LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES Name/Location/Jurisdiction of Incorporation - ------------------------------------------- DMC Telecom U.K. LTD., Lanarkshire, Scotland State of Delaware, USA DMC TELECOM CANADA, INC., Toronto, Canada Toronto, Canada DMC DE MEXICO, SA. DE C.V., Mexico D.F., Mexico Mexico City, Mexico DMC DO BRASIL LTDA., Campinas, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil DMC TELCOM PHILIPPINES, INC., Makati City, Philippines Metro Manila, Philippines DIGITAL MICROWAVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, New Delhi, India New Delhi, India DIGITAL MICROWAVE NW, INC. Seattle, Washington USA State of Washington, USA DIGITAL MICROWAVE CORPORATION LIMITED, Wellington, New Zealand Wellington, New Zealand DIGITAL MICROWAVE ASIA PACIFIC (S) PTE, LTD., Singapore Republic of Singapore DIGITAL MICROWAVE CORPORATION (PTY.) LIMITED, South Pretoria Republic of South Africa