EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         This Employment  Agreement (this "Agreement"),  effective as of June 1,
1998, is entered into between Labtec, Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("Employer"
or the "Company"), and Gregory Jones ("Employee").


         Employer  desires to continue to retain the  services of Employee  upon
the terms and  conditions  set forth herein,  and Employee is willing to provide
services to Employer upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.


         NOW, THEREFORE,  for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and
for other good and valuable consideration,  the sufficiency and receipt of which
are hereby acknowledged, Employer and Employee hereby agree as follows:

1.       Employment

         Employer will employ Employee and Employee will accept employment by
Employer as its Senior Vice President - North American Retail Sales on the terms
set forth herein.  Employee will perform such management duties as are customary
for such position and consistent with Employer's Bylaws and such other duties as
may be assigned from time to time by the President and Chief  Executive  Officer
of Employer (consistent with the duties of an officer of Employer), which relate
to the business of Employer,  its subsidiaries,  any parent corporation,  or any
business ventures in which Employer or its subsidiaries may participate.

2.       Attention and Effort

         Employee  will  devote  all  his  ability,   attention  and  effort  to
Employer's  business  and will use his best  efforts  to  skillfully  serve  its
interests  during the term of this  Agreement.  This  paragraph  is not meant to
preclude  Employee from  pursuing any other  non-conflicting  and  non-competing
business  activities which are primarily  passive in nature,  or from serving on
other boards of directors so long as such  directorships  are disclosed fully to
Employer's President and Chief Executive Officer.

3.       Term

         Unless otherwise  terminated pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement,
the stated term of employment  under this Agreement shall expire three (3) years
from the effective date of this Agreement.


4.       Compensation

         During the term of this  Agreement,  Employer agrees to pay or cause to
be paid to Employee,  and Employee agrees to accept in exchange for the services
rendered hereunder by him, the following compensation:

         4.1      Base Salary

         Employee's  compensation  shall  consist,  in part,  of an annual  base
salary (the "Base Salary") of $150,000, before all customary payroll deductions,
payable in substantially  equal  installments and at the same intervals as other
officers of Employer  are paid.  Such annual Base Salary may be  increased  from
time  to  time in the  discretion  of the  Company's  President.  The  Company's
President will review Employee's performance and salary within 30 days after May
31 in each year during the effectiveness of this Agreement.

         4.2      Bonus Plan

         Employee  will be entitled to receive,  in addition to the Base Salary,
an annual bonus in amounts up to 70% of the Base Salary for such year based upon
goals to be agreed upon by the Employee and the Company's  President.  Operation
of the bonus plan will be as mutually  agreed upon by Employee and the Company's
President and Chief Executive Officer and confirmed by the Board of Directors.

         4.3      Stock

         The  Employer  shall  establish  and  adopt a Senior  Management  Stock
Purchase  Plan shortly  after the  effective  date hereof  pursuant to which the
Employee  may purchase  from the Company such number of shares of the  Company's
Common  Stock as shall be agreed  upon by the  Employee  and the  Company at the
Investor Per Share Value (as defined in the Recapitalization  Agreement and Plan
of Merger  dated  August 26, 1997  between  the Company and Speaker  Acquisition
Corp. as amended (the "Recapitalization Agreement")),  subject to the Employee's
compliance  with  applicable  laws and  execution of a Senior  Management  Stock
Subscription  Agreement  substantially  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A
(the "Senior Management Subscription Agreement").

         4.4      Options

         The Employer shall establish and adopt a Senior Management Stock Option
Plan (the "Option  Plan")  shortly after the effective  date hereof  pursuant to
which the  Employer  shall grant to the  Employee  options to  purchase  525,000
shares of the  Company's  Common Stock under the terms  specified in such Option
Plan (it being understood that such number assumes completion of a 20:1 split of
the Company's Common Stock).


5.       Benefits
         During  the  term of this  Agreement,  Employee  will  be  entitled  to
participate,   subject  to  and  in  accordance  with   applicable   eligibility
requirements, in fringe benefit programs as may be provided from time to time by

6.       Termination

         Employment of Employee  pursuant to this Agreement may be terminated as
follows, but in any case, the provisions of paragraph 8 hereof shall survive the
termination of this Agreement and the termination of Employee's employment:

         6.1      By Employer

         With or without  Cause (as defined  below),  Employer may terminate the
employment  of Employee at any time  during the term of  employment  upon giving
Notice of Termination (as defined below).

         6.2      By Employee

         Employee may terminate his employment at any time, for any reason, upon
giving Notice of Termination.

         6.3      By Death or Disability

         This  Agreement and Employee's  employment  hereunder  shall  terminate
automatically  upon the death,  and may be terminated  in the  discretion of the
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Employer  in the  event  of total
disability,  of Employee.  The term "total disability" as used herein shall mean
Employee's inability to perform the duties set forth in paragraph 1 hereof for a
period or periods  aggregating  120 calendar  days in any  12-month  period as a
result of physical or mental illness,  loss of legal capacity or any other cause
beyond Employee's control,  unless Employee is granted a leave of absence by the
President and Chief Executive Officer of Employer.  Employee and Employer hereby
acknowledge that Employee's ability to perform the duties specified in paragraph
1 hereof is of the essence of this  Agreement.  Termination  hereunder  shall be
deemed to be effective (a) at the end of the calendar  week in which  Employee's
death  occurs  or (b)  immediately  upon a  determination  of  Employee's  total
disability, as defined herein.

         6.4      Notice

         The term "Notice of  Termination"  shall mean at least 90 days' written
notice of termination of Employee's  employment approved by Employer's President
and Chief  Executive  Officer,  during which period  Employee's  employment  and
performance of services will continue;


provided,  however,  that  Employer  may,  upon notice to  Employee  approved by
Employer's   President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,   and  without  reducing
Employee's  compensation during such period,  excuse Employee from any or all of
his  duties  during  such  period.  The  effective  date of the  termination  of
Employee's  employment  hereunder  shall be the date on which such 90-day period

7.       Termination Payments

         In  the  event  of  termination  of the  employment  of  Employee,  all
compensation  and benefits set forth in this Agreement shall terminate except as
specifically provided in this paragraph 7:

         7.1      Termination by Employer

         If Employer terminates Employee's employment without Cause prior to the
end of the term of this  Agreement,  Employee  shall  be  entitled  to  receive,
commencing  the  effective  date of such  termination  (a)  payments of the Base
Salary then in effect for nine (9) months and (b) any unpaid  annual Base Salary
which  has  accrued  for  services  performed  as of  the  date  termination  of
Employee's  employment becomes effective.  In addition,  so long as payments are
being made as provided for in  subparagraph  7.1(a),  Employee shall continue to
receive the benefits  provided in paragraph 5 of this Agreement.  If Employee is
terminated by Employer for Cause,  Employee shall not be entitled to receive any
of the foregoing payments, other than those set forth in clause (b) above.

         7.2      Termination by Employee

         In  the  case  of  voluntary  termination  by  Employee  of  Employee's
employment, Employee shall not be entitled to any payments hereunder, other than
those set forth in clause (b) of subparagraph 7.1 hereof.

         7.3      Termination by Death or Disability

         In the case of termination of Employee's  employment by reason of death
or total  disability  as provided in  subparagraph  6.3,  Employee or his estate
shall be entitled to receive from  Employer (a) payments of the Base Salary then
in effect for three (3) months;  and (b) any unpaid annual Base Salary which has
accrued for services already  performed as of the date termination of Employee's
employment  becomes  effective.  In addition,  during the period of the payments
provided for in  subparagraph  7.3(a),  Employee  shall  continue to receive the
benefits provided in paragraph 5 of this Agreement.

         7.4      Termination Payment Schedule

         All  payments  under this  paragraph 7 shall be made to Employee at the
same  intervals  as  payments  were  made  to  Employee   immediately  prior  to


         7.5      Cause

         Wherever  reference is made in this Agreement to termination being with
or without  Cause,  "Cause"  means cause given by Employee to Employer and shall
include,  without  limitation,  the  occurrence  of one or more of the following

      (a)      Failure or refusal to carry out the lawful duties of Employee
               described in paragraph 1 hereof or any directions of the Board of
               Directors or President and Chief Executive Officer of Employer,
               which directions are reasonably consistent with the duties herein
               set forth to be performed by Employee for a period of 60 days
               following written notice of such refusal or failure, unless, in
               the reasonable judgment of the Board of Directors no cure is
               possible or such 60-day period would subject the Employer to
               unreasonable risk;

      (b)      Violation by Employee of a state or federal criminal law
               involving the commission of a crime against Employer or a felony
               which is determined by the Board of Directors of Employer to be
               harmful to the business or reputation of Employer;

      (c)      Abuse by Employee of alcohol or controlled substances; deception,
               fraud, material misrepresentation or dishonesty by Employee; any
               incident materially compromising Employee's reputation or ability
               to represent Employer with the Public; any act or omission by
               Employee which substantially impairs Employer's business, good
               will or reputation; or

      (d)      Any other material violation by the Employee of any provision of
               this Agreement.

8.       Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation

         8.1      Applicability

         This paragraph 8 shall survive the termination of Employee's employment
with Employer or the expiration of the term of this Agreement.

         8.2      Noncompetition

         Employee  agrees that he will not  directly or  indirectly,  during his
employment and for a period (the "Noncompetition  Period") of 18 months from the
date on which  his  employment  with  Employer  terminates  for any  reason,  be
employed by,  consult with or  otherwise  perform  services  for,  own,  manage,
operate, join, control or participate in the ownership, management, operation or
control of or be connected with, in any manner,  any Competitor.  A "Competitor"
shall include


any entity which,  directly or  indirectly,  produces,  markets,  distributes or
otherwise  derives  benefit from the  production,  marketing or  distribution of
products or services  which have the same use or provide the same benefit to the
user thereof or which  otherwise  compete with products or services  produced or
marketed by Employer at the time of termination of employment, or which Employer
is then  developing  or  preparing to develop,  produce or market,  or which are
extensions of or closely  related to or substitutes for the products or services
then  produced or marketed by Employer,  any place where  Employer is then doing
business or where Employer's  business plan  contemplates  doing business in the
ensuing  twelve  months,  unless  released  from such  obligation  in writing by
Employer's Board of Directors. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
Employee  shall be deemed to be  related  to or  connected  with a Person  which
competes with Employer if, among other things,  such Person is (a) a partnership
in which  Employee  is a  general  or  limited  partner,  (b) a  corporation  or
association of which Employee is a stockholder, officer, employee or director or
(c) a partnership, corporation or association for which Employee is a consultant
or agent;  provided,  however, that nothing herein shall prevent the purchase or
ownership by Employee of securities  which  constitute less than five percent of
the outstanding  equity securities of a publicly held  corporation,  if Employee
has no other relationship with such corporation.

         8.3      Nonsolicitation

         Employee shall not directly or indirectly solicit, influence or entice,
or attempt to  solicit,  influence  or entice,  any  employee or  consultant  of
Employer  to cease  his,  her or its  relationship  with  Employer  or  solicit,
influence, entice or in any way divert any customer, distributor, partner, joint
venturer or supplier of Employer to do business or in any way become  associated
with any Competitor.  This  subparagraph  8.3 shall apply during the time period
and geographical area described in subparagraph 8.2 hereof.

         8.4      Affiliates

         During the  Noncompetition  Period,  Employee  shall not  knowingly (a)
cause or permit any  "Affiliate"  (as defined below) of Employee to, in any way,
directly or  indirectly,  for itself or on behalf of any other person or entity,
conduct,  participate in or engage in any activity or enter into any contract or
agreement of any kind  whatsoever  with respect to any activity that Employee is
prohibited from engaging in by subparagraphs 8.2 and 8.3 or (b) fail to take any
action needed to prevent any Affiliate of Employee from, in any way, directly or
indirectly,  for itself or on behalf of any other person or entity,  conducting,
participating  in or engaging in any activities or entering into any contract or
agreement of any kind  whatsoever  with respect to any activity that Employee is
prohibited  from engaging in by  subparagraphs  8.2 and 8.3. An  "Affiliate"  of
Employee shall mean any other person or entity within the reasonable  control of
Employee and,  without  limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  shall in any
event include (a) any person or entity of which  Employee  beneficially  owns or
holds five percent or more of any class of voting  securities or five percent or
more of the legal or  beneficial  interest,  (b) any  director or officer of any
corporation  or other  entity  which is an  Affiliate  (as  described  above) of
Employee, (c) any partner, joint venturer


or business  associate of Employee and (d) any member of the "immediate  family"
(as defined for purposes of Section 16 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934)
of Employee.

         8.5      Assignment of Intellectual Property

         All concepts, designs, machines, devices, uses, processes,  technology,
trade  secrets,  works  of  authorship,   customer  lists,  plans,  embodiments,
inventions,  improvements  or related work product  (collectively  "Intellectual
Property")  which  Employee  develops,  conceives  or first  reduces to practice
during  the term of his  employment  hereunder  or  within  one year  after  the
termination  of his employment  hereunder or the  expiration of this  Agreement,
whether  working  alone  or with  others,  which  is  related  in any way to the
business of  Employer,  shall be the sole and  exclusive  property of  Employer,
together  with any and all  Intellectual  Property  rights,  including,  without
limitation,  patent or copyright  rights,  related thereto,  and Employee hereby
assigns to Employer all of such Intellectual Property.  "Intellectual  Property"
shall include only such concepts,  designs, machines,  devices, uses, processes,
technology,  trade secrets,  customer  lists,  plans,  embodiments,  inventions,
improvements  and work product  which (a) relate to  Employee's  performance  of
services under this Agreement,  to Employer's field of business or to Employer's
actual or  demonstrably  anticipated  research  or  development,  whether or not
developed,  conceived or first reduced to practice  during normal business hours
or  with  the  use  of any  equipment,  supplies,  facilities  or  trade  secret
information  or other  resource of Employer or (b) are  developed in whole or in
part on  Employer's  time or developed  using  Employer's  equipment,  supplies,
facilities or trade secret information,  or other resources of Employer, whether
or not the work product  relates to  Employer's  field of business or Employer's
actual or demonstrably anticipated research.

         8.6      Disclosure and Protection of Inventions

         Employee  shall disclose in writing all concepts,  designs,  processes,
technology,   plans,   embodiments,   inventions  or  improvements  constituting
Intellectual  Property to Employer  promptly  after the  development  thereof by
Employee. At Employer's request and at Employer's expense,  Employee will assist
Employer  or its  designee  in efforts to protect  all rights  relating  to such
Intellectual  Property.  Such assistance may include,  without  limitation,  the
following:  (a) making application in the United States and in foreign countries
for a patent or  copyright  on any work  products  specified  by  Employer;  (b)
executing  documents  of  assignment  to  Employer  or  its  designee  of all of
Employee's  right,  title and  interest  in and to any work  product and related
intellectual  property rights; and (c) taking such additional action (including,
without  limitation,  the  execution  and  delivery  of  documents)  to perfect,
evidence or vest in Employer or its  designee  all right,  title and interest in
and to any Intellectual Property and any rights related thereto.

         8.7      Nondisclosure; Return of Materials

         During the term of his employment by Employer and following termination
of such employment, Employee will not disclose (except as required by his duties
to Employer or by law) any concept, design, process,  technology,  trade secret,
customer list, plan, embodiment or


invention,   any  other   Intellectual   Property  or  any  other   confidential
information,  whether  patentable or not, of Employer of which Employee  becomes
informed or aware during his employment whether or not developed by Employee. In
the event of the  termination of his employment  with Employer or the expiration
of this Agreement,  Employee will return all documents, data and other materials
of whatever nature,  including,  without limitation,  drawings,  specifications,
research, reports,  embodiments,  software and manuals to Employer which pertain
to his employment  with Employer or to any  Intellectual  Property and shall not
retain or cause or  knowingly  allow any third  party to retain  photocopies  or
other reproductions of the foregoing.

         8.8      Equitable Relief

         Employee  acknowledges  that the  provisions  of this  paragraph  8 are
essential to Employer,  that Employer  would not enter into this Agreement if it
did not include  this  paragraph 8 and that  damages  sustained by Employer as a
result of a breach of this paragraph 8 cannot be adequately remedied by damages,
and Employee agrees that Employer,  notwithstanding  any other provision of this
Agreement,  including, without limitation,  paragraph 11 hereof, and in addition
to any  other  remedy  it may have  under  this  Agreement  or at law,  shall be
entitled  to  injunctive  and  other  equitable   relief,   including,   without
limitation,  specific  performance,  to  prevent  or  curtail  any breach of any
provision of this Agreement, including, without limitation, this paragraph 8.

         8.9      Effect of Violation

         Employee   and   Employer   acknowledge   and  agree  that   additional
consideration  has been given for Employee  entering into this paragraph 8, such
additional  consideration  including,  without limitation,  the bonus agreements
detailed above and certain equity  agreements  being entered into by the parties
in connection herewith and certain provisions for termination  payments pursuant
to  paragraph 7 of this  Agreement.  Violation  by Employee of this  paragraph 8
shall  relieve  Employer  of any  obligation  it may have to make such bonus and
termination  payments,  but shall not relieve  Employee of his  obligations,  as
required hereunder, not to compete.

         8.10     Definition of Employer

         For  purposes  of  subparagraph   8.2  and   subparagraph  8.3  hereof,
'Employer"  shall  include  all  subsidiaries  of  Employer,  Employer's  parent
corporation  (if  any)  and  any  business  ventures  in  which  Employer,   its
subsidiaries or its parent corporation may participate.

         8.11     Understanding of Employee

         In  connection  with the  foregoing  provisions  of this  paragraph  8,
Employee represents that his experience, capabilities and circumstances are such
that such  provisions  will not prevent him from earning a livelihood.  Employee
further agrees that the  limitations  set forth in this paragraph 8,  including,
without  limitation,  any time or  territorial  limitations,  are reasonable and
properly required for the adequate protection of the business of Employer.


9.       Representations and Warranties

         In order to induce  Employer  to enter  into this  Agreement,  Employee
represents and warrants to Employer as follows:

         9.1      Health

         Employee  is in  good  health  and  knows  of  no  physical  or  mental
disability  which would prevent him from fulfilling his  obligations  hereunder.
Employee agrees, if Employer requests,  to submit to annual medical examinations
to be paid for by Employer.

         9.2      No Violation of Other Agreements

         Neither the execution nor the performance of this Agreement by Employee
will violate or conflict in any way with any other  agreement by which  Employee
may be bound,  or with any other duties  imposed  upon  Employee by corporate or
other statutory or common law.

         9.3      Patents, Etc.

         Employee has been given the opportunity to prepare and attach hereto as
Schedule 1 a list of all  inventions,  patent  applications  and patents made or
conceived  by  Employee  prior to the date  hereof,  which are  subject to prior
agreement or which Employee  desires to exclude from this Agreement.  If no such
list is attached, Employee hereby represents and warrants to Employer that there
are no such inventions, patent applications or patents.

10.      Notice and Cure of Breach

         Whenever a breach of this  Agreement  by either party is relied upon as
justification  for any action taken by the other party pursuant to any provision
of this Agreement, other than pursuant to the definition of "Cause" set forth in
subparagraph  7.5 hereof,  before such action is taken,  the party asserting the
breach of this  Agreement  shall  give the other  party at least 30 days'  prior
written  notice of the  existence  and the nature of such breach  before  taking
further action hereunder and shall give the party  purportedly in breach of this
Agreement the opportunity to correct such breach during the 30-day period.

11.      Arbitration

         Any  controversies  or  claims  arising  out  of or  relating  to  this
Agreement  shall  be  fully  and  finally  settled  by  binding  arbitration  in
accordance  with the Commercial  Arbitration  Rules of the American  Arbitration
Association  then in  effect  (the  "AAA  Rules"),  conducted  in the  State  of
Washington  by one  arbitrator  either  mutually  agreed  upon by  Employee  and
Employer  or chosen in  accordance  with the AAA Rules,  except that the parties
thereto  shall have any right to  discovery as would be permitted by the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure for a period of 90 days


following the commencement of such arbitration and the arbitrator  thereof shall
resolve any dispute which arises in connection with such  discovery.  Each party
shall bear his or its own costs and expenses of any such proceeding and judgment
upon the  award  rendered  by the  arbitrator  may be  entered  in any  court of
competent jurisdiction.

12.      Form of Notice

         All  notices  given  hereunder   shall  be  given  in  writing,   shall
specifically  refer to this Agreement and shall be personally  delivered or sent
by telecopy or other  electronic  facsimile  transmission  or by  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt  requested,  at the address set forth below or at
such other  address as may hereafter be designated by notice given in compliance
with the terms hereof:

         If to Employee:   Gregory Jones
                           2710 NE 136th Street
                           Vancouver, WA 98686

         If to Employer:   Labtec, Inc.
                           Suite 350
                           1499 S.E. Tech Center Drive
                           Vancouver, WA 98683
                           Attn: President
                           Facsimile: 360/896-2100
                           Phone: 360/896-2000

         Copies to:        Sun Capital Partners, Inc.
                           777 South Flagler Drive
                           West Tower, Eighth Floor
                           West Palm Beach, FL 33401
                           Attn:   Marc J. Leder and Rodger R. Krouse
                           Facsimile:  561/835-1314
                           Phone: 561/820-9442

                           Ropes & Gray
                           One International Place
                           Boston, MA 02110-2624
                           Attn:   Patrick Diaz
                           Facsimile:  617/951-7050
                           Phone: 617/951-7000


If notice is mailed,  such notice shall be effective upon mailing,  or if notice
is  personally  delivered  or sent by  telecopy  or other  electronic  facsimile
transmission, it shall be effective upon receipt.

13.      Assignment

         This  Agreement is personal to Employee and shall not be  assignable by
Employee.  Employer  may  assign  its rights  hereunder  to (a) any  corporation
resulting  from  any  merger,  consolidation  or other  reorganization  to which
Employer is a party or (b) any  corporation,  partnership,  association or other
person to which Employer may transfer all or substantially all of the assets and
business of Employer  existing at such time.  All of the terms and provisions of
this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit of and be
enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective  successors and permitted

14.      Waivers

         No delay or failure by any party hereto in  exercising,  protecting  or
enforcing any of its rights,  titles,  interests or remedies  hereunder,  and no
course of dealing or performance with respect thereto, shall constitute a waiver
thereof.  The express waiver by a party hereto of any right, title,  interest or
remedy in a particular  instance or  circumstance  shall not constitute a waiver
thereof in any other instance or circumstance.  All rights and remedies shall be
cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies.

15.      Amendments in Writing

         No amendment,  modification,  waiver,  termination  or discharge of any
provision of this  Agreement,  nor consent to any departure  therefrom by either
party  hereto,  shall in any  event be  effective  unless  the same  shall be in
writing,  specifically  identifying this Agreement and the provision intended to
be amended,  modified,  waived,  terminated or discharged and signed by Employer
and Employee,  and each such  amendment,  modification,  waiver,  termination or
discharge shall be effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific
purpose  for which  given.  No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  varied,
contradicted  or  explained  by  any  oral  agreement,   course  of  dealing  or
performance  or any other  matter not set forth in an  agreement  in writing and
signed by Employer and Employee.

16.      Applicable Law

         This  Agreement  shall  in  all  respects,  including  all  matters  of
construction,  validity  and  performance,  be governed  by, and  construed  and
enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Washington, without regard
to any rules governing conflicts of laws.

17.      Severability

         If any provision of this  Agreement  shall be held invalid,  illegal or
unenforceable  in  any


jurisdiction,  for any reason,  including,  without limitation,  the duration of
such  provision,  its  geographical  scope  or  the  extent  of  the  activities
prohibited or required by it, then, to the full extent  permitted by law (a) all
other  provisions  hereof  shall  remain  in  full  force  and  effect  in  such
jurisdiction  and shall be liberally  construed in order to carry out the intent
of the  parties  hereto  as  nearly  as may be  possible,  (b) such  invalidity,
illegality  or  unenforceability  shall not affect  the  validity,  legality  or
enforceability  of any other provision  hereof,  and (c) any court or arbitrator
having  jurisdiction  thereover shall have the power to reform such provision to
the extent necessary for such provision to be enforceable under applicable law.

18.      Headings

         All headings used herein are for convenience  only and shall not in any
way affect the construction of, or be taken into  consideration in interpreting,
this Agreement.

19.      Counterparts

         This Agreement and any amendment or modification  entered into pursuant
to paragraph 15 hereof,  may be executed in any number of counterparts,  each of
which  counterparts,  when so executed and  delivered,  shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute one and
the same instrument.

20.      Entire Agreement

         This Agreement on and as of the effective date hereof  constitutes  the
entire  agreement  between  Employer  and Employee  with  respect to  Employee's
employment  with  Employer  and all  prior or  contemporaneous  oral or  written
communications,  understandings or agreements between Employer and Employee with
respect to such  subject  matter are hereby  superseded  and  nullified in their


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed and entered into this
Agreement as of the effective date set forth above.

                                                     LABTEC, INC.

                                                     By:  /s/ Marc J. Leder
                                                     Its: Vice President


                                                      /s/ Gregory Jones
                                                     Gregory Jones
