WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2000

                           TEEKAY SHIPPING CORPORATION
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                                    TK House
                             Bayside Executive Park
                          West Bay Street & Blake Road
                       P.O. Box AP-59213, Nassau, Bahamas
                     (Address of principal executive office)

         [Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant  files or will file
annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.]

               Form 20-F      X       Form 40- F
                           -------                 ----------

         [Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  by  furnishing  the
information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to
the Commission  pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities  Exchange Act of

                     Yes               No      X
                           --------        ----------

         [If "Yes" is marked,  indicate  below the file  number  assigned to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):82-_______ ]




PART I:   FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                            PAGE

Item 1.  Financial Statements

         Independent Accountants' Report......................................3

         Consolidated Statements of Income and Retained Earnings
         for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999......4

         Consolidated Balance Sheets
         September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999.............................5

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
         for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999................6

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...........................7

         Schedule A to the Consolidated Financial Statements.................11

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations...........................................15

Item 3.  Market Rate Risks...................................................21

PART II: OTHER INFORMATION...................................................22


                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of
Teekay Shipping Corporation

We have reviewed the accompanying  consolidated balance sheet of Teekay Shipping
Corporation  and  subsidiaries  as  of  September  30,  2000,  and  the  related
consolidated  statements of income and retained earnings for the three and nine
month  periods  ended September  30, 2000 and 1999,  and the related
consolidated  statements of cash flows for the nine month periods ended
September 30, 2000 and 1999.  Our review also included the  financial  schedule
listed in Index Item 1. These  financial statements and schedule are the
responsibility of the Company's management.

We  conducted  our  reviews in  accordance  with  standards  established  by the
American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A  review  of  interim
financial  information consists principally of applying analytical procedures to
financial  data, and making  inquiries of persons  responsible for financial and
accounting  matters.  It is  substantially  less  in  scope  than  an  audit  in
accordance with generally accepted auditing  standards,  which will be performed
for the full year with the  objective of  expressing  an opinion  regarding  the
financial  statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly,  we do not express such an

Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should
be made to the consolidated  financial statements and schedule referred to above
for them to be in conformity with accounting  principles  generally  accepted in
the United States.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance with auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States, the consolidated balance sheet of Teekay Shipping
Corporation  and   subsidiaries  as  of  December  31,  1999,  and  the  related
consolidated  statements of income and retained earnings, and cash flows for the
nine month  period then ended,  not  presented  herein,  and in our report dated
February 11, 2000,  we expressed an  unqualified  opinion on those  consolidated
financial  statements.  In  our  opinion,  the  information  set  forth  in  the
accompanying  consolidated balance sheet and related schedule as of December 31,
1999,  is  fairly  stated,  in  all  material  respects,   in  relation  to  the
consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.

Nassau, Bahamas,                                           /s/ ERNST & YOUNG
October 25, 2000                                           Chartered Accountants


            (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share amounts)

                                                            Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                                              September 30,                  September 30,
                                                             ---------------                ---------------
                                                            2000          1999             2000          1999
                                                            ----          ----             ----          ----
                                                             $              $                $             $
                                                                (unaudited)                    (unaudited)

Voyage revenues                                           238,686          136,932        622,148        328,570
Voyage expenses                                            63,791           49,138        184,566         99,859
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Net voyage revenues                                       174,895           87,794        437,582        228,711
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Vessel operating expenses                                  31,161           36,256        100,653         81,840
Time-charter hire expense                                  14,218           10,783         40,298         27,433
Depreciation and amortization                              25,249           24,287         74,915         65,958
General and administrative                                  8,930            9,616         27,511         24,080
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                           79,558           80,942        243,377        199,311
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Income from vessel operations                              95,337            6,852        194,205         29,400
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Interest expense                                          (18,022)         (15,972)       (57,287)       (36,477)
Interest income                                             2,277            2,058          9,667          5,048
Other income (loss) (note 8)                                1,260           (1,663)           953         (4,092)
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                          (14,485)         (15,577)       (46,667)       (35,521)
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Net income (loss)                                          80,852           (8,725)       147,538         (6,121)
Retained earnings, beginning of the period                454,416          440,825        404,130        451,829
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                          535,268          432,100        551,668        445,708
Dividends declared                                         (8,210)          (8,184)       (24,610)       (21,792)
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Retained earnings, end of the period                      527,058          423,916        527,058        423,916
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Earnings (loss) per common share (note 6)
     - Basic                                                 2.10           (0.23)          3.85            (0.18)
     - Diluted                                               2.02           (0.23)          3.77            (0.18)
- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                                   As at                As at
                                                                               September 30,         December 31,
                                                                                   2000                  1999
                                                                                   ----                  ----
                                                                                     $                    $
                                                                                     -                    -
                                                                                (unaudited)          (unaudited)

      Cash and cash equivalents                                                  219,721                220,327
      Accounts receivable                                                         45,572                 30,753
      Prepaid expenses and other assets                                           37,111                 29,579
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Total current assets                                                       302,404                280,659
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Marketable securities (note 2)                                              17,069                  6,054
      Vessels and equipment
           at cost, less accumulated depreciation of $664,704
           (December 31, 1999 - $624,727) (note 5)                             1,621,569              1,666,755
      Investment in  joint venture                                                21,667                 19,402
      Other assets                                                                15,456                  9,814
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

                                                                               1,978,165              1,982,684
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Accounts payable                                                            23,173                 20,431
      Accrued liabilities                                                         44,215                 39,515
      Current portion of long-term debt (note 5)                                  83,861                 66,557
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Total current liabilities                                                  151,249                126,503
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
      Long-term debt (note 5)                                                    839,096              1,018,610
      Other long-term liabilities                                                  8,295                  3,400
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Total liabilities                                                          998,640              1,148,513
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
      Minority interest                                                            3,800                  2,104
      Stockholders' equity
      Capital stock (note 6)                                                     448,667                427,937
      Retained earnings                                                          527,058                404,130
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Total stockholders' equity                                                 975,725                832,067
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

                                                                               1,978,165              1,982,684
      -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------

      Commitments and contingencies (note 7)

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part  of the  consolidated
financial statements.


                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                            Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                                                2000                 1999
                                                                                ----                 ----
                                                                                  $                   $
Cash and cash equivalents provided by (used for)

Net income (loss)                                                            147,538                 (6,121)
Adjustment to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash flow from
 operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                                            74,915                 65,958
     Equity income (net of dividends received of $2.98 million)               (2,319)                     -
     Future income taxes                                                       1,500                  1,500
     Loss on disposition of assets                                             1,004                      -
     Other - net                                                                (316)                   (63)
Change in non-cash working capital items related to
  operating activities                                                       (12,969)                (2,578)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Net cash flow from operating activities                                      209,353                 58,696
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Proceeds from long-term debt                                                  11,000                 50,000
Scheduled repayments of long-term debt                                       (27,484)               (16,586)
Prepayment of long-term debt                                                (145,726)               (10,000)
Proceeds from stock options exercised                                         20,710                      -
Cash dividends paid                                                          (24,590)               (21,771)
Other                                                                          3,395                   (605)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Net cash flow from financing activities                                     (162,695)                 1,038
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Expenditures for vessels and equipment                                       (35,705)               (39,914)
Expenditures for drydocking                                                   (8,125)                (3,699)
Proceeds from disposition of assets                                            9,713                      -
Net cash acquired through purchase of Bona Shipholding Ltd. (note 9)               -                 51,774
Acquisition costs related to purchase of  Bona Shipholding Ltd. (note 9)      (2,247)                (6,231)
Proceeds on sale of available-for-sale securities                                  -                 21,029
Purchases of available-for-sale securities                                   (10,900)                     -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Net cash flow from investing activities                                      (47,264)                22,959
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                                (606)                82,693
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                           220,327                 66,133
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                                 219,721                148,826
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


  (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share data)
(Information as at September  30, 2000 and for the Three and Nine Month  Periods
                Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 is unaudited)

1.       Basis of Presentation

         The accompanying  unaudited interim  consolidated  financial statements
         have been prepared in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
         principles  in the United States and the rules and  regulations  of the
         Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Certain  information and footnote
         disclosures  required by generally accepted  accounting  principles for
         complete annual financial  statements have been omitted and, therefore,
         it is suggested  that these  interim  financial  statements  be read in
         conjunction  with the Company's  audited  financial  statements for the
         nine  month  period  ended   December  31,  1999.  In  the  opinion  of
         management,  these statements reflect all adjustments  (consisting only
         of normal  recurring  accruals),  necessary to present  fairly,  in all
         material  respects,  the  Company's  consolidated  financial  position,
         results of operations and cash flows for the interim periods presented.
         The results of  operations  for the three and nine month  periods ended
         September 30, 2000 are not  necessarily  indicative of those for a full
         fiscal year.

2.       Marketable Securities

         The Company's  investments  in marketable  securities are classified as
         available-for-sale  securities  and  are  carried  at fair  value.  Net
         unrealized  gains  or  losses  on  available-for-sale   securities,  if
         material, are reported as a separate component of stockholders' equity.

3.       Cash Flows

         Cash  interest  paid during the nine month periods ended  September 30,
         2000 and  1999  totalled  approximately  $62,004,000   and $57,087,000,

4.       Income Taxes

         The  legal  jurisdictions  of the  countries  in which  Teekay  and the
         majority of its  subsidiaries  are  incorporated  do not impose  income
         taxes  upon  shipping-related   activities.  The  Company's  Australian
         ship-owning  subsidiaries are subject to income taxes (see Note 8). The
         Company  accounts for such taxes using the liability method pursuant to
         Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 109, " Accounting for
         Income Taxes".

5.       Long-Term Debt

                                                     September 30,  December 31,
                                                         2000           1999
                                                          $              $

         Revolving Credit Facilities................   525,000         634,000
         First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes (8.32%)
           due through 2008..........................  189,274         225,000

         Term Loans due through 2009 ..................208,683         226,167
                                                       -------       ---------
                                                       922,957       1,085,167
         Less current portion.......................... 83,861          66,557
                                                       -------       ---------
                                                       839,096       1,018,610
                                                       =======       =========


  (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share data)
(Information as at September  30, 2000 and for the Three and Nine Month  Periods
                Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 is unaudited)

The Company has two long-term Revolving Credit Facilities (the "Revolvers")
available  which,  as at September  30, 2000,  provided for  borrowings of up to
$620.0 million.  Interest payments are based on LIBOR (September 30, 2000: 6.8%;
December 31, 1999:  6.0%) plus a margin  depending on the financial  leverage of
the Company;  at September  30, 2000 the margins  ranged  between 0.5% and 0.85%
(December 31, 1999:  0.6% and 0.9%).  The amount  available  under the Revolvers
reduces  semi-annually  with  final  balloon  reductions  in 2006 and 2008.  The
Revolvers are collateralized by first priority  mortgages  granted on forty of
the Company's Aframax tankers and oil/bulk/ore carriers, together with certain
other related collateral, and a guarantee from the Company for all amounts
outstanding under the Revolvers.

The 8.32% First  Preferred  Ship  Mortgage  Notes due February 1, 2008 (the
"8.32% Notes") are collateralized by first  preferred  mortgages on seven of the
Company's Aframax tankers, together with certain other related collateral, and
are  guaranteed  by seven  subsidiaries  of the Company  that own the  mortgaged
vessels (the "8.32% Notes  Guarantor  Subsidiaries")  to a maximum of 95% of the
fair value of their net assets.  As at  September  30,  2000,  the fair value of
these net assets approximated  $221.5 million.  The 8.32% Notes are also subject
to a sinking fund, which will retire $45.0 million principal amount of the 8.32%
Notes on each February 1, commencing 2004.

Condensed  financial  information  regarding  the Company,  the 8.32% Notes
Guarantor Subsidiaries, and non-guarantor subsidiaries of the Company is set out
in Schedule A of these consolidated financial statements.

The Company has several term loans outstanding,  which, as at September 30,
2000,  totalled  $208.7  million.  Interest  payments  are based on LIBOR plus a
margin.  At September 30, 2000, the margins ranged between 0.55% and 1.25%.  The
term loans reduce in quarterly or semi-annual  payments with varying  maturities
through  2009.  All  term  loans  of the  Company  are  collateralized  by first
preferred  mortgages  on the vessels to which the loans  relate,  together  with
certain other collateral, and guarantees from the Company.

As at September 30, 2000, the Company was committed to a series of interest
rate swap agreements  whereby $100.0 million of the Company's floating rate debt
was swapped with fixed rate obligations having an average remaining term of 1.73
years,  expiring  between  December  2001 and December  2002.  These  agreements
effectively  change the Company's  interest  rate exposure on $100.0  million of
debt from a floating LIBOR rate to an average fixed rate of 6.7%. The Company is
exposed to credit loss in the event of non-performance by the counter parties to
the interest  rate swap  agreements;  however,  the Company does not  anticipate
non-performance by any of the counter parties.

6.       Capital Stock

            25,000,000         Preferred Stock with a par value of $1 per share
           725,000,000         Common Stock with a par value of $0.001 per share

         --------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------- -------------
                                                     Common         Thousands      Preferred     Thousands
         Issued and outstanding                       Stock         of shares        Stock       of shares
                                                        $                              $
         --------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------- -------------
         Balance December 31, 1999                     427,937         38,064          -             -
         Reinvested dividends                               20              1          -             -
         Exercise of stock options                      20,710            893          -             -
         --------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------- -------------
         Balance September 30, 2000                    448,667         38,958          -             -
         --------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------- -------------


  (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share data)
     (Information  as at  September  30,  2000 and for the Three and Nine  Month
             Periods Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 is unaudited)

         As at September 30, 2000, the Company had reserved  6,299,000 shares of
         Common Stock for issuance upon exercise of options granted  pursuant to
         the Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan. As at September 30, 2000, options
         to purchase a total of 3,052,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock
         were  outstanding,  of which 1,644,000 options were then exercisable at
         prices  ranging  from  $16.875  to  $33.50  per  share.  The  remaining
         outstanding options have exercise prices ranging from $16.875 to $33.50
         per share.  All  outstanding  options  expire between July 19, 2005 and
         March 6, 2010, ten years after the date of each respective  grant.

         The Company's basic earnings per share is based upon the following
         weighted average number of common shares outstanding: 38,549,937 shares
         and 38,276,111 shares for the three and nine month periods ended
         September 30, 2000; and 38,063,639 shares and 34,256,746 shares for the
         three and nine month periods ended September 30, 1999. Diluted earnings
         per share is based upon the following weighted average number of common
         shares outstanding: 39,983,038 shares and 39,156,229 shares for the
         three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2000; and 38,063,639
         shares and 34,257,646 shares for the three and nine month periods ended
         September 30, 1999.

7.       Commitments and Contingencies

         The Company has  guaranteed  50% of the  outstanding  mortgage  debt in
         Soponata-Teekay  Limited,  a joint  venture  company,  totalling  $27.5
         million as at September 30, 2000. The Company has a 50% interest in the
         joint  venture  company  which owns three  vessels (one Aframax and two
         Suezmax tankers).

         The Company has guaranteed its share of committed,  uncalled capital in
         certain   limited   partnerships   which  own  two  of  the   Company's
         oil/bulk/ore carriers, totalling $1.7 million as at September 30, 2000.

         As at September 30, 2000, the Company was committed to foreign exchange
         contracts for the forward  purchase of  approximately  Japanese yen 100
         million,  Singapore  dollars  3.9  million  and  Norwegian  kroner 12.3
         million for U.S. dollars,  at an average rate of Japanese yen 105.8 per
         U.S. dollar, Singapore dollar 1.71 per U.S. dollar and Norwegian kroner
         8.18 per U.S. dollar, respectively, for the purpose of hedging accounts
         payable and accrued liabilities.

8.       Other Income (Loss)

                                                           Three Months Ended                Nine Months Ended
                                                       September 30,  September 30,   September 30,     September 30,
                                                          2000            1999             2000             1999
                                                            $               $               $                 $
                                                     ---------------- -------------- ----------------- ----------------
         Loss on disposition of assets...............          -               -         (1,004)                -
         Equity income from joint venture............      3,282               -          5,294                 -
         Future income taxes.........................      (500)            (500)        (1,500)           (1,500)
         Miscellaneous...............................    (1,522)          (1,163)        (1,837)           (2,592)
                                                         -------          -------        -------           -------
                                                            1,260         (1,663)           953            (4,092)
                                                          =======         =======        =======           =======

9.       Acquisition of Bona Shipholding Ltd.

         On June 11, 1999,  Teekay purchased Bona Shipholding Ltd.  ("Bona") for
         aggregate  consideration  (including estimated  transaction expenses of
         $19.0 million) of $450.3 million,  consisting of $39.9 million in cash,
         $294.0  million of assumed debt (net of cash acquired of $91.7 million)
         and the balance of $97.4  million in shares of Teekay's  Common  Stock.
         Bona's  operating  results are reflected in these financial  statements
         commencing the effective date of the acquisition.

10.      Recent Accounting Pronouncements

         FASB  Statement No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments  and
         Hedging Activities",  as amended by FASB Statements No. 137 and 138, is
         effective  for  fiscal  periods  beginning  after June 15,  2000.  This
         statement  requires  recording all derivative  instruments as assets or
         liabilities  measured at fair value.  Management has not determined the
         impact,  if any, that the adoption of the new  statements  will have on
         the  consolidated  results of operations  or financial  position of the


                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                      SCHEDULE A

                                                               Three Months Ended September 30, 2000
                                                            8.32% Notes                                       Teekay
                                               Teekay        Guarantor     Non-Guarantor                  Shipping Corp.
                                           Shipping Corp.   Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations   & Subsidiaries
                                                  $              $               $              $               $
Net voyage revenues                                   -        8,492           210,451       (44,048)         174,895
Operating expenses                                   56        7,657           110,608       (38,763)          79,558
   Income (loss) from vessel operations             (56)         835            99,843        (5,285)          95,337
Net interest expense                             (3,643)           -           (12,101)           (1)         (15,745)
Equity in net income of subsidiaries             84,551            -                 -       (84,551)               -
Other income                                          -            -             1,259             1            1,260
Net income                                       80,852          835            89,001       (89,836)          80,852
Retained earnings (deficit), beginning of
the period                                      454,416      (26,773)          456,151      (429,378)         454,416
Dividends declared                               (8,210)           -                 -             -           (8,210)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of the
period                                          527,058      (25,938)          545,152      (519,214)         527,058

                                                               Three Months Ended September 30, 1999
                                                            8.32% Notes                                       Teekay
                                               Teekay        Guarantor     Non-Guarantor                  Shipping Corp.
                                           Shipping Corp.   Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations   & Subsidiaries
                                                  $              $               $              $               $

Net voyage revenues                                   -        9,397           120,140       (41,743)          87,794
Operating expenses                                  180        8,180           114,325       (41,743)          80,942
   Income (loss) from vessel operations            (180)       1,217             5,815             -            6,852
Net interest income (expense)                    (4,823)          49            (9,081)          (59)         (13,914)
Equity in net income (loss) of
subsidiaries                                     (3,722)           -                 -         3,722                -
Other income (loss)                                   -            -             4,790        (6,453)          (1,663)
Net income (loss)                                (8,725)       1,266             1,524        (2,790)          (8,725)
Retained earnings (deficit), beginning of
the period                                      440,825      (32,217)          369,869      (337,652)         440,825
Dividends declared                               (8,184)           -                 -             -           (8,184)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of the
period                                          423,916      (30,951)          371,393      (340,442)         423,916

  (See Note 5)


                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                      SCHEDULE A

                                                                 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000
                                                 Teekay      8.32% Notes                                     Teekay
                                                 Shipping     Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                  Shipping Corp.
                                                  Corp.      Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations  & Subsidiaries
                                                    $             $              $              $               $

Net voyage revenues                                    -       26,372          542,255      (131,045)         437,582
Operating expenses                                   323       23,406          332,416      (112,768)         243,377
   Income (loss) from vessel operations             (323)       2,966          209,839       (18,277)         194,205
Net interest income (expense)                    (13,342)          46          (34,324)            -          (47,620)
Equity in net income of subsidiaries             160,517            -                -      (160,517)               -
Other income                                         686            -              267             -              953
Net income                                       147,538        3,012          175,782      (178,794)         147,538
Retained earnings (deficit), beginning of
the period                                       404,130      (28,950)         369,370      (340,420)         404,130
Dividends declared                               (24,610)           -                -             -          (24,610)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of the
period                                           527,058      (25,938)         545,152      (519,214)         527,058

                                                                 Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999
                                                 Teekay       8.32% Notes                                     Teekay
                                                 Shipping     Guarantor      Non-Guarantor                 Shipping Corp.
                                                 Corp.        Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries    Eliminations  & Subsidiaries
                                                    $             $              $              $               $

Net voyage revenues                                    -       28,295          331,846      (131,430)         228,711
Operating expenses                                   397       25,606          304,738      (131,430)         199,311
   Income (loss) from vessel operations             (397)       2,689           27,108             -           29,400
Net interest income (expense)                    (14,346)          78          (17,161)            -          (31,429)
Equity in net income of subsidiaries               8,622            -                -        (8,622)               -
Other income (loss)                                    -            -           15,129       (19,221)          (4,092)
Net income (loss)                                 (6,121)       2,767           25,076       (27,843)          (6,121)
Retained earnings (deficit), beginning of
the period                                       451,829      (33,718)         346,317      (312,599)         451,829
Dividends declared                               (21,792)           -                -             -          (21,792)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of the
period                                           423,916      (30,951)         371,393      (340,442)         423,916

  (See Note 5)


                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                      SCHEDULE A

                                                                      As at September 30, 2000
                                                            8.32% Notes                                        Teekay
                                          Teekay Shipping    Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                    Shipping Corp.
                                               Corp.       Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations    & Subsidiaries
                                                 $               $              $                $               $

Cash and cash equivalents                          508               -         219,213               -           219,721
Other current assets                                45             700         177,938         (96,000)           82,683
     Total current assets                          553             700         397,151         (96,000)          302,404
Vessels and equipment (net)                          -         283,337       1,338,232               -         1,621,569
Advances due from subsidiaries                  62,290               -               -         (62,290)                -
Other assets (principally marketable
securities                                   1,103,156               -          32,525      (1,103,156)           32,525
     and investments in subsidiaries)
Investment in joint venture                          -               -          21,667               -            21,667
                                             1,165,999         284,037       1,789,575      (1,261,446)        1,978,165
Current liabilities                              1,000           2,243         244,006         (96,000)          151,249
Long-term debt                                 189,274               -         658,117               -           847,391
Due to (from) affiliates                             -         (61,598)        195,791        (134,193)                -
     Total liabilities                         190,274         (59,355)      1,097,914        (230,193)          998,640
Minority interest                                    -               -           3,800               -             3,800
Stockholders' Equity
Capital Stock                                  448,667              23           5,943          (5,966)          448,667
Contributed capital                                  -         369,307         136,766        (506,073)                -
Retained earnings (deficit)                    527,058         (25,938)        545,152        (519,214)          527,058
     Total stockholders' equity                975,725         343,392         687,861      (1,031,253)          975,725
                                             1,165,999         284,037       1,789,575      (1,261,446)        1,978,165

                                                                      As at December 31, 1999
                                                            8.32% Notes                                        Teekay
                                          Teekay Shipping    Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                    Shipping Corp.
                                               Corp.       Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations    & Subsidiaries
                                                 $               $              $                $               $
Cash and cash equivalents                          210          39,652         180,465               -           220,327
Other current assets                                42             582         162,084        (102,376)           60,332
     Total current assets                          252          40,234         342,549        (102,376)          280,659
Vessels and equipment (net)                          -         294,800       1,371,955               -         1,666,755
Advances due from subsidiaries                 121,415               -               -        (121,415)                -
Other assets (principally marketable
securities                                     943,389               -          15,873        (943,394)           15,868
     and investments in subsidiaries)
Investment in joint venture                          -               -          19,402               -            19,402
                                             1,065,056         335,034       1,749,779      (1,167,185)        1,982,684
Current liabilities                              7,989             991         227,331        (109,808)          126,503
Long-term debt                                 225,000               -         797,010               -         1,022,010
Due to (from) affiliates                             -          (6,337)        211,255        (204,918)                -
     Total liabilities                         232,989          (5,346)      1,235,596        (314,726)        1,148,513
Minority interest                                    -               -           2,104               -             2,104
Stockholders' Equity
Capital Stock                                  427,937              23           5,943          (5,966)          427,937
Contributed capital                                  -         369,307         136,766        (506,073)                -
Retained earnings (deficit)                    404,130         (28,950)        369,370        (340,420)          404,130
     Total stockholders' equity                832,067         340,380         512,079        (852,459)          832,067
                                             1,065,056         335,034       1,749,779      (1,167,185)        1,982,684


                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)
                                                                      SCHEDULE A

                                                                       Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000
                                                        Teekay        8.32% Notes       Non-                       Teekay
                                                       Shipping        Guarantor      Guarantor                  Shipping Corp.
                                                         Corp.        Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries  Eliminations  & Subsidiaries
                                                          $                $               $             $             $
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents provided by (used for)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
     Net cash flow from operating activities            (19,221)        16,157         212,417                -   209,353
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
Proceeds from long-term debt                                  -              -          11,000                -    11,000
Repayments of long-term debt                                  -              -         (27,484)               -   (27,484)
Prepayments of long-term debt                           (35,726)             -        (110,000)               -  (145,726)
Other                                                    55,245        (55,261)           (469)               -      (485)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
     Net cash flow from financing activities             19,519        (55,261)       (126,953)               -  (162,695)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------

Expenditures for vessels and equipment                        -           (548)        (43,282)               -   (43,830)
Proceeds from disposition of assets                           -              -           9,713                -     9,713
Acquisition costs related to purchase of Bona                                                                 -
Shipholding  Ltd.                                             -              -          (2,247)                    (2,247)
Other                                                         -              -         (10,900)               -   (10,900)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
     Net cash flow from investing activities                  -           (548)        (46,716)               -   (47,264)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            298        (39,652)         38,748                -      (606)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period          210         39,652         180,465                -   220,327
                                                     ============== =============== ============= ============ ===============
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                508              -         219,213                -   219,721
                                                     ============== =============== ============= ============ ===============

                                                                       Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
                                                        Teekay       8.32% Notes       Non-                        Teekay
                                                       Shipping       Guarantor      Guarantor                 Shipping Corp.
                                                         Corp.       Subsidiaries   Subsidiaries  Eliminations & Subsidiaries
                                                           $               $              $             $             $
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents provided by (used for)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
     Net cash flow from operating activities            (19,164)        16,849          61,011                -    58,696
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------

Proceeds from long-term debt                                  -              -          50,000                -    50,000
Repayments of long-term debt                                  -              -         (16,586)               -   (16,586)
Prepayments of long-term debt                                 -              -         (10,000)                   (10,000)
Other                                                   (26,061)        (9,286)         12,971                -   (22,376)
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------

     Net cash flow from financing activities            (26,061)        (9,286)         36,385                -     1,038
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------

Expenditures for vessels and equipment                        -            (74)        (43,539)               -   (43,613)
Net cash acquired through purchase of Bona                                                                    -
   Shipholding Ltd.                                      45,543              -               -                     45,543
Other                                                         -              -          21,029                -    21,029
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
     Net cash flow from investing activities             45,543            (74)        (22,510)               -    22,959
                                                     -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                       318          7,489          74,886                -    82,693
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period            3         27,345          38,785                -    66,133
                                                     ============== =============== ============= ============ ===============
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                321         34,834         113,671                -   148,826
                                                     ============== =============== ============= ============ ===============

  (See Note 5)

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


Teekay Shipping  Corporation  (the  "Company")  changed its fiscal year end from
March 31 to December 31,  commencing  December 31, 1999,  in order to facilitate
comparison  of  its  operating  results  to  those  of  other  companies  in the
transportation industry.



The  Company is a leading  provider  of  international  crude oil and  petroleum
product  transportation  services to major oil companies,  major oil traders and
government agencies.  The Company's fleet consists of 74 vessels (including four
vessels  time-chartered-in  and three vessels owned by a joint  venture),  for a
total cargo-carrying capacity of approximately 7.4 million tonnes.

During the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000,  approximately  65% of the
Company's net voyage  revenue was derived from spot voyages.  The balance of the
Company's revenue is generated by two other modes of employment:  time-charters,
whereby vessels are chartered to customers for a fixed period;  and contracts of
affreightment ("COAs"),  whereby the Company carries an agreed quantity of cargo
for a customer over a specified  trade route over a given period of time. In the
nine months ended September 30, 2000,  approximately  14% of net voyage revenues
were  generated  by  time-charters  and COAs priced on a spot market  basis.  In
aggregate,  approximately  79% of the Company's net voyage  revenues  during the
nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000  were  derived  from spot  voyages  or
time-charters  and COAs priced on a spot market  basis,  with the  remaining 21%
being derived from  fixed-rate  time charters and COAs.  This  dependence on the
spot market,  which is within industry  norms,  contributes to the volatility of
the Company's revenue, cash flow from operations, and net income.

Historically, the tanker industry has been cyclical,  experiencing volatility in
profitability  and asset  values  resulting  from  changes in the supply of, and
demand for,  vessel  capacity.  In addition,  tanker  markets have  historically
exhibited  seasonal  variations in charter  rates.  Tanker markets are typically
stronger in the winter  months as a result of increased oil  consumption  in the
Northern  Hemisphere  and  unpredictable  weather  patterns that tend to disrupt
vessel scheduling.

In December  1997,  the Company  acquired two vessels and related  shore support
services from an Australian  affiliate of Caltex  Petroleum.  These two tankers,
together  with  one  of  the  Company's  existing  Aframax  tankers,  have  been
time-chartered  to  the  Caltex  affiliate  in  connection  with  the  Company's
provision of Caltex's oil transportation  requirements formerly provided by that
affiliate. In addition, the Company has converted one of its existing vessels to
a floating  storage  and  off-loading  vessel,  which is sharing  crews with the
vessels  employed  in the  Caltex  arrangement  (together  with the other  three
vessels  involved  in  this  arrangement,   the  "Australian  Vessels").  Vessel
operating  expenses for the  Australian  Vessels are  substantially  higher than
those for the rest of the Company's fleet, primarily as a result of higher costs
associated with employing an Australian crew. The time-charter rates (as defined
below) for the Australian Vessels are  correspondingly  higher to compensate for
these  increased  costs.  During the nine months ended  September 30, 2000,  the
Australian  Vessels  earned net voyage  revenues of $26.1 million and an average
TCE rate of $23,856,  and incurred vessel operating expenses of $8.6 million, or
$7,808 on a per ship per day basis. In comparison,  during the nine months ended
September 30, 1999, the Australian  Vessels earned net voyage  revenues of $27.6
million  and an average  TCE rate of  $25,284,  and  incurred  vessel  operating
expenses of $10.3 million, or $9,390 on a per ship per day basis. The results of
the  Australian  Vessels are included in the  Company's  Consolidated  Financial
Statements included herein.

Acquisition of Bona Shipholding Ltd.

On June 11,  1999,  the Company  acquired  Bona  Shipholding  Ltd.  ("Bona") for
aggregate  consideration  (including  estimated  transaction  expenses  of $19.0
million) of $450.3 million,  consisting of $39.9 million in cash, $294.0 million
of assumed debt (net of cash acquired of $91.7 million) and the balance of $97.4
million in shares of the  Company's  common  stock.  Bona was the third  largest
operator of medium-size  tankers,  controlling a fleet of vessels  consisting of
fifteen  Aframax  tankers,  eight  oil/bulk/ore  carriers  and,  through a joint
venture, 50% interests in one additional Aframax tanker and two Suezmax tankers.
Bona  engaged  in  the  transportation  of  oil,  oil  products,  and  dry  bulk
commodities,  primarily in the Atlantic region.  Through this  acquisition,  the
Company has combined  Bona's  market  strength in the  Atlantic  region with the
Company's franchise in the Indo-Pacific Basin.

The  acquisition  of Bona has been  accounted  for using the purchase  method of
accounting.  Bona's operating  results are reflected in the Company's  financial
statements commencing June 11, 1999.

Historically,  the Company has depreciated  its vessels for accounting  purposes
over an  economic  life of 20 years  down to  estimated  residual  values.  Bona
depreciated  its  vessels  over an economic  life of 25 years down to  estimated
scrap  values,  the method used by the  majority of  companies  in the  shipping
industry. Effective April 1, 1999, the Company revised the estimated useful life
of its vessels to 25 years and also replaced the estimated  residual values with
estimated scrap values.  Since such changes,  the Company's average depreciation
expense per vessel has decreased from historical levels.

As a result of the Bona acquisition,  the Company's  general and  administrative
expenses,  while  remaining  relatively  stable on a per vessel basis during the
first few fiscal quarters of combined operations, have began to decline on a per
vessel  basis as  efficiencies  are  obtained  from the  integration  of the two
companies' operations.  The Company's interest expense has increased as a result
of debt that was assumed as part of the acquisition.

All oil/bulk/ore carriers ("O/B/Os") owned by Bona have been operated through an
O/B/O pool managed by a subsidiary of Bona.  Net voyage  revenues from the O/B/O
pool  are  currently  included  on a 100%  basis in the  Company's  consolidated
financial  statements.  Where the  Company  owns less than 50% of a vessel,  the
minority  participants'  share of the O/B/O pool is  reflected as a time charter
hire expense.  The Company anticipates that these O/B/Os will earn lower average
TCE rates than the rest of the Teekay fleet as these vessels command lower rates
than modern Aframax tankers under typical market conditions,  which reflects the
lower capital cost of these vessels.

Results of Operations

Bulk shipping  industry  freight  rates are commonly  measured at the net voyage
revenue level in terms of "time- charter  equivalent" (or "TCE") rates,  defined
as voyage  revenues less voyage  expenses  (excluding  commissions),  divided by
revenue-generating  ship-days for the  round-trip  voyage.  Voyage  revenues and
voyage  expenses  are a function of the type of charter,  either spot charter or
time charter,  and port,  canal and fuel costs depending on the trade route upon
which a vessel is  sailing,  in  addition  to being a  function  of the level of
shipping  freight rates.  For this reason,  shipowners  base economic  decisions
regarding  the  deployment  of their  vessels upon  anticipated  TCE rates,  and
industry analysts  typically measure bulk shipping freight rates in terms of TCE
rates. Therefore,  the discussion of revenue below focuses on net voyage revenue
and TCE rates.

Quarter Ended September 30, 2000 versus Quarter Ended September 30, 1999

Aframax TCE rates  continued to  strengthen  in the third quarter of 2000 due to
increased  demand for modern tankers,  arising from increased oil production and
age  discrimination  by  charterers.  TCE rates are dependent on oil  production
levels,  oil consumption  growth, the number of vessels scrapped and charterers'
preference for modern  tankers.  As a result of the Company's  dependence on the
tanker  spot  market,  any  fluctuations  in Aframax  TCE rates will  impact the
Company's revenues and earnings.

The Company's  net income was $80.9  million in the quarter ended  September 30,
2000 compared to a net loss of $8.7 million in the quarter  ended  September 30,
1999, due mainly to the improvement in Aframax TCE rates.

Income from Vessel Operations

The Company's  average  fleet size in the quarter  ended  September 30, 2000 was
unchanged from that of the same quarter one year ago.

Net voyage  revenues  increased  99.2% to $174.9 million in the current  quarter
compared to a $87.8  million for the same quarter last year.  This is the result
of a 95.1% increase in the Company's  average TCE rate in the current quarter to
$27,331 from $14,008 in the same quarter last year.

Vessel  operating  expenses,  which include  crewing,  repairs and  maintenance,
insurance,  stores and lubes,  and  communication  expenses,  decreased 14.1% to
$31.2 million in the quarter ended  September 30, 2000 from $36.3 million in the
quarter  ended  September  30,  1999,  mainly as a result of  operating  expense
synergies arising from the Bona acquisition and lower operating expenses for the
Australian fleet.

Time-charter  hire  expense  increased  to $14.2  million in the  quarter  ended
September 30, 2000,  from $10.8 million in the quarter ended September 30, 1999,
primarily  due to an increase in TCE rates for the O/B/O pool.  The minority
pool participants' share of net voyage revenues which is reflected as
time-charter hire expense was $7.7 million for the quarter ended September 30,
2000, compared to $4.8 million in the same quarter last year.  The average
number of vessels time-chartered-in by the Company, excluding the O/B/Os, was
four in the quarters ended September 30, 1999 and 2000.

Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  increased 4.0% to $25.2 million in the
current quarter from $24.3 million in the same quarter last year,  mainly due to
an increase  in drydock  amortization  expense of $2.4 million in the quarter
ended  September  30,  2000,  compared  to $1.8  million  in the  quarter  ended
September 30, 1999.

General  and  administrative  expenses  decreased  7.1% to $8.9  million  in the
current quarter from $9.6 million in the same quarter last year,  primarily as a
result of overhead cost synergies from the Bona acquisition.

Other Items

Interest  expense  increased  12.8% to $18.0 million in the current quarter from
$16.0 million in the same quarter last year,  reflecting  higher interest rates.
Interest  income was $2.3  million in the  current  quarter as  compared to $2.1
million in the same quarter last year,  representing  an increase of 10.6%, as a
result of increased  interest  rates and higher cash and  marketable  securities

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 versus Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999

Net income for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000 was $147.5  million
compared  to a net loss of $6.1  million  for the same  period  last  year.  The
results for the current  period  included a loss of $1.0 million on asset sales.
There were no asset sales in the previous period.

Income from Vessel Operations

The Company's  average  fleet size was 25.8%  greater in the nine months ended
September 30, 2000 compared to the same period one year ago, due mainly to the
acquisition of Bona.

Net voyage  revenues  increased  91.3% to $437.6  million in the current  period
compared to $228.7  million  for the same period last year.  This is a result of
the  increase in fleet size and a 46.7%  increase in the  Company's  average TCE
rate in the current period to $22,969 from $15,652 in the same period last year.

Vessel operating  expenses  increased 23.0% to $100.7 million in the nine months
ended  September 30, 2000 from $81.8 million in the nine months ended  September
30, 1999, primarily as a result of the increase in fleet size.

Time-charter  hire expense  increased to $40.3  million in the nine months ended
September 30, 2000, up from $27.4 million in the nine months ended September 30,
1999, primarily due to the Bona acquisition. The minority pool participants'
share of net voyage revenues which is reflected as time-charter hire expense was
$18.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2000, compared to $5.7
million in the same period last year.  The average number of vessels
time-chartered-in by the Company, excluding the O/B/Os, was five in the nine
months ended September 30, 2000 compared to four in the nine months ended
September 30, 1999.

Depreciation  and amortization  expense  increased 13.6% to $74.9 million in the
current  period from $66.0 million in the same period last year,  reflecting the
increase in fleet size arising from the acquisition of Bona, partially offset by
the  change  in  estimated  useful  life of the  vessels  from  20 to 25  years,
effective  April  1,  1999.   Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  included
amortization  of  drydocking  costs of $6.7  million  in the nine  months  ended
September 30, 2000,  compared to $5.9 million in the nine months ended September
30, 1999.

General and  administrative  expenses rose 14.2% to $27.5 million in the current
period from $24.1 million in the same period last year, primarily as a result of
the acquisition of Bona,  partially offset by overhead cost synergies related to
the acquisition.

Other Items

Interest  expense  increased  57.0% to $57.3 million in the current  period from
$36.5 million in the same period last year, reflecting higher interest rates and
the additional debt assumed as part of the Bona acquisition. Interest income was
$9.7  million in the nine months  ended  September  30, 2000 as compared to $5.0
million in the same  period  last year,  representing  an increase of 91.5% as a
result of increased  interest  rates and higher cash and  marketable  securities

The following table illustrates the relationship between fleet size (measured in
ship-days),  TCE performance,  and operating results per calendar  ship-day.  To
facilitate  comparison to the prior periods'  results,  the figures in the table
below include or exclude the results from the Company's  Australian  Vessels and
O/B/Os acquired as part of the Bona acquisition as indicated:

- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------
                                                               Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                                                 September 30                    September 30
                                                             2000             1999            2000            1999
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------
International Fleet (excluding ex-Bona O/B/Os and
   Australian crewed vessels):
Average number of ships                                          58              58               59             50
Total calendar ship-days                                      5,380           5,371           16,281         13,516
Revenue-generating ship-days (A)                              5,205           5,092           15,583         12,699
Net voyage revenue before commissions(B) (000's)        $   152,574    $     67,540      $   373,197    $   190,330
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- --                ------------
TCE (B/A)                                               $    29,313    $     13,264      $    23,949    $    14,988
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------
Operating results per calendar ship-day:
    Net voyage revenue                                 $     27,525    $     12,177      $    22,241    $    13,719
    Vessel operating expense                                  5,259           5,577            5,285          5,363
    General and administrative expense                        1,377           1,485            1,406          1,554
    Drydocking expense                                          442             408              420            494
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------
   Operating cash flow per calendar ship-day            $    20,447    $      4,707      $    15,130    $     6,308
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------

Australian Vessels:
    Operating cash flow per calendar ship-day           $    14,976    $     14,297      $    14,293    $    14,326
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------

Total Fleet (including ex-Bona O/B/Os and Australian
   crewed vessels):
   Operating cash flow per calendar ship-day            $    18,690    $      5,130      $    14,042    $     6,678
- ------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- --- ------------- -- ----------- -- ------------


As at September 30, 2000, the Company's  total  liquidity,  which includes cash,
marketable securities and undrawn borrowings, was $331.8 million, up from $237.4
million as at December 31,  1999,  mainly as a result of an increase in net cash
flow from operating activities due to higher TCE rates.

Net cash flow from operating  activities increased to $209.4 million in the nine
months ended  September  30, 2000 from $58.7 million in the same period one year
ago,  mainly  reflecting the increase in TCE rates and increased fleet size as a
result of the Bona acquisition.

The Company's  scheduled  debt  repayments  were $27.5  million  during the nine
months ended  September  30, 2000,  compared to $16.6 million in the same period
last year.  Debt  prepayments  during the nine months ended  September  30, 2000
totalled $145.7  million,  of which $35.7 million was used for the repurchase of
the Company's  8.32% Notes and the balance of $110.0  million was used to reduce
the  Company's  Revolvers.  Debt  prepayments  during the same  period last year
totalled $10.0 million.

During the nine months ended  September 30, 2000, the Company  incurred  capital
expenditures  for vessels and equipment of $35.7 million,  consisting  mainly of
the purchase of a modern  second-hand  Aframax  tanker.  Cash  expenditures  for
drydocking  were $8.1  million  in the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000
compared to $3.7 million over the same period one year ago.

Dividends  declared  during the nine months ended  September 30, 2000 were $24.6
million, or 64.5 cents per share.

As part of its growth strategy,  the Company will continue to consider strategic
opportunities,  including the  acquisition  of additional  vessels and expansion
into new markets.  The Company may choose to pursue such  opportunities  through
internal growth, joint ventures, or business  acquisitions.  The Company intends
to finance any future acquisitions through various sources of capital, including
internally   generated  cash  flow,  existing  credit  lines,   additional  debt
borrowings, and the issuance of additional shares of capital stock.


The  Company  relies on  computer  systems,  software,  databases,  third  party
electronic data  interchange  interfaces and embedded  processors to operate its
business.  The  Company  successfully  implemented  a program to  systematically
address the Year 2000 problem.  The Company was Year 2000 compliant prior to the
rollover to the Year 2000. The Company will continue to monitor  electronic date
recognition issues.


This  Report on Form 6-K for the  quarterly  period  ended  September  30,  2000
contains certain forward-looking  statements (as such term is defined in Section
27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended)  concerning  future  events and the Company's
operations,  performance  and financial  condition,  including,  in  particular,
statements regarding: TCE rates in the near-term; supply and demand for tankers;
supply and demand for oil;  and the  Company's  growth  strategy and measures to
implement  such  strategy.   Words  such  as  "expects,"   "intends,"   "plans,"
"believes,"  "anticipates," "estimates" and variations of such words and similar
expressions  are  intended  to  identify   forward-looking   statements.   These
statements  involve  known and  unknown  risks  and are  based  upon a number of
assumptions   and  estimates   which  are  inherently   subject  to  significant
uncertainties  and  contingencies,  many of which are beyond the  control of the
Company. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by
such  forward-looking  statements.  Factors that could cause  actual  results to
differ materially  include,  but are not limited to: changes in production of or
demand  for  oil and  petroleum  products,  either  generally  or in  particular
regions;  the cyclical  nature of the tanker  industry and its dependence on oil
markets;  the supply of tankers available to meet the demand for  transportation
of petroleum products;  charterers' preference for modern tankers;  greater than
anticipated  levels of tanker  newbuilding orders or less than anticipated rates
of tanker scrapping; changes in trading patterns significantly impacting overall
tanker tonnage  requirements;  changes in typical seasonal  variations in tanker
charter rates; the Company's dependence on spot oil voyages; competitive factors
in the  markets in which the  Company  operates;  changes in  environmental  and
applicable  industry  regulations;  changes in tax laws; the Company's potential
inability to achieve and manage growth; risks associated with operations outside
the United States;  the potential  inability of the Company to generate internal
cash  flow and  obtain  additional  debt or  equity  financing  to fund  capital
expenditures;  and other  factors  detailed  from time to time in the  Company's
periodic  reports filed with the U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The
Company  expressly  disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release  publicly
any updates or revisions to any forward-looking  statements  contained herein to
reflect any change in the  Company's  expectations  with respect  thereto or any
change in events,  conditions or  circumstances  on which any such  statement is

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


The  Company is exposed to market  risk from  foreign  currency  and  changes in
interest  rate  fluctuations.  The Company uses  interest rate swaps and forward
foreign  currency  contracts to manage these risks,  but does not use  financial
instruments for trading or speculative purposes.

Interest Rate Risk

The Company invests its cash and marketable  securities in financial instruments
with  maturities  of  less  than  three  months  within  the  parameters  of its
investment policy and guidelines.

The  Company  uses  interest  rate swaps to manage the impact of  interest  rate
changes on earnings  and cash  flows.  The  differential  to be paid or received
under  these  swap  agreements  is  accrued  as  interest  rates  change  and is
recognized as an adjustment to interest expense.  Premiums and receipts, if any,
are  recognized  as  adjustments  to  interest  expense  over  the  lives of the
individual contracts.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

The  international  tanker  industry's  functional  currency is the U.S. dollar.
Virtually all of the Company's  revenues and most of its operating  costs are in
U.S. dollars.  The Company incurs certain operating  expenses,  drydocking,  and
overhead costs in foreign currencies, the most significant of which are Japanese
yen,  Singapore  dollars,  Canadian  dollars,  Australian  dollars and Norwegian
kroner.  During the nine months ended September 30, 2000,  approximately  20% of
vessel and voyage costs,  overhead and drydock  expenditures were denominated in
these currencies.  However, the Company has the ability to shift its purchase of
goods and services from one country to another and,  thus,  from one currency to
another, on relatively short notice.

The Company enters into forward  contracts as a hedge against changes in certain
foreign  exchange  rates.  Market  value  gains  and  losses  are  deferred  and
recognized during the period in which the hedged  transaction is recorded in the

                                             Contract                Carrying Amount                   Fair
(in USD 000's)                                Amount             Asset           Liability             Value
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ------------------ --------------------
September 30, 2000
FX Forward Contracts                      $       4,719       $        -        $        -           $       (186)
Interest Rate Swap Agreements                   100,000                -                 -                   (109)
Debt                                            922,957                -           922,957                915,386

December 31, 1999
FX Forward Contracts                      $       4,448       $        -         $       -           $        (20)
Interest Rate Swap Agreements                   200,000                -                 -                  4,488
Debt                                          1,085,167                -          1,085,167             1,060,417
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ------------------ --------------------


Although  inflation  has had a  moderate  impact on  operating,  drydocking  and
corporate  overhead  expenses,  management  does not consider  inflation to be a
significant  risk to  direct  costs  in the  current  and  foreseeable  economic
environment.  However,  in the event that inflation becomes a significant factor
in the world economy, inflationary pressures could result in increased operating
and financing costs.

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1 - Legal Proceedings


Item 2 - Changes in Securities


Item 3 - Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4 - Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Item 5 - Other Information


Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 6-K

a.                Exhibits
                  27.1 Financial Data Schedule

b.       Reports on Form 6-K
          (i) On September  11, 2000,  the Company filed a report on Form 6-K
with respect to its Rights Agreement.

OCTOBER 4, 1995.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     TEEKAY SHIPPING CORPORATION

Date:    November 14, 2000            By:      /s/ Peter S. Antturi
                                      Peter S. Antturi
                                      Vice President and Chief Financial Officer