Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )

      Filed by the Registrant /X/

      Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

      Check the appropriate box:
      / /        Preliminary Proxy Statement
                 BY RULE 14A-6(E)(2))
      /X/        Definitive Proxy Statement
      / /        Definitive Additional Materials
      / /        Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section240.14a-12

                               WISCONSIN POWER & LIGHT COMPANY
                 (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

           (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/        No fee required.
/ /        Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
           and 0-11.
           (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction
           (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
           (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
                it was determined):
           (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
           (5)  Total fee paid:

/ /        Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /        Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
           Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
           the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
           filing by registration statement number, or the Form or
           Schedule and the date of its filing.

           (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
           (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
           (3)  Filing Party:
           (4)  Date Filed:

                             Your Vote is Important


                                Proxy Statement
                         Notice of 2001 Annual Meeting
                               2000 Annual Report


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREOWNERS

                          DATE:      MAY 30, 2001

                          TIME:      1:00 PM, CENTRAL DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME

                                     ROOM 1A
                                     222 WEST WASHINGTON AVENUE
                                     MADISON, WISCONSIN


            LOCAL CALLS (MADISON, WI AREA) ............ 608-252-3110

            TOLL FREE NUMBER .......................... 800-356-5343

                                               Wisconsin Power and Light Company
                                               222 West Washington Avenue
                                               P. O. Box 2568
                                               Madison, WI 53701-2568
                                               Phone: 608-252-3110


Dear Wisconsin Power and Light Company Shareowner:

On Wednesday, May 30, 2001, Wisconsin Power and Light Company (the "Company")
will hold its 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareowners at the office of the Company,
222 West Washington Avenue, Room 1A, Madison, Wisconsin. The meeting will begin
at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Savings Time.

Only the sole common stock shareowner, Alliant Energy Corporation, and preferred
shareowners who owned stock at the close of business on April 3, 2001 may vote
at this meeting. All shareowners are requested to be present at the meeting in
person or by proxy so that a quorum may be assured. At the meeting, the
Company's shareowners will:

    1.  Elect four directors for terms expiring at the 2004 Annual Meeting of
       Shareowners; and

    2.  Attend to any other business properly presented at the meeting.

The Board of Directors of the Company presently knows of no other business to
come before the meeting.

Please sign and return the enclosed proxy card as soon as possible.

The 2000 Annual Report of the Company appears as Appendix A to this Proxy
Statement. The Proxy Statement and Annual Report have been combined into a
single document to improve the effectiveness of our financial communication and
to reduce costs, although the Annual Report does not constitute a part of the
Proxy Statement.

Any Wisconsin Power and Light Company preferred shareowner who desires to
receive a copy of the Alliant Energy Corporation 2000 Annual Report to
Shareowners may do so by calling the Shareowner Services Department at the
Shareowner Information Number shown at the front of this proxy statement or
writing to the Company at the address shown above.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Edward M. Gleason

                                          EDWARD M. GLEASON
                                          Vice President--Treasurer and
                                          Corporate Secretary

Dated and mailed on or about April 10, 2001

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Questions and Answers.......................................    3

Election of Directors.......................................    5

       Nominees.............................................    5

       Continuing Directors.................................    6

Meetings and Committees of the Board........................    8

Compensation of Directors...................................   10

Ownership of Voting Securities..............................   12

Compensation of Executive Officers..........................   14

       Summary Compensation Table...........................   14

Stock Options...............................................   16

       Stock Option Grants in 2000..........................   16

       Option Values at December 31, 2000...................   17

Long-Term Incentive Awards..................................   18

       Long-Term Incentive Awards in 2000...................   18

Certain Agreements and Transactions.........................   19

Retirement and Employee Benefit Plans.......................   21

Report of the Compensation and Personnel Committee on
Executive Compensation......................................   25

Report of the Audit Committee...............................   28

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.....   29

Exhibit I -- Audit Committee Charter........................   30

Appendix A -- Wisconsin Power and Light Company Annual
Report                                                        A-1


                             QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

       A  The Board of Directors of Wisconsin Power and Light Company
          (the "Company") is providing these proxy materials to you in
          connection with the Company's Annual Meeting of Shareowners
          (the "Annual Meeting"), which will take place on Wednesday,
          May 30, 2001. As a shareowner, you are invited to attend the
          Annual Meeting and are entitled to and requested to vote on
          the proposal described in this proxy statement.

      A:  The Company is a subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corporation
          ("AEC"), a public utility holding company whose other first
          tier subsidiaries include IES Utilities Inc. ("IES"),
          Interstate Power Company ("IPC"), Alliant Energy Resources,
          Inc. ("AER") and Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc.
          ("Alliant Corporate Services").

      A:  Only shareowners of record at the close of business on April
          3, 2001 are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. As of
          the record date, 13,236,601 shares of common stock (owned
          solely by AEC) and 1,049,225 shares of preferred stock, in
          seven series (representing 599,630 votes), were issued and
          outstanding. Each share of Company common stock is entitled
          to one vote per share. Each share of Company preferred
          stock, with the exception of the 6.50% Series, is entitled
          to one vote per share. The 6.50% Series of Company preferred
          stock is entitled to 1/4 vote per share.

      A:  You may vote on the election of four nominees to serve on
          the Company's Board of Directors for terms expiring at the
          Annual Meeting of Shareowners in the year 2004.

      A:  The Board of Directors recommends that you vote your shares
          FOR each of the nominees.

      A:  You may vote either in person at the Annual Meeting or by
          appointing a proxy. If you desire to appoint a proxy, then
          sign and date each proxy card you receive and return it in
          the envelope provided.

      A:  In the election of directors, you may vote FOR all of the
          nominees or your vote may be WITHHELD with respect to one or
          more nominees. If you return your signed proxy card but do
          not mark the boxes showing how you wish to vote, your shares
          will be voted FOR all nominees.

      A:  You have the right to revoke your proxy at any time before
          the Annual Meeting by:

              - poviding written notice to the Corporate Secretary of
              the Company and voting in person at the Annual Meeting;
              - appointing a new proxy prior to the start of the
                Annual Meeting.

          Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not cause your
          previously appointed proxy to be revoked unless you
          specifically so request in writing.


      A:  Your proxy card(s) covers all of your shares of the
          Company's preferred stock.

      A:  If your shares are registered differently and are in more
          than one account, then you will receive more than one card.
          Be sure to vote all of your accounts to ensure that all of
          your shares are voted. The Company encourages you to have
          all accounts registered in the same name and address
          (whenever possible). You can accomplish this by contacting
          the Company's Shareowner Services Department at the
          Shareowner Information Numbers shown at the front of this
          proxy statement.

      A:  All shareowners who owned shares of the Company's common and
          preferred stock on April 3, 2001 may attend the Annual
          Meeting. You may indicate on the reservation portion of the
          enclosed proxy card your intention to attend the Annual
          Meeting and return it with your signed proxy.

      A:  The Board of Directors of the Company does not know of any
          business to be considered at the 2001 Annual Meeting other
          than the election of four directors. If any other business
          is properly presented at the Annual Meeting, your signed
          proxy card gives authority to William D. Harvey, the
          Company's President, and Edward M. Gleason, the Company's
          Vice President-Treasurer and Corporate Secretary, to vote on
          such matters in their discretion.

      A:  The results of the voting will be announced at the Annual
          Meeting. You may also call our Shareowner Services
          Department at the Shareowner Information Numbers shown at
          the front of this proxy statement for the results. The
          Company will also publish the final results in its Quar-
          terly Report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter of 2001 to
          be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      A:  All shareowner proposals to be considered for inclusion in
          the Company's proxy statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting
          must be received at the principal office of the Company by
          December 11, 2001. In addition, any shareowner who intends
          to present a proposal from the floor at the 2002 Annual
          Meeting must submit the proposal in writing to the Corporate
          Secretary of the Company no later than February 24, 2002.

      A:  The Board of Directors has appointed Arthur Andersen LLP as
          the Company's independent auditors for 2001. Arthur Andersen
          LLP acted as independent auditors for the Company in 2000.
          Representatives of Arthur Andersen LLP are not expected to
          be present at the meeting.

      A.  The Company will pay the cost of preparing, assembling,
          printing, mailing and distributing these proxy materials. In
          addition to the mailing of these proxy materials, the
          solicitation of proxies or votes may be made in person, by
          telephone or by electronic communication by the Company's
          officers and employees who will not receive any additional
          compensation for these solicitation activities. The Company
          will pay to banks, brokers, nominees and other fiduciaries
          their reasonable charges and expenses incurred in forwarding
          the proxy materials to their principals.

          FORM 10-K?
      A:  The Company will furnish without charge, to each shareowner
          who is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and who makes
          a written request, a copy of the Company's Annual Report on
          Form 10-K (without exhibits) as filed with the Securities
          and Exchange Commission. Written requests for the Form 10-K
          should be mailed to the Corporate Secretary of the Company
          at the address on the first page of this proxy statement.


                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Four directors will be elected this year for terms expiring in 2004. The
nominees for election as selected by the Nominating and Governance Committee of
the Company's Board of Directors are: Jack B. Evans, Joyce L. Hanes, David A.
Perdue and Judith D. Pyle. Each of the nominees is currently serving as a
director of the Company. Each person elected as director will serve until the
Annual Meeting of Shareowners of the Company in 2004 or until his or her
successor has been duly elected and qualified.

Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting
(assuming a quorum is present). Consequently, any shares not voted at the
meeting, whether by abstention or otherwise, will have no effect on the election
of directors. The proxies solicited may be voted for a substitute nominee or
nominees if any of the nominees are unable to serve, or for good reason will not
serve, a contingency not now anticipated.

Brief biographies of the director nominees and continuing directors follow.
These biographies include their age (as of December 31, 2000), an account of
their business experience and the names of publicly-held and certain other
corporations of which they are also directors. Except as otherwise indicated,
each nominee and continuing director has been engaged in his or her present
occupation for at least the past five years.


                        JACK B. EVANS                              Director Since
[PHOTO]                 2000
                        Age 52                                      Nominated Term
                        Expires in 2004
                        Mr. Evans is a director and since 1996 has served as
                        President of The Hall-Perrine Foundation, a private
                        philanthropic corporation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Previously,
                        Mr. Evans was President and Chief Operating Officer of SCI
                        Financial Group, Inc., a regional financial services firm.
                        Mr. Evans is a director of Gazette Communications, the
                        Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Nuveen Institutional
                        Advisory Corp., and Vice Chairman and a director of United
                        Fire and Casualty Company. Mr. Evans has served as a
                        director of AEC, IES, IPC and AER since 2000. Mr. Evans is
                        Chairperson of the Audit Committee.

                        JOYCE L. HANES                            Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1998
                        Age 68                                      Nominated Term
                        Expires in 2004
                        Ms. Hanes has been a director of Midwest Wholesale, Inc., a
                        products wholesaler in Mason City, Iowa, since 1970 and
                        Chairman of the Board since December 1997, having
                        previously served as Chairman from 1986 to 1988. She is a
                        director of Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp. Ms. Hanes has
                        served as a director of IPC since 1982 and of AEC, IES and
                        AER since 1998.

                        DAVID A. PERDUE                            Director Since
[PHOTO]                 2001
                        Age 51                                      Nominated Term
                        Expires in 2004
                        Mr. Perdue is President of the Reebok brand for Reebok
                        International Limited, a designer, distributor and marketer
                        of footwear, apparel and sports equipment, located in
                        Canton, Massachusetts. Prior to joining Reebok in 1998,
                        Mr. Perdue was Senior Vice President of Operations at
                        Haggar, Inc. He was appointed to serve as a director of the
                        Company, AEC, IES, IPC and AER as of February 15, 2001.


                        JUDITH D. PYLE                             Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1994
                        Age 57                                      Nominated Term
                        Expires in 2004
                        Ms. Pyle is Vice Chair of The Pyle Group, a financial
                        services company located in Madison, Wisconsin. Prior to
                        assuming her current position, Ms. Pyle served as Vice
                        Chairman and Senior Vice President of Corporate Marketing of
                        Rayovac Corporation (a battery and lighting products
                        manufacturer), Madison, Wisconsin. In addition, Ms. Pyle is
                        Vice Chairman of Georgette Klinger, Inc. and a director of
                        Uniek, Inc. Ms. Pyle has served as a director of AEC and
                        AER since 1992 and of IES and IPC since 1998. Ms. Pyle is
                        the Chairperson of the Compensation and Personnel Committee.




                        ALAN B. ARENDS                            Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1998
                        Age 67                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Arends is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alliance
                        Benefit Group Financial Services Corp., Albert Lea,
                        Minnesota, an employee benefits company that he founded in
                        1983. He has served as a director of IPC since 1993 and of
                        AEC, IES and AER since 1998.

                        ERROLL B. DAVIS, JR.                        Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1984
                        Age 56                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Davis has been President of AEC since January 1990 and
                        was elected President and Chief Executive Officer of AEC in
                        July 1990. He was elected Chairman of the Board of AEC in
                        April 2000. Mr. Davis joined the Company in August 1978 and
                        was elected President of the Company in July 1987. He was
                        elected President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
                        in August 1988. Mr. Davis has also served as Chief Executive
                        Officer of AER, IES and IPC since 1998. He is a member of
                        the Boards of Directors of BP Amoco p.l.c., PPG
                        Industries, Inc., Electric Power Research Institute and the
                        Edison Electric Institute. Mr. Davis has served as a
                        director of AEC since 1982, of AER since 1988 and of IES and
                        IPC since 1998.

                        LEE LIU                                      Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1998
                        Age 67                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Liu served as Chairman of the Board of the Company and
                        AEC from April 1998 until April 2000 in accordance with the
                        terms of his employment agreement. He was Chairman of the
                        Board and Chief Executive Officer of IES Industries Inc. (a
                        predecessor to AEC) and Chairman of the Board and Chief
                        Executive Officer of IES prior to 1998. Mr. Liu held a
                        number of professional, management and executive positions
                        after joining Iowa Electric Light and Power Company (later
                        known as IES) in 1957. He is a director of Principal
                        Financial Group and Eastman Chemical Company. Mr. Liu has
                        served as a director of IES (or predecessor companies) since
                        1981 and of AEC, IPC and AER since 1998.


                        KATHARINE C. LYALL                         Director Since
[PHOTO]                 1986
                        Age 59                                      Term Expires in
                        Ms. Lyall is President of the University of Wisconsin System
                        in Madison, Wisconsin. In addition to her administrative
                        position, she is a professor of economics at the University.
                        She serves on the Boards of Directors of the Kemper National
                        Insurance Companies, M&I Corporation and the Carnegie
                        Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Ms. Lyall has
                        served as a director of AEC and AER since 1994 and of IES
                        and IPC since 1998.

                        ROBERT W. SCHLUTZ                        Director Since 1998
[PHOTO]                 Age 64                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Schlutz is President of Schlutz Enterprises, a
                        diversified farming and retailing business in Columbus
                        Junction, Iowa. Mr. Schlutz has served as a director of IES
                        (or predecessor companies) since 1989 and of AEC, IPC and
                        AER since 1998. Mr. Schlutz is the Chairperson of the
                        Environmental, Nuclear, Health and Safety Committee.

                        WAYNE H. STOPPELMOOR                   Director Since 1998
[PHOTO]                 Age 66                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Stoppelmoor served as Vice Chairman of the Board of the
                        Company and AEC from April 1998 until April 2000 in
                        accordance with the terms of his consulting agreement. Prior
                        to 1998, he was Chairman, President and Chief Executive
                        Officer of IPC. He retired as President of IPC in 1996 and
                        as Chief Executive Officer in 1997. Mr. Stoppelmoor has
                        served as a director of IPC since 1986 and of AEC, IES and
                        AER since 1998.

                        ANTHONY R. WEILER                        Director Since 1998
[PHOTO]                 Age 64                                      Term Expires in
                        Mr. Weiler is a consultant for several home furnishings
                        organizations. Prior to assuming his current position
                        Mr. Weiler had been a Senior Vice President for Heilig-
                        Meyers Company, a national furniture retailer headquartered
                        in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Weiler is a director of the
                        Retail Home Furnishings Foundation. Mr. Weiler has served as
                        a director of IES (or predecessor companies) since 1979 and
                        of AEC, IPC and AER since 1998. Mr. Weiler is the
                        Chairperson of the Nominating and Governance Committee.


Rockne G. Flowers will turn 70 years of age on April 6, 2001. Milton E. Neshek
turned 70 years of age on October 26, 2000. Pursuant to the mandatory retirement
provisions in the Company's Bylaws, Mr. Flowers and Mr. Neshek will retire as
directors on the date of the Annual Meeting.

In addition, Arnold M. Nemirow has indicated his intent, as a result of his
other time commitments, to resign as a director effective as of the Annual

The Company expresses its most sincere thanks and appreciation to
Messrs. Flowers, Neshek and Nemirow for their many years of service to the
Company and for their valued advice and guidance.



The full Board of Directors of the Company considers all major decisions of the
Company. However, the Board has established standing Audit; Compensation and
Personnel; Environmental, Nuclear, Health and Safety; Nominating and Governance;
and Capital Approval Committees so that certain important matters can be
addressed in more depth than may be possible in a full Board meeting. The
following is a description of each of these committees:


The Audit Committee held two meetings in 2000. The Committee currently consists
of J. B. Evans (Chair), A. B. Arends, K. C. Lyall, J. D. Pyle and M. E. Neshek.
The Audit Committee recommends to the Board the appointment of independent
auditors; reviews the reports and comments of the independent auditors; reviews
the activities and reports of the Company's internal audit staff; and, in
response to the reports and comments of both the independent auditors and
internal auditors, recommends to the Board any action which the Committee
considers appropriate.


The Compensation and Personnel Committee held three meetings in 2000. The
Committee currently consists of J. D. Pyle (Chair), A. B. Arends, J. B. Evans,
A. M. Nemirow and D. A. Perdue. This Committee sets executive compensation
policy; administers the Company's Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan; reviews the
performance of and approves salaries for officers and certain other management
personnel; reviews and recommends to the Board new or changed employee benefit
plans; reviews major provisions of negotiated employment contracts; and reviews
human resource development programs.


The Environmental, Nuclear, Health and Safety Committee held two meetings in
2000. The Committee currently consists of R. W. Schlutz (Chair), J. L. Hanes,
M. E. Neshek, D. A. Perdue and A. R. Weiler. The Committee's responsibilities
are to review environmental policy and planning issues of interest to the
Company, including matters involving the Company before environmental regulatory
agencies and compliance with air, water and waste regulations. In addition, the
Committee reviews policies and operating issues related to the Company's nuclear
generating station investments including planning and funding for
decommissioning of the plants. The Committee also reviews health and safety
related policies, activities and operational issues as they affect employees,
customers and the general public.


The Nominating and Governance Committee held three meetings in 2000. The
Committee currently consists of A. R. Weiler (Chair), R. G. Flowers, J. L.
Hanes, K. C. Lyall and R. W. Schlutz. This Committee's responsibilities include
recommending and nominating new members of the Board; recommending committee
assignments and committee chairpersons; evaluating overall Board effectiveness;
preparing an annual report on Chief Executive Officer effectiveness; and
considering and developing recommendations to the Board of Directors on other
corporate governance issues. In nominating persons for election to the Board,
the Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees recommended by
shareowners. Any shareowner wishing to make a recommendation should write to the
Corporate Secretary of the Company, who will forward all recommendations to the
Committee. The Company's Bylaws also provide for shareowner nominations of
candidates for election as directors. These provisions require such nominations
to be made pursuant to timely notice (as specified in the Bylaws) in writing to
the Corporate Secretary of the Company.


The Capital Approval Committee held no meetings in 2000. The Committee currently


consists of J. B. Evans, J. D. Pyle and A. R. Weiler. The purpose of this
Committee is the evaluation of certain investment proposals where (i) an
iterative bidding process is required and/or (ii) the required timelines for
such a proposal would not permit the proposal to be brought before a regular
meeting of the Board of Directors and/or a special meeting of the full Board of
Directors is not practical or merited.

The Board of Directors held seven meetings during 2000. Each director attended
at least 80% of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board and Board
committees on which he or she served.

The Board and each committee conducts performance evaluations annually to
determine its effectiveness and suggests improvements for consideration and
implementation. In addition, Mr. Davis' performance as Chief Executive Officer
is also evaluated by the full Board on an annual basis.


                           COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

No retainer fees are paid to Messrs. Davis and Stoppelmoor for their service on
the Company's Board of Directors. In 2000, all other directors (the
"non-employee directors"), each of whom serve on the Boards of the Company, AEC,
IES, IPC and AER, received an annual retainer of $45,000 for service on all five
Boards consisting of $25,000 in cash and $20,000 in AEC common stock. Travel
expenses are paid for each meeting day attended. Beginning in 2001, the annual
retainer for each non-employee director has been changed to $25,000 in cash and
1,000 shares of AEC common stock for service on all five Boards. The directors
have the option to receive each amount outright (in cash and stock), to have
each amount deposited to their Shareowner Direct Plan account or to a director's
Deferred Compensation Account or any combination thereof. Effective April 21,
2001, Mr. Stoppelmoor's existing consulting contract will expire and he will be
eligible to receive compensation as a non-employee director on a prorated basis
for 2001.


Under the Director's Deferred Compensation Plan, directors may elect to defer
all or part of their retainer fee. Amounts deposited to a Deferred Compensation
Interest Account receive an annual return based on the A-Utility Bond Rate with
a minimum return no less than the prime interest rate published in THE WALL
STREET JOURNAL. The balance credited to a director's Deferred Compensation
Interest Account as of any date will be the accumulated deferred cash
compensation and interest that are credited to such account as of such date.
Amounts deposited to an AEC Stock Account, whether the cash portion or the stock
portion of the director's compensation, are treated as though invested in the
common stock of AEC and will be credited with dividends and those dividends will
be reinvested. Annually, the director may elect that the Deferred Compensation
Account will be paid in a lump sum or in annual installments for up to ten
years, either in a designated year or upon retirement or resignation from the


AEC maintains a Director's Charitable Award Program for the members of its Board
of Directors beginning after three years of service. The purpose of the Program
is to recognize the interest of the Company and its directors in supporting
worthy institutions, and to enhance the Company's director benefit program so
that the Company is able to continue to attract and retain directors of the
highest caliber. Under the Program, when a director dies, the Company and/or AEC
will donate a total of $500,000 to one qualified charitable organization, or
divide that amount among a maximum of four qualified charitable organizations,
selected by the individual director. The individual director derives no
financial benefit from the Program. All deductions for charitable contributions
are taken by the Company or AEC, and the donations are funded by the Company or
AEC through life insurance policies on the directors. Over the life of the
Program, all costs of donations and premiums on the life insurance policies,
including a return of the Company's cost of funds, will be recovered through
life insurance proceeds on the directors. The Program, over its life, will not
result in any material cost to the Company or AEC.


AEC maintains a split-dollar Director's Life Insurance Program for non-employee
directors, beginning after three years of service, which provides a maximum
death benefit of $500,000 to each eligible director. Under the split-dollar
arrangement, directors are provided a death benefit only and do not have any
interest in the cash value of the policies. The Life Insurance Program is
structured to pay a portion of the total death benefit to AEC to reimburse AEC
for all costs of the program, including a return on its funds. The Life
Insurance Program, over its life, will not result in any material cost to AEC.
The imputed income allocations reported for each director in 2000 under the
Director's Life Insurance Program were as follows: A. B. Arends--$50, R. G.
Flowers--$50, J. L. Hanes--$50, K. C. Lyall--$389, A. M. Nemirow--$50,


M. E. Neshek--$975, J. D. Pyle--$50, and A. R. Weiler--$50.


Prior to April 1998, Mr. Liu participated in the IES Industries Inc. retirement
plan, which plan has been transferred to Alliant Energy Corporate Services.
Mr. Liu's benefits under the plan have been "grandfathered" to reflect the
benefit plan formula in effect in April 1998. See "Retirement and Employee
Benefit Plans--IES Industries Pension Plan."

Alliant Energy Corporate Services also maintains a non-qualified Supplemental
Retirement Plan ("SRP") for eligible former officers of IES Industries Inc.
Mr. Liu participates in the SRP. The SRP generally provides for payment of
supplemental retirement benefits equal to 75% of the officer's base salary in
effect at the date of retirement, reduced by benefits receivable under the
qualified retirement plan, for a period not to exceed 15 years following the
date of retirement. The SRP also provides for certain death benefits to be paid
to the officer's designated beneficiary and benefits if an officer becomes
disabled under the terms of the qualified retirement plan.


Mr. Liu had an employment agreement with AEC, pursuant to which Mr. Liu served
as Chairman of the Board of AEC until April 2000. At that time, Mr. Liu retired
as Chairman of the Board of AEC, although he continues to serve as a director.
Mr. Liu's employment agreement provided that he receive an annual base salary of
not less than $400,000, supplemental retirement benefits and the opportunity to
earn short-term and long-term incentive compensation (including stock options,
restricted stock and other long-term incentive compensation).

Mr. Stoppelmoor entered into a three-year consulting arrangement with AEC in
April 1998. Under the terms of his consulting arrangement, Mr. Stoppelmoor
received an annual fee of $324,500 during each of the first two years and is
currently receiving a fee of $200,000 for the third year of the consulting
period. Mr. Stoppelmoor is also entitled to participate in compensation plans
equivalent to those provided AEC's Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer during the consulting period, subject to approval by the Compensation
and Personnel Committee of the Board. Mr. Stoppelmoor is eligible to participate
in the Director's Charitable Award Program and the Director's Life Insurance
Program. His consulting arrangement provides that he will not be eligible to
receive any other compensation otherwise payable to directors of AEC until the
end of the three-year term on April 21, 2001. At that time, Mr. Stoppelmoor will
be eligible to receive the annual director's compensation.


                         OWNERSHIP OF VOTING SECURITIES

All of the common stock of the Company is held by AEC. Listed in the following
table are the number of shares of AEC's common stock beneficially owned by the
executive officers listed in the Summary Compensation Table and all nominees and
directors of AEC and the Company, as well as the number of shares owned by
directors and executive officers as a group as of March 1, 2001. The directors
and executive officers of AEC and the Company as a group owned less than one
percent of the outstanding shares of AEC common stock on that date. To the
Company's knowledge, no shareowner beneficially owned five percent or more of
AEC's outstanding common stock as of December 31, 2000.

NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                         OWNED(1)
- ------------------------                                      --------------
  William D. Harvey.........................................       75,815(3)
  Eliot G. Protsch..........................................       77,715(3)
  Thomas M. Walker..........................................       36,893(3)
  Pamela J. Wegner..........................................       47,573(3)

  Jack B. Evans.............................................       32,402(3)
  Joyce L. Hanes............................................        6,250(3)
  David A. Perdue...........................................        1,556(3)
  Judith D. Pyle............................................        9,440

  Alan B. Arends............................................        4,629(3)
  Erroll B. Davis, Jr.......................................      202,015(3)
  Rockne G. Flowers.........................................       16,423(4)
  Lee Liu...................................................      192,773(3)
  Katharine C. Lyall........................................       11,706
  Arnold M. Nemirow.........................................       14,564(3)(4)
  Milton E. Neshek..........................................       14,742(3)(4)
  Robert W. Schlutz.........................................        6,729(3)
  Wayne H. Stoppelmoor......................................      128,162(3)
  Anthony R. Weiler.........................................        6,962(3)

  All Executives and Directors as a Group
  34 people, including those listed above...................    1,263,893(3)

(1)  Total shares of AEC common stock outstanding as of December 31, 2000 were

(2)  Stock ownership of Mr. Davis is shown with the directors.

(3)  Included in the beneficially owned shares shown are indirect ownership
     interests with shared voting and investment powers: Mr. Harvey -- 2,210,
    Mr. Protsch -- 667, Mr. Davis -- 7,028, Ms. Hanes -- 514, Mr. Liu -- 9,755
    and Mr. Weiler -- 1,148; shares of common stock held in deferred


    compensation plans: Mr. Arends -- 1,862, Mr. Evans -- 2,402, Ms. Hanes --
    174, Mr. Nemirow -- 830, Mr. Neshek -- 1,261, Mr. Perdue -- 1,556,
    Mr. Schlutz -- 1,370, Mr. Weiler -- 1,862, Mr. Davis -- 6,187,
    Mr. Protsch -- 7,232, Mr. Harvey -- 4,069, Mr. Walker -- 5,166,
    Ms. Wegner -- 10 (all executive officers and directors as a group --
    35,072); and stock options exercisable on or within 60 days of March 1,
    2001: Mr. Davis -- 165,327, Mr. Liu -- 148,849, Mr. Stoppelmoor -- 119,201,
    Mr. Harvey -- 44,258, Mr. Protsch -- 44,258, Mr. Walker -- 29,097 and
    Ms. Wegner -- 32,319 (all executive officers and directors as a group --

(4)  Messrs. Flowers, Nemirow and Neshek will retire as directors at the Annual

None of the directors or officers of the Company own any shares of the Company's
preferred stock. The following table sets forth certain information regarding
the beneficial ownership of the Company's preferred stock by each person known
to the Company to own more than five percent of any class of the Company's
preferred stock as of December 31, 2000.

                                                                        SHARES OF
                                                                   6.2% PREFERRED STOCK                  PERCENT OF
                  NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                          BENEFICIALLY OWNED                     CLASS
- ------------------------------------------------------------       --------------------                  ----------
Wellington Management Company, LLP
75 State Street                                                         18,500(1)                          12.33%
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

(1)  As reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission.



The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth the total compensation paid
by AEC, the Company and AEC's subsidiaries for all services rendered during
2000, 1999 and 1998 to the Chief Executive Officer and the four other most
highly compensated executive officers of the Company.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                ANNUAL COMPENSATION                      LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                                           AWARDS             PAYOUTS
                                                                                  RESTRICTED   UNDERLYING
NAME AND                                                         OTHER ANNUAL       STOCK        OPTIONS       LTIP
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.       2000       $637,692     $895,200        $11,875           --          111,912     $196,711
Chairman and Chief         1999        580,000      440,220         12,526           --           77,657       84,870
Executive Officer          1998        540,000        --            13,045           --           36,752        --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William D. Harvey          2000        264,615      206,541          4,234           --           21,063       47,474
President                  1999        254,423      116,535          4,565         $255,004       17,071       31,365
                           1998        233,846        --             4,699           --           11,406        --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eliot G. Protsch           2000        264,615      214,942          1,423           --           21,063       47,474
Executive Vice             1999        254,423      152,898          1,909          255,004       17,071       31,365
President                  1998        233,846        --             2,443           --           11,406        --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas M. Walker           2000        254,616      190,026        --                --           20,268       47,474
Executive Vice             1999        244,808      148,960        --                --           16,402        --
President                  1998        229,846        --               814           --           11,406        --
& Chief Financial
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pamela J. Wegner           2000        254,608      180,285          2,416          245,017       20,268       27,563
Executive Vice             1999        244,615      145,187          2,569           --           16,402       19,373
President                  1998        193,001        --             2,689           --            6,178        --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------  ----------------

NAME AND                   ALL OTHER
- ----------------------  ----------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.        $52,619
Chairman and Chief           53,188
Executive Officer            50,996
- ---------------------------------------------------------
William D. Harvey            42,230
President                    37,005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eliot G. Protsch             38,058
Executive Vice               32,941
President                    18,065
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas M. Walker              6,166
Executive Vice                6,531
President                    15,026
& Chief Financial
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pamela J. Wegner             34,377
Executive Vice               29,122
President                    17,959
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  No bonuses were paid for 1998. The 1999 bonuses were earned in 1999 and
     paid in 2000. The 2000 bonuses were earned in 2000 and paid in 2001.

(2)  Other Annual Compensation for 2000 consists of income tax gross-ups for
     reverse split-dollar life insurance.

(3)  In 1999, restricted stock was awarded under the Alliant Energy Corporation
     Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan as follows: Mr. Harvey--9,294 shares,
    Mr. Protsch--9,294 shares and Ms. Wegner--8,930 shares. Dividends on shares
    of restricted stock granted under the Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan are
    held in escrow and reinvested in shares of common stock pending vesting of
    the underlying restricted stock. If such restricted stock vests, then the
    participant is also entitled to receive the common stock into which the
    dividends on the restricted stock were reinvested. The amounts shown in the
    table above represent the market value of the restricted stock on the date
    of grant. The number of shares of restricted stock held by the officers
    identified in the table and the market value of such shares as of
    December 31, 2000 were as follows: Mr. Harvey--9,294 shares ($296,293),
    Mr. Protsch--9,294 shares ($296,293) and Ms. Wegner--8,930 shares


(4)  Awards made in 2000 were in combination with performance share awards as
     described in the table entitled "Long-Term Incentive Awards in 2000".

(5)  The table below shows the components of the compensation reflected under
     this column for 2000:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  A.            $19,131                 $ 7,938                 $ 7,938                 $ 5,250                 $6,373
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  B.             18,952                   8,524                   7,956                       0                  5,332
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  C.             12,969                   5,345                   1,852                       0                  3,050
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  D.              1,567                     320                     209                     916                    306
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  E.                  0                  20,103                  19,770                       0                 19,316
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Total          $52,619                 $42,230                 $38,058                 $ 6,166                 $34,377
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A.  Matching contributions to 401(k) Plan and Deferred Compensation Plan

B.  Split-dollar life insurance reportable income (the split-dollar insurance
    premiums are calculated using the "foregone interest" method)

C.  Reverse split-dollar life insurance

D.  Life insurance coverage in excess of $50,000

E.  Dividends on restricted stock


                                 STOCK OPTIONS

The following table sets forth certain information concerning stock options
granted during 2000 to the executives named below:

                          STOCK OPTION GRANTS IN 2000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                 POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE AT
                                                                                                    ASSUMED ANNUAL RATES OF
                                                                                                 STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION FOR
                                                       INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                                OPTION TERM(2)
                                                  % OF TOTAL
                                   NUMBER OF        OPTIONS
                                  SECURITIES      GRANTED TO
                                  UNDERLYING       EMPLOYEES      EXERCISE OR
                                    OPTIONS        IN FISCAL      BASE PRICE      EXPIRATION
             NAME                 GRANTED(1)         YEAR          ($/SHARE)         DATE             5%              10%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.                111,912          12.4%         $28.5938         1/18/10       $5,212,861      $8,300,513
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William D. Harvey                    21,063           2.3%          28.5938         1/18/10          981,115       1,562,243
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eliot G. Protsch                     21,063           2.3%          28.5938         1/18/10          981,115       1,562,243
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas M. Walker                     20,268           2.3%          28.5938         1/18/10          944,083       1,503,278
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pamela J. Wegner                     20,268           2.3%          28.5938         1/18/10          944,083       1,503,278
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Consists of non-qualified stock options to purchase shares of AEC common
     stock granted pursuant to AEC's Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan. Options
     were granted on January 19, 2000 and will have a three year vesting
     schedule with one-third becoming exercisable on January 2, 2001, one-third
     becoming exercisable on January 2, 2002 and the final one-third becoming
     exercisable on January 2, 2003. Upon a "change in control" of AEC as
     defined in the Plan or upon retirement, disability or death of the option
     holder, the options will become immediately exercisable.

(2)  The hypothetical potential appreciation shown for the named executives is
     required by rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The
     amounts shown do not represent the historical or expected future
     performance of AEC's common stock. In order for the named executives to
     realize the potential values set forth in the 5% and 10% columns in the
     table above, the price per share of AEC's common stock would be $46.58 and
     $74.17, respectively, as of the expiration date of the options.


The following table provides information for the executives named below
regarding the number and value of exercisable and unexercised options. None of
the executives exercised options in fiscal 2000.

                       OPTION VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 2000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR END                      AT YEAR END(1)
             NAME                     EXERCISABLE            UNEXERCISABLE            EXERCISABLE            UNEXERCISABLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.                    165,327                 100,494                $363,360                $297,362
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William D. Harvey                        44,258                  19,732                  95,168                  57,607
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eliot G. Protsch                         44,258                  19,732                  95,168                  57,607
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas M. Walker                         29,097                  18,979                  47,773                  55,416
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pamela J. Wegner                         32,319                  18,979                  73,099                  55,416
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Based on the closing per share price of AEC common stock on December 31,
     2000 of $31.88.


                           LONG-TERM INCENTIVE AWARDS

The following table provides information concerning long-term incentive awards
made to the executives named below in 2000.

                       LONG-TERM INCENTIVE AWARDS IN 2000

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS UNDER
                                                                                    NON-STOCK PRICE-BASED PLANS
                                                     PERFORMANCE OR    ------------------------------------------------------
                                    NUMBER OF         OTHER PERIOD
                                  SHARES, UNITS          UNTIL
                                 OR OTHER RIGHTS     MATURATION OR        THRESHOLD            TARGET            MAXIMUM
             NAME                     (#)(1)             PAYOUT              (#)                (#)                (#)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.                  19,025             1/1/03             9,513              19,025             38,050
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William D. Harvey                      3,707             1/1/03             1,854               3,707              7,414
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eliot G. Protsch                       3,707             1/1/03             1,854               3,707              7,414
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas M. Walker                       3,567             1/1/03             1,784               3,567              7,134
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pamela J. Wegner                       3,567             1/1/03             1,784               3,567              7,134
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Consists of performance shares awarded under the AEC's Long-Term Equity
     Incentive Plan. The payout from the performance shares is based on two
     equally-weighted performance components: AEC's three-year Total Shareholder
     Return (TSR) relative to an investor-owned utility peer group, and
     annualized earnings per share growth versus internally set performance
     hurdles contained in the Alliant Energy Strategic Plan during the
     performance cycle ending December 31, 2002. Payouts are subject to
     modification pursuant to a performance multiplier that ranges from 0 to
     2.00, and will be made in shares of AEC common stock or a combination of
     common stock and cash.



Mr. Davis has an employment agreement with AEC, pursuant to which Mr. Davis will
serve as the Chief Executive Officer of AEC until April 21, 2003. Mr. Davis also
began serving as the Chairman of AEC effective April 21, 2000. Following the
expiration of the initial term of Mr. Davis' employment agreement, his agreement
will automatically renew for successive one-year terms, unless either Mr. Davis
or AEC gives prior written notice of his or its intent to terminate the
agreement. Mr. Davis also serves as Chief Executive Officer of each subsidiary
of AEC and as a director of such companies during the term of his employment
agreement. Pursuant to Mr. Davis' employment agreement, he is paid an annual
base salary of not less than $450,000. Mr. Davis' current salary under his
employment agreement is $685,000. Mr. Davis also has the opportunity to earn
short-term and long-term incentive compensation (including stock options,
restricted stock and other long-term incentive compensation) and receive
supplemental retirement benefits (including continued participation in the
Company Executive Tenure Compensation Plan) and life insurance providing a death
benefit of three times his annual salary. If the employment of Mr. Davis is
terminated without cause (as defined in the employment agreement) or if
Mr. Davis terminates his employment for good reason (as defined in the
employment agreement), AEC or its affiliates will continue to provide the
compensation and benefits called for by the employment agreement through the end
of the term of such employment agreement (with incentive compensation based on
the maximum potential awards and with any stock compensation paid in cash), and
all unvested stock compensation will vest immediately. If Mr. Davis dies or
becomes disabled, or terminates his employment without good reason, during the
term of his respective employment agreement, AEC or its affiliates will pay to
Mr. Davis or his beneficiaries or estate all compensation earned through the
date of death, disability or such termination (including previously deferred
compensation and pro rata incentive compensation based upon the maximum
potential awards). If Mr. Davis is terminated for cause, AEC or its affiliates
will pay his base salary through the date of termination plus any previously
deferred compensation. Under Mr. Davis' employment agreement, if any payments
thereunder constitute an excess parachute payment under the Internal Revenue
Code (the "Code"), AEC will pay to Mr. Davis the amount necessary to offset the
excise tax and any applicable taxes on this additional payment.

AEC currently has in effect key executive employment and severence agreements
(the "KEESAs") with certain executive officers of AEC (including Messrs. Davis,
Harvey, Protsch, Walker and Ms. Wegner). The KEESAs provide that each executive
officer who is a party thereto is entitled to benefits if, within five years
after a change in control of AEC (as defined in the KEESAs), the officer's
employment is ended through (i) termination by AEC, other than by reason of
death or disability or for cause (as defined in the KEESAs), or
(ii) termination by the officer due to a breach of the agreement by AEC or a
significant change in the officer's responsibilities, or (iii) in the case of
Mr. Davis' agreement, termination by Mr. Davis following the first anniversary
of the change of control. The benefits provided are (i) a cash termination
payment of two or three times (depending on which executive is involved) the sum
of the officer's annual salary and his or her average annual bonus during the
three years before the termination and (ii) continuation for up to five years of
equivalent hospital, medical, dental, accident, disability and life insurance
coverage as in effect at the time of termination. Each KEESA for executive
officers below the level of Executive Vice President provides that if any
portion of the benefits under the KEESA or under any other agreement for the
officer would constitute an excess parachute payment for purposes of the Code,
benefits will be reduced so that the officer will be entitled to receive $1 less
than the maximum amount which he or she could receive without becoming subject
to the 20% excise tax imposed by the Code on certain excess parachute payments,
or which AEC may pay


without loss of deduction under the Code. The KEESAs for the Chief Executive
Officer and the Executive Vice Presidents (including Messrs. Davis, Harvey,
Protsch, Walker and Ms. Wegner) provide that if any payments thereunder or
otherwise constitute an excess parachute payment, AEC will pay to the
appropriate officer the amount necessary to offset the excise tax and any
additional taxes on this additional payment. Mr. Davis' employment agreement as
described above limits benefits paid thereunder to the extent that duplicate
payments would be provided to him under his KEESA.




Salaried employees (including officers) of the Company are eligible to
participate in a Retirement Plan maintained by Alliant Energy Corporate
Services. In 1998, the Retirement Plan was amended to implement a cash balance
format, thereby changing the benefit calculation formulas and adding a lump sum
distribution option for eligible participants. The Alliant Energy Cash Balance
Pension Plan bases a participant's defined benefit pension on the value of a
hypothetical account balance. For individuals participating in the Plan as of
August 1, 1998, a starting account balance was created equal to the present
value of the benefit accrued as of December 31, 1997, under the Plan's benefit
formula prior to the change to a cash balance approach. That formula provided a
retirement income based on years of credited service and final average
compensation for the 36 highest consecutive months, with a reduction for a
Social Security offset. In addition, individuals participating in the Plan as of
August 1, 1998 received a special one-time transition credit amount equal to a
specified percentage varying with age multiplied by credited service and base

For 1998 and thereafter, a participant receives annual credits to the account
equal to 5% of base pay (including certain incentive payments, pre-tax

deferrals and other items), plus an interest credit on all prior accruals equal
to 4% plus a share of the gain on the investment return on assets in the trust
investment for the year.

The life annuity payable under the Plan is determined by converting the
hypothetical account balance credits into annuity form. Individuals who were
participants in the Plan on August 1, 1998 are in no event to receive any less
than what would have been provided under the prior formula, had it continued, if
they terminate on or before August 1, 2008, and do not elect to commence
benefits before the age of 55.

All of the individuals listed in the Summary Compensation Table who participate
in the Plan (Messrs. Davis, Protsch Harvey and Ms. Wegner) are "grandfathered"
under the prior plan benefit formula. Since their estimated benefits under that
formula are higher than under the Plan formula, utilizing current assumptions,
their benefits would currently be determined by the prior plan benefit formula.
The following table illustrates the estimated annual benefits payable upon
retirement at age 65 under the prior formula based on average annual
compensation and years of service. To the extent benefits under the Plan are
limited by tax law, any excess will be paid under the Unfunded Excess Plan
described below.


                             RETIREMENT PLAN TABLE

        ANNUAL       ---------------------------------------------
     COMPENSATION       15          20          25          30+
    --------------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
      $  200,000     $ 55,000    $ 73,300    $ 91,700    $110,000
         300,000       82,500     110,000     137,500     165,000
         400,000      110,000     146,700     183,300     220,000
         500,000      137,500     183,300     229,100     275,000
         600,000      165,000     220,000     275,000     330,000
         700,000      192,500     256,700     320,800     385,000
         800,000      220,000     293,300     366,700     440,000
         900,000      247,000     330,000     412,500     495,000
       1,000,000      275,000     366,700     458,300     550,000
       1,100,000      302,500     403,300     504,100     605,000

For purposes of the Plan, compensation means payment for services rendered,
including vacation and sick pay, and is substantially equivalent to the salary
amounts reported in the foregoing Summary Compensation Table. Plan benefits
depend upon length of Plan service (up to a maximum of 30 years), age at
retirement and amount of compensation (determined in accordance with the Plan)
and are reduced by up to 50% of Social Security benefits. The estimated benefits
in the table above do not reflect the Social Security offset. The estimated
benefits are computed on a straight-life annuity basis. Benefits will be
adjusted if the employee receives one of the optional forms of payment. Credited
years of service under the Plan for covered persons named in the foregoing
Summary Compensation Table are as follows: Erroll B. Davis, Jr., 21 years; Eliot
G. Protsch, 21 years; William D. Harvey, 13 years; and Pamela J. Wegner,
6 years.


Prior to April 1998, Mr. Walker participated in the IES Industries retirement
plan (which plan has been transferred to Alliant Energy Corporate Services).
Plan benefits payable to Mr. Walker have been "grandfathered" to reflect the
benefit plan formula in effect at that time. Since his estimated benefits under
that formula are higher than under the Plan formula, utilizing current
assumptions, his benefits would currently be determined by the prior plan
benefit formula. The following table illustrates the estimated annual benefits
payable upon retirement at age 65 under the prior formula for the average annual
compensation and years of service. To the extent benefits under the Plan are
limited by tax law, any excess will be paid under the Unfunded Excess Plan
described below.

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

        ANNUAL       ---------------------------------------------------------
     COMPENSATION       15          20          25          30          35
    --------------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
       $200,000      $ 43,868    $ 58,490    $ 73,113    $ 87,735    $102,358
        300,000        67,118      89,490     111,863     134,235     156,608
        400,000        90,367     120,490     150,612     180,735     210,857
        500,000       113,618     151,490     189,363     227,235     265,108
        600,000       136,868     182,490     228,113     273,735     319,358

For purposes of the Plan, compensation means payment for services rendered,
including vacation and sick pay, and is substantially equivalent to the salary
amounts reported in the


foregoing Summary Compensation Table. Plan benefits depend upon length of Plan
service (up to a maximum of 35 years), age at retirement and amount of
compensation (determined in accordance with the Plan). The estimated benefits
are computed on a straight-life annuity basis. Benefits will be adjusted if the
employee receives one of the optional forms of payment. Mr. Walker has four
years of credited service under this plan.

UNFUNDED EXCESS PLAN--Alliant Energy Corporate Services maintains an Unfunded
Excess Plan that provides funds for payment of retirement benefits above the
limitations on payments from qualified pension plans in those cases where an
employee's retirement benefits exceed the qualified plan limits. The Unfunded
Excess Plan provides an amount equal to the difference between the actual
pension benefit payable under the pension plan and what such pension benefit
would be if calculated without regard to any limitation imposed by the Code on
pension benefits or covered compensation.

maintains an Unfunded Executive Tenure Compensation Plan to provide incentive
for key executives to remain in the service of the Company by providing
additional compensation which is payable only if the executive remains with the
Company until retirement (or other termination if approved by the Board of
Directors). In the case of the Chief Executive Officer only, in the event that
the Chief Executive Officer (1) is terminated under his employment agreement
with AEC as described above other than for cause, death or disability (as those
terms are defined in the employment agreement), (2) terminates his employment
under the employment agreement for good reason (as such term is defined in the
employment agreement), or (3) is terminated as a result of a failure of the
employment agreement to be renewed automatically pursuant to its terms
(regardless of the reason for such non-renewal), then for purposes of the plan,
the Chief Executive Officer shall be deemed to have retired at age 65 and shall
be entitled to benefits under the plan. Participants in the plan must be
designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and approved by its
Board of Directors. Mr. Davis was the only active participant in the plan as of
December 31, 2000. The plan provides for monthly payments to a participant after
retirement (at or after age 65, or with Board approval, prior to age 65) for
120 months. The payments will be equal to 25% of the participant's highest
average salary for any consecutive 36-month period. If a participant dies prior
to retirement or before 120 payments have been made, the participant's
beneficiary will receive monthly payments equal to 50% of such amount for
120 months in the case of death before retirement, or if the participant dies
after retirement, 50% of such amount for the balance of the 120 months. Annual
benefits of $160,000 would be payable to Mr. Davis upon retirement, assuming he
continues in Alliant Energy Corporate Services' service until retirement at the
same salary as was in effect on December 31, 2000.


The Company maintains an unfunded Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan to
provide incentive for key executives to remain in the service of the Company by
providing additional compensation which is payable only if the executive remains
with the Company until retirement, disability or death. Participants in the plan
must be approved by the Compensation and Personnel Committee of the Board. The
plan provides for payments of 60% of the participant's average annual earnings
(base salary and bonus) for the highest paid three years out of the last ten
years of the participant's employment reduced by the sum of benefits payable to
the officer from the officer's defined benefit plan and the Unfunded Excess
Plan. The normal retirement date under the plan is age 62 with at least ten
years of service and early retirement is at age 55 with at least ten years of
service. If a participant retires prior to age 62, the 60% payment under the
plan is reduced by 3% per year for each year the participant's retirement date
precedes his/her normal retirement date. The actuarial reduction factor will be
waived for senior officers who have attained age 55 and have a minimum of ten
years of service in a senior executive position with the Company. Benefit
payments under the plan will be made for the lifetime of the senior officer,
with a minimum of 12 years of payments if the participant dies after retirement.


postretirement death benefit of one times the senior executive officer's final
average earnings at the time of retirement will be paid to the designated
beneficiary. Messrs. Davis, Harvey, Protsch Walker and Ms. Wegner are
participants in this plan. The following table shows payments under the plan,
assuming a minimum of ten years of service at retirement age.


        ANNUAL       ---------------------------------------------
     COMPENSATION         < 10 YEARS             > 10 YEARS*
    --------------   --------------------   ----------------------
      $  200,000               0                   $120,000
         300,000               0                    180,000
         400,000               0                    240,000
         500,000               0                    300,000
         600,000               0                    360,000
         700,000               0                    420,000
         800,000               0                    480,000
         900,000               0                    540,000
       1,000,000               0                    600,000
       1,100,000               0                    660,000

- ------------

* Reduced by the sum of the benefit payable from the applicable retirement or
pension plan and the Unfunded Excess Plan.

KEY EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN--The Company maintains an unfunded Key
Employee Deferred Compensation Plan under which participants may defer up to
100% of base salary or incentive compensation. Participants who have made the
maximum allowed contribution to the Company-sponsored 401(k) Plan may receive an
additional credit to the Deferred Compensation Plan. The credit will be equal to
50% of the lesser of (i) the amount contributed to the 401(k) Plan plus the
amount deferred under this Plan, or (ii) 6% of base salary reduced by the amount
of any matching contributions in the 401(k) Plan. The employee may elect to have
his deferrals credited to an Interest Account or an AEC Stock Account. Deferrals
and matching contributions to the Interest Account receive an annual return
based on the A-Utility Bond Rate with a minimum return no less than the prime
interest rate published in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Deferrals and matching
contributions credited to the Common Stock Account are treated as though
invested in the common stock of AEC and will be credited with dividends and
those dividends will be reinvested. The shares of common stock identified as
obligations under the plan as of December 31, 2000 are held in a rabbi trust
established in 2000. Payments from the plan may be made in a lump sum or in
annual installments for up to ten years at the election of the participant.
Participants are selected by the Chief Executive Officer of Alliant Energy
Corporate Services. Messrs. Davis, Harvey, Protsch Walker and Ms. Wegner
participate in the plan.




The Compensation and Personnel Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of
Directors of the Company is currently comprised of four non-employee directors
(the same directors that comprise the AEC Compensation and Personnel Committee).
The following is a report prepared by these directors with respect to
compensation paid by AEC, the Company and AEC's other subsidiaries. The
Committee assesses the effectiveness and competitiveness of, approves the design
of, and administers executive compensation programs within a consistent total
compensation framework for the Company. The Committee also reviews and approves
all salary arrangements and other remuneration for executives, evaluates
executive performance, and considers related matters. To support the Committee
in carrying out its mission, an independent consultant is engaged to provide
assistance to the Committee.

The Committee is committed to implementing an overall compensation program for
executives that furthers the Company's mission. Therefore, the Committee adheres
to the following compensation policies, which are intended to facilitate the
achievement of the Company's business strategies:

    - Total compensation should enhance the Company's ability to attract, retain
      and encourage the development of exceptionally knowledgeable and
      experienced executives, upon whom, in large part, the successful operation
      and management of the Company depends.

    - Base salary levels should be targeted at a competitive market range paid
      to executives of comparable companies. Specifically, the Committee targets
      the median (50th percentile) of base salaries paid by a selected group of
      utility and general industry companies.

    - Incentive compensation programs should strengthen the relationship between
      pay and performance by emphasizing variable, at-risk compensation that is
      consistent with meeting predetermined Company, subsidiary, business unit
      and individual performance goals. In addition, incentive levels are
      targeted at the median (50th percentile) of incentive compensation paid by
      a selected group of utility and general industry companies.


The major elements of the Company's executive compensation program are base
salary, short-term (annual) incentives and long-term (equity) incentives. These
elements are addressed separately below. In setting the level for each major
component of compensation, the Committee considers all elements of an
executive's total compensation package, including employee benefit and
perquisite programs. The Committee's goal is to provide an overall compensation
package for each executive officer that is competitive to the packages offered
other similarly situated executives. The Committee has determined that total
executive compensation, including that for Mr. Davis, is in line with
competitive compensation of the comparison group of companies.


The Committee annually reviews each executive's base salary. Base salaries are
targeted at a competitive market range (i.e., at the median level) when
comparing both utility and non-utility (general industry) data. Base salaries
are adjusted annually by the Committee to recognize changes in the market,
varying levels of responsibility, prior experience and breadth of knowledge.
Increases to base salaries are driven primarily by market adjustments for a
particular salary level, which generally limit across-the-board increases.
Individual performance factors are not considered by the Committee in setting
base salaries. The Committee reviewed executive salaries for market
comparability using utility and general industry data contained in compensation
surveys published by Edison Electric Institute, American Gas Association and
several compensation consulting firms. Based on the foregoing, the


annual salary for Mr. Davis was fixed at $640,000 for the 2000 fiscal year.


The goal of the Company's short-term (annual) incentive programs is to promote
the Committee's pay-for-performance philosophy by providing executives with
direct financial incentives in the form of annual cash or stock based bonuses
based on the achievement of corporate, subsidiary, business unit and individual
performance goals. Annual bonus opportunities allow the Committee to communicate
specific goals that are of primary importance during the coming year and
motivate executives to achieve these goals. The Committee on an annual basis
reviews and approves the programs' performance goals and the relative weight
assigned to each goal as well as targeted and maximum award levels. A
description of the short-term incentive programs available during 2000 to
executive officers follows.

Alliant Energy Corporation Management Incentive Compensation Plan (the "MICP")
covered executives and was based on achieving annual targets in corporate
performance that included earnings per share ("EPS"), safety and environmental
targets for the utility businesses, and business unit and individual performance
goals. Target and maximum bonus awards under the MICP in 2000 were set at the
median of the utility and general industry market levels. Targets were
considered by the Committee to be achievable, but required above-average
performance from each of the executives. The level of performance achieved in
each category determines actual payment of bonuses, as a percentage of annual
salary. Weighting factors are applied to the percentage achievement under each
category to determine overall performance. If a pre-determined EPS target is not
met, there is no bonus payment associated with the MICP. If the threshold
performance for any other performance target is not reached, there is no bonus
payment associated with that particular category. Once the designated maximum
performance is reached, there is no additional payment for performance above the
maximum level. The actual percentage of salary paid as a bonus, within the
allowable range, is equal to the weighted average percent achievement for all
the performance categories. Potential MICP awards range from 0% to 90% of annual
salary for eligible executives other than Mr. Davis. The amounts paid under the
MICP to eligible officers included in the Summary Compensation Table are
reflected in that table.

In 2000, Mr. Davis was covered by the MICP. Awards for Mr. Davis under the MICP
in 2000 were based on corporate and strategic goal achievement in relation to
predetermined goals. For each plan year, the Committee determines the
performance apportionment for Mr. Davis. In 2000, that apportionment was 70% for
corporate performance and 30% for strategic goal performance. Corporate
performance is measured based on Company-wide EPS and environmental and safety
targets established at the beginning of the year. Strategic goals are measured
based on the achievement of certain specific goals, which included strategy
development and implementation, established for Mr. Davis by the Committee. The
2000 MICP award range for Mr. Davis was from 0% to 150% of annual salary. The
award earned by Mr. Davis under the MICP for 2000 is set forth in the Summary
Compensation Table under the heading "Bonus".


The Committee strongly believes compensation for executives should include
long-term, at-risk pay to strengthen the alignment of the interests of the
shareowners and management. In this regard, the Alliant Energy Corporation
Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan permits grants of stock options, restricted
stock and performance unit/ shares with respect to AEC's common stock. The
Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan is administered by the AEC Compensation and
Personnel Committee. The Committee believes the Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan
balances the Company's existing compensation programs by emphasizing
compensation based on the long-term successful performance of the Company from
the perspective of the shareowners of AEC. A description of the long-term
incentive programs available during 2000 to executive officers under the
Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan is set forth below.



Long-Term Incentive Program covered executives and consisted of the following
components in 2000: stock options and performance shares. Stock options provide
a reward that is directly tied to the benefit shareowners of AEC receive from
increases in the price of AEC's common stock. The payout from the performance
shares is based on two equally-weighted performance components: AEC's three-year
total return to shareowners relative to an investor-owned utility peer group,
and annualized EPS growth versus internally set performance hurdles contained in
the Alliant Energy Strategic Plan. Thus, the two components of the Long-Term
Incentive Program (i.e., stock options and performance shares) provide
incentives for management to produce superior shareowner returns on both an
absolute and relative basis. During 2000, the AEC Compensation and Personnel
Committee made a grant of stock options and performance shares to various
executive officers, including Messrs. Davis, Harvey, Protsch, Walker and
Ms. Wegner. All option grants had per share exercise prices equal to the fair
market value of a share of AEC common stock on the date the grants were
approved. Options vest on a one-third basis at the beginning of each calendar
year after grant and have a ten-year term from the date of the grant. Executives
in the Alliant Energy Corporation Long-Term Equity Incentive Program were also
granted performance shares. Performance shares will be paid out in shares of
AEC's common stock or cash. The award will be modified by a performance
multiplier, which ranges from 0 to 2.00 based on AEC performance.

In determining actual award levels under the Alliant Energy Corporation
Long-Term Equity Incentive Program, the AEC Compensation and Personnel Committee
was primarily concerned with providing a competitive total compensation level to
officers. As such, award levels (including awards made to Mr. Davis) were based
on a competitive analysis of similarly sized utility companies that took into
consideration the market level of long-term incentives, as well as the
competitiveness of the total compensation package. Award ranges, as well as
individual award levels, were then established based on responsibility level and
market competitiveness. No corporate or individual performance measures were
reviewed in connection with the awards of options and performance shares. Award
levels were targeted to the median of the range of such awards paid by
comparable companies. The AEC Compensation and Personnel Committee did not
consider the amounts of options and performance shares already outstanding or
previously granted when making awards for 2000. Mr. Davis' awards in 2000 under
the Long-Term Incentive Program are shown in the Stock Option Grants in 2000
Table and the Long-Term Incentive Awards in 2000 Table.


Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally limits the corporate
deduction for compensation paid to executive officers named in the proxy
statement to $1 million unless such compensation is based upon performance
objectives meeting certain regulatory criteria or is otherwise excluded from the
limitation. Based on the Committee's commitment to link compensation with
performance as described in this report, the Committee currently intends to
qualify future compensation paid to the Company's executive officers for
deductibility by the Company under Section 162(m) except in limited appropriate


The Committee believes the existing executive compensation policies and programs
provide the appropriate level of competitive compensation for the Company's
executives. In addition, the Committee believes that the long and short term
performance incentives effectively align the interests of executives and
shareowners toward a successful future for the Company.


Arnold M. Nemirow (Chair)
Alan B. Arends
Judith D. Pyle
Anthony R. Weiler

* Members of the Compensation and Personnel Committee on December 31, 2000 who
approved this Report.


                         REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

The Audit Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors of the Company
is composed of five independent directors, each of whom is independent as
defined in the American Stock Exchange's listing standards (the same directors
that comprise the AEC Audit Committee). The Committee operates under a written
charter adopted by the Board of Directors, which is attached to this proxy
statement as Exhibit I. The Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the
selection of the Company's independent auditors.

The Company's management ("management") is responsible for the Company's
internal controls and the financial reporting process, including the system of
internal controls. The Company's independent auditors are responsible for
expressing an opinion on the conformity of the Company's audited consolidated
financial statements with generally accepted accounting principles. The
Committee has reviewed and discussed the audited consolidated financial
statements with management and the independent auditors. The Committee has
discussed with the independent auditors matters required to be discussed by
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication With Audit Committees).

The Company's independent auditors have provided to the Committee the written
disclosures required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1
(Independence Discussions with Audit Committees), and the Committee discussed
with the independent auditors their independence. The Committee considered
whether the independent auditors' provision of

non-audit services is compatible with maintaining the independent auditors'
independence. The fees to the independent auditors for 2000 for the Company and
AEC were as follows:

Audit Fees..................  $  840,000
Financial Information
Systems Design and
Implementation Fees.........           0
All Other Fees..............   1,145,000

The Committee discussed with the Company's internal and independent auditors the
overall scopes and plans for their respective audits. The Committee meets with
the internal and independent auditors, with and without management present, to
discuss the results of their examinations, the evaluation of the Company's
internal controls and overall quality of the Company' financial reporting.

Based on the Committee's reviews and discussions with management, the internal
auditors and the independent auditors referred to above, the Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited consolidated financial
statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2000 for filing with the SEC.


Jack B. Evans (Chair)
Alan B. Arends
Katharine C. Lyall
Milton E. Neshek
Judith D. Pyle


                       SECTION 16(A) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP
                              REPORTING COMPLIANCE

The Company's directors, its executive officers and certain other officers are
required to report their ownership of AEC's common stock and subsidiary
preferred stock and any changes in that ownership to the SEC and the New York
Stock Exchange. To the best of the Company's knowledge, all required filings in
2000 were properly made in a timely fashion. In making the above statements, the
Company has relied on the representations of the persons involved and on copies
of their reports filed with the SEC.

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            /s/ Edward M. Gleason

                                            Edward M. Gleason
                                            Vice President -- Treasurer
                                            and Corporate Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT I

                            AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

The Audit Committee shall be comprised of three or more directors as determined
by the Board, each of whom shall be independent directors in accordance with the
requirements of the American Stock Exchange listing standards. All members of
the Committee shall be financially literate and at least one member of the
Committee shall have accounting or related financial management expertise. The
Chair and the members of the Audit Committee shall be elected annually by a
majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee
shall meet at the call of any one of its members, but in no event shall it meet
less than twice a year. Subsequent to each Audit Committee meeting, a report of
the actions taken by the Audit Committee shall be made to the Board of

The Audit Committee will review and update this Charter periodically, at least
annually, as conditions dictate.

The functions and responsibilities of the Audit Committee shall be to:

     1. Evaluate the performance of independent auditors and recommend to the
        Board of Directors the appointment of the independent auditors, who are
        ultimately accountable to the Audit Committee and the Board. Where
        appropriate, recommend that the Board of Directors replace the
        independent auditors.

     2. Discuss with the independent auditors the scope of their audit.

     3. Discuss with the independent auditors and management the Company's
        accounting principles, policies and practices and its reporting policies
        and practices.

     4. Review and discuss with the independent auditors and Company management
        the Company's audited annual financial statements and the results of the
        annual audit. Determine whether to recommend to the Board of Directors
        that the audited consolidated financial statements be included in the
        Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K.

     5. Consider the independent auditors' judgements about the quality and
        appropriateness of the Company's accounting principles as applied in its
        financial reporting.

     6. Discuss with the independent auditors and the Company's internal auditor
        the adequacy of the Company's or any of its subsidiaries accounting,
        financial and operational controls.

     7. Discuss with the Company's internal auditor the scope and results of
        internal audits and initiate such accounting principles, policies and
        practices, and reporting policies and practices as it may deem necessary
        or proper.

     8. Consider whether the independent auditors provision of non-audit
        services is compatible with maintaining the independent auditors

     9. Annually review and verify the effectiveness of the Company's Legal
        Compliance Program.

    10. Annually review and verify the effectiveness of the Company's Risk
        Management Program including the use of financial derivative


    11. As a whole, or through the Audit Committee Chair, review with the
        independent auditors the Company's interim financial results included in
        the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q prior to filing with the Securities
        and Exchange Commission.

    12. Submit appropriate reports required by the SEC to the shareowners in the
        Company's annual proxy statements and provide appropriate certification
        to the NYSE as required.

    13. Ensure that the independent auditors submit periodic reports to the
        Audit Committee delineating all relationships between the independent
        auditor and the Company, consistent with Independence Standards Board
        Standard No. 1; discuss such reports with the independent auditors; and
        recommend that the Board of Directors take appropriate action to satisfy
        itself of the independence of the independent auditors.

    14. Discuss with the independent auditors the matters required to be
        discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61.

While the Audit Committee has the responsibilities and functions set forth in
this Charter, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct
audits or to determine that the Company's financial statements are complete and
accurate and are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
This is the responsibility of management and the independent auditors. Nor is it
the duty of the Audit Committee to conduct investigations, to resolve
disagreements, if any, between management and the independent auditors or to
assure compliance with laws and regulations.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000

CONTENTS                                                        PAGE
- --------                                                        ----
The Company.................................................     A-3

Selected Financial Data.....................................     A-3

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
  and Results of Operations.................................     A-4

Report of Independent Public Accountants....................    A-14

Consolidated Financial Statements

  Consolidated Statements of Income.........................    A-15

  Consolidated Balance Sheets...............................    A-16

  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.....................    A-18

  Consolidated Statements of Capitalization.................    A-19

  Consolidated Statements of Changes in Common Equity.......    A-20

  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements................    A-21

Shareowner Information......................................    A-38

Executive Officers..........................................    A-38



Certain abbreviations or acronyms used in the text and notes of this report are
defined below:

Abbreviation or Acronym                             Definition
- -----------------------                             ----------
AFUDC                                               Allowance for Funds Used During Construction
Alliant Energy                                      Alliant Energy Corporation
APB                                                 Accounting Principles Board Opinion
ATC                                                 American Transmission Company, LLC
Corporate Services                                  Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc.
Dth                                                 Dekatherm
EDS                                                 Electronic Data Systems Corporation
EITF                                                Emerging Issues Task Force
EPA                                                 United States Environmental Protection Agency
FAC                                                 Fuel Adjustment Clause
FERC                                                Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ICC                                                 Illinois Commerce Commission
IES                                                 IES Industries Inc.
IESU                                                IES Utilities Inc.
IPC                                                 Interstate Power Company
ISO                                                 Independent System Operator
Kewaunee                                            Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant
MD&A                                                Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                                                      Condition and Results of Operations
MGP                                                 Manufactured Gas Plants
MW                                                  Megawatt
MWh                                                 Megawatt-Hour
NEPA                                                National Energy Policy Act of 1992
NOx                                                 Nitrogen Oxides
NRC                                                 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
PGA                                                 Purchased Gas Adjustment
PRP                                                 Potentially Responsible Party
PSCW                                                Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
PUHCA                                               Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
Resources                                           Alliant Energy Resources, Inc.
SEC                                                 Securities and Exchange Commission
SFAS                                                Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
South Beloit                                        South Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Company
STB                                                 Surface Transportation Board
U.S.                                                United States
WDNR                                                Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
WNRB                                                Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
WP&L                                                Wisconsin Power and Light Company
WPLH                                                WPL Holdings, Inc.


WP&L filed a combined Form 10-K for 2000 with the SEC; such document included
the filings of WP&L's parent, Alliant Energy, IESU and WP&L. Certain portions of
MD&A and the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in this WP&L
Proxy Statement represent excerpts from the combined Form 10-K. As a result, the
disclosure included in this WP&L Proxy Statement at times includes information
relating to Alliant Energy, IESU, IPC, Resources and/or Corporate Services. All
required disclosures for WP&L are included in this proxy statement thus such
additional disclosures represent supplemental information.

                                  THE COMPANY

In April 1998, WPLH, IES and IPC completed a merger resulting in Alliant Energy.
The primary first tier subsidiaries of Alliant Energy include: WP&L, IESU, IPC,
Resources and Corporate Services.

WP&L was incorporated in Wisconsin in 1917 as the Eastern Wisconsin Electric
Company and is a public utility engaged principally in the generation,
transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy; the purchase,
distribution, transportation and sale of natural gas; and the provision of water
services in selective markets. Nearly all of WP&L's customers are located in
south and central Wisconsin. WP&L operates in municipalities pursuant to permits
of indefinite duration which are regulated by Wisconsin law. At December 31,
2000, WP&L supplied electric and gas service to approximately 414,000 and
165,000 customers, respectively. WP&L also had approximately 19,000 water
customers. In 2000, 1999 and 1998, WP&L had no single customer for which
electric and/or gas sales accounted for 10% or more of WP&L's consolidated
revenues. WPL Transco LLC was formed in Wisconsin in 2000 and is the wholly-
owned subsidiary of WP&L which holds the investment in ATC. WP&L owns all of the
outstanding capital stock of South Beloit, a public utility supplying electric,
gas and water service, principally in Winnebago County, Illinois, which was
incorporated in 1908. WP&L also owns varying interests in several other
subsidiaries and investments which are not material to WP&L's operations.

ELECTRIC OPERATIONS--As of December 31, 2000, WP&L provided retail electric
service to approximately 414,000 electric retail customers, 600 communities and
28 wholesale customers. WP&L's electric utility operations accounted for 80% of
operating revenues and 90% of operating income for the year ended December 31,
2000. Electric sales are seasonal to some extent with the annual peak normally
occurring in the summer months. In 2000, the maximum peak hour demand for WP&L
was 2,508 MW and occurred on August 31, 2000.

GAS OPERATIONS--As of December 31, 2000, WP&L provided retail natural gas
service to approximately 165,000 gas customers in 233 communities. WP&L's gas
utility operations accounted for 19% of operating revenues and 9% of operating
income for the year ended December 31, 2000. WP&L's gas sales follow a seasonal
pattern. There is an annual base load of gas used for cooking, heating and other
purposes, with a large heating peak occurring during the winter season.

                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                 2000        1999        1998        1997        1996
                                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
                                                                    (IN THOUSANDS)
Operating revenues...........................  $ 862,381   $ 752,505   $ 731,448   $ 794,717   $ 759,275
Earnings available for common stock..........     68,126      67,520      32,264      67,924      79,175
Cash dividends declared on common stock......         --      58,353      58,341      58,343      66,087
Total assets.................................  1,857,024   1,766,135   1,685,150   1,664,604   1,677,814
Long-term obligations, net...................    569,309     471,648     471,554     420,414     370,634

The 1998 financial results reflect the recording of $17 million of pre-tax
merger-related charges.


                              CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

Statements contained in this report (including MD&A) that are not of historical
fact are forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbors
from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in, or
implied by, such statements. Some, but not all, of the risks and uncertainties
include: weather effects on sales and revenues; general economic conditions in
WP&L's service territories; federal and state regulatory or government actions,
including issues associated with the deregulation of the domestic utility
industry and the setting of rates and recovery of costs; unanticipated
construction and acquisition expenditures; issues related to stranded costs and
the recovery thereof; unanticipated issues related to the supply of purchased
electricity and price thereof; unexpected issues related to the operations of
Kewaunee; unanticipated costs associated with certain environmental remediation
efforts being undertaken by WP&L; technological developments; employee workforce
factors, including changes in key executives, collective bargaining agreements
or work stoppages; and changes in the rate of inflation.

                            UTILITY INDUSTRY OUTLOOK

OVERVIEW--As a public utility with significant utility assets, WP&L competes in
an ever-changing utility industry. Electric energy generation, transmission and
distribution are in a period of fundamental change resulting from legislative,
regulatory, economic and technological changes. These changes impact competition
in the electric wholesale and retail markets as customers of electric utilities
are being offered alternative suppliers. Such competitive pressures could result
in electric utilities losing customers and incurring stranded costs (i.e.,
assets and other costs rendered unrecoverable as the result of competitive
pricing) which would be borne by security holders if the costs cannot be
recovered from customers.

WP&L is currently subject to regulation by FERC, and state regulation in
Wisconsin and Illinois. FERC regulates competition in the electric wholesale
power generation market and each state regulates whether to permit retail
competition, the terms of such retail competition and the recovery of any
portion of stranded costs that are ultimately determined to have resulted from
retail competition. WP&L cannot predict the timing of a restructured electric
industry or the impact on its financial condition or results of operations but
does believe it is well positioned to compete in a deregulated competitive
market. Although WP&L ultimately believes that the electric industry will be
deregulated, the pace of deregulation in its Wisconsin retail electric service
territories will likely be delayed due to recent events related to California's
restructured electric utility industry.

In 1999, Wisconsin enacted "Reliability 2000" legislation which included, among
other items, the formation of a Wisconsin transmission company (American
Transmission Company, or ATC) for those Wisconsin utility holding companies who
elected to take advantage of the modified asset cap law and others who elected
to join. ATC received all necessary regulatory approvals and began operations on
January 1, 2001. WP&L, including South Beloit, transferred its transmission
assets (approximate net book value of $177 million) to ATC on January 1, 2001.
WP&L will receive cash of $88 million in 2001 and currently has an $89 million
equity investment in ATC, resulting in no gain or loss for WP&L. WP&L does not
expect this transfer to result in a significant impact on its financial
condition or results of operations because it believes FERC will allow WP&L to
earn a return on the contributed assets



comparable to the return currently allowed by the PSCW and FERC. In addition to
transferring its transmission assets, WP&L also transferred ownership of its
System Operations Center to ATC. WP&L's ownership percentage in ATC is
approximately 26 percent and its investment is accounted for under the equity
method. Although no assurance can be given, it is currently anticipated that
ATC's dividend policy will support a return of a significant portion of these
earnings to the equity holders. ATC is expected to realize its revenues from the
provision of transmission services to both participants in ATC as well as
nonparticipants. ATC's current rates are subject to refund pending final
approval by FERC. ATC is a transmission-owning member of the Midwest ISO and the
Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc. Regional Reliability Council.

WP&L's transfer of its transmission assets to ATC and its participation in the
Midwest ISO are expected to comply with the provisions of a FERC order requiring
utilities to turn over voluntarily the operational control of their transmission
systems to a regional entity by the end of 2001.

RATES AND REGULATORY MATTERS--As part of its merger approval, FERC accepted a
proposal by WP&L which provides for a four-year freeze on wholesale electric
prices beginning with the effective date of the April 1998 merger forming
Alliant Energy. WP&L also agreed with the PSCW to provide customers a four-year
retail electric and gas price freeze (the ICC granted South Beloit a three-year
rate freeze), excluding the electric FAC and PGA clause, which commenced on the
effective date of the April 1998 merger. In Wisconsin, a re-opening of an
investigation into WP&L's rates during the rate freeze period, for both cost
increases and decreases, may occur only for single events that are not
merger-related and have a revenue requirement impact of $4.5 million or more.
Assuming capture of the merger-related synergies and no significant legislative
or regulatory changes negatively affecting its utility subsidiaries, WP&L does
not expect the merger-related electric and gas price freezes to have a material
adverse effect on its financial condition or results of operations.

In connection with a statewide docket to investigate compliance issues
associated with the EPA's NOx emission reductions, in March 1999, the PSCW
authorized deferral of all incremental NOx compliance costs excluding internal
labor and replacement purchased-power costs. In March 2000, the PSCW issued an
order approving WP&L's NOx compliance plans, including additional investments at
several WP&L generating units. The order also approved a 10-year straight-line
depreciation method for NOx compliance investments. Such depreciation is also
being deferred and WP&L anticipates recovery of all deferred NOx compliance
costs beginning with the first rate changes after the rate freeze expires. The
depreciation lives will be reviewed every two years. Refer to "Liquidity and
Capital Resources--Environmental" for further discussion of the NOx issue.

WP&L's retail electric rates are based in part on forecasted fuel and
purchased-power costs. Under PSCW rules, WP&L can seek emergency rate increases
if the annual fuel and purchased-power costs are more than 3 percent higher than
the estimated costs used to establish rates. If WP&L's earnings exceed its
authorized return on equity, the incremental revenues collected causing the
excessive return are subject to refund.

In December 2000, WP&L requested a $73 million (revised to $64 million) annual
retail electric rate increase from the PSCW to cover increases in WP&L's 2001
fuel and purchased-power costs due to the continued increases in natural gas
prices which impact WP&L's generation costs and the increased costs of
purchased-power. The PSCW approved a $46 million interim retail electric rate
increase effective February 9, 2001. A decision on a permanent rate increase is
expected in the second quarter of 2001. The PSCW also granted WP&L annual retail
electric rate increases of $14.8 million, $14.5 million and


$16.5 million in July 1998, March 1999 and May 2000, respectively, due to higher
fuel and purchased-power costs, some of which have been caused by the
transmission constraints and electric reliability concerns in the Midwest. WP&L
does not believe any revenues collected to date are subject to refund.

In November 1999, the PSCW allowed WP&L rate recovery of $6.3 million of its
Year 2000 (Y2K) program expenditures, but it denied rate recovery of the first
$4.5 million. These costs were expensed in 1999. The PSCW's decision to allow
rate recovery was appealed by certain intervenors in Dane County, Wisconsin
district court. In April 2000, the intervenors withdrew their appeal. WP&L began
recovering such costs in May 2000 and is amortizing the deferred costs as the
amounts are recovered in rates.

In February 2000, the PSCW issued an order allowing WP&L to defer certain
incremental costs it incurred after February 16, 2000 relating to the
development of ATC. In December 2000, the PSCW issued an order allowing WP&L to
defer incremental operating costs associated with ATC. Recovery of such costs
will be addressed in WP&L's next retail rate case.

In 2000, the NRC raised several areas of concern with Kewaunee's operations. The
concerns raised by the NRC are estimated to result in additional operating costs
to WP&L in 2001 of approximately $5 million. Additional operating costs to WP&L
over the period of 2002 through 2005 are estimated to be approximately
$20 million and will be included in a future rate request. WP&L submitted a
request to the PSCW for deferral of incremental costs associated with this
issue. The NRC has acknowledged the safety record of Kewaunee and its ability to
continue operations.

WP&L is in the process of pursuing a rate complaint against Union Pacific
Railroad with the STB. WP&L believes Union Pacific Railroad is charging an
excessive rate for transporting low-sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin to
the Edgewater Generating Station located in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. To contest the
rate, WP&L filed a rate case with the STB and upon the expiration of the
existing contract, began moving coal under a tariff rate beginning January 1,
2000. Final briefs were filed in December 2000 and the STB has until
September 2001 to issue a final decision. If the STB rules in WP&L's favor, a
refund to WP&L's customers will need to be considered in conjunction with the
electric FAC in Wisconsin.

WP&L complies with the provisions of SFAS 71, "Accounting for the Effects of
Certain Types of Regulation." SFAS 71 provides that rate-regulated public
utilities record certain costs and credits allowed in the rate making process in
different periods than for non-regulated entities. These are deferred as
regulatory assets or accrued as regulatory liabilities and are recognized in the
Consolidated Statements of Income at the time they are reflected in rates. If a
portion of WP&L's operations no longer complies with SFAS 71, a write-down of
related regulatory assets and possibly other charges would be required, unless
some form of transition cost recovery is established by the appropriate
regulatory body that meets the requirements under generally accepted accounting
principles for continued accounting as regulatory assets during such recovery
period. In addition, WP&L would be required to determine any impairment of other
assets and write-down any impaired assets to their fair value. WP&L believes it
currently meets the requirements of SFAS 71.

                             RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

OVERVIEW--WP&L's earnings available for common stock increased $0.6 million and
$35.3 million in 2000 and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was primarily
due to higher electric margins and a reduced effective income tax rate, largely
offset by increased operation and maintenance, depreciation and amortization and
interest expenses. The 1999 increase was primarily due to the nonrecurrence of
$17.3 million of merger-related expenses in 1998, higher electric and natural
gas margins, reduced other


operation and maintenance expenses and income realized from weather hedges. Such
increases were partially offset by increased depreciation and amortization
expense (excluding hedge losses in WP&L's nuclear decommissioning trust fund)
and higher interest expense.

ELECTRIC UTILITY OPERATIONS--Electric margins and MWh sales for WP&L for 2000,
1999 and 1998 were as follows:

                                REVENUES AND COSTS (IN THOUSANDS)         MWHS SOLD (IN THOUSANDS)
                              --------------------------------------  --------------------------------
                                2000      1999     *     1998    **    2000    1999    *    1998   **
                              --------  --------  ---  --------  ---  ------  ------  ---  ------  ---
Residential.................  $229,668  $213,496    8% $198,770    7%  3,151   3,111    1%  2,964    5%

Commercial..................   127,199   116,947    9%  108,724    8%  2,031   1,980    3%  1,898    4%

Industrial..................   190,085   171,118   11%  162,771    5%  4,688   4,570    3%  4,493    2%
                              --------  --------       --------       ------  ------       ------

  Total from ultimate
    customers...............   546,952   501,561    9%  470,265    7%  9,870   9,661    2%  9,355    3%

Sales for resale............   115,715   102,751   13%  128,536  (20%)  3,228  3,252   (1%)  4,492 (28%)

Other.......................    29,524    22,295   32%   15,903   40%     63      54   17%     59   (8%)
                              --------  --------       --------       ------  ------       ------

  Total revenues/sales......   692,191   626,607   10%  614,704    2% 13,161  12,967    1% 13,906   (7%)
                                                                      ======  ======       ======

Electric production fuels
  expense...................   113,208   110,521    2%  120,485   (8%)

Purchased power expense.....   146,939   107,598   37%  113,936   (6%)
                              --------  --------       --------

  Margin....................  $432,044  $408,488    6% $380,283    7%
                              ========  ========       ========

* Reflects the % change from 1999 to 2000. ** Reflects the % change from 1998 to

Electric margin increased $23.6 million, or 6%, and $28.2 million, or 7%, during
2000 and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was primarily due to increased
sales to retail customers due to continued economic growth in WP&L's service
territory, a favorable $10 million change in estimate of utility services
rendered but unbilled at month-end and increased energy conservation revenues.
These items were partially offset by the impact of milder weather conditions in
2000 compared to 1999 and higher purchased-power and fuel expenses.

The 1999 increase was primarily due to separate $15 million annual rate
adjustments implemented at WP&L in July 1998 and March 1999 to recover higher
purchased-power and transmission costs. An increase in retail sales of 3% due to
more favorable weather and economic growth within WP&L's service territory also
contributed to the increase. Partially offsetting the 1999 increase were lower
sales to off-system and wholesale customers due to transmission constraints and
decreased contractual commitments and $3.2 million of revenues collected in 1998
for a surcharge related to Kewaunee.

Refer to "Utility Industry Outlook--Rates and Regulatory Matters" for
information on a WP&L FAC filing in December 2000.


GAS UTILITY OPERATIONS--Gas margins and Dth sales for WP&L for 2000, 1999 and
1998 were as follows:

                                REVENUES AND COSTS (IN THOUSANDS)         DTHS SOLD (IN THOUSANDS)
                              --------------------------------------  --------------------------------
                                2000      1999     *     1998    **    2000    1999    *    1998   **
                              --------  --------  ---  --------  ---  ------  ------  ---  ------  ---
Residential.................  $ 96,204  $ 69,662   38% $ 65,173    7% 12,769  12,070    6% 10,936   10%

Commercial..................    54,512    35,570   53%   33,898    5%  8,595   7,771   11%  7,285    7%

Industrial..................     8,581     6,077   41%    5,896    3%  1,476   1,520   (3%)  1,422   7%

Transportation/other........     5,855     9,461  (38%)    6,770  40% 13,680  13,237    3% 12,948    2%
                              --------  --------       --------       ------  ------       ------

  Total revenues/sales......   165,152   120,770   37%  111,737    8% 36,520  34,598    6% 32,591    6%
                                                                      ======  ======       ======

Cost of gas sold............   107,131    64,073   67%   61,409    4%
                              --------  --------       --------

  Margin....................  $ 58,021  $ 56,697    2% $ 50,328   13%
                              ========  ========       ========

* Reflects the % change from 1999 to 2000. ** Reflects the % change from 1998 to

Gas margin increased $1.3 million, or 2%, and $6.4 million, or 13%, during 2000
and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was largely due to more favorable
weather conditions in the 2000 heating season compared to 1999, partially offset
by reduced energy conservation revenues. Due to WP&L's rate recovery mechanisms
for gas costs, the significant increase in WP&L's cost of gas sold during 2000
had no adverse impact on gas margin. The 1999 increase was due to increased
sales resulting from customer growth of approximately 2% and more favorable
weather conditions in 1999.

Refer to "Interest Expense and Other" for discussion of income realized from gas
weather hedges in 2000 and 1999 and Note 1(i) of the "Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements" for discussion of a gas cost adjustment mechanism in place
at WP&L.

OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES--Other operation and maintenance expenses increased
$16.8 million and decreased $21.4 million for 2000 and 1999, respectively. The
2000 increase was primarily due to a planned refueling outage at Kewaunee,
higher expenses in the energy delivery business unit, increased energy
conservation expense and increased maintenance expenses. The 2000 increases were
partially offset by expenses incurred in 1999 relating to WP&L's Y2K program.
The 1999 decrease was primarily due to the nonrecurrence of $11.2 million of
merger-related expenses in 1998 for employee retirements, separations and
relocations, reduced expenses in the energy delivery and generation business
units, reduced insurance-related expenses, lower nuclear expenses and lower
costs due to merger-related operating efficiencies. The 1999 decreases were
partially offset by increased costs for energy conservation, employee incentive
compensation, expenses incurred in 1999 relating to the Y2K program and employee
benefits expenses.

Depreciation and amortization expense increased $26.9 million and decreased
$6.2 million for 2000 and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was primarily
due to increased earnings in the nuclear decommissioning trust fund of
approximately $20 million, property additions and higher amortization expense.
The 1999 decrease was due to reduced earnings in the nuclear decommissioning
trust fund and the nonrecurrence of the $3.2 million Kewaunee surcharge in 1998.
The 1999 decrease was partially offset by the impact of property additions. The
accounting for earnings on the nuclear decommissioning


trust funds results in no net income impact. Miscellaneous, net income is
increased for earnings on the trust fund, which is offset in depreciation

INTEREST EXPENSE AND OTHER--Interest expense increased $3.7 million and
$4.4 million in 2000 and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was primarily due
to higher interest rates and borrowings outstanding in 2000. The 1999 increase
was primarily due to higher short-term borrowings.

Miscellaneous, net income increased $18.4 million and decreased $3.0 million in
2000 and 1999, respectively. The 2000 increase was primarily due to increased
earnings in the nuclear decommissioning trust fund of approximately
$20 million, partially offset by reduced income of $2 million realized from gas
weather hedges. The 1999 decrease was primarily due to lower earnings on the
nuclear decommissioning trust fund, partially offset by the nonrecurrence of
$6.1 million of merger-related expenses in 1998 and $5 million recognized in
1999 associated with the settlement of gas weather hedges. Refer to Note 10(b)
of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" for additional information
relating to the gas weather hedges.

INCOME TAXES--The effective income tax rates were 37.5%, 39.2% and 41.0% in
2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. Refer to Note 5 of the "Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements" for additional information.


OVERVIEW--Given WP&L's financing flexibility, including access to both the debt
and equity securities markets, management believes it has the necessary
financing capabilities in place to adequately finance its capital requirements
for the foreseeable future. WP&L's capital requirements are primarily
attributable to its utility construction and acquisition programs and its debt
maturities. WP&L expects to meet its future capital requirements with cash
generated from operations and external financing. The level of cash generated
from operations is partially dependent on economic conditions, legislative
activities, environmental matters and timely regulatory recovery of utility
costs. Liquidity and capital resources will be affected by costs associated with
environmental and regulatory issues. Changes in the utility industry could also
impact WP&L's liquidity and capital resources, as discussed in "Utility Industry

CASH FLOWS--In 2000, WP&L's cash flows used for financing activities increased
$20 million due to the reduction of short-term debt outstanding and a capital
contribution of $30 million in 1999 from Alliant Energy, partially offset by the
issuance of $100 million of senior unsecured debentures in 2000 and no common
stock dividends declared in 2000 due to management of its capital structure. In
1999, WP&L's cash flows from operating activities decreased $14 million
primarily due to changes in working capital, partially offset by higher net
income primarily due to merger-related expenses in 1998; cash flows used for
financing activities decreased $34 million due to increased short-term
borrowings in 1999 and the $30 million capital contribution from Alliant Energy,
partially offset by the issuance of $60 million of debentures in 1998; and cash
flows used for investing activities increased $17 million primarily due to
increased construction expenditures.

ENVIRONMENTAL--WP&L's pollution abatement programs are subject to continuing
review and are periodically revised due to changes in environmental regulations,
construction plans and escalation of construction costs. While management cannot
precisely forecast the effect of future environmental regulations on operations,
it has taken steps to anticipate the future while also meeting the requirements
of current environmental regulations.


Wisconsin is subject to the Clean Air Act due to its non-attainment status with
respect to the one-hour ozone standard in the Lake Michigan region. The WDNR has
developed a rule that contains a plan for the state to meet the one-hour ozone
attainment standard. The plan focuses on rate of progress requirements that are
specified by the Clean Air Act for the years 2002, 2005 and 2007. The rule
requires NOx reductions in counties that are currently in non-attainment of the
one-hour ozone standard which includes WP&L's Edgewater power plant. WP&L is
currently evaluating various alternatives to achieve the proposed reductions and
to reduce the emission levels at various power plants. Based on existing
technology, preliminary estimates indicate that capital investments in the range
of $30 to $40 million could be required.

Revisions to the Wisconsin Administrative Code have been proposed that could
have a significant impact on WP&L's operation of the Rock River Generating
Station in Beloit, Wisconsin. The proposed revisions will affect the amount of
heat that the generating station can discharge into the Rock River. WP&L cannot
presently predict the final outcome of the rule, but believes that, as the rule
is currently proposed, the capital investments and/or modifications required to
meet the proposed discharge limits could be significant.

In 1998, the EPA issued the final report to Congress on the Study of Hazardous
Air Pollutant Emissions (HAPs) from Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
regarding hazardous air pollutant emissions from electric utilities, which
concluded that mercury emissions from coal-fired generating plants were a
concern. The EPA is developing regulations that are expected to be in place by
2004. In December 2000, the EPA made a regulatory determination in favor of
controlling HAPs (including mercury) from electric utilities, which is being
challenged by utility industry groups in two lawsuits filed in February 2001.
Although the control of mercury emissions from generating plants is uncertain at
this time, WP&L believes that the capital investments and/or modifications that
may be required to control mercury emissions could be significant.

Also in December 2000, the WNRB voted to allow the WDNR to proceed with mercury
rulemaking. WP&L and the other Wisconsin Utility Association members have
recommended to WNRB a workable mercury program that protects reliability and
does not disadvantage Wisconsin when federal mercury rules are developed. The
WDNR has indicated its desire to have the proposed rule written by the Spring of
2001. WP&L cannot presently predict the final outcome of the regulation, but
believes that capital investments and/or modifications required could be

WP&L has been notified by the EPA that it is a PRP with respect to the
MIG/DeWane Landfill Superfund Site. WP&L is participating in the initiation of
an alternate dispute resolution process to allocate liability associated with
the investigation and remediation of the site. Management believes that any
likely action resulting from this matter will not have a material adverse effect
on WP&L's financial condition or results of operations.

In 2000, WP&L was notified by Monroe County, Wisconsin that it does not have
liability for costs associated with the Monroe County Interim Landfill in
Sparta, Wisconsin. Monroe County has decided that it will pay for the
investigation and cleanup of the landfill through community-wide funding.

In December 2000 and February 2001, the EPA requested certain information
relating to the historical operation of WP&L's major coal-fired generating units
in Wisconsin. WP&L has responded to the December 2000 request and is in the
process of preparing its response to the February 2001 request. In some cases
involving similar EPA requests from other electric generating facilities,
penalties and capital


expenditures have resulted. WP&L cannot presently predict what impact, if any,
the EPA's request may have on its financial condition or results of operations.
However, any required remedial action resulting from this matter could be

A global treaty has been negotiated that could require reductions of greenhouse
gas emissions from utility plants. In 1998, the U.S. signed the treaty and
agreed with other countries to resolve all remaining issues by the end of 2000.
That deadline has not been met and significant differences remain between the
U.S. and other countries. At this time, management is unable to predict whether
the U.S. Congress will ratify the treaty. Given the uncertainty of the treaty
ratification and the ultimate terms of the final regulations, management cannot
currently estimate the impact the implementation of the treaty would have on
WP&L's operations.

Refer to Note 11(e) of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" for
further discussion of WP&L's environmental matters.

LONG-TERM DEBT--In March 2000, WP&L issued $100 million of senior unsecured
debentures at a fixed interest rate of 7 5/8%, due 2010. The net proceeds were
primarily used to repay short-term debt. WP&L has $150 million of long-term debt
that will mature prior to December 31, 2005. Depending on market conditions, it
is anticipated that a majority of the maturing debt will be refinanced with the
issuance of long-term securities. Refer to Note 8(b) of the "Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements" for additional information on long-term debt.

SHORT-TERM DEBT--In addition to funding working capital needs, the availability
of short-term financing provides WP&L flexibility in the issuance of long-term
securities. The level of short-term borrowing fluctuates based on seasonal
corporate needs, the timing of long-term financing and capital market
conditions. At December 31, 2000, WP&L was authorized by the applicable federal
or state regulatory agency to issue short-term debt of $128 million.

WP&L, IESU and IPC participate in a utility money pool that is funded, as
needed, through the issuance of commercial paper by Alliant Energy. Interest
expense and other fees are allocated based on borrowing amounts. The PSCW has
restricted WP&L from lending money to non-utility affiliates and non-Wisconsin
utilities. As a result, WP&L can only borrow money from the utility money pool.

WP&L anticipates that short-term debt will continue to be available at
reasonable costs due to current ratings by independent utility analysts and
credit rating services. Refer to Note 8(a) of the "Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements" for additional information on short-term debt.

SALE OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE--To maintain flexibility in its capital structure
and to take advantage of favorable short-term rates, WP&L uses proceeds from the
sale of accounts receivable and unbilled revenues to finance a portion of its
long-term cash needs. WP&L has filed applications with the SEC and state
regulatory agencies for approval of a combined accounts receivable sale program
whereby WP&L, IESU and IPC will sell their respective receivables through
wholly-owned special purpose entities to an affiliated financing entity, which
in turn will sell the receivables to an outside investor. The new program would
replace the existing program for WP&L, and would be substantially similar to the
prior program. All necessary approvals are expected by mid-2001.

FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS--Refer to Note 11(d) of the "Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements" for information.


and financing plans are subject to change as a result of many considerations,
including: changes in economic conditions; variations in actual sales and load
growth compared to forecasts; requirements of environmental, nuclear and other
regulatory authorities; acquisition and business combination opportunities; the
availability of alternate energy and purchased-power sources; the ability to
obtain adequate and timely rate relief; escalations in construction costs; and
conservation and energy efficiency programs. WP&L anticipates financing utility
construction expenditures during 2001-2005 through internally generated funds
supplemented, when required, by outside financing. Refer to Note 11(a) of the
"Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" for information on WP&L's
anticipated construction and acquisition expenditures.

                                 OTHER MATTERS


WP&L's primary market risk exposures are associated with interest rates,
commodity prices and equity prices. WP&L has risk management policies to monitor
and assist in controlling these market risks and uses derivative instruments to
manage some of the exposures.

INTEREST RATE RISK--WP&L is exposed to risk resulting from changes in interest
rates as a result of its issuance of variable-rate debt. WP&L manages its
interest rate risk by limiting its variable interest rate exposure and by
continuously monitoring the effects of market changes in interest rates. WP&L
has also historically used interest rate swap and interest rate forward
agreements to assist in the management of its interest exposure. In the event of
significant interest rate fluctuations, management would take actions to
minimize the effect of such changes on WP&L's results of operations. Assuming no
change in WP&L's financial structure, if variable interest rates were to average
1 percent higher (lower) in 2001 compared to 2000, and in 2000 compared to 1999,
interest expense and pre-tax earnings would increase (decrease) by approximately
$0.6 million for both time periods. These amounts were determined by considering
the impact of a hypothetical 1 percent increase (decrease) in interest rates on
the variable-rate debt held by WP&L as of December 31, 2000 and 1999.

COMMODITY RISK--NON-TRADING--WP&L is exposed to the impact of market
fluctuations in the commodity price and transportation costs of electricity and
natural gas it markets. WP&L employs established policies and procedures to
manage its risks associated with these market fluctuations including the use of
various commodity derivatives. WP&L's exposure to commodity price risks is
significantly mitigated by the current rate making structures in place for the
recovery of its electric fuel and purchased energy costs as well as its cost of
natural gas purchased for resale. Refer to Note 1(i) of the "Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements" for further discussion.

WP&L periodically utilizes gas commodity swap arrangements to reduce the impact
of price fluctuations on gas purchased and injected into storage during the
summer months and withdrawn and sold at current market prices during the winter
months. The gas commodity swaps in place approximate the forecasted storage
withdrawal plan during this period. Therefore, market price fluctuations that
result in an increase or decrease in the value of the physical commodity are
substantially offset by changes in the value of the gas commodity swaps. To the
extent actual storage withdrawals vary from forecasted withdrawals, WP&L has
physical commodity price exposure. A 10 percent increase (decrease) in the price
of gas would have an insignificant impact on the combined fair market value of
the gas in storage and related swap arrangements in place as of December 31,
2000 and 1999.


EQUITY PRICE RISK--WP&L maintains trust funds to fund its anticipated nuclear
decommissioning costs. As of December 31, 2000 and 1999, these funds were
invested primarily in domestic equity and debt instruments. Fluctuations in
equity prices or interest rates will not affect WP&L's results of operations as
such fluctuations are recorded in equally offsetting amounts of investment
income and depreciation expense when they are realized. In February 2001, WP&L
entered into a four-year hedge on equity assets in its nuclear decommissioning
trust fund.

Refer to Notes 1(l) and 10 of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements"
for further discussion of WP&L's derivative financial instruments.



To the Shareowners of Wisconsin Power and Light Company:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and statements of
capitalization of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (a Wisconsin corporation)
and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related consolidated
statements of income, cash flows and changes in common equity for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 2000. These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Wisconsin Power and Light
Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the results of
their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2000, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
January 29, 2001



                                                                   YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                2000        1999        1998
                                                              ---------   ---------   ---------
                                                                       (IN THOUSANDS)

  Electric utility..........................................  $692,191    $626,607    $614,704

  Gas utility...............................................   165,152     120,770     111,737

  Water.....................................................     5,038       5,128       5,007
                                                              --------    --------    --------

                                                               862,381     752,505     731,448
                                                              --------    --------    --------


  Electric production fuels.................................   113,208     110,521     120,485

  Purchased power...........................................   146,939     107,598     113,936

  Cost of gas sold..........................................   107,131      64,073      61,409

  Other operation and maintenance...........................   188,967     172,131     193,578

  Depreciation and amortization.............................   139,911     113,037     119,221

  Taxes other than income taxes.............................    29,163      30,240      30,169
                                                              --------    --------    --------

                                                               725,319     597,600     638,798
                                                              --------    --------    --------

OPERATING INCOME............................................   137,062     154,905      92,650
                                                              --------    --------    --------


  Interest expense..........................................    44,644      40,992      36,584

  Allowance for funds used during construction..............    (5,365)     (4,511)     (3,049)

  Miscellaneous, net........................................   (16,536)      1,836      (1,129)
                                                              --------    --------    --------

                                                                22,743      38,317      32,406
                                                              --------    --------    --------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES..................................   114,319     116,588      60,244
                                                              --------    --------    --------

INCOME TAXES................................................    42,918      45,758      24,670
                                                              --------    --------    --------

  PRINCIPLE, NET OF TAX.....................................    71,401      70,830      35,574
                                                              --------    --------    --------

  OF TAX....................................................        35          --          --
                                                              --------    --------    --------

NET INCOME..................................................    71,436      70,830      35,574
                                                              --------    --------    --------

PREFERRED DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS.............................     3,310       3,310       3,310
                                                              --------    --------    --------

EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR COMMON STOCK.........................  $ 68,126    $ 67,520    $ 32,264
                                                              ========    ========    ========
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                       DECEMBER 31,
                                                                   2000             1999
ASSETS                                                        --------------   --------------
                                                                      (IN THOUSANDS)
  Utility --
    Plant in service --
      Electric..............................................  $  2,007,974     $  1,921,624
      Gas...................................................       273,457          258,132
      Water.................................................        29,869           27,770
      Common................................................       223,921          218,607
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                 2,535,221        2,426,133
    Less -- Accumulated depreciation........................     1,380,723        1,266,366
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                 1,154,498        1,159,767
    Construction work in progress...........................        59,133           66,784
    Nuclear fuel, net of amortization.......................        16,099           15,079
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                 1,229,730        1,241,630
  Other property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated
    depreciation and amortization of $195 and $169,
    respectively............................................           369              608
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                 1,230,099        1,242,238
                                                              --------------   --------------
  Cash and temporary cash investments.......................         2,584            3,555
  Accounts receivable:
    Customer................................................        51,769           22,061
    Associated companies....................................         2,211            5,067
    Other...................................................        13,865           10,984
  Production fuel, at average cost..........................        17,811           20,663
  Materials and supplies, at average cost...................        21,639           20,439
  Gas stored underground, at average cost...................        13,876            8,624
  Prepaid gross receipts tax................................        23,088           20,864
  Other.....................................................         6,397            9,275
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                   153,240          121,532
                                                              --------------   --------------
  Nuclear decommissioning trust funds.......................       195,768          166,202
  Other.....................................................        14,362           15,272
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                   210,130          181,474
                                                              --------------   --------------
  Regulatory assets.........................................        88,721           82,161
  Deferred charges and other................................       174,834          138,730
                                                              --------------   --------------
                                                                   263,555          220,891
                                                              --------------   --------------
TOTAL ASSETS................................................  $  1,857,024     $  1,766,135
                                                              ==============   ==============
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              OF THESE STATEMENTS.



                                                                        DECEMBER 31,
                                                                   2000              1999
CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES                                ---------------   ---------------
                                                                       (IN THOUSANDS)
  Common stock..............................................  $      66,183     $      66,183
  Additional paid-in capital................................        229,516           229,438
  Retained earnings.........................................        371,602           303,476
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss......................        (4,708)                --
                                                              ---------------   ---------------
    Total common equity.....................................        662,593           599,097
                                                              ---------------   ---------------
  Cumulative preferred stock................................         59,963            59,963
  Long-term debt (excluding current portion)................        514,209           414,673
                                                              ---------------   ---------------
                                                                  1,236,765         1,073,733
                                                              ---------------   ---------------

  Current maturities........................................             --             1,875
  Variable rate demand bonds................................         55,100            55,100
  Notes payable to associated companies.....................         29,244           125,749
  Accounts payable..........................................        120,155            88,245
  Accounts payable to associated companies..................         32,442            25,306
  Other.....................................................         36,266            30,283
                                                              ---------------   ---------------
                                                                    273,207           326,558
                                                              ---------------   ---------------

  Accumulated deferred income taxes.........................        222,819           235,838
  Accumulated deferred investment tax credits...............         29,472            31,311
  Customer advances.........................................         34,815            34,643
  Environmental liabilities.................................          7,564            10,861
  Other.....................................................         52,382            53,191
                                                              ---------------   ---------------
                                                                    347,052           365,844
                                                              ---------------   ---------------


TOTAL CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES........................  $   1,857,024     $   1,766,135
                                                              ===============   ===============
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                                                   YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                          2000              1999              1998
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                                                                       (IN THOUSANDS)
 Net income........................................  $      71,436     $      70,830     $      35,574
  Depreciation and amortization....................        139,911           113,037           119,221
  Amortization of nuclear fuel.....................          5,066             6,094             5,356
  Deferred taxes and investment tax credits........       (12,077)          (12,618)           (7,529)
  Other............................................       (16,003)             2,432           (2,089)
  Accounts receivable..............................       (29,733)          (13,423)            12,845
  Accounts payable.................................         39,046             8,482            19,452
  Benefit obligations and other....................       (21,797)          (11,854)           (5,509)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
    Net cash flows from operating activities.......        175,849           162,980           177,321
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
  Common stock dividends...........................             --          (58,353)          (58,341)
  Preferred stock dividends........................        (3,310)           (3,310)           (3,310)
  Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt.........        100,000                --            60,000
  Reductions in long-term debt.....................        (1,875)                --           (8,899)
  Net change in short-term borrowings..............       (96,505)            48,950           (4,201)
  Capital contribution from parent.................             --            30,000                --
  Other............................................        (1,242)                --           (1,966)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
    Net cash flows from (used for) financing
      activities...................................        (2,932)            17,287          (16,717)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
  Utility construction expenditures................      (131,640)         (131,915)         (117,143)
  Nuclear decommissioning trust funds..............       (16,092)          (16,092)          (14,297)
  Other............................................       (26,156)          (30,516)          (29,845)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
    Net cash flows used for investing activities...      (173,888)         (178,523)         (161,285)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
  INVESTMENTS......................................          (971)             1,744             (681)
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
  PERIOD...........................................          3,555             1,811             2,492
                                                     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
  PERIOD...........................................  $       2,584     $       3,555     $       1,811
                                                     ===============   ===============   ===============
 Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest.........................................  $      40,455     $      38,330     $      33,368
                                                     ===============   ===============   ===============
  Income taxes.....................................  $      54,676     $      47,164     $      31,951
                                                     ===============   ===============   ===============
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                                                     DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2000           1999
                                                              ------------   ------------
                                                              (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE
  Common stock -- $5.00 par value -- authorized 18,000,000
    shares; 13,236,601 shares outstanding...................   $   66,183     $   66,183
  Additional paid-in capital................................      229,516        229,438
  Retained earnings.........................................      371,602        303,476
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss......................       (4,708)            --
                                                               ----------     ----------
                                                                  662,593        599,097
                                                               ----------     ----------
  Cumulative, without par value, not mandatorily redeemable
    -- authorized 3,750,000 shares, maximum aggregate stated
    value $150,000,000:
      $100 stated value -- 4.50% series, 99,970 shares
       outstanding..........................................        9,997          9,997
      $100 stated value -- 4.80% series, 74,912 shares
       outstanding..........................................        7,491          7,491
      $100 stated value -- 4.96% series, 64,979 shares
       outstanding..........................................        6,498          6,498
      $100 stated value -- 4.40% series, 29,957 shares
       outstanding..........................................        2,996          2,996
      $100 stated value -- 4.76% series, 29,947 shares
       outstanding..........................................        2,995          2,995
      $100 stated value -- 6.20% series, 150,000 shares
       outstanding..........................................       15,000         15,000
      $ 25 stated value -- 6.50% series, 599,460 shares
       outstanding..........................................       14,986         14,986
                                                               ----------     ----------
                                                                   59,963         59,963
                                                               ----------     ----------
  First Mortgage Bonds:
    1984 Series A, variable rate (5% at December 31, 2000),
     due 2014...............................................        8,500          8,500
    1988 Series A, variable rate (5.15% at December 31,
     2000), due 2015........................................       14,600         14,600
    1990 Series V, 9.3%, due 2025...........................       27,000         27,000
    1991 Series A, variable rate (4.85% at December 31,
     2000), due 2015........................................       16,000         16,000
    1991 Series B, variable rate (4.85% at December 31,
     2000), due 2005........................................       16,000         16,000
    1991 Series C, retired in 2000..........................           --          1,000
    1991 Series D, retired in 2000..........................           --            875
    1992 Series W, 8.6%, due 2027...........................       90,000         90,000
    1992 Series X, 7.75%, due 2004..........................       62,000         62,000
    1992 Series Y, 7.6%, due 2005...........................       72,000         72,000
                                                               ----------     ----------
                                                                  306,100        307,975
  Debentures, 7%, due 2007..................................      105,000        105,000
  Debentures, 5.7%, due 2008................................       60,000         60,000
  Debentures, 7 5/8%, due 2010..............................      100,000             --
                                                               ----------     ----------
                                                                  571,100        472,975
                                                               ----------     ----------
    Current maturities......................................           --         (1,875)
    Variable rate demand bonds..............................      (55,100)       (55,100)
    Unamortized debt premium and (discount), net............       (1,791)        (1,327)
                                                               ----------     ----------
                                                                  514,209        414,673
                                                               ----------     ----------
TOTAL CAPITALIZATION........................................   $1,236,765     $1,073,733
                                                               ==========     ==========
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              OF THESE STATEMENTS.



                                                          ADDITIONAL                   OTHER         TOTAL
                                                COMMON     PAID-IN     RETAINED    COMPREHENSIVE    COMMON
                                                STOCK      CAPITAL     EARNINGS    INCOME (LOSS)    EQUITY
                                               --------   ----------   ---------   -------------   ---------
                                                                      (IN THOUSANDS)
Beginning balance............................  $66,183     $199,170    $320,386       $    --      $585,739
  Earnings available for common stock........                            32,264                      32,264
  Common stock dividends.....................                           (58,341)                    (58,341)
  Common stock issued........................                   268                                     268
                                               -------     --------    --------       -------      --------
Ending balance...............................   66,183      199,438     294,309            --       559,930

  Earnings available for common stock........                            67,520                      67,520
  Common stock dividends.....................                           (58,353)                    (58,353)
  Capital contribution from parent...........                30,000                                  30,000
                                               -------     --------    --------       -------      --------
Ending balance...............................   66,183      229,438     303,476            --       599,097

  Comprehensive income:
    Earnings available for common stock......                            68,126                      68,126
    Other comprehensive income (loss):
       Unrealized losses on derivatives
         qualified as hedges:
         Unrealized holding losses arising
            during period due to cumulative
            effect of a change in accounting
            principle, net of tax of
            ($430)...........................                                            (642)         (642)
         Other unrealized holding losses
            arising during period, net of tax
            of ($3,634)......................                                          (5,151)       (5,151)
         Less: reclassification adjustment
            for losses included in net
            income, net of tax of ($769).....                                          (1,085)       (1,085)
                                                                                      -------      --------
       Net unrealized losses on qualifying
         derivatives.........................                                          (4,708)       (4,708)
                                                                                      -------      --------
    Total comprehensive income...............                                                        63,418
  Common stock issued........................                    78                                      78
                                               -------     --------    --------       -------      --------
Ending balance...............................  $66,183     $229,516    $371,602       ($4,708)     $662,593
                                               =======     ========    ========       =======      ========
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              OF THESE STATEMENTS.




(A) GENERAL--The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of WP&L
and its consolidated subsidiaries. WP&L is a subsidiary of Alliant Energy and is
engaged principally in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of
electric energy; the purchase, distribution, transportation and sale of natural
gas; and water services. Nearly all of WP&L's retail customers are located in
south and central Wisconsin. WP&L's principal consolidated subsidiaries are WPL
Transco LLC and South Beloit.

The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the U.S., which give recognition to the rate making and
accounting practices of FERC and state commissions having regulatory
jurisdiction. The preparation of the financial statements requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect: a) the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
date of the financial statements; and b) the reported amounts of revenues and
expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

Unconsolidated investments for which WP&L has at least a 20 percent
non-controlling voting interest are generally accounted for under the equity
method of accounting. These investments are stated at acquisition cost,
increased or decreased for WP&L's equity in net income or loss, which is
included in "Miscellaneous, net" in the Consolidated Statements of Income and
decreased for any dividends received. Investments that do not meet the criteria
for consolidation or the equity method of accounting are accounted for under the
cost method.

(B) REGULATION--WP&L is a public utility company subject to regulation by FERC,
the PSCW and the ICC.

(C) REGULATORY ASSETS--WP&L is subject to the provisions of SFAS 71, "Accounting
for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," which provides that
rate-regulated public utilities record certain costs and credits allowed in the
rate making process in different periods than for non-regulated entities. These
are deferred as regulatory assets or accrued as regulatory liabilities and are
recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Income at the time they are
reflected in rates. At December 31, 2000 and 1999, regulatory assets of
$92.4 million and $85.9 million, respectively, were comprised of the following
items (in millions):

                                                                2000       1999
                                                              --------   --------
Tax-related (Note 1(d)).....................................   $37.6      $43.4
Energy efficiency program costs.............................    19.8        7.0
Environmental liabilities (Note 11(e))......................    16.6       19.1
Other.......................................................    18.4       16.4
                                                               -----      -----
                                                               $92.4      $85.9
                                                               =====      =====

If a portion of WP&L's operations becomes no longer subject to the provisions of
SFAS 71 as a result of competitive restructuring or otherwise, a write-down of
related regulatory assets would be required, unless some form of transition cost
recovery is established by the appropriate regulatory body that would meet the
requirements under generally accepted accounting principles for continued
accounting as regulatory assets during such recovery period. In addition, WP&L
would be required to determine any impairment of other assets and write-down
such assets to their fair value.


(D) INCOME TAXES--WP&L follows the liability method of accounting for deferred
income taxes, which requires the establishment of deferred tax assets and
liabilities, as appropriate, for all temporary differences between the tax basis
of assets and liabilities and the amounts reported in the financial statements.
Deferred taxes are recorded using currently enacted tax rates.

Except as noted below, income tax expense includes provisions for deferred taxes
to reflect the tax effects of temporary differences between the time when
certain costs are recorded in the accounts and when they are deducted for tax
return purposes. As temporary differences reverse, the related accumulated
deferred income taxes are reversed to income. Investment tax credits have been
deferred and are subsequently credited to income over the average lives of the
related property.

The PSCW has allowed rate recovery of deferred taxes on all temporary
differences since August 1991. WP&L established a regulatory asset associated
with those temporary differences occurring prior to August 1991 that will be
recovered in future rates.

Alliant Energy files a consolidated federal income tax return. Under the terms
of an agreement between Alliant Energy and WP&L, WP&L calculates its federal
income tax provisions and makes payments to or receives payments from Alliant
Energy as if it were a separate taxable entity.

(E) TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS--Temporary cash investments are stated at cost,
which approximates market value, and are considered cash equivalents for the
Consolidated Balance Sheets and the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. These
investments consist of short-term liquid investments that have maturities of
less than 90 days from the date of acquisition.

straight-line depreciation method as approved by the PSCW and the ICC. The
remaining life of Kewaunee, of which WP&L is a co-owner, is based on the PSCW
approved revised end-of-life of 2010. Depreciation expense related to the
decommissioning of Kewaunee is discussed in Note 11(f). The average rates of
depreciation for electric and gas properties of WP&L, consistent with current
rate making practices, were as follows:

                                                                2000       1999       1998
                                                              --------   --------   --------
Electric....................................................    3.6%       3.6%       3.6%
Gas.........................................................    4.1%       3.9%       3.8%

(G) PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT--Utility plant is recorded at original cost,
which includes overhead and administrative costs and AFUDC. WP&L's aggregate
gross AFUDC recovery rates used for 2000, 1999 and 1998, computed in accordance
with the prescribed regulatory formula, were 10.8%, 5.4% and 5.2%, respectively.

Other property, plant and equipment is recorded at original cost. Upon
retirement or sale of other property and equipment, the cost and related
accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is
included in "Miscellaneous, net" in the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Ordinary retirements of utility plant, including removal costs less salvage
value, are charged to accumulated depreciation upon removal from utility plant
accounts and no gain or loss is recognized.

(H) OPERATING REVENUES--WP&L accrues revenues for services rendered but unbilled
at month-end. In 2000, WP&L recorded an increase of $10 million in the estimate
of utility services rendered but unbilled at month-end due to the implementation
of a refined estimation process.


(I) UTILITY FUEL COST RECOVERY--WP&L's retail electric rates are based in part
on forecasted fuel and purchased-power costs. Under PSCW rules, WP&L can seek
emergency rate increases if the annual costs are more than 3 percent higher than
the estimated costs used to establish rates. WP&L has a gas performance
incentive which includes a sharing mechanism whereby 40 percent of all gains and
losses relative to current commodity prices, as well as other benchmarks, are
retained by WP&L, with the remainder refunded to or recovered from customers.

(J) NUCLEAR REFUELING OUTAGE COSTS--Operating expenses incurred during refueling
outages at Kewaunee are expensed by WP&L as incurred. The next scheduled
refueling outage at Kewaunee is anticipated to commence in Fall 2001.

(K) NUCLEAR FUEL--Nuclear fuel for Kewaunee is recorded at its original cost and
is amortized to expense based upon the quantity of heat produced for the
generation of electricity. This accumulated amortization assumes spent nuclear
fuel will have no residual value. Estimated future disposal costs of such fuel
are expensed based on kilowatt-hours generated.

(L) DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--WP&L uses derivative financial instruments
to hedge exposures to fluctuations in interest rates, certain commodity prices
and volatility in a portion of natural gas sales volumes due to weather. WP&L
also utilizes derivatives to mitigate the equity price volatility associated
with certain investments in equity securities. WP&L does not use such
instruments for speculative purposes. In accordance with SFAS 133, "Accounting
for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended by SFAS 138,
"Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging
Activities--an Amendment of SFAS 133," the fair value of all derivatives are
recorded as assets or liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheets and gains
and losses related to derivatives that are designated as, and qualify as hedges,
are recognized in earnings when the underlying hedged item or physical
transaction is recognized in income. Gains and losses related to derivatives
that do not qualify for, or are not designated in hedge relationships, are
recognized in earnings immediately. WP&L has a number of commodity purchase and
sales contracts for both capacity and energy that have been designated, and
qualify for, the normal purchase and sale exception in SFAS 138. Based on this
designation, these contracts are not accounted for as derivative instruments.
Refer to Note 10 for further discussion of WP&L's derivative financial


In April 1998, WPLH, IES and IPC completed a merger resulting in Alliant Energy.
The merger was accounted for as a pooling of interests.



WP&L's operating lease rental expenses for 2000, 1999 and 1998 were
$7.9 million, $7.7 million and $6.4 million, respectively. WP&L's future minimum
lease payments by year are as follows (in millions):

YEAR                                                           LEASES
- ----                                                          ---------
2001........................................................   $ 14.0
2002........................................................     16.5
2003........................................................     15.5
2004........................................................     15.1
2005........................................................     15.2
Thereafter..................................................     64.2


Utility customer accounts receivable, including unbilled revenues, arise
primarily from the sale of electricity and natural gas. At December 31, 2000 and
1999, WP&L was serving a diversified base of residential, commercial and
industrial customers and did not have any significant concentrations of credit

An accounts receivable financing arrangement exists through 2001 for WP&L, in
which it may sell up to a maximum amount of $150 million of accounts receivable
to a financial institution on a limited recourse basis. Accounts receivable sold
include receivables arising from sales to customers and to other public,
municipal and cooperative utilities, as well as from billings to the co-owners
of the jointly-owned electric generating plants operated by WP&L. WP&L receives
a fee for billing and collection functions, which remain WP&L's responsibility,
that approximates fair value. In 2000, 1999 and 1998, WP&L received
approximately $0.9 billion, $0.9 billion and $1.0 billion, respectively, in
aggregate proceeds from this facility. WP&L uses proceeds from the sale of
accounts receivable and unbilled revenues to finance a portion of its long-term
cash needs. Included in WP&L's Consolidated Statements of Income for 2000, 1999
and 1998, were fees associated with these sales of $5.0 million, $4.0 million
and $4.9 million, respectively.


The components of federal and state income taxes for WP&L for the years ended
December 31 were as follows (in millions):

                                                                2000       1999       1998
                                                              --------   --------   --------
Current tax expense.........................................   $55.0      $ 58.4     $32.2
Deferred tax expense........................................   (10.2)      (10.7)     (5.6)
Amortization of investment tax credits......................    (1.9)       (1.9)     (1.9)
                                                               -----      ------     -----
                                                               $42.9      $ 45.8     $24.7
                                                               =====      ======     =====


The overall effective income tax rates shown below for the years ended
December 31 were computed by dividing total income tax expense by income before
income taxes.

                                                                2000       1999       1998
                                                              --------   --------   --------
STATUTORY FEDERAL INCOME TAX RATE...........................    35.0%       35.0%     35.0%
  State income taxes, net of federal benefits...............     6.0         6.3       7.8
  Amortization of investment tax credits....................    (1.6)       (1.6)     (3.1)
  Adjustment of prior period taxes..........................    (0.8)       (0.3)       --
  Merger expenses...........................................      --          --       2.5
  Amortization of excess deferred taxes.....................    (1.3)       (1.3)     (2.5)
  Other items, net..........................................     0.2         1.1       1.3
                                                               -----      ------     -----
OVERALL EFFECTIVE INCOME TAX RATE...........................    37.5%       39.2%     41.0%
                                                               =====      ======     =====

The accumulated deferred income tax (assets) and liabilities included on the
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31 arise from the following temporary
differences (in millions):

                                                                2000       1999
                                                              --------   --------
Property related............................................   $260.5     $271.9
Investment tax credit related...............................    (19.7)     (21.0)
Other.......................................................    (18.0)     (15.1)
                                                               ------     ------
                                                               $222.8     $235.8
                                                               ======     ======


WP&L has two non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that cover
substantially all of its employees. Benefits are based on the employees' years
of service and compensation. WP&L also provides certain postretirement health
care and life benefits to eligible retirees. In general, the health care plans
are contributory with participants' contributions adjusted annually and the life
insurance plans are non-contributory.

The weighted-average assumptions as of the measurement date of September 30 are
as follows:

                                                        QUALIFIED PENSION               OTHER POSTRETIREMENT
                                                             BENEFITS                         BENEFITS
                                                  ------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                    2000       1999       1998       2000       1999       1998
                                                  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
Discount rate...................................    8.00%      7.75%      6.75%      8.00%      7.75%      6.75%
Expected return on plan assets..................       9%         9%         9%         9%         9%         9%
Rate of compensation increase...................     3.5%       3.5%       3.5%       3.5%       3.5%       3.5%
Medical cost trend on covered charges:
  Initial trend range...........................     N/A        N/A        N/A          9%         7%         8%
  Ultimate trend range..........................     N/A        N/A        N/A          5%         5%         5%



The components of WP&L's qualified pension benefits and other postretirement
benefits costs are as follows (in millions):

                                                                                                     OTHER POSTRETIREMENT
                                                        QUALIFIED PENSION BENEFITS                         BENEFITS
                                                   ------------------------------------      ------------------------------------
                                                     2000          1999          1998          2000          1999          1998
                                                   --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Service cost.....................................   $  3.0        $  3.8        $  3.2        $ 1.4         $ 1.6         $ 1.7

Interest cost....................................      8.9           8.9           8.5          3.3           2.7           2.6

Expected return on plan assets...................    (12.9)        (12.9)        (12.8)        (1.6)         (1.5)         (1.5)

Amortization of:

  Transition obligation (asset)..................     (2.1)         (2.1)         (2.1)         1.2           1.2           1.3

  Prior service cost.............................      0.4           0.4           0.5         --            --            --

  Actuarial loss (gain)..........................    --              0.2         --            (0.8)         (0.9)         (1.1)
                                                    ------        ------        ------        -----         -----         -----

Total                                               ($ 2.7)       ($ 1.7)       ($ 2.7)       $ 3.5         $ 3.1         $ 3.0
                                                    ======        ======        ======        =====         =====         =====

During 1998, WP&L recognized an additional $0.6 million of costs in accordance
with SFAS 88, "Employers' Accounting for Settlements and Curtailments of Defined
Benefit Pension Plans and for Termination Benefits," for severance and early
retirement programs. In addition, during 1998, WP&L recognized $3.6 million of
curtailment charges relating to WP&L's other postretirement benefits.

The pension benefit cost shown above (and in the following tables) represents
only the pension benefit cost for bargaining unit employees of WP&L covered
under the bargaining unit pension plan that is sponsored by WP&L. The pension
benefit cost for WP&L's non-bargaining employees who are now participants in
other Alliant Energy plans was ($1.3) million, ($1.8) million and $3.0 million
for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively, including a special charge of
$3.6 million in 1998 for severance and early retirement window programs. In
addition, Corporate Services provides services to WP&L. The allocated pension
benefit costs associated with these services was $1.3 million, $1.2 million and
$0.6 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The other postretirement
benefit cost shown above for each period (and in the following tables)
represents the other postretirement benefit cost for all WP&L employees. The
allocated other postretirement benefit cost associated with Corporate Services
for WP&L was $0.3 million, $0.4 million and $0.2 million for 2000, 1999 and
1998, respectively.

The assumed medical trend rates are critical assumptions in determining the
service and interest cost and accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
related to postretirement benefit costs. A one percent change in the medical
trend rates for 2000, holding all other assumptions constant, would have the
following effects (in millions):

                                                      1 PERCENT INCREASE   1 PERCENT DECREASE
                                                      ------------------   ------------------
Effect on total of service and interest cost
  components........................................         $0.4                ($0.4)

Effect on postretirement benefit obligation.........         $3.0                ($2.9)


A reconciliation of the funded status of WP&L's plans to the amounts recognized
on WP&L's Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31 is presented below (in

                                                                QUALIFIED PENSION             POSTRETIREMENT
                                                                     BENEFITS                    BENEFITS
                                                              ----------------------      ----------------------
                                                                2000          1999          2000          1999
                                                              --------      --------      --------      --------
Change in benefit obligation:

  Net benefit obligation at beginning of year...............   $117.2        $132.3         $42.4         $40.3

  Service cost..............................................      3.0           3.8           1.4           1.6

  Interest cost.............................................      8.9           8.9           3.3           2.7

  Plan participants' contributions..........................    --            --              1.2           1.2

  Actuarial loss (gain).....................................     (6.2)        (20.8)         (1.3)          0.8

  Gross benefits paid.......................................     (7.0)         (7.0)         (4.7)         (4.2)
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

    Net benefit obligation at end of year...................    115.9         117.2          42.3          42.4
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

Change in plan assets:

  Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year............    147.6         137.5          17.9          15.1

  Actual return on plan assets..............................     15.7          17.1           1.5           1.8

  Employer contributions....................................    --            --              3.5           4.0

  Plan participants' contributions..........................    --            --              1.2           1.2

  Gross benefits paid.......................................     (7.0)         (7.0)         (4.7)         (4.2)
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

    Fair value of plan assets at end of year................    156.3         147.6          19.4          17.9
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

Funded status at end of year................................     40.4          30.4         (22.9)        (24.5)

Unrecognized net actuarial loss (gain)......................     (8.2)          0.8         (15.0)        (14.5)

Unrecognized prior service cost.............................      4.3           4.7          (0.2)         (0.2)

Unrecognized net transition obligation (asset)..............     (3.7)         (5.8)         13.8          14.9
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

    Net amount recognized at end of year....................   $ 32.8        $ 30.1        ($24.3)       ($24.3)
                                                               ======        ======        ======        ======

Amounts recognized on the Consolidated Balance Sheets
  consist of:

    Prepaid benefit cost....................................   $ 32.8        $ 30.1         $ 0.9         $ 0.6

    Accrued benefit cost....................................    --            --            (25.2)        (24.9)
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

    Net amount recognized at measurement date...............     32.8          30.1         (24.3)        (24.3)
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

Contributions paid after September 30 and prior to
  December 31...............................................    --            --              0.6           1.0
                                                               ------        ------        ------        ------

    Net amount recognized at December 31....................   $ 32.8        $ 30.1        ($23.7)       ($23.3)
                                                               ======        ======        ======        ======


The benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for the postretirement
welfare plans with benefit obligations in excess of plan assets were
$37.1 million and $9.5 million as of September 30, 2000 and $36.5 million and
$8.4 million, respectively, as of September 30, 1999.

Alliant Energy sponsors several non-qualified pension plans that cover certain
current and former officers. The pension expense allocated to WP&L for these
plans was $1.2 million, $0.8 million and $0.8 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998,

A significant number of WP&L employees also participate in defined contribution
pension plans (401(k) plans). WP&L's contributions to the plans, which are based
on the participants' level of contribution, were $2.1 million, $2.0 million and
$2.4 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.


(A) COMMON STOCK--WP&L has common stock dividend restrictions based on its
respective bond indentures and articles of incorporation, and restrictions on
the payment of common stock dividends commonly found with preferred stock.
WP&L's common stock dividends are restricted to the extent that such dividend
would reduce the common stock equity ratio to less than 25 percent. Also the
PSCW ordered that it must approve the payment of dividends by WP&L to Alliant
Energy that are in excess of the level forecasted in the rate order
($58.3 million), if such dividends would reduce WP&L's average common equity
ratio below 52.00 percent of total capitalization. The dividends paid by WP&L to
Alliant Energy since the rate order was issued have not exceeded such level.

(B) PREFERRED STOCK--The carrying value of WP&L's cumulative preferred stock at
December 31, 2000 and 1999 was $60 million. The fair market value, based upon
the market yield of similar securities and quoted market prices, at
December 31, 2000 and 1999 was $44 million and $49 million, respectively.

(8) DEBT

(A) SHORT-TERM DEBT--WP&L, IESU and IPC participate in a utility money pool,
which is funded, as needed, through the issuance of commercial paper by Alliant
Energy. Interest expense and other fees are allocated based on borrowed amounts.
The PSCW has restricted WP&L from lending money to non-utility affiliates and
non-Wisconsin utilities. As a result, WP&L can only borrow money from the
utility money pool. Information regarding WP&L's short-term debt was as follows
(dollars in millions):

                                                                  2000          1999          1998
                                                                --------      --------      --------
As of year end:

  Notes payable outstanding...............................        $--           $--          $50.0

  Interest rate on notes payable..........................        N/A           N/A           5.4%

  Money pool borrowings...................................       $29.2         $125.7        $26.8

  Interest rate on money pool borrowings..................        6.6%          5.8%          5.2%

For the year ended:

  Average amount of short-term debt (based on
    daily outstanding balances)...........................       $25.5         $77.1         $48.4

  Average interest rate on short-term debt................        6.2%          5.2%          5.6%


(B) LONG-TERM DEBT--Substantially all of WP&L's utility plant is secured by its
First Mortgage Bonds. WP&L also maintains unsecured indentures relating to the
issuance of debt securities. WP&L's debt maturities for 2001 to 2005 are $0, $0,
$0, $62.0 million and $88.0 million, respectively. The carrying value of WP&L's
long-term debt at December 31, 2000 and 1999 was $569 million and $472 million,
respectively. The fair market value, based upon the market yield of similar
securities and quoted market prices, at December 31, 2000 and 1999 was
$584 million and $469 million, respectively.


The carrying amount of WP&L's current assets and current liabilities
approximates fair value because of the short maturity of such financial
instruments. Since WP&L is subject to regulation, any gains or losses related to
the difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of its financial
instruments may not be realized by WP&L's parent. Information relating to
investments held by WP&L that are marked to market as a result of SFAS 115,
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," were as
follows (in millions):

                                                                DECEMBER 31, 2000        DECEMBER 31, 1999
                                                              ----------------------   ----------------------
                                                              CARRYING/      NET       CARRYING/   UNREALIZED
                                                                FAIR      UNREALIZED     FAIR        GAINS/
                                                                VALUE       GAINS        VALUE      (LOSSES)
                                                              ---------   ----------   ---------   ----------
Available-for-sale securities:

  Nuclear decommissioning trust funds:

    Equity securities.......................................    $ 81         $26         $ 65         $29

    Debt securities.........................................     115           2          101          (2)
                                                                ----         ---         ----         ---

      Total.................................................    $196         $28         $166         $27
                                                                ====         ===         ====         ===

equity security investments in the nuclear decommissioning trust funds are
classified as available-for-sale. As of December 31, 2000, $75 million,
$14 million and $26 million of the debt securities mature in 2001-2010,
2011-2020 and 2021-2035, respectively. The fair market value of the nuclear
decommissioning trust funds was as reported by the trustee, adjusted for the tax
effect of unrealized gains and losses. Net unrealized holding gains were
recorded as part of accumulated provision for depreciation. The funds realized
gains/(losses) from the sales of securities of $5.2 million, ($10.4) million and
$0.8 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively (cost of the investments based
on specific identification were $202.1 million, $94.6 million and
$57.6 million, respectively, and proceeds from the sales were $207.3 million,
$84.2 million and $58.4 million, respectively).



SFAS 133 as of July 1, 2000. SFAS 133 requires that every derivative instrument
be recorded on the balance sheet as an asset or liability measured at its fair
value and that changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized currently in
earnings unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met. SFAS 133 requires
that as of the date of initial adoption, the difference between the fair value
of derivative instruments recorded on the balance sheet and the previous
carrying amount of those derivatives be reported in net income or other
comprehensive income, as appropriate, as the cumulative effect of a change in
accounting principle in accordance with APB 20, "Accounting Changes." Transition
adjustments relating to WP&L's derivative instruments had no material impact on
net income or the balance sheet.

A limited number of WP&L's fixed price commodity contracts are defined as
derivatives under SFAS 133. The fair values of these derivative instruments have
been recorded as assets and liabilities on the balance sheet and in the
transition adjustment in accordance with the transition provisions of SFAS 133.
Changes in the fair values of these instruments subsequent to July 1, 2000, to
the extent that the derivatives are designated in cash flow hedging
relationships and are effective at mitigating the underlying commodity risk, are
recorded in other comprehensive income. At the date the underlying transaction
occurs, the amounts accumulated in other comprehensive income are reported in
the Consolidated Statements of Income. To the extent that the hedges are not
effective, the ineffective portion of the changes in fair value is recorded
directly in earnings.

As of December 31, 2000, WP&L held derivative instruments designated as cash
flow hedging instruments and other derivatives. The cash flow hedging
instruments are comprised of natural gas swaps and coal purchase and sales
contracts which are used to manage the price of anticipated coal purchases and
sales. WP&L utilizes gas commodity swap arrangements to reduce the impact of
price fluctuations on gas purchased and injected into storage during the summer
months and withdrawn and sold at current market prices during the winter months
pursuant to the natural gas cost incentive sharing mechanism with customers in
Wisconsin. The gas commodity swaps in place hedge the forecasted sales of
natural gas withdrawn from storage during this period.

In 2000, a net gain of approximately $0.4 million was recognized in earnings
(recorded in gas revenues) representing the amount of hedge ineffectiveness.
WP&L did not exclude any components of the derivative instruments' gain or loss
from the assessment of hedge effectiveness and there were no reclasses into
earnings as a result of the discontinuance of hedges. As of December 31, 2000,
the maximum length of time over which WP&L is hedging its exposure to the
variability in future cash flows for forecasted transactions is ten months and
WP&L estimates that losses of $4.7 million will be reclassified from accumulated
other comprehensive income into earnings within the 12 months between
January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001 as the hedged transactions affect

WP&L's derivatives that have not been designated in hedge relationships include
natural gas swaps and electricity price collars which manage energy costs during
supply/demand imbalances. As of December 31, 2000, these derivatives were
recorded at their fair value as derivative assets and derivative liabilities on
the Consolidated Balance Sheets and purchased-power expense in the Consolidated
Statements of Income.


(B) WEATHER DERIVATIVES--WP&L uses weather derivatives to reduce the impact of
weather volatility on its natural gas sales volumes. EITF 99-2, "Accounting for
Weather Derivatives," requires the use of the intrinsic value method to account
for non-exchange traded weather derivatives. In August 2000, WP&L entered into a
non-exchange traded weather floor with a contract period from November 1, 2000
to March 31, 2001 that requires the counterparty pay WP&L $11,000 per heating
degree-day less than 5,600 during the contract period. The maximum payout amount
by the counterparty on this floor is $7 million. WP&L paid a premium to enter
into this contract, which is being amortized to expense over the contract
period. In August 1999, WP&L entered into a non-exchange traded "weather collar"
with a contract period from November 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000. The maximum
payout amount was $5 million.

an equity collar that used written options to mitigate the effect of significant
market fluctuations on its common stock investments in its nuclear
decommissioning trust funds. The program was designed to protect the portfolio's
value while allowing the funds to earn a total return modestly in excess of
long-term expectations over the two-year hedge period, which was settled in
December 2000. The notional amount of the options was $78 million at
December 31, 1999. The options were reported at fair market value each reporting
period. These fair value changes did not impact net income as they were recorded
as equally offsetting changes in the investment in nuclear decommissioning trust
funds and accumulated depreciation. The option liability fair value exceeded the
premium received by $17.8 million at December 31, 1999, as reported by the


construction and acquisition expenditures will be approximately $138 million.
During 2002-2005, WP&L expects to spend approximately $667 million for utility
construction and acquisition expenditures.

Services has entered into purchased-power and transmission, coal, and natural
gas supply, transportation and storage contracts as agent for WP&L, IESU and
IPC. The gas supply commitments are all index-based. Based on the System
Coordination and Operating Agreement, Alliant Energy annually allocates
purchased-power contracts to the individual utilities. Such process considers
factors such as resource mix, load growth and resource availability. Refer to
Note 15 for additional information. In addition, Corporate Services has entered
into various coal contracts as agent for WP&L, IESU and IPC. Contract quantities
are allocated to specific plants at the individual utilities based on various
factors including projected heat input requirements, combustion compatibility
and efficiency. However, for 2001, 2002 and 2003, system-wide contracts of
$21.3 million (5.1 million tons), $1.7 million (0.5 million tons) and
$1.7 million (0.5 million tons), respectively, have not yet been allocated to
the individual utilities due to the need for additional analysis of combustion
compatibility and efficiency. Corporate Services expects to supplement its coal
and natural gas supplies with spot market purchases as needed. The minimum


commitments directly assigned to WP&L are as follows (dollars and Dths in
millions; MWhs and tons in thousands):

                                                                         NATURAL GAS SUPPLY,
                            TRANSMISSION           TRANSPORTATION)        STORAGE CONTRACTS
                        ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------
                         DOLLARS      MWHS       DOLLARS      TONS       DOLLARS      DTHS
                        ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
2001                      $53.2        864        $14.0       4,523       $39.6        93
2002                       34.3        219          9.8       3,673        26.9        88
2003                       21.8        219          5.5       2,957        22.9        79
2004                       14.0        219          5.5       2,957        11.2        56
2005                        8.0         --           --          --        11.1        55

(C) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES--Corporate Services has an agreement,
expiring in 2004, with EDS for information technology services. WP&L's
anticipated operating and capital expenditures under the agreement for 2001 are
estimated to total approximately $2 million. Future costs under the agreement
are variable and are dependent upon WP&L's level of usage of technological
services from EDS.

(D) FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS--During 2000, WP&L committed to transfer all of its
transmission assets to ATC. This transfer occurred on January 1, 2001, at the
net book value of the assets. WPL Transco LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
WP&L, will hold the resulting investment in ATC and follow the equity method of

(E) ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES--WP&L had recorded the following environmental
liabilities, and regulatory assets associated with certain of these liabilities,
as of December 31 (in millions):

ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES      2000         1999          REGULATORY ASSETS      2000         1999
- -------------------------   ----------   ----------       -----------------   ----------   ----------
  MGP sites............        $4.5        $ 7.3          MGP sites......       $11.7        $14.2
  NEPA.................         3.6          4.1          NEPA...........         4.4          4.9
  Other................         0.1          0.1          Other..........         0.5           --
                               ----        -----                                -----        -----
                               $8.2        $11.5                                $16.6        $19.1
                               ====        =====                                =====        =====

MGP SITES--WP&L has current or previous ownership interests in 14 sites
previously associated with the production of gas for which it may be liable for
investigation, remediation and monitoring costs relating to the sites. WP&L has
received letters from state environmental agencies requiring no further action
at four sites. WP&L is working pursuant to the requirements of various federal
and state agencies to investigate, mitigate, prevent and remediate, where
necessary, the environmental impacts to property, including natural resources,
at and around the sites in order to protect public health and the environment.

WP&L records environmental liabilities based upon periodic studies, most
recently updated in the third quarter of 2000, related to the MGP sites. Such
amounts are based on the best current estimate of the remaining amount to be
incurred for investigation, remediation and monitoring costs for those sites
where the investigation process has been or is substantially completed, and the
minimum of the estimated cost range for those sites where the investigation is
in its earlier stages. It is possible that future cost estimates will be greater
than current estimates as the investigation process proceeds and as additional
facts become known. The amounts recognized as liabilities are reduced for
expenditures made and are adjusted as further information develops or
circumstances change. Costs of future


expenditures for environmental remediation obligations are not discounted to
their fair value. Management currently estimates the range of remaining costs to
be incurred for the investigation, remediation and monitoring of all WP&L's
sites to be approximately $4 million to $5 million.

Under the current rate making treatment approved by the PSCW, the MGP
expenditures of WP&L, net of any insurance proceeds, are deferred and collected
from gas customers over a five-year period after new rates are implemented.
Regulatory assets have been recorded by WP&L, which reflect the probable future
rate recovery, where applicable. Considering the current rate treatment, and
assuming no material change therein, WP&L believes that the clean-up costs
incurred for these MGP sites will not have a material adverse effect on its
financial condition or results of operations.

Settlement has been reached with all of WP&L's insurance carriers regarding
reimbursement for its MGP-related costs and all issues have been resolved.
Insurance recoveries available as of both December 31, 2000 and 1999 for WP&L
were $2.1 million. Pursuant to its applicable rate making treatment, WP&L has
recorded its recoveries as an offset against its regulatory assets.

NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 1992--NEPA requires owners of nuclear power plants
to pay a special assessment into a "Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and
Decommissioning Fund." The assessment is based upon prior nuclear fuel
purchases. WP&L recovers the costs associated with
this assessment over the period the costs are assessed. WP&L continues to pursue
relief from this assessment through litigation.

(F) DECOMMISSIONING OF KEWAUNEE--Pursuant to the most recent electric rate case
order, the PSCW allows WP&L to recover $16 million annually for its share of the
cost to decommission Kewaunee. Decommissioning expense is included in
"Depreciation and amortization" in the Consolidated Statements of Income and the
cumulative amount is included in "Accumulated depreciation" on the Consolidated
Balance Sheets to the extent recovered through rates. Additional information
relating to the decommissioning of Kewaunee included in the most recent electric
rate orders was as follows (dollars in millions):

Assumptions relating to current rate recovery amounts:
  WP&L's share of estimated decommissioning cost............        $212.5
  Year dollars in...........................................         2000
  Method to develop estimate................................    Site-specific
  Annual inflation rate.....................................        5.83%
  Decommissioning method....................................  Prompt dismantling
                                                                 and removal
  Year decommissioning to commence..........................         2013
  After-tax return on external investments:
    Qualified...............................................        5.62%
    Non-qualified...........................................        6.97%
External trust fund balance at December 31, 2000............        $195.8
After-tax earnings on external trust funds in 2000..........        $11.3


WP&L is funding all rate recoveries for decommissioning into external trust
funds and funding on a tax-qualified basis to the extent possible. All of the
rate recovery assumptions are subject to change in future regulatory
proceedings. In accordance with its regulatory requirements, WP&L records the
earnings on the external trust funds as interest income with a corresponding
entry to depreciation expense. The earnings accumulate in the external trust
fund balances and in accumulated depreciation on utility plant.

(G) LEGAL PROCEEDINGS--WP&L is involved in legal and administrative proceedings
before various courts and agencies with respect to matters arising in the
ordinary course of business. Although unable to predict the outcome of these
matters, WP&L believes that appropriate reserves have been established and final
disposition of these actions will not have a material adverse effect on its
financial condition or results of operations.


Under joint ownership agreements with other Wisconsin utilities, WP&L has
undivided ownership interests in jointly-owned electric generating stations and
related transmission facilities. Each of the respective owners is responsible
for the financing of its portion of the construction costs. Kilowatt-hour
generation and operating expenses are divided on the same basis as ownership
with each owner reflecting its respective costs in its Consolidated Statements
of Income. Information relative to WP&L's ownership interest in these facilities
at December 31, 2000 is as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                                                    ACCUMULATED    CONSTRUCTION
                                                      OWNERSHIP      PLANT IN      PROVISION FOR     WORK-IN-
                                        FUEL TYPE    INTEREST %       SERVICE      DEPRECIATION      PROGRESS
                                       -----------   -----------   -------------   -------------   ------------

Columbia Energy Center...............     Coal          46.2          $175.4           $103.6         $ 0.5
Edgewater Unit 4.....................     Coal          68.2            53.0             33.6           1.6
Edgewater Unit 5.....................     Coal          75.0           230.2             98.6           0.3
Kewaunee.............................    Nuclear        41.0           136.8            108.1          21.4
                                                                      ------           ------         -----
                                                                      $595.4           $343.9         $23.8
                                                                      ======           ======         =====



WP&L is a regulated domestic utility, serving customers in Wisconsin and
Illinois, and is broken down into three segments: a) electric operations;
b) gas operations; and c) other, which includes the water business and the
unallocated portions of the utility business. Various line items in the
following tables are not allocated to the electric and gas segments for
management reporting purposes and therefore are included in "Other."
Intersegment revenues were not material to WP&L's operations and there was no
single customer whose revenues exceeded 10 percent or more of WP&L's
consolidated revenues. Certain financial information relating to WP&L's
significant business segments is presented below:

                                                              ELECTRIC     GAS       OTHER      TOTAL
                                                              --------   --------   --------   --------
                                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Operating revenue...........................................  $  692.2    $165.2     $  5.0    $  862.4
Depreciation and amortization expense.......................     122.9      15.9        1.1       139.9
Operating income............................................     123.2      12.2        1.7       137.1
Interest expense, net of AFUDC..............................                           39.3        39.3
Net income from equity method subsidiaries..................                           (0.5)       (0.5)
Miscellaneous, net (other than equity income)...............                          (16.0)      (16.0)
Income tax expense..........................................                           42.9        42.9
Net income..................................................                           71.4        71.4
Preferred dividends.........................................                            3.3         3.3
Earnings available for common stock.........................                           68.1        68.1
Total assets................................................   1,344.9     226.1      286.0     1,857.0
Investments in equity method subsidiaries...................                            4.8         4.8
Construction and acquisition expenditures...................     114.2      15.1        2.3       131.6

Operating revenue...........................................  $  626.6    $120.8     $  5.1    $  752.5
Depreciation and amortization expense.......................      97.5      14.5        1.0       113.0
Operating income............................................     139.3      13.8        1.8       154.9
Interest expense, net of AFUDC..............................                           36.5        36.5
Net income from equity method subsidiaries..................                           (0.7)       (0.7)
Miscellaneous, net (other than equity income)...............                            2.5         2.5
Income tax expense..........................................                           45.8        45.8
Net income..................................................                           70.8        70.8
Preferred dividends.........................................                            3.3         3.3
Earnings available for common stock.........................                           67.5        67.5
Total assets................................................   1,310.5     200.3      255.3     1,766.1
Investments in equity method subsidiaries...................                            5.2         5.2
Construction and acquisition expenditures...................     111.2      18.2        2.5       131.9



                                                              ELECTRIC     GAS       OTHER      TOTAL
                                                              --------   --------   --------   --------
                                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Operating revenue...........................................  $  614.7    $111.7     $  5.0    $  731.4
Depreciation and amortization expense.......................     104.7      13.6        0.9       119.2
Operating income............................................      87.4       3.6        1.7        92.7
Interest expense, net of AFUDC..............................                           33.5        33.5
Net income from equity method subsidiaries..................                           (0.8)       (0.8)
Miscellaneous, net (other than equity income)...............                           (0.3)       (0.3)
Income tax expense..........................................                           24.7        24.7
Net income..................................................                           35.6        35.6
Preferred dividends.........................................                            3.3         3.3
Earnings available for common stock.........................                           32.3        32.3
Total assets................................................   1,276.4     195.9      212.9     1,685.2
Investments in equity method subsidiaries...................                            5.2         5.2
Construction and acquisition expenditures...................      99.6      16.0        1.5       117.1


                                                                             QUARTER ENDED
                                                            MARCH 31   JUNE 30    SEPTEMBER 30   DECEMBER 31
                                                            --------   --------   ------------   -----------
                                                                             (IN MILLIONS)
  Operating revenues......................................   $218.8     $193.9       $199.6        $250.1
  Operating income........................................     40.5       25.1         36.9          34.6
  Net income..............................................     21.9       11.3         17.6          20.6
  Earnings available for common stock.....................     21.0       10.5         16.8          19.8

  Operating revenues......................................   $203.0     $167.1       $186.8        $195.6
  Operating income........................................     46.4       21.9         32.5          54.1
  Net income..............................................     26.3        6.9         14.2          23.4
  Earnings available for common stock.....................     25.4        6.1         13.4          22.6


In association with the 1998 merger that resulted in the formation of Alliant
Energy, IESU, WP&L and IPC entered into a System Coordination and Operating
Agreement which became effective with the merger. The agreement, which has been
approved by FERC, provides a contractual basis for coordinated planning,
construction, operation and maintenance of the interconnected electric
generation and transmission systems of the three utility companies. In addition,
the agreement allows the interconnected system to be operated as a single entity
with off-system capacity sales and purchases made to market excess system
capability or to meet system capability deficiencies. Such sales and purchases
are allocated among the three utility companies based on procedures included in
the agreement. The sales amounts allocated to WP&L were $28.6 million,
$23.8 million and $23.6 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The
purchases allocated to WP&L were $130.7 million, $101.0 million and
$70.0 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The procedures were
approved by both the FERC and all state regulatory bodies having jurisdiction
over these sales. Under the agreement, IESU,


WP&L and IPC are fully reimbursed for any generation expense incurred to support
a sale to an affiliate or to a non-affiliate. Any margins on sales to
non-affiliates are distributed to the three utilities in proportion to each
utility's share of electric production at the time of the sale.

Pursuant to a service agreement approved by the SEC under PUHCA, WP&L received
various administrative and general services from an affiliate, Corporate
Services. These services are billed to WP&L at cost based on payroll and other
expenses incurred by Corporate Services for the benefit of WP&L. These costs
totaled $103.4 million, $96.5 million and $53.9 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998,
respectively, and consisted primarily of employee compensation, benefits and
fees associated with various professional services. Corporate Services began
operations in May 1998 upon the consummation of the merger. At December 31, 2000
and 1999, WP&L had an intercompany payable to Corporate Services of
$30.6 million and $24.7 million, respectively.


                             SHAREOWNER INFORMATION

MARKET INFORMATION--The 4.50% series of preferred stock is listed on the
American Stock Exchange, with the trading symbol of WIS_P. All other series of
preferred stock are traded on the over-the-counter market. Seventy-two percent
of WP&L's individual preferred shareowners are Wisconsin residents.

DIVIDEND INFORMATION--Preferred stock dividends paid per share for each quarter
during 2000 were as follows:

SERIES                           DIVIDEND
- ------                           ---------
4.40%..........................  $1.10
4.50%..........................  $1.125
4.76%..........................  $1.19
4.80%..........................  $1.20
4.96%..........................  $1.24
6.20%..........................  $1.55
6.50%..........................  $0.40625

As authorized by the WP&L Board of Directors, preferred stock dividend record
and payment dates normally are as follows:

RECORD DATE                     PAYMENT DATE
- -----------                    --------------
February 28..................  March 15
May 31.......................  June 15
August 31....................  September 15
November 30..................  December 15

Alliant Energy Corporation
Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 2568
Madison, WI 53701-2568

FORM 10-K INFORMATION--A copy of Form 10-K as filed with the SEC will be
provided without charge upon request. Requests may be directed to Shareowner
Services at the above address.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

ERROLL B. DAVIS, JR., 56, was elected Chairman of the Board effective
April 2000 and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) effective April 1998. He previously
served as President and CEO since 1988 and has been a board member since 1984.

WILLIAM D. HARVEY, 51, was elected President effective April 1998. He previously
served as Senior Vice President since 1993.


ELIOT G. PROTSCH, 47, was elected Executive Vice President-Energy Delivery
effective October 1998. He previously served as Senior Vice President from 1993
to 1998.

BARBARA J. SWAN, 49, was elected Executive Vice President and General Counsel
effective October 1998. She previously served as Vice President-General Counsel
from 1994 to 1998.

THOMAS M. WALKER, 53, was elected Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer (CFO) effective October 1998. Prior thereto, he served as Executive Vice
President and CFO since 1996 at IES and IESU.

PAMELA J. WEGNER, 53, was elected Executive Vice President-Corporate Services
effective October 1998. She previously served as Vice President-Information
Services and Administration from 1994 to 1998.

EDWARD M. GLEASON, 60, was elected Vice President-Treasurer and Corporate
Secretary effective April 1998. He previously served as Controller, Treasurer,
and Corporate Secretary since 1996.

DUNDEANA K. LANGER, 42, was elected Vice President-Customer Operations effective
December 2000. She previously served as Vice President-Customer Services and
Operations since September 1999, Vice President-Customer Services from 1998 to
1999, Assistant Vice President-Field Operations from 1997 to 1998 at IESU and
General Manager-Operations & Director Process Redesign Implementation from 1996
to 1997 at IESU.

DANIEL L. MINECK, 52, was elected Vice President-Performance Engineering and
Environmental effective April 1998. He previously served as Assistant Vice
President-Corporate Engineering since 1996 at IESU.

KIM K. ZUHLKE, 47, was elected Vice President-Engineering, Sales & Marketing
effective September 1999. He previously served as Vice President-Customer
Operations since April 1998 and as Vice President-Customer Services and Sales
from 1993 to 1998.

JOHN E. KRATCHMER, 38, was elected Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting
Officer effective October 2000. He previously served as Assistant Controller
since April 1998 at Alliant Energy and as Manager of Financial Reporting and
Property from 1996 to 1998 at IES.

NOTE: None of the executive officers listed above is related to any member of
the Board of Directors or nominee for director or any other executive officer.

Mr. Davis has an employment agreement with Alliant Energy pursuant to which his
term of office is established. All other executive officers have no definite
terms of office and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.


LINDA J. WENTZEL, 52, was elected Assistant Corporate Secretary effective
May 1998. She previously served as Executive Administrative Assistant since 1995
at Alliant Energy.

ENRIQUE BACALAO, 51, was elected Assistant Treasurer effective November 1998.
Prior to joining Alliant Energy, he was Vice President, Corporate Banking from
1995 to 1998 at the Chicago Branch of The Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited.

STEVEN F. PRICE, 48, was elected Assistant Treasurer effective April 1998. He
previously served as Assistant Corporate Secretary since 1992.


                                                Shareowner Services
                                                P.O. Box 2568
                                                [WISCONSIN POWER & LIGHT LOGO]
                                                Madison, WI 53701-2568

                                                SHAREOWNER INFORMATION NUMBERS:

                                              Local Madison, WI: 1-608-252-2110
                                              All Other Areas: 1-800-356-5343

To all Wisconsin Power and Light Company shareowners:

Please take a moment now to vote your shares for the upcoming Annual Meeting of

Below is your 2001 Wisconsin Power and Light Company proxy card. Please read
both sides of the proxy card, note your election, sign and date it. Detach and
return it promptly in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Whether or not you
are attending, we encourage you to vote your shares.

You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareowners on Wednesday, May
30, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. at the Alliant Energy Corporation Headquarters in Room 1A
at 222 West Washington Ave., Madison, Wisconsin.

                Please Fold and Detach Proxy Card at Perforation.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Indicate your vote by an (X) in the appropriate boxes.
                                                   FOR ALL   WITHHOLD  FOR ALL
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                                       FOR ALL   EXCEPT(*)
                                                     / /       / /       / /
Nominees for terms
ending in 2004:
                                             (*) TO WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO VOTE
  01 Jack B. Evans                           FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL NOMINEE, STRIKE
  02 Joyce L. Hanes                          A LINE THROUGH THE NOMINEE'S NAME
  03 David A. Perdue                         IN THE LIST TO THE LEFT AND MARK
  04 Judith D. Pyle                          AN (X) IN THE "For All Except" BOX.



- -----------------------------------------   Important: When signing as attorney,
Signature                     Date          executor, administrator, trustee or
                                            guardian, please give your full
                                            title as such. In the case of
- -----------------------------------------   JOINT HOLDERS, all should sign.
Signature                     Date

     To access the Alliant Energy Annual Report on the Internet, please open our
     site at We encourage you to check out our site to
     see how easy and convenient it is. Click on the Annual Report button. You
     may print or just view this material. Your internet provider may have usage
     charges associated with electronic access.

            (continued and to be signed and dated on the other side.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WISCONSIN POWER & LIGHT                                    P.O. BOX 2568
[LOGO]                                                     MADISON WI 53701-2568

                          WISCONSIN POWER & LIGHT
                               P.O. BOX 2568
                           MADISON WI 53701-2568

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREOWNERS - MAY 30, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The undersigned appoints William D. Harvey, and Edward M. Gleason, or either of
them, attorneys and proxies, with the power of substitution to vote all shares
of stock of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, held of record in the name of the
undersigned at the close of business on April 3, 2001,at the Annual Meeting of
Shareowners of the Company to be held in Room IA at the Alliant Energy
Corporation headquarters, 222 West Washington Ave., Madison, Wisconsin on May
30, 2001 at 1:00 p.m., and at all adjournments thereof, upon all matters that
properly come before the meeting including the matters described in the
Company's Notice of Annual-Meeting of Shareowners dated April 10, 2001 and
accompanying Proxy Statement, subject to any directions indicated on the reverse
side of this card.

This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of Wisconsin Power
and Light Company. This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner
directed herein by the shareowner. If no direction is made, the proxy will vote
"FOR" the election of all listed nominees.