(Rule 14a-101)

                     Information Required in Proxy Statement

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ X ]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [   ]  Confidential, for Use of the
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement                  Commission Only (as permitted
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials             by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant
     to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                   Labtec Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)


                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement,
                         if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

        1.Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


         2.Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3.Per  unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):


               4.Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


                           5.Total fee paid:


[   ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[   ]    Check  box if  any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
         Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting
         fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

                            1.Amount Previously Paid:


                 2.Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


                                 3.Filing Party:


                                  4.Date Filed:


                           [Letterhead of Labtec Inc.]

                                                              November 18, 1999

Dear Stockholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend a Special  Meeting of Stockholders
to be held at the offices of Labtec Inc.,  1499 S.E.  Tech Center  Place,  Suite
350,  Vancouver,  Washington on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 8:00 A.M., local
time.  The matters to be acted upon at that meeting are set forth and  described
in the  Notice of Special  Meeting  and Proxy  Statement  which  accompany  this
letter. We request that you read these documents carefully.

         We hope that you plan to attend the  meeting.  However,  if you are not
able to join us, we urge you to exercise your right as a  stockholder  and vote.
Please   promptly  sign,  date  and  return  the  enclosed  proxy  card  in  the
accompanying  postage prepaid envelope.  You may, of course,  attend the Special
Meeting of Stockholders  and vote in person even if you have  previously  mailed
your proxy card.


                                             ROBERT G. WICK


                                   LABTEC INC.
                           1499 S.E. TECH CENTER PLACE
                                    SUITE 350
                           VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98683

                         TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 24, 1999

To the Stockholders of Labtec Inc.:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that a Special  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of Labtec Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (the "Company"),  will be
held at the offices of the  Company,  1499 S.E.  Tech Center  Place,  Suite 350,
Vancouver, Washington on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 8:00 A.M., local  time,
for the following purposes:

         1. To  approve an  amendment  of the  Company's  Restated  Articles  of
Organization, as amended (the "Restated Articles of Organization"),  in order to
effect a one-for-two reverse split of the Company's Common Stock; and

         2. The  transaction  of such other business as may properly come before
the Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         Information  regarding  the  matters to be acted upon at the Meeting is
contained in the accompanying Proxy Statement.

         The close of  business on October 25, 1999 has been fixed as the record
date for the  determination  of stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

                                      By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                      RODGER R. KROUSE

Vancouver, Washington
November 18, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   LABTEC INC.
                           1499 S.E. TECH CENTER PLACE
                                    SUITE 350
                           VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98683

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         This Proxy  Statement is furnished to the holders of Common Stock,  par
value  $.01 per share  ("Common  Stock"),  of Labtec  Inc.  (the  "Company")  in
connection  with the  solicitation by and on behalf of its Board of Directors of
proxies ("Proxy" or "Proxies") for use at a Special Meeting of Stockholders (the
"Meeting") to be held on Wednesday, November 24, 1999, at 8:00 A.M., local time,
at the  offices  of the  Company,  1499  S.E.  Tech  Center  Place,  Suite  350,
Vancouver,  Washington and at any adjournment or postponement  thereof,  for the
purposes  set  forth  in  the   accompanying   Notice  of  Special   Meeting  of
Stockholders.  The cost of  preparing,  assembling  and  mailing  the  Notice of
Special Meeting of Stockholders, this Proxy Statement and Proxies is to be borne
by the  Company.  The  Company  also will  reimburse  brokers who are holders of
record  of Common  Stock for their  expenses  in  forwarding  Proxies  and Proxy
soliciting  material to the beneficial owners of such shares. In addition to the
use of the  mails,  Proxies  may be  solicited  without  extra  compensation  by
directors,  officers  and  employees  of the  Company  by  telephone,  telecopy,
telegraph  or personal  interview.  The  approximate  mailing date of this Proxy
Statement is November 18, 1999.

         Unless otherwise  specified,  all Proxies,  in proper form, received by
the time of the  Meeting  will be voted  for  approval  of an  amendment  of the
Company's  Restated  Articles of  Organization  to effect a one-for-two  reverse
split of the Company's Common Stock (the "Reverse Split Proposal").

         A Proxy may be revoked by a stockholder at any time before its exercise
by filing with Rodger R. Krouse,  the Clerk of the  Company,  at the address set
forth above,  an instrument  of  revocation  or a duly executed  proxy bearing a
later date,  or by  attendance  at the  Meeting and  electing to vote in person.
Attendance at the Meeting will not, in and of itself, constitute revocation of a

         The close of  business  on October 25, 1999 has been fixed by the Board
of  Directors as the record date (the "Record  Date") for the  determination  of
stockholders  entitled  to  notice  of,  and to vote  at,  the  Meeting  and any
adjournment  thereof.  As of the Record Date, there were  [7,508,861]  shares of
Common Stock  outstanding.  Each share of Common Stock outstanding on the Record
Date will be entitled to one vote on all matters to come before the Meeting.

         A majority in interest of the outstanding  Common Stock  represented at
the  Meeting in person or by proxy is required  to  constitute  a quorum for the
transaction of business. Shares represented by Proxies which contain one or more
abstentions  or broker  "non-votes"  are counted as present or  represented  for
purposes of determining  the presence or absence of a quorum for the Meeting.  A
"non-vote" occurs when a broker or other nominee holding shares for a beneficial
owner votes on one proposal, but does not vote on another proposal because, with
respect to such other proposal,  the broker does not have  discretionary  voting
power and has not received instructions from the beneficial owner.


                          SECURITY HOLDINGS OF CERTAIN

         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the
ownership of the Common Stock as of October 15, 1999 by (i) persons known by the
Company to be  beneficial  owners of more than 5% of the  outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock,  (ii) each  director of the Company,  (iii) the  Company's  Chief
Executive   Officer  and  each  other   executive   officer  whose  annual  cash
compensation  for 1998  exceeded  $100,000 and (iv) all  directors and executive
officers as a group.

                                                                       SHARES BENEFICIALLY     BENEFICIALLY
BENEFICIAL OWNER (1)                                                        OWNED (2)              OWNED
- --------------------                                                   -------------------     ------------
Sun Multimedia Partners, L.P. .......................................      3,575,825               47.6%
            5355 Town Center Road
            Suite 802
            Boca Raton, FL  33486
Dennis T. Gain (3)...................................................        455,082                6.0%
            30 Boren Lane
            Boxford, MA  01921


Rodger R. Krouse (4).................................................      3,575,825               47.6%
Marc J. Leder (4)....................................................      3,575,825               47.6%
J. Grant Jagelman (5)................................................        195,656                2.6%
            Level 8 139 Macquarie St.
            Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
Jonathan Stearns (6).................................................        184,769                2.5%
George R. Rea (7)....................................................         29,666                  *
Patrick J. Sullivan (7)..............................................         26,665                  *
Julian Rubinstein....................................................             --                 --
Bradley A. Krouse....................................................             --                 --
Joseph Pretlow.......................................................             --                 --
Geoffrey Rehnert.....................................................             --                 --
Robert G. Wick.......................................................             --                 --
Marc Wolpow..........................................................             --                 --


Gregory Jones (8)....................................................         37,971                  *

All directors and executive officers as a group                            4,505,634               59.0%
(14 persons) (9).....................................................
- ----------------
*        Less than one percent.

(1)  Except as otherwise indicated, the address of each individual listed is c/o
     Labtec Inc., 1499 S.E. Tech Center Place, Suite 350, Vancouver, WA 98683.

(2)  Except as otherwise indicated in these footnotes,  the persons and entities
     named in the table have sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to
     all shares beneficially owned by them. Includes shares of Common Stock


     underlying currently exercisable stock options. The inclusion herein of any
     shares of Common Stock deemed  beneficially  owned does not  constitute  an
     admission of beneficial ownership of those shares.

(3)  Includes (i) 349,197  shares held by the Gain Family Trust, a trust for the
     benefit of certain members of the family of Dennis T. Gain and of which Mr.
     Gain is the sole trustee,  (ii) 23,332 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
     exercise of currently exercisable options,  (iii) 24,667 shares held by Mr.
     Gain's  wife and  children  and  (iv)  12,533  shares  held by the Gain New
     Zealand Trust of which Mr. Gain is a Trustee.

(4)  Messrs. Leder and Krouse each own 50% of Sun Multimedia Advisors, Inc., the
     general partner of Sun Multimedia  Partners,  L.P. Mr. Leder and Mr. Krouse
     disclaim  beneficial  ownership  of  the  shares  held  by  Sun  Multimedia
     Partners, L.P., except to the extent of their pecuniary interests.

(5)  Includes  (i)  9,132  shares  held by the  Group  Superannuation  Fund,  an
     Australian  retirement  trust of which Mr.  Jagelman holds a 100% interest;
     (ii) 13,541 shares of Common Stock held by Mr.  Jagelman's  wife,  children
     and  mother-in-law;  and (iii) 22,665 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon
     exercise of currently exercisable options.

(6)  Consists of shares held by The KB Mezzanine Fund II, L.P.  ("KB").  Equinox
     Investment  Partners,  L.L.C.  ("Equinox") is the general partner of EIPCP,
     L.P.  ("EIPCP")  and EIPCP is the general  partner of KB. Mr.  Stearns is a
     founding member and managing director of Equinox and thereby shares control
     of Equinox.  He  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of the shares held by KB,
     except to the extent of his pecuniary interest.

(7)  Consists of shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of  currently
     exercisable options.

(8)  Includes  24,252 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of currently
     exercisable options.

(9)  Includes  48,997 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of currently
     exercisable  options granted under the Company's  Amended and Restated 1993
     Stock Option Plan,  23,331 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of
     currently  exercisable  options granted under the Amended and Restated 1995
     Director  Stock Option Plan,  44,252  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon
     exercise of  currently  exercisable  options  granted  under the  Company's
     Amended and  Restated  1997 Stock  Option Plan and 10,000  shares of Common
     Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of currently  exercisable  options  granted
     outside the Company's stock option plans.


                                   PROPOSAL 1
                             COMPANY'S COMMON STOCK


         The Company's  Board of Directors has unanimously  adopted  resolutions
approving,  and recommending  that stockholders  authorize,  an Amendment of the
Company's  Restated  Articles of Organization  (the "Amendment") to (i) effect a
one-for-two  reverse split of the Company's  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
(the  "Reverse  Split")  and (ii)  provide  for the  payment  of cash in lieu of
fractional shares otherwise issuable in connection  therewith.  There will be no
change in the number of the Company's  authorized  shares of Common Stock and no
change in the par value of the Common Stock.

         If the Reverse  Split is  approved,  the Board of  Directors  will have
authority,  without further  stockholder  approval,  to effect the Reverse Split
pursuant to which the Company's  outstanding shares (the "Old Shares") of Common
Stock would be exchanged for new shares (the "New Shares") of Common Stock in an
exchange ratio of one New Share for each two Old Shares.

         In  addition,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  have the  authority  to
determine the exact timing of the effective date of the Reverse Split, which may
be any time prior to September 30, 2000, without further  stockholder  approval.
Such timing will be determined  in the judgment of the Board of Directors,  with
the  intention  of  maximizing  the  Company's  ability to remain in and sustain
compliance  with the continued  listing  maintenance  requirements of The Nasdaq
Stock Market,  Inc.  ("Nasdaq") and other intended benefits of the Reverse Split
to  stockholders  and the Company.  See "--Purposes of the Reverse Split" below.
The text of the  proposed  Amendment  is set forth in  Exhibit  A to this  Proxy

         The  Board  of  Directors  also  reserves  the  right,  notwithstanding
stockholder approval and without further action by stockholders,  to not proceed
with the Reverse  Split if, at any time prior to filing the  Amendment  with the
Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Board of Directors, in its sole
discretion, determines that the Reverse Split is no longer in the best interests
of the Company  and its  stockholders.  The Board of  Directors  may  consider a
variety of factors in determining  whether or not to implement the Reverse Split
including,  but not  limited  to,  overall  trends in the stock  market,  recent
changes  and  anticipated  trends in the per share  market  price of the  Common
Stock,  business and  transactional  developments  and the Company's  actual and
projected financial performance.

         The Reverse Split will not change the proportionate equity interests of
the  Company's  stockholders,  nor will the  respective  voting rights and other
rights of stockholders be altered, except for possible immaterial changes due to
the Company's purchase of fractional shares. The Common Stock issued pursuant to
the Reverse  Split will remain  fully paid and  nonassessable.  The Company will
continue to be subject to the periodic reporting  requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


         The  Company's  Common  Stock is quoted  on  Nasdaq's  National  Market
("NNM").  In order for the Common Stock to continue to be quoted on the NNM, the
Company and its Common  Stock are  required  to continue to comply with  various
listing maintenance standards established by Nasdaq. Among other things, as such
requirements  pertain to the Company,  the Company is required to maintain total
assets and total revenue each of at least $50,000,000 and its Common Stock must:
(i) have at least 1.1 million  shares held by persons  other than  officers  and
directors ("public float"); (ii) have an aggregate market value


of  public  float of at least  $15,000,000;  (iii)  must be held by at least 400
persons  who own at least  100  shares  ("round-lot  holders");  and (iv) have a
minimum bid price of at least $5.00 per share (the "Maintenance Standard").

         On July 9, 1999, the Company  received a letter from Nasdaq advising it
that the Company had not  maintained  requirements  for continued  listing as of
March 31, 1999.  The letter  noted that if the Company is unable to  demonstrate
compliance  with this  requirement  or provide  Nasdaq with a plan for achieving
compliance,  Nasdaq  would  commence  the  delisting  process  (subject  to  the
Company's  right for a hearing  and stay of the  delisting  during  the  hearing
period). The Company understands that it is Nasdaq's position that an ability to
demonstrate   sustained  compliance  is  required  for  continued  listing.  The
principal  purpose of the Reverse Split Proposal is to increase the market price
of the  Common  Stock  above the Nasdaq  minimum  bid price  requirement  of the
Maintenance  Standard.  The Common Stock has closed  between $3.75 per share and
$4.66 per share since July 9, 1999.  The Company  believes  that, if the Reverse
Split is implemented,  it would be in compliance with all of the requirements of
the Maintenance Standard.

         Giving the Board of Directors  authority to implement the Reverse Split
will  avoid  the need to call a  special  meeting  of,  or seek  consents  from,
stockholders  under time  constraints  to  authorize a reverse  split  should it
become necessary in order to seek to meet Nasdaq's listing maintenance criteria.
Furthermore, the Company believes that maintaining the Company's NNM listing may
provide the Company with a broader  market for the Common  Stock and  facilitate
the use of the Common Stock in acquisitions and financing  transactions in which
the Company may engage.

         There can be no assurance  that,  even after  effectuating  the Reverse
Split,  the  Company  will  meet the  minimum  bid price  under the  Maintenance
Standard and otherwise meet the  requirements of Nasdaq for continued  inclusion
for  trading on the NNM. If the Reverse  Split  Proposal is not  approved by the
stockholders  at the Meeting and the minimum bid price does not  otherwise  rise
above $5.00 per share it is highly likely that the Common Stock will cease to be
listed and traded on the NNM. If the Reverse  Split  Proposal is approved by the
stockholders but the Company  nonetheless is unable to maintain all requirements
for quoting on the NNM,  the Company may apply to register  its Common Stock for
trading on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market,  which  market  requires,  among  other
things, that the Company have for continued listing:  (i) net tangible assets of
$2,000,000  or net income of $500,000  (two of the last three  fiscal  years) or
market capitalization of $35,000,000;  (ii) public float of $1,000,000;  (iii) a
minimum bid price of $1.00 per share;  and (iv) 300  round-lot  holders.  Nasdaq
may, at its sole discretion, waive any of such listing criteria.



         The following table  illustrates  the principal  effects of the Reverse
Split on the Company's Common Stock:

                                                    Prior to         After
                                                 Reverse Stock    Reverse Stock
Number of Shares                                     Split           Split
                                                 -------------    -------------

Authorized.....................................   25,000,000       25,000,000
Outstanding (1)................................    7,508,861        3,754,430
Available for Future Issuance..................   17,491,139       21,245,570

- -----------------------------

(1)  Gives  effect to the Reverse  Split as if it  occurred on the Record  Date,
     subject to adjustment  resulting from the repurchase of fractional  shares.
     Excludes,  on a pre-Reverse Split basis,  shares of Common Stock subject to
     outstanding  options and shares of Common Stock  available for the grant of
     future options under the Company's stock option plans.  Upon  effectiveness
     of the Reverse  Split,  each option  would  entitle the holder to acquire a
     number  of shares  equal to the  number of  shares  which  the  holder  was
     entitled  to  acquire  prior to the  Reverse  Split  divided  by two at the
     exercise or  conversion  price in effect  immediately  prior to the Reverse
     Split multiplied by two.

         Stockholders  should recognize that if the Reverse Split is effectuated
they will own a fewer number of shares than they  presently  own (a number equal
to the number of shares owned  immediately  prior to the filing of the Amendment
divided by two). While the Company expects that the Reverse Split will result in
an increase in the market price of the Common  Stock,  there can be no assurance
that the Reverse  Split will  increase the market price of the Common Stock by a
multiple of two or result in the  permanent  increase in the market price (which
is  dependent  upon  many  factors,  including  the  Company's  performance  and
prospects).  Also,  should the market  price of the Common  Stock  decline,  the
percentage  decline may be greater than would result in the absence of a Reverse
Split. Furthermore, the possibility exists that liquidity in the market price of
the Common  Stock could be  adversely  affected by the reduced  number of shares
that would be  outstanding  after the Reverse  Split.  In addition,  the Reverse
Split will increase the number of  stockholders  of the Company who own odd-lots
(less than 100 shares). Stockholders who hold odd-lots typically will experience
an increase in the cost of selling their shares,  as well as greater  difficulty
in  effecting  such  sales.  Consequently,  there can be no  assurance  that the
Reverse Split will achieve the desired results that have been outlined above.


         If the Amendment is approved by the Company's stockholders,  and if the
Board  of  Directors  still  believes  that  the  Reverse  Split  is in the best
interests  of the  Company  and its  stockholders,  the  Company  will  file the
Amendment with the  Massachusetts  Secretary of the Commonwealth at such time as
the Board of Directors has  determined the  appropriate  effective date for such
split.  The Board of  Directors  may delay  effecting  the  Reverse  Split until
September 30, 2000 without resoliciting such stockholder  approval.  The Reverse
Split will become  effective on the date of filing the Amendment (the "Effective
Date").  Beginning on the Effective  Date,  each  certificate  representing  Old
Shares will be deemed for all  corporate  purposes to evidence  ownership of New


         As soon as practicable  after the Effective Date,  stockholders will be
notified that the Reverse Split has been effected. The Company's transfer agent,
American  Stock  Transfer  & Trust  Company,  will act as  exchange  agent  (the
"Exchange   Agent")  for  purposes  of   implementing   the  exchange  of  stock
certificates.  Holders of Old Shares will be asked to  surrender to the Exchange
Agent  certificates   representing  Old  Shares  in  exchange  for  certificates
representing  New Shares in accordance  with the procedures to be set forth in a
letter of  transmittal to be sent by the Company or the Exchange  Agent.  No new
certificates  will  be  issued  to a  stockholder  until  such  stockholder  has
surrendered  such  stockholder's  outstanding  certificate(s)  together with the
properly  completed and executed  letter of transmittal  to the Exchange  Agent.


         No scrip or fractional  certificates  will be issued in connection with
the  Reverse  Split.  Stockholders  who  otherwise  would be entitled to receive
fractional  shares because they hold a number of Old Shares not evenly divisible
by two will be entitled,  upon surrender to the Exchange  Agent of  certificates
representing  such shares, to a cash payment in lieu thereof at a price equal to
the fraction to which the stockholder would otherwise be entitled  multiplied by
the closing price of the Common Stock,  as reported in The Wall Street  Journal,
on the last trading day prior to the effective date of the Amendment (or if such
price is not available, the average of the last bid and ask prices of the Common
Stock on such day or other  price  determined  by the Board of  Directors).  The
ownership of a fractional  interest will not give the holder thereof any voting,
dividend or other rights except to receive payment therefor as described herein.

         Stockholders  should  be aware  that,  under  the  escheat  laws of the
various  jurisdictions where stockholders reside, where the Company is domiciled
and where the funds will be deposited,  sums due for  fractional  interests that
are not timely  claimed after the  effective  date may be required to be paid to
the designated agent for each such jurisdiction,  unless correspondence has been
received by the Company or the Exchange Agent concerning ownership of such funds
within  the  time  permitted  in  such  jurisdiction.  Thereafter,  stockholders
otherwise  entitled  to  receive  such  funds  will have to seek to obtain  them
directly from the state to which they were paid.


         The following is a summary of certain  material U.S. federal income tax
consequences  of the Reverse Split and does not purport to be complete.  It does
not discuss any state,  local,  foreign or minimum income or other U.S.  federal
tax consequences. Also, it does not address the tax consequences to stockholders
that are  subject to  special  tax rules,  such as banks,  insurance  companies,
regulated investment  companies,  personal holding companies,  foreign entities,
nonresident  alien  individuals,  broker-dealers  and tax-exempt  entities.  The
discussion is based on the  provisions of the U.S.  federal income tax law as of
the  date  hereof,   which  is  subject  to  change  retroactively  as  well  as
prospectively.  This summary also assumes that the Old Shares were,  and the New
Shares will be, held as a "capital  asset," as defined in the  Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended.  The tax treatment of a stockholder may vary depending
upon  the  particular  facts  and  circumstances  of  such   stockholder.   EACH

         The Reverse Split is an isolated  transaction and is not part of a plan
to periodically increase any stockholder's  proportionate interest in the assets
or earnings and profits of the Company.  As a result,  no gain or loss should be
recognized by a stockholder of the Company upon such stockholder's exchange


of Old Shares for New Shares pursuant to the Reverse Split (except to the extent
of any cash received in lieu of a fractional  New Share).  Cash payments in lieu
of a  fractional  New Share  should be treated as if the  fractional  share were
issued to the  stockholder  and then redeemed by the Company for cash. A Company
stockholder  receiving such payment  should  recognize gain or loss equal to the
difference,  if any,  between the amount of cash received and the  stockholder's
basis in the fractional share (determined as provided below).  Such gain or loss
will be capital gain or loss with respect to a stockholder  provided the payment
of cash in lieu of the  fractional  share is a mere  mechanical  rounding off of
fractions  and not  separately  bargained for  consideration  and the payment is
otherwise  "not  essentially  equivalent  to a dividend."  For this  purpose,  a
payment  is  not  essentially  equivalent  to a  dividend  if  it  results  in a
"meaningful reduction" in the stockholder's  percentage interest in the Company,
taking  into  account  the  constructive  ownership  rules  and  redemptions  of
fractional  shares from all the  stockholders.  The Internal Revenue Service has
ruled publicly that any reduction in the percentage interest of a small minority
stockholder  in a  publicly-held  corporation  who  exercises  no  control  over
corporate affairs should constitute a meaningful reduction.

         The aggregate tax basis of the New Shares received in the Reverse Split
(including any fraction of a New Share deemed to have been received) will be the
same as the  stockholder's  aggregate  tax  basis  in the Old  Shares  exchanged
therefor.  The stockholder's  holding period for the New Shares will include the
period  during  which the  stockholder  held the Old Shares  surrendered  in the
Reverse Split.


         The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding  shares of Common
Stock  present in person or by proxy at the Meeting is  necessary to approve the
Amendment.  Abstentions  and broker non-votes with respect to the Amendment are
not considered as votes cast with respect to that matter.





         The  Company's  By-laws  require  a  stockholder  who  wishes  to bring
business  before or propose  director  nominations  at an annual meeting to give
written notice to the Co-Chairmen of the Board of Directors,  the President, the
Treasurer  or the  Clerk of the  Company  not less than 50 days nor more than 75
days  before  the  meeting,  unless  less than 65 days'  notice or prior  public
disclosure of the date of the meeting is given, in which case the  stockholder's
notice must be received within 15 days following the day on which such notice or
disclosure of the date of the annual meeting was mailed or public disclosure was
made. Such notice must contain specified information about the proposed business
or  nominee  and the  stockholder  making the  proposal  or  nomination.  If any
stockholder  intends  to  present  a  proposal  at the 2000  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  and  desires  that it be  considered  for  inclusion  in the proxy
statement  and form of proxy,  it must be  received  by the Company at 1499 S.E.
Tech Center Place, Suite 350, Vancouver,  Washington 98683, Attention: Robert G.
Wick, no later than July 27, 2000.


         Management  does not intend to bring  before the Meeting for action any
matters other than those specifically  referred to above and is not aware of any
other matters which are proposed to be presented by others. If any other matters
or motions  should  properly  come before the  Meeting,  the person named in the
Proxy intends to vote thereon in accordance with his judgment on such matters or
motions,  including  any  matters or  motions  dealing  with the  conduct of the


         All stockholders are urged to fill in their choices with respect to the
matters to be voted on, sign and promptly return the enclosed form of Proxy.

                                      By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                      RODGER R. KROUSE

Vancouver, Washington
November 18, 1999

                                                                      EXHIBIT A

         The  last two  paragraphs  of  Article  III of the  Company's  Restated
Articles of  Organization,  as amended,  are to be deleted in their entirety and
the  following  is to be added  immediately  after the current  first  paragraph
thereof  (which sets forth the number and par value of the Company's  authorized
capital stock, none of which is being amended):

                           "Upon the filing of these  Articles of Amendment with
                  the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth,  each two (2)
                  shares of Common Stock of the Corporation,  $.01 par value per
                  share (the "Common Stock"), issued and  outstanding or held in
                  the  treasury of the  Corporation  shall be  consolidated  and
                  combined into one (1) share of Common Stock. There shall be no
                  fractional shares issued.  Stockholders who otherwise would be
                  entitled  to receive  fractional  shares  shall be entitled to
                  receive a cash payment in lieu thereof at a price equal to the
                  fraction to which the stockholder  would otherwise be entitled
                  multiplied  by the  closing  price  of the  Common  Stock,  as
                  reported in The Wall Street  Journal,  on the last trading day
                  prior to the filing date of these Articles of Amendment (or if
                  such price is not  available,  the average of the last bid
                  ask prices of the Common Stock on  such  day  or   other price
                  determined  by the  Board  of  Directors).  The  ownership  of
                  a fractional interest  will  not give the holder  thereof  any
                  voting, dividend or other rights  except  to  receive  payment
                  therefor  as described herein."

                                   PROXY CARD

PROXY                                                                     PROXY

                                   LABTEC INC.

         The  undersigned  holder of Common  Stock of LABTEC INC., revoking  all
proxies  heretofore  given,  hereby  constitutes  and appoints  RODGER R. KROUSE
Proxy,  with full power of  substitution,  for the  undersigned and in the name,
place and stead of the undersigned,  to vote all of the undersigned's  shares of
said  stock,  according  to the  number  of votes  and with all the  powers  the
undersigned  would  possess if  personally  present,  at the Special  Meeting of
Stockholders  to be held at the offices of Labtec  Inc.,  1499 S.E.  Tech Center
Place, Suite 350, Vancouver, Washington on Wednesday, November 24, 1999  at 8:00
A.M., local time, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         The undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Meeting
and Proxy  Statement  relating to the  meeting  and hereby  revokes any proxy or
proxies heretofore given.

         Each  properly  executed  Proxy  will be voted in  accordance  with the
specifications made below and in the discretion of the Proxy on any other matter
that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  Where no
choice is specified, this Proxy will be voted FOR Proposal 1 as set forth below.



1.   To approve an amendment of the Company's Restated Articles of Organization,
     as amended, in order to effect a one-for-two reverse split of the Company's
     Common Stock.

          |_|  FOR                  |_| AGAINST                |_| ABSTAIN

2.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting and
     any adjournments thereof.

                         The shares  represented  by this proxy will be voted in
                    the manner  directed.  In the absence of any direction,  the
                    shares will be voted FOR Proposal 1 and in  accordance  with
                    the  discretion  of the Proxy on such  other  matters as may
                    properly come before the meeting.

                    Dated ________________________________________________, 1999
                    (Signature(s)  should  conform to names as  registered.  For
                    jointly owned shares,  each owner should sign.  When signing
                    as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee, guardian or
                    officer of a corporation, please give full title).

                                       PLEASE MARK AND SIGN ABOVE AND
                                          RETURN PROMPTLY