Amendment to Schedule A to the Participation Agreement among Allmerica Investment Trust, Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services, Inc. and First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company WHEREAS, Allmerica Investment Trust, Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services, Inc. and First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company have previously entered into a Participation Agreement dated March 22, 2000 ("Participation Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Participation Agreement provides for the amendment of Schedule A thereto from time to time, and the parties now wish to amend Schedule A to add additional separate accounts, thereby substituting the attached Schedule A for the prior existing one. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree: 1. To amend Schedule A to the Participation Agreement by adopting the attached Schedule A, dated June 1, 2000, and by substituting the attached Schedule A for any and all prior amendments to Schedule A, as may have been adopted from time to time. In witness whereof, each of the parties has caused this agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representatives as of the date specified below. FIRST ALLMERICA FINANCIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY By: _/s/ John P. Kavanaugh_____ Name: ___John P. Kavanaugh______ Title: ___Vice President__________ Date: ___August 17, 2000________ ALLMERICA INVESTMENT TRUST ALLMERICA FINANCIAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. By: _/s/ Kristin Bushard________ By: _/s/ Paul T. Kane__________ Name: ____Kristin Bushard_______ Name: ___Paul T. Kane__________ Title: ____Vice President________ Title: ___Vice President_________ Date: ____August 17, 2000______ Date: ___August 17, 2000_______ FIRST ALLMERICA FINANCIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A TO PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 22, 2000 (DATED JUNE 1, 2000) SEPARATE ACCOUNTS AND VARIABLE PRODUCTS --------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLE LIFE PRODUCTS SEPARATE ACCOUNT PRODUCT NAME 1933 ACT # 1940 ACT # - ---------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- VEL II VEL (93) 33-71050 811-8130 Inheiritage Inheiritage 33-74184 811-8304 Select Inheiritage Allmerica Select Separate Account II Select Life 333-62369 811-8987 Group VEL Group VEL 333-06383 811-7663 Separate Account SPVL Allmerica Estate Optimizer Pending Pending Separate Account SPVL Select SPL Pending Pending FUVUL Separate Account ValuePlus Assurance (First Union) Pending Pending Separate Account IMO VUL 2001 Pending Pending Separate Account FR1 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account FR2 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account FR3 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account FR4 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account FQ1 PremierFocus N/A N/A VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCTS SEPARATE ACCOUNT PRODUCT NAME 1933 ACT # 1940 ACT # - ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- VA-K ExecAnnuity Plus 91 33-71052 811-8114 ExecAnnuity Plus 93 33-71052 811-8114 Allmerica Advantage 33-71052 811-8114 Ultimate Advantage 333-38276 811-8114 Agency Accumulator (no-load) 333-87105 811-8114 Allmerica Immediate Advantage 333-81859 811-8114 Variable Annuity (IVA) ValuePlus Assurance IVA (First N/A Union) VARIABLE ANNUITY PRODUCTS SEPARATE ACCOUNT PRODUCT NAME 1933 ACT # 1940 ACT # - ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------- Allmerica Select Separate Account Allmerica Select Resource I 33-71058 811-8116 Allmerica Select Resource II 33-71058 811-8116 Allmerica Select Charter (C-Shares) 333-63087 811-8116 Allmerica Select Advocate (no-load) 333-90533 811-8116 Allmerica Select Secondary B/D 333-92117 811-8116 Separate Accounts VA-A, VA-B, VA-C, Variable Annuities (discontinued) VA-G, VA-H Fulcrum Separate Account Fulcrum 333-16929 811-7947 Separate Account UR1 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account UR2 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account UR3 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account UR4 PremierFocus N/A N/A Separate Account UQ1 PremierFocus N/A N/A - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------