Exhibit 10.47





                             BIOMERIEUX INCORPORATED

                         dated as of September 30, 1999


     THIS COLLABORATION AND LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is dated as of
September 30, 1999 and is made by and among GENOME THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION, a
Massachusetts corporation having its principal place of business at 100 Beaver
Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 U.S.A. ("GTC"), and BIOMERIEUX
INCORPORATED, a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Missouri
having its principal place of business at 595 Anglum Drive, Hazelwood, Missouri
63042-2395 U.S.A. (together with its Affiliates, "BMI"). GTC and BMI are
sometimes referred to herein individually as a party and collectively as the

                                 R E C I T A L S

     WHEREAS, GTC has compiled and is compiling a PathoGenome-TM- Database
containing certain genomic sequence information and has compiled and is
compiling additional pathogen genomic sequence information;

     WHEREAS, GTC has expertise in molecular biology, high-throughput
sequencing microarrays and the development and utilization of the software tools
necessary to assemble, annotate, process, search, manipulate and analyze the
genomic sequence information it generates in its research programs (GTC's
"bioinformatics" capability);

     WHEREAS, BMI is the leader in pathogen diagnostics and a pioneer in
molecular diagnostics and is interested in obtaining access to GTC's pathogen
sequence information and microarrays, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics
capability and subtractive cloning techniques by entering into a collaboration
with GTC to identify and validate targets for pathogens for the development,
manufacture and sale of IN VITRO diagnostics; and

     WHEREAS, GTC is willing to grant BMI such access and enter into such a
collaboration upon the terms and conditions set forth below;

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the covenants herein
contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1


For purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this Article 1 shall have
the meanings specified below:

     1.1 "AFFILIATE" shall mean any corporation or other entity which
directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control
with a party to this Agreement. A corporation or other entity shall be regarded
as in control of another corporation or entity if it owns or directly or
indirectly controls more than forty-nine percent (49%) of the outstanding voting
stock or other ownership interest of the other corporation or entity, or if it

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


directly or indirectly, the power to manage, direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of the corporation or other entity or the power to
elect or appoint forty-nine percent (49%) or more of the members of the
governing body of the corporation or other entity. Any such other relationship
as in fact results in actual control over the management, business and affairs
of a corporation or other entity shall also be deemed to constitute control.

     1.2 "ANNUAL RESEARCH PROGRAM" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.5.2 hereof.

     1.3 "BLOCKING INVENTION" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.3.

     1.4 "BMI FIELD" shall mean the field of IN VITRO pathogen diagnostics,
including any human clinical and any industrial applications (e.g. food and
cosmetics). It is understood that the BMI Field is included within the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Field.

     1.5 "BMI PRODUCT" shall mean any product used within the BMI Field which
(i) *...* or (ii) *...*. BMI Products shall include BMI Multi-Target Products as
described in Section 6.5.3(i) hereunder.

     1.6 "BMI BLOCKBUSTER PRODUCT" shall mean any BMI Product which: (i) *...*
and (ii) exceeds Net Sales of *...* United States dollars ($*...*) during the
*...* year following the First Commercial Sale of such BMI Product. For the
purpose of the present paragraph, year shall be deemed to mean the twelve (12)
month period commencing on the first day of the calendar year quarter following
the First Commercial Sale and every subsequent twelve (12) month period
thereafter. For the sake of clarity, the two (2) conditions mentioned in the
present paragraph are cumulative.

     1.7 "BMI TECHNOLOGY" shall mean and include all proprietary materials,
procedures, processes, technical information, know-how, data, formulas,
expertise and trade secrets discovered or developed solely by BMI prior to or
during the course of, but outside of, the Research Collaboration and owned or
controlled by BMI.

     1.8 "CONTRACT YEAR" shall mean each twelve (12) month period starting on
(i) the Effective Date in the case of the first Contract Year and (ii) the
anniversary of the Effective Date for each subsequent Contract Year.

     1.9 "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

     1.10 "FIRST COMMERCIAL SALE" of a GTC Product or BMI Product shall mean the
first for profit sale of a GTC Product or BMI Product.

     1.11 "GTC DNA SEQUENCE PATENT RIGHTS" shall mean (a) the United States
and/or foreign patent applications filed covering the DNA sequences in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database or other proprietary DNA sequences of GTC (including
components thereof) excluding, for the sake of clarity, the sequences contained
in the Research Collaboration Database, (b) any United States patents and/or
foreign patents issuing from such patent

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


applications and (c) any continuations, continuations-in-part directed to
subject matter specifically described in such patent applications, divisionals,
patents of addition, renewals, registrations, confirmations, reexaminations,
reissues, extensions or provisional applications of any of the foregoing.

     1.12 "GTC PATHOGENOME-TM- FIELD" shall mean the development, use,
manufacture, marketing, importing or sale of products consisting of or
incorporating a gene, a partial gene or a fragment thereof, or a protein (or
protein fragment) encoded thereby, identified or characterized, in whole or in
part, utilizing GTC PathoGenome-TM- Proprietary Information, including, without
limitation, gene therapy, vaccine, antisense, and diagnostic products containing
such gene or protein or portions thereof, but *...*.

     1.13 "GTC PATHOGENOME-TM- PROPRIETARY INFORMATION" shall mean any sequence
information, annotations and other information contained in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database which was not, prior to the commencement of any BMI
Product development utilizing such information: (i) developed independently by
BMI or otherwise lawfully available to BMI (which BMI can demonstrate by written
evidence) or (ii) in the public domain.

     1.14 "GTC TECHNOLOGY" shall mean and include all proprietary materials
(excluding GTC Products developed by GTC), procedures, processes, technical
information, know-how, data, formulae, expertise and trade secrets discovered or
developed solely by GTC prior to or during the course of, but outside of, the
Research Collaboration and owned or controlled by GTC, excluding, however, the
Research Collaboration Database, the Research Collaboration Software and GTC's
sequencing and microarray technology and the procedures, processes, technical
information, know-how, data, formulae, expertise and trade secrets related

     1.15 "GTC PATHOGENOME-TM- DATABASE" shall mean the database currently
known as the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, as may be updated from time to time,
consisting of genome sequence, annotations and associated information relating
to microbial, fungal or other organisms, which information may consist of either
information developed by GTC or information in the public domain, as more fully
described in EXHIBIT B hereto.

     1.16 "GTC PATHOGENOME-TM- DATABASE SOFTWARE" shall mean software and
components thereof and any associated documentation, whether existing on the
date of this Agreement or developed by GTC during the Research Collaboration,
which is owned or controlled by, or licensed (with the right to sublicense) to
GTC, and which is necessary or useful to pursue searches in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database and/or to interpret, manipulate or analyze the data
contained in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database. GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
Software shall not include any Third Party software that BMI has independently
of GTC licensed from a Third Party.

     1.17 "GTC PRODUCT" shall mean any product, other than a BMI Product, that
contains a component whose discovery or development was made by any direct or
indirect use of the Results.

     1.18 "LICENSED SOFTWARE" shall mean the Research Collaboration Software and
the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


     1.19 "MATERIAL DEFAULT" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.2.1

     1.20 "NET SALES" shall mean, with respect to BMI and its sublicensees, the
gross invoice price of BMI Products billed by BMI and its sublicensees to Third
Party customers less the following included in the invoiced price:

                (a) *...* per cent of the invoiced price as an average
     reasonable factor for all deductible costs attributable to such sales.
     These deductible costs include, but are not limited to: customs and cash
     discounts, trade discounts or quantity discounts; allowances or credits to
     customers on account of settlement of complaints; returns or retroactive
     price reductions, freight costs, insurance, excise taxes, and duties
     imposed upon the BMI Products.

                (b) any sales taxes (e.g. VAT) appearing on the Third Party
     customer's invoice.

                (c) an amount equal to an increase in the gross selling price of
     the BMI Products to cover the costs *...*. GTC may, at its discretion,
     appoint an independent certified public accountant to carry out an audit at
     BMI *...*.

     GTC and BMI will determine a mutually agreeable method of calculation
     so that a fair and reasonable portion of the aggregate purchase price
     is allocated to the BMI Product(s) included in either of the following

                (a) a sale by BMI or its permitted sublicensees of BMI Products
     pursuant to an agreement with an independent customer specifying, for a
     combination of products, a single price where other terms of purchase do
     not separately identify either a price per product or any given deductions
     per product; or

                (b) a sale by BMI or its permitted sublicensees of BMI Products
     pursuant to an agreement with an independent customer specifying, for a
     combination of products, a unit price that is discounted below BMI's or its
     permitted sublicensee's standard invoice price per unit of the BMI Product
     by at least *...* percentage points more than the amount that any other
     product or service included in the arrangement is discounted below such
     other product's standard invoice price.

     "Net Sales" shall mean, with respect to GTC, its Affiliates and
sublicensees, the gross invoice price of GTC Products billed by GTC, its
Affiliates and sublicensees to Third Party customers less the following included
in the invoiced price:

                (a) *...* per cent of the invoiced price as an average
     reasonable factor for all deductible costs attributable to such sales.
     These deductible costs include, but are not limited to: customs and cash
     discounts, trade discounts or quantity discounts; allowances or credits to
     customers on account of settlement of complaints; returns or retroactive
     price reductions, freight costs, insurance, excise taxes, and duties
     imposed upon the GTC Products.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


                (b) any sales taxes (e.g. VAT) appearing on the Third Party
     customer's invoice.

     1.21 "PAYMENT DEFAULT" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.2.2

     1.22 "RESEARCH COLLABORATION" shall mean the work described in the
various Research Programs to be agreed upon by the Management Committee, as set
forth in Section 4.5.1, the aim of which is to carry out computational and
genetic analyses, sequencing and other laboratory work in relation to Targets
selected by BMI with a view to developing BMI Products.

     1.23 "RESEARCH COLLABORATION DATABASE" shall mean the sequence database
containing all sequence information developed pursuant to the Research
Collaboration, such sequence information arising out of the use of either or
both, information in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and information not
included in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database plus any and all electronic and
hard copy data related thereto.

     1.24 "RESEARCH COLLABORATION SOFTWARE" shall mean software and components
thereof, and any associated documentation, whether existing on the date of this
Agreement or developed by GTC during the Research Collaboration, which is owned
or controlled by, or licensed (with the right to sublicense) to, GTC and which
is necessary or useful to pursue searches in the Research Collaboration Database
and/or to interpret or analyze the data contained in the Research Collaboration
Database, excluding, however, any software used in the creation of, as opposed
to providing access to and interpretation or analysis of, the Research
Collaboration Database.

     1.25 "RESULTS" shall mean the Research Collaboration Database and the
DNA sequence information contained therein and all other scientific results,
patented or not, arising directly or indirectly from the activities of the
parties under the Research Collaboration.

     1.26 "RESULTS PATENT RIGHTS" shall mean (a) the United States and/or
foreign patent applications filed covering Results, (b) any United States
patents and/or foreign patents issuing from such patent applications and (c) any
continuations, continuations-in-part directed to subject matter specifically
described in such patent applications, divisionals, patents of addition,
renewals, registrations, confirmations, reexaminations, reissues, extensions or
provisional applications of any of the foregoing.

     1.27 "TARGET" shall mean any specific DNA sequence developed as a
diagnostic target under the Research Collaboration with a view to its use in the
development of a BMI Product.

     1.28 "TERRITORY" shall mean the world.

     1.29 "THIRD PARTY" shall mean any entity other than GTC or BMI and
their respective Affiliates.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


     1.30 "VALID CLAIM" shall mean a claim of a patent application or a
patent which has not been held permanently revoked, unenforceable or invalid by
a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction,
and which is not subject to appeal.

                                    ARTICLE 2


establish a Research Collaboration as described herein. The Research
Collaboration shall commence on the earlier of (i) the adoption of the first
Research Program pursuant to Section 4.5.1 or (ii) *...* days after the date
hereof (the "Effective Date"). GTC and BMI will each countersign a notice
identifying the Effective Date promptly after the Effective Date is determined
pursuant to the preceding sentence. During the course of the Research
Collaboration, GTC and BMI shall communicate regularly and shall assume
different rights and responsibilities for the development of BMI Products, all
as more specifically described below. During the course of the Research
Collaboration, BMI shall be the exclusive partner of GTC in the BMI Field
subject to Section 2.2.

currently engaged in certain research collaborations with Third Parties and
intends to enter into additional research collaborations in the future. GTC
agrees that, during the term of the Research Collaboration, it will not enter
into any collaboration with any Third Party related to the discovery or
development of products in the BMI Field without the prior written approval of
BMI, which approval shall be given at its sole discretion, or except as
otherwise contemplated by this Agreement.*...*.

GTC has compiled and is compiling a GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database containing
certain genomic sequence information and that GTC has granted and will continue
to grant non-exclusive rights of access to subscribers to the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database pursuant to PathoGenome-TM- license agreements. BMI
agrees that, as a part of this Agreement, it will become a subscriber to the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database.

     2.4 RIGHT OF FIRST NEGOTIATION. In the event that GTC wishes to conduct
research internally, is approached by a Third Party to conduct research or
itself approaches a Third Party to conduct research, the primary focus of which
is *...* (the "Additional Research"), GTC recognizes that BMI may have an
interest in such Additional Research and shall therefore use its best efforts to
negotiate with the Third Party for the benefit of BMI, exclusive rights to use
the results of the Additional Research*...*, provided that, GTC shall not be
required by this sentence to use efforts in such negotiations to the extent that
such efforts would impair or hinder GTC's negotiations with such Third Party.
Presuming GTC is successful in its negotiations with such Third Party, BMI shall
have *...* days from receipt of written notice from GTC describing the scope of
the Additional Research to exercise an option (the "Option") on the exclusive
rights to use the results of the Additional Research *...*. In the event that
BMI exercises the Option pursuant to the preceding sentence, then BMI and GTC
shall negotiate in good faith for a period of not more than *...* days the
conditions of access to the exclusive rights to use the results of

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


the Additional Research within the BMI Field for the Territory. If, at the end
of such *...* day period, BMI and GTC have not reached agreement on the terms of
such exclusive rights, then GTC shall thereafter be free to conduct such
internal research or enter into an agreement with a Third Party regarding the
use of the results of the Additional Research *...*.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                        LICENSE GRANTS; MARKETING RIGHTS


PATHOGENOME-TM- DATABASE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, GTC hereby
grants to BMI the exclusive, worldwide right and license under the GTC DNA
Sequence Patent Rights and, for the period of the Research Collaboration, as may
be extended pursuant to the terms hereof, exclusive access (except as described
in Section 2.2), without the right to permit Third Parties any right of access,
to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database to research, develop, use, manufacture, have
manufactured, market, promote, import, export, sell and have sold BMI Products.
The rights granted to BMI in this Subsection 3.1.1. with respect to the GTC DNA
Sequence Patent Rights shall survive the termination or expiration of the
Research Collaboration and continue for the entire term of this Agreement.

COLLABORATION DATABASE. BMI may make copies of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
and both parties may make copies of the Research Collaboration Database only to
the extent reasonably necessary to exercise their respective rights under this
Agreement, and both parties agree that all such copies will be treated as
Information, as defined in Section 8.1, and further agree to establish, and to
cause their Affiliates to establish, reasonable security measures to prevent
copies of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or the Research Collaboration
Database from being made available to Third Parties.

         3.1.3. LICENSING AND SUB-LICENSING. Without limiting the
generality of Article 7.1, and for the sake of clarity, BMI may grant
sublicenses and licenses, respectively, to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and
Research Collaboration Database to any Third Party only for the purpose of
developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling BMI Products.

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, GTC hereby grants to BMI (i) the
non-exclusive right and license to use the GTC Technology to research, develop,
use, manufacture, have manufactured, market, promote, import, export, sell and
have sold BMI Products and (ii) the non-exclusive right and license to use the
Licensed Software for the purpose of obtaining access to, pursuing searches in,
and/or interpreting or analyzing the data contained in the Research
Collaboration Database, the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and other genomic
databases which may be or become available to BMI. The rights granted to BMI in
this Subsection 3.1.4 shall, subject to provisions of Article 11 hereof, survive
the termination of the Research Collaboration, but only to the extent and for so
long as is necessary to continue the development, marketing, promotion, import,
export and sale of any BMI Product for which the development commenced

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


prior to the expiration or termination of the Research Collaboration. BMI's use
of the Licensed Software shall be subject to the following conditions:

                (a) To the extent that the Licensed Software incorporates or
     requires the use of software licensed by GTC from a Third Party as
     described in EXHIBIT C, which may be amended by GTC from time to time, BMI
     shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary license and paying all
     fees and charges associated with BMI's use of any such software;

                (b) BMI agrees to use the Licensed Software only for the
     internal purposes of BMI in accordance with the terms and conditions of
     this Agreement and not to use the Licensed Software for processing data for
     Third Parties or to make the Licensed Software available to Third Parties;

                (c) BMI agrees to make copies of the Licensed Software only to
     the extent reasonably necessary for the exercise of its rights hereunder,
     and that all such copies will be treated as confidential Information of GTC
     and further agrees to establish reasonable security measures to prevent
     copies of the Licensed Software from being made available to Third Parties;

                (d) BMI agrees that it will not attempt to reverse engineer,
     reverse compile or otherwise obtain access to the source code of the
     Licensed Software without the prior written approval of GTC, which approval
     shall be given at its sole discretion;

                (e) BMI may install the Licensed Software in multiple sites in
     accordance with Section 4.1.3(b) hereof, but BMI shall only be entitled to
     receive support services from GTC at one single facility of BMI, as set
     forth in Section 4.1.3(c) hereof; and

                (f) BMI may itself, or through the services of a Third Party,
     adapt or modify the Licensed Software (a "Modification"), PROVIDED THAT,
     BMI shall cause any such Third Party to be bound by obligations of
     confidentiality no less protective than the provisions hereof, and any
     Modification may only be used and kept in confidence in the same manner as,
     and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as apply to, the
     Licensed Software licensed to BMI hereunder. GTC shall have no obligation
     to support any such Modification. GTC shall have no ownership interest in,
     nor any rights to license, use or disclose, any such Modification developed
     by or for BMI, all of which shall be owned by BMI. BMI shall not acquire by
     reason of this Subsection (f) ownership of the Licensed Software or the GTC
     PathoGenome-TM- Database or any portions thereof, or any rights to use or
     disclose either of the foregoing other than as expressly set forth in this

PATHOGENOME-TM- DATABASE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, GTC hereby
grants to BMI the exclusive right and license under its interest in all
inventions and under any patents covering such inventions in the BMI Field which
are licensed to GTC by any Third Party having access to

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database under terms in any license relating to the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database substantially similar to those set forth in
Section 3.2.3 hereof.


         3.2.1 GRANT OF RIGHTS TO BMI TECHNOLOGY. Subject to the terms of this
Agreement, BMI hereby grants to GTC the *...* right and license to use the BMI
Technology *...*.

         3.2.2 GRANT OF RIGHTS TO RESULTS. BMI hereby grants to GTC the *...*
right and license to use the Results and the Results Patent Rights to research,
develop, have developed, use, manufacture, promote, have promoted, import, have
imported, export, have exported, sell and have sold GTC Products *...*. The
rights granted pursuant to this Section shall include the right of GTC to grant
sublicenses subject to BMI's prior consent, which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld.

PATHOGENOME-TM- FIELD. GTC and BMI acknowledge that BMI may through use of the
GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software make
inventions or be assigned joint inventions outside of the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Field which block GTC, its Affiliates, sublicensees or Third Party subscribers
from using the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
Software to the extent of the rights granted to other subscribers of the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database ("Blocking Inventions"). In order to prevent this
occurrence, BMI hereby grants GTC an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free
right and license outside of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Field, with the right to
grant sublicenses under BMI's rights to Blocking Inventions and any patents
arising from patent applications filed on Blocking Inventions which are
required, and only to the extent required, to enable GTC, its Affiliates and
Third Party subscribers, to use the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database Software to research, develop and use products other
than BMI Products, including without limitation the right to develop and use
drug screening assays.

     3.3 RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. In conformity with the rights granted to BMI
under this Article 3, GTC at all times reserves its rights to the *...* and the
right to use the same to research, develop, use, manufacture, have manufactured,
and sell *...* including the right to grant licenses with respect to any such
intellectual property rights for such purposes.

expressly provided in this Agreement, under no circumstances shall a party
hereto, as a result of this Agreement, obtain any ownership interest in or other
right to any technology, know-how, patents, patent applications, genomic
sequence data, products, or biological materials of the other party, including
items owned, controlled or developed by the other party, or transferred by the
other party to said party, at any time pursuant to this Agreement. Any
technology or know-how derived, developed or acquired by either party
independent of the Research Collaboration Database and/or the Research
Collaboration shall be the property of such party.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


                                    ARTICLE 4



         4.1.1 DILIGENT RESEARCH EFFORTS. During the Research Collaboration and
thereafter, each of the parties agrees to use its respective diligent efforts to
perform its obligations under the Research Programs, each Annual Research
Program and this Agreement in a timely manner.

INFORMATION. During the term of the Research Collaboration, GTC will deliver to
BMI electronic and, upon mutual agreement of BMI and GTC, hard copies, of the
information contained in the Research Collaboration Database, as well as an
outline of the methodologies and procedures used to obtain data and to perform
sequence analysis, periodically as such information is developed pursuant to the
Research Collaboration.


*...*, GTC shalldeliver to BMI electronic copies of the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Database and associated GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software, in its most
current version as of the installation date. BMI must acquire at its own
expense the hardware and Third Party software identified in EXHIBIT C hereto
required in order to install and utilize the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
information provided in electronic format. GTC will work with BMI to install
the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software
*...*. During the Research Collaboration, BMI shall have the *...* the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database is installed. However, BMI will pay GTC all costs
incurred by GTC associated with changing the installation site. Each party
shall notify the other party of the name of a Scientific Project Coordinator to
receive all scientific communications hereunder. In addition, each party shall
notify the other party of the name of an appropriately qualified System Support
Specialist to establish hardware requirements, facilitate software exchange,
and maintain communication links.

SITES. BMI shall be entitled to install, maintain and transmit during the
Research Collaboration electronic copies of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or
portions thereof, including the resident data and any updates thereto, on
computers maintained by BMI *...* PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prior to any such
installation BMI shall inform GTC *...* and BMI shall agree to use security
measures no less rigorous than the security measures BMI uses to protect its own
confidential information from unauthorized access by Third Parties.

Research Collaboration, GTC will provide the training, support and error
correction services for the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database described in
Sections IB, II and III of EXHIBIT D hereto. Such services shall be available
to BMI at a single facility, notwithstanding any installation or

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


transmission of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database by BMI to multiple facilities
as permitted by Section 4.1.3(b).

provide BMI, in accordance with Section IV of EXHIBIT D, with updates of the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database, including annotations, as additional GTC Proprietary
PathoGenome-TM- Information and public domain data are included in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database, and will use reasonable efforts to provide such
updates at least quarterly. As provided in Section V of EXHIBIT D, new releases
of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software will be furnished to BMI during the
Research Collaboration.

identifies or discovers an error in the primary sequence information contained
in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, then BMI shall communicate such error
within a reasonable time (not to exceed ninety (90) days) thereafter. Upon
disclosure by BMI of such error to GTC, GTC shall be entitled to include such
information in subsequent updates to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
distributed by GTC for use by such subscribers in accordance with the terms of
their GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database license agreement.

              (f) DELIVERY OF OTHER MATERIALS. In the event that BMI wishes to
obtain from GTC, in connection with sequence information contained in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database that was generated by GTC, a microbial organism used to
produce the genomic sequence information in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database,
BMI shall so notify GTC. Promptly upon receipt of any such notice, GTC shall
provide BMI with the microbial organism specified in such notice or a written
explanation of why it is not available. Within thirty (30) business days of
receipt of such microbial organism, BMI shall pay to GTC *...* United States
dollars *...* for each organism plus shipping costs. At such time that BMI makes
its first request under this Section 4.1.3(f), BMI and GTC will execute the
Material Transfer Agreement shown in EXHIBIT E.

     4.2 ACCESS TO DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE. BMI will have direct access to
raw sequence data that form part of the Research Collaboration Database and to
other work resulting from the Research Collaboration including, but not limited
to, clones containing genes, DNA sequences or components thereof described in
the Research Collaboration Database, targeted sequencing data, comparative
sequence data and molecular genetic methodologies and technologies.

EMPLOYEES. The Research Collaboration shall continue for a minimum term of
*...*and may be extended upon mutual agreement of the parties, for up to *...*.
During each Contract Year, GTC will provide the number of full time employee
(FTE) equivalents, consisting of highly skilled scientists or highly trained
personnel, as is set forth in the Annual Research Program approved for such
Contract Year by the Management Committee. Any reference above to a number of
FTEs for a period of less than a full Contract Year shall mean a level of effort
equivalent to the stated number of employees working full-time for such period.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


its employees reasonably available at their places of employment to consult with
BMI on issues arising during the Research Collaboration. During all or any part
of the term of the Research Collaboration (as such may be extended pursuant to
the terms hereof), BMI may, at its own expense, send one (1) of its employees
(the "BMI Research Employee") to work at GTC's facility to act as a contact
person to help ensure the smooth flow of information between GTC and BMI. BMI
acknowledges that the BMI Research Employee shall only have access to
information directly relating to the Research Collaboration. As a condition to
working at GTC's facility, the BMI Research Employee shall execute any
confidentiality agreement requested by GTC and shall comply with any
restrictions imposed by GTC regarding access within GTC's facility. Any failure
by the BMI Research Employee to comply with the provisions of any such
confidentiality agreement or any such restrictions shall constitute sufficient
cause for GTC to immediately have the BMI Research Employee removed from the GTC


         4.5.1 RESEARCH PROGRAMS. Within *...* days after the date of this
Agreement, a joint committee (the "Management Committee") shall be appointed and
shall agree upon the individual research programs which shall describe the work
to be undertaken in relation to any Target selected by BMI for study under the
Research Collaboration (each a "Research Program"). Possible Research Program
subjects are described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto. Each Research Program shall

                              (i)   the technical specifications and research
                                    objectives (the "Research Goals");

                              (ii)  the provisional budget (the "Research

                              (iii) the experimental procedures, work plan
                                    activities and time schedules with respect
                                    to the Research Program (the "Research
                                    Plan"); and

                              (iv)  the responsibilities of each party with
                                    respect to the work to be performed,
                                    including the number of FTEs to be provided
                                    by GTC.

         The Research Programs may be revised and updated from time to time as
agreed upon by the Management Committee.

         4.5.2 ANNUAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS. Within *...* days after the date of
this Agreement, the Management Committee shall agree upon the Annual Research
Program for the remainder of the first Contract Year. Thereafter, before the
beginning of each following Contract Year, the parties shall submit to the
Management Committee a written proposed Annual Research Program consisting of
each Research Program that is continuing beyond the prior Contract Year and new
proposed Research Programs, if any, for the following Contract Year. The
Management Committee shall review each such proposal as soon as practicable and

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


approve no later than one month prior to the new Contract Year the final Annual
Research Program, including the Research Goals and Research Budget, for the new
Contract Year.

         4.5.3 PERIODIC REVIEWS. The Management Committee shall review the
Research Programs on an ongoing basis and may make changes to the Annual
Research Program then in effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, the Annual Research Program
then in effect shall not be modified except as agreed in writing by the
Management Committee.

         4.5.4 RESEARCH PLAN. The oversight of each Research Plan shall
be managed by a joint committee (the "Joint Research Committee"). The Joint
Research Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the direction of the
experimental procedures, time schedules and work plan activities of the parties
in carrying out each Research Plan and for the flow of information between the
parties during the Research Collaboration. The Joint Research Committee may
revise a Research Plan that has been approved by the Management Committee as
part of a Research Program; provided that, any such revision is consistent with
the Research Goals and Research Budget set forth in the applicable Research

Each of the Management Committee and Joint Research Committee shall be comprised
of three (3) representatives from each of BMI and GTC, with each party's members
to be selected by that party. GTC and BMI may replace one or more of its
representatives on the Management Committee or Joint Research Committee at any
time upon written notice to the other party. Unless the parties otherwise agree,
*...*. From time to time the Management Committee or Joint Research Committee
may establish subcommittees to oversee particular projects or activities, and
such subcommittees will be constituted as the Management Committee or Joint
Research Committee, as applicable, shall agree.

Management Committee and Joint Research Committee shall meet
*...*, respectively, at regular intervals during the term of the Research
Collaboration, or more often as agreed upon by both parties, at such locations
as the parties may agree upon. Regularly scheduled meetings or special meetings
of the Management Committee and Joint Research Committee may be in such form
(e.g. in person, by telephone or by video conference) as the members of the
applicable Committee shall agree. At such meetings, the Management Committee and
Joint Research Committee shall take such actions as may be specified under this
Agreement or as the parties may deem appropriate. With the consent of both
parties, other representatives of GTC or BMI or their respective Affiliates may
attend the meetings of the Management Committee and Joint Research Committee as
nonvoting observers. Each party shall be responsible for all expenses of its
representatives on the Management Committee and Joint Research Committee. Each
of the Management Committee and Joint Research Committee shall keep accurate
minutes of its deliberations which shall record all proposed decisions and all
actions recommended or taken and which shall be countersigned by one
representative of each party. All records of the Management Committee and Joint
Research Committee shall be available to both parties.

         4.5.7 DECISION MAKING. Any approval, determination or other action
agreed to by a majority of the members of the Management Committee or Joint
Research Committee or their respective designees present at the relevant
Management Committee or Joint Research

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


Committee meeting shall be the approval, determination or other action of the
entire Management Committee or Joint Research Committee, PROVIDED THAT, *...*.
For the purposes of voting within the Joint Research Committee, *...*. In the
event any member of either party is unable to attend the relevant Committee
meetings, he/she may authorize one of the other members of the relevant
Committee who shall be present to cast his/her vote(s) on his/her behalf.

         4.5.8 REPORTING ON RESEARCH PROGRAMS. GTC shall provide the Joint
Research Committee every quarter with a written report (the "Quarterly Report")
containing an assessment of the work under progress in relation to each Research
Program, highlighting any possible problems or change of directions which seem
necessary. At the end of each Contract Year, instead of a Quarterly Report, GTC
shall submit to the Joint Research Committee a final report (the "Yearly
Report") which shall summarize the work carried out during the entire Contract
Year and shall report on progress made in relation to the work planned, as
described in the Research Plans.

     4.6 JOINT PATENT COMMITTEE. A joint committee comprised of one (1)
named representative of each party plus a chair from BMI (the "Joint Patent
Committee") shall be appointed and shall meet or have written contacts as and
when needed. A party may change its representative to the Joint Patent Committee
at any time and likewise BMI may change its appointed chair. In any instance in
which GTC informs BMI in writing that it reasonably objects to the filing of any
patent application by BMI because it believes in good faith that the filing of
such patent application would compromise its own patent position, the filing of
such application shall be subject to the prior written approval of the two
ordinary representatives of the Joint Patent Committee, who shall promptly
consult with each other in person, by telephone or otherwise meet to address
such objection. In the event that they are unable to reach a consensus within
five (5) business days of their first contact, the chair will use his/her
casting vote to settle the issue.

                                    ARTICLE 5


     5.1 DILIGENT DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS. BMI agrees, at its own expense, to use
diligent efforts to develop and commercialize, either directly or through its
permitted sublicensees, the BMI Products based on the Targets selected by it.
Such diligent efforts shall be comparable to those efforts used by BMI for other
BMI products with comparable commercial potential, value and development status.
*...* BMI or its permitted sublicensees may, but shall have no obligation under
this Agreement to, develop and commercialize more than one *...*at any one time
during the term of this Agreement.

exclusive worldwide right to market and distribute the BMI Products. Upon
receipt of approvals for commercial sale and pricing or pricing reimbursement,
if applicable, of a BMI Product in any country, BMI agrees, at its own expense,
to use diligent efforts to launch, promote, market and sell such BMI Product in
the Territory. Such efforts shall be comparable to those efforts used by BMI to
promote its own products of similar commercial potential, value and development

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


     5.3 REPORTS. Annually after the expiration or termination of the Research
Collaboration and until the termination or expiration of this Agreement, BMI
shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written request, which request
shall not be made more than once per calendar year, provide GTC with a
reasonably detailed report which shall describe BMI's progress with respect to
its development, commercialization and marketing efforts under this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 6


FEE. In consideration of GTC providing to BMI access to certain technology and
the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database as provided in this Agreement, BMI shall pay
to GTC, *...*. This payment shall include the costs of delivery and
installation of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database except for those costs which
are specifically mentioned under Section 4.1.3(a) as being payable by BMI.

as a maintenance fee for the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, *...* United States
dollars (*...*) for each Contract Year during the Research Collaboration,
commencing with the second Contract Year. All such payments shall be due in
full in advance of the applicable Contract Year, with the first such payment
due on the first anniversary hereof as payment for the second Contract Year.

     6.3 MILESTONE PAYMENTS. BMI shall promptly notify GTC in writing upon
achievement of the milestones set forth on EXHIBIT F hereto, and payments shall
be made within *...* days of receipt by BMI of the corresponding invoice issued
by GTC. *...* percent (*...*) of all milestone payments made by BMI hereunder
shall be credited against royalties which may become payable to GTC in
connection with Net Sales of BMI Products pursuant to Section 6.5 hereof,
provided that such credit shall not result in a reduction of the royalties due
to GTC during any quarter of more than *...* percent (*...*) of the royalties
that would otherwise be payable to GTC.


the first Contract Year and continuing for each Contract Year thereafter,
during the term of the Research Collaboration (as such may be extended pursuant
to the terms hereof), BMI shall pay to GTC funding for the sponsored research
outlined in the Annual Research Program in an amount equal to a minimum of
*...* United States dollars (*...*) per Contract Year (regardless of the Annual
Research Program needs), which minimum amount shall be increased by an amount
equal to the FTE Rate (as defined below) multiplied by the number of GTC FTEs
required in excess of *...* FTEs in a Contract Year (such threshold number of
FTE's to be appropriately adjusted in each Contract Year after the first
Contract Year as a result of adjustments to the FTE Rate as described
below) to carry out all activities of the Research Programs that have been
approved by the Management Committee for such Contract Year. Such amounts shall
be payable in advance in four (4) equal quarterly payments for each Contract
Year with the first

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


quarterly payment of *...* United States dollars (*...*) (as may be adjusted
pursuant to the preceding sentence) due within five (5) business days after the
Effective Date. The last quarterly payment shall be made upon approval of a
majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the members of the Joint Research
Committee of the Yearly Report which must be submitted to the Joint Research
Committee in accordance with Section 4.5.8 above. As used herein, "FTE Rate"
shall mean the following:

         FTE Rate = *...* x (1 + CPI)


         CPI = a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the difference
between the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U; U.S. City Average for all items;
1982-84 = 100) as of the last month of the immediately preceding quarter and the
Consumer Price Index as of the month immediately preceding the Effective Date
and the denominator of which shall be the Consumer Price Index as of the month
immediately preceding the Effective Date.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the FTE Rate
increase by more than an average annual rate of *...* percent (*...*).

         6.4.2 ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES. In the event that the conduct of the
Research Programs approved by the Management Committee requires capital
expenditures for equipment or specialized software or modifications to GTC's
facility (including any modifications reasonably required to accommodate the BMI
Research Employee), then a request for such acquisitions or modifications shall
be submitted to the Management Committee for its approval. *...*. Any payments
which become due under this Subsection shall be made in advance of such
acquisition or modification.



              (a)   BMI shall pay royalties to GTC based on the Net Sales of a
                    BMI Product at the rate, *...*, specified in EXHIBIT G
                    hereto. *...*.

              In the event a BMI Product should subsequently become a BMI
Blockbuster Product, the Parties shall determine, within *...* days following
the BMI Product's change of status, a new royalty rate to be applied to the BMI
Blockbuster Product, it being understood that such rate shall be *...*.

              (b) GTC, its Affiliates and sublicensees shall pay royalties to
BMI based on the Net Sales of a GTC Product at a rate to be determined in good
faith by mutual agreement of the parties with respect to each GTC Product within
*...* days following the First Commercial Sale of the GTC Product. The royalty
rate for Net Sales of each GTC Product shall be determined *...*.

         6.5.2 SUBLICENSES. (i) BMI and GTC shall, with respect to any
sublicenses by BMI or GTC hereunder, pay to the other party *...* percent
(*...*) of all consideration received

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


by BMI or GTC from any such Third Party sublicensee which is not based upon Net
Sales of the BMI Products or the GTC Products by such Third Party and (ii) BMI
and GTC shall (A) with respect to any sublicense hereunder to any Third Party to
make, have made, use, or sell BMI Products or GTC Products in any country, pay
to the other party royalties on Net Sales of the BMI Products or GTC Products,
as applicable, sold by such Third Party in such country or (B) provide in such
sublicense that such sublicensee shall pay to the other party royalties on Net
Sales of the BMI Products or GTC Products, as applicable, sold by such
sublicensee in such country, in either case at the royalty rate determined
pursuant to this Section 6.5 that would be applicable had such sales been made
by BMI or GTC, and provided that in either case, BMI or GTC, as the case may be,
shall remain liable for the timely payment of all such royalties.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, BMI's obligations under Section 6.5.2(i) shall
not include any consideration received by BMI in return for rights to any other
technologies and/or services, and/or products which are not BMI Products,
granted by BMI under such sublicenses, to the extent that such consideration is
reasonably allocable to such rights.

         6.5.3 ADJUSTMENTS.

                              (i)  MULTI-TARGET PRODUCT. With respect to sales
                                   of BMI Products, the parties recognize that
                                   BMI may incorporate targets into a BMI
                                   Product *...* hereinafter "Other Targets"),
                                   and, therefore, BMI may market a BMI Product
                                   consisting of Targets and Other Targets
                                   (hereinafter a "Multi-Target Product"). It
                                   is agreed by the parties that in the case of
                                   Multi-Target Product sales, BMI shall have
                                   the option to adjust the Net Sales for such
                                   products, for the purpose of paying the
                                   royalties due to GTC hereunder. Net Sales
                                   shall be calculated by multiplying the
                                   actual amount of Net Sales by the fraction
                                   A/(A+B) where A is the number of Targets and
                                   where B is the number of Other Targets
                                   included in a Multi-Target Product.

                                   COMBINATION PRODUCT. With respect to sales of
                                   GTC Products, in the event that a GTC
                                   Product(s) is sold in the form of a
                                   combination product containing GTC Product(s)
                                   and one or more other active ingredients (a
                                   "Combination Product"), Net Sales for such
                                   Combination Product will be calculated by
                                   multiplying actual Net Sales of such
                                   Combination Product by the fraction A/(A+B),
                                   where A is the invoice price of all GTC
                                   Product(s) if sold separately by GTC, an
                                   Affiliate or a sublicensee and containing a
                                   GTC Product(s) as the only active ingredient
                                   and B is the invoice price of any other
                                   active component(s) in the Combination
                                   Product if sold separately by GTC, or an
                                   Affiliate or a sublicensee. In the event that
                                   the GTC Product(s) is sold in the form of a
                                   Combination Product containing such GTC
                                   Product(s) and one or more other active
                                   ingredient(s) and one or more of such other
                                   active ingredients of the

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


                                   Combination Product are not sold separately,
                                   then the above formula shall be modified such
                                   that A shall be the total manufacturing cost
                                   to GTC, its Affiliate or sublicensee of the
                                   GTC Product and B shall be the total
                                   manufacturing cost to GTC, its Affiliate,
                                   sublicensee or other supplier of any other
                                   active component(s) in the Combination
                                   Product. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                                   active ingredients shall not include
                                   diluents, vehicles or adjuvants.

                              (ii) ROYALTY STACKING. In the event that patent
                                   licenses from Third Parties (hereinafter the
                                   "Third Party Patent Licenses") are required
                                   by either party in order to develop, have
                                   developed, use, manufacture, have
                                   manufactured, market, promote, import,
                                   export, sell and have sold a BMI Product or a
                                   GTC Product, then the royalty rate shall be
                                   reduced by an amount of *...* percent (*...*)
                                   of Net Sales for *...* of Net Sales paid
                                   under such Third Party Patent Licenses.

                              (iii) GUARANTEED MINIMUM ROYALTY. It is however
                                   expressly understood by BMI and GTC that a
                                   party owing royalties hereunder shall not be
                                   allowed to cumulate the benefits of
                                   paragraphs (i) and (ii) above and will
                                   therefore be required to make a choice
                                   between the provisions of such two
                                   paragraphs. Furthermore, it is agreed that in
                                   no event shall the aggregate royalties due to
                                   the other party under the present Agreement
                                   in any given quarter be *...*, except in the
                                   case of a BMI Blockbuster Product in which
                                   event the royalties due shall *...* of total
                                   Net Sales (the "Guaranteed Minimum Royalty"),
                                   such Net Sales being calculated before
                                   application of the provisions of paragraphs
                                   (i) and (ii) above.

         6.5.4 ROYALTY REPORTS, EXCHANGE RATES. During the term of this
Agreement following the First Commercial Sale of any BMI Product or GTC Product,
BMI or GTC, as applicable, shall within sixty (60) days after each calendar
quarter furnish to the other party a written quarterly report showing: (i) the
gross sales of the BMI Products or GTC Products sold by such party and its
Affiliates during the reporting period and the calculation of Net Sales from
such gross sales; (ii) the sublicense payments received by such party during the
reporting period; (iii) the royalties payable in United States dollars which
shall have accrued hereunder in respect of such sales and sublicense payments;
(iv) withholding taxes, if any, required by law to be deducted in respect of
such royalties and sublicense payments; (v) the dates of the First Commercial
Sales of BMI Products or GTC Products, as applicable, in any country during the
reporting period. If no royalty or payment is due for any royalty period
hereunder, BMI or GTC, as applicable, shall so report. Each party shall keep
complete and accurate records in sufficient detail to properly reflect all gross
sales and Net Sales and to enable the royalties payable hereunder to be

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


         For the purposes of calculating the royalty payments to be made in
United States dollars, GTC shall multiply the sales made in countries other than
the United States by the appropriate royalty rate before converting such sum
into United States dollars at the exchange rate used by GTC for reporting such
sales for United States financial statement purposes.

         BMI shall use, for the purposes of calculating the royalty
payments to be made in United States dollars, the following rules:

             (a) For the period from January 1, 1999 until *...*:

                                   For the conversion of all currencies, other
                                   than United States dollars, into United
                                   States dollars, the amount shall be first
                                   converted into the Euro using the official
                                   spot rate published by the European Central
                                   Bank on the last business day of the period
                                   to which the payment of royalties relates and
                                   then, the amount so obtained in the Euro
                                   shall be converted into United States dollars
                                   applying the official rate published by the
                                   European Central Bank on the last business
                                   day of the period to which the payment of
                                   royalties relates.

             (b) For the period from *...* until the expiration of the contract:

                              (i)  For the conversion of the Euro into United
                                   States dollars, the amount shall be converted
                                   applying the official rate published by the
                                   European Central Bank on the last business
                                   day of the period to which the payment of
                                   royalties relates.

                              (ii) For the conversion of currencies other than
                                   the Euro into United States dollars, the
                                   amount shall be first converted into the Euro
                                   using the official spot rate published by the
                                   European Central Bank on the last business
                                   day of the period to which the payment of
                                   royalties relates and then, the amount so
                                   obtained in the Euro shall be converted into
                                   United States dollars applying the official
                                   rate published by the European Central Bank
                                   on the last business day of the period to
                                   which the payment of royalties relates.

         6.5.5 AUDITS. Upon the written request of GTC or BMI (the "Requesting
Party"), the other party (the "Audited Party") shall permit an independent
certified public accountant selected by the Requesting Party and acceptable to
the Audited Party, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, to have
access during normal business hours to such records of the Audited Party as may
be reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of the royalty reports described
herein, in respect of any fiscal year ending not more than twenty-four (24)
months prior to the date of such request. Each party shall use commercially
reasonable efforts to schedule all such verifications within forty-five (45)
days after the Requesting Party makes its written request. All such
verifications shall be conducted at the Requesting Party's expense and not more
than once in each calendar year. In the event the Requesting Party's

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


independent certified public accountant concludes that additional royalties were
owed to the Requesting Party during such period, the additional royalty shall be
paid by the Audited Party within thirty (30) days of the date the Requesting
Party delivers to the Audited Party such independent certified public
accountant's written report so concluding. In the event the Requesting Party's
independent certified public accountant concludes that there was an overpayment
of royalties to the Requesting Party during such period, the overpayment shall
be repaid by the Requesting Party within thirty (30) days of the date the
Requesting Party received such independent certified public accountant's written
report so concluding. The fees charged by such independent certified public
accountant shall be paid by the Requesting Party unless the audit discloses an
underpayment of the royalties payable by the Audited Party for the audited
period of more than *...* percent (*...*), in which case the Audited Party shall
pay the reasonable fees and expenses charged by such representative. Each party
shall include in each Third Party sublicense granted by it pursuant to this
Agreement a provision requiring the sublicensee to make reports to such party,
to keep and maintain records of sales made pursuant to such sublicense and to
grant access to such records by the other party's independent certified public
accountant to the same extent required of such party under this Agreement. Each
party agrees that all information subject to review under this Section 6.5.5 or
under any sublicense agreement is confidential and that such party shall cause
its independent certified public accountant to enter into a confidentiality
agreement with the other party obligating such accountant to retain all such
information in confidence. Each party's independent certified public accountant
shall only report to such party as to the computation of the royalties and other
payments due to such party under this Agreement and shall not disclose to such
party any other information of the other party or its sublicensees.

         6.5.6 ROYALTY PAYMENT TERMS. Royalties shown to have accrued by each
royalty report provided for under this Agreement shall be due sixty (60) days
after the end of each calendar quarter. Payment of royalties in whole or in part
may be made in advance of such due date. Royalties determined to be owing with
respect to any prior quarter shall be added, together with interest thereon
accruing under this Agreement from the date of the report for the quarter for
which such amounts are owing, to the next quarterly payment hereunder.

     6.6 WITHHOLDING TAXES. Each party *...*. Neither party shall *...*,
including but not limited to any such taxes or charges incurred as a result of
an assignment or sublicense by such party to any Affiliate or any Third Party,
*...*. Each party shall maintain *...*. The parties will exercise diligent
efforts to ensure that any withholding taxes imposed are reduced as far as
possible under the provisions of any treaties applicable to any payment made

     6.7 BLOCKED CURRENCY. If transfer of amounts payable hereunder to Euros or
United States dollars is subject to administrative authorization, BMI or GTC, as
applicable, shall promptly file the transfer application with the competent
authorities supported by all requisite documentation, and use its reasonable
efforts to obtain such authorization and effect the remittance within the
applicable period set forth under this Article 6; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
nothing in this Section 6.7 shall relieve either party from its obligation to
pay any amounts payable hereunder within the applicable period set forth under
this Article 6.

     6.8 INTEREST ON LATE PAYMENTS. Any payments by either party to the
other party that are not paid on or before *...* days after the date such
payments are due under this Agreement

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


shall bear interest, to the extent permitted by applicable law, at an annual
prorated rate equal to the prime rate, as published from time to time by
BankBoston, N.A., or successor, plus *...* percent (*...*), calculated on the
total number of days payment is delinquent; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that interest
shall not accrue pursuant to this Section 6.8 on any amounts payable under this
Agreement with respect to which payment is disputed in good faith; PROVIDED
FURTHER that interest shall accrue pursuant to this Section 6.8 once such
dispute has been resolved if payment is not made promptly thereafter.

     6.9 MANNER OF PAYMENT. All payments to be made under this Agreement shall
be payable in United States dollars within thirty (30) days upon receipt of an
invoice unless otherwise noted in this Agreement and shall be paid by bank wire
transfer in immediately available funds to such bank account as is designated in
writing by the party entitled to payment from time to time.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

     7.1 OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Subject to the rights and licenses
granted under this Agreement (i) GTC shall retain ownership of the GTC
Technology, the Licensed Software, the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and the GTC
DNA Sequence Patent Rights, (ii) BMI shall retain or be deemed to have ownership
of the BMI Technology, Results and Results Patent Rights, and (iii) the
ownership of all other intellectual property rights shall be determined in
accordance with the rules of inventorship and other laws affecting the ownership
of intellectual property under U.S. patent laws.


be responsible for the filing, prosecution (including oppositions) and
maintenance of the Results Patent Rights at its expense in its own name. BMI
shall consult with GTC and keep GTC fully informed of important issues relating
to the preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of such patent
applications and the patents related thereto, including BMI's patent strategy
with respect to both existing and future patent applications, patents and patent
extensions. BMI shall furnish to GTC copies of documents relevant to such
preparation or filing (such copies of documents with respect to initial patent
filings to be furnished to GTC sufficiently prior to filing such document or
making any payment due thereunder to allow for review and comment by GTC). BMI
shall seriously consider all GTC comments on such initial patent filings,
PROVIDED THAT, in any instance in which GTC informs BMI in writing that it
objects to the filing of any patent application by BMI, the filing of such
application shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Joint Patent
Committee pursuant to Section 4.6 hereof. If BMI elects not to continue to seek
or maintain patent protection on any patent or patent application included in
the Results Patent Rights in any country, GTC shall have the right, at its
option and expense, with the reasonable assistance of BMI to file, prosecute
(including oppositions) and maintain such patent applications and patents;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the rights of the parties with respect to any such
Results Patent Rights shall in all other respects be as described in this
Agreement. BMI

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


will advise GTC of all decisions taken with respect to any such election in a
timely manner in order to allow GTC to protect its rights under this Section

         7.2.2 ABANDONMENT; FAILURE TO PAY. BMI agrees that it will not abandon
the prosecution of any patent applications included within the Results Patent
Rights nor shall it fail to make any payment or fail to take any other action
necessary to maintain a patent under the Results Patent Rights unless it has
notified GTC in sufficient time for GTC to assume such prosecution or make such

         7.2.3 COOPERATION. Each party shall make available to the other party
(or to the other party's authorized attorneys, agents or representatives), its
employees, agents or consultants to the extent reasonably necessary or
appropriate to enable the appropriate party to file, prosecute and maintain
patent applications and resulting patents as set forth in this Section 7.2 for
periods of time reasonably sufficient for such party to obtain the assistance it
needs from such personnel. Where appropriate, each party shall sign or cause to
have signed all documents relating to said patent applications or patents at no
charge to the other party.

promptly notify the other in writing of any alleged or threatened infringement
of patents or patent applications included in the Results Patent Rights of which
they become aware, and the parties shall consult concerning the action to be
taken. BMI shall have the right, but not the obligation, to prosecute at its own
expense any such infringement. Any recovery of damages derived from such action
shall be used (i) first to reimburse BMI for all legal expenses relating to the
suit and (ii) second to pay GTC the royalty it would have been entitled to
receive had the sale of such infringing products been sales of BMI Products
licensed by BMI hereunder *...*.

     7.4 INFRINGEMENT BY OTHERS; PROSECUTION BY GTC. If, within six (6) months
after BMI first becomes aware of any infringement of the Results Patent Rights,
BMI fails to cause such infringement to terminate or to bring a suit or action
to compel termination, GTC shall have the right, but not the obligation, to
bring such suit or action to compel termination at the sole expense of GTC. Any
recovery or damages in such suit shall be retained by GTC.

     BMI shall have the right, prior to the commencement of the trial of any
suit or action brought by GTC, to join any such suit or action and, in such
event, shall pay one-half of the entire cost of such suit or action. Provided
that BMI has joined in the action and shared the costs thereof as stated in the
preceding sentence, no settlement, consent judgment or other voluntary final
disposition of the suit may be entered into without the consent of BMI, which
consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. Any recovery of damages derived from
such action shall be used (i) first to reimburse GTC for all legal expenses
relating to the suit (ii) second to reimburse BMI for all legal expenses
relating to the suit and (iii) third to pay GTC the royalty it would have been
entitled to receive had the sale of such infringing products been sales of BMI
Products licensed by BMI hereunder. *...* percent (*...*) of any remaining
recovery of damages shall thereafter be retained by GTC and the balance shall be
distributed to BMI.

     7.5 COOPERATION IN INFRINGEMENT ACTIONS. In any infringement suit which
either party may institute to enforce the Results Patent Rights pursuant to this
Agreement, the other party hereto shall, at the request of the party initiating
such suit, cooperate in all respects and, to the

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


extent possible, have its employees testify when requested and make available
relevant records, papers, information, samples and the like. GTC's cooperation
in any suit initiated by BMI shall be at BMI's expense. BMI's cooperation in any
suit initiated by GTC shall be at GTC's expense.

     7.6 TRADEMARKS. BMI shall be free to use and to register in any trademark
office in the world any trademark for use with BMI Products it desires in its
sole discretion. BMI shall own all right, title and interest in and to any such
trademark in its own name or that of its designated Affiliate during and after
the term of this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 8



         8.1.1 GENERAL. Except as otherwise provided in this Article 8, during
the term of this Agreement and for a period of ten (10) years thereafter, the
parties shall maintain in confidence and use only for purposes specifically
authorized under this Agreement (i) the Research Collaboration Database, (ii)
the BMI Technology insofar as GTC is concerned, (iii) the GTC Technology insofar
as BMI is concerned, (iv) the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, (v) any other
information and data received from the other party resulting from or related to
the Research Collaboration and the BMI Products or GTC Products and (vi) all
information and data not described in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) but
supplied by the other party under this Agreement marked "Confidential." For
purposes of this Article 8, information and data described in clauses (i)
through (vi) shall be referred to as "Information."

         8.1.2 LIMITATIONS. To the extent it is reasonably necessary or
appropriate to fulfill its obligations or exercise its rights under this
Agreement: (i) a party may disclose Information it is otherwise obligated under
this Section 8.1 not to disclose to its Affiliates, sublicensees, consultants,
outside contractors and clinical investigators, on a need-to-know basis and on
condition that such entities or persons agree to non-use obligations essentially
the same as those set forth herein and to keep the Information confidential for
the same time periods and to the same extent as such party is required to keep
the Information confidential; and (ii) a party or its sublicensees may disclose
such Information to government or other regulatory authorities to the extent
that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to obtain patents or authorizations
to conduct clinical trials of, and to commercially market, BMI Products or GTC
Products pursuant to this Agreement. The obligation not to disclose Information
shall not apply to any part of such Information that: (i) is or becomes part of
the public domain other than by unauthorized acts of the party obligated not to
disclose such Information or its Affiliates or sublicensees; (ii) can be shown
by written documents to have been disclosed to the receiving party or its
Affiliates or sublicensees by a Third Party, provided such Information was not
obtained by such Third Party directly or indirectly from the other party to this
Agreement pursuant to a confidentiality agreement; (iii) prior to disclosure
under this Agreement, was already in the possession of the receiving party or
its Affiliates or sublicensees, provided such Information was not obtained
directly or indirectly from the other party to this Agreement pursuant to a
confidentiality agreement; (iv) can be shown by written documents to have been
independently developed by the receiving party or its Affiliates without breach
of any of the provisions of this Agreement; or (v)

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


is disclosed by the receiving party pursuant to interrogatories, requests for
information or documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand issued by a court
or governmental agency or as otherwise required by law, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
the receiving party notifies the other party immediately upon receipt thereof,
giving such other party sufficient advance notice to permit it to seek a
protective order or other similar order with respect to such Information AND
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the disclosing party furnishes only that portion of the
Information which it is advised by counsel is legally required whether or not a
protective order or other similar order is obtained by the other party.

     8.2 SAMPLES. Samples of genes, other biological targets identified,
sequenced, synthesized, purified or developed in the course of the Research
Collaboration shall not be supplied or sent by either party to any Third Party,
other than to regulatory agencies or for use in clinical trials, unless such
release is approved by a member of the Joint Research Committee from the other
party and protected by an appropriate materials transfer agreement substantially
similar to the form of the Material Transfer Agreement attached hereto as
EXHIBIT E. Samples of materials other than those described above provided by one
party (the "supplying party") to the other party (the "receiving party") in the
course of the Research Collaboration shall not be supplied or sent by the
receiving party to any Third Party, other than to regulatory agencies or for use
in clinical trials, without the written consent of the supplying party.

     8.3 INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. The parties hereto understand and agree that
remedies at law may be inadequate to protect against any breach of any of the
provisions of this Article 8 by either party or their employees, agents,
officers or directors or any other person acting in concert with it or on its
behalf. Accordingly, each party shall be entitled to the granting of injunctive
relief by a court of competent jurisdiction against any action that constitutes
any such breach of this Article 8.

                                    ARTICLE 9


warrants to and covenants with BMI that:

         9.1.1 GTC is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
corporate good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

         9.1.2 GTC has the legal right, authority and power to enter into this
Agreement, and to extend the rights and licenses granted to BMI in this

         9.1.3 GTC has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement;

         9.1.4 upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement, this Agreement
shall constitute a valid and binding obligation of GTC enforceable in accordance
with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting
creditors' and contracting parties' rights generally and

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


except as enforceability may be subject to general principles of equity
(regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in
equity or at law);

         9.1.5 the performance of its obligations under this Agreement will not
conflict with its charter documents or result in a breach of any agreements,
contracts or other arrangements to which it is a party;

         9.1.6 to the best of GTC's knowledge but without independent
investigation, the performance of GTC's obligations under this Agreement,
including without limitation *...*;

         9.1.7 GTC will not during the term of this Agreement enter into any
agreements, contracts or other arrangements that would be inconsistent with its
obligations under this Agreement; and

         9.1.8 GTC will not during the term of this Agreement *...*,
including without limitation *...*. GTC is currently *...*.

warrants to and covenants with GTC that:

         9.2.1 BMI is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
corporate good standing under the laws of the state of Missouri;

         9.2.2 BMI has the legal right, authority and power to enter
into this Agreement, and to extend the rights and licenses granted to GTC in
this Agreement;

         9.2.3 BMI has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement;

         9.2.4 upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement, this Agreement
shall constitute a valid and binding obligation of BMI enforceable in accordance
with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting
creditors' and contracting parties' rights generally and except as
enforceability may be subject to general principles of equity (regardless of
whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law);

         9.2.5 the performance of its obligations under this Agreement will not
conflict with BMI's charter documents or result in a breach of any agreements,
contracts or other arrangements to which it is a party; and

         9.2.6 BMI will not after the date of this Agreement enter into any
agreements, contracts or other arrangements that would be inconsistent with its
obligations under this Agreement.

     9.3 VALIDITY AND SCOPE. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a
warranty or representation by either party as to the validity or scope of any
GTC Technology, BMI Technology, Research Collaboration Database, GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database, GTC DNA Sequence Patent Rights, Licensed Software or
the Results Patent Rights.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


DATABASE SOFTWARE. GTC warrants that the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software
delivered to BMI represents the latest version of the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Database Software which GTC has made publicly available to subscribers to the
GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database. GTC does not represent that the operations of the
GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software will be trouble-free or that the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database Software contains no errors. GTC's only obligation to
BMI with respect to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software will be to use
reasonable efforts to correct any errors and to otherwise support BMI as
provided in EXHIBIT D.



                                   ARTICLE 10


     10.1 BMI INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS. BMI agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
GTC, its Affiliates and their respective employees and agents harmless from all
claims, losses, damages or expenses arising as a result of: (a) actual
violations of any applicable law or regulation by BMI or its sublicensees by
virtue of which the BMI Products manufactured, distributed or sold hereunder
shall be alleged or determined to be adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled or
otherwise not in compliance with any applicable law or regulation; (b) bodily
injury, death or property damage attributable to the manufacture, distribution,
sale or use of the BMI Products by BMI or its sublicensees; or (c) a BMI Product
recall ordered by a governmental agency or required by a confirmed BMI Product
failure as reasonably determined by the parties hereto.

their respective employees and agents shall not be entitled to the indemnities
set forth in Section 10.1 where the claim, loss, damage or expense for which
indemnification is sought was caused by a grossly negligent act or intentional
act of misconduct or omission by GTC, its directors, officers, employees or
authorized agents.

     10.3 GTC INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS. GTC agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
BMI, its Affiliates and their respective employees and agents harmless from all
claims, losses, damages or

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


expenses arising as a result of: (a) actual violations of any applicable law or
regulation by GTC, its Affiliates or its sublicensees by virtue of which the GTC
Products manufactured, distributed or sold hereunder shall be alleged or
determined to be adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled or otherwise not in
compliance with any applicable law or regulation; (b) bodily injury, death or
property damage attributable to the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of
the GTC Products by GTC, its Affiliates or its sublicensees; (c) a GTC Product
recall ordered by a governmental agency or required by a confirmed GTC Product
failure as reasonably determined by the parties hereto; or (d) Third Party suits
claiming that BMI's use of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or the GTC DNA
Sequence Patent Rights violates such Third Party's industrial property rights.

     10.4 LIMITATION ON GTC INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS. BMI, its Affiliates and their
respective employees and agents shall not be entitled to the indemnities set
forth in Section 10.3 where the claim, loss, damage or expense for which
indemnification is sought was caused by a grossly negligent act or intentional
act of misconduct or omission by BMI, its directors, officers, employees or
authorized agents.

     10.5 INSURANCE. BMI shall maintain appropriate product liability insurance
with respect to development, manufacture and sales of the BMI Products by BMI in
such amount as BMI customarily maintains with respect to sales of its other
products. BMI shall maintain such insurance for so long as it continues to
manufacture or sell the BMI Products, and thereafter for so long as BMI
maintains insurance for itself covering such manufacture or sales.

                                   ARTICLE 11

                           EXPIRATION AND TERMINATION

     11.1 EXPIRATION.

         11.1.1 TERM OF RESEARCH COLLABORATION. Unless this Agreement is sooner
terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Article 11, the term of
the Research Collaboration shall expire at the end of the *...* Contract
Year; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Research Collaboration may be extended upon
mutual agreement of the parties, reached no later than six (6) months prior to
the end of the initial term of the Research Collaboration, for up to *...*
additional periods of *...* Contract Year each. In any event, GTC may, in its
discretion, engage in an orderly wind-down of the Research Collaboration,
including the reassignment of the scientists devoted thereto, during the last
six (6) months thereof. In such an event, the financial contribution of BMI to
the Research Collaboration under the terms of Article 6.4.1 shall be adjusted
accordingly but shall, in no event, for such six (6) month period, fall below
the sum of *...* United States dollars (*...*) in accordance with the minimum
research funding amount provided for under Section 6.4.1.

         11.1.2 TERM OF AGREEMENT. Unless this Agreement is sooner terminated in
accordance with the provisions of this Article 11, this Agreement shall expire
and all licenses granted by GTC to BMI hereunder and by BMI to GTC hereunder
shall become fully paid and perpetual, on a BMI Product by BMI Product basis and
on a GTC Product by GTC Product basis, *...* years after the First Commercial
Sale of the relevant BMI Product or GTC Product.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


     11.2 DEFAULT.

         11.2.1 MATERIAL DEFAULT BY EITHER PARTY. A Material Default shall have
occurred upon (i) the occurrence of a material breach (other than a material
breach described in clause (ii) of this paragraph or in Section 11.2.2 below) if
the breaching party fails to remedy such breach within ninety (90) days after
written notice thereof by the non-breaching party, or (ii) the bankruptcy,
insolvency, dissolution or winding up of a party. The parties further
acknowledge that a breach by BMI under Section 5.2 shall be deemed a Material
Default by BMI hereunder if not cured within one hundred eighty (180) days after
GTC delivers written notice thereof to BMI specifying such failure.

         11.2.2 PAYMENT DEFAULT BY BMI. A Payment Default shall have occurred if
BMI fails to make payments due hereunder sixty (60) days after GTC delivers
written notice thereof to BMI specifying such failure and its claim of right to
terminate, unless BMI makes such payments plus interest or contests in good
faith the payment or the related amount in writing within such sixty (60) day



              (a) UPON MATERIAL DEFAULT. In the event that a Material Default
occurs relating to BMI and BMI fails to cure such default during any applicable
cure period, GTC shall have the right, at its option exercisable in its sole
discretion, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to it at law
or in equity, to require BMI to grant GTC, in addition to the rights it already
benefits from, a non-exclusive license to the Results and the Results Patent
Rights allowing GTC to develop, have developed, use, manufacture, have
manufactured, market, promote, have promoted, import, have imported, export,
have exported, sell or have sold products within the BMI Field and BMI shall, on
commercially reasonable terms and subject to contractual or legal limitations,
sublicense BMI Products to GTC, including the right to grant sublicenses. Unless
otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, the provisions of this Agreement
which remain unaffected by such modifications shall remain in force, including
the obligation for GTC to pay to BMI royalties on the sale of GTC Products as
well as products sold in the BMI Field.

              (b) UPON PAYMENT DEFAULT. In the event that a Payment Default
occurs relating to BMI's obligation to make payments hereunder, then GTC shall
have the right, at its option exercisable in its sole discretion, in addition to
any other rights or remedies available to it at law or in equity, to terminate
the licenses granted to BMI pursuant to Article 3 and to require that the
license granted to GTC pursuant to Section 3.2.2 be enlarged to include the
exclusive right to use the Results to develop, have developed, use, manufacture,
have manufactured, market, promote, have promoted, import, have imported,
export, have exported, sell or have sold any products within the BMI Field. In
addition, if BMI has filed Results Patent Rights or other patent rights to any
BMI Product, then BMI shall, subject to contractual or legal limitations, take
all action reasonably necessary to grant to GTC an exclusive, fully-paid (other
than royalties, as described below) license, to all of its right, title and
interest in such rights (or an undivided interest therein if such rights also
cover BMI Products to which BMI retains its license rights

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


under this Agreement). The royalty rate applicable to sales of any BMI Product
sold by GTC under the license granted pursuant to the preceding sentence shall
be one half of the royalty that BMI paid or would have paid with respect to such
BMI Product. For the sake of clarity, none of BMI or its sublicensees shall any
longer have the right to sell BMI Products. Unless otherwise agreed in writing
by the parties, the provisions of this Agreement which remain unaffected by such
modifications shall remain in force, including the obligation for GTC to pay to
BMI royalties on the sale of GTC Products as well as BMI Products.

         11.3.2 REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO BMI. In the event that a Material Default
occurs relating to GTC pursuant to Section 11.2.1, and GTC fails to cure such
breach within the applicable cure period, then BMI shall have the right, at its
option exercisable in its sole discretion, to seek any rights or remedies
available to it at law or in equity, including the right at its option
exercisable in its sole discretion, to terminate the license granted pursuant to
Section 3.2.2 hereof, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 9.5 and
Section 12.6 hereof.

     11.4 *...* BMI. BMI may *...* after the expiration of *...* upon *...*
months prior written notice to GTC.

the expiration or termination of the Research Collaboration, GTC's obligation to
update the Research Collaboration Database and disclose additional GTC
Technology shall terminate but all licenses to BMI to continue to use the GTC
Technology and the Licensed Software as they exist on the termination of the
Research Collaboration shall continue in full force and effect for the remaining
term of the Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after the end of the Research
Collaboration, BMI shall return to GTC, or destroy, according to GTC's
instructions any and all information and material related to the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database provided by GTC pursuant to this Agreement that is not
then in the public domain (including, without limitation, all copies of the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database, but excluding formal laboratory notebooks kept as a
record by BMI), and any copies thereof (including electronic copies) and shall
delete all copies of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database from all computers at all
sites on which such information has been installed or transmitted, PROVIDED
THAT, BMI may, upon notification to GTC, retain such portions of the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database to the extent, and only for so long as is, necessary to
continue the development of any BMI Product commenced prior to the expiration of
the Research Collaboration, and may notify GTC of its desire to retain
additional selected sequence information beyond the end of the Research
Collaboration on terms to be agreed upon by the parties. Following the
expiration of the Research Collaboration, GTC shall have no further obligation
under this Agreement to provide to BMI (i) any updates, corrections or
additional information of any nature with respect to the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Database, (ii) any new releases of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software, or
(iii) any support services with respect to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database or
the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software, except as the parties may further
agree in writing.

termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the parties of any obligation
accruing prior to such expiration or termination.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


         11.6.1 SURVIVAL OF PROVISIONS UPON EXPIRATION. The provisions of
Articles 7, 8, 10 and 11 and Sections 9.5, 9.6, 12.5, 12.6 and 12.11 hereof
shall survive the expiration of this Agreement.

         11.6.2 SURVIVAL OF PROVISIONS UPON TERMINATION. The provisions of
Articles 7, 8, 10 and 11 and Sections 9.5, 9.6, 12.5, 12.6 and 12.11 hereof
shall survive the termination of this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that GTC
shall have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the Research
Collaboration Database in the event that this Agreement is terminated due to
breach by BMI. The provisions of Article 6 hereof shall survive the termination
of this Agreement until such time as the Agreement would have expired with
respect to any BMI Product pursuant to Section 11.1.2 hereof had it not been
earlier terminated.

                                   ARTICLE 12


     12.1 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be held liable or responsible
to the other party nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this
Agreement for failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this
Agreement when such failure or delay is caused by or results from causes beyond
the reasonable control of the affected party, including but not limited to fire,
floods, embargoes, war, acts of war (whether war is declared or not),
insurrections, riots, civil commotions, strikes, lockouts or other labor
disturbances, acts of God or acts, omissions or delays in acting by any
governmental authority or the other party; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the party so
affected shall use reasonable commercial efforts to avoid or remove such causes
of nonperformance, and shall continue performance hereunder with reasonable
dispatch whenever such causes are removed. Either party shall provide the other
party with prompt written notice of any delay or failure to perform that occurs
by reason of FORCE MAJEURE. The parties shall mutually seek a resolution of the
delay or the failure to perform as noted above.

     12.2 ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise
transferred by either party without the consent of the other party; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that either GTC or BMI may, without such consent, assign any or all of
its rights and obligations under this Agreement (i) to any Affiliate, or (ii) in
connection with a merger, consolidation or sale of substantially all of such
party's assets to an unrelated Third Party; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such party's
rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be assumed by its successor in
interest in any such transaction and shall not be transferred separate from all
or substantially all of its other business assets, including those business
assets that are the subject of this Agreement. Any purported assignment in
violation of the preceding sentence shall be void. Any permitted assignee shall
assume all obligations of its assignor under this Agreement. For the sake of
clarity, the rights and obligations described in the present Agreement, taken
separately or as a whole, may be exercised or performed by either party and/or,
as the case may be, their respective Affiliates.

     12.3 SEVERABILITY. Each party hereby agrees that it does not intend to
violate any public policy, statutory or common laws, rules, regulations, treaty
or decision of any government agency or executive body thereof of any country or
community or association of countries. Should one or more provisions of this
Agreement be or become invalid, the parties hereto shall substitute, by mutual
consent, valid provisions for such invalid provisions which valid provisions

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


in their economic effect are sufficiently similar to the invalid provisions that
it can be reasonably assumed that the parties would have entered into this
Agreement with such valid provisions. In case such valid provisions cannot be
agreed upon, the invalidity of one or several provisions of this Agreement shall
not affect the validity of this Agreement as a whole, unless the invalid
provisions are of such essential importance to this Agreement that it is to be
reasonably assumed that the parties would not have entered into this Agreement
without the invalid provisions.

     12.4 NOTICES. Any consent, notice or report required or permitted to be
given or made under this Agreement by one of the parties hereto to the other
shall be in writing, delivered personally or by facsimile (and promptly
confirmed by telephone, personal delivery or courier) or courier, postage
prepaid (where applicable), addressed to such other party at its address
indicated below, or to such other address as the addressee shall have last
furnished in writing to the addressor and shall be effective upon receipt by the

         If to GTC:                 Genome Therapeutics Corporation
                                    100 Beaver Street
                                    Waltham, Massachusetts  02453
                                    Attention:  President
                                    Telephone:  1-781-398-2300
                                    FAX:  1-781-893-8277

         with a copy to:            Palmer & Dodge LLP
                                    One Beacon Street
                                    Boston, Massachusetts  02108
                                    Attention:  Marc A. Rubenstein, Esq.
                                    Telephone:  1-617-573-0100
                                    FAX:  1-617-227-4420

         If to BMI:                 bioMerieux Incorporated
                                    595 Anglum Drive
                                    Hazelwood, Missouri 63042-2395
                                    Attention: President
                                    Telephone: 1-314-731-8500
                                    FAX: 1-314-731-8800

         with a copy to:            bioMerieux Incorporated,
                                    Legal Department
                                    595 Anglum Drive
                                    Hazelwood, Missouri 63042-2395
                                    Attention: General Counsel
                                    Telephone:  1-314-731-8500
                                    FAX:  1-314-731-8800

     12.5 APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without giving
effect to the choice of laws provisions thereof.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested



         12.6.1 The parties hereby agree that they will attempt in good
faith to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
Agreement promptly by negotiations. If a controversy or claim should arise
hereunder, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Scientific Officer (or the
equivalent position) of GTC and the President of BMI (or the equivalent
position) of BMI (the "Representatives"). If the matter has not been resolved
within thirty (30) days of the first meeting of the Representatives of the
parties (which period may be extended by mutual agreement) concerning such
matter, subject to rights to injunctive relief and specific performance, and
unless otherwise specifically provided for herein, any controversy or claim
arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, will be
settled as set forth in Section 12.6.2.

         12.6.2 All disputes arising in connection with this Agreement shall be
finally settled under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American
Arbitration Association by a single arbitrator appointed in accordance with said
Rules and the terms set forth in EXHIBIT H. Notwithstanding the above, either
party has the right to bring suit in a court of competent jurisdiction against
the other party for (i) any breach of such other party's duties of
confidentiality pursuant to Article 8 of this Agreement and (ii) any
infringement of its own proprietary rights by the other party. In respect to any
dispute settled by arbitration, the arbitrator's ruling shall be final. The
award of the arbitrator may include compensatory damages against either party,
but under no circumstances will the arbitrator be authorized to, nor shall he,
award punitive damages or multiple damages against either party. The parties
agree not to institute any litigation or proceedings against each other in
connection with this Agreement except as provided in this Section 12.6.2

     12.7 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, together with the exhibits hereto,
contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof. All express or implied agreements and understandings, either oral
or written, heretofore made are expressly merged in and made a part of this
Agreement. This Agreement may be amended, or any term hereof modified, only by a
written instrument duly executed by both parties hereto.

     12.8 PUBLICITY AND PUBLICATIONS. GTC and BMI each agree not to disclose the
existence of, or any terms or conditions of, this Agreement, or any results
arising from the Research Collaboration, to any Third Party without consulting
the other party prior to such disclosure. In particular, the parties agree and
undertake that any and all scientific or technical publications intended for a
specialized readership or audience (the "Scientific Publications"), which are
developed and/or made under whatever form whether written, oral or whatsoever,
either directly or indirectly, shall have to be submitted to the other party for
its prior written consent at least one (1) month before the intended date of
submission or presentation. Failing a written reply within the stipulated one
(1) month period, consent shall be presumed granted. It is agreed that
patentable Results are meant to remain confidential until their publication by
way of a patent application. A decision as to delay the Scientific Publication
for reasons of establishing patent right shall be taken within the month of
submission. It is further agreed, in relation to press releases and other
non-specialized publications ("Press Releases") that the above submission
procedure shall also apply in its entirety with the exception of the advance
notification period which shall be reduced from one (1) month to five (5)
working days before

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


the intended date of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior to
execution of this Agreement, GTC and BMI shall agree upon the substance of
information that can be used as a routine reference in the usual course of
business to describe the terms of this transaction, and GTC and BMI may disclose
such information, as modified by mutual agreement from time to time, without
consulting the other party.

     12.9 HEADINGS. The captions to the several Articles and Sections hereof are
not a part of this Agreement, but are merely guides or labels to assist in
locating and reading the several Articles and Sections hereof.

     12.10 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. It is expressly agreed that GTC and BMI
shall be independent contractors and that the relationship between the two
parties shall not constitute a partnership, joint venture or agency. Neither GTC
nor BMI shall have the authority to make any statements, representations or
commitments of any kind, or to take any action, which shall be binding on the
other, without the prior consent of the other party to do so.

     12.11 AGREEMENT NOT TO SOLICIT EMPLOYEES. During the term of the
Research Collaboration and for a period of *...* years following the expiration
or termination of the Research Collaboration pursuant to Article 11, GTC and BMI
agree not to seek to persuade or induce any employee of the other company to
discontinue his or her employment with that company in order to become employed
by or associated with any business, enterprise or effort that is associated with
its own business; *...*.

     12.12 EXPORTS. The parties acknowledge that the export of technical
data, materials or products is subject to the exporting party receiving any
necessary export licenses and that the parties cannot be responsible for any
delays attributable to export controls which are beyond the reasonable control
of either party. GTC and BMI agree not to export or re-export, directly or
indirectly, any information, technical data, the direct product of such data,
samples or equipment received or generated under this Agreement in violation of
any applicable export control laws or governmental regulations. GTC and BMI
agree to obtain similar covenants from their licensees, sublicensees and
contractors with respect to the subject matter of this Section.

     12.13 WAIVER. The waiver by either party hereto of any right hereunder
or the failure to perform or of a breach by the other party shall not be deemed
a waiver of any other right hereunder or of any other breach or failure by said
other party whether of a similar nature or otherwise.

     12.14 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized
officer to execute and deliver this Agreement as of the date first set forth


                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


      Christopher T. Kelly
      Senior Vice President
      Strategic Planning/Business Development


       Albert A. Luderer
       President and Chief Operating Officer

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                      * Confidential Treatment Requested


DNA Sequence Information: The GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database consists of genome
sequence and associated information relating to microbial organisms, which
information consists of both GTC Proprietary Information and information in the
public domain - listed below are the planned contents. Genome sequence and
associated information relating to the microbial organisms listed below will be
provided to subscribers on the earliest reasonable date, but in no event later
than the date it is provided to similar subscribers to the GTC PathoGenome-TM-







                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      B -1




BIOINFORMATICS: The GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database is designed for use at the
subscriber's facility, with a software environment specified by GTC.

DATABASE CONTENTS: The GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database consists of a set of
microbial genome data. Each of the proprietary microbial genomes is assembled
and subjected to analyses *...* are searched against a non-redundant database
*...* are also included in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, to *...*. The data
are stored *...*. Scientists can explore the database *...*.

         ANALYSIS TOOLS: The GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database will be provided with
*...*. Initial capabilities include *...*.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      B - 2


In order to ensure complete compatibility, ease of maintenance, and lack of
interference with BMI's existing systems, the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database

Client computers *...* should be adequate.

GTC's staff will work with BMI to determine a hardware configuration appropriate
to the expected level of use. BMI should also expect that any initial
configuration will grow as the size and use of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
increases. *...*:

                           SERVER REQUIREMENTS


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                                      C - 1

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                                      C - 2


   During the Access Period, GTC agrees to provide BMI with the following

   A. INSTALLATION BY GTC. GTC will deliver the computer media containing the
current shipping release of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database and GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database Software, within sixty (60) days of the date of this
Agreement. GTC will subsequently coordinate installation at a single site at
BMI at a mutually agreeable time and date,*...*.

   B. TRAINING. Following installation, GTC will provide *...* user training in
the use of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software and the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database *...* documentation will be provided to BMI at the
time of initial user training. In addition, GTC will provide *...* refresher
training requested by BMI in *...* the Research Collaboration. *...*.


    GTC will make available to BMI telephone consultation on the use of the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database Software and the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, *...*.
Support will be provided during GTC's normal business hours (9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. United States Eastern time).


    A. *...* GTC agrees to use reasonable commercial efforts to promptly *...*
in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software *...*.

    B. ON-SITE SERVICE. At BMI's request, GTC will provide on-site service *...*
the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      D - 1


    GTC will provide BMI *...*, during the Research Collaboration *...*
included in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database, and will use reasonable efforts to
provide such updates *...*.


    GTC intends to *...* the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software. BMI will
receive *...* the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software made generally available
to all subscribers. Such *...* will be distributed to all subscribers
periodically as new releases. BMI agrees to upgrade the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Database Software to the latest release as soon as practical. If a release is
not installed within *...* months after GTC has provided BMI with such release,
then GTC will no longer be obligated to support or provide error correction
service on those components of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software
upgraded by such release.


    A. BASIC SERVICES. During the Research Collaboration, except as expressly
otherwise indicated in this Agreement, GTC will provide the services described
above *...*.

    B. ADDITIONAL *...*. In the event that a *...* is determined to result from
(a) *...* in the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database Software, or (b) *...* the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database Software implemented by BMI *...*.

    In the event GTC considers, at any given time during the term of this
Agreement, that the *...* facility at which BMI wishes to receive the support
services mentioned in Subsection 4.1.3. (c), is *...* requires additional
unforeseen expense on the part of GTC in order to fulfill its obligations under
the present EXHIBIT D, then the Parties shall *...* of the amount which GTC
could reasonably have expected to pay to fulfill such obligations (the
"Reasonable and Foreseeable Costs").

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      D - 2

    It is understood that the *...* to receive the services mentioned in
Subsection 4.1.3.(c) initially, shall be *...*. The *...* shall be calculated
in relation to the costs incurred by GTC in carrying out the services at this
aforementioned site, *...*.

    BMI shall pay the *...* to GTC within *...* days of any service under
Subsection 4.1.3.(c) being performed.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      D - 3


     This Agreement is made by and between Genome Therapeutics Corporation, a
Massachusetts corporation having its principal place of business at 100 Beaver
Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 (hereinafter "GTC") and BMI, a corporation
organized under the laws of the state of Missouri having its principal place of
business at 595 Anglum Drive, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042-2395 U.S.A. (hereinafter

Whereas, GTC and BMI are parties to a Collaboration and License Agreement dated
September 30, 1999, relating in part to the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database
containing certain microbial genomic sequence information;

Whereas GTC has rights to Materials (hereinafter defined) including microbial,
fungal or other organisms whose genomic sequence information is contained in the
GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database; and

Whereas BMI is interested in obtaining Materials to be used in connection with
its rights granted under, and subject to the restrictions contained in, the
Collaboration and License Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
herein, the parties, GTC and BMI, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as

           "MATERIAL" shall mean the material, not specifically granted to BMI
in the Collaboration and License Agreement, to be transferred from GTC to BMI,
identified in EXHIBIT B (including any replicates, progeny and unmodified
derivatives thereof created by BMI from such material transferred to it by GTC).

2. FEES. BMI shall pay to GTC *...* United States dollars for each microbial,
fungal or other organism used to produce the genomic sequence data in the GTC
PathoGenome-TM- Database.

3. DELIVERY OF MATERIAL. Promptly upon receipt of a written request from BMI,
GTC shall promptly provide BMI with the Material specified in such notice or a
written explanation of why such Material is not available. Within thirty (30)
days of receipt of such Material, BMI shall pay to GTC the amount as set forth
above, so long as the Material is active when tested by BMI within 30 days
following delivery.

4. OWNERSHIP: INVENTORSHIP. GTC retains all right and title in and to the
Material. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict GTC's rights to use
or distribute the Material, retained by GTC, to other commercial or
noncommercial entities. Inventions and ownership of inventions created through
the use of the Material will be determined in the same manner as in the
Collaboration and License Agreement.

5. USE OF MATERIAL. BMI agrees that the Material will be used only to the extent
that BMI is permitted to use the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database pursuant to the
Collaboration and License Agreement and such use shall be subject to all
restrictions on the use of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database under the
Collaboration and License Agreement. BMI still further

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      E - 1

agrees that the Material will not be distributed or disclosed to any third party
except to the extent that disclosure of the GTC PathoGenome-TM- Database is
permitted under the Collaboration and License Agreement. BMI agrees to comply
with all laws and regulations applicable to its handling and use.

6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. BMI acknowledges that the Material is experimental in nature
and may have hazardous properties.

7. CONFIDENTIALITY. BMI agrees that the Material shall be deemed to be
Information (as defined in the Collaboration and License Agreement) subject to
the restrictions contained in the Collaboration and License Agreement.

8. PUBLICATIONS. Notwithstanding BMI's confidentiality obligations under the
Collaboration and License Agreement, BMI may publish scientific results of its
research and work. Publication shall be subject to the same terms and conditions
contained in the Collaboration and License Agreement.

9. NO TRANSFER OF RIGHTS. No right or license is granted under this Agreement by
GTC to BMI either expressly or by implication, except those specifically set
forth in the Collaboration and License Agreement. It is understood that any and
all proprietary rights, including but not limited to patent rights, trademarks
and trade secret rights, in and to the Material provided by GTC shall be and
remain in GTC, subject to the rights granted in the Collaboration and License


11. INDEMNIFICATION. Each party shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
other party and its trustees, officers, employees, Affiliates (as defined in the
Collaboration and License Agreement), and agents and their respective
successors, heirs and assigns against any liability, damage, loss or expense
(including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of litigation) incurred by or
imposed upon the party seeking indemnification in connection with any claims,
suits, actions, demands or judgments arising out of BMI's use of the Materials
except to the extent that any such losses, liabilities, damages and expenses
(including attorney's fees and costs) are attributable to:

       (i)  a violation of law, regulation or court order by the party seeking
            indemnification or its Affiliates;

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                     E - 2

       (ii) a violation of any contractual or fiduciary duty (including
            misappropriation of trade secrets) owed by the party seeking
            indemnification or its Affiliates;

       (iii) any grossly negligent act or omission or intentional misconduct of
            the party seeking indemnification or its Affiliates;

       (iv) any breach of this Agreement or misrepresentation contained herein
            by the party seeking indemnification or its Affiliates; and/or

       (v)  infringement by the party seeking indemnification or its Affiliates
            of any Third Party's (as defined in the Collaboration and License
            Agreement) patent rights, copyrights or other intellectual property

until BMI is obligated under the terms of the Collaboration and License
Agreement to return or destroy the information in the GTC PathoGenome-TM-
Database to which the Material relates unless earlier terminated (i) by BMI,
upon thirty (30) days prior written notice, with or without cause, or (ii) by
GTC for breach of this Agreement that, where curable, is not cured within thirty
(30) days after written notice of such breach is delivered to BMI.

13. EFFECT OF TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION. Upon termination or expiration of this
Agreement for any reason BMI shall immediately return to GTC or, at GTC's
direction, destroy any and all unused Material and if instructed to destroy such
Material will provide evidence documenting the manner of destruction to GTC.
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement all of BMI's rights to use the
Material shall cease. Following termination or expiration, neither party shall
have any further obligations under this Agreement, except that Sections 4, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, and 15 shall survive and remain in force.

14. NOTICES. Any consent, notice or report required or permitted to be given
under this Agreement by one of the parties hereto shall be in writing delivered
by first class mail (or by any manner permitted under the Collaboration and
License Agreement) addressed to

         If to GTC:                 Genome Therapeutics Corporation
                                    100 Beaver Street
                                    Waltham, Massachusetts  02453
                                    Attention:  President
                                    Telephone:  1-781-398-2300
                                    FAX:  1-781-893-8277

         with a copy to:            Palmer & Dodge LL
                                    One Beacon Street
                                    Boston, Massachusetts  02108
                                    Attention:  Marc A. Rubenstein, Esq.
                                    Telephone:  1-617-573-0100
                                    FAX:  1-617-227-4420

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                               E - 3

         If to BMI:                 bioMerieux Incorporated
                                    595 Anglum Drive
                                    Hazelwood, Missouri 63042-2395
                                    Attention: President
                                    Telephone: 1-314-731-8500
                                    FAX: 1-314-731-8800

         with a copy to:            bioMerieux Incorporated,
                                    Legal Department
                                    595 Anglum Drive
                                    Hazelwood, Missouri 63042-2395
                                    Attention: General Counsel
                                    Telephone:  1-314-731-8500
                                    FAX:  1-314-731-8800

15. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed and construed under the laws
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts irrespective of any conflict of laws

16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Subject to Section 17 hereof, this Agreement, together
with the exhibits hereto, contains the entire understanding of the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be assigned by any
party without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement sets
forth the entire understanding between the parties and cannot be changed or
amended except by written agreement executed by the parties.

17.  GOVERNING AGREEMENT. In the event of any inconsistencies between the
     terms of this Agreement and the Collaboration and License Agreement,
     the terms of the Collaboration and License Agreement will govern.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GTC and BMI have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their duly authorized representatives as of the last date written below.


By: ____________________________                     By:________________________

    ---------------------------                         ------------------------

Date:  _____________________                         Date:  ____________________

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      E - 4


         The following milestones shall be paid by BMI to GTC in relation to BMI
Products: (a) upon the First Commercial Sale *...* of a BMI Product *...*, BMI
shall pay to GTC *...* and (b) BMI shall pay to GTC a one time payment of *...*
United States dollars (*...*) for each BMI Blockbuster Product commercialized by
BMI or its sublicensees.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      F - 1


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BMI Product *...*                         *...*

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BMI Product *...*                         *...*

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BMI Blockbuster Product                   *...*

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      G - 1


     The parties recognize that a bona fide dispute as to certain matters may
from time to time arise during the term of the Agreement. In the event of the
occurrence of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
the validity, construction, enforceability or performance of the Agreement,
including disputes relating to an alleged breach or termination of the
Agreement, it shall be settled by binding Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR")
in the manner set forth below; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the neutral referred to
below shall give effect to the provisions of the Agreement and shall not adjust,
modify or change the effects of termination as set forth in the Agreement.

     (a) If a party intends to begin an ADR to resolve a dispute, such party
shall provide written notice (the "ADR Request") by certified or registered mail
or properly documented overnight delivery to the other party informing such
other party of such intention and the issues to be resolved. The notice shall
explain the nature of the complaint and refer to the relevant sections of the
Agreement upon which the complaint is based. The complaining party shall also
set forth a proposed solution to the problem, including a suggested time frame
within which the parties must act.

     (b) The non-complaining party must respond in writing within *...* days of
receiving notice with an explanation, including references to the relevant
provisions of the Agreement and a response to the proposed solution and
suggested time frame for action. The non-complaining party may add additional
issues to be resolved.

         (c) Within *...* days of receipt of the response from the
non-complaining party, the parties shall meet and discuss options for resolving
the dispute. The complaining party must initiate the scheduling of this
resolution meeting. Each party shall make available appropriate personnel to
meet and confer with the other party within the *...* day period following the
complaining party's receipt of the response by the non-complaining party.

     (d) Any and all disputes that cannot be resolved pursuant to Paragraphs
(a), (b) and (c) shall be submitted to a neutral who shall be selected by mutual
agreement of the parties. If the parties are unable to agree upon a neutral,
then the neutral shall be selected in accordance with the procedures of the
American Arbitration Association. The neutral shall be an individual who shall
preside over and resolve any disputes between the parties. The neutral selected
shall be a former judge of a state or federal court and shall not be a current
or former employee, director or shareholder of, or otherwise have any current or
previous relationship with, either party or its respective Affiliates. The ADR
shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration
Association then in effect, subject to the time periods and other provisions of
this Exhibit or as otherwise set forth in the Agreement.

     (e) Consistent with the time schedule established pursuant to Paragraphs
(f) and (g) the neutral shall hold a hearing to resolve each of the issues
identified by the parties and shall render the award as expeditiously as
possible but in no event more than *...* days after the close of hearings.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      H - 1

In making the award, the neutral shall rule on each disputed issue and the award
shall be based on, in whole or in part, the proposed ruling of one of the
parties on each disputed issue.

     (f) During the meeting referred to in Paragraph (c), the parties shall
negotiate in good faith the scope and schedule of discovery, relating to
depositions, document production and other discovery devices, taking into
account the nature of the dispute submitted for resolution. If the parties are
unable to reach agreement as to the scope and schedule of discovery, the neutral
may order such discovery as he deems necessary. To the extent practicable taking
into account the nature of the dispute submitted for resolution, such discovery
shall be completed within *...* days from the date of the selection of the
neutral. At the hearing, which shall commence within *...* days after completion
of discovery unless the neutral otherwise orders, the parties may present
testimony (either live witness or deposition), subject to cross-examination, and
documentary evidence. To the extent practicable taking into account the nature
of the dispute submitted for resolution and the availability of the neutral, the
hearing shall be conducted over a period not to exceed *...* consecutive
business days, with each party entitled to approximately half of the allotted
time unless otherwise ordered by the neutral. The hearing shall be conducted in
Boston, Massachusetts. Each party shall have sole discretion with regard to the
admissibility of any evidence and all other matters relating to the conduct of
the hearing. The neutral shall, in rendering his decision, apply the substantive
law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The decision of the neutral shall be
final and not appealable, except in the case of fraud or bad faith on the part
of the neutral or any party to the ADR proceeding in connection with the conduct
of such proceedings.

     (g) At least *...* business days prior to the date set for the hearing,
each party shall submit to each other party and the neutral a list of all
documents on which such party intends to rely in any oral or written
presentation to the neutral and a list of all witnesses, if any, such party
intends to call at such hearing and a brief summary of each witness' testimony.
At least five (5) business days prior to the hearing, each party must submit to
the neutral and serve on each other party a proposed findings of fact and
conclusions of law on each issue to be resolved. Following the close of
hearings, the parties shall each submit such post-hearing briefs to the neutral
addressing the evidence and issues to be resolved as may be required or
permitted by the neutral.

     (h) Except as otherwise set forth herein, the neutral shall determine
the proportion in which the parties shall pay the costs and fees of the ADR,
except that each party shall pay its own costs (including, without limitation,
reasonable attorney's fees) and expenses in connection with such ADR; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that if the neutral determines that the action of any party was
arbitrary, frivolous or in bad faith, the neutral may award such costs and
expenses to the prevailing party.

     (i) The ADR proceedings shall be confidential and, except as required
by law, neither party shall make (or instruct the neutral to make) any public
announcement with respect to the proceedings or decision of the neutral without
the prior written consent of the other party. The existence of any dispute
submitted to ADR, and the award of the neutral, shall be kept in confidence by
the parties and the neutral, except as required in connection with the
enforcement of such award or as otherwise required by applicable law.

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested

                                      H - 2

     (j) For the purposes of these arbitration provisions, the parties
acknowledge their diversity and agree to accept the jurisdiction of the
Federal District Court in Boston, Massachusetts for the purposes of enforcing
awards entered pursuant to these arbitration provisions and for enforcing the
agreements reflected in this Paragraph (j).

     (k) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to permit the neutral
or any court or any other forum to award punitive, exemplary or any similar
damages. By entering into the Agreement and exercising their rights to
arbitrate, the parties expressly waive any claim for punitive, exemplary or any
similar damages. The only damages recoverable under this Agreement are
compensatory damages.

     (l) The procedures specified herein shall be the sole and exclusive
procedures for the resolution of disputes between the parties which are
expressly identified for resolution in accordance with these arbitration

                      * Confidential Treatment Requested
