MARCH 30, 2000


    The undersigned, Moshe Zelnik, hereby certifies as follows:

         (a)  I am the duly elected, qualified, acting and incumbent Vice
President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of DSP Group,
Inc., (the "Company").

         (b)  Attached hereto is an English translation of an Employment
Agreement, dated as of May 1, 1999, by and between Boaz Edan and DSP Group,
Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

         (c)  To my knowledge, such translation is a fair and accurate
translation as required under Rule 306 of Regulation S-T promulgated by the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this
Certificate on behalf of the Company as of the date first written above.

                                  DSP GROUP, INC.

                                  /s/ MOSHE ZELNIK
                                  Moshe Zelnik, Vice President of Finance,
                                         Chief Financial Officer and Secretary

- -----------------------------
Identity Certificate No.______________________________




We are pleased to offer you to join DSP Group Co. Ltd. (Hereinafter: "The
Company") in accordance with the following terms of employment:


    A.       Your position in the Company will be VICE PRESIDENT OPERATIONS.
    B.       You will be directly subordinate to ____________________________.


    A.       SALARY.

        1.      In consideration for your work for the Company, the Company
                will pay you the amount of NIS - (US$105,000) - Gross,
                annually. (Hereinafter: "The Salary").

        2.      Tax will be deducted at source from the Salary as required
                by law in accordance with the Income Tax Regulations, as
                well as Health Tax And National Insurance. The Salary will
                be linked to the cost of living index without any maximum
                rate, to which health dues will be attached as required by


        1.      The Company will pay 20.833% of the Salary as detailed in
                section 1.A.2 above to a pension fund or a provident fund,
                at its discretion, up to the maximum stipulated in the law,
                in accordance with the following details:

                A)       8.33% of the Salary on account of severance pay -
                         at the Company's expense;

                B)       5% of the Salary on account of recompense payments
                         - at the Company's expense.

                C)       5% of the Salary on account of recompense payments
                         - at your expense.

                D)       2.5% of the Salary on account of insurance for loss of
                         work ability - as is customary in the Company and at
                         the Company's expense.

        2.      The payments made by the Company for the senior employees
                insurance plan, as stipulated in sub section A above, are
                instead of any other obligation for the payment of
                severance pay / payments made to a pension fund etc.

        3.      Your consent to section B exempts the Company from the need
                to approach the Minister of Labor in order to receive his
                permission in accordance with section 14 of the Severance
                Compensation Pay Law, although if such a need is created,
                for referral for the receiving of the necessary permit,
                your signature upon this agreement will constitute
                authorization for the Company also to make a referral in
                your name.

        4.      If the Company is obliged in the future, by virtue of the
                law and/or an extension order which applies to the whole
                economy, to make payments of monies for an arrangement or
                comprehensive pension fund or otherwise, the payments will
                be made to the new applicable fund or arrangement, instead
                of the arrangement as in this agreement, and you will not
                be able to withdraw monies on account of the deposits to
                the previous arrangement, unless subject to the regulations
                of the appropriate fund and/or plan.

    C.       STUDY FUND

             During the period of your employment, the Company will make
             payments to a study fund, the payments will be at the rate of
             7.5% of the Salary up to the maximum rate, as set down by law,
             at the Company's expense and 2.5% of the maximum rate up to
             the maximum rate set down by law, at the expense of the


    D.       CAR

        1.      The Company shall make a Company car available to you,
                (Hereinafter: "The Car") commencing from the start of your

        2.      All the expenses for the Car shall be paid by the Company,
                except for the payment for the value of the use of the Car,
                which shall be paid by you, and which shall be deducted by
                the Company from your monthly Salary.


        1.      During the period of your employment, you will be entitled
                to annual vacation leave of 23 days. The date of your
                leaving for vacation shall be coordinated with your

        2.      The accumulation of vacation days for the period of more
                than the total of the vacation days available to you for
                two contract years will not be allowed.

        3.      The Company will be entitled to order you to leave for
                annual vacation and to spend up to half of your available
                annual vacation days at the date at which the Company's
                employees will leave on an organized and collective
                vacation leave.

    F.       ILLNESS

        1.      You are entitled to 30 days annual sick leave, with the
                possibility of accumulating 3 (three) years (i.e. up to
                ninety days).

        2.      The payment of the sick leave will be made from the first
                day against presentation of a doctor's certificate.

        3.      Accumulative sick leave days are not redeemable.


        1.      Every time you go on active military service you are
                obliged to inform the Company upon the receiving of the
                call up order.


        2.      Wages for the period of the reserve military duty will be
                fully paid, as stipulated in this agreement, subject to the
                providing of the relevant confirmations concerning the
                active military duty.


        1.      The Company management shall make a recommendation to the
                board of directors of DSPG Inc., granting you an option to
                purchase 35,000 DSPG shares, subject to the terms of the
                share/options program for DSPG employees.

                In order to eliminate any doubt, it is clarified that, in any
                event, the confirmation of the granting of the options is
                subject to the confirmation of the board of directors of the
                Company as transpires from the Company's procedures.

    I.       ANNUAL BONUS.

                The Company is accustomed to granting bonuses to some of
                the employees, and at the time of the deliberations on the
                granting of bonuses, the Company shall decide, at its
                discretion, also with respect of your candidature for the
                granting of a bonus.


    A.       This agreement is valid from the date of the signing thereof.
             The contract is for a period of time which has not been
             specified in advance. The commencement of your employment with
             the Company is hereby set as commencing from ___________________.

    B.       Each party shall be entitled to bring this contract to an end
             by prior written notice to the other party of ninety (90)
             days. The Company has reserved the right not to make use of
             the period of prior notice and/or to immediately terminate
             your employment. In such a case, you shall be paid prior
             notice at the rate of your Salary for the stipulated period,
             on the basis of your last known Salary.


    C.       In the following instances the Company shall be entitled to
             cease your employment without any prior notice:

        1.      The perpetrating of a criminal offence connected to the
                work and/or an offence which bears an element of disgrace.

        2.      The breach of the duty of trust with the Company and/or the
                performance of an act which has a conflict of interests.

        3.      The breach of your undertakings of the preserving of
                secrecy and non competitiveness as detailed below in this
                agreement and the appendices thereto.

        4.      The causing of malicious damage to the Company or the
                causing of damage to the Company as a result of gross


    In the event of you being dismissed, except for dismissal for one of
    the causes as stated below, the Company will transfer to you the full
    payments which have accumulated in your favor in the senior employees
    insurance plan policy and/or the endowment and/or fund (Hereinafter:
    "The Payments").

    As follows is the list of causes which will cancel the transference of
    the Payments into your name:

    A.       The Company has dismissed you for reasons which entitle it to
             dismiss you in accordance with the law without severance pay.

    B.       The breach of your duty of trust and/or the duty of non
             competitiveness and/or the breach of the duty of secrecy, in
             accordance with this agreement, without derogating from the
             generality of that stipulated - the breach of the agreement of
             secrecy and non competitiveness attached as APPENDIX A to this
             agreement and which constitutes an integral part thereof.

    C.       The perpetration of a criminal offence connected with the work
             and/or an offence which bears an element of disgrace.


    D.       You ended your work with the Company without providing
             sufficient prior notice as detailed in section 3B above.

    E.       You have concluded your employment with the Company without
             passing over your position as detailed in section 7 below.

    It is hereby clarified that, your transference from the work set up of
    the Company to that of new company which will be set up, if at all,
    within the framework of the group and your employment in such a
    company, will not be considered as the termination of your employment,
    your dismissal and/or your resigning from the Company, for the
    transference of the various Payments, including, but without derogating
    from the above said, severance pay.


    A.       The accepted working hours in the Company are 44 hours a week
             and the accepted working days are Sundays through to Thursday.

    B.       As your position is regarded as one of those positions which
             require a special amount of personal trust, as defined in the
             Working Hours and Rest Law - 1951, the provisions of this law
             will not apply to you. From time to time, you will be
             required, in accordance with the needs of your position, to
             work beyond the accepted working hours and on Fridays. In
             these cases, you will not be paid extra for your overtime.


    A.       You are obligated to fulfil your position diligently and in a
             trustworthy manner, to make use of all your talents, your
             knowledge and experience for the benefit of the Company and
             for the progress of the Company and this at the highest and
             most efficient level as shall be determined by the Company.
             Furthermore, you are obligated to act in accordance with the
             Company's instructions with everything concerning the manner
             of the performance of the work,


             work procedures, discipline and behavior as shall be valid from
             time to time.

    B.       Commencing from the start of your employment on a full time
             basis for the Company, as stipulated in section 3A above,
             i.e., commencing from (Date):________________ you shall not be
             employed in any other employment and/or any other job as a
             salaried worker and/or as an adviser and/or as being directly
             or indirectly self- employed, unless having received the prior
             written consent of the Company.

    C.       For the full duration of the period of the agreement, you will
             not receive any payment or other benefit from any third party,
             directly or indirectly involved with your work. It is made
             clear to you, that the breach of this provision is a
             fundamental breach of this agreement, and that furthermore,
             the amount or benefit which is received by you as stipulated,
             shall belong to the Company, which shall be entitled to deduct
             this amount, from any monies owing to you by the Company.

    D.       You shall not carry out any act which may harm the trust of
             the Company and/or which is likely to place you in a situation
             of a conflict of interests with the aims of the Company. You
             are obliged to inform the Company immediately and without
             delay of any issue or matter in which you have a personal
             interest and/or any other action which is likely to place you
             in a situation as detailed above.

    E.       The commencement of your employment in accordance with this
             agreement is made conditional on your signing on the agreement
             of secrecy and non competitiveness which is attached to this
             agreement as Appendix A and which constitutes an integral part

    F.       You are obliged to inform the managing director of the Company
             of any business opportunity which has any connection to the
             information as defined in Appendix A. You are obliged not to


             any such opportunity exclusive to yourself, whether directly
             or indirectly, unless the prior written approval of the
             managing director of the Company has been given to you.


    If your employment has terminated or been terminated and/or the
    validity of this agreement has expired for any reason whatsoever, you
    are obliged to pass over your position, and without derogating from the
    generality of that stipulated - all the matters under your care and/or
    any information whatsoever available to you and connected in any form
    whatsoever to your work for the Company, in an orderly and full fashion
    including the disclosure of any important detail with regard to the
    business of the Company, as well as forwarding, in a full and orderly
    fashion, all the documents, information, equipment, etc. to the
    Company, which may have reached you and/or be prepared by you with
    regard to your employment with the Company, up until the cessation of
    your employment with the Company.


    You are obligated to the safeguarding of secrecy and non
    competitiveness, both during the course of your employment with the
    company and thereafter, as detailed in your undertaking to safeguard
    secrecy and non competitiveness attached to this agreement as APPENDIX
    A and which constitutes an integral part thereof.


    A.       Copyrights for any invention and/or patent and/or commercial
             secret and/or professional secret and/or any innovation, which
             you may intend and/or which any of the employees of the
             Company who are sub-ordinate to you may invent during the
             period of your employment with the Company are the exclusive
             property of the Company.


             The Company shall be entitled to protect any invention and/or
             patent and/or commercial secret as stipulated, by means of
             registration, or by any other means, in Israel or anywhere
             else. It is hereby clarified that you will not be entitled to
             register any invention and/or patent or commercial secret or
             to take any measures with respect thereof, excepting for the
             actions which will be required for the above mentioned making
             use thereof or registration in the name of the Company or by
             the Company.

    B.       You are obligated to immediately inform the Company in writing
             of any invention and/or patent and/or commercial secret which
             you may invent and/or which is invented by the Company's
             employees who are subject to you.

    C.       That stipulated in this section completes and compliments that
             stipulated in Appendix A.

    With your signing upon this personal agreement and your formal joining
    of the work staff of the Company we wish you continued satisfaction and
    enjoyment of your work.

    Here's hoping for years of co-operation and personal benefit as well as
    benefit for the Company, its employees and stockholders.

                                                        Yours Respectfully,

                                                             /s/ LEAH SADEH

                                                                 Leah Sadeh
                                                   Corporate Vice President
                                                            Human Resources
                                                             DSP Group Ltd.


    I have carefully read this letter and I express my consent with the
    contents thereof.

    I am aware that the terms of wages which have been offered to me above
    and those which shall be pertinent for long as I am employed by you are
    personal and that this letter constitutes a special personal contract
    of employment, which lays down the relations between me and the
    Company, and that therefore I confirm that I am aware that no
    provisions of any to the agreements will apply to me, and including
    collective agreements, between the Company and its employees so long as
    this agreement is valid and I undertake to safeguard the secrecy

/s/ BOAZ EDAN                                    5/1/99
- -------------------------                        ---------------------
SIGNATURE                                        DATE

- -------------------------
Boaz Edan
- -------------------------


                               DSP GROUP CO. LTD.

DSP Group Co. Ltd.
5 Shenkar St.

Dear Sir/Madam,


WHEREAS:        I seek to be employed by DSP Group Co. Ltd. (a private
                registered company No. 51-135472-2 (Hereinafter: "The

AND WHEREAS:    The Company, in the matter of the duty of secrecy and
                non-competitiveness in this appendix, also includes the
                American holding company of DSP Group Co. Ltd. - DSP
                Group, Inc. and also the subsidiary company of DSP Voice
                Com. Group Ltd. and the subsidiary company of DSP Group
                Inc. - RF Sub Inc.;

AND WHEREAS:    During the course of my employment for the Company
                information is likely to reach me, in accordance with the
                following definition:

                Any information which has and/or shall reach me and/or
                come to my attention, whether directly and/or indirectly,
                during the course of my work or as a result of my work
                for the Company, including document (reports, notes and
                papers, applications and cheques), drafts, processes,
                commercial secrets - including information concerning the
                Company's customers, suppliers and business partners
                and/or the manufacture or marketing set-up of the Company
                or connected to the ties of the Company and/or companies
                connected to it, or which control or are controlled or


                affiliated with the Company by virtue of and acting with
                any third party whatsoever, including customers,
                suppliers, banking institutions, governmental bodies,
                private entities, public and quasi public entities of any
                kind and sort as well as any financial, business and
                commercial information, financial reports and balance
                sheets before the publication thereof and any internal
                information whatsoever which may influence the value of
                the Company's shares formulae, data, plans, patents,
                inventions, discoveries, innovations, improvements,
                research, and any methods whatsoever, developments and
                scientific and technical, economic, commercial or other
                developments, applications for patent, prototypes,
                models, pictures, descriptions, sketches, drawings,
                photostats or blueprints, notebooks, samples and
                documents of schedule, lists, documentation, source and
                destination codes, films, recordings and other means of
                storage, letters, notes, booklets for note taking,
                reports and flow charts, as well as information connected
                with the business of the Company in the present and/or
                business which the Company is about to engage in (as they
                shall be developed by the Company and as described by the
                Company in the development plan booklet and its business
                plans and in the other explanatory material on behalf of
                the Company), and any other thing, and all, whether in
                writing or verbally, and provided that it is not in the
                public domain or that it has not become in the public
                domain as a result of the breach of my undertakings in
                accordance with this letter or in accordance with law.
                (Hereinafter: "The Information").

AND WHEREAS:    The Information, as defined above, also includes
                Information of commercial, technical and non-technical,
                value, written and non-written, data, systems of note
                taking, samples, documents of


                specifications, source and destination codes, processes,
                algorithms, computer tapes, recordings and other means of
                storage which are to be viewed as intellectual property or
                secret material of the Company or of any one of its
                predecessors or of the companies connected to it, whether
                fully or partially, and including especially without
                restriction, computer hardware, programs and computer
                software and implementations, matters of prices and marketing
                information as well as inventions which are not restricted in
                accordance with the definition of invention as has been
                determined in the patent laws which are implemented in Israel
                or in the U.S.A., and any improvement or adjustment of that
                information in question, which has been developed, sold, or
                which in respect of which a license has been given to the
                Company during the course of the conducting of the business
                of the Company, from time to time, as well as any product in
                question, whether planned, developed or attained by or for
                the Company, directly or indirectly, and provided that it is
                not information and/or a product which is available freely
                and which constitutes public domain information or which can
                be purchased freely by an independent third party.

AND WHEREAS:    As a condition of my employment with the Company and the
                receiving of information by me, inter alia, is my
                undertaking to safeguard the secrecy and of



1.  To keep secret the Information which reaches me or which shall reach me,
    or which shall come to my attention, directly or indirectly, during the
    course of my employment for the Company and/or my involvement with the


    absolutely secret, and this without any limitation in time, even after
    the conclusion of my employment with the Company.

2.  Not to disclose and/or to transfer and/or to sell, whether for
    remuneration or not and/or to cause the discovery of Information, whether
    directly or indirectly, as well as to take all measures to safeguard the
    secrecy of the information and the prevention of the delivery thereof or
    of its reaching any third party, person, entity or corporation whatsoever,
    excepting for my superiors in the Company or in accordance with their
    instructions for the Purpose of the performance of my duties as an
    employee of the Company.

3.  Not to make any use of the Information, whether fully or partially, for my
    needs or for the needs of to others, whether directly or indirectly, which
    are not for the purpose of to performance of the jobs imposed upon me as
    an employee of the Company in accordance with the instruction of my
    superiors in the Company.

         Not to make any copies of the information in any manner whatsoever
         unless in accordance with the Company's instructions or someone
         who is authorized to do so on behalf of the Company.

4.  I hereby undertake not to accept any materials whatsoever relating to the
    Information or the products, or any equipment from the Company without
    receiving the express prior written consent of: (1) the president of the
    Company or the managing director, or (2) a person authorized in writing to
    do so by the president of the Company or the managing director.

5.  Without prejudicing the above said, I am aware that I do not have any
    intellectual property right and that I shall not have any intellectual
    property right in the Information as defined by this agreement.

5A.      I hereby declare to disclose to the Company and/or to those replacing
         it and/or to the assignees of the Company, regarding the inventions
         which shall be made by me during the period of my employment with the


         Company and/or as a result of my employment with the Company and
         connected to my employment with the Company and/or the information,
         and I hereby assign any interest that I have or which I may have in
         those inventions in favor of the Company and/or those in place of the
         Company and/or its assignees, and all this without further
         remuneration and provided that I will not be required to bear any
         costs whatsoever involved with such assignment as mentioned above.

         In the event of my making an invention, which is registered as a
         patent, during the course of my employment with the Company or as
         result of my employment with the Company, the Company will register
         my name in the patent documents as the inventor, provided that it is
         convinced, beyond all doubt, that the invention was indeed made by me
         and that such registration shall not prejudice its intellectual
         property rights and/or other rights of the Company and/or those in
         its stead and/or it assignees, for the invention and/or patent as
         detailed above.

5B.      I hereby undertake, that for so long as I am required to do so,
         including after the termination of my employment for any reason
         whatsoever, that I will sign on any document, which, in accordance
         with the Company's discretion is required for the lodging of an
         application or copyright in accordance with the laws of Israel, the
         U.S.A. and/or any other foreign country in order to protect the
         interests of the Company in the above mentioned invention.

5C.      I hereby declare that apart from that as detailed in section 5C.1
         below, I do not have any interest in any application or application
         for a patent whatsoever and not even for material which is subject to
         copyright, patents and applications for patents which presently
         belong to me.

5C.1     Existing patent and/or applications for patents pending and/or
         activities in research at the stage of lodging for registration of
         patent are as follows:






6.       I am aware that the forwarding of Information and/or any part thereof
         to any third person whatsoever is likely to cause serious damages to
         the Company and I hereby undertake that I shall not undertake any
         action of transference and/or sale of the Information and/or of the
         products developed by the Company and/or existing products and/or
         which have been developed whether by myself or in co-operation with
         others, including customers of the Company or whether in co-operation
         with any third party whatsoever, whether with customers of the
         Company or with others.

7.       I declare that I am aware, that due to the nature of the Company's
         business, it takes upon itself and/or is likely to take upon itself
         undertakings with third parties obliging the safeguarding of secrecy
         which will also be applicable to its employees, and that the
         non-fulfillment of the above undertakings shall, inter alia, be cause
         for the breach of the contract between the Company and the third
         party. I therefore undertake to fulfil all these undertakings as has
         been determined between the Company and the aforesaid third party.

8.       I hereby undertake not to harm, whether directly or indirectly, the
         reputation of the Company and/or its status amongst its customers in
         effect an its potential customers.

9.       To keep secret any information relating to aspects of money, fiscal
         aspects and economic aspects of the Company's activities, including
         ties with banking institutions, customs and excise authorities,
         undertakings of the Company and rights toward third parties.
         Likewise, I will keep secret


         any information which may reach me and connected with entities such
         as the center for investments, the Scientist-in-Chief, accountants
         and legal advisors of the Company, etc.

10.    In order to eliminate any doubt, it is hereby emphasized that my
       undertakings in accordance with sections 1 - 9 above shall remain valid
       both during the period of my employment with the Company and after the
       termination thereof for whatever reason whatsoever, and shall also bind
       my legal representatives, and this without any limitation in time.

11.    I agree that any document which I have prepared and/or any Information
       which I have attained for the purpose of my work with the Company
       and/or my work during the period of my employment with the Company is
       the property of the Company, which shall be forwarded to the Company
       immediately upon the termination of my employment as detailed below.
       Likewise, I hereby undertake to return to the Company any Information,
       whether written or in any other form whatsoever, which is in my
       possession or which shall be in my possession at any time, and this
       immediately upon the termination of my employment for any reason
       whatsoever or immediately upon the demand of the Company at any time.


12.   Furthermore, and without prejudicing my undertakings in this document
      and/or my undertakings imposed upon me in accordance with the law or
      according to custom, I hereby undertake not to compete with the Company
      in any form or manner whatsoever, by any means of undertaking
      whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly, by myself or together with
      others, and/or to provide advise of any sort whatsoever to a competing
      business and/or to be employed for pay or without pay by a competing
      business and/or to be active, whether directly or indirectly in the
      management and/or activating and/or planning of a competing business.


13.   I hereby undertake that upon the conclusion of my employment with the
      Company for any reason whatsoever, I will not work, whether for wages
      or not and/or for the purpose of advising and/or to be directly or
      indirectly active in the execution of work and/or service for a
      customer of the Company and/or someone who was a customer of the
      Company at the time of my employment with the Company.

14.   In order to eliminate any doubt I hereby clarify that my undertakings
      in accordance with sections 12 - 13 above, shall remain valid during
      the period of my employment with the Company and after the termination
      thereof for whatever reason whatsoever for the periods as detailed

14A.  For a period of one year after the conclusion of my employment, in the
      event of my having worked for the Company for a period of more than 6

14B   For a period of two years after the conclusion of my employment, in the
      event of my having worked for the Company for a period exceeding two

15.   I undertake that upon the conclusion of my employment with the Company,
      for whatever reason, I shall not lobby and/or attempt to lobby and/or
      attain, whether directly and/or indirectly and/or for another and/or
      for any undertaking whatsoever with any customer of the Company and/or
      someone who was a customer of the Company at the time of my employment
      with the Company.


16.   In the event of my breaching my undertakings in accordance with this
      writ of undertaking, I will be obliged to compensate the Company for
      all the damages and expenses caused to the Company as a result of the
      breach, and this without derogating from any of the remedies available
      to the


      Company against me in accordance with any law as a result of the breach
      of my above undertakings.

17.   I am aware that the Company has various intellectual property rights,
      and the above said shall not prejudice these rights in any manner

18.   The rights of the Company in accordance with this document are
      personally negotiable.

19.   My undertakings in accordance with this writ, constitute an integral
      part of the terms of my employment between me and the Company. My above
      undertakings shall not prejudice the undertakings applicable to me in
      any way and as an employee of the Company in accordance with the
      agreement of employment between me and the Company and/or in accordance
      with any law, including collective agreements and/or any custom.

20.   My undertakings in accordance with this document cannot be changed and
      shall not be brought to an end, fully or partially, unless by virtue of
      a document written and signed by an authorized representative on behalf
      of the Company.

21.   If, for any reason whatsoever, a term of this document is held to be
      invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the other
      provisions of this document shall not be prejudiced.

5/1/99                                      /s/ BOAZ EDAN
- -------------------------                   --------------------------------
DATE                                        EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE
