                            WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the quarterly period ended        June 30, 1994       
         Commission File Number        1-10243                      
                           BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST             
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)  
                  Delaware                         13-6943724       
         ----------------------------      ------------------------
         (State or other jurisdiction         (I.R.S. Employer 
          of incorporation or                  Identification No.)
                       THE BANK OF NEW YORK
                       101 Barclay Street
                       New York, New York
                       Attention:  Walter N. Gitlin       10286  
           ------------------------------------------  ----------
           (Address of principal executive offices)    (Zip Code)
                               (212) 815-5084                    
              (Registrants telephone number, including area code)
  Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1)  has  filed  all  reports 
  required  to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
  Registrant  was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  X .   No    .
                                                      ---       ---


  Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of  each  of  the  Registrant's 
  classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.
  As  of  August 5, 1994 -- 21,400,000 Units of Beneficial Interest in the BP 
  Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust were outstanding. 
  Item 1.  Financial Statements
           (See pages 3 - 9  below)



                         BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                             Financial Statements
                                 June 30, 1994



                         BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
               Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Trust Corpus
                                 June 30, 1994
                       (In thousands, except unit data)
                                                 June 30,    December 31,
                      Assets                      1994           1993    
                      ------                   ------------   ------------
  Royalty Interest (notes 1 and 2)             $   535,000        535,000
    Less: accumulated amortization                (160,999)      (127,859)
                                                  ---------      ---------
            Total assets                       $   374,001        407,141
                                                  =========      =========
          Liabilities and Trust Corpus
  Accrued expenses                                     143             84
  Trust corpus (40,000,000 units of beneficial
    interest authorized, 21,400,000 units
    issued and outstanding)                        373,858        407,057
  Contingencies (note 3)                          ---------      ---------
            Total liabilities and
              Trust corpus                     $   374,001        407,141
                                                  =========      =========
  See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                               BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                       Statement of Cash Earnings and Distributions
                             (In thousands, except unit data)
                                     Three months ended            Six months ended
                                           June 30,                   June 30,
                                    ---------------------      ---------------------
                                        1994        1993           1994       1993
                                        ----        ----           ----       ----
  Royalty revenues                $     5,164      12,918        14,336      28,127
  Trust administrative expenses           284         286           384         370
                                    ---------   ---------     ---------   ---------
  Cash earnings                   $     4,880      12,632        13,952      27,757
                                    =========   =========     =========   =========
  Cash distributions              $     4,880      12,632        13,952      27,757
                                    =========   =========     =========   =========
  Cash distributions per unit     $      .228        .590          .652       1.297
                                    =========   =========     =========   =========
  Units outstanding                21,400,000  21,400,000    21,400,000  21,400,000
                                   ==========  ==========    ==========  ==========
  See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                               BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                           Statement of Changes in Trust Corpus
                                      (In thousands)
                                             Three months ended      Six months ended
                                                  June 30,                June 30,
                                           --------------------    --------------------
                                              1994       1993         1994       1993
                                              ----       ----         ----       ----
  Trust corpus at beginning of period    $  390,427    429,977      407,057    437,666
  Cash Earnings                               4,880     12,632       13,952     27,757
  Decrease (increase) in
     accrued Trust expenses                      93        106          (59)       (35)
  Cash distributions                         (4,880)   (12,632)     (13,952)   (27,757)
  Amortization of Royalty Interest          (16,662)    (7,631)     (33,140)   (15,179)
                                            --------   --------     --------   --------
  Trust corpus at end of period          $  373,858    422,452      373,858    422,452
                                            ========   ========     ========   ========
  See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                         BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                 June 30, 1994
  (1)  Formation of the Trust and Organization
  BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (the "Trust") was formed pursuant to  a  Trust 
  Agreement,   dated  February  28,  1989  among  The  Standard  Oil  Company 
  ("Standard Oil"), BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. (the "Company"), The Bank of 
  New  York and a co-trustee (collectively, the "Trustee").  Standard Oil and 
  the Company are indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of The British Petroleum 
  Company p.l.c. ("BP").
  On  February  28,  1989,  Standard  Oil  conveyed  a  royalty interest (the 
  "Royalty Interest") to the Trust.   The  Trust  was  formed  for  the  sole 
  purpose  of  owning  and  administering  the Royalty Interest.  The Royalty 
  Interest represents the right to receive, effective February  28,  1989,  a 
  per  barrel royalty (the "Per Barrel Royalty") on 16.4246% of the lesser of 
  (a) the first 90,000 barrels of the average actual daily net production  of 
  oil  and  condensate  per  quarter  or  (b)  the  average  actual daily net 
  production of oil and condensate per quarter  from  the  Company's  working 
  interest  in the Prudhoe Bay Field (the "Field") located on the North Slope 
  of Alaska.
  The co-trustees of the  Trust  are  The  Bank  of  New  York,  a  New  York 
  corporation  authorized  to do a banking business, and The Bank of New York 
  (Delaware),  a  Delaware  banking  corporation.   The  Bank  of  New   York 
  (Delaware) serves as co-trustee in order to satisfy certain requirements of 
  the Delaware Trust Act.  The Bank of New York alone is able to exercise the 
  rights and powers granted to the Trustee in the Trust Agreement.
  The  Trust  is  passive,  with  the  Trustee having only such powers as are 
  necessary for the collection and distribution of revenues, the  payment  of 
  Trust liabilities and the protection of the Royalty Interest.



                         BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                         Notes to Financial Statements
  (2)  Basis of Accounting
  The financial statements of the Trust are prepared on a modified cash basis 
  and reflect the Trust's assets, liabilities and results  of  operations  as 
  (a)  Revenues  are  recorded when received (generally within 15 days of the 
  end of the preceding quarter) and distributions to Trust Unit  holders  are 
  recorded when paid.
  (b) Trust expenses (which include accounting, engineering, legal, and other 
  professional fees, trustees' fees and out-of-pocket expenses) are  recorded 
  when incurred.
  (c)  The  Royalty  Interest  is  recorded  on  an amortized cost basis and, 
  therefore, the net overriding Royalty Interest at  June  30,  1994  is  not 
  indicative  of  the  fair  market  value of the interest held by the Trust. 
  Amortization of the Royalty Interest, which  is  calculated  based  on  the 
  units-of-production  attributable  to  the  Trust  over  the  production of 
  estimated  proved  reserves  attributable  to  the   Trust   (approximately 
  43,200,000  barrels at December 31, 1993), is charged directly to the Trust 
  corpus and does not affect cash earnings.  The rate  for  amortization  per 
  net  equivalent  barrel  of oil and condensate was $12.39 for the three and 
  six months ended June 30, 1994 and $5.67 for the three and six months ended 
  June 30, 1993.
  While  these  statements  differ  from  financial  statements  prepared  in 
  accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the cash basis of 
  reporting   revenues  and  distributions  is  considered  to  be  the  most 
  meaningful because quarterly distributions to the Unit holders are based on 
  net   cash  receipts.   The  accompanying  modified  cash  basis  financial 
  statements contain all adjustments necessary to present fairly the  assets, 
  liabilities  and Trust corpus of the Trust as of June 30, 1994 and December 
  31, 1993 and the modified cash earnings and distributions  and  changes  in 
  Trust corpus for the three and six months ended June 30, 1994 and 1993.



                         BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                         Notes to Financial Statements
  (3)  Income Taxes
  The  Trust  files  its federal tax return as a grantor trust subject to the 
  provisions of subpart E of Part I of Subchapter J of the  Internal  Revenue 
  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  rather  than  as an association taxable as a 
  corporation.  The Unit holders are treated as the owners  of  Trust  income 
  and  corpus, and the entire taxable income of the Trust will be reported by 
  the Unit Holders on their respective tax returns.
  If the Trust were determined to be an association taxable as a corporation, 
  it  would  be  treated as an entity taxable as a corporation on the taxable 
  income from the Royalty Interest, the Trust Unit holders would  be  treated 
  as  shareholders,  and  distributions  to  Trust  Unit holders would not be 
  deductible in computing the Trust's tax liability as an association.



  Item 2.  Management's Discussion And Analysis
           of Financial Condition and Results
           of Operations.
           Financial Condition.
        The Trust is a passive entity  with  the  Trustee  having  only  such 
  powers  as  are  necessary  for the collection and distribution of revenues 
  from the Royalty Interest, the payment of Trust  liabilities  and  expenses 
  and  the protection of the Royalty Interest.  All royalty payments received 
  by the Trustee are distributed,  net  of  Trust  expenses,  to  Trust  Unit 
  Holders.   Accordingly,  a  discussion of liquidity or capital resources is 
  not applicable.
           Results of Operations.
        The BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (the "Trust") was formed pursuant to 
  the  BP  Prudhoe  Bay Royalty  Trust Agreement dated February 28, 1989 (the 
  "Trust Agreement") and holds a royalty  interest  generally  entitling  the 
  Trust  to  a  per barrel royalty on 16.4246% of the first 90,000 barrels of 
  the average actual daily net production of oil and condensate per  calendar 
  quarter  from  the  BP  Exploration  (Alaska)  Inc. working interest in the 
  Prudhoe Bay Unit.
        Payments to the Trust  with  respect  to  the  Royalty  Interest  are 
  payable  on the fifteenth day after the end of the calendar quarter (or the 
  next succeeding business day if such fifteenth day is not a  business  day) 
  in  an  amount  equal  to  the per barrel WTI Price for each day during the 
  calendar quarter less the  sum  of  (i)  the  product  of  the  per  barrel 
  Chargeable  Costs and the Cost Adjustments Factor (such product hereinafter 
  referred to as  "Adjusted  Chargeable  Costs")  and  (ii)  the  per  barrel 
  Production Taxes.
        On  April 15, 1994 the Trust received its payment with respect to the 
  Royalty Interest for the period January 1, 1994 through March 31, 1994 (the 
  "First Quarter").  Such payment was in the amount, after rounding, of $3.88 
  per barrel.  During the First Quarter the average  WTI  Price  was  $14.80.  
  The  Adjusted  Chargeable  Costs per barrel were $9.44, based on Chargeable 
  Costs of $8.00 and a Cost Adjustment  Factor  of  1.1797,  and  per  barrel 
  Production  Taxes  were  $1.48.   After  payment  of  Trust  administrative 
  expenses, the Trust distributed $.228 per Unit.  The  payment  received  by 
  the  Trust  with  respect to the Royalty Interest for the period January 1, 
  1993 through March 31, 1993 was in the amount, after rounding, of $9.71 per 
  barrel.   During such period the average WTI price was $19.85, the Adjusted 
  Chargeable Costs per barrel were $7.90 and per barrel Production Taxes were 
  $2.24.    After   payment  of  Trust  administrative  expenses,  the  Trust 
  distributed $.590 per Unit for such period.


        The per barrel royalty payable to the Trust for the period  April  1, 
  1994  through  June  30,  1994  (the  "Second Quarter") is, after rounding, 
  $6.42.  During the Second Quarter the average WTI price  was  $17.79.   The 
  Adjusted  Chargeable Costs per barrel were $9.44, based on Chargeable Costs 
  of $8.00 and a Cost Adjustment Factor of 1.1797, and per barrel  Production 
  Taxes  were  $1.93.   The payment received by the Trust with respect to the 
  Royalty Interest for the period April 1, 1993 through June 30, 1993 was  in 
  the  amount,  after  rounding, of $9.57 per barrel.  During such period the 
  average WTI price was $19.76, the Adjusted Chargeable Costs per barrel were 
  $7.96 and per barrel Production Taxes were $2.22.



  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings - None
  Item 2.  Changes in Securities - None
  Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities - None
  Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders - None
  Item 5.  Other Information - None 
  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on 8-K
           a.  Exhibits 
               4.  -  Form  of  Trust Agreement (incorporated by reference to 
  Exhibit 6 to the Form 8-A Registration Statement of BP Prudhoe Bay  Royalty 
  Trust, Commission File No. 1-10243)
               27.  -  Financial  Data  Schedule - (see Exhibit 27.1 attached 
           b. Reports on Form 8-K - No reports on Form 8-K  have  been  filed 
  during the quarter for which this form is filed.



        Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
  the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on  its  behalf  by 
  the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
                                             BP PRUDHOE BAY ROYALTY TRUST
                                                  THE BANK OF NEW YORK,
                                                   as Trustee
                                             By: /s/ WALTER N. GITLIN      
                                             Name:   Walter N. Gitlin
                                             Title:  Vice President
  Date:  August 5, 1994
        The  Registrant,  BP  Prudhoe  Bay  Royalty  Trust,  has no principal 
  executive officer, principal  financial  officer,  board  of  directors  or 
  persons   performing   similar   functions.    Accordingly,  no  additional 
  signatures are available and none have been provided.
