
                             ARTICLE I

     The name of  the Corporation is Roadrunner Enterprises,  Inc.
  (the "Corporation").

                             ARTICLE II
                        Purposes and Powers

     Section 2.1.   Purpose of the Corporation.   The purpose  for
  which the Corporation is formed is to engage in the transaction
  of any or all lawful business for which corporations may now or
  hereafter   be   incorporated   under  the   Indiana   Business
  Corporation Law (the "Corporation Law").

     Section 2.2.   Powers of  the Corporation.   The  Corporation
  shall have  (a) all powers  now or hereafter  authorized by  or
  vested  in  corporations  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  the
  Corporation  Law, (b) all  powers  now or  hereafter vested  in
  corporations by common  law or  any other statute  or act,  and
  (c) all powers authorized  by or vested  in the Corporation  by
  the provisions  of these Restated Articles  of Incorporation or
  by  the provisions  of its  By-Laws  as from  time  to time  in

                            ARTICLE III
                         Term of Existence

     The period  during which  the Corporation  shall continue  is

                             ARTICLE IV
                    Registered Office and Agent

     The street address of the Corporation's registered office  in
  Indiana at the time  of adoption of these Restated  Articles of
  Incorporation  is Junction 231 & I-66, Rockport, Indiana 47635,
  and the name  of its Resident Agent at such  office at the time
  of  adoption of  these  Restated Articles  of Incorporation  is
  Phillip E. Weaver.

                             ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1.   Authorized  Class and  Number of Shares.   The
  total number  of shares of  all classes  which the  Corporation
  shall have authority to  issue is 35,000,000 shares, consisting
  of  25,000,000 shares  of  Common  Stock,  without   par  value
  ("Common  Stock"), and  10,000,000 shares  of Preferred  Stock,
  without par value ("Preferred Stock").  

     Section 5.2.  Dividends.   Subject to  the provisions  of law
  and the rights of  the Preferred Stock  and any other class  or
  series  of  stock then  outstanding having  a preference  as to
  dividends over the Common  Stock, dividends may be paid  on the
  Common Stock  at such times and in such amounts as the Board of
  Directors shall determine.

     Section 5.3.   Relative  Rights of  Shareholders.   Upon  the
  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding  up  of  the Corporation,
  whether  voluntary  or   involuntary,  after  any  preferential
  amounts to be distributed to the holders of the Preferred Stock
  and  any other class or series of stock then outstanding having
  a preference over the  Common Stock have been paid  or declared
  and  set apart  for payment,  the holders  of the  Common Stock
  shall be entitled to receive all of the remaining assets of the
  Corporation available for distribution to its shareholders.

     Section 5.4.   Rights  and  Terms  of Preferred  Stock.   The
  Board  of Directors is hereby authorized to provide, out of the
  unissued shares of Preferred  Stock, for one or more  series of
  Preferred  Stock.   Before any  shares of  any such  series are
  issued,  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  fix,  and hereby  is
  expressly empowered  to  fix, by  the  adoption and  filing  in
  accordance  with  the  Corporation  Law,  of  an  amendment  or
  amendments to  these  Restated Articles  of Incorporation,  the
  terms  of such Preferred  Stock or  series of  Preferred Stock,
  including the following terms:

       (a)  the designation of such  series, the number of shares
     to  constitute such  series and  the stated value  thereof if
     different from the par value thereof;

       (b)  whether the  shares of such series  shall have voting
     rights, in  addition to  any voting rights  provided by  law,
     and, if  so, the terms  of such  voting rights, which  may be
     special, conditional  or limited or  no voting rights  except
     as required by law;

       (c)  the  dividends,  if  any,  payable  on  such  series,
     whether any such  dividends shall be  cumulative, and, if so,
     from what dates,  the conditions  and dates  upon which  such
     dividends shall be payable, the preference or relation  which
     such dividends  shall bear  to the dividends  payable on  any

     shares of  stock of any  other class  or any other  series of
     Preferred Stock;

       (d)  whether the shares of such series shall be subject to
     redemption by the  Corporation and, if  so, the times, prices
     and other conditions of such redemption;

       (e)  the  amount or  amounts payable  upon shares  of such
     series  upon, and the  rights of  the holders  of such series
     in, the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution  or
     winding up,  or upon any distribution  of the  assets, of the

       (f)  whether the shares of such series shall be subject to
     the  operation of a  retirement or  sinking fund  and, if so,
     the extent  to and  manner in  which any  such retirement  or
     sinking fund shall  be applied to the purchase or  redemption
     of  the  shares  of  such  series  for  retirement  or  other
     corporate purposes and  the terms and provisions relative  to
     the operation thereof;

       (g)  whether   the  shares   of  such   series  shall   be
     convertible into,  or exchangeable  for, shares  of stock  of
     any  other class or  any other  series of  Preferred Stock or
     any  other   securities  (whether  or   not  issued  by   the
     Corporation)  or other  property and,  if  so, the  price  or
     prices  or the rate  or rates  of conversion  or exchange and
     the method,  if any,  of adjusting  the same,  and any  other
     terms and conditions of conversion or exchange;

       (h)  the  limitations  and  restrictions, if  any,  to  be
     effective while  any shares  of such  series are  outstanding
     upon  the  payment  of  dividends  or  the  making  of  other
     distributions on, and upon the purchase, redemption or  other
     acquisition  by  the Corporation  of,  the  Common  Stock  or
     shares of stock  of any other  class or any  other series  of
     Preferred Stock.

     Section 5.5.     Assessability.      Upon   receipt  by   the
  Corporation  of  the  consideration  for  which  the  Board  of
  Directors authorized the issuance  of shares, the shares issued
  therefor shall be fully paid and nonassessable.

                             ARTICLE VI

     Section  6.1.   Number.   The  number  of Directors  shall be
  fixed by the By-Laws.

     Section 6.2.    Qualifications.     Directors  need   not  be
  shareholders of  the Corporation  or residents  of this or  any
  other state of the United States.

     Section 6.3.   Vacancies.  Vacancies  occurring on the  Board
  of Directors  shall be filled in the manner provided in the By-
  Laws  or, if  the By-Laws  do not  provide for  the  filling of
  vacancies,  in the manner provided by the Corporation Law.  The
  By-Laws  may  also   provide  that  in  certain   circumstances
  specified  therein,  vacancies  occurring   on  the  Board   of
  Directors  may be  filled  by vote  of  the shareholders  at  a
  special meeting called for  that purpose or at the  next annual
  meeting of shareholders.

     Section 6.4.     Liability  of   Directors.     A  Director's
  responsibility  to  the   Corporation  shall   be  limited   to
  discharging his duties as a Director, including his duties as a
  member of any committee of the Board of Directors upon which he
  may serve, in good  faith, with the care an  ordinarily prudent
  person  in  a  like   position  would  exercise  under  similar
  circumstances, and in a manner the Director reasonably believes
  to  be in the best  interests of the  Corporation, all based on
  the facts then known to the Director.

     In discharging his duties, a Director  is entitled to rely on
  information,  opinions,  reports,   or  statements,   including
  financial statements  and other financial data,  if prepared or
  presented by:

       (a)  One (1)  or more  officers or  employees of  the  Corporation
     whom the Director reasonably believes  to be reliable and  competent
     in the matters presented;

       (b)  Legal counsel,  public accountants,  or other  persons as  to
     matters the  Director reasonably  believes are within  such person's
     professional or expert competence; or

       (c)  A  committee of  the Board  of  which the  Director is  not a
     member  if the  Director  reasonably believes  the Committee  merits

  but a Director is not acting in  good faith if the Director has knowledge
  concerning the matter in question that makes reliance otherwise permitted
  by this Section 6.4 unwarranted.  A Director may, in considering the best
  interests  of  the Corporation,  consider the  effects  of any  action on
  shareholders, employees, suppliers and  customers of the Corporation, and
  communities in which offices  or other facilities of the  corporation are
  located, and any other factors the Director considers pertinent.

     A  Director shall not be liable  for any action taken as a Director, or
  any  failure to take any action, unless  (i) the Director has breached or
  failed to perform the duties of  the Director's office in compliance with
  this Section 6.4, and (ii) the  breach or failure to  perform constitutes
  willful misconduct or recklessness.

     Section 6.5.  Removal of Directors.   Any or all of  the members of the
  Board  of Directors  may be  removed, with  or without  cause, only  at a
  meeting of the  shareholders called  expressly for that  purpose, by  the

  affirmative vote  of the  holders of outstanding  shares representing  at
  least a majority of all the votes then entitled to be cast at an election
  of Directors.

                                 ARTICLE VII
                    Provisions for Regulation of Business
                    and Conduct of Affairs of Corporation

     Section 7.1.  Meetings of Shareholders.   Meetings of  the shareholders
  of the Corporation shall be held at such times and at such places, either
  within or without the State of Indiana,  as may be stated in or fixed  in
  accordance  with  the By-Laws  of the  Corporation  and specified  in the
  respective notices or waivers of notice of any such meetings.

     Section 7.2.   Special Meetings of Shareholders.   Special meetings  of
  the  shareholders,   for  any  purpose  or   purposes,  unless  otherwise
  prescribed by the Corporation Law, may be called at any time by the Board
  of Directors or the person or persons specifically authorized to do so by
  the  By-Laws  and shall  be  called  by the  Board  of  Directors if  the
  Secretary  of the Corporation receives one (1) or more written, dated and
  signed demands for a special meeting, describing in reasonable detail the
  purpose or  purposes for  which it  is to  be held,  from the  holders of
  shares  representing  at  least fifty  percent  (50%)  of  all the  votes
  entitled to  be  cast on  any  issue proposed  to  be considered  at  the
  proposed  special meeting.   If  the Secretary  receives one (1)  or more
  proper written demands for  a special meeting of shareholders,  the Board
  of  Directors may set a record date for determining shareholders entitled
  to make such demand.

     Section 7.3.    Meetings  of  Directors.    Meetings  of  the  Board of
  Directors  of the  Corporation shall be  held at  such times  and at such
  places,  either within  or  without  the  State of  Indiana,  as  may  be
  authorized  by the  By-Laws and  specified in  the respective  notices or
  waivers  of notice  of any  such meetings  or otherwise specified  by the
  Board of  Directors.  Unless  the By-laws  provide otherwise  (a) regular
  meetings of  the Board of  Directors may  be held without  notice of  the
  date, time, place,  or purpose of  the meeting and  (b) the notice for  a
  special meeting need not describe the purpose or purposes of the  special

     Section 7.4.    Action  Without  Meeting.     Any  action  required  or
  permitted to  be  taken at  any  meeting of  the  Board of  Directors  or
  shareholders,  or of any committee of such  Board, may be taken without a
  meeting,  if the  action is  taken  by all  members of  the Board  or all
  shareholders entitled  to vote on the  action, or by all  members of such
  committee, as the case may be.   The action must be evidenced  by one (1)
  or  more written  consents describing  the action  taken, signed  by each
  Director, or all the shareholders  entitled to vote on the action,  or by
  each  member of such committee, as  the case may be, and,  in the case of
  action by the Board of Directors  or a committee thereof, included in the
  minutes or filed with  the corporate records reflecting the  action taken
  or,  in  the  case  of  action by  the  shareholders,  delivered  to  the

  Corporation for inclusion  in the  minutes or filing  with the  corporate
  records.  Action  taken under this Section 7.4 is effective when the last
  director, shareholder or committee member, as  the case may be, signs the
  consent,  unless the consent  specifies a  different prior  or subsequent
  effective date,  in which case  the action is effective  on or as  of the
  specified date.   Such consent shall have the same  effect as a unanimous
  vote of all members  of the Board, or all shareholders, or all members of
  the  committee, as the case may  be, and may be described  as such in any

     Section 7.5.    By-Laws.    The  Board  of  Directors  shall  have  the
  exclusive power to make,  alter, amend or repeal, or  to waive provisions
  of, the  By-Laws of the Corporation by the affirmative vote of a majority
  of  the entire  number  of Directors  at the  time,  except as  expressly
  provided by the  Corporation Law.  All  provisions for the regulation  of
  the business and management of the affairs of the  Corporation not stated
  in these Restated Articles  of Incorporation shall  be stated in the  By-
  Laws.    The  Board  of Directors  may  adopt  Emergency  By-Laws of  the
  Corporation and shall have  the exclusive power (except as  may otherwise
  be  provided therein)  to  make,  alter, amend  or  repeal,  or to  waive
  provisions  of,  the  Emergency By-Laws  by  the  affirmative  vote of  a
  majority of the entire number of Directors at the time.

     Section 7.6.    Interest of  Directors.    (a) A  conflict of  interest
  transaction is a transaction with the  Corporation in which a Director of
  the  Corporation  has a  direct  or  indirect interest.    A  conflict of
  interest transaction is not voidable by the Corporation solely because of
  the  Director's interest  in  the  transaction  if  any  one (1)  of  the
  following is true:

         (i)   The  material   facts  of   the  transaction   and  the
         Director's interest were disclosed  or known to  the Board of
         Directors or  a committee of the  Board of  Directors and the
         Board  of Directors  or  committee authorized,  approved,  or
         ratified the transaction.

        (ii)   The  material   facts  of  the   transaction  and   the
         Director's  interest   were   disclosed  or   known  to   the
         shareholders entitled to  vote and they authorized,  approved
         or ratified the transaction.

       (iii)   The transaction was fair to the Corporation.

       (b)  For  purposes  of  this   Section 7.6,  a  Director   of  the
     Corporation has an indirect interest in a transaction if:

         (i)   another entity  in which  the Director  has a  material
         financial  interest or  in which  the Director  is a  general
         partner is a party to the transaction; or

        (ii)   another entity  of which  the Director  is a  director,
         officer,  or trustee is  a party  to the  transaction and the

         transaction  is,  or is  required  to  be, considered  by the
         Board of Directors of the Corporation.

       (c)  For  purposes of  Section 7.6(a)(i), a  conflict of  interest
     transaction is authorized, approved, or ratified if it receives  the
     affirmative vote  of a  majority of the  Directors on  the Board  of
     Directors  (or  on the  committee) who  have  no direct  or indirect
     interest  in  the  transaction,   but  a  transaction  may   not  be
     authorized, approved, or ratified under this Section 7.6 by a single
     Director.   If a majority  of the  Directors who have  no direct  or
     indirect interest in  the transaction vote to authorize, approve, or
     ratify the transaction,  a quorum  shall be deemed  present for  the
     purpose of taking action  under this Section 7.6.  The  presence of,
     or a vote cast by, a Director with a direct or indirect interest  in
     the transaction does  not affect  the validity of  any action  taken
     under Section 7.6(a)(i), if the transaction is otherwise authorized,
     approved, or ratified as provided in such Section.

       (d)  For purposes of Section 7.6(a)(ii),  shares owned by or voted
     under  the control  of  a  Director who  has  a  direct or  indirect
     interest in the transaction, and shares owned by  or voted under the
     control  of an entity described in Section 7.6(b), may be counted in
     a vote of shareholders to determine whether to authorize, approve or
     ratify a conflict of interest transaction.

     Section 7.7.    Nonliability   of  Shareholders.  Shareholders  of  the
  Corporation  are not  personally  liable for  the  acts or  debts of  the
  Corporation, nor  is  private property  of  shareholders subject  to  the
  payment of corporate debts.

     Section 7.8.    Indemnification  of  Officers,  Directors  and    Other
  Eligible Persons.

       (a)  To the  maximum  extent  permitted  by the  Corporation  Law,
     every Eligible  Person  shall  be  indemnified  by  the  Corporation
     against all Liability and reasonable Expense that may be incurred by
     him  in connection  with or  resulting from  any Claim,  (i) if such
     Eligible Person is Wholly  Successful with respect to the  Claim, or
     (ii) if  not Wholly  Successful,  then if  such  Eligible Person  is
     determined,  as provided in either Section 7.8(f) or 7.8(g), to have
     acted  in good faith, in what he  reasonably believed to be the best
     interests of  the Corporation or  at least not  opposed to its  best
     interests and, in addition,  with respect to any criminal  Claim, is
     determined  to have had reasonable cause to believe that his conduct
     was lawful  or to have had  no reasonable cause to  believe that his
     conduct  was unlawful.  The  termination of any  Claim, by judgment,
     order,  settlement  (whether with  or  without  court approval),  or
     conviction or  upon a plea of  guilty or of nolo  contendere, or its
     equivalent, shall not  create a presumption that an  Eligible Person
     did not  meet the standards of  conduct set forth in  clause (ii) of
     this subsection (a).  The actions of an Eligible Person with respect
     to an  employee  benefit plan  subject  to the  Employee  Retirement
     Income Security  Act of 1974 shall  be deemed to have  been taken in
     what  the  Eligible  Person  reasonably  believed  to  be  the  best
     interests of  the Corporation or  at least  not opposed to  its best
     interests if the Eligible  Person reasonably believed he  was acting
     in conformity with  the requirements  of such Act  or he  reasonably
     believed his actions  to be in the interests  of the participants in
     or beneficiaries of the plan.

       (b)  The term  "Claim" as  used in this Section 7.8  shall include
     every pending,  threatened  or  completed  claim,  action,  suit  or
     proceeding and all  appeals thereof  (whether brought by  or in  the
     right of  this Corporation or  any other corporation  or otherwise),
     civil,   criminal,  administrative   or  investigative,   formal  or
     informal,  in which  an Eligible  Person may  become involved,  as a
     party or otherwise:

         (i)   by  reason of  his  being or  having been  an  Eligible
         Person, or

        (ii)   by reason of  any action taken or  not taken by him  in
         his  capacity  as  an Eligible  Person,  whether  or  not  he
         continued  in  such capacity  at the  time such  Liability or
         Expense shall have been incurred.

       (c)  The term "Eligible Person" as used in  this Section 7.8 shall
     mean  every   person   (and   the   estate,   heirs   and   personal
     representatives of such person)  who is or was a  Director, officer,
     employee or agent  of the Corporation  or is or  was serving at  the
     request of the Corporation  as a director, officer, employee,  agent
     or  fiduciary   of   another  foreign   or   domestic   corporation,
     partnership, joint venture,  trust, employee benefit  plan or  other

     organization  or entity,  whether for  profit or  not.   An Eligible
     Person shall also  be considered  to have been  serving an  employee
     benefit plan at the request of  the Corporation if his duties to the
     Corporation also  imposed duties on, or  otherwise involved services
     by, him  to the plan or  to participants in or  beneficiaries of the

       (d)  The  terms  "Liability"  and   "Expense"  as  used   in  this
     Section 7.8 shall include, but shall not be limited to, counsel fees
     and  disbursements  and amounts  of  judgments,  fines or  penalties
     against (including excise taxes assessed with respect to an employee
     benefit plan), and amounts paid in settlement by or on behalf of, an
     Eligible Person.

       (e)  The  term "Wholly  Successful"  as  used in  this Section 7.8
     shall mean (i) termination of any  Claim against the Eligible Person
     in question without any  finding of liability or guilt  against him,
     (ii) approval by  a court, with  knowledge of  the indemnity  herein
     provided, of a settlement of any Claim, or (iii) the expiration of a
     reasonable period of time  after the making or threatened  making of
     any Claim without the  institution of the same, without  any payment
     or promise made to induce a settlement.

       (f)  Every  Eligible  Person  claiming  indemnification  hereunder
     (other than one  who has been Wholly Successful with  respect to any
     Claim)  shall   be  entitled  to   indemnification  (i) if   special
     independent  legal counsel,  which  may be  regular  counsel of  the
     Corporation or other disinterested person or persons, in either case
     selected by the Board  of Directors, whether or not  a disinterested
     quorum exists (such  counsel or person or  persons being hereinafter
     called  the "Referee"), shall  deliver to the  Corporation a written
     finding that such Eligible  Person has met the standards  of conduct
     set forth in Section 7.8(a)(ii), and (ii) if the Board of Directors,
     acting  upon  such written  finding, so  determines.   The  Board of
     Directors shall, if  an Eligible Person is  found to be  entitled to
     indemnification pursuant to  the preceding sentence, also  determine
     the  reasonableness of the Eligible Person's Expenses.  The Eligible
     Person  claiming indemnification shall,  if requested, appear before
     the Referee,  answer questions that  the Referee deems  relevant and
     shall  be given ample opportunity to present to the Referee evidence
     upon which  such Eligible  Person  relies for  indemnification.  The
     Corporation  shall, at  the request  of the Referee,  make available
     facts,  opinions  or  other evidence  in  any  way  relevant to  the
     Referee's finding that are  within the possession or control  of the

       (g)  If  an Eligible  Person claiming  indemnification pursuant to
     Section 7.8(f) is found not to be entitled  thereto, or if the Board
     of Directors fails to select a Referee under Section 7.8(f) within a
     reasonable amount of time following a written request of an Eligible
     Person for  the selection  of a  Referee, or if  the Referee  or the
     Board   of   Directors  fails   to   make   a  determination   under
     Section 7.8(f) within  a reasonable  amount  of time  following  the

     selection  of  a   Referee,  the  Eligible  Person  may   apply  for
     indemnification  with respect  to a  Claim to  a court  of competent
     jurisdiction,  including  a court  in  which  the Claim  is  pending
     against  the Eligible  Person.   On receipt  of an  application, the
     court,  after  giving  notice  to  the  Corporation  and  giving the
     Corporation  ample  opportunity   to  present  to   the  court   any
     information or evidence  relating to the  claim for  indemnification
     that the Corporation deems appropriate, may order indemnification if
     it  determines   that   the   Eligible   Person   is   entitled   to
     indemnification with  respect to  the  Claim because  such  Eligible
     Person met the standards of conduct set forth in Section 7.8(a)(ii).
     If  the court  determines that  the Eligible  Person is  entitled to
     indemnification, the  court shall also determine  the reasonableness
     of the Eligible Person's Expenses.

       (h)  The rights of  indemnification provided  in this  Section 7.8
     shall be in addition to any rights to which any  Eligible Person may
     otherwise  be entitled.    Irrespective of  the  provisions of  this
     Section 7.8,  the Board of Directors may, at  any time and from time
     to  time, (i) approve indemnification of  any Eligible Person to the
     maximum extent permitted by the  provisions of applicable law at the
     time in effect, whether  on account of past or  future transactions,
     and  (ii) authorize  the  Corporation   to  purchase  and   maintain
     insurance  on behalf  of any  Eligible Person against  any Liability
     asserted against  him and incurred by  him in any such  capacity, or
     arising out of  his status as such,  whether or not the  Corporation
     would have the power to indemnify him against such liability.

       (i)  Expenses  incurred by an Eligible Person with  respect to any
     Claim may be advanced by the  Corporation (by action of the Board of
     Directors,  whether or not  a disinterested quorum  exists) prior to
     the final disposition thereof  upon receipt of an undertaking  by or
     on behalf of  the Eligible Person to repay such  amount unless he is
     determined to be entitled to indemnification.

       (j)  The provisions  of this Section 7.8 shall  be deemed  to be a
     contract  between the Corporation  and each Eligible  Person, and an
     Eligible Person's  rights  hereunder  shall  not  be  diminished  or
     otherwise   adversely  affected   by   any   repeal,  amendment   or
     modification of  this Section 7.8  that  occurs subsequent  to  such
     person becoming an Eligible Person.

       (k)  The provisions  of this  Section 7.8 shall  be applicable  to
     Claims made or commenced after the  adoption hereof, whether arising
     from acts or omissions to act occurring before or after the adoption

                                 ARTICLE VIII
                           Miscellaneous Provisions

     Section 8.1.   Amendment  or Repeal.    Except as  otherwise  expressly
  provided for in these Restated Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation

  shall be deemed, for all  purposes, to have reserved the right  to amend,
  alter,  change  or repeal  any  provision  contained  in  these  Restated
  Articles  of  Incorporation to  the  extent  and  in  the manner  now  or
  hereafter permitted  or  prescribed by  statute,  and all  rights  herein
  conferred upon shareholders are granted subject to such reservation.

     Section 8.2.  Captions.  The captions of  the Articles and Sections  of
  these  Restated   Articles  of  Incorporation  have   been  inserted  for
  convenience  of reference  only  and do  not in  any  way define,  limit,
  construe or  describe  the scope  or  intent of  any Article  or  Section