ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement") is made as of November
20, 2000, by and among NE Restaurant Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation
("Parent"), NERC Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership ("LP I"),
NERC Limited Partnership II, a Delaware limited partnership ("LP II" and
collectively with LP I and Parent, "Seller"), and Brinker International, Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("Purchaser").

         WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in the business (the "Business") of
operating forty Chili's Grill & Bar and seven On the Border Mexican Cafe
restaurants (collectively the "Purchased Restaurants") and has entered into
leases for four additional sites (the "In-Process Sites") on which Chili's Grill
& Bar restaurants are to be constructed; and

         WHEREAS, Purchaser desires to purchase certain assets and assume
certain liabilities of the Business, and Seller desires to sell such assets and
assign such liabilities to Purchaser, each upon the terms and conditions set
forth herein;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:


         1.1.  PURCHASE AND SALE.

         (a) At the Closing (as hereinafter defined) and subject to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser shall purchase from Seller, and
Seller shall sell to Purchaser, all right, title and interest in and to the
following assets that are owned by or under the control of Seller (collectively
the "Purchased Assets"):

                  (i) Seller's real property identified in Schedule 1.1(a),
         together with all buildings, fixtures, plant, equipment and
         improvements thereon or attached thereto (the "Owned Real Estate");

                  (ii) Seller's leasehold interests in the real property
         identified in Schedule 1.1(a), together with all buildings, fixtures,
         plant, equipment and improvements thereon or attached thereto (the
         "Leased Real Estate" and together with the Owned Real Estate, the "Real

                  (iii) all tangible personal property located at the Real

                  (iv) all inventory of food, alcoholic beverages (to the extent
         transferable), raw materials and packaging supplies for use in the
         Purchased Restaurants (including inventory in transit to the Purchased

                  (v) subject to any required consents, all of Seller's rights
         in and under all contracts and agreements relating primarily to the
         Business (the "Contracts");

                  (vi) Seller's records and files relating primarily to the
         Purchased Assets and the Purchased Restaurants and set forth on
         Schedule 1.1(a)(vi) (the "Business Records");

                  (vii) to the extent transferable, all licenses, permits or
         other rights granted by governmental authorities used in or required or
         necessary for the lawful ownership or operation of the Business (the
         "Permits"); and

                  (viii) all prepaid expenses of the Business for which
         proration of the Purchase Price pursuant to Section 1.4 hereof is made.

         (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Purchased Assets shall not
include the following assets of Seller (the "Excluded Assets"):

                  (i) cash and cash equivalents (provided, however, that Seller
         will include in the Purchased Assets normal amounts of petty cash at
         the Purchased Restaurants on the Closing Date to the extent such
         amounts are credited to Seller on the Closing Prorations Schedule
         described herein);

                  (ii) except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all
         right, title and interest of Seller in any insurance policies relating
         to the Purchased Assets or the Business and all rights of Seller or any
         of its affiliates to insurance claims, related refunds and proceeds
         arising from or related thereto;

                  (iii) all Permits that are not transferable by the terms
         thereof or by operation of law;

                  (iv) the contracts listed on Schedule 1.1(b)(iv);

                  (v) all accounts and notes receivable, including without
         limitation, credit card receivables, arising from the operation of the
         Business prior to Closing;

                  (vi) all Seller's properties, assets, capital stock, rights,
         claims, contracts and goodwill relating to all businesses conducted by
         Seller other than the Business, including without limitation, Seller's
         "Bertucci's" and "Sal and Vinnie's Sicilian Steakhouse" restaurant
         businesses, including without limitation the capital stock of
         Bertucci's, Inc.;

                  (vii) Seller's fee interest in the property currently leased
         to Zoots in West Springfield, Massachusetts, and Seller's leasehold
         estates in Seller's headquarters located at 5 Clock Tower Place,
         Maynard, Massachusetts and 80A Turnpike Road, Westborough,
         Massachusetts, and all buildings, fixtures, plants, furniture,
         equipment, personal property and improvements located therein, thereon
         and attached thereto;

                  (viii) Seller's rights under this Agreement and the other
         agreements, certificates and instruments to be executed by Seller in
         connection with or pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (ix) all refunds of income taxes filed or to be filed by
         Seller or its affiliates;

                  (x) all assets used in connection with the general corporate
         operations and administration of Seller's business that are not
         primarily used in the Business, including without limitation, computer
         software and hardware;

                  (xi) all Seller's records other than the Business Records (the
         "Seller's Records");

                  (xii) all moneys owed to Seller by the landlord of the Rocky
         Hill, Connecticut "On the Border" restaurant site for site improvement
         costs and expenses incurred by Seller with respect to the construction
         of such restaurant; and

                  (xiii) all Failed Sites, as defined in Section 1.3(i), and all
aspects of the Business related thereto.

         1.2. ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES. At the Closing, the Purchaser shall
assume, and agree to pay, perform and discharge when due, the following
categories of liabilities (collectively the "Assumed Liabilities"):

                  (i) to the extent relating to periods on and after the
         Closing, all liabilities and obligations of the Seller under the
         Permits, Contracts and leases and subleases relating to the Real Estate
         (including all Parent guarantees relating to the Leased Real Estate);

                  (ii) Seller's debts, liabilities and obligations under the
         agreements identified on Schedule 1.2 hereto (the "FFCA Loan

                  (iii) the liabilities and obligations in respect of employee
         relations and benefits as further described in Section 5.5 hereof;

                  (iv) subject to Section 5.11 hereof, Seller's obligations to
         customers in respect of gift certificates issued prior to the Closing
         Date to consumers for redemption at the Purchased Restaurants (the
         "Gift Certificates") (it being understood that Purchaser is not
         assuming any obligations to governmental agencies or taxing authorities
         under escheatment or similar statutes in respect of the funds collected
         by Seller upon the sale of such Gift Certificates); and

                  (v) all debts, liabilities, obligations, taxes, commitments
         and contracts (including without limitation any actions, suits,
         proceedings, disputes, claims or investigations) in respect of the
         Business or the Purchased Assets arising in respect of periods, or
         incurred by Purchaser, on or after the Closing Date (including
         deliveries of inventory and services occurring after the Closing Date
         but ordered prior to such date).

Except as specifically set forth above, Purchaser does not assume and shall in
no event be liable for any debt, obligation, responsibility, liability or
contingent liability of Seller, or any affiliate or successor of Seller, or any
claim against any of the foregoing, whether known or unknown, contingent or
absolute, or otherwise.

         1.3. PURCHASE PRICE. The consideration to be received by Seller
hereunder for the Purchased Assets ("Purchase Price") shall be (i) $93.5 million
less (ii) the aggregate amount of the indebtedness (unpaid principal amount
outstanding as of the Closing Date, plus accrued and unpaid interest through the
Closing Date) under the FFCA Loan Documents; provided, however, that:

                  (i) if Landlord Consents and/or Liquor Consents (each as
         defined in Section 5.1) have been denied with respect to not more than
         four of the Purchased Restaurants, such that Purchaser would not be
         able to operate such Failed Sites on and after the Closing, except
         where such denial would not reasonably be likely to have a Business
         Material Adverse Effect (the

         "Failed Sites"), such Failed Sites shall become Excluded Assets and the
         Purchase Price shall be reduced for such Failed Sites as set forth on
         Schedule 1.3; and

                  (ii) if a Purchased Restaurant is not operating as of the
         Closing Date due to a casualty loss, it shall be treated as a Failed
         Site (and the Purchase Price reduced by the greater of the amount set
         forth on Schedule 1.3 in respect of such Failed Site or the cost to
         rebuild and reopen such restaurant) unless (X) Seller assumes the cost
         of rebuilding and reopening the restaurant or (Y) Seller assigns to
         Purchaser sufficient insurance proceeds to rebuild and reopen the

         1.4. PRORATIONS. The Purchase Price shall be subject to proration as
provided hereinbelow:

                  (a) Proration of the items described below between the Seller
         and Purchaser shall be effective as of the close of business for the
         day immediately preceding the Closing Date and shall occur as follows:

                           (i) Except as elsewhere set forth herein, all items
                  of income and expense arising from the operation of the
                  Purchased Restaurants before the Closing Date shall be for the
                  account of Seller, and all items of income and expense arising
                  from the operation of the Purchased Restaurants on or after
                  the Closing Date shall be for the account of Purchaser;

                           (ii) Liability for state and local real estate,
                  personal property and sales taxes, water and sewer use
                  charges, special assessments and tax abatements assessed on
                  the Purchased Assets payable with respect to the tax year in
                  which the Closing Date falls shall be prorated as between the
                  Seller and Purchaser on the basis of the number of days of the
                  tax year elapsed to and including the Closing Date. If, for
                  any reason, ad valorem taxes for the current calendar year
                  have not been assessed on the Owned Real Estate, such
                  proration shall be based upon the immediately preceding year's
                  assessment and adjusted when exact amounts are available;

                           (iii) Prepaid items, deposits and accruals (including
                  without limitation rent, utilities, security deposits,
                  compensation to Transferred Employees (as defined in Section
                  5.5), liquor license fees, royalties, advertising and other
                  monthly payments under franchise agreements and other service
                  charges and rental and other payments under any of the
                  Contracts) shall be prorated between the Seller and Purchaser
                  on the basis of the period of time to which such prepaid items
                  and accruals apply (it being understood that Purchaser shall
                  have the right to object to the proration of any prepaid
                  items, deposits or accruals for which the commensurate benefit
                  thereof will not inure to Purchaser after the Closing Date);

                           (iv) Petty cash on hand at the Purchased Restaurants
                  as of the opening of business shall be for the account of the

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, normal trade accounts payable of the
         Purchased Restaurants (other than with respect to inventory) will not
         be prorated. All franchise fees paid prior to the Closing Date will be
         deemed fully earned by Purchaser and therefore will not be prorated.
         The $150,000 extension fee paid by Seller to Purchaser under the
         Development Agreement will be

         refunded to Seller at Closing as provided in Section 6.4 hereof and
         therefore will not be prorated.

                  (b) All prorations shall be made and paid insofar as feasible
         on the Closing Date pursuant to a schedule of prorated items mutually
         prepared by Purchaser and Seller (the "Closing Prorations Schedule"),
         with a final settlement to be made in accordance with the following

                           (i) Purchaser shall prepare and deliver to Seller
                  within 60 days after the Closing Date a schedule indicating
                  any proposed revisions to the Closing Prorations Schedule (the
                  "Schedule of Revisions"); and if Purchaser fails to prepare
                  the Schedule of Revisions within such period, Seller shall
                  have the right, within the succeeding 30 days, to prepare the
                  Schedule of Revisions. Purchaser shall permit Seller and its
                  accountants to participate in the preparation thereof and
                  shall promptly make available to Seller and its accountants
                  all work papers and other pertinent information used in
                  connection therewith.

                           (ii) Within 30 days after the Schedule of Revisions
                  is delivered to Seller or Purchaser pursuant to clause (i)
                  above, the recipient of the Schedule of Revisions shall
                  complete its examination thereof and shall deliver to the
                  other party either (i) a written acknowledgment accepting the
                  Schedule of Revisions or (ii) a written report setting forth
                  in reasonable detail any proposed adjustments to the Schedule
                  of Revisions ("Adjustment Report"). A failure by a party to
                  deliver the Adjustment Report within the required 30 day
                  period shall constitute its acceptance of the Schedule of

                           (iii) During a period of 30 days following the
                  receipt of the Adjustment Report, Seller and Purchaser shall
                  attempt to resolve any difference they may have with respect
                  to the matters raised in the Adjustment Report. In the event
                  Seller and Purchaser fail to agree on any of Seller's proposed
                  adjustments contained in the Adjustment Report within such 30
                  day period, then Seller and Purchaser mutually agree that the
                  Boston office of Ernst & Young ("Independent Auditors"), shall
                  make the final determination with respect to the correctness
                  of the proposed adjustments in the Adjustment Report in light
                  of the terms and provisions of this Agreement. The decision of
                  the Independent Auditors shall be final and binding on Seller
                  and Purchaser, and may be used in a court of law by either
                  Seller or Purchaser for the purpose of enforcing such
                  decision. The costs and expenses of the Independent Auditors
                  and their services rendered pursuant to this Section 1.4(b)
                  shall be borne by the non-prevailing party or, if neither
                  party prevails, equally by the Seller and Purchaser.

                           (iv) Within five days of the finalization of the
                  Schedule of Revisions (which shall be deemed to mean either
                  the failure of Seller to deliver an Adjustment Report within
                  the 30-day period referred to above or, if Seller delivers
                  such an Adjustment Report, promptly upon the resolution of the
                  matters raised in such Adjustment Report), Purchaser shall pay
                  to Seller, or Seller shall pay to Purchaser, as the case may
                  be, the dollar amount set forth in the Schedule of Revisions,
                  as so finalized.

         1.5. INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT. The Purchase Price shall be (i) increased by
the amount by which the ultimate determination of inventory, as of the Closing
Date, at the premises of the Purchased

Restaurants (as described in Section 2.2 hereof) exceeds $890,500 or (ii)
decreased by the amount by which such ultimate determination is less than
$890,500 (in either event, the "Inventory Adjustment").

         1.6. ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE. The Purchase Price shall be
allocated among the Purchased Assets and Assumed Liabilities in accordance with
Section 1060 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Seller and
Purchaser each agree to report the federal, state and local income and other tax
consequences of the transactions contemplated herein in a manner consistent with
such allocation. Seller and Purchaser shall use their reasonable efforts to
agree upon such allocations prior to the Closing Date.


         2.1. THE CLOSING. A closing (the "Closing") to effect the purchase and
sale of the Purchased Assets shall be held at the offices of Seller on such date
(the "Closing Date") that is the fifth business date after the satisfaction or
waiver of all conditions precedent to the Closing, or such other date as may be
mutually agreed upon by the parties. At the Closing, Seller and Purchaser shall
execute such warranty or quitclaim deeds (whichever is customary and usual in
the jurisdiction where the Real Estate is located), bills of sale and
instruments of assignment and assumption as are necessary to convey title to the
Purchased Assets and to constitute assignment and assumption of the Assumed
Liabilities, and Purchaser shall pay to Seller, in immediately available funds,
an amount equal to the Purchase Price, adjusted as set forth in the Closing
Prorations Schedule; provided, however, that the sum of $100,000 (the "Escrowed
Funds") shall be set aside from the Purchase Price by the Purchaser and paid to
the escrow agent ("Escrow Agent") appointed under the Escrow Agreement in the
form of Exhibit B hereto ("Escrow Agreement"). All actions taken at the Closing
shall be deemed to have been taken simultaneously at the time the last of any
such actions is taken or completed. The parties shall use reasonable efforts to
exchange the delivery in escrow of all closing documents at a pre-closing held
the day before the Closing Date so that the Closing may be completed (and
payment of the Purchase Price shall have occurred) prior to 12:00 noon, Boston,
Massachusetts time, on the Closing Date.

         2.2. PAYMENT FOR INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT. As of the close of business
immediately preceding the Closing, the restaurant managers of the Purchased
Restaurants shall conduct a physical inventory of the Purchased Restaurants, and
the dollar amount of such inventory shall be computed in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied in accordance with
the Seller's prior practice. For this purpose, at the time of the taking of such
physical inventory, Seller shall provide to Purchaser detailed costing and
similar data regarding the inventory as is reasonably practicable under Seller's
current accounting systems. Representatives of each of the Seller and Purchaser
shall observe such physical inventory, and Purchaser may utilize some of its
employees or representatives of its independent auditors to conduct spot audits
of such physical inventory. No later than five days after the Closing Date,
Purchaser shall advise Seller in writing of its determination of the Inventory
Adjustment, whereupon the following provisions shall be applicable:

                  (i) If Seller agrees with Purchaser's determination of the
         Inventory Adjustment, the Purchase Price shall be increased or
         decreased by the Inventory Adjustment and the Escrowed Funds shall
         disbursed by the Escrow Agent in such manner as to pay to Seller the
         Purchase Price as adjusted hereunder (with any excess Escrowed Funds
         returned to Purchaser); and, to the extent the Escrowed Funds are
         insufficient to pay the entire Purchase Price, as so adjusted, to
         Seller, then Purchaser shall promptly pay the amount of such deficiency
         to Seller in immediately available funds; or

                  (ii) If Seller asserts that Purchaser's determination of the
         Inventory Adjustment is too low, the Purchase Price shall be
         temporarily increased or decreased by Purchaser's determination of the
         Inventory Adjustment at the Closing, and the provisions of clause (i)
         above shall be implemented with respect to such amount. Then, the
         parties shall proceed in good faith to agree upon the Inventory
         Adjustment as promptly as practicable. In the event the parties are
         unable to agree upon the Inventory Adjustment within five days, the
         dispute shall be submitted to the Independent Auditors according to the
         rules set forth in Section 1.4 applicable to the Closing Prorations
         Schedule. Any additional amount of Inventory Adjustment, as determined
         by agreement of the parties or the Independent Auditors, shall be
         promptly paid to Seller in immediately available funds, either from the
         Escrowed Funds or by the Purchaser, as applicable in accordance with
         the procedures in clause (i) above.

warrants to Purchaser as follows.

         3.1. ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING OF SELLER. Parent is a corporation
duly organized and validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
state of Delaware. Each of LP I and LP II is a limited partnership duly formed
and validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of

         3.2. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement has been or will have been duly
authorized, executed and delivered by Seller and is the legal, valid and binding
obligation of Seller enforceable in accordance with its terms except that (i)
enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws
affecting creditors' rights and (ii) the availability of equitable remedies may
be limited by equitable principles of general applicability.


         (a) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 3.3., neither the execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement
nor the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby will violate,
breach, be in conflict with, or constitute a default under, or permit the
termination or the acceleration of maturity of, or result in the imposition of
any lien, claim, or encumbrance upon any of the Purchased Assets pursuant to (i)
Seller's articles of incorporation, bylaws or limited partnership agreement, as
the case may be, or (ii) any note, bond, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust,
evidence of indebtedness, loan or lease agreement, other agreement or instrument
which is material to the operation of the Purchased Restaurants, or any
judgment, order, injunction, or decree to which Seller is bound and to which the
Purchased Assets are subject.

         (b) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 3.3, Seller is not required to submit any notice, declaration, report
or other filing or registration with any governmental or regulatory authority or
instrumentality in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement
or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         (c) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 3.3, no waiver, consent, approval or authorization of any governmental
or regulatory authority or instrumentality or any other person is required to be
obtained or made by Seller in connection with the execution and delivery of this
Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, except
for such waivers, consents, approvals or authorizations which in the aggregate
would not reasonably be likely to have a Business Material Adverse Effect (as
defined in Section 3.5 below).

         3.4. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND RECORDS OF SELLER. Seller has delivered
to Purchaser true, correct and complete copies of the following financial
statements (the "Seller Financial Statements"): (i) the unaudited pro forma
balance sheet of the Business as of December 31, 1999 (the "1999 Balance
Sheet"), and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, and
(ii) the unaudited pro forma balance sheet of the Business as of September 27,
2000, and the related statement of operations for the nine months then ended.
The Seller Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles (except for the absence of footnotes and as
otherwise noted therein and subject, in the case of the September 27, 2000
financial statements referred to above) to normal and recurring year-end audit
adjustments) and present fairly, in all material respects, the assets,
liabilities and financial condition of the Business as of the dates thereof and
the results of operations thereof for the periods then ended.

         3.5. ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.5,
since September 27, 2000, Seller has not (except for changes that are primarily
attributable to the announcement or performance of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, changes resulting from actions of Purchaser, or as set forth
on the Seller Financial Statements, and except for changes relating generally to
the economy, the restaurant industry or the specific regional markets in which
the Business competes) (i) suffered any change, effect or circumstance that is
materially adverse to the results of operations or financial condition of the
Business, taken as a whole, or which would prevent the Purchaser from operating
any of the Purchased Restaurants in the ordinary course of business (except for
Failed Sites for which the Purchase Price has been adjusted pursuant to Section
1.3) on and after the Closing Date (a "Business Material Adverse Effect"); (ii)
suffered any material damage or destruction to or loss of the Purchased Assets
not covered by insurance; or (iii) entered into or terminated any material
agreement, commitment or transaction, or agreed or made any material changes in
the Assumed Liabilities.

         3.6. NO MATERIAL UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. To Seller's knowledge, there
are no material liabilities or obligations of the Business of any nature,
whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, which are required by
generally accepted accounting principles to be shown on a balance sheet, other
than the liabilities and obligations that are fully reflected, accrued, or
reserved against on the Seller Financial Statements, for which the reserves are
appropriate and reasonable, or incurred in the ordinary course of business and
consistent with past practices since September 27, 2000.

         3.7. TAX LIABILITIES. Seller has filed all material federal, state,
county and local tax returns and reports required to be filed by it, including
those with respect to income, payroll, property, withholding, social security,
unemployment, franchise, excise and sales taxes, to the extent that the same
relate to the Purchased Assets or the operations of the Business; has either
paid in full all such taxes that have become due as reflected on any return or
report and any interest and penalties with respect thereto or has fully accrued
on its books or has established adequate reserves for all taxes payable but not
yet due; and has made required cash deposits with appropriate governmental
authorities representing estimated payments of taxes, including income taxes and
employee withholding tax obligations. No extension or waiver of any statute of
limitations or time within which to file any return has been granted to or
requested by Seller with respect to any such tax with respect to any period
after the date hereof. Since September 27, 2000, no unsatisfied deficiency,
delinquency or default for any tax, assessment or governmental charge has been
assessed (or, to the knowledge of Seller, claimed or proposed) against Seller,
nor has Seller received notice of any such deficiency, delinquency or default.

         3.8. TITLE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES. Seller has, and will convey to
Purchaser at Closing, good and marketable title to the Purchased Assets
(excluding Real Estate), free and clear of any lien, claim or encumbrance,
except as reflected in Seller Financial Statements or notes thereto and except
for the

following liens and encumbrances (as so reflected on the Seller Financial
Statements and as set forth below, the "Permitted Liens"):

                  (i) liens for taxes, assessments or other governmental charges
         not yet due and payable;

                  (ii) statutory liens incurred in the ordinary course of
         business with respect to liabilities that are not yet due and payable;

                  (iii) liens arising after the Closing relating to the Assumed

                  (iv) liens set forth on Schedule 3.8 hereto; and

                  (v) such imperfections of title and/or encumbrances as do not
         materially detract from the value or interfere with the use of the
         properties and assets subject thereto or affected thereby.

         3.9. CONDITION OF ASSETS. All of the Purchased Assets (other than
inventory) viewed as a whole and not on an asset by asset basis are in working
order, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and have been maintained as is customary
in the ordinary course of business. Except as provided in this Agreement, Seller
expressly disclaims any other representation and warranty of any kind or nature,
express or implied, as to the condition, value or quality of the Purchased

         3.10. REAL ESTATE.

                  (a) Seller has not granted any mortgages, pledges, liens,
         security interests or encumbrances of any kind that would materially
         adversely affect the marketability of title of the Owned Real Estate or
         the leasehold interests in and to the Leased Real Estate, except
         Permitted Liens. To Seller's knowledge, Seller has a valid, binding and
         enforceable leasehold interest in and to the sites for the Leased Real
         Estate. A true, complete and correct copy of the leases evidencing such
         interests has been made available to Purchaser. Seller currently
         occupies the Leased Real Estate and, to Seller's knowledge, no third
         party has asserted any claim with respect to a right to occupy the
         Lease Real Estate. No representation or warranty is made as to the
         title of the respective lessor to any Leased Real Estate.

                  (b) After request by Purchaser therefor, Seller will make
         available to Purchaser, and will transfer possession to Purchaser at
         Closing, with respect to all of the Owned Real Estate, in each case to
         the extent in the possession of Seller: (i) real estate tax abatement
         certificates for previous years, current real estate tax bills and
         receipts for current real estate taxes (if available); (ii) copies of
         all certificates of occupancy, if any; (iii) originals of any tags,
         licenses, permits, authorizations and approvals required by law and
         issued by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction and all
         other records, files and correspondence relating to the operation and
         maintenance of the Owned Real Estate which have not been previously
         delivered, if any; (iv) "as built" and other surveys, if any; and (v)
         environmental site assessments, if any.

                  (c) To the extent in the possession of the Seller, the file
         copies of the owner's title policies with respect to the Owned Real
         Estate and leasehold title policies with respect to the Leased Real
         Estate (collectively the "Title Policies") have been made available to

                  (d) To the knowledge of Seller and except as set forth on
         Schedule 3.10(d), there is no material violation of any zoning,
         building, health, fire, water use or similar statute, ordinance, law,
         regulation or code in connection with the ownership and/or use of the
         Real Estate. To the knowledge of Seller, no fact or condition exists
         which would result in the termination or impairment of access to the
         Real Estate or discontinuation of necessary sewer, water, electrical,
         gas, telephone or other utilities or services.

                  (e) Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries have
         received any notice that either the whole or any portion of the Real
         Estate is to be condemned, requisitioned or otherwise taken by any
         public authority. Seller has no knowledge of any public improvements
         that may result in special assessments against or otherwise adversely
         affect any of the Real Estate in any material respect.

                  (f) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.10 and in each case
         solely in respect of the Real Estate:

                           (i) to Seller's knowledge, Seller is not in violation
                  or alleged violation of any judgment, decree, order, law,
                  license, rule or regulation pertaining to environmental
                  matters, including, without limitation those arising under the
                  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive
                  Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
                  as amended ("CERCLA"), the Superfund Amendments and
                  Reauthorization Act of 1986, the Federal Water Pollution
                  Control Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, the
                  Federal Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or
                  any state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, order or
                  decree relating to health, safety or the environment
                  (hereinafter "Environmental Laws");

                           (ii) Seller has not received written notice from any
                  third party, including without limitation any federal, state
                  or local governmental authority, (A) that Seller has been
                  identified by the United States Environmental Protection
                  Agency as a potentially responsible party under CERCLA with
                  respect to a site listed on the National Priorities List, 40
                  C.F.R. Part 300 Appendix B (1986); (B) that any hazardous
                  waste, as defined by 42 U.S.C. ss.6903(5), any hazardous
                  substance as defined by 42 U.S.C. ss.9601(33) or any toxic
                  substance, oil or hazardous material or other chemical or
                  substance regulated by any Environmental Laws ("Hazardous
                  Substances") which Seller has generated, transported or
                  disposed of has been found at any site at which a federal,
                  state or local agency or other third party has conducted or
                  has ordered that Seller conduct a remedial investigation,
                  removal or other response action pursuant to any Environmental
                  Law; or (C) that Seller is or shall be named party to any
                  claim, action, cause of action, complaint (contingent or
                  otherwise), legal or administrative proceeding arising out of
                  any third party's incurrence of costs, expenses, losses or
                  damages of any kind whatsoever in connection with the release
                  of Hazardous Substances; and

                           (iii) to Seller's knowledge, (A) no portion of any of
                  the Real Estate or any other real property owned, leased or
                  operated by Seller has been used for the handling,
                  manufacturing, processing, storage or disposal of Hazardous
                  Substances except in accordance with applicable Environmental
                  Laws; and no underground tank or other underground storage
                  receptacle for Hazardous Substances is located on such
                  properties; (B) in the course of any activities conducted by
                  Seller, no Hazardous Substances have been generated or are
                  being used on such properties except in accordance with
                  applicable Environmental Laws; and (C) there have been no
                  releases (i.e., any past or present releasing, spilling,
                  leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging,
                  injecting, escaping, disposing or dumping) or threatened
                  releases of Hazardous Substances on, upon, into or from any of
                  such properties except in accordance with applicable
                  Environmental Laws.

         3.11. LITIGATION AND GOVERNMENTAL CLAIMS. Except as set forth in
Schedule 3.11, there is no pending suit, action or litigation, or
administrative, arbitration or other proceeding or governmental investigation or
inquiry, to which Seller is a party or to which the Purchased Assets are subject
which would, if decided against Seller, individually or in the aggregate, have a
Business Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of Seller, there are no such
proceedings threatened which would, if decided against Seller, individually or
in the aggregate, have a Business Material Adverse Effect.

         3.12. SUPPLIERS. Schedule 3.12 sets forth a list of all vendors or
other suppliers from or through whom Seller has purchased goods and services
relating primarily to the Business, other than utilities, in excess of $20,000
in the aggregate during the three month period ending September 27, 2000. Except
as set forth on Schedule 3.12, there are no claims pending or, to the knowledge
of Seller overtly threatened, by any of such suppliers.

         3.13. PERMITS. The Seller holds all Permits which are required to
permit it to conduct the Business as presently conducted, except where the
failure to hold such Permits would not reasonably be likely to have a Business
Material Adverse Effect, and all such Permits are in full force and effect,
except as disclosed in Schedule 3.13 or where the failure to be in full force
and effect would not reasonably be likely to have a Business Material Adverse

         3.14. LABOR MATTERS.

                  (a) Except for the arrangements set forth on Schedule 3.14,
         Seller does not now maintain or contribute to, and have not in the
         current or preceding six calendar years maintained or contributed to,
         any material pension, profit-sharing, deferred compensation, bonus,
         stock option, share appreciation right, severance, group or individual
         health, dental, medical, life insurance, survivor benefit, or similar
         plan, policy or arrangement, whether formal or informal, written or
         oral, for the benefit of any director, officer, consultant or employee,
         whether active or terminated, of the Business. Each of the arrangements
         set forth on Schedule 3.14 is herein referred as an "Employee Benefit

                  (b) Schedule 3.14 sets forth all liabilities of Seller under
         The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended
         ("ERISA"), or similar laws with respect to Employee Benefit Plans to be
         assumed by Purchaser hereunder. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.14,
         no "plan" which is subject to Part 3 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA
         or Section 412 of the Code has incurred an accumulated funding
         deficiency as the term is defined in Section 302 of ERISA

         or Section 412 of the Code (whether or not waived). Except as set forth
         on Schedule 3.14, none of Seller nor any of its affiliates has ever
         sponsored, adopted, maintained or been obligated to contribute to a
         "multiemployer plan" as such term is defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA.
         In respect of the Employee Benefit Plans, no liability under Title IV
         of ERISA has been incurred by Seller or an affiliate thereof that has
         not been satisfied in full, and no condition exists that presents a
         material risk to Seller or its affiliates of incurring liability under
         such Title. Seller has made or will make all contributions required to
         be made by it under any Employee Benefit Plan for all periods through
         and including the Closing Date.

                  (c) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.14,

                           (i) there is no pending or, to the knowledge of
                  Seller, threatened legal action, proceeding or investigation,
                  other than routine claims for benefits, concerning any
                  Employee Benefit Plan;

                           (ii) no communication, report or disclosure has been
                  made which, at the time made, did not accurately reflect the
                  terms and operations of any Employee Benefit Plan;

                           (iii) no benefits due under any Employee Benefit Plan
                  have been forfeited subject to the possibility of
                  reinstatement (which possibility would still exist at or after

                           (iv) Seller has not announced its intention, or
                  undertaken (whether or not legally bound) to modify or
                  terminate any Employee Benefit Plan or adopt any arrangement
                  or program which, once established, would come within the
                  definition of an Employee Benefit Plan; and

                           (v) Seller has not undertaken to maintain any
                  Employee Benefit Plan for any period of time, and each such
                  Employee Benefit Plan is terminable at the sole discretion of
                  the sponsor thereof, subject only to such constraints as may
                  be imposed by applicable law.

                  (d) Except as described on Schedule 3.14, the execution of
         this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
         herein will not result in any payment (whether of severance pay or
         otherwise) becoming due from or under any Employee Benefit Plan to any
         current or former director, officer, consultant or employee of the
         Business or result in the vesting, acceleration of payment or increases
         in the amount of any benefit payable to or in respect of any such
         current or former director, officer, consultant or employee.

                  (e) There are no labor disputes of a material nature pending
         between Seller and any of its employees engaged in the Business, and
         there are no organizational efforts known to Seller presently being
         made involving any of such employees. In connection with the Business,
         Seller has, to its knowledge, complied in all material respects with
         all laws relating to the employment of labor, including any provisions
         thereof relating to wages, hours, collective bargaining and the payment
         of social security and other taxes, and is not liable for any material
         arrearages of wages or any taxes or penalties for failure to comply
         with any of the foregoing.

         3.15. MATERIAL CONTRACTS. Set forth on Schedule 3.15 are complete and
accurate lists of all of the following categories of contracts and commitments
to which Seller is a party or bound and which primarily relate to the Business:

                  (i) contracts with any labor union; employee benefit plans or
         contracts; and employment, consulting or similar contracts, including
         confidentiality agreements;

                  (ii) leases, whether as lessor or lessee, of the Leased Real
         Estate, or of any personal property providing for annual rental
         payments in excess of $10,000;

                  (iii) agreements for money borrowed and other than in the
         ordinary course of business providing for liens, claims or encumbrances
         on the Purchased Assets;

                  (iv) contracts (other than with respect to Excluded Assets and
         purchase orders in the ordinary course of business) with third parties
         that do not terminate or are not terminable by the Seller without
         penalty within 90 days after the Closing Date and (X) involve aggregate
         payments by the Purchased Restaurants of more than $50,000 or (Y)
         contain covenants limiting the freedom of Seller to compete or deal
         with competitors of the other party; and

                  (v) contracts not made in the ordinary course of the Business.

To the extent requested, Seller has furnished or made available accurate and
complete copies of the foregoing contracts and agreements to Purchaser. All such
contracts are valid, binding, subsisting and enforceable obligations of Seller.

         3.16. TRANSACTION WITH AFFILIATES. Upon the occurrence of the Closing,
neither Seller, nor any Affiliate of Seller will have any material interest in
or will own any material property or material right used principally in the
conduct of the Business. The term "Affiliate" shall mean Seller, any officer or
director of Seller, any member of the immediate family of the forgoing persons
or any corporation, partnership, trust or other entity in which Seller, the
officer and directors of Seller or any of such family member of such persons has
a substantial interest or is a director, officer, partner or trustee.

         3.17. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17,
Seller is in compliance with all material laws, statutes, governmental
regulations and all judicial or administrative tribunal orders, judgments,
writs, injunctions, decrees or similar commands applicable to the Business,
except where such noncompliance would not have a Business Material Adverse
Effect. Seller has not been charged with, or received notice of investigation
with respect to, any material violation of any provision of any federal, state
or local law or administrative regulation applicable to the Business.

         3.18. INSURANCE. Schedule 3.18 hereto lists all policies of fire,
liability, workmen's compensation, life, property and casualty and other
insurance owned or held by Seller in connection with the operation of the
Business or otherwise covering the Purchased Assets. Such policies of insurance
are of the kinds and covers such risks and are in such amounts as are consistent
with past practice in the operation of the Business. All such policies (i) are
in full force and effect and (ii) to Seller's knowledge, are sufficient in all
material respects for compliance by Seller with all requirements of law and all
agreements to which Seller is a party. To Seller's knowledge, Seller is not in
default with respect to its obligations under any of such insurance policies and
has not received any notification of cancellation of any such insurance

         3.19. BROKERS AND FINDERS. No broker, finder or other person has, as a
result of any agreement or action by Seller, any right or valid claim against
Purchaser or any of Purchaser's affiliates for any commission, fee or other
compensation as a broker or finder, or in any similar capacity in connection
with the transactions contemplated herein.

warrants to Seller as follows:

         4.1. ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING. Purchaser is a corporation duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of

         4.2. CORPORATE POWER AND AUTHORITY. Purchaser has the corporate power
and authority and all licenses and permits required by governmental authorities
to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement.

         4.3. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed
and delivered by Purchaser and is the legal, valid and binding obligation of it,
enforceable in accordance with its terms except that (i) enforceability may be
limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other similar laws affecting creditors'
rights and (ii) the availability of equitable remedies may be limited by
equitable principles of general applicability.


         (a) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 4.4., neither the execution and delivery by Purchaser of this Agreement
nor the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby will violate,
breach, be in conflict with, or constitute a default under, or permit the
termination or the acceleration of maturity of, or result in the imposition of
any lien, claim, or encumbrance upon any property or asset of Purchaser pursuant
to (i) Seller's certificate of incorporation or bylaws or (ii) any note, bond,
indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, evidence of indebtedness, loan or lease
agreement, other agreement or instrument which is material to Purchaser's
ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

         (b) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 4.4, Purchaser is not required to submit any notice, declaration,
report or other filing or registration with any governmental or regulatory
authority or instrumentality in connection with the execution and delivery of
this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         (c) Except as contemplated elsewhere herein and except as set forth in
Schedule 4.4, no waiver, consent, approval or authorization of any governmental
or regulatory authority or instrumentality or any other person is required to be
obtained or made by Purchaser in connection with the execution and delivery of
this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         4.5. BROKERS AND FINDERS. No broker, finder or other person has, as a
result of any agreement or action by Purchaser any right or valid claim against
Seller or any of Seller's affiliates for any commission, fee or other
compensation as a broker or finder, or in any similar capacity in connection
with the transactions contemplated herein.

         4.6. LIQUOR LICENSES. To Purchaser's knowledge, Purchaser has no reason
to believe that it will not be approved for licenses required in connection with
the transfer in the normal course of business of alcoholic beverages and the
service of alcoholic beverages ("Liquor Licenses") in Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island and neither
Purchaser nor any of its affiliates has ever been permanently denied Liquor
Licenses in any jurisdiction nor has Purchaser or any of its affiliates ever
held Liquor Licenses which were revoked in any jurisdiction.

         4.7. SOLVENCY. Immediately after giving effect to the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and the closing of any financing to be obtained
by Purchaser or any of its affiliates in order to effect the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, Purchaser shall be able to pay its debts as they
become due and shall own property having a fair saleable value greater than the
amounts required to pay its debts (including a reasonable estimate of the amount
of all contingent liabilities). Immediately after giving effect to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the closing of any financing to
be obtained by Purchaser or any of its affiliates in order to effect the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, Purchaser shall have adequate
capital to carry on its business. No transfer of property is being made and no
obligation is being incurred in connection with the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement and the closing of any financing to be obtained by Purchaser or
any of its affiliates in order to effect the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement with the intent to hinder, delay or defraud either present or future
creditors of Purchaser.

knowledge that any of the representations and warranties of Seller in this
Agreement is not true and correct, and Purchaser has no knowledge of any errors
in, or omissions from, any Schedule attached hereto.

         4.9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASER. Purchaser acknowledges that prior to
the Closing Date it will have conducted to its satisfaction an independent
investigation and verification of the financial condition, results of
operations, assets, liabilities, properties and projected operations of the
Business and, in making its determination to proceed with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, Purchaser has relied on the results of its own
independent investigation and verification and the representations and
warranties of Seller expressly and specifically set forth in Article II of this
Agreement, including the Disclosure Schedules (and any updates thereto). SUCH



                  (a) Each of the parties hereto shall, and shall cause each of
         its affiliates to, use its reasonable efforts to (i) obtain at the
         earliest practicable date and, in any event, before the

         Closing Date, any approvals, authorizations and consents necessary to
         consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including
         without limitation the required consents of alcoholic beverage agencies
         (the "Liquor Consents") and the required consents of lessors of the
         Leased Real Estate (the "Landlord Consents"); (ii) as reasonably
         requested by the other, cooperate with and keep the other informed in
         connection with this Agreement; and (iii) take such actions as the
         other parties may reasonably request to consummate the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement and diligently attempt to satisfy, to
         the extent within its control, all conditions precedent to its
         obligations to close the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (b) As soon as practicable but in no event later than 10 days
         from the date hereof, each of the parties shall make any and all
         filings which are required under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
         Improvements Act ("HSR Act"). Purchaser and Seller will bear equally
         the applicable filing fees required to be paid under the HSR Act.

                  (c) Seller shall call a meeting of its stockholders to be held
         as soon as practicable after the date hereof for the purpose of voting
         upon this Agreement (the "Stockholders' Consent"). Seller will use its
         reasonable efforts to hold its stockholders' meeting as promptly as
         practicable and will, through its Board of Directors, recommend to its
         stockholders approval of this Agreement at the stockholders' meeting.
         Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, Seller
         will deliver to Purchaser the voting agreement of Benjamin Jacobson, in
         form satisfactory to Purchaser, confirming his agreement to vote in
         favor of this Agreement at the aforesaid meeting of stockholders and
         recommending the approval of the transactions contemplated by this
         Agreement to the other stockholders of Seller.

                  (d) In connection with obtaining the Landlord Consents, each
         of Seller and Purchaser shall bear equally the payment of any fees or
         other monetary consideration charged by the respective lessors of the
         Leased Real Estate; provided, however, that neither party shall be
         required to pay more than $100,000 to any one lessor or more than
         $500,000 in the aggregate to all such lessors. In connection with
         obtaining the consents of the holders of the Seller's 10 3/4% senior
         notes due 2008 and of the indebtedness under the FFCA Loan Documents,
         Seller will pay all required fees and expenses of the holders or their
         counsel for processing such consents (but shall not be required to pay
         any assumption fees, prepayment penalties or similar charges under the
         terms of such indebtedness). In obtaining the Liquor Consents, the
         Purchaser shall pay all application fees, hearing costs, public notice
         expenses and similar charges imposed or required by applicable
         governmental entities. Except as set forth above, nothing in this
         Section 5.1 shall require a party to expend any monies to obtain any
         approval or consent required hereunder, except for customary attorneys'
         fees and filing fees incident to the transactions contemplated hereby
         or as otherwise specifically required under this Agreement.


                  (a) From and after the date of this Agreement and through the
         Closing Date, Seller will provide to Purchaser and its accountants,
         counsel and other authorized representatives reasonable access, during
         normal business hours, upon prior written notice, reasonably requested
         and accompanied by such employees of Seller as Seller shall reasonably
         designate, to the premises, senior management, multi-unit managers and
         restaurant managers, properties, contracts, commitments, books and
         records of the Business and will cause its officers to furnish to
         Purchaser and its authorized representatives such financial, technical
         and operating data and

         other information pertaining to the Business, as the Purchaser shall
         from time to time reasonably request.

                  (b) Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this
         Agreement, Seller will provide to Purchaser unit-level results of
         operations for the Purchased Restaurants as of the most recent
         completely period for which information is available. In addition,
         Seller will provide to Purchaser copies of the unaudited balance sheets
         and results of operations for the Business for periods subsequent to
         September 27, 2000, as promptly as practicable after the preparation
         thereof for internal use.

                  (c) For a period following the Closing Date consistent with
         Seller's normal record retention policy, (the "Seller Retention
         Period"), Seller will retain the Seller's Records relating primarily to
         the Business. During the Seller Retention Period, Seller will cooperate
         with and afford reasonable access to the Seller's Records relating
         primarily to the Business, to Purchaser, its counsel and accountants
         and any government officials, during normal business hours, to the
         extent that such cooperation and access may reasonably be required to
         facilitate the preparation by Purchaser of such tax returns as it may
         be required to file and the investigation, litigation and final
         disposition of any claims which may be made against Purchaser, provided
         that such cooperation and access does not unreasonably disrupt the
         normal operations of the Seller's business. Following the expiration of
         the Seller Retention Period, Seller may dispose of any such books,
         records and other data, provided, however, that before disposing of
         such materials it will first notify Purchaser and permit Purchaser, at
         its sole expense, to remove such materials.

                  (d) For a period following the Closing Date consistent with
         Purchaser's normal record retention policy (the "Purchaser Retention
         Period"), Purchaser will retain the Business Records. During the
         Purchaser Retention Period, Purchaser will cooperate with and afford
         reasonable access to the Business Records, to Seller, its counsel and
         accountants and any government officials, during normal business hours,
         to the extent that such cooperation and access may reasonably be
         required to facilitate the preparation by Seller of such tax returns as
         it may be required to file and the investigation, litigation and final
         disposition of any claims which may be made against Seller, provided,
         that such cooperation and access does not unreasonably disrupt the
         normal operations of the Business. Following the expiration of the
         Purchaser Retention Period, Purchaser may dispose of any such books,
         records and other data, provided, however, that before disposing of
         such materials it will first notify Seller and permit Seller, at its
         sole expense, to remove such materials.

                  (e) The Purchaser and its representatives shall hold in strict
         confidence all information (other than information which is generally
         available to the public) concerning Seller, the Purchased Assets and
         the Business acquired pursuant to the transactions contemplated hereby
         in the event that the sale of the Purchased Assets is not consummated.
         All files, records, documents, information, data and similar items
         relating to the confidential information of Seller shall remain the
         exclusive property of Seller and shall be promptly delivered to Seller
         upon any termination of this Agreement.

that, between the date hereof and the Closing:

                  (a) except as contemplated hereby or with the prior consent of
         Purchaser, it will refrain from doing any of the following in respect
         of the Business: (i) entering into any

         transaction other than in the ordinary course of Business, (ii)
         permitting any encumbrance, mortgage or pledge on any Purchased Asset
         other than Permitted Liens, (iii) disposing of any material Purchased
         Asset except for the sale or use of inventory and supplies in the
         ordinary course of Business, (iv) amending, renewing or modifying any
         of the Contracts listed on Schedule 5.3 hereof without the prior
         written consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably
         withheld, (v) entering into any employment contract or make any change
         in the compensation payable or to become payable to any of its
         officers, executives or managers or other employees engaged primarily
         in the Business, other than anniversary increases or promotions
         consistent with past practice, (vi) amending in any material respect
         any of its leases and subleases relating to the Leased Real Estate
         without the prior written consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not
         be unreasonably withheld, (vii) reduce (other than for seasonal
         adjustments consistent with past practice) the level of advertising
         expenses for the Business or (viii) entering into any agreement,
         commitment or arrangement with respect to the foregoing.

                  (b) Without the consent of Purchaser, Seller shall not
         transfer the employment of any "Chili's" or "On the Border" restaurant
         manager to a "Bertucci's" restaurant or other restaurant concept of
         Seller or its affiliates.

                  (c) Seller shall maintain insurance, in respect of the
         Business and Purchased Assets, of the kind, in the amount and with the
         insurers as currently maintained or equivalent insurance with
         substitute insurers.

         5.4. AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULES. From time to time commencing on the date
of this Agreement and until the Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser
written notice of any event or development that would (i) render any statement,
representation or warranty of Seller in this Agreement (including the
"Disclosure Schedule," as defined in Section 9.12 below) inaccurate or
incomplete in any material respect or (ii) constitute or result in a breach by
Seller of, or a failure by Seller to comply with, any agreement or covenant in
this Agreement applicable to it. Any disclosure made by Seller pursuant to
clause (i) of the prior sentence shall be deemed to amend and supplement the
Disclosure Schedule for all purposes of this Agreement (except for Purchaser's
right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.1(ii), which right (A)
must be initiated by Purchaser giving notice of a breach, as required by Section
9.1(ii), and (B) will be subject to Seller's right to cure under Section


                  (a) The Purchaser will offer employment, as of the Closing
         Date, to all salaried and hourly employees employed by Seller
         immediately prior to Closing at the Purchased Restaurants and those
         multi-unit employees listed on Schedule 5.5(a) hereto, including those
         employees on vacation, leave of absence or disability; however, the
         employment of any employees of Seller who accept employment with the
         Purchaser after the Closing Date (the "Transferred Employees") shall be
         at will.

                  (b) Except as set forth in subsection (c) below, Seller shall
         retain responsibility for any liability under its Employee Benefit
         Plans in respect of periods prior to the Closing Date.

                  (c) Effective as of the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall make
         available to the Transferred Employees the employee benefit plan(s)
         maintained by Purchaser for its employees generally (the "Purchaser
         Plans") in accordance with their terms. To the extent permitted by the
         terms of the Purchaser Plans, the Purchaser will (i) waive all
         deductibles, waiting periods and

         limitations with respect to pre-existing conditions and other
         conditions applicable to employees of Seller under the Purchaser Plans,
         and (ii) grant full past service credit (including credit for
         eligibility, benefit accrual and for vesting) to the Transferred
         Employees for service with Seller under any and all of the Purchaser
         Plans, including but not limited to bonus, severance, and similar
         employment policies. Neither this Agreement nor the consummation of the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement will entitle any employee,
         including but not limited to, Transferred Employees, to any other
         severance benefits nor will it accelerate compensation due any such
         Transferred Employee as of the Closing Date. The Purchaser will further
         credit each Transferred Employee with the accrued vacation and sick
         time owing to such Transferred Employee by Seller as of the Closing
         Date, provided that the same has been recorded in either the general
         ledger or payroll records of Seller in accordance with good business
         practice and on a basis consistent with prior periods. In this regard,
         Seller has set forth on Schedule 5.5(c) a listing of accrued vacation
         liability in excess of two weeks, as of the date most recently
         available to Seller prior to the date hereof, for prospective
         Transferred Employees. Subject to the foregoing, the Purchaser shall
         have the right in the good faith exercise of operations and managerial
         discretion to make changes or cause changes to be made after the
         Closing Date in compensation, benefits and other terms of employment
         and to terminate any such employee.

                  (d) Purchaser will not for a period of 60 days after the
         Closing undertake any "plant closing" or "mass layoff" (as such terms
         are defined in the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
         ("WARN") or undertake any other actions requiring notification pursuant
         to WARN. Purchaser shall be solely responsible for compliance with any
         United States federal, state, or local laws and regulations relating to
         plant closing or a substantial layoff of personnel with respect to the
         Transferred Employees.

                  (e) Purchaser shall be solely responsible under the
         "continuation coverage" provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
         Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended, for the Transferred Employees
         and their beneficiaries.

         5.6. NO SHOPPING. From the date hereof through and until the earlier of
termination of this Agreement or Closing, neither Seller nor any of its
affiliates, employees, officers, directors, agents or advisors shall, directly
or indirectly, (a) solicit, initiate or encourage any inquiries, proposals or
offers from any third party relating to any acquisition of the Business or the
Purchased Assets, or (b) with respect to any effort or attempt by any third
party to do or seek any of the foregoing, (i) participate in any discussions or
negotiations, (ii) furnish to any third party any information with respect to,
or afford access to the properties, books or records of or relating to, the
Business or Purchased Assets, or (iii) otherwise cooperate in any way with, or
assist or participate in, or facilitate or encourage any such effort. Seller
shall promptly notify Purchaser if any such proposal or offer or any bona fide
inquiry or contact with any third party with respect thereto is being considered
by Seller.

         5.7. NON-SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES. For a period of one year after the
date of the Closing, (i) Seller shall not, and shall not cause or assist any of
Seller's subsidiaries or affiliates to, attempt to or assist any other person in
attempting to encourage any director, officer, employee or agent of Purchaser or
its subsidiaries or affiliates to terminate such relationship with Purchaser or
such subsidiary or affiliate, as the case may be, and (ii) Purchaser shall not,
and shall not cause or assist any of Purchaser's subsidiaries or affiliates to,
attempt to or assist any other person in attempting to encourage any director,
officer, employee or agent of Seller or its subsidiaries or affiliates to
terminate such relationship with Seller or such subsidiary or affiliate.

         5.8. NON-HIRING OF MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES. For a period of one year after
the date of the Closing, (i) Seller shall not, and shall not cause or assist any
of Seller's subsidiaries or affiliates to, hire any managerial employee (i.e. at
the level of restaurant general manager or above) of Purchaser or its
subsidiaries or affiliates (except for the individual noted on Schedule 5.8),
and (ii) Purchaser shall not, and shall not cause or assist any of Purchaser's
subsidiaries or affiliates to, hire any managerial employee (i.e., at the level
of restaurant general manager or above) of Seller or its subsidiaries or

         5.9. TOLLING AGREEMENT. Contemporaneously with the execution and
delivery of this Agreement, Purchaser will extend the time for compliance by
Seller of its obligations to develop additional "Chili's" and "On the Border"
restaurants during 2000 and 2001 under the existing Development Agreements, in
the event the Closing hereunder shall not occur, for a period of time equal to
the number of days elapsed from the date of this Agreement through the date of
termination of this Agreement. In addition, Purchaser hereby agrees that the
development schedule for "Chili's" shall be amended from the current 3
additional units in each of 2001 and 2002 to a schedule of 2 additional units in
2001 and 4 additional units in 2002.

         5.10. OPERATION OF FAILED SITES. In the event that any of the Purchased
Restaurants becomes a Failed Site as of the Closing Date, the Seller shall
continue to operate the Failed Site under its existing Franchise Agreement for
such period as determined by Seller but which shall in no event exceed 12 months
after the Closing. During such period, Seller shall comply with all of its
obligations under the Franchise Agreement. Upon conclusion of such period, the
Franchise Agreement for such Failed Site shall terminate, without any refund of
franchise fees required to be made by Purchaser, and Purchaser's interest in the
leasehold estate of such Failed Site shall terminate as well. Purchaser will
consent to all modifications of the leases for such Failed Sites requested by
Seller that are consistent with the intent of this Section 5.10.

         5.11. GIFT CERTIFICATES. For a period of two years after the Closing
Date, Seller shall pay to Purchaser in cash the face amount of all Gift
Certificates issued by Seller that are presented for redemption and are redeemed
by Purchaser during such period. From time to time, no more frequently than
monthly, Purchaser shall remit redeemed Gift Certificates to Seller for
cancellation, and Seller shall pay Purchaser within 10 days of the date Gift
Certificates are so remitted.

consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be subject to
the satisfaction on or before the Closing Date of each of the following

         6.1. COMPLIANCE. Purchaser shall have, or shall have caused to be,
satisfied or complied with and performed in all material respects, all terms,
covenants and conditions of this Agreement to be complied with or performed by
it on or before the Closing Date.

         6.2. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. All of the representations and
warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement and in all certificates and other
documents delivered by Purchaser to Seller pursuant hereto, shall have been true
and correct in all material respects as of the date hereof, and shall be true
and correct in all material respects at the Closing Date with the same force and
effect as if such representations and warranties had been made at and as of the
Closing Date, except for changes permitted or contemplated by this Agreement.

         6.3. CONSENTS.

                  (a) Seller shall have obtained the Stockholder Consent, the
         consent of FFCA Acquisition Corporation and FFCA Funding Corporation to
         the assumption by Purchaser, as of the Closing Date, of the Seller's
         obligations under the FFCA Loan Documents and the release of Seller
         therefrom, and the consent, if required, of the holders of Seller's 10
         3/4% senior notes due 2008 to the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  (b) All applicable waiting periods under the HSR Act shall
         have been terminated or shall have expired without objection or action
         which would prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated

                  (c) Seller shall have received the Landlord Consents and
         Liquor Consents, except where the failure to obtain same would not
         reasonably be likely to have a Business Material Adverse Effect.

         6.4. DEVELOPMENT AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS. Purchaser shall have
executed a termination agreement with respect to the existing Development
Agreement and Franchise Agreements by and among the parties hereto,
substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, and Purchaser shall have paid
Seller $150,000 in immediately available funds relating to prepaid fees under
the Chili's Development Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Franchise
Agreements in respect of Failed Sites shall not be terminated as of the Closing
and shall remain in effect as provided in Section 5.10 hereof.

         6.5. PAYMENT OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Purchaser shall have reimbursed
Seller for all out-of-pocket construction expenses for the In-Process Sites
represented by invoices dated on and after September 27, 2000.

Purchaser, the obligations of Purchaser to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement shall be subject to the satisfaction, on or
before the Closing Date, of each of the following conditions:

         7.1. COMPLIANCE. Seller shall have, or shall have caused to be,
satisfied or complied with and performed in all material respects all terms,
covenants, and conditions of this Agreement to be complied with or performed by
Seller on or before the Closing Date.

         7.2. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. All of the representations and
warranties made by Seller in this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and in
all certificates and other documents delivered by Seller pursuant hereto, shall
have been true and correct in all material respects as of the date hereof, and
shall be true and correct in all material respects at the Closing Date with the
same force and effect as if such representations and warranties had been made at
and as of the Closing Date, except for changes permitted or contemplated by this

         7.3. CONSENTS.

                  (a) Purchaser shall have received a copy of the Stockholder
         Consent and shall have obtained the consent of FFCA Acquisition
         Corporation and FFCA Funding Corporation to the assumption by
         Purchaser, as of the Closing Date, of the Seller's obligations under
         the FFCA Loan Documents.

                  (b) All applicable waiting periods under the HSR Act shall
         have been terminated or shall have expired without objection or action
         which would prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated

                  (c) Purchaser shall have received the Landlord Consents and
         Liquor Consents, except where the failure to obtain same would not
         reasonably be likely to have a Business Material Adverse Effect.

         7.4. DEVELOPMENT AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS. Seller shall have executed a
termination agreement with respect to the existing Development Agreement and
Franchise Agreements by and among the parties hereto, substantially in the form
of Exhibit A hereto, and Seller shall be current in the payment of all
royalties, advertising contributions and franchise fees thereunder as of the
date of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Franchise Agreements in
respect of Failed Sites shall not be terminated as of the Closing and shall
remain in effect as provided in Section 5.10 hereof.

         7.5. DUE DILIGENCE. Purchaser's due diligence investigation of the
Business and Purchased Assets shall not have revealed any item which (i) would
be reasonably likely to constitute a Business Material Adverse Effect or (ii)
would be reasonably likely to constitute a material breach of a representation
and warranty hereunder, and (iii) in the case of either (i) or (ii) above, was
not cured to Purchaser's reasonable satisfaction (it being understood that so
long as the aggregate of such items, after giving effect to Seller's efforts to
cure, results in not more than $500,000 of actual or expected damages or losses
to the Purchaser, then Purchaser shall be deemed to have been satisfied with
such cure) within 20 days after Purchaser gives Seller notice identifying such
item; provided, however, that if Purchaser has not notified Seller of such item
within 35 days after the date of this Agreement, the condition set forth in this
Section shall be deemed to have been satisfied.

         7.6. SELLER BONUS PLAN. Seller shall have satisfied (or set aside funds
for such purpose) its liability to Transferred Employees in respect of periods
on and prior to the Closing under its bonus plans listed on Schedule 3.14.


         8.1. INDEMNIFICATION OF PURCHASER. Subject to the limitations set forth
in Sections 8.3 and 8.4, Seller shall indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless
from, against, for and in respect of (i) any and all damages, losses, settlement
payments, obligations, liabilities, claims, actions or causes of action and
encumbrances suffered, sustained, incurred or required to be paid by Purchaser,
net of any insurance coverage with respect thereto, any amounts recovered from
third parties which reduce the damages that would otherwise be sustained or any
resulting income tax benefits to Purchaser, (A) because of the breach of any
written representation, warranty, agreement or covenant of Seller contained in
this Agreement or (B) in respect of any liability of the Purchased Restaurants
(other than the Assumed Liabilities) relating to periods at or prior to the
Closing; and (ii) all reasonable costs and expenses (including, without

attorneys' fees, interest and penalties) incurred by Purchaser in connection
with any action, suit, proceeding, demand, assessment or judgment incident to
any of the matters indemnified against in this Section 8.1.

         8.2. INDEMNIFICATION OF SELLER. Subject to the limitations set forth in
Sections 8.3 and 8.4, Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from,
against, for and in respect of: (i) any and all damages, losses, settlement
payments, obligations, liabilities, claims, actions or causes of action and
encumbrances suffered, sustained, incurred or required to be paid by Seller, net
of any insurance coverage with respect thereto, any amounts recovered from third
parties which reduce the damages that would otherwise be sustained or any
resulting income tax benefits to Seller, (A) because of the breach of any
written representation, warranty, agreement or covenant of Purchaser contained
in this Agreement or (B) in respect of any of the Assumed Liabilities, or in
respect of any liability of the Purchased Restaurants relating to periods after
the Closing; and (ii) all reasonable costs and expenses (including, without
limitation, attorneys' fees, interest and penalties) incurred by Seller in
connection with any action, suit, proceeding, demand, assessment or judgment
incident to any of the matters indemnified against in this Section 8.2.

representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made by any party to this
Agreement or pursuant hereto shall be deemed to be material and to have been
relied upon by the parties hereto, and shall survive until the first anniversary
of the Closing Date (except for the representations pursuant to Section 3.7,
which shall survive until the third anniversary of the Closing Date). Notice of
any claim, whether made under the indemnification provisions hereof or
otherwise, based on a breach of a representation, warranty, covenant or
agreement must be given prior to the expiration of such representation,
warranty, covenant or agreement; and any claim not made within such period shall
be of no force or effect. The representations and warranties hereunder shall not
be affected or diminished by any investigation at any time by or on behalf of
the party for whose benefit such representations and warranties were made.

         8.4. GENERAL RULES REGARDING INDEMNIFICATION. The obligations and
liabilities of each indemnifying party hereunder with respect to claims
resulting from the assertion of liability by the other party shall be subject to
the following terms and conditions:

                  (a) The indemnified party shall give prompt written notice
         (which in no event shall exceed 30 days from the date on which the
         indemnified party first became aware of such claim or assertion) to the
         indemnifying party of any claim which might give rise to a claim by the
         indemnified party against the indemnifying party based on the indemnity
         agreements contained in Sections 8.1 or 8.2 hereof, stating the nature
         and basis of said claims and the amounts thereof, to the extent known;

                  (b) If any action, suit or proceeding is brought against the
         indemnified party with respect to which the indemnifying party may have
         liability under the indemnity agreements contained in Sections 8.1 or
         8.2 hereof, the action, suit or proceeding shall, at the election of
         the indemnifying party, be defended (including all proceedings on
         appeal or for review which counsel for the indemnified party shall deem
         appropriate) by the indemnifying party. The indemnified party shall
         have the right to employ its own counsel in any such case, but the fees
         and expenses of such counsel shall be at the indemnified party's own
         expense unless the employment of such counsel and the payment of such
         fees and expenses both shall have been specifically authorized in
         writing by the indemnifying party in connection with the defense of
         such action, suit or

         proceeding. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (A) if there are defenses
         available to the indemnified party which are inconsistent with those
         available to the indemnifying party to such extent as to create a
         conflict of interest between the indemnifying party and the indemnified
         party, the indemnified party shall have the right to direct the defense
         of such action, suit or proceeding insofar as it relates to such
         inconsistent defenses, and the indemnifying party shall be responsible
         for the reasonable fees and expenses of the indemnified party's counsel
         insofar as they relate to such inconsistent defenses, and (B) if such
         action, suit or proceeding involves or could have an effect on matters
         beyond the scope of the indemnity agreements contained in Sections 8.1
         and 8.2 hereof, the indemnified party shall have the right to direct
         (at its own expense) the defense of such action, suit or proceeding
         insofar as it relates to such other matters. The indemnified party
         shall be kept fully informed of such action, suit or proceeding at all
         stages thereof whether or not it is represented by separate counsel.

                  (c) The indemnified party shall make available to the
         indemnifying party and its attorneys and accountants all books and
         records of the indemnified party relating to such proceedings or
         litigation and the parties hereto agree to render to each other such
         assistance as they may reasonably require of each other in order to
         ensure the proper and adequate defense of any such action, suit or

                  (d) The indemnified party shall not make any settlement of any
         claims without the written consent of the indemnifying party.

                  (e) An indemnified party shall not make any claim hereunder
         unless and until it has incurred damages and expenses of a cumulative
         aggregate in an amount equal to $500,000 and shall thereafter be
         entitled to make a claim only for amounts incurred in excess of such
         amount; provided, however, that such amount shall not apply with
         respect to the amounts owed by virtue of the adjustments to the
         Purchase Price described in Sections 1.4 or 1.5 or in respect of the
         matters described in clause (i)(B) of Sections 8.1 and 8.2.

                  (f) In no event shall the cumulative liability of Seller in
         respect of all claims made hereunder exceed $10 million; provided,
         however, that such aggregate maximum shall not apply in respect of any
         claims arising from the fraudulent conduct of Seller and/or its

                  (g) Except to the extent the parties may be entitled to the
         remedy of specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained
         in this Agreement after the Closing, the remedies provided in this
         Article VIII shall be exclusive and shall preclude assertion by an
         indemnified party of any other rights or the seeking of any and all
         other remedies against an indemnifying party for claims based on this


         9.1. TERMINATION. This Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby may be terminated at any time on or before the Closing Date:

                  (i) by mutual consent of Seller and Purchaser;

                  (ii) by Purchaser if there has been a material
         misrepresentation or breach of warranty in the representations and
         warranties of Seller set forth herein or if there has been any material

         on the part of Seller to comply with its obligations hereunder, and
         such breach, failure or misrepresentation is not cured to Purchaser's
         reasonable satisfaction within ten days after Purchaser gives Seller
         written notice identifying such breach, failure or misrepresentation;

                  (iii) by Seller if there has been a material misrepresentation
         or breach of warranty in the representations and warranties of
         Purchaser set forth herein or if there has been any material failure on
         the part of Purchaser to comply with its obligations hereunder, and
         such breach, failure or misrepresentation is not cured to Seller's
         reasonable satisfaction within ten days after Seller gives Purchaser
         written notice identifying such breach, failure or misrepresentation;

                  (iv) by either of Purchaser or Seller if the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement have not been consummated by February
         28, 2001 (which date shall be extended if, as of February 28, 2001, all
         other conditions contained herein have been satisfied or, to the extent
         permitted hereunder, waived, to no later than April 30, 2001, if
         approvals with respect to the HSR Act, Landlord Consents or Liquor
         Consents have been applied for and have not been obtained by February
         28, 2001), unless the parties otherwise agree or unless such failure of
         consummation is due to the failure of the terminating party to perform
         or observe the covenants and agreements hereof to be performed or
         observed by it at or before the Closing Date;

                  (v) by either of Seller or Purchaser if the transactions
         contemplated hereby violate any order, decree, or judgment of any court
         or governmental body or agency having competent jurisdiction;

                  (vi) by Purchaser if the condition set forth in Section 7.5
         has not been satisfied within the time period set forth therein; and

                  (vii) by either Purchaser or Seller in the event that as of
         the Closing there are five or more Failed Sites or a proposed reduction
         in the Purchase Price of more than $10 million as a result of Failed

Except for liability or obligations pursuant to Sections 5.2(e), 5.9 and 9.2
hereof, in the event of the termination of this Agreement pursuant to this
Section 9.1, this Agreement shall forthwith become null and void and of no
further force or effect; provided, however, that the parties hereto shall remain
liable for any breach of this Agreement prior to its termination.

         9.2. EXPENSES. Each of the Purchaser and Seller shall pay its own
expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby. For purposes of determining the responsibility for fees and
expenses in connection with the transfer of the Real Estate, Purchaser shall be
responsible for all title policy premiums, title search and examination fees and
survey charges; Seller shall be responsible for all deed transfer taxes; and
Purchaser and Seller shall bear equally any recording fees.

         9.3. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and the exhibits hereto contain
the complete agreement among the parties with respect to the transactions
contemplated hereby and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, oral
or written, among the parties with respect to such transactions. Section and
other headings are for reference purposes only and shall not affect the
interpretation or construction of this Agreement. The parties hereto have not
made any representation or warranty except as expressly set forth in this
Agreement or in any certificate or schedule delivered pursuant hereto.

         9.4. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. No party to this Agreement shall issue any
press release relating to, or otherwise publicly disclose, the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement without the prior approval of the other parties.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any party may make such disclosure as may be
required by law, provided the disclosing party obtains from the other party
prior approval of the substance of the proposed disclosure (such as the content
of a proposed press release), which approval may not be unreasonably withheld or

         9.5. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an
original, and such counterparts together shall constitute only one original.

         9.6. NOTICES. All notices, demands, requests or other communications
that may be or are required to be given, served or sent by any party to any
other party pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
transmitted by a reputable overnight courier service or by hand delivery or
facsimile transmission, addressed as follows:

         (i)      If to the Purchaser:

                  Brinker International, Inc.
                  6820 LBJ Freeway
                  Dallas, Texas 75240
                  Attn: Noah C. Pollack, Corporate Counsel
                  Fax:  972-770-9465

         with copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

                  Hallett & Perrin
                  717 N. Harwood, 14th Floor
                  Dallas, Texas 75240
                  Attn: Bruce H. Hallett
                  Fax:  214-953-0576

         (ii)     If to Seller:

                  NE Restaurant Company, Inc.
                  5 Clock Tower Place,  Suite 200
                  Maynard, Massachusetts  01754
                  Attn: Gregory A. Pastore, General Counsel
                  Fax:  978-897-5858

         with copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

                  Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer
                  One Financial Center
                  Boston, Massachusetts  02111
                  Attn: Carl E. Axelrod
                  Fax:  617-856-8201

Each party may designate by notice in writing a new address to which any notice,
demand, request or communication may thereafter be so given, served, or sent.
Each notice, demand, request or communication that is mailed, delivered, or
transmitted in the manner described above shall be deemed sufficiently given,
served, sent and received for all purposes at such time as it is delivered to
the addressee (with the return receipt, the delivery receipt, fax confirmation
sheet or the affidavit of courier or messenger being deemed conclusive evidence
of such delivery) or at such time as delivery is refused by the addressee upon

         9.7. ASSIGNMENT; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement may not be
assigned by either of the parties hereto without the written consent of all the
other parties; provided, however, that the Purchaser shall be entitled to assign
this Agreement to one or more subsidiary corporations so long as the Purchaser
remains liable for the payment of the Purchase Price and performance of its
other obligations hereunder. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement
and the rights, interests and obligations hereunder shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and assigns.

         9.8. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the state of Delaware.

         9.9. WAIVER AND OTHER ACTION. This Agreement may be amended, modified,
or supplemented only by a written instrument executed by the parties against
which enforcement of the amendment, modification or supplement is sought.

         9.10. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be
illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable, and
this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or
unenforceable provision were never a part hereof; the remaining provisions
hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the
illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance; and in lieu of
such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision, there shall be added
automatically as part of this Agreement, a provision as similar in its terms to
such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be
legal, valid and enforceable.

         9.11. THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement and the rights,
obligations, duties and benefits hereunder are intended for the parties hereto,
and no other person or entity shall have any rights, obligations, duties and
benefits pursuant hereto.

         9.12. DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES; KNOWLEDGE. Any information furnished by
Seller in the Schedules attached hereto (collectively, the "Disclosure
Schedule") (or any update thereto) shall be deemed to modify all of Seller's
representations and warranties. The inclusion of any information in the
Disclosure Schedule (or any update thereto) shall not be deemed to be an
admission or acknowledgment, in and of itself, that such information is required
by the terms hereof to be disclosed, is material to the Business, has or would
reasonably be likely to have a Business Material Adverse Effect, or is outside
the ordinary course of Business. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms "to
Seller's knowledge," "known by Seller" or other words of similar meaning shall
mean the actual knowledge of, or constructive knowledge by virtue of the receipt
of written notice by, Benjamin Jacobson, David Nace, Raymond P. Barbrick and
Gregory Pastore, without any further obligation of investigation, and shall not
refer to the knowledge of any other person or entity.

         9.13. MUTUAL CONTRIBUTION. The parties to this Agreement and their
counsel have mutually contributed to its drafting. Consequently, no provision of
this Agreement shall be construed against any party on the ground that such
party drafted the provision or caused it to be drafted or the provision contains
a covenant of such party.

                         [signatures on following page]

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                                  NE RESTAURANT COMPANY, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Benjamin R. Jacobson
                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer

                                  NERC Limited Partnership
                                  By NERC SPE Inc. (general partner)

                                  By: /s/ Benjamin R. Jacobson
                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer

                                  NERC Limited Partnership II
                                  By NERC SPE II Inc. (general partner)

                                  By: /s/ Benjamin R. Jacobson
                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer

                                  Brinker International, Inc.

                                  By: /s/
                                      Russell Owens
                                      Executive Vice President