
Contact:    Michael Gury                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
            (203) 222-4230



WESTPORT, CT, September 1, 2000 - IMS HEALTH today announced the completion of
the spin-off of SYNAVANT Inc. as an independent company. "Regular way" trading
of IMS HEALTH, without the right to the SYNAVANT share distribution, begins
today on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:RX). Regular way trading begins today
on the Nasdaq National Market for SYNAVANT (Nasdaq: SNVT).

      Current IMS HEALTH stock certificates represent investors' interest in IMS
HEALTH without the right to the SYNAVANT dividend. SYNAVANT stock certificates
are being distributed to IMS HEALTH shareholders of record as of July 28, 2000.
Transactions for IMS HEALTH shares between July 28, 2000 and August 31, 2000
included due bills for the SYNAVANT dividend.

      IMS HEALTH is the world's leading provider of information solutions to the
pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. With $1.1 billion in 1999 revenue, IMS
HEALTH operates in more than 100 countries. IMS HEALTH is the largest
pharmaceutical manufacturer information partner, with over 40 years' experience
in the industry. Key products and services integral to customer day-to-day
operations include market research for prescription and over-the-counter
pharmaceutical products and sales management information to optimize sales force
productivity. Additional information is available at HTTP://WWW.IMSHEALTH.COM.

      SYNAVANT Inc. (NASDAQ:SNVT) guides biopharmaceutical and healthcare
companies to greater business success by accelerating the adoption of healthcare
advances around the world. SYNAVANT accomplishes this by designing, building and
supporting knowledge-based solution sets that bring together leading-edge
technology, proven data management competence, a full range of specialist
services and over 30 years of healthcare expertise. Solutions include
Pharmaceutical Relationship Management (PRM) and e-business applications,
interactive marketing, server and database

management, dedicated local helpline support, training, telemarketing, sample
management, and product-recall services. SYNAVANT is headquartered in Atlanta,
GA, and has offices in 23 countries. Additional information is available at



This Current Report on Form 8-K, as well as information included in oral
statements or other written statements made or to be made by IMS, contain
statements which, in the opinion of IMS, may constitute "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995.  These statements appear in a number of places in this report
and include, but are not limited to, all statements relating to plans for
future growth and other business development activities as well as capital
expenditures, financing sources, dividends, divestitures and the effects of
regulation and competition, Euro conversion and all other statements
regarding the intent, plans, beliefs or expectations of IMS or its directors
or officers. Stockholders are cautioned that such forward-looking statements
are not assurances for future performance or events and involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results and developments to differ
materially from those covered in such forward-looking statements. These risks
and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks associated with
operating on a global basis, including fluctuations in the value of foreign
currencies relative to the U.S. dollar, and the ability to successfully hedge
such risks; to the extent IMS seeks growth through acquisitions, alliances or
joint ventures, the ability to identify, consummate and integrate
acquisitions, alliances and ventures on satisfactory terms; the ability to
develop new or advanced technologies, systems and products for its business
on time and on a cost-effective basis including but not limited to those that
use or are related to the Internet; the ability to successfully maintain
historic effective tax rates and to achieve estimated corporate overhead
levels; competition, particularly in the markets for pharmaceutical
information; regulatory, legislative and enforcement initiatives,
particularly in the area of medical privacy and tax; the ability to timely
and cost-effectively resolve any problems associated with the Euro currency
issue; the ability to obtain future financing on satisfactory terms;
deterioration in economic conditions, particularly in the pharmaceutical,
healthcare, or other industries in which customers may operate; consolidation
in the pharmaceutical industry and the other industries in which IMS's
customers operate; conditions in the securities markets which may effect the
value or liquidity of portfolio investments and management's estimates of
lives of assets, recoverability of assets, fair market value, estimates and
liabilities and accrued income tax benefits and liabilities; and; failure of
third parties to convert their information technology systems to the Euro
currency in a timely manner and actions of government agencies and other
third parties with respect to Euro currency issues.  Consequently, all the
forward-looking statements contained in this Current Report on Form 8-K are
qualified by the information contained herein, and by the material set forth
under the headings "Business" and "Factors that May Affect Future Results" in
IMS's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999.  IMS
is under no obligation to publicly release any revision to any
forward-looking statement contained or incorporated herein to reflect any
future events or occurrences.