THIS DEED IS made the         day of           Two Thousand and made between
SCHEDULE (together the "Covenantors" which expression will where the context
so admits includes their personal representatives and successors)
(the "Purchaser")


This Deed is entered into pursuant to an Agreement relating to the sale of the
entire issued share capital of the Company (other than "B" shares issued under
the Business Expansion Scheme) (the "Agreement") made of even date herewith
between the Covenators and the Purchaser.

         In this Deed unless the context otherwise requires words and
         expressions defined in the Agreement will have the same meaning and any
         provisions in the Agreement concerning matters of construction or
         interpretation will also apply, and

         "CLAIM" includes any notice, demand, assessment, letter or other
         document issued or action taken by the Revenue Commissioners or other
         governmental authority or official whereby the Company is or may be
         placed or sought to be placed under a liability to make a payment or
         deprived of Relief otherwise available;

         "EVENT" means any payment, transaction, act, omission or occurrence of
         whatever nature whether or not the Company or the Purchaser is a party
         thereto on or before the date hereof.

         "RELIEF" means loss, allowance, credit, relief, deduction, set off,
         exemption, right to repayment or credit or other relief of a similar
         nature granted by or available in relation to Tax pursuant to any
         legislation; and

         "TAX" means all forms of taxation, duties, imposts and levies whether
         of Ireland or elsewhere including (but without limitation) income tax,
         corporation tax, corporation profits tax, advance corporation tax,
         capital gains tax, capital acquisitions tax, residential property tax,
         wealth tax, value added tax, customs and other import and export
         duties, excise duties, stamp duty, capital duty, social insurance,
         social welfare or other similar contributions and other amounts
         corresponding thereto whether payable in Ireland or elsewhere and any
         interest, surcharge, penalty or fine in connection therewith.

         In this Deed where the context admits:

2.1      References to income or profits or gains earned, accrued, received or
         realised as the case may be before a particular date include income or
         profits or gains deemed to have been, or treated as, or regarded as
         earned, accrued, received or realised as the case may be, before that
         date for the purposes of any legislation;

2.2      References to any liability to Tax include:
         2.2.1  A liability to make payments of, or in respect of, or in
                relation to Tax;

         2.2.2  The loss, reduction, disallowance, use or set off against
                income, profits or gains earned, accrued or received on or
                before  Closing of any Relief which is available or would (were
                it not for the said loss, reduction, disallowance, use or
                set-off) have been available to the Company following Closing
                and which has been taken into account in computing any
                provision for deferred Tax which is reflected in the Financial
                Statements or which was treated as an asset of the Company or
                otherwise noted in the Financial Statments.

         2.2.3  The use or set off of any Purchaser's Relief in circumstances
                where, but for such use or set-off, the Company would have had
                a liability to Tax in respect of which the Purchaser would
                have been able to make a claim against the Convenantors under
                this Deed.

2.3      Reference to an Event occurring on or before the date of this Deed will
         include an event deemed pursuant to any Tax statute to occur or to be
         treated or regarded as occurring on or before the date of this Deed and
         will also include the combined result of two or more Events the first
         of which has taken place on or before the date of this Deed; and

2.4      In any case falling within clause 2.2, the amount that is to be treated
         for the purposes of this Deed as a liability to Tax of the Company
         shall be determined as follows:

         2.4.1  In a case which falls within paragraph 2.2.1, the liability
                to Tax shall be the amount of the payment made in respect of
                or in relation to Tax;
         2.4.2  In a case which falls within paragraph 2.2.2 not being the
                loss of a right to repayment of Tax, the liability to Tax
                shall be the amount of the repayment that would have been
                obtained but for the loss or set off mentioned in that
         2.4.3  In a case which falls within paragraph 2.2.2 not being the
                loss of a right to repayment of Tax, the liability to Tax
                shall be the amount of Tax that is paid that would not
                otherwise have been paid but for the loss, use or set-off of
                the said Relief;
         2.4.4  In a case which falls within paragraph 2.2.3, the liability to
                Tax shall be the amount of Tax which has been saved in
                consequence of the use or set off of the Purchaser's Relief.

3.0      COVENANT
         Subject as herein after provided the Covenantors hereby jointly
         covenant to pay the Purchaser by way of Indemnity an amount equal to:

3.1      any liability to Tax arising in respect of, by reference to or in
         consequence of any income, profits or gains which were earned, accrued
         or received before

         Closing or as a consequence of or by reference to any Event, whether
         or not the Company is or may be entitled to claim reimbursement
         thereof from any other person or persons;

3.2      Any payment of Tax or deemed payment of Tax (whether before or after
         Closing) resulting from the receipt by the Purchaser or the Company of
         any payment under the provisions of this Deed; or

3.3      Any reasonable costs or expenses incurred by the Purchaser or the
         Company in connection with any such payment or deemed payment of Tax or
         non availability of a Relief or in connection with any action taken in
         avoiding resisting or settling any such payment or claim for payment.

3.4      Any reasonable costs or liabilities which may be incurred by the
         Purchaser in consequence of or as result of income tax relief granted
         to shareholders in the Company in accordance with the provisions of
         part 16 of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 being withdrawn or
         restricted as a result of any event entered into or undertaken by the
         Company and such costs or liabilities shall include all sums payable by
         the Purchaser to the said shareholders in respect of the loss of income
         tax relief including any sum payable so that each shareholder will
         after all deductions, withholdings required by law or any other Tax
         payable by the shareholders on such sums received be left with the same
         sum as they would have been entitled to receive in the absence of any
         such requirement to make a deduction or withholding or pay any such

PROVIDED HOWEVER that the total amount of the liability of any one of the
Covenators in respect of any breach or non fulfilment of the Warranties and
pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Tax Indemnity shall be limited to and in no
event shall exceed that part of the Purchase Price received by each Covenators
so that for the avoidance of doubt each Covenators liability in respect of any
claim shall not exceed the following percentage of the portion of the Purchase
Price received by the Covenators.

Liam Kelly        85%
Thomas Meade      10%
Gary Duffy        5%

For the purposes of this clause the Purchase Price shall mean $2,450,000.

4.0      EXCEPTION
         The Indemnity in clause 3 will not apply to payment or deemed payment
         of Tax:

4.1      To the extent to which it does not exceed the provision made for Tax in
         the Financial Statements as reduced by amounts previously taken into
         account under this clause 4.1 to limit the application of the covenant;

4.2      Which arises as a result of transactions in the ordinary course of
         trading since the Statement Date and prior to the Completion Date other
         than any interest, surcharge, penalty or fine in connection with Tax.
         For the avoidance of doubt and prior to the Completion Date the
         following events will not be treated as occurring in the ordinary
         course of trading of the Company.

         4.2.1  The payment of any dividend or the making of any other

         4.2.2  The disposal of any capital assets;

         4.2.3  The disposal of any property or asset (including trading
                stock) in circumstances where the consideration actually
                received for such disposal is less than the consideration
                deemed to have been received for tax purposes;

         4.2.4  The supply of any service or business facility of any kind
                (including a loan of money or the letting, hiring, licensing
                of any tangible or intangible property) for consideration
                which was less then might reasonably have been regarded as the
                open market value of such service or business facility.

4.3      Which arises or to the extent that any such Tax is increased as a
         result only of increase in rates of Tax made after the date of this
         Deed with retrospective effect;

4.4      To the extent that the loss is being recovered pursuant to any claim
         under the warranties; or

4.5      In respect of value added tax, PAYE, PRSI or rates which are currently
         due and payable from the Statement Date provided that the amounts have
         been fully provided for in the Financial Statements;

4.6      Which arises from any matter fully and fairly disclosed in the Exhibit
         and Schedules to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

4.7      Which arises as a consequence only of profits or gains earned or
         accrued in the ordinary and usual course of trading during the period
         from the Statement Date to the Completion Date.

         Notwithstanding clause 3.0 the Covenantors will not be liable under
         this Deed:

5.1      If and to the extent that the amount claimed has been recovered under
         the Agreement;

5.2      To the extent the liability unto this Deed is limited or excluded under
         the Stock Purchase Agreement including the schedules thereto.

         The liability of the Covenantors under this Deed shall cease on the 7th
         anniversary of the date of execution of this Deed save as regards any
         alleged liability of which notice in writing (containing reasonable
         details of the claim) has been given to the Covenators prior to that

         But none of the limitations in this clause 5.0 will apply to any claim
         which arises as a consequence of or is delayed as a result of fraud,
         wilful misconduct or wilful concealment by the Covenantors or any
         officer of the or any of the directors of the Company.


6.1      If the Purchaser becomes aware of a claim relevant for the purposes of
         this Deed the Purchaser shall within a reasonable time thereafter give
         written notice thereof to the Covenantors.

6.2      SUBJECT TO CLAUSE 6.4 BELOW if the Covenantors indemnify and secure the
         Company and/or (if the case requires) the Purchaser to their reasonable
         satisfaction against all liabilities, costs, damages or expenses which
         may be incurred thereby including any additional liabilities for Tax
         the Purchaser shall take such action as the Covenantors may reasonably
         request by notice in writing to defend, resist, appeal or compromise
         any claims for Tax.

6.3      Subject to clause 6.4 below if the Covenantors do not request the
         Purchaser to take any action under clause 6.2 or fail to indemnify and
         secure the Purchaser and the Company to their reasonable satisfaction
         within 15 days of written notice having been given to the Covenantors
         the Purchaser or the Company will (without prejudice to their rights
         under this Deed) be free to pay or settle the Claims on such terms as
         the Purchaser or the Company may in their absolute discretion consider

6.4      Provided Mr. Kelly is at that time an employee of the Company, the
         conduct of the dispute shall be delegated to him under such terms as
         may be agreed from time to time Purchaser and the Covenantors; provided
         that unless the Purchaser and Covenantors specifically agreed otherwise
         in writing the following terms will be ipso facto be incorporated into
         any such Agreement:

         6.4.1  that the Company and the Purchaser shall be kept fully
                informed of all matters and will be entitled to seek copies
                of all correspondence and notes or other written records of
                telephone conversations or meetings contained pertaining
         6.4.2  that the appointment of solicitors or other professional
                advisors will be subject to the approval of the Purchaser,
                such approval not to be unreasonably withheld;

         6.4.3  that all written communications pertaining to the dispute
                which are to be transmitted to the Revenue Commissioners or
                any other governmental authority or body whatsoever shall be
                first submitted to the Purchaser for approval and shall only
                be finally transmitted if such approval is given (which is
                not to be unreasonably withheld); and
         6.4.4  that the Covenantors shall make no settlement or compromise
                of the dispute or agree any matter in the conduct of this
                dispute which is likely to effect the amount thereof or the
                future liability to Tax of the Company or of the Purchaser
                without the prior approval of the Company and the Purchaser
                (as may be appropriate);

6.5      Neither the Purchaser nor the Company will be subject to any Claim by
         or any liability to any of the Covenantors for non compliance with any
         of the foregoing provisions of this clause 6.0 if the Purchaser or the
         Company has bona fide acted in accordance with the instructions of any
         one or more of the Covenantors.

7.0      WAIVER
         Any liability to the Purchaser under the provisions of this Deed may be
         in whole or in part released, varied, compounded or comprised by the
         Purchaser in its absolute discretion as regards any of the Covenantors
         or other party under such liability without in any way prejudicing or
         effecting their rights against any other party under the same or a like
         liability whether joined or several or otherwise.

8.0      PAYMENT
         Where the covenanters are liable to the Company or the Purchaser
         pursuant to the indemnity contained in clause 3.0 the following
         provisions will apply in determining when a payment in respect of such
         Tax shall be made:

8.1      (In any case which involves, and to the extent that it involves, an
         actual payment of Tax by the Company which Tax has not already been
         paid) that the Covenantors shall pay sums due unto this Deed in cleared
         funds without any deduction whatsoever by way of set off or
         counterclaim or otherwise 3

         business days prior to the date on which the Tax in question would
         have to have been paid in order to prevent a liability to interest or
         a fine, charge or penalty arising in respect of the Tax in question or
         as the case may be 3 business days prior to the date in which the Tax
         in question must be paid in order to entitled the Company or the
         Purchaser to make an appeal against an assessment tax;

8.2      (In any other case) that the Covenantors shall make payment on the date
         falling 7 days after the date when there has been served on the
         Covenantors notice in writing from the Purchaser or the Company that
         the Covenantors are liable under clause 3.0 in an amount specified in
         or determinable from the contents of such notice;

8.3      (In any case) that any sums not paid by the Covenantors on the date
         specified in this Deed or otherwise for payment of the same (the due
         date) will bear interest (which will accrue from day to day after as
         well as before any judgement for the same) at the rate of 2% per annum
         over the base rate for the time being of the Company's bankers from the
         day following the due date up to and including the day of actual
         payment of such sums such interest to be compounded quarterly and

8.4      Any payment hereunder made by the Covenantors will constitute a
         reduction in the consideration for the acquisition and disposal of the

9.0      NOTICES
         Notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be effective
         when actually delivered. If mailed notice shall be deemed effective 48
         hours after mailing by express mail, directed to the other party at the
         address set forth below or such other address as the party may indicate
         by written notice to the other. Address to the Purchaser at:

         32 Hampshire Road,
         New Hampshire,

         Addressed to the Vendor at:

         Unit 12 Penrose Wharf,

         Address to the Selling Stockholders at the address set forth in the

         This Deed and all relationships created by it will in all respects be
         governed by and construed in accordance with Irish Law.

         It is irrevocably agreed that the Irish Courts are to have exclusive
         jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in
         connection with this Deed or its performance and accordingly that any
         suit, action or proceedings so arising may be brought in such courts.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Deed to be executed the
day and year first above written.



William M. Kelly

Tom Meade

Gary Duffy

in the presence of:

in the presence of:

in the presence of:

Given under the COMMON SEAL

Given under the COMMON SEAL