This Agreement is made effective as of January 17, 2000 (the "Effective
         Date") by and between Adaptec, Inc., a Delaware corporation with its
         offices at 691 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, California 95035,
         Adaptec CI, Ltd. a Cayman Islands corporation with its place of
         business at P.O. Box 265GT, Walker House, Georgetown, Grand Cayman,
         Cayman Islands ("Adaptec" shall mean Adaptec Inc. and Adaptec CI, Ltd.
         collectively), and Agilent Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation
         with its offices at 370 W. Trimble Road, San Jose, California 95131


     WHEREAS, Agilent has developed and currently maintains certain Fibre
         Channel hardware and software technologies.

     WHEREAS, Agilent and Adaptec desire to cooperate in the further development
         of the certain Fibre Channel hardware and software technologies.

     WHEREAS, Adaptec, Inc. and Adaptec CI, Ltd. wish to acquire certain US
         and non-US rights, respectively, to the certain Fibre Channel
         hardware and software technologies and any developments to the
         certain Fibre Channel hardware and software technologies made by
         Adaptec and Agilent.

     NOW, THEREFORE, Adaptec and Agilent agree as follows:


          "Adaptec Field of Use" means (i) any product based on an IA-32 or
              IA-64 compatible computer processor as operated exclusively with
              widely commercially available, widely platform compatible
              operating systems such as NT, Windows 2000, UnixWare, NetWare,
              Solaris x86, Linux, Win95, Win98, and standard extensions of these
              operating systems, (ii) any product based on a follow-on computer
              processor that uses an operating system designated in subdivision
              (i) above and which is IA-32 or IA-64 compatible, (iii) any
              MacIntosh operating system compatible product, and (iv) Boards
              that support only widely commercially available, widely platform
              compatible operating systems such as NT, Windows 2000, UnixWare,
              NetWare, Solaris x86, Linux, Win95, Win98, and standard extensions
              of these operating systems, sold to Distributors.

         "Agilent Field of Use" means (i) any product based on a computer
              processor with a Sparc, MIPS, Power PC or PA-RISC architecture, or
              other architecture that is not IA-32 or IA-64 compatible; (ii) any
              product sold by a third party peripheral device or Fibre Channel
              Infrastructure device manufacturer; (iii) any computer processor
              that uses in any way an operating system not specified in the
              definition for "Adaptec Field of Use", (iv) Boards that support
              only operating systems other than the widely commercially
              available, widely platform compatible operating systems such as
              NT, Windows 2000, UnixWare, NetWare, Solaris x86, Linux, Win95,
              Win98, sold to Distributors, and (v) any other product not in
              conflict with the Adaptec Field of Use.

         "Boards" means all versions developed prior to and during the term of
              this Agreement of those add-in host cards, including but not
              limited to those recited in Exhibit D, that (i) connect a
              Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) or its extensions to a
              Fibre Channel Infrastructure and (ii) are not RAID capable (an
              add-in host card is considered RAID capable if (a) it has a
              hardware XOR function on the card or (b) the RAID code is run on a
              microprocessor on the add-in host card excepting RAID 0).

         "Board Designs" means the schematic designs and/or tapeouts for any
              and all Boards.

         "Board and Chip Supply Agreement" means the Board and Chip Supply
              Agreement substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A hereto.


         "Chips" means those semiconductor products listed in Exhibit B and any
              additional standard product PCI Fibre Channel Protocol ICs
              released by Agilent during the term of this Agreement.

         "Distributor" means any non-OEM individual or entity that purchases any
              product in order to resell without substantial modification to
              another individual or entity.

         "Fibre Channel Driver Software" means all versions, including but not
              limited to all source code versions and those recited in Exhibit
              C, developed prior to and during the term of this Agreement of (i)
              the Fibre Channel Layer Code, (ii) the Fibre Channel O/S Layer
              Driver Code, including firmware, and Chip-compatible BIOS code and
              (iii) any and all associated documentation. This definition
              excludes software developed for the Tachyon HHBA-5000 HBA, which
              was derived from software licensed from a third party.

         "Fibre Channel Infrastructure" means the components used to create a
              Storage Area Network, including switches, routers, and hubs, but
              excluding fibre channel boards, chips, and any and all components
              related to a main server.

         "Fibre Channel Layer Code" means the code that resides below the
              application program interface ("API") as described in the driver
              architecture specification listed in Exhibit C.

         "Fibre Channel Management Software" means all versions developed during
              the term of this Agreement of (i) any code that resides above the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software (e.g., management and control
              software, zoning software), and (ii) any and all associated

         "Fibre Channel O/S Layer Driver Code" means the code that resides
              above the API as described in the driver architecture
              specification listed in Exhibit C.

         "Parties" means Adaptec and Agilent collectively.

         "Party" means either Adaptec or Agilent as indicated by the context.

         "Start-Up Period" means the period of time commencing on the Effective
              Date and continuing until Agilent completes the delivery of all
              deliverables ordered within nine (9) months of the Effective Date
              by Adaptec pursuant to Section 4.


         2.1. MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF CHIPS. Pursuant to the Board and Chip
              Supply Agreement, Agilent will manufacture and supply Chips to
              Adaptec at Agilent's then most favorable OEM pricing, excluding
              strategic alliance partnership pricing as defined in Exhibit H,
              for the purposes of (i) incorporating such Chips into Boards for
              use in the Adaptec Field of Use, (ii) using such Chips in
              activities related to such incorporation (including, but not
              limited to, testing and certifying such Chips), and (iii)
              marketing, distributing, selling, sublicensing, and supporting
              customers in the use of the Chips as incorporated in such Boards.
              Agilent is precluded from enabling new open market PCI Fibre
              Channel Host Adapter vendors. Agilent customers who currently
              offer open market PCI Fibre Channel Host Adapters consist of, and
              for purposes of this Agreement are limited to, Interphase, JNI,
              Prisa, Systran, and Compaq.

         2.2. MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF BOARDS. Pursuant to the Board and Chip
              Supply Agreement, Agilent will manufacture and supply those Boards
              listed in Exhibit D to Adaptec for use in the Adaptec Field of Use
              at Agilent's then most favorable OEM pricing for the purposes of
              (i) incorporating the Boards into products for use in the Adaptec
              Field of Use, (ii) marketing, distributing, selling, sublicensing,
              and supporting customers in the use of such Boards and products,
              and (iii) using such Boards in related activities (including, but
              not limited to, testing and certifying such Boards).

         2.3. SALE OF STAND-ALONE CHIPS. Agilent appoints Adaptec to be
              Agilent's Chip sales representative for the sale of Chips to
              certain third parties. The certain third parties shall initially
              comprise those companies, excluding Intel, that develop and/or
              distribute technologies within the Adaptec Field of Use. A


              manufacturer's representation agreement (the "Manufacturer's
              Representation Agreement") detailing this relationship will be
              drafted and executed by the Parties. Additional third parties for
              which Adaptec will act as Agilent's Chip sales representative will
              be added to the Manufacturer's Representation Agreement by mutual
              consent of the Parties at regularly scheduled conferences, which
              will occur at least every six months.


              For certain technologies used in the Chips, Agilent currently owns
              patents or is seeking patent protection. Agilent grants to Adaptec
              a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free license to all such
              technologies and any and all related patents for any and all
              purposes contemplated by this Agreement. Agilent contemplates that
              such technologies may, in the future, be implemented in firmware,
              including the firmware portion of the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software, and that Chips provided to Adaptec hereunder may embody
              such firmware implementations. Agilent agrees that the license
              grants made by Agilent to Adaptec in this Agreement, including but
              not limited to those to the Chips and the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software, shall cover such firmware implementations, and that such
              license grants shall cover any Chips sold to Adaptec and any
              products that incorporate the Chips during and after the term of
              this Agreement, for the full lifetime of any such patents.
              However, Agilent retains full and complete ownership of all such
              patents, and makes no transfer of any ownership, part or full, of
              any such patents to Adaptec.


              A panel comprised of one (1) engineering representative and one
              (1) marketing representative from each Party (the "Fibre Channel
              Development Committee") will meet every six (6) months to develop
              and audit a rolling twelve (12) month development schedule for all
              Fibre Channel technologies contemplated by this Agreement (the
              "Fibre Channel Development Schedule"). The Initial Fibre Channel
              Development Schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit E. The Fibre
              Channel Development Committee will determine which modifications
              to the existing technology are mandatory, and to which Party and
              by what schedule such mandatory modifications are to be developed.

     4. INITIAL DELIVERABLES. Agilent will use commercially reasonable efforts
         to provide the deliverables and services as scheduled in the
         Deliverables Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit F.


         5.1. DELIVERY BY AGILENT. Within 30 days after the Effective Date,
              Agilent shall deliver to Adaptec copies of the then most current
              version(s) of the Fibre Channel Driver Software. The Fibre Channel
              Driver Software must conform to the Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit C. Agilent shall deliver
              the Fibre Channel Driver Software in a form and format mutually
              agreed upon by the Parties.


             Agilent hereby grants to Adaptec:

             (i) a license, exclusive except with respect to Agilent, to (x)
                 use, copy, test, modify, and certify the Fibre Channel O/S
                 Layer Driver Code, (y) market, distribute, sell, price, and
                 sublicense the right to use the Fibre Channel O/S Layer Driver
                 Code as used with Chips, and (z) support customers in the use
                 of the Fibre Channel O/S Layer Driver Code as used with Chips,
                 to the extent necessary for any and all purposes contemplated
                 by this Agreement; and,

             (ii)a license, exclusive except with respect to Agilent and those
                 Agilent customers who require the Fibre Channel Layer Code for
                 use in embedded designs, to (x) use, copy, test, modify,
                 certify the Fibre Channel Layer Code, (y) market, distribute,
                 sell, price, sublicense the right to use the Fibre Channel
                 Layer Code as used with Chips, and (z) support customers in the
                 use of the Fibre Channel Layer Code as used with Chips to the
                 extent necessary for any and all purposes contemplated by this


         5.3. ENFORCEMENT OF RIGHTS. Adaptec, as licensee of the Fibre Channel
              Driver Software, shall have power and right, in the event that
              Agilent, (i) having actual notice of an infringement,
              misappropriation, or any other violation of any and all
              intellectual property rights, excluding Agilent's trademark
              rights, associated with the Fibre Channel Driver Software
              (collectively, "Fibre Channel Driver Software Infringement"),
              gives formal notice to Adaptec of its decision not to take any
              action in response to such Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Infringement, or (ii) fails to give such formal notice to Adaptec
              within 10 business days of receiving actual notice of such
              violation, (x) to institute and prosecute at its own expense suits
              for such Fibre Channel Driver Software Infringement, (y) to enjoin
              such Fibre Channel Driver Software Infringement and to collect
              damages, profits, and awards of whatever nature recoverable for
              such Fibre Channel Driver Software Infringement, and (z) to settle
              any claim or suit for such Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Infringement by granting to the alleged Infringer a sublicense to
              the Fibre Channel Driver Software. Agilent will assist Adaptec and
              provide reasonably necessary cooperation to Adaptec in such suits
              and settlements, including but not limited to assigning Adaptec
              power of attorney and any other rights necessary for the
              prosecution of such suits and/or joining as party plaintiff in
              such suits if required by law for the prosecution of such suits.
              Adaptec explicitly retains all rights and powers associated with
              its trademarks, regardless of whether any or all of such
              trademarks are associated with the Fibre Channel Driver Software.

         5.4. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software that are not expressly granted to Adaptec in this
              Agreement are reserved by Agilent.


         6.1. MODIFICATIONS BY AGILENT. Agilent shall use reasonable efforts to
              develop the Agilent mandatory modifications to the Fibre Channel
              Driver Software as identified in the Initial Fibre Channel
              Development Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E and as
              determined by the Fibre Channel Development Committee, and may
              from time to time during the term of this Agreement make
              additional modifications to the Fibre Channel Driver Software
              (collectively, the "Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Modifications"). Any and all Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Modifications shall be presented on a timely basis by Agilent to
              the Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel, as defined below, in a
              form and format specified by the Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Panel for its consideration.

         6.2. MODIFICATIONS BY ADAPTEC. Adaptec shall use its reasonable efforts
              to develop the Adaptec mandatory modifications to the Fibre
              Channel Driver Software as identified in the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software Modification Schedules as determined by the Fibre Channel
              Development Committee, and may from time to time during the term
              of this Agreement make additional modifications to the Fibre
              Channel Driver Software (collectively, the "Adaptec Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modifications"). Any and all Adaptec Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modifications shall be presented on a timely basis
              by Adaptec to the Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel, as defined
              below, in a form and format specified by the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software Panel for its consideration.

         6.3. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF MODIFICATIONS. A panel of two (2)
              engineering representatives from each Party (the "Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Panel") will meet on a regular basis to present
              and discuss Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications
              and Adaptec Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications and to
              recommend which, if any, of such modifications should be
              incorporated into the Fibre Channel Driver Software. The Fibre
              Channel Driver Software Panel shall give priority to and consider
              in a timely manner all modifications submitted to it by the
              Parties in accordance with a Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Modification Schedule. In the event that the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software Panel recommends that a given Agilent Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modification or a given Adaptec Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modification be incorporated into the Fibre
              Channel Driver Software, the Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel
              may, in its sole discretion, either (i) formally accept such a
              modification for incorporation into the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software or (ii) stipulate the test(s), if any, that should be
              performed on such modification prior to a determination of whether
              the modification should be formally accepted for incorporation
              into the Fibre Channel Driver Software. In the event that the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel formally accepts the
              modification, the appropriate Party shall deliver the modification
              to Agilent in accordance with the schedule, if any, drafted by the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel with respect to such delivery.
              Agilent shall then use its reasonable efforts to incorporate the
              modification into the Fibre


              Channel Driver Software. In the event that the Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Panel stipulates that certain test(s) are to be
              performed on the modification, the appropriate Party shall
              deliver the modification to Agilent in accordance with the
              schedule, if any, drafted by the Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Panel with respect to such delivery. Upon receiving the
              modification, Agilent shall perform such test(s) in a timely
              manner and provide any and all results of such test(s) to the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software Panel for review and
              consideration. In addition to the above activities, the Fibre
              Channel Driver Software Panel may engage in activities
              reasonably related to the Fibre Channel Driver Software and the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications, including but not
              limited to developing a common reporting and documentation
              process, ensuring the Fibre Channel Driver Software is
              synchronized on a regular basis (e.g., every six months),
              conducting regular joint meetings to review bugs and
              enhancements, and working closely to train each other on the
              Parties' respective development efforts.

         6.4. RETENTION AND RELEASE OF MODIFICATIONS. Agilent shall maintain the
              master copy of the Fibre Channel Driver Software and deliver
              updated copies of the Fibre Channel Driver Software to Adaptec in
              accordance with a schedule agreed upon by the Fibre Channel Driver
              Software Panel and/or upon reasonable requests by Adaptec for
              copies of the Fibre Channel Driver Software.


                  Agilent grants to Adaptec (i) an exclusive license for the
                  term of this Agreement to use, copy, test, modify, certify,
                  market, distribute, sell, price, sublicense, and support
                  customers in the use of the Agilent Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications as incorporated in the Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software for use in the Adaptec Field of Use, and (ii)
                  a license, exclusive except with respect to Agilent, to use,
                  copy, test, modify, and certify the Agilent Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software Modifications for the purpose of making
                  Adaptec Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications.

                  Adaptec grants to Agilent (i) an exclusive license for the
                  term of this Agreement to use, copy, test, modify, certify,
                  market, distribute, sell, price, sublicense, and support
                  customers in the use of the Adaptec Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications as incorporated in the Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software for use in the Agilent Field of Use, and (ii)
                  a license, exclusive except with respect to Adaptec, to use,
                  copy, test, modify, and certify the Adaptec Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software Modifications for the purpose of making
                  Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications.

                  MODIFICATIONS. In no event may either Party disclose or
                  distribute in source code format the Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications of the other Party without receiving
                  the prior written consent of the other Party. Notwithstanding
                  the foregoing, Agilent may, without receiving Adaptec's prior
                  consent, disclose and/or distribute the Fibre Channel Layer
                  Code in source code format to those Agilent customers who
                  require the Fibre Channel Layer Code for use in embedded

              6.5.4. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to a Party's Fibre
                  Channel Driver Software Modifications that are not expressly
                  granted to a Party in this Agreement are reserved by the other



         7.1.1. DEVELOPMENT BY ADAPTEC. Adaptec shall use reasonable efforts to
              develop the Fibre Channel Management Software in accordance with
              any and all Fibre Channel Management Software Specifications
              provided to Adaptec by the Fibre Channel Development Committee.

              completion of the Fibre Channel Management Software, Adaptec will
              offer Agilent delivery of and license to the Fibre Channel
              Management Software at commercially reasonable royalty rates.


         7.1.3. DELIVERY BY ADAPTEC. Upon the completion of the negotiations of
              the royalties to be paid by Agilent for the Fibre Channel
              Management Software, Adaptec shall deliver to Agilent a copy of
              the Fibre Channel Management Software. Adaptec shall deliver the
              Fibre Channel Management Software in a form and format mutually
              agreed upon by the Parties.


             Upon the completion of the negotiations of the royalties to be paid
                 by Agilent for the Fibre Channel Management Software, Adaptec
                 shall grant to Agilent an exclusive license for the term of the
                 Agreement to (i) incorporate the Fibre Channel Management
                 Software into products for use in the Agilent Field of Use,
                 (ii) use, copy, test, modify, market, distribute, sell, price,
                 and sublicense the right to use the Fibre Channel Management
                 Software as used in such products, and (iii) support customers
                 in the use of the Fibre Channel Management Software as used in
                 such products.

         7.1.5. ENFORCEMENT OF RIGHTS. Upon Agilent's being granted the license
              contained in Section 7.1.4 to the Fibre Channel Management
              Software, Agilent, as licensee of the Fibre Channel Management
              Software, shall have power and right, in the event that Adaptec,
              (i) having actual notice of an infringement, misappropriation, or
              any other violation of any and all intellectual property rights,
              excluding Adaptec's trademark rights, associated with the Fibre
              Channel Management Software (collectively, "Fibre Channel
              Management Software Infringement"), gives formal notice to Agilent
              of its decision not to take any action in response to such Fibre
              Channel Management Software Infringement, or (ii) fails to give
              such formal notice to Agilent within 10 business days of receiving
              actual notice of such violation, (x) to institute and prosecute at
              its own expense suits for such Fibre Channel Management Software
              Infringement, (y) to enjoin such Fibre Channel Management Software
              Infringement and to collect damages, profits, and awards of
              whatever nature recoverable for such Fibre Channel Management
              Software Infringement, and (z) to settle any claim or suit for
              such Fibre Channel Management Software Infringement by granting to
              the alleged infringer a sublicense to the Fibre Channel Management
              Software. Adaptec will assist Agilent and provide reasonably
              necessary cooperation to Agilent in such suits and settlements,
              including but not limited to assigning Agilent power of attorney
              and any other rights necessary for the prosecution of such suits
              and/or joining as party plaintiff in such suits if required by law
              for the prosecution of such suits. Agilent explicitly retains all
              rights and powers associated with its trademarks, regardless of
              whether any or all of such trademarks are associated with the
              Fibre Channel Management Software.

         7.1.6. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to the Fibre Channel
              Management Software that are not expressly granted to Agilent in
              this Agreement are reserved by Adaptec.

              being granted the license contained in Section 7.1.4 to the Fibre
              Channel Management Software, Sections 7.2.1. through 7.2.6 shall
              become effective.:

         7.2.1. MODIFICATIONS BY ADAPTEC. Adaptec shall use reasonable efforts
              to develop the Adaptec mandatory modifications to the Fibre
              Channel Management Software as determined by the Fibre Channel
              Development Committee, and may from time to time during the term
              of this Agreement make additional modifications to the Fibre
              Channel Management Software (collectively, the "Adaptec Fibre
              Channel Management Software Modifications"). Any and all Adaptec
              Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications shall be presented
              on a timely basis by Adaptec to the Fibre Channel Management
              Software Panel, as defined below, in a form and format specified
              by the Fibre Channel Management Software Panel for its

         7.2.2. MODIFICATIONS BY AGILENT. Agilent shall use its reasonable
              efforts to develop the Agilent mandatory modifications to the
              Fibre Channel Management Software as determined by the Fibre
              Channel Development Committee, and may from time to time during
              the term of this Agreement make additional modifications to the
              Fibre Channel Management Software (collectively, the "Agilent
              Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications"). Any and all
              Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications shall be
              presented on a timely basis by Agilent to the Fibre Channel
              Management Software Panel, as defined below, in a form and format
              specified by the Fibre Channel Management Software Panel for its


         7.2.3. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF MODIFICATIONS. A panel of two (2)
              engineering representatives from each Party (the "Fibre Channel
              Management Software Panel") will meet on a regular basis to
              present and discuss Adaptec Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modifications and Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modifications and to recommend which, if any, of such
              modifications should be incorporated into the Fibre Channel
              Management Software. The Fibre Channel Management Software Panel
              shall give priority to and consider in a timely manner all
              modifications submitted to it by the Parties in accordance with a
              Fibre Channel Management Software Modification Schedule. In the
              event that the Fibre Channel Management Software Panel recommends
              that a given Adaptec Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modification or a given Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modification be incorporated into the Fibre Channel Management
              Software, the Fibre Channel Management Software Panel may, in its
              sole discretion, either (i) formally accept such a modification
              for incorporation into the Fibre Channel Management Software or
              (ii) stipulate the test(s), if any, that should be performed on
              such modification prior to a determination of whether the
              modification should be formally accepted for incorporation into
              the Fibre Channel Management Software. In the event that the Fibre
              Channel Management Software Panel formally accepts the
              modification, the appropriate Party shall deliver the modification
              to Adaptec in accordance with the schedule, if any, drafted by the
              Fibre Channel Management Software Panel with respect to such
              delivery. Adaptec shall then use its reasonable efforts to
              incorporate the modification into the Fibre Channel Management
              Software. In the event that the Fibre Channel Management Software
              Panel stipulates that certain test(s) are to be performed on the
              modification, the appropriate Party shall deliver the modification
              to Adaptec in accordance with the schedule, if any, drafted by the
              Fibre Channel Management Software Panel with respect to such
              delivery. Upon receiving the modification, Adaptec shall perform
              such test(s) in a timely manner and provide any and all results of
              such test(s) to the Fibre Channel Management Software Panel for
              review and consideration. In addition to the above activities, the
              Fibre Channel Management Software Panel may engage in activities
              reasonably related to the Fibre Channel Management Software and
              the Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications, including but
              not limited to developing a common reporting and documentation
              process, ensuring the Fibre Channel Management Software is
              synchronized on a regular basis (e.g., every six months),
              conducting regular joint meetings to review bugs and enhancements,
              and working closely to train each other on the Parties' respective
              development efforts.

         7.2.4. RETENTION AND RELEASE OF MODIFICATIONS. Adaptec shall maintain
              the master copy of the Fibre Channel Management Software and
              deliver updated copies of the Fibre Channel Management Software to
              Agilent in accordance with a schedule agreed upon by the Fibre
              Channel Management Software Panel and/or upon reasonable requests
              by Agilent for copies of the Fibre Channel Management Software.


                  Adaptec grants to Agilent (i) an exclusive license for the
                  term of this Agreement to incorporate the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications into products for
                  use in the Agilent Field of Use; market, distribute, sell,
                  price, and sublicense the right to use the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications as used in such
                  products; support customers in the use of the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications as used in such
                  products; and (ii) a license, exclusive except with respect to
                  Adaptec, to use, copy, test, modify, and certify the Adaptec
                  Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications for the
                  purpose of making Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software

                  Agilent grants to Adaptec (i) an exclusive license for the
                  term of this Agreement to incorporate the Agilent Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications into products for
                  use in the Adaptec Field of Use; market, distribute, sell,
                  price, and sublicense the right to use the Agilent Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications as used in such
                  products; support customers in the use of the Agilent Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications as used in such
                  products; and (ii) a license, exclusive except with respect to
                  Agilent, to use, copy, test, modify, and certify the Agilent
                  Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications for the
                  purpose of making Adaptec Fibre Channel Management Software


                  AND MODIFICATIONS. In no event may either Party disclose or
                  distribute in source code format the Fibre Channel Management
                  Software or Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications
                  without receiving the prior written consent of the other

         7.2.6. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to a Party's Fibre Channel
              Management Software Modifications that are not expressly granted
              to a Party in this Agreement are reserved by the other Party.


         8.1. DELIVERY BY AGILENT. Within 30 days after the Effective Date,
              Agilent shall provide to Adaptec the then most current versions of
              the Board Designs and associated documentation. The Board Designs
              must conform to the Board Designs Specifications attached hereto
              as Exhibit G. Agilent shall deliver the Board Designs in a form
              and format mutually agreed upon by the Parties.

         8.2. LICENSE GRANT TO BOARD DESIGNS. Agilent grants to Adaptec a
              license, exclusive except with respect to Agilent, for the term of
              this Agreement to use, copy, test, modify, and certify the Board
              Designs, to manufacture and have manufactured Boards from the
              Board Designs, and to market, distribute, sell, price, sublicense,
              and support customers in the use of such Boards; provided,
              however, that such license grant to market, distribute, sell,
              price such Boards applies only to the extent that such Boards use
              and/or contain Chips.

         8.3. ENFORCEMENT OF RIGHTS. Adaptec, as licensee of the Board Designs,
              shall have power and right, in the event that Agilent, (i) having
              actual notice of an infringement, misappropriation, or any other
              violation of any and all intellectual property rights, excluding
              Agilent's trademark rights, associated with the Board Designs
              (collectively, "Board Designs Infringement"), gives formal notice
              to Adaptec of its decision not to take any action in response to
              such Board Designs Infringement, or (ii) fails to give such formal
              notice to Adaptec within 10 business days of receiving actual
              notice of such violation, (x) to institute and prosecute at its
              own expense suits for such Board Designs Infringement, (y) to
              enjoin such Board Designs Infringement and to collect damages,
              profits, and awards of whatever nature recoverable for such Board
              Designs Infringement, and (z) to settle any claim or suit for such
              Board Designs Infringement by granting to the alleged Infringer a
              sublicense to the Board Designs. Agilent will assist Adaptec and
              provide reasonably necessary cooperation to Adaptec in such suits
              and settlements, including but not limited to assigning Adaptec
              power of attorney and any other rights necessary for the
              prosecution of such suits and/or joining as party plaintiff in
              such suits if required by law for the prosecution of such suits.
              Adaptec explicitly retains all rights and powers associated with
              its trademarks, regardless of whether any or all of such
              trademarks are associated with the Board Designs.

         8.4. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to the Board Designs that are
              not expressly granted to Adaptec in this Agreement are reserved by


         9.1. MODIFICATIONS BY AGILENT. From time to time during the term of
              this Agreement, Agilent may make modifications to the Board
              Designs (the "Board Designs Modifications").


              9.2.1. AGILENT'S BOARD DESIGNS MODIFICATIONS. Agilent grants to
                  Adaptec an exclusive license for the term of this Agreement to
                  use, copy, test, modify, certify, market, distribute, sell,
                  price, sublicense, and support customers in the use of the
                  Board Designs Modifications as incorporated in the Board
                  Designs for use in the Adaptec Field of Use.

              9.2.2. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Any rights to the Board Designs
                  Modifications that are not expressly granted to Adaptec in
                  this Agreement are reserved by Agilent.

     10. BRANDING.


         10.1.BOARDS AND SOFTWARE. Adaptec will co-brand any and all Boards and
              associated marketing materials manufactured or sold by Adaptec,
              including but not limited to kit sleeves, datasheets, print
              advertising, and Web sites, with a primary brand consisting of
              Adaptec's name(s) and a secondary brand consisting of Agilent
              name(s). Branding of software drivers and BIOS will be decided at
              a later time based on maximizing market benefits for the Parties
              and development efficiency criteria. Should co-branding of
              software drivers and/or BIOS be required, Adaptec and Agilent
              brands will be treated equally.

         10.2.TRADEMARK LICENSE GRANT. Each Party grants to the other Party a
              non-exclusive license for the term of this Agreement to use and
              display to the extent required by Section 10.5.1 of this Agreement
              the trademarks, service marks and logos of the granting Party (the
              Party's "Marks"). Any use of the granting Party's Marks by the
              other Party shall strictly conform to the granting Party's
              trademark usage guidelines, which will be supplied by the
              granting Party at a later date.

     11. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT. During the term of this Agreement,
         Agilent shall make available to Adaptec, free of charge, at Adaptec's
         request, a reasonable amount of ongoing technical assistance with
         respect to the Chips, the Fibre Channel Driver Software, the Agilent
         Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications, the Boards, the Board
         Designs, and the Agilent Board Designs Modifications consistent with
         the needs of Adaptec's business.


              OWNERSHIP. In consideration for the Parties' duties, obligations,
              grants of license and assignments of joint ownership hereunder,
              Adaptec shall deliver to Agilent on the Effective Date a warrant
              for 1,160,000 shares of Adaptec Common Stock (the "Stock") and
              adhere to the payment structure attached hereto as Exhibit H
              ("Payment Structure").

         12.2 VALUE OF EXCLUSIVE LICENSE GRANTS. The exclusive licenses granted
              by Agilent to Adaptec under Sections 6.5 and 9.2 of this Agreement
              are valued at $12,500,000 (U.S.) by Adaptec, while the exclusive
              licenses granted by Adaptec to Agilent under Section 6.5 of this
              Agreement are valued at $3,600,000 (U.S.) by Agilent.

         12.3 ADAPTEC ALLOCATIONS. The Parties agree that 40% of Adaptec's total
              consideration under this Section 12 shall be attributed to the US
              rights granted to Adaptec under this Agreement and will be paid by
              Adaptec, Inc., and that the remaining 60% of Adaptec's total
              consideration under this Section 12 shall be attributed to the
              non-US rights granted to Adaptec under this Agreement and will be
              paid by Adaptec CI. Should any withholding taxes apply to any of
              the payments under this agreement, Adaptec agrees to gross-up the
              payments such that the net amount received by Agilent will be the
              full amount due under this agreement. Upon request by Adaptec,
              Agilent will affirm that Agilent received no benefit in Agilent's
              Federal tax returns from the withholding taxes imposed. To the
              extent Agilent receives a benefit for withholding taxes imposed on
              these payments, no gross-up of the payments will be required from


         13.1.POWER AND AUTHORITY. Each Party warrants that it has sufficient
              right and authority to grant, enter into, and perform its
              obligations under this Agreement.

         13.2.LIMITED WARRANTY. Agilent warrants to Adaptec that as of the
              Effective Date the Fibre Channel Driver Software and the Board
              Designs conform to and operate in conformance with (i) the Fibre
              Channel Driver Software Specifications and the Board Designs
              Specifications, and (ii) all government and industry performance
              requirements applicable to the Fibre Channel Driver Software and
              the Board Designs. Adaptec warrants to Agilent that the
              development of the Fibre Channel Management Software will be
              performed in a manner consistent with industry standards.





         14.1.INDEMNIFICATION OF ADAPTEC. Agilent will, at its own expense,
              defend Adaptec and/or Adaptec's customers against and, subject to
              the limitations set forth herein, pay all costs and damages made
              in settlement or awarded against Adaptec and/or an Adaptec
              customer resulting from any claim based on an allegation that (i)
              the Fibre Channel Driver Software (except to the extent that the
              Fibre Channel Driver Software incorporates Adaptec Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modifications), (ii) an Agilent Fibre Channel
              Driver Software Modification, (iii) a Board Design, a portion
              therof, and/or a Board Designs Modification, or (iv) an Agilent
              Mark (collectively for the purpose of this section, the "Agilent
              Deliverables") infringes any patent, trademark , copyright, or
              other intellectual property right, or misappropriates a trade
              secret of a third party, provided that Adaptec (a) gives Agilent
              prompt written notice of any such claim, (b) grants sole control
              to Agilent of the defense and settlement of the claims, and (c)
              provides Agilent with the information and assistance necessary for
              the defense and settlement of the claim at Agilent's expense. If
              an injunction is obtained in an action based on any such claim
              against the use by Adaptec or an Adaptec customer of an Agilent
              Deliverable by reason of such infringement, or if in Agilent's
              opinion such an injunction is likely to be obtained, Agilent may,
              at its sole option, either (x) obtain for Adaptec or the Adaptec
              customer the right to continue using the Agilent Deliverable, (y)
              replace or modify the Agilent Deliverable so that it becomes
              noninfringing but functionally equivalent to the enjoined Agilent
              Deliverable, or (z) if neither (x) nor (y) can be reasonably
              effected by Agilent, credit to Adaptec the consideration paid for
              the Agilent Deliverable under this Agreement.

         14.2.INDEMNIFICATION OF AGILENT. Adaptec will, at its own expense,
              defend Agilent and/or Agilent's customer against and, subject to
              the limitations set forth herein, pay all costs and damages made
              in settlement or awarded against Agilent and/or an Agilent
              customer resulting from any claim based on an allegation that (i)
              the Fibre Channel Management Software, (ii) the Adaptec Fibre
              Channel Driver Software Modifications, or (iii) an Adaptec Mark
              (collectively for the purpose of this section, the "Adaptec
              Deliverables") infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, or
              other intellectual property right, or misappropriates a trade
              secret of a third party, provided that Agilent (a) gives Adaptec
              prompt written notice of any such claim, (b) grants sole control
              to Adaptec of the defense and settlement of the claims, and (c)
              provides Adaptec with the information and assistance necessary for
              the defense and settlement of the claim at Adaptec's expense. If
              an injunction is obtained in an action based on any such claim
              against the use by Agilent or an Agilent customer of an Adaptec
              Deliverable by reason of such infringement, or if in Adaptec's
              opinion such an injunction is likely to be obtained, Adaptec may,
              at its sole option, either (x) obtain for Agilent or the Agilent
              customer the right to continue using the Adaptec Deliverable, (y)
              replace or modify the Adaptec Deliverable so that it becomes
              noninfringing but functionally equivalent to the enjoined Adaptec
              Deliverable, or (z) if neither (x) nor (y) can be reasonably
              effected by Adaptec, credit to Agilent the consideration paid for
              the Adaptec Deliverable under this Agreement.


         In the event that either Party sells any Board of or into the other
         Party's Field of Use after the expiration of ninety (90) days after the
         Effective Date, the selling Party will pay the other Party a fee of 20%
         of the selling price of each such product sold. These fees are in
         addition to any fees or royalties paid by (i) Agilent, including but
         not limited to those for the Fibre Channel Management Software, and
         (ii) Adaptec as outlined in Exhibit H, and do not count toward the
         Minimum Royalty Payment to Agilent or the Royalty break level. Fees
         will be due within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter. Upon
         fifteen (15) days' prior written notice to the other Party, either
         Party may, at its own expense, appoint an independent auditor, to whom
         the other Party has no reasonable objection, to audit and examine such
         records at the other Party's offices during normal business hours, for
         the purpose of confirming sales of Boards of or into a Party's Field of
         Use and the appropriate payment of fees pursuant to this provision. A
         Party may exercise audit rights pursuant to this Agreement no more than
         two (2) times within any calendar year.

         AND 16,




         16.1.OBLIGATIONS. Adaptec and Agilent understand and agree that in the
              performance of this Agreement each Party may have access to
              nonpublic or confidential information of the other Party
              including, but not limited to, information about customers, trade
              secrets, marketing and business plans and technical information,
              which is designated as confidential by the disclosing Party in
              writing, whether by letter or by the use of a proprietary stamp or
              legend, prior to or at the time it is disclosed to the other Party
              ("Confidential Information"). Both Parties agree that the terms of
              this Agreement, including without limitation the financial terms
              of this Agreement such as the pricing, shall be deemed
              Confidential Information owned by the other Party hereto.

              In addition, information that is orally disclosed to the other
              Party shall constitute Confidential Information if within thirty
              (30) days after such disclosure the disclosing Party delivers to
              the receiving Party a written document describing such
              Confidential Information and referencing the place and date of
              such oral disclosure and the names of the employees of the Party
              to whom such disclosure was made. Each Party agrees that: (i) all
              Confidential Information shall remain the exclusive property of
              the owner; (ii) it shall maintain, and shall use reasonably
              prudent methods to cause its employees and agents to maintain, the
              confidentiality and secrecy of the Confidential Information,
              according to the same standard of care the receiving Party uses to
              safeguard its own confidential information but in any event it
              shall not use less than a reasonable degree of care (iii) it shall
              not, and shall use reasonably prudent methods to ensure that its
              employees and agents do not, copy, publish, disclose to others or
              use (other than pursuant to the terms hereof) the Confidential
              Information; and (iv) it shall return or destroy all copies of
              Confidential Information upon request of the other Party. Each
              Party, however, may disclose Confidential Information of the other
              Party pursuant to the order or requirement of a court,
              administrative agency, or other governmental body, provided that
              the receiving Party gives reasonable notice to the other Party to
              contest such order or requirement. Any such disclosure by the
              receiving Party of the Confidential Information of the disclosing
              Party, will, in no way, be deemed to change, affect or diminish
              the confidential and proprietary status of such Confidential

         16.2. EXCEPTIONS.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential
              Information shall not include any information to the extent it:

              (a) is or becomes a part of the public domain through no act or
              omission on the part of the receiving Party;

              (b) is disclosed to third parties by the disclosing Party without
              restriction on such third parties;

              (c) is in the receiving Party's possession, without actual or
              constructive knowledge of an obligation of confidentiality with
              respect thereto, at or prior to the time of disclosure under this

              (d) is disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party having no
              obligation of confidentiality with respect thereto;

              (e) is independently developed by the receiving Party without
              reference to the disclosing Party's Confidential Information; or

              (f) is released from confidential treatment by written consent of
              the disclosing Party.


     17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In the event of disagreement with respect to any
         aspect of this Agreement, the Parties agree to discuss in good-faith to
         reach an amicable resolution, and to escalate such resolution process
         to the appropriate members of their respective management organizations
         who have the power and authority to achieve a successful resolution.


         18.1.TERM. The term of this Agreement will commence on the Effective
              Date and will continue for four (4) years, unless it is terminated
              earlier in accordance with the provisions hereof.


              18.2.1. TERMINATION. Agilent or Adaptec, as the case may be, will
              have the right to terminate this Agreement if the nonterminating
              Party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement
              and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days after
              written notice.

              18.2.2. EFFECT OF TERMINATION.

              (a) TERMINATION BY AGILENT. If the Agreement is terminated by
              Agilent based on a breach of a material term or condition of this
              Agreement by Adaptec, Adaptec will have the option of either (1)
              providing all remaining consideration referenced in Section 12 and
              pursuant to the schedule of minimum royalty payments referenced in
              Exhibit H of this Agreement within sixty (60) days of the
              effective date of termination, in which case and at such time
              Adaptec and Agilent will be granted all rights under this
              Agreement as if the Agreement had expired, or (2) providing no
              further consideration, in which case Adaptec shall receive no
              further license or ownership rights to the Board Designs, the
              Board Designs Modifications, the Fibre Channel Driver Software,
              the Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications, or
              the Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications and
              Agilent shall receive, at Adaptec's sole option, either (i) the
              right to purchase, at a fee to be determined by an independent
              third party mutually agreed upon by the Parties, joint ownership
              rights to the Fibre Channel Management Software, the Adaptec Fibre
              Channel Management Software Modifications, and the Adaptec Fibre
              Channel Driver Software Modifications, or (ii) a worldwide,
              irrevocable and perpetual license, at a fee to be determined by an
              independent third party mutually agreed upon by the Parties, to
              sell, modify, and distribute the Fibre Channel Management
              Software, the Adaptec Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modifications, and the Adaptec Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Modifications, provided, however, that Agilent may exercise such
              rights under the applicable subsection (i) or (ii) only in
              conjunction with the sale of products based on Chips.

              (b) TERMINATION BY ADAPTEC. If the Agreement is terminated by
              Adaptec based on a breach of a material term or condition of this
              Agreement by Agilent, (i) Agilent shall receive, at Adaptec's sole
              option, either (x) the right to purchase, at a fee to be
              determined by an independent third party mutually agreed upon by
              the Parties, joint ownership rights to the Fibre Channel
              Management Software, the Adaptec Fibre Channel Management Software
              Modifications, and the Adaptec Fibre Channel Driver Software
              Modifications, or (y) a worldwide, irrevocable and perpetual
              license, at a fee to be determined by an independent third party
              mutually agreed upon by the Parties, to sell, modify, and
              distribute the Fibre Channel Management Software, the Adaptec
              Fibre Channel Management Software Modifications, and the Adaptec
              Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications, provided, however,
              that Agilent may exercise such rights under the applicable
              subsection (x) or (y) only in conjunction with the sale of
              products based on Chips, and (ii) Adaptec will be granted all
              rights as if the Agreement had expired, provided that Adaptec
              provides Agilent with a residual payment ("Residual Payment") as
              calculated using the following formula:

                  Residual Payment = ($60 million multiplied by (number of
                  months from the Effective Date to the date of termination
                  divided by 48)) minus (the aggregate royalties paid by Adaptec
                  to Agilent prior to the date of termination pursuant to the
                  schedule of royalty payments referenced in the "Sale of Boards
                  to Third Parties by Adaptec" section of Exhibit H).

              However, if the calculation of the Residual Payment results in an
              amount less than zero, then no payment will be required by Adaptec
              to Agilent to receive all the ownership rights as if the Agreement
              had expired.


         18.3. EFFECT OF EXPIRATION.


                  (a) ASSIGNMENT AND GRANT TO ADAPTEC. Upon expiration of this
                  Agreement, Adaptec will be deemed to receive and Agilent
                  hereby irrevocably (i) transfers and assigns to Adaptec an
                  undivided joint ownership interest in and to all versions of
                  the Fibre Channel Driver Software and Agilent Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software Modifications, including all copyrights, trade
                  secrets, and any other intellectual property rights recognized
                  in any country excluding trademarks and patents (for purposes
                  of this Section 18.3.1, "Intellectual Property Rights"), and
                  (ii) grants a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free,
                  fully-paid, irrevocable, perpetual license to all current and
                  future worldwide patents and patent applications owned or
                  licensed by Agilent related to or arising from the Fibre
                  Channel Driver Software and Agilent Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications, including the right to sublicense such
                  patents, for any and all purposes consistent with Adaptec's
                  joint ownership interest in and to all versions of the Fibre
                  Channel Driver Software and Agilent Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications (for purposes of this Section 18.3.1,
                  "Adaptec Patent Rights"), provided, however, that Adaptec may
                  exercise such ownership and license rights only in conjunction
                  with the sale of products based on Chips or future versions of
                  Chips. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Adaptec may exercise
                  such ownership and license rights without restriction upon the
                  discontinuance by Agilent and/or its successors of the supply
                  or development of Chips and future versions of Chips. Agilent
                  will render to Adaptec any and all customary and reasonable
                  assistance requested by Adaptec, including but not limited to
                  the execution and delivery of any additional documents, in
                  order for Adaptec to acquire, transfer, perfect, register,
                  maintain and enforce Adaptec's joint ownership interest,
                  Intellectual Property Rights, and Patent Rights in the Fibre
                  Channel Driver Software and Agilent Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications, in any and all countries throughout
                  the world. Any transfer or assignment of any or all of
                  Agilent's rights in the Fibre Channel Driver Software and/or
                  Agilent Fibre Channel Driver Software Modifications to a third
                  party, including but not limited to any entity owned or
                  controlled by Agilent, shall be subject to such third party's
                  assumption of Agilent's obligations contained in this Section

                  (b) CONDITIONS. Adaptec's and Agilent's joint ownership rights
                  in the Fibre Channel Driver Software and Agilent Fibre Channel
                  Driver Software Modifications are subject to the following
                  conditions. Upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to
                  Adaptec, Agilent may, at its own expense, appoint an
                  independent auditor, to whom Adaptec has no reasonable
                  objection, to audit and examine such records at Adaptec's
                  offices during normal business hours, solely for the purpose
                  of confirming that Adaptec's exercise of its ownership rights
                  in the Fibre Channel Driver Software and Fibre Channel Driver
                  Software Modifications is done so in accordance with Section

                  expiration of this Agreement, Agilent will be deemed to
                  receive and Adaptec hereby grants to Agilent effective as of
                  the date of expiration, a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual,
                  fully-paid and royalty-free license to the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Driver Software Modifications. Adaptec agrees to
                  cooperate in all ways reasonably requested by Agilent in order
                  to affirm, confirm and give effect to such license, including
                  without limitation the execution of documents, for
                  registration with government agencies or for any other
                  reasonable purpose.

                  MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE MODIFICATIONS. Upon expiration of this
                  Agreement, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith the
                  consideration to be paid (i) by Agilent for a license to the
                  Fibre Channel Management Software and the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications, and (ii) by Adaptec
                  for a license to the Agilent Fibre Channel Management Software
                  Modifications. Upon the completion of such negotiations,
                  Adaptec shall grant to Agilent a worldwide, irrevocable and
                  perpetual license to sell, modify, and distribute the Fibre
                  Channel Management Software and Adaptec Fibre Channel
                  Management Software Modifications and Agilent shall grant to
                  Adaptec a worldwide, irrevocable and perpetual license to
                  sell, modify, and distribute the Agilent Fibre Channel
                  Management Software Modifications, provided, however, that
                  each Party may exercise such license rights only in
                  conjunction with the sale of products, including but not
                  limited to Boards, that use, incorporate, or are based on


                  Chips or future versions of Chips. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, upon the discontinuance by Agilent and/or its
                  successors of the supply or development of Chips and future
                  versions of Chips (i) Adaptec may exercise such ownership and
                  license rights without restriction, and (ii) Agilent's rights
                  to the Fibre Channel Management Software and the Adaptec Fibre
                  Channel Management Software Modifications shall be terminated.
                  Each Party agrees to cooperate in all ways reasonably
                  requested by the other Party in order to affirm, confirm and
                  give effect to such licenses, including without limitation the
                  execution of documents, for registration with government
                  agencies or for any other reasonable purpose.

                  Each Party's license rights under this Section 18.3.3 are
                  subject to the following conditions. Upon fifteen (15) days
                  prior written notice to the other Party, either Party may, at
                  its own expense, appoint an independent auditor, to whom the
                  other Party has no reasonable objection, to audit and examine
                  such records at the other Party's offices during normal
                  business hours, solely for the purpose of confirming that the
                  other Party's exercise of its license rights under this
                  Section 18.3.3 is done so in accordance with this Section


                  (a) Assignment and Grant to Adaptec. Upon expiration of this
                  Agreement, Adaptec will be deemed to receive and Agilent
                  hereby irrevocably (i) transfers and assigns to Adaptec an
                  undivided joint ownership interest in and to all versions of
                  the Board Designs and Board Designs Modifications, including
                  all copyrights, trade secrets, and any other intellectual
                  property rights recognized in any country excluding trademarks
                  and patents (for purposes of this Section 18.3.4,
                  "Intellectual Property Rights"), and (ii) grants a
                  non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, fully-paid,
                  irrevocable, perpetual license to all current and future
                  worldwide patents and patent applications owned or licensed by
                  Agilent related to or arising from the Board Designs and Board
                  Designs Modifications, including the right to sublicense such
                  patents, for any and all purposes consistent with Adaptec's
                  joint ownership interest in and to all versions of the Board
                  Designs and Board Designs Modifications (for purposes of this
                  Section 18.3.4, "Adaptec Patent Rights"), provided, however,
                  that Adaptec may exercise such ownership and license rights
                  only in conjunction with the sale of products, including but
                  not limited to Boards, that use, incorporate, or are based on
                  Chips or future versions of Chips. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, Adaptec may exercise such ownership and license
                  rights without restriction upon the discontinuance by Agilent
                  and/or its successors of the supply or development of Chips
                  and future versions of Chips. Agilent will render to Adaptec
                  any and all customary and reasonable assistance requested by
                  Adaptec, including but not limited to the execution and
                  delivery of any additional documents, in order for Adaptec to
                  acquire, transfer, perfect, register, maintain and enforce
                  Adaptec's joint ownership interest, Intellectual Property
                  Rights, and Patent Rights in the Board Designs and Board
                  Designs Modifications, in any and all countries throughout the
                  world. Any transfer or assignment of any or all of Agilent's
                  rights in the Board Designs and Board Designs Modifications to
                  a third party, including but not limited to any entity owned
                  or controlled by Agilent, shall be subject to such third
                  party's assumption of Agilent's obligations contained in this
                  Section 18.3.4 to grant Adaptec Patent Rights to Adaptec.

                  (b) Conditions. Adaptec's and Agilent's joint ownership rights
                  in the Board Designs and Board Designs Modifications are
                  subject to the following conditions Upon fifteen (15) days
                  prior written notice to Adaptec, Agilent may, at its own
                  expense, appoint an independent auditor, to whom Adaptec has
                  no reasonable objection, to audit and examine such records at
                  Adaptec's offices during normal business hours, solely for the
                  purpose of confirming that Adaptec's exercise of its ownership
                  rights in the Board Designs and the Board Designs
                  Modifications is done so in accordance with Section 18.3.4(a).

          18.4. SURVIVAL. The Parties' rights and obligations provided in
              Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, and 22 will survive the
              expiration or termination of this Agreement.

     19. NON-SOLICITATION. During the term of this Agreement, each Party will
         not, without the prior written consent of the other Party, directly
         solicit for employment any person who is employed by the other Party
         and whose employment for the other Party is substantially related to
         Fibre Channel technology or business.


         Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may make general
         solicitations, including through newspaper advertisements or similar
         advertisements, so long as such solicitations are not specifically
         directed towards employees of the other Party.

     20. RIGHT TO BID ON ACQUISITION OF BUSINESS. During the term of this
         Agreement, prior to allowing any third party to acquire rights of any
         kind to Agilent's Fibre Channel business (the "Agilent Fibre Channel
         Business"), Agilent will, in good faith, inform Adaptec, in writing, of
         the intent to sell such rights in the Agilent Fibre Channel Business.
         During the term of this Agreement, prior to allowing any third party to
         acquire rights of any kind in Adaptec's Fibre Channel business (the
         "Adaptec Fibre Channel Business"), Adaptec will, in good faith, inform
         Agilent, in writing, of the intent to sell such rights in the Adaptec
         Fibre Channel Business.

     21. OTHER ADAPTEC PRODUCTS. Adaptec will consider Agilent Fibre Channel
         technology as its first choice for use in other Adaptec products such
         as RAID controllers or switches. However, Adaptec reserves the right to
         use a supplier other than Agilent for Fibre Channel in these other
         applications if Adaptec reasonably deems necessary due to good cause.

     22. GENERAL.

         22.1.WAIVER AND MODIFICATIONS. No failure of either Party to exercise
              or enforce any of its rights under this Agreement will act as a
              waiver of such rights. Any waiver, amendment or other modification
              of any provision of this Agreement will be effective only if in
              writing and signed by the Parties.

         22.2.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Parties are independent
              contractors. There is no relationship of partnership, joint
              venture, employment, franchise or agency between the Parties.
              Neither Party will have the power to bind the other or incur
              obligations on the other's behalf without the other's prior
              written consent.

         22.3.PUBLICITY. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, the Parties
              shall issue a joint press release. Thereafter, the Parties
              will use reasonable efforts to coordinate any of their
              respective marketing and promotional activities reasonably
              related to the subject matter of this Agreement.

         22.4.NOTICES. All notices and demands hereunder will be in writing
              and will be served by personal service, mail or confirmed
              facsimile transmission at the address of the receiving Party
              set forth in this Agreement (or at such different address as
              may be designated by such Party by written notice to the other
              Party). All notices or demands by mail shall be by certified
              or registered airmail, return receipt requested, and shall be
              deemed complete upon receipt.

                  Legal notices to Adaptec will be addressed to:

                           Bob Schultz

                           Adaptec, Inc.
                           691 South Milpitas Boulevard
                           Milpitas, California 95035

                           Phone: (408) 957-6721

                           Fax: (408) 957-6670

                  with a copy to:

                           Dana Miles

                           Adaptec, Inc.
                           691 South Milpitas Boulevard


                           Milpitas, California 95035

                           Phone: (408) 957-4972

                           Fax: (408) 957-7137

                  Legal notices to Agilent will be addressed to:

                           Julian Elliott

                           Agilent Technologies, Inc.
                           350 West Trimble Road, MS 90TZ
                           San Jose, California 95131-1008

                           Phone: (408) 435-4668

                           Fax: (408) 435-6445

                  with a copy to:

                           Keith Shandalow

                           Agilent Technologies, Inc.
                           3000 Hanover Street, MS 20BQ
                           Palo Alto, California 94304-1112

                           Phone: (650) 857-4460

                           Fax: (650) 857-3710

         22.5.  ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event any litigation is brought by
                  either Party in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing
                  Party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the
                  other Party all reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred
                  by such prevailing Party in the litigation.

         22.6.  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and
                  construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
                  California and the United States, without regard to or
                  application of provisions relating to conflicts of law. Any
                  litigation arising under this Agreement will be brought
                  exclusively in the Superior Court in and for the County of
                  Santa Clara, California and the Parties hereby consent to the
                  personal jurisdiction and venue therein.

         22.7.  SEVERABILITY. In the event that any of the provisions of this
                  Agreement shall be held by a court or other tribunal of
                  competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision
                  will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the
                  remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full
                  force and effect.

         22.8.  FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for
                  delays or failures in performance resulting from causes beyond
                  the reasonable control of that Party, including, but not
                  limited to, acts of God, labor disputes or disturbances,
                  material shortages or rationing, riots, acts of war,
                  governmental regulations, communication or utility failures,
                  or casualties. In the event that Agilent fails to deliver the
                  Fibre Channel Driver Software due to such causes, Adaptec may
                  suspend this Agreement in whole or in part for the duration of
                  the delaying cause. Agilent shall resume performance under
                  this Agreement immediately after the delaying cause ceases
                  and, at Adaptec's option, extend the then current term period
                  for a period equivalent to the length of time the excused
                  delay endured.


         22.9.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including all exhibits,
                  constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between the
                  Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and
                  supersedes in their entirety any and all written or oral
                  agreements previously existing between the Parties with
                  respect to such subject matter.

         22.10. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in
                  part by either Party without consent of the other, which
                  consent will not be unreasonably withheld, except that either
                  Party may assign (subject to any rights of the other Party)
                  all of such Party's rights and obligations under this
                  Agreement in the event of a merger, reorganization or sale of
                  substantially all of its assets.

        ADAPTEC, INC.                        AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

        BY:  /s/ Robert L. Schultz, Jr.      BY:  /s/ William P. Sullivan
            ---------------------------          ---------------------------

        TITLE:  Chief Operating Officer      TITLE:  Senior Vice President,
                                                     Semiconductor Products

        ADAPTEC CI, LTD.

        BY:  /s/ J. Peter Campagna

        TITLE:  Vice President and Treasurer


                                    EXHIBIT A
                         BOARD AND CHIP SUPPLY AGREEMENT

                                (TO BE SUPPLIED)


                                    EXHIBIT B
                               CHIP SPECIFICATIONS

                           (TO BE SUPPLIED BY PARTIES)



                                    EXHIBIT C

Driver Architecture Specification for the Agilent PCI Fibre Channel Host Bus
IOCTL Specification and Design Document for NetWare OS Layer
IOCTL Specification and Design Document for NT OS Layer
IOCTL Specification and Design Document for UnixWare OS Layer
Fibre Channel, SCSI-3 Addressing and Mux Addressing: Yet Another Mapping Scheme
Tachyon BIOS for IA-32
Tachyon BIOS Configuration Software for IA-32


                                    EXHIBIT D
                              BOARD SPECIFICATIONS

HHBA-5100 and HHBA-5101 Data Sheet
HHBA-5121 Data Sheet
HHBA-5220 and HHBA-5221 Data Sheet
Tachyon TL Single Channel PCI to Fibre Channel HBA Product Definition (see page
8 thru 10)
Tachyon TS Single Channel PCI to Fibre Channel HBA Product Definition (see
page 8 thru 10)
Raven Product Definition (see page 27 thru 30)


                                    EXHIBIT E

                          SEE ATTACHED POWER POINT FILE


                                     EXHIBIT F

                               INITIAL DELIVERABLES

A. Fibre Channel Driver Software, in source and object code format, (most
recent released or development  version to be delivered by Agilent within 30
days of Effective Date)
1. For OS level drivers and Fiber Channel layer code:
Drivers/HIM software for following operating systems:
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 including Enterprise and Advanced Server
Windows 2000 including Enterprise and Advanced Server
Solaris - x86
NetWare 4.2 and 5.0
Linux (Red Hat 6.1)
UnixWare 7.1
2. BIOS code

B. Boards
1. To be delivered by Agilent within 30 days of Effective Date: five (5) of
each of the following boards: HHBA 5100, HHBA 5101, HHBA 5121.
2. To be delivered by Agilent within 90 days of Effective Date: one-hundred
(100) of each of the following boards: HHBA 5100, HHBA 5101, HHBA 5121.
3. To be delivered by Agilent as soon as available: samples of HHBA 5220 and
HHBA 5221.

C. Board Designs (all to be delivered by Agilent within 30 days of Effective
1. For the following boards HHBA 5100, HHBA 5101, HHBA 5121, HHBA 5220, HHBA
5221: schematic capture, BOM's, design rules, mechanical information, Gerber
files or equivalent, and anything else required for Adaptec to manufacture.

D. Start-Up Period (all to be provided by Agilent as agreed per definition with
engineering training
sales/market training
test methodologies

E.  Datasheets and product definitions for driver software and boards listed


                                    EXHIBIT G

                          BOARD DESIGNS SPECIFICATIONS


Component libraries

Approved vendor list for any parts on the boards

Board Designs Guide lines for:
         Critical tolerances
         Stack up of layers
         Impedance requirements
         Mechanical specifications

Gerber Files

PAL Programming Equations

Testing methodologies and processes for:
         Functional / Design Verification testing
         Environmental and Agency testing (FCC, CE, VCCI, UL....)
         Functional Testers
         ICT testers


                                    EXHIBIT H
                                PAYMENT STRUCTURE

         Adaptec shall pay Agilent for Chips at a set price. In no event shall
         such price be greater than Agilent's then most favorable OEM pricing.
         Best OEM pricing is set on parts shipping at the time of the execution
         of this Definitive Agreeement and will be revised at three month
         intervals thereafter. If no parts are shipping at the time of execution
         of this Agreement, initial pricing will be set on the basis of best
         prototype quote for the delivery timeframe and at the time of quote.
         Strategic alliance partnerships are excluded from this pricing.
         Strategic alliance partners are defined as Intel and those entities
         with which Agilent co-develops Chips (supplied silicon gates or Verilog
         code to be used in such Chips).

         In the event that Agilent manufactures Boards for Adaptec, Agilent will
         sell Boards to Adaptec at a price to be negotiated. In no event shall
         such price be greater than Agilent's then most favorable OEM pricing.
         Best OEM pricing is set on parts shipping at the time of the execution
         of this Definitive Agreement and will be revised at three month
         intervals thereafter. If no parts are shipping at the time of execution
         of this Agreement, initial pricing will be set on the basis of best
         prototype quote for the delivery timeframe and at the time of quote.

         For Boards sold by Adaptec, Adaptec will receive all revenue. Adaptec
         will pay Agilent a royalty on a quarterly-basis over the 4 years
         following the Effective Date based on such revenues as set forth in the
         following chart, but in no event shall Adaptec pay Agilent less than
         the minimum royalty payment as set forth in the following chart. The
         annual Minimum Royalty Payment, and any additional annual Royalty
         Payments, shall be calculated and made in full per the following
         schedule by Adaptec to Agilent within forty-five (45) days of the end
         of each 12-month period after this Agreement is executed.

         Upon fifteen (15) days' prior written notice to the other Party, either
         Party may, at its own expense, appoint an independent auditor, to whom
         the other Party has no reasonable objection, to audit and examine such
         records at the audited Party's offices during normal business hours,
         for the purpose of confirming the audited Party's sales of Boards to
         third parties and the appropriate amount of royalties to be paid.

                                                    YEAR 1   YEAR 2   YEAR 3   YEAR 4    YEAR 5
        ROYALTY % (UP TO ROYALTY BREAK LEVEL)       20%       20%      20%      20%        0%
        ROYALTY % (ABOVE ROYALTY BREAK LEVEL)        5%        5%       5%       5%        0%
        ROYALTY BREAK LEVEL                         $6M      $12M     $22M     $33M
        MINIMUM ROYALTY PAYMENT TO AGILENT          $6M      $12M     $18M     $24M       $0


         For Boards sold to third parties, Agilent will be responsible for all
         activities and will receive all the revenue.
