[COMPUTRON LETTERHEAD]

May 21, 1996

Mr. William Levering, CPA
1353 Brook Lane
Jamison, PA 18929

Dear William,

This letter is to confirm our offer of employment to you under the following
terms and conditions to join Computron Software, Inc. as a Sales/Revenue
Controller for the Finance Department reporting to myself, starting employment
as soon as possible.

SALARY: Starting salary will be $4,166.67 semi-monthly, paid on the 15th and
last business day of each month (this equates to $100,000.00 per annum).

BONUS: You will be eligible for an annual bonus of $14,000.00, connected to the
elimination of material weaknesses in the Management letter.

STOCK OPTIONS: We will recommend to the Board of Directors of Computron
Software, Inc. that you be awarded a stock option of 10,000 shares of its common
stock at its fair market value. Your option, if approved, will be subject to
certain vesting and other restrictions identified in Computron Software Inc.'s
Stock Option Agreement.

RELOCATION: The company will provide up to $15,000 in expenses for relocation to
the New Jersey area, subject to providing proper receipts for reimbursement.

REVIEWS: A performance review will be conducted on or about your one year
anniversary, then annually thereafter.

BENEFITS: Computron provides its employees with Medical, Dental and Life
Insurance coverage effective date of hire. Optional dependent coverage is
available at the employee's expense. Please see attached Outline of Benefit
Summary for details, which includes all benefits offered at this time, including
holidays, vacation and other time off, and similar. In addition, the Company
offers a 401(k) plan, also explained in the Summary.

EMPLOYMENT: Computron Software, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. In
addition, it should be understood that employment is "at will", as defined under
the laws of New Jersey, and thus such employment can be terminated with or
without cause, at the option of either party.

CONFIDENTIALITY: You agree that any confidential information that becomes
available to you in the course of employment is the sole property of Computron
and shall not be used by you for any purpose other than fulfilling your
position's objectives. This applies while an active employee of inactive
employee. A partial list of items covered by Confidentiality include:

Mr. William Levering
May 21, 1996
Page 2

o Employee Lists                   o Technical Product Knowledge
o Customer Lists                   o Confidential Financial Data
o Prospect Lists                   o Product Price Lists
o Product Materials                o Sales/Marketing Strategy

The above information and any other confidential material will remain
confidential for a period of two years after employment at Computron, except for
customer lists and possible other technical data, which remains confidential in
perpetuity unless Computron makes it available to the public.

Please countersign this offer and Non-Disclosure Agreement and return to me to
officially indicate your acceptance. This offer is contingent upon your review
and acceptance of our Offer Letter, a favorable response from your references,
and our review of verification of your identity and employment authorization
documents as set forth in the Immigration Reform and Control Act.


/s/ Rich Yonker
- ---------------
Rich Yonker
Chief Financial Officer


     I ACCEPT:

      /s/ William Levering                            6/1/96
     ------------------------------------     --------------------------
     William Levering                                     Date


cc:  Personnel Department