WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1998

                           TEEKAY SHIPPING CORPORATION
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                       Fourth Floor, Euro Canadian Centre
                       Marlborough Street & Navy Lion Road
                        P.O. Box SS-6293, Nassau, Bahamas
                     (Address of principal executive office)

        [Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.]

                      Form 20-F  X      Form 40- F
                               -----               -----

        [Indicate by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  by  furnishing  the
information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to
the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange  Act  of

                              Yes         No  X
                                  -----     -----

      [If "Yes" is marked, indicate  below  the  file  number  assigned  to  the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):82-_______ ]

                                  Page 1 of 18



               PART I:             FINANCIAL INFORMATION                    PAGE

Item 1. Financial Statements

          Consolidated Statements of Income
                and Retained Earnings for the Three Months
                Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997...................................3

          Consolidated Balance Sheets -
                June 30, 1998 and March 31, 1998...............................4

          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                for the Three Months Ended June 30, 1998
                and 1997.......................................................5

          Notes to Consolidated Financial

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                Financial Condition and Results of Operations.................13

PART II: OTHER INFORMATION....................................................17




                              AND RETAINED EARNINGS
            (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share amounts)

                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                              June 30,
                                                        1998            1997
                                                        ----            ----
                                                          $  (Unaudited)  $
                                                        ---- ---------- ----
Voyage revenues                                        109,433           98,274
Voyage expenses                                         22,846           24,417
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net voyage revenues                                     86,587           73,857
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vessel operating expenses                               20,774           17,974
Time-charter hire expense                                5,253            1,292
Depreciation and amortization                           24,291           23,670
General and administrative                               5,276            4,773
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

                                                        55,594           47,709
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income from vessel operations                           30,993           26,148
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest expense                                       (14,034)         (14,092)
Interest income                                          2,015            1,803
Other income (note 7)                                    6,474              154
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        (5,545)         (12,135)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                              25,448           14,013
Retained earnings, beginning of the period             428,102          382,178
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       453,550          396,191
Dividends declared and paid                             (6,199)          (6,090)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Retained earnings, end of the period                   447,351          390,101
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Earnings per common share (note 6)
- -basic and diluted                                       $0.87            $0.49
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are  an  integral  part  of  the  consolidated  financial



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)


                                                       As at            As at
                                                      June 30,         March 31,
                                                        1998             1998
                                                        ----             ----                 
                                                          $                $
                                                        ----             ---- 

Cash and cash equivalents                              78,651            87,953
Marketable securities (note 2)                         22,238            13,448
Accounts receivable
- - trade                                                23,699            23,092
- - other                                                 2,693             1,235
Prepaid expenses and other assets                      14,705            13,786
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total current assets                                  141,986           139,514
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marketable securities (note 2)                          5,059            13,853
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vessels and equipment (notes 5 and 8)
At cost, less accumulated depreciation of $489,114
   (1998 - $500,779)                                1,259,689         1,297,883
Advances on vessels (note 8)                           31,639
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Total vessels and equipment                         1,291,328         1,297,883
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
other assets                                            8,841             8,933
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    1,447,214         1,460,183

Accounts payable                                       14,776            16,164
Accrued liabilities                                    28,521            29,195
Current portion of long-term debt (notes 5 and 9)      54,962            52,932
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total current liabilities                              98,259            98,291
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long-term debt (notes 5 and 9)                        571,014           672,437
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total liabilities                                     669,273           770,728
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stockholders' equity
Capital stock (note 6)                                330,590           261,353
Retained earnings                                     447,351           428,102
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total stockholders' equity                            777,941           689,455
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    1,447,214         1,460,183

Commitments and contingencies (notes 5 and 8)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial



                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                     Three Months Ended June 30,
                                                        1998             1997
                                                        ----             ----
                                                          $   (Unaudited)  $                                             
                                                        ----             ----
Cash and cash equivalents provided by (used for)

Net income                                              25,448           14,013
Add charges to operations not requiring
  a payment of cash and cash equivalents:
    Depreciation and amortization                       24,291           23,670
    Gains on disposition of assets                      (7,117)
   Other - net                                             346              382
Change in non-cash working capital items related to
operating activities                                     1,006            4,254
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net cash flow from operating activities                 43,974           42,319
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proceeds from long-term debt                            30,000           35,600
Scheduled repayments of long-term debt                 (14,393)         (14,385)
Prepayment of long-term debt                          (115,000)
Net proceeds from issuance of Common Stock              68,866            1,385
Cash dividends paid                                     (5,828)          (3,369)
Other                                                     (250)            (158)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net cash flow from financing activities                (36,605)          19,073
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Expenditures for vessels and equipment                 (37,720)         (36,711)
Expenditures for drydocking                             (2,386)          (4,673)
Proceeds from disposition of assets                     23,435
Net cash flow from investment                                             6,335
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net cash flow from investing activities                (16,671)         (35,049)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Decrease) increase  in cash and cash equivalents       (9,302)          26,343
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period      87,953          117,523
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period            78,651          143,866

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


            (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars)
            (Information as at June 30, 1998, and for the Three-Month
               Periods Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited)

1.      Basis of Presentation

        The accompanying  unaudited interim  consolidated  financial  statements
        have been prepared in accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting
        principles  in the United States and the rules and  regulations  of  the
        Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Certain  information and  footnote
        disclosures  required by generally accepted  accounting  principles  for
        complete annual financial  statements have been omitted and,  therefore,
        it is suggested  that these  interim  financial  statements  be read  in
        conjunction  with the Company's  audited  financial  statements for  the
        fiscal year ended March 31, 1998. In the opinion of  management,   these
        statements reflect all adjustments (consisting only of normal  recurring
        accruals),  necessary to present fairly, in all material respects,   the
        Company's  consolidated  financial position,  results of operations  and
        cash flows for the interim periods presented. The results of  operations
        for the  three-month  period  ended June 30,  1998 are not   necessarily
        indicative of those for a full fiscal year.

2.      Marketable Securities

        The Company's  investments  in marketable  securities are classified  as
        available-for-sale  securities  and  are  carried  at fair  value.   Net
        unrealized  gains  or  losses  on  available-for-sale   securities,   if
        material, are reported as a separate component of stockholders'  equity.
        The Company  classifies all marketable  securities with a maturity  date
        of twelve months or less under current assets.

3.      Cash Flows

        Cash interest  paid during the  three-month  periods ended June 30, 1998
        and 1997 totalled approximately $7,383,000 and $5,474,000, respectively.

4.      Income Taxes

        The legal  jurisdictions  of the countries in which the Company and  the
        majority of its  subsidiaries  are  incorporated  do not impose   income
        taxes upon shipping-related activities.

5.      Long-Term Debt

                                                                June 30,           March 31,
                                                                  1998               1998
                                                                    $                  $
        Revolving Credit Facility                                14,000             129,000
        First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes (8.32%)
          U.S. dollar debt due through 2008                     225,000             225,000
        First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes ( 9 5/8%)
          U.S. dollar debt due through 2003                     123,718             123,718
        Floating rate (LIBOR + 0.50% to 1%)  U.S. dollar
          debt due through 2009                                 263,258             247,651
                                                                625,976             725,369
        Less current portion                                     54,962              52,932
                                                                571,014             672,437


            (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars)
            (Information as at June 30, 1998, and for the Three-Month
               Periods Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited)

5.     Long Term Debt (cont'd)

       The Company has a long-term  Revolving Credit  Facility  (the "Revolver")
       available  which,  as at June 30, 1998 provided for borrowings of  up  to
       $200.0  million.  Interest  payments  are based on LIBOR  plus  a  margin
       depending on the  financial  leverage of the Company;  at June  30,  1998
       the margin was +0.50%.  The Revolver is  collaterized by  first  priority
       mortgages granted on eight of the Company's  Aframax  tankers,   together
       with certain other related collateral, and a guarantee from  the  Company
       for all amounts outstanding under the Revolver.

       The 8.32% First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes due February 1,  2008  (the
       "8.32% Notes") are  collaterized by first preferred  mortgages  on  seven
       of the Company's  Aframax tankers,  together with certain  other  related
       collateral, and are guaranteed by seven subsidiaries of Teekay  that  own
       the mortgaged  vessels (the "8.32% Notes Guarantor  Subsidiaries")  to  a
       maximum  of 95% of the fair value of their net  assets.  As at  June  30,
       1998, the fair value of these net  assets  approximated  $237.5  million.

       The 9 5/8% First  Preferred  Ship Mortgage Notes due July 15,  2003  (the
       "9 5/8% Notes") are collateralized by first preferred  mortgages  on  six
       of the Company's  Aframax tankers,  together with certain  other  related
       collateral,  and are guaranteed by six  subsidiaries of Teekay  that  own
       the mortgaged vessels (the "9 5/8% Notes Guarantor  Subsidiaries")  to  a
       maximum  of 95% of the fair value of their net  assets.  As at  June  30,
       1998,  the fair value of these net assets  approximated   $166.0  million
       (see Note 9 - Subsequent Events).

       Condensed financial information regarding the Company, the  9 5/8%  Notes
       Guarantor  Subsidiaries,  the 8.32% Notes Guarantor   Subsidiaries,   and
       non-guarantor  subsidiaries  of the Company is set out in  Schedule A  of
       these consolidated financial statements.

       As at June 30, 1998,  the Company was committed to a series  of  interest
       rate swap agreements  whereby $150.0 million of the  Company's   floating
       rate debt was  swapped  with fixed rate  obligations  having  an  average
       remaining  term of 4.5  months.  The  swap  agreements   expire   between
       October 1998 and December 1998. These  arrangements   effectively  change
       the  Company's  interest  rate  exposure on $150 million of debt  from  a
       floating  LIBOR rate to an average fixed rate of 5.86%.  The Company   is
       exposed to credit loss in the event of  non-performance  by  the  counter
       parties to the interest rate swap agreements; however, the  Company  does
       not   anticipate   non-performance   by   any  of  the  counter  parties.


            (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars)
            (Information as at June 30, 1998, and for the Three-Month
               Periods Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited)

6.     Capital Stock

        25,000,000    Preferred Stock with a par value of $1 per share
       125,000,000    Common Stock with no par value

                                                   Common        Thousands       Preferred     Thousands of
       Issued and outstanding                       Stock        of shares         Stock          shares
                                                      $                              $
       Balance March 31, 1998                      261,353         28,833            0              0
       June 15, 1998 Common Stock offering:
         2,800,000 shares at $25.9375
         per share of Common Stock (net of
         share issue costs)                         68,815          2,800
       Reinvested dividends                            371             12
       Exercise of stock options                        51              2

       Balance June 30, 1998                       330,590         31,647            0               0

       In June 1998, the Company  completed an offering of 7,000,000  shares  of
       Common Stock, of which 2,800,000 shares were offered by the  Company  and
       4,200,000  shares were  offered by a selling  shareholder.   The  Company
       intends to use the net  proceeds  to the Company  from the   offering  of
       approximately  $68.8 million,  together with other funds, to  redeem  the
       outstanding 9 5/8% Notes (see Note 9 - Subsequent Events).

       The Company has reserved  1,841,750 shares of Common Stock  for  issuance
       upon exercise of options  granted  pursuant to the Company's  1995  Stock
       Option  Plan.  As at June 30,  1998,  options  to  purchase  a  total  of
       1,728,866  shares of the Company's  Common Stock were   outstanding,   of
       which  731,460  options were then  exercisable  at prices   ranging  from
       $21.50 to $33.50  per share. The  options  will  expire between July  19,
       2005 and June 13, 2008, ten years after the date of the grant.

       The  Company's  basic  earnings  per share is  based  upon  the following
       weighted  average  number  of  shares  of   Common   Stock   outstanding:
       29,303,499  shares at June 30, 1998; and 28,412,665  shares at  June  30,
       1997.  Diluted earnings per share is based upon the  following   weighted
       average number of shares of Common Stock outstanding:  29,416,055  shares
       at June 30, 1998; and 28,645,310 shares at June 30, 1997.

7.     Other Income (Loss)

                                                        Three Months
                                                        Ended June 30
                                                    1998             1997
                                                      $                $
          Gain on disposition of assets             7,117             
          Foreign exchange gain (loss)                (81)             109
          Miscellaneous - net                        (562)              45
                                                    6,474              154



            (all tabular amounts stated in thousands of U.S. dollars)
            (Information as at June 30, 1998, and for the Three-Month
               Periods Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited)

8.     Commitments and Contingencies

       During the quarter ended June 30, 1998,  the  Company   time-chartered-in
       two  additional  Aframax  tankers  for  periods of three and  two  years,

       As at June 30, 1998, the Company was committed to the   construction   of
       two  Aframax  vessels  for an  aggregate  cost of   approximately   $76.0
       million,  scheduled  for delivery in July and  September of 1999.  As  at
       June 30, 1998,  there had been payments made towards this  commitment  of
       approximately $31.6 million.

9.     Subsequent Events

       Subsequent to June 30, 1998, the Company filed  notification   to  redeem
       the outstanding  balance of its 9 5/8% Notes effective as at  August  17,



                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                                Three Months Ended June 30, 1998
                                                          9 5/8%          8.32%                                              
                                         Teekay           Notes           Notes                                          Teekay
                                        Shipping        Guarantor       Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                   Shipping Corp.
                                          Corp.       Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations   & Subsidiaries
                                            $               $               $               $                $               $     
                                       -----------  ---------------  -------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------
Net voyage revenues                                         13,163          9,423          116,634        (52,633)           86,587
Operating expenses                             68            5,754          9,131           93,274        (52,633)           55,594
   Income (loss) from vessel                  (68)           7,409            292           23,360                           30,993
Net interest income (expense)              (7,987)              70             42           (4,144)                         (12,019)
Equity in net income of subsidiaries       33,503                                                         (33,503)                  
Other income                                                                                12,900         (6,426)            6,474 
Net income                                 25,448            7,479            334           32,116        (39,929)           25,448
Retained earnings (deficit),              428,102           25,432        (34,324)         233,479       (224,587)          428,102
beginning of the year                                                                                                      
Dividends declared and paid                (6,199)                                                                           (6,199)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of       447,351           32,911        (33,990)         265,595       (264,516)          447,351
the year                               =============================================================================================

                                                                                 Three Months Ended June 30, 1997
                                                          9 5/8%          8.32%                                              
                                         Teekay           Notes           Notes                                          Teekay
                                        Shipping        Guarantor       Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                   Shipping Corp.
                                          Corp.       Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations   & Subsidiaries
                                            $               $               $               $                $               $     
                                       -----------  ---------------  -------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------
Net voyage revenues                                         13,162          9,086          109,908        (58,299)           73,857
Operating expenses                             74            5,728          8,701           91,505        (58,299)           47,709
   Income (loss) from vessel                  (74)           7,434            385           18,403                           26,148
Net interest income (expense)              (8,578)              39             51           (3,801)                         (12,289)
Equity in net income of subsidiaries       22,617                                                          (22,572)              45
Other income                                   48                                            3,328          (3,267)             109
Net income                                 14,013            7,473             436          17,930         (25,839)          14,013
Retained earnings (deficit),              382,178           11,056         (18,124)        144,125        (137,057)         382,178
beginning of the year                                                                                                              
Dividends declared and paid                (6,090)                                                                           (6,090)
Retained earnings (deficit), end of       390,101           18,529         (17,688)        162,055        (162,896)         390,101
the year                                                                                                                           


(See Note 5)


                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                          As at June 30, 1998
                                                    9 5/8%       8.32%                                   Teekay      
                                         Teekay      Notes       Notes                                  Shipping       
                                        Shipping   Guarantor   Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                Corp. &      
                                          Corp.   Subsidiaries Subsidiaries Subsidiaries  Eliminations Subsidiaries 
                                            $           $           $            $            $            $  
                                       ---------- ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ -------------
Cash and cash equivalents                    229       38,745       15,876        23,801                     78,651
Other current assets                          24          654          974       157,719      (96,036)       63,335
   Total current assets                      253       39,399       16,850       181,520      (96,036)      141,986
Vessels and equipment (net)                           126,892      321,778       842,658                  1,291,328
Advances due from subsidiaries           387,212                                             (387,212)
Other assets (principally marketable
   securities, and investments in        752,627                                  13,905     (752,632)       13,900
                                       1,140,092      166,291      338,628     1,038,083   (1,235,880)    1,447,214
Current liabilities                       13,433        1,567        1,761       177,535      (96,037)       98,259
Long-term debt                           348,718                                 222,296                    571,014
Due to (from) affiliates                                  (15)       1,527       361,776     (363,288)
   Total liabilities                     362,151        1,552        3,288       761,607     (459,325)      669,273
Capital Stock                            330,590           10           23         5,933       (5,966)      330,590
Contributed capital                                   131,818      369,307         4,948     (506,073)
Retained earnings (deficit)              447,351       32,911      (33,990)      265,595     (264,516)      447,351
   Total stockholders' equity            777,941      164,739      335,340       276,476     (776,555)      777,941
                                       1,140,092      166,291      338,628     1,038,083   (1,235,880)    1,447,214

                                                          As at March 31, 1998
                                                    9 5/8%       8.32%                                   Teekay      
                                         Teekay      Notes       Notes                                  Shipping       
                                        Shipping   Guarantor   Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                Corp. &      
                                          Corp.   Subsidiaries Subsidiaries Subsidiaries  Eliminations Subsidiaries
                                            $           $           $            $            $            $  
                                       ---------- ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ -------------
Cash and cash equivalents                     22       29,595       10,687        47,649                     87,953
Other current assets                          13          710          722       165,006     (114,890)       51,561
   Total current assets                       35       30,305       11,409       212,655     (114,890)      139,514
Vessels and equipment (net)                           129,050      327,460       841,373                  1,297,883
Advances due from subsidiaries           324,460                                             (324,460)
Other assets (principally marketable
   securities, and investments in        719,369                                  22,791     (719,374)       22,786
                                       1,043,864      159,355      338,869     1,076,819   (1,158,724)    1,460,183
Current liabilities                        5,691        2,113        3,126       184,840      (97,479)       98,291
Long-term debt                           348,718                                 323,719                    672,437
Due to (from) affiliates                                  (18)         737       323,900     (324,619)
   Total liabilities                     354,409        2,095        3,863       832,459     (422,098)      770,728
Capital Stock                            261,353           10           23         5,933       (5,966)      261,353
Contributed capital                                   131,818      369,307         4,948     (506,073)
Retained earnings (deficit)              428,102       25,432      (34,324)      233,479     (224,587)      428,102
   Total stockholders' equity            689,455      157,260      335,006       244,360     (736,626)      689,455
                                       1,043,864      159,355      338,869     1,076,819   (1,158,724)    1,460,183

- -----------------
(See Note 5)



                         (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                                         Three Months Ended June 30, 1998                  
                                                          9 5/8%       8.32%                                   Teekay      
                                               Teekay      Notes       Notes                                  Shipping     
                                              Shipping   Guarantor   Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                Corp. &     
                                                Corp.   Subsidiaries Subsidiaries Subsidiaries  Eliminations Subsidiaries
                                                  $           $           $            $            $            $         
                                             ---------- ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ ------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents provided by                                                                                      
     (used for)                                                                                                                 
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
   Net cash flow from operating activities         (79)       9,474        4,684        29,895                     43,974      
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
Proceeds from long-term debt                                                            30,000                     30,000  
Prepayments of long-term debt                                                         (115,000)                  (115,000) 
Repayments of long-term debt                                                           (14,393)                   (14,393) 
Net proceeds from issuance of Common Stock      68,866                                                             68,866 
Other                                          (68,580)                      790        61,712                     (6,078) 
   Net cash flow from financing activities         286                       790       (37,681)                   (36,605)
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
Expenditures for vessels and equipment                         (324)        (285)      (37,111)                   (37,720) 
Other                                                                                   21,049                     21,049  
   Net cash flow from investing activiities                    (324)        (285)      (16,062)                   (16,671)  
Increase (decrease) in cash and                    207        9,150        5,189       (23,848)                    (9,302) 
     cash equivalents                                                                                                     
Cash and cash equivalents,                          22       29,595       10,687        47,649                     87,953  
     beginning of the year                   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year         229       38,745       15,876        23,801                     78,651 

                                                                       Three Months Ended June 30, 1997
                                                          9 5/8%       8.32%                                   Teekay      
                                               Teekay      Notes       Notes                                  Shipping     
                                              Shipping   Guarantor   Guarantor    Non-Guarantor                Corp. &     
                                                Corp.   Subsidiaries Subsidiaries Subsidiaries  Eliminations Subsidiaries
                                                  $           $           $            $            $            $         
                                             ---------- ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ ------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents provided by                                                                                      
     (used for)                                                                                                                 
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
   Net cash flow from operating activities         108        9,933        5,176        27,102                     42,319
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
Proceeds from long-term debt                                                            35,600                     35,600  
Repayments of long-term debt                                                           (14,385)                   (14,385) 
Net proceeds from issuance of Common Stock       1,385                                                              1,385
Other                                           (1,273)           1            8        (2,263)                    (3,527) 
   Net cash flow from financing activities         112            1            8        18,952                     19,073
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       
Expenditures for vessels and equipment                       (1,662)        (799)      (38,923)                   (41,384) 
Other                                                                                    6,335                      6,335  
   Net cash flow from investing activities                   (1,662)        (799)      (32,588)                   (35,049)
Increase (decrease) in cash and                    220        8,272        4,385        13,466                     26,343  
     cash equivalents                                                                                                        
Cash and cash equivalents,                          32        9,248        8,732        99,511                    117,523  
     beginning of the year
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year         252      17,520       13,117       112,977                    143,866

(See Note 5)

                                  JUNE 30, 1998
                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION




Teekay  Shipping   Corporation   (the  "Company")  is  a  leading   provider  of
international crude oil and petroleum product  transportation  services to major
oil companies,  major oil traders, and government  agencies,  principally in the
region  spanning  from the Red Sea to the U.S. West Coast.  The Company's  fleet
consists of 46  tankers,  including  42 Aframax  oil  tankers  and  oil/bulk/ore
carriers (including four vessels time-chartered-in),  three smaller tankers, and
one Very Large Crude Carrier ("VLCC"),  for a total  cargo-carrying  capacity of
approximately  4.6 million  tonnes.  In  addition,  the Company  entered into an
agreement to purchase two newbuilding  Aframax tankers,  which are scheduled for
delivery in July and September 1999.

During the first quarter of fiscal 1999,  approximately 58% of the Company's net
voyage  revenue  was derived  from spot  voyages.  The balance of the  Company's
revenue was generated primarily by two other modes of employment: time charters,
whereby vessels are chartered to customers for a fixed period;  and contracts of
affreightment ("COAs"),  whereby the Company carries an agreed quantity of cargo
for a customer over a specified  trade route over a given period of time. In the
first quarter of fiscal 1999,  19% of net voyage  revenues was generated by time
charters and COAs priced on a spot market basis. In the aggregate, approximately
77% of the Company's net voyage  revenue during the first quarter of fiscal 1999
was derived from spot voyages or time  charters and COAs priced on a spot market
basis,  with the remaining 23% being derived from fixed-rate  time-charters  and
COAs.  This  dependence  on the spot  market,  which is within  industry  norms,
contributes  to the  volatility  of  the  Company's  revenues,  cash  flow  from
operations, and net income.

Historically, the tanker industry has been cyclical,  experiencing volatility in
profitability  and asset  values  resulting  from  changes in the supply of, and
demand for,  vessel  capacity.  Additionally,  tanker markets have  historically
exhibited  seasonal  variations in charter  rates.  Tanker markets are typically
stronger in the winter  months as a result of increased oil  consumption  in the
northern  hemisphere and  unpredictable  winter  weather  patterns which tend to
disrupt vessel scheduling.

In December  1997,  the Company  acquired two vessels and related  shore support
services from an Australian  affiliate of Caltex  Petroleum.  These two tankers,
together  with one of the Company's  existing  Aframax  tankers,  have been time
chartered to the Caltex affiliate in connection with the Company's  provision of
Caltex's oil  transportation  requirements  formerly provided by that affiliate.
The Company has converted one of its existing  vessels to a floating storage and
off-loading  vessel,  which is sharing  crews with the  vessels  employed in the
Caltex  arrangement  (together  with the other  three  vessels  involved in this
arrangement,  the  "Australian  Vessels").  Vessel  operating  expenses  for the
Australian  Vessels  are  substantially  higher  than  those for the rest of the
Company's fleet, primarily as a result of higher costs associated with employing
an Australian crew. The TCE rates (as defined below) for the Australian  Vessels
are  correspondingly  higher to compensate for these increased costs. During the
first quarter of fiscal 1999, the Australian  Vessels earned net voyage revenues
and an average TCE rate of $9.0 million and $25,094,  respectively, and incurred
vessel  operating  expenses  of $3.7  million,  or $10,250 on a per ship per day
basis.  The  results of the  Australian  Vessels are  included in the  Company's
Consolidated Financial Statements included herein.

Bulk shipping  industry  freight  rates are commonly  measured at the net voyage
revenue level in terms of "time charter equivalent" (or "TCE") rates, defined as
voyage  revenues  less  voyage  expenses  (excluding  commissions),  divided  by
revenue-generating  ship-days for the  round-trip  voyage.  Voyage  revenues and
voyage  expenses  are a function of the type of charter,  either spot charter or
time charter,  and port,  canal and fuel costs depending on the trade route upon
which a vessel is  sailing,  in  addition  to being a  function  of the level of
shipping  freight rates.  For this reason,  shipowners  base economic  decisions
regarding  the  deployment  of their  vessels upon  anticipated  TCE rates,  and
industry analysts  typically measure bulk shipping freight rates in terms of TCE
rates. Therefore,  the discussion of revenue below focuses on net voyage revenue
and TCE rates.


First Quarter Fiscal 1999 versus First Quarter Fiscal 1998

The Company's net income was $25.4 million,  or 87 cents per share, in the first
quarter of fiscal 1999,  up from $14.0  million,  or 49 cents per share,  in the
first  quarter of fiscal  1998.  The  current  quarter's  results  include  $7.1
million,  or 24 cents per share,  in gains on asset  sales,  while there were no
asset  dispositions  during the same period  last year.  A  combination  of firm
freight  rates for Aframax  tankers in the  Indo-Pacific  basin and lower bunker
fuel costs  contributed to stronger results for the first quarter of fiscal 1999
in comparison to the same period one year ago.

Income from Vessel Operations

An increase in the size of the Company's  fleet and an increase in freight rates
contributed  to an 18.8% increase in income from vessel  operations,  from $26.1
million  in the first  quarter  of  fiscal  1998 to $31.0  million  in the first
quarter of fiscal 1999.

The Company's  average fleet size increased 10.0% in the first quarter of fiscal
1999  compared to the first  quarter of fiscal 1998,  as five older vessels were
sold  and  nine  newer  vessels  were  added  to  the  fleet   (including   four
time-chartered-in vessels) since the beginning of fiscal 1998.

Net voyage  revenues  increased  17.2% to $86.6  million in the first quarter of
fiscal 1999,  as compared to $73.9  million in the first quarter of fiscal 1998.
The increase mainly reflects a combination of the Company's increased fleet size
and an improvement  in TCE rates,  which includes the effect of higher TCE rates
earned by the four Australian Vessels. The Company's average TCE rate during the
first quarter of fiscal 1999,  excluding the Australian Vessels,  increased 2.8%
to $21,810 from $21,214 in the first quarter of fiscal 1998.

Vessel operating expenses include crewing,  repairs and maintenance,  insurance,
stores and lubes, and miscellaneous expenses,  including communications.  Vessel
operating  expenses  increased  15.6% to $20.8  million in the first  quarter of
fiscal 1999 from $18.0  million in the first quarter of fiscal 1998, as a result
of an increase in the size of the Company's  owned fleet and the higher  crewing
costs associated with the Australian Vessels.

Time-charter  hire expense was $5.3 million in the first quarter of fiscal 1999,
up from $1.3  million in the first  quarter  of fiscal  1998 as a result of four
vessels time-chartered-in by the Company during the first quarter of fiscal 1999
as compared  to only one vessel  time-chartered-in  during the first  quarter of
fiscal 1998.

Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  increased 2.6% to $24.3 million in the
first  quarter of fiscal 1999 from $23.7  million in the first quarter of fiscal
1998,  reflecting  the  increase  in the  size  of the  Company's  owned  fleet,
partially offset by fewer scheduled  drydockings.  Depreciation and amortization
expense  included  amortization of drydocking costs of $2.4 million in the first
quarter of fiscal 1999 and $3.3 million in the first quarter of fiscal 1998.

General  and  administrative  expenses  rose 10.5% to $5.3  million in the first
quarter of fiscal 1999 from $4.8  million in the first  quarter of fiscal  1998,
mainly as the result of the hiring of additional  personnel in  connection  with
the expansion of the Company's operations, particularly in Australia.

Interest Expense

Interest  expense  remained  virtually  unchanged at $14.0  million in the first
quarter of fiscal 1999, compared to $14.1 million in the first quarter of fiscal
1998. Interest expense is expected to decrease as the Company intends to use the
net proceeds received from the public offering of its Common Stock to redeem its
9 5/8% First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes due 2003 in August 1998.


The following table illustrates the relationship between fleet size (measured in
ship-days),  TCE performance,  and operating results per calendar  ship-day.  To
facilitate  comparison  to the prior  years'  results,  the figures in the table
below exclude the results from the Company's Australian Vessels:

                                                                 First Quarter          First Quarter
                                                                  Fiscal 1999            Fiscal 1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average number of ships                                                  46                      42
Total calendar ship-days                                              3,828                   3,813
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Voyage days (A)                                                       3,649                   3,561
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net voyage revenue before commissions (B) (000s)                    $79,583                 $75,543
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCE (B/A)                                                           $21,810                 $21,214
Operating results per calendar ship-day:
   Net voyage revenue                                               $20,260                $19, 370
   Vessel operating expense                                           4,785                   4,799
   General and administrative expense                                 1,259                   1,252
   Drydocking expense                                                   681                     857
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating cash flow per calendar ship-day                           $13,535                 $12,462


The Company's  total  liquidity,  including  cash,  marketable  securities,  and
undrawn  long-term  lines of credit,  increased to $291.9 million as at June 30,
1998 from  $186.3  million  as at March  31,  1998,  as a result  of  internally
generated  cash and the  Company's  receipt of net proceeds from its issuance of
2.8 million shares of Common Stock in June 1998.

Net cash flow  from  operating  activities  rose to $44.0  million  in the first
quarter  of fiscal  1999 from  $42.3  million  in the same  period one year ago,
mainly  reflecting the  improvement in TCE rates and the increase in the size of
the Company's fleet.

The Company's  scheduled  debt  repayments  were $14.4 million  during the first
quarter of fiscal 1999,  virtually  unchanged  from the first  quarter of fiscal
1998. In addition,  the Company  prepaid  $115.0 million of long-term debt under
its  revolving  credit  facility  (the  "Revolver").  In June 1998,  the Company
completed a public  offering of 7.0 million shares of its Common Stock, of which
2.8 million  shares  were  issued by the  Company  and 4.2  million  shares were
offered by an existing  shareholder,  the Cirrus Trust. The Company received net
proceeds of  approximately  $68.8 million from the  offering,  which was applied
temporarily against outstanding indebtedness under the Company's Revolver and in
August  1998 is  intended  to be used,  along  with other  funds,  to redeem the
Company's outstanding 9 5/8% First Preferred Ship Mortgage Notes.

During  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  1999,  the  Company   incurred  capital
expenditures  for vessels and equipment of $37.7  million,  which includes $31.6
million in payments  towards the two  newbuilding  double-hull  Aframax  tankers
scheduled for delivery in July and September  1999, and $4.6 million  related to
the  conversion  of the floating  storage and  off-loading  vessel.  The Company
intends to pay for the remaining cost of  approximately  $44 million for the two
newbuildings by using existing cash balances,  borrowings  under the Revolver or
other debt financing.  Capital  expenditures for drydocking were $2.4 million in
the first quarter of fiscal 1999 compared to $4.7 million in the same period one
year ago, reflecting a reduction in scheduled drydockings.


Dividend payments during the first quarter of fiscal 1999 were $6.2 million,  or
21.5 cents per share,  of which $5.8 million was paid in cash and the  remainder
was paid in the form of shares  of  common  stock  issued  under  the  Company's
dividend reinvestment plan.

As part of its growth strategy,  the Company will continue to consider strategic
opportunities, including the acquisition of additional vessels and the expansion
into new markets.  The Company may choose to pursue such  opportunities  through
internal growth, joint ventures, or business  acquisitions.  The Company intends
to finance any future acquisitions through various sources of capital, including
internally   generated  cash  flow,  existing  credit  lines,   additional  debt
borrowings, and the issuance of additional shares of capital stock.


The Company  relies on computer  systems and  software to operate its  business,
including applications used in chartering, shipping, communications, finance and
various  administrative  functions.  To the extent that the  Company's  software
applications  contain source code that is unable to appropriately  interpret the
calendar  year  2000  and  subsequent  years,  some  level of  modification  for
replacement of such applications will be necessary. The Company is reviewing all
of its  systems  in order to  verify  that they are "Year  2000  compliant"  and
believes,   with  limited   exceptions,   that  they  will  require  only  minor
modification. Accordingly, management does not expect Year 2000 compliance costs
to have a material  adverse  effect on the Company.  No  assurance  can be given
however,  that all of the Company's  systems will be Year 2000 compliant or that
compliance  costs or the impact of any  failure by the  Company to achieve  full
Year 2000 compliance will not have a material adverse effect on the Company.  In
addition,  the Company could be adversely affected by the failure of one or more
of its  customers,  lenders,  suppliers  or other  organizations  with  which it
conducts business to become fully Year 2000 compliant.


This Report on Form 6-K for the  quarterly  period ended June 30, 1998  contains
forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended) which reflect  management's  current views with respect
to future  events  and  financial  performance,  in  particular  the  statements
regarding  future capital  expenditures  including  expenditures for newbuilding
vessels;  the  redemption of the Company's 9 5/8% First  Preferred Ship Mortgage
Notes;  and the Company's growth strategy and expansion.  The following  factors
are among those that could cause actual  results to differ  materially  from the
forward-looking  statement and that should be considered in evaluating  any such
statement:  changes in production  of or demand for oil and petroleum  products,
either generally or in particular  regions,  including Asia; the cyclical nature
of the  tanker  industry  and  its  dependence  on  oil  markets;  greater  than
anticipated  levels of tanker  newbuilding orders or less than anticipated rates
of tanker  scrapping;  the  supply of tankers  available  to meet the demand for
transportation of petroleum products;  changes in trading patterns significantly
impacting  overall  tanker tonnage  requirements;  changes in demand for modern,
high quality vessels; the Company's dependence on spot oil voyages;  whether, as
is typical, oil consumption in the northern hemisphere will increase in the fall
and winter months and  unpredictable  weather patterns in the winter months will
tend to disrupt vessel  scheduling,  factors that  historically have resulted in
increased oil price volatility and increased oil trading activity; environmental
and other regulation;  the Company's  potential  inability to achieve and manage
growth;  risks associated with operations  outside the United States;  and other
risks  detailed from time to time in the Company's  periodic  reports filed with
the U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The Company may issue additional
written or oral forward-looking statements from time to time which are qualified
in their entirety by the cautionary  statements  contained in this paragraph and
in other reports  hereafter  filed by the Company with the U.S.  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.


                                  JUNE 30, 1998

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1 - Legal Proceedings

Item 2 - Changes in Securities

Item 3 - Defaults Upon Senior Securities

Item 4 - Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5 - Other Information

Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 6-K
         a.       Exhibits
                  27.1 Financial Data Schedule

         b.       Reports on Form 6-K

OCTOBER 4, 1995.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     TEEKAY SHIPPING CORPORATION

Date:    August 14, 1998                        By:      /s/ Peter S. Antturi
                                                         Peter S. Antturi
                                                         Chief Financial Officer