THIS LEASE made the                        day of                       2001


CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE (IRELAND) LIMITED having its registered office at Canada
Life House, Temple Road, Blackrock in the County of Dublin (hereinafter called
the "Lessor" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) of the
One Part


BEI ELECTRONICS IRELAND LIMITED having its registered office at 1 Stokes Place,
St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 (hereinafter called "the Lessee" which expression
shall un1ess otherwise stated include its successors and permitted assigns) of
the Other Part.


          In this Lease and the Schedules hereto (save where the context
          otherwise requires or implies) the following words and expressions
          shall have the following meanings:-

          "THE SUPERIOR LESSOR." means Industrial Development Agency (Ireland),
          having its principal office at Wilton Park House, Wilton Place in the
          City of Dublin and shall include its successors and assigns;

          "THE SUPERIOR LEASE" means Indenture of Lease dated the ___ November
          2000 and made between the Superior Lessor of the one part and the
          Lessor of the other part.

          "THE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE " means the lands and premises of Industrial
          Development Agency (Ireland) situate at Snugborough, Blanchardstown in
          the County of Dublin and known as Blanchardstown Business Park,
          Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.


          1.       The several Schedules hereto shall be deemed to be
                   incorporated in and to form part of these presents and the
                   provisions thereof shall apply and operate a though the same
                   were set forth ad longum herein.

          2.       Any reference in this Indenture to any Act shall be deemed to
                   include any amendment, modification or re-enactment thereof
                   for the time being in force

          3.       Any covenants in this Indenture by the Lessor or the Lessee
                   not to do any act or thing shall extend to his not suffering
                   or permitting the doing of that act or thing.

          4.       Any reference in this Indenture to the doing or permitting of
                   any act or thing by the Lessor or the Lessee shall be deemed
                   to include the doing or permitting of that act or thing by
                   the agents, workmen, servants or other employees or duly
                   authorized agents of the lessee.


          5.       The masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter
                   genders and words in the singular shall include the plural.

          6.       The Clause headings shall not in any way affect the
                   interpretation of this Lease.

          7.       Any reference in this lease to "IR(pound)" pounds or money
                   shall mean Irish Pounds or any other currency or unit of
                   currency that may replace the Irish Pound.

WITNESSETH as follows:-

1.     DEMISE

       In consideration of the rents (including any increases thereof as may
       arise as hereinafter provided), covenants and conditions hereinafter
       reserved and contained and on the part of the Lessee to be paid, observed
       and performed the Lessor HEREBY DEMISES unto the Lessee ALL THAT AND
       THOSE the premises more particularly described in the Schedule hereto

       1.1    the factory and other buildings erected thereon and the Lessor's
              fixtures, fittings and equipment therein or thereon hereto (all of
              which said land, buildings, fixtures, fittings and equipment are
              hereinafter collectively called "the demised premises") and;

       1.2    full and free right in common with the Lessor and all other
              persons who no have or shall hereafter have the like right at all
              reasonable times to go pass and repass over the roads and
              entranceways constructed or to be constructed within a period of
              twenty-one years from the date hereof on the adjoining premises
              coloured yellow hatched yellow and crosshatched yellow on the Plan
              annexed hereto for the purpose of access to and egress from the
              demised premises;

       EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Lessor:-

              (a)    the free and uninterrupted passage and running of water,
                     soil and effluent drainage, gas, water, oil and
                     electricity, steam, telephone or any other service or
                     supply to and from the other buildings and lands the
                     property of the Lessor and its tenants adjoining or near to
                     the. demised premises through the sewers, drains,
                     watercourses, conduits, pipes, wire and cables which now
                     are or may hereafter within the period of this Lease during
                     the term hereby granted be in or over, under or upon the
                     demised premises;

              (b)    at any time hereafter and from time to time full right and
                     liberty to execute works, services and erections and
                     buildings upon or to alter or rebuild any of the erections,
                     services and buildings erected on its


                     adjoining and neighbouring lands and to use the same as it
                     may think fit provided that the Tenant's use and occupation
                     of the demised premises is not materially affected;

              (c)    the full and free right and liberty to the Lessor, its
                     servants and agents to enter after at least three working
                     days notice (except in the case emergency) upon the demised
                     premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of
                     connecting, laying, inspecting, repairing, cleaning,
                     maintaining, altering, replacing or renewing any sewer,
                     drain, main, pipe, wire, cable, watercourse, channel,
                     conduit or subway including the provision of a Water meter
                     and to erect, construct or lay in, over, under or across
                     the demised premises not built upon any sewers, drains,
                     main, pipes, wires, cables, poles, structures, fixtures or
                     other works for the drainage of or for the supply of water,
                     gas, electricity, oil, telephone, telex, heating, steam,
                     radio and television signals and other services to other
                     premises of the Lessor causing as little inconvenience as
                     possible to the Lessee and the Lessor making good any
                     damage as soon as practicably possible to the demised
                     premises hereby occasioned including a Wayleave in favour
                     of Bord Gais Eireann over that part of the demised premises
                     shown coloured green on the map annexed hereto;

              (d)    all rights, easements and privileges now belonging to or
                     enjoyed by any adjoining property;

              All mines, minerals, quarries and royalties whatsoever in or under
              the demised premises during the term of the demise are excepted
              and reserved out of the demise.

              TO HOLD the same unto the Lessor for the term of twenty years from
              the 1st day of December 2000 subject to the covenants, terms and
              conditions hereinafter contained YIELDING AND PAYING therefor and
              thereout during each of the first five years of the said term the
              yearly rent of IR(pound)398,125 (Three hundred and ninety eight
              thousand one hundred and twenty five pounds) and thereafter during
              each of the successive periods of five years of which the first
              shall begin, on the 1st day of December 2005 a rent equal to (a)
              the rent payable hereunder during the preceding period or (b) such
              revised rent as may from time to time be ascertained in accordance
              with the provisions in that behalf contained in Clause 3 hereof
              (whichever shall be the greater) such rent to be paid by way of
              standing order without any deduction in advance on the 1st day of
              September, 1st day of December, 1st day of March and 1st day of
              June in every year the first payment to be made on the execution
              hereof and to be in respect of the period from the 1st day of
              December 2000 to the 28th day of February 2001 AND ALSO YIELDING
              AND PAYING on demand to the Lessor yearly and so in proportion for
              every part of a year by way of further or additional rent the sum
              or sums payable by the Lessee to the Lessor pursuant to the
              Lessee's covenant 2.2.2 hereof AND ALSO YIELDING AND PAYING on
              demand to


              The lessor yearly and so in proportion for every part of a year by
              way of further or additional rent the sum or sums payable by the
              Lessee to the Lessor pursuant to the Lessee's covenant 2.11



       2.1    to pay the said yearly rents at the times and in the manner
              aforesaid clear of al deductions and by way of standing banker's
              order if required.


       2.2    (a)     to bear, pay and discharge all rates, taxes, assessments,
                      duties, charges outgoings and impositions whatsoever which
                      now are or during the salt term shall be charged, assessed
                      or imposed upon the demised premises or any part thereof
                      or upon the owner or occupier in respect thereof;

               (b)    to pay to the Lessor annually a sum or sums of money equal
                      to the amount which the Lessor may expend or require to
                      expend in effecting or procuring and maintaining or
                      procuring the maintenance of insurance of the demised
                      premises against the insured risks as defined in Claus 4
                      hereof to their full reinstatement cost and three years
                      loss of rent sue sum or sums to be paid without any
                      deduction in every year upon the Lessor's demand the first
                      payment (or a proportionate part thereof) t be made on the
                      execution hereof.

              (c)     To pay to the Lessor on demand a sum equal to one half of
                      the cost incurred during the term hereby granted by the
                      owners and occupiers or that part of the lands shown
                      crosshatched yellow on the Plan annexed hereto in
                      repairing, maintaining and renewing the said lands
                      PROVIDED ALWAYS that any dispute between the parties
                      hereto in relation to the Lessee's contribution hereunder
                      shall on the application of either party be determined by
                      a Chartered Surveyor who shall by appointed and shall act
                      in accordance with the manner specified in Clause 3


2.3           (a)     If the Lessee shall fail to pay the rent hereinbefore
                      reserved or any other sum reserved or made payable
                      hereunder within 14 days of the day and in the manner
                      herein prescribed for the payment of same every such
                      unpaid rent or sum shall bear interest at the rate of 3%
                      per annum above the rate from time to time charged by the
                      Associated Banks in the Republic of Ireland at the A.A.A.
                      rate on overdrafts from the date on


                      which the rent or other sum became due until the actual
                      date of payment or if there shall be no such rate the
                      aforesaid rent or sum shall bear interest at the rate of
                      12% per annum,

              (b)     The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor on demand all legal and
                      other costs charges and expenses from time to time
                      incurred by the Lessor in connection With the Lessee's
                      obligations under this Lease or the enforcement of or
                      discharge by the Lessee of its obligations hereunder.


2.4           At all times during the said term to observe and comply in all
              respects with the provisions and requirements of any and every
              enactment for the time being force or any orders or regulations
              thereunder for the time being in force and do and execute or cause
              to be done and executed all such works as under or virtue of any
              such enactment or any orders or regulations thereunder for the
              time being in force are or shall be properly directed or necessary
              to be done or executed upon or in respect of the demised premises
              or any part thereof whether by the owner, landlord, lessee, tenant
              or occupier and at all times to keep the Lessor indemnified
              against all claims, demands and liability in respect thereof, and
              without derogating from the generality of the foregoing to comply
              with the requirements of any local or other statutory authority
              and the order or orders. of any Court jurisdiction and immediately
              after the receipt of any notice requiring works to be carried out
              by the local or Statutory Authority or by order of any Court of
              competent jurisdiction, the Lessee shall send a copy thereof to
              the Lessor;


2.5           At all times during the said term to comply with all the
              recommendations or requirements of the appropriate authority in
              relation to fire precautions whether notified or directed to the
              Lessor or the Lessee and to indemnify the Lessor against any
              reasonable costs or expenses in complying with any such
              requirement or recommendation and not to obstruct the access to or
              means of working any fire precaution or safety apparatus or
              appliance for the time being installed in the demised premises;


2.6           to prime and prepare for painting and to paint with at least two
              coats of good oil paint or such other paint as may be first
              approved both as to quality and color by the Lessor in a proper
              and workmanlike manner in every third year and in the last year of
              the said term (whether determined by effluxion of time or
              otherwise) all the gates, fences and outside wood, stucco and
              ironwork and other outside parts of the demised premises
              heretofore usually painted and any additions thereto proper to be
              painted and so often as may be necessary but not


              less often than every third year and in the last year of the said
              term as aforesaid in a workmanlike manner to creosote, distemper,
              colour, whitewash & otherwise treat all other outside parts of the
              demised premises as have usually heretofore been so treated all
              such work as aforesaid to be done to the approval, of the Lessor;


2.7           to prime and prepare for painting and to paint with two coats at
              least of good quality paint to be first approved by the Lessor in
              a workmanlike manner every fourth year and in the last year of the
              said term (whether determined by effluxion of time or otherwise)
              all inside wood and iron work and other inside parts of the
              demised premises heretofore usually painted and any additions
              thereto proper to be so painted and so often as may be necessary
              but not less often than every fourth year and in the last year of
              the said term as aforesaid in! a workmanlike manner to distemper,
              colour, whitewash or otherwise treat such' other inside parts of
              the demised premises as have usually heretofore been so treated
              and on the occasion of each repainting to grain, varnish, restore
              and make good all such work as aforesaid to be done to the
              approval of the Lessor;


2.8           to keep such part of the land forming part of the demised premises
              as is from time to time undeveloped and the grass, gardens and any
              tress, shrubs AND hedges in proper and neat order and condition
              and any ditches, streams, culverts and watercourses properly
              cleared and cleaned and the banks thereof in proper repair and
              condition and in particular not to deposit or permit to bb
              deposited any rubbish or refuse nor without the consent in writing
              of the Lessor (and then only on such parts of the lands and
              subject to such conditions as the Lessor may stipulate or impose)
              to store, stack or lay out any material used for. the purpose of
              manufacture or otherwise on any part of the said land;


2.9           at all times during the said term TO put into good and substantial
              repair and working order and condition and to repair and keep (and
              in the case of fixtures, heating installations, fittings and
              equipment to replace or renew as may from time to time be
              necessary) the exterior and interior of the demised premises and
              all additions thereto constructed or placed thereon and the
              Lessor's fixtures,. fittings and equipment therein and pipes,
              drains, wires, cables, meters, channels, sewers, sanitary and
              water apparatus, glass, pavings, walls, fences and railings vaults
              and appurtenances in good and substantial repair and working order
              and condition and maintained, paved, cleansed and amended in every
              respect (damage by any of the insured risks excepted PROVIDED THAT
              the policy or policies of insurance shall not have been vitiated
              or payment of the policy monies withheld or refused in whole or in
              part by reason of any act,


              neglect or default of the Lessee or the servants, agents,
              licensees, or invitees of the Lessee);


2.10          Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 2.4 hereof, in all
              respects to comply with all the provisions of the Factories Act,
              Local Government (Planning and Development) Acts, the Building
              Control Act and the Public Health Acts and of all regulations
              thereunder and with any other obligations imposed by law in regard
              to the demised premises and carrying on of the trade. or business
              for the time being carried on upon the demised premises and to
              indemnify the Lessor against all liability in respect of any
              contraventions by the Lessee of any such requirements;


2.11          To pay to the Lessor annually a sum or sums of money equal to the
              amount which the Lessor shall pay to the Superior Lessor pursuant
              to Clause 1(4) of the Superior Lease in relation to the costs and
              expenses incurred by the Superior Lessor of all necessary
              maintenance, repair and upkeep (including operating security and
              insurance costs where applicable) of the common areas, common
              drainage and water services and public lighting in the Industrial
              Estate upon which the demised premises are situated.


2.12          to permit the Lessor or its duly authorised agents and all proper
              parties at all reasonable times to enter the demised premises and
              examine the state of repair and condition thereof (and in
              particular for all necessary purposes of providing, inspecting,
              maintaining and repairing the drains, sewers and water mama,
              electricity, gas, telephone and similar services) and to check and
              take inventories of the Lessors fixtures, fittings and equipment
              therein and to repair and make good all defects, decays and wants
              of repair thereto of which notice in writing shall be given by the
              Lessor to the Lessee and for which the Lessee may be liable
              hereunder within three calender months after the giving of such
              notice PROVIDED that in case of default by the Lessee the Lessor
              may make good such defects, decays and wants of repair and the
              cost of same shall be repayable by the Lessee to the Lessor on


2.13          to permit the Lessor and all persons authorised by it and its
              respective surveyors, agents and workmen upon prior reasonable
              notice at all reasonable and convenient times in the daytime or at
              any time in the case of emergency to enter on the demised premises
              or any part thereof for the purpose of repairing


              building on any adjoining premises as occasion shall require and
              for the purpose of making, repairing, maintaining, cleansing,
              lighting and keeping in order and good condition all ways, roads,
              sewers, drains, pipes, gutters, watercourses, ditches, culverts,
              fences, hedges or other conveniences which, shall belong to or be
              used for the demised premises in common with other premises and
              also for the purpose of laying down, maintaining, repairing and
              testing drainage, gas and water pipes and electric wires or cables
              or for other similar purposes the Lessor or such persons aforesaid
              making good any damage, occasioned thereby to the demised


2.14          (a)     not to make any alterations or additions to the demised
                      premises or erect any new buildings thereon without the
                      prior written consent of the Lessor and the approval of
                      the Lessor to the plans and specifications such consent
                      and approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed
                      thereof and if such consent and approval is given to make
                      such alterations or additions in conformity with such
                      plans and specifications and to the approval of the Lessor
                      and upon such terms as the Lessor (acting reasonably) may
                      consider appropriate;

              (b)     if the premises are altered (whether pursuant to a consent
                      given under Clause 2.14(a) hereof or otherwise) the Lessee
                      will, if so required by the Lessor, on the termination of
                      this Lease forthwith restore the, demised premises at the
                      Lessee's own expense to their original condition at the
                      date of this Lease and will make good all damage and want
                      repair and decoration caused by the original alteration or
                      restoration work;


2.15          not to use the demised premises other than for the purpose of
              manufacturing light industrial or research and development and
              ancillary purposes or as centre for internationally traded
              services and not to use the demised premises or suffer or permit
              the same to be used for any other purpose whatsoever except with
              the previous written consent of the Lessor;


2.16          not to do or permit to be done upon or in connection with the
              demised premises or any part thereof any act, matter or thing
              whatsoever which may be or grow to be a nuisance or cause damage
              to any neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent property or the owners
              or occupiers thereof and to pay to the Lessor all reasonable and
              proper costs, charges and expenses which may be incurred by the
              Lessor in abating a nuisance in respect of the demised premises
              and to execute all such works as may be necessary for abating such
              a nuisance in


              obedience of a notice lawfully served by a local or public
              authority or pursuant to any Court Order;


2.17          not to exhibit on any part of the undeveloped or unbuilt upon
              lands comprised in demised premises or on the outer walls or roofs
              of any building or structure thereon any signboard, placard,
              lettering or lighting of any kind except such as may previously
              have been approved by the Lessor in writing and in default or on
              the Lessor taking objection the Lessor may enter and remove the
              same at the lessee's cost PROVIDED however that the Lessee shall
              be entitled to erect a sign displaying the name of the Lessee in
              such position and of such for4 colour and design as may be first
              approved by the Lessor such approval not to be unreasonably


2.18          to ensure that every furnace employed in the working of engines by
              steam other motive power and every other furnace employed in any
              building or erection on the demised premises is constructed so as
              substantially to consume or burn the smoke arising therefrom and
              not to use or suffer to be used negligently any such furnace so
              that the smoke arising therefrom is not substantially consumed or
              burnt and not to cause or permit any grit or noxious or offensive
              effluvia to be emitted from any engine, statutory furnace, chimney
              or other apparatus on the demised premises without using the best
              practicable means for preventing or counteracting such emission
              and in all provisions of all relevant statutes and aspects to
              comply with the regulations and with the requirements of any
              notice of the local or other competent authority served


2.19          to take such measures as may be necessary to ensure that any
              effluent discharged into the drains or sewers which belong to or
              are used for the demised premises in common with other premises
              will not be corrosive or in any way harmful to the said is drains
              or sewers or cause any obstruction or deposit therein;


2.20          not to discharge or allow to be discharged any solid matter from
              the demised premises into the drains or sewers as aforesaid nor to
              discharge or allow to be discharged therein any fluid of a
              poisonous or noxious nature or of a kind calculated to or that
              does in fact destroy, sicken or injure the fish or contaminate or
              pollute the water of any stream or river and not to do or omit


              or allow or suffer to be done or omitted any act or thing whereby
              any land or the waters of any stream or river may be polluted or
              the composition thereof so, changed as to render the Lessor liable
              to any action or proceedings by any person whomsoever;


2.21          not to do or permit or bring in or upon the demised premises
              anything the use of which would cause damage by vibration or
              otherwise to the demised premises or any adjoining premises or
              which might throw on the demised premises or any adjoining
              premises any weight or strain in excess of that which such
              premises are capable of bearing with due margin for safety and
              particular not to overload the floors, the joists or the
              electrical installations or the other services of, in or to the
              demised premises nor to suspend anfr1 excessive weight from the
              ceilings or walls, stanchions, joists or the structures thereof.
              The Lessee shall seek professional advice at the Lessee's own
              expense to ensure that there shall not be any infringement of this


2.22          (a)     not to assign, underlet, create any charge or mortgage
                      (whether legal or equitable charge or mortgage) over the
                      entirety of the demised premises or grant any Licence in
                      respect of the demised premises nor part with or share the
                      possession thereof without the consent of the Lessor such
                      consent not to be unreasonably withheld PROVIDED ALWAYS
                      that the Lessor shall be deemed to be acting reasonably
                      should it refuse to consent to the assignment or under
                      lease of the demised premises to any assignee or
                      under-lessee which shall not have given the Lessor
                      satisfactory proof that it can meet the obligations to pay
                      the rent reserved by this Lease or any reviewed rent, or
                      reserved by the Under Lease as the case may be and in the
                      case of an assignment of the Lessee's interest hereunder
                      shall not be able to procure execution by a surety of a
                      guarantee in the form of the Guarantee annexed hereto by a
                      surety which shall have given the Lessor satisfactory
                      proof of its ability to meet the obligations contained in
                      the said Guarantee;

              (b)     not to assign, sublet, part with or share possession of or
                      otherwise alienate part only of the demised premises;


2.23          Within fourteen days of every assignment, assent, transfer,
              under-lease, assignment of under-lease or mortgage of or relating
              to the demised premises to give notice thereof in writing with
              particulars thereof to the Lessor's Solicitor and produce to him
              such instrument or other evidence of devolution and to pay the
              Lessor's Solicitors any reasonable and proper costs incurred by
              the Lessor relating thereto;



2.24          not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything whereby the
              policy or policies of insurance on the demised premises or any
              adjoining or neighbouring premises against damage by fire or other
              perils may become void or voidable or whereby the rates of premium
              thereon may be increased and to repay to the Lessor all sums paid
              or payable by way of increased premiums and all expenses incurred
              by it in or about the renewal of such policy or policies rendered
              necessary by a breach of this covenant and all such payments shall
              be made immediately on demand;


2.25          without prejudice to any other clause herein, not to keep or allow
              to be kept on the demised premises any substance or material of a
              combustible or offensive nature the keeping whereof may require a
              licence of any Local or Public Authority unless the Lessee obtains
              such a licence and complies with the terms and conditions thereof.
              The Lessee shall inform the Lessor in writing of any application
              for and of the issuing of such a licence;


2.26          to pay all reasonable and proper costs and charges and expenses
              (including solicitor's costs and surveyor's fees) incurred by
              the lessor for the purpose or incidental to the preparation and
              service of any notice under Section 14 of the Conveyancing Act
              1881 (or any statutory modification or reenactment thereof)
              requiring the lessee to remedy a breach of any of the covenants
              hereinbefore contained notwithstanding forfeiture for such breach
              may. be avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the court;


2.27         to pay any Value Added Tax lawfully imposed upon and added to any
             fee, charge, cost or expense for which the Lessor may be liable
             under this Lease and to pay the stamp duty and registration fees on
             this Lease and counterpart and Value Added Tax payable by reason of
             the granting of this Lease;


2.28          at the expiration or sooner determination of the said term quietly
              to yield up the demised premises together with all the Lessor's
              fixtures and all other Lessor's fittings and equipment that now
              are or which during the said term shall be affixed or fastened
              thereto (except Lessee's or trade fixtures) in such good and


              substantial repair and condition as shall be in accordance with
              the covenants on the part of the Lessee herein contained and in
              case any of the said fixtures and fitting or equipment shall be
              missing, broken, damaged or destroyed forthwith to replace them
              with others of a similar kind and of equal value, fair wear and
              tear excepted, and to make good any damage caused to the demised
              premises by the removal of the Lessee's fixtures, fittings and
              furniture and effects (damage by any of the insured risks excepted
              if and so long only as the policy or policies of insurance shall
              not have been vitiated or payment of the policy monies withheld or
              refused in whole or in part by reason of any act, neglect or
              default of the Lessee or the servants, agents, licensees or
              invitees of the Lessee);


2.29          not at any time to use the demised premises or any part thereof or
              allow same to be used for any entertainment or for any dangerous,
              noisy or noxious or offensive trade, business, manufacture or
              occupation whatsoever or for residence or for any illegal or
              immoral purpose nor permit any sale or auction to be held on the
              demised premises;


2.30          to comply in so far as the same are applicable with the covenants
              of any condition (other than the covenant for payment of rent)
              contained in Superior Lease under which the demised premises are
              held by the Lessor,


2.31          (a)    to fully and effectually indemnity the Lessor against the
                     breach, non-performance or non-observance by the Lessee of
                     any of the covenant and conditions on the Lessee's part
                     herein contained against any action costs, claims, expenses
                     and demands whatsoever or howsoever arising in respect of
                     or as a consequence (whether direct or indirect) of any
                     such breach, non-performance or non-observance as

              (b)    to effect and keep in force during the continuance of this
                     Lease such Public Liability and Employees Liability or
                     other policies of insurance (to the extent that such
                     insurance cover is available) as may be necessary to cover
                     the Lessee against any claim arising on foot of Public
                     Liability or Employers Liability and to extend such
                     insurance cover so that the Lessor is indemnified by the
                     insurers in the same manner as the Lessee and whenever
                     required to do so by the Lessor to produce to the Lessor
                     said policy or policies together with satisfactory evidence
                     that the same is/are valid and subsisting and that all
                     premiums due thereon have been paid.



       3.1    In this Clause the following expressions shall have the following
              meanings respectively: -

              (a)     "Review Date" shall mean the last day of the fifth year
                      and the last day of each subsequent fifth year of the term
                      hereby granted;

              (b)     "Current Market Rent' shall mean the gross full market
                      rent without any deduction whatsoever at which the demised
                      premises might reasonably be expected to be let at the
                      nearest Review Date on the open market without fine or
                      premium as between a willing Lessor and a willing Lessee
                      and with vacant possession for the term unexpired of this
                      Lease and on the same terms and conditions in all other
                      respects as this present Lease (other than the amount of
                      rent hereby reserved but including the provision for five
                      yearly rent reviews) and upon the supposition (if not a
                      fact) that the demised premises includes adequate heating
                      to the office portion thereof and that the covenants on
                      the part of the Lessee herein have been fully performed
                      and observed there being disregarded:-

                     (i)    any effect on rent of the fact that the Lessee has
                            been in occupation of the demised premises and any
                            goodwill attached to the demised premises by reason
                            of the carrying on therein 4f the business of the

                     (ii)   any effect on rent of any improvement (within the
                            meaning Of the Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1931 to
                            1994 or any Acts amending or extending or
                            re-enacting the same) of the demised premises or any
                            part thereof or any works thereto carried out by the
                            Lessee with the licence of the Lessor at the
                            Lessee's own expense (otherwise than in pursuance of
                            any obligation to the Lessor whether pursuant to the
                            provisions of this Lease or otherwise) and carried
                            out prior to or during the currency of this Lease;

                     (iii)  any diminution of the rental value of the demised
                            premises, caused by works carried out thereon by the
                            Lessee, its sub tenants or predecessors in title
                            during the term of this Lease;

              3.2     The rent for the time being payable by the Lessee
                      hereunder shall be subject to increase in accordance with
                      the following provisions of this Clause;

              3.3     The Lessor, its servants or agents shall be entitled by
                      notice in writing given to the Lessee, its servants or
                      agents not earlier than twelve months before and not more
                      than twenty four months after a Review Date to call for
                      review of the rent payable by the Lessee to the Lessor at
                      the Review Date specified in the notice and if upon any
                      such review it shall be ascertained or determined that the
                      Current Market Rent of the demised premises at the Review
                      Date is greater than


                      the rent payable hereunder immediately prior to such
                      Review Date then, as from that Review Date, the yearly
                      rent payable hereunder shall be increased the Current
                      Market Rent so ascertained PROVIDED FURTHER that in n~
                      circumstances shall the rent payable hereunder following
                      such review be less than the rent payable by the Lessee
                      immediately prior to the Review Date;

              3.4     Every such review as aforesaid shall, in the first
                      instance, be made by Lessor and the Lessee or their
                      respective Surveyors in collaboration but if agreement as
                      to the amount of the Current Market Rent at the Review
                      Daze shall have been reached between the parties hereto or
                      their Surveyors within three months or such extended
                      period as may be agreed by the Lessor and the Lessee after
                      the date of the Lessor's notice calling such review then
                      the question of the amount of the Current Market Rent of
                      the demised premises at the Review Date shall be referred
                      to the decision of a single Chartered Surveyor at least
                      ten years standing experienced in the letting of
                      manufacturing or light industrial facilities who shall act
                      as Arbitrator such Chartered Surveyor to be nominated by
                      the Lessor by notice in writing to the Lessee and if the
                      Lessee shall reject such nomination or fail or neglect to
                      agree within one month of the1 Lessor's notice such
                      Chartered Surveyor shall be appointed on the application
                      of either party by the President or acting President for
                      the time being of the Society of Chartered Surveyors which
                      term shall include any other body established from time to
                      time in succession or substitution or carrying on the
                      function currently carried out by the same.

              3.5     Any arbitration as aforesaid shall be a submission to
                      arbitration within the, Arbitration Acts 1954 to 1998 or
                      any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the
                      time being in force and to the jurisdiction of the Courts
                      of the State for the enforcement of any award of said

              3.6     If the Chartered Surveyor shall fail to determine the new
                      rent within three months of his appointment or nomination
                      or if he shall relinquish his appointment or die or if it
                      shall become apparent that for any reason he will be
                      unable to complete his duties hereunder a new Chartered
                      Surveyor shall be appointed or nominated in his place in
                      accordance with sub-clause 3.4 above;

              3.7     If upon any such review the amount of any increased rent
                      shall not be ascertained or determined prior to the Review
                      Date the Lessee shall continue to pay rent at the yearly
                      rate payable immediately prior to the Review Date until
                      the quarter day next following the ascertainment or
                      determination of any increased rent whereupon subject to
                      the first proviso to Clause 3.3 hereof theft, shall be due
                      as a debt payable by the Lessee to the Lessor on demand a
                      sum equal to the amount by which the rent for the period
                      since the Review Date calculated at the increased rate
                      exceeds the rent for that period calculated at the
                      previous rate and in addition the Lessee shall pay
                      interest on the said sum from the Review Date until the
                      date of actual payment at the AAA rate of interest


                      charged on overdrafts by the Associated Banks in the
                      Republic of Ireland at the Review Date or if there shall
                      be no such rate then at the rate of 12% per annum;

              3.8     If upon such review as aforesaid it shall be agreed or
                      determined that the rend previously payable hereunder
                      shall be increased the Lessor and the Lessee shall (if
                      required by the Lessor) forthwith complete and sign a
                      written Memorandum or if the Lessor shall so elect execute
                      a Deed of Record recording the increased rent thenceforth
                      payable and the Lessee shall pay the stamp duty (if any
                      payable on such Memorandum or Deed of Record;

              3.9     In the event of the Lessor being prevented or prohibited
                      in whole or in par from exercising its rights under this
                      Clause and/or obtaining an increase in the rent on any of
                      the Review Dates by reason of any legislation, Government
                      Order or Decree or Notice (increase in this context
                      meaning such increase as would be obtainable disregarding
                      the provisions of any such legislation and otherwise as
                      aforesaid) then the date at which the review would
                      otherwise haw taken effect shall be deemed to be extended
                      to permit and/require such review to take place on the
                      first date thereafter upon which such right or increase
                      may be exercised and/or obtained in whole or in part and
                      when in part on so man occasions as shall be necessary to
                      obtain the whole increase (meaning the whole of the
                      increase which the Lessor would have obtained if not
                      prevented or prohibited as aforesaid) and if there shall
                      be a partial prevention only there shall be a further
                      review on the first date or dates as aforesaid
                      notwithstanding th'1 rent may have been increased in part
                      on or since the date of review but in no instance shall
                      the increase in rent be dated back to exceed the statutory
                      control on increases of rent laid down by law.

                                SCHEDULE OF AREAS

              3.10    For the purposes of rent review it is hereby agreed that
                      the floor area of the demised premises is 61,250 square


              The Lessor hereby covenants with the Lessee in manner following
              that is to say:

              TO INSURE

              4.1     Subject to insurance cover being available against the
                      Insured Risks and subject to the reimbursement by the
                      Lessee of the sum or sums pursuant to Clause 2.2(b)
                      hereinbefore specified the Lessor will insure or procure
                      the insurance of the demised premises and all Lessor's
                      fixtures, fittings and equipment therein and thereon and
                      keep the same insured to the full reinstatement costs plus
                      an inflationary factor (to be determined from time to time
                      by the Lessor or its Surveyor) against loss or damage by
                      fire, explosion, lightning, storm, tempest,


                      impact, earthquake, aircraft, riot and civil commotion,
                      property owners, public, employers and other liability of
                      the Lessor arising out of or in relation to the demised
                      premises, site clearance expenses, Architects', Engineers'
                      and Surveyors' fees and Value Added Tax and any other duty
                      exigible on any building contract as may be entered into
                      relative to the reconstruction, reinstatement or repair of
                      the demised premises or any part thereof resulting from
                      the destruction, loss or damage thereof or thereto of from
                      any of the perils aforesaid and the loss of rent from time
                      to time payable or reasonably estimated to be payable
                      under this Lease (taking into account any review of the
                      rent which may become due under this Lease) following loss
                      or damage to the demised premises by the insured risks for
                      three years or such longer period as the Lessor may, from
                      time to time, reasonably deem to be necessary having
                      regard to the likely period required for the rebuilding
                      and for obtaining Planning Permission and any other
                      consents, certificates and approvals in connection with
                      the reinstatement of the demised premises and such other
                      perils, expenses and; losses as the Lessor in its sole
                      discretion shall think fit (all such risks and perils
                      being referred to as "the Insured Risks") PROVIDED that
                      the Lessor shall immediately notify the Lessee of any
                      inability on its part to effect sue insurance as

                      (a)   the Lessor shall (but without being obliged) use its
                            best endeavours to procure that the foregoing
                            insurances shall be effected upon the terms that the
                            Insurer shall waive any rights or remedies which it
                            may have or may become entitled to against the
                            Lessee or its permitted tenants or assigns whether
                            by way of subrogation or otherwise and the Lessor
                            shall I use its best endeavours to procure that
                            every policy of insurance issue in respect of such
                            insurances shall bear an endorsement binding upon
                            such Insurer evidencing such waiver PROVIDED always
                            that Lessor shall have no liability to the Lessee
                            for any loss or damage suffered by it if the Lessor
                            is unable to procure the waiver by Insurer of any
                            such rights or remedies.,

              SUSPENSION OF RENT

              4.2     In the event of the demised premises or any part thereof
                      being destroyed or damaged by any of the Insured Risks so
                      as to render the demised premises unfit for occupation,
                      use or access then and in such cases (unless the insurance
                      of the demised premises shall have been forfeited or made
                      ineffective by any act, neglect or default of the Lessee,
                      its servants, agents, licensees or invitees or
                      undertenants) the rent hereby reserved or a fair and just
                      proportion thereof according to the nature and extent of
                      the damage sustained shall from and after such destruction
                      or damage be suspended until either the demised premises
                      shall have been rebuilt or reinstated and made fit for
                      occupation use and access or the expiration of three years
                      (or such longer period as the Lessor may have insured
                      against) from the date of destruction or damage whichever
                      is the earlier; any dispute with reference to this
                      provision shall be referred to arbitration by a
                      single arbitrator under the Arbitration Acts, 1954-1998



              4.3     In the case the demised premises or any part thereof shall
                      be destroyed and become ruinous and become uninhabitable
                      or incapable of beneficial occupatio?t1 or enjoyment by,
                      for or from any of the Insured Risks the Lessee hereby
                      absolutely waives and abandons its rights (if any) to
                      surrender this Lease under the provisions of Section 40 of
                      the Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act, Ireland, 1860
                      or otherwise


              4.4     If the demised premises or any part thereof shall at any
                      time during the term destroyed or damaged by any of the
                      Insured Risks as aforesaid, then the Lessor shall apply
                      all monies received in respect of such insurance (other
                      than in respect of loss of rent) with all reasonable speed
                      in rebuilding, repairing and otherwise reinstating the
                      demised premises to a factory premises of the same square
                      footage and utility as the demised premises, unless the
                      policy or policies' of insurance shall have been vitiated
                      or rendered less than fully effective by any act, neglect,
                      default or omission of the Lessee, its servants, agents,
                      licensees invitees or undertenants and the Lessor shall
                      make up any deficiency in the insurance monies received
                      out of its own money PROVIDED HOWEVER the Lessor is
                      prevented (for any reason other than its act or default)
                      from compliance with the provisions of this clause and
                      such prevention continues for three years and the Lease is
                      not otherwise terminated the Lessor or Lessee may at any
                      time after the expiry of that period by not less than
                      three months written notice given to the other party
                      determine this Lease, but without prejudice to any claim
                      by either party against the other in respect of any
                      antecedent breach of its terms and in such event the
                      Lessor shall be relieved of its obligations hereunder and
                      shall be solely entitled to the insurance monies,


              4.5     In the event of the demised premises or any part thereof
                      being destroyed or damaged by any of the risks in respect
                      of which the Lessor pursuant to the terms hereof shall
                      have effected insurance, money under any insurance against
                      the same effected thereon by the Lessor being wholly or
                      partly irrecoverable by reason solely or in part of any
                      act or default of the Lessee, its servants, agents,
                      licensees or invitees then and in every such case the
                      Lessee will forthwith (in addition to the said rent) pay
                      to the Lessor the whole (or as the case may require) a
                      fair proportion of the cost of completely rebuilding and
                      reinstating the demised premises;


              QUIET ENJOYMENT

              4.6     That the Lessee paying the rents hereby reserved and
                      performing and observing the several covenants and
                      agreements herein contained and on the Lessee's pat to be
                      observed and performed shall and may peaceably and quietly
                      hold and enjoy the demised premises during the said term
                      without any interruption or disturbance from or by the
                      Lessor or any person or persons rightfully claiming under
                      or in trust for the Lessor.

5.       IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the Lessor and the Lessee as follows: -


              5.1     If the Lessee shall apply to the Lessor for consent to
                      change of user pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2.15
                      hereof the Lessor shall be entitled to withhold its
                      consent if, in the sole opinion of the Superior Lessor
                      Forfas and having regard to its statutory functions and
                      the relevant provisions of the industrial! Development Act
                      1986, the resultant use of the demised premises would
                      inconsistent with the Superior Lessor's objectives of the
                      creation and maintenance of fulltime employment in the
                      demised premises,


              5.2     If the said rent or any sum payable hereunder or any part
                      thereof shall unpaid for 28 days after any of the days
                      hereinbefore appointed for payment whether same shall have
                      been lawfully demanded or not; or

                      (a)    If any of the covenants on the Lessee's part herein
                             contained shall not be observed or performed; or

                      (b)    If the Lessee being an individual or firm shall
                             become bankrupt or compound or arrange with his or
                             its Creditors or being a Company shall go into
                             liquidation either compulsorily or voluntarily
                             except for the purpose of a reconstruction or
                             amalgamation previously approved in writing by the
                             Lessor; or

                      (c)    If the Lessee being a body corporate has a winding
                             up petition presented against it or passes a
                             winding up resolution (other than in connection
                             with a Members Voluntary Winding Up for the
                             purposes of amalgamation reconstruction which has a
                             prior written approval of the Lessor) or resolve to
                             present its own winding up petition or is wound-up
                             (whether in Ireland or elsewhere) or an Examiner or
                             Receiver or Manager is appointed in respect of the
                             demised premises or if the Company enters into a
                             Scheme of Arrangement with its creditors;

         then and in any of the said cases and at any time thereafter it shall
         be lawful for the Lessor or any persons authorised by the Lessor to
         enter upon the demised premises or any part thereof in the name of the
         whole and to repossess the same


         and to enjoy the same as if this Lease had not been granted but
         without, prejudice to any right of action or remedy by either party in
         respect of any antecedent breach of any of the covenants by the other
         herein contained.


              5.3     If at such time as the Lessee has vacated the demised
                      premises after the determination of the term hereby
                      granted either by effluxion of time or otherwise any
                      property of the Lessee shall remain in or on the demised
                      premises and the Lessee shall fail to remove the same
                      within seven days after being requested in writing by the
                      Lessor so to do then and in such case the Lessor (without
                      being obliged so to do and in any event without prejudice
                      to such other rights as the Lessor may have in that
                      behalf) may as agent of the Lessee (and the Lessor is
                      hereby appointed by the Lessee to act as such agent and
                      in its capacity as such agent to act as the Lessor in its
                      absolute discretion may think fit) sell such property and
                      shall then hold the proceeds of sale after deducting the
                      costs and expenses of removal, storage (including loss of
                      or reduction in rent received by the Lessor on account of
                      such property remaining by way of storage pending sale in
                      the demised premises) and sale reasonably and properly
                      incurred or suffered by it to the order of the Lessee
                      PROVIDED THAT the Lessee shall indemnify the Lessor
                      against any liability incurred by the Lessor to any third
                      party whose property shall have been sold by the Lessor
                      in the bona fide mistaken belief (which shall be presumed
                      unless the contrary is proved) that such property
                      belonged to the Lessee and was liable to be dealt with
                      such pursuant to this Sub-Clause;


              5.4     All reservations and exceptions herein in favour of the
                      Lessor shall enure fin the benefit of the Superior Lessor
                      of the Lessor and in relation to any coven9tj or
                      obligation of the Lessor hereunder or any consent required
                      to be sought from the Lessor the term "The Lessor" shall
                      mean and include the Lessor and such Superior Lessor;


              5.5     Any notices requiring to be served hereunder shall be
                      sufficiently served on the Lessee if left addressed to it
                      at the principal office of the Lessee or forwarded to it
                      by post or left at its fast known address in Ireland and
                      shall be sufficiently served on the Lessor if delivered to
                      it personally or forwarded to it by post or, left at its
                      principal office in Ireland. A notice sent by post shall
                      be deemed to have been given at the time when in due
                      course of post it would be delivered at the address to
                      which it is sent;


6.       ASSENT

         The Lessor hereby assents to the registration of this Lease as a Burden
         on Folio 61890F of the Register County Dublin and on the Folio to be
         opened in its name an to the use of the Land Certificates (if issued)
         for the purpose of such registration.


         7.1    Nothing contained in this Lease implies or warrants that
                the demised premises may be used under the Planning Acts
                or the Building Control Act for the purpose herein
                authorised and the Lessee hereby acknowledges that the
                Lessor has not given or made at any time any
                representation or warranty that any such use is or will be
                or will remain a permitted user under those Acts;


         7.2    The Lessee acknowledges that this Lease has not been entered
                into in relying solely or partly on any statement or
                representation made by or on behalf of the Lessor except any
                such statement or representation that is expressly set out in
                this Lease.


         7.3    Each of the Lessee's covenants shall remain in full force both
                at law and in equity notwithstanding that the Lessor may have
                appeared to have waived or released temporarily any such
                covenant, or waived or released temporarily or permanently any
                such covenant;


         7.4    This Lease and all relationships created thereby shall in all
                respects be governed by and construed and interpreted in
                accordance with the laws of Ireland.


         The Lessee may terminate this Lease on the expiration of the twelfth
         year of the term thereof, that is, on the 30th day of November 2012
         (hereinafter referred to as "the Termination Date") on the payment by
         the Lessee to the Lessor of the amount provided for at Sub-Clause 8.4
         hereof subject strictly to the following terms and conditions:-

         8.1    In relation to the Termination Date, the Lessee shall serve on
                the Lessor a. Notice in writing (hereinafter called the
                Termination Date Notice") at least twelve months' prior to the
                expiry of the Termination Date (but in any event not prior to
                the expiry of the tenth year of the term hereby demised);

         8.2    In relation to the Termination Date Notice, time shall be of the

         8.3    In relation to the Termination Date Notice, the Lessee shall
                send with same to


                the Lessor a bank draft payable to the Lessor in an amount
                equivalent to six months of the then current annual rent
                payable by the Lessee to the Lessor under this Lease at
                the date of the Termination Date Notice. Should the Lessee
                not comply with this condition the Termination Date Notice
                shall be invalid and of no effect;

         8.4    Notwithstanding the payment by the Lessee to the Lessor
                pursuant to Sub-Clause 8.3 hereof, the Lessee shall
                continue to be responsible for the rent and all outgoings
                payable on foot of this Lease in relation to the demised
                premises up to the Termination Date;

         8.5    The Lessee shall, on or prior to the Termination Date deliver
                to the Lessor the original of this Lease, together with all
                related title documentation (inc1uding a release or discharge
                of all mortgages, charges and other encumbrances, whether
                registered or not) and shall as beneficial owner deliver duly
                executed~1 and stamped a Transfer or Surrender of this Lease and
                if applicable, shah procure the cancellation of the registration
                of this Lease in the Land Registry;

         8.6    The Lessee shall be responsible for all Value Added Tax payable
                on Surrender of the Lease and the Lessor's legal costs and
                expenses in relation thereto;

         8.7    Any such termination of this Lease, on the Termination Date,
                shall be without prejudice to any antecedent breach by either
                the Lessor or the Lessee of any their respective covenants or
                conditions herein contained.


         9.1    IT IS HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFIED that the Lessee is a
                qualified person within the meaning of Section 45 of the
                Land Act, 1965, as amended by the Land Act, (Additional
                Category of Qualified Persons) Regulations, 1994, in that
                the property hereby demised is situate within the County
                of Fingal County Council as specified in the Local
                Government (Dublin) Act, 1993.

         9.2    IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the transaction hereby
                effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of
                a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or
                value or the aggregate amount or value of the
                consideration (other than rent) exceeds IR(pound)5,OOO.OO.

         9.3    IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED FURTHER THAT Section 53 (Lease
                combined with Building Agreement for
                dwellinghouse/apartment) of the Stamp Duties Consolidation
                Act, 1999, does not apply to this instrument.

         9.4    IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that no part of the consideration
                for the Lease is attributable (or deemed to be
                attributable) to residential property.



                             (THE DEMISED PREMISES)

ALL THAT AND THOSE the lands and premises situate at Snugborough, Blanchardstown
in the County of Dublin being part of the lands comprised in Folio 61890F of the
Register County Dublin as more particularly described on the Plan annexed hereto
and thereon outlined with a red verge line.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused their respective Seals to be
hereunto affixed the day and year first herein WRITTEN.

PRESENT when the Common

PRESENT when the Common

- ----------------

- ----------------


THIS INDENTURE MADE THE                  DAY OF                 2001

called "the Lessor" which expression shall include its successors and assigns)
of the one part and BENCHMARK ELECTRONICS INC. of 3000, Technology Drive
Angleton, Texas, 77515, United States of America of the other part.



1.        In consideration of the within named Lessor having agreed at our
          request to accept the within named Lessee as Lessee upon the terms of
          the within written Indenture we guarantee the payment by the within
          named Lessee to the within named Lessor of tie rent (including any
          increases thereof) payable under the within Indenture and all other
          monies whatsoever payable by the within named Lessee to the within
          named Lessor under the within Indenture and the performance and
          observance by the within named Lessee of the covenants and conditions
          stipulations and agreements on its part contained in the within
          Indenture upon the following terms:

          1.1      If the within named Lessee shall make any default in payment
                   of the re4r payable under the within Indenture (including any
                   increases thereof) or of any part thereof or any other monies
                   whatsoever payable by the within nam4k Lessee under the
                   within Indenture for the space of one month we shall upon a
                   written request by the within named Lessor pay forthwith such
                   sum or sums;

          1.2      If the within named Lessee shall make any default in the
                   observance or performance of any of the covenants
                   conditions agreements or stipulations o~ its part contained
                   in the within Indenture we will pay to the within named.
                   Lessor all losses damages expenses charges and costs which
                   the within named Lessor shall be entitled to recover by
                   reason of such default to the extent which the within named
                   Lessor shall be unable to recover them from the within
                   named Lessee together with all costs, expenses and charges
                   incurred by the Lessor in any way in connection with this
                   Guarantee or the enforcement or discharge of our
                   obligations hereunder including such costs, expenses and
                   any charges incurred by the Lessor in the enforcement of
                   any Judgement either in this or any other jurisdiction.

          1.3      This Guarantee shall continue for as long as the term created
                   by the within Indenture is vested in the within named Lessee
                   and shall extend to the acts and defaults of the within named
                   Lessee during the said term and during the said term shall
                   not be revocable or discharged by the liquidation of us or by
                   the liquidation of the within named Lessee

                   PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and declared that any
                   neglect, or forbearance on the part of the within named
                   Lessor in endeavouring to obtain


                  payment of the said rent and any increases thereof or other
                  monies when the same shall become due and payable by the
                  within named Lessee to the within named Lessor under the
                  within Indenture or to enforce the performance and observance
                  of the said covenants and conditions stipulations agreements
                  to be observed and performed by the within named Lessee in
                  respect thereof or any licence consent or permission which may
                  be granted by the within named Lessor to the within named
                  Lessee or any compromise or arrangement made by the within
                  named Lessor with the within named Lessee shall not release or
                  exonerate or in any way affect the liability of us to the
                  within named Lessor or prejudice the rights or remedies of the
                  within named Lessor under this Guarantee.

         1.4      If the within named Lessee being a Company shall go into
                  liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory (except for the
                  purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or being an
                  individual shall become bankrupt and the Liquidator or
                  Official Assignee or Trustee in Bankruptcy shall disclaim the
                  within Indenture and the within named Lessor shall serve
                  notice in writing on us pursuant to this Clause within three
                  months from the date of such disclaimer shall at our expense
                  forthwith accept from the within named Lessor a Lease
                  (hereinafter called "the New Lease") of the demised premises
                  and execute a Counterpart thereof for a term commencing on the
                  date of such disclaimer and continuing during the residue of
                  the term created by the within Indenture such new Lease to
                  contain the like Lessee's and Lessor's covenants respectively
                  and the like provisos and conditions in all respects
                  (including the proviso for re-entry) as are contained in the
                  within Indenture but such new Lease shall be1 without
                  prejudice to all liability of us under this Guarantee up to
                  the date of, such disclaimer.


                  This Guarantee and all relationships created thereby shall in
                  all respects be governed by and construed and interpreted in
                  accordance with the laws of Ireland.


                  The Courts of Ireland shall have jurisdiction over any action
                  to enforce the Lessors rights under this Guarantee and in
                  respect of all disputes arising under this Guarantee and for
                  that purpose Benchmark Electronics Inc. hereby submits to the
                  jurisdiction of the Courts of Ireland and agrees that all
                  summonses, notices or processes required to be served upon it
                  for the purposes of such action or any other legal proceedings
                  shall be deemed to be properly served if addressed and
                  delivered to them care of Arthur Cox, Solicitors, Arthur Cox
                  Building, Earisfort Terrace, Dublin 2 who Benchmark
                  Electronics Inc. irrevocably appoint as agents for acceptance
                  of service of all such documents.


4.       WAIVER

                  We hereby waive any right to require the Lessor to proceed
                  against the Lessee or to pursue any other remedy whatsoever
                  which may be available to the Lessor before proceeding against

 5.     NOTICES

                  Any demand or notice required to be made, given to or served
                  on us under this Guarantee is duly and validly made, given or
                  served if addressed to us and delivered personally or sent by
                  prepaid Registered or Recorded Delivery post or sent by
                  telegraphic facsimile transmission addressed to our
                  registered office or to our last known address or place of
                  business in Ireland or to Arthur Cox, Solicitors of Arthur
                  Cox Building, Earisfort Terrace, Dublin 2. whom we
                  irrevocably appoint as our agent for acceptance of service of
                  any such Demand or Notice.

PRESENT when the Common
was affixed hereto:

- ---------------------

- ----------------------


                                   LEASE MAP



DATED THE         DAY OF   2001
- -------------------------------


One Part


Other Part


Arthur Cox,
Earlsfort Centre
Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2
