Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K


                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999


                         Commission file number 0-22250

                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               Delaware                                95-4431352
      (State or other jurisdiction                  (I.R.S. Employer
   of incorporation or organization)               Identification No.)

                                26081 Avenue Hall
                           Valencia, California 91355
              (Address of principal executive offices and zip code)

                                 (661) 295-5600
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                          Common Stock, $.001 par value

                         Preferred Stock Purchase Rights

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding twelve months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|.

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this 10-K or any Amendment to this Form
10-K. |_|

At February 29, 2000, there were outstanding 11,602,633 shares of the Common
Stock of Registrant, and the aggregate market value of the shares held on that
date by non-affiliates of Registrant, based on the closing price ($11.6562 per
share) of the Registrant's Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market on that
date, was $90,806,356. For purposes of this computation, it has been assumed
that the shares beneficially held by directors and officers of Registrant were
"held by affiliates"; this assumption is not to be deemed to be an admission by
such persons that they are affiliates of Registrant.


Portions of Registrant's Proxy Statement with respect to its 2000 Annual Meeting
of Shareholders, currently scheduled to be held May 2, 2000, are incorporated by
reference into Part III of this Report.

Exhibit index is located on page 28.

Page 7

                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION

                       Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
                          Year Ended December 31, 1999

PART I....................................................................................................3

  Item 1.   Business......................................................................................3
  Item 2.   Properties...................................................................................15
  Item 3.   Legal Proceedings............................................................................15
  Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..........................................16
  Item 4a.  Executive Officers of the Registrant.........................................................16

PART II..................................................................................................18

  Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters........................18
  Item 6.   Selected Financial Data......................................................................19
  Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition........20
  Item 7a.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk...................................26
  Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data..................................................26
  Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosures........26

PART III.................................................................................................27

  Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant...........................................27
  Item 11.  Executive Compensation.......................................................................27
  Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management...............................27
  Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions...............................................27

PART IV..................................................................................................28

  Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule, and Reports on Form 8-K..............................28

                                     Page 2

                                     PART I

Item 1. Business
- - ----------------

For a discussion of certain material factors which may affect the Company, see
"Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors" commencing on page 10 of this Report.


3D Systems Corporation (the "Company," "We," or "Us") develops, manufactures
and markets worldwide solid imaging systems. Solid imaging systems are
designed to produce physical objects rapidly from digital data using computer
aided design and manufacturing ("CAD/CAM") software utilities and related
computer applications. Our hardware products include SLA-Registered
Trademark- industrial systems and ThermoJet(TM) solid object printers. In
addition, we market and distribute consumable materials used in these
systems. Our growing installed base of systems requires an ongoing supply of
materials as well as service support. ThermoJet printers use proprietary
materials developed, manufactured and sold exclusively by us. For SLA
systems, we are the exclusive worldwide distributor (except for Japan) of
Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Inc.'s ("CSC") stereolithography photopolymer
resins ("resins"), which we developed in conjunction with CSC.

SLA industrial systems use our proprietary stereolithography ("SL") technology,
a solid imaging process which uses a laser beam to expose and solidify
successive layers of photosensitive epoxy resin until the desired object is
formed to precise specifications in epoxy or acrylic resin. SL-produced parts
can be used for concept models, engineering prototypes, patterns and masters for
molds, consumable tooling or short-run manufacturing of final product, among
other applications. SL technology can provide users with significant product
development time savings, cost reductions and improved quality, compared to
traditional modeling, tooling and pattern-making techniques. In addition,
material functionality can produce more durable parts, which can be used for
rapid manufacturing. We provide, either directly or through our network of
authorized distributors, a variety of on-site maintenance services and
processing materials.

ThermoJet solid object printers employ hot melt ink jet technology to build
models in successive layers using our proprietary thermoplastic material. These
printers, about the size of an office copier, are designed for operation in
engineering and design office environments. Designers, engineers, and other
users of CAD/CAM utilities can incorporate the printers into office networks as
a shared resource, to rapidly produce models of products under development for
design concept communication and validation. In addition, the ThermoJet solid
object printer output can be used as patterns and molds and, when combined with
other secondary processes, can produce parts with representative end use
properties. We provide, either directly or through our network of authorized
distributors, on-site maintenance services.

We market directly and through secondary distribution channels to customers in
the United States, Europe and Asia, and through distributors in other countries.
We sold our first SLA system in 1988, our first solid object printer in the
fourth quarter of 1996, and as of December 31, 1999, had sold 1,546 machines to
customers in over 80 countries. Our customers include major corporations
throughout the world in a broad range of industries including manufacturers of
automotive, aerospace, computer, electronic, consumer and medical products. We
also sell SLA systems and ThermoJet printers to independent service bureaus,
which, for a fee, provide stereolithographic and 3D printing services to their

As of December 31, 1999, we held 197 patents related to solid imaging: 93 United
States; 61 European; 8 Japanese; and 35 other foreign patents. We continue to
develop improvements in our product lines as well as new products to expand the
applications of solid imaging. In conjunction with CSC, we continue to develop
materials for our SLA systems with different and improved characteristics to
expand SL applications. CSC is a Swiss-based multinational manufacturer and
distributor of specialty chemicals, a 14.9% beneficial shareholder of the
Company, and our partner in photopolymer resin development.

Solid imaging is a relatively new field embodying the use of computers and
computer automated equipment to rapidly produce prototypes, models and even
low-volume production quantities of physical objects that traditionally have
been produced by machining and other methods. We believe that stereolithography
and solid imaging hot melt ink jet technologies, which we have developed and
patented, represent the most significant developments in this field. While
alternative technologies exist and significant research and development efforts
are currently being undertaken by corporations and universities around the world
in an attempt to develop additional alternative technologies and techniques, we
remain the leader in the solid imaging field on the basis of total revenue and
systems installed.

Unless otherwise indicated, all references to "CSC" include Ciba Specialty
Chemicals, Inc. and its affiliates, including Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding
and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Canada, through which CSC holds its
interest in the Company, and the United States ("CSC US"), through which CSC
conducts its United States operations. On December 14, 1999, CSC announced it
would sell its Performance Polymer Division, the division with which we

                                     Page 3

do business, to Morgan Grenfell Private Equity ("MGPE"). The announcement stated
that the transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2000. On
February 7, 2000, CSC advised us that the operations of the division will be run
by the present management in a newly created Swiss company headquartered in
Basel, Switzerland and that CSC will assign to the new company its rights and
obligations under all contracts related to the Performance Polymers Division.
MGPE is ultimately owned by Deutsch Bank AG.

Corporate Structure

The Company is a Delaware corporation, and is the sole shareholder of 3D Canada
Company, a Nova Scotia unlimited liability company (formerly 3D Systems (Canada)
Inc., a British Columbia corporation) ("3D Canada"). The Company and 3D Canada
jointly own 3D Holdings LLC, which is the sole shareholder of 3D Systems, Inc.,
a California corporation ("3D California"), which directly and through its
direct and indirect subsidiaries conducts substantially all of the Company's
business. 3D California's direct subsidiaries include 3D Systems Europe Ltd., a
United Kingdom company, which, beginning January 1, 2000, serves as the
headquarters for the Company's European operations.

Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this document to the Company, we,
or us include 3D Systems Corporation, 3-D Systems Inc., its British Columbia
predecessor ("3-D Canada"), 3D Canada Company and its predecessor, 3D Systems
(Canada), Inc. and 3D Systems, Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Products and Services

For an analysis of revenues attributable to our product and service groups, see
"Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
Financial Condition - Results of Operations" on page 21.

SLA Systems and Related Equipment. We currently manufacture and market five SLA
industrial systems-- the SLA 250 Series 50; the SLA 250/50 HR ("High
Resolution"); the SLA 3500; the SLA 5000; and the SLA 7000. All models use SL
technology. The models vary in their capabilities including the resolution and
accuracy of part building, the maximum size of objects that can be produced,
object building speed, and system price.

Each SLA system consists of an ultraviolet laser, an optical scanning system
that controls the position of the laser beam, a vat of photosensitive epoxy
resin, an elevator assembly and a central controller, which work together to
control the exposure of the resin to ultraviolet radiation, thereby curing it in
a defined pattern to create solid objects. SLA systems are capable of making
multiple objects at the same time; however, each SLA system is limited in the
size of the objects that it can make during a single build session. Therefore,
the system can make only scale models of very large objects or, alternatively,
full-scale portions of large objects which are then joined together. The SLA 250
system, for example, can create a model, section of a model or other object with
maximum size of 10 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches (250 mm x 250 mm x 250 mm). On
the other hand, the maximum size model, section of a model or other object that
can be created using the SLA 7000 system is 20 inches x 20 inches x 24 inches
(500 mm x 500 mm x 600 mm).

SLA systems are installed in many of the largest manufacturing organizations in
the world and are used in a wide variety of applications, varying from
prototyping automobile parts to creating new designs for testing in consumer
focus groups. SLA systems are designed to build communication models to enable
users to share ideas and evaluate concepts; perform form, fit and function
testing on working prototypes; build master patterns for investment casting; or
quickly produce parts for direct use in working prototypes.

We also market ultraviolet curing devices ("PCAs") used in conjunction with SLA
systems. The PCA provides uniform long wave ultraviolet illumination. When the
SLA system has completed a typical object, a small amount of the resin has not
been fully cured. Full curing requires an additional one to two hours of
exposure to ultraviolet illumination through the use of our PCAs. The Company is
currently offering three PCA models, the PCA 250, PCA 350 and PCA 500.
Approximately 70% of all SLA systems sold by us have been purchased with a PCA.

Solid object printers. The ThermoJet printer is a network-ready system, about
the size of an office copier, that uses a hot melt ink jet technology to print
models in successive layers using a proprietary thermoplastic solid imaging
material ("SIM") and a print head with hundreds of jets oriented in a linear
array. The print head scans back and forth, similar to desktop ink jet printers,
depositing layer upon layer of material to form the physical model. The printers
offer a part building capacity of 10 inches x 7.8 inches x 8 inches (250 mm x
195 mm x 200 mm).

The ThermoJet printer creates concept models used for design reviews, form and
fit checking, styling, ergonomics evaluation and CAD-model verification. By
printing a three-dimensional object, designs that appear complex on a
two-dimensional presentation are more easily understood by both technical and
non-technical people.

                                     Page 4

Materials. We develop and manufacture the SIM used by the ThermoJet printer.
Currently we market three types of SIM, in several shades. We anticipate, based
upon our research and development efforts, that we will market additional SIM
types with differing material properties. We are the exclusive worldwide
distributor (other than Japan), to users of stereolithographic systems, of CSC
photopolymers (photosensitive resins) for stereolithography (see "Marketing and
Customers - Photopolymer Distribution Agreement," on page 7, below). Currently,
we market a total of 14 different resins, which vary in building speed,
accuracy, surface finish and mechanical properties. Depending upon results
obtained under our Photopolymer Research Agreement (described under "Research
and Development," on page 6, below), we anticipate that we will market
additional types of resins with varying properties. Most of our customers
purchase material from us at the time of initial purchase of equipment (SLA
system or ThermoJet printer). We also sell material necessary for ongoing
operation of the machines. During 1999, 1998 and 1997 revenues from materials
sales were $15.6 million, $18.6 million and $13.5 million, respectively.
Approximately three-quarters of our material revenue is from ongoing operation
of the machines.

Software. We develop and market part preparation software for personal computers
and engineering workstations. The software is designed to enhance the interface
between CAD/CAM utilities and our solid imaging products. Solid CAD/CAM data is
converted to the STL format within the CAD/CAM utility. Depending on the
specific software package, the object is typically viewed, rotated, scaled, and
model structures added. The software then generates the information that will be
used by the SLA or ThermoJet machine for creation of the solid images.

QuickCast(TM) Technology. Our QuickCast build style consists of a special
process for making precision investment casting patterns using SL technology.
Investment casting is a process whereby a foundry uses wax patterns to generate
molds into which liquid metal is poured to form the part. Each wax pattern can
be used only once to produce a mold. Similarly, the QuickCast process uses our
SLA systems to produce foundry-useable mold patterns suitable for limited-run
investment casting. While not cost-competitive for high-capacity manufacturing,
the ability to rapidly produce prototypes and short run production quantities of
fully functional complex metal parts, in a wide variety of metals, is a major
technological improvement in SL. All of the SLA systems we sell include the
software capability to use the QuickCast process.

Maintenance. All of the SLA systems we sell include on-site hardware and
software maintenance service, during a warranty period (typically one year) at
no additional charge. All ThermoJet printers include at least a 90-day warranty
period at no additional charge. After the warranty period, we offer customers
optional maintenance contracts, which are available on a monthly and annual
basis. Approximately three-quarters of the services we provide are for
post-warranty maintenance contracts. Although purchasers are not required to
enter into maintenance contracts with us, a majority of our United States, Asia
Pacific and European SLA system customers are parties to these contracts, and
many others obtain our maintenance services on a time and material basis.
Customers acquiring systems from some of our overseas distributors are offered
maintenance contracts by the distributors. During 1999, 1998 and 1997, revenues
from maintenance contracts and maintenance services were approximately $26.7
million, $28.1 million, and $25.0 million, respectively. As of December 31,
1999, we had a staff of 98 full-time employees who provide on-site remedial and
preventive maintenance services necessary to keep the equipment in good
operating condition. To date, warranty expenses and product returns have not
been significant.

3D Systems Technology Centers. The Company provides services from its Technology
Centers at its Valencia, California headquarters and at its office located near
Frankfurt, Germany. The 3D Systems Technology Centers utilize SLA systems
together with CAD/CAM and other data supplied by customers to produce models,
prototypes, mold patterns and other parts on a contract basis. The price for
services offered by the Technology Centers varies on the basis of the nature of
the services requested. The Technology Centers also focus their efforts on the
development of new applications and techniques in SL and the development of new
markets in which the advantages of SL can be demonstrated. The Technology
Centers also enable us to keep abreast of developments in the applications of
rapid prototyping and serve as a means to introduce prospective buyers to our

3D Keltool(R) Process. The 3D Keltool process uses master patterns to produce
highly accurate steel tool core and cavity inserts for use in plastic injection
molding machines. In 1998, we began licensing this technology to our customers
for their direct use. Since acquiring the 3D Keltool assets and operations in
September 1996 and through 1998, we produced 3D Keltool inserts for our
customers, using the 3D Keltool process, out of our St. Paul, Minnesota
facility. In the first quarter of 1999, we sold the St. Paul operations to Rapid
Tooling Technologies ("RTT"). As part of the agreement to purchase the St. Paul
operations, RTT obtained a license for the use of the 3D Keltool process.

Recent Product Introductions. In order to improve and expand the capabilities of
our systems and related software and materials, as well as to enhance our
portfolio of proprietary intellectual properties, we have historically devoted a
significant portion of our resources to research and development activities.
Recent product introductions include:

SL5530HT resin was announced in December 1998. Designed specifically for use
with the SLA 350, 3500, 5000 and 7000 systems, SL5530HT resin is a breakthrough
in materials development. Depending on the hardware platform, SL5530HT

                                     Page 5

can resist temperatures in excess of 200(degree) C/392(degree) F - twice the
heat resistance of any other resin today. It also possesses optical clarity
useful for flow visualization and build accuracy that mirrors the dimensions of
the part design.

3D Lightyear(TM) part preparation software was released in the second quarter of
1999. 3D Lightyear software fully exploits the power of the Windows NT operating
system, delivering functionality that extends beyond the capabilities of its
predecessor, Unix-based Maestro. An accompanying release of control software for
the SLA 350/3500/500/5000/7000 systems also incorporated new functions for
customers who owned these large-frame SLA machines.

SLA 7000 system, the Company's new SLA machine introduced in the first quarter
of 1999, is faster (depending upon part geometry and layer thickness) than our
next fastest solid imaging system. The SLA 7000 system gains its speed advantage
from a dual-spot high power laser, high speed scanning software and a new high
photosensitivity material. In addition to its speed, the SLA 7000 system can
produce parts at 0.001 inch (0.025 mm) layers thickness (depending on part size
and geometry).

SL 7510 high photosensitivity material was initially released for the SLA 7000
machine. It was also released during 1999 for the SLA 3500 and SLA 5000 systems.
Final material properties are machine-dependent, but generally the SL 7510
material offers excellent durability, fast build speed, accuracy and humidity

SL 5430 material for the SLA 500 system was released in January 2000. It
combines excellent productivity and clarity, with high temperature resistance -
up to 250(degree) C/482(degree) F.

SL 7540 material was released in March 2000, on all three solid-state platforms
(the SLA 3500/5000/7000 systems). It is a leap ahead in material properties,
offering exceptional durability and surface quality. Along with this material,
we released new versions of our Lightyear and Buildstation software (1.1 and
5.1, respectively). The software releases enable a new method of supporting SL
parts, which result in better part surface finish and better part building
yield. In combination, the software and material are an important step ahead in
part building and part versatility.

ThermoJet solid object printer is the successor to the Actua(TM) 2100 office
modeler, offering a significant improvement in speed and reliability. It is up
to 300% faster than its predecessor. In addition, the ThermoJet printer,
introduced in the first quarter of 1999, uses a new material, TJ-88, with
improved part durability. Along with the hardware and materials release, a new
version of part preparation and control software was introduced, which further
improved the ease of use of the ThermoJet software.

Research and Development

Our ability to compete successfully depends, among other things, on our ability
to design and develop new machines, materials and applications, and to refine
existing products. For the foreseeable future, we anticipate that our research
and development efforts will be focused on system design and material
functionality improvements for the ThermoJet solid object printer and SLA
systems, and developing software to facilitate the interface between our solid
imaging systems and CAD/CAM programs. Research and development expenses
decreased in 1999 to $8.9 million, down from $9.4 million in 1998. The decrease
in research and development expenses in 1999 was primarily a result of
significant investment in 1998 in new product introduction (ThermoJet solid
object printer and SLA 7000 system). Based on our historical expenditures
related to research and development and our current development goals, we
anticipate, for the foreseeable future, research and development expenses will
be equal to approximately 8% of sales. This is a forward-looking statement,
however, and, as with any such statement, is subject to risk. For example, if
our total sales for any particular period do not meet our anticipated sales for
that period, research and development expenses as a percentage of sales may
exceed 8%. As of December 31, 1999, 50 employees or contractors were devoting
substantially all of their time to research and development activities for the
Company, compared to 66 employees at December 31, 1998.

We believe that further refinements in stereolithography will depend upon
improvements not only in our SLA products, but also in the chemical makeup of
the resins used in the fabrication process. To this end, we have dedicated a
significant amount of time to the development of new resins. To pursue this
goal, we are a party to a Research and Development Agreement with CSC (the
"Photopolymer Research Agreement") providing for the development of
photopolymers, photopolymerizable monomers, photoinitiators and other resins for
use with our SLA systems. Subject to certain conditions, the Photopolymer
Research Agreement will remain in effect until either party gives the other six
months notice of intent to terminate the agreement. Pursuant to the Photopolymer
Research Agreement, the two companies work jointly, with each company funding
its own portion of the research. Ownership of any inventions or know-how,
whether patented or not, will accrue to CSC if they are chemical in nature, and
to us if they relate to the stereolithographic process. CSC has announced that
it will sell its Performance Polymer Division, the division that engages in
photopolymer research with us. We believe that the Photopolymer Research
Agreement will be transferred to the new company, and we have consented to the
assignment. This is a forward-looking statement and, as such, is subject to
risk. For example, management of the acquiring company may decide not to assume
the obligations under the contract or may decide to negotiate a new contract

                                     Page 6

with less favorable terms. If the Photopolymer Research Agreement is not
assigned, or if it is otherwise terminated, we may be unable to develop
improvements in the chemical makeup of the resins used in the SL fabrication
process, which could result in a material adverse effect on our revenues,
results of operations, liquidity and financial position.

We believe that further refinements in solid object printing will come as a
result of investment in the areas of material development, solid imaging
processes and the printing mechanism. In 1999, 3D Systems began an aggressive
material development program with an outside consulting firm to develop SIM
ingredients and chemical compounds with properties optimized for the ink jet
solid imaging process. We believe these synthetic specialty chemicals will allow
future SIM formulations to demonstrate significant improvement in the material
durability and other mechanical properties, and that investment in the solid
imaging build processes will result in improvements in the quality of the model
output from the build process. We believe these improvements will include faster
model build times, higher resolution and smaller layer steps, more accurate
geometry representation and smoother and more uniform surface finish on all
surfaces of the finished model. Investment in the printer system design and
mechanism is expected to result in substantial cost savings, an increase in
reliability and improvements in ease of use.

The foregoing discussion relating to the Company's research and development
activities includes statements that involve risks and uncertainties. For a
discussion of the factors associated with such forward-looking statements which
could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the
statements, see "Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors--We Must Keep Pace with
Rapid Technological Change and Introduce New Products to Remain Competitive" on
page 11 and "Our New Products May Not Be Commercially Accepted" on page 11.

Marketing and Customers

Our sales and marketing strategy focuses on an internal sales organization,
which is responsible for overseeing worldwide sales and value-added resellers,
as well as the utilization of knowledgeable international distributors. We
employ a direct sales force consisting of sales persons and application
specialists that provide technical sales support. At December 31, 1999, our
worldwide sales and support staff consisted of 61 employees that were primarily
located in the United States and Europe. We have sales offices in the United
States in California, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, South
Carolina and Massachusetts; our European offices are located near Frankfurt,
London, Paris, Barcelona and Milan, and our Hong Kong office serves the Asia
Pacific region.

International Sales. International sales, the majority of which are to Europe,
accounted for 47.5%, 44.1% and 41.5% of total sales in the years ended December
31, 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively. (See "Note 16 of Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements" on page F-8.) On September 17, 1999, we announced the
formation of a new management team for our European operations, which will have
a pan-European vision, rather than a fragmented country-by-country focus. Our
European operations finished 1999 with a 17.8% growth over 1998. Platform sales
to automotive and Formula One customers are still the strongest, but sales to
the consumer electronics industry also showed a large percentage of growth year
over year.

As of December 31, 1999, we had entered into agreements with three independent
distributors in the Pacific Rim, five in greater Europe and one in Latin
America. International distributors are responsible for marketing, sales, system
installation, service and support to their customers. For a discussion of risks
associated with international operations, see "Cautionary Statements and Risk
Factors - There are Many Risks Associated with International Business" on page

Customers. Our customers include major companies in a broad range of industries
throughout the world, including manufacturers of automotive, aerospace,
computer, electronic, consumer and medical products. Purchasers of our systems
include original equipment manufacturers ("OEMs") such as AMP, Inc., Apple
Computer, Inc., Audi AG, Benetton F1, Boeing Company, BMW Group, Canstar Sports,
Inc., DaimlerChrysler Corp., Eastman Kodak Company, The Electrolux Group,
General Electric Company, General Motors Corporation, Delphi Automotive Systems,
Hasbro, Inc., Jordan Grand Prix, International Business Machines Corporation,
Johnson & Johnson, Motorola, Inc., Navistar International Corporation, Nike,
Inc., Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon Company and Texas Instruments, Inc. We also sell
our products to government agencies and universities, which generally use our
machines for research activities, and to independent service bureaus, including
Arrk Creative Network, the largest rapid prototype manufacturer in the world,
General Pattern, Moehler Design and INCS, Inc., which for a fee provide
stereolithographic services to their customers.

Photopolymer Distribution Agreement. Pursuant to an agreement with CSC US, and
subject to conditions set forth in the agreement, we are the exclusive worldwide
distributor to users of SL processes of all Ciba Specialty Chemicals SL
photopolymers. At our request, an affiliate of CSC US currently sells such
photopolymers in Japan to our Japanese distributor. Subject to certain
conditions, so long as CSC US provides adequate supplies, we are required to
fill all of our requirements for our photopolymers through purchases from CSC
US. Subject to certain conditions, the agreement will remain in effect until
either party gives the other six months advance notice of termination. There can
be no assurance that this agreement will remain in place. Though we believe we
can obtain alternate agreements from other manufacturers, the

                                     Page 7

termination of this agreement or interruption of supply could have a material
adverse effect on our revenues, results of operations, liquidity and financial
position. (See "Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors - We Depend on a Single
or Limited Suppliers for Certain of our Components" on page 11). CSC has
announced that it will sell its Performance Polymer Division, the division with
which we have the agreement. We believe that the Photopolymer Distribution
Agreement will be transferred to the new company, and we have consented to the
assignment. This is a forward-looking statement and, as such, is subject to
risk. For example, management of the acquiring company may decide not to assume
the obligations under the contract or may decide to negotiate a new contract
with less favorable terms.

Customer Support and Service. Before installation of an SLA system, a new
purchaser typically receives training at our facilities. During the first
several days after installation, an applications engineer remains at the
customer location to ensure that the customer is able to operate the SLA system
effectively and to answer any questions that may arise. We also make available
to our customers, for a fee, additional training courses in SLA system features
and applications.

No training is necessary in connection with the purchase of a ThermoJet printer.

We offer maintenance contracts to our customers, which generate recurring
revenue. (See "Products and Services," on page 4, above.) We also make
available, in the United States, a hotline to all of our users with maintenance
contracts. The hotline is staffed with technical representatives who answer
questions and arrange for on-site remedial services if necessary. The hotline is
available Monday through Friday, local holidays excepted, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Pacific time. In addition, customer service, troubleshooting and answers to
frequently asked questions ("FAQs") are available through our website, Customers may also reach us through e-mail, 24 hours a day.

We co-founded and currently participate in both domestic and international SL
User Groups, which currently include a substantial number of our customers. The
User Groups organize annual conferences in both the United States and Europe, at
which we make presentations relating to updates in stereolithography, changes we
have implemented in our systems and related equipment, materials and software
and future ideas and programs we intend to pursue in the upcoming years.

Backlog. At December 31, 1999, the Company had orders (with scheduled delivery
dates) for 12 systems aggregating approximately $4.4 million, as compared to
systems aggregating approximately $8.9 million at December 31, 1998 and $3.5
million at December 31, 1997. It is anticipated that all orders included in the
current backlog will be shipped by June 30, 2000. As a matter of policy, we
afford our customers the right to cancel any system order at any time prior to
its scheduled delivery date. Historically, the number of system orders canceled
has not been significant. Nonetheless, no assurance can be given that all orders
in backlog will be shipped. Backlog may not be indicative of future expected

Production and Supplies

All of our systems are assembled and SIM is produced at our 67,000 square foot
facility in Grand Junction, Colorado. We purchase the major component parts for
our systems and materials for SIM from outside sources and arrange with contract
manufacturers for the manufacture of subassemblies. We integrate the
subassemblies and effect final assembly of all systems at our production
facility. We perform numerous diagnostic tests and quality control procedures on
each system to assure its operability and reliability.

Although there is more than one potential supplier for many material components
parts, subassemblies and materials, several of the critical components,
materials, and subassemblies, including lasers, materials, and certain ink jet
components, are currently provided by a single or limited sources. Resins for
the Company's SLA systems are supplied exclusively by CSC under the Photopolymer
Distribution Agreement, described above, and either party has the right to
terminate this agreement with six months notice. Our reliance on sole or limited
source vendors involves risks, including the possibility of shortages of certain
key components, product performance shortfalls, and reduced control over
delivery schedules, manufacturing capability, quality and costs. Business
disruptions, financial difficulties, or any significant change in the condition
of or our relationship with a sole or limited source supplier of any particular
component could have a material and adverse effect on our revenues, results of
operations, liquidity and financial condition by increasing the cost of goods
sold or reducing the availability of such components. An unanticipated change in
the source of supply of these components or unanticipated supply limitations
could adversely affect our short-term ability to meet our product orders. (See
"Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors - We Depend on a Single or Limited
Suppliers for Certain of our Components" on page 11.)

                                     Page 8

Competition and Patent Rights

We believe there are no products technologically similar to our SLA systems
being sold in significant quantities in the United States; however, products
similar to our SLA systems are manufactured and sold by other companies in the
Pacific Rim. In addition, we believe that there are other companies researching,
designing, developing and marketing other types of solid imaging equipment in
the United States and in foreign markets, and additional companies may announce
plans to enter the solid imaging business, either with equipment similar to
ours, or with other types of equipment. (See "Cautionary Statements and Risk
Factors -- We are Subject to Intense Competition" on page 14.)

Although it is estimated that there are approximately 19 companies currently
manufacturing rapid prototyping equipment, the following is a brief description
of competing products or technologies of the companies that we believe are our
current primary competitors in the SL area. DTM, Inc. markets systems based on a
technology called Selective Laser Sintering, which uses a powdered material that
is sintered (solidified by heating) by energy supplied by a laser. Helisys, Inc.
markets systems based on a technology called Laminated Object Manufacturing,
which builds parts from sheets of paper or other material that are laminated
together with cross-sectional patterns being laser cut into each sheet of paper.
Stratasys, Inc. ("Stratasys") markets a Fused Deposition Modeling process that
builds objects by dispensing individual layers of thermoplastic material through
a temperature controlled head.

NTT Data and D-MEC market products similar to our SL products in Japan. During
1998, we signed patent cross-license agreements with NTT Data and NTT Data CMET
(marketed by NTT Data) and with Sony Corporation (marketed by D-MEC). Under
these agreements, Sony and NTT Data each obtained a non-exclusive license to
produce and sell SL systems in the Asia Pacific area. In addition, E.I. du Pont
de Nemours and Company ("DuPont") has licensed certain SL technology to Teijin
Seiki of Japan and Aaroflex of the United States. We believe that other Japanese
companies are also developing and marketing products similar to ours; however,
we do not have reliable data with respect to these efforts. During 1996,
Aaroflex, Inc. ("Aaroflex"), headquartered in Virginia, publicly announced the
availability and claimed that it has sold in the United States, although not
delivered, equipment that offers the same functions as our SLA systems. (See
"Item 3. Legal Proceedings" on page 15.)

We believe that currently available alternatives to SL generally are not able to
produce models having the dimensional accuracy and fine surface finish of models
provided by our SL process. However, competitors have successfully marketed
their products to our existing and potential customers. Furthermore, in many
cases, the existence of these competitors extends the purchasing time while
customers investigate alternative systems. We compete primarily on the basis of
the quality of our products and the advanced state of our technology. Although
we do not rely totally on our patents to compete, we believe that our patents
will help us maintain our leading position in the SL field in the United States
and Europe. (See "Proprietary Protection," on page 10, below and "Cautionary
Statements and Risk Factors -- Patents and Proprietary Information are Critical
to our Success" on page 13.)

A number of companies, including DSM Desotech Inc. ("DSM"), which acquired the
SOMOS solid imaging business of DuPont in April 1999, are currently selling SL
resins, which either complement or compete with those we distribute. We believe
that we currently supply resins to owners of a majority of the SLA systems
currently installed worldwide.

With respect to our solid object printers, we believe that the following
companies are our current primary competitors. Stratasys, described above, is
also a competitor in the 3D-printer area. Sanders Prototyping markets
ModelMaker, a technology that deposits wax material using an ink jet print head.
Z Corporation makes a printer that produces models using a starch-based powder
material and a water-based liquid binder.

We believe that currently available alternatives to our solid object printers
generally are not able to produce models having the dimensional accuracy, fine
detail or smooth surface finish of models provided by our printers. We do not
have the level of patent protection for the solid object printers that we have
for our SL technology; however, during 1999 we acquired two patents for
dot-on-dot printing technology from Dataproducts Corporation in order to help us
maintain our position in this field.

We believe that we do not currently have any significant competition for our
maintenance services, although some of our customers perform their own
maintenance in-house and some use other providers of service contracts and time
and materials arrangements. We offer software and hardware maintenance contracts
to our customers (see "Products and Services," on page 4, above). Maintenance
for some SLA systems sold internationally is offered by our distributors (see
"Marketing and Customers," on page 7, above).

Future competition is expected to arise both from the development of new
technologies or techniques not encompassed by the patents held by or licensed to
us, and through improvements to existing technologies, such as automated
machining. We have determined to follow a strategy of continuing product
development and aggressive patent prosecution to protect ourselves to the extent
possible in these areas.

                                     Page 9

Proprietary Protection

Charles W. Hull, the Company's founder and Chief Technology Officer developed
the stereolithography technology used in our SLA products, while employed by
UVP, Inc. This technology was originally patented by UVP, Inc. and subsequently
licensed to us in 1986. We acquired the patent in 1990.

In the case of our ThermoJet printers, the ink jet technology employed by the
printers has been primarily developed elsewhere and is subject to license
agreements. The thermoplastic material used and the application of the ink jet
technology to solid imaging have been developed by us. During 1999, we acquired
two patents from Dataproducts Corporation for dot-on-dot printing technology in
order to increase our patent protection in this area.

At December 31, 1999, we had 197 patents which include 93 in the United States,
61 in Europe, 8 in Japan and 35 in other foreign countries. At that date, we had
54 pending patent applications with the United States, 49 in the Pacific Rim, 15
in Europe, 8 in Canada and 2 in Latin America. As new developments and
components to the technology are discovered, we intend to apply for additional

In 1997, we filed patent infringement lawsuits against Aaroflex, Inc. and Teijin
Seiki. The Aaroflex lawsuit seeks compensation from Aaroflex for utilizing
certain SL technology which we allege is incorporated in six of our United
States patents, and we seek other damages and attorneys' fees as well as an
injunction barring Aaroflex from marketing its products using technology
incorporated in our patents. The Teijin Seiki lawsuit, which is in the early
stages of prosecution, alleges infringement of our Japanese patents, and seeks
damages and injunctive relief. Teijin Seiki has filed an invalidation action
against one of our patents, and we have appealed an unfavorable decision in that
action. (See "Item 3. Legal Proceedings" on page 15.)

Application for a patent offers no assurance that a patent will be issued as
applied for. Issuance of a patent offers no assurance that the patent can be
protected against any claims of invalidation or that the patent can be enforced
against any infringement. In addition, litigation of patent issues can be costly
and time-consuming. (See "Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors -- Patents and
Proprietary Protection are Critical to our Success" on page 13.)


At December 31, 1999, we had 422 full-time employees, including 5 members of
executive management supplied pursuant to an agreement with Regent Pacific
Management Corporation ("Regent Pacific") (see "Item 13. Certain Relationships
and Related Transactions" on page 27 for further information on the Regent
Pacific Agreement). In addition, at that same date we utilized the services of
14 independent contractors. None of these employees or independent contractors
is covered by labor agreements. We consider our relations with our employees and
independent contractors to be satisfactory.


The risks and uncertainties described below are not the only risks and
uncertainties we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to
us or that we currently deem immaterial also may impair our business operations.
If any of the following risks actually occur, our business, results of
operations and financial condition could suffer. In that event the trading price
of our common stock could decline, and our stockholders may lose all or part of
their investment in our common stock. The risks discussed below also include
forward-looking statements and our actual results may differ substantially from
those discussed in these forward-looking statements.

Fluctuations in Quarterly Results - Our Operating Results Vary From Quarter to
Quarter Which Could Impact Our Stock Price

Our operating results fluctuate from quarter to quarter and may continue to
fluctuate in the future. We believe that quarter to quarter or annual
comparisons of our operating results are not a good indication of our future
performance. In some quarters it is possible that results could be below
expectations of analysts and investors. If so, the price of our common stock may

Many factors, some of which are beyond our control, may cause these fluctuations
in operating results. These factors include:

      Acceptance and reliability of new products in the market

      Size and timing of product shipments

                                    Page 10

      General world economic conditions

      Changes in the mix of products and services sold

      Currency and economic fluctuations in foreign markets and other factors
      affecting international sales

      Delays in the introduction of new services/products

      Price competition

      Impact of changing technologies

In addition, certain components we use require an order lead time of three
months or longer. Other components that currently are readily available may
become more difficult to obtain in the future. We cannot assure you that we will
not experience delays in the receipt of certain key components. To meet
forecasted production levels, we may be required to commit to certain long lead
time items prior to receiving orders for our products. If our forecasts exceed
actual orders, we may hold large inventories of slow moving or unusable parts,
which could have an adverse effect on our cash flows and results of operations.

Because of all of these and other factors, we cannot assure you that we will
achieve or sustain quarterly or annual profitability in the future.

The Mix of Products Sold Affects Our Overall Profit Margins

We continuously expand our product offerings and work to increase the number of
geographic markets in which we operate and the distribution channels we use in
order to reach the various markets and customers. This variety of products,
markets and channels results in a range of gross margins and operating income
which can cause substantial quarterly fluctuations depending on the mix of
product shipments quarter to quarter. We may experience significant quarterly
fluctuations in gross margins or net income due to the impact of the mix of
products, channels, or geographic markets utilized from period to period. Also,
the changing mix of products sold over time may result in lower average gross
margins and returns.

We Must Keep Pace with Technological Change and Introduce New Products to Remain

To remain competitive, we must continue to enhance and improve the functionality
and features of our products, services and technologies. The solid imaging
industry is characterized by rapid technological change, changes in user and
customer requirements and preferences, frequent new product and service
introductions embodying new technologies and the emergence of new industry
standards and practices. These developments could render our existing products
and proprietary technology and systems obsolete. Our success will depend, in
part, on our ability to:

      Obtain leading technologies useful in our business

      Enhance our existing products

      Develop new products and technology that address the increasingly
      sophisticated and varied needs of prospective customers

      Respond to technological advances and emerging industry standards and
      practices on a cost-effective and timely basis

      Retain key technology employees

Also, our competitors may develop new technologies that render our existing
products and services obsolete. We believe that our future success will depend
on our ability to deliver products that meet changing technology and customer

Our New Products May Not Be Commercially Accepted

During 1999, we introduced a significant number of new products to the
market, including equipment, software and materials. These products undergo
thorough quality assurance testing. However, problems have arisen in
connection with the use of certain new products, which we have worked to
rectify. We believe that the problems have been addressed, but we cannot
assure you that we will be able to fix any new problems that arise in a
timely manner, or at all. Also, we cannot assure you that any new products we
develop will be commercially accepted. If there are many problems with our
new products, or if the marketplace does not accept these products, our
results of operations and financial condition could be materially and
adversely affected.

                                    Page 11

We Depend on a Single or Limited Suppliers for Certain of our Components

There are several potential suppliers of the material components, parts and
subassemblies for our products. However, we currently use only one or a
limited number of suppliers for several of the critical components, parts and
subassemblies, including our lasers, materials and certain ink jet
components. CSC supplies us with the resins we distribute pursuant to the
Photopolymer Distribution Agreement, which either party has the right to
terminate with six months advance notice. CSC has announced that it will sell
its Performance Polymer Division, the division with which we have the
Agreement. We believe that the Agreement will be transferred to the new
company, and we have consented to the assignment. If our Photopolymer
Distribution Agreement is not assigned, or if it is otherwise terminated, we
may be unable to locate an alternate source of resins, which would result in
a material adverse effect on our revenues, results of operations, liquidity
and financial position. Our reliance on a limited number of vendors involves
many risks including:

      Shortages of certain key components

      Product performance shortfalls

      Reduced control over delivery schedules, manufacturing capabilities,
      quality and costs

If any of our suppliers suffers business disruptions, financial difficulties, or
if there is any significant change in condition of our relationship with the
supplier, our costs of goods sold may increase or we may be unable to obtain
these key components for our products. In either event, our revenues, results of
operations, liquidity and financial condition would be adversely affected. While
we believe that we can obtain most of the components necessary for our products
from other manufacturers, any unanticipated change in the source of our
supplies, or unanticipated supply limitations, could adversely affect our
ability to meet our product orders.

The Downturn in the Service Bureau Industry Affects the Market for Our Product

The service bureau market has become highly competitive, which has lead to
the demise of some service bureaus that have, historically, been a large part
of our customer base. The demise of a number of large service bureaus has
lead to the introduction of used machines into the market at prices lower
than the price of a new machine. Competition has lead to lower part prices,
which may impact our marketing efforts in two ways. First, lower margins may
cause existing service bureaus to reduce their expenditures for new machines.
Second, lower prices offered by services bureaus may influence a potential
purchaser of our machines to buy parts from a service bureau rather than
purchase a machine for its own use. While we believe that the service bureau
market has stabilized, our results of operations and financial condition may
be adversely impacted by additional changes in the industry and continued
dependence on the service bureau market. We believe that our future success
depends, in part, on developing additional customers outside of the service
bureau market segment, thus diminishing our reliance on service bureaus.

We Rely on Regent Pacific Management Corporation for our Executive Management

Regent Pacific Management Corporation ("Regent Pacific") provides management
services for us. The management services provided under our agreement with
Regent Pacific include the services of Brian K. Service as President and Chief
Executive Officer, and four other Regent Pacific personnel as part of our
management team. This agreement is due to expire on September 8, 2000, but may
be canceled any time after March 17, 2000 at the option of the Board of
Directors. If the agreement with Regent Pacific were canceled or not renewed,
the loss of the Regent Pacific personnel could have a material adverse effect on
our operations, especially during any transition phase to new management after
such cancellation or non-renewal. Similarly, if any adverse change in our
relationship with Regent Pacific occurs, it could hinder management's ability to
direct our business and materially and adversely affect our results of
operations and financial condition. (See "Item 13. Certain Relationships and
Related Transactions" on page 27 for further information on the Regent Pacific

There are Many Risks Associated with International Business

A material portion of our sales is to customers in foreign countries. Revenues
from international customers accounted for approximately 47.5% of total revenues
in 1999, 44.1% of total revenues in 1998 and 41.5% of total revenues in 1997.
There are many risks inherent in our international business activities. Our
foreign operations could be adversely affected by:

      Unexpected changes in regulatory requirements

      Export controls, tariffs and other barriers

      Social and political risks

      Fluctuations in currency exchange rates

      Seasonal reductions in business activity in certain parts of the world,
      particularly during the summer months in Europe

                                    Page 12

      Reduced protection for intellectual property rights in some countries

      Difficulties in staffing and managing foreign operations


      Other factors, depending on the country in which an opportunity arises

Although we are exposed to risks associated with fluctuations in foreign
currency exchange rates, we have not entered into hedging transactions to
protect against such risks. Given our growing export base, we are evaluating the
possibility of entering into protective hedging transactions in the future.
Adverse fluctuations in currency exchange rates could have a material adverse
effect on our revenues, results of operations, liquidity and financial position.

In addition to the general risks associated with our international sales and
operations, we are subject to risks specific to the individual countries in
which we do business. In recognition of our exposure to such risks in Europe,
which represents the vast majority of our international operations, we have
adopted a new European organizational structure, headquartered in the United
Kingdom. This organization is expected to have a pan-European rather than an
individual-country focus. We have created a new executive-management level
position, which reports directly to the Company's Chief Executive Officer, and
appointed a United States vice president to this position to oversee our
European operations. The management team reporting to this vice president
consists of European managers representing the countries in which we do the
majority of our business: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain. We
believe that this new emphasis on our ties to Europe will serve us in handling
the identified risks; however, there can be no assurance that this plan will be
successful. For example, the new structure may result in cross-cultural conflict
or lack of acceptance from non-headquarter country customers.

There have been significant financial problems in Asia which have impacted the
international markets. The continuing effects of the economic downturn and
ongoing competition in the Asian markets could have a substantial adverse impact
on our ability to sell our high-margin products in the Pacific Rim.

The Adoption of the Euro Presents Uncertainties

In January 1999, the New "Euro" currency was introduced in certain European
countries that are part of the European Monetary Union ("EMU"). Beginning in
2003, all EMU countries are expected to be operating with the Euro as their
single currency. A significant amount of uncertainty exists as to the effect the
Euro will have on the marketplace generally. Some of the rules and regulations
relating to the governance of the currency have not yet been defined and

We believe that our internal systems and financial institution vendors can
handle the Euro conversion, and we are examining current marketing and pricing
policies and strategies that we may put in place upon conversion to the Euro.
The cost of our effort is not expected to materially affect our results of
operations or financial condition. However, we cannot assure you that we have
identified all issues related to the Euro conversion and that any additional
issues would not materially hurt our results of operations or financial
condition. For example, the conversion to the Euro may have competitive
implications on our pricing and marketing strategies, and we may be at risk to
the extent our principal European customers are unable to deal effectively with
the impact of the Euro conversion.

We Face Year 2000 Risks

We believe that our current products are Year 2000 compliant. We evaluated all
products sold since inception for Year 2000 readiness, and provided necessary
software and hardware upgrade pathways to our customers. Based upon responses to
date, we believe that all of our products meet basic functionality requirements;
however, since we cannot anticipate all possible specific customer situations
and uses, we may see an increase in warranty and other claims as a result of the
Year 2000 transition. Any increase in customer claims could have a material
adverse impact on our results of operations and financial condition.

Patents and Proprietary Rights are Critical to Our Success

We regard our copyrights, service marks, trademarks, trade secrets, patents
and similar intellectual property as critical to our success. At December 31,
1999, we have 197 patents, which includes 93 in the United States, 61 in
Europe, 8 in Japan, and 35 in other foreign jurisdictions. At that date, we
had 54 pending patent applications with the United States, 49 in the Pacific
Rim, 15 in Europe, 8 in Canada and 2 in Latin America. As we discover new
developments and components to the technology, we intend to apply for
additional patents. Effective trademark, service mark, copyright, patent and
trade secret protection may not be available in every country in which our
products and services are made available. We cannot be certain that the
pending patent applications will be granted or that we have taken adequate
steps to protect our proprietary rights, especially in countries where the
laws may not protect our rights as fully as in the United States. Moreover,

                                    Page 13

competitors may independently develop or initiate technologies that are
substantially similar or superior to ours. We cannot be certain that we will be
able to maintain a meaningful technological advantage over our competitors.

Third parties may infringe or misappropriate our proprietary rights, and we
intend to pursue enforcement and defense of our patents and other proprietary
rights. We could incur significant expenses in preserving our proprietary rights
and these costs could have a material adverse effect on our results of
operations, liquidity and financial condition and could cause significant
fluctuations in results from quarter to quarter. We are currently pursuing
patent infringement actions in the central District of California against
Aaroflex, Inc., and in Japan against Teijin Seiki Co. Ltd. (See "Item 3. Legal
Proceedings" on page 15.)

We are Subject to Intense Competition

The solid imaging industry is highly competitive and subject to technological
change, innovation, and new product introductions. Certain of our existing and
potential competitors are researching, designing, developing and marketing other
types of equipment. A few of these competitors have financial, marketing,
manufacturing, distribution and other resources substantially greater than ours.
In many cases, the existence of these competitors extends the purchase decision
time as customers investigate the alternative products and solutions. Also,
these competitors have marketed these products successfully to our existing and
potential customers. In addition, a number of companies currently sell
stereolithography materials, which both complement and compete with the
materials we distribute.

We expect future competition may arise from the development of allied or related
techniques that are not encompassed by our patents, the issuance of patents to
other companies that inhibit our ability to develop certain products, and the
improvement to existing technologies. Increased competition could result in
price reductions for our products, reduced margins, and loss of market share,
any of which could adversely impact our business. We have determined to follow a
strategy of continuing product development and aggressive patent prosecution to
protect out competitive position to the extent practicable. We cannot assure you
that we will be able to maintain our leading position in the field of rapid
prototyping or continue to compete successfully against current and future
sources of competition. These competitive pressures may adversely affect our
profitability and financial performance. (See "Business - Competition and Patent
Rights" on page 9.)

Volatility of Stock Price

Historically, our stock price has been volatile. The prices of the common stock
have ranged from $4.25 to $11.9375 during the 52-week period ended February 29,
2000. (See "Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder
Matters" on page 18.)

Factors that may have significant impact on the market price of our common stock

      Future announcements concerning our developments or those of our
      competitors, including the receipt of substantial orders for products

      Quality deficiencies in services or products

      Results of technological innovations

      New commercial products

      Changes in recommendations of securities analysts

      Proprietary rights or product or patent litigation

      Sales or purchase of substantial blocks of stock

Our future earnings and stock price may be subject to significant volatility,
particularly on a quarterly basis. Shortfalls in our revenues or earnings in any
given period relative to the levels expected by securities analysts could
immediately, significantly and adversely affect the trading price of our common

We are Subject to Anti-Takeover Provisions

The Board of Directors is authorized to issue up to 5 million shares of
preferred stock. The Board also is authorized to determine the price, rights,
preferences and privileges of those shares without any further vote or action by
the stockholders. The rights of the holders of any preferred stock may adversely
affect the rights of holders of common stock. Our ability to issue preferred
stock gives us flexibility concerning possible acquisitions and financings, but
it could make it more difficult for a third party to acquire a majority of our
outstanding voting stock. In addition, any preferred stock to be issued may have
other rights, including economic rights, senior to the common stock, which could
have a material adverse effect on the market value of the common stock.

                                    Page 14

We are subject to Delaware laws that could have the effect of delaying,
deterring or preventing a change in control of the Company. One of these laws
prohibits us from engaging in a business combination with any interested
stockholder for a period of three years from the date that the person became an
interested stockholder, unless some conditions are met. In addition, provisions
of our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws could have the effect of
discouraging potential takeover attempts or making it more difficult for
stockholders to change management.

In addition, we have adopted a Shareholders Rights Plan (see "Note 12(b) of
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-15). Under the Rights
Plan, we distributed a dividend of one right for each outstanding share of our
common stock. These rights will cause substantial dilution to the ownership of a
person or group that attempts to acquire us on terms not approved by our Board
of Directors and may have the effect of deterring hostile takeover attempts.

Item 2. Properties

Our principal administrative functions, sales and marketing, product
development, Technology Center and training facilities are located in a 78,320
square foot building in Valencia, California under a lease that expires on
December 31, 2002. We also lease sales and service offices in seven other states
(North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Indiana, and
Michigan). The space leased for sales and service offices is generally for one
or two occupants and for terms of a year or less. Three other lease obligations,
all of which are sublet, are for properties whose use has been discontinued in
California, Georgia, and Texas. Sales and service offices are also located in
five countries in the European Community (France, Spain, Germany, the United
Kingdom and Italy).

All of our manufacturing and United States customer support operations are
located in a 67,000 square foot facility located in Grand Junction, Colorado
(the "Colorado Facility"). The construction cost of the Colorado Facility has
been financed through a $4.9 million variable rate industrial development bond.

In connection with the asset acquisition of Keltool, Inc. in September 1996, we
assumed Keltool's obligations under an existing lease for approximately 6,000
square feet located in St. Paul, Minnesota. In the first quarter of 1999, we
completed the sale of our St. Paul operations and assigned this lease to the
acquirer. In addition, we leased approximately 21,000 square feet in Valencia,
California for the 3D Keltool operations. The lease for this facility was
terminated in 1999, with the Company acting as a guarantor for the new tenant
until the lease expiration on June 30, 2000.

For information concerning obligations of the Company under its leases, see
"Note 18(a) of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-23. For
information concerning our Colorado Facility, see Note 11 on page F-15.

We believe that the facilities described above will be adequate to meet our
needs for the immediate future.

Item 3. Legal Proceedings

3D Systems, Inc. v. Aaroflex et al. On January 13, 1997, we filed a complaint in
the United States District Court, Central District of California, against
Aarotech Laboratories, Inc. ("Aarotech"), Aaroflex, Inc. ("Aaroflex") and Albert
C. Young ("Young"). Aaroflex is the parent corporation of Aarotech. Young is the
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of both Aarotech and Aaroflex.
The complaint alleges that stereolithography equipment manufactured by Aaroflex
infringes on six of our patents. We seek damages and injunctive relief from the
defendants, who have threatened to sue us for trade libel. To date, the
defendants have not filed such a suit.

The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint or transfer the case to
their home district in Virginia. The Court granted the motion to dismiss for
lack of personal jurisdiction. The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the
District Court's decision insofar as it relates to Aaroflex and the action
against Aaroflex is proceeding in the District Court. Motions for summary
judgment by Aaroflex on multiple counts contained in our complaint and on
Aaroflex's counterclaims have been dismissed and the case is in discovery.

3D Systems, Inc. v. Teijin Seiki Co. Ltd. On March 21, 1997, we filed a patent
infringement action in District Court in Osaka, Japan under one of our Japanese
patents, alleging infringement, and seeking damages from the defendant and
injunctive relief. The action is in the early stages of prosecution. As
described below, Teijin Seiki has filed an invalidation action against one of
our patents, and we have appealed an unfavorable decision in that action.

Centuri Corp., dba Estes Indus., Cox Acquisition Corp., dba Cox v. 3D Systems
Corp., Rogers Tool & Die (the "Centuri Litigation"). In January 1997, we entered
into two contracts with Centuri Corp., dba Estes Indus., Cox Acquisition Corp.,
dba Cox ("Centuri") under which we were to create certain tooling for Centuri.
On September 16, 1997, Centuri initiated a lawsuit against us in Los Angeles
Superior Court for Breach of Oral Contract, Fraud, Negligent Misrepresentation,
Conversion, Money Had and Received, and an Accounting. At a settlement hearing
on July 1, 1999 the parties agreed to

                                    Page 15

settle the case pursuant to an agreement which provides for the confidentiality
of the settlement terms. No liability of any party was admitted.

Patent Opposition and Invalidation Proceedings. We have received eight patents
in Japan. One of these patents had an opposition submitted against it, but the
opposition was dismissed, and the patent has been maintained as originally
issued. Furthermore, one of the eight patents has had three invalidation trials
filed against it. These invalidation trials were decided against us. We have
responded by appealing the decision in the third trial. Based on this opposition
and our response, the trial may result in maintaining the patent with present or
modified protection, or may result in revocation of the patent.

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

No matters were submitted to a vote by security holders during the fourth
quarter of fiscal 1999.

Item 4a. Executive Officers of the Registrant

The following table sets forth certain information concerning the executive
officers of the Company:

                            Age at             Position
Name                   February 29, 2000   with the Company
- - ----                   -----------------   ----------------

Brian K. Service              52           President and Chief Executive Officer

Charles W. Hull               60           Vice President, Chief Technology

H. Michael Hogan III          37           Vice President, Chief Financial

A. Sidney Alpert              61           Vice President, General Counsel and

Clark A. Hardesty             50           Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Martin E. McGough             50           Vice President & World Wide
                                           Operations Manager

Grant R. Flaharty             38           Vice President & General Manager,

The principal occupations of our executive officers are as follows:

Brian K. Service: Mr. Service has served as President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company since September 1999 and, since October 1999, has also
served as President and Chief Executive Officer of 3D California. Mr. Service is
a Principal of Regent Pacific Management Corporation ("Regent Pacific"), and he
provides services to the Company pursuant to an agreement between the Company
and Regent Pacific. (See "Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related
Transactions" on page 27.) Prior to Regent Pacific, Mr. Service served as Chief
Executive Officer of Salmond Smith Biolab, Ltd. Prior to Salmond, he was Chief
Executive Officer of Milk Products, Inc. Mr. Service holds a Bachelor's degree
in Chemical Engineering from Canterbury University of New Zealand and has
completed the Stanford Executive Program from Stanford University Business

Charles W. Hull: Mr. Hull has served as Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
since April 1997, from August 1993 to April 1997 as Chief Operating Officer and
President of the Company, and from March 1986 to October 1999 as President of 3D
California; prior thereto, he was Vice President of UVP, Inc. from January 1980
to March 1986. Mr. Hull developed the Company's stereolithography technology
while employed by UVP, Inc., a systems manufacturing company. As of February 28,
1999, Mr. Hull had retired from the Company and he served as Vice Chairman and a
member of the Board of Directors and as a consultant to the Company from March
1999 through May 1999. In June 1999, Mr. Hull rejoined the Company as Vice
President, Chief Technology Officer.

H. Michael Hogan III: Mr. Hogan has served as Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer since September 1999 when he joined the Company as part of the
management team provided by Regent Pacific. (See "Item 13. Certain Relationships

                                    Page 16

and Related Transactions"). Mr. Hogan is a Principal of Regent Pacific. Prior
to Regent Pacific, Mr. Hogan was with the turnaround management firm of Jay
Alix and Associates. Mr. Hogan holds a Bachelor's degree from Colgate
University and is a Certified Insolvency Reorganization Accountant and a
Certified Turnaround Professional.

A. Sidney Alpert: Mr. Alpert became Vice President, General Counsel of the
Company in January 1996 after serving on the Board from 1993 to 1996, and has
served as Secretary of the Company since May 1996. Effective June 1, 1999,
Mr. Alpert and the Company agreed to amend his employment agreement, whereby
he became a part-time employee, devoting approximately 40% of his time to the
Company. Prior thereto, from January 1994 through December 1995, Mr. Alpert
was an intellectual property consultant. From July 1988 through December
1993, Mr. Alpert served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
of University Patents, Inc. (currently known as Competitive Technologies,
Inc.), a corporation listed on the American Stock Exchange which handles
patent management and technology transfer activities primarily for
universities and colleges.

Clark A. Hardesty: Mr. Hardesty has served as Vice President, Sales & Marketing
since September 1999 when he joined 3D Systems as part of the management team
provided to the Company by Regent Pacific. (See "Certain Relationships and
Related Transactions"). Mr. Hardesty is a Principal of Regent Pacific. Prior to
Regent Pacific, Mr. Hardesty was the owner of White Hawk Holding Company, a
manufacturing company serving the aerospace industry. Mr. Hardesty holds a
Bachelor's degree from Northeastern University, a Master's degree from Harvard
University, and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.

Martin E. McGough: Mr. McGough has served as Vice President and Worldwide
Operations Manager since September 1997 after joining the Company in January of
1997 and is responsible for manufacturing and operations, as well as worldwide
field service. He was formerly with Maxtor Corporation where he held the
position of Senior Director of Strategic Commodities. Prior to Maxtor, he held
management positions in Operations, Marketing, Program Management and other
manufacturing and materials positions. Mr. McGough received his Bachelor's
degree from California State University, Northridge in Business Administration
and earned his Master's in Business Management also from CSUN.

Grant R. Flaharty: Mr. Flaharty has served as Vice President and General
Manager, 3D Systems Europe, since September 1999 after joining the Company in
April of 1998 and is responsible for European operations. He was formerly with
Qualcomm, Inc., a developer of wireless communications products, as Director of
Manufacturing Finance. Prior to Qualcomm, he was with Motorola, Inc. as
Operations Controller. Mr. Flaharty received his Bachelor's degree from Regis
College in Accounting and is also a Certified Public Accountant.

Subject to the Agreement between the Company and Regent Pacific, all officers
serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors of the Company.

                                    Page 17

                                     PART II

Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters.

      The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the high and
      low closing sales prices of our common stock (symbol: TDSC) on the Nasdaq
      National Market.

                                                             Historic Prices
            Year   Period                                  High          Low
            2000   First Quarter (through February 29)     11-15/16      7-1/2
            1999   First Quarter                           7-15/16       5-15/16
                   Second Quarter                          6-1/4         5
                   Third Quarter                           5-11/16       4-1/4
                   Fourth Quarter                          8-23/32       4-1/2
            1998   First Quarter                           11-7/8        5-3/4
                   Second Quarter                          11-11/16      9
                   Third Quarter                           10-1/4        5-1/2
                   Fourth Quarter                          8-1/2         5-1/2
            1997   First Quarter                           16-1/4        9-3/8
                   Second Quarter                          9-3/4         6
                   Third Quarter                           10-1/4        8
                   Fourth Quarter                          10-3/4        6

      As of February 29, 2000, the outstanding common stock was held of record
      by 553 stockholders.


We have not paid any dividends on our common stock and currently intend to
retain any future earnings for use in our business. Therefore, you should not
expect that any dividends will be declared on the common stock in the
foreseeable future. Any dividend payment will be at the discretion of our Board
of Directors and will be dependent upon our earnings, operating and financial
condition and capital requirements, as well as general business conditions.

                                    Page 18

Item 6. Selected Financial Data

The following summary of selected financial data for the periods set forth below
has been derived from the Consolidated Financial Statements of 3D Systems
Corporation. Such information with respect to 1999 to 1997 should be read in
conjunction with Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations
and Financial Condition and with the Consolidated Financial Statements appearing
elsewhere in this Form 10-K.

                                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                                1999        1998        1997        1996        1995
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Statements of Operations Data:                          (in thousands except per share amounts)
     Products(1)                              $ 66,806    $ 65,434    $ 59,149    $ 53,229    $ 43,544
     Services(2)                                30,143      32,683      31,108      26,403      19,038
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
         Total sales                            96,949      98,117      90,257      79,632      62,582
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Cost of sales:
     Products(1)                                35,938      33,477      35,463      24,893      19,328
     Services(2)                                20,975      22,062      21,745      16,906      11,936
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
         Total cost of sales                    56,913      55,539      57,208      41,799      31,264
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Gross profit                                    40,036      42,578      33,049      37,833      31,318
Operating expenses:
     Selling, general and administrative        35,273      30,448      29,653      24,748      20,302
     Research and development                    8,931       9,425      10,991       7,665       6,109
     Other                                       3,384          --          --          --          --
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
         Total operating expenses               47,588      39,873      40,644      32,413      26,411
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) from operations                   (7,552)      2,705      (7,595)      5,420       4,907
Interest income                                    415         949       1,202       1,541       1,257
Interest and other expense                        (404)       (467)       (356)       (129)        (42)
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) before income taxes               (7,541)      3,187      (6,749)      6,832       6,122
Income tax expense (benefit) (3)                (2,240)      1,055      (2,160)      2,233      (2,795)
                                              --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Net income (loss)                               (5,301)   $  2,132    $ (4,589)   $  4,599    $  8,917
                                              ========    ========    ========    ========    ========
Shares used to calculate basic net income
     (loss) per share                           11,376      11,348      11,398      11,323      10,246
Basic net income (loss) per share             $   (.47)   $    .19    $   (.40)   $    .41    $    .87
                                              ========    ========    ========    ========    ========
Shares used to calculate diluted net income
     (loss) per share                           11,376      11,594      11,398      11,742      10,708
Diluted net income (loss) per share           $   (.47)   $    .18    $   (.40)   $    .39    $    .83
                                              ========    ========    ========    ========    ========

System Data:
Systems shipped (unaudited)                        303         222         274         157         120
Cumulative number of systems
       shipped (unaudited)                       1,546       1,243       1,021         747         590

                                                        At December 31,
                                           1999      1998      1997      1996      1995
                                         -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
Balance Sheet Data:
         Working capital                 $31,219   $38,305   $38,310   $49,764   $50,022
         Total assets                     90,658    95,103    91,340    92,239    81,551
         Current portion of long-term
             debt                            110       100        95       100        --
         Long-term liabilities,
             excluding current portion     9,168     6,090     6,197     6,273     1,622
         Stockholders' equity             59,608    66,557    64,595    68,703    62,950

(1)   Includes systems and related equipment, material, software and other
      component parts as well as rentals of equipment.
(2)   Includes maintenance services provided by the Company's Technology Centers
      and training services.
(3)   Includes the recognition of deferred tax assets, in accordance with SFAS
      No. 109, of $3.0 million in 1995.

                                    Page 19

Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
        Financial Condition

Except for historical information, the following discussion contains
forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our future
results could differ materially from those discussed here. Factors that could
cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not specifically
limited to: the ability to develop and introduce cost-effective new products in
a timely manner; developments in current or future litigation; our ability to
successfully manufacture and sell significant quantities of equipment on a
timely basis; as well as the other risks detailed in this section and in the
sections entitled Results of Operations, Liquidity and Capital Resources, and
Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors.


We develop, manufacture and market worldwide solid imaging systems designed to
rapidly produce physical objects from the digital output of solid or surface
data from computer aided design and manufacturing ("CAD/CAM") and related
computer systems. Our systems include SLA(TM) stereolithography apparatus
equipment and ThermoJet(TM) solid object printers.

SLA industrial systems use our proprietary stereolithography ("SL") technology,
a solid imaging process which uses a laser beam to expose and solidify
successive layers of photosensitive epoxy resin until the desired object is
formed to precise specifications in epoxy or acrylic resin. SL-produced parts
can be used for concept models, engineering prototypes, patterns and masters for
molds, consumable tooling or short-run manufacturing of final product, among
other applications. SL technology can provide users with significant product
development time savings, cost reductions and improved quality, compared to
traditional modeling, tooling and pattern-making techniques. In addition,
material functionality can produce more durable parts, which can be used for
rapid manufacturing. We provide a majority of our SLA system customers, either
directly or through our network of authorized distributors, with a variety of
on-site maintenance services and processing materials.

ThermoJet solid object printers employ hot melt ink jet technology to build
models in successive layers using our proprietary thermoplastic material. These
printers, about the size of an office copier, are designed for operation in
engineering and design office environments. Designers, engineers, and other
users of CAD/CAM utilities can incorporate the printers into office networks as
a shared resource, to rapidly produce models of products under development for
design concept communication and validation. In addition, the ThermoJet solid
object printer output can be used as patterns and molds and, when combined with
other secondary processes, can produce parts with representative end use
properties. We provide a majority of our ThermoJet printer customers, either
directly or through our network of authorized distributors, with on-site
maintenance services.

We have sold 1,546 systems since 1988 and our customers include major
corporations in a broad range of industries including manufacturers of
automotive, aerospace, computer, electronic, consumer and medical products. Our
revenues are generated by product and service sales. Product sales are comprised
of the sale of systems and related equipment, materials, software, and other
component parts, as well as rentals of systems. Service sales include revenues
from a variety of on-site maintenance services, customer training, services
provided by our Technology Centers and licensing of 3D Keltool (R) process and
support services.

Recent Developments

During 1999, we introduced several new products to expand the use and
applications of our solid imaging systems. At the top of the product line, we
launched the SLA 7000 system in early 1999, a premium priced high performance
SLA industrial system. This system increases the speed of producing solid images
and provides for high quality resolution. The ThermoJet solid object printer was
also introduced late in the first quarter, as a replacement for the Actua(TM)
2100. The ThermoJet printer produces solid images significantly faster than its
predecessor with improved reliability and has a list price 20% below that of the
former model. In addition, we launched a series of new materials to support our
new and existing systems (see "Part I, Item 1. Business, Products and Services,
Recent Product Introductions" on page 5). As part of our strategy to expand the
use of solid object printing and to improve the returns from recurring revenue
streams from materials, we commenced manufacturing of our own proprietary
materials for the ThermoJet printer at our facility in Grand Junction, Colorado.

During the first two quarters of 1999, we incurred substantial net losses and
our revenue did not increase compared to the same period in 1998. During this
period, our President also resigned. In addition, difficulties were encountered
in the launch of the SLA 7000 system along with other operational issues which
led to certain actions by management late in the second quarter of
1999. These actions included realignment of several management positions,
exiting facilities and legal structure reorganization. (See "Note 19 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-25.) In August 1999, we retained an
outside firm, Regent Pacific Management Corporation ("Regent Pacific"), to
review our operations and strategic direction. Also during the third quarter,
our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer

                                    Page 20

resigned. Upon completion of the review by Regent Pacific, we undertook certain
operational changes and replaced certain key executives (see "Note 14 of Notes
to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-19). In conjunction with this
program, executives of Regent Pacific filled certain key executive
positions including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Vice
President of Sales and Marketing (see "Part III, Item 13. Certain Relationships
and Related Transactions" on page 27). Additionally, Regent Pacific took
additional steps to assist us in further developing and implementing an
operating plan to improve our overall performance. Implementation of major
components of this operating plan, including measures designed to result in
margin improvements, operating savings and workforce reductions were initiated
in the fourth quarter of 1999, with the initial impact of these reductions
occurring in the first quarter of 2000. This is a forward-looking statement and
is subject to uncertainties. For example, the plan may not be completely
implemented in the expected timeframe, or may not be as effective as

Results of Operations

The following table sets forth the percentage relationship of certain items from
the Company's Statements of Operations to Total Revenues:

                                                    Percent of Total Revenues
                                                     Years Ended December 31,
                                                   1999       1998       1997
                                                  ------     ------     ------
      Products                                      68.9%      66.7%      65.5%
      Services                                      31.1%      33.3%      34.5%
                                                  ------     ------     ------
            Total sales                            100.0%     100.0%     100.0%
                                                  ------     ------     ------
Cost of sales:
      Products                                      37.1%      34.1%      39.3%
      Services                                      21.6%      22.5%      24.1%
                                                  ------     ------     ------
            Total cost of sales                     58.7%      56.6%      63.4%
                                                  ------     ------     ------
Total gross profit                                  41.3%      43.4%      36.6%
      Gross profit - products                       46.2%      48.8%      40.0%
      Gross profit - services                       30.4%      32.5%      30.1%
Selling, general and
  administrative expenses                           36.4%      31.0%      32.8%
Research and development expenses                    9.2%       9.6%      12.2%
Other                                                3.5%         -          -
                                                  ------     ------     ------
Income (loss) from operations                       (7.8%)      2.8%      (8.4%)
Other income and expense                             0.0%       0.5%       0.9%
Income tax benefit (expense)                         2.3%      (1.1%)      2.4%
                                                  ------     ------     ------
Net income (loss)                                   (5.5%)      2.2%      (5.1%)
                                                  ======     ======     ======

The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, total revenues
attributable to each of the Company's major products and services groups:

                                               1999         1998         1997
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
                                                      (in thousands)
      Systems and related equipment         $  45,225    $  44,580    $  40,859
      Materials                                18,560       15,614       13,548
      Other                                     3,021        5,240        4,742
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
            Total products                     66,806       65,434       59,149
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
      Maintenance                              26,655       28,140       25,010
      Other                                     3,488        4,543        6,098
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
            Total services                     30,143       32,683       31,108
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Total sales                                 $  96,949    $  98,117    $  90,257
                                            =========    =========    =========

      Systems and related equipment              46.7%        46.0%        45.3%
      Material                                   19.1%        15.9%        15.0%
      Other                                       3.1%         4.8%         5.2%
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
            Total products                       68.9%        66.7%        65.5%
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
      Maintenance                                27.5%        28.7%        27.7%
      Other                                       3.6%         4.6%         6.8%
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
            Total services                       31.1%        33.3%        34.5%
                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Total sales                                     100.0%       100.0%       100.0%
                                            =========    =========    =========

                                    Page 21

1999 Compared to 1998

Sales. Sales in 1999 were $96.9 million, a decrease of 1.2% from the $98.1
million recorded in 1998. Sales consist of SLA systems and ThermoJet printers,
related equipment, software, related component parts, system rentals, materials,
and the ongoing servicing of systems.

System sales in 1999 increased $0.6 million or 1.4% to $45.2 million compared to
$44.6 million in 1998. The increase in sales relates primarily to a higher level
of ThermoJet printers sold. The sales of SLA machines showed a nominal increase
in 1999 due to problems associated with the introduction of the SLA 7000 system
early in the year which initially created some confusion in the marketplace
relative to customers' needs and whether the SLA 7000 system or other systems
would better suit our customers' requirements. These issues were addressed in
the latter half of the year and resulted in a higher number of SLA units being
sold relative to the first half of the year. The issues relating to the
introduction of the SLA 7000 system have been reduced, and we believe that
continued improvements in hardware, software and materials will support market
acceptance of this product in the future at a level consistent with that
experienced in the latter half of 1999. This is a forward-looking statement and
is subject to uncertainties. For instance, demand for competitors' products may
negatively impact sales of our systems. We sold a total of 303 systems in 1999
versus 222 systems in 1998.

In 1999, our total revenue from Europe increased to $40.3 million from $35.4
million in 1998. This represents 41.6% and 36.0% of our total revenue for
1999 and 1998, respectively. We attribute this higher rate of growth relative
to the rest of the world to a less mature market for our systems in Europe
versus the United States and the benefit realized from the acquisition of a
major competitor in 1997. It is expected that this higher growth level in
Europe versus the United States will continue into 2000. This is a
forward-looking statement and as with other such statements is subject to
uncertainties. For instance, economic or competitive conditions in Europe
could negatively impact our prospects for future growth in the region.

System sales may also fluctuate on a quarterly basis as a result of a number of
other factors, including the acceptance and reliability of new products in the
market, status of world economic conditions, fluctuations in foreign currency
exchange rates, impact of changing technology, and the timing of product
shipments. Due to the high price and gross margin of certain systems, the
acceleration or delay of a small number of shipments from one quarter to another
can significantly affect the results of operations for the quarters involved.

Material sales in 1999 increased $3.0 million to $18.6 million versus $15.6 in
1998. This is due primarily to higher material sales for both the SLA systems
and ThermoJet printers. Approximately three-quarters of our revenue from sales
of material is derived from post-installation sales. As the overall installed
base of our machines increases for both types of products and as new and
improved materials are developed for both machines, we expect that the revenue
growth rate associated with materials will exceed that of machine sales on a
percentage basis. This is a forward-looking statement and as with other such
statements is subject to uncertainties. For instance, the total number of
systems sold may decrease, leading to a decrease in the total materials sold in
the future. Also, continued competitive pricing pressure or negative customer
acceptance of our products may impact the total revenue level.

Service sales in 1999 decreased $2.5 million, or 7.8%, compared to 1998,
primarily due to increased competition from other providers of service contracts
and time and material arrangements, and due to the introduction of tiered
pricing plans offered to our customers. Technology Center revenues remained at
lower levels throughout the year relative to 1998 due to a strategic shift in
focus to sales support. Also, we sold the St. Paul, Minnesota 3D Keltool inserts
business, causing a decline in insert revenues in 1999 versus 1998. In the
future, we expect service revenue to increase, due to the growing installed
customer base. However, we believe that competitive forces will continue to
limit service revenue growth in the future. This is a forward-looking statement
and as with other such statements is subject to uncertainties. For instance,
increased competition may cause our service revenue to decrease further, even
though we are servicing a larger number of systems but at a lower level of
revenue per system.

Cost of sales. Cost of sales increased to $56.9 million or 58.7% of sales in
1999 compared to $55.5 million or 56.6% of sales in 1998.

Product cost of sales (including systems and materials) as a percentage of
product sales increased from 51.2% in 1998 to 53.8% in 1999. This increase was
the result of a change in sales mix resulting from selling a higher number of
ThermoJet printers which have a lower gross margin than SLA systems. This was
mitigated slightly by a higher overall level of sales in Europe which has
historically had a higher average selling price for SLA systems than elsewhere
and a higher level of material sales, some of which have a relatively high gross
margin relative to other products.

                                    Page 22

Though we continue to strive to reduce manufacturing costs and expect costs per
unit to decrease as our volume increases, these cost improvements may be offset
by continued pricing pressure from competitors. These are forward-looking
statements, and as such, are subject to risks and uncertainties. For example,
the acceptance and reliability of new products in the market may result in
inventory adjustments and increased factory costs, and the impact of competition
on changing economic conditions in the United States and Europe may dramatically
impact average selling prices. In addition, we cannot assure you that we will
not experience significant quarterly fluctuations due to the impact of mix of
products, channels, and markets, or that a changing mix over time will not
result in a higher average percentage of cost of sales to product sales.

Service cost of sales as a percentage of service sales increased slightly to
69.6% in 1999 from 67.5% in 1998 primarily due to continued competitive pricing
pressure relating to longer term maintenance contracts and time and materials
services. In addition, field service revenue is decreasing as a result of
increased reliability of our systems. While we continue to contain costs related
to field service operations and operate with improved efficiency, we cannot
assure you that service cost of sales as a percentage of service revenue will
not increase further. This is a forward-looking statement, however, and as such
includes certain risks. For example, the reliability of new products in the
market or a further decline in the demand or continued competitive pricing
pressures could cause an increase in service costs of sales.

Selling, general and administrative expenses. Selling, general and
administrative ("SG&A") expenses increased by $4.8 million or 15.8% to $35.3
million in 1999 versus $30.4 million in 1998. This is primarily due to an
increase of $1.5 million in marketing expenses in 1999 over 1998 resulting from
the marketing and communication programs undertaken for the introduction of the
SLA 7000 system and the ThermoJet printer in early 1999. This was in addition to
an overall buildup of the sales and marketing department that occurred during
late 1998 and continued into early 1999. General and administrative expenses
increased $2.4 million to $12.7 million in 1999 versus $10.3 million in 1998.
Higher costs were incurred relating to general and administrative expenses as a
result of management changes during the year and the lack of strict policies and
procedures governing expenditures, which subsequently have been established in
connection with the new operating plan implemented during the fourth quarter of
1999, as well as costs associated with the sale of the 3D Keltool insert
operations and legal expenses associated with the protection of certain of our
patents. As part of the new operating plan which was implemented in the fourth
quarter of 1999, it is expected that costs associated with SG&A will decrease in
2000 in both dollar amounts and as a percentage of sales. However, this is a
forward-looking statement and, as such, includes certain risks. For example, the
acceptance and reliability of new products, or changing economic conditions in
the United States and Europe may dramatically impact total sales for any
particular period, and result in an increase in SG&A expenses as a percentage of
sales. Additionally, we may not realize the benefits of the new operating plan
in the expected timeframe, or the plan may not be completely implemented in the
expected timeframe, or may not be as effective as anticipated.

Research and development expenses. Research and development expenses decreased
in 1999 to $8.9 million, down from $9.4 million in 1998. The decrease in
research and development expenses in 1999 was primarily a result of significant
investment in 1998 in new product introduction (SLA 7000 system and ThermoJet
solid object printer). Based on our historical expenditures related to research
and development and our current development goals, we anticipate for the
foreseeable future, research and development expenses will be equal to
approximately 8% of sales. This is a forward-looking statement, however, and, as
with any such statement, is subject to risk. For example, if our total sales for
any particular period do not meet our anticipated sales for that year, research
and development expenses as a percentage of sales may exceed 8%.

Other operating expenses. During 1999, we incurred $3.4 million relating to
non-recurring charges associated with actions taken by management involving
certain employee related costs and costs associated with the litigation and
settlement costs for the Centuri Litigation (see "Note 18(e) of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-23).

Operating income (loss). The operating loss in 1999 was $7.6 million or 7.8% of
revenue versus operating income of $2.7 million or 2.8% of revenue in 1998. The
1999 loss relates to lower average gross margins, additional operating expenses
associated with realigning our operations, and higher marketing costs
incurred relative to 1998.

Interest and other income and expense. Interest and other income and expense
decreased by $0.7 million in 1999 compared to 1998. This decrease is primarily
due to lower interest income as a result of lower investment levels in 1999.

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes. For 1999, our tax benefit was $2.2
million or 29.7% of the pre-tax loss, compared to a tax expense of $1.1 million
on pre-tax income of $3.2 million in 1998. Our effective tax rate was favorably
impacted primarily by research credits and the effects of foreign operations.

1998 Compared to 1997

Sales. Sales in 1998 were $98.1 million, an increase of 8.7% over the $90.3
million recorded during 1997.

                                    Page 23

Product sales in 1998 increased $6.3 million or 10.6% to $65.4 million compared
to $59.1 million in 1997. The dollar increase was primarily due to improved
average selling prices in Europe as a result of the EOS acquisition, and an
improved product mix as the demand for our SLA 3500 and 5000 systems, launched
in late 1997, caused a shift to high end stereolithography systems. A total of
222 systems were sold in 1998 compared to 274 systems in 1997. Orders for our
systems in 1998 compared to 1997 increased significantly in Europe and were up
in the United States, while orders were down slightly in Asia Pacific.

In 1997, the United States market was impacted by inefficiencies caused by the
changes in our domestic sales organization.

Service sales in 1998 increased $1.6 million, or 5.1%, compared to 1997,
primarily as a result of increased maintenance revenues due to the larger
installed base of SLA systems in the United States and Europe. This increase was
offset, in part, by a decline in revenues from our Technology Centers.

Cost of sales. Cost of sales decreased to $55.5 million or 56.6% of sales in
1998 compared to $57.2 million or 63.4% of sales in 1997.

Product cost of sales as a percentage of product sales improved in 1998,
decreasing from 60.0% in 1997 to 51.2% in 1998. This improvement was the result
of increased average selling prices in Europe, improved product mix to higher
end SLA systems, continued reductions in overall cost of factory operations, and
revenues related to certain royalty agreements. In addition, 1997 cost of sales
included inventory adjustments totaling approximately $1.8 million that were
primarily associated with the transition to new products, the EOS acquisition,
and field service inventories.

Service cost of sales as a percentage of service sales decreased to 67.5% in
1998 from 69.9% in 1997 primarily due to the fact that 1997 included certain
hardware upgrade costs associated with our NT version system software. In
addition, field service costs improved as a result of increased reliability of
our systems. This was offset, in part, by declining revenues in our Technology
Center, increasing costs of sales as a percentage of sales.

Selling, general and administrative expenses. Selling, general and
administrative expenses improved, as a percentage of sales, to 31.0% of total
sales in 1998 from 32.9% in 1997. SG&A expense increased $0.8 million or 2.7%
from 1998 to 1997, due primarily to increased commissions and sales bonuses
resulting from higher sales and profits, costs associated with selling and
distributor incentive programs in 1998, and costs related to expanded marketing
and communications programs.

Research and development expenses. Research and development ("R&D") expenses in
1998 decreased approximately $1.6 million or 14.2% compared to 1997. The
decrease in R&D expenses in 1998 was due primarily to the fact that 1997
included a write-off of acquired in-process technology valued at approximately
$2.1 million in connection with the EOS acquisition (see "Note 7 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-13), offset in part by increased
personnel and experimental material costs related to certain development

Operating income (loss). Operating income in 1998 was 2.8% of total sales
compared to operating loss of (8.4%) of total sales in 1997. The improvement in
1998 is primarily attributable to inventory write-offs and costs associated with
the EOS acquisition included in 1997, improved average selling prices and
product mix, and improving product and service cost of sales, as described

Interest and other income and expense. Interest and other income and expense
decreased by $0.1 million in 1998 compared to 1997. This decrease is primarily
due to lower interest income. Other expense increased by $0.2 million in 1998
compared to 1997 due to various non-operating expenses.

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes. For 1998 our provision for income
taxes was $1.1 million or 33.1% of pre-tax income, compared to a tax benefit of
$2.2 million in 1997. The effective tax rate was favorably impacted primarily as
a result of research credits and the effects of foreign operations.

Foreign Operations

International sales, primarily from Europe, accounted for 47.5%, 44.1%, and
41.5% of total sales in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. For information with
respect to allocation of sales among the Company's foreign operations, see "Note
17 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page F-22.

During 1999, our European operations continued to grow and are expected to
provide an increasing percentage of our total revenue. However, this is a
forward-looking statement and, as with any such statement, is subject to
uncertainties. For example, we may be negatively impacted by foreign currency
movements which would limit our growth prospects or put

                                    Page 24

us at a disadvantage relative to other competitors in the European market. We
also receive a limited portion of our total revenue from Asia through
distributors and an established sales office. Due to continued economic problems
in Asia and competitive pressures, we expect our sales to these areas to
continue to be limited.

To date, we have not entered into hedging transactions to protect against
changes in foreign currency exchange rates, but we are considering doing so
for transactions in the future. However, this is a forward-looking statement
and, as with any such statement, is subject to uncertainties. For example, we
may determine that it is not appropriate for us to enter into hedging
transactions or develop alternative methods to limit our foreign currency

Liquidity and Capital Resources

                                                     As of and for the Years Ended
                                                             December 31
                                                     1999        1998        1997
                                                   --------    --------    --------
                                                            (in thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents                          $ 12,553    $ 15,912    $ 12,695
Short-term investments                               ------       3,485       3,498
Working capital                                      31,219      38,306      38,310
Cash provided by (used for) operating activities      1,589       7,563      (4,978)
Cash used for investing activities                   (5,999)     (4,234)     (8,202)
Cash provided by (used for) financing activities        250        (853)      1,059

Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities in 1999, 1998 and 1997 was
$1.6 million, $7.6 million, and $(5.0) million, respectively. The cash flow from
operations in 1999 was comprised primarily of a net loss of $5.3 million
adjusted for non-cash items including depreciation and amortization of $6.1
million. In the first quarter of 1999, we sold a portion of our lease portfolio,
resulting in a reduction in our lease receivables of $4.8 million.

Net cash used for investing activities in 1999 totaled $6.0 million primarily
for property and equipment relating particularly to demonstration equipment
for new products, computers and manufacturing equipment required for
expansion, license and patent costs.

Net cash provided by financing activities in 1999 totaling $0.3 million was the
result of cash provided from the exercise of stock options net of long-term debt

In August 1999, we allowed our credit facility with Silicon Valley Bank
("SVB") (the "Credit Facility") to expire. The credit facility was not
utilized during 1999 and no amounts were due under the facility at the time
of its expiration. Currently, we are in the process of establishing a new
facility to provide for working capital requirements in 2000 and beyond. We
expect that the new facility will finance future sales growth and be
collateralized by a percentage of inventory and accounts receivable. This is
a forward-looking statement and is subject to uncertainties. For example,
significant changes in interest rates could have an adverse impact on our
ability to secure our primary choice of credit facility alternatives.

We believe that funds generated from operations and existing working capital
will be sufficient to satisfy our anticipated operating requirements for at
least the next 12 months. From time to time, we consider the acquisition of
businesses, products or technologies complementary to our current business,
although we have no current commitments or agreements with respect to any
such transactions. Should we decide to pursue such a transaction, we may need
to borrow additional funds.

On May 6, 1997, we announced that our Board of Directors had authorized the
purchase of up to 1.5 million shares of our own common stock in the open
market and through private transactions. During 1997, we purchased 25,000
shares for approximately $165,000. During the first quarter of 1998, we
purchased 200,000 shares for approximately $1.4 million. Currently, it is not
anticipated that the Company will acquire any additional shares under this

There were no significant inflationary trends that affected us in 1999.

We assigned a team to address the issues raised by the introduction of the
Single European Currency ("Euro") for initial implementation as of January 1,
1999 and the transition period through to January 1, 2002. We have substantially
completed the modifications to our internal systems that will be affected by the
initial introduction of the Euro during 1999. We do not expect that the
introduction and use of the Euro will materially affect our foreign exchange
position nor result in any material increase in cost to us.

                                    Page 25

Year 2000 Compliance. We took several steps to ensure that our computer-based
systems that require date/time calculations were not negatively impacted by
miscalculations and system failures on and after the year 2000. We evaluated all
products sold since inception for Year 2000 readiness, and provided the results
of the analysis and potential impacts and resolutions to our customers. The
necessary upgrade pathways to our customers were completed, and we believe that
all products meet basic functionality requirements. No significant issues have
been encountered relating to our products, our internal operating systems, or
with any of our suppliers. There have been no known increases in warranty or
other claims by customers as a result of the Year 2000 transition. There was no
additional impact on prior cost estimates or significant additional costs
incurred subsequent to December 31, 1999 relating to this matter and no impact
on results of operations, deferred spending, third party relationships,
remaining contingencies or legal proceedings. Our cost incurred to prepare for
Y2K issues totaled approximately $1.3 million.

Item 7a. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

We are exposed to the impact of interest rate changes and foreign currency

Interest Rate Risk. Our exposure to market rate risk for changes in interest
rates relates primarily to our cash investments and long-term debt. We invest
our excess cash in debt instruments with companies with high quality investment
ratings or other high quality investments. We protect and preserve our invested
funds by limiting default, market and reinvestment risk.

Investments in both fixed rate and floating rate interest-earning instruments
carry a degree of interest rate risk. Fixed rate securities may have their fair
market value adversely impacted due to a rise in interest rates, while floating
rate securities may produce less income than expected if interest rates fall.
Due in part to these factors, our future investment income may fall short of
expectations due to changes in interest rates or we may suffer losses in
principal if forced to sell securities that have declined in market value due to
changes in interest rates.

We are exposed to interest rate risk on the industrial development bond for our
Colorado facility, which has a variable interest rate. We have not entered into
any hedging instruments to protect ourselves against future increases in
interest rates, which would negatively impact the amount of interest we are
required to pay. However, we do not feel that this risk is significant and we do
not plan to attempt to hedge to mitigate this risk in the foreseeable future.

Foreign Currency Risk. International revenues accounted for 47.5% of our total
revenue in 1999. International sales are made primarily from our foreign sales
subsidiaries in their respective countries and are denominated in United States
dollars or the local currency of each country. These subsidiaries also incur
most of their expenses in the local currency. Accordingly, all foreign
subsidiaries use the local currency as their functional currency.

Our international business is subject to risks typical of an international
business, including, but not limited to differing economic conditions, changes
in political climate, differing tax structures, other regulations and
restrictions, and foreign exchange rate volatility. Accordingly, our future
results could be materially adversely impacted by changes in these or other

Our exposure to foreign exchange rate fluctuations arises in part from
inter-company accounts in which costs incurred in the United States are charged
to our foreign sales subsidiaries. These inter-company accounts are typically
denominated in the local currency of the foreign subsidiary. We are also exposed
to foreign exchange rate fluctuations as the financial results of foreign
subsidiaries are translated into United States dollars in consolidation. As
exchange rates vary, these results, when translated, may vary from expectations
and adversely impact overall expected profitability. The realized effect of
foreign exchange rate fluctuations in 1999 resulted in a $342,000 loss.

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1999 and 1998 and for each
of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1999 and the report of
Independent Accountants are included on pages F-1 to F-27 of this Annual Report
on Form 10-K.

Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
        Financial Disclosures


                                    Page 26

                                    PART III

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Information with respect to executive officers of the Registrant required by
Item 401(b) of Regulation S-K is presented at the end of Part I of this Form
10-K. Information regarding Directors of the Registrant required by Item 401 of
Regulation S-K and information regarding Directors and Executive Officers of
Registrant required by Item 405 of Regulation S-K will be presented under the
caption "Election of Directors" in the definitive Proxy Statement for the
Company's 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and is incorporated herein by

Item 11. Executive Compensation

The information required by Item 402 of Regulation S-K will be presented under
the captions "Election of Directors" and "Executive Compensation" in the
definitive Proxy Statement for the Company's 2000 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, and is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The information required by Item 403 of Regulation S-K will be presented under
the caption "Principal Shareholders" in the definitive Proxy Statement for the
Company's 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and is incorporated herein by

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

The information required by Item 404 of Regulation S-K will be presented under
the caption "Transactions with Executive Officers and Directors" in the
definitive Proxy Statement for the Company's 2000 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, and is incorporated herein by reference.

                                    Page 27

                                     PART IV

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule, and Reports on Form 8-K

a        The following Consolidated Financial Statements, Financial Statement
         Schedule and Exhibits are filed as part of this Annual Report on Form
         10-K as listed on page F1 of this document.

b        Reports on Form 8-K


c        Exhibits

         The following exhibits are included as part of this Annual Report on
         Form 10-K and incorporated herein by this reference:

1.1      Arrangement Agreement (and related exhibits) among Registrant, 3-D
         Canada and Avenue Hall Holding Corporation, dated as of May 19, 1993.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.1 to Form 8-B filed August 16,
         1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4,

1.2      Exchange Agreement among Registrant, 3-D Canada, Avenue Hall Holding
         Corporation and Montreal Trust Company of Canada, dated as of May 19,
         1993. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.2 to Form 8-B filed August
         16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed February
         4, 1994.

2.1      Material captioned "United States Domestication of the Company" set
         forth in the Information Circular (Proxy Statement) dated May 21, 1993,
         for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of 3-D Canada, held on June 25,
         1993, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 24,

2.2      Asset Purchase Agreement entered into as of December 31, 1990 by and
         between Spectra-Physics GmbH and 3D Systems GmbH. Incorporated by
         reference to Exhibit 2.1 to 3-D Canada's Current Report on Form 8-K
         filed January 14, 1991 and the amendments thereto.

2.3      Agreement for transfer of a business entered into as of December 31,
         1990 by and between Spectra-Physics (France) and 3D Systems France.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.2 to 3-D Canada's Current Report
         on Form 8-K filed January 14, 1991 and the amendments thereto.

2.4      Asset Purchase Agreement entered into as of December 31, 1990 by and
         between Spectra-Physics Limited and 3D Systems, Inc. Limited (England).
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.3 to 3-D Canada's Current Report
         on Form 8-K filed January 14, 1991 and the amendments thereto.

2.5      Amendment dated August 28, 1991 to Asset Purchase Agreement between 3D
         Systems GmbH and Spectra-Physics GmbH dated December 29, 1990.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.4 to 3-D Canada's Current Report
         on Form 8-K filed September 11, 1991.

3.1      Certificate of Incorporation of Registrant. Incorporated by reference
         to Exhibit 3.1 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment
         thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

3.2      Bylaws of Registrant. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 to Form
         8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A
         filed on February 4, 1994.

4.1*     1989 Employee and Director Incentive Plan. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 4.1 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto
         filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

4.2*     Form of Director Option Contract pursuant to the 1989 Employee and
         Director Incentive Plan. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to
         Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form
         8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

- - --------
* Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

                                    Page 28

4.3*     Form of Officer Option Contract pursuant to the 1989 Employee and
         Director Incentive Plan. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to
         Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form
         8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

4.4*     Form of Employee Option Contract pursuant to the 1989 Employee and
         Director Incentive Plan. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to
         Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form
         8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

4.5*     Form of Director Option Contract pursuant to the 1996 Non-Employee
         Director Stock Option Plan.

4.6*     Form of Incentive Stock Option Contract for Executives pursuant to the
         1996 Stock Incentive Plan.

4.7*     Form of Non-statutory Stock Option Contract for Executives pursuant to
         the 1996 Stock Incentive Plan.

4.8*     Form of Employee Incentive Stock Option Contract pursuant to the 1996
         Stock Incentive Plan.

4.9*     Form of Employee Non-statutory Stock Option Contract pursuant to the
         1996 Stock Incentive Plan.

10.1     Lease with respect to Valencia property dated as of July 12, 1988, by
         and between 3D California and Valencia Tech Associates. Incorporated by
         reference to Exhibit 3.1 to 3-D Canada's annual Report on Form 20-F for
         the year ended December 31, 1987 (Reg. No. 0-16333).

10.2     Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement between 3D California and Katell
         Valencia Associates, a California limited partnership, dated May 28,
         1993. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Form 8-B filed
         August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on
         February 4, 1994.

10.3     Agreement dated as of July 19, 1988, by and among 3D California, UVP,
         Cubital, Ltd. and Scitex Corporation Ltd. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 3.10 to 3-D Canada's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year
         ended December 31, 1987 (Reg. No. 0-16333).

10.4     Exclusive License Agreement dated as of May 16, 1986, by and between 3D
         California and UVP. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 5 to 3-D
         Canada's Registration Statement on Form 20-F (Reg. No. 0-16333).

10.5     Form of Subscription Agreement made as of the 18th day of April, 1989
         between 3-D Canada and placees pursuant to the private placement of
         special warrants completed on April 27, 1989, together with all
         Schedules thereto, and form of Confirmation of Agreement. Incorporated
         by reference to Exhibit 2.6 to 3-D Canada's Annual Report on Form 20-F
         for the year ended December 31, 1988.

10.6     Patent Purchase Agreement dated January 5, 1990 by and between 3D
         California and UVP. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.28 to 3-D
         Canada's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-31789).

10.7     Security Agreement dated as of the 5th day of January, 1990 by and
         between UVP and 3D California relating to security interest in UVP
         Patent. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.29 to 3-D Canada's
         Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-31789).

10.8     Assignment of UVP Patent dated January 12, 1990 by UVP to 3D
         California. Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 10.30 to 3-D Canada's
         Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-31789).

10.9     Exchange Agreement dated July 23, 1990 by and among 3-D Canada, 3D
         California, CIBA-GEIGY Capital Corporation, Raymond S. Freed, Charles
         W. Hull, Bethany Griffiths, Virginia Hiramatsu, Paul B. Warren and
         Edwin J. Kaftal, together with all Exhibits thereto. Incorporated
         herein by reference to Exhibit 10.30 to 3-D Canada's Registration
         Statement on Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-31789).

10.10    Research and Development Agreement entered into as of August 15, 1990
         by and between 3D California and Ciba-Geigy Limited. Incorporated
         herein by reference to Exhibit 10.32 to 3-D Canada's Current Report on
         Form 8-K filed August 21, 1990 and the amendments thereto.

10.11    Distribution Agreement entered into as of July 1, 1990 by and between
         3D California and Ciba-Geigy Limited. Incorporated herein by reference
         to Exhibit 10.33 to 3-D Canada's Current Report on Form 8-K filed
         August 21, 1990 and the amendments thereto.

                                    Page 29

10.12    Severance agreements: 10.12(a) Severance Agreement dated April 5, 1991
         by and between 3-D Canada and Mr. Raymond S. Freed; and 10.12(b)
         Severance Agreement dated May 15, 1991 by and between 3-D Canada and
         Mr. Edwin J. Kaftal. Incorporated by reference to 3-D Canada's
         Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1991, and
         the amendments thereto.

10.13*   Employment Agreement dated of as September 4, 1991, between 3D
         California and Arthur B. Sims. Incorporated herein by reference to
         Exhibit 10.14 to 3-D Canada's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
         ended December 31, 1992, and the amendments thereto.

10.14    Form of Indemnification Agreement between Registrant and certain of its
         executive officers and directors. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.18 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed
         on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.15    Amendment No.1 to a Shareholders' Agreement, such Shareholders'
         Agreement being dated as of April 10, 1991, among 1726 Holdings Ltd., a
         British Columbia corporation ("1726"), Lionheart Capital Corp., a
         British Columbia corporation ("Lionheart"), 3-D Canada, and Raymond S.
         Freed, Charles W. Hull, Bethany Griffiths, Virginia Hiramatsu, Paul B.
         Warren and Edwin J. Kaftal (Freed, Hull, Griffiths, Hiramatsu, Warren
         and Kaftal are collectively referred to as the "Founders"), dated as of
         May 5, 1993, by and among 1726, Lionheart, 3-D Canada, the Founders and
         Registrant. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to Form 8-B
         filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A
         filed on February 4, 1994.

10.16    Loan and Security Agreement, as amended, dated as of June 2, 1993, by
         and between 3D California, 3D Systems Inc. Limited (England), 3D
         Systems France SARL, 3D Systems GmbH, 3D Systems Japan, Ltd. and
         Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 to Form
         8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A
         filed on February 4, 1994.

10.17    Cross-Corporate Continuing Guaranty dated as of August 12, 1993,
         executed by Registrant, 3D Systems Inc. Limited (England), 3D Systems
         France SARL, 3D Systems GmbH, 3D Systems Japan, Ltd. and 3D California
         in favor of Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.21 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed
         on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.18    Antidilution Agreement dated as of August 12, 1993, by and between
         Registrant and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.23 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment
         thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.19    Assumption Agreement dated as of August 12, 1993, by and between 3D
         Systems (Canada) Inc. and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by
         reference to Exhibit 10.25 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the
         amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.20    Letter Agreement dated July 31, 1993 by and among 3D California,
         Silicon Valley Bank, and UVP, Inc. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.26 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment thereto filed
         on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.21    Standby Share Purchase Agreement dated as of May 26, 1992, by and among
         3-D Canada and Invesco MIM, C&S Investment Management, Ltd., Noland
         Carter, Prudential Portfolio Managers Limited, Fred C. Goad, Jr., The
         Clark Estates, Inc., Foreign & Colonial Smaller Companies PLC.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.2 to 3-D Canada's Registration
         Statement on Form S-2 (Reg. No. 33-46823).

10.22    Stock Purchase Agreement, as amended, dated as of September 30, 1986,
         by and among 3D California, Lionheart Resources Corporation, a British
         Columbia corporation, and 3-D Canada. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 4 to 3-D Canada's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended
         December 31, 1987 (Reg. No. 0-16333).

10.23    Security Agreement dated as of August 12, 1993, by and between
         Registrant and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.29 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the amendment
         thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.24    Letter of Understanding with respect to Loan and Security Agreement, as
         amended, dated August 12, 1993, by and between 3D California, 3D
         Systems Inc. Limited (England), 3D Systems France SARL, 3D Systems

- - --------
* Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

                                    Page 30

         GmbH, 3D Systems Japan, Ltd. and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by
         reference to Exhibit 10.30 to Form 8-B filed August 16, 1993 and the
         amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4, 1994.

10.25    Termination Agreement entered into as of January 1, 1990 by and among
         3D California, The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. and 3D Systems Japan, Ltd.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.27 to Registrant's Annual
         Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1989.

10.26    Amendment to Termination Agreement dated April 13, 1993 by and among 3D
         California, The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. and 3D Systems Japan, Ltd.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.33 to Form 8-B filed August 16,
         1993 and the amendment thereto filed on Form 8-B/A filed on February 4,

10.27*   Employment Agreement dated March 1, 1994, by and among Registrant, 3D
         Systems, Inc., a California corporation and Charles W. Hull.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Registrant's Form 10-Q for
         the quarterly period ended July 1, 1994 filed on August 9, 1994.

10.28    Amendment to Loan Agreement dated as of August 3, 1994, by and between
         3D Systems, Inc., 3D Systems Inc. Limited, 3D Systems France SARL, 3D
         Systems GmbH and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.36 to Registrant's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended
         September 30, 1994 filed on November 4, 1994.

10.29    Amended Schedule to Loan and Security Agreement dated as of August 3,
         1994, by and between 3D Systems, Inc., 3D Systems Inc. Limited, 3D
         Systems France SARL, 3D Systems GmbH and Silicon Valley Bank.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.37 to Registrant's Form 10-Q
         for the quarterly period ended September 31, 1994 filed on November 4,

10.30    Collateral Assignment, Patent Mortgage and Security Agreement dated as
         of August 3, 1991, by and between 3D Systems, Inc., 3D Systems Inc.
         Limited, 3D Systems France SARL, 3D Systems GmbH, 3D Systems
         Corporation, 3D Systems (Canada) Inc. and Silicon Valley Bank.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.38 to Registrant's Form 10-Q
         for the quarterly period ended September 30, 1994 filed on November 4,

10.31*   Employment Agreement dated October 31, 1994, by and among Registrant,
         3D Systems, Inc., a California corporation and Arthur B. Sims.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.39 to Form 10-K for the year
         ended December 31, 1994.

10.32    Letter of intent dated March 7, 1995 by and between 3D Systems, Inc., a
         California corporation and CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, a New York
         corporation. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.40 to Form 10-K
         for the year ended December 31, 1994.

10.33    Agreement dated October 4, 1995 between Registrant and Mesa County
         Economic Development Council, inc., a Colorado non-profit Corporation.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Registrant's Form 10-Q for
         the quarterly period ended September 29, 1995 filed November 13, 1995.

10.34    Amendment No. 1 to Distribution Agreement dated May 5, 1995 between
         Ciba Specialty Chemicals and Registrant. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.40 to Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on
         Form S-2 filed on May 25, 1995.

10.35    Registration and Indemnification Agreement dated June 1995 between
         Registrant and 1726 Holdings Canada, Inc. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.41 to Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement of Form S-2
         filed on June 13, 1995.

10.36*   Employment Agreement dated as of December 27, 1995 between Registrant
         and A. Sidney Alpert. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.43 to
         Registrant's 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 filed on April
         1, 1996.

10.37    Amendment dated July 5, 1995 to Loan and Security Agreement dated June
         2, 1993, as previously amended, by and between Registrant, 3D
         California, 3D Systems, Inc. Limited, 3D Systems France SARL, 3D
         Systems GmbH and Silicon Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.44 to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.

10.38    License, Development, and OEM Agreement dated March 31, 1995 between
         Spectra, Inc. and 3D Systems, Inc. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.45 to Registrant's 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995

- - --------
* Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

                                    Page 31

         filed on April 1, 1996. [Portions of the exhibit have been omitted and
         filed separately with the SEC pursuant to a grant of confidential

10.39*   Employment letter dated April 11, 1996 between Registrant and Mark R.
         Bell. Incorporated by reference to exhibit 10.1 to Registrant's 10-Q
         for the quarterly period ended March 29, 1996 filed on May 7, 1996.

10.40    Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of August 30, 1996 by and between 3D
         Systems, Inc., a California corporation, Keltool, Inc. a Minnesota
         corporation and Wayne Duescher. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.1 to Registrant's 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 27,
         1996 filed on November 12, 1996.

10.41    Non-Competition Agreement dated September 9, 1996 by and between 3D
         Systems, Inc., a California corporation and Wayne O. Duescher.
         Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Registrant's 10-Q for the
         quarterly period ended September 27, 1996 filed on November 12, 1996.

10.42*   Employment Agreement dated as of February 6, 1996 between Registrant
         and Eugen J. Geyer. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.50 to
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.43*   Employment Agreement dated October 28, 1996 between Registrant and
         Richard D. Balanson. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.51 to
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.44    Amendment dated July 5, 1996 to Loan and Security Agreement dated June
         2, 1993, as previously amended, by and between Registrant and Silicon
         Valley Bank. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.52 to
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.45    Amendment, dated August 18, 1997, to Loan Agreement and Amended
         Schedule to Loan and Security Agreement dated June 2, 1993 between
         Silicon Valley Bank and 3D Systems, Inc., 3D Systems Inc. Limited, 3D
         Systems France SARL and 3D Systems GmbH. Incorporated by reference
         to Exhibit 10.53 to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

10.46*   Employment Agreement effective November 17, 1997 between Registrant and
         Mr. Frank J. Spina. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.54 to
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

10.47*   Employment letter effective January 7, 1997 between Registrant and Mr.
         Martin E. McGough. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.55 for
         the year ended December 31, 1997.

10.48*   Employment letter effective September 17, 1999 between Registrant and
         Mr. Grant R. Flaharty.

10.49*   Agreement effective September 9, 1999, between Registrant and Regent
         Pacific Management Corporation. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.1 to Registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed February 17,

10.50*   Employment Agreement effective May 1, 1999 between Registrant and Mr.
         G. Walter Loewenbaum II.

10.51*   Employment Agreement effective September 9, 1999 between Registrant and
         Mr. Gary J. Sbona.

10.52    Patent License Agreement dated December 16, 1998 by and between 3D
         Systems, Inc., NTT Data CMET, Inc. and NTT Data Corporation.
         [Confidential Treatment Requested].

10.53*   Employment Agreement dated September 9, 1999 between Registrant and Mr.
         Arthur B. Sims.

10.54*   Stock Option Agreement dated May 20, 1999 between Registrant and Mr.
         Arthur B. Sims.

10.55*   Letter dated October 19, 1999 from Registrant to Mr. Arthur B. Sims.

22.1     Subsidiaries of Registrant.

23.1     Consent of Independent Accountants - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

27.1     Financial Data Schedule.

- - --------
* Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

                                    Page 32


Consolidated Financial Statements

Report of Independent Accountants..........................................................................F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998...............................................F-3
Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.................F-4
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for the Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.......F-5
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.................F-6
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.......F-7
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997............F-8

Consolidated Financial Statement Schedule

Report of Independent Accountants on Financial Statement Schedule.........................................F-27
Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts...........................................................F-28



To the Stockholders and Board of Directors
3D Systems Corporation

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the related
consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity, cash flows and
comprehensive income present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of 3D Systems Corporation and its subsidiaries (the "Company") at
December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the consolidated results of their operations and
their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
1999, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Woodland Hills, California
February 14, 2000


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                          At December 31, 1999 and 1998
                                 (in thousands)

                    ASSETS                                      1999        1998
                                                              --------    --------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                   $ 12,553    $ 15,912
  Short-term investments                                            --       3,485
  Accounts receivable, less allowances for
  Doubtful accounts of $2,912 (1999) and $944 (1998)            26,772      24,487
  Current portion of lease receivables                             607       2,069
  Inventories                                                    8,786      10,829
  Deferred tax assets                                            2,355       2,063
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      2,028       1,916
                                                              --------    --------
       Total current assets                                     53,101      60,761

Property and equipment, net                                     16,245      16,327
Licenses and patent costs, net                                   9,135       5,121
Deferred tax assets                                              7,658       5,070
Lease receivables                                                2,436       5,802
Other assets                                                     2,083       2,022
                                                              --------    --------
                                                              $ 90,658    $ 95,103
                                                              ========    ========

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                            $  5,838    $  4,850
  Accrued liabilities                                            8,741       8,162
  Current portion of long-term debt                                110         100
  Customer deposits                                                345         330
  Deferred revenues                                              6,848       9,014
                                                              --------    --------
       Total current liabilities                                21,882      22,456

Other liabilities                                                4,673       1,485
Long-term debt, less current portion                             4,495       4,605
                                                              --------    --------
                                                                31,050      28,546
                                                              --------    --------

Commitments and contingencies (Note 18)                             --          --

Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, authorized 5,000 shares; none issued
  Common stock, authorized 25,000 shares; issued 11,658 and
    Outstanding 11,433 (1999); and issued 11,614 and
    Outstanding 11,389 (1998)                                       12          12
  Capital in excess of par value                                75,064      74,834
  Notes receivable from officers                                  (240)       (360)
  Accumulated deficit                                          (12,066)     (6,765)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                 (1,622)        376
  Treasury stock, at cost, 225 shares                           (1,540)     (1,540)
                                                              --------    --------
        Total stockholders' equity                              59,608      66,557
                                                              --------    --------
                                                              $ 90,658    $ 95,103
                                                              ========    ========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                     (in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                 1999        1998        1997
                                               --------    --------    --------
  Products                                     $ 66,806    $ 65,434    $ 59,149
  Services                                       30,143      32,683      31,108
                                               --------    --------    --------
     Total sales                                 96,949      98,117      90,257
                                               --------    --------    --------

Cost of sales:
  Products                                       35,938      33,477      35,463
  Services                                       20,975      22,062      21,745
                                               --------    --------    --------
     Total cost of sales                         56,913      55,539      57,208
                                               --------    --------    --------
  Gross profit                                   40,036      42,578      33,049
                                               --------    --------    --------

Operating expenses:
  Selling, general and administrative            35,273      30,448      29,653
  Research and development                        8,931       9,425      10,991
  Other                                           3,384          --          --
                                               --------    --------    --------
     Total operating expenses                    47,588      39,873      40,644
                                               --------    --------    --------

Income (loss) from operations                    (7,552)      2,705      (7,595)

Interest income                                     415         949       1,202
Interest and other expense                         (404)       (467)       (356)
                                               --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) before income taxes                (7,541)      3,187      (6,749)

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes        (2,240)      1,055      (2,160)
                                               --------    --------    --------

Net income (loss)                              $ (5,301)   $  2,132    $ (4,589)
                                               ========    ========    ========

Shares used to calculate basic net income
  (loss) per share                               11,376      11,348      11,398
                                               ========    ========    ========

Basic net income (loss) per share              $   (.47)   $    .19    $   (.40)
                                               ========    ========    ========

Shares used to calculate diluted net income
  (loss) per share                               11,376      11,594      11,398
                                               ========    ========    ========

Diluted net income (loss) per share            $   (.47)   $    .18    $   (.40)
                                               ========    ========    ========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                            3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                                Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
                                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                                                 (in thousands)

                                              Common                    Notes
                                              Stock     Capital in    Receivable               Cumulative                Total
                                            Par Value  Excess of Par     From    Accumulated  Translation  Treasury  Stockholders'
                                   Shares     $0.001       Value       Officers    Deficit     Adjustment    Stock      Equity
Balance at December 31, 1996       11,359    $     11    $ 72,528          --     $ (4,308)    $    472          --      68,703
Exercise of stock options              91          (a)        418          --           --           --          --         418
Tax benefit related to non-
    qualified stock options            --          --         184          --           --           --          --         184
Issuance of warrants related to
    EOS acquisition                    --          --         727          --           --           --          --         727
Net loss                               --          --          --          --       (4,589)          --          --      (4,589)
Cumulative translation
    adjustment                         --          --          --          --           --         (683)         --        (683)
Purchase of treasury stock            (25)         --          --          --           --           --        (165)       (165)
Balance at December 31, 1997       11,425          11      73,857          --       (8,897)        (211)       (165)     64,595
Exercise of stock options              59          (a)        366          --           --           --          --         366
Employee stock purchase plan           38          --         192          --           --           (a)         --         192
Officer loans                          67           1         419        (420)          --
Repayment of officer loans             --          --          --          60           --           --          --          60
Net income                             --          --          --          --        2,132           --          --       2,132
Cumulative translation
    adjustment                         --          --          --          --           --          587          --         587
Purchase of treasury stock           (200)         --          --          --           --           --      (1,375)     (1,375)
Balance at December 31, 1998       11,389          12      74,834        (360)      (6,765)         376      (1,540)     66,557
Exercise of stock options               6          (a)         32          --           --           --          --          32
Employee stock purchase plan           57          (a)        256          --           --           --          --         256
Cancellation of officer loans         (19)         (a)       (120)        120           --           --          --          --
Stock based compensation               --          --          62          --           --           --          --          62
Net loss                               --          --          --          --       (5,301)          --          --      (5,301)
Cumulative translation
    adjustment                         --          --          --          --           --       (1,998)         --      (1,998)
Balance at December 31, 1999       11,433    $     12    $ 75,064    $   (240)    $(12,066)    $ (1,622)   $ (1,540)   $ 59,608

(a) Amounts not shown due to rounding

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                                 (in thousands)

Cash flows from operating activities:                               1999        1998        1997
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
  Net income (loss)                                               $ (5,301)   $  2,132    $ (4,589)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
   provided by (used for) operating activities:
     Deferred income taxes                                          (2,881)        158      (2,511)
     Depreciation of property and equipment                          4,561       4,083       3,756
     Provision for doubtful accounts                                 2,062         339          35
     Amortization of licenses and patent costs                         991       1,003         733
     Amortization of software development costs                        436         504         495
     Amortization of intangibles                                        80         223         162
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                                          (6,338)       (909)     (4,973)
       Lease receivables                                             4,828      (2,733)       (440)
       Inventories                                                     995       1,160         (60)
       Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      (112)        389         (38)
       Other assets                                                   (576)       (542)     (1,404)
       Accounts payable                                              1,229        (176)      1,266
       Accrued liabilities                                             579         158       1,318
       Customer deposits                                                14          92        (656)
       Deferred revenues                                            (2,165)      1,688       1,858
       Other liabilities                                             3,187          (6)         70
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
           Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities      1,589       7,563      (4,978)
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchase of property and equipment                                (7,719)     (5,822)     (8,356)
  Disposition of property and equipment                              3,241       2,234       2,382
  Increase in licenses and patent costs                             (5,005)       (659)     (2,489)
  Purchase of short term investments                                  (498)     (6,648)     (3,498)
  Proceeds from short term investments                               3,982       6,661       3,759
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
           Net cash used for investing activities                   (5,999)     (4,234)     (8,202)
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Exercise of stock options                                            350         557         418
  Repayment of note payable                                           (100)        (95)       (100)
  Repayment of officer loans                                            --          60          --
  Tax benefit related to non-qualified stock options                    --          --         184
  Restricted cash                                                       --          --         722
  Purchase of treasury stock                                            --      (1,375)       (165)
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
           Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities        250        (853)      1,059
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
  Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                              801         741         460
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                (3,359)      3,217     (11,661)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period            15,912      12,695      24,356
                                                                  --------    --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                $ 12,553    $ 15,912    $ 12,695
                                                                  ========    ========    ========
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
     Cash paid (received) during the year for:
         Interest                                                 $    212    $    249    $    346
                                                                  ========    ========    ========
         Income taxes                                             $   (137)   $   (410)   $    275
                                                                  ========    ========    ========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
             Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                                 (in thousands)

                                                     1999       1998      1997
                                                   -------    -------   -------
Net income (loss)                                  $(5,301)   $ 2,132   $(4,589)
Other comprehensive income (loss):
     Foreign currency translation adjustments       (1,998)       587      (683)
                                                   -------    -------   -------

Comprehensive income (loss)                        $(7,299)   $ 2,719   $(5,272)
                                                   =======    =======   =======

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(1)   Organization and Business

      3D Systems Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), develops,
      produces and markets SLA(TM) industrial systems and ThermoJet(TM) solid
      object printers and related materials, parts and services. 3D Systems,
      Inc., a California corporation ("3D California"), an indirect wholly-owned
      subsidiary of the Company, directly and through its subsidiaries, conducts
      substantially all of the Company's business.

(2)   Significant Accounting Policies

      (a)   Principles of Consolidation

            The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the
            Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. All inter-company
            accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

            Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year
            consolidated financial statements to conform to the current year

      (b)   Sales and Concentration of Credit Risk

            Revenues from the sale of the Company's systems and related products
            are recognized upon shipment. The Company provides end users with up
            to one year of maintenance and warranty services, and defers a
            portion of its revenues at the time of sale based on the relative
            fair value of such services. After the initial maintenance period,
            the Company offers these customers optional maintenance contracts;
            revenue related to these contracts is deferred and recognized
            ratably over the period of the contract. To date, the Company has
            not experienced any significant warranty claims or product returns.
            Credit is extended based on an evaluation of each customer's
            financial condition. To reduce credit risk in connection with sales
            of SLA systems, the Company may, depending upon the circumstances,
            require significant deposits prior to shipment and may retain a
            security interest in the SLA systems until fully paid. The Company
            often requires international customers to furnish letters of credit.

            The Company invests its excess cash in interest bearing deposits
            with major banks, commercial paper and money market funds. Although
            a majority of the cash accounts exceed the federally insured deposit
            amount, management does not anticipate non-performance by the
            financial institutions. Management reviews the stability of these
            institutions on a periodic basis.

      (c)   Cash and Cash Equivalents

            The Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments purchased
            with an original maturity at the time of purchase of three months or
            less to be cash equivalents. The carrying value of these instruments
            approximates market value because of their short maturity.

      (d)   Investments

            The Company's short-term investments are classified as held to
            maturity and recorded at amortized cost under the provisions of
            Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 115.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      (e)   Leases

            At the inception of a lease, the gross lease receivable, the reserve
            for potential losses, the estimated residual value of the leased
            equipment and the unearned lease income are recorded. The unearned
            lease income represents the excess of the gross lease receivable
            plus the estimated residual value over the cost of the equipment
            leased and is recorded as deferred revenue.

      (f)   Inventories

            Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (determined by the
            first-in, first-out method) or market value.

      (g)   Property and Equipment

            Property and equipment is carried at cost and depreciated on a
            straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the related
            assets, generally three to thirty years. Leasehold improvements are
            amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated economic
            useful lives, or the lives of the leases, whichever is shorter.
            Realized gains and losses are recognized upon disposal or retirement
            of the related assets and are reflected in results of operations.
            Repair and maintenance charges are expensed as incurred.

      (h)   Licenses and Patent Costs

            Licenses and patent costs are being amortized on a straight-line
            basis over their estimated useful lives, which are approximately
            eight to eighteen years, or on a units of production basis,
            depending on the nature of the license or patent.

      (i)   Long Term Assets

            The carrying value of long term assets is periodically reviewed by
            management, and impairment losses, if any, are recognized when the
            expected nondiscounted future operating cash flow derived from such
            assets is less than their carrying value. Impairment losses are
            recorded at an amount equal to the excess of the assets carrying
            value over its fair value.

      (j)   Capitalized Software Costs

            Certain software development and production costs are capitalized
            upon a product's reaching technological feasibility. As of December
            31, 1999 and 1998, the Company had cumulatively capitalized software
            development costs of $4.3 million and $3.8 million, respectively.
            Costs capitalized in 1999 and 1998 were $483,000 and $420,000,
            respectively. Amortization of software development costs begins when
            the related products are available for market. Amortization expense
            amounted to $436,000, $504,000 and $495,000 for 1999, 1998 and 1997,
            respectively, based on the straight-line method using estimated
            useful lives of two years. Net capitalized costs aggregated $494,000
            and $447,000 at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, and are
            included in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance

      (k)   Foreign Currency Translation

            The assets and liabilities of the Company's foreign operations are
            translated at the end of the period exchange rates; revenues and
            expenses are translated at the average exchange rates prevailing
            during the period. The effect of the unrealized exchange rate
            fluctuations on translating foreign currency assets and liabilities
            into U.S. dollars is accumulated as a separate component of
            stockholders' equity. Gains and losses resulting from foreign
            currency transactions are included in current operations. The
            aggregate foreign exchange gains (losses) included in operations
            were $(342,000), $276,000 and $(479,000) for 1999, 1998 and 1997,
            respectively. To date, the Company has not entered into hedging
            transactions to protect against changes in foreign currency
            exchange rates.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      (l)   Research and Development Costs

            Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.

      (m)   Earnings Per Share

            Basic net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income
            (loss) by the weighted average number of shares of common stock
            outstanding during the period. Diluted net income (loss) per share
            is computed by dividing net income (loss) by the weighted average
            number of shares of common stock outstanding plus the number of
            additional common shares that would have been outstanding if all
            dilutive potential common shares had been issued. Potential common
            shares related to stock options and stock warrants are excluded from
            the computation when their effect is antidilutive.

      (n)   Advertising Costs

            Advertising costs are expensed as incurred. Advertising expenses
            were approximately $3.0 million, $2.3 million, and $2.9 million for
            the years ended 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

      (o)   Estimates

            The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
            accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
            requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
            the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
            contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of the financial
            statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
            the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those

      (p)   Stock-Based Compensation

            The Company grants stock options for shares to employees with an
            exercise price equal to the fair value of the shares at the date of
            grant. The Company accounts for stock option grants in accordance
            with APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees."

      (q)   Income Taxes

            The Company accounts for income taxes using the liability method as
            required by SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." Under SFAS
            No. 109, deferred income taxes are determined based on the
            differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets
            and liabilities, using enacted tax rates in effect for the year.
            Valuation allowances are established, when necessary, to reduce
            deferred tax assets to the amounts expected to be realized.

      (r)   Comprehensive Income

            In 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
            Income," and accordingly has included separate Statements of
            Comprehensive Income (Loss). Comprehensive income generally
            represents all changes in shareholders' equity during the period
            except those resulting from investments by, or distributions to,


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      (s)   Segment Information

            In 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about
            Segments of a Business Enterprise and Related Information." SFAS No.
            131 supersedes SFAS No. 14, "Financial Reporting for Segments of a
            Business Enterprise," replacing the "industry segment" approach with
            the "management" approach. The management approach designates the
            internal organization that is used by management for making
            operating decisions and assessing performance as the source of the
            Company's reportable segments. SFAS No. 131 also requires
            disclosures about products and services, geographic areas, and major
            customers. The adoption of SFAS No. 131 did not affect results of
            operations or financial position but did affect the disclosure of
            segment information (Note 17).

      (t)   The Company's financial instruments, including cash and cash
            equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and notes
            payable are carried at cost, which approximates their fair market
            value because of the short term maturity of these instruments and
            the relatively stable interest rate environment.

(3)   Leases

      The Company provides lease financing for qualified customers. The leases
      are accounted for as sales-type leases where the present value of minimum
      lease payments, net of costs, are recorded as sales. The components of
      lease receivables are as follows (in thousands):

                                                        1999        1998
                                                      -------     -------
      Total minimum lease payment receivable          $ 2,377     $ 7,086
      Estimated unguaranteed residual value               666         785
                                                      -------     -------
      Gross investment in leases                        3,043       7,871
      Unearned income                                    (317)     (1,220)
                                                      -------     -------
          Total investment in leases                  $ 2,726     $ 6,651
                                                      =======     =======

      Short-term interest in leases                   $    53     $ 1,547
      Long-term interest in leases                    $ 2,673     $ 5,104

      Future minimum lease payments to be received as of December 31, 1999:

                            2000                $  891
                            2001                   784
                            2002                   535
                            2003                   120
                            2004                    47

      In March 1999 leases receivables totalling $2.8 million were sold to an
      outside party. No gain or loss was recognized on the transaction.

(4)   Inventories

      Components of inventories at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are as follows (in

                                                    1999             1998
                                                  -------          -------
      Raw materials                               $ 1,633          $ 1,138
      Work in process                                 778              819
      Finished goods                                6,375            8,872
                                                  -------          -------
                                                  $ 8,786          $10,829
                                                  =======          =======


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(5)   Property and Equipment

      Property and equipment at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are summarized as
      follows (in thousands):

                                                     1999          1998
                                                   --------      --------
      Land and building                            $  4,637      $  4,637
      Machinery and equipment                        20,420        18,416
      Office furniture and equipment                  3,083         2,889
      Leasehold improvements                          2,836         2,517
      Rental equipment                                1,014           452
      Construction in progress                           97         1,186
                                                   --------      --------
                                                     32,087        30,097

      Less accumulated depreciation and
        Amortization                                (15,842)      (13,770)
                                                   --------      --------
                                                   $ 16,245      $ 16,327
                                                   ========      ========

(6)   Licenses and Patent Costs

      Licenses and patent costs at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are summarized as
      follows (in thousands):

                                                    1999           1998
                                                  --------       --------
      Licenses, at cost                           $  2,333       $  3,608
      Patent costs                                  13,214          6,934
                                                  --------       --------
                                                    15,547         10,542
      Less accumulated amortization                 (6,412)        (5,421)
                                                  --------       --------
                                                  $  9,135       $  5,121
                                                  ========       ========

      (a)   In 1999 and 1998, the Company incurred and capitalized $5,005,000
            and $643,000, respectively, of costs to acquire, develop and extend
            patents in the United States, Japan, Europe and certain other
            countries, and expensed previously developed capitalized patent
            costs of $621,000 and $365,000, respectively.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      (b)   Effective January 5, 1990, 3D California acquired from UVP, Inc.
            ("UVP") UVP's patents for stereolithography technology in exchange
            for $9,075,000, $500,000 of which was paid in cash and $350,000 in
            offsets of costs incurred by the Company on behalf of UVP. The
            initial payment and offsets ($850,000) have been capitalized and are
            being amortized over the remaining life of the patents
            (approximately three years at December 31, 1999). The agreement
            further provided for payment deferrals during 1990 through 1992
            aggregating $950,000 and annual payments based upon the sales levels
            of SLA machines up to a maximum of $8,225,000. The Company records
            the annual payments as royalty expense. In 1999, 1998 and 1997,
            royalty expense aggregated $678,000, $711,000 and $668,000,
            respectively, and is included in Cost of Sales: Products in the
            accompanying consolidated statements of operations. Royalty
            obligations at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are $1,742,000 and
            $1,745,000, respectively, and are included in the accompanying
            consolidated balance sheets. In the event the Company licenses the
            acquired technology to a third party, the Company is required to
            make additional accelerated payments to UVP of 50% of the royalties
            it receives up to an aggregate maximum of $8,225,000 including the
            Company's payments based on sales levels of its SLA machines. In
            1999, the Company made additional accelerated payments totaling
            $603,000. UVP has retained a security interest in the purchased
            technology until the purchase price is fully paid. At December 31,
            1999, $4.2 million remained to be paid to UVP under this agreement.

      (c)   The excess of the cost of the Company's investment in 3D California
            over the related underlying equity in the net assets of the
            subsidiary at the date of acquisition ($2.0 million) has been
            attributed to the licenses and patents of 3D California and is being
            amortized on the same basis as the underlying licenses and patents.

(7)   Acquisitions

      a)    On September 22, 1997, the Company completed the acquisition of the
            rapid prototyping "Stereos" product line assets and business from
            EOS GmbH of Germany, formerly the Company's major European
            competitor. Under the terms of the agreement, the Company paid $3.25
            million, issued a warrant to buy 150,000 of the Company's common
            shares at $8.00 per share, exercisable within the three-year period
            following the closing (valued at $727,000), and granted EOS
            exclusive licenses to the Company's patents related to laser
            sintering. Additionally, the Company agreed to settle all pending
            patent infringement and unfair competition lawsuits brought against
            EOS and an EOS customer.

            In accordance with the purchase method of accounting, the purchase
            price has been allocated to the underlying assets and liabilities
            based on their respective fair values at the date of acquisition.
            The in-process research and development was expensed in the quarter
            ended September 26, 1997 as a nonrecurring cost after determining
            that it had not reached technological feasibility and that it had no
            alternative future use.

            The total purchase price was $4,075,000 and was allocated as follows
            (in thousands):

            In-process research and development projects      $2,045
            Inventory                                            360
            Patents                                              395
            Intangible assets                                  1,275


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(8)   Credit Facility

      In August 1999, the Company's credit facility expired. The credit facility
      was not utilized during 1999 and no amounts were due under the facility at
      the time of its expiration. The Company is currently evaluating its
      options with regard to establishing a new credit facility.

(9)   Accrued Liabilities

      Accrued liabilities at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are as follows (in

                                                    1999       1998
                                                   ------     ------
            Employee related benefits              $2,393     $2,090
            Payroll and related taxes                 995        931
            Rent                                      256        329
            Commissions                               381        464
            Product royalties                       1,654        825
            Sales tax                               1,248        577
            EOS acquisition costs                      --        443
            Other                                   1,814      2,503
                                                   ------     ------
                                                   $8,741     $8,162
                                                   ======     ======

(10)  Other Liabilities

      Other liabilities at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are as follows (in

                                                    1999       1998
                                                   ------     ------
            Royalty payable                        $1,150     $  950
            Amounts due under licensing
              agreement                             1,600         --
            Retirement plan                           548        535
            Employee termination costs                995         --
            Other                                     380         --
                                                   ------     ------
                                                   $4,673     $1,485
                                                   ======     ======


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(11)  Long-Term Debt

      On August 20, 1996, the Company completed a $4.9 million variable rate
      industrial development bond financing of its Colorado facility. Interest
      on the bonds is payable monthly (the interest rate at December 31, 1999
      was 5.65%). Principal payments are payable in semi-annual installments
      beginning in February 1997 through August 2016. The bonds are
      collateralized by an irrevocable standby letter of credit issued by
      Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. which is further collateralized by the
      building and related machinery and equipment as well as a standby letter
      of credit issued by Silicon Valley Bank in the amount of approximately
      $1.4 million. The terms of the letters of credit require the Company to
      maintain specific levels of minimum tangible net worth, debt to equity
      ratio and quick ratio. Annual maturities of long-term debt are as follows
      (in thousands):

                      2000                     $   110
                      2001                         120
                      2002                         135
                      2003                         150
                      2004                         165
                      Later years                3,925
                      Total                      4,605
                      Less current portion         110
                          Long-term debt       $ 4,495

(12)  Stockholders' Equity and Stockholders' Rights Plan

On May 23, 1996, the Company's stockholders approved the 1996 Stock Incentive
Plan (the "1996 Plan") and the 1996 Stock Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors
(the "Director Plan"). The maximum number of shares of common stock that may be
issued pursuant to options granted under the 1996 Plan and Director Plan is 2.1
million and 200,000, respectively. Both the 1996 Plan and the Director Plan
expire on March 21, 2006, and no further options will be granted after that
date. The 1996 Plan also provides for "reload options," which are options to
purchase additional shares if a grantee uses already-owned shares to pay for an
option exercise. The Company also had a 1989 Plan in which options for
substantially all common shares had been previously issued. The 1989 Plan
expired in 1999. The option price per share under all plans is equal to the fair
market value on the date of grant. The vesting and exercise periods for all
plans, except the Director Plan, are determined at the discretion of the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. The majority of options issued
under the 1996 Plan and the 1989 Plan vest 25% annually, commencing one year
from the date of grant and expiring between six and ten years from the date of
grant. Under the Director Plan, each non-employee director ("outside director")
of the Company will automatically be granted annually non-statutory stock
options to purchase 7,500 shares of common stock. Each option issued under the
Director Plan vests in equal annual installments over a three-year period
beginning on the first anniversary, and expires ten years from the date of
grant. Prior to the adoption of the Director Plan, each outside director was
automatically granted annually non-statutory stock options to purchase 3,333
shares of common stock under the 1989 Plan, as amended, beginning in 1993.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      A summary of the status of the Company's stock options is summarized below
      (shares in thousands):

                                         1999                 1998                 1997
                                              Wgtd.                Wgtd.                Wgtd.
                                             Average              Average              Average
                                             Exercise             Exercise             Exercise
                                   Shares     Price     Shares     Price     Shares     Price
Outstanding at beginning of year    1,867    $  9.18     1,673    $ 10.30     1,549    $ 11.91
  Granted                           1,390       5.94       517       7.01       525       8.86
  Exercised                            (6)      6.38       (59)      6.17       (98)      4.85
  Lapsed or canceled                 (844)      8.84      (264)     13.33      (303)     17.48
                                  -------              -------              -------
Outstanding at year end             2,407       7.33     1,867       9.18     1,673      10.30
                                  =======              =======              =======

Options exercisable at year end       765                  842                  650
Options available for future grant    926                  238                  496

Weighted average fair value of
Options granted during the year:  $  2.23              $  3.77              $  4.75

      The following table summarizes information about stock options outstanding
      at December 31, 1999 (shares in thousands):

                                   Options Outstanding                        Options Exercisable
                       ---------------------------------------------    -------------------------------
                                       Wgtd. Avg.       Weighted                          Weighted
                          Number        Remaining       Average            Number          Average
                        Outstanding    Contractual      Exercise         Outstanding      Exercise
Range:                  At 12/31/99       Life           Price           At 12/31/99        Price
                       ---------------------------------------------    -------------------------------
$3.00 to 4.99                    275           3.27          $ 4.87               200           $ 4.87
5.00 to 9.99                   1,796           7.20            6.24               299             6.44
10.00 to 14.99                   218           6.53           10.52               172            10.59
15.00 to 19.99                     7           5.39           17.63                 7            17.63
20.00 to 24.50                   111           4.16           24.18                87            24.18
                       -------------                                    -------------
                               2,407                                              765
                       =============                                    =============

      (a)   As of December 31, 1999, options for 804,101 shares and 121,856
            shares of common stock were available for grant under the 1996 Plan
            and 1996 Director Plan, respectively (925,957 shares in the
            aggregate). The 1996 Plan and 1989 Plan also provide for the
            issuance of Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs) and Limited Stock
            Appreciation Rights (LSARs). As of December 31, 1999, no SARs or
            LSARs have been issued.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      (b)   In December 1995, the Company's Board of Directors adopted a
            Shareholders Rights Plan (the "Plan"). Under the provisions of the
            Plan, the Company distributed to its stockholders, rights entitling
            the holders to purchase one-hundredth of a share of Series A
            Preferred Stock for each share of Common Stock then held at an
            exercise price of $75. Upon the occurrence of certain "triggering
            events," each right entitles its holder to purchase, at the rights
            then-current exercise price, a number of shares of common stock of
            the Company having a market value equal to twice the exercise price.
            A triggering event occurs ten days following the date a person or
            group (other than an "Exempt Person"), without the consent of the
            Company's Board of Directors, acquires 15% or more of the Company's
            common stock or upon the announcement of a tender offer or an
            exchange offer, the consummation of which would result in the
            ownership by a person or group of 15.1% or more of the Company's
            common stock. An Exempt Person includes Ciba Specialty Chemicals
            Holdings, Inc. (formerly Ciba-Geigy Limited) ("CSC Holdings"), which
            beneficially owned approximately 15.1% of the issued and outstanding
            common stock of the Company at December 31, 1999. The Plan permits
            CSC Holdings to increase its ownership position in the Company up to
            28.7% of the issued and outstanding common stock of the Company
            without losing its status as an Exempt Person. The rights will
            expire on December 3, 2005.

      (c)   On May 6, 1997, the Company announced that its Board of Directors
            had authorized the Company to buy up to 1.5 million of its shares in
            the open market and through private transactions. During 1997 and
            1998 the Company purchased 25,000 and 200,000 of its own shares for
            approximately $165,000 and $1.4 million, respectively. Currently, it
            is not anticipated that the Company will acquire any additional
            shares under this program.

      (d)   In the second quarter 1998, the Company established the 1998
            Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("ESPP") to provide eligible employees
            the opportunity to acquire limited amounts of the Company's common
            stock. The exercise price of each option will be the lesser of (i)
            85% of the fair market value of the shares on the date the option is
            granted or (ii) 85% of the fair market value of the shares on the
            last day of the period during which the option is outstanding. An
            aggregate of 600,000 shares of common stock has been reserved for
            issuance under the plan.

            During 1999, 57,367 shares were purchased under the Company's ESPP
            at a weighted average price of $4.47. At December 31, 1999 there
            were 504,946 shares available for future grants. The weighted
            average fair value of ESPP shares issued in 1999 was $2.15.

      (e)   In November 1999, the exercise prices of selected stock options to
            purchase 147,000 shares were adjusted to reflect the then lower
            market value of the Company's common stock.

      (f)   Pro forma information regarding net income and earnings per share is
            required by SFAS No. 123, and has been determined as if the Company
            had accounted for the Plans under the fair value method of the
            Statement. The fair value of options issued under the Plans was
            estimated at the date of grant using a Black-Scholes option pricing
            model with the following weighted average assumptions: no dividend
            yield; volatility factor of the expected market price of the
            Company's common stock of 0.59, 0.60, and 0.58 for 1999, 1998 and
            1997, respectively; a forfeiture rate of zero, 0.05, and zero for
            1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively; a weighted-average expected life
            of the options of 3.8, 3.9 and 3.9 for 1999, 1998 and 1997,
            respectively; and a risk-free interest rate of 5.50%, 5.95%, and
            6.28% for 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively. For purposes of pro
            forma disclosures, the estimated fair value of the options is
            amortized to expense over the options' vesting period. The Company's
            pro forma net income (loss), net income (loss) per common share and
            net income (loss) per common share assuming dilution would
            approximate the following (in thousands except per share amounts):


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

                                                          As Reported    Pro Forma
                                                          -----------    ---------
           Year Ended December 31, 1999:
           Net loss                                        $  (5,301)    $  (7,853)
           Basic net loss per share                             (.47)         (.69)
           Diluted net loss per share                           (.47)         (.69)

           Year Ended December 31, 1998:
           Net income (loss)                               $   2,132     $    (368)
           Basic net income (loss) per share                     .19          (.03)
           Diluted net income (loss) per share                   .18          (.03)

           Year Ended December 31, 1997:
           Net loss                                        $  (4,589)    $  (6,943)
           Basic net loss per share                             (.40)         (.61)
           Diluted net loss per share                           (.40)         (.61)

      The effects of applying SFAS No. 123 in this pro forma disclosure are not
      indicative of future amounts. SFAS No. 123 does not apply to awards prior
      to 1995, and additional awards in future years are anticipated.

(13)  Computation of Earnings Per Share

      The following is a reconciliation of the numerator and denominator of the
      basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) computations for the years
      ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 (in thousands):

                                                        1999        1998       1997
                                                      --------    --------   --------

 Net income (loss) - numerator for basic net income
    (loss) per share and dilutive net income
    (loss) per share                                  $ (5,301)   $  2,132   $ (4,589)


 Denominator for basic net income (loss) per
    Share -weighted average shares                      11,376      11,348     11,398

 Effect of dilutive securities:
    Stock options and warrants                              --         246         --
                                                      --------    --------   --------

 Denominator for dilutive net income (loss) per
    Share                                               11,376      11,594     11,398
                                                      ========    ========   ========

      Common shares related to stock options and stock warrants that are
      antidilutive amounted to approximately 2,574,000, 1,437,000 and 1,873,000
      for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(14)  Related Party Transactions

      (a)   The Company purchased materials from an indirect wholly-owned
            subsidiary of CSC Holdings, Inc. (a 15.1% beneficial stockholder of
            the Company) aggregating $10.1 million, $8.8 million and $8.8
            million in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Sales to the
            subsidiary amounted to $542,000, $87,000 and $131,000 in 1999, 1998
            and 1997, respectively. Net accounts payable of $1.1 million and
            $403,000 due to the subsidiary are included in the accompanying
            consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 1999 and 1998,

      (b)   At December 31, 1999, the Company has remaining notes receivable
            totaling $240,000 from certain executive officers of the Company
            pursuant to the Executive Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan (which was
            adopted under the 1996 Stock Incentive Plan). The original loans of
            $420,000, of which $120,000 have been canceled (and shares returned
            and canceled) in 1999 and $60,000 have been repaid in 1998, were
            used to purchase an aggregate of 67,333 shares of the Company's
            common stock at the fair market value on the date of offer. These
            notes bear an interest rate of 6% per annum and mature in the year
            2003. The plan calls for the loans to be forgiven, in part or whole,
            if certain profitability targets are met. The notes receivable are
            shown on the balance sheet as a reduction of stockholders' equity.

      (c)   In 1999, the Company issued to the Chairman of the Board 150,000
            options to purchase common stock of the Company. These options have
            an exercise price of $6.61 per share, which exceeded fair value at
            date of grant, vest six months from the date of grant, and expire
            ten years from the date of issue.

      (d)   In September 1999, the Company entered into an agreement with Regent
            Pacific Management Corporation ("Regent Pacific"), to provide
            management services to the Company for a period of one year. Five
            principals of Regent Pacific are currently employees of the Company
            including its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.
            The agreement has a one-year term and can be extended by mutual
            agreement of the parties. The agreement requires that the Company
            cover Regent Pacific under its directors and officers' insurance
            coverage for certain liabilities arising out of the performance of
            services under the agreement. Under the terms of the agreement,
            Regent Pacific provides services to the Company at a fee of $50,000
            per week.

            In connection with his services as an employee of the Company, the
            Company's Board granted to Mr. Gary J. Sbona, the President of
            Regent Pacific, options to purchase 350,000 shares of the Company's
            common stock, at an exercise price of $6.00 per share, which exceeds
            fair value at date of grant. These options will vest over a
            three-year period or sooner upon certain change in control
            transactions or upon the termination of Regent Pacific's management

(15)  Income Taxes

      The components of the Company's pretax income (loss) are as follows (in

                                     1999            1998           1997
                                   -------         -------        -------
      Domestic                     $(8,870)        $   552        $(5,693)
      Foreign                        1,329           2,635         (1,056)
                                   -------         -------        -------
         Total                     $(7,541)        $ 3,187        $(6,749)
                                   =======         =======        =======


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      The components of the Company's net deferred tax assets at December 31 are
      as follows (in thousands):

                                                      1999         1998
                                                    --------     --------
      Deferred tax assets:
         Research tax credits                       $  3,148     $  2,968
         Alternative minimum tax credits                 340          340
         California manufacturer credit                  226          226
         Net operating loss carryforwards              6,061        4,556
         Inventory reserves                              295          152
         Accrued liabilities                           1,616        1,550
         Allowance for doubtful accounts                 360          182
         Patents and licenses                            834          818
         Other reserves                                  575           --
                                                    --------     --------
         Total deferred tax assets                    13,455       10,792
         Valuation allowance                          (1,603)      (1,163)
                                                    --------     --------
         Net deferred tax assets                      11,852        9,629
                                                    --------     --------
      Deferred tax liabilities:
         Deferred lease revenue                        1,263        1,606
         Software development                            327          309
         Property and equipment (excess book
              basis over tax basis)                      249          581
                                                    --------     --------
         Total deferred tax liabilities                1,839        2,496
                                                    --------     --------
      Net deferred tax assets                       $ 10,013     $  7,133
                                                    ========     ========

      The valuation allowance for deferred taxes relates primarily to foreign
      deferred tax assets and was increased by $440,000 during 1999 primarily
      due to the continuing loss position of the Company. Although realization
      is not assured, management believes it is more likely than not that the
      Company will realize the benefit of the net deferred tax assets. The
      amount of the net deferred tax asset considered realizable, however, could
      be reduced in the near term if estimates of future taxable income during
      the carryforward period are reduced.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      The components of income tax expense (benefit) for the years ended
      December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 are as follows (in thousands):

Current:                                           1999        1998       1997
                                                 -------     -------    -------
  U.S. federal                                   $    --     $     4    $   292
  State                                               52          71         30
  Foreign                                            589         822         61
                                                 -------     -------    -------
     Total current                                   641         897        383
                                                 -------     -------    -------
  U.S. federal                                    (2,470)          4     (2,121)
  State                                             (411)        154       (422)
                                                 -------     -------    -------
     Total deferred                               (2,881)        158     (2,543)
                                                 -------     -------    -------
     Total income tax expense (benefit)          $(2,240)    $ 1,055    $(2,160)
                                                 =======     =======    =======

      The overall effective tax rate differs from the statutory federal tax rate
      for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 as follows:

                                                    % of Pretax Income (Loss)
                                                   1999       1998       1997
                                                  ------     ------     ------
Tax provision based on the federal statutory rate  (34.0)%     34.0%     (34.0)%
State taxes, net of federal benefit                 (3.1)       4.7       (3.9)
Utilization of net operating losses                   --       (5.3)        --
Foreign net operating losses with no benefit         0.8         --        6.1
Research tax credits                                (2.4)      (7.1)        --
Foreign taxes                                        4.0        3.0        0.9
Change in valuation reserve                          4.2        2.1         --
Foreign sales corporation benefit                     --         --       (1.4)
Other                                                0.8        1.7        0.3
                                                  ------     ------     ------
                                                   (29.7)%     33.1%     (32.0)%
                                                  ======     ======     ======

      As of December 31, 1999, the Company has net operating loss carryforwards
      for United States federal and foreign income tax purposes of approximately
      $15.7 million and $2.0 million, respectively. The United States federal
      net operating loss carryforwards begin to expire in 2019, and the foreign
      net operating loss carryforwards expire through 2003, except for certain
      operating losses which do not expire. Ultimate utilization of these loss
      carryforwards is dependent on future taxable earnings of the Company.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

      The Company has research and experimentation tax credit carryforwards for
      United States federal and state income tax purposes of $2.3 million and
      $850,000, respectively, which are available through 2010. In addition, the
      Company has alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards for United States
      federal and state income tax purposes at December 31, 1999 of $310,000 and
      $29,000, respectively.

(16)  Employee Benefit Plan

      In 1989, 3D California adopted a defined contribution 401(k) plan (the
      "Plan") for its employees. Employees must be at least 21 years of age and
      must have at least six consecutive months of service with the Company to
      be eligible for the Plan. Participants may contribute between 1% and 15%
      of their compensation to the Plan. The Company may make discretionary
      profit sharing contributions or discretionary matching contributions.
      Matching contributions are limited to 50% of the employee contribution up
      to a maximum of 3-1/2% of the employee's compensation. Participants are
      fully and immediately vested in employee contributions. Company profit
      sharing contributions vest over a four-year period. Company matching
      contributions vest immediately. Because the Company incurred a loss in
      1997, the Company did not make a profit sharing contribution for the year.
      For the year ended December 31, 1998, the Company accrued profit sharing
      contributions of $150,000 related to 3D California's profit sharing plan.
      During 1999, the Company contributed $376,000 to match employee

      The Company's European subsidiaries have adopted employee benefit plans
      pursuant to the rules and regulations of their country of origin. As of
      December 31, 1999 and 1998, the Company had accrued $548,000 and $535,000,
      primarily related to contributions payable to these plans.

(17)  Geographic Segment Information

      All of the Company's assets are devoted to the manufacture and sale of
      Company systems, together with related supplies and services. The Company
      attributes revenues to geographic areas based on shipment in the country
      of origination.

      Summarized data for the Company's operations is as follows (in thousands):

                                           USA       Europe      Asia     Eliminations   Total
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the year ended December 31, 1999:
Sales to unaffiliated customers          $50,935     40,283      5,731            --    $96,949
Inter-area sales                         $21,577      3,057         --       (24,634)        --
Income (loss) from operations            $(8,203)     1,356         --          (705)   $(7,552)
Long-lived assets at December 31, 1999   $21,943      4,730        211           198    $27,082

For the year ended December 31, 1998:
Sales to unaffiliated customers          $54,842     34,202      9,073            --    $98,117
Inter-area sales                         $13,693      1,164         --       (14,857)        --
Income (loss) from operations            $  (429)     2,741         --           393    $ 2,705
Long-lived assets at December 31, 1998   $20,762      2,528        180            --    $23,470

For the year ended December 31, 1997:
Sales to unaffiliated customers          $52,830     28,817      8,610            --    $90,257
Inter-area sales                         $17,671        887         --       (18,558)        --
Income (loss) from operations            $(6,481)      (874)        --          (240)   $(7,595)
Long-lived assets at December 31, 1997   $21,266      3,117        183            --    $24,566

      Inter-area sales to the Company's foreign subsidiaries are recorded at
      amounts consistent with prices charged to distributors, which are above


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(18)  Commitments and Contingencies

      (a)   The Company leases its facilities under noncancelable operating
            leases expiring through December 2002. The leases are generally on a
            net-rent basis, whereby the Company pays taxes, maintenance and
            insurance. Leases that expire are expected to be renewed or replaced
            by leases on other properties. Rental expense for the years ended
            December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 aggregated $1.8 million, $2.4
            million and $2.6 million, respectively.

            Minimum annual rental commitments under the leases at December 31,
            1999 are as follows (in thousands):

                  Year ending December 31:

                       2000            $  1,970
                       2001               1,762
                       2002               1,591
                       2003               1,395
                       2004                 654
                       Later years          417
                                       $  7,789

            These minimum annual rental commitments exclude future rent
            escalations, which may be between three and six percent annually.

      (b)   3D California is a party to an agreement with Ciba Specialty
            Chemicals Inc. ("CSC") and certain of its subsidiaries (the
            "Photopolymer Research Agreement"), dated August 15, 1990, relating
            to the research and development of photopolymers, photopolymerizable
            monomers and photoinitiators for use with stereolithography
            technology. The agreement obligates each of the parties to cooperate
            in the development of photopolymers, photopolymerizable monomers and
            photoinitiators. The agreement provides that the parties shall deal
            exclusively with each other in the development of stereolithographic
            products except that: (a) 3D California may recommend to its
            customers products produced by suppliers other than CSC in the event
            that another supplier produces products suitable for
            stereolithography and CSC cannot produce a product with similar
            performance parameters, (b) 3D California may pursue the development
            of certain products developed pursuant to the agreement if CSC
            determines it has no capabilities or interest in such products, (c)
            CSC may cooperate in developing competing products if such products
            involve new fields of technology in which 3D California does not
            have and is not able within a reasonable time to develop expertise.

            As part of the Photopolymer Research Agreement, the parties have
            agreed that if a change in control of the Company or 3D California
            should occur, then at the option of CSC, 3D California will be
            required to pay CSC an amount equal to CSC's "deferred research and
            development costs," up to $10 million. A "change in control" is
            defined to have occurred only if a person, or group of related
            persons, becomes the beneficial owner of in excess of 31.4% of the
            Company's outstanding voting securities (such percentage to be
            ratably increased in the event of any sale by a CSC affiliate of any
            of its shares of the Company's common stock), unless approved by
            CSC, or its indirect nominees to the Board of Directors of the
            Company. "Deferred Research and Development Costs" means all costs
            incurred by CSC during the five full fiscal years immediately
            preceding the occurrence of a change in control, multiplied by two.
            The existence of this provision may deter potential acquirers from
            seeking to acquire the Company, or a significant interest in the
            equity securities of the Company.

            In connection with the Photopolymer Research Agreement, 3D
            California entered into a Photopolymer Distribution Agreement with a
            subsidiary of CSC, dated as of July 1, 1990, pursuant to which 3D
            California is the exclusive worldwide distributor (except Japan) of
            photopolymers manufactured by CSC. At the request of 3D California,
            an affiliate of CSC currently sells such photopolymers in Japan to
            3D California's Japanese distributor. Subject to certain conditions,
            so long as CSC provides adequate supplies, 3D California is required
            to fill all of its requirements for its photopolymers through
            purchases from CSC. In order to maintain its exclusive distribution
            rights, 3D California must meet certain quotas


            based on the dollar value of products purchased from CSC on an
            annual basis as set forth in the agreement. 3D California had in the
            past failed to meet quotas established under the agreement and, in
            May 1995, 3D California and CSC mutually agreed to reduce the
            quotas. Subject to certain conditions, the agreement will remain in
            effect unless terminated by either party upon six months advance

            On December 14, 1999, CSC announced it would sell its Performance
            Polymer Division, the division with which we primarily do business,
            to Morgan Grenfell Private Equity ("MGPE"). On February 7, 2000, CSC
            advised the Company that the operations of the division will be run
            by the present management in a newly created Swiss company
            headquartered in Basel, Switzerland and that CSC will assign to the
            new company its rights and obligations under all contracts related
            to the Performance Polymers Division.

      (c)   On January 13, 1997, 3D California filed a complaint in the United
            States District Court, Central District of California, against
            Aarotech Laboratories, Inc. ("Aarotech"), Aaroflex, Inc.
            ("Aaroflex") and Albert C. Young ("Young"). Aaroflex is the parent
            corporation of Aarotech. Young is the Chairman of the Board and
            Chief Executive Officer of both Aarotech and Aaroflex. The complaint
            alleges that stereolithography equipment manufactured by Aaroflex
            infringes six of 3D California's patents. 3D California seeks
            damages and injunctive relief from the defendants. The defendants
            have threatened to sue 3D California for trade libel. To date, the
            defendants have not filed such a suit.

            The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint or transfer
            the case to their home district in Virginia. The Court granted this
            motion to dismiss on the agenda of lack of personal jurisdiction.
            The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed this district
            court's decision insofar as it relates to Aaroflex and the action
            against Aaroflex is proceeding in the District Court. Motions for
            summary judgment by Aaroflex on multiple counts in the Company's
            complaint and on Aaroflex's counterclaims have been dismissed and
            the case is in discovery.

      (d)   3D Systems, Inc. v. Teijin Seiki Co. Ltd. On March 21, 1997, the
            Company filed a patent infringement action in District Court in
            Osaka, Japan under one of its Japanese patents, alleging
            infringement, and seeking damages and injunctive relief from the
            defendant. The action is in the early stages of prosecution. As
            described below, Teijin Seiki has filed an invalidation action
            against one of the Company's patents and an unfavorable decision in
            that action has been appealed by the Company.

      (e)   Centuri Corp., dba Estes Indus., Cox Acquisition Corp., dba Cox v.
            3D Systems Corp., Rogers Tool & Die (the "Centuri Litigation"). In
            January 1997, 3D California entered into two contracts with Centuri
            Corp., dba Estes Indus., Cox Acquisition Corp., dba Cox ("Centuri")
            under which 3D California was to create certain tooling for Centuri.
            On September 16, 1997, Centuri initiated a lawsuit against 3D
            California for Breach of Oral Contract, Fraud, Negligent
            Misrepresentation, Conversion, Money Had and Received, and an
            Accounting. At a settlement hearing on July 1, 1999 the parties
            agreed to settle the case pursuant to an agreement which provides
            for the confidentiality of the settlement terms. No liability of any
            party was admitted.

      (e)   Patent Opposition and Invalidation Proceedings. The Company has
            received eight patents in Japan. One of these patents had an
            opposition submitted against the allowed patent, but the opposition
            was dismissed and the patent has been maintained as originally
            issued. Furthermore, one of the eight patents has had three
            invalidation trials filed against it. These invalidation trials were
            decided against the Company. The Company has responded by appealing
            the decision in the third trial. Based on this opposition and the
            Company's response, the trial may result in maintaining the patent
            with present or modified protection, or may result in revocation of
            the patent.

      (f)   The Company is engaged in certain additional legal actions arising
            in the ordinary course of business. On the advice of legal counsel,
            the Company believes it has adequate legal defenses and that the
            ultimate outcome of these actions will not have a material adverse
            effect on the Company's consolidated financial position, results of
            operations or cash flows.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(19)  Other Operating Expenses

      Other operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 1999 are
      comprised of the following non-recurring charges (in thousands):

                                   Provision      Costs        Accrual as of
                                   Recorded     Incurred     December 31, 1999
                                   --------     --------     -----------------
     Litigation and settlement
       costs                        $  407       $  407            $   --
     Employee related costs          1,769          466             1,303
     Other costs                     1,208          993               215
                                    ------       ------            ------
     Total                          $3,384       $1,866            $1,518
                                    ======       ======            ======

      The litigation and settlement costs of $407,000 relate to a complaint
      filed against the Company by Centuri Corp., (see Note 18(e)).

      During May 1999, the Company completed a review of its operations to
      identify opportunities to improve operating effectiveness. As a result of
      this review, management initiated certain actions, including realigning
      various management positions and domestic and foreign operations. With the
      concurrence of the Board of Directors, the Company recorded a pretax
      charge to operations of $1.8 million. The employee related costs reflect
      the costs associated with the realignment of several management positions
      totaling $573,000. Other costs include $650,000 related to the writeoff
      of noncurrent assets, $281,000 of legal structure exit costs, and $277,000
      of estimated net losses on sublease or lease cancellation penalties.
      Management's plans specifically identified five facilities to be closed,
      including one operations facility and four sales operations worldwide. The
      Company expects to complete implementation of the plan by the end of 2000.

      In September 1999, the Company recorded an additional $1.2 million of
      non-recurring expense associated with the realignment of another
      management position. The costs are reflected in the Employee Related Costs
      noted above. Payments to the former executive will be made over a
      five-year period ending in 2004 as the result of an underlying employment

(20)  Subsequent Events (unaudited)

      In February 2000, 9,619 shares of common stock owned by a former officer
      of the Company were returned to and canceled by the Company. The Company
      forgave the Promissory Note in the amount of $60,000 that had been used
      by the former officer to purchase those shares of stock.


                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

(21)  Selected Quarterly Financial Data (unaudited)
      (in thousands except per share information)

                                                                        Quarter Ended
                                  Dec. 31,    Oct. 1,    July 2,      Apr. 2,    Dec. 31,   Sept. 25,  June 26,   Mar. 27,
                                    1999       1999      1999 (1)      1999        1998       1998       1998       1998
                                  --------   --------    --------    --------    --------   --------   --------   --------
Total sales                       $ 28,905   $ 23,898    $ 21,462    $ 22,684    $ 27,266   $ 23,342   $ 24,673   $ 22,836
Gross profit                        12,886     10,108       7,848       9,194      12,355     10,082     10,751      9,389
Total operating expenses            10,002     11,579      13,334      12,673      11,369      9,506     10,048      8,950
Income (loss) from operations        2,884     (1,471)     (5,486)     (3,479)        987        576        703        439
Income tax  expense (benefit)          760       (394)     (1,533)     (1,073)        357        224        283        191
Net income (loss)                    1,941     (1,013)     (3,949)     (2,280)        775        477        526        354
Basic income(loss) per share           .17       (.09)       (.35)       (.20)        .07        .04        .05        .03
Diluted income (loss) per share        .17       (.09)       (.35)       (.20)        .07        .04        .04        .03

      (1) Information previously reported in the Company's 10-Q filings has been

      Per share amounts for each of the quarterly periods presented do not
      necessarily add up to the total presented for the year because each amount
      is independently calculated.

      The Company presents its quarterly results on a 13 week basis ending the
      last Friday of each quarter and reports its annual financial information
      through the calendar year ended December 31.



To the Stockholders and Board of Directors
3D Systems Corporation

Our report on the consolidated financial statements of 3D Systems Corporation
and Subsidiaries is included on page F-2 of this Form 10-K. In connection with
our audits of such financial statements, we have audited the related financial
statement schedule as of December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 and for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 1999, as listed on the index on
page F-1 of this Form 10-K.

In our opinion, the financial statement schedule referred to above, when
considered in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole,
presents fairly, in all material respects, the information required to be
included therein.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Woodland Hills, California
February 14, 2000



                             3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION
                        Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
                  Years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997
                                 (in thousands)

                                                       Balance at     Additions                     Balance at
                                                       beginning     charged to                       end of
  Year Ended                    Item                    of year       expenses      Deductions         year
- - --------------    --------------------------------   ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
1999              Inventory obsolescence reserve     $        620   $      3,099   $       (826)   $      2,893
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1998              Inventory obsolescence reserve     $        549   $      2,197   $     (2,126)   $        620
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1997              Inventory obsolescence reserve     $        251   $        981   $       (683)   $        549
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============

1999              Allowance for doubtful accounts    $        944   $      2,596   $       (628)   $      2,912
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1998              Allowance for doubtful accounts    $        441   $      1,450   $       (947)   $        944
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1997              Allowance for doubtful accounts    $        406   $        351   $       (316)   $        441
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============

1999              Deferred tax valuation allowance   $      1,163   $        440   $         --    $      1,603
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1998              Deferred tax valuation allowance   $      2,114   $         --   $       (951)   $      1,163
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============
1997              Deferred tax valuation allowance   $      1,763   $        351   $         --    $      2,114
                                                     ============   ============   ============    ============



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                        3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION

                        By: /s/ H. Michael Hogan III
                        H. Michael Hogan III
                        Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                        (Principal Financial Officer and Principal
                        Accounting Officer)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant in
the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Signature                       Date                   Title
/s/ Brian K. Service            March 30, 2000         President and Chief Executive Officer
- - ----------------------------    --------------         (Principal Executive Officer)

/s/ H. Michael Hogan III        March 30, 2000         Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
- - ----------------------------    --------------         (Principal Financial Officer and
                                                       Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ Charles W. Hull             March 30, 2000         Chief Technology Officer and Director
- - ----------------------------    --------------

/s/ G. Walter Loewenbaum II     March 30, 2000         Chairman of the Board of Directors
- - ----------------------------    --------------

/s/ Gary J. Sbona               March 30, 2000         Director
- - ----------------------------    --------------

/s/ Miriam V. Gold              March 30, 2000         Director
- - ----------------------------    --------------

/s/ Jim D. Kever                March 30, 2000         Director
- - ----------------------------    --------------

/s/ Kevin S. Moore              March 30, 2000         Director
- - ----------------------------    --------------
