The Alberta Stock Exchange                                              Form 10B
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                                ESCROW AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate, as of this 28th day of April, 1998.


                              INZECO HOLDINGS INC.
                          (herein called the "Issuer")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

                                     - and -

                        MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA
                          (herein called the "Trustee")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

                                     - and -

         ACCOUNT #49380616-1-3
                     (herein called the "Securityholders")

                                                               OF THE THIRD PART

         WHEREAS, in order to comply with the requirements of the Alberta
Securities Act, S.A. 1981, c.S-6.1 as amended. The Alberta Stock Exchange (the
"Exchange"), the Securityholders have agreed to deposit certain securities of
the Issuer owned or to be received by them into escrow in accordance with the
terms of this Escrow Agreement;

         AND WHEREAS, in order to comply with the requirements of The Alberta
Stock Exchange (the "Exchange"), the Securityholders are desirous of depositing
in escrow certain securities of the Issuer owned or to be received by them;

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         AND WHEREAS, the Trustee has agreed to undertake and perform its
duties according to the terms and conditions thereof;

         NOW, THEREFORE, this agreement witnesses that, in consideration of the
sum of One ($1.00) Dollar paid by the parties to each other, receipt of this
sum being acknowledged by each of the parties, the Securityholders jointly and
severally covenant and agree with the Issuer and with the Trustee, and the
Issuer and the Trustee covenant and agree each with the other and with the
Securityholders jointly and severally as follows:

1.       Where used in this agreement, or in any amendment or supplement hereto,
         unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases
         shall have the following ascribed to them below:

         (a)      "CASH FLOW" means net income derived from the property, as
                  shown on the audited financial statements or verified by the
                  Issuer's auditors, adjusted for the following add-backs: (i)
                  depreciation, (ii) depletion, (iii) deferred taxes, (iv)
                  amortization of goodwill, (v) amortization of research and
                  development costs.

         (b)      "RELATED PARTY" means a promoter, officer, director, insider
                  or control person of the Issuer and any associates or
                  affiliates of these parties.

2.       Each of the Securityholders hereby places and deposits in escrow with
         the Trustee those of his securities of the Issuer which are represented
         by the certificates described in Schedule "A" (the "Escrowed
         Securities") and the Trustee hereby acknowledges receipt of such
         Escrowed Securities. Each Securityholder further undertakes and agrees
         to deposit into escrow any further securities of the Issuer which the
         Securityholder may receive as a stock dividend on the Escrowed
         Securities and to deliver to the Trustee immediately on receipt thereof
         the certificates (if any) for any such further securities and any
         replacement certificates which may at any time be issued for any of the
         Escrowed Securities.

3.       Each of the Securityholders shall be entitled to a letter or receipt
         from the Trustee stating the number of securities held for the
         Securityholder by the Trustee subject to the terms of this Agreement.
         It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that such
         letter or receipt shall not be assignable or transferrable.

4.       Each of the Securityholders hereby underakes and agrees to deposit in
         escrow with the Trustee any securities of the Issuer owned or acquired
         by the Securityholder in accordance with the escrow restrictions
         imposed by the Exchange.

5.       The Parties hereby agree that the Escrowed Securities and the
         beneficial ownership of or any interest in them and the certificates
         representing them (including any replacement securities or
         certificates) shall remain in escrow and shall be released only in
         accordance with the terms hereof and on the written consent of the
         Exchange to the Trustee.

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6.       The Securityholders direct the Trustee to retain their respective
         securities and the certificates (including any replacement securities
         or certificates) representing them and not to do or cause anything to
         be done to release them from escrow or to allow any transfer,
         hypothecation or alienation thereof, without the written consent of the

7.       The Parties agree that a partial release of the Escrowed Securities
         shall release from escrow only the securities specified in it, and this
         Agreement shall continue in full force and effect in respect of those
         securities as may from time to time remain in escrow until all of the
         Escrowed Securities have been either released pursuant to paragraph 11
         or on the written consent of the Exchange, or canceled pursuant to
         paragraph 15 hereof. For greater certainty, this paragraph does not
         apply to securities transferred within escrow.

8.       In the event of bankruptcy or death of a Securityholder, the Trustee,
         upon receipt of written notification by the Exchange, may transmit the
         Securityholder's securities by operation of law to the trustee in
         bankruptcy, person representative or surviving joint tenant as the case
         may be but, notwithstanding such transmission, the securities shall
         remain subject to the terms of this Agreement.

9.       The Exchange may consent in writing to the transfer within escrow or
         hypothecation within escrow of any of the Escrowed Securities, subject
         to written confirmation by the transferee or mortgagee to be bound by
         the terms of this Agreement and subject also to such other terms and
         conditions as the Exchange may impose, and the Trustee, on receipt of
         the written consent of the Exchange and of the agreement of the
         transferee or mortgagee as described, shall permit such transfer within
         escrow or hypothecation within escrow.

10.      Any Securityholder applying to the Exchange for a consent for a
         transfer within escrow shall, before applying, give reasonable notice
         in writing of his intention to the Issuer and the Trustee. The
         Securityholders hereby acknowledge that any transferee of any Escrowed
         Securities shall be required to become bound by all of the provisions

11.      (a)      The Exchange will generally consent to the release from escrow
                  of one share for each $0.20 of Cash Flow generated by or from
                  the Issuer.

         (b)      Any release from escrow under this paragraph 11 shall be made
                  pursuant to a written application on behalf of the Issuer or
                  the Securityholders, which application shall be accompanied by
                  evidence of the Cash Flow received or Deferred Expenditures
                  incurred in a form satisfactory to the Exchange. Application
                  for release may only be made once per year and may only relate
                  to Cash Flow received or Deferred Expenditures incurred in the
                  preceding fiscal year or the fiscal years of the Issuer since
                  the last release from escrow pursuant to this Agreement,
                  whichever is greater. All shares released from escrow shall,
                  unless otherwise directed by the Exchange, be distributed
                  pro-rata to all Securityholders.

         (c)      Notwithstanding subparagraph (b) above, the maximum number of
                  shares which may be released from escrow in any one calendar
                  year to any Securityholder who is a Related Party shall be one
                  third of the original number of shares held in escrow on
                  behalf of such Securityholder.

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12.      The Securityholders hereby renounce and release any right to receive
         payment of any dividend (other than a stock dividend) which may be
         payable on any Escrowed Securities with the intent that the dividend
         shall not be paid on securities which are in escrow on the record date
         set for the dividend.

13.      If the Issuer is wound up and any securities remain in escrow under
         this agreement at the time when a distribution of assets to holders of
         securities is made by the liquidator, the Securityholders do hereby
         assign their right to receive that part of the distribution which is
         attributable to the Escrowed Securities to the Trustee, for the benefit
         of, and in trust for the persons and companies who are then
         Securityholders of the Issuer whose securities are not subject to this
         Agreement, rateably in proportion to their holdings.

14.      (a)      In the event that the Exchange determines or becomes aware
                  that the Issuer has lost, alienated or has not obtained a good
                  or marketable title to, or has abandoned or discontinued
                  development of, any or all of the aforesaid property or
                  asset(s) which was or formed all or any part of the
                  consideration for which the Escrowed Securities were issued,
                  or that any or all of the said property or asset(s) has become
                  a little or no value, the Issuer shall declare the occurrence
                  of that event, with full particulars thereof, to the Exchange
                  by a resolution of its directors, and those Securityholders
                  who are directors from time to time hereby agree to cause such
                  resolution to be passed and certified to the satisfaction of
                  the Exchange.

         (b)      The Securityholders jointly and severally agree with the
                  Issuer and the Trustee that in the vent of any such loss,
                  alienation, failure to acquire title, or of such abandonment
                  or discontinuance of development or diminution of value, the
                  Escrowed Securities shall not be canceled or released from
                  escrow, in whole or in part, except with the consent of the

         (c)      The Exchange may, in its sole discretion, having regard to the
                  number and value of the securities issued for the property or
                  asset, the value of the property as ultimately established and
                  such other circumstances as it may consider relevant,
                  determine the number of securities to be canceled or released
                  and shall communicate its decision in writing to the Trustee.
                  If the Exchange determines that less than the total Escrowed
                  Securities shall be canceled or released, the securities to be
                  canceled or released shall be allocated proportionately
                  amongst the Securityholders in relation to their respective
                  shareholdings of the Issuer, unless the Exchange otherwise
                  directs or the Securityholders, with the consent of the
                  Exchange, otherwise agree in writing.

         (d)      On receipt by the Trustee of a direction from the Exchange to
                  cancel any Escrowed Securities, the Trustee shall tender the
                  required number of Escrowed Securities to the Issuer for
                  cancellation and the Issuer shall thereupon take the necessary
                  action, by way of reduction of capital or otherwise, to cancel
                  the Escrowed Securities, and the certificates for these
                  securities shall be delivered up for cancellation by the
                  Issuer's transfer agent.

         (e)      Each of the Securityholders undertakes and agrees to vote and
                  cause to be voted their respective securities in a manner
                  consistent with the terms, conditions and intent of this
                  Agreement in relation to the aforesaid cancellation of
                  Escrowed Securities.

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The Alberta Stock Exchange                                              Form 10B
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15.      Notwithstanding paragraphs 11 and 14, any Escrowed Securities not
         released from escrow in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
         before the expiration of five (5) years from the date of this Agreement
         shall be canceled forthwith and the Issuer and the Trustee hereby
         undertake and agree to take all actions as may be necessary to
         expeditiously effect such cancellation.

16.      For the purposes of effecting a cancellation of Escrowed Securities
         pursuant to paragraphs 14 and 15 the Securityholders hereby irrevocably
         appoint the Trustee as their attorney for the purposes of canceling the
         Escrowed Securities, with authority to substitute one or more persons
         or entities with the like powers.

17.      All voting rights attached to the escrowed securities shall at all
         times be exercised by the respective registered owners thereof.

18.      The Securityholders agree that, while any of their securities are held
         in escrow under this Agreement, they will not, without the prior
         written consent of the Exchange, vote any of their securities (whether
         escrowed or not) in support of any arrangement that would result in a
         repayment of capital being made on the Escrowed Securities prior to the
         commencement of any winding up of the Issuer.

19.      The Securityholders and the Issuer hereby jointly and severally agree
         to and do hereby release and indemnify and save harmless the Trustee
         from and against all claims, suits, demands, costs, damages and
         expenses which may be occasioned by reason of the Trustee's compliance
         in good faith with the terms hereof, including, but not limited to, any
         action taken by the Trustee to effect the cancellation of or to
         surrender to the Issuer for cancellation all or any portion of the
         Escrowed Securities pursuant to paragraphs 14 and 15.

20.      The Securityholders and the Issuer hereby jointly and severally agree
         to and do hereby release and indemnify the Exchange, its governors,
         officers and employees from and against all claims, suits, demands,
         actions, costs, damages and expenses which may be occasioned by reason
         of the enforcement by the Exchange of or compliance with any of the
         provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any
         determination made by the Exchange that the cancellation of all or any
         portion of the Escrowed Securities is appropriate in accordance with
         the provisions of paragraphs 14 and 15.

21.      The Trustee accepts the responsibilities placed on it by this Agreement
         and agrees to perform them in accordance with the terms of this
         Agreement and the written consents, orders or directions of the

22.      The Issuer hereby acknowledges the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement and agrees to take all reasonable steps to facilitate its
         performance and to pay the Trustee's proper charges for its services
         under this Agreement.

23.      In the event the Trustee wishes to resign, retire or otherwise
         terminate its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, it shall be
         required to provide at least ninety (90) days written notice to the
         Issuer. Upon receipt of such notice the Issuer may, with the written
         consent of the Exchange, by writing, appoint another Trustee in its
         place and such appointment shall be binding on the Securityholders and
         the new Trustee shall assume and be bound by the obligations of the
         Trustee hereunder.

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24.      The covenants of the Securityholders with the Issuer in this agreement
         are made with the Issuer both in its own right and as trustee for the
         holders from time to time of free securities in the Issuer, and may be
         enforced not only by the Issuer but also by any holder of free

25.      This agreement may be executed in several parts of the same form and
         the parts as so executed shall together constitute one original
         agreement, and the parts, if more than one, shall be read together and
         construed as if all the signing parties hereto had executed one copy of
         this agreement.

26.      This Agreement may be amended upon agreement of the Issuer, the Trustee
         and the Securityholders and upon the written consent having been
         obtained from the Exchange.

27.      This Agreement and Schedule "A" attached hereto contains the entire
         understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the subject
         matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings,
         negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, between the
         parties and there are no warranties, representations or other
         agreements between the parties in connection with this Agreement,
         except as specifically set forth herein.

28.      No waiver, modification or termination of this Agreement shall be
         binding on any of the parties unless executed in writing by all parties
         hereto. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be
         deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision (whether
         similar or not), nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver,
         unless expressly provided.

29.      This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed in
         all respects by the laws of the Province of Alberta. The courts of
         Alberta shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any action
         or proceeding brought by or against the Exchange or any of the parties
         hereto in connection with this Agreement or any alleged breach hereof
         and the parties hereby expressly agree to attorn to the jurisdiction of
         such courts for that purpose.

30.      This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender or number as
         the context may require, and the word "person" or "persons" as used in
         this Agreement shall be deemed to include firms, partnerships,
         corporations and associations as well as natural persons. Further, the
         term "Securityholders" shall include any permitted transferees within
         escrow and any person to whom the interest of a Securityholder may be
         transmitted by operation of law as provided in paragraph 8 and the term
         "Trustee" shall include a new Trustee appointed under paragraph 23, and
         whenever the singular or masculine is used, the same shall be construed
         to include the plural, feminine, neuter or a corporate or other entity
         where the context so requires.

31.      Any provision or any portion of any provision or provisions of this
         Agreement determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
         invalid, illegal or unenforceable shall be deemed stricken to the
         extent necessary to eliminate any invalidity, illegality or
         unenforceability and the rest of the Agreement and all other provisions
         and parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect and be binding
         up the parties hereto as though he said illegal and/or unenforceable
         provision or provisions or part or parts thereof had never been
         included in this Agreement.

32.      This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding on the
         parties to this agreement and each of their heirs, executors,
         administrators, successors and assigns.

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The Alberta Stock Exchange                                              Form 10B
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         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Securityholders
have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written.


Per: /s/ Warren Arseneau
     -------------------------- (corporate seal)


Per: /s/ Gloria Collins
     -------------------------- (corporate seal)

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The Alberta Stock Exchange                                              Form 10B
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         SIGNED by the respective Securityholders whose names are specified in
the right hand column below in the presence of the witness to such signature as
indicated opposite the signature of each Securityholder as specified in the
left hand column below.


                               /s/ Roger J. Short
                               Roger J. Short

                               /s/ William R. Beavers
                               William R. Beavers

                               /s/ Sheila M. Finn
                               Sheila M. Finn

                               /s/ Warren D. Arseneau
                               Warren D. Arseneau

                               /s/ Michael Boyd
                               Michael Boyd

                               /s/ Robert H. Stikeman
                               Robert H. Stikeman

                               GREENSULATE L.L.C.

                               Per: /s/ name of signatory illegible

                               JUNIOR INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORP.

                               Per: /s/ Michael Boyd

                                   RBC DOMINION IN TRUST FOR WILLIAM
                                   BEAVERS RRSP ACCOUNT #49380616-1-3

                                   Per: /s/ name of signatory illegible

                                   GUNDYCO IN TRUST FOR SHEILA FINN
                                   RRSP ACCOUNT #550-28824-17

                                   Per: /s/ name of signatory illegible

                                   T/D INVESTOR COMPANY IN TRUST FOR
                                   MIKE BOYD RRSP ACCOUNT #140422-S

                                   Per: /s/ name of signatory illegible

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The Alberta Stock Exchange                                              Form 10B
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                                  SCHEDULE "A"

        To the Escrow Agreement dated as of the 28th day of April, 1998.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Securityholders                               Type of Securities                 Number of Securities
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROGER J. SHORT                                           Common Shares                          701,265
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WILLIAM R. BEAVERS                                       Common Shares                          277,657
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RBC DOMINION IN TRUST FOR WILLIAM                        Common Shares                          160,186
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GREENSULATE L.L.C.                                       Common Shares                        3,470,730
(a corporation controlled by Martin H. Beck)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHEILA M. FINN                                           Common Shares                          308,984
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUNDYCO IN TRUST FOR SHEILA FINN                         Common Shares                          138,828
RRSP ACCOUNT #550-28824-17
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WARREN D. ARSENEAU                                       Common Shares                        3,384,110
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MICHAEL BOYD                                             Common Shares                          249,180
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T/D INVESTOR COMPANY IN TRUST FOR                        Common Shares                          106,791
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JUNIOR INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORP.                          Common Shares                          273,386
(a corporation wholly owned by Michael Boyd)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROBERT H. STIKEMAN                                       Common Shares                          227,822
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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