Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                  JULY 1, 2000
                                 Date of Report
                        (Date of earliest event reported)

                               AVOCENT CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

                 000-30575                           91-2032368
         (Commission File No.)            (IRS Employer Identification Number)

                              4991 CORPORATE DRIVE
                            HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35805
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

         Effective July 1, 2000, Apex Inc., a Washington corporation ("Apex"),
and Cybex Computer Products Corporation, an Alabama corporation ("Cybex") merged
into Avocent Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Registrant") pursuant to
an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, dated as of March 8, 2000, (the
"Acquisition Agreement") (the "Merger"). In connection with the Merger, (a) each
outstanding share of common stock of Apex ("Apex Common Stock") and each
outstanding option to purchase shares of Apex Common Stock was converted into
1.0905 shares or options to purchase shares, as the case may be, of the
Registrant's Common Stock and (b) each outstanding share of common stock of
Cybex ("Cybex Common Stock") and each outstanding option to purchase shares of
Cybex Common Stock was converted into one share or option to purchase shares, as
the case may be, of the Registrant's Common Stock.

         The Merger was initially reported on a Current Report on Form 8-K dated
July 1, 2000, filed July 10, 2000, and is being amended hereby to include the
financial statements required by Item 7.



                  (1)      (i) The audited financial statements of Apex Inc. as
                           of December 31, 1999 and 1998 and for each of the
                           three years ended December 31, 1999, together with
                           the report thereon of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,
                           independent accountants, are incorporated herein by
                           reference from Apex's Annual Report on Form 10-K
                           filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
                           March 30, 2000, amended on May 25, 2000 (File No.
                           000-21959) and

                           (ii) the unaudited financial statements of Apex Inc.
                           at June 30, 2000 and for the six month periods ended
                           June 30, 2000 and July 2, 1999 are incorporated
                           herein by reference from Apex's Quarterly Report on
                           Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission on August 11, 2000 (File No. 000-21959).

                  (2)      (i) The audited financial statements of Cybex
                           Computer Products Corporation as of March 31, 2000
                           and 1999 and for each of the three years ended March
                           31, 2000, together with the report thereon of
                           PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent accountants,
                           are incorporated herein by reference from Cybex's
                           Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities
                           and Exchange Commission on June 22, 2000 (File No.
                           000-26496) and

                           (ii) the unaudited financial statements of Cybex
                           Computer Products Corporation as of June 30, 2000 and
                           for the three month periods ended June 30, 2000 and
                           July 2, 1999 are incorporated herein by reference
                           from Cybex's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with
                           the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 14,
                           2000 (File No. 000-26496).


                  The following unaudited pro forma financial information
                  required by this Item 7(b) of Form 8-K is attached hereto:

                  (1) Unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of
                      operations of the Registrant for the year ended
                      December 31, 1999,
                  (2) Unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of
                      operations of the Registrant for the six months ended
                      June 30, 2000, and
                  (3) Unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet of
                      the Registrant as of June 30, 2000.

         (c)      EXHIBITS.

                  2.1      Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between Apex
                           Inc., a Washington corporation, Avocent Corporation
                           (formerly known as Aegean Sea Inc.), a Delaware
                           corporation, and Cybex Computer Products Corporation,
                           an Alabama corporation, dated as of March 8, 2000.
                           (Incorporated by reference to Annex A of the Joint
                           Proxy Statement/Prospectus of the Registrant included
                           in the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed on
                           March 31, 2000 (File No. 333-33768) (the "Joint Proxy

                  2.2      Form of Apex Voting Agreement dated as of March 8,
                           2000 entered into by Cybex, certain Apex shareholders
                           and Apex. (Incorporated by reference to Annex F of
                           the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus included in the
                           Registrant's Form S-4).

                  2.3      Form of Cybex Voting Agreement dated as of March 8,
                           2000 entered into by Apex, certain Cybex shareholders
                           and Cybex. (Incorporated by reference to Annex G of
                           the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus included in the
                           Registrant's Form S-4)

                  3.1      Specimen certificate for Registrant's Common Stock.
                           (Incorporated by reference to the Registrant's Form

                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                      (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                        APEX          CYBEX        PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                                                                  ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
Net sales.............................................................   $107,288      $109,381       $               $216,669
Cost of sales.........................................................     57,374        50,709                        108,083
Amortization of developed technology..................................         --            --          11,898(a)      11,898

   Gross profit.......................................................     49,914        58,672         (11,898)        96,688

Research and development..............................................      6,544         6,476                         13,020
Acquired research and development and other acquisition expenses......         --         4,312                          4,312
Selling, general and administrative...................................     14,074        24,382          17,454(b)      55,910
Amortization of intangibles...........................................         --           497         111,230(c)     111,727

   Total operating expenses...........................................     20,618        35,667         128,684        184,969

Income (loss) from operations.........................................     29,296        23,005        (140,582)       (88,281)
Interest income and other.............................................      3,053         1,680                          4,733

Income (loss) before taxes............................................     32,349        24,685        (140,582)       (83,548)
Provision for income taxes............................................     11,106         8,225          (7,613)(d)     11,718

   Net income (loss)..................................................    $21,243       $16,460       $(132,969)      $(95,266)
   Earnings (loss) per share:
      Basic..........................................................       $1.03         $0.86                         $(2.27)
      Diluted........................................................       $0.99         $0.81                         $(2.27)
   Weighted average shares outstanding:
      Basic..........................................................      20,618        19,081                         41,925(e)
      Diluted........................................................      21,564        20,269                         41,925

        See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma condensed combined
                             financial statements.

                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2000
                      (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                          APEX        CYBEX        PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                                                                  ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
Net sales.............................................................     $64,691      $71,677                        $136,368
Cost of sales.........................................................      34,239       32,858                          67,097
Amortization of developed technology..................................          --           --           $5,949          5,949
   Gross profit.......................................................      30,452       38,819           (5,949)        63,322
Research and development..............................................       3,123        3,975                           7,098
Acquired research and development and other acquisition expenses......          --          977                             977
Selling, general and administrative...................................       8,836       16,291            7,317         32,444
Amortization of intangibles...........................................          --           --           55,615         55,615
   Total operating expenses...........................................      11,959       21,243           62,932         96,134
Income (loss) from operations.........................................      18,493       17,576          (68,881)       (32,812)
Interest income and other.............................................       1,989          293                           2,282
Income (loss) before taxes............................................      20,482       17,869          (68,881)       (30,530)
Provision for income taxes............................................       6,941        5,991           (3,807)         9,125
   Net income (loss)..................................................     $13,541      $11,878         $(65,074)      $(39,655)
   Earnings (loss) per share:
      Basic...........................................................       $0.64        $0.61                          $(0.93)
      Diluted.........................................................       $0.60        $0.57                          $(0.93)
   Weighted average shares outstanding:
      Basic...........................................................      21,161       19,336                          42,517
      Diluted.........................................................      22,458       20,851                          42,517

        See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma condensed combined
                             financial statements.

                                  BALANCE SHEET
                               AS OF JUNE 30, 2000
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                            APEX        CYBEX        PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                                                                    ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents..........................................     $16,498      $34,878                         $51,376
   Investments maturing within 1 year.................................      65,299        4,985                          70,284
      Total cash and investments......................................      81,797       39,863                         121,660
   Accounts receivable, net...........................................      21,117       26,557                          53,674
   Inventories........................................................       8,383       12,977                          21,360
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets..........................         528        1,172                           1,700
   Deferred tax assets................................................         612        2,684                           3,296
      Total current assets............................................     118,437       83,253                         201,690
Investments...........................................................       3,289        8,647                          11,936
Property held for lease...............................................          --        1,545              655(f)       2,200
Property, plant and equipment, net....................................       1,722       12,687            1,782(f)      16,191
Intangibles, net......................................................          --        6,404          606,674(g)     613,078
Other.................................................................       2,776        2,066                           4,842
Total assets..........................................................    $126,224     $114,602         $609,111       $849,937
Current liabilities
   Accounts payable...................................................      $1,192       $8,393                          $9,585
   Income taxes.......................................................       1,064        5,956           34,704(h)      41,724
   Accrued expenses...................................................       6,238        7,617            6,737(I)      20,592
      Total current liabilities.......................................       8,494       21,966           41,441         71,901
Shareholders' equity
   Common stock.......................................................      76,456       35,354          760,117(j)     871,927
   Accumulated other comprehensive income.............................       (112)        (391)              391(k)        (112)
   Deferred compensation..............................................          --           --          (41,165)(l)    (41,165)
   Retained earnings (deficit)........................................      41,386       57,673         (151,673)(m)    (52,614)
      Total shareholders' equity......................................     117,730       92,636          567,670        778,036
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity............................    $126,224     $114,602         $609,111       $849,937

        See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma condensed combined
                             financial statements.

                               AVOCENT CORPORATION
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


         The merger of Apex and Cybex has been accounted for as a purchase of
Cybex by Apex. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of
operations combines Apex's and Cybex's historical statements of operations
for the year ended December 31, 1999 and the six months ended June 30, 2000
and gives effect to the merger including the amortization of goodwill and
other intangible assets, as if the merger occurred as of January 1, 1999. The
unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet presents the financial
position of the combined entity as if the merger took place as of June 30,
2000 and allocates the total purchase consideration of the fair values of the
assets and liabilities of Cybex, based on the completed valuation.

         The historical financial information has been derived from the
respective historical financial statements of Apex and Cybex, and should be
read in conjunction with these financial statements and the related notes
incorporated by reference. Cybex has a March 31 year end. Historical
financial information for Cybex for the year ended December 31, 1999 and the
six months ended June 30, 2000 included in the pro forma statements were
derived from quarterly and annual financial information filed on Forms 10-Q
and Forms 10-K in 1999 and 2000. The pro forma balance sheet at June 30, 2000
consists of the historical balance sheets of Cybex and Apex as of June 30,

         There were no material differences in the accounting policies of Apex
and Cybex for the periods presented.



         Since the mergers will be accounted for as a purchase of Cybex by Apex,
the Avocent shares and options to be issued to Cybex shareholders were converted
into equivalent Apex shares and options to determine the purchase consideration.
The number of equivalent Apex shares was determined by dividing the number of
Avocent shares by the Apex exchange ratio, 1.0905.

                                                                           AVOCENT                  EQUIVALENT APEX
                                                                     NUMBER       WEIGHTED       NUMBER        WEIGHTED
                                                                                   AVERAGE                      AVERAGE
                                                                                EXERCISE PRICE               EXERCISE PRICE
                                                                                  PER SHARE                    PER SHARE
Common Shares...................................................     19,441                      17,827
Options.........................................................      2,363        $13.78         2,167        $15.03

         The market value of a share of common stock of Apex was $40.60,
determined by using the average quoted market price of the Apex common stock
over a five day period, including the day of and for the two days preceding and
following the announcement of the mergers. The purchase consideration for
outstanding Cybex common stock was $723,788.

         The value of the equivalent Apex options to be exchanged for vested
and nonvested Cybex options has been included in the purchase price, except
for $41,165 of deferred compensation expense recorded in equity relating to
the intrinsic value of non-vested options. The fair value of the equivalent
options to be issued was determined to be $71,683 using the following

         -        Risk free interest rate range of 6.33%-6.45%

         -        Expected holding periods of 2-7 years

         -        Dividend yield of 0.0%

         -        Expected volatility of 54.0%

         In addition, Cybex liabilities of $22.0 million and Apex incurred
acquisition costs totaling $6.7 million were included in the total purchase

         A summary of the purchase consideration is as follows:

Common stock.................................................................................       $723,788
Outstanding options..........................................................................         30,518
Assumed liabilities and acquisition costs....................................................         28,703
      Total purchase consideration...........................................................       $783,009


         The acquisition was recorded under the purchase method of accounting.
The total purchase price of $783,009 was allocated to the fair value of the
assets acquired as follows:

                                                                                           AMORTIZATION LIFE
Tangible assets...........................................................        $110,635                  -
Patents and trademarks....................................................          12,018          5-7 years
In-process research and development.......................................          94,000                  -
Developed technology......................................................          59,490            5 years
Assembled workforce.......................................................           1,600            3 years
Reseller network..........................................................          17,000            3 years
Deferred tax liability on certain assets acquired.........................         (34,704)           Various
Goodwill..................................................................         522,970            5 years
   Total..................................................................        $783,009


         The fair value of the purchased in-process research and development was
determined using the income approach excess earnings method based on the future
cash flows that are projected to be generated by the products under development
over their economic lives.

         In-process research and development activities consist of hardware and
software product concept formulation, engineering prototyping, software code
programming and testing procedure design and development. The important elements
of the in-process projects at the time of acquisition include product concepts
and designs, software code, test specifications and processes and pre-prototype
models. The fair value of the in-process products has been determined on a
product-line basis. Material cash inflows from significant projects are
projected to commence in 2001.

         Cybex has several switch, extension and remote access projects in
process. The primary focus of the in-process projects involves developments that
are expected to have reduced cost and increased functionality. As of the date
the merger agreement was signed, the individual projects were in various stages
of completion. These products are projected to be introduced in the years 2000
through 2001.

         The research and development projects underway generally involve
integrating the capabilities of the recent Cybex acquisitions of PixelVision
Technology, Inc. (integrated, high-information-content, digital display
technology) and Fox Network Systems Corporation (remote access technology for

control and operation of personal computers and network servers from remote
locations over telecommunications networks) and the recent technology licenses
from Mobility Electronics (PCI bus technology). Using these patented and
unpatented intellectual property technologies with Cybex's own patented and
unpatented KVM technology, the major R&D projects currently in development are:

         -        VIDEO ENHANCEMENT. This is a project to improve and enhance
                  the quality of the video fed to a display monitor when that
                  monitor is separated from the source of the video signal
                  (typically one or more network servers) by several hundred
                  feet, and involves hardware improvements in Cybex's existing
                  extension technology. This project is designed to integrate
                  PixelVision's display technology and Fox's remote access
                  technology in existing Cybex products.

         -        REMOTE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. This project involves
                  incorporating the remote access technology originally acquired
                  from Fox into Cybex's existing KVM products and developing
                  new, stand-alone remote access products in order to improve
                  both the speed of access and the features available to remote
                  users. This project also incorporates the video compression
                  and enhancement technology used by PixelVision in the
                  development of its digital display technology, and this
                  project is designed to incorporate this digital technology in
                  the remote access products to handle KVM signals in digital
                  rather than analog format. Other remote access improvements
                  under review include porting the licensed remote PCI bus
                  technology and universal, 32-bit, "no compromises" docking
                  solutions from Mobility Electronics into Cybex's remote access
                  products, KVM switches, and developing products with this
                  technology for the desktop computer and network server

         -        SERVER MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS. This project is focused on
                  increasing the number of servers managed, the number of users
                  managing them, and the parameters that are available to manage
                  them. This project involves increasing the available matrix of
                  servers and users as well as providing enhancements in the
                  nature of better, more sensitive mouse support, better
                  portability (hot plugability), and better diagnostics.

         The work to be performed in these projects varies, but the projects can
be described as forty to seventy percent complete. The risks to successful
commercialization are substantial--for instance, the engineering work to
compress and alternate video between digital and analog signals involves
significant risk of failure. In addition, there are the risks that the
technology may not perform as anticipated, that the projects (or the
technology) may infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties,
and that the projects may not result in commercially marketable or profitable


         The new generation of products under development are projected to sell
through sales channels and to customers that are substantially the same as
current and historical channels and customers. Pricing and margins will differ
from historical levels due to anticipated competitive pressure, and are
projected to be lower overall on higher unit volume. All technology projections
were developed within the context of an overall revenue growth rate for the
company of 40% to 60% annually, based on historical results and industry

Core Technology:

         REVENUE GROWTH - The core technology is embodied in products in various
stages of the product life cycle. These products have estimated remaining lives
ranging from one to six years. The aggregate revenue growth rate for these
products is as follows:

                                                                     1        2         3        4         5        6
                                                                    ---      ---       ---      ---       ---        -

Growth........................................................      22.5%     2.5%    -20.9%   -19.3%    -48.4%   -50.0%

         OPERATING MARGINS - Operating margins are projected to remain
relatively constant for these products over their remaining lives as follows:

                                                                            1        2       3       4       5       6
                                                                           ---      ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

Operating Margin......................................................     31.4%   31.8%   31.9%   30.6%   30.3%   29.5%

         DISCOUNT RATE - The discount rate for the core technologies has been
estimated at 15%.

In-Process Research and Technology:

         REVENUE GROWTH - The in-process technology is embodied in products to
be launched in fiscal years 2001 and 2002. These products have estimated
economic lives ranging from five to seven years. The product life cycle is
characterized by an approximate 2 year ramp up period, followed by a 2 to 3 year
plateau exhibiting a growth rate of 25% to 50%, followed by a 2 to 3 year
decline period. The aggregate revenue growth rate for these products is as

                                                       1        2         3        4       5        6        7
                                                      ---      ---       ---      ---     ---      ---      ---
Growth.............................................     n/a    208.0%    101.0%   51.0%   -8.9%    -33.0%   -50.8%

         OPERATING MARGIN - Operating margins are projected to remain relatively
constant for these products over their remaining lives, with aggregate margins
declining in later years due to shifts in product mix, as follows:

                                                           1       2       3        4       5       6       7
                                                          ---     ---     ---      ---     ---     ---     ---
Operating Margin.....................................     30.9%   30.3%    30.5%   30.1%   30.4%   25.0%   25.0%

         DISCOUNT RATE - The discount rate for the in-process research and
development has been estimated at 25%.

Development Costs:

         We estimate that approximately $2,700,000 will be needed in additional
development costs relating to the in-process research and development which will
be largely completed within the year 2001.


         The following adjustments were applied to the historical statements of
operations to arrive at the unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of
operations and the historical balance sheets to arrive at the unaudited pro
forma condensed combined balance sheet:

         (a)      Reflects the additional amortization expense of core
                  technology for the year ended December 31, 1999 and the six
                  months ended June 30, 2000 using the straight-line method over
                  its estimated useful life of 5 years.

         (b)      Reflects the additional depreciation expense on the write-up
                  of property and equipment of $487 and $244 for the year ended
                  December 31, 1999 and the six months ended June 30, 2000,
                  respectively, using the straight-line method over their
                  estimated useful lives of predominately 5 years. Also reflects
                  the amortization of deferred compensation related to the
                  intrinsic value of unvested Cybex options of $16,967 and 7,073
                  for the year ended December 31, 1999 and the six months ended
                  June 30, 2000, respectively, using the straight-line method
                  over the options remaining vesting period.

         (c)      Reflects the additional amortization expense of intangible
                  assets of $111,230 and $55,615 for the year ended December 31,
                  1999 and the six months ended June 30, 2000, respectively,
                  using the straight-line method over their estimated useful
                  lives of 3 to 7 years.

         (d)      Reflects the income tax benefit of the additional amortization
                  for the write-up of certain assets and the values assigned to
                  core technology, workforce, reseller network, patents
                  trademarks of $7,613 and $3,807 for the year ended December
                  31, 1999 and the six months ended June 30, 2000.

         (e)      Shares used in the per share calculations reflect a weighted
                  average number of shares of Avocent common stock based on the
                  number of weighted average Apex shares and 19,441 shares of
                  Avocent common stock issued to Cybex shareholders as if they
                  were outstanding from January 1, 1999.

         (f)      Reflects the increase to the fair value of property, plant and
                  equipment based upon the appraisals.

         (g)      Reflects the allocation of purchase consideration to
                  intangibles based upon the appraisals.

         (h)      Reflects the income tax benefit as discussed in item (d)

         (i)      Reflects accrual for acquisition costs.

         (j)      Reflect the allocation of purchase consideration to common
                  stock and option, less the Cybex historical balance.

         (k)      Reflects elimination of Cybex comprehensive income.

         (l)      Reflects deferred compensation expense recorded related to the
                  intrinsic value of unvested Cybex options outstanding on June
                  30, 2000.

         (m)      Reflects elimination of Cybex retained earnings and the
                  immediate writeoff of in-process research and development of
                  $94 million.

         In-process research and development costs in the amount of $94,000,
which was written off immediately after the transaction is complete and
compensation charges related to the acceleration of

vesting on certain executives' options to purchase Apex common stock, have been
excluded from the unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of

         Basic and diluted net loss per share is the same because common stock
equivalents would be anti-dilutive.

         As a result of the merger on July 1, 2000, 23,331 and 19,441
shares of Avocent common stock were issued to Apex and Cybex shareholders,
respectively. This resulted in a total of 42,772 outstanding shares of
Avocent common stock as of July 1, 2000.


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Date:  September 13, 2000             AVOCENT CORPORATION

                                      By:  /s/ Samuel F. Saracino
                                          Samuel F. Saracino
                                          Senior Vice President, Legal and
                                               Corporate Affairs, General
                                               Counsel and Secretary

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

- --------------    -------------------------------------------------------------

         2.1      Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between Apex Inc., a
                  Washington corporation, Avocent Corporation (formerly known as
                  Aegean Sea Inc.), a Delaware corporation, and Cybex Computer
                  Products Corporation, an Alabama corporation, dated as of
                  March 8, 2000. (Incorporated by reference to Annex A of the
                  Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus of the Registrant included in
                  the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed on March 31, 2000
                  (File No. 333-33768) (the "Joint Proxy

         2.2      Form of Apex Voting Agreement dated as of March 8, 2000
                  entered into by Cybex, certain Apex shareholders and Apex.
                  (Incorporated by reference to Annex F of the Joint Proxy
                  Statement/Prospectus included in the Registrant's Form S-4).

         2.3      Form of Cybex Voting Agreement dated as of March 8, 2000
                  entered into by Apex, certain Cybex shareholders and Cybex.
                  (Incorporated by reference to Annex G of the Joint Proxy
                  Statement/Prospectus included in the Registrant's Form S-4).

         3.1      Specimen certificate for Registrant's Common Stock.
                  (Incorporated by reference to the Registrant's Form S-4).