
THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 3rd day of November, 1999 (the "Agreement"), by
and between  Trenwick Group Inc., a Delaware  corporation with a principal place
of business in Stamford, Connecticut (the "Company"), and James F. Billett, Jr.,
of 14 John Applegate Road, Redding, Connecticut 06896 ("Executive").

WHEREAS,  the Executive is the Chairman,  President and Chief Executive  Officer
("Position")  of the Company,  a publicly  traded holding company with operating
subsidiaries  in the  insurance  and  reinsurance  business,  reporting  to, and
subject  only to the  direction  and control of, the Board of  Directors  of the
Company (the "Board") and is a key employee of the Company and its subsidiaries;

WHEREAS,  the Company  believes  that the  maintenance  of sound  management  is
essential to protecting and enhancing the business and operations of the Company
and is in the best interests of the Company and its  shareholders and recognizes
that the  possibility  of a change of control raises  uncertainty  and questions
among its key  employees  that could result in, or lead to, the loss of such key
employees or their  distraction  from their duties,  all to the detriment of the
Company and its shareholders;

WHEREAS, the Company wishes to assure that it will have the continued dedication
of the Executive as a key employee of the Company or one of its subsidiaries and
the continued  availability  of the  Executive's  advice,  counsel and services,
notwithstanding  the  possibility,  threat or actual  occurrence  of a change of
control of the Company,  and to induce the Executive to remain as a key employee
of the Company or one of its subsidiaries; and

WHEREAS,  the Executive is willing to continue to be employed by the Company and
its  subsidiaries  in his  Position,  taking  into  consideration  the terms and
conditions of this  Agreement  and, to induce the Company to make the agreements
and undertakings set forth in this Agreement, hereby agrees to the provisions in
Section 5 of this  Agreement  concerning,  among other things,  confidentiality,
trade secrets, non-solicitation and non-competition.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual terms and covenants  contained
herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties acknowledge and accept,
the Company and the Executive hereby agree as follows:


For purposes of this Agreement,

(a) A "Change in Control"  shall be deemed to have occurred upon the earliest to
happen of the following:

     (A)  The  acquisition,   in  one  or   more   transactions,  of  beneficial
          ownership  (within  the  meaning  of Rule 13d-3  under the  Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act") by any person or entity or
          any group of persons or entities who  constitute  a group  (within the
          meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the  Exchange  Act),  other than a trustee or
          other fiduciary  holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of
          the Company or a subsidiary, of any securities of the Company if, as a
          result of such  acquisition,  such person,  entity or group either (i)
          beneficially owns (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange
          Act),  directly  or  indirectly,   more  than  20%  of  the  Company's
          outstanding voting securities  entitled to vote on a regular basis for
          a  majority  of the  members  of the Board or (ii)  otherwise  has the
          ability to elect, directly or indirectly, a majority of the members of
          the Board;


     (B)  A change in the composition of the  Board  such that a majority of the
          members of the  Board  are not  Continuing  Directors.  A  "Continuing
          Director" means, as  of any date of  determination, any  member of the
          Board who (i) was a member of the Board on the date of this Agreement,
          or (ii) was nominated and  elected to such Board with the  affirmative
          vote of a majority of the Continuing  Directors  who were   members of
          the  Board at the time of such nomination or election; or

     (C)  The  stockholders of the Company approve (i) a merger or consolidation
          of the  Company  with any other corporation, other than  a  merger  or
          consolidation  which  would  result in the  voting  securities  of the
          Company outstanding  immediately prior thereto continuing to represent
          (either by remaining  outstanding  or by being  converted  into voting
          securities of the  surviving  entity) at least 80% of the total voting
          power  represented  by the voting  securities  of the  Company or such
          surviving  entity   outstanding   immediately  after  such  merger  or
          consolidation,  or (ii) a plan of complete  liquidation of the Company
          or an agreement for the sale or  disposition by the Company (in one or
          more  transactions)  of all  or  substantially  all  of the  Company's

          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the events in Section  1(a)(A)(i) or
          Section  1(a)(C)(i)  shall not be deemed a Change in Control if, prior
          to   any  transactions  constituting  such  change,a  majority  of the
          Continuing Directors shall have voted not to treat such transaction or
          transactions as resulting in a Change in Control;  provided,  however,
          if   any such  transaction  would be a Change of  Control  if 50% were
          substituted  for  the  20% in Section  1(a)(A)(i)  or for  the  80% in
          Section   1(a)(C)(i),   then  the  written  consent of  the  Executive
          shall also be required.

(b)       Cause:  "Cause"  shall  mean:  (A) the  commission  by the  Executive
          of any  felonious act or any other  criminal act involving  moral
          turpitude,  dishonesty,  theft or unethical business conduct,  (B) the
          willful  and  continued  failure  of the  Executive  to  substantially
          perform  his  duties  (other  than as a result  of  incapacity  due to
          physical or mental  injury or illness)  which duties the Executive has
          been  directed  in  writing  to  perform  by the  Board;  (C)  willful
          misconduct or gross  negligence by the Executive in the performance of
          the Executive's  duties, or (D) the failure of the Executive to comply
          with the policies or procedures  of the Company.  No action or failure
          to  act  by the  Executive  shall  be  considered  "willful"  if it is
          determined  by the Board to have been  done by the  Executive  in good
          faith and with the reasonable  belief that the  Executive's  action or
          omission is in the best interest of the Company.


(c)       Good Reason: "Good  Reason"  shall mean any of the  following  events,
          provided  that it occurs within  the ninety  (90) day period  prior to
          the date the  Executive  gives   notice  pursuant  to Section  2(c) of
          this Agreement:

     (A)  The  position or responsibilities of  the Executive are  significantly
          reduced  (including,   without  limitation,  the  elimination  of  his
          Position, a change in the reporting  responsibilities of his Position,
          a  substantial  reduction  in  the   size of the  Company   or   other
          substantial  change  in  the  character  or  scope  of  the  Company's
          operations),  or the Executive is assigned without his written consent
          to  any  duties  inconsistent  with  his  Position  with  the  Company
          immediately  prior to such  assignment  or the status  and  stature of
          those  with  whom the  Executive  is  asked  to work or the  position,
          authority,  responsibility  or type of work or the working  conditions
          under  which the  Executive  is  assigned is  inconsistent  with,  not
          comparable  to, or reduced  in status or  altered  in nature  from the
          Executive's Position;

     (B)  The  annual  incentive  compensation   opportunity  provided  to   the
          Executive  is  eliminated or significantly  reduced,  the  Executive's
          participation  level is  reduced  or the  manner of  assessing  actual
          performance  is changed  in a manner  that  results  in the  Executive
          earning  significantly less annual incentive  compensation for a given
          period  than he or she  would  have for the same  period  absent  such

     (C)  The  Executive's  aggregate  level of benefits  under the Company's
          benefit plans is significantly reduced;

     (D)  The  Company fails  to  provide   the  Executive   with  benefits  and
          perquisites which are substantially  similar in the aggregate to those
          to which the Executive is entitled  under the Company's  benefit plans
          in which the  Executive  was  participating  immediately  prior to the
          Change in Control,  or fails to provide the Executive with  directors'
          or  officers'  insurance,  as  applicable,   at  least  at  the  level
          maintained immediately prior to the Change in Control;

     (E)  The  Executive is required to change his regular work location to a
          location  that  requires the  Executive to  commute  a  distance  more
          than  50  miles  further  from  the  Executive's  principal  place  of
          employment existing at the time of the Change in Control; or

     (F)  The Company fails to pay  the Executive  any  amount otherwise  vested
          and due hereunder or under  any plan or  policy  of  the  Company,  or
          fails to comply  with any other  provision  of or  perform  any of its
          other obligations under this Agreement.

(d)       Date of Termination:  "Date  of Termination" shall  mean  (A)  if  the
          Executive's employment is terminated by  the  Executive's  death,  the
          date  of  the  Executive's  death, or by  reason  of  the  Executive's
          Disability, the date all of the  conditions to constitute a Disability
          have occurred, (B) if the Executive's  active employment is terminated
          by the Company pursuant to Section 2(b), whether or not for Cause, the
          date  specified  in  the   Notice  of  Termination,  and  (C)  if  the
          Executive's active employment is terminated  by the Executive pursuant
          to Section 2(c) whether or not for Good  Reason, the date which is ten
          (10) business days after the date of receipt of the Executive's notice
          of   intention to  terminate or such other  date  as  may be agreed by
          Executive and the Board.  If Executive's  active employment  shall  be
          terminated pursuant to Section 2, Executive shall, following the  Date
          of Termination enter into a period of "Post Employment" to  the extent
          that he or she is entitled to benefits under this Agreement.


(e)       Protected  Period: "Protected  Period"  shall mean the two year period
          after the occurrence, during the term of this  Agreement, of a  Change
          in Control.

(f)       Disability:  "Disability" shall have the same  meaning as set forth in
          the  Company's   long-term  disability   insurance   policy  providing
          disability  insurance for the  Executive, as the same shall exist from
          time to time.

(g)       Notice of  Termination:  "Notice of  Termination"  shall  mean written
          notice of the termination of the Executive's  active  employment  with
          the Company  either delivered to the Executive by the Company pursuant
          to Section 2(b) or delivered to the Company by  the Executive pursuant
          to Section 2(c).

2.        TERMINATION.

(a)       Change in Control.  The Executive  shall be  entitled to the  benefits
          provided  in  Section 3 hereof  upon  any  termination  of his  active
          employment  with the Company and its  subsidiaries  within a Protected
          Period,  except a termination of active  employment (i) because of his
          death,  (ii) because  of a  Disability,  (iii) by the  Company  or its
          subsidiaries for Cause,  or (iv) by the Executive  other than for Good
          Reason.  No amounts  shall be  payable  under  this  Agreement  if the
          Executive's employment terminates outside of a Protected Period.

(b)       Termination by Company.Any termination by the Board of the Executive's
          active employment  must,  in order to be  effective,  be preceded by a
          written Notice of  Termination to the Executive indicating the Date of
          Termination  and the reasons  therefor and, if the  termination is for
          Cause,  the specific provision of Section 1(b) relied upon and setting
          forth in  reasonable  detail  the  facts and  circumstances supporting
          termination  for Cause.  Nothing  herein shall bar the  Executive from
          contesting the basis for his termination under this Section 2(b).

(c)       Termination  by  Executive.  Any  termination  by the Executive of his
          active  employment  for Good  Reason  must, in order to be  effective,
          be  preceded  by  a  written  Notice of  Termination  to  the  Company
          indicating the specific  provision of  Section  1(c)  relied  upon and
          setting  forth  in  reasonable  detail  the  facts  and  circumstances
          supporting the termination under the  provision  so  indicated.  After
          receipt of such Notice of Termination, the Company shall have ten (10)
          business days from the date of receipt of such Notice  of  Termination
          to cure the event described  therein, and  upon  cure  thereof  by the
          Company  to the  Executive's reasonable satisfaction, such event shall
          no longer  constitute  "Good  Reason" for  purposes of this Agreement.



(a)       Change in Control.  If, within a  Protected  Period,  the  Executive's
          employment by the Company and its subsidiaries shall be terminated (i)
          by the Company and its subsidiaries other  than for  Cause  and  other
          than because of a Disability  or death,  or (ii) by the  Executive for
          Good Reason, the Executive shall be entitled to the benefits  provided
          for below:

          (A) Base  Salary  -  The  Executive   shall   continue,   during  Post
              Employment,  to receive  base salary for three (3) years after the
              Date of  Termination,  payable in  installments  on the  Company's
              normal payroll dates.  For this purpose,  base salary shall be the
              current base salary of the Executive at the Date of Termination or
              at the  base  salary  at any time in the last  twelve  months,  if

          (B) Bonus - The Executive  shall continue to receive a Bonus for three
              (3) years after the Date of Termination  and for the period of the
              year elapsed prior to the Date of  Termination,  pro rated for the
              portion of the year elapsed. Such amount shall be determined based
              on the  greater of the last annual  performance  bonus paid or the
              average  of  the  last  two  annual   performance   bonuses   paid
              immediately preceding the Executive's Date of Termination.

          (C) Car  Allowance  - The  Executive  shall  continue to receive a car
              allowance  for the 3- year period  after the  Executive's  Date of
              Termination.  The amount of such allowance shall equal the amount,
              if any,  being  received  by the  Executive  as of the date of the
              Change in Control.

          (D) Medical & Dental,  401(k), Pension Plans and Supplemental Pension
              Plans  -  The  Executive   shall  continue  to  be  treated  as  a
              participant in all such plans in  which  the Executive  shall have
              been a participant on the date of the Notice of Termination, based
              on then applicable and  corresponding  elections and  contribution
              rates,  for the 3-year period  commencing on the  Executive's Date
              of   Termination.  If  such  plans do not  permit  the  Executives
              continued  participation,  the  tax-adjusted  value the  Executive
              would have received  shall be determined  and  paid by the Company
              (outside of the plans). The Executive  shall be allowed to  change
              the  Executive's  payment  election  under  the  terms  of    such
              Supplemental Benefit Plan at the Executive's Date of Termination.

          (E) Life & Disability  Insurance - The Company  shall  continue to pay
              the  premium  related  to  the  Executive's   life  insurance  and
              long-term disability insurance for the 3-year period commencing on
              the Executive's Date of Termination.


          (F) Benefits - The  Executive shall be paid or be provided  such other
              benefits for which the  Executive  is otherwise  eligible, if any,
              under the terms of any employee  benefit, incentive, option, stock
              award or other plans or programs of the Company in  which  he  may
              be, or may have  been,  a  participant  and  any  unused  vacation
              time.  All  awards made  to  the  Executive  under  such  employee
              benefit, incentive, option, stock award or other plans or programs
              shall immediately vest and be payable  and all  restrictions shall
              lapse.  If  such  plans  do not permit the  Executive's  continued
              participation  or immediate  vesting,  the tax-adjusted value  the
              Executive would have received shall be determined and paid by  the
              Company (outside of the plans).

(b)       Other This Agreement shall not be considered a "change of  control  or
          an employment  agreement" for the  purposes of the Trenwick Group Inc.
          Merger  Severance Policy adopted in connection  with the merger of the
          Company and Chartwell Re Corporation; provided, however, if there is a
          Change of Control under this Agreement and the  Executive is  entitled
          to benefits under Section 3(a) of this Agreement, then  the  Executive
          shall not be covered  by, or  entitled   to any  benefits  under, such
          Merger Severance Policy.

4.        EXCISE TAX.

It is the intention of this provision  that the Executive  receive a net amount,
after  payment of all Excise  Taxes  (including  Excise  Taxes on any Excise Tax
Adjustment)  equal to the  aggregate  compensation,  benefits and other  amounts
which gave rise to the Excise Tax.

     (a)  In the event that Executive receives or derives  from the Company or
          otherwise any  compensation,  benefit  or any amount  under any option
          plan, performance  plan, or incentive plan, which is determined  to be
          subject  to  the  excise tax imposed by Section  4999 of the  Internal
          Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  (the  "Excise  Tax"),  then  the
          Executive shall be entitled to receive from the  Company an Excise Tax
          Adjustment Payment equal to the amount of all applicable  U.S.federal,
          state and local taxes (computed at  the  maximum  marginal  rates  and
          including  interest  penalties  and any cost of  contest  or  defense)
          including Excise Tax imposed upon the Excise  Tax Adjustment  Payment.
          The amount of the any Excise Tax Adjustment Payment to be  made  shall
          be determined,  at the Company's expense, by a  nationally  recognized
          accounting firm acceptable to the Executive and the Company.

(b)       The  Executive  shall  notify the Company  in writing  promptly of any
          written claim by the IRS that would require the payment of  the Excise
          Tax  Adjustment Payment.  The Company  may  elect,  by  notifying  the
          Executive  in  writing  within  thirty  (30) days  of  its  receipt of
          Executive's  notice,  to contest  such  claim  and/or to  retain legal
          counsel selected by  the  Company  to  represent the  Executive.  Such
          contest will be at the Company's sole cost and expense and the Company
          shall advance any amounts required to be paid in respect of such
          Excise tax or the contest thereof. The Executive shall cooperate fully
          with the  Company in good  faith  including  permitting the Company to
          participate in any  proceedings relating to such claim or  contest and
          giving the Company any information reasonably requested by the Company
          relating to such claim or contest.


(c)       The Company shall be entitled to control all proceedings, conferences,
          and appeals it may elect to take, but only with  respect to the Excise
          Tax,  and may sue for a refund or contest the claim in any permissible
          manner  provided  that any  extension  of the  statute  of limitations
          relating to  payment  of taxes for the  taxable  year of the Executive
          with respect to which such contested amount is claimed to  be  due  is
          limited solely to such contested amount.  The Executive shall promptly
          pay to the  Company  the  amount of any refund  with  respect  to such
          claim (together with any interest paid or credited  thereon but  after
          payment by Executive of any taxes applicable thereto).


Except as necessary or appropriate to the proper  performance of the Executive's
duties,  or with the prior  written  consent of the Company,  or as ordered by a
court of  competent  jurisdiction,  the  Executive  shall not at any time either
during the  continuance of the  Executive's  employment or after its termination
disclose or communicate to any person or use for the  Executive's own benefit or
the benefit of any person other than the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate
any  information  relating to the Company or any subsidiary or affiliate that is
not generally known to the public ("Confidential Information") which may come to
the Executive's knowledge in the course of the Executive's  employment,  and the
Executive  shall during the  continuance of the  Executive's  employment use the
Executive's best endeavors to prevent the unauthorized  publication or misuse of
any Confidential  Information,  provided that such  restrictions  shall cease to
apply to any  Confidential  Information  which may enter the public domain other
than through the fault of the  Executive.  During the term of this Agreement and
for a period of three (3) years  after the Date of  Termination,  the  Executive
agrees  not to carry on or set up or be  employed  or  engaged  by or  otherwise
assist in or be interested in any capacity  (including  without  limitation as a
shareholder)  in any State of the United  States of  America  or in any  foreign
country  in  which  the  Company  or any  subsidiary  or  affiliate  thereof  is
conducting business,  any business materially  competitive to that being carried
on by the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate  thereof;  provided,  however,
that the ownership by the Executive for investment purposes (directly or through
nominees) of not more than 5% of the outstanding  stock of any corporation which
is  publicly  held and  traded  shall  not be  deemed  to be  violation  of this
Agreement.  The Executive will not solicit,  entice away, or otherwise encourage
any executive or other employee of the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates
to leave his employment in order to join the Executive in any business endeavor,
nor shall the Executive aid,  promote,  encourage or be a party to any acts, the
effect of which would divert,  diminish or prejudice the goodwill or business of
the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates.  The  agreements by the
Executive  in this  Section 5 are  intended to be  separate  and  severable  and
enforceable as such.


This  Agreement  shall  not  be  terminated  by  the  voluntary  or  involuntary
dissolution of the Company or by any merger or  consolidation  where the Company
is not the  surviving or resulting  corporation,  or upon any transfer of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company.  In the event of any such merger
or consolidation  or transfer of assets,  the provisions of this Agreement shall
be binding and shall inure to the benefit of the  Executive and the surviving or
resulting  entity or the entity to which such assets shall be  transferred.  The
Company's  successor,  as the Executive's  employer  (whether such succession is
direct or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise, to all or a
substantial  portion of the business and/or assets of the Company),  assumes and
agrees to perform  this  Agreement  in the same manner and to the same extent as
the Company would be required to perform if no such  succession had taken place.
As used in this  Agreement,  the term  "Company"  shall mean the Company and any
successor to all or a substantial portion of the Company's business or assets.



Any  controversy  or claim  arising out of or relating  to this  Agreement,  the
breach thereof or the coverage of this arbitration provision shall be settled by
arbitration  administered by the American Arbitration  Association in accordance
with its  Commercial  Arbitration  Rules in  effect on the date of  delivery  of
demand  for  arbitration.   The  arbitration  of  such  issues,   including  the
determination  of the amount of any damages  suffered by either  party hereto by
reason of the acts or omissions of the other,  shall be to the  exclusion of any
court. The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties
and their respective heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors and assigns.
Judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrators may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction. There shall be three arbitrators, one to be chosen directly
by each party and the third  arbitrator to be selected by the two arbitrators so
chosen.  The arbitration shall be conducted in Stamford,  Connecticut or at such
other location as agreed by the parties.  All decisions and awards shall be made
by a majority of the arbitrators.  Each party shall pay the fees and expenses of
that  party's  arbitrator  and any  representatives,  witnesses  and  all  other
expenses related to the presentation of that party's case. The cost of the third
arbitrator,  the record or any  transcripts,  any  administrative  fees, and all
other fees and costs shall be borne equally by the parties.

By agreeing to  arbitration  under this  Section,  the Company and the Executive
understand  that  they are each  waiving  any  right to a trial by jury and each
party makes that waiver knowingly and voluntarily with full consideration of the
ramifications of such waiver.

Nothing  contained  herein  shall be construed  or  interpreted  to preclude the
Company  prior  to,  or  pending  the  resolution  of,  any  matter  subject  to
arbitration  from  seeking  injunctive  relief in any  court  for any  breach or
threatened breach of any of the Executive's obligations in Section 5 hereof.


The  obligations  of  the  Executive  hereunder  are  personal  and  may  not be
delegated,  assigned or transferred  by the Executive in any manner  whatsoever,
nor are such  obligations  subject  to  involuntary  alienation,  assignment  or


This  Agreement  contains the entire  agreement  of the  parties.  It may not be
changed orally but only by a written agreement executed by the Executive and the
Board that expressly references this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated
by the  Board at any time  upon one  year's  written  notice  to the  Executive,
setting forth the date of termination of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding such a
termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue with respect to any
Change of Control that occurs during the term of this  Agreement,  until the end
of its  Protected  Period,  but shall not apply to any  Change of  Control  that
occurs after the date of termination of this Agreement.


10.      NOTICES.

All  notices  which a party is required or may desire to give to the other party
under or in connection  with this Agreement shall be sufficient if given by hand
delivery or by addressing same to the other party as follows:

                  (a) if to the Executive, to:

                  James F. Billett Jr.
                  14 John Applegate Road
                  Redding CT  06896

                  (b) if to the Company, to:

                  Trenwick Group Inc.
                  One Canterbury Green
                  Stamford,   CT  06901
                  Attn: Secretary

or at such other place as may be designed in writing by like notice.  Any notice
shall be deemed to have been  delivered  when  addressed as required  herein and
deposited postage prepaid, in the United States Mail.


No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived or discharged unless such
waiver,  modification  or  discharge  is agreed  to in  writing  that  expressly
references  this  Agreement and is signed by the Executive and the Company.  The
waiver by either party of any breach by the other party, or of compliance  with,
any condition or provision of this Agreement to be performed by such other party
shall not be deemed a waiver of the same  provisions  or conditions at any other
time,  nor shall it be deemed a waiver of any other  provisions or conditions at
any time.



The various  Sections of this Agreement are severable,  and if any Section or an
identifiable part thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of
competent  jurisdiction,  then such  invalidity  or  unenforceability  shall not
affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining  Sections or identifiable
parts thereof in this  Agreement,  and the parties hereto agree that the portion
so held invalid,  unenforceable or void shall, if possible, be deemed amended or
reduced in scope,  or otherwise be stricken from this  Agreement,  to the extent
required for the purposes of the validity and enforcement hereof.

13.      CHOICE OF LAW.

The parties agree that  Connecticut,  as the place of contracting  and where the
Company has its principal place of business,  has a substantial  relationship to
this Agreement and so the parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by
the laws of the State of Connecticut,  without  reference to any conflict of law


The termination of the Executive's  employment for any reason  whatsoever  shall
not operate to  terminate  this  Agreement  or  otherwise  adversely  affect the
respective  continuing  rights and  obligations of the parties,  including those
under  Sections  3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 18 of this  Agreement,  all of
which shall  survive the  effective  date of such  termination  of employment in
accordance with their respective terms.


This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement  between the parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements between
the Company and the Executive,  whether written or oral,  relating to any or all
matters covered by, and contained or otherwise dealt with, in this Agreement. No
agreements or representations,  oral or otherwise, express or implied, have been
made by either  party with  respect  to the  subject  matter of this  Agreement,
unless set forth expressly in this Agreement.


The  Executive  may  select  (and  change,  to the  extent  permitted  under any
applicable law) a beneficiary or  beneficiaries  to receive any  compensation or
benefit payable under this Agreement  following the Executive's  death,  and may
change such election by giving the Company written notice thereof.  In the event
of  the  Executive's  death,  Disability  or a  judicial  determination  of  the
Executive's  incompetence,  all  references  in this  Agreement to the Executive
shall  be  deemed,  where  appropriate,   to  refer  to  the  Executive's  named
beneficiary, estate or other legal representative.


Except for the reference in Section 1(a), any reference in this Agreement to the
Board shall include the Compensation  Committee  thereof and any officers of the
Company  to  which  the  Board  or the  Compensation  Committee  thereof  has by
resolution delegated any explicit authority or responsibilities  with respect to
this Agreement.



All payments to the Executive  hereunder shall be subject to such withholding of
federal, state and local income and excise taxes and to such employment taxes as
may be reasonably determined by the Company to be required.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company and the Executive  have executed this
Agreement as of the date set forth above.

                                          TRENWICK GROUP INC.

                                          By:  /s/ John V. Del Col
                                          Name:    John V. Del Col
                                          Title:   Senior Vice President,
                                                   General Counsel & Secretary


                                           /s/ James F. Billett,Jr.
                                          James F. Billett, Jr.
