Amendment to Schedule A to Participation Agreement Among Variable Insurance Products Fund, Fidelity Distributors Corporation, and First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company WHEREAS, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company (formerly known as State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America), Variable Insurance Products Fund and Fidelity Distributors Corporation entered into a Participation Agreement on February 18, 1994 ("Participation Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Participation Agreement and restate in its entirety Schedule A by mutual written consent; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree to replace Schedule A to the Participation Agreement and any amendments thereto with the attached Schedule A dated as of August 1, 2000. All terms and conditions of the Participation Agreement and Schedules thereto shall continue in full force and effect except as modified hereby. In witness whereof, each of the parties has caused this agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative as of the date specified below. FIRST ALLMERICA FINANCIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY By: _/s/ Richard M. Reilly___________ Name: ___Richard M. Reilly __________ Title: ___Vice President______________ Date: ___July 19, 2000_______________ VARIABLE INSURANCE FIDELITY DISTRIBUTORS PRODUCTS FUND CORPORATION By: _/s/ Robert C. Pozen___________ By: __/s/ Kevin J. Kelly____________ Name: ___ Robert C. Pozen ___________ Name: ____Kevin J. Kelly ____________ Title: ____Senior Vice President_______ Title: ____Vice President____________ Date: ____July 25, 2000_____________ Date: ____July 25, 2000 __________ Schedule A Separate Accounts and Associated Contracts Name of Separate Account Contract Name and Form Numbers Registration Numbers and Date Established by Board by Separate Account of Contracts of Directors ------------------- ------------ - ------------ VEL II Vari-Exceptional Life '93 33-71056 (Variable Life) Policy Form 1018-94 811-8130 8/20/91 Inheiritage Inheiritage 33-74184 (Variable Life) Policy Form 1026-94 811-8304 8/20/91 Group VEL Group Vari-Exceptional Life 333-06383 (Variable Life) Policy Form 1029-94 811-7663 8/20/91 VA-K Allmerica ExecAnnuity Plus 33-71052 (Annuity) Policy Form A3018-94 811-8114 8/20/91 Allmerica Advantage 33-71052 Policy Form A3025-96 811-8114 Allmerica Immediate Advantage 333-81859 Policy Form A3029-99 811-8114 Allmerica Ultimate Advantage 333-38276 Policy Form A3033-00 811-8114 Allmerica Select Allmerica Select Resource 33-71058 (Annuity) Policy Form A3020-94 811-8116 8/20/91 Allmerica Select Resource II 33-71058 Policy Form A3025-96 811-8116 Allmerica Select Charter 333-63087 Policy Form A3027-98 811-8116 Allmerica Select Group IRA 33-47858 Separate Account I Policy Form GA-IRA-2.00-92 811-8114 (Annuity) 8/20/91 Allmerica Select Allmerica Select Life 333-62369 Separate Account II Policy Form 1027-95 811-8987 (Variable Life) 8/20/91