COHN & WOLFE

November 19, 1999

Mr. Tom McMurrain
CEO & Founder
3340 Peachtree Road
Suite 1800
Atlanta, GA 30326

Dear Mr. McMurrain:

This letter constitutes the agreement between GlobaleTutor.com ("Client"), and
Cohn & Wolfe ("C&W"), regarding communications services provided to Client by

1.       SERVICES

         a. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. As requested by Client, C&W will provide
         professional services, including but not limited to:

         - counseling;
         - developing public relations plans;
         - preparing news releases, feature articles, public
         - announcements and background information for
         - distribution to communications media;
         - representing the Client before legislative and regulatory
         - organizations and other publics;
         - writing and producing films, videotapes, flip charts, direct
         - mail materials, and;
         - staging and conducting meetings and other events.

         b. SPECIAL SERVICES. In addition to the professional services specified
         in Section 1(a) above, C&W may provide additional services for projects
         and products as requested by Client. Before special services are
         undertaken, Client and C&W will agree on how C&W will be compensated.


         Client agrees to pay C&W for all costs incurred by C&W in providing
         services requested by Client, as set forth in this section and
         according to the billing procedures in Section 3.

         a.   MONTHLY BILLING CYCLE.  C&W will base its invoices on a monthly
              billing cycle.

         b.   TIME CHARGES. Services rendered by C&W employees for Client will
              be applied at C&W's standard hourly rates in effect at the time in
              which services are rendered.

         c.   OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES. Client will reimburse C&W without markup
              for out-of-pocket expenses, including travel-related expenses and
              the entertainment of editorial and other parties whom Client has
              requested C&W to entertain.

              If C&W uses services of an outside supplier in providing
              production-related services to Client, Client will pay C&W the
              cost of such services plus a 17.65 percent markup.
              Production-related services are items such as mechanical and art
              costs for printing, including typography and comprehensive
              layouts, and audio visual production costs, including talent,
              props, scenery, sound and lighting, rights, license fees and
              producers' fees.

         d.   INTERNAL EXPENSES. Client agrees to pay C&W for internal expenses
              incurred in servicing Client's account. Such expenses include, but
              are not limited to, photocopies, long distance telephone, bulk
              mailings, supplies, and faxes.

         e.   SUPPORT SERVICE EXPENSES. Support services rendered by C&W
              employees for Client will be billed at the hourly rates in effect
              during the Billing Month in which services are rendered. Such
              services include, but are not limited to, word processing and

         f.   ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE. Client will pay C&W three percent (3%) of
              time charges incurred during the previous Billing Month to cover
              certain administrative costs, such as local telephone and routine
              postage, that are necessarily incurred in providing services to


         a.   PAYMENT OF MONTHLY CHARGES. For the services rendered under
              Section 1(a) of this Agreement, on or about the beginning of each
              month, C&W will send Client an invoice for the agreed upon monthly

         b.   MONTHLY RECONCILIATION. At or about the end of each month, C&W
              will send Client a statement reconciling actual costs incurred
              during the month with the charges paid by Client. If the payments
              of monthly charges exceed actual costs, the statement will show a
              credit due Client which Client may apply to reduce the next
              monthly invoice.

              If actual costs exceed the payments of monthly charges made by
              Client, the statement will invoice Client for the amount due C&W
              and Client will pay such amount on or before the due date
              specified on the invoice.

         c.   PAYMENT DUE DATE. Client will pay C&W the amount of each invoice
              on or before the due date specified on each invoice, unless
              advance and/or significant payments to third parties are required.
              In the case of advance and/or significant payments to third
              parties, Client will pay C&W immediately upon presentation to
              Client of any third party invoice.

         d.   LATE CHARGES. If Client fails to make any payment due under this
              Agreement within thirty (30) days after it is due, Client will pay
              interest on the amount due at the prime rate of interest charged
              by The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as of the day the payment is


         All slogans and publicity materials submitted to Client by C&W while
         this Agreement is in effect are as between C&W and Client, the Client's
         property exclusively (subject to certain third party limited rights,
         such as licenses), provided that the Client pays for the materials and,
         before this Agreement is terminated, the Client either uses the
         materials at least once or indicates in writing to C&W its intention to
         use them. Otherwise, these materials are as between C&W and Client,
         C&W's property exclusively.


         a.   CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITY. Client is responsible for the accuracy,
              completeness and propriety of information that it provides to C&W
              concerning Client's products, services, organization and industry.
              Client is responsible for reviewing all publicity or other
              materials prepared by C&W under this Agreement to confirm that all
              representations, direct or implied, are supportable by objective
              data then possessed by Client, and to confirm the accuracy and
              legality of the descriptions and depictions of the products and
              services of Client and its competitors.

              Client will indemnify and hold C&W harmless from and against all
              losses, damages, liabilities, claims, demands, lawsuits and
              expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, that C&W may incur
              or be liable for arising out of or in connection with any of the

              - any publicity or other materials prepared or placed by C&W for
                Client, or other service performed by C&W for Client;

              - any alleged or actual defects in Client's products or services
                (including, without limitation, any claim for bodily injury or
                death); or

              - allegations that Client's activities violate or infringe upon
                the copyright, trademark, patent or other rights of any third
                party, or that Client's activities induce, promote or encourage
                the violation of or infringement upon the rights of any third

              Client's obligations under this section 5 include payment for all
              time charges and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees)
              incurred by C&W in connection with any subpoena, discovery demand
              or other directive having the force of law or governmental inquiry
              the response to which Client does not object, served upon C&W or
              any of its affiliates that relate to Client, its business or its
              industry that arises out of any litigation, proceedings or
              investigations involving Client.

              The terms and conditions of this section shall survive the
              termination of this Agreement.

         b.   COHN & WOLFE'S RESPONSIBILITIES.   It will be the responsibility
              of C&W to make certain that the necessary contracts or releases
              have been obtained with or from those whose name and likenesses,
              testimonials, scripts, musical compositions, or similar materials
              or rights are used in the materials prepared under this Agreement,
              and C&W agrees to indemnify the Client against any liabilities and
              expense the Client may incur as a result of C&W's failure to
              obtain the above-mentioned contracts or releases. It is expressly
              understood that the foregoing indemnification by C&W shall not
              apply in situations where the Client directly arranges or signs
              such contracts or release or agreements with third parties nor
              shall it apply where the

              claim arises from matters as to which C&W has advised Client of
              the risks involved and Client has agreed to accept those risks in
              which cases Client shall indemnify C&W.

         c.   USE OF INFORMATION BY THIRD PARTIES. C&W has no control over
              information once it has been issued to the media or another third
              party. C&W cannot assure the use of any material by any medium
              print or electronic, nor the accuracy of what any third party


         C&W, on behalf of itself and its employees, hereby covenants and agrees
         that it:

         a.   shall exercise reasonable care and caution to keep confidential
              any and all proprietary information concerning Client's business
              and operation which becomes known to C&W by reason of the
              performance of its services on Client's behalf, and which
              information is clearly marked "confidential" or specifically
              identified in writing as confidential. Proprietary information
              includes, but is not limited to, corporate plans and strategies,
              new product samples, specifications, formulations, and pricing

         b.   shall not disclose any marked or identified information to any
              person outside of the employ of C&W, unless to do so is required
              in connection with the performance of its services, and in such
              event C&W hereby agrees to advise said third parties of the
              confidential nature of said material; and

         c.   shall return to Client all such information then in its possession
              at the termination of C&W's services, except that C&W shall be
              entitled to keep evidence of its work product.

         It is further agreed that none of the above shall apply to the

         a.   information that is in the public domain at the time of disclosure
              to C&W or that enters the public domain through no fault of C&W,
              or its employees;

         b.   information that is in the possession of C&W or its employees at
              the time of disclosure to C&W;

         c.   information that C&W, or its employees, receive from a third party
              under no obligation of confidentiality to Client; and

         d.   information required to be released by C&W in compliance with any
              court order or other directive having the force of law.


         a.   DURATION. This Agreement begins as of December 1, 1999, and
              continues until terminated by either Client or C&W. To terminate,
              written notice must be given at least 60 days before the effective
              date of termination. Client will pay for all charges incurred
              under this Agreement up to the effective date of termination. On
              that date, C&W will give or otherwise transfer to Client all
              property in C&W's possession that belongs to Client, as provided
              by Section 4, and all contracts for materials and services entered
              into by C&W for Client.

         b.   AGENT/CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. In purchasing materials or services on
              Client's behalf, C&W acts as Client's agent, and may state this
              relationship in contracts and orders.

         c.   JURISDICTION.   This Agreement is governed by the laws of the
              State of New York and will be construed accordingly.

         d.   HEADINGS. Headings in this Agreement are for reference only. In
              case of a conflict between a heading and the content of a section,
              the content controls the meaning.

         e.   ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This letter constitutes the entire agreement
              with respect to the matters it contains. It can be modified or
              amended only by a written document, which is enforceable only if
              signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.

C&W and Client indicate their acceptance of this Agreement by having their
respective duly authorized representatives sign in the spaces provided below.

Sincerely yours,


By:   /s/ Kim Hardy                                  Date: 11-19-99
      Vice President, Business Manager


By: /s/ Thomas McMurrain                             Date: 11-29-99