TERM NOTE

$646,765                                                   Pasadena, California
                                                                August 16, 2000

                  For value received, the undersigned, XIT CORPORATION, a New
Jersey corporation (the "BORROWER"), hereby promises to pay on the
Termination Date under the Credit Agreement (defined below), to the order of
WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CREDIT, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "LENDER"), at
its main office in Pasadena, California, or at any other place designated at
any time by the holder hereof, in lawful money of the United States of
America and in immediately available funds, the principal sum of SIX HUNDRED
the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Term Advance made by the Lender
to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement (defined below) together with
interest on the principal amount hereunder remaining unpaid from time to
time, computed on the basis of the actual number of, days elapsed and a
360-day year, from the date hereof until this Note is fully paid at the rate
from time to time in effect under the Credit and Security Agreement of even
date herewith (as the same may hereafter be amended, supplemented or restated
from time to time, the "CREDIT AGREEMENT") by and among the Lender, the
Borrower and CXR TELCOM CORPORATION. The principal hereof and interest
accruing thereon shall be due and payable as provided in the Credit
Agreement. This Note may be prepaid only in accordance with the Credit

                  This Note is issued pursuant, and is subject, to the Credit
Agreement, which provides, among other things, for acceleration hereof. This
Note is the Term Note referred to in the Credit Agreement. This Note is secured,
among other things, pursuant to the Credit Agreement and the Security Documents
as therein defined, and may now or hereafter be secured by one or more other
security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, assignments or other instruments
or agreements.

                  The Borrower hereby agrees to pay all costs of collection,
including attorneys' fees and legal expenses in the event this Note is not
paid when due, whether or not legal proceedings are commenced.

                  Presentment or other demand for payment, notice of dishonor
and protest are expressly waived.

                                       XIT CORPORATION,
                                       a New Jersey corporation

                                       By /s/ GALLANT THEIN

                                       Name: Gallant Thein

                                             Its Secretary