DATED: 26th October 1995

                            SOREMA (UK) UNDERWRITING
                             MANAGEMENT LIMITED                       (1)


                       SOREMA (UK) REINSURANCE LIMITED                (2)


                            RUSSELL JOHN ENGLISH                      (3)

                                SERVICE AGREEMENT


(1)      SOREMA  UNDERWRITING  MANAGEMENT  LIMITED  (Registered  Number 2279272)
         whose  registered  office is at 16 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1BD (the
         "Company") and

(2)      SOREMA (UK) REINSURANCE  LIMITED  (Registered  Number 2494812) whose
         registered office is at 16 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1BD ("Reinsurance")

(3)      RUSSELL JOHN ENGLISH (the "Executive") of 16, Onslow Road, Richmond,
         Surrey TW10 6QF.


The  Executive  has been  employed by the  Company as  Managing  Director of the
Company.  Specialist  Risk  Underwriters  Limited and Reinsurance and as General
Manager of SOREMA (UK) Group Limited  (collectively "the Associated  Companies")
and the parties  wish his  employment  as such by the Company to continue on the
terms and conditions set out in this Agreement in substitution  for any previous
agreement or arrangement.


1.       Appointment and term

         The Company shall employ the  Executive  and the Executive  shall serve
         the  Associated   Companies  as  Managing   Director  of  the  Company,
         Specialist  Risk  Underwriters  Limited and  Reinsurance and as General
         Manager of SOREMA (UK) Group  Limited  with effect from 1st March 1995.
         The Company by its Chairman of its Board of Directors may terminate the
         employment  at any time by  giving  not less than 24  calendar  months'
         notice in writing to the  Executive and the Executive may terminate the
         employment  at any time by  giving  not less  than 6  calendar  months'
         notice in writing to the  Company.  Both the Company and the  Executive
         are entitled to elect for the  Executive's  employment to be terminated
         by payment by the  Company in lieu of notice for all or any part of the
         period of notice  given by the  Company.  For  avoidance  of doubt such
         payment  shall  include but is not limited to salary,  bonus,  pension,
         motor car allowance,  medical  insurance,  death in service  assurance,
         permanent health insurance and subscriptions.

2.       Duties

               2.1      During his employment hereunder the Executive shall:

                     (a)            perform the duties and  exercise  the powers
                                    and  functions  which  from time to time may
                                    reasonably  be  assigned to or vested in him
                                    by the Chairman or Board of  Directors  (the
                                    "Board")  of the  Company in relation to the
                                    Company and any  Associated  Company at such
                                    place or places within the United Kingdom as
                                    the Board shall determine,

                    (b)             during working hours devote the whole of his
                                    time,  attention  and  ability to his duties
                                    hereunder and shall  faithfully  and loyally
                                    serve the Company to the best of his ability
                                    and use his utmost  endeavors to promote its
                                    interests in all reasonable respects;

                            in   accordance   with   English  law  and  relevant
                            recommended  practices  applicable  to insurance and
                            reinsurance companies.

3.       Remuneration

               3.1         As   remuneration  for  his  services  hereunder  the
                           Company shall pay to the  Executive a  salary at  the
                           rate  of  One  Hundred  and  Forty   Thousand  Pounds
                           ((pound)140,000)  per  annum  (which shall be  deemed
                           to accrue  from day to day) payable by equal  monthly
                           installments  on the 25th day of each calendar  month
                           such salary being inclusive of any fees to which  the
                           Executive  may  be  entitled  as  a  director  of the
                           Company  or  of any  Associated  Company.   The  said
                           salary shall be reviewed  by the  Board on or  before
                           the 1st March  each year and the rate thereof may  be
                           increased with effect from many such review date.

               3.2         The Executive shall be entitled to participate in the
                           SOREMA (UK) Bonus Scheme and any replacement  thereof
                           particulars of which may be obtained from the Company

               3.3         For the purposes of the Wages Act 1986 and  otherwise
                           the Executive hereby consents to the deduction of any
                           sums properly owing by him to the Company at any time
                           from his  salary or from any other  payment  due from
                           the Company to the Executive and the Executive hereby
                           also agrees to make any payment to the Company of any
                           sums properly owed by him to the Company.

4.       Pension and Insurance Benefits

              4.1          The Executive shall be entitled to be a member of the
                           SOREMA   (UK)   Pension   Scheme   (the    "Scheme"),
                           particulars of which may be obtained from the Company
                           Secretary.  In addition  to the normal  contributions
                           made by the  Company  to the Scheme in respect of the
                           Executive   the  Company  will  make  an   additional
                           contribution of (pound)25,000 per annum in respect of
                           the  Executive,  such  contribution  to  be  adjusted
                           annually in accordance with the Retail Price Index on
                           the 1st March of each year.

              4.2          The Company shall provide the Executive  with medical
                           insurance,   permanent  health  insurance,  death  in
                           service and life assurance,  particulars of which may
                           be obtained from the Company Secretary.

5.       Expenses

         The Company shall reimburse to the Executive all worldwide  travelling,
         hotel,   entertainment  and  other  expenses  properly  and  reasonably
         incurred by him in the performance of his duties hereunder and properly
         claimed  and  vouched  for in  accordance  with the  Company's  expense
         reporting procedure in force from time to time.

6.       Motor Car Allowance

         The Company shall pay to the Executive an annual motor car allowance at
         the rate of 17.5%  of his  salary  from  time to time  prevailing.  The
         allowance  shall be paid to the  Executive  in 12 monthly  installments
         paid with his salary on the 25th day of each calendar month.

7.       Holidays and holiday pay

                  7.1      In addition  to the normal  Bank and public  holidays
                           the  Executive  shall be entitled to 30 working days'
                           paid holiday  during each holiday year  commencing on
                           1st  October  each  year to be taken at such  time or
                           times as may be agreed with the Board.  The Executive
                           may  not  without  the  consent  of the  Board  carry
                           forward any unused part of his holiday entitlement to
                           a subsequent calendar year.

                  7.2      For the holiday year  during  which  the  Executive's
                           employment  hereunder terminates he shall be entitled
                           to such proportion of his annual holiday entitlement
                           as the period of his employment in such  year  bears
                           to one  holiday  year.  Upon  termination  of his
                           employment for whatever reason he shall if
                           appropriate either be entitled  to salary in lieu of
                           any outstanding  holiday  entitlement or be required
                           to pay to the Company any salary received in respect
                           of  holiday taken  in excess  of  his  proportionate
                           holiday entitlement.

8.       Sickness/incapacity

                  8.1      If the  Executive  shall  be  prevented  by  illness,
                           accident or other incapacity from properly performing
                           his  duties  hereunder  he  shall  report  this  fact
                           forthwith to the Company Secretary's office and if he
                           is so prevented for more than seven  consecutive days
                           he shall provide an appropriate doctor's certificate.

                  8.2      If the  Executive  shall be  absent  from his  duties
                           hereunder   owing  to  illness,   accident  or  other
                           incapacity  duly  certified  in  accordance  with the
                           provisions  of  clause  8.1 he shall be paid his full
                           remuneration  until six consecutive months of absence
                           have elapsed and thereafter such  remuneration as the
                           Board shall in its  discretion  allow  PROVIDED  THAT
                           there shall be deducted  from such  remuneration  any
                           Statutory  Sick Pay or any social  security  or other
                           benefits payable to the Executive  including any sums
                           recoverable  from a third party and any sums  payable
                           to the Executive under the permanent health insurance
                           arrangement referred to in clause 4.2 above.

9.       Confidential information

                  The Executive shall not during his employment  hereunder (save
                  in the  proper  course  thereof)  or at  any  time  after  its
                  termination for any reason  whatsoever  disclose to any person
                  whatsoever or otherwise make use of any confidential or secret
                  information  of which he has or may have in the  course of his
                  employment hereunder become possessed concerning the business,
                  affairs,  finance,  customers  or  trade  connections  of  the
                  Company  or any  Associated  Company  or  any of its or  their
                  suppliers, agents, distributors or customers and shall use his
                  best  endeavours to prevent the  unauthorised  publication  or
                  disclosure of any such confidential or secret information.

10.      Termination on the happening of certain events

         (a)                The Company without prejudice to any remedy which it
                           may have  against  the  Executive  for the  breach or
                           non-performance  of  any of the  provisions  of  this
                           Agreement  may by notice in writing to the  Executive
                           forthwith  terminate  this Agreement if the Executive

                           (i)      be convicted of any criminal  offence (other
                                    than   an   offence   under   road   traffic
                                    legislation   in  the   United   Kingdom  or
                                    elsewhere  for  which a penalty  other  than
                                    imprisonment  for  three  months  or more is
                                    imposed); or

                           (ii)     be prevented by illness or otherwise from
                                    performing his duties  hereunder for a
                                    consecutive period of 9 calendar months; or

                           (iii)    be guilty  of any  serious  misconduct,  any
                                    conduct  tending  to bring  the  Company  or
                                    himself  into  disrepute,  or  any  material
                                    breach  or  non-observance  of  any  of  the
                                    provisions   of  this   Agreement  or  shall
                                    neglect  fail or refuse to carry out  duties
                                    properly assigned to him hereunder.

         (b)               Subject to the  provisions of Clause 10(c) below,  in
                           the  event  of  the  sale  or  cessation  of  all  or
                           substantially   all  of  the   business,   assets  or
                           undertaking   of   Reinsurance   and/or   Societe  de
                           Reassurance des Assurances  Mutuelles  Agricoles S.A.
                           and/or  SOREMA   International   Holding  N.V.,   the
                           Executive  shall be  entitled  to treat  such sale or
                           cessation as repudiation by the Company and on giving
                           to the Company  written  notice of acceptance of such
                           repudiation  within 6 calendar months of such sale or
                           cessation  the  Executive  shall be  entitled  to the
                           compensation referred to at Clause 11(b).

         (c)               Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 10(b) above,
                           the   Executive   shall  not  be  entitled  to  treat
                           intra-SOREMA   group   transactions  as  constituting
                           repudiation by the Company of this Agreement.

11.      Obligations upon termination of employment

         (a)      Upon the termination of his employment hereunder for whatever
                  reason  the Executive shall:

                     (i)            forthwith  tender  his   resignation  as  a
                                    Director  of   the  Company   and   of   any
                                    Associated  Company  without compensation;

                     (ii)           deliver  up to  the  Company  all  vehicles,
                                    keys,    credit    cards,    correspondence,
                                    documents,  specifications,  report,  papers
                                    and   records    (including   any   computer
                                    materials  such as discs or  tapes)  and all
                                    copies   thereof  and  any  other   property
                                    (whether or not similar to the  foregoing or
                                    any of them) belonging to the Company or any
                                    Associated  Company  which  may  be  in  his
                                    possession or under his control; and

                     (iii)          not at any time  represent himself still  to
                                    be connected with the Company or any
                                    Associated Company.

         (b)                        In  the  event  of  this   Agreement   being
                                    terminated  under Clause  10(b)  above,  the
                                    Executive   shall  be  entitled  to  receive
                                    payment  in  lieu  of  24  calendar  months'

12.      Covenant by Reinsurance
         Reinsurance  hereby  covenants  with the Executive that in the event of
         any  default  by the  Company  in the  performance  of its  obligations
         hereunder Reinsurance will pay the salary,  benefits and all other sums
         howsoever due to the Executive hereunder including any increased salary
         or benefits payable under the provisions  hereof on the days and in the
         manner  mentioned  herein and will duly  perform  and  observe  all the
         Company's  covenants and  obligations  contained  herein and in case of
         default in any such payments or in the performance or observance of the
         Company's covenants and obligations  Reinsurance will pay and make good
         to the  Executive  on demand all losses,  damages,  costs and  expenses
         thereby  arising or incurred by the Executive  provided always that any
         variation of the terms of this Agreement or the Executive's  employment
         in any manner which is not material to this covenant and any neglect or
         forbearance  by the  Executive  in  endeavouring  to obtain or  enforce
         payment of any sums due or observance  of any of the  Company's  duties
         hereunder  and any  time  which  may be  given  to the  Company  by the
         Executive  shall not release or  exonerate  or affect the  liability of
         Reinsurance under this covenant.

13.      Other terms and conditions

                  13.1     The  provisions of the Company's  standard  terms and
                           conditions of employment  and handbook shall apply to
                           the Executive's employment hereunder except so far as
                           inconsistent herewith.

                  13.2     The  following  particulars  are given in  compliance
                           with the  requirements of section 1 of the Employment
                           Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978.

                           (a)      The  Executive's  normal place of work is 16
                                    Eastcheap  London  EC3M  1BD  but  he may be
                                    required  to work  at any  other  office  or
                                    location in London as may be directed by the
                                    Board from time to time.

                           (b)      The Executive's  continuous employment began
                                    on 1st January  1994.  No  employment of the
                                    Executive with a previous employer counts as
                                    part   of   the    Executive's    continuous
                                    employment with the Company.

                           (c)      If the  Executive's  hours of work  shall be
                                    the  normal  hours  of work  of the  Company
                                    which  are from 9am to 5pm  Monday to Friday
                                    together with such  additional  hours as may
                                    be  reasonably   necessary  for  the  proper
                                    discharge of his duties hereunder.

                           (d)      If the  Executive is  dissatisfied  with any
                                    disciplinary  decision  or  if  he  has  any
                                    grievance   relating   to   his   employment
                                    hereunder he should refer such  disciplinary
                                    decision or  grievance  to the Board and the
                                    reference  will be dealt with by  discussion
                                    at and decision of a Board Meeting.

                           (e)      Save as otherwise  herein provided there are
                                    no  terms  or   conditions   of   employment
                                    relating  to  hours  of  work  or to  normal
                                    working hours or to  entitlement  to holiday
                                    (including  public  holidays) or holiday pay
                                    or to incapacity for work due to sickness or
                                    injury or to pensions or pension schemes.

14.      Applicable law

         English law shall apply to this Agreement and the parties submit to the
         jurisdiction of the English Courts.

         IN WITNESS  whereof this deed has been duly  executed and  delivered on
         the 26th day of October 1995.

         Executed as a deed by      )
         the Company                )
         acting by                  )

         ----------------------------                  -------------------------
         Director                                         Director/Secretary

         Executed as a deed by Reinsurance  )
         acting by                          )

         ----------------------------                  -------------------------
         Director                                          Director/Secretary

         Signed as a deed by the Executive  )
         in the presence of                 )

         /s/ Joanne Merrick                                   31 Alexandra Road
         -----------------------------                 -------------------------
         Witness's name and signature                         St. Albans,
                                                              Witness's address


(1)      in consequence of Board resolutions approved by SOREMA (UK) Limited and
         SOREMA (UK) Group Limited on 9th July,  1996,  and with effect from 9th
         July 1996
               (a)         SOREMA (UK) GROUP LIMITED (Registered Number 2488310)
                           whose registered office is at 16,  Eastcheap,  London
                           EC3M  1BD  ("Group")  shall  become  a  party  to the
                           Service  Agreement  dated 26th  October  1995 between
                           SOREMA  (UK)  Underwriting   Management  Limited  and
                           SOREMA (UK)  Reinsurance  Limited  and  Russell  John
                           English ("the Executive")

               (b)         Group shall  covenant with the Executive in the terms
                           of  Clause  12 of the  said  Agreement,  in  place of
                           SOREMA  (UK)  Reinsurance  Limited  and  SOREMA  (UK)
                           reinsurance   Limited  shall  be  released  from  all
                           liability in respect of the said covenant

(2)      with effect from 1st March 1996 the Executive's salary at clause 3.1 of
         the said Agreement shall be amended from One Hundred and Forth Thousand
         Pounds  ((pound)140,000)  per  annum to One  Hundred  and  Forty  Seven
         Thousand Pounds ((pound)147,000) per annum
(3)      the terms and conditions of the said Agreement shall  otherwise  remain

IN WITNESS  whereof this deed has been duly  executed and  delivered on the 12th
day of July 1996.

         Executed as a deed by      )
         SOREMA (UK) Underwriting Management Limited
         acting by                  )

         /s/ David Leaper                                 /s/ Ginette Handfield
         ----------------------------                     ----------------------
         Director                                           Director/Secretary

         Executed  as a deed by  Reinsurance  )
         SOREMA  (UK)  Limited  (formerly
         SOREMA (UK) reinsurance Limited)
         acting by                            )

         /s/ Andrew Okell                                  /s/ Joanne Merrick
         -----------------------------                    ----------------------
         Director                                         Director/Secretary

         Executed as a deed by Group          )
         acting by                            )

         /s/ Andrew Okell                                   /s/ Joanne Merrick
         ----------------------------                     ----------------------
         Director                                           Director/Secretary

         Signed as a deed by the Executive     )
         in the presence of                    )

          /s/ Andrew Shirley                                /s/ Russell English
         -----------------------------                     ---------------------
         Andrew Shirley                                     20 Bowes Wood
         Witness's name and signature                       New Ash Green, Kent
                                                             DA3 8QJ
                                                            Witness's address


(1)      with effect from 1st October  1996 clause 4.1 of the Service  Agreement
         between  various  SOREMA (UK)  companies and Russell John English ("the
         Executive")  dated  26th  October  1995  shall  be  amended  to read as

4.1      "The  Executive  shall be  entitled  to be a member of the SOREMA  (UK)
         Pension  Scheme (the  "Scheme"),  particulars  of which may be obtained
         from the Company  Secretary.  In  addition to the normal  contributions
         made by the Company to the Scheme the Company will make such additional
         contribution  in respect of the Executive as is  equivalent,  after the
         deduction  of tax, to 21% of his salary  from time to time  prevailing.
         All contributions payable by the Company under the Scheme in respect of
         the  Executive  shall  be paid  free  of tax to the  extent  that  such
         payments do not exceed the earnings  limitation  approved by the Inland
         Revenue  for  tax  exempt  pension   schemes   according  to  statutory
         provisions  from time to time  prevailing.  All other payments  payable
         under the Scheme in  respect of the  Executive  into  pension  funds or
         similar investments approved by the Trustee of the Scheme shall be paid
         gross of any tax payable in consequence of the contributions  exceeding
         the earnings limitation approved by the Inland Revenue."

(2) the  terms and  conditions  of the said  Agreement  shall  otherwise  remain

IN WITNESS  whereof this deed has been duly  executed and  delivered on the 24th
day of September 1996.

         Executed as a deed by      )
         SOREMA (UK) Underwriting Management Limited
         acting by                  )

         /s/ Andrew Okell                              /s/ Ginette Handfield
         --------------------------                    -------------------------
         Director                                          Director/Secretary

         Executed as a deed by Reinsurance  )
         SOREMA (UK) Limited                )
         acting by                          )

          /s/ Andrew Okell                               /s/ Joanne Merrick
         --------------------------                      -----------------------
         Director                                         Director/Secretary

         Executed as a deed by Group        )
         acting by                          )

         /s/ Andrew Okell                                  /s/ Joanne Merrick
         --------------------------                      -----------------------
         Director                                          Director/Secretary

         Signed as a deed by the Executive  )
         in the presence of                 )

                                                          /s/ Russell English
         /s/ Alison Moore                                     7 Tudor Close
         ---------------------------                     -----------------------
         Witness's name and signature                       Stienfield, Essex
                                                            Witness's address

                                 DEED OF WAIVER

THIS DEED is made the 27th day of February 1998


(1)      RUSSELL JOHN ENGLISH of 16 Onslow Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6QS (the

(2)      SOREMA (UK) UNDERWRITING  MANAGEMENT LIMITED a company  incorporated in
         the United  Kingdom with  registered  number  2279272 whose  registered
         office is at 16 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1BD (the "Company")

(3)      TRENWICK GROUP INC, a corporation organised under the laws of the State
         of Delaware,  United States of America,  whose  principal  office is at
         Metro Center, One Station Parade,  Stamford,  Connecticut 06902, United
         States of America ("Trenwick").


(A)      Trenwick  has agreed to  purchase  all of the issued  share  capital of
         Sorema  (UK)  Group  Limited  (the   "Transaction")   from  Societe  de
         Reassurance des Assurances Mutuelles Agricoles SA ("Sorema SA") under a
         Share Purchase  Agreement  entered into between  Trenwick and Sorema SA
         (the "Share Purchase Agreement") on 16 January 1998.

(B)      Sorema (UK) Limited and the Company are both wholly-owned  subsidiaries
         of Sorema (UK) Group Limited.

(C)      The Employee entered into a Service Agreement dated  26  October  1995
         (the "Service Agreement") with the Company.

(D)      Clause  10(b) of the Service  Agreement  provides  that the Employee is
         entitled to treat a sale of all or  substantially  all of the  combined
         assets or undertaking of the Sorema SA and/or of Sorema (UK) Limited as
         a repudiatory breach by the Company of the Service Agreement.

(E)      The Employee  agrees to waive his right to treat the  transaction  as a
         repudiatory breach by the Company of the Service Agreement on the terms
         and conditions set out in this Deed.


1.       In consideration  of the sum of one pound sterling  ((pound)1) from the
         Company and from  Trenwick,  the receipt of which the  Employee  hereby
         acknowledges, the Employee hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:

1.1      waives his right under Clause  10(b) of the Service  Agreement to treat
         the  Transaction or any act done by Sorema SA,  Trenwick or Sorema (UK)
         Group Limited or any event occurring in connection with the Transaction
         under the terms and  conditions  of the Share  Purchase  Agreement as a
         repudiation by the Company of the Service Agreement; and

1.2      covenants not to claim from the Company as a result of the  Transaction
         the compensation referred to in Clause 11(b) of the Service Agreement.

Executed as a Deed on the date first mentioned above.

by RUSSELL JOHN ENGLISH             )
in the presence of:                 )        /s/ Russell J. English

Witness: /s/ L. I. Wade
            Lauren Wade

EXECUTED as a DEED                  )
MANAGEMENT LIMITED by the           )
signature of:                       )        /s/  D. Leaper
                                             Director: D. Leaper

                                             /s/ Joanne Merrick
                                             Secretary: J. Merrick

EXECUTED as a DEED                  )
for and on behalf of                )
TRENWICK GROUP INC                  )                /s/ J. F. Billett, Jr.
                                             President and Chief
                                             Executive Officer