MARCH 1, 2001


                               Table of Contents


INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES.............................................1
INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS........................................................7
CODES OF ETHICS...............................................................14
INVESTMENT ADVISOR............................................................14
SERVICES AGENT................................................................17
CUSTODIAN AND TRANSFER AGENT..................................................18
SHAREHOLDER SERVICING.........................................................18
SERVICE ORGANIZATION..........................................................18
DISTRIBUTION PLAN.............................................................19
INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS.......................................................20
PURCHASE OF SHARES............................................................21
REDEMPTION OF SHARES..........................................................22
EXCHANGE OF SHARES............................................................23
DIVIDENDS AND DISTRIBUTIONS...................................................23
NET ASSET VALUE...............................................................23
PERFORMANCE DATA..............................................................24
PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS........................................................25
MASSACHUSETTS TRUST...........................................................27
DESCRIPTION OF SHARES.........................................................27
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION........................................................32
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..........................................................33
APPENDIX A...................................................................A-1


      This Statement of Additional Information relates only to the J.P. Morgan
Prime Money Market Reserves Fund and the J.P. Morgan Treasury Money Market
Reserves Fund (each, a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds"). Each Fund is a
series of shares of beneficial interest of the J.P. Morgan Institutional Funds,
an open-end management investment company formed as a Massachusetts business
trust (the "Trust"). In addition to the Funds, the Trust consists of other
series representing separate investment funds (each a "J.P. Morgan Institutional
Fund"). The other J.P. Morgan Institutional Funds are covered by separate
Statements of Additional Information.

      This Statement of Additional Information describes the financial history,
investment objective and policies, management and operation of each of the Funds
and provides additional information with respect to the Funds and should be read
in conjunction with the relevant Fund's current Prospectus (the "Prospectus").
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings accorded to
them in the Prospectus. The Funds' executive offices are located at 60 State
Street, Suite 1300, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

      Unlike other mutual funds which directly acquire and manage their own
portfolio of securities, each Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by
investing all of its investable assets in a corresponding Master Portfolio (the
"Portfolio"), a corresponding open-end management investment company having the
same investment objective as the Fund. Each Fund invests in a Portfolio through
a two-tier master-feeder investment fund structure. See "Special Information
Concerning Investment Structure."

      Each Portfolio is advised by J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.
("JPMIM" or the "Advisor").

      Investments in a Fund are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or
endorsed by, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, ("Morgan"), an affiliate
of the Advisor, or any other bank. Shares of a Fund are not federally insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, or any
other governmental agency. An investment in a Fund is subject to risk that may
cause the value of the investment to fluctuate, and when the investment is
redeemed, the value may be higher or lower than the amount originally invested
by the investor.


      The following discussion supplements the information regarding the
investment objective of each Fund and the policies to be employed to achieve the
objective by each Portfolio as set forth in the applicable Prospectus. The
investment objectives of each Fund and the investment objectives of its
corresponding Portfolio are identical. Accordingly, references below to a
Portfolio also include the corresponding Fund; similarly, references to a Fund
also include the corresponding Portfolio unless the context requires otherwise.

      J.P. Morgan Prime Money Market Reserves Fund (the "Prime Money Market
Fund") is designed for investors who seek high current income consistent with
the preservation of capital and same-day liquidity from a portfolio of high
quality money market instruments. The Prime Money Market Fund's investment
objective is to maximize current income consistent with the preservation of
capital and same-day liquidity. The Prime Money Market Fund attempts to achieve
this objective by investing all of its investable assets in The Prime Money
Market Portfolio (the "Prime Money Market Portfolio"), a diversified open-end
management investment company having the same investment objective as the Prime
Money Market Fund.

      The Prime Money Market Portfolio seeks to achieve its investment objective
by maintaining a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of not more than 90
days and by investing in U.S. dollar denominated securities described in this
Statement of Additional Information that meet certain rating criteria, present
minimal credit risk and have effective maturities of not more than thirteen
months. The Portfolio's ability to achieve maximum current income is affected by
its high quality standards. See "Quality and Diversification Requirements."


      J.P. Morgan Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund (the "Treasury Money
Market Fund") is designed for investors who seek high current income consistent
with the preservation of capital and same-day liquidity from a portfolio of high
quality money market instruments. The Treasury Money Market Fund's investment
objective is to provide current income, consistent with the preservation of
capital and same-day liquidity. The Treasury Money Market Fund attempts to
accomplish this objective by investing all of its investable assets in The
Treasury Money Market Portfolio (the "Treasury Money Market Portfolio" and,
together with the Prime Money Market Portfolio, the "Portfolios"), a diversified
open-end management investment company having the same investment objective as
the Treasury Money Market Fund.

      The Treasury Money Market Portfolio attempts to achieve its investment
objective by maintaining a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of not
more than 90 days and by investing in U.S. Treasury securities and related
repurchase agreement transactions as described in this Statement of Additional
Information that have effective maturities of not more than thirteen months. See
"Quality and Diversification Requirements."

Money Market Instruments

      A description of the various types of money market instruments that may be
purchased by the Funds appears below. Also see "Quality and Diversification

      U.S. Treasury Securities. Each of the Funds may invest in direct
obligations of the U.S. Treasury, including Treasury bills, notes and bonds, all
of which are backed as to principal and interest payments by the full faith and
credit of the United States.

      Additional U.S. Government Obligations. The Prime Money Market Fund may
invest in obligations issued or guaranteed by U.S. Government agencies or
instrumentalities. These obligations may or may not be backed by the "full faith
and credit" of the United States. Securities which are backed by the full faith
and credit of the United States include obligations of the Government National
Mortgage Association, the Farmers Home Administration, and the Export-Import
Bank. In the case of securities not backed by the full faith and credit of the
United States, each Fund must look principally to the federal agency issuing or
guaranteeing the obligation for ultimate repayment and may not be able to assert
a claim against the United States itself in the event the agency or
instrumentality does not meet its commitments. Securities in which each Fund may
invest that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States
include, but are not limited to: (i) obligations of the Tennessee Valley
Authority, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal Home Loan
Banks and the U.S. Postal Service, each of which has the right to borrow from
the U.S. Treasury to meet its obligations; (ii) securities issued by the Federal
National Mortgage Association, which are supported by the discretionary
authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency's obligations; and (iii)
obligations of the Federal Farm Credit System and the Student Loan Marketing
Association, each of whose obligations may be satisfied only by the individual
credits of the issuing agency.

      Foreign Government Obligations. The Prime Money Market Fund, subject to
its applicable investment policies, may also invest in short-term obligations of
foreign sovereign governments or of their agencies, instrumentalities,
authorities or political subdivisions. See "Foreign Investments." These
securities must be denominated in the U.S. dollar.

      Bank Obligations. The Prime Money Market Fund, unless otherwise noted in
the Prospectus or below, may invest in negotiable certificates of deposit, time
deposits and bankers' acceptances of (i) banks, savings and loan associations
and savings banks which have more than $2 billion in total assets and are
organized under the laws of the United States or any state, (ii) foreign
branches of these banks or of foreign banks of equivalent size (Euros) and (iii)
U.S. branches of foreign banks of equivalent size (Yankees). The Prime Money
Market Fund will not invest in obligations for which the Advisor, or any of its
affiliated persons, is the ultimate obligor or accepting bank. The Prime Money
Market Fund may also invest in obligations of international banking institutions
designated or


supported by national governments to promote economic reconstruction,
development or trade between nations (e.g., the European Investment Bank, the
Inter-American Development Bank, or the World Bank).

      Commercial Paper. The Prime Money Market Fund may invest in commercial
paper, including master demand obligations. Master demand obligations are
obligations that provide for a periodic adjustment in the interest rate paid and
permit daily changes in the amount borrowed. Master demand obligations are
governed by agreements between the issuer and Morgan acting as agent, for no
additional fee. The monies loaned to the borrower come from accounts managed by
Morgan or its affiliates, pursuant to arrangements with such accounts. Interest
and principal payments are credited to such accounts. Morgan, an affiliate of
the Advisor, has the right to increase or decrease the amount provided to the
borrower under an obligation. The borrower has the right to pay without penalty
all or any part of the principal amount then outstanding on an obligation
together with interest to the date of payment. Since these obligations typically
provide that the interest rate is tied to the Federal Reserve commercial paper
composite rate, the rate on master demand obligations is subject to change.
Repayment of a master demand obligation to participating accounts depends on the
ability of the borrower to pay the accrued interest and principal of the
obligation on demand which is continuously monitored by Morgan. Since master
demand obligations typically are not rated by credit rating agencies, the Prime
Money Market Fund may invest in such unrated obligations only if at the time of
an investment the obligation is determined by the Advisor to have a credit
quality which satisfies the Prime Money Market Fund's quality restrictions. See
"Quality and Diversification Requirements." Although there is no secondary
market for master demand obligations, such obligations are considered by the
Prime Money Market Fund to be liquid because they are payable upon demand. The
Prime Money Market Fund does not have any specific percentage limitation on
investments in master demand obligations. It is possible that the issuer of a
master demand obligation could be a client of Morgan to whom Morgan, in its
capacity as a commercial bank, has made a loan.

      Asset-backed Securities. The Prime Money Market Fund may also invest in
securities generally referred to as asset-backed securities, which directly or
indirectly represent a participation interest in, or are secured by and payable
from, a stream of payments generated by particular assets, such as motor vehicle
or credit card receivables or other asset-backed securities collateralized by
such assets. Asset-backed securities provide periodic payments that generally
consist of both interest and principle payments. Consequently, the life of an
asset-backed security varies with the prepayment experience of the underlying
obligations. Payments of principal and interest may be guaranteed up to certain
amounts and for a certain time period by a letter of credit issued by a
financial institution unaffiliated with the entities issuing the securities. The
asset-backed securities in which a Fund may invest are subject to the Fund's
overall credit requirements. However, asset-backed securities, in general, are
subject to certain risks. Most of these risks are related to limited interests
in applicable collateral. For example, credit card debt receivables are
generally unsecured and the debtors are entitled to the protection of a number
of state and federal consumer credit laws, many of which give such debtors the
right to set off certain amounts on credit card debt thereby reducing the
balance due. Additionally, if the letter of credit is exhausted, holders of
asset-backed securities may also experience delays in payments or losses if the
full amounts due on underlying sales contracts are not realized. Because
asset-backed securities are relatively new, the market experience in these
securities is limited and the market's ability to sustain liquidity through all
phases of the market cycle has not been tested.

      Repurchase Agreements. Each of the Funds may enter into repurchase
agreements with brokers, dealers or banks that meet the Advisor's credit
guidelines. In a repurchase agreement, a Fund buys a security from a seller that
has agreed to repurchase the same security at a mutually agreed upon date and
price. The resale price normally is in excess of the purchase price, reflecting
an agreed upon interest rate. This interest rate is effective for the period of
time the Fund is invested in the agreement and is not related to the coupon rate
on the underlying security. A repurchase agreement may also be viewed as a fully
collateralized loan of money by a Fund to the seller. The period of these
repurchase agreements will usually be short, from overnight to one week, and at
no time will any Fund invest in repurchase agreements for more than thirteen
months. The securities which are subject to repurchase agreements, however, may
have maturity dates in excess of thirteen months from the effective date of the
repurchase agreement. The Treasury Money Market Fund will only enter into
repurchase agreements involving U.S. Treasury securities. The Funds will always
receive securities as collateral whose market value is, and during the entire
term of


the agreement remains, at least equal to 100% of the dollar amount invested by
the Funds in each agreement plus accrued interest, and the Funds will make
payment for such securities only upon physical delivery or upon evidence of book
entry transfer to the account of the Custodian. Each Fund will be fully
collateralized within the meaning of paragraph (a)(4) of Rule 2a-7 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"). If the seller
defaults, a Fund might incur a loss if the value of the collateral securing the
repurchase agreement declines and might incur disposition costs in connection
with liquidating the collateral. In addition, if bankruptcy proceedings are
commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization upon disposal
of the collateral by a Fund may be delayed or limited.

      The Prime Money Market Fund may make investments in other debt securities
with remaining effective maturities of not more than thirteen months, including,
without limitation, corporate and foreign bonds and other obligations described
in the Prospectus or this Statement of Additional Information.

Foreign Investments

      The Prime Money Market Fund may invest in certain foreign securities. All
investments must be U.S. dollar-denominated. Investment in securities of foreign
issuers and in obligations of foreign branches of domestic banks involves
somewhat different investment risks from those affecting securities of U.S.
domestic issuers. There may be limited publicly available information with
respect to foreign issuers, and foreign issuers are not generally subject to
uniform accounting, auditing and financial standards and requirements comparable
to those applicable to domestic companies. Any foreign commercial paper must not
be subject to foreign withholding tax at the time of purchase.

      Investors should realize that the value of the Fund's investments in
foreign securities may be adversely affected by changes in political or social
conditions, diplomatic relations, confiscatory taxation, expropriation,
nationalization, limitation on the removal of funds or assets, or imposition of
(or change in) exchange control or tax regulations in those foreign countries.
In addition, changes in government administrations or economic or monetary
policies in the United States or abroad could result in appreciation or
depreciation of portfolio securities and could favorably or unfavorably affect
the Fund's operations. Furthermore, the economies of individual foreign nations
may differ from the U.S. economy, whether favorably or unfavorably, in areas
such as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital
reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position; it may
also be more difficult to obtain and enforce a judgment against a foreign
issuer. Any foreign investments made by the Fund must be made in compliance with
U.S. and foreign currency restrictions and tax laws restricting the amounts and
types of foreign investments.

Additional Investments

      Municipal Bonds. The Prime Money Market Fund may invest in municipal bonds
issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United
States and the District of Columbia and their Political subdivisions, agencies,
authorities and instrumentalities. The Prime Money Market Fund may also invest
in municipal notes of various types, including notes issued in anticipation of
receipt of taxes, the proceeds of the sale of bonds, other revenues or grant
proceeds, as well as municipal commercial paper and municipal demand obligations
such as variable rate demand notes and master demand obligations. These
municipal bonds and notes will be taxable securities; income generated from
these investments will be subject to federal, state and local taxes.

      When-Issued and Delayed Delivery Securities. Each of the Funds may
purchase securities on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis. For example,
delivery of and payment for these securities can take place a month or more
after the date of the purchase commitment. The purchase price and the interest
rate payable, if any, on the securities are fixed on the purchase commitment
date or at the time the settlement date is fixed. The value of such securities
is subject to market fluctuation and for money market instruments and other
fixed income securities, no interest accrues to a Fund until settlement takes
place. At the time a Fund makes the commitment to purchase securities on a
when-issued or delayed delivery basis, it will record the transaction, reflect
the value each day of such securities in determining its net asset value and, if
applicable, calculate the maturity for the purposes of average


maturity from that date. At the time of settlement a when-issued security may be
valued at less than the purchase price. To facilitate such acquisitions, each
Fund will maintain with the Custodian a segregated account with liquid assets,
consisting of cash, U.S. Government securities or other appropriate securities,
in an amount at least equal to such commitments. On delivery dates for such
transactions, each Fund will meet its obligations from maturities or sales of
the securities held in the segregated account and/or from cash flow. If a Fund
chooses to dispose of the right to acquire a when-issued security prior to its
acquisition, it could, as with the disposition of any other portfolio
obligation, incur a gain or loss due to market fluctuation. Also, a Fund may be
disadvantaged if the other party to the transactions defaults.

      Investment Company Securities. Securities of other investment companies
may be acquired by each of the Funds and their corresponding Portfolios to the
extent permitted under the 1940 Act or any order pursuant thereto. These limits
currently require that, as determined immediately after a purchase is made, (i)
not more than 5% of the value of a Fund's total assets will be invested in the
securities of any one investment company, (ii) not more than 10% of the value of
its total assets will be invested in the aggregate in securities of investment
companies as a group, and (iii) not more than 3% of the outstanding voting stock
of any one investment company will be owned by a Fund, provided however, that a
Fund may invest all of its investable assets in an open-end investment company
that has the same investment objective as the Fund (its corresponding
Portfolio). As a shareholder of another investment company, a Fund or Portfolio
would bear, along with other shareholders, its pro rata portion of the other
investment company's expenses, including advisory fees. These expenses would be
in addition to the advisory and other expenses that a Fund or Portfolio bears
directly in connection with its own operations.

      Reverse Repurchase Agreements. Each of the Funds may enter into reverse
repurchase agreements. In a reverse repurchase agreement, a Fund sells a
security and agrees to repurchase the same security at a mutually agreed upon
date and price reflecting the interest rate effective for the term of the
agreement. For purposes of the 1940 Act a reverse repurchase agreement is also
considered as the borrowing of money by the Fund and, therefore, a form of
leverage. Leverage may cause any gains or losses for a Fund to be magnified. The
Funds will invest the proceeds of borrowings under reverse repurchase
agreements. In addition, except for liquidity purposes, a Fund will enter into a
reverse repurchase agreement only when the expected return from the investment
of the proceeds is greater than the expense of the transaction. A Fund will not
invest the proceeds of a reverse repurchase agreement for a period which exceeds
the duration of the reverse repurchase agreement. Each Fund will establish and
maintain with the custodian a separate account with a segregated portfolio of
securities in an amount at least equal to its purchase obligations under its
reverse repurchase agreements. All forms of borrowing (including reverse
repurchase agreements and securities lending) are limited in aggregate and may
not exceed 33-1/3% of the Funds' total assets.

      Loans of Portfolio Securities. Each of the Funds may lend its securities
if such loans are secured continuously by cash or equivalent collateral or by a
letter of credit in favor of the Fund at least equal at all times to 100% of the
market value of the securities loaned, plus accrued interest. While such
securities are on loan, the borrower will pay the Fund any income accruing
thereon. Loans will be subject to termination by the Funds in the normal
settlement time, generally three business days after notice, or by the borrower
on one day's notice. Borrowed securities must be returned when the loan is
terminated. Any gain or loss in the market price of the borrowed securities
which occurs during the term of the loan inures to a Fund and its respective
investors. The Funds may pay reasonable finders' and custodial fees in
connection with a loan. In addition, a Fund will consider all facts and
circumstances including the creditworthiness of the borrowing financial
institution, and no Fund will make any loans in excess of one year. The risks to
each Fund with respect to borrowers of its portfolio securities are similar to
the risks to the Funds with respect to sellers in repurchase agreement
transactions. See "Repurchase Agreements". The Funds will not lend their
securities to any officer, Trustee, Member of the Advisory Board, Director,
employee or other affiliate of the Funds, the Advisor or the Distributor, unless
otherwise permitted by applicable law. All forms of borrowing (including reverse
repurchase agreements and securities lending) are limited in aggregate and may
not exceed 33-1/3% of the Funds' total assets.

      Illiquid Investments, Privately Placed and Certain Unregistered
Securities. The Prime Money Market Fund may invest in privately placed,
restricted, Rule 144A or other unregistered securities. It may not acquire any


illiquid holdings if, as a result thereof, more than 10% of its net assets would
be in illiquid investments. Subject to this fundamental policy limitation, the
Fund may acquire investments that are illiquid or have limited liquidity, such
as private placements or investments that are not registered under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") and cannot be offered for
public sale in the United States without first being registered under the 1933
Act. An illiquid investment is any investment that cannot be disposed of within
seven days in the normal course of business at approximately the amount at which
it is valued by the Fund. The price the Fund pays for illiquid securities or
receives upon resale may be lower than the price paid or received for similar
securities with a more liquid market. Accordingly the valuation of these
securities will reflect any limitations on their liquidity.

      The Prime Money Market Fund may also purchase Rule 144A securities sold to
institutional investors without registration under the 1933 Act. These
securities may be determined to be liquid in accordance with guidelines
established by the Advisor and approved by the Trustees. The Trustees will
monitor the Advisor's implementation of these guidelines on a periodic basis.

      As to illiquid investments, a Fund is subject to a risk that should the
Fund decide to sell them when a ready buyer is not available at a price the Fund
deems representative of their value, the value of the Fund's net assets could be
adversely affected. Where an illiquid security must be registered under the 1933
Act, before it may be sold, a Fund may be obligated to pay all or part of the
registration expenses, and a considerable period may elapse between the time of
the decision to sell and the time the Fund may be permitted to sell a security
under an effective registration statement. If, during such a period, adverse
market conditions were to develop, a Fund might obtain a less favorable price
than prevailed when it decided to sell.

      Synthetic Instruments. The Prime Money Market Fund may invest in certain
synthetic instruments. Such instruments generally involve the deposit of
asset-backed securities in a trust arrangement and the issuance of certificates
evidencing interests in the trust. The certificates are generally sold in
private placements in reliance on Rule 144A. The Advisor will review the
structure of synthetic instruments to identify credit and liquidity risks and
will monitor those risks. See "Illiquid Investments, Privately Placed and
Certain Unregistered Securities".

Quality and Diversification Requirements

      Each of the Funds intends to meet the diversification requirements of the
1940 Act. Current 1940 Act requirements require that with respect to 75% of the
assets of each Fund are subject to the following fundamental limitations: (1)
the Fund may not invest more than 5% of its total assets in the securities of
any one issuer, except obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, and (2) the Fund may not own more than 10% of the outstanding
voting securities of any one issuer. As for the other 25% of the Fund's assets
not subject to the limitation described above, there is no limitation on
investment of these assets under the 1940 Act, so that all of such assets may be
invested in securities of any one issuer. Investments not subject to the
limitations described above could involve an increased risk to a Fund should an
issuer, or a state or its related entities, be unable to make interest or
principal payments or should the market value of such securities decline.

      At the time any of the Funds invest in any taxable commercial paper,
master demand obligation, bank obligation or repurchase agreement, the issuer
must have outstanding debt rated A or higher by Moody's or Standard & Poor's,
the issuer's parent corporation, if any, must have outstanding commercial paper
rated Prime-1 by Moody's or A-1 by Standard & Poor's, or if no such ratings are
available, the investment must be of comparable quality in Morgan's opinion.

      Prime Money Market Fund. In order to achieve its investment objective and
maintain a stable net asset value, the Prime Money Market Fund will (i) limit
its investment in the securities (other than U.S. Government securities) of any
one issuer to no more than 5% of its assets, measured at the time of purchase,
except for investments held for not more than three business days; and (ii)
limit investments to securities that present minimal credit risks and securities
(other than U.S. Government securities) that are rated within the highest
short-term rating category by at least two nationally recognized statistical
rating organizations ("NRSROs") or by the only NRSRO


that has rated the security. Securities which originally had a maturity of over
one year are subject to more complicated, but generally similar rating
requirements. A description of illustrative credit ratings is set forth in
"Appendix A." The Fund may also purchase unrated securities that are of
comparable quality to the rated securities described above. Additionally, if the
issuer of a particular security has issued other securities of comparable
priority and security and which have been rated in accordance with (ii) above,
that security will be deemed to have the same rating as such other rated

      In addition, the Board of Trustees has adopted procedures which (i)
require the Board of Trustees to approve or ratify purchases by the Fund of
securities (other than U.S. Government securities) that are unrated;(ii) require
the Fund to maintain a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of not more
than 90 days and to invest only in securities with a remaining maturity of not
more than thirteen months; and (iii) require the Fund, in the event of certain
downgradings of or defaults on portfolio holdings, to dispose of the holding,
subject in certain circumstances to a finding by the Trustees that disposing of
the holding would not be in the Fund's best interest.

      Treasury Money Market Fund. In order to achieve its investment objective
and maintain a stable net asset value, the Treasury Money Market Fund will limit
its investments to direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury, including Treasury
bills, notes and bonds, and related repurchase agreement transactions, each
having a remaining maturity of not more than thirteen months at the time of
purchase and will maintain a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of not
more than 90 days.


      The investment restrictions of each Fund and its corresponding Portfolio
are identical, unless otherwise specified. Accordingly, references below to a
Fund also include the Fund's corresponding Portfolio unless the context requires
otherwise; similarly, references to a Portfolio also include its corresponding
Fund unless the context requires otherwise.

      The investment restrictions below have been adopted by the Trust with
respect to each Fund and, except as noted, by each corresponding Portfolio.
Except where otherwise noted, these investment restrictions are "fundamental"
policies which, under the 1940 Act, may not be changed without the vote of a
majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund or Portfolio, as the
case may be. A "majority of the outstanding voting securities" is defined in the
1940 Act as the lesser of (a) 67% or more of the voting securities present at a
meeting if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities are
present or represented by proxy, or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting
securities. The percentage limitations contained in the restrictions below apply
at the time of the purchase of securities. Whenever a Fund is requested to vote
on a change in the fundamental investment restrictions of its corresponding
Portfolio, the Trust will hold a meeting of Fund shareholders and will cast its
votes as instructed by the Fund's shareholders.

      The Prime Money Market Fund and its corresponding Portfolio:

1. May not make any investment inconsistent with the Fund's classification as a
diversified investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940;

2. May not purchase any security which would cause the Fund to concentrate its
investments in the securities of issuers primarily engaged in any particular
industry except as permitted by the SEC. This restriction does not apply to
instruments considered to be domestic bank money market instruments;

3. May not issue senior securities, except as permitted under the Investment
Company Act of 1940 or any rule, order or interpretation thereunder;

4. May not borrow money, except to the extent permitted by applicable law;


5. May not underwrite securities of other issuers, except to the extent that the
Fund, in disposing of portfolio securities, may be deemed an underwriter within
the meaning of the 1933 Act;

6. May not purchase or sell real estate, except that, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, the Fund may (a) invest in securities or other instruments
directly or indirectly secured by real estate, and (b) invest in securities or
other instruments issued by issuers that invest in real estate;

7. May not purchase or sell commodities or commodity contracts unless acquired
as a result of ownership of securities or other instruments issued by persons
that purchase or sell commodities or commodities contracts; but this shall not
prevent the Fund from purchasing, selling and entering into financial futures
contracts (including futures contracts on indices of securities, interest rates
and currencies), options on financial futures contracts (including futures
contracts on indices of securities, interest rates and currencies), warrants,
swaps, forward contracts, foreign currency spot and forward contracts or other
derivative instruments that are not related to physical commodities; and

8. May make loans to other persons, in accordance with the Fund's investment
objective and policies and to the extent permitted by applicable law.

      The Treasury Money Market Fund may not:

1. Enter into reverse repurchase agreements which together with any other
borrowing exceed in the aggregate one-third of the market value of the Fund's or
the Portfolio's total assets, less liabilities other than the obligations
created by reverse repurchase agreements;

2. Borrow money, except in amounts not to exceed one third of the Fund's total
assets (including the amount borrowed) less liabilities (other than borrowings)
(i) from banks for temporary or short-term purposes or for the clearance of
transactions, (ii) in connection with the redemption of Fund shares or to
finance failed settlements of portfolio trades without immediately liquidating
portfolio securities or other assets, (iii) in order to fulfill commitments or
plans to purchase additional securities pending the anticipated sale of other
portfolio securities or assets and (iv) pursuant to reverse repurchase
agreements entered into by the Fund.(1)

3. Purchase the securities or other obligations of any one issuer if,
immediately after such purchase, more than 5% of the value of the Fund's or the
Portfolio's total assets would be invested in securities or other obligations of
any one such issuer; provided, however, that the Fund may invest all or part of
its investable assets in an open-end management investment company with the same
investment objective and restrictions as the Fund. This limitation also shall
not apply to issues of the U.S. Government and repurchase agreements related

4. Purchase the securities or other obligations of issuers conducting their
principal business activity in the same industry if, immediately after such
purchase, the value of its investment in such industry would exceed 25% of the
value of the Fund's or the Portfolio's total assets; provided, however, that the
Fund may invest all or part of its assets in an open-end management investment
company with the same investment objective and restrictions as the Fund. For
purposes of industry concentration, there is no percentage limitation with
respect to investments in U.S. Government securities and repurchase agreements
related thereto;

5. Make loans, except through purchasing or holding debt obligations, repurchase
agreements, or loans of portfolio securities in accordance with the Fund's or
the Portfolio's investment objective and policies (see "Investment Objectives
and Policies");

- --------
      (1) Although the Fund is permitted to fulfill plans to purchase additional
securities pending the anticipated sale of other portfolio securities or assets,
the Fund has no current intention of engaging in this form of leverage.


6. Purchase or sell puts, calls, straddles, spreads, or any combination thereof,
real estate, commodities, or commodity contracts or interests in oil, gas, or
mineral exploration or development programs;

7. Purchase securities on margin, make short sales of securities, or maintain a
short position, provided that this restriction shall not be deemed to be
applicable to the purchase or sale of when-issued securities or of securities
for delivery at a future date;

8. Acquire securities of other investment companies, except as permitted by the
1940 Act or in connection with a merger, consolidation, reorganization,
acquisition of assets or an offer of exchange; provided, however, that nothing
in this investment restriction shall prevent the Trust from investing all or
part of the Fund's assets in an open-end management investment company with the
same investment objective and restrictions as the Fund;

9. Act as an underwriter of securities; or

10. Issue senior securities, except as may otherwise be permitted by the
foregoing investment restrictions or under the 1940 Act or any rule, order or
interpretation thereunder.

      The Treasury Money Market Fund's Portfolio has adopted substantially
similar fundamental investment restrictions, except investment restrictions
numbered 7 and 8 above are non-fundamental at the Portfolio level. Any
differences are not expected to materially impact portfolio management.

      Non-Fundamental Investment Restrictions - Prime Money Market Fund. The
investment restrictions described below are not fundamental policies of the
Funds and their corresponding Portfolios and may be changed by their Trustees.
These non-fundamental investment policies require that the Funds and their
corresponding Portfolios:

(i)   May not acquire any illiquid securities, such as repurchase agreements
      with more than seven days to maturity or fixed time deposits with a
      duration of over seven calendar days, if as a result thereof, more than
      10% of the market value of the Fund's total assets would be in investments
      which are illiquid;

(ii)  May not purchase securities on margin, make short sales of securities, or
      maintain a short position, provided that this restriction shall not be
      deemed to be applicable to the purchase or sale of when-issued or delayed
      delivery securities.

(iii) May not acquire securities of other investment companies, except as
      permitted by the 1940 Act or any order pursuant thereto.

(iv)  The Prime Money Market Fund may not borrow money, except from banks for
      extraordinary or emergency purposes and then only in amounts not to exceed
      10% of the value of the Fund's total assets, taken at cost, at the time of
      such borrowing. Mortgage, pledge, or hypothecate any assets except in
      connection with any such borrowing and in amounts not to exceed 10% of the
      value of the Fund's net assets at the time of such borrowing. The Fund
      will not purchase securities while borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's
      total assets; provided, however, that the Fund may increase its interest
      in an open-end management investment company with the same investment
      objective and restrictions as the Fund while such borrowings are
      outstanding. This borrowing provision is included to facilitate the
      orderly sale of portfolio securities, for example, in the event of
      abnormally heavy redemption requests, and is not for investment purposes
      and shall not apply to reverse repurchase agreements.


      Non-Fundamental Investment Restrictions - Treasury Money Market Fund. The
investment restriction described below is not a fundamental policy of the Fund
or the Portfolio and may be changed by their respective Trustees. This
non-fundamental investment policy requires that Fund may not:

(i) acquire any illiquid securities, such as repurchase agreements with more
than seven days to maturity or fixed time deposits with a duration of over seven
calendar days, if as a result thereof, more than 10% of the Fund's net assets
would be in investments that are illiquid.

      There will be no violation of any investment restriction if that
restriction is complied with at the time the relevant action is taken
notwithstanding a later change in market value of an investment, in net or total
assets, in the securities rating of the investment, or any other later change.

      For purposes of fundamental investment restrictions regarding industry
concentration, the Advisor may classify issuers by industry in accordance with
classifications set forth in the Directory of Companies Filing Annual Reports
With The Securities and Exchange Commission or other sources. In the absence of
such classification or if the Advisor determines in good faith based on its own
information that the economic characteristics affecting a particular issuer make
it more appropriately considered to be engaged in a different industry, the
Advisor may classify accordingly. For instance, personal credit finance
companies and business credit finance companies are deemed to be separate
industries and wholly owned finance companies are considered to be in the
industry of their parents if their activities are primarily related to financing
the activities of their parents.



      The mailing address of the Trustees of the Trust, who are also the
Trustees of each of the Portfolios and the other Master Portfolios, as defined
below, their names, principal occupations during the past five years and dates
of birth are set forth below. The mailing address is c/o Pierpont Group, Inc.,
461 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10017.

      Frederick S. Addy -- Trustee; Retired; Former Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, Amoco Corporation. His date of birth is January 1,

      William G. Burns -- Trustee; Retired; Former Vice Chairman and Chief
Financial Officer, NYNEX. His date of birth is November 2, 1932.

      Arthur C. Eschenlauer -- Trustee; Retired; Former Senior Vice President,
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York. His date of birth is May 23, 1934.


      Matthew Healey* -- Trustee; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer;
Chairman, Pierpont Group, Inc. ("Pierpont Group") since prior to 1996. His date
of birth is August 23, 1937.

      Michael P. Mallardi -- Trustee; Retired; Prior to April 1996, Senior Vice
President, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. and President, Broadcast Group. His date of
birth is March 17, 1934.

      A majority of the disinterested Trustees have adopted written procedures
reasonably appropriate to deal with potential conflicts of interest arising from
the fact that the same individuals are Trustees of the Trust, each of the
Portfolios and the J.P. Morgan Institutional Funds up to and including creating
a separate board of trustees.

      Each Trustee is currently paid an annual fee of $75,000 for serving as
Trustee of the Trust, each of the Master Portfolios (as defined below), the J.P.
Morgan Institutional Funds and J.P. Morgan Series Trust and is reimbursed for
expenses incurred in connection with service as a Trustee. The Trustees may hold
various other directorships unrelated to these funds.

      Trustee compensation expenses paid by the Trust for the calendar year
ended December 31, 2000 are set forth below.

                                                         TOTAL TRUSTEE COMPENSATION
                                                         ACCRUED BY THE MASTER
                                   AGGREGATE TRUSTEE     PORTFOLIOS(1),  J.P. MORGAN
                                   COMPENSATION          FUNDS, J.P. MORGAN SERIES
                                   PAID BY THE           TRUST AND THE TRUST DURING
NAME OF TRUSTEE                    TRUST DURING 2000     2000(2)
- ---------------                    -----------------     ---------------------------
Frederick S. Addy, Trustee         $23,538               $75,000

William G. Burns, Trustee          $23,538               $75,000

Arthur C. Eschenlauer, Trustee     $23,538               $75,000

Matthew Healey, Trustee(3),
  Chairman and Chief Executive
  Officer                          $23,538               $75,000

Michael P. Mallardi, Trustee       $23,538               $75,000

      (1) Includes the Portfolios and 17 other portfolios (collectively, the
      "Master Portfolios") for which JPMIM acts as investment adviser.

      (2) No investment company within the fund complex has a pension or
      retirement plan. Currently there are 22 investment companies (composed of
      19 investment companies comprising the Master Portfolios, the J.P. Morgan
      Funds, the Trust and J.P. Morgan Series Trust) in the fund complex.

      (3) During 2000, Pierpont Group, Inc. paid Mr. Healey, in his role as
      Chairman of Pierpont Group, Inc., compensation in the amount of $200,000,
      contributed $25,500 to a defined contribution plan on his behalf and paid
      $18,400 in insurance premiums for his benefit.

      The Trustees decide upon general policies and are responsible for
overseeing the Trust's and Portfolio's business affairs. Each of the Portfolios
and the Trust has entered into a Fund Services Agreement with Pierpont Group,
Inc. to assist the Trustees in exercising their overall supervisory
responsibilities over the affairs of the Portfolios and the Trust. Pierpont
Group, Inc. was organized in July 1989 to provide services for The Pierpont
Family of Funds (now the J.P. Morgan Family of Funds), and the Trustees are the
equal and sole shareholders of Pierpont Group, Inc. The Trust and the Portfolios
have agreed to pay Pierpont Group, Inc. a fee that is equal to the Trust's and
Portfolio's allocated share of Pierpont Group, Inc.'s reasonable costs in
performing these services to the Trust, the Portfolios and certain other
registered investment companies subject to similar agreements with Pierpont
Group, Inc. These costs are periodically reviewed by the Trustees. The principal
offices of Pierpont Group, Inc. are located at 461 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
York 10017.

- ----------
* Mr. Healey is an "interested person" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Trust


      The aggregate fees paid to Pierpont Group, Inc. by each Fund and its
corresponding Portfolio during the indicated fiscal periods are set forth below:

The Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999
(commencement of operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year
ended November 30, 2000: $1,203 and $4,613, respectively.

The Prime Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended November 30,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $173,032, $228,328 and $268,198, respectively.

The Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999
(commencement of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year
ended October 31, 2000: $551 and $3,493, respectively.

The Treasury Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended October 31,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $15,548, $17,351 and $16,550, respectively.

Members of the Advisory Board

      The Trustees determined as of January 26, 2000 to establish an advisory
board and appoint four members ("Members of the Advisory Board") thereto. Each
member serves at the pleasure of the Trustees. The advisory board is distinct
from the Trustees and provides advice to the Trustees as to investment,
management and operations of the Trust; but has no power to vote upon any matter
put to a vote of the Trustees. The advisory board and the members thereof also
serve each of the Trusts and the Master Portfolios. The creation of the Advisory
Board and the appointment of the members thereof was designed (i) so that the
Board of Trustees will continuously consist of persons able to assume the duties
of Trustees and be fully familiar with the business and affairs of each of the
Trusts and the Master Portfolios, in anticipation of the current Trustees
reaching the mandatory retirement age of seventy and (ii) with the intention
that the Members of the Advisory Board held be proposed for election as Trustees
at a shareholder meeting to be held prior to the retirement. Each member of the
Advisory Board is paid an annual fee of $75,000 for serving in this capacity for
the Trust, each of the Master Portfolios, the J.P. Morgan Funds and the J.P.
Morgan Series Trust and is reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection for
such service. The members of the Advisory Board may hold various other
directorships unrelated to these funds. The mailing address of the Members of
the Advisory Board is c/o Pierpont Group, Inc., 461 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
York 10017. Their names, principal occupations during the past five years and
dates of birth are set forth below:

      Ann Maynard Gray - Former President, Diversified Publishing Group and Vice
President, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. Her date of birth is August 22, 1945.

      John R. Laird -- Retired; Former Chief Executive Officer, Shearson Lehman
Brothers and The Boston Company. His date of birth is June 21, 1942.

      Gerard P. Lynch** -- Retired; Former Managing Director, Morgan Stanley
Group and President and Chief Operating Officer, Morgan Stanley Services, Inc.
His date of birth is October 5, 1936.

      James J. Schonbachler -- Retired; Prior to September, 1998, Managing
Director, Bankers Trust Company and Chief Executive Officer and Director,
Bankers Trust A.G., Zurich and BT Brokerage Corp. His date of birth is January
26, 1943.


- ----------
** Mr. Lynch may be deemed an "interest person" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of
the Advisor due to his son's affiliation with an affiliate.


      The Trust's and Portfolios' executive officers (listed below), other than
the Chief Executive Officer, are provided and compensated by Funds Distributor,
Inc. ("FDI"), a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Boston Institutional Group,
Inc. The officers conduct and supervise the business operations of the Trust and
the Portfolios. The Trust and the Portfolios have no employees.

      The officers of the Trust and the Portfolios, their principal occupations
during the past five years and dates of birth are set forth below. Unless
otherwise specified, each officer holds the same position with the Trust and
each Portfolio. The business address of each of the officers unless otherwise
noted is Funds Distributor, Inc., 60 State Street, Suite 1300, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109.

      MATTHEW HEALEY; Chief Executive Officer; Chairman, Pierpont Group, since
prior to 1996. His address is c/o Pierpont Group, Inc., 461 Fifth Avenue, New
York, New York 10017. His date of birth is August 23, 1937.

      MARGARET W. CHAMBERS; Vice President and Secretary. Vice President and
Secretary. Executive Vice President and General Counsel of FDI since April of
1998. From August 1996 to March 1998, Ms. Chambers was Vice President and
Assistant General Counsel for Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. From January 1986
to July 1996, she was an associate with the law firm of Ropes & Gray. Her date
of birth is October 12, 1959.

      MATTHEW HEALEY; Chief Executive Officer; Chairman, Pierpont Group, since
prior to 1996. His address is c/o Pierpont Group, Inc., 461 Fifth Avenue, New
York, New York 10017. His date of birth is August 23, 1937.

      MARGARET W. CHAMBERS; Vice President and Secretary. Executive Vice
President and General Counsel of FDI since April of 1998. From August 1996 to
March 1998, Ms. Chambers was Vice President and Assistant General Counsel for
Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. From January 1986 to July 1996, she was an
associate with the law firm of Ropes & Gray. Her date of birth is October 12,

      MARIE E. CONNOLLY; Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. President,
Chief Executive Officer and Director of FDI, and an officer of certain
investment companies advised or administered by FDI since prior to 1996. Her
date of birth is August 1, 1957.

      DOUGLAS C. CONROY; Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Vice President,
New Business Development of FDI and an officer of certain investment companies
distributed or administered by FDI. Prior to 1999, Mr. Conroy was a Manager of
Treasury Services and Administration of FDI. His date of birth is March 31,

      KAREN JACOPPO-WOOD; Vice President and Assistant Secretary. Vice President
and Senior Counsel of FDI and an officer of certain investment companies
distributed or administered by FDI. From June 1994 to January 1996, Ms.
Jacoppo-Wood was a Manager of SEC Registration at Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.
Her date of birth is December 29, 1966.

      CHRISTOPHER J. KELLEY; Vice President and Assistant Secretary. Vice
President and Senior Associate General Counsel of FDI and Premier Mutual and an
officer of certain investment companies distributed or administered by FDI. From
April 1994 to July 1996, Mr. Kelley was Assistant Counsel at Forum Financial
Group. His date of birth is December 24, 1964.

      KATHLEEN K. MORRISEY; Vice President and Assistant Secretary. Vice
President of FDI. Manager of Treasury Services Administration and an officer of
certain investment companies advised or administered by Montgomery Asset
Management, L.P. and Dresdner RCM Global Investors, Inc., and their respective
affiliates. Her date of birth is July 5, 1972.


      MARY A. NELSON; Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Senior Vice
President and Director of Financial Services at FDI, since August 1994, and an
officer of certain investment companies distributed or administered by FDI. Her
date of birth is April 22, 1964.

      MARY JO PACE; Assistant Treasurer; Vice President, Morgan Guaranty Trust
Company of New York. Ms. Pace serves in the Funds Administration group as a
Manager for the Budgeting and Expense Processing Group. Her address is 60 Wall
Street, New York, New York 10260. Her date of birth is March 13, 1966.

      GEORGE A. RIO; President and Treasurer; Executive Vice President and
Client Service Director of FDI since April 1998. From June 1995 to March 1998,
Mr. Rio was Senior Vice President and Senior Key Account Manager for Putnam
Mutual Funds. His date of birth is January 2, 1955.

      CHRISTINE ROTUNDO; Assistant Treasurer. Vice President, Morgan Guaranty
Trust Company of New York. Ms. Rotundo serves as Manager of the Funds
Infrastructure group and is responsible for the management of special projects.
Prior to January 2000, she served as Manager of the Tax Group in the Funds
Administration group and was responsible for U.S. mutual fund tax matters. Her
address is 60 Wall Street, New York, New York 10260. Her date of birth is
September 26, 1965.

      ELBA VASQUEZ; Vice President and Assistant Secretary. Vice President of
FDI since February 1999. Ms. Vasquez served as National Sales Associate for FDI
from May 1996. Prior to that she served in various mutual fund sales and
marketing positions for U.S. Trust Company of New York. Her date of birth is
December 14, 1961.

      As of the date of this Statement of Additional Information, the officers,
Trustees and Members of the Advisory Board as a group owned less than 1% of the
shares of each Fund.


      The Trust, FDI and the Advisor have adopted codes of ethics pursuant to
Rule 17j-1 under the 1940 Act. Each of these codes permits personnel subject to
such code to invest in securities, including securities that may be purchased or
held by the Funds. Such purchases, however, are subject to preclearance and
other procedures reasonably necessary to prevent access (as defined therein)
persons from engaging in any unlawful conduct set forth in Rule 17j-1.


      The Funds have retained JPMIM as Investment Advisor to provide investment
advice and portfolio management services to the Portfolios, pursuant to an
Investment Advisory Agreement dated as of April 28, 1999. Subject to the
supervision of Portfolios' Trustees, the Advisor makes Portfolios' day-to-day
investment decisions, arranges for the execution of portfolio transactions and
generally manages Portfolios' investments.

      The Investment Advisory Agreement provides that it will continue in effect
for a period of two years after execution only if specifically approved
thereafter annually in the same manner as the Distribution Agreement. See
"Distributor" below. The Investment Advisory Agreement will terminate
automatically if assigned and is terminable at any time without penalty by a
vote of a majority of the Trustees, or by a vote of the holders of a majority of
the Fund's outstanding voting securities, on 60 days' written notice to the
Advisor and by the Advisor on 90 days' written notice to the Trust. See
"Additional Information."

      The Advisor, a wholly owned subsidiary of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. ("J.P.
Morgan Chase") and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of
Delaware, is a registered investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940, as amended. The Advisor is located at 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
York 10036.

      J.P. Morgan Chase, a bank holding company organized under the laws of the
State of Delaware, was formed from the merger of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated
with and into The Chase Manhattan Corporation. J.P. Morgan


Chase, together with its predecessors, has been in the banking and investment
advisory business for over 100 years and today, through JPMIM and its other
subsidiaries, offers a wide range of banking and investment management services
to governmental, institutional, corporate and individual clients.

      The investment advisory services the Advisor provides to the Portfolios
are not exclusive under the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement. The
Advisor is free to and does render similar investment advisory services to
others. The Advisor also manages employee benefit funds of corporations, labor
unions and state and local governments and the accounts of other institutional
investors, including investment companies. Certain of the assets of employee
benefit accounts under its management are invested in commingled pension trust
funds for which Morgan serves as trustee. The accounts, which are managed or
advised by the Advisor, have varying investment objectives and the Advisor
invests assets of such accounts in investments substantially similar to, or the
same as, those which are expected to constitute the principal investments of the
Portfolios. Such accounts are supervised by officers and employees of the
Advisor who may also be acting in similar capacities for the Portfolios. See
"Portfolio Transactions."

      The Portfolios are managed by employees of the Advisor who, in acting for
their customers, including the Fund, do not discuss their investment decisions
with any personnel of J.P. Morgan Chase or any personnel of other divisions of
the Advisor or with any of its affiliated persons, with the exception of certain
other investment management affiliates of J.P. Morgan Chase that execute
transactions on behalf of the Portfolios.

      As compensation for the services rendered and related expenses such as
salaries of advisory personnel borne by the Advisor under the Investment
Advisory Agreements, the Portfolio corresponding to each Fund has agreed to pay
the Advisor a fee, which is computed daily and may be paid monthly, equal to the
annual rates of 0.20% of each Portfolio's average daily net assets up to $1
billion and 0.10% of each Portfolio's average daily net assets in excess of $1

      The table below sets forth for each Portfolio listed the advisory fees
paid to Morgan and JPMIM, as applicable, for the fiscal periods indicated. See
the Prospectus and below for applicable expense limitations.

Prime Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended November 30, 1998,
1999 and 2000: $7,199,733, $13,226,942 and $19,059,292, respectively.

Treasury Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended October 31, 1998,
1999 and 2000: $1,080,743, $1,715,668 and $2,000,272, respectively.

      Morgan, an affiliate of the Advisor and a wholly owned subsidiary of J.P.
Morgan Chase, is a New York trust company that conducts a general banking and
trust business. Morgan is subject to regulation by the New York State Banking
Department and is a member of the Federal Reserve System. Through offices in New
York City and abroad, Morgan offers a wide range of services primarily to
governmental, institutional, corporate and high net worth individual customers
in the United States and throughout the world. Under separate agreements, Morgan
also provides certain financial, fund accounting and administrative services to
the Trust and the Fund and shareholder services for the Trust. Morgan is located
at 60 Wall Street, New York, New York 10260. See "Services Agent" and
"Shareholder Servicing" below.


      FDI serves as the Trust's exclusive Distributor and holds itself available
to receive purchase orders for each of the Fund's shares. In that capacity, FDI
has been granted the right, as agent of the Trust, to solicit and accept orders
for the purchase of each of the Fund's shares in accordance with the terms of
the Distribution Agreement between the Trust and FDI. Under the terms of the
Distribution Agreement between FDI and the Trust, FDI receives no compensation
in its capacity as the Trust's distributor. FDI is a wholly owned indirect
subsidiary of Boston Institutional Group, Inc. FDI also serves as exclusive
placement agent for the Portfolio. FDI currently provides administration and
distribution services for a number of other investment companies.


      The Distribution Agreement shall continue in effect with respect to each
of the Funds for a period of two years after execution only if it is approved at
least annually thereafter (i) by a vote of the holders of a majority of the
Fund's outstanding shares or by its Trustees and (ii) by a vote of a majority of
the Trustees of the Trust who are not "interested persons" (as defined by the
1940 Act) of the parties to the Distribution Agreement, cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval (see "Trustees,
Members of the Advisory Board and Officers"). The Distribution Agreement will
terminate automatically if assigned by either party thereto and is terminable at
any time without penalty by a vote of a majority of the Trustees of the Trust, a
vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not "interested persons" of the
Trust, or by a vote of the holders of a majority of the Fund's outstanding
shares as defined under "Additional Information," in any case without payment of
any penalty on 60 days' written notice to the other party. The principal offices
of FDI are located at 60 State Street, Suite 1300, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.


      Under Co-Administration Agreements with the Trust and the Portfolios dated
August 1, 1996, FDI also serves as the Trust's and the Portfolios'
Co-Administrator. The Co-Administration Agreements may be renewed or amended by
the respective Trustees without a shareholder vote. The Co-Administration
Agreements are terminable at any time without penalty by a vote of a majority of
the Trustees of the Trust or the Portfolios, as applicable, on not more than 60
days' written notice nor less than 30 days' written notice to the other party.
The Co-Administrator may subcontract for the performance of its obligations,
provided, however, that unless the Trust or the Portfolios, as applicable,
expressly agrees in writing, the Co-Administrator shall be fully responsible for
the acts and omissions of any subcontractor as it would for its own acts or
omissions. See "Services Agent" below.

      FDI (i) provides office space, equipment and clerical personnel for
maintaining the organization and books and records of the Trust and the
Portfolio; (ii) provides officers for the Trust and the Portfolio; (iii)
prepares and files documents required for notification of state securities
administrators; (iv) reviews and files marketing and sales literature; (v) files
Portfolio regulatory documents and mails Portfolio communications to Trustees,
Members of the Advisory Board and investors; and (vi) maintains related books
and records.

      For its services under the Co-Administration Agreements, each Fund and
Portfolio has agreed to pay FDI fees equal to its allocable share of an annual
complex-wide charge of $425,000 plus FDI's out-of-pocket expenses. The amount
allocable to each Fund or Portfolio is based on the ratio of its net assets to
the aggregate net assets of the Trust, the Master Portfolios and certain other
investment companies subject to similar agreements with FDI.

      The table below sets forth for each Fund listed and its corresponding
Portfolio the administrative fees paid to FDI for the fiscal periods indicated.

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $1,012 and $3,523, respectively.

The Prime Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended November 30,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $115,137, $147,749 and $122,295, respectively.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $621 and $2,522, respectively.

The Treasury Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended October 31,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $7,258, $7,923 and $6,803, respectively.



      The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, and the Portfolios have entered into
Administrative Services Agreements (the "Services Agreements") with Morgan
pursuant to which Morgan is responsible for certain administrative and related
services provided to each Fund and its corresponding Portfolio. The Services
Agreements may be terminated at any time, without penalty, by the Trustees or
Morgan, in each case on not more than 60 days' nor less than 30 days' written
notice to the other party.

      Under the Services Agreements, each of the Funds and the Portfolios has
agreed to pay Morgan fees equal to its allocable share of an annual complex-wide
charge. This charge is calculated daily based on the aggregate net assets of the
Master Portfolios and J.P. Morgan Series Trust in accordance with the following
annual schedule: 0.09% of the first $7 billion of their aggregate average daily
net assets and 0.04% of their aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $7
billion, less the complex-wide fees payable to FDI. The portion of this charge
payable by each Fund and Portfolio is determined by the proportionate share that
its net assets bear to the total net assets of the Trust, the Master Portfolios,
the other investors in the Master Portfolios for which Morgan provides similar
services and J.P. Morgan Series Trust.

The service fees paid by the Funds to the Service Organizations during the
indicated periods are set forth below:

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $23,066 and $77,802, respectively.

The Prime Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended November 30,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $1,788,454, $3,127,566 and $4,197,163, respectively.

The service fees paid by the Funds to the Service Organizations during the
indicated periods are set forth below:

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $11,113 and $55,947, respectively.

The Treasury Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years ended October 31,
1998, 1999 and 2000: $155,752, $226,699 and $251,048, respectively.


      The Bank of New York ("BONY"), One Wall Street, New York, New York 10286,
serves as the Trust's custodian and fund accounting agent. Pursuant to the
Custodian Contract and Fund Accounting Agreement with the Trust, BONY is
responsible for holding portfolio securities and cash and maintaining the books
of account and records of the Fund's portfolio transactions. In the case of
foreign assets held outside the United States, the custodian employs various
subcustodians in accordance with the regulations of the SEC.

      State Street Bank and Trust Company ("State Street"), 225 Franklin Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02110, serves as the Trust's transfer and dividend
disbursing agent. As transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent, State Street
is responsible for maintaining account records detailing the ownership of Fund
shares and for crediting income, capital gains and other changes in share
ownership to shareholder accounts.


      The Trust on behalf of each of the Funds has entered into a Shareholder
Servicing Agreement with Morgan pursuant to which Morgan acts as shareholder
servicing agent for its customers and for other Fund investors who are customers
of a Service Organization. Under this agreement, Morgan is responsible for
performing shareholder account, administrative and servicing functions, which
include but are not limited to, answering inquiries regarding account status and
history, the manner in which purchases and redemptions of Fund shares may be
effected, and certain other matters pertaining to a Fund; assisting customers in
designating and changing dividend options, account designations and addresses;
providing necessary personnel and facilities to coordinate the establishment and


maintenance of shareholder accounts and records with the Funds' transfer agent;
transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds' transfer agent and
arranging for the wiring or other transfer of funds to and from customer
accounts in connection with orders to purchase or redeem Fund shares; verifying
purchase and redemption orders, transfers among and changes in accounts;
informing the Distributor of the gross amount of purchase orders for Fund
shares; monitoring the activities of the Funds' transfer agent; and providing
other related services.

      Under the Shareholder Servicing Agreement, each Fund has agreed to pay
Morgan for these services a fee at the annual rate (expressed as a percentage of
the average daily net asset values of Fund shares owned by or for shareholders
for whom Morgan is acting as shareholder servicing agent) of 0.05%. Morgan acts
as shareholder servicing agent for all shareholders.

      The table below sets forth for each Fund listed the shareholder servicing
fees paid by each Fund to Morgan for the fiscal periods indicated.

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $45,949 and $161,169, respectively.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $22,074 and $116,061, respectively.


      The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, has adopted a service plan (the "Plan")
with respect to the shares which authorizes the Funds to compensate Service
Organizations for providing certain account administration and other services to
their customers who are beneficial owners of such shares. Pursuant to the Plan,
the Trust, on behalf of each Fund, enters into agreements with Service
Organizations which purchase shares on behalf of their customers ("Service
Agreements"). Under such Service Agreements, the Service Organizations may: (a)
act, directly or through an agent, as the sole shareholder of record and nominee
for all customers, (b) maintain or assist in maintaining account records for
each customer who beneficially owns shares, and (c) process or assist in
processing customer orders to purchase, redeem and exchange shares, and handle
or assist in handling the transmission of funds representing the customers'
purchase price or redemption proceeds. As compensation for such services, the
Trust on behalf of each Fund pays each Service Organization a service fee in an
amount up to 0.25% (on an annualized basis) of the average daily net assets of
the shares of each Fund attributable to or held in the name of such Service
Organization for its customers.

      The service fees paid by the Funds to the Service Organizations during the
indicated periods are set forth below:

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $23,066 and $805,844, respectively.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $110,367 and $580,304, respectively.

      Conflicts of interest restrictions (including the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974) may apply to a Service Organization's receipt of
compensation paid by the Trust in connection with the investment of fiduciary
funds in shares. Service Organizations, including banks regulated by the
Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board or the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and investment advisers and other money managers subject
to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of
Labor or state securities commissions, are urged to consult legal advisers
before investing fiduciary assets in shares. In addition, under some state
securities laws, banks and other financial institutions purchasing shares on
behalf of their customers may be required to register as dealers.


      The Trustees of the Trust, including a majority of Trustees who are not
interested persons of the Trust and who have no direct or indirect financial
interest in the operation of such Plan or the related Service Agreements,
initially voted to approve the Plan and Service Agreements at a meeting called
for the purpose of voting on such Plan and Service Agreements on April 9, 1997.
The Plan was approved by the initial shareholders of each Fund on June 3, 1997,
remains in effect until July 10, 1998 and will continue in effect thereafter
only if such continuance is specifically approved annually by a vote of the
Trustees in the manner described above. The Plan may not be amended to increase
materially the amount to be spent for the services described therein without
approval of the shareholders of the affected Fund, and all material amendments
of the Plan must also be approved by the Trustees in the manner described above.
The Plan may be terminated at any time by a majority of the Trustees as
described above or by vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the
affected Fund. The Service Agreements may be terminated at any time, without
payment of any penalty, by vote of a majority of the disinterested Trustees as
described above or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the
affected Fund on not more than 60 days' written notice to any other party to the
Service Agreements. The Service Agreements shall terminate automatically if
assigned. So long as the Plans are in effect, the selection and nomination of
those Trustees who are not interested persons shall be determined by the
non-interested members of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees have determined
that, in their judgment, there is a reasonable likelihood that the Plan will
benefit the Funds and Fund shareholders. In the Trustees' quarterly review of
the Plan and Service Agreements, they will consider their continued
appropriateness and the level of compensation provided therein.


      Rule 12b-1 (the "Rule") under the 1940 Act provides, among other things,
that an investment company may bear expenses of distributing its shares only
pursuant to a plan adopted in accordance with the Rule. On April 28, 1999, the
Trustees have adopted such a plan (the "Distribution Plan") with respect to the
Funds pursuant to which each Fund pays for distributing its shares at an annual
rate not to exceed 0.25% of the value of the average daily net assets of the
Fund. Under the Distribution Plan, the Fund may make payments to certain
financial institutions, securities dealers, and other industry professionals
that have entered into written agreements with the Fund in respect of these
services. The amounts to be paid to such institutions is based on the daily
value of shares owned by their clients. The fees payable under the Distribution
Plan for advertising, marketing and distributing are payable without regard to
actual expenses incurred. The Trustees believe that there is a reasonable
likelihood that the Distribution Plan will benefit each Fund and its

      Quarterly reports of the amounts expended under the Distribution Plan, and
the purposes for which such expenditures were incurred, will be made to the
Trustees for their review. In addition, the Distribution Plan provides that it
may not be amended to increase materially the costs which holders of the Funds'
shares may bear for distribution without approval of such shareholders and that
all material amendments of the Distribution Plan must be approved by the
Trustees, and by the Trustees who are neither "interested persons" (as defined
in the 1940 Act) of the Trust nor have any direct or indirect financial interest
in the operation of the Distribution Plan or in the related Distribution Plan
agreements, by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
considering such amendments. The Distribution Plan and related agreements are
subject to annual approval by such vote of the Trustees cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on the Distribution Plan and related
agreements. The Distribution Plan is terminable at any time by vote of a
majority of the Trustees who are not "interested persons" and who have no direct
or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Distribution Plan or in
the related agreements or by vote of the holders of a majority of shares, as the
case may be. A related Distribution Plan agreement is terminable without
penalty, at any time, by such vote of the Trustees or by vote of the holders of
a majority of the Fund's shares upon not more than 60 days' written notice to
any other party to such agreement. A Distribution Plan agreement will terminate
automatically in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).

      The table below sets forth for each Fund listed the fees paid by each Fund
under the Rule 12b-1 Plan.

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $229,745 and $805,844, respectively.


Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $110,367 and $580,304, respectively.


      The independent accountants of the Trust and the Portfolios are
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 1177 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York
10036. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP conducts an annual audit of the financial
statements of each of the Funds and the Portfolios, assists in the preparation
and/or review of each of the Fund's and the Portfolio's federal and state income
tax returns and consults with the Funds and the Portfolios as to matters of
accounting and federal and state income taxation.


      In addition to the fees payable to Pierpont Group, Inc., JPMIM, Morgan,
FDI and Service Organizations under various agreements discussed under
"Trustees, Members of the Advisory Board and Officers," "Investment Advisor,"
"Co-Administrator", "Distributor," "Services Agent" and "Shareholder Servicing"
above, the Funds and the Portfolios are responsible for usual and customary
expenses associated with their respective operations. Such expenses include
organization expenses, legal fees, accounting and audit expenses, insurance
costs, the compensation and expenses of the Trustees, Members of the Advisory
Board, costs associated with their registration fees under federal securities
laws, and extraordinary expenses applicable to the Funds or the Portfolios. For
the Funds, such expenses also include transfer, registrar and dividend
disbursing costs, the expenses of printing and mailing reports, notices and
proxy statements to Fund shareholders, and filing fees under state securities
laws. For the Portfolios, such expenses also include custodian fees. Under fee
arrangements prior to September 1, 1995, Morgan as Services Agent was
responsible for reimbursements to the Trust and the Portfolio and the usual
customary expenses described above (excluding organization and extraordinary
expenses, custodian fees and brokerage expenses). For additional information
regarding waivers or expense subsidies, see the Prospectus.

      J.P. Morgan has agreed that it will reimburse the Funds noted below until
February 28, 2002 to the extent necessary to maintain the Funds' total operating
expenses (excluding interest, taxes and extraordinary expenses of the Funds and
its corresponding Portfolio) at the following annual rates of the Funds' average
daily net assets.

      Prime Money Market Reserves:              0.70%
      Treasury Money Market Reserves:           0.70%

      The table below sets forth for each Portfolio listed the fees and other
expenses J.P. Morgan reimbursed under the expense reimbursement arrangements
described above or pursuant to prior expense reimbursement arrangements for the
fiscal periods indicated.

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement of
operations) through November 30, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended November 30,
2000: $149,150 and $205,375, respectively.

The Prime Money Market Portfolio - For the fiscal years ended November 1998,
1999 and 2000: $N/A, $N/A and $N/A, respectively.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund -- For the period June 1, 1999 (commencement
of operations) through October 31, 1999 and for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2000: $107,517 and $467,770, respectively.

The Treasury Money Market Portfolio -- For the fiscal years October 31, 1998,
1999 and 2000: $828,462, $403,222 and $394,705, respectively.



      Additional Minimum Balance Information. If your account balance falls
below the minimum for 30 days as a result of selling shares (and not because of
performance), the Fund reserves the right to request that you buy more shares or
close your account. If your account balance is still below the minimum 60 days
after notification, the Fund reserves the right to close out your account and
send the proceeds to the address of record.

      Method of Purchase. Investors may open accounts with the Fund only through
the Distributor. All purchase transactions in Fund accounts are processed by
Morgan as shareholder servicing agent and the Fund is authorized to accept any
instructions relating to a Fund account from Morgan as shareholder servicing
agent for the customer. All purchase orders must be accepted by the Distributor.
Prospective investors who are not already customers of Morgan may apply to
become customers of Morgan for the sole purpose of Fund transactions. There are
no charges associated with becoming a Morgan customer for this purpose. Morgan
reserves the right to determine the customers that it will accept, and the Trust
reserves the right to determine the purchase orders that it will accept.

      References in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information
to customers of Morgan or a Service Organization include customers of their
affiliates and references to transactions by customers with Morgan or a Service
Organization include transactions with their affiliates. Only Fund investors who
are using the services of a financial institution acting as shareholder
servicing agent pursuant to an agreement with the Trust on behalf of a Fund may
make transactions in shares of a Fund.

      Shares may be purchased for accounts held in the name of a Service
Organization that provides certain account administration and other services to
its customers, including acting directly or through an agent as the sole
shareholder of record, maintenance or assistance in maintaining account records
and processing orders to purchase, redeem and exchange shares. Shares of each
Fund bear the cost of service fees at the annual rate of up to 0.25% of 1% of
the average daily net assets of such shares.

      It is possible that an institution or its affiliate may offer shares of
different funds which invest in the same Portfolio to its customers and thus
receive different compensation with respect to different funds. Certain aspects
of the shares may be altered, after advance notice to shareholders, if it is
deemed necessary in order to satisfy certain tax regulatory requirements.

      Each Fund may, at its own option, accept securities in payment for shares.
The securities delivered in such a transaction are valued by the method
described in "Net Asset Value" as of the day the Fund receives the securities.
This is a taxable transaction to the shareholder. Securities may be accepted in
payment for shares only if they are, in the judgment of the Advisor, appropriate
investments for the Fund's corresponding Portfolio. In addition, securities
accepted in payment for shares must: (i) meet the investment objective and
policies of the acquiring Fund's corresponding Portfolio; (ii) be acquired by
the applicable Fund for investment and not for resale (other than for resale to
the Fund's corresponding Portfolio); and (iii) be liquid securities which are
not restricted as to transfer either by law or liquidity of market. Each Fund
reserves the right to accept or reject at its own option any and all securities
offered in payment for its shares.

      Prospective investors may purchase shares with the assistance of a Service
Organization, and the Service Organization may charge the investor a fee for
this service and other services it provides to its customers.


      Investors may redeem shares as described in the Prospectus. Shareholders
redeeming shares of the Funds should be aware that the Funds attempt to maintain
a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share; however, there can be no assurance
that they will be able to continue to do so, and in that case the net asset
value of the Fund's shares might


deviate from $1.00 per share. Accordingly, a redemption request might result in
payment of a dollar amount which differs from the number of shares redeemed. See
"Net Asset Value" below.

      If the Trust on behalf of a Fund and its corresponding Portfolio determine
that it would be detrimental to the best interest of the remaining shareholders
of a Fund to make payment wholly or partly in cash, payment of the redemption
price may be made in whole or in part by a distribution in kind of securities
from the Portfolio, in lieu of cash, in conformity with the applicable rule of
the SEC. If shares are redeemed in kind, the redeeming shareholder might incur
transaction costs in converting the assets into cash. The method of valuing
portfolio securities is described under "Net Asset Value," and such valuation
will be made as of the same time the redemption price is determined. The Trust
on behalf of the Treasury Money Market Fund and its corresponding Portfolio has
elected to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under the 1940 Act pursuant to which the
Fund and its corresponding Portfolio are obligated to redeem shares solely in
cash up to the lesser of $250,000 or one percent of the net asset value of the
Fund during any 90-day period for any one shareholder. The Trust will redeem
Fund shares in kind only if it has received a redemption in kind from the
corresponding Portfolio and therefore shareholders of the Fund that receive
redemptions in kind will receive securities of the Portfolio. The Portfolio has
advised the Trust that the Portfolio will not redeem in kind except in
circumstances in which the Fund is permitted to redeem in kind.

      Further Redemption Information. Investors should be aware that redemptions
from a Fund may not be processed if a redemption request is not submitted in
proper form. To be in proper form, the Fund must have received the shareholder's
taxpayer identification number and address. In addition, if a shareholder sends
a check for the purchase of fund shares and shares are purchased before the
check has cleared, the transmittal of redemption proceeds from the shares will
occur upon clearance of the check which may take up to 15 days. The Trust, on
behalf of a Fund, and the Portfolios reserve the right to suspend the right of
redemption and to postpone the date of payment upon redemption as follows: (i)
for up to seven days, (ii) during periods when the New York Stock Exchange is
closed for other than weekends and holidays or when trading on such Exchange is
restricted as determined by the SEC by rule or regulation, (iii) during periods
in which an emergency, as determined by the SEC, exists that causes disposal by
the Portfolio of, or evaluation of the net asset value of, its portfolio
securities to be unreasonable or impracticable, or (iv) for such other periods
as the SEC may permit.


      An investor may exchange shares from any Fund into shares of any other
J.P. Morgan Institutional, J.P. Morgan or J.P. Morgan Series Trust mutual fund,
without charge. An exchange may be made so long as after the exchange the
investor has shares, in each fund in which he or she remains an investor, with a
value of at least that fund's minimum investment amount. Shareholders should
read the prospectus of the fund into which they are exchanging and may only
exchange between fund accounts that are registered in the same name, address and
taxpayer identification number. Shares are exchanged on the basis of relative
net asset value per share. Exchanges are in effect redemptions from one fund and
purchases of another fund and the usual purchase and redemption procedures and
requirements are applicable to exchanges. Each Fund generally intends to pay
redemption proceeds in cash, however, since it reserves the right at its sole
discretion to pay redemptions over $250,000 in-kind as a portfolio of
representative securities rather than in cash, the Fund reserves the right to
deny an exchange request in excess of that amount. See "Redemption of Shares".
Shareholders subject to federal income tax who exchange shares in one fund for
shares in another fund may recognize capital gain or loss for federal income tax
purposes. Shares of the Fund to be acquired are purchased for settlement when
the proceeds from redemption become available. The Trust reserves the right to
discontinue, alter or limit the exchange privilege at any time.


      Each Fund declares and pays dividends and distributions as described in
the Prospectus.

      If a shareholder has elected to receive dividends and/or capital gain
distributions in cash and the postal or other delivery service is unable to
deliver checks to the shareholder's address of record, such shareholder's


distribution option will automatically be converted to having all dividend and
other distributions reinvested in additional shares. No interest will accrue on
amounts represented by uncashed distribution or redemption checks.


      Each of the Funds computes its net asset value once daily on Monday
through Friday as described in the Prospectus. The net asset value will not be
computed on the day the following legal holidays are observed: New Year's Day,
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and
Christmas Day. In the event that trading in the money markets is scheduled to
end earlier than the close of the New York Stock Exchange in observance of these
holidays, the Funds and their corresponding Portfolios would expect to close for
purchases and redemptions an hour in advance of the end of trading in the money
markets. The Funds and the Portfolios may also close for purchases and
redemptions at such other times as may be determined by the Board of Trustees to
the extent permitted by applicable law. On any business day when the Bond Market
Association ("BMA") recommends that the securities market close early, the Funds
reserve the right to cease accepting purchase and redemption orders for same
business day credit at the time BMA recommends that the securities market close.
On days the Funds close early, purchase and redemption orders received after the
Fund closes will be credited the next business day. The days on which net asset
value is determined are the Funds' business days.

      The net asset value of each Fund is equal to the value of the Fund's
investment in its corresponding Portfolio (which is equal to the Fund's pro rata
share of the total investment of the Fund and of any other investors in the
Portfolio less the Fund's pro rata share of the Portfolio's liabilities) less
the Fund's liabilities. The following is a discussion of the procedures used by
the Portfolios corresponding to each Fund in valuing their assets.

      The Portfolios' portfolio securities are valued by the amortized cost
method. The purpose of this method of calculation is to attempt to maintain a
constant net asset value per share of the Fund of $1.00. No assurances can be
given that this goal can be attained. The amortized cost method of valuation
values a security at its cost at the time of purchase and thereafter assumes a
constant amortization to maturity of any discount or premium, regardless of the
impact of fluctuating interest rates on the market value of the instrument. If a
difference of more than 1/2 of 1% occurs between valuation based on the
amortized cost method and valuation based on market value, the Trustees will
take steps necessary to reduce such deviation, such as changing a Fund's
dividend policy, shortening the average portfolio maturity, realizing gains or
losses, or reducing the number of outstanding Fund shares. Any reduction of
outstanding shares will be effected by having each shareholder contribute to a
Fund's capital the necessary shares on a pro rata basis. Each shareholder will
be deemed to have agreed to such contribution in these circumstances by his
investment in the Funds. See "Taxes."


      From time to time, the Funds may quote performance in terms of yield,
actual distributions, total return or capital appreciation in reports, sales
literature and advertisements published by the Trust. Current performance
information for the Funds may be obtained by calling the number provided on the
cover page of this Statement of Additional Information. See "Additional
Information" in the Prospectus. The performance information presented below for
the Prime Money Market Fund is that of the J.P. Morgan Prime Money Market Fund,
a separate feeder fund investing in the same master portfolio. The performance
information presented below for the Treasury Money Market Fund is that of the
J.P. Morgan Institutional Service Treasury Money Market Fund, a separate feeder
fund investing in the same master portfolio.

      The historical performance information shown below reflects operating
expenses which were lower than those of the Funds. These returns are higher than
would have occurred if an investment in the Funds had been made during the
periods indicated. All performance information will be presented in accordance
with applicable SEC staff interpretations. The applicable financial information
in the registration statement for the J.P. Morgan Funds (Registration Nos.
033-54632 and 811-07340) and J.P. Morgan Institutional Funds (Registration Nos.
033-54642 and 811-07342) is incorporated herein by reference.


      Yield Quotations. As required by regulations of the SEC, current yield for
the Funds is computed by determining the net change exclusive of capital changes
in the value of a hypothetical pre-existing account having a balance of one
share at the beginning of a seven-day calendar period, dividing the net change
in account value of the account at the beginning of the period, and multiplying
the return over the seven-day period by 365/7. For purposes of the calculation,
net change in account value reflects the value of additional shares purchased
with dividends from the original share and dividends declared on both the
original share and any such additional shares, but does not reflect realized
gains or losses or unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Effective yield for
each Fund is computed by annualizing the seven-day return with all dividends
reinvested in additional Fund shares.

      Below is set forth historical yield information for the Funds:

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund (11/30/00): 7-day current yield: 6.01%; 7-day
effective yield: 6.19%.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund (10/31/00): 7-day current yield: 5.89%;
7-day effective yield: 6.06%.

      Total Return Quotations. Historical performance information for the
periods prior to the establishment of the Fund will be that of its corresponding
predecessor J.P. Morgan fund and will be presented in accordance with applicable
SEC Staff interpretations.

Prime Money Market Reserves Fund (11/30/00): Average annual total return, 1
year: 5.84%; average annual total return, 5 years: N/A%; average annual total
return, commencement of operations (June 1, 1999) to period end: 5.44%;
aggregate total return, 1 year: 5.84%; aggregate total return, 5 years: N/A%;
aggregate total return, commencement of operations (June 1, 1999) to the period
end: 3.32%.

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund (10/31/00): Average annual total return, 1
year: 5.44%; average annual total return, 5 years: N/A; average annual total
return, commencement of operations (June 1, 1999) to period end: 5.11%;
aggregate total return, 1 year: 5.44%; aggregate total return, 5 years: N/A%;
aggregate total return, commencement of operations (June 1, 1999) to period end:

      Aggregate total returns, reflecting the cumulative percentage change over
a measuring period, may also be calculated.

      General. A Fund's performance will vary from time to time depending upon
market conditions, the composition of its corresponding Portfolio, and its
operating expenses. Consequently, any given performance quotation should not be
considered representative of a Fund's performance for any specified period in
the future. In addition, because performance will fluctuate, it may not provide
a basis for comparing an investment in a Fund with certain bank deposits or
other investments that pay a fixed yield or return for a stated period of time.

      Comparative performance information may be used from time to time in
advertising the Funds' shares, including appropriate market indices including
the benchmarks indicated under "Investment Advisor" above or data from Lipper
Analytical Services, Inc., Micropal, Inc., Ibbotson Associates, Morningstar
Inc., the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other industry publications.

      From time to time, the Funds may, in addition to any other permissible
information, include the following types of information in advertisements,
supplemental sales literature and reports to shareholders: (1) discussions of
general economic or financial principles (such as the effects of compounding and
the benefits of dollar-cost averaging); (2) discussions of general economic
trends; (3) presentations of statistical data to supplement such discussions;
(4) descriptions of past or anticipated portfolio holdings for one or more of
the Funds; (5) descriptions of investment strategies for one or more of the
Funds; (6) descriptions or comparisons of various savings and investment
products (including, but not limited to, qualified retirement plans and
individual stocks and bonds), which may or may not include the Funds; (7)
comparisons of investment products (including the Funds) with relevant


markets or industry indices or other appropriate benchmarks; (8) discussions of
Fund rankings or ratings by recognized rating organizations; and (9) discussions
of various statistical methods quantifying the Fund's volatility relative to its
benchmark or to past performance, including risk adjusted measures. The Funds
may also include calculations, such as hypothetical compounding examples, which
describe hypothetical investment results in such communications. Such
performance examples will be based on an express set of assumptions and are not
indicative of the performance of any of the Funds.


      The Advisor places orders for all Portfolios for all purchases and sales
of portfolio securities, enters into repurchase agreements, and may enter into
reverse repurchase agreements and execute loans of portfolio securities on
behalf of all the Portfolios. See "Investment Objectives and Policies."

      Fixed income and debt securities are generally traded at a net price with
dealers acting as principal for their own accounts without a stated commission.
The price of the security usually includes profit to the dealers. In
underwritten offerings, securities are purchased at a fixed price which includes
an amount of compensation to the underwriter, generally referred to as the
underwriter's concession or discount. On occasion, certain securities may be
purchased directly from an issuer, in which case no commissions or discounts are

      Portfolio transactions for the Portfolios will be undertaken principally
to accomplish a Portfolio's objective in relation to expected movements in the
general level of interest rates. The Portfolios may engage in short-term trading
consistent with their objectives. See "Investment Objectives and Policies --
Portfolio Turnover."

      In connection with portfolio transactions for the Portfolios, the Advisor
intends to seek best execution on a competitive basis for both purchases and
sales of securities.

      The Portfolios have a policy of investing only in securities with
maturities of not more than thirteen months, which will result in high portfolio
turnovers. Since brokerage commissions are not normally paid on investments
which the Portfolios make, turnover resulting from such investments should not
adversely affect the net asset value or net income of the Portfolios.

      Subject to the overriding objective of obtaining best execution of orders,
the Advisor may allocate a portion of a Portfolio's brokerage transactions to
affiliates of the Advisor. Under the 1940 Act, persons affiliated with the
Portfolio and persons who are affiliated with such persons are prohibited from
dealing with the Portfolio as principal in the purchase and sale of securities
unless a permissive order allowing such transactions is obtained from the SEC.
However, affiliated persons of the Portfolio may serve as its broker in listed
or over-the-counter transactions conducted on an agency basis provided that,
among other things, the fee or commission received by such affiliated broker is
reasonable and fair compared to the fee or commission received by non-affiliated
brokers in connection with comparable transactions. In addition, the Portfolio
may not purchase securities during the existence of any underwriting syndicate
for such securities of which Morgan or an affiliate is a member or in a private
placement in which Morgan or an affiliate serves as placement agent except
pursuant to procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Portfolio that
either comply with rules adopted by the SEC or with interpretations of the SEC's

      On those occasions when the Advisor deems the purchase or sale of a
security to be in the best interests of a Portfolio as well as other customers
including other Portfolios, the Advisor to the extent permitted by applicable
laws and regulations, may, but is not obligated to, aggregate the securities to
be sold or purchased for a Portfolio with those to be sold or purchased for
other customers in order to obtain best execution, including lower brokerage
commissions if appropriate. In such event, allocation of the securities so
purchased or sold as well as any expenses incurred in the transaction will be
made by the Advisor in the manner it considers to be most equitable and
consistent with its fiduciary obligations to a Portfolio. In some instances,
this procedure might adversely affect a Portfolio.



      The Trust is a trust fund of the type commonly known as a "Massachusetts
business trust" of which each Fund is a separate and distinct series. A copy of
the Declaration of Trust for the Trust is on file in the office of the Secretary
of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Declaration of Trust and the By-Laws
of the Trust are designed to make the Trust similar in most respects to a
Massachusetts business corporation. The principal distinction between the two
forms concerns shareholder liability described below.

      Effective January 1, 1998, the name of the Trust was changed from "The JPM
Institutional Funds" to "J.P. Morgan Institutional Funds."

      Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of such a trust may, under certain
circumstances, be held personally liable as partners for the obligations of the
trust which is not the case for a corporation. However, the Trust's Declaration
of Trust provides that the shareholders shall not be subject to any personal
liability for the acts or obligations of any Fund and that every written
agreement, obligation, instrument or undertaking made on behalf of any Fund
shall contain a provision to the effect that the shareholders are not personally
liable thereunder.

      No personal liability will attach to the shareholders under any
undertaking containing such provision when adequate notice of such provision is
given, except possibly in a few jurisdictions. With respect to all types of
claims in the latter jurisdictions, (i) tort claims, (ii) contract claims where
the provision referred to is omitted from the undertaking, (iii) claims for
taxes, and (iv) certain statutory liabilities in other jurisdictions, a
shareholder may be held personally liable to the extent that claims are not
satisfied by a Fund. However, upon payment of such liability, the shareholder
will be entitled to reimbursement from the general assets of a Fund. The
Trustees intend to conduct the operations of the Trust in such a way so as to
avoid, as far as possible, ultimate liability of the shareholders for
liabilities of the Funds.

      The Trust's Declaration of Trust further provides that the name of the
Trust refers to the Trustees collectively as Trustees, not as individuals or
personally, that no Trustee, Member of the Advisory Board, officer, employee or
agent of a Fund is liable to a Fund or to a shareholder, and that no Trustee,
Member of the Advisory Board, officer, employee, or agent is liable to any third
persons in connection with the affairs of a Fund, except as such liability may
arise from his or its own bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence or
reckless disregard of his or its duties to such third persons. It also provides
that all third persons shall look solely to Fund property for satisfaction of
claims arising in connection with the affairs of a Fund. With the exceptions
stated, the Trust's Declaration of Trust provides that a Trustee, Member of the
Advisory Board, officer, employee, or agent is entitled to be indemnified
against all liability in connection with the affairs of a Fund.

      The Trust shall continue without limitation of time subject to the
provisions in the Declaration of Trust concerning termination by action of the
shareholders or by action of the Trustees upon notice to the shareholders.


      The Trust is an open-end management investment company organized as a
Massachusetts business trust in which each Fund represents a separate series of
shares of beneficial interest. See "Massachusetts Trust."

      The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number
of full and fractional shares ($0.001 par value) of one or more series and
classes within any series and to divide or combine the shares (of any series, if
applicable) without changing the proportionate beneficial interest of each
shareholder in a Fund (or in the assets of other series, if applicable). Each
share represents an equal proportional interest in a Fund with each other share.
Upon liquidation of a Fund, holders are entitled to share pro rata in the net
assets of a Fund available for distribution to such shareholders. See
"Massachusetts Trust." Shares of a Fund have no preemptive or conversion rights
and are fully paid and nonassessable. The rights of redemption and exchange are
described in the Prospectus and elsewhere in this Statement of Additional


      The shareholders of the Trust are entitled to one vote for each dollar of
net asset value (or a proportionate fractional vote in respect of a fractional
dollar amount), on matters on which shares of the Fund shall be entitled to
vote. Subject to the 1940 Act, the Trustees themselves have the power to alter
the number and the terms of office of the Trustees, to lengthen their own terms,
or to make their terms of unlimited duration subject to certain removal
procedures, and appoint their own successors, provided, however, that
immediately after such appointment the requisite majority of the Trustees have
been elected by the shareholders of the Trust. The voting rights of shareholders
are not cumulative so that holders of more than 50% of the shares voting can, if
they choose, elect all Trustees being selected while the shareholders of the
remaining shares would be unable to elect any Trustees. It is the intention of
the Trust not to hold meetings of shareholders annually. The Trustees may call
meetings of shareholders for action by shareholder vote as may be required by
either the 1940 Act or the Trust's Declaration of Trust.

      Shareholders of the Trust have the right, upon the declaration in writing
or vote of more than two-thirds of its outstanding shares, to remove a Trustee.
The Trustees will call a meeting of shareholders to vote on removal of a Trustee
upon the written request of the record holders of 10% of the Trust's shares. In
addition, whenever ten or more shareholders of record who have been such for at
least six months preceding the date of application, and who hold in the
aggregate either shares having a net asset value of at least $25,000 or at least
1% of the Trust's outstanding shares, whichever is less, shall apply to the
Trustees in writing, stating that they wish to communicate with other
shareholders with a view to obtaining signatures to request a meeting for the
purpose of voting upon the question of removal of any Trustee or Trustees and
accompanied by a form of communication and request which they wish to transmit,
the Trustees shall within five business days after receipt of such application
either: (1) afford to such applicants access to a list of the names and
addresses of all shareholders as recorded on the books of the Trust; or (2)
inform such applicants as to the approximate number of shareholders of record,
and the approximate cost of mailing to them the proposed communication and form
of request. If the Trustees elect to follow the latter course, the Trustees,
upon the written request of such applicants, accompanied by a tender of the
material to be mailed and of the reasonable expenses of mailing, shall, with
reasonable promptness, mail such material to all shareholders of record at their
addresses as recorded on the books, unless within five business days after such
tender the Trustees shall mail to such applicants and file with the SEC,
together with a copy of the material to be mailed, a written statement signed by
at least a majority of the Trustees to the effect that in their opinion either
such material contains untrue statements of fact or omits to state facts
necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading, or would be
in violation of applicable law, and specifying the basis of such opinion. After
opportunity for hearing upon the objections specified in the written statements
filed, the SEC may, and if demanded by the Trustees or by such applicants shall,
enter an order either sustaining one or more of such objections or refusing to
sustain any of them. If the SEC shall enter an order refusing to sustain any of
such objections, or if, after the entry of an order sustaining one or more of
such objections, the SEC shall find, after notice and opportunity for hearing,
that all objections so sustained have been met, and shall enter an order so
declaring, the Trustees shall mail copies of such material to all shareholders
with reasonable promptness after the entry of such order and the renewal of such

      The Trustees have authorized the issuance and sale to the public of shares
of 34 series of the Trust. The Trustees have no current intention to create any
classes within the initial series or any subsequent series. The Trustees may,
however, authorize the issuance of shares of additional series and the creation
of classes of shares within any series with such preferences, privileges,
limitations and voting and dividend rights as the Trustees may determine. The
proceeds from the issuance of any additional series would be invested in
separate, independently managed portfolios with distinct investment objectives,
policies and restrictions, and share purchase, redemption and net asset
valuation procedures. Any additional classes would be used to distinguish among
the rights of different categories of shareholders, as might be required by
future regulations or other unforeseen circumstances. All consideration received
by the Trust for shares of any additional series or class, and all assets in
which such consideration is invested, would belong to that series or class,
subject only to the rights of creditors of the Trust and would be subject to the
liabilities related thereto. Shareholders of any additional series or class will
approve the adoption of any management contract or distribution plan relating to
such series or class and of any changes in the investment policies related
thereto, to the extent required by the 1940 Act.


      For information relating to mandatory redemption of Fund shares or their
redemption at the option of the Trust under certain circumstances, see the

      As of January 31, 2001, no one owned of record or was known by the fund to
own beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of either Fund.


      Unlike other mutual funds which directly acquire and manage their own
portfolio of securities, each Fund is an open-end management investment company
which seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing all of its
investable assets in the corresponding Master Portfolio, a separate registered
investment company with the same investment objective and policies as the Fund.
Generally, when a Master Portfolio seeks a vote to change a fundamental
investment restriction, its feeder fund(s) will hold a shareholder meeting and
cast its vote proportionately, as instructed by its shareholders. Fund
shareholders are entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value (or a
proportionate fractional vote in respect of a fractional dollar amount), on
matters on which shares of the Fund shall be entitled to vote.

      In addition to selling a beneficial interest to a Fund, a Portfolio may
sell beneficial interests to other mutual funds or institutional investors. Such
investors will invest in the Portfolio on the same terms and conditions and will
bear a proportionate share of the Portfolio's expenses. However, the other
investors investing in the Portfolio may sell shares of their own fund using a
different pricing structure than the Fund. Such different pricing structures may
result in differences in returns experienced by investors in other funds that
invest in the Portfolio. Such differences in returns are not uncommon and are
present in other mutual fund structures. Information concerning other holders of
interests in the Portfolio is available from Morgan at (800) 521-5411.

      The Trust may withdraw the investment of a Fund from a Portfolio at any
time if the Board of Trustees of the Trust determines that it is in the best
interests of the Fund to do so. Upon any such withdrawal, the Board of Trustees
would consider what action might be taken, including the investment of all the
assets of the Fund in another pooled investment entity having the same
investment objective and restrictions in accordance with the investment policies
with respect to the Portfolio described above and in each Fund's Prospectus.

      Certain changes in a Portfolio's fundamental investment policies or
restrictions, or a failure by a Fund's shareholders to approve such change in
the Portfolio's investment restrictions, may require withdrawal of the Fund's
interest in the Portfolio. Any such withdrawal could result in a distribution in
kind of portfolio securities (as opposed to a cash distribution) from the
Portfolio which may or may not be readily marketable. The distribution in kind
may result in the Fund having a less diversified portfolio of investments or
adversely affect the Fund's liquidity, and the Fund could incur brokerage, tax
or other charges in converting the securities to cash. Notwithstanding the
above, there are other means for meeting shareholder redemption requests, such
as borrowing.

      Smaller funds investing in a Portfolio may be materially affected by the
actions of larger funds investing in the Portfolio. For example, if a large fund
withdraws from the Portfolio, the remaining funds may subsequently experience
higher pro rata operating expenses, thereby producing lower returns.

      Additionally, because a Portfolio would become smaller, it may become less
diversified, resulting in potentially increased portfolio risk (however, these
possibilities also exist for traditionally structured funds which have large or
institutional investors who may withdraw from a fund). Also, funds with a
greater pro rata ownership in the Portfolio could have effective voting control
of the operations of the Portfolio. Whenever the Fund is requested to vote on
matters pertaining to the Portfolio (other than a vote by the Fund to continue
the operation of the Portfolio upon the withdrawal of another investor in the
Portfolio), the Trust will hold a meeting of shareholders of the Fund and will
cast all of its votes proportionately as instructed by the Fund's shareholders.
The Trust will vote the shares held by Fund shareholders who do not give voting
instructions in the same proportion as the shares of


Fund shareholders who do give voting instructions. Shareholders of the Fund who
do not vote will have no effect on the outcome of such matters.


      The following discussion of tax consequences is based on U.S. federal tax
laws in effect on the date of this Statement of Additional Information. These
laws and regulations are subject to change by legislative or administrative
action, possibly on a retroactive basis.

      Each Fund intends to qualify and remain qualified as a regulated
investment company under Subchapter M of the Code. As a regulated investment
company, a Fund must, among other things, (a) derive at least 90% of its gross
income from dividends, interest, payments with respect to loans of stock and
securities, gains from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities or
foreign currency and other income (including but not limited to gains from
options, futures, and forward contracts) derived with respect to its business of
investing in such stock, securities or foreign currency; and (b) diversify its
holdings so that, at the end of each fiscal quarter of its taxable year, (i) at
least 50% of the value of the Fund's total assets is represented by cash, cash
items, U.S. Government securities, investments of other regulated investment
companies, and other securities limited, in respect of any one issuer, to an
amount not greater than 5% of the Fund's total assets, and 10% of the
outstanding voting securities of such issuer, and (ii) not more than 25% of the
value of its total assets is invested in the securities of any one issuer (other
than U.S. Government securities or securities of other regulated investment

      As a regulated investment company, a Fund (as opposed to its shareholders)
will not be subject to federal income taxes on the net investment income and
capital gain that it distributes to its shareholders, provided that at least 90%
of its net investment income and realized net short-term capital gain in excess
of net long-term capital loss for the taxable year is distributed in accordance
with the Code's timing requirements.

      Under the Code, a Fund will be subject to a 4% excise tax on a portion of
its undistributed taxable income and capital gains if it fails to meet certain
distribution requirements by the end of the calendar year. Each Fund intends to
make distributions in a timely manner and accordingly does not expect to be
subject to the excise tax.

      For federal income tax purposes, dividends that are declared by a Fund in
October, November or December as of a record date in such month and actually
paid in January of the following year will be treated as if they were paid on
December 31 of the year declared. Therefore, such dividends generally, will be
taxable to a shareholder in the year declared rather than the year paid.

      For federal income tax purposes, following fund had capital loss
carryforwards for the periods indicated:

Treasury Money Market Reserves Fund: For the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000,
$54,348 of which $7,589 expires in the year 2007 and $46,759 expires in the year

      To the extent that this capital loss is used to offset future capital
gains, it is probable that gains so offset will not be distributed to

      Distributions of net investment income and realized net short-term capital
gains in excess of net long-term capital loss are generally taxable to
shareholders of the Funds as ordinary income whether such distributions are
taken in cash or reinvested in additional shares. Distributions to corporate
shareholders of the Funds are not eligible for the dividends received deduction.
Distributions of net long-term capital gains (i.e., net long-term capital gains
in excess of net short-term capital loss) are taxable to shareholders of a Fund
as long-term capital gain, regardless of whether such distributions are taken in
cash or reinvested in additional shares and regardless of how long a shareholder
has held shares in the Fund. In general, long-term capital gain of an individual
shareholder will be subject to a 20% rate of tax.


      To maintain a constant $1.00 per share net asset value, the Trustees of
the Trust may direct that the number of outstanding shares be reduced pro rata.
If this adjustment is made, it will reflect the lower market value of portfolio
securities and not realized losses. The adjustment may result in a shareholder
having more dividend income than net income in his account for a period. When
the number of outstanding shares of a Fund is reduced, the shareholder's basis
in the shares of the Fund may be adjusted to reflect the difference between
taxable income and net dividends actually distributed. This difference may be
realized as a capital loss when the shares are liquidated. Subject to certain
limited exceptions, capital losses cannot be used to offset ordinary income. See
"Net Asset Value."

      Gains or losses on sales of portfolio securities will be treated as
long-term capital gains or losses if the securities have been held for more than
one year except in certain cases where, if applicable a put is acquired or a
call option is written thereon or straddle rules are otherwise applicable. Other
gains or losses on the sale of securities will be short-term capital gains or
losses. Gains and losses on the sale, lapse or other termination of options on
securities will be treated as gains and losses from the sale of securities. If
an option written by a Portfolio lapses or is terminated through a closing
transaction, such as a repurchase by the Portfolio of the option from its
holder, the Portfolio will realize a short-term capital gain or loss, depending
on whether the premium income is greater or less than the amount paid by the
Portfolio in the closing transaction. If securities are purchased by a Portfolio
pursuant to the exercise of a put option written by it, the Portfolio will
subtract the premium received from its cost basis in the securities purchased.

      Any distribution of net investment income or capital gains will have the
effect of reducing the net asset value of Fund shares held by a shareholder by
the same amount as the distribution. If the net asset value of the shares is
reduced below a shareholder's cost as a result of such a distribution, the
distribution, although constituting a return of capital to the shareholder, will
be taxable as described above. Investors should thus consider the consequences
of purchasing shares in a Fund shortly before the Fund declares a sizable
dividend distribution.

      Any gain or loss realized on the redemption or exchange of Fund shares by
a shareholder who is not a dealer in securities will be treated as long-term
capital gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year, and
otherwise as short-term capital gain or loss. Long-term capital gain of an
individual holder generally is subject to a maximum tax rate of 20%. However, if
fund shares are acquired by an individual after December 31, 2000 and held for
more than five years, the maximum long-term capital gain tax rate generally will
be reduced to 18%. Any loss realized by a shareholder upon the redemption or
exchange of shares in the Fund held for six months or less will be treated as a
long-term capital loss to the extent of any long-term capital gain distributions
received by the shareholder with respect to such shares. Additionally, any loss
realized on a redemption or exchange of shares of a Fund will be disallowed to
the extent the shares disposed of are replaced within a period of 61 days
beginning 30 days before such disposition, such as pursuant to reinvestment of a
dividend in shares of the Fund. Investors are urged to consult their tax
advisors concerning the limitations on the deductibility of capital losses.

      If a correct and certified taxpayer identification number is not on file,
the Fund is required, subject to certain exemptions, to withhold 31% of certain
payments made or distributions declared to non-corporate shareholders.

      Foreign Shareholders. Dividends of net investment income and distributions
of realized net short-term gain in excess of net long-term loss to a shareholder
who, as to the United States, is a nonresident alien individual, fiduciary of a
foreign trust or estate, foreign corporation or foreign partnership (a "foreign
shareholder") will be subject to U.S. withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or
lower treaty rate) unless the dividends are effectively connected with a U.S.
trade or business of the shareholder, in which case the dividends will be
subject to tax on a net income basis at the graduated rates applicable to U.S.
individuals or domestic corporations. Generally, a foreign shareholder must
satisfy certain certification requirements in order to claim the benefit of a
lower treaty rate. In addition, in the case of Fund shares held by a foreign
partnership, the certification requirement generally will also apply to the
partners of the partnership and the partnership must provide certain


information. A foreign shareholder that is eligible for a reduced rate of United
States withholding tax under tax treaty may obtain a refund of any amounts
withheld in excess of that rate by filing a refund claim with the United States
Internal Revenue Service.

      Distributions treated as long term capital gains to foreign shareholders
will not be subject to U.S. tax unless the distributions are effectively
connected with the shareholder's trade or business in the United States or, in
the case of a shareholder who is a nonresident alien individual, the shareholder
was present in the United States for more than 182 days during the taxable year
and certain other conditions are met.

      In the case of a foreign shareholder who is a nonresident alien individual
or foreign entity and that is a beneficial owner of Fund shares, a Fund may be
required to withhold U.S. federal income tax as "backup withholding" at the rate
of 31% from any distributions including distributions treated as long-term
capital gains and from the proceeds of redemptions, exchanges or other
dispositions of Fund shares unless such foreign shareholder provides an IRS Form
W-8BEN certifying that it is a non-U.S. person for U.S. federal income tax
purposes, or otherwise established an exemption. Transfers by gift of shares of
a Fund by a foreign shareholder who is a nonresident alien individual will not
be subject to U.S. federal gift tax, but the value of shares of the Fund held by
such a shareholder at his or her death will be includible in his or her gross
estate for U.S. federal estate tax purposes.

      State and Local Taxes. Each Fund may be subject to state or local taxes in
jurisdictions in which the Fund is deemed to be doing business. In addition, the
treatment of a Fund and its shareholders in those states which have income tax
laws might differ from treatment under the federal income tax laws. Shareholders
should consult their own tax advisors with respect to any state or local taxes.

      Other Taxation. The Trust is organized as a Massachusetts business trust
and, under current law, neither the Trust nor any Fund is liable for any income
or franchise tax in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, provided that each Fund
continues to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the
Code. The Portfolios are organized as New York trusts. The Portfolios are not
subject to any federal income taxation or income or franchise tax in the State
of New York or The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The investment by a Fund in
its corresponding Portfolio does not cause the Fund to be liable for any income
or franchise tax in the State of New York.


      As used in this Statement of Additional Information and the Prospectus,
the term "majority of the outstanding voting securities" means the vote of (i)
67% or more of the Fund's shares or the Portfolio's outstanding voting
securities present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the Fund's
outstanding shares or the Portfolio's outstanding voting securities are present
or represented by proxy, or (ii) more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares
or the Portfolio's outstanding voting securities, whichever is less.

      Telephone calls to the Funds, J.P. Morgan or Service Organizations as
shareholder servicing agent may be tape recorded. With respect to the securities
offered hereby, this Statement of Additional Information and the Prospectus do
not contain all the information included in the Trust's registration statement
filed with the SEC under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the Portfolios'
registration statements filed under the 1940 Act. Pursuant to the rules and
regulations of the SEC, certain portions have been omitted. The registration
statements including the exhibits filed therewith may be examined at the office
of the SEC in Washington, D.C.

      Statements contained in this Statement of Additional Information and the
Prospectus concerning the contents of any contract or other document are not
necessarily complete, and in each instance, reference is made to the copy of
such contract or other document filed as an exhibit to the applicable
Registration Statements. Each such statement is qualified in all respects by
such reference.


      No dealer, salesman or any other person has been authorized to give any
information or to make any representations, other than those contained in the
Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information, in connection with the
offer contained therein and, if given or made, such other information or
representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by any of the
Trust, the Funds or the Distributor. The Prospectus and this Statement of
Additional Information do not constitute an offer by any Fund or by the
Distributor to sell or solicit any offer to buy any of the securities offered
hereby in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful for the Fund or
the Distributor to make such offer in such jurisdictions.


      The following financial statements and the report thereon of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP of each Portfolio are incorporated herein by
reference from their respective annual report filings made with the SEC pursuant
to Section 30(b) of the 1940 Act and Rule 30b2-1 thereunder. Any of the
following financial reports are available without charge upon request by calling
JP Morgan Funds Services at (800) 766-7722.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 Date of Annual Report; Date Annual Report Filed; and
Name of Portfolio                                Accession Number
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J.P. Morgan Prime Money Market Reserves Fund     11/30/00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J.P. Morgan Treasury Money Market Reserves       10/31/00
Fund                                             12/26/00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Description of Security Ratings


Corporate and Municipal Bonds

AAA -       Debt rated AAA have the highest ratings assigned by Standard &
            Poor's to a debt obligation. Capacity to pay interest and repay
            principal is extremely strong.

AA -        Debt rated AA have a very strong capacity to pay interest and repay
            principal and differ from the highest rated issues only in a small

A -         Debt rated A have a strong capacity to pay interest and repay
            principal although they are somewhat more susceptible to the adverse
            effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than
            debt in higher rated categories.

BBB -       Debt rated BBB are regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay
            interest and repay principal. Whereas they normally exhibit adequate
            protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing
            circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay
            interest and repay principal for debt in this category than for debt
            in higher rated categories.

Commercial Paper, including Tax Exempt

A -         Issues assigned this highest rating are regarded as having the
            greatest capacity for timely payment. Issues in this category are
            further refined with the designations 1, 2, and 3 to indicate the
            relative degree of safety.

A-1 -       This designation indicates that the degree of safety regarding
            timely payment is very strong.

Short-Term Tax-Exempt Notes

SP-1 -      The short-term tax-exempt note rating of SP-1 is the highest rating
            assigned by Standard & Poor's and has a very strong or strong
            capacity to pay principal and interest. Those issues determined to
            possess overwhelming safety characteristics are given a "plus" (+)

SP-2 -      The short-term tax-exempt note rating of SP-2 has a satisfactory
            capacity to pay principal and interest.



Corporate and Municipal Bonds

Aaa -       Bonds which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They
            carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally
            referred to as "gilt edge." Interest payments are protected by a
            large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure.
            While the various protective elements are likely to change, such
            changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the
            fundamentally strong position of such issues.

Aa -        Bonds which are rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all
            standards. Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are
            generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the
            best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in
            Aaa securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of
            greater amplitude or there may be other elements present which make
            the long term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

A -         Bonds which are rated A possess many favorable investment attributes
            and are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors
            giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate
            but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to
            impairment sometime in the future.

Baa -       Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium grade
            obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly
            secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate
            for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or
            may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time.
            Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact
            have speculative characteristics as well.

Commercial Paper, including Tax Exempt

Prime-1 -   Issuers rated Prime-1 (or related supporting institutions) have a
            superior capacity for repayment of short-term promissory
            obligations. Prime-1 repayment capacity will normally be evidenced
            by the following characteristics:

        -   Leading market positions in well established industries.
        -   High rates of return on funds employed.
        -   Conservative capitalization structures with moderate reliance on
            debt and ample asset protection.
        -   Broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and
            high internal cash generation.
        -   Well established access to a range of financial markets and assured
            sources of alternate liquidity.


Short-Term Tax Exempt Notes

MIG-1 -       The short-term tax-exempt note rating MIG-1 is the highest rating
              assigned by Moody's for notes judged to be the best quality. Notes
              with this rating enjoy strong protection from established cash
              flows of funds for their servicing or from established and
              broad-based access to the market for refinancing, or both.

MIG-2 - MIG-2 rated notes are of high quality but with margins of protection not
              as large as MIG-1.
