(Employee Non-Statutory Stock Option)

         THIS IS TO CERTIFY that 3D Systems Corporation,  a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"),  has granted to the employee named below a non-statutory  stock
option (the  "Option")  to purchase  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock (the
"Shares"),  under its 1996 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), and upon the terms
and conditions determined by the Compensation Committee (the "Committee") of the
Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board"), as follows:

                  Name of Employee:

                  Address of Employee:

                  Number of Shares:

                  Option Exercise Price:    $______________ per share

                  Date of Grant:            _______________ ___, 199

                  Option Expiration Date:   _______________ ___, 200

         Exercise Schedule:  The Option shall become exercisable with respect to
25% of the number of shares  subject to this  Option  (rounded up or down to the
nearest  whole  number) on each of the first four  anniversaries  of the Date of
Grant.  Installments shall be cumulative,  and the Option may be exercised as to
any and all shares of Common Stock covered by an  installment  at any time after
the installment  becomes  exercisable and prior to the expiration of termination
of the Option.

         Summary of Other  Terms:  This  Option is  defined in the Stock  Option
Agreement  (Non-Statutory  Stock  Option)  (the  "Option  Agreement")  which  is
attached  to this  Option  Certificate  (the  "Certificate")  as Annex  I.  This
Certificate  summarizes  certain of the  provisions of the Option  Agreement for
your  information,  but is not complete.  Your rights are governed by the Option
Agreement, not by this summary. The Company strongly suggests that you carefully
review the full Option Agreement prior to signing this Certificate or exercising
the Option.

         Among the terms of the Option Agreement are the following:

         Termination  of Employment:  While the Option  terminates on the Option
Expiration  Date, it will  terminate  earlier if you cease to be employed by the
Company or the direct or indirect  subsidiary  of the Company  with whom you are
employed  (transfer  of  employment  from one  subsidiary  to  another  will not
constitute termination of employment). If your

employment  ends due to  retirement  or death,  the Option  terminates  eighteen
months after the date of retirement  or death,  and is  exercisable  during such
eighteen-month  period as to the portion of the Option which had vested prior to
the date of retirement or death. If your employment ends due to disability,  the
Option terminates twelve months after the date of disability, and is exercisable
during such twelve-month period as to the portion of the Option which had vested
prior to the date of disability.  If your  employment ends primarily as a result
of an act of  misconduct  described in Section  4(g) of the Plan,  or during the
period when your  rights  under the Option  have been  suspended  by the Company
pursuant to that Section,  the Option will terminate  immediately.  In all other
cases,  the  Option  terminates  ninety  days after the date of  termination  of
employment,  and is exercisable during such time period as to the portion of the
Option  which had vested prior to the date of  termination  of  employment.  See
Section 5 of the attached Option Agreement.

         Transfer:   The  Option  is  personal  to  you,  and  cannot  be  sold,
transferred,  assigned or otherwise disposed of to any other person, except upon
your death. See Section 13(d) of the attached Option Agreement.

         Exercise:  You can exercise the Option  (while it is  exercisable),  in
whole or in part, by delivering to the Company a Notice of Exercise identical to
Exhibit "A"  attached  to the Option  Agreement,  accompanied  by payment of, or
provision  pursuant to the Option  Agreement,  for the payment of, the  Exercise
Price for the Shares to be  purchased.  The  Company  may  require you to submit
certain  written  reassurances  to the Company  with respect to your status as a
shareholder. The Company will then issue a certificate to you for the Shares you
have purchased.  You are under no obligation to exercise the Option. See Section
4 of the attached Option Agreement.

         Adjustments upon Recapitalization: The Option contains provisions which
affect your rights in the event of stock splits,  stock  dividends,  mergers and
other major  corporate  reorganizations.  See Section 6 of the  attached  Option

         Waiver: By signing this Certificate, you will be agreeing to all of the
terms  of  the  Option  Agreement,   including  those  not  summarized  in  this
Certificate.  You will waive your rights to options or stock which may otherwise
have been promised to you. See Section 7 of the attached Option Agreement.

         Withholding:  The  Company  may  require  you to make any  arrangements
necessary  to insure  the  proper  withholding  of any  amount  of tax,  if any,
required  to be  withheld  by the  Company  as a result of the  exercise  of the
Option. See Section 10 of the attached Option Agreement.

                                A G R E E M E N T

         3D Systems  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation,  and  Employee  each
hereby agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the Stock Option
Agreement  (Non-Statutory  Stock Option) which is attached hereto as Annex I and
incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full in this document.


                                   3D SYSTEMS CORPORATION





                                                                   (Please print
                                    your  name  exactly as you wish it to appear
                                    on any stock certificates issued to you upon
                                    exercise of the Option)

                                     ANNEX I

                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT
                          (Non-Statutory Stock Option)

         This STOCK  OPTION  AGREEMENT  (this  "Option  Agreement")  is made and
entered  into on the  execution  date of the Option  Certificate  to which it is
attached (the "Certificate"),  by and between 3D Systems Corporation, a Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company"),   and  the  employee  named  in  the  Certificate

         Pursuant to the 3D Systems  Corporation  1996 Stock Incentive Plan (the
"Plan"), the Compensation  Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors
of the  Company  (the  "Board")  has  authorized  the  grant  to  Employee  of a
non-statutory stock option to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock, par
value $0.001 per share (the "Common  Stock"),  upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth in this Option Agreement and in the Plan.

         The Company and Employee agree as follows:

         1.       Grant of Option.

                  The Company  hereby  grants to  Employee  the right and option
(the  "Option"),  upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this
Option Agreement, to purchase all or any portion of that number of shares of the
Common Stock (the "Shares") set forth in the Certificate, at the Option exercise
price set forth in the Certificate (the "Exercise Price").

         2.       Term of Option.

                  The Option shall terminate and expire on the Option Expiration
Date set forth in the Certificate,  unless sooner terminated as provided herein.
In no event shall the Option be  exercisable  after the  expiration of ten years
from the date it was granted.

         3.       Exercise Period.

                  (a) Subject to the  provisions  of Sections 3(b) and 5 of this
Option Agreement, the Option shall become exercisable (in whole or in part) upon
and  after  the dates set  forth or  referred  to under  the  caption  "Exercise
Schedule" in the Certificate.  The installments  shall be cumulative;  i.e., the
Option may be exercised,  as to any or all Shares covered by an installment,  at
any time or times after the  installment  first  becomes  exercisable  and until
expiration or termination of the Option.

                  (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Option Agreement,  the Option may not be exercised,  in whole or in part, unless
and until any then-applicable  requirements of all federal, state and local laws
and regulatory  agencies shall have been fully complied with to the satisfaction
of the Company and its  counsel.  In  addition,  if the  Company  believes  that
Employee has  committed an act of misconduct as described in Section 4(g) of the
Plan  (which  acts  of  misconduct  ("Acts  of  Misconduct")  include  an act of
embezzlement,  fraud,  nonpayment of any  obligation  owed to the Company or any
subsidiary,  breach of fiduciary  duty or deliberate  disregard of the Company's
rules  resulting  in loss,  damage or injury to the  Company,  any  unauthorized
disclosure  of trade secrets or  confidential  information  of the Company,  any
conduct  constituting unfair  competition,  or the inducement of any customer of
the Company to breach a contract with the Company),  the Company may suspend the
Employee's  rights  under the  Option  pending a  determination  by the Board of
Directors,  which shall have the right,  as therein  provided,  to terminate the

         4.       Exercise of Option.

                  There is no obligation to exercise the Option,  in whole or in
part. The Option may be exercised,  in whole or in part, only by delivery to the
Company of:

                  (a) written notice of exercise in form and substance identical
to Exhibit "A" attached to this Option Agreement stating the number of shares of
Common Stock then being purchased (the "Purchased Shares");

                  (b) the Exercise Price for each Purchased  Share shall be paid
in full upon  exercise  and shall be  payable in cash in United  States  dollars
(including check, bank draft or money order); provided, however, that in lieu of
cash the person  exercising the Option may pay the Exercise Price in whole or in
part by  delivering  to the  Company  shares of the Common  Stock  having a fair
market  value on the date of exercise of the Option,  determined  as provided in
Section 4(c), equal to the Exercise Price for the Shares being purchased; except
that (i) any portion of the Exercise  Price  representing  a fraction of a Share
shall in any event be paid in cash and (ii) no shares of the Common  Stock which
have been held for less than six  months  may be  delivered  in  payment  of the
Exercise Price of an Option. Delivery of shares may also be accomplished through
the effective transfer to the Company of shares held by a broker or

other agent. The Company will also cooperate with any person who participates in
a cashless  exercise  program of a broker or other agent under which all or part
of the shares  received  upon exercise of the Option are sold through the broker
or other  agent or under  which the broker or other  agent  makes a loan to such
person.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the exercise of the Option shall not be
deemed to occur and no shares of Common Stock will be issued by the Company upon
exercise of the Option  until the Company has  received  payment of the Exercise
Price in full.  The date of  exercise  of an Option  shall be  determined  under
procedures  established  by the  Committee.  Payment of the Exercise  Price with
shares  shall not increase the number of shares of the Common Stock which may be
issued under the Plan.

                  (c) If payment is made,  in whole or in part,  by  transfer to
the Corporation of issued and outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  the value of
such shares shall be the mean between the following prices,  as applicable,  for
the date as of which fair market value is to be determined as quoted in The Wall
Street  Journal (or in such other reliable  publication  as the Company,  in its
discretion,  may determine to rely upon): (i) if the Common Stock is listed on a
United States securities exchange, the highest and lowest sales prices per share
of Common Stock for such date on the principal United States securities exchange
on which the Common  Stock is listed,  or (ii) if the Common Stock is not listed
on any such  exchange,  the  highest  and lowest  sales  prices per share of the
Common Stock for such date on the Nasdaq National Market or any successor system
then in use. If there are no such sale price quotations for the date as of which
fair market value is to be determined  but there are such sale price  quotations
within a  reasonable  period both  before and after such date,  then fair market
value shall be  determined by taking an average of the means between the highest
and  lowest  sales  prices  per  share of the  Common  Stock as so quoted on the
nearest  date before and the nearest date after the date as of which fair market
value is to be  determined.  If there are no such sale  price  quotations  on or
within a  reasonable  period  both  before  and after the date as of which  fair
market  value is to be  determined,  then fair market  value of the Common Stock
shall be the mean between the bona fide bid and asked prices per share of Common
Stock as so quoted for such date on Nasdaq, or if none, the average of the means
between  such bid and asked  prices on the nearest  trading  date before and the
nearest  trading  date  after the date as of which  fair  market  value is to be
determined,  if both such  dates are  within a  reasonable  period.  If the fair
market  value of the Common Stock  cannot be  determined  on the basis set forth
above,  the Committee shall in good faith determine the fair market value of the
Common Stock as of such date.

         5.       Termination of Employment.

                  (a) If Employee  shall cease to be an employee of the Company,
or any direct or indirect  subsidiary of the Company,  (other than as the result
of the transfer of  employment of Employee to another  corporation  which is the
Company,  or any direct or indirect  subsidiary  of the  Company) for any reason
other than retirement,  death or permanent  disability (a

"Terminating  Event"),  Employee shall have the right, subject to the provisions
of  Section  5(b)  below,  to  exercise  the Option at any time  following  such
Terminating  Event until the earliest to occur of (x) 90 days following the date
of such  Terminating  Event and (y) the expiration of the term of this Option as
set forth in Section 2 of this  Option  Agreement.  The Option may be  exercised
following a Terminating  Event only to the extent  exercisable as of the date of
the  Terminating  Event.  To the  extent  unexercised  at the end of the  period
referred to above,  the Option shall terminate.  The Committee,  in its sole and
absolute discretion,  shall determine whether authorized leaves of absence shall
constitute termination of employment for purposes of this Option Agreement.

                  (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5(a), above, if
Employee shall cease to be an employee of the Company, or any direct or indirect
subsidiary  of the  Company  (other  than  as the  result  of  the  transfer  of
employment  of  Employee to another  corporation  which is the  Company,  or any
direct or indirect  subsidiary of the Company)  primarily as a result of any Act
of  Misconduct  described in Section 4(g) of the Plan, or during the period when
Employee's rights under this Option Agreement have been suspended by the Company
pursuant to Section 4(g) of the Plan,  Employee's  rights to exercise the Option
shall terminate immediately.

                  (c) If,  by  reason  of  retirement,  death or  disability  (a
"Special Terminating Event"), Employee shall cease to be an employee the Company
or any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company (other than as the result of
the  transfer of  employment  of Employee  to another  corporation  which is the
Company,  or any direct or indirect  subsidiary of the Company),  then Employee,
Employee's  executors or  administrators  or any person or persons acquiring the
Option directly from Employee by bequest or inheritance, shall have the right to
exercise the Option (i) in the event of  Employee's  disability,  within  twelve
months  following  the date of such Special  Terminating  Event,  or (ii) in the
event of  Employee's  retirement,  or in the event of Employee's  death,  within
eighteen months of either Special Terminating Event. The Option may be exercised
following a Special Terminating Event only to the extent exercisable at the date
of the Special  Terminating  Event. To the extent  unexercised at the end of the
period referred to above, the Option shall terminate.

                  (d) For purposes of this Option Agreement,  "disability" shall
mean total and  permanent  disability  as defined  in  Section  22(e)(3)  of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  Employee  shall not be
considered  permanently disabled unless he furnishes proof of such disability in
such form and manner,  and at such times, as the Committee may from time to time

         6.       Adjustments upon Recapitalization.

                  In the event of any  change in the  outstanding  shares of the
Common Stock or other securities then subject to the Plan by reason of any stock
split,   reverse  stock  split,   stock  dividend,   recapitalization,   merger,
consolidation,  combination  or  exchange of shares or other  similar  corporate
change,  or if the  outstanding  securities  of the class  then  subject to this
Agreement are exchanged for or converted into cash, property or a different kind
of securities,  or if cash, property or securities are distributed in respect of
such outstanding securities (other than a regular cash divided) then, unless the
terms of such transaction shall otherwise  provide,  such equitable  adjustments
shall be made by the Board, or the Committee, in the Option (including,  without
limitation,  appropriate and proportionate adjustments to the number and type of
shares  or other  securities  or cash or  other  property  that may be  acquired
pursuant to exercise of the Option);  and any such adjustments made by the Board
or the  Committee  shall  be  final,  binding  and  conclusive  for  any and all

         7.       Waiver of Rights to Purchase Stock.

                  By signing this Option  Agreement,  Employee  acknowledges and
agrees that  neither  the  Company  nor any other  person or entity is under any
obligation to sell or transfer to Employee any option or equity  security of the
Company,  other  than the shares of Common  Stock  subject to the Option and any
other right or option to purchase  Common Stock which was previously  granted in
writing to Employee by the  Committee  (or the  Board).  By signing  this Option
Agreement,  Employee specifically waives all rights which he or she may have had
prior to the date of this Option Agreement (other than any other right or option
to purchase Common Stock which was previously  granted in writing to Employee by
the  Committee  or the Board) to receive  any option or equity  security  of the

         8.       No Rights as Shareholder.

                  Except as  provided  in  Section 6 of this  Option  Agreement,
Employee shall have no rights as a shareholder  with respect to the Shares until
the  date  of  the  issuance  to  Optionee  of  a  stock  certificate  or  stock
certificates  evidencing such Shares.  Except as may be provided in Section 6 of
this Option  Agreement,  no adjustment shall be made for dividends  (ordinary or
extraordinary,  whether in cash,  securities or other property) or distributions
or other  rights  for which  the  record  date is prior to the date  such  stock
certificate is issued.

         9.       Modification.

                  Subject to the terms and conditions and within the limitations
of the Plan, the Committee (or the Board) may modify, extend or renew the Option
or  accept  the  surrender  of,  and  authorize  the  grant of a new  option  in
substitution  for,  the  Option (to the extent  not  previously  exercised).  No
modification of the Option shall be made which, without the consent of Employee,
would alter or impair any rights of the Employee under the Option.

         10.      Withholding.

                  The Company  shall be  entitled  to require as a condition  of
delivery of any  Purchased  Shares upon exercise of any Option that the Employee
remit,  or agree to remit, at the time of such delivery or at such later date as
the Company may determine,  an amount  sufficient to satisfy all federal,  state
and local withholding tax requirements  relating thereto, and Employee agrees to
take such other  action  required  by the  Company to satisfy  such  withholding

         11.      Services of Option Holder.

                  In consideration for the grant of the Option,  Employee agrees
to remain in the  employ  of,  and shall  continue  to render  services  to, the
Company or any direct or indirect  subsidiary  of the Company,  as the Committee
may from  time to time  direct,  for a period  of one year from the date of this
Option  Agreement.  This  provision  shall not  obligate  the  Company,  or such
subsidiary,  to continue to employ, or utilize the services of, Employee for any
period whatsoever.  The sole remedy to the Company should Employee breach his or
her obligations  under this Section 11 shall be to cancel this Option  Agreement
and the Option  granted  under this Option  Agreement.  For the purposes of this
Option  Agreement,  the term  "subsidiary"  shall  mean any  present  or  future
corporation which would be a "subsidiary corporation" of the Company, as defined
in Section 424 of the Code.

         12.      Character of Option.

                  The Option is not intended to qualify as an  "incentive  stock
option" as that term is defined in Section 422 of the Code.

         13.      General Provisions.

                  (a)  Further  Assurances.  Employee  shall  promptly  take all
actions and execute all  documents  requested  by the Company  which the Company
deems to be  reasonably  necessary  to  effectuate  the terms and intent of this
Option Agreement.

                  (b)  Notices.  All  notices,   requests,   demands  and  other
communications  under this  Option  Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be
given to the parties hereto as follows:

                                    1.      If to the Company, to:
                                            3D Systems Corporation
                                            26081 Avenue Hall
                                            Valencia, CA  91355
                                            Attention: General Counsel

                                    2.      If to Employee, to the address set
                                            forth in the records of the Company,

or at such other address or addresses as may have been  furnished by such either
party in writing to the other party hereto. Any such notice,  request, demand or
other communication shall be effective (i) if given by mail, 72 hours after such
communication  is deposited in the mail by first-class  certified  mail,  return
receipt requested,  postage prepaid, addressed as aforesaid; or (ii) if given by
any other means,  when delivered at the address  specified in this  subparagraph

                  (c)  Transfer  of Rights  under  this  Option  Agreement.  The
Company  may at any time  transfer  and  assign  its  rights  and  delegate  its
obligations under this Option Agreement to any other person,  corporation,  firm
or entity, including its officers,  directors and stockholders,  with or without

                  (d) Option Non-Transferable.  Employee may not sell, transfer,
assign or otherwise  dispose of the Option except by will or the laws of descent
and  distribution,  and Options may be exercised during the lifetime of Employee
only by Employee or by his or her guardian or legal representative.

                  (e) Market Stand-Off.  In the event of an underwritten  public
offering  by the  Company  of its equity  securities  pursuant  to an  effective
registration  statement  filed  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,
Employee  shall not sell,  make any short sale of,  loan,  hypothecate,  pledge,
grant any option for the  repurchase  of, or  otherwise  dispose or transfer

for value,  or otherwise  agree to engage in any of the  foregoing  transactions
with respect to any shares of Common Stock without the prior written  consent of
the  Company  or its  underwriters,  for such  period of time from and after the
effective date of such registration statement as may be requested by the Company
or such underwriters (the "Market  Stand-Off");  provided,  however,  that in no
event shall such period exceed 180 days.

                  (f) Successors and Assigns.  Except to the extent specifically
limited  by the terms and  provisions  of this  Option  Agreement,  this  Option
Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto
and their respective successors, assigns, heirs and personal representatives.

                  (g) Governing Law. THIS OPTION  AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY

                  (h) The Plan.  This Option  Agreement is made  pursuant to the
Plan,  and it is  intended,  and shall be  interpreted  in a  manner,  to comply
therewith.  Any provision of this Option  Agreement  inconsistent  with the Plan
shall be superseded and governed by the Plan.

                  (h)  Miscellaneous.  Titles  and  captions  contained  in this
Option  Agreement  are inserted  for  convenience  of reference  only and do not
constitute a part of this Option Agreement for any other purpose.

                  The Signature  Page to this Option  Agreement  consists of the
last page of the Certificate.

                                   Exhibit "A"

                               NOTICE OF EXERCISE

                 (To be signed only upon exercise of the Option)

TO:      3D Systems Corporation

         The  undersigned,  the holder of the enclosed  Stock  Option  Agreement
(Non-Statutory Stock Option), hereby irrevocably elects to exercise the purchase
rights  represented by the Option and to purchase  thereunder  ______* shares of
Common Stock of 3D Systems  Corporation (the "Company"),  and herewith  encloses
payment of $__________  and/or _________ shares of the Company's Common Stock in
full payment of the purchase price of such shares being purchased.


                                         (Signature  must  conform in all
                                         respects to name of holder as specified
                                         on the face of the Option)

                                         (Please Print Name)


         * Insert here the number of shares called for on the face of the Option
(or, in the case of a partial  exercise,  the number of shares being exercised),
in either case without making any adjustment for additional  Common Stock of the
Company,  other  securities  or  property  which,  pursuant  to  the  adjustment
provisions of the Option, may be deliverable upon exercise.