[IBM LETTERHEAD] February 16, 2001 Candy Smith Senior Vice President, eCommerce Services QRS Corporation 1400 Marina Way South Richmond, CA 94804 Reference: Letter Amendment #2 to International Business Partner Agreement and Elimination of Retail Management Agreement Dear Candy: As we have discussed, this letter (the Letter) modifies the following agreements between QRS Corporation (QRS) and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM): International Business Partner Agreement: International Solution Provider Profile, signature effective date 12/31/97 (Profile) IBM Global Services' Network Services Exhibit, marked 17 December 1997 (Exhibit) Letter Amendment to International Business Partner Agreement dated August 31, 1999 Additionally, IBM and QRS agree that the following agreement and its obligations are terminated as of December 31, 2000. The final payment under such agreement, for services rendered in the fourth quarter Of 2000, will be made in early 2001. Retail Management Agreement, signature effective date 12/31/97 (RMA) Retail Management Agreement Attachment, signature effective date 12/31/97 (RMA Attachment) The changes set forth in this letter are effective as of January 1, 2001. Except as explicitly set forth in this Letter and the attached Exhibit, all terms, conditions and provisions of the agreements listed above shall continue in full force and effect. We expect these changes to be of substantial mutual benefit to our relationship going forward. Please indicate your acceptance of these changes by signing and dating this letter and returning it to me. Sincerely, /s/ T. Kevin Massey T. Kevin Massey Account Executive 1. IN THE PROFILE (AS AMENDED BY THE 8/31/1999 LETTER AMENDMENT) REPLACE THE FOLLOWING: CONTRACT START DATE: January 1, 1998 DURATION: 4 years This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 1998, and terminate on 31 December 2001. WITH THE FOLLOWING: CONTRACT START DATE: January 1, 2001 DURATION: 2 years This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2001, and terminate on 31 December 2002. 2. IN THE PROFILE (AS AMENDED BY THE 8/31/1999 LETTER AMENDMENT) DELETE THE ENTIRE MINIMUM REVENUE COMMITMENT SUB-SECTION AND REPLACE IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM PAYMENT COMMITMENT The minimum payment commitment for the Agreement term is * for e-Commerce Services (as defined in the Exhibit) as follows: *[TABLE REDACTED] There is no minimum payment commitment for Connectivity Services. Any payments made by QRS to IBM for any other hardware, software, or services (including Connectivity Services) other than the e-Commerce Services do not apply toward the Minimum Payment Commitment. 3. (a) IN THE PROFILE (AS AMENDED BY THE 8/31/1999 LETTER AMENDMENT) DELETE THE ENTIRE ADJUSTMENT CHARGE SUB-SECTION AND ALL REFERENCES TO ADJUSTMENT CHARGES OR CONTRACT PENALTIES FOR TERMINATION OR FAILURE TO ACHIEVE USAGE LEVELS. (b) IBM waives any penalty charges incurred by QRS under the International Business Partner Agreement as of January 1, 2001 for failure to meet its minimum payment commitment in any prior periods. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, the Minimum Payment Commitment shall remain in effect as described herein, and QRS shall owe such Minimum Payment Commitment. In the event that Agreement is terminated or otherwise ends before December 31, 2002, QRS shall owe, and promptly pay, IBM the remaining portion of the entire Minimum Payment Commitment (i.e. *) which it has not yet paid. * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. 4. IN THE PROFILE REPLACE THE FOLLOWING IN THE ELIGIBLE SERVICES APPROVAL SUB-SECTION: - Managed Data Network Services - Managed Messaging and Collaborative Services - Managed Electronic Transaction Services - Managed Internet and Intranet Services WITH THE FOLLOWING: - IBM Global Services Interchange Services for e-business - The following IBM Global Networking Alliance Project Office Alliance Partner(s) services, unless modified in writing by IBM: - AT&T Global Network Services: Managed Data Network Services 5. TERMINATE THE RMA AND AMENDMENTS FROM THE 8/31/1999 LETTER, INCLUDING ANY QRS CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC OFFERS (E.G. DAYTON HUDSON, SEARS) LISTED THEREIN AND OTHER CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS (E.G. MAY COMPANY). 6. DELETE THE IBM GLOBAL SERVICES NETWORK SERVICES EXHIBIT (AS AMENDED BY THE 8/31/1999 LETTER AMENDMENT) AND REPLACE THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT WITH THE NEW IBM GLOBAL SERVICES NETWORK SERVICES EXHIBIT, DATED 16 FEBRUARY 2001, ATTACHED HERETO. Agreed to: Agreed to: QRS CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1400 MARINA WAY SOUTH RICHMOND, CA 94804 ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504 By: By: /s/ Candy S. Smith /s/ Gregory D. Schrubbe - ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Authorized signature Authorized signature Name (type or print): Name (type or print): Candy S. Smith Gregory D. Schrubbe Date: 2/19/01 Date: 2/27/01 IBM BUSINESS PARTNER AGREEMENT IBM GLOBAL SERVICES' NETWORK SERVICES EXHIBIT JANUARY 2001 A. GLOBAL TERMS 1. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES AND CREDITS * for establishing new QRS Invoice accounts to support client administration and the electronic delivery of monthly billing information to QRS. * for network traffic. 2. LICENSED PROGRAMS (SOFTWARE) QRS Customers must contract directly with IBM for licensed programs. Programs which can be ordered by a QRS Customer under an IBM account ID which is part of QRS billing rollup structure will be invoiced to QRS at undiscounted list rates. 3. BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP MEETINGS QRS and IBM will participate in at least two (2) Business Partnership Meetings per year. 4. REPORTS QRS will provide quarterly usage forecasts to IBM by IBM product line by month. 5. MIGRATION ASSISTANCE Upon commercially reasonable request or agreement by IBM, QRS will provide commercially reasonable assistance in migrating installed customers onto alternate e-Commerce or connectivity platforms (e.g. from Information Exchange (IE) to Internet Data and Document Exchange (IDDX)). 6. CHARGE PROTECTION If IBM increases the prices for Eligible Services in the aggregate such that the effect on the pre-tax invoice amount is more than seven percent in any year commencing on an anniversary date of this Agreement, you may terminate this Agreement upon six months' written notice to us. In the event of such termination, you will have no obligation to pay any termination charges. 7. RETAIL INDUSTRY QRS is approved to remarket Eligible Services to Customers in the retail industry segments as set forth in the table below. QRS and IBM agree to expand and/or refine the table below, and shall include grocery sub-segments, by April 15, 2001. The IBM Industry Segments as further identified by the Standard Industry Code ("SIC") and description, consist of the following: * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 1 of 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRY SEGMENT SIC DESCRIPTION - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA RETAIL--APPAREL MANUFACTURING - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2251 Women's hosiery, except socks - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2252 Hosiery, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2253 Knit outerwear mills - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2254 Knit underwear mills - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2259 Knitting mills, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2311 Men's and boys' suits and coats - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2321 Men's and boys' shirts - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2322 Men's and boys' underwear and night wear - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2323 Men's and boys' neckwear - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2325 Men's and boys' trousers and slacks - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2326 Men's and boys' work clothing - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2329 Men's and boys' clothing, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2331 Women's and misses' blouses and shirts - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2335 Women's, junior's and misses' dresses - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2337 Women's and misses' suits and coats - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2339 Women's and misses' outerwear, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2341 Women's and children's underwear - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2342 Bras, girdles, and allied garments - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2353 Hats, caps, and millinery - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2361 Girls' and children's dresses, blouses - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2369 Girls' and children's outerwear, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2371 Fur goods - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2381 Fabric dress and work gloves - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2384 Robes and dressing gowns - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2385 Waterproof outerwear - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2386 Leather and sheep-lined clothing - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2387 Apparel belts - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2389 Apparel and accessories, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2391 Curtains and draperies - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2392 House furnishings, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2393 Textile bags - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2394 Canvas and related products - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2395 Pleating and stitching - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2396 Automotive and apparel trimmings - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2397 Schiffli machine embroideries - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 2399 Fabricated textile products, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3111 Leather tanning and finishing - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3131 Footwear cut stock - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3142 House slippers - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3143 Men's footwear, except athletic - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3144 Women's footwear, except athletic - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3149 Footwear, except rubber, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3151 Leather gloves and mittens - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3161 Luggage - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3171 Women's handbags and purses - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3172 Personal leather goods, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DA 3199 Leather goods, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DB RETAIL--MASS MERCHANDISE - -------------------------------------------------------------- DB 5331 Variety stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DB 533A Discount stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DC RETAIL--DEPARTMENT STORES - -------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------- DC 5311 Department stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DC 5399 Miscellaneous general merchandise stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DD RETAIL--DIRECTED MARKETING - -------------------------------------------------------------- DD 5961 Catalog and mail order houses - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE RETAIL--SPECIALTY - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5611 Men's and boys' clothing stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5621 Women's clothing stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5632 Women's accessory and specialty stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5641 Children's and infants' wear stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5651 Family clothing stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5661 Shoe stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5699 Miscellaneous apparel and accessory stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5731 Radio, TV and electronic stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5734 Computer and software stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5735 Record and prerecorded tape stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5736 Musical instrument stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5932 Used merchandise stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5941 Sporting goods and bicycle shops - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5942 Book stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5942 Stationery stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5944 Jewelry stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5945 Hobby, toy, and game shops - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5946 Camera and photographic supply stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5947 Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5948 Luggage and leather goods stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5949 Sewing, needlework and piece goods - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5983 Fuel oil dealers - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5984 Liquified petroleum gas dealers - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5989 Fuel dealers, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5992 Florists - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5993 Tobacco stores and stands - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5994 News dealers and newsstands - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5995 Optical goods stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DE 5999 Miscellaneous retail stores, nec - -------------------------------------------------------------- DG RETAIL--PHARMACY/DRUG - -------------------------------------------------------------- DG 5912 Drug stores and proprietary stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DH RETAIL--FOOD - -------------------------------------------------------------- DH 5812 Eating places - -------------------------------------------------------------- DH 5813 Drinking places - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR RETAIL--HARDGOODS - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5211 Lumber and Other Building Materials - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5231 Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5251 Hardware Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5261 Retail Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5712 Furniture Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5713 Floor Covering Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5714 Drapery, Curtain and Upholstery Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5719 Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- DR 5722 Household Appliance Stores - -------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 13 B. US TERMS 1. ELIGIBLE SERVICES In addition to the Eligible Services in the offering categories listed in the Solution Provider Profile, you are authorized to market the following Eligible Services under the Remarketer Terms in the United States, unless IBM first discusses any changes with you and then communicates such changes in the Eligible Services to you in writing. - Support Services - Capacity Services - Network Services Withdrawn from Marketing - These existing services can continue to be remarketed to installed customers (as of January 1, 2001) until withdrawn from service. Eligible Services are described in the applicable Service Descriptions, as found on the applicable Market Support and Tools websites at http://netsvcs.ibm.com/advtools/ or http://agns.ibm.com/agnstool/. 2. CHARGES AND DISCOUNTS QRS will be charged according to the then-current non-discounted list rates itemized in the applicable Schedules of Charges for each Eligible Service (found on the applicable Market Support and Tools websites at http://netsvcs.ibm.com/advtools or http://agns.ibm.com/agnstool/), except as provided in the subsections below. 3. e-COMMERCE (EC) SERVICES: The terms used in this section apply only to e-Commerce (EC) Services, which are defined as the Information Exchange (IE) and Internet Data and Document Exchange (IDDX) billing elements shown in Table 10.1. The following terminology is defined in this section, and is used in describing the payments due for EC Services: - Yearly EC Cost - Expected Yearly EC Usage - YTD EC Usage - Monthly EC Payment - YTD EC Payments Yearly EC Cost to QRS is based on Expected Yearly EC Usage, as set forth in Table 3.1. TABLE 3.1 *[TABLE REDACTED] (*) Plus, if Expected Yearly EC Usage exceeds * billion kilocharacters, the INCREMENTAL cost to QRS will be * per additional 0.30 billion kilocharacter tier in 2001, and * per additional 0.30 billion kilocharacter tier in 2002. * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 4 of 13 Expected Yearly EC Usage will be calculated quarterly and is equal to: -March YTD EC Usage divided by 0.30 -June YTD EC Usage divided by 0.58 -September YTD EC Usage divided by 0.85 -December YTD EC Usage divided by 1.00 All YTD EC Usage is the year-to-date sum of the actual IE and IDDX kilocharacter traffic used by QRS or its customers, as defined in Table 10.2. The Yearly EC Cost will be the amount of Yearly EC Cost set forth in Table 3.1 that corresponds to the Expected Yearly EC Usage, as calculated in accordance with the previous paragraph. Each Yearly EC Cost calculation will continue in effect until the next quarterly calculation made in accordance with the previous paragraph. QRS will pay to IBM each month a Monthly EC Payment. YTD EC Payments are the year-to-date sum of the Monthly EC Payments. Monthly EC Payment to IBM will be Yearly EC Cost less YTD EC Payments divided evenly into the remaining months of the year. This calculation may cause the Monthly EC Payment to change during the year. The Monthly EC Payment will be a part of the overall invoice presented to QRS each month by IBM for all services defined under this agreement. These payments (including the Monthly EC Payment) will be due the month after the service is used (e.g. January 2001 usage will be payable in February 2001; December 2002 usage will be payable in January 2003). The first three Monthly EC Payments for each year will be based on one-twelfth of the Yearly EC Cost found in the first tier of Table 3.1 above. Specifically, the payments will be: *[TABLE REDACTED] As an example to illustrate the payments and quarterly recalculations, QRS will pay to IBM * each month for the first quarter of 2001, for a YTD EC Payment of * for usage incurred through 3/31/2001. On or about 4/15/2001, a quarterly recalculation will be done, and if, for example, the March YTD EC Usage is calculated to be 0.390 billion kilocharacters (kc's), the following will happen: 1. Expected Yearly EC Usage will be recalculated as 0.390 billion kc's divide by 0.30 = 1.30 billion kc's 2. Referencing Table 3.1, the Yearly EC Cost will be recalculated as * 3. The Monthly EC Payment will be recalculated as * (Yearly EC Cost) less * (YTD EC Payments) or * to be divided by the nine remaining months of 2001 = *. 4. QRS will then pay IBM * Monthly EC Payment each month until the next quarterly recalculation determines a different Monthly EC Payment. This paragraph is for example only. IBM will provide to QRS EC usage information monthly. * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 5 of 13 4. OTHER IBM INTERCHANGE SERVICES NOT A PART OF THE MINIMUM REVENUE COMMITMENT OR MONTHLY EC PAYMENT A. WEB EDI services (defined as IBM Forms Exchange, IBM in-Network Translation, and IBM Web Data Transfer) will be provided at a * discount off usage-based billing elements (see Table 10.3). B. IE ARCHIVING will be provided at *. IBM will provide billing information so that the number of days archived is indicated or, if IBM does not provide such detail, *. C. ENABLING SUPPORT: IBM will provide EC enabling support services worth up to * (at list rates) annually to QRS or its customers at no charge to QRS. Additional enabling support services may be purchased by QRS at * of the current hourly rates. The enabling service credit as here defined will reset on January 1st of each year. D. LABOR-BASED EC SERVICES, other than those defined above will be at * off current hourly rates. E. IE 800# DIAL USAGE (as measured in kilocharacters) under * of total IE dial usage is provided to QRS at *. If IE 800# dial usage exceeds * of total IE dial usage over a calendar year, charges for the additional usage will be paid by QRS at discounted rate of * off list prices. IBM will determine the total IE 800# dial usage and invoice QRS as appropriate in the first quarter of the following year. * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 6 of 13 5. CONNECTIVITY PRICING A. MANAGED DATA NETWORK SERVICES (MDNS) LEASED LINE (DEDICATED) SERVICES, as defined in Table 10.4, will be provided to QRS at a * discount off list prices. B. MDNS 800# DIAL SERVICES, as defined in Table 10.5, will be provided to QRS at a * discount off list prices. C. IP DIAL SERVICES, as defined in Table 10.6, will be provided to QRS at a * discount off list prices. D. SNA DIAL AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES, as defined in Table 10.7, will be provided to QRS at a * discount off list prices. 6. STEDI As of January 1, 2001 QRS maintains a number of accounts which are trading partners with Sears, and which use the STEDI system for EDI. QRS will continue to be charged for all STEDI usage at list rates. Beginning January 1, 2002, QRS may begin to actively migrate such STEDI users to IE or IDDX to be included in the usage tiers as defined in subsection B3, above. Prior to January 1, 2002, QRS may migrate up to ten (10) STEDI users to IE or IDDX at such STEDI user's request. Other than such ten migrated STEDI users, QRS will be charged the prevailing IE or IDDX list rates for any additional STEDI users who migrate to IE or IDDX prior to January 1, 2002. 7. BILLING AND INVOICING IBM agrees to work with QRS to establish the accuracy of billing records. If a QRS customer is in dispute of charges based on IBM provided billing records, IBM will use commercially reasonable efforts to address the dispute with the QRS and the end user. 8. EDUCATION * 9. TRAINED PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS QRS shall provide the following trained personnel: YEAR OF AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT MARKETING SUPPORT 2001 2 12 18 2002 2 12 18 * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 7 of 13 10. TABLES The following tables are set forth in this section. It is the intention of IBM and QRS to work together to further define these billing element tables by March 15, 2001. IBM and QRS will review the billing element tables for accuracy on a quarterly basis. Discountable monthly, recurring or usage-based billing elements not listed are intended to be included in the appropriate tables based on their service category, following the pattern of those elements already defined. Non-discountable, installation, one-time, subscription, volume commitment, passthru, and special charges will be individually considered. 1. IE AND IDDX billing elements (note that, as of January 1, 2001, only IE billing elements are defined; the appropriate IDDX billing elements will be added to this table when they have been defined by product management). 2. IE AND IDDX KILOCHARACTER billing elements (note that only IE kilocharacter billing elements are currently defined; the appropriate IDDX billing elements will be added to this table when they have been defined by product management). 3. WEBEDI discountable billing elements 4. MANAGED DATA NETWORK SERVICES (MDNS) LEASED LINE (DEDICATED) discountable billing elements 5. MDNS 800# DIAL discountable billing elements 6. IP DIAL discountable billing elements 7. SNA DIAL AND SELECTED OTHER discountable billing elements Page 8 of 13 TABLE 10.1 IE AND IDDX BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 19 MESSAGES - PRIME 20 MESSAGES - NON PRIME 25 IE CHARACTERS - P 26 IE CHARACTERS - NP 68 IE "800" DIAL ACCESS - P 69 IE 800 DIAL ACCESS - NP 550 IE INTERCONNECT - P 551 IE INTERCONNECT - NP 715 IE BULK CHARACTER - P 716 IE BULK CHARACTERS - NP 924 IE BULK INTERCONNECT - P 925 IE BULK INTERCONNECT - N 926 IE ISDN 64000 BPS - P 930 IE LOCAL DIAL ACCESS - P 931 IE LOCAL DIAL NON - P 934 IE NOTICE CALLOUT 1175 DIALOUT - PRIME 1176 DIALOUT NON-PRIME 1863 IE ARCHIVE STORAGE 1864 IE-IE MSG DELIVERY - P 1865 IE-IE MSG DELIVERY NP 1866 IE-EDI VAN DELIVERY - P 1867 IE-EDI VAN DELIVERY -NP 2049 SERVICE CHARGE (IEPS) 2128 IE-EDI VAN RECEIVE - P 2129 IE-EDI VAN RECEIVE - NP 2430 IE NOTICE DIALOUT 2453 IE CARBON COPY 2454 IE CARBON COPY 2594 IEPS ACCESS FACILITY 2697 IE PASSTHRU SURCHRG - P 2698 IE PASSTHRU SURCHRG - NP 3972 IE LGCY GW SURCHGE P 3973 IE LGCY GW SURCHGE NP TABLE 10.2 IE AND IDDX KILOCHARACTER BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 25 IE CHARACTERS - P 26 IE CHARACTERS - NP 550 IE INTERCONNECT - P 551 IE INTERCONNECT - NP 715 IE BULK CHARACTER - P 716 IE BULK CHARACTERS - NP 924 IE BULK INTERCONNECT - P 925 IE BULK INTERCONNECT - N TABLE 10.3 WEBEDI DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 3902 IN NET TRANS IN CHAR 3911 REG TP SET (1 TO 5) 8068 INT INTRCONNECT-NPRIME Page 9 of 13 TABLE 10.4 MANAGED DATA NETWORK SERVICES (MDNS) LEASED LINE (DEDICATED) DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 106 HOST ADMINISTRATION FOR SNI 313 AS/400 SITE 9600 BPS-MONTHLY 315 AS/400 SITE 19200 BPS-MONTHLY 317 AS/400 CONNECTION 9600 BPS-MONTHLY 319 AS/400 CONNECTION 19200 BPS-MONTHLY 323 ENHANCED ATTACH 19200 BPS-MONTHLY 324 STANDARD ATTACH 19200 BPS-MONTHLY 325 ALTERNATE ATTACH 19200 BPS-MONTHLY 387 ENHANCED ATTACH UP TO 9600 BPS-MONTHLY 389 ENHANCED ATTACH 14400 BPS-MONTHLY 391 ENHANCED ATTACH 56000 BPS-MONTHLY 393 STANDARD ATTACH UP TO 9600 BPS-MONTHLY 395 STANDARD ATTACH 14400 BPS-MONTHLY 399 ALTERNATE ATTACH UP TO 9600 BPS-MONTHLY 400 ALTERNATE ATTACH 14400 BPS-MONTHLY 401 ALTERNATE ATTACH 56000 BPS-MONTHLY 538 SNBU MONTHLY CHARGE 590 HCF ACCESS 597 19.2 SHARED BRIDGE 667 ENS CONNECTION 56000 BPS-MONTHLY 668 ENS SNI CONNECTION 19.2 BPS-MTHLY 937 ENS PT-PT CONNECTION 9600 BPS MONTHLY 1086 LLS 56KB SNI STD MONTH 1088 LLS 19.2 SNI STD MONTH 1089 LLS 19.2 STD MONTHLY 1090 LLS 14.4 SNI STD MONTH 1091 LLS 14.4K BPS STANDARD MONTHLY 1092 LLS 9.6K BPS SNI STANDARD MONTHLY 1093 LLS 9.6K BPS STANDARD MONTHLY 1094 LLS 56KB SNI MULTIPLE SITE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1096 LLS 19.2 SNI MULTIPLE SITE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1102 LLS 56KB SNI REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1103 LLS 56KB REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1104 LLS 19.2K BPS SNI REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1105 LLS 19.2K BPS REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1106 LLS 14.4K BPS SNI REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1107 LLS 14.4K BPS REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1108 LLS 9.6K BPS SNI REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1109 LLS 9.6K BPS REVENUE COMMITMENT RATE-25 1111 INTERNETWORKING - 56Kb 1112 INTERNETWORKING - 256Kb 1113 INTERNETWORKING - 512Kb 1114 INTERNETWORKING - T1 1146 ALTERNATE SITE BACKUP - 56 KBPS 1177 PARADYNE MODEM - MONTHLY 1632 INTERNETWORKING 2ND BU - 56KB 1651 SWITCHED 56 SERVICE - MONTHLY 1658 INTERNETWORKING - 126KB Page 10 of 13 TABLE 10.4 MANAGED DATA NETWORK SERVICES (MDNS) LEASED LINE (DEDICATED) DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS (CONTINUED) 1658 INTERNETWORKING - 128KB 1688 INTERNETWORKING SNA SUPPORT 1689 INTERNETWORKING TOKEN RING ADAPTER SUPPORT 1690 INTRNETWKNG SDLC DEVICE ADAPTER SUPPORT 1693 OPTIONAL SNA INTERCONNECT SUPPORT 1723 INTRNETWKNG DIAL BU (SW56 FOR 56k) 1827 INTERNET INTERCONNECT SUBSCRIPTION 1900 INTERNET DIRECT CONFIGURATION 14 1905 INTERNET DIRECT CONFIGURATION 13 1910 INTERNET DIRECT CONFIGURATION 12 1920 INTERNET DIRECT CONFIGURATION 11 1926 INTERNET INTERCONNECT FIREWALL 1930 INTERNET INTERCONNECTION FIREWALL 2004 BUSINESS RECOVERY SERVICES 512 KBPS 2026 DBAN SWITCHED 56KB MONTHLY 2028 DBAN MONTHLY 2034 LLS BRIDGED CONNECTION 19.2 BPS 2120 INTRNETWKNG SNA INTERCONNECT 56KB 2121 INTRNETWKNG SNA INTERCONNECT 128KB 2122 INTRNETWKNG SNA INTERCONNECT 256KB 2614 MDNS Connect Monthly 56KB 2616 MDNS CONNECTION MONTHLY 128KB 2618 MDNS CONNECTION MONTHLY 256KB 2620 MDNS Connection Monthly 512KB 2623 MDNS CONNECTION MONTHLY T1 2629 MDNS PVC Private Network Monthly 2630 MDNS PVC W/EMEA MTHLY 2632 MDNS PVC Zone 3 Monthly 2634 MDNS PVC W/ASIA MTHLY 2642 MDNS Crossover To SNA Srv Monthly 2644 MDNS Crossover To Secure IP VAS Monthly 2645 MDNS Crossover to Internet Direct Monthly 2646 MDNS Protocol IP Monthly 2647 MDNS Protocol IPX Monthly 2648 MDNS Protocol SNA Monthly 3639 MDNS Backup Xover SNA PVC - Monthly 3640 MDNS Backup Xover MPN PVC - Monthly 3782 Backup Stnby Leased Line 56KB Monthly 3823 BKUP ACT/LL 56KB MTHLY 3833 BKUP ACT/LL T1 MTHLY 3975 STD SLA-SITE GOLD CHG 3988 Basic Firewall Package 1 3989 Basic Firewall Package 2 3991 Basic Firewall Package 4 3992 Basic Firewall Package 5 4015 Basic Firewall Pack 4 Report Option 5821 Network Address Translation (NAT) 1-50 5822 Network Address Translation (NAT) 1-100 5823 Network Address Translation (NAT) 1-200 Page 11 of 13 TABLE 10.5 MDNS 800# DIAL DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 38 800 DIAL SURCHARGE-LOCAL-PRIME 39 800 DIAL SURCHARGE-LOCAL-NONPRIME 805 800 DIAL SURCHARGE-PEER COMM-PRIME 806 800 DIAL SURCHARGE-PEER COMM-NONPRIME 1879 800 DIAL SURCHARGE - TCP/IP - PRIME 1880 800 DIAL SURCHARGE - TCP/IP - NON PRIME 2059 DIAL INTERNET - 800 SURCHARGE 2492 Dial Services Corp Int ISDN Fee 800 2495 Dial Services TCP/IP ISDN Fee 800 2954 800 Surcharge MP Tunnel ISDN 2955 800 SURCHG-MP TUNNELING-PRIME 2956 800 SURCHG-MP TUNNELING-NONPRIME 6990 MNG TUNNEL - PPTP SECURE IP 800 SURCGG 7045 MNG TUNNEL - PPTP SEC IP 800 SURCHG NP TABLE 10.6 IP DIAL DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 1873 TCP/IP DIAL LOCAL - PR 1874 TCP/IP DIAL LOCAL - NP 2061 DIAL INET - LOCAL 2491 CORP INT - ISDN LOCAL 2493 TCP/IP DIAL-ISDN LOCAL 2937 VPE LOCAL PRIME 2938 VPE LOCAL NON PRIME 2951 MP TUNNEL-PRIME 2952 MP TUNNEL-NONPRIME 2953 MP TUNNEL-ISDN 6780 IP CO I 144/144 6782 IP DSL SVC TO 1.5M/384 6794 INTERNET VPN GATEWAY 6965 MTS-PPTP INT IP 7924 INET ISDN USER PLN HRS TABLE 10.7 SNA DIAL AND RELATED SUPPORT DISCOUNTABLE BILLING ELEMENTS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION 1 VM INTERACTIVE CRU - P 2 VM INTERACTIVE CRU - NP 9 MVS BACKGRND CRU - P 10 MVS BCKGRND CRU - NP 34 NRU'S - PRIME 35 NRU'S - NON-PRIME 49 MB NON-DED DASD - VM 50 MB NON-DED DASD-MVS/AS 55 USERID'S ON FILE 574 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 703 IMX MAILBOX CHARGE 704 INT'L MESSAGE CHARGE 706 NAT'L MESSAGE CHARGE 732 DIAL SVCS-LOCAL-P 733 DIAL SVCS-LOCAL-NP 803 DIAL SVCS-PEER COMM-P 804 DIAL SVCS-PEER COMM-NP 972 SOFTWARE MALL SUB FEE 979 SOFTWARE MALL MO FEE 1006 MO SUBSCRIPTION CHG 1704 TRAVELING USER SUPPORT Page 12 of 13 C. INTERNATIONAL TERMS 1. ELIGIBLE SERVICES In addition to the Eligible Services in the offering categories listed in the Solution Provider Profile, you are authorized to market the following Eligible Services under the Remarketer Terms in countries outside the United States: Support Services Capacity Services Eligible Services are described in the applicable IBM Global Services Service Descriptions, as found on the IBM Global Services Market, Support and Tools website at http://netsvcs.ibm.com/advtools/. 2. DISCOUNTS A discount of * applies to all charges eligible for discount outside of the United States. 3. TERM The term for these discounts outside the United States extends through December 31, 2001. * Indicates that material has been omitted and confidential treatment has been requested therefor. All such omitted material has been filed separately with the Commission pursuant to Rule 24b-2. Page 13 of 13