products or
pricing,  unpredictability  of patent  protection,  technological  changes,  the
effect of economic conditions and other uncertainties  detailed in the company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                            (Financial Tables Follow)

                         FIRST SOUTH AFRICA CORP., LTD.
                       Consolidated Statement of Earnings

                                                                   Quarter Ended                         Quarter Ended
                                                                   June 30, 1998                         June 30, 1997
                                                                   -------------                         -------------

Sales                                                                $27,637,393                           $22,038,451
Consolidated Net Income                                               $1,248,645                            $3,845,800
Minority Interest in Consolidated
Subsidiary Companies                                                    $308,113                              $135,224
Net Profit*                                                             $956,184                            $3,710,576
Net Profit/Per Share (primary)                                             $0.14                                 $0.67
Net Profit/Per share (fully diluted)                                       $0.14                                 $0.67
Average no. of Shares Outstanding                                      7,075,000                             5,538,173
Shares Outstanding (fully diluted)                                    10,320,000                             6,082,911

                                                                      Year Ended                            Year Ended
                                                                   June 30, 1998                         June 30, 1997
                                                                   -------------                         -------------
Sales                                                               $113,408,350                           $66,575,931
Consolidated Net Income                                               $6,408,046                            $6,807,462
Minority Interest in Consolidated
Subsidiary Companies                                                  $2,016,912                              $135,224
Net Profit*                                                           $4,406,912                            $6,683,165
Net Profit/Per Share (primary)                                             $0.69                                 $1.30
Net Profit/Per Share (fully diluted)                                       $0.63                                 $1.22
Average no. of Shares Outstanding                                      6,424,981                             5,139,855
Shares Outstanding (fully diluted)                                     9,633,303                             5,594,912

- --------
*        During the quarter ended June 30, 1998 the company  realized a net gain
         of  $2,608,934,  from the  disposal  of  subsidiary  stock.  During the
         comparable  period  in  1997,  the  company  realized  a  net  gain  of
         $3,028,005  from the sale of 30% of the stock of First SA Food Holdings
         when it listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.