Exhibit (b)(2)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


E/s Greenside Drive
Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As of August 13, 1999

Prepared For:

One Beacon Street, Suite 1550
Boston, MA  02108

Prepared By:

Valuation Advisory Services
51 W. 52nd Street, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10019

August 13, 1999

Mr. James Hynes
Vice President
Krupp Realty Limited Partnership V
One Beacon Street, Suite 1550
Boston, MA  02108

Re:     Complete Appraisal of Real Property
        E/s Greenside Drive
        Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland

Dear Mr. Hynes:

        In fulfillment of our agreement as outlined in the Letter of Engagement,
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. is pleased to transmit our self-contained appraisal
report estimating the as is market value of the fee simple estate, disregarding
existing financing secured by the above referenced property and any associated
prepayment penalty required to satisfy the prepayment of existing mortgages in

        As specified in the Letter of Engagement, the value opinion reported
below is qualified by certain assumptions, limiting conditions, certifications,
and definitions, which are set forth in the report.

      This report was prepared for Krupp Realty Limited Partnership V and is
intended only for their specified use. Unless otherwise stated, the report may
not be distributed to or relied upon by other persons or entities without
written permission of Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.

        This appraisal report has been prepared in accordance with our
interpretation of the appraisal requirements of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board
(Freddie Mac), Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) and the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice, including the Competency Provision.

        The property was inspected and the report prepared by Kelly J. Small
under the supervision of John D. Busi, MAI, who did not inspect the property.

Mr. James Hynes                Page 2                           August 13, 1999

        Based on our complete appraisal as defined by the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice, we have formed an opinion that the market value
of fee simple estate in the referenced property, subject to the assumptions,
limiting conditions, certifications, and definitions, as of August 13, 1999,


        This letter is invalid as an opinion of value if detached from the
report, which contains the text, exhibits, and an ADDENDA.

Respectfully submitted,


Kelly J. Small
Associate Director
Valuation Advisory Services
Maryland Certified General Appraiser License 20143

John D. Busi, MAI
Managing Director
Valuation Advisory Services

                                       SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Property Name:                                         Century Apartments

Location:                                              The subject property is located on the east side
                                                       of Greenside Drive, the south side of Sorley
                                                       Road, and the north side of Galloway Avenue in
                                                       Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland.

General Overview:                                      The improvements consists of 39 three--story apartment
                                                       buildings containing 468 units that were constructed in
                                                       1969. There are 136 one-bedroom, one-bath units, 260 two-bedroom,
                                                       1.5 bath units, and 72 three-bedroom, two-bath units. Project
                                                       amenities include a swimming pool, clubhouse, fitness center, and
                                                       two playgrounds. As of the date of appraisal, the property was
                                                       94 percent occupied.

Tax Account Number:                                    1600004952

Interest Appraised:                                    Fee simple estate

Date of Value:                                         August 13, 1999

Date of Inspection:                                    August 13, 1999

Ownership:                                             Century III Associates

Land Area:                                             28.744 acres

FY 2000 Property Assessment (FCV)                      $17,306,700

1998 Real Estate Taxes:                                $317,788

Zoning:                                                DR 16, High Density Residential

Highest and Best Use:
     As Vacant:                                        Development of a multi-family complex

     As Improved:                                      Continued use as multi-family apartments.

Improvement Description
   Type:                                               Garden apartments

   Year Built:                                         1969

   Type of Construction:                               Brick and aluminum siding

   Net Rentable Area:                                  435,458

                                       SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                    UNIT MIX/OCCUPANCY/RENTAL RATES
                                            NET          NO.                        QUOTED
    UNIT TYPE        NO.       SIZE       RENTABLE      UNITS                      MONTHLY      RENT
                    UNITS      (SF)      AREA (SF)      LEASED      OCCUPANCY        RENT      PER SF
1-BR/1-BA             97       691         67,027         95           98%           $675       $0.98

1-BR/1-BA/Den         39       801         31,239         36           92%           $710       $0.89

2-BR/1.5-BA          260       974        253,240        244           94%           $785       $0.81

3-BR/2-BA             72     1,166         83,952         67           93%           $940       $0.81

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total          468       930        435,458        442           94%           $780       $0.84

Income and Expense Data:
      Income (Per Unit):
        1997                                                        $7,957
        1998                                                        $8,204
        Year-to-Date Annualized:                                    $8,283
        1999 budget                                                 $8,623
        C&W Forecast                                                $8,408

      Operating Expenses (Per Unit):
        1997                                                        $3,244
        1998                                                        $2,969
        Year-to-Date Annualized:                                    $3,237
        1999 budget                                                 $3,168
        C&W Forecast                                                $3,286

Value Indicators
      Cost Approach:                                                Not Applicable

      Sales Comparison Approach:                                    $22,700,000
      Value Per Unit:                                               $48,504

Income Approach- Direct Capitalization
      Current Vacancy Rate:                                         6.0%
      Stabilized Vacancy Rate:                                      7.0%
      Effective Gross Income:                                       $3,934,966
      Total Expenses:                                               $1,666,362
      Net Operating Income:                                         $2,268,604
      Overall Capitalization Rate:                                  9.75%
      Indicated Value (Less Deferred Maintenance)                   $22,300,000
      Value Per Unit:                                               $47,650

Income Approach- Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
    Market Rent Growth Rate:                                        3.0%
    Expense Growth Rate:                                            3.0%

                                       SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Vacancy and Credit Loss:                                        7.0%
    Terminal Capitalization Rate                                    10.0%
    Cost of Sale at Reversion:                                      3.0%
    Discount Rate:                                                  12.0
    Indicated Value                                                 $22,300,000
    Value Per Unit:                                                 $47,650
    Implied Overall Rate:                                           10.17 %

Value Conclusion                                                    $22,300,000
Value Per Unit:                                                     $47,650

Exposure Time Implicit
in Market Value Conclusion:                                         12 +/- months

Marketing Time:                                                     12 +/- months

Special Assumptions Affecting Valuation:                            Please refer to our complete list of Assumptions and
                                                                    Limiting Conditions at the end of this report.

                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS..............................................................................................

     Identification of Property...................................................................................6
     Property Ownership and Recent History........................................................................6
     Purpose and Function of Appraisal............................................................................8
     Extent of the Appraisal Process..............................................................................8
     Date of Value and Property Inspection........................................................................8
     Property Rights Appraised....................................................................................9
     Exposure Time / Marketing Time...............................................................................9
     Definitions of Value, Interest Appraised, and Other Pertinent Terms..........................................8
     Legal Description............................................................................................9

REGIONAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................10

NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS............................................................................................21

APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS........................................................................................23

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................26

TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS............................................................................................31


HIGHEST AND BEST USE.............................................................................................34

VALUATION PROCESS................................................................................................36

SALES COMPARISON APPROACH........................................................................................38

INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH...................................................................................46

RECONCILIATION AND FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE..........................................................................60

ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS..............................................................................62

CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL.......................................................................................64

ADDENDA......................................................................................................... 65

                                            PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    Front View of Typical Apartment Building

                     Rear View of Typical Apartment Building


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           View of Apartment Interior

                           View of Apartment Interior


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           View of Apartment Interior

                           View of Apartment Interior


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    Interior View of Clubhouse/Leasing Office

                    Interior View of Clubhouse/Leasing Office


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         Interior View of Fitness Center

                              View of Swimming Pool


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         Exterior View of Leasing Office

                               View of Playground


                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Looking North Along Greenside Drive

                       Looking South Along Greenside Drive


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The subject property, known as Century Apartments, consists of a 468
unit apartment complex containing approximately 435,458 square feet of net
rentable area. The improvements are situated on 28.744 acres of land fronting
the east side of Greenside Drive, the south side of Sorley Road, and the north
side of Galloway Avenue in Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland. There are
136 one-bedroom, one-bath units, 260 two-bedroom, 1.5 bath units, and 72
three-bedroom, two-bath units. Project amenities include a swimming pool,
clubhouse, fitness center, and two playgrounds. As of the date of appraisal, the
property was 94 percent occupied.

        Ownership of the subject property is vested in the name of Century III
Associates, which acquired the property in December 1971 from Ervin Company for
$1,293,823. There have been no other transfers in recent years and, to the best
of our knowledge, the property is not currently listed for sale.

        The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of a fee
simple estate in the subject property, subject to short term leases,
disregarding existing financing and any associated prepayment penalty required
to satisfy the prepayment of existing mortgages in place. The function of this
report is to assist the client with internal evaluation purposes and may be
incorporated in filings made by the Krupp Realty Limited Parnership Fund V and
its affiliates under current Securities Laws.

        In the process of preparing this appraisal, we:

          -    Inspected the building and site improvements.

          -    Reviewed leasing policy, concessions, and history of recent
               occupancy with the resident manager.

          -    Conducted market research of occupancy rates, asking rents,
               concessions and operating expenses at competing properties.

          -    Conducted market inquiries into recent sales of similar improved
               properties to ascertain sales price per apartment unit and
               capitalization rates.

          -    Researched market parameters regarding absorption, operating
               expenses and growth in rents and expenses.

          -    Reviewed a history of income and expense for 1997 through
               year-to-date 1999 and a budget forecast for 1999.

          -    Estimated market rental rates through an analysis of comparable

          -    Developed a value estimate of the property through direct sales
               comparison using the price per apartment unit, effective gross
               income multiplier, etc.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          -    Prepared an estimate of stabilized income and expenses (for
               capitalization purposes).

          -    Developed a value estimate of the property via the Sales
               Comparison and Income Capitalization Approaches.

          -    Reconciled the value indications and concluded a final value

        The date of value is August 13, 1999, with our date of inspection being
        the same.

        Fee simple estate, subject to the existing short term leases

        Exposure time is described as follows:

        Under Paragraph 3 of the Definition of Market Value, the value estimate
        presumes that "A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open
        market." Exposure time is defined as the estimated length of time the
        property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market
        prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at the market value on
        the effective date of the appraisal. Exposure time is presumed to
        precede the effective date of the appraisal.

        Based upon the recent transactions that have occurred in the marketplace
(as documented in this report), coupled with our discussions with knowledgeable
participants in the region's apartment market, the exposure time for an
apartment complex like the subject would have been about twelve months, as of
the appraisal date.

        Marketing time is defined as follows:

        Marketing time is an estimate of the time that might be required to sell
        a real property interest at the appraised value. Marketing time is
        presumed to start on the effective date of the appraisal. Marketing time
        is subsequent to the effective date of the appraisal and exposure time
        is presumed to precede the effective date of the appraisal. The estimate
        of marketing time uses some of the same data analyzed in the process of
        estimating reasonable exposure time and it is not intended to be a
        prediction of a date of sale.

        Our estimate of an appropriate marketing time for the subject relates to
a sale of the property in its as-is condition. Based on our discussions with
local brokers and buyer/sellers of multi-family properties like the subject, as
well as our assessment of the local real estate market and economic forces in
general, we conclude that the probable marketing period for the subject property
in today's environment would be about twelve months.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The definition of market value taken from the Uniform Standards of
Professional APPRAISAL PRACTICE of the Appraisal Foundation, is as follows:

        The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive
        and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
        and seller, each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the
        price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is
        the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of
        title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby:

               1.   Buyer and seller are typically motivated;

               2.   Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting
                    in what they consider their own best interests;

               3.   A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open

               4.   Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms
                    of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and

               5.   The price represents the normal consideration for the
                    property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or
                    sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the

        The following definitions of pertinent terms are taken from the
Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Third Edition (1993), published by the
Appraisal Institute.

        Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject
        to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation,
        eminent domain, police power, and escheat.

        The rental income that a property would most probably command on the
        open market; indicated by the current rents paid and asked for
        comparable space as of the date of the appraisal.

        A price expressed in terms of cash, as distinguished from a price
        expressed totally or partly in terms of the face amounts of notes or
        other securities that cannot be sold at their face amounts.

        Direct Capitalization Method is the method used to convert an estimate
        of a single year's income expectancy into an indication of value in one
        direct step, either by dividing the income estimate by an appropriate
        rate or by multiplying the income estimate by an appropriate factor.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The procedure in which a discount rate is applied to a set of projected
        income streams and a reversion. The analyst specifies the quantity,
        variability, timing, and duration of the income streams as well as the
        quantity and timing of the reversion and discounts each to its present
        value at a specified yield rate. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis can be
        applied with any yield capitalization technique and may be performed on
        either a lease-by-lease or aggregate basis.

        The value of specific ownership rights to an identified parcel of real
        estate as of the effective date of the appraisal; related to what
        physically exists and is legally permissible and excludes all
        assumptions concerning hypothetical market conditions or possible

        The subject property is legally described as Tax Map 51, Grid 17, Parcel
537, within the land records of Baltimore County, Maryland. A copy of the legal
description is included in the Addenda.


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The subject is located in Baltimore County, Maryland, which is one of the
component jurisdictions of the Baltimore Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
The Baltimore MSA is defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the
Census, to include Baltimore City and the counties of Baltimore, Howard, Anne
Arundel, Harford, Carroll, and Queen Anne's. Queen Anne's County is located
across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and was added to the Baltimore MSA in 1983. The
Baltimore MSA encompasses 2,618 square miles. This analysis includes a
discussion of the Baltimore area.

      Baltimore County is at the center of the metropolitan counties and
surrounds Baltimore City on three sides. The boundaries of the county are as
follows: the Maryland-Pennsylvania line to the north, Howard and Carroll
Counties to the west, the Chesapeake Bay and Harford County to the east, and
Anne Arundel County to the south.

      Historically, Baltimore has been an important port and rail center in the
mid-Atlantic region, while its surrounding counties were generally agricultural
in character. The port of Baltimore, formed by the Patapsco River estuary, was
the distribution center by which the area's produce and manufactured goods were
shipped around the world. World Wars I and II brought significant new
development to Baltimore as the city became a center for war-related industry,
with steel mills, oil and gas refineries and shipyards built along the harbor
and surrounding waterways.

      In the decades following World War II, the city of Baltimore suffered the
same fate as many other older eastern U.S. cities. With the construction of new
highways, the population began to move out to the surrounding counties.
Businesses and industries soon followed the workforce to the burgeoning suburbs.
Baltimore's historic manufacturing base went into decline, and the old downtown
core suffered from a lack of investment.

      In the past two decades, however, both the private and public sector have
redirected investment into the city's center. As a result of these efforts,
downtown Baltimore has enjoyed a revitalization. The Inner Harbor redevelopment,
which includes a festival market on the waterfront, has received national
attention. Further, Baltimore has retained its status as an important port,
educational and cultural center. Although it faces increasing competition from
the Maryland counties that surround Washington, D.C., Baltimore remains the
financial, legal, corporate and political center for Maryland. The Baltimore
area lies within 40 miles of the nation's capital and has benefited from the
growth of the Washington metropolitan area.

      A discussion of economic forces includes such factors as employment, the
region's economic base, living costs, income, wage levels, utility costs and the
availability of mortgage credit. All of these factors impact the value of real


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The Baltimore area has undergone a difficult transition over the past 30
years, from a manufacturing base to a service economy. The following table
illustrates the shift in employment that has occurred from the manufacturing
sector to the service sector during the past three decades. The table also shows
the change in employment composition, from one weighted towards manufacturing to
a more balanced employment mix today.

                                EMPLOYMENT TRENDS
                              BALTIMORE MSA (000'S)
                                                     1960              1990              1998
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Construction                                           6%              6.3%              5.5%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Manufacturing                                         32%             11.8%              9.0%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Util./Transp./Post.                                    9%              4.7%              4.9%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Retail/Wholesale Trade                                20%             23.7%             23.5%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Finance/Insurance                                      5%              6.7%              6.3%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Services                                              13%             27.9%             31.7%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Government                                            15%             18.0%             18.1%
- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
Total Non-Agricultural Employment                   629.0           1,103.0           1,200.0

      As illustrated above, manufacturing dominated the local economy in 1960,
representing 32 percent of all employment. Centered around the port of
Baltimore, shipping and steel manufacturing were among the major economic
activities in the region. With the redirection of the national economy, many
industrial firms such as Bethlehem Steel, General Motors and Maryland Dry Dock
began to contract, and thousand of jobs disappeared. As of 1998, manufacturing
jobs plummeted to 9 percent of the local workforce. Conversely, the services
sector jumped from 13 percent of employment in 1960 to 32 percent in 1998. The
decline in manufacturing jobs is likely to continue as the economy moves
increasingly toward services, trade and technology-based employment.

      Today, the private sector economy is broad-based, with services,
manufacturing and technology-related businesses represented. This economic
diversity manifests itself in the type of industries based in the region. A list
of the largest private sector employers follows. The manufacturing industry
still maintains a presence, along with high-tech contractors, educational
institutions, public utilities, retailers and financial institutions. The
Baltimore region is home to four of FORTUNE'S top 500 industrial firms. The
firms are listed below in order of their sales rank in the FORTUNE Industrial

      Government employment is also a major factor in the local economy, with 18
percent of total jobs. Baltimore is only 40 miles from Washington, D.C. and
benefits from its proximity to the nation's capital and its enormous federal
government presence.


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          MAJOR AREA EMPLOYERS
                             BALTIMORE MSA
                    EMPLOYERS                            EMPLOYEES
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Johns Hopkins University                                  15,516
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Helix Health Systems                                      11,227
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Johns Hopkins Health Systems                              10,302
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company                           8,095
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Northrop Grumman                                           7,300
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Giant Food, Inc.                                           6,312
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Bethlehem Steel Corporation                                6,250
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
NationsBank Corporation                                    5,500
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Maryland                     4,100
- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
GMAC Truck Group                                           3,402
================================================== ======================

      Baltimore's unemployment rate has traditionally been higher than the State
of Maryland as a whole. As of year-end 1998, the unemployment rate for the
Baltimore region was 3.9 percent, compared to 3.5 percent for the State of
Maryland. The unemployment rate decreased 0.8 percentage points over the same
period last year when unemployment was 4.7 percent. Baltimore City had the
highest unemployment rate of 6.6 percent followed by Baltimore County at 3.7
percent. The remaining counties had significantly lower rates of 2.0 to 3.0

      The ability of the population within an area to satisfy its material
desires for goods and services directly affects the price levels of real estate
and can be measured indirectly through retail sales. One measure of the relative
wealth of an area is average household disposable income which is available for
the purchase of food, shelter and durable goods. In order to present a
comparison of the relative wealth of the component jurisdictions in the
Baltimore MSA, we have examined the effective buying income of the region as
reported by Sales & Marketing Management Magazine's SURVEY OF BUYING POWER.
Effective buying income is essentially income after all taxes, or disposable
personal income.

      According to the SURVEY OF BUYING POWER-1998, the Baltimore MSA had a
median household Effective Buying Income (EBI) of $37,249. Among components, the
median household EBI varied from a low of $25,529 in the City of Baltimore to a
high of $56,179 in Howard County. The suburbs had a higher effective buying
income than did the inner city. The following table depicts the 1998 effective
buying income for the Baltimore MSA and the individual counties comprising the


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             EFFECTIVE BUYING INCOME
                           BALTIMORE METROPOLITAN AREA
                                   (000'S)          BUYING POWER            MEDIAN
                                  TOTAL EBI            INDEX*           HOUSEHOLD EBI
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
BALTIMORE MSA                    $43,561,309             .9470               $37,249
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Anne Arundel                      $8,785,205             .1924               $45,748
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Baltimore County                 $14,142,246             .3197               $41,763
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Baltimore City                    $8,518,668             .1836               $25,529
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Carroll                           $2,473,784             .0568               $43,826
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Harford                           $3,599,423             .0774               $42,993
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Howard                            $5,359,489             .1023               $56,179
- -------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Queen Anne's                        $682,494             .0148               $40,462

      A region's effective buying income is a significant statistic because it
conveys the effective wealth of the consumer. The consumer drives the economy
and creates demand for goods and services. This demand generates the need for
new housing, office buildings, retail centers and warehouse space. Nationally,
the Baltimore MSA ranks 17th in retail sales, 18th in effective buying income
and 17th in buying power. These statistics pair it closely with Seattle,
Washington; Tampa-St. Petersburg; and Riverside, California -- placing the
Baltimore MSA in the top five percent of the country. Equally significant as
these rankings is the region's growth and development during the past decade, as

                             INCOME GROWTH IN THE BALTIMORE .M.S.A.
                            Effective Buying Income           Retail Sales               BPI
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1988                    $28,921,343                $14,264,185             1.2902
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1989                    $31,205,367                $15,959,646             0.9923
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1990                    $34,505,342                $16,905,854             1.0102
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1991                    $36,179,630                $17,489,333             0.9991
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1992                    $38,349,432                $17,484,100             0.9941
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1993                    $39,799,720                $18,446,721             0.9800
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1994                    $42,079,910                $19,610,884             0.9771
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1995                    $44,323,057                $20,720,749             0.9645
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1996                    $39,957,865                $21,744,811             0.9682
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1997                    $41,391,150                $22,324,728             0.9541
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
          1998                    $43,561,309                $22,742,582             0.9470
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
      2003 (proj)                 $51,056,294                $26,662,942             0.9144
Compound Annual % Change
       1988-1998                     5.1%                       5.9%                   N/A
- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
Compound Annual % Change
       1998-2003                     3.4%                       3.4%                   N/A

      This data shows the growth in consumer wealth in the Baltimore MSA during
the past decade. The population of the Baltimore MSA not only has enjoyed an
increase in buying power but


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

spending (as measured by retail sales) in the market has kept pace with this
growth. This growth is expected to continue in the coming years, albeit at a
lower pace.

      The costs of utilities also are a key consideration for commercial and
industrial users. The Baltimore region has an extensive public utility system.
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company provides natural gas and electricity service to
the region. Its monthly bill for a 5,000 kilowatt industrial user averages
$70,000 versus $81,000 in Washington, $108,000 in Pittsburgh and $129,000 in
Philadelphia. Consequently, electricity costs are more affordable than
neighboring regions. The region has an abundance of water resources with a
system of reservoirs providing the majority of the area's water. Public water
and sewer services are provided by each jurisdiction. Bell Atlantic provides
local telephone and telecommunication services. All utility companies have
sufficient capacity to meet anticipated growth.

      Population characteristics are the major indicator of social trends.
Trends in population have a significant influence on real estate values.
Specifically, the rate of growth or decline in an area's population base is an
important indicator of change within a regional economy. This has a direct
effect on real estate values. Since the supply of land is fixed, the demand for
real property will be affected by an increase or decrease in the population
base. An increase in population drives demand for new housing, highways,
services and products, which in turn, drives up real estate values. A decrease
in population may result in a decline in real estate values.

      From 1980 to 1998, the region had a 12.8 percent increase in population.
However, the population increase was not uniform throughout the Baltimore
region. As the following table indicates, Howard County led the region with a
robust 95.5 percent population gain, or 113,300 persons. The city of Baltimore
saw its population decline by 16.9 percent or 132,600 persons. This trend of
population draining from the city to the suburbs began in the 1950s and is
expected to continue as residents opt for lower taxes, better schools and less
congestion. The counties located to the west and south of Baltimore, in what is
known as the Baltimore/Washington corridor, have led population growth with Anne
Arundel, Howard and Carroll counties all increasing by 25+/- percent or more
since 1980. Businesses tend to follow the population, opting for the lower land
costs and easier highway access in the suburban counties.


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       POPULATION CHANGES
                                           1980 - 1998
                                                  POPULATION                        CHANGE
                                ------------------------------------------ -----------------------
                                         1998                  1980           AMOUNT      PERCENT
Baltimore MSA                           2,483,900               2,201,500      282,400      12.8%
Anne Arundel County                       472,300                 370,900      101,400      27.3%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Baltimore County                          722,700                 655,700       67,000      10.2%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Baltimore City                            654,200                 786,800     -132,600     -16.9%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Carroll County                            149,100                  96,300       52,800      54.8%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Harford County                            215,400                 146,000       69,400      47.5%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Howard County                             231,900                 118,600      113,300      95.5%
- ------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------------ ----------
Queen Anne's County                        38,300                  27,200       11,100      40.8%

      In addition to the relationship between changes in population and property
values, there are other social factors which should be examined. For example,
the average household size within an area, when considered along with population
trends, gives an indication of potential demand for housing and other goods and

      The average household size can also have a significant influence on
property values. An increase in household size may signal a young, growing
community with a likely demand for more schools, child care facilities, medical
facilities, etc. Conversely, a decline in household size may indicate an aging
population thus the average household size should be examined in conjunction
with population trends. The following table shows the changes in the number of
households in the Baltimore MSA from 1980 to 1998. While there was an 12.8
percent increase in metropolitan area population since 1980, there was a 16.8
percent increase in the number of households region-wide.

      However, during the same period, the average household size decreased from
2.79 to 2.69 persons per household. In short, the trend is toward smaller
households, but an increase in the number of total households. This change is
due to a number of factors including more single persons, later parenthood,
smaller family size and a growing elderly population. There are more persons
living in smaller households than ever before. The trend will likely increase
the demand for goods and services, which will likely strengthen the demand for
warehouse space as well as other property types.


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               HOUSEHOLD (HH) TRENDS
                                                    1980 - 1998
                                           NO. OF HH                        CHANGE                   SIZE OF HH
                              ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------
                                      1998           1980           NUMBER          PERCENT        1998       1980
  Baltimore MSA                       922,200        789,800          132,400          16.8%        2.69       2.79
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Anne Arundel                        166,000        128,900           37,100          28.8%        2.85       2.99
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Baltimore County                    283,800        247,000           36,800          14.9%        2.55       2.68
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Baltimore City                      245,300        277,700          -32,400         -11.7%        2.67       2.74
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Carroll County                       51,700         32,900           18,800          57.1%        2.88       3.02
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Harford County                       75,500         49,300           26,200          53.1%        2.85       3.06
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Howard County                        85,600         45,100           40,500          89.8%        2.71       2.94
  --------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------
  Queen Anne's County                  14,300          8,900            5,400          60.7%        2.68       2.84

      In conclusion, the population of the region is increasing at an average
rate (i.e., close to the national average). Household size is decreasing, but
the total number of households is increasing. This trend is expected to
continue, which will increase the demand for goods and services and have a
positive impact on real estate values in the long-term.

      The government forces that impact real estate values include tax
structure, zoning authority, public services and fiscal and regulatory policies
that impact development. The Corporation for Enterprise Development rated the
state of Maryland "A" for overall business climate. The state of Maryland levies
a seven percent corporate income tax on net income attributable to business
transacted within the state. The state sales and use tax is five percent on
tangible personal property sold at retail. This tax does not apply to a
manufacturer's purchase of raw materials, or to the purchases of machinery and

      Real property in Maryland is assessed at 40 percent of market value. The
state tax rate for real and personal property for fiscal year 1999 is $0.21 per
$100 of assessed valuation. Local tax rates vary among the taxing jurisdictions.

      Maryland does not impose a state personal property tax on business. All
local jurisdictions offer complete or partial exemptions on machinery and
equipment and inventories. All jurisdictions exempt inventory at warehouse

      The state levies a graduated personal income tax of two percent to five
percent on federal adjusted gross income. Local jurisdictions levy personal
income taxes of 20 percent to 60 percent of the state tax liability. There are
no separate school taxes; such funds are derived from local property taxation.
Overall, Maryland is considered to have a healthy environment for business.

      For over 30 years, the state of Maryland has actively discouraged the
creation of new municipalities, preferring to concentrate power in the county as
the basic form of local government. Zoning authority in Maryland is vested in
the local jurisdictions which regulate land use and the density of development.
Many counties have become increasingly concerned about the costs of growth and
development and have taken steps to manage growth through the planning and
zoning process. This trend will likely increase the costs of development over
the long term.


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Baltimore is centrally located in the mid-Atlantic region and has good
access to major markets along the East Coast and in the Midwest. The area is
served by an extensive transportation network which consists of highways,
rail-lines, an airport, seaport and public transportation.

      The Baltimore MSA is traversed by a series of multi-lane highways.
Interstate 95 runs north-south connecting the Mid-Atlantic corridor to other
coastal regions. Along with the Baltimore/Washington Parkway, I-95 provides a
link between the Baltimore and Washington beltways. The proximity to I-95 has
encouraged the development of many industrial parks, particularly in Howard
County. Interstate 83 provides access to New York and Canadian markets.
Interstate 70 connects the Port of Baltimore with Pittsburgh and the Midwest.
Finally, all major arterials are accessible from Interstate 695, Baltimore's
five-lane circumferential beltway. Access to major interstate highways is a
major consideration for industrial users. The following chart illustrates
Baltimore's proximity to the East Coast and Midwest markets.

          City                                       Miles
          Washington, D.C.                             40
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          Philadelphia                                 96
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          Richmond                                    143
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          New York                                    196
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          Pittsburgh                                  218
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          Boston                                      392
   ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
          Chicago.                                    668

      The Baltimore region is served by five major and three short-line
railroads including AMTRAK, CSX, CONRAIL and Norfolk Southern Railroad. Nearly
610 railroad route miles traverse the region. CSX, CONRAIL and Norfolk Southern
carry freight throughout the region to points north, south and west. AMTRAK
passenger service, originating out of Baltimore's Pennsylvania Station, provides
access to the Northeast corridor including Washington, Philadelphia, New York
and Boston. Two commuter lines operated by MARC/CSX, connect Baltimore's Camden
and Pennsylvania Stations to Washington's Union Station.

      Baltimore's buses connect nearly 80 miles of the city and provide access
to Annapolis, Maryland's state capitol. A recently completed subway system links
Baltimore's downtown region with the northwesterly suburbs, traveling 14 miles,
originating at Johns Hopkins Hospital and terminating at Owings Mill. A new,
27-mile long light-rail system was also recently constructed which connects Hunt
Valley in Baltimore County to the north with Glen Burnie in Anne Arundel County
to the south, with a spur to BWI Airport.

        The Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI) is located in the
southerly portion of the Baltimore MSA in Anne Arundel County, ten miles from
downtown Baltimore. This modern airport hosts 18 passenger airlines that provide
direct air service to 135 cities in the United States and Canada. BWI also
provides service to air-freight carriers with its 110,000 square foot air cargo
complex. BWI services about 30 percent of commercial passengers, 38 percent of


                                                              REGIONAL ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

commercial operations and 57 percent of freight customers originating in the
Baltimore/Washington area. BWI has spawned the development of 15 new business
parks and has created nearly 10,000 jobs. A $140 million expansion is in
progress for a new international pier which will add 365,000 square feet of
space to the airport, doubling BWI's current capacity. At present, six aircraft
gates are planned with room for an additional 9 gates as needed.

      Baltimore's water port stretches over 45 miles of developed waterfront and
reaches a depth of 42 feet. With its six million square feet of warehouse and
five million square feet of cold storage, the port serves 4,000 vessels yearly.
These extensive facilities can accommodate general, container, bulk and
break-bulk cargoes, making it the second busiest containerized cargo port in the
Mid-Atlantic and Gulf coast regions.

      The Baltimore region has a diverse economic base. Historically a
manufacturing center, its industrial base has shrunk over the past 30 years. The
service sector has grown and has a major share of the local employment mix.
Government is also a significant employer, and provides a measure of stability
to the region's economy. The population of the region is growing moderately.
However, the suburban counties grew dramatically in the 1980s, as residents move
to the less-congested suburbs. The region has an extensive transportation system
with major interstate highways, a port, and international airport. It is
well-located along the mid-Atlantic coast, enabling it to serve major markets.

        The long-term outlook for metropolitan Baltimore is generally positive.
The economic trends of the past thirty years have profoundly changed the economy
of the Baltimore MSA. The service sector has begun to fill the gap left by the
decline of heavy industries. The manufacturing industries, after a long period
of contraction, have begun to stabilize, and will continue to play a important
role in the region's economy.


                                                          NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The subject property is located on the east side of Greenside Drive, the
south side of Sorley Road, and the north side of Galloway Avenue in
Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland. Neighborhood boundaries are considered
to be Shawan and Paper Mill Roads to the north, Interstate 83 to the west, the
Loch Raven Reservoir to the east, and Padonia Road to the south. The general
area is situated in the central portion of Baltimore County, north of Baltimore

        The subject is located along the York Road corridor, which extends from
Baltimore City north through Baltimore County continuing into the State of
Pennsylvania. York Road is the primary commercial thoroughfare through the area
that is developed with neighborhood and community shopping centers, restaurants,
automotive retailed uses, low and mid-rise office buildings, and other
free-standing commercial buildings.

        Major established employers in the area are located north of the subject
in the Hunt Valley Business Community, Metropolitan Industrial Park, and
Cockeysville Road Industrial Park, as well as south within the Timonium and
Kilmarnock Industrial Parks. Other established employers are located about ten
miles south in the Central Business District (CBD) of Baltimore City.

        Residential uses in the neighborhood comprise a mixture of older
garden-style apartments, condominiums, and single-family detached dwellings.
According to Equifax National Decision Systems, there are 19,009 housing units
within a three mile radius of the subject. About 43 percent of total inventory
comprises single family detached dwellings, with the remainder distributed
between single-family attached and multi-family units. Most of the housing stock
(73 percent) is 20+ years old. The median house value is $188,391 and the median
rent is $531. The occupancy rate is high with 95 percent of all housing units
occupied. There are a large proportion of renters, with 42 percent of all
housing units renter-occupied and the remaining 58 percent owner-occupied.

        There are various schools in the immediate vicinity which serve the
community's educational needs, as well as adequate fire and police protection
and recreational amenities.

        The neighborhood is considered to have good access via the combination
of interstate routes, state highways and local roads. Direct access to the
subject is via Greenside Drive, a secondary north/south artery which is
accessible from York Road via Padonia Road to the south and Cranbrook and Warren
Roads to the north. As previously discussed, York Road is a densely developed
primary commercial artery through the neighborhood. This thoroughfare
essentially parallels Interstate 83 (The Jones Falls Expressway) in a
north/south direction from Baltimore City northward through the State of
Pennsylvania. The subject has access to Interstate 83 immediately south via
Padonia Road. Both Interstate 83 and York Road connect with the Baltimore
Beltway about three miles south of the subject.


                                                          NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The Baltimore Beltway, a four to six lane circumferential highway
surrounding the City of Baltimore, traverses the northern and western boundary
of the neighborhood and provides convenient access to the surrounding
metropolitan area.

        Public transportation is available to the neighborhood. Buses travel
along York Road, providing connections to local as well as regional employment
centers in the area. In addition, the area is served by Baltimore's Light Rail
System, an above ground trolley that extends from Glen Burnie in Anne Arundel
County through Baltimore City (along Howard Street) and northward to Hunt
Valley. An extension from Glen Burnie to BWI Airport is currently underway.

        Surrounding land uses are mixed and include a combination of
residential, retail, and office development. The subject is surrounded primarily
by residential uses including the Hunt Club and Deer Tree Apartments. Commercial
uses are concentrated primarily along York, Cranbrook, and Padonia Roads and
include neighborhood and community shopping centers, restaurants, automotive
retailed uses, low and mid-rise office buildings, and other free-standing
commercial buildings. The largest retailer in the area is Hunt Valley Mall, a
920,000 square foot regional mall constructed in 1981. Anchors include Wal-mart,
Sears, Hoyts Cinema, and Dick's Sporting Goods. This center is located about two
miles north of the subject at the northwest quadrant of Shawan and York Roads.

        Demographic date for the subject micro market is provided by Equifax
National Decision Systems (ENDS). We have segregated our survey into three and
five-mile concentric circles. A detailed demographic profile of the neighborhood
is included in the ADDENDA. The population data for the three and five mile area
surrounding the subject is highlighted in the following table.

YEAR                                   3 MILE                5 MILE
1980                                   37,366                72,510
1990                                   42,353                82,700
1999                                   42,740                86,179
2004 (Proj)                            42,712                87,261
% Change 1980-1990                      1.33%                1.41%
% Change 1990-1999                      0.10%                0.47%
% Change 1998-2004                     -0.01%                0.25%

        As can be seen, population in the subject area has remained relatively
stable since 1980, increasing at a nominal annual compound rate of 0.10 to 1.41
percent. Future projections are that the area will remain stable.

        The 1999 estimated median household income for the immediate area ranges
from $56,461 to $63,056, which is above the MSA as a whole at $43,567. As the
radius from the subject expands, income increases. Household income data for the
three and five mile area surrounding the subject is highlighted in the following


                                                          NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME
YEAR                                    3 MILE               5 MILE
1990                                    $45,690             $48,528
1999                                    $56,461             $63,056
2004 (Proj)                             $62,891             $70,492
% Change 1990-1999                       2.62%               3.33%
% Change 1998-2004                       2.28%               2.36%

        Between 1999 and 2004, the area is expected to experience annual
compound income growth of 2.28 to 2.36 percent, which is slightly lower than the
pace experienced over the past nine years of 2.62 to 3.33 percent.

        The area contains several existing industrial parks, most of which are
light industry, producing no pollution. We observed no detrimental influences in
the neighborhood, such as land fills, noisy or air polluting industrial plants,
or chemical factories.

        All necessary utilities, including water and sewer, are available to the
subject neighborhood. Water and sewer are provided by Baltimore County.
Electrical power, natural gas, and telephone are provided by privately owned
public utility companies. All of these services are provided at a quality and
cost which is considered consistent with nearby competing communities.

      The subject's immediate area is characterized as a mature residential
community which is well located with respect to transportation arteries and
employment centers. The demographic profile indicates a stable population base
with a median household income level above the MSA as a whole. Overall, we
expect that property values will remain stable for the near term and continued
investment in stabilized properties is warranted.


                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      To present an accurate picture of current and forecasted conditions of the
apartment market within the Baltimore metropolitan area, we compiled data
regarding the overall market, various delineated submarkets, and the subject's
specific micro market. To the best of our knowledge, there are no published
statistics on vacancy rates and rental trends for apartment properties in the
subject's immediate neighborhood. The data utilized in this analysis was
obtained from various sources including the YEAR END 1998 REPORT:
Associates, Inc., First Quarter 1999 REAL ESTATE INVESTOR SURVEY published by
Korpacz, data provided by REIS Reports, discussions with J. Michael Curtis, an
apartment broker with Cushman & Wakefield of Washington, D.C., Inc., and data
contained in our files specific to apartment projects in suburban Baltimore.
Supplemental information regarding specific competitive apartment projects that
have an impact on the subject (i.e., micro market) was provided by interviews
with property managers and knowledgeable market participants.

      Investors in the investment-grade apartment market today include pension
funds, insurance companies, private partnerships, and to a lesser extent, some
real estate investment trusts (REITs). Such investors typically purchase
stabilized apartment properties on a direct capitalization basis. However, the
discounted cash flow analysis is also utilized as a check on the reasonableness
of the direct capitalization method, as well as in cases where the property is
not stabilized. The effective gross income multiplier (EGIM) and the "price per
unit" are also common units of comparison; however, such units of comparison are
generally given secondary emphasis due to the significant physical differences
between various apartment complexes, as well as differences between the
components of effective gross income.

      According to the Korpacz survey, the apartment continues to exhibit
remarkable endurance. Despite the large number of new units added to inventory
in recent years, absorption has generally been good and the apartment market is
close to equilibrium. There are pockets of concern, but overall demand is
expected to exceed supply slightly over the next 18 months. Construction has
slowed in recent months due to the REIT withdrawal from development activity.
The squeeze on their capital and higher costs have limited their participation.
Investors are currently interested in acquiring urban properties; they believe
they offer outstanding investment potential due to the surge in residential
population in the downtown areas that were formerly deserted after business

      The recent interest rate environment has provided opportunities for
renters to become home owners in many markets. This impacts the upscale projects
most directly as they rents that may equal the monthly cost of homeownership.
This is not as evident for middle income renters who may not have the financial
means to purchase a home. The recent recession and lack of confidence in future
income has greatly impacted the multi-family residential market. Many residents
chose to rent rather than buy during this uncertain time. This is evidenced by
the high rental demand in the county and the nationally growing apartment
market. Emerging Trends notes that most new apartment construction is geared to
the luxury apartment market with little attention given to the class B market.
As a result, the middle market has not softened as much and remains a
recommended investment.


                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The one overriding factor that favors apartments is demographics. By the
year 2000 approximately 63 million people will be between the ages of 45 and 64.
This segment of the population will be empty nesters or retired and potential
renters as they move from large homes that no longer suit their needs. The prime
demographic group for renters is people age 35 to 65 who live alone. This group
is expected to expand nationally by five percent by 2010. The Baltimore MSA
experienced a 15.64 percent in this age group between 1990 and 1997 and is
projected to increase 7.13 percent by 2002. This shift in the age of the
population exceeds the national average.

      The Korpacz study states that apartment prices range from 75 to 120
percent of replacement cost. The average price is 96.6 percent of replacement
cost, although little change is forecast over the next 12 months. Investors
believe the national market is in equilibrium. The average free and clear equity
IRR for the First Quarter 1999 increased 12 basis points from 11.36 percent last
quarter to 11.48 percent. The average free and clear overall capitalization rate
of 8.83 percent indicated an increase of six basis points from the previous
quarter of 8.77 percent. The residual capitalization rate has also increased to
9.22 percent from 9.20 percent last quarter.

      In our discussions with brokers active in the apartment market, and our
review of recent sales, Class A projects have been trading at overall
capitalization rates in the 8.0 to 9.0 percent range (after reserves). Depending
upon the construction quality and amenities offered, coupled with the location,
these capitalization rates translated into prices of $60,000 to $90,000 per
unit. Class A- and B+ properties, generally constructed during the 1980s, have
been selling on slightly higher overall capitalization rates of 9.0 to 9.5
percent. This translated into sales prices of $45,000 to $60,000 per unit. Class
B- and C properties have been commanding capitalization rates in the 10.0 to
11.0+ percent range, with corresponding unit prices in the range of $35,000 and

      Capital for new and existing projects stems from traditional
sources--commercial banks--but with high equity requirements. These banks
include NationsBank, Citicorp, First Maryland National Bank, and First Union as
well as U.S. affiliates of foreign banks. For class A apartments, mortgage rates
are currently 120 to 140 basis points over U.S. Treasuries, depending on
loan-to-value ratio, which presently ranges from 60 to 80 percent. The typical
debt service coverage ratio is 1.25 percent after recognition of the unit
replacements. Other apartments, class B or less, require spreads between 150 and
225 basis points over U.S. Treasuries, with similar debt service ratio. In
general, loans are structured based on a seven to ten year maturity or right to
call, and a 30 year amortization period, except the pre-1980s complexes which
have a 20 year amortization period.

      According to the year-end 1998 REIS Reports, vacancy for the Baltimore MSA
increased to 4.6 percent from 4.4 percent in 1997. The average vacancy over the
past decade has been about 5.7 percent. The following table exhibits the total
number of apartment units permitted, completed and absorbed in the past ten


                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 PERMITS (UNITS)     COMPLETIONS        ABSORPTION
     YEAR                              (UNITS)           (UNITS)
- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
     1988              N/A              2,887             2,918
     1989              N/A              3,482             2,948
     1990             4,031             3,430             4,890
     1991             1,759             2,080               387
     1992             2,146             1,781             2,249
     1993             2,357             1,031               389
     1994             1,820              568              1,470
     1995             1,547              723              1,509
     1996             1,419             1,136             1,473
     1997             1,819              880              1,017

       Delta Associates, Inc. also publishes a quarterly apartment survey for
the Washington/ Baltimore region for Class A rental properties in selected
submarkets. The Baltimore market is divided into three submarkets: THE
SOUTHERN SUBURBS, which includes Anne Arundel County and Columbia (Howard
County), THE NORTHERN SUBURBS, which includes West and Northwest Baltimore
County, North and Northeast Baltimore County, and Harford County, AND
BALTIMORE CITY. The subject is considered part of the North and Northeast
Baltimore County submarket.

        According to Delta's year-end 1998 WASHINGTON/BALTIMORE REGION RENTAL
APARTMENT MARKET REPORT, the overall vacancy rate for Suburban Baltimore Class A
apartments was 3.6 percent, which is down from 4.6 percent in 1997 and 10.4
percent in 1996. The stabilized vacancy rate was substantially lower at 2.1
percent, which is down from 4.6 percent in 1997 and 5.4 percent in 1996. This
figure is relatively consistent with the vacancy indicated by the REIS Report
mentioned above. The North and Northeast Baltimore County submarket has an
overall vacancy significantly lower than the Suburban Baltimore market as a
whole at 0.8 percent. The following table depicts the average occupancy rates,
asking and effective rents, and growth rates for the suburban market as a whole
and the subject's submarket.


                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 SUBURBAN BALTIMORE
                              CLASS A GARDEN APARTMENTS
                                 AS OF YEAR-END 1998
                                            NORTH AND NORTHEAST      BALTIMORE
                SUBMARKET                        BALTIMORE              MSA
                ---------                   -------------------      ----------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units Surveyed                                     1,041                11,939
Overall Vacancy                                     0.8%                 3.6%
Stabilized Vacancy                                  0.8%                 2.1%
Face Rent                                           $751                 $860
Effective Rent                                      $749                 $855
Concessions as a % Face Rent                        0.3%                 0.5%
Rent Growth over past 12 Months                     4.3%                 4.7%
Average Absorption (Units per Month)                 20                   N/A
Planned  Units  Expected  to be  delivered
within the next 36 months                           524                  2,873

      As depicted, face rents in the subject's North and Northeast Baltimore
submarket are significantly lower than the Suburban Baltimore market as a whole.
Concessions in this submarket are virtually non-existent at 0.3 percent compared
to 0.5 percent for the market as a whole. The average absorption for new
market-rate projects in the subject submarket is 20 units per month. Over the
next 36 months, there are 524 units expected to be delivered in this submarket
compared to 2,873 for Suburban Baltimore. The bulk of new construction activity
in the MSA is planned for the Northern Suburban market (North and West Baltimore
County) with 1,447 units either under construction or likely to be started over
the next 36 months. This represents 50 percent of all new units within the
entire market. With 524 planned units, the subject's West and Northwest
Baltimore submarket accounts for about nine percent of all new units.

        Based on our discussions with local market participants and a review of
REPORT, there are various proposed projects slated for Baltimore County. There
are two projects proposed in the Owings Mills area: the Gates @ Owings Mills and
Briarwood @ Owings Mills. The Gates @ Owings Mills is proposed for 159 units.
Preleasing began in October 1998 and is anticipated for completion in late 1999.
Briarwood @ Owings Mills is slated for 348 units. Preleasing is anticipated for
July 1999, with completion of construction in June 2000. Lastly, there is a 312
unit complex known as Cambridge Court proposed in White Marsh. Preleasing is
anticipated for July 1999, with completion in June 2000.

        The subject's competition is comprised of class B apartment projects of
similar age, condition, construction quality and amenities characteristics as
the subject. The following table highlights the most competitive apartment
complexes in the micro market. Each of the comparable rental properties is
described in detail in the Addenda.


                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                      APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        All of the comparables surveyed represent Class B apartment projects
constructed between 1966 and 1978. The total number of units for each complex
ranges from 192 to 609 units, while the individual unit sizes range from 700 to
1,175 square feet. For comparison purposes, the subject was constructed in 1969,
contains 468 units, and has individual unit sizes of 691 to 1,166 square feet.

        The five complexes revealed occupancy levels ranging from 97 to 99
percent, with a weighted average occupancy of 98.2 percent. Current quoted
average monthly rental rates range from $575 to $875 per month or $0.66 to $1.01
per square foot. The subject's proforma rents of $675 to $940 per month or $0.81
to $0.98 per square foot falls within the range on a per square foot basis;
however, as will be discussed in the INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH, the
subject's three-bedroom units are currently above market.

        Concessions such as free rent or discounted rent are currently not
offered in the market; however, most of the complexes have move-in specials in
the form of reduced security deposits. Typical project amenities include a
swimming pool, clubhouse, laundry facilities, and/or playgrounds. Unit amenities
include a range/oven, frost free refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, vertical or
mini blinds, and patio/balcony. Some complexes offer a fitness center and


                                                           PROPERTY DESCRIPTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Location:                    East side of Greenside Drive, south side of
                             Sorley Road, and the north side of Galloway
                             Avenue,  in Cockeysville,  Baltimore  County,

Shape:                       Irregular

Land Area:                   28.744 acres

Frontage:                    The site has frontage along the east side of
                             Greenside Drive, the south side of Sorley Road
                             and the north side of Galloway Avenue.

Terrain:                     Gently rolling topography

Street Improvements:         Greenside Drive, Sorley Road and Galloway Avenue
                             are secondary streets that are improved with
                             curbs, gutters and street lights.

Soil Conditions:             We did not receive nor review a soil report.
                             However, we assume that the soil's load-bearing
                             capacity is sufficient to support the existing
                             structures. We did not observe any evidence to
                             the contrary during our physical inspection of
                             the property. The tract's drainage appears to
                             be adequate.

Utilities                    All essential utilities including electricity,
                             gas, water, sewer, and telephone are currently
                             serving the site.

Access:                      The site's primary access is from Greenside Drive.

Land Use Restrictions:       Based on a review of the title policy,there do
                             not appear to be any easements, encroachments, or
                             restrictions that would adversely affect the
                             site's use. However, we recommend a title search
                             to determine whether any adverse conditions exist.

Flood Hazard:                Based on a review of the survey plat prepared by
                             GWS & Associates, Inc., dated December 9, 1997,
                             the subject property is not located in a flood
                             hazard zone.

Wetlands:                    We were not given a wetlands survey. If subsequent
                             engineering data reveal the presence of regulated
                             wetlands, it could materially affect property value.
                             We recommend a wetlands survey by a competent
                             engineering firm if additional concern exists.


                                                           PROPERTY DESCRIPTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Seismic Hazard               The site is not located in a Special Study Zone.

Site Improvements:           The subject improvements consist of 39 three-story
                             apartment buildings, a swimming pool, clubhouse/
                             leasing office, macadam paved parking, and

Hazardous Substances:        We observed no evidence of toxic or hazardous
                             substances during our inspection of the site.
                             However, we are not trained to perform technical
                             environmental inspections and recommend the
                             services of a professional engineer for this

Comments:                    The subject site has good frontage along a
                             secondary, but connecting residential roadway.
                             The property is of adequate size for development
                             with a multi-family residential project. It is
                             situated in a mature residential area of Baltimore
                             County. Overall, the property is ideally suited for
                             a multi-family apartment community.

        The following physical description of improvements was developed from
our discussions with on-site management and our physical inspection of the site.
We were not provided with building plans. The subject is improved with a 468
unit apartment complex including one model unit. The total net rentable area is
435,458 square feet, which results in an average unit size of 930 square feet.
Construction consists of wood framing with the exterior being comprised of brick
veneer and aluminum siding. The primary roof structure is a wood truss system
(pitched roof) with composition shingle covering. There is adequate on-site

        According to property management, the property has been continually
maintained over the past several years. The parking lot was reportedly sealed
and stripped in sections, appliances were replaced in phases over the past three
years, and the roof was repaired in sections six to seven years ago.
Nonetheless, the property suffers from deferred maintenance including sprinkler,
catwalk, life safety, HVAC, piping, and lighting repairs. Based on a review of
the capital budget and discussions with management, deferred maintenance totals
about $920,000.

        The subject's common area amenities include a swimming pool, clubhouse,
fitness center, and two playgrounds. According to property management, there is
an easement agreement with the adjacent Hunt Club Apartments for use of their
tennis courts and vice versa. Unit amenities include kitchens with frost free
refrigerators, oven/ranges, dishwashers, and disposals. The one bedroom units
have stackable washer/dryers, while the two and three bedroom units have full
washer/dryers. The bathrooms have package tub/showers, porcelain toilets and
sinks, and exhaust fans. Window treatments including mini blinds for the windows
and vertical blinds for patio doors.

        We inspected a representative sample of units in the complex and found
them to be in good condition. According to the property manager, the uninspected
units were in similar condition and there were no unleasable units.


                                                           PROPERTY DESCRIPTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Year Built:                           1969

      Type:                                 Two and three-story apartment

      Unit Mix:

                                    UNIT MIX/OCCUPANCY/RENTAL RATES
                                            NET          NO.                       QUOTED
    UNIT TYPE        NO.       SIZE       RENTABLE      UNITS                      MONTHLY      RENT
                    UNITS      (SF)      AREA (SF)      LEASED      OCCUPANCY        RENT      PER SF
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-BR/1-BA             97                                               98%           $675       $0.98
                               691         67,027         95
1-BR/1-BA/Den         39                                               92%           $710       $0.89
                               801         31,239         36
2-BR/1.5-BA          260                                               94%           $785       $0.81
                               974        253,240        244
3-BR/2-BA             72     1,166         83,952         67           93%           $940       $0.81

     Total           468       930        435,458        442           94%           $780       $0.84

      Net Rentable Area:      435,458 Square Feet

      Average Unit Size:      930 Square Feet

      Foundation:             Concrete block

      Exterior Walls:         Brick veneer and aluminum siding

      Roof Structure/Cover:   Gable roof with composition shingle. Gutter
                              Gutter and downspouts are aluminum.

      Windows:                Aluminum-framed double hung casement windows

      Doors:                  Steel doors.

      Heating and Cooling:    Individual heat pumps.

      Plumbing Service:       The units have one to two full baths with
                              standard plumbing fixtures.

      Electrical Service:     Assumed to meet code

      Fire Protection:        The buildings are not sprinklered. There are
                              smoke detectors in the individual apartments.


                                                           PROPERTY DESCRIPTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Floor Covering:        Carpet in the living areas, vinyl flooring in
                             the kitchen and ceramic tile in the baths.

      Walls:                 Painted sheetrock

      Ceiling:               Painted sheetrock

      Lighting:              Fluorescent and/or incandescent with standard
                             apartment fixtures.

      Unit Appliances:       Standard appliances include a frost-free
                             refrigerator, gas range/oven, dishwasher,
                             disposal, and washer/dryers.

      Project Amenities:     Project amenities include a swimming pool,
                             clubhouse, fitness center, and two playgrounds.

      On-Site Parking:       There is adequate on-site macadam paved parking.
                             We were not provided with the actual number of
                             parking spaces.

      Landscaping:           The grounds are landscaped with mature trees,
                             bushes, shrubs and grass.

      Americans With
         Disabilities Act:   The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
                             became effective January 26, 1992. We have
                             not made, nor are we qualified by training
                             to make, a specific compliance survey and
                             analysis of this property to determine whether
                             or not it is in conformity with the various
                             detailed requirements of the ADA. It is
                             possible that a compliance survey and a
                             detailed analysis of the requirements of the
                             ADA could reveal that the property is not in
                             compliance with the Act. If so, the value of
                             the property could be negatively impacted.
                             Since we have not been provided with the
                             results of a survey, we did not consider
                             possible non-compliance with the requirements
                             of ADA in estimating the value of the property.

      Hazardous Substances:  We are not aware of any potentially hazardous
                             materials (such as formaldehyde foam insulation,
                             radon gas emitting materials, or other
                             potentially hazardous materials) which may have
                             been used in the construction or maintenance of
                             the improvements. We are not qualified to detect
                             such materials and urge the client to employ an
                             expert in the field to determine if such hazardous
                             materials were thought to exist.


                                                           PROPERTY DESCRIPTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Physical Condition:     Based on our inspection, the subject property
                              is judged to be in good physical condition.

Personal Property Included
      in Value Estimate:      The subject property has the typical personal
                              property associated with an apartment complex,
                              including refrigerators and ovens. While we
                              recognize that there are various items of
                              personal property associated with the
                              operations of an apartment complex, buyers in
                              the market do not typically allocate a separate
                              value for standard appliances in their purchase
                              decisions. Therefore, we have not allocated a
                              separate value for these items, but do
                              recognize that they are an integral part of the
                              apartment operation.

Design Features
      and Functionality:      Based on our inspection of the subject of the
                              subject property, coupled with inspections of
                              several competitive complexes in the area, the
                              subject appears to have competitive functional
                              and design characteristics typical of apartment
                              complexes. Overall, the property appears to be a
                              positive competitor within the market.

Comments:                     Although the property has been continually
                              maintained over the past several years, it
                              currently suffers from deferred maintenance
                              including sprinkler, catwalk, life safety,
                              HVAC, piping, and lighting repairs. Based on a
                              review of the capital budget and discussions
                              with management, deferred maintenance totals
                              about $920,000.

                              The subject property was constructed in 1969
                              and is 30 years old. Based on our physical
                              inspection of the site, we conclude that the
                              structure's effective age is equivalent to
                              about 25 years.

                              Information published by the Marshall Valuation
                              Service indicates that the typical economic
                              life expectancy for retail improvements is
                              about 45 years. The difference between the
                              normal economic life and the effective age
                              results in an estimate of remaining economic
                              life of 20 years.


                                            REAL PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The subject property is located in Baltimore County and is assessed by
the Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation. This department is an
independent state agency responsible for real and personal property assessment
as well as the mapping of all real estate. The applicable tax rate is set by the
local jurisdiction and is a combination of state, county and city rates.

        Maryland's assessment system is based on a three-year cycle in which
one-third of all taxable real estate is physically inspected and reassessed each
year. Assessments are based upon an estimate of ad valorem value known as full
cash value. The state assessors utilize the three traditional approaches to
value: Cost, Sales Comparison, and Income Capitalization Approach. To lessen the
impact of any increase in full cash value, a three year phase-in period is
implemented. This provides for one-third of the increase in full cash value
added to the first year of the assessment cycle with the balance being added in
equal installments over the next two years.

        Assessments are a percentage of the full cash value of the property.
Once the full cash value and associated phase-in value is determined, a
percentage known as an equalization ratio is applied to ascertain the
assessment. The equalization ratio is 40 percent. The current assessing
procedure has been in effect since 1979.

        Property owners receive an assessment notice once every three years.
These notices are generally issued in December of the year in which the property
was reviewed by the assessor. The notice shows the proposed full cash value as
of January 1, which is known as the date of finality. The proposed full cash
value is the basis upon which assessments for the following three taxable years
will be based. The state operates on a fiscal year basis from July 1 through
June 30th. The subject was recently reassessed as of January 1, 1999 and is in
the first year of the three year phase-in cycle.

        The current fiscal year 1999/2000 tax rate for Baltimore County is
$2.855 per $100 of assessed value. Added to this figure is the State of Maryland
rate of $0.21 per $100 of assessed value. Thus, the total tax liability is
equivalent to $3.065 per $100 of assessed value.

        The tax rate has remained constant since fiscal year 1994/95. This,
however, may not continue with the commercial real estate market strengthening
from the recession of the early 1990s. Nonetheless, it is difficult, at best, to
judge the likelihood of future tax rate increases when viewing only a three year
history. Tax rates tend to increase or decrease based upon increasing government
budgets and the total tax base. Over the long term, tax rates tend to track
inflationary trends, except in fast growing areas where new services are

        In this analysis, we have assumed no significant future increases in the
tax rates given the improving real estate climate which should reverse the
recent trend of decreasing or flat real property assessments. In fact, there is
the possibility of increasing assessments over time. This scenario, however, is
difficult to accurately model.


                                            REAL PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The subject property is identified for real estate assessment and
taxation purposes as account number 08-1600004952. The subject's fiscal year
1999/200 assessment and real estate tax burden are outlined in the following

                    ASSESSMENT AND TAXES
         Land                             $3,652,000
         Improvements                    $13,654,700
         Total                           $17,306,700

         Phase-in                        $16,322,713
         Assessment                       $6,529,080

         Tax Rate                             $3.065
         Estimated Taxes                    $200,116

        In addition to these taxes, the subject is liable for metropolitan
charges equivalent to $117,787 including water and sewer benefits, and sewer
service. Thus, the total tax liability associated with the subject property is
$317,903 or $679 per unit for the tax year July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

        The subject property was recently assessed in January 1999 and
experienced an increase of $1,475,980 over the prior base year. The increase was
attributable to the improvements only. Land value remained constant at
$3,652,080. As previously discussed, increases in full cash value are phased-in
over a three year period. Thus, the subject's annual phase-in is $491,993 as
depicted in the following chart:

                      ESTIMATED PHASE - IN
                     FISCAL YEARS 1999-2001
Current Full Cash Value                              $17,306,700
Base Value (Prior  FCV)                              $15,830,720
Value Increase                                        $1,475,980
Annual Phase-In  (3 year cycle)                         $491,993

        By adding the annual phase-in to the subject's base value, the subject's
full cash value and assessment can be estimated for the ensuing two years as


                                            REAL PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            FISCAL YEARS 1999-2001
                                                             PHASE-IN ASSESSMENT
                                        FULL CASH VALUE             (40%)
Base Value                                  $15,830,720
Annual Phase-In                                $491,993
Fiscal Year 1999/00                         $16,322,713          $6,529,080
Annual Phase-In                                $491,993
Fiscal Year 2000/01                         $16,814,706          $6,725,880
Annual Phase-In                                $491,993
Fiscal Year 2001/02                         $17,306,700          $6,922,680

        Assuming the tax rate will approximately the past five years history and
remain stable, and that metropolitan charges will increase at an annual rate of
3.0 percent, real estate taxes are equivalent to $327,469 for fiscal year 2000
and $337,140 for fiscal year 2001, as depicted in the following chart.

                              ESTIMATED R.E. TAXES
                             FISCAL YEARS 1999-2001
                                                TAX RATE PER $100 OF             METROPOLITAN           ESTIMATED
    FISCAL YEAR                ASSESSMENT          ASSESSED VALUE                   CHARGES             R.E. TAXES
    FY 1999                    $6,529,080             $3.065/$100                  $117,787               $317,903
    FY 2000                    $6,725,880             $3.065/$100                  $121,321               $327,469
    FY 2001                    $6,922,680             $3.065/$100                  $124,960               $337,140

        In the discounted cash flow analysis, we used our derived taxes
presented above for fiscal years one through three. Thereafter, real estate
taxes have been increased at 3.0 percent per year.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The subject property is zoned DR 16, Density Residential, under Baltimore
County Zoning Ordinance. The primary intent of this zone is for the development
of multifamily complexes. In addition, this designation permits a number of
public and non-profit institutions, government buildings, and various accessory
uses. In general, office, retail and industrial are not permitted.

      This classification stipulates the area and density requirements depending
on the type of residential usage considered. For purposes of this appraisal, we
will outline the specific requirements applicable to the multifamily use. These
are as follows:

      Density:                              16 units per acre

      Minimum Lot Width:                    20 feet

      Minimum Setbacks:
         Front Yard:                        10 feet
         Side Yard:                         25
         Rear Yard:                         30 feet

      Minimum Off-Street
        Parking Requirements:               1.25 spaces per  efficiency;
                                            1.5 spaces per one or two bedroom
                                            units, 2.0 spaces per three
                                            bedroom unit

      Based on the above information and our review of the survey plat prepared
by GWS, Inc., the existing improvements appear to comply with the constraints
imposed by zoning in terms of density and parking. The determination of
compliance, however, is beyond the scope of this appraisal. We were not provided
with the actual number of parking spaces, therefore, we were unable to determine
if the property is in compliance with parking requirements.

        We are not aware of any restrictive covenants or deed restrictions
(private or public) which would further limit the use of the subject property.
However, this statement should not be taken as a guarantee or warranty that no
such restrictions exist. Deed restrictions are a legal matter and only a title
examination by an attorney or title company would normally uncover such
restrictive covenants. Thus, an updated title search of the subject property is
recommended to determine if any such restrictions do exist.


                                                  HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        According to the DICTIONARY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL, Third Edition
(1993), a publication of the Appraisal Institute , the highest and best use of
real property is defined as:

        The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved
        property, which is physically possible, appropriately supported,
        financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. The four
        criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility,
        physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum profitability.

        We evaluated the sites' highest and best use as if vacant. In this case,
the highest and best use must meet the aforementioned criteria. The use must be
(1) legally permissible, (2) physically possible, (3) financially feasible, and
(4) maximally productive.

      The first criteria concerns the permitted uses. The property is zoned
DR-16, a residential district that allows multifamily uses. According to the
current zoning designation, residential uses are permitted, but commercial and
industrial are not. Therefore, based solely on its legally permissible uses, it
appears that multi-family residential development is the most likely use for the

      The second criteria is what is physically possible. As discussed in the
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION section of this report, the site's size, shape, topography,
frontage, availability of utilities, etc. should not limit its use from a
multi-family perspective.

        The third and fourth tests are, respectively, what is feasible and what
will produce the highest net return. After determining those uses which are
physically possible and legally permissible, the remaining uses must be analyzed
in light of their financial feasibility. That is, for a potential use to be
seriously considered, it must have the potential to provide a sufficient return
to attract investment capital from alternative forms of investments.

      Most of the uses surrounding the subject consist of residential
development. There are no surrounding uses or neighborhood trends which suggest
that the zoning of the site should be changed to accommodate another use. Based
on the surrounding development, a medium density multi-family residential use
would be most suitable for the subject site.

      As discussed in the APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS section, there has been
improvement in the multi-family rental market over the past several years.
Overall, the apartment market is experiencing strong occupancy levels and
increasing rental rates. Strong market conditions have brought about the
construction of several new apartment projects, suggesting that new construction
is feasible.

      Based on the foregoing, it is our opinion that the highest and best use of
the subject, as though vacant, is for development of a multi-family rental


                                                  HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The subject site is improved with a multi-family apartment project that
is 94 percent occupied. This is consistent with our concluded highest and best
use, as if vacant. As will be discussed later in this report, the improvements
are capable of providing a satisfactory return to the land over both the near
and long term. This conclusion is obviously contingent upon management pursuing
a course of action in managing and maintaining the property that will maximize
its occupancy and rent levels. For these reasons, it is our opinion that the
highest and best use, as improved, is for continued use as an apartment complex.


                                                              VALUATION PROCESS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Appraisers typically use three approaches in valuing improved
properties. These include the COST APPROACH, the SALES COMPARISON APPROACH and
the INCOME APPROACH. The type and age of the property and the quantity and
quality of data affect the applicability of each approach in a specific
appraisal situation. The strengths and weaknesses of each approach utilized are
weighed in the final analysis with the approach or approaches offering the
greatest quantity and quality of supporting data is given the most consideration
in the final analysis.

        In this appraisal, we used the SALES COMPARISON APPROACH and the INCOME
CAPITALIZATION APPROACH to develop a market value estimate.


               -    This approach is more relevant for new construction or where
                    sufficient information is available to reasonably estimate
                    the replacement cost new of the improvements and land.

               -    The investment marketplace does not typically trade
                    apartment complexes such as the subject on a cost/value
                    basis, particularly in markets where it is generally
                    perceived that cost may exceed value, particularly for
                    complexes like the subject, which are in excess of 30 years

               -    The subjectivity of accurately estimating accrued
                    depreciation of the existing improvements significantly
                    limits the reliability of this approach.


               -    Searched the market for recent apartment sales;

               -    Analyzed those sales on the basis of the sales price per
                    unit, overall capitalization rates, and net income
                    multipliers, and

               -    Correlated the various value indications into a point value
                    estimate from within the range.


               -    Studied the rents in effect at competing complexes to
                    estimate the potential rental income at market levels;

               -    Estimated the income from sources other than apartment

               -    Reviewed the current occupancy and vacancy statistics for
                    the purpose of developing a vacancy and collection loss

               -    Studied the recent history of operating expenses at this and
                    competing properties to estimate an appropriate level of
                    expenses and reserves for replacement;

               -    Estimated the net operating income and cash flow by
                    subtracting the operating, fixed and other expenses from the
                    effective gross income;


                                                              VALUATION PROCESS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               -    Capitalized the net operating income into an indication of
                    value using the direct capitalization method;

               -    Prepared a discounted cash flow analysis in which the
                    estimated income and expenses over a 10 year forecast, and
                    the estimated property value at the time of reversion, are
                    discounted at an appropriate rate to estimate present market

        The appraisal process is concluded by a review and re-examination of
each of the approaches to value that has been employed. Consideration is given
to the type and reliability of data used and the applicability of each approach.
Finally, the approaches are reconciled and a final value conclusion is


                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        In the SALES COMPARISON APPROACH, we estimated value by comparing the
subject property with similar, recently sold properties in surrounding or
competing areas. Inherent in this approach is the principle of substitution,
which holds that when a property is replaceable in the market, its value tends
to be set at the cost of acquiring an equally desirable substitute property,
assuming that no costly delay is encountered in making the substitution.

        By analyzing sales that qualify as arm's-length transactions between
willing and knowledgeable buyers and sellers, we can identify value and price
trends. The basic steps of this approach are:

               1.   research recent, relevant property sales and current
                    offerings throughout the competitive area;

               2.   select and analyze properties that are similar to the
                    property being appraised, considering changes in economic
                    conditions that may have occurred between the sale date and
                    the date of value, and other physical, functional, or
                    locational factors;

               3.   identify sales that include favorable financing and
                    calculate the cash equivalent price;

               4.   reduce the sale prices to a common unit of comparison such
                    as price per unit and overall capitalization rate;

               5.   make appropriate comparative adjustments to the prices of
                    the comparable properties to relate them to the property
                    being appraised; and

               6.   interpret the adjusted sales data and draw a logical value

        The most widely-used and market-oriented units of comparison for
multi-family residential projects like the subject are the sales price per unit
(used by buyers, sellers, and brokers). In addition to this method, we employed
the net income multiplier analysis, which considers the income characteristics
of the property.

        The net income multiplier method is considered a reliable indicator of
value because it considers the income characteristics of the property, however,
the price per unit provides an alternative value indication and a check for
reasonableness. The chart and map on the following pages summarize recent market
data considered to be most indicative of the subject's current market value.
Detail sheets with photographs relating to each of the sales can be found in the
ADDENDA of this report.


                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Comparability of the physical, neighborhood, and economic
characteristics are the most important criteria in analyzing these sales in
relation to the subject property. The sales on the following page represent
recent Class B apartment sales in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The sales
exhibited a wide range of unit prices, ranging from $36,445 to $52,874 per unit.
With respect to the overall analysis, it appears that the variance in sales
prices are associated with locational and economic issues. However, it is
important to address each property in terms of the conventional sequence of
adjustments relative to the subject. The analysis primarily concentrates on
differences meriting adjustment with the specific aspects of each comparable
noted in the summary chart.

        The first four elements that must be considered in advance of applying
any other compensating factors to derive a value conclusion via the sales price
per unit are property rights, financing, and conditions of sale, and market
conditions. We concentrated our analysis on the differences which merit
adjustment, with the specific aspects of each comparable noted in the
descriptions of each property included in the ADDENDA.

        As shown in the summary chart, all of the comparables are substantially
occupied and encumbered by short term leases; therefore, the fee simple estate,
subject to short term leases, was conveyed in each case. Consequently, no
adjustments are warranted for differences in property rights conveyed.

        All of the comparable sales were either financed at market terms at the
time of sale or were cash transactions. Thus, no adjustment for financing is

        We identified no special motivational conditions concerning any of the
comparable sales. Therefore, in our opinion, no adjustment is warranted for this

        As shown in the summary table, the transactions occurred between January
1998 and March 1999. All of the sales occurred within the past 12 to 18 months
and do not require adjustment.

        Other adjustments considered are for location, condition, age-quality,
amenities, and economic characteristics. These factors are considered for each
property and are discussed below.


                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      In order to determine a locational adjustment, we compared the gross
potential rent of the sales to that of the subject. We recognize that gross
rents are a function of both location and age/condition, and have taken this
into consideration in our overall adjustments to the sales. For comparison
purposes, the subject has an annual gross rent potential of $9,358 per unit. We
were unable to obtain the gross rents for Sale I-1. Silver Spring is generally
considered a superior locale relative to the subject given its location within
the Washington metropolitan area and its proximity to the District of Columbia.
We adjusted this sale slightly downward for location. The following chart
depicts the gross rent potential of the comparables and our raking of location.

                         LOCATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS
           SALE          GROSS RENT       RANKING

         Sale I-1              N/A           N/A
         Sale I-2           $8,784    Slightly Inferior
         Sale I-3           $9,031    Slightly Inferior
         Sale I-4           $6,977         Inferior


      We considered whether age or condition of the comparables may have a
bearing on their pricing. Typically, older properties carry a more negative
connotation because of the lesser remaining useful lives of many of the building
components. An adjustment for age and condition also takes into account the
quality of the construction of the property, the maintenance and condition of
the property, as well as aesthetics, utility of the design, and amenities

      The subject was constructed in 1969. All of the comparables were
constructed in the 1970s Sales I-1, I-3 and I-4 were also constructed in the
late 1960s/early 1970s and represent similar construction as the subject, while
Sale I-2 represent slightly newer construction. As discussed above,
age/condition has already been taken into consideration in our locational
adjustment. Thus, no adjustments are required.

      Size is also a physical factor. Typically, smaller complexes sell for a
higher price per unit, all other factors being equal. In addition, purchasers
usually pay less (on a per unit basis) for complexes with larger unit sizes
because the income per square foot is lower. However, when only larger,
investment grade complexes are considered, the impact of complex size on sale
price is minor. The sales range in size from 156 to 435 per unit. After a review
of the sales, we felt that no major adjustments were necessary for size.

      Considering amenities, the subject property offers a swimming pool,
clubhouse, fitness center, and two playgrounds. All of the sales offer a similar
level of amenities and do not require adjustment.


                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Because a property's ability to produce income is a major factor in a
purchase decision, we considered the economics of the various properties
including occupancy and other income related factors. The subject property is
currently 97 percent occupied. All of the sales have lower occupancies and
require upward adjustments.

      The following chart summarizes how each sale compares to the subject
property from a locational, physical and economic standpoint.

                                      IMPROVED SALES COMPARISON
                                                    SALES          OVERALL RATING        ADJUSTED
   COMP.                                            PRICE           RELATIVE TO         UNIT PRICE
    NO.                  PROPERTY                 PER UNIT
- ------------- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- -----------------
    I-1       The Manor House                      $52,874            Superior           $50,230
- ------------- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- -----------------
    I-2       Millpond                             $45,958       Slightly Inferior       $48,256
- ------------- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- -----------------
    I-3       Cedar Valley                         $43,910       Slightly Inferior       $46,106
- ------------- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- -----------------
    I-4       Park Place I & II                    $36,445            Inferior           $49,201
1 The rating evaluation considers the net effect of all adjustments.

        As depicted above, the adjusted unit prices indicate a range of $46,106
to $50,230 per unit, with most at $48,256 to $50,230 per unit. Based on the
foregoing, we conclude a value range for the subject property of $48,000 to
$50,000 per unit.

        Applying this unit range to the subject's total number of units depicts
a value for the subject property as follows:

                           SALE PRICE PER UNIT ANALYSIS
         468 units            @       $48,000/Unit        =       $22,464,000
         468 units            @       $50,000/Unit        =       $23,400,000
                                       Concluded:                 $22,900,000

      From this figure, we must deduct deferred maintenance charges of $920,000.
Hence, the as is value estimate via the sale price per unit analysis is
equivalent to $22,000,000 rounded.

        While price levels on a per unit basis implicitly contain both the
physical and economic factors affecting the real estate, these statistics do not
explicitly convey many of the details surrounding a specific property. Thus,
this single index to the valuation of the subject property has somewhat limited
direct application in this case. Comparability of both physical and economic
characteristics is the most important criteria in analyzing these sales in
relation to the subject property. However, it is also extremely important to
recognize that apartments are


                                                       SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
distinct entities by virtue of age and design, location and accessibility, and
particularly tenancy. Therefore, any analysis based upon the traditional
physical, locational, design and layout differences is not inclusive of all
potentially significant variables.

        Given the preceding considerations, we extracted a significant unit of
comparison from the improved sales after analyzing each comparable property and
then applied the appropriate unit of comparison to the subject property. In this
case, we have identified a relationship between the net operating income and the
sales price of the property. As illustrated in the following table, a higher net
operating income per unit generally corresponds to a higher sales price per
unit. A summary of this relationship is presented as follows:

                           NOI $/UNIT
                       COMP SALE     SALES PRICE
        SALE NO.        NOI/UNIT        PER UNIT    OAR
          I-1             $5,230         $52,874      9.89%
          I-2             $4,297         $45,958      9.35%
          I-3               N/A          $43,910        N/A
          I-4             $3,189         $36,445      8.75%
          ---          ---------      ----------      -----
        AVERAGES          $4,239         $44,797      9.33%

        Valuation of the subject property utilizing the net income multipliers
(NIM) from the comparable properties accounts for the disparity of the net
operating incomes ($NOI's) per unit between the comparables and the subject.
Within this technique, each of the adjusted NIM's are multiplied by the $NOI per
unit of the subject, which produces an adjusted value indication for the
subject. The net operating income per unit for the subject property is typically
calculated as of a stabilized year. The subject's stabilized $NOI is $4,847 per
unit. Details of this analysis can be found in the INCOME CAPITALIZATION

        Our goal is to determine what each property would have sold for (on a
per unit basis) if it had the same NOI per unit and income/growth potential as
the subject property. The NOI per unit figure takes into account differences in
time of sale, age, location, and other characteristics by accounting for
differences in income and expenses. The main concerns in using NOI comparisons

               1.   Verification of data; and

               2.   Reliability of subject income and expense projections.

        Value is composed of a return "on" and "of" invested funds. Two
properties may have identical NOIs per unit (in a given projection year), but if
the future of one is perceived superior to another (in terms of location,
quality, increasing future income stream, or competition), a buyer may pay more
via a lower overall rate. This is usually reflected in the "going in" overall


                                                      SALES COMPARISON APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rate. We must rely on those adjusted value indications from properties having
the most similar risk, return rate, and future outlook as applicable to the

        The tables below provide a process for adjusting the sales price per
unit figures, by the percent differential between each sale's NOI per unit, as
compared to the subject's NOI per unit. The resulting adjusted sales price per
unit provides a much more meaningful and consistent indicator of the subject's

                                           NET INCOME MULTIPLIER ANALYSIS
                           COMP SALE     SUBJECT   SALES PRICE                            ADJUSTED
          SALE NO.          NOI/UNIT    NOI/UNIT      PER UNIT        % DIFFERENCE       PRICE/UNIT      OAR
             I-1              $5,230      $4,847       $52,874                -7.31%          $49,007     9.89%
             I-2              $4,297      $4,847       $45,958                12.81%          $51,846     9.35%
             I-3               N/A        $4,847       $43,910                 N/A              N/A        N/A
             I-4              $3,189      $4,847       $36,445                52.01%          $55,399     8.75%
             ---           ---------   ---------    ----------                ------       ----------     -----
          AVERAGES            $4,239      $4,847       $44,797                19.17%          $52,084     9.33%

       INDICATED VALUE                                     468    @         $52,000   =   $24,336,000
                                                         UNITS       VALUE PER UNIT
                                                                             ROUNDED      $24,300,000

        The indicated adjusted market range for the subject property ranges from
$49,007 to $55,399 per unit, with the mid-aspect of the market range at $52,084
per unit. We estimate a unit price of $52,000 per unit for the subject property.
Applying this unit rate to the subject's total units indicates a value estimate
for the subject property via the net income multiplier method of $24,300,000

      From this figure, we must deduct deferred maintenance charges of $920,000.
Hence, the as is value estimate via the net income multiplier analysis is
equivalent to $23,400,000 rounded.

        In this instance, the sale price per unit and net income multiplier
method produced a difference in values of 6.4 percent. Given the nominal
adjustments required via the sale price per unit analysis, we relied on this
method. In addition, we also relied on the net income multiplier method because
it considers the income characteristics of the property. Consequently, the value
via the SALES COMPARISON APPROACH is estimated at $22,700,000.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH is a method of converting the
anticipated economic benefits of property ownership into a value estimate
through capitalization. The principle of ANTICIPATION underlies this approach,
in that investors recognize the relationship between an asset's income and its
value. In order to value the anticipated economic benefits of a particular
property, potential income and expenses must be estimated, and the most
appropriate capitalization method must be selected.

        The two most common methods of converting net income into value are
direct capitalization and a discounted cash flow analysis. In direct
capitalization, net operating income is divided by an overall capitalization
rate extracted directly from market sales to indicate a value. In the discounted
cash flow method, anticipated future cash flow and a reversionary value are
discounted to an estimate of net present value at a chosen yield rate (internal
rate of return).

      Direct capitalization seems particularly appropriate, since the subject is
an apartment complex where short term leases exist (generally less than a year)
and both market rental rates and occupancy levels are easily supportable. On the
other hand, many investors employ the discounted cash flow analysis which can
offer a meaningful contrast in reflecting investor expectations of the current
period, as well as any anticipated future changes.

        In an effort to estimate the current market rent for the subject units,
we surveyed five competitive Class B apartment complexes in the general vicinity
of the subject property. The apartments profiled are considered similar to the
subject project in overall quality and condition. As a result, they provide a
strong indication of rent levels the subject should be able to attain. A summary
of the comparable rentals is shown on the following page. These rentals present
a comparison of the current asking rents at the comparable projects for each of
the subject's unit types. There are no concessions such as free rent being
offered and as such, the asking rents are equivalent to effective rents.

        We examined rents on both a per month and per square foot basis. Both of
these indicators need to be considered. The rent per square foot adjusts for
size differences between the apartment units in different projects. The absolute
total rent is taken into consideration because tenants are more conscious of
rent on a monthly rather than per square foot basis. The market rent for each
unit type is estimated and discussed in the following paragraphs.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The following pages illustrate a comparison of the current quoted rents
for the subject units relative to similar quoted rents for comparable two and
three bedroom units contained within the competing complexes surveyed. All of
the comparables are leased on a PLUS ELECTRIC basis, wherein the tenants are
responsible for the cost of electricity to their own separately metered
apartment units. If applicable, gas is also passed through to the tenant. Water,
sewer, and trash are paid by the landlord. Detail sheets for each comparable are
included in the ADDENDA section of this report.

        All of the comparables are located within the subject's immediate
vicinity and are considered similar in terms of location. Hence, no adjustments
are deemed necessary for location.

        These differences are considered to include the age, quality, and
condition of the individual complexes. The subject was constructed in 1969. The
comparables were constructed between 1966 and 1978. The rentals that are older
than the subject require upward adjustments for age/condition, while the newer
rentals require downward adjustments.

        UNIT SIZE
        The projects reflect varying unit sizes in comparison to the subject.
Complexes with the most similarly-sized units were given most consideration in
the comparison analysis. The individual units that were larger than the subject
units require downward adjustments, while those reflecting smaller sizes warrant
upward adjustments.

        This category includes individual unit and project amenities. Most of
the projects offer a similar level of unit and project amenities as the subject.
Those projects with inferior amenities require upward adjustments and vice

        The subject property features 97 one-bedroom, one-bath apartments
containing 691 square feet and 39 one-bedroom, one-bath units with a den
containing 801 square feet. The current monthly rent for these unit types are
$675 and $710, or $0.98 and $0.89 per square foot, respectively. All of the
competitive apartments in the subject's market area offer similar models. The
table below summarizes the rental rates for this unit type.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    ONE-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                                    PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
                 RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
                  R-1        Deertree               1 BR/1 BA                 717           $575           $0.80
                  R-1        Deertree               1 BR/1 BA/Den             849           $595           $0.70
                  R-2        Hunt Club              1 BR/1 BA                 701           $705           $1.01
                  R-3        Mays Chapel Village    1 BR/1 BA                 700           $610           $0.87
                  R-3        Mays Chapel Village    1 BR/1 BA/DEN             820           $665           $0.81
                  R-4        Briarcliff East        1 BR/1 BA                 937           $665           $0.71
                  R-5        Town & Country         1 BR/1 BA                 805           $649           $0.81

                  Comparable Range                  Min                       700           $575           $0.70
                                                    Max                       937           $705           $1.01
                Subject                             1-BR/1-BA                 691           $675           $0.98
                                                    1-BR/1-BA/Den             801           $710           $0.89

        The comparable one-bedroom units range in size from 700 to 937 square
feet and depict rents of $575 to $705 per month or $0.70 to $1.01 per square
foot. As shown, the rentals with unit sizes most similar to the subject of 700
to 820 square feet depict rents of $0.80 to $1.01 per square foot, while the
larger units containing 849 to 937 square feet depict lower rents of $0.70 to
$0.71 per square foot. Deertree, which depicts the lowest rent, is an older
project that has not undergone recent renovation. The subject's current rent of
$0.89 to $0.98 per square foot falls within the range indicated by the
comparables with similar unit sizes and is considered market oriented.

        The subject property features 260 two-bedroom, 1.5 bath apartments
containing 974 square feet. The current monthly rent for this unit type is $785
or $0.81 per square foot. All of the competitive apartments in the subject's
market area offer similar two-bedroom models; however, the number of baths vary.
The table below summarizes the rental rates for this unit type.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  TWO-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                               PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
            RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
             R-1        Deertree               2 BR/1 BA                 972           $640           $0.66
             R-1        Deertree               2 BR/1.5 BA               972           $655           $0.67
             R-2        Hunt Club              2 BR/1.5 BA             1,003           $795           $0.79
             R-3        Mays Chapel Village    2 BR/1.5 BA               880           $720           $0.82
             R-4        Briarcliff East        2 BR/1 BA                 974           $750           $0.77
             R-5        Town & Country         2 BR/1 BA               1,057           $739           $0.70

             Comparable Range                  Min                       880           $640           $0.66
                                               Max                     1,057           $795           $0.82
           Subject                             2-BR/1.5-BA               974           $785           $0.81

        The comparable two-bedroom units range in size from 880 to 1,057 square
feet and depict rents of $640 to $795 per month or $0.66 to $0.82 per square
foot. Again, Deertree (the oldest project) depicts the lowest rent of $0.66 to
$0.67 per square foot. Town & Country, which has the largest unit size of 1,057
square feet, also has a low rent relative to the other comparables at $0.70 per
square foot. Excluding these rentals, the range narrows to $0.77 to $0.82 per
square foot for units ranging in size from 880 to 1,003 square feet. The
subject's current rent of $0.81 per square foot falls within this range, albeit
at the high end, and is considered market oriented.

        The subject property features 72 three-bedroom, two-bath apartments
containing 908 square feet. The monthly rent for this unit type is $940, or
$0.81 per square foot. Most of the competitive apartments in the subject's
market area offer similar models. The table below summarizes the rental rates
for this unit type.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 THREE-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                               PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
            RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
             R-1        Deertree               3 BR/1.5 BA              1,137          $785           $0.69
             R-2        Hunt Club              3 BR/2 BA                1,175          $875           $0.74
             R-3        Mays Chapel Village    3 BR/2 BA                1,100          $790           $0.72
             R-4        Briarcliff East        3 BR/2 BA                1,166          $860           $0.74

             Comparable Range                  Min                      1,100          $785           $0.69
                                               Max                      1,175          $875           $0.74
           Subject                             3-BR/2-BA                1,166          $940           $0.81

        The comparable three-bedroom units range in size from 1,100 to 1,175
square feet and depict rents of $785 to $875 per month or $0.69 to $0.74 per
square foot. Excluding Deertree, which has the lowest rent of $0.69 per square
foot, the range narrows to $0.72 to $0.74 per square foot. Based on the
foregoing, the subject's three-bedroom rents appear to be about 10 to 12 percent
above market at $0.81 per square foot. Our analysis considers the existing
leases in place, which is about 5.0 percent below market rents. Thus, the
current market rent (potential gross income) was not relied upon in our income
analysis. We accounted for the above market rent for the three-bedroom units in
our selection of an overall rate.

        The total potential gross rental income (both monthly and annually) for
the subject property, as if fully occupied and collecting rent at the market
rental rates previously referenced, is depicted below.

                         GROSS POTENTIAL RENTAL INCOME
                                 AVG      PROJECTED        TOTAL         TOTAL
    UNIT TYPE       NUMBER       UNIT       MONTHLY       MONTHLY        ANNUAL
                   OF UNITS      SIZE      RENT/UNIT       RENT           RENT
1-BR/1-BA             97         691          $675           $65,475       $785,700
1-BR/1-BA/Den         39         801          $710           $27,690       $332,280
2-BR/1.5-BA           260        974          $785          $204,100     $2,449,200
3-BR/2-BA             72       1,166          $940           $67,680       $812,160
      Total           468        930          $780          $364,945     $4,379,340


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        As shown, the potential gross rental income for the subject property at
our projected market rent (or STREET rent) for all unit types is $364,945
monthly or $4,379,340 on an annualized basis.

        The actual monthly base rental income as of the August 1999 rent roll
was $346,757 per month or $4,161,084 per year INCLUDING contract rent on the
vacant, model and employee units. The following chart is a summary of the
occupancy status as of the date of appraisal.

                                    UNIT MIX/OCCUPANCY/RENTAL RATES
                                            NET          NO.                       QUOTED
    UNIT TYPE        NO.       SIZE       RENTABLE      UNITS                      MONTHLY      RENT
                    UNITS      (SF)      AREA (SF)      LEASED      OCCUPANCY        RENT      PER SF
1-BR/1-BA             97       691         67,027         95           98%           $675       $0.98
1-BR/1-BA/Den         39       801         31,239         36           92%           $710       $0.89
2-BR/1.5-BA          260       974        253,240        244           94%           $785       $0.81
3-BR/2-BA             72     1,166         83,952         67           93%           $940       $0.81
      Total          468       930        435,458        442           94%           $780       $0.84

        In comparing the current rent roll to our market rent estimate, there is
a 5.3 percent difference between the potential gross income and the contractual
income. Generally, in a strengthening market, the collected rents will fall
short of the quoted street rates due to the lag time associated with the
renewing of existing leases. Obviously, the reverse may be true in a declining
market. Depending upon the volatility of the market, the lag typically ranges
from two to five percent.

      It is our opinion that the CONTRACTUAL rental income for the subject
property should lag the GROSS potential income over the next 12 months. As the
existing leases expire, tenants will be asked to renew at MARKET RATES. The
likelihood is that this increase will be fairly evenly spread out over the next
12 to 18 month period.

      According to property management, there is a one model and five employee
units that are either rent free or rent reduced. The income loss from these
units is presented as follows:


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              MODEL/EMPLOYEE UNITS
                                              QUOTED                      ANNUAL
                                  NO.         MONTHLY         RENT         RENT
UNI TYPE                         UNITS       RENT/UNIT     REDUCTION       LOSS
2 BR/1.5 BA    Model               1           $785           $785        $9,420
2 BR/1.5 BA    Employee            2           $785           $785       $18,840
2 BR/1.5 BA    Employee            1           $785           $196        $2,355
3 BR/2 BA      Employee            2           $940           $940       $22,560
Total/Avg                          6           $837           $739       $53,175

        Both the investor and the appraiser are primarily interested in the
annual revenue an income property is likely to produce over a specified period
of time, rather than the income it could produce if it were always 100 percent
occupied and all tenants were paying their rent in full and on time. A normally
prudent practice is to expect some income loss as tenants vacate, fail to pay
rent, or pay their rent late.

        As illustrated in the APARTMENT MARKET ANALYSIS, the Baltimore
Metropolitan Area has a current occupancy rate of about 95.6 percent, while
properties in the subject's micro market are sustaining occupancy levels of 95
percent or better. The subject is currently 94 percent occupied. Management
indicated that the subject's historical occupancy over the past three years has
been about 95 percent. Considering the subject's history, as well as the vacancy
rate for the Baltimore market as a whole of 5.0+/- percent, we estimated a
vacancy rate for the subject property of 5.0 percent.

        Coupled with a vacancy rate deduction, we also considered bad debt or
collection loss. We estimated a collection/bad debt loss of 2.0 percent in our
analysis. Hence, total vacancy and collection loss is estimated at 7.0 percent.

        In addition to rental income, we combined several miscellaneous sources
of income into a category called Other Income. This revenue source at the
subject project results from receipt of tenant late charges, bad check charges,
lease breakage fees, application and credit fees, tenant charges for damages,
tenant service charges, etc.

        A review of expense statements for similar apartment properties
indicated other income of 2.0 to 4.0 percent of effective rental income. The
subject's historical other income ranges from 2.9 to 3.1 percent of effective
rental income. We estimated other income at 3.0 percent of effective rental
income, which is consistent with the subject's history and expense comparables.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        To estimate the operating expenses for the subject property, we examined
the 1997 through year-to-date 1999 expenses and the 1999 budget. On the
following page is the Operating Income and Expense Analysis summarizing the
subject's historical operating performance. We also compared the operating
performance to other apartment complexes for which we have operating data. The
expense comparables considered in this analysis are summarized in table on the
second following page. On a line-by-line basis, we have considered each expense
category and estimated the appropriate level an informed investor would consider

        Variable expenses are operating expenditures that generally fluctuate
with the level of occupancy and/or intensity of property operation. These
expenses are described on the following pages.

        MANAGEMENT -In the Baltimore market, management fees for market rent
        projects are based on a percentage of effective gross income.
        Conversations with area management companies indicated that a range
        between 3.0 to 5.0 percent is the standard compensation for this
        service, with most management companies trying to achieve at least $300
        per unit. The subject's historical management fee ranges from 3.6 to 4.4
        percent of effective gross income, with a 1999 budgeted expense of 4.2
        percent. The expense comparables range from 4.0 to 6.0 percent of EGI or
        $147 to $341 per unit, with an average of $258 per unit. Based on these
        indicators, we estimated a market management fee of 4.0 percent for the
        subject property, which is equivalent to $336 per unit for a stabilized

        UTILITIES - The utilities that the property owner is responsible for
        includes gas, water, and sewer. The tenant pays for electric charges for
        the individual apartments. The subject's historical expenses range from
        $491 to $583 per unit. The year-to-date annualized 1999 expense is $676
        per unit, while the 1999 budgeted amount is $538 per unit. According to
        property management, utilities at the subject property were
        extraordinarily low in 1998 and have averaged $550+/- per unit over the
        past five years. The expense comparables indicate a range of $336 to
        $643 per unit. We estimated utilities at $540 per unit, which is
        consistent with the budget and expense comparables.

        REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - This category includes allocations for general
        maintenance of the interior and exterior of the buildings, apartment
        make-ready expenses, as well as minor maintenance to the HVAC equipment,
        plumbing, kitchen appliances, roofs, maintenance supplies, and any
        typical outside contractual labor costs. The subject's historical
        expenses range from $744 to $784 per unit. The year-to-date annualized
        1999 expense is $671 per unit, while the 1999 budgeted amount is $750
        per unit. The expense comparables indicate a range of $382 to $1,163 per
        unit, with most at $517 to $849 per unit. We estimated this expense at
        $750 per unit, which is consistent with the subject's history and budget
        and falls within the range of the expense comparables.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Insert History


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Insert Expense Comparables


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        PAYROLL - This expense includes all salary, hourly, and commissioned
        employees, plus benefits such as insurance, payroll taxes, and workers
        compensation. The subject's historical expenses range from $668 to $764
        per unit. The year-to-date annualized 1999 expense is $661 per unit,
        while the 1999 budgeted amount is $622 per unit. The expense comparables
        indicate a range of $385 to $738 per unit, with most at $515 to $738 per
        unit. As depicted, the lowest expense of $383 per unit had higher
        general and administrative expenses, indicating that some payroll
        expenses may be included in this category. We estimated this expense at
        $680 per unit, which represents a 3.0+/- percent increase over 1998.

        GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE - This expense includes the costs of
        professional services such as legal and accounting, advertising, as well
        as office expenses such as postage, telephones, etc. The subject's
        historical expenses range from $178 to $184 per unit. The year-to-date
        annualized 1999 expense is $186 per unit, while the 1999 budgeted amount
        is $204 per unit. The expense comparables indicate a range of $239 to
        $453 per unit, with most at $239 to $300 per unit. As discussed above,
        the comparable at the higher end of the range had lower payroll
        expenses. We estimated this expense at $200 per unit, which is
        consistent with subject's most recent history and budget.

        Fixed expenses are those which generally do not vary with occupancy and
have to be paid whether the property is occupied or vacant. The two major
expenses in this category are real estate taxes and insurance. In addition, we
include reserves for replacements as a fixed expense.

        REAL ESTATE TAXES - This expense was discussed in the REAL PROPERTY
        TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS section. We estimated the subject's tax liability
        to be $679 per unit.

        INSURANCE - The insurance expense at the subject project includes
        liability, property damage, vehicle and umbrella insurance. The
        subject's historical and year-to-date expenses range from $31 to $56 per
        unit, while the 1999 budgeted amount is $56 per unit. The expense
        comparables indicate a range of $41 to $123 per unit. Landlords (like
        the subject owner) that own various complexes within a given
        metropolitan area can generally achieve a bulk rate on insurance. In
        this analysis, we estimated insurance charges based on an individual
        buyer for the property. Thus, we did not consider a bulk (discounted)
        rate. Accordingly, we estimated this expense at $100 per unit, which is
        consistent with insurance charges at other properties.

        RESERVES FOR REPLACEMENT - The typical informed investor makes an
        allowance for reserves for replacements which includes appliance, carpet
        and blinds replacement. This is an especially prudent charge as an
        apartment complex ages and generally ranges from $150 to $300 per unit.
        Based on the subject's older age, we estimate reserve for replacement at
        the high end of the range, or $275 per unit. This estimate also takes
        into account our lump sum deduction for deferred maintenance.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Reserves for replacement has historically been taken below the net
        operating income line in the statement of income and expenses. However,
        over the past several years there has been a movement to place unit
        replacements before the net operating income line because this is a
        legitimate expense which, in most case, occurs annually. Therefore,
        following market practices, we include unit replacements before net
        operating income.

        In addition to the aforementioned unit replacement allowance (which has
        been included as an operating expense above the net operating income
        line), it is standard practice to consider capital reserves for roof
        replacement, paving, stairwell replacement, water heater and HVAC
        replacements, etc. This category of expense represents a charge to the
        property below the net operating income line and, therefore, is
        applicable to the cash flow analysis only. The typical informed investor
        makes an allowance of $0.10 to $0.25 per net rentable square foot. The
        low end of the range is generally for new construction. Given the
        subject's older age, we estimated a capital reserve of $0.25 per square

        As discussed in the PROPERTY DESCRIPTION section, the property suffers
        from deferred maintenance including sprinkler, catwalk, life safety,
        HVAC, piping, and lighting repairs. Based on a review of the capital
        budget and discussions with management, deferred maintenance totals
        about $920,000. We deducted this figure from our cash flow.

      Our estimate of total expenses for the subject property for a stabilized
year is $3,561 per unit. The operating expense ratio is 42.3 percent. The
expense comparables range from $2,213 to $3,224 per unit, with operating expense
ratios of 40.2 to 58.4 percent. Overall, our estimate appears to be consistent
with the expense comparables and is considered reasonable.

        A summary of our pro forma income and expense statement for the subject
property is as follows.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         DIRECT CAPITALIZATION
                Potential Rental Income:                                                    $4,161,084
                      LESS:  Employee/Model                                                   ($53,175)
                Units LESS:  Vacancy & Collection Loss                     7.0%              ($287,554)
                Effective Gross Rental Income                                               $3,820,355
                Other Income                                               3.0%               $114,611

                Effective Gross Income (EGI)                                                               $3,934,966

                                Management              4.0%               $336 /Unit         $157,399
                                Utilities                                  $540 /Unit         $252,720
                                Repairs/Maintenance                        $750 /Unit         $351,000
                                Payroll                                    $680 /Unit         $318,240
                                General/Administrative                     $200 /Unit          $93,600
                                                                         ------             ----------
                                Subtotal                                 $2,506 /Unit       $1,172,959

                Fixed  Expenses:
                                Real Estate Taxes                          $679 /Unit         $317,903
                                Insurance                                  $100 /Unit         $ 46,800
                                                                         ------               --------
                                Subtotal                                   $779 /Unit         $364,703

                    Replacement Reserves                                   $275 /Unit         $128,700

                Total Operating Expenses:                                $3,561 /Unit                    ($1,666,362)

                NET OPERATING INCOME                                     $4,847 /Unit                      $2,268,604

                Operating Expense Ratio                                   42.3%
                Number of Units                                             468

        In the direct capitalization method, we estimated the market value by
dividing the proforma net operating income by an overall capitalization rate
derived from our analysis of the market sales. This rate is computed by dividing
the net operating income (absent consideration of the capital reserves, which is
commonplace in the market) from a sold property by its sale price. The overall
capitalization rates derived from the improved property sales are shown below.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        SALE NO.              CAPITALIZATION RATE
          I-1                        9.89%
          I-2                        9.35%
          I-3                         N/A
          I-4                        8.75%

        An analysis of the comparable sales indicates a range of capitalization
rates from 8.75 to 9.89 percent. It should be noted that all of the comparable
sales include unit replacements as a part of the annual operating expenses. As
is the case with these sales, more and more investors are including unit
replacements in their estimate of net operating income that results in a
capitalization rate that is a TRUER rate of return. The selection of the
appropriate rate applicable to the subject from the defined range depends upon
the comparability of each sale to the subject property.

        Given the difficulty in obtaining reliable income data from buyers and
sellers, and the wide variation in overall capitalization rates found, we sought
indications provided by other data. Conversations with brokers in the market who
deal primarily with apartment projects indicated overall capitalization rates
between 9.0 and 10.0 percent for Class B apartments in good locations.

        Cushman & Wakefield Valuation Advisory Services surveys national real
estate investors to determine their investment objectives. Following is a brief
review of overall capitalization rates, internal rates of return, and income and
expense growth rates considered acceptable by the respondents for Class B leased
asset apartments.

                                               CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD
                                         FALL 1998 NATIONAL INVESTOR SURVEY
                                          CLASS B LEASED ASSET APARTMENTS
                                                                    INCOME          EXPENSE
                      GOING IN       TERMINAL          IRR          GROWTH          GROWTH
                    ------------   ------------   -------------   -----------    -----------    PROJECTION
                    LOW    HIGH    LOW    HIGH    LOW     HIGH    LOW    HIGH    LOW    HIGH      PERIOD
- ------------------  ------------   ------------   -------------   -----------    -----------    ----------
Range               8.5% - 10.0%   9.0% - 10.0%   10.5% - 14.0%   2.5%   4.0%    2.5%   4.0%    3.0 - 10.0
Low - High          9.2% -  9.4%   9.5% -  9.7%   11.8% - 12.1%   3.2% - 3.5%    3.3% - 3.5%    8.1 -  8.8
- ------------------  ------------   ------------   -------------   -----------    -----------    ----------
No. of Responses: 27

      The preceding table summarizes the investment parameters of some of the
most prominent investors currently acquiring high-grade investment properties in
the United States. Generally speaking, our survey reveals going-in
capitalization rates of 8.5 to 10.0 percent, with the average low and high
responses of 9.2 and 9.4 percent, for Class B leased asset apartments. Average
terminal rates are about 30 basis points higher or 9.5 to 9.7 percent.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      In the final analysis, we selected a going-in capitalization rate that
reflects the subject's tenancy, quality and location. The subject is located a
moderate income area of Baltimore County, Maryland that has a high percentage of
renters (42%). The property is currently 94 percent leased, which is consistent
with the occupancy achieved over the past three years. The competitive market is
strong, with occupancies in the high 90 percent range. The subject's
three-bedroom units, which comprise 15.4 percent of the total inventory, have
above market rents. Based on the foregoing, and considering the stable
population base in the subject vicinity, we conclude an overall rate for the
subject of 9.5 to 10.0 percent, say 9.75 percent, which is supported by the
comparable sales.

        Applying our selected capitalization rate to our projected net operating
income for the subject property results in the following value indication:

                              DIRECT CAPITALIZATION
          NET                    OVERALL                                         VALUE
        INCOME           /         RATE          INDICATED VALUE               PER UNIT
    $2,268,604           /          9.75%               $23,267,737             $49,717

      From this figure, we must deduct deferred maintenance charges of $920,000.
Hence, the as is value estimate via direct capitalization is equivalent to
$22,300,000 rounded.

      An Excel spreadsheet program was used to model future income and expenses.
In formulating this model, the following assumptions were used:

               1.   The pro forma is based on a ten year analysis, with an
                    eleven-year holding period. The analysis begins August 1999
                    on a fiscal year basis.

               2.   The Year One revenue and expense items are based on the
                    previously discussed estimates.

               3.   Based on our future assessment of the rental market, we are
                    forecasting a 3.0 percent increase in income.

               4.   Other income is estimated at 3.0 percent of effective rental

               5.   Based on the occupancy/vacancy data from the submarket and
                    the direct competition, we have projected the subject's
                    vacancy and collection loss to be 7.0 percent.

               6.   Most of the general operating expenses (including
                    replacement reserves) have been grown at 3.0 percent
                    throughout the holding period, with the exception of
                    management which is a function of effective gross income.

               7.   The reversion estimate was based on a resale in the tenth
                    year of the analysis period. It was formulated by applying a
                    terminal capitalization rate to the


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    eleventh year net operating income and subtracting
                    3.0 percent in selling costs.

      A terminal capitalization rate was used to estimate the market value of
the property at the end of the assumed investment holding period. The rate is
applied to the eleventh year estimate of net operating income after subtracting
unit replacements, but before making deductions for capital reserves. We
estimated an appropriate terminal rate based on the indicated rates in the
market today. A premium is typically added to the current rate to allow for the
risk of unforeseen events or trends which might affect our estimate of net
operating income during the holding period, including a possible deterioration
in market conditions for the property. Investors typically add 50 to 100 basis
points to the GOING-IN rate to arrive at a terminal capitalization rate,
according to Cushman & Wakefield's periodic investor surveys and KORPACZ REAL

      We estimate that an appropriate terminal rate for the subject property
would be 10.0 percent, which is 25 basis points higher than our overall rate and
is supported by our investor survey.

      In our valuation, we endeavored to reflect the most likely actions of
typical buyers and sellers in this market. We forecasted cash flows and
discounted them and the future property value at the time of reversion to a
present value at an internal rate of return (yield rate) currently required by
investors for real property of a similar quality. The yield rate (internal rate
of return or IRR) is the single rate that discounts all future equity benefits
(cash flows and equity reversion) to an estimate of net present value.

      Our preceding investor survey summarized the investment parameters of some
of the most prominent investors currently acquiring high-grade apartment
properties in the United States. The cited internal rates of return range from
10.5 to 14.0 percent, with most at 11.0 to 12.5 percent. The low and high
averages are 11.8 and 12.1 percent, respectively. In our analysis of the subject
property, we discounted the subject's cash flows at 12.0 percent.

      Using a 12 percent discount rate, our discounted cash flow model on the
following page indicates a value for the subject of $22,300,000 rounded.

      This value produces an actual going-in capitalization or overall
capitalization rate of 10.17 percent, based upon the first year's projection of
net operating income, before the deduction for replacement reserves. This rate
essentially mirrors the range indicated by the comparable sales and our survey
of market participants and is considered reasonable.

      With regard to the composition of the yield or internal rate of return, 57
percent of the subject's ultimate yield is from the cash flows, with the
remainder attributable to the reversion. Furthermore, the average cash on cash
return over the holding period equals 10.7 percent on an annualized basis. We
are of the opinion that all of these relationships are generally acceptable in
today's investment environment for apartment communities.


                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                 INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      In this instance, direct capitalization and the discounted cash flow
analysis produced similar values. Based on our recent conversations with brokers
and investors who deal directly in multi-family projects, it appears that the
majority of stabilized properties are bought and sold via the direct
capitalization approach. The discounted cash flow analysis is very appropriate
for the investor/purchaser buying properties where the potential for change may
exist over the near term. The subject represents a stabilized property with no
significant changes anticipated for the future; hence the assumptions are
minimized. Consequently, we relied more heavily on direct capitalization and
reconciled the value via the INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH at $22,300,000.


                                        RECONCILIATION AND FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Two approaches to value were considered in our analysis. The indicated
values are shown below:

        Cost Approach                                       Not Applicable
        Sales Comparison Approach                           $22,700,000
        Income Capitalization Approach                      $22,300,000

        In the reconciliation, each approach to value is reviewed in order to
determine the reliability of the data employed and to determine which approach
best represents the actions of typical users and investors in the market.

        The COST APPROACH is typically a good indication of value when the
subject is new (there is recent historical cost data available) and a minimal
amount of depreciation is present. Further, the interest being sought is the
leased fee estate which is difficult to estimate via this approach. The COST
APPROACH is fraught with deficiencies when attempting to apply this technique to
older properties. Given the subject's older age, this approach becomes less
reliable due to the subjective element of depreciation. Hence, we did not
utilize the COST APPROACH in our analysis of the property.

        The SALES COMPARISON APPROACH is based on the principle of substitution
which implies that a prudent person will not pay more to buy a property than it
would cost to buy a comparable substitute property. The subject property, as
improved, was compared with the most recent sales data we could obtain on
relatively similar apartment complexes. Units of comparison were developed so
that a meaningful conclusion could be drawn. These units of comparison included
the sales prices per unit and net income multiplier. Because of the inherent
differences between the comparables and the subject, the broad range of value
indications provided an imprecise indication of the price that a buyer would pay
for the subject under normal circumstances. Nevertheless, the value indications
generally supports the value conclusion by the INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH.

      The INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH is predicated upon the principle of
anticipation which assumes that value is determined by the future income one can
expect to receive from the real estate. In this approach, both the direct
capitalization and discount cash flow techniques were used to develop
indications of value. Investment properties are generally bought and sold based
upon their ability to produce income. All sources of data relative to the INCOME
CAPITALIZATION APPROACH were carefully researched and documented. Therefore,
greatest weight has been given to the value indication derived via the INCOME

        Based on our complete appraisal as defined by the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice, we have formed an opinion that the market value
of fee simple estate in the referenced property, subject to the assumptions,
limiting conditions, certifications, and definitions, as of August 13, 1999,



                                            ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Appraisal" means the appraisal report and opinion of value stated therein; or
the letter opinion of value, to which these Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
are annexed.

"Property" means the subject of the Appraisal.

"C&W" means Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. or its subsidiary which issued the

"Appraiser(s)" means the employee(s) of C&W who prepared and signed the

This appraisal is made subject to the following assumptions and limiting

1.     No opinion is intended to be expressed and no responsibility is assumed
       for the legal description or for any matters which are legal in nature
       or require legal expertise or specialized knowledge beyond that of a
       real estate appraiser. Title to the Property is assumed to be good and
       marketable and the Property is assumed to be free and clear of all liens
       unless otherwise stated. No survey of the Property was undertaken.

2.     The information contained in the Appraisal or upon which the Appraisal is
       based has been gathered from sources the Appraiser assumes to be reliable
       and accurate. Some of such information may have been provided by the
       owner of the Property. Neither the Appraiser nor C&W shall be responsible
       for the accuracy or completeness of such information, including the
       correctness of estimates, opinions, dimensions, sketches, exhibits and
       factual matters.

3.     The opinion of value is only as of the date stated in the Appraisal.
       Changes since that date in external and market factors or in the
       Property itself can significantly affect property value.

4.     The Appraisal is to be used in whole and not in part. No part of the
       Appraisal shall be used in conjunction with any other appraisal.
       Publication of the Appraisal or any portion thereof without the prior
       written consent of C&W is prohibited. Except as may be otherwise stated
       in the letter of engagement, the Appraisal may not be used by any person
       other than the party to whom it is addressed or for purposes other than
       that for which it was prepared. No part of the Appraisal shall be
       conveyed to the public through advertising, or used in any sales or
       promotional material without C&W's prior written consent. Reference to
       the Appraisal Institute or to the MAI designation is prohibited.

5.     Except as may be otherwise stated in the letter of engagement, the
       Appraiser shall not be required to give testimony in any court or
       administrative proceeding relating to the Property or the Appraisal.


                                            ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.     The Appraisal assumes (a) responsible ownership and competent
       management of the Property; (b) there are no hidden or unapparent
       conditions of the Property, subsoil or structures that render the
       Property more or less valuable (no responsibility is assumed for
       such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may
       be required to discover them); (c) full compliance with all
       applicable federal, state and local zoning and environmental
       regulations and laws, unless noncompliance is stated, defined and
       considered in the Appraisal; and (d) all required licenses,
       certificates of occupancy and other governmental consents have been
       or can be obtained and renewed for any use on which the value estimate
       contained in the Appraisal is based.

7.     The physical condition of the improvements considered by the Appraisal is
       based on visual inspection by the Appraiser or other person identified in
       the Appraisal. C&W assumes no responsibility for the soundness of
       structural members nor for the condition of mechanical equipment,
       plumbing or electrical components.

8.     The forecasted potential gross income referred to in the Appraisal may be
       based on lease summaries provided by the owner or third parties. The
       Appraiser assumes no responsibility for the authenticity or completeness
       of lease information provided by others. C&W recommends that legal advice
       be obtained regarding the interpretation of lease provisions and the
       contractual rights of parties.

9.     The forecasts of income and expenses are not predictions of the future.
       Rather, they are the Appraiser's best estimates of current market
       thinking on future income and expenses. The Appraiser and C&W make no
       warranty or representation that these forecasts will materialize. The
       real estate market is constantly fluctuating and changing. It is not the
       Appraiser's task to predict or in any way warrant the conditions of a
       future real estate market; the Appraiser can only reflect what the
       investment community, as of the date of the Appraisal, envisages for the
       future in terms of rental rates, expenses, supply and demand.

10.    Unless otherwise stated in the Appraisal, the existence of potentially
       hazardous or toxic materials which may have been used in the construction
       or maintenance of the improvements or may be located at or about the
       Property was not considered in arriving at the opinion of value. These
       materials (such as formaldehyde foam insulation, asbestos insulation and
       other potentially hazardous materials) may adversely affect the value of
       the Property. The Appraisers are not qualified to detect such substances
       C&W recommends that an environmental expert be employed to determine the
       impact of these matters on the opinion of value.

11.    Unless otherwise stated in the Appraisal, compliance with the
       requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) has
       not been considered in arriving at the opinion of value. Failure to
       comply with the requirements of the ADA may adversely affect the value
       of the property. C&W recommends that an expert in this field be


                                                     CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        We certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief:

1.   Kelly J. Small inspected the property and prepared the report. John D.
     Busi, MAI, reviewed the report and concurred in the conclusions herein.

2.   The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct.

3.   The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the
     reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are our personal,
     unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions.

4.   We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the
     subject of this report, and we have no personal interest or bias with
     respect to the parties involved.

5.   Our compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined
     value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the
     amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or
     the occurrence of a subsequent event. The appraisal assignment was not
     based on a requested minimum valuation, a specific valuation or the
     approval of a loan.

6.   No one provided significant professional assistance to the persons
     signing this report.

7.   Our analyses, opinions and conclusions were developed, and this report has
     been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional
     Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation and the Code of
     Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
     of the Appraisal Institute.

8.   The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal
     Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives.

9.   As of the date of this report, John D. Busi , MAI, has completed the
     requirements of the continuing education program of the Appraisal

    Kelly J. Small
    Associate Director
    Maryland Certified General Appraiser License 20143

    John D. Busi, MAI
    Managing Director


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                LEGAL DESCRIPTION

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              EQUIFAX DEMOGRAPHICS

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            IMPROVED SALE COMPARABLES

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                RENT COMPARABLES

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    RENT ROLL

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                 QUALIFICATIONS OF JOHN D. BUSI
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        John D. Busi is the Managing Director of Cushman & Wakefield's New York
Area Valuation Advisory Services Group. His responsibilities include management
of 34 professionals and 11 support staff housed within four branch offices. He
joined Cushman & Wakefield in March, 1981. In May, 1990, Mr. Busi was awarded
the MAI designation by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. In
March, 1991, Mr. Busi was promoted to the position Associate Director and in
March, 1992 was promoted to the position of Director by the Executive Board of
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. In December, 1992, Mr. Busi was promoted to the
position of Manager - New York Branch. In December, 1995, Mr. Busi's
responsibilities were broadened to include the tri-state New York metropolitan
area containing three branch offices. In January, 1996, Mr. Busi became a
stockholder in Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. In November, 1996, Mr. Busi was
promoted to the position of Managing Director. In January, 1997, Mr. Busi's
responsibilities were expanded to include management of the Boston VAS branch
office. Mr. Busi's responsibilities include marketing and development of new
business for the region, managing regional and national appraisal accounts,
review and quality control functions and the appraisal of investment grade real

        Appraisal and consulting assignments have included regional malls and
shopping centers, proposed and existing multi-tenanted office buildings,
cooperative, condominium and rental apartment buildings, feasibility and market
studies, vacant land and assemblages, special use industrial properties,
developable air rights, and investment properties throughout the United States.
A list of properties appraised by Mr. Busi is available upon request.


        In January 1996, Mr. Busi was appointed the New York Metropolitan Area
Appraisal Institute Chapter Admissions Committee Chairman. In this capacity, Mr.
Busi is responsible for overseeing institute candidates fulfillment of
admissions requirements and appointment of experience review committees.

        Long Island University
        Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
        Graduated: January 1981

        As of the date of this report, John D. Busi, MAI, has completed the
requirements under the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute.

        Mr. Busi has also been a guest lecturer for NYU's Real Estate Masters

                                               QUALIFICATIONS OF KELLY J. SMALL
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Candidate Member of the Appraisal Institute (#M921847)
           State of Maryland Certified General Real Estate Appraiser (#20143)
           State of Michigan Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
           Maryland Salesperson License (#313081)

           Associate Director, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., Valuation Advisory
           Services, a full service real estate organization specializing in
           appraisal and consultation. Member of National Affordable Housing
           Group. October 1995 to present.

           Staff Appraiser, Legg Mason Realty Group, Inc., Baltimore,
           Maryland. February 1990 through October 1995.

           Other work experience includes financial analyst, market research
           analyst and real estate settlement work. Experience includes
           appraisal of the following types of property:

          Office Buildings                      Shopping Centers
          Subdivision Development Analysis      Industrial Facilities
          Commercial Land                       Multi-Family Properties
          Single Family Residences              Leasehold/Leased Fee Interests
          Hotels/Motels                         Special Purpose Facilities
          Manufacturing Facilities              Warehouse Facilities

           Bachelor of Science (Finance), 1990
           University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland

           Masters of Science (Real Estate Development), 1996
           The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

           Appraisal Institute Courses:
                     #1A1 - Real Estate Appraisal Principles
                     #1A2 - Basic Valuation Procedures
                     #1B1 - Capitalization Theory & Techniques, Part A
                     #1B2 - Capitalization Theory & Techniques, Part B
                     #410 - Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice,
                            Part A (USPAP)
                     #420 - Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice,
                            Part B (AI)
                     #540 - Report Writing and Valuation Analysis
                     #550 - Advanced Applications

                                   Unit Summary

                                                    ONE-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                                    PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
                 RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
                  R-1        Deertree               1 BR/1 BA                 717           $575           $0.80
                  R-1        Deertree               1 BR/1 BA/Den             849           $595           $0.70
                  R-2        Hunt Club              1 BR/1 BA                 701           $705           $1.01
                  R-3        Mays Chapel Village    1 BR/1 BA                 700           $610           $0.87
                  R-3        Mays Chapel Village    1 BR/1 BA/DEN             820           $665           $0.81
                  R-4        Briarcliff East        1 BR/1 BA                 937           $665           $0.71
                  R-5        Town & Country         1 BR/1 BA                 805           $649           $0.81

                  Comparable Range                  Min                       700           $575           $0.70
                                                    Max                       937           $705           $1.01
                Subject                             1-BR/1-BA                 691           $675           $0.98
                                                    1-BR/1-BA/Den             801           $710           $0.89

                                                  TWO-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                               PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
            RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
             R-1        Deertree               2 BR/1 BA                 972           $640           $0.66
             R-1        Deertree               2 BR/1.5 BA               972           $655           $0.67
             R-2        Hunt Club              2 BR/1.5 BA              1,003          $795           $0.79
             R-3        Mays Chapel Village    2 BR/1.5 BA               880           $720           $0.82
             R-4        Briarcliff East        2 BR/1 BA                 974           $750           $0.77
             R-5        Town & Country         2 BR/1 BA                1,057          $739           $0.70

             Comparable Range                  Min                       880           $640           $0.66
                                               Max                      1,057          $795           $0.82
           Subject                             2-BR/1.5-BA               974           $785           $0.81

                                               Page 2

                                   Unit Summary

                                                 THREE-BEDROOM UNIT SUMMARY
                               PROJECT                                  UNIT         RENT PER        RENT/SF/
            RENTAL               NAME                 BR/BA             SIZE           MONTH          MONTH
             R-1        Deertree               3 BR/1.5 BA              1,137          $785           $0.69
             R-2        Hunt Club              3 BR/2 BA                1,175          $875           $0.74
             R-3        Mays Chapel Village    3 BR/2 BA                1,100          $790           $0.72
             R-4        Briarcliff East        3 BR/2 BA                1,166          $860           $0.74

             Comparable Range                  Min                      1,100          $785           $0.69
                                               Max                      1,175          $875           $0.74
           Subject                             3-BR/2-BA                1,166          $940           $0.81

                                   Unit Summary


                                               Page 3

                                 Comps Unit Mix

R-1                Deertree

                        UNIT TYPE         UNIT              STREET     RENT
                                          SIZE (SF)          RENT       SF
                        1 BR/1 BA            717              $575     $0.80
                        1 BR/1 BA/Den        849              $595     $0.70
                        2 BR/1 BA            972              $640     $0.66
                        2 BR/1.5 BA          972              $655     $0.67
                        3 BR/1.5 BA        1,137              $785     $0.69

R-2                Hunt Club

                        UNIT TYPE         UNIT              STREET     RENT
                                          SIZE (SF)          RENT       SF
                        1 BR/1 BA            701              $705     $1.01
                        2 BR/1.5 BA        1,003              $795     $0.79
                        3 BR/2 BA          1,175              $875     $0.74

R-3                Mays Chapel Village

                        UNIT TYPE         UNIT              STREET     RENT
                                          SIZE (SF)          RENT       SF
                        1 BR/1 BA            700              $610     $0.87
                        1 BR/1 BA/Den        820              $665     $0.81
                        2 BR/1.5 BA          880              $720     $0.82
                        3 BR/2 BA          1,100              $790     $0.72

R-4                Briarcliff East

                        UNIT TYPE         UNIT              STREET     RENT
                                          SIZE (SF)          RENT       SF
                        1 BR/1 BA            937              $665     $0.71
                        2 BR/1 BA            974              $750     $0.77
                        3 BR/2 BA          1,166              $860     $0.74

                                               Page 1

R-5                Town & Country

                        UNIT TYPE         UNIT              STREET     RENT
                                          SIZE (SF)          RENT       SF
                        1 BR/1 BA            805              $649     $0.81
                        2 BR/1 BA          1,057              $739     $0.70

                                               Page 2

                                        Sales SF

SALE        GROSS RENT        RANKING                   MKT COND LOCATION           OCCUP
Sale I-1        N/A               N/A                                 -5%        0%       -5%
Sale I-2        $8,784         Slightly Inferior          -7%          7%        0%        7%
Sale I-3        $9,031         Slightly Inferior          -4%          4%        0%        4%
Sale I-4        $6,977         Inferior                   -34%        35%        0%        35%
Subject        $9,358

                                               Page 1

                                            Sales SF

                                      IMPROVED SALES SUMMARY
                                                       CASH         YR BUILT
SALE                                        SALE    EQUIVALENT      --------               OVERALL      NOI           PRICE
NO.        NAME/LOCATION                    DATE    SALES PRICE     NO. UNITS    OCCUP.      RATE      PER UNIT       PER UNIT
I-1     The Manor House                     Mar-99    $23,000,000      1968        97%      9.89%      $5,230         $52,874
        14313 Georgia Avenue                                           ----
        Silver Spring, Montgomery County                                435

I-2     Millpond Apartments                 Jan-99    $11,030,000      1983        95%      9.35%      $4,297         $45,958
        604 Millstream Court                                           ----
        Millersville, Anne Arundel County                               240

I-3     Cedar Valley Apartments             Jun-98    $6,850,000       1974        98%       N/A         N/A          $43,910
        5458 Harpers Farm Road                                         ----
        Columbia, Howard County                                         156

I-4     Park Place I & II                   Jan-98    $14,250,000      1971        93%      8.75%      $3,189         $36,445
        Seven Mile Lane                                                ----
        Baltimore City                                                  391

                                               Page 2

                                     NET INCOME MULTIPLIER ANALYSIS
           COMP SALE        SUBJECT        SALES PRICE                              ADJUSTED
SALE NO.   NOI/UNIT        NOI/UNIT        PER UNIT           % DIFFERENCE          PRICE/UNIT        OAR
I-1        $5,230           $4,847           $52,874              -7.31%             $49,007           9.89%
I-2        $4,297           $4,847           $45,958              12.81%             $51,846           9.35%
I-3         N/A             $4,847           $43,910               N/A                 N/A              N/A
I-4        $3,189           $4,847           $36,445              52.01%             $55,399           8.75%
           ------           ------           -------              -----              -------           ----
Averages   $4,239           $4,847           $44,797              19.17%             $52,084           9.33%

Indicated Value                468    @     $52,000       =   $24,336,000
                              Units       Value Per Unit

                                            Rounded                $24,300,000
                             $51,923                                                 $55,399

                              OPERATING EXPENSE COMPARABLES
                                 CLASS B GARDEN APARTMENTS
                                BALTIMORE METROPOLITAN AREA

    EXPENSE COMPARABLE                    E-1              E-2               E-3                   E-4                 E-5

    Property Location              Baltimore County   Baltimore City   Baltimore County    Anne Arundel County   Baltimore County
    Property Type                       Garden            Garden            Garden               Garden               Garden
    Year Built                            N/A              1971              1975                 1968                 1954
    Number of Units                       299              544               221                   506                 262

                                       PER UNIT          PER UNIT          PER UNIT             PER UNIT             PER UNIT


    Variable Expenses:

      Management                         $215              $255              $330                 $341                 $147
      Utilities                           465              468               403                  $643                 $336
      Repairs and Maintenance             382              517              1,163                 $561                 $849
      Payroll                             515              385               650                  $617                 $738
      General and Administrative         239               453               282                  $245                $300
                                         ----              ----              ----                 -----               -----
      Total Variable Expenses           $1,816            $2,078            $2,828               $2,407               $2,370

    Fixed Expenses

      Real Estate Taxes                  $349              $517              $286                 $324                 $363
      Insurance                           48               41                110                  $42                 $123
                                          ---              ---               ----                 ----                -----
      Total Fixed Expenses               $397              $558              $396                 $366                 $486

    Total Expenses                      $2,213            $2,636            $3,224               $2,773               $2,856

    Operating Expenses % EGI             46.8%            40.2%             58.4%                 40.7%               44.8%

    Management % of EGI                  4.75%            4.64%              6.0%                 5.0%                 4.0%

                                                      PER UNIT

    OPERATING EXPENSES                     LOW         HIGH        AVERAGE

    Variable Expenses:

      Management                              $147         $341        $258
      Utilities                               $336         $643        $463
      Repairs and Maintenance                 $382       $1,163        $694
      Payroll                                 $385         $738        $581
      General and Administrative             $239         $453        $304
                                             -----        -----       ----
      Total Variable Expenses               $1,816       $2,828      $2,300

    Fixed Expenses

      Real Estate Taxes                       $286         $517        $368
      Insurance                               $41         $123         $73
                                              ----        -----        ---
      Total Fixed Expenses                    $366         $558        $441

    Total Expenses                          $2,213       $3,224      $2,740

    Operating Expenses % EGI                 40.2%        58.4%       46.2%

    Management % of EGI                       4.0%         6.0%        4.9%

                               CENTURY APARTMENTS

                           BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND


                                              YEAR-END                  YEAR END                        YEAR-TO-DATE
                                                  1997                     1998                         (MAY 1999)
                                         ANNUAL                    ANNUAL                   ACTUAL                      ANNUALIZED
                                         AMOUNT      PER UNIT      AMOUNT     PER UNIT      AMOUNT        ANNUALIZED     PER UNIT
Rental Income:                        $3,834,440     $8,193     $3,976,892     $8,498     $1,696,797     $4,072,313      $8,702
Less:  Model/Employee Units             ($58,971)     ($126)      ($57,432)     ($123)      ($24,944)      ($59,866)      ($128)
Less:  Vacancy & Collection Loss       ($163,609)     ($350)     ($188,178)     ($402)     ($102,385)     ($245,724)      ($525)
                                     -----------   --------
Other Income                            $111,861       $239       $107,982       $231        $45,630       $109,512        $234
                                                                 ---------    ---------  -----------     ----------      -------
Effective Gross Income                $3,723,721     $7,957     $3,839,264     $8,204     $1,615,098     $3,876,235      $8,283


Variable Expenses

    Management                          $138,962       $297       $139,166       $297        $70,493       $169,183        $362
    Utilities                            272,701       $583       $229,596       $491       $131,899       $316,558        $676
    Repairs & Maintenance                367,057       $784       $348,231       $744       $130,826       $313,982        $671
    Payroll                              357,388       $764       $312,534       $668       $128,847       $309,233        $661
    General & Administrative              83,292       $178        $85,949       $184        $36,364        $87,274        $186
                                     -----------   --------    -----------  ---------    -----------    -----------    --------
  Total Operating Expenses            $1,219,400     $2,606     $1,115,476     $2,383       $498,429     $1,196,230      $2,556

Fixed Expenses

    Real Estate Taxes                   $284,384       $608       $294,966       $630       $121,875       $292,500        $625
    Insurance                             14,482        $31       ($20,908)      ($45)       $11,003        $26,407         $56
                                     -----------   --------    -----------  ---------    -----------    -----------    --------
Total Fixed Expenses                    $298,866       $639       $274,058       $586       $132,878       $318,907        $681

Total Expenses                        $1,518,266     $3,244     $1,389,534     $2,969       $631,307     $1,515,137      $3,237

Reserves for Replacement
Net Operating Income                  $2,205,455     $4,713     $2,449,730     $5,234       $983,791     $2,361,098      $5,045

Other Income %  ERI                          3.1%                      2.9%                      2.9%
Management As % EGI                          3.7%                      3.6%                      4.4%
Operating Expense Ratio                     40.8%                     36.2%                     39.1%

                                             BUDGET                    C&W PROFORMA
                                            1999                        STABILIZED
                                     ANNUAL                      ANNUAL
                                    AMOUNT       PER UNIT        AMOUNT        PER UNIT

Rental Income:                   $4,128,145         $8,821     $4,161,084         $8,891
Less:  Model/Employee Units        ($54,360)         ($116)      ($53,175)         ($114)
Less:  Vacancy & Collection Loss  ($140,644)         ($301)     ($287,554)         ($614)
Other Income                       $102,290           $219       $114,611           $245
                                -----------    -----------                    -----------
Effective Gross Income           $4,035,431         $8,623     $3,934,966         $8,408


Variable Expenses

    Management                     $168,289           $360       $157,399           $336
    Utilities                      $251,731           $538       $252,720           $540
    Repairs & Maintenance          $350,927           $750       $351,000           $750
    Payroll                        $291,050           $622       $318,240           $680
    General & Administrative        $95,660           $204        $93,600           $200
                                -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
  Total Operating Expenses       $1,157,657         $2,474     $1,172,959         $2,506

Fixed Expenses

    Real Estate Taxes              $298,621           $638       $317,903           $679
    Insurance                       $26,407            $56        $46,800           $100
                                -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Total Fixed Expenses               $325,028           $695       $364,703           $779

Total Expenses                   $1,482,685         $3,168     $1,537,662         $3,286

Reserves for Replacement                                         $128,700           $275
Net Operating Income             $2,552,746         $5,455     $2,268,604         $4,847

Other Income %  ERI                    2.6%                           3.0%
Management As % EGI                    4.2%                           4.0%
Operating Expense Ratio               36.7%                          39.1%

                               CENTURY APARTMENTS

                           BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND

                          DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS

                                        YEAR 1          YEAR 2         YEAR 3          YEAR 4          YEAR 5          YEAR 6
RENTAL INCOME:                       $4,161,084      $4,285,917      $4,414,494      $4,546,929      $4,683,337      $4,823,837
Less:  Employee/Model Units            ($53,175)       ($54,770)       ($56,413)       ($58,106)       ($59,849)       ($61,644)
Less: Vacancy, & Collection Loss      ($287,554)      ($296,180)      ($305,066)      ($314,218)      ($323,644)      ($333,353)
Effective Rental Income              $3,820,355      $3,934,966      $4,053,015      $4,174,605      $4,299,844      $4,428,839
Add:  Other Miscellaneous Income       $114,611        $118,049        $121,590        $125,238        $128,995        $132,865
EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME               $3,934,966      $4,053,015      $4,174,605      $4,299,844      $4,428,839      $4,561,704

Management Fee                         $157,399        $162,121        $166,984        $171,994        $177,154        $182,468
Utilities                              $252,720        $260,302        $268,111        $276,154        $284,439        $292,972
Repairs & Maintenance                  $351,000        $361,530        $372,376        $383,547        $395,054        $406,905
Payroll                                $318,240        $327,787        $337,621        $347,749        $358,182        $368,927
General & Administrative                $93,600         $96,408         $99,300        $102,279        $105,348        $108,508

Real Estate Taxes                      $317,903        $327,469        $337,140        $347,254        $357,672        $368,402
Insurance                               $46,800         $48,204         $49,650         $51,140         $52,674         $54,254

Reserves for Replacement               $128,700        $132,561        $136,538        $140,634        $144,853        $149,199
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES             $1,666,362      $1,716,381      $1,767,720      $1,820,751      $1,875,374      $1,931,635

NET OPERATING INCOME                 $2,268,604      $2,336,634      $2,406,886      $2,479,092      $2,553,465      $2,630,069

CAPITAL RESERVES      $0.25 Per SF     $108,865        $112,130        $115,494        $118,959        $122,528        $126,204
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS                   $920,000              $0              $0              $0              $0              $0
CASH FLOW AFTER CAPITAL RESERVES     $1,239,740      $2,224,503      $2,291,391      $2,360,133      $2,430,937      $2,503,865

                                             $0              $0              $0              $0              $0              $0

Annual Cash on Cash Return     10.69%      5.56%           9.98%          10.28%          10.58%          10.90%          11.23%

                                       YEAR 7          YEAR 8          YEAR 9         YEAR 10          YEAR 11
RENTAL INCOME:                       $4,968,552      $5,117,608      $5,271,137      $5,429,271      $5,592,149
Less:  Employee/Model Units            ($63,494)       ($65,399)       ($67,360)       ($69,381)       ($71,463)
Less: Vacancy, & Collection Loss      ($343,354)      ($353,655)      ($364,264)      ($375,192)      ($386,448)
Effective Rental Income              $4,561,704      $4,698,555      $4,839,512      $4,984,697      $5,134,238
Add:  Other Miscellaneous Income       $136,851        $140,957        $145,185        $149,541        $154,027
EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME               $4,698,555      $4,839,512      $4,984,697      $5,134,238      $5,288,265

Management Fee                         $187,942        $193,580        $199,388        $205,370        $211,531
Utilities                              $301,761        $310,814        $320,138        $329,742        $339,635
Repairs & Maintenance                  $419,112        $431,686        $444,636        $457,975        $471,715
Payroll                                $379,995        $391,395        $403,137        $415,231        $427,688
General & Administrative               $111,763        $115,116        $118,570        $122,127        $125,791

Real Estate Taxes                      $379,454        $390,838        $402,563        $414,640        $427,079
Insurance                               $55,882         $57,558         $59,285         $61,063         $62,895

Reserves for Replacement               $153,675        $158,285        $163,033        $167,924        $172,962
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES             $1,989,584      $2,049,272      $2,110,750      $2,174,072      $2,239,295

NET OPERATING INCOME                 $2,708,971      $2,790,240      $2,873,947      $2,960,166      $3,048,971

CAPITAL RESERVES      $0.25 Per SF     $129,990        $133,890        $137,906        $142,043        $146,305
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS                         $0              $0              $0              $0              $0
CASH FLOW AFTER CAPITAL RESERVES     $2,578,981      $2,656,351      $2,736,041      $2,818,122      $2,902,666

                                             $0              $0              $0     $29,575,017

Annual Cash on Cash Return     10.69%     11.56%          11.91%          12.27%          12.64%

- ----------------------------------------------------           --------------------------------------------------------------------
CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS                                          VALUATION
- ----------------------------------------------------           --------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of Units                     468
NRA (sf)                        435,458                          Discount Rate                        12.00%

1998 Average Unit Rent/Month                   $741            Terminal Capitalization Rate           10.00%
Rental Growth Rate
                  Year 1                       0.0%            Cost of Sale at Reversion               3.00%
                  Year 2                       3.0%
                  Thereafter                   3.0%            Value of Cash Flow                $12,792,520
Vacancy & Collection Loss                      7.0%            Value of the Reversion            $9,522,364
Miscellaneous Income (% of Gross)              3.0%            Total Value                       $22,314,883

Expense Growth Rate                            3.0%
Real Estate Tax Growth Rate                    3.0%
Management Fee (% of Gross)                    4.0%            ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE                               $22,300,000
Reserves for Unit Replacement                  $275                 Per Unit                                            $47,650
                                                                    Overall Capitalization Rate (on NOI)                  10.17%

Thur. Aug 19, 1999

                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                        (POP 80-04, HH 80-04, INC 80-04)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                            COORD:            39:27.91           76:37.84

                                                          1.00 MILE          3.00 MILE          5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                  RADIUS            RADIUS              RADIUS
- -----------                                                ---------          ---------          ---------
POP_80: TOTAL                                                 12,667             37,366             72,510
POP_90: TOTAL                                                 12,135             42,353             82,700
POP_99: TOTAL (EST.)                                          11,006             42,740             86,179
POP_04: TOTAL (PROJ.)                                         10,403             42,712             87,261
HH_80: TOTAL                                                   5,916             14,211             27,124
HH_90: TOTAL                                                   5,881             18,022             33,851
HH_99: TOTAL (EST.)                                            5,827             18,757             36,061
HH_04: TOTAL (PROJ.)                                           5,630             18,932             36,849
INC_80: PER CAPITA (EST.)                                    $10,989            $11,639            $12,215
INC_90: PER CAPITA                                           $18,769            $25,083            $27,630
INC_99: PER CAPITA (EST.                                     $22,384            $35,135            $40,145
INC_04: PER CAPITA (PROJ.)                                   $24,837            $41,915            $48,347
HH_90_BY INCOME_89: MEDIAN                                   $33,848            $45,690            $48,528
HH_99_BY INCOME: MEDIAN                                      $37,027            $56,461            $63,056
HH_04_BY INCOME: MEDIAN                                      $37,858            $62,891            $70,492
HH_80_BY INCOME_79: AVERAGE                                  $23,532            $30,602            $32,655
HH_90_BY INCOME_89: AVERAGE                                  $38,584            $58,326            $66,421
HH_99_BY INCOME: AVERAGE                                     $42,274            $79,514            $94,396
HH_04_BY INCOME: AVERAGE                                     $45,878            $93,684           $112,304
1990 MEDIAN HOUSE VALUE                                     $135,122           $158,939           $172,019
1999 MEDIAN HOUSE VALUE                                     $148,868           $188,391           $204,034
2004 MEDIAN HOUSE VALUE                                     $162,438           $207,971           $235,322


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
    2004 PROJECTION                                                10,403          42,712           87,261
    1999 ESTIMATE                                                  11,006          42,740           86,179
    1990 CENSUS                                                    12,135          42,353           82,700
    1980 CENSUS                                                    12,667          37,366           72,510
    GROWTH 1980 - 1990                                              -4.20%          13.35%           14.05%

    2004 PROJECTION                                                 5,630          18,932           36,849
    1999 ESTIMATE                                                   5,827          18,757           36,061
    1990 CENSUS                                                     5,881          18,022           33,851
    1980 CENSUS                                                     5,916          14,211           27,124
    GROWTH 1980 - 1990                                              -0.59%          26.81%           24.80%

OCCUPIED UNITS                                                      5,881          18,022           33,851
    OWNER OCCUPIED                                                  24.73%          58.26%           63.14%
    RENTER OCCUPIED                                                 75.27%          41.74%           36.86%
    1990 AVERAGE PERSONS PER HH                                      2.06            2.31             2.33

1999 EST. HOUSEHOLDS BY INCOME                                      5,827          18,757           36,061
    $150,000 OR MORE                                                 1.59%          10.18%           15.14%
    $100,000 TO $149,999                                             3.35%          12.33%           12.15%
    $ 75,000 TO $ 99,999                                             4.98%          12.70%           13.48%
    $ 50,000 TO $ 74,999                                            18.30%          19.94%           19.33%
    $ 35,000 TO $ 49,999                                            25.19%          16.00%           14.51%
    $ 25,000 TO $ 34,999                                            16.95%          11.01%            9.12%
    $ 15,000 TO $ 24,999                                            19.59%          11.39%            9.08%
    $  5,000 TO $ 15,000                                             8.83%           5.35%            5.83%
       UNDER $ 5,000                                                 1.24%           1.10%            1.37%

1999 EST. AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME                                $42,274         $79,514          $94,396

1999 EST. MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME                                 $37,027         $56,461          $63,056

1999 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME                                       $22,384         $35,135          $40,145


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
1999 ESTIMATED POPULATION BY SEX                                   11,006          42,740           86,179
    MALE                                                            47.92%          47.35%           46.80%
    FEMALE                                                          52.08%          52.65%           53.20%

MARITAL STATUS                                                     10,477          35,637           70,147
   SINGLE MALE                                                      18.84%          14.18%           13.60%
    SINGLE FEMALE                                                   16.78%          13.04%           13.61%
    MARRIED                                                         43.85%          55.42%           55.20%
    PREVIOUSLY MARRIED MALE                                          6.89%           5.14%            4.91%
    PREVIOUSLY MARRIED FEMALE                                       13.64%          12.23%           12.69%

HOUSEHOLDS WITH CHILDREN                                            1,251           4,604            8,500
    MARRIED COUPLE FAMILY                                           67.91%          79.84%           83.58%
    OTHER FAMILY-MALE HEAD                                           6.05%           3.86%            3.13%
    OTHER FAMILY-FEMALE HEAD                                        24.50%          15.41%           12.62%
    NON FAMILY                                                       1.54%           0.89%            0.68%

1999 ESTIMATED POPULATION BY AGE                                   11,006          42,740           86,179
    UNDER 5 YEARS                                                    5.01%           5.13%            4.88%
    5 TO 9 YEARS                                                     5.53%           5.86%            5.51%
    10 TO 14 YEARS                                                   5.27%           5.95%            5.61%
    15 TO 17 YEARS                                                   2.29%           3.11%            3.13%
    18 TO 20 YEARS                                                   2.02%           2.32%            3.53%
    21 TO 24 YEARS                                                   6.70%           4.82%            4.78%
    25 TO 29 YEARS                                                  10.22%           7.52%            6.72%
    30 TO 34 YEARS                                                   9.42%           6.84%            6.44%
    35 TO 39 YEARS                                                  10.65%           7.61%            6.54%
    40 TO 49 YEARS                                                  16.27%          15.91%           15.12%
    50 TO 59 YEARS                                                  10.74%          13.36%           13.34%
    60 TO 64 YEARS                                                   3.57%           5.40%            5.44%
    65 TO 69 YEARS                                                   3.35%           4.80%            5.11%
    70 To 74 YEARS                                                   3.15%           4.01%            4.40%
    75 + YEARS                                                       5.80%           7.37%            3.46%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
MEDIAN AGE                                                          36.66           40.53            41.91
AVERAGE AGE                                                         37.91           40.51            41.84

1999 ESTIMATED FEMALE POP. BY AGE                                   5,731          22,501           45,846
    UNDER 5 YEARS                                                    4.75%           4.81%            4.55%
    5 TO 9 YEARS                                                     5.20%           5.50%            5.08%
    10 TO 14 YEARS                                                   5.18%           5.68%            5.12%
    15 TO 17 YEARS                                                   2.42%           3.03%            2.94%
    18 TO 20 YEARS                                                   2.27%           2.26%            3.74%
    21 TO 24 YEARS                                                   6.75%           4.89%            4.67%
    25 TO 29 YEARS                                                   9.70%           7.07%            6.19%
    30 TO 34 YEARS                                                   8.82%           6.36%            5.91%
    35 TO 39 YEARS                                                  10.17%           7.32%            6.24%
    40 TO 49 YEARS                                                  15.76%          15.78%           14.99%
    50 TO 59 YEARS                                                  10.96%          13.51%           13.15%
    60 TO 64 YEARS                                                   3.68%           5.49%            5.45%
    65 To 69 YEARS                                                   3.46%           4.87%            5.29%
    70 TO 74 YEARS                                                   3.54%           4.16%            4.62%
    75 + YEARS                                                       7.34%           9.26%           12.07%
    FEMALE MEDIAN AGE                                               37.41           41.98            43.76
    FEMALE AVERAGE AGE                                              39.08           41.92            43.65

POPULATION BY HOUSEHOLD TYPE                                       12,135          42,353           82,700
    FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS                                               68.70%          78.87%           77.43%
    NON-FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS                                           31.25%          19.41%           18.00%
    GROUP QUARTERS                                                   0.04%           1.73%            4.57%

HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE                                                  5,881          18,022           33,851
    SINGLE MALE                                                     17.45%          11.93%           10.43%
    SINGLE FEMALE                                                   19.76%          16.79%           18.37%
    MARRIED COUPLE                                                  37.62%          53.16%           55.22%
    OTHER FAMILY-MALE HEAD                                           3.35%           2.72%            2.37%
    OTHER FAMILY-FEMALE HEAD                                         9.56%           7.81%            6.92%
    NON FAMILY-MALE HEAD                                             6.59%           4.03%            3.49%
    NON FAMILY-FEMALE HEAD                                           5.67%           3.57%            3.20%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
POPULATION BY URBAN VS. RURAL                                      12,013          42,369           82,712
    URBAN                                                          100.00%          95.89%           85.28%
    RURAL                                                            0.00%           4.11%           14.72%

FEMALES 16+ WITH CHILDREN 0-17: BAS                                 5,447          18,767           37,377
    WORKING WITH CHILD 0-5                                           5.25%           4.30%            3.62%
    NOT WORKING WITH CHILD 0-5                                       0.32%           0.23%            0.19%
    NOT IN LABOR FORCE WITH CHILD 0-                                 2.57%           2.48%            2.20%
    WORKING WITH CHILD 6-17                                          7.38%           9.06%            8.56%
    NOT WORKING WITH CHILD 6-17                                      0.00%           0.26%            0.19%
    NOT IN LAB. FORCE WITH CHILD 6-                                  2.58%           2.65%            3.01%
    WORKING WITH CHILD 0-5 & 6-18                                    1.15%           1.98%            2.22%
    NOT WORKING WITH CHILD 0-5 & 6-18                                0.07%           0.09%            0.04%
    NOT IN LAB. FORCE W/CHILD 0-5 & 6-                               1.86%           2.13%            1.98%
    WORKING WITH NO CHILDREN                                        53.60%          45.05%           40.21%
    NOT WORKING WITH NO CHILDREN                                     1.45%           0.97%            0.80%
    NOT IN LAB. FORCE WITH NO CHILD.                                23.77%          30.81%           36.98%

HH BY AGE BY POVERTY STATUS                                         5,822          18,092           33,898
    ABOVE POVERTY UNDER AGE 65                                      78.71%          77.46%           71.15%
    ABOVE POVERTY AGE 65 +                                          16.51%          19.20%           25.06%
    BELOW POVERTY UNDER AGE 65                                       3.77%           2.40%            2.33%
    BELOW POVERTY AGE 65 +                                           1.01%           0.93%            1.45%

  STATUS                                                           10,298          35,320           69,370
    EMPLOYED IN ARMED FORCES                                         0.13%           0.10%            0.07%
    EMPLOYED CIVILIANS                                              73.80%          68.83%           63.68%
    UNEMPLOYED CIVILIANS                                             2.10%           1.39%            1.23%
    NOT IN LABOR FORCE                                              23.98%          29.67%           35.02%

POPULATION 16+ BY OCCUPATION                                        7,600          24,311           44,172
    EXECUTIVE AND MANAGERIAL                                        18.89%          21.92%           22.22%
    PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY                                          17.22%          22.75%           25.21%
    TECHNICAL SUPPORT                                                5.74%           4.26%            3.86%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
    SALES                                                          15.19%          16.79%           16.77%
    ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT                                         16.73%          15.33%           14.53%
    SERVICE: PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD                                      0.34%           0.33%            0.37%
    SERVICE: PROTECTIVE                                             0.97%           0.99%            0.80%
    SERVICE: OTHER                                                  9.41%           7.04%            6.56%
    FARMING FORESTRY & FISHING                                      1.01%           0.76%            0.91%
    PRECISION PRODUCTION & CRAFT                                    7.13%           5.31%            5.21%
    MACHINE OPERATOR                                                3.10%           1.71%            1.28%
    TRANS. AND MATERIAL MOVING                                      2.20%           1.51%            1.11%
    LABORERS                                                        2.07%           1.30%            1.18%

FAMILIES BY NUMBER OF WORKERS                                      2,996          11,626           22,070
    NO WORKERS                                                     10.26%          10.77%           11.94%
    ONE WORKER                                                     29.34%          27.48%           27.25%
    TWO WORKERS                                                    51.80%          48.66%           47.61%
    THREE + WORKERS                                                 8.59%          13.08%           13.20%

  TO WORK                                                          7,499          24,026           43,635
    DRIVE ALONE                                                    80.88%          83.73%           82.16%
    CAR POOL                                                       11.70%           9.77%            9.19%
    PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION                                           2.33%           1.95%            1.95%
    DRIVE MOTORCYCLE                                                0.16%           0.05%            0.05%
    WALKED ONLY                                                     2.77%           1.68%            3.07%
    OTHER MEANS                                                     0.60%           0.51%            0.55%
    WORKED AT HOME                                                  1.56%           2.32%            3.03%

POPULATION BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK                                  7,499          24,026           43,635
    UNDER 10 MINUTES/WORK AT HOME                                  16.94%          15.07%           15.99%
    10 TO 29 MINUTES                                               51.89%          55.62%           55.17%
    30 TO 59 MINUTES                                               28.25%          26.07%           25.69%
    60 TO 89 MINUTES                                                2.46%           2.64%            2.65%
    90+ MINUTES                                                     0.46%           0.60%            0.50%
    AVERAGE TRAVEL TIME IN MINUTES                                 21.04           21.08            20.87

HOUSEHOLDS BY NO. OF VEHICLES                                      5,899          18,027           33,897

                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
    NO VEHICLES                                                     5.89%           4.01%            5.72%
    1 VEHICLE                                                      47.09%          36.48%           33.96%
    2 VEHICLES                                                     37.25%          44.08%           42.85%
    3+ VEHICLES                                                     9.78%          15.43%           17.47%
    ESTIMATED TOTAL VEHICLES                                       9,018          31,369           59,507

POPULATION 25+ BY EDUCATION LEVEL                                  8,284          30,166           58,566
    ELEMENTARY (0-8)                                                4.43%           4.43%            4.09%
    SOME HIGH SCHOOL (9-11)                                         9.43%           7.50%            7.71%
    HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE (12)                                      26.92%          21.41%           19.80%
    SOME COLLEGE (13-15)                                           19.71%          18.51%           18.56%
    ASSOCIATES DEGREE ONLY                                          5.18%           5.28%            5.18%
    BACHELORS DEGREE ONLY                                          23.01%          26.37%           25.42%
    GRADUATE DEGREE                                                11.32%          16.51%           19.24%

POPULATION ENROLLED IN SCHOOL                                      2,497           9,313           19,826
    PUBLIC PRE- PRIMARY                                             4.68%           4.11%            2.87%
    PRIVATE PRE- PRIMARY                                            4.14%           5.98%            6.39%
    PUBLIC ELEM/HIGH                                               39.35%          42.43%           34.46%
    PRIVATE ELEM/HIGH                                               6.75%          11.91%           15.46%
    ENROLLED IN COLLEGE                                            45.08%          35.56%           40.83%

HOUSING UNITS BY OCCUPANCY STATUS                                  6,431          19,009           35,738
    OCCUPIED                                                       91.45%          94.80%           94.72%
    VACANT                                                          8.55%           5.20%            5.28%

VACANT UNITS                                                         550             988            1,886
    FOR RENT                                                       78.43%          64.49%           59.22%
    FOR SALE ONLY                                                  14.16%          18.72%           20.00%
    SEASONAL                                                        0.91%           2.63%            3.97%
    OTHER                                                           6.51%          14.17%           16.81%

OWNER OCCUPIED PROPERTY VALUES                                     1,250           9,215           18,494
    UNDER $25,000                                                   0.18%           0.18%            0.18%
    $25,000 TO $49,999                                              0.30%           0.27%            0.25%
    $50,000 TO $74,999                                              2.00%           1.15%            1.11%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
    $75,000 TO $99,999                                              8.36%           5.33%            5.44%
    $100,000 TO $149,999                                           55.82%          37.61%           31.71%
    $150,000 TO $199,999                                           24.62%          30.58%           25.65%
    $200,000 TO $299,999                                            8.22%          17.50%           19.94%
    $300,000 TO $399,999                                            0.36%           3.87%            7.88%
    $400,000 TO $499,999                                            0.14%           1.71%            3.69%
    $500,000 +                                                      0.00%           1.81%            4.13%
MEDIAN PROPERTY VALUE                                           $135,122        $158,939         $172,019
TOTAL RENTAL UNITS                                                 4,374           7,345           11,985

MEDIAN RENT                                                         $526            $531             $552

PERSONS IN UNIT                                                    5,881          18,022           33,851
    1 PERSON UNITS                                                 37.21%          28.72%           28.80%
    2 PERSON UNITS                                                 35.82%          37.28%           36.76%
    3 PERSON UNITS                                                 15.36%          16.23%           15.59%
    4 PERSON UNITS                                                  7.99%          11.99%           12.52%
    5 PERSON UNITS                                                  2.69%           4.21%            4.64%
    6 PERSON UNITS                                                  0.73%           1.14%            1.27%
    7 + UNITS                                                       0.20%           0.42%            0.42%

YEAR ROUND UNITS IN STRUCTURE                                      6,431          19,009           35,738
    SINGLE UNITS DETACHED                                          18.26%          42.81%           49.85%
    SINGLE UNITS ATTACHED                                           8.83%          15.11%           12.56%
    DOUBLE UNITS                                                    0.37%           0.24%            0.50%
    3 TO 9 UNITS                                                   14.16%           9.04%            9.30%
    10 TO 19 UNITS                                                 55.70%          30.30%           18.93%
    20 TO 49 UNITS                                                  2.35%           1.07%            2.48%
    50 + UNITS                                                      0.00%           0.88%            5.18%
    MOBILE HOME OR TRAILER                                          0.01%           0.06%            0.07%
    ALL OTHER                                                       0.32%           0.50%            1.14%

SINGLE/MULTIPLE UNIT RATIO                                          0.37            1.39             1.72

HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR BUILT                                        5,899          18,027           33,897
    BUILT 1989 TO MARCH 1990                                        0.24%           1.47%            1.74%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                          (POP FACTS: FULL DATA REPORT)
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                                   COORD:        39:27.91         76:37.84
                                                                1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                                        RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                                        ------          ------           ------
    BUILT 1985 TO 1988                                              2.05%          10.82%           10.64%
    BUILT 1980 TO 1984                                              6.84%          14.60%           11.63%
    BUILT 1970 TO 1979                                             46.38%          29.04%           25.03%
    BUILT 1960 TO 1969                                             34.28%          24.98%           22.11%
    BUILT 1950 TO 1959                                              7.61%          14.65%           19.09%
    BUILT 1940 TO 1949                                              1.15%           1.78%            3.91%
    BUILT 1939 OR EARLIER                                           1.45%           2.66%            5.85%


                              CUSTOM SUMMARY REPORT
                    BY NATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS 800-866-6510
                                  PREPARED FOR
                            CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD, INC.

COCKEYSVILLE, MD                                       COORD:          39:27.91         76:37.84

                                                   1.00 MILE       3.00 MILE        5.00 MILE
DESCRIPTION                                           RADIUS          RADIUS           RADIUS
- -----------                                           ------          ------           ------
TOTAL RETAIL SALES                                  $189              $626           $1,208

APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES                           $11               $37              $72

AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS                                   $40              $134             $258

AUTOMOTIVE & HOME SUPPLY                              $2                $7              $14

DRUG & PROPRIETARY STORES                             $6               $21              $41

EATING & DRINKING PLACES                             $16               $53             $100

FOOD STORES                                          $29               $95             $184

FURNITURE & HOME FURNISHINGS                          $6               $22              $43

HOME APPLIANCE, RADIO, & T.V.                         $8               $26              $50

GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS                             $8               $25              $48

GENERAL MERCHANDISE                                  $29               $95             $183

     DEPARTMENT STORES                               $23               $76             $147

HARDWARE, LUMBER & GARDEN STORES                     $11               $37              $72



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            IMPROVED SALE COMPARABLES


                                                    COMPARABLE IMPROVED SALE 1-1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                                       The Manor House

Location:                                   14313 Georgia Avenue
                                            Silver Spring, Maryland

Grantor:                                    Smith Property Holdings V LP

Grantee:                                    Manor II Associates LLC

Date of Sale:                               March 1999

Year Built:                                 1968

Number of Units:                            435

Consideration:                              $23,000,000

Financing:                                  $18,000,000; Lehman Bros. Holdings, Inc.


NOI (after reserves):                       $2,275,000
Overall Rate:                               9.89%
Price per Unit:                             $52,874
NOI per Unit:                               $5,230

         This is a four-story Class B garden style project that offers a mix of
one, two and three bedroom units ranging in size from 588 to 1,360 square feet.
Amenities include a pool, clubhouse, and playground. At the time of sale, the
project was 97 percent occupied. The overall rate is based on the 1999 projected
net operating income.


                                                    COMPARABLE IMPROVED SALE 1-2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                                       Millpond Apartments

Location:                                   604 Millstream Court
                                            Millersville, Maryland

Grantor:                                    Millpond Associates LP

Grantee:                                    Second Country Club Associates LP

Date of Sale:                               January 1999

Year Built:                                 1983

Number of Units:                            240

Consideration:                              $11,030,000

Financing:                                  Cash to seller


NOI (after reserves):                       $1,031,305
Overall Rate:                               9.35%
Price per Unit:                             $45,958
NOI per Unit:                               $4,297

         This is a four-story Class B garden style project that offers a mix of
one, two and three bedroom units. Amenities include a swimming pool, tennis
courts, and playground. At the time of sale, the project was 95 percent
occupied. The overall rate is based on the grantee's proforma.


                                                    COMPARABLE IMPROVED SALE 1-3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                                       Cedar Valley Apartments

Location:                                   5458 Harpers Farm Road
                                            Columbia, Maryland

Grantor:                                    Cedar Valley, Inc.

Grantee:                                    BFMIT Cedar Valley LLC

Date of Sale:                               July 1998

Year Built:                                 1974

Number of Units:                            156

Consideration:                              $6,850,000

Financing:                                  $5,500,000 Acacia Life Insurance


NOI (after reserves):                       N/A
Overall Rate:                               N/A
Price per Unit:                             $43,910
NOI per Unit:                               N/A

         This is a three-story Class B garden style project that offers a mix of
one, two and three bedroom units ranging from 815 to 1,056 square feet. Rents
range from $659 to $809 per month. Amenities include a swimming pool and
playground. All units are equipped with dishwashers, disposals, and
washer/dryers. At the time of sale, the project was 98 percent occupied. We were
unable to confirm the overall rate.


                                                    COMPARABLE IMPROVED SALE 1-4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                                       Park Place I and II Apartments

Location:                                   Seven Mile Lane & Park Heights Avenue
                                            Baltimore City, Maryland

Grantor:                                    Seventy Two Hundry LP

Grantee:                                    Seven Mile Lane LP

Date of Sale:                               January 1998

Year Built:                                 1971

Land Area:                                  26.28 acres

Number of Units:                            391

Consideration:                              $14,250,000

Financing:                                  $11,500,000; Column Financial

Marketing Time:                             2 months


NOI (after reserves):                       $1,246,875
Overall Rate:                               8.75%
Price per Unit:                             $36,445
NOI per Unit:                               $3,189

         This sale consists of four separate communities that are located
adjacent or opposite one another that were built in sections between 1971 and
1981. At the time of sale, the property was 93 percent occupied with expenses of
$3,300 per unit.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                RENT COMPARABLES


                                                             RENT COMPARABLE R-1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name:                                       Deertree

Location:                                   10000 Greenside Drive
                                            Cockeysville, Maryland

Physical Description
     Number of Units:                       477
     Average Unit Size:                     717 -1,137 SF
     Year Built:                            1966
     Type:                                  Garden
     Parking:                               On-site
     Unit Amenities:                        Dishwasher, disposal
     Project Amenities:                     Pool, clubhouse, laundry, playground

Occupancy:                                  99%


                                                                 RENT COMPARABLE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rental R-1 (Continued)

                                                     Unit          Street             Rent
                 Unit Type                           Size (SF)       Rent               SF
                 ---------                           ----          ------             ----
                 1 BR/1 BA                            717            $575            $0.80
                 1 BR/1 BA/Den                        849            $595            $0.70
                 2 BR/1 BA                            972            $640            $0.66
                 2 BR/1.5 BA                          972            $655            $0.67
                 3 BR/1.5 BA                        1,137            $785            $0.69


                                                             RENT COMPARABLE R-2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name:                                       Hunt Club

Location:                                   2 Carston Court
                                            Cockeysville, Maryland

Physical Description
     Number of Units:                       252
     Average Unit Size:                     701 - 1,175SF
     Year Built:                            1972
     Type:                                  Garden
     Parking:                               On-site
     Unit Amenities:                        Dishwasher, disposal, washer/dryer
     Project Amenities:                     Pool, clubhouse, fitness center

Occupancy:                                  98%


                                                                 RENT COMPARABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rental R-2 (Continued)

                                                     Unit          Street             Rent
                 Unit Type                      Size (SF)            Rent               SF
                 ---------                      ---------            ----               --
                 1 BR/1 BA                            701            $705            $1.01
                 2 BR/1.5 BA                        1,003            $795            $0.79
                 3 BR/2 BA                          1,175            $875            $0.74


                                                             RENT COMPARABLE R-3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name:                                       Mays Chapel Village

Location:                                   10 Dodworth Court
                                            Cockeysville, Maryland

Physical Description
     Number of Units:                       192
     Average Unit Size:                     700 -1,100 SF
     Year Built:                            1978
     Type:                                  Garden
     Parking:                               On-site
     Unit Amenities:                        Dishwasher, disposal
     Project Amenities:                     Laundry, playground

Occupancy:                                  99%


                                                                 RENT COMPARABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rental R-3 (Continued)

                                                     Unit          Street             Rent
                 Unit Type                      Size (SF)            Rent               SF
                 ---------                      ---------            ----               --
                 1 BR/1 BA                            700            $610            $0.87
                 1 BR/1 BA/Den                        820            $665            $0.81
                 2 BR/1.5 BA                          880            $720            $0.82
                 3 BR/2 BA                          1,100            $790            $0.72


                                                             RENT COMPARABLE R-4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name:                                       Briarcliff East

Location:                                   599 Cranbrook Road
                                            Cockeysville, Maryland
Physical Description
     Number of Units:                       609
     Average Unit Size:                     937 - 1,166 SF
     Year Built:                            1968
     Type:                                  Garden
     Parking:                               On-site
     Unit Amenities:                        Dishwasher, disposal, washer/dryer
     Project Amenities:                     Pool, fitness, playground

Occupancy:                                  98%


                                                                 RENT COMPARABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rental R-4 (Continued)

                                                     Unit          Street             Rent
                 Unit Type                      Size (SF)            Rent               SF
                 ---------                      ---------            ----               --
                 1 BR/1 BA                            937            $665            $0.71
                 2 BR/1 BA                            974            $750            $0.77
                 3 BR/2 BA                          1,166            $860            $0.74


                                                             RENT COMPARABLE R-5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name:                                       Town & Country

Location:                                   10337 Society Park Drive
                                            Cockeysville, Maryland

Physical Description
     Number of Units:                       554
     Average Unit Size:                     805 -1,057 SF
     Year Built:                            1973
     Type:                                  Garden
     Parking:                               On-site
     Unit Amenities:                        Dishwasher, disposal, washer/dryer
     Project Amenities:                     Pool, clubhouse, fitness, playground

Occupancy:                                  97%


                                                                 RENT COMPARABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rental R-5 (Continued)

                                                     Unit          Street             Rent
                 Unit Type                      Size (SF)            Rent               SF
                 ---------                      ---------            ----               --
                 1 BR/1 BA                            805            $649            $0.81
                 2 BR/1 BA                          1,057            $739            $0.70