<ARTICLE> 5 <CIK> 0001022079 <NAME> QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INCORPORATED <MULTIPLIER> 1000 <CURRENCY> US <PERIOD-TYPE> 3-MOS 3-MOS <FISCAL-YEAR-END> DEC-31-2000 DEC-31-1999 <PERIOD-START> JAN-01-2000 JAN-01-1999 <PERIOD-END> MAR-31-2000 MAR-31-1999 <EXCHANGE-RATE> 1 1 <CASH> 28,487 154,197 <SECURITIES> 0 0 <RECEIVABLES> 627,851 300,194 <ALLOWANCES> 143,626 70,408 <INVENTORY> 49,905 33,042 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 830,424 530,639 <PP&E> 809,015 596,379 <DEPRECIATION> 385,732 349,141 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 2,838,635 1,318,199 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 622,533 309,205 <BONDS> 1,157,899 360,187 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 1,000 1,000 <PREFERRED> 0 0 <COMMON> 451 303 <OTHER-SE> 895,579 575,984 <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 2,838,635 1,318,199 <SALES> 0 0 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 857,479 381,841 <CGS> 529,037 237,408<F1> <TOTAL-COSTS> 778,872 354,008 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 1,708 1,302 <LOSS-PROVISION> 62,646 20,337 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> 29,763 7,359 <INCOME-PRETAX> 35,196 14,078 <INCOME-TAX> 17,387 6,645 <INCOME-CONTINUING> 17,809 7,433 <DISCONTINUED> 0 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 0 <CHANGES> 0 0 <NET-INCOME> 17,809 7,433 <EPS-BASIC> 0.40 0.25 <EPS-DILUTED> 0.39 0.24 <FN> <F1>During the fourth quarter 1999, the Company reclassified certain expense items, primarily related to a portion of occupancy costs and professional liability insurance expense items, from selling, general and administrative expenses to cost of services, to better reflect the cost of performing testing. All prior year financial information has been reclassified for comparative purposes to conform with the 1999 presentation. </FN>