Arbinet Holdings, Inc.
                              33 Whitehall Street
                                  19th Floor
                               New York, NY 10004

Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, D.C. 20549

        Re:     Arbinet Holdings, Inc.
                Registration Statement on Form S-1 - Application for Withdrawal
                (Registration No. 333-32094)

Gentlemen and Ladies:

                In accordance with Rule 477 promulgated under the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, Arbinet Holdings, Inc.(the "Company") hereby
requests that the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration
No. 333-32094) (the "Registration Statement"), and all exhibits thereto, be
withdrawn effective immediately. The Company is withdrawing the Registration
Statement, which has not been declared effective, because the proposed public
offering under the Registration Statement was abandoned due to market
conditions. No securities were sold or will be sold under the Registration

                The Company further requests that, pursuant to Rule 477(c),
an order with the date of the granting of the withdrawal be included in the
file for the above-captioned Registration Statement in the following manner:
"Withdrawn upon the request of the registrant, the Commission consenting

                If you have any questions with respect to this letter, please
call me at (917) 320-2072.


                                       ARBINET HOLDINGS, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Neil A. Torpey
                                          Neil A. Torpey
                                          Executive Vice President and
                                          General Counsel

cc:    Lawrence Goldberg
       Stephen H. Cooper
       William F. Schwitter, Jr.