Exhibit 16(b)(1)

100 Federal Street
Boston, MA  02110

201 Fourth Avenue North, 3rd Floor
Nashville, TN 37219

                                  May 11, 2001

                        Senior Secured Credit Facilities
                                COMMITMENT LETTER

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

         You have informed Fleet National Bank ("Fleet") and SunTrust Bank
("SunTrust" and collectively with Fleet, the "Underwriting Lenders") that Uno
Acquisition Corp. ("Uno Acquisition"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Uno
Restaurant Holdings Corporation ("URHC"), and Uno Restaurant Corporation ("Uno")
desire to arrange for (a) a revolving credit facility in the aggregate amount of
$20,000,000 (the "Revolving Credit Facility"), (b) a term loan in the amount of
$40,000,000 ("Term Loan A") and (c) a term loan in the amount of $15,000,000
("Term Loan B" and collectively with the Revolving Credit Facility and Term Loan
A, the "Credit Facilities"), for use principally to refinance existing
indebtedness of Uno and certain of its affiliates and to partially finance,
together with the proceeds of three sale leaseback transactions, the
recapitalization of Uno (the "Recapitalization") and to pay fees and expenses
associated with the Recapitalization. The Credit Facilities will be guaranteed,
jointly and severally, by URHC and all of its subsidiaries which are not
borrowers under the Credit Facilities. URHC, Uno Acquisition, Uno and its
subsidiaries are referred to herein collectively as the "Loan Parties".

         Fleet is pleased to inform you that it is willing to act as the sole
and exclusive administrative agent for the Credit Facilities (the
"Administrative Agent"); and SunTrust is pleased to inform you that it is
willing to act as syndication agent for the Credit Facilities (the "Syndication
Agent"). We are also pleased to inform you that Fleet Securities, Inc., ("FSI")

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SunTrust Equitable Securities Corporation ("STES") are willing to act as the
Co-Lead Arrangers for the Credit Facilities (collectively, the "Arrangers"). The
Loan Parties agree that no other agents, co-agents or arrangers will be
appointed, no other titles will be awarded and no compensation (other than that
expressly contemplated by the Term Sheet referred to below, the Fee Letters
referred to below, and customary administrative agent fees) will be paid in
connection with the Credit Facilities unless the Loan Parties and the Arrangers
shall so agree.

         Subject to satisfaction of the conditions contained herein and in the
attached Summary of Terms and Conditions (the "Term Sheet"), Fleet, and SunTrust
are pleased to advise you that each of them, severally and not jointly and
severally, hereby makes commitments for the portions of the Credit Facilities
set forth below:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bank                                            Commitment
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fleet                                           $37,500,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SunTrust                                        $37,500,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The commitment of the Underwriting Lenders hereunder to provide the
Credit Facilities is subject to (a) the terms and conditions set forth herein,
in the Fee Letters and in the Term Sheet; (b) the completion of all due
diligence with respect to the Loan Parties to the satisfaction of the
Underwriting Lenders in their sole discretion; (c) our satisfaction that prior
to and during the syndication of the Credit Facilities there shall be no
competing offering, placement or arrangement of any debt securities or bank
financing by or on behalf of the Loan Parties, except those certain sale
leaseback transactions contemplated to take place in conjunction with the Credit
Facilities; (d) the negotiation, execution and delivery of definitive
documentation for the Credit Facilities consistent with the Term Sheet and
otherwise satisfactory to us; (e) since the date hereof, no material adverse
change in or material disruption of conditions in the financial, banking, loan
syndication or capital markets which we, in our sole discretion, deem material
in connection with the syndication of the Credit Facilities shall have occurred
and be continuing; (f) no change, occurrence or development that could, in our
opinion, have a material adverse effect on the business, assets, liabilities
(actual or contingent), operations, performance, condition (financial or
otherwise) or prospects of the Loan Parties taken as a whole shall have occurred
or become known to us; (g) our not becoming aware after the date hereof of any
information or other matter which in our judgment is inconsistent in a material
and adverse manner with any information or other matter disclosed to us by the
Loan Parties prior to the date hereof (in which case we may, in our sole
discretion, suggest alternative financing amounts or structures that ensure
adequate protection for the Lenders or terminate this letter and any commitment
or undertaking hereunder); and (h) that there not have occurred after the date
hereof the introduction of additional material government restrictions imposed
upon lending institutions which materially affect the type of transactions
contemplated hereby. In addition, such commitment is subject to the negotiation,
execution and delivery prior to August 1, 2001 (unless

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such date shall have been extended by mutual agreement of the parties hereto) of
definitive documentation with respect to the Credit Facilities consistent with
the Term Sheet satisfactory in all respects to the Underwriting Lenders and
their counsel.

         As we have discussed with you, the Arrangers intend to syndicate the
Credit Facilities to a group of financial institutions (together with the
Underwriting Lenders, the "Lenders") identified by the Arrangers in consultation
with the Loan Parties. The Arrangers will manage all aspects of the syndication,
in consultation and cooperation with the Loan Parties, including decisions as to
the selection of proposed Lenders and any titles offered to proposed Lenders,
when commitments will be accepted and the final allocations of the commitments
among the Lenders. In the event that such syndication cannot be achieved in a
manner satisfactory to the Underwriting Lenders under the structure outlined in
the Term Sheet, the Loan Parties agree that the Underwriting Lenders shall be
entitled, after consultation with the Loan Parties, to change the pricing,
structure or other terms of the Credit Facilities if the Underwriting Lenders
determine that such changes are advisable to ensure a successful syndication or
an optimum credit structure, provided that the total amount of the Credit
Facilities remain unchanged. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a
successful syndication shall be deemed to have occurred if the Credit Facilities
have been sufficiently subscribed such that each of the Underwriting Lenders has
total respective allocated commitments less than or equal to $20 million. To
assist the Arrangers in achieving a satisfactory syndication, the Loan Parties
will provide direct contact during the syndication (at places and times to be
reasonably agreed upon) between the senior management and advisors of the Loan
Parties, on the one hand, and the proposed syndicate participants, on the other.
The Loan Parties will also provide the Arrangers upon request with all
information and projections reasonably deemed necessary by the Arrangers to
complete successfully the syndication and will assist the Arrangers in the
preparation of a confidential information memorandum and other marketing
materials to be used in connection with the syndication. URHC, Uno Acquisition
and Uno hereby represent, warrant and covenant that (a) all written information,
other than Projections (defined below), which has been or is hereafter made
available to us or the Lenders by the Loan Parties or any of the Loan Parties'
representatives in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby (the
"Information") is and will be complete and correct in all material respects and
does not and will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact necessary to make the statements contained therein not
misleading; and (b) all financial projections concerning the Loan Parties that
have been or are hereafter made available to us or the Lenders by the Loan
Parties or any of the Loan Parties' representatives (the "Projections") have
been or will be prepared in good faith based upon assumptions the Loan Parties
believe to be reasonable (it being understood that such Projections are subject
to uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the Loan Parties'
control, and that no assurance can be given that any particular Projections will
be realized). URHC, Uno Acquisition and Uno agree to furnish us with such
information and Projections as we may reasonably request and to supplement the
information and the Projections from time to time until the closing date for the
Credit Facilities

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so that the representations, warranties and covenants in the preceding sentence
are correct on such closing date. URHC, Uno Acquisition and Uno understand that
in arranging and syndicating the Credit Facilities, the Arrangers will be using
and relying on the information and the Projections without independent
verification thereof.

         As consideration for the commitments of the Underwriting Lenders
hereunder and for the agreements contained herein as to the management,
structuring and syndication of the Credit Facilities, Uno Acquisition and URHC,
jointly and severally, and UNO severally, agree to pay the fees set forth in the
fee letters of even date herewith by and among Uno Acquisition, Uno, URHC and
the Underwriting Lenders (the "Underwriting Fee Letter") and by and among Uno
Acquisition, Uno and URHC and the Administrative Agent (the "Administrative
Agent Fee Letter" and collectively with the Underwriting Fee Letter, the "Fee

         By executing this Commitment Letter, Uno Acquisition, Uno and URHC (the
"Indemnifying Parties") agree, jointly and severally (a) to indemnify and hold
harmless the Underwriting Lenders and the Arrangers and each of their affiliates
and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (the "Indemnified
Person(s)") from and against all losses, claims, damages and liabilities arising
out of or in connection with or by reason of any matters contemplated by this
Commitment Letter, the Term Sheet or the Fee Letters any related transaction or
any use made or proposed to be made with the proceeds of the Credit Facilities
for any claims, litigation, investigation or proceeding relating thereto
(including, without limitation, in connection with preparation of a defense in
connection therewith) and to reimburse upon demand each of such Indemnified
Persons from time to time for any reasonable legal or other expenses incurred in
connection with investigating or defending any of the foregoing; PROVIDED that
the foregoing indemnity will not apply to any losses, claims, damages,
liabilities or related expenses to the extent they are determined by a court in
a final non-appealable judgment to have resulted from willful misconduct or
gross negligence of any Indemnified Person; and (b) to reimburse the
Underwriting Lenders and the Arrangers and each of their affiliates from time to
time for all reasonable expenses (including their reasonable syndication
expenses, expenses for due diligence, printing, distribution, bank meetings,
transportation, duplication and related matters, and the reasonable fees and
disbursements of their counsel and the reasonable allocated cost of internal
counsel, but excluding any fees payable to syndicate members) arising out of or
incurred in connection with or by reason of any matters contemplated by this
Commitment Letter, the Term Sheet, the Fee Letters, the definitive documentation
for the Credit Facilities and the other transactions contemplated hereby and
thereby. Upon receipt by an Indemnified Person of actual notice of any action
against such Indemnified Person with respect to which indemnity may be sought
under this Commitment Letter, such Indemnified Person shall promptly notify the
Indemnifying Parties in writing; provided that failure to so notify the
Indemnifying Parties shall not relieve the Indemnifying Parties from any
liability which the Indemnifying Parties may have on account of this indemnity
or otherwise except to the extent that the Indemnifying Parties shall have been
prejudiced by such failure. The Indemnifying Parties shall have the right to

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the defense of any such action including the employment of counsel reasonably
satisfactory to the Indemnified Person, except as provided below.

         Any Indemnified Person shall have the right to employ separate counsel
in any such action and participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and
expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Indemnified Person,
except as provided below. In the event that an Indemnified Person has been
advised in writing by counsel that there may be one or more legal defenses
available to it or prospective bases for liability against it, which conflict
with those available to or against the Indemnifying Parties, then the
Indemnifying Parties shall not have the right to assume the defense of such
matter with respect to such Indemnified Person and shall pay the costs of such
defense. The Indemnifying Parties shall not be liable for any settlement of any
action affected without their written consent (which shall not be unreasonably
withheld). In addition, the Indemnifying Parties shall not, without prior
written consent of an Indemnified Person, settle, compromise or consent to the
entry of any judgment in or otherwise seek to terminate any pending or
threatened action in respect of which indemnification or contribution may be
sought hereunder (whether or not any Indemnified Person is a party thereto)
unless such settlement, compromise, consent or termination includes an
unconditional release of each Indemnified Person from all liabilities arising
out of such action. The provisions contained in this paragraph shall remain in
full force and effect notwithstanding that definitive financing documentation
for the Credit Facilities shall not be executed and delivered and that this
Commitment Letter (or the commitments hereunder) may be terminated. No
Indemnified Party shall be liable for any damages arising from the use by others
of information or other materials obtained through Internet, Intralinks or other
similar information transmission systems in connection with the Credit
Facilities, but this sentence shall not be deemed to modify or amend the
confidentiality provisions set forth in the following paragraph.

         Uno Acquisition, Uno and URHC agree that this Commitment Letter and the
Fee Letters are for their confidential use only and neither their existence nor
the terms hereof or thereof will be disclosed by them to any person or entity
other than (a) their officers, directors, accountants, attorneys and other
advisors, and then, in each case, only on a "need to know" basis in connection
with the transaction and on a confidential basis and (b) to the extent such
disclosure by Uno may be required under applicable securities law.

         This Commitment Letter may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which shall be an original and all of which, when taken together, shall
constitute one agreement. This Commitment Letter shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
This Commitment Letter is intended to be solely for the benefit of the parties
hereto and the Indemnified Persons and is not intended to confer any benefits
upon, or create any rights in favor of, any person other than the parties
hereto. Uno Acquisition, Uno, URHC and the Underwriting Lenders each hereby
irrevocably waive all rights to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or
counterclaim (whether based in contract, tort or otherwise) arising out of or
relating to this Commitment Letter, the Fee Letters, the transactions

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contemplated hereby or the actions of the Underwriting Lenders in the
negotiation, performance or enforcement hereof or thereof.

         This Commitment Letter, together with the Term Sheet and the Fee
Letters are the only agreements that have been entered into among us with
respect to the Credit Facilities and set forth the entire understanding of the
parties with respect thereto. This Commitment Letter may be modified or amended
only by the written agreement of all of us. This Commitment Letter is not
assignable by Uno Acquisition, Uno or URHC without our prior written consent.

         This Commitment Letter will expire at 12:00 p.m. Boston time on May 16,
2001, unless Uno Acquisition, Uno and URHC execute the enclosed copies of this
letter and return them to Fleet prior to that time (which may be by facsimile
transmission), whereupon this letter (which may be signed in one or more
counterparts) shall become a binding agreement. Thereafter, this Commitment
Letter will expire on August 1, 2001 unless definitive documentation for the
Credit Facilities is executed and delivered prior to such date. If Uno
Acquisition, Uno and URHC are in agreement with the foregoing, please sign and
return to Fleet the enclosed copies of this Commitment Letter no later than
12:00 p.m., Boston time, on May 16, 2001.

         We are very pleased to be able to offer you the commitments described
herein and look forward to working with you on this transaction.


                                        FLEET NATIONAL BANK

                                        By: /s/ Elise M. Russo
                                            Name: Elise M. Russo
                                            Title: Senior Vice President

                                        SUNTRUST BANK

                                        By: /s/ Vipul H. Patel
                                            Name: Vipul H. Patel
                                            Title: Director

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                                        FLEET SECURITIES, INC.

                                        By: /s/ Robert D. Valbona
                                            Name: Robert D. Valbona
                                            Title: Director

                                        SUNTRUST EQUITABLE SECURITIES

                                        By: /s/ Russell J. Herakovich
                                            Name: Russell J. Herakovich
                                            Title: Director

Accepted and agreed to as of the date first above written:


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
   Name: Robert M. Vincent
   Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
   Name: Robert M. Vincent
   Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
   Name: Robert M. Vincent
   Title: Executive Vice President


                              UNO ACQUISITION CORP.

                         SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
                  $75,000,000 SENIOR SECURED CREDIT FACILITIES

                                  MAY 11, 2001

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BORROWER:          Uno Acquisition Corp., a special purpose acquisition vehicle
                   formed by certain management investors (to be defined) of Uno
                   Restaurant Corporation ("Uno") and to be merged with Uno on
                   the Closing Date.

GUARANTORS:        Any existing or hereafter established parent or holding
                   company (the "Parent") of the Borrower and all present and
                   future direct and indirect subsidiaries of the Borrower or

FACILITIES:        Up to $75,000,000 in total aggregate amount, comprised of:
                   a) $20,000,000 Revolving Credit Loan (the "Revolver" or
                      "Revolving Credit Loans") with a sublimit for standby
                      letters of credit ("L/Cs") to be determined (the
                   b) $40,000,000 Term Loan ("Term Loan A"); and
                   c) $15,000,000 Term Loan ("Term Loan B").

USE OF PROCEEDS:   At Closing, Term Loan A, Term Loan B and up to $12,250,000
                   of advances (including L/Cs) under the Revolver shall be used
                   to refinance existing indebtedness (excluding certain
                   indebtedness to be determined) of Uno in the amount of
                   approximately $52,000,000; and to partially finance, in
                   combination with a $37,200,000 sale leaseback transaction,
                   and the rollover of 6,445,000 Uno common shares and 863,356
                   options for Uno common shares held by certain management
                   investors, the recapitalization of Uno in connection with a
                   going-private transaction (the "Recapitalization"); and to
                   pay fees and expenses associated with the Recapitalization.
                   The Recapitalization shall include the purchase of
                   approximately 4,550,000 million shares of publicly held Uno
                   common stock

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                   and 595,000 options of Uno for a total of approximately
                   $46,400,000. Thereafter, the Revolver shall be available for
                   the acquisition and/or construction of new operating
                   facilities, for operating facility upgrades, for the issuance
                   of standby letters of credit and for working capital and
                   other general corporate purposes.

AGENT:             Fleet National Bank ("Fleet")

AGENT:             SunTrust Bank ("SunTrust", and together with Fleet, the

ARRANGERS:         Fleet Securities, Inc. ("FSI") and SunTrust Equitable
                   Securities Corporation ("STES", and together with FSI, the

LENDERS:           Fleet and SunTrust shall each underwrite 50% of the
                   Facilities with the intention to syndicate the Facilities to
                   other financial institutions to be identified by the Agents
                   and the Arrangers in consultation with the Borrower.

CLOSING DATE:      Such date as may be agreed between the Agents, Arrangers and
                   the Borrower, but no later than August 1, 2001


AMOUNT:            $20,000,000 Revolver with a sublimit (TBD) for L/Cs


AVAILABILITY:      Advances under the Revolver may be borrowed, repaid and
                   reborrowed until Maturity.

MATURITY:          Five (5) years from the Closing Date

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AMOUNT:            $40,000,000

MATURITY:          Five (5) years from the Closing Date.

AMORTIZATION:      Term Loan A shall be payable in equal quarterly installments,
                   commencing on the last day of the sixth month following the
                   Closing Date, in accordance with the schedule shown in
                   Exhibit I attached.


AMOUNT:            $15,000,000.

MATURITY:          Six (6) years from the Closing Date.

AMORTIZATION:      Term Loan B shall be payable in equal quarterly installments,
                   commencing on the last day of the sixth month following the
                   Closing Date, in accordance with the schedule shown in
                   Exhibit I attached.

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

COMMITMENT FEE:    A fee on the unused portion of the Revolver payable quarterly
                   in arrears at a rate per annum of 0.50% after the Closing

INTEREST RATES:    Interest rates shall be Fleet's Base Rate or the Eurodollar
                   Rate plus, in each case, the Applicable Margin. Base Rate
                   will be defined as the higher of the base rate announced by
                   Fleet from time to time or the Federal Funds Rate plus 1/2%.
                   Eurodollar Rate loans will be available for 1, 2, 3 or 6
                   month periods. Customary provisions regarding breakage costs,
                   reserves, taxes, illegality, etc. shall apply. The credit
                   agreement will restrict the number of Eurodollar Rate loans,
                   which may be outstanding at any one time.

APPLICABLE MARGIN: In accordance with Exhibit II attached.

DEFAULT PRICING:   Applicable Margin over the Base Rate + 3%.

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LETTER OF CREDIT FEE:  A per annum fee equal to the Applicable Eurodollar Margin
                       for Revolving Credit Loans, payable on the face amount of
                       each outstanding L/C quarterly in arrears. Fees to be
                       shared by the Revolving Credit Lenders on a pro rata
                       basis. L/Cs issued under the Revolver shall count as
                       utilization for all purposes, including the commitment
                       fee calculation. An additional 1/4% per annum shall be
                       paid to Fleet as the Issuing Bank as a fronting fee, in
                       addition to customary administrative fees.

OTHER FEES:            As indicated in the Fee Letters among the Borrower, the
                       Agents and the Arrangers.

YIELD PROTECTION:      Within 90 days of closing, the Borrower shall obtain
                       interest rate protection on a notional amount and at a
                       rate and tenor satisfactory to the Agents (typically 50%
                       of the principal amount of the Term Loans).

PREPAYMENTS:           Optional prepayments shall be permitted at any time
                       (subject to breakage costs if paid prior to any
                       Eurodollar interest rate period, if applicable) in
                       minimum amounts of $100,000. Optional prepayments shall
                       be applied ratably to the remaining scheduled principal
                       payments on the Term Loans on a pro rata basis based on
                       principal amount until repaid in full.

PREPAYMENTS:           1. 100% of net proceeds from asset sales (other than in
                       the ordinary course of business), equity issuance in
                       excess of $10,000,000, new debt issuance, tax refunds and
                       insurance claims not reinvested within 270 days. Net
                       proceeds will be applied first to required principal
                       repayments of Term Loan A and Term Loan B (on a pro rata
                       basis) in inverse order of maturity and then to permanent
                       reductions of the Revolver until fully repaid.

                       2. The percentage specified below of Excess Operating
                       Cash Flow (as defined below) as follows: (a) 75% of
                       Excess Operating Cash Flow when the Leverage Ratio is
                       greater than 1.75x; and (b) 50% of Excess Operating Cash
                       Flow when the Leverage Ratio is less than or equal to

                       Excess Operating Cash Flow shall be defined as pretax
                       income plus depreciation and amortization minus the sum
                       of (a) capital expenditures in excess of the amount
                       financed by other permitted indebtedness, (b) cash income

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                       (c) required principal payments and prepayments, and (d)
                       any voluntary Term Loan prepayments during such period.
                       Excess Operating Cash Flow repayments will be payable 120
                       days after the end of each fiscal year, beginning
                       September 30, 2002 and applied first (on a PRO RATA
                       basis) to required principal repayments of Term Loan A
                       and Term Loan B on a pro-rata basis to the remaining
                       scheduled principal payments. Any then remaining Excess
                       Operating Cash Flow shall be applied to reduce then
                       outstanding borrowings under the Revolver until fully

COLLATERAL:            The Revolver and the Term Loans will share a common
                       collateral pool consisting of (a) a first perfected
                       pledge of and security interest in one hundred percent
                       (100%) of the capital stock of the Borrower and
                       Guarantors and (b) a first perfected security interest in
                       all assets of the Borrower and Guarantors (excluding only
                       its interests in the FFCA Master Lease), including but
                       not limited to accounts and notes receivable,
                       intercompany loans, franchise agreements, inventory,
                       equipment, owned real property, all licenses, stock of
                       subsidiaries and intangible assets (including patents,
                       trademarks, copyrights etc.), subject to permitted
                       encumbrances set forth in the credit agreement. At all
                       times after an Event of Default, the Borrower will
                       provide the Administrative Agent with dominion over its
                       domestic cash receipts through lock box accounts with
                       Fleet or agency agreements with other institutions. The
                       Borrower will provide customary real estate collateral
                       support, such as title insurance, environmental studies,
                       surveys, zoning compliance, etc. The Borrower will use
                       its reasonable best efforts to obtain landlord waivers
                       and consents from all lessors of leased property and will
                       assist the Agent in seeking to obtain leasehold mortgages
                       (and lessor consents thereto) on leased real property to
                       the extent requested by the Administrative Agent based
                       upon its due diligence.

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AND WARRANTIES:        Usual and customary for facilities of this type,
                       including but not limited to, organization, authority,
                       enforceability, financial statements, compliance with law
                       and other instruments, governmental approvals, material
                       contracts, environmental matters, absence of material
                       adverse change, absence of material litigation, absence
                       of default or unmatured default, no conflict with
                       material agreements, payment of taxes and certain
                       business-specific matters. Additional representations and
                       warranties may be proposed based upon the results of the
                       Agents' due diligence.

COVENANTS:             Usual and customary for facilities of this type.
                       Consolidated Financial Covenants will be measured
                       quarterly (except for Minimum Net Worth, which shall be
                       subject to the covenant levels described below at all
                       times) on a rolling four-quarter basis and include,
                       without limitation, the following (see Exhibit III for

                       1. MAXIMUM CONSOLIDATED LEVERAGE RATIO. The ratio of
                       Consolidated Funded Indebtedness to Consolidated EBITDA
                       (the "Leverage Ratio") for each period of four
                       consecutive quarters shall not exceed 2.50x.

                       2. MINIMUM NET WORTH: Net worth will at all times be at
                       least the net worth reported in the Borrower's pro forma
                       closing balance sheet, stepping up each fiscal year
                       thereafter by 50% of Consolidated Net Income and 100% of
                       the net proceeds of new equity issuance.

                       3. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW RATIO: The ratio of
                       Consolidated Cash Flow to Consolidated Financial
                       Obligations for any period of four consecutive fiscal
                       quarters shall not be less than 1.20x.

                       Expenditures during each fiscal year shall not exceed
                       amounts set forth in the Projections dated March 21,

                       100% of the unused portion of the Capital Expenditure
                       basket for any year (calculated without reference to any
                       carry over amounts from prior years) may be carried over
                       to the corresponding basket for the next fiscal year.

                       5. CONSOLIDATED OPERATING LEASE (RENT) EXPENSE: Total
                       Consolidated Operating Lease Expense for each period of

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                       consecutive quarters shall not exceed 110% of the amounts
                       set forth in the Projections dated March 21, 2001.

                       6. MINIMUM CONSOLIDATED EBITDA: Total Consolidated EBITDA
                       for each period of four consecutive quarters shall be no
                       less than the amounts set forth below:

                       Period                                             Minimum
                       From Closing through 9/28/02                       $26,000,000
                       From 9/29/02 through 9/27/03                       $28,700,000
                       From 9/28/03 through 10/02/04                      $30,400,000
                       From 10/03/04 through 10/01/05                     $32,500,000
                       From 10/02/05 through 9/30/06                      $34,600,000
                       From 10/01/06 thereafter                           $37,000,000

                       Financial covenant levels shall have step-ups (in the
                       case of minimum requirements) and step-downs (in the case
                       of maximum requirements) in amounts and intervals to be
                       determined by the Agents and Arrangers.

FINANCIAL REPORTS:     Financial information to include audited annual (with
                       management letters) and unaudited monthly and quarterly
                       consolidated and consolidating financial statements and
                       unaudited monthly, quarterly and annual store-by-store
                       financial statements, including no default certificate
                       and calculations demonstrating compliance with all
                       covenants, and other information as may be reasonably
                       required by the Administrative Agent.

OTHER COVENANTS:       Usual and customary for facilities of this type,
                       including but not limited to, restrictions on other
                       indebtedness including subordinated indebtedness and
                       purchase money equipment financing (in amounts to be
                       agreed upon), guarantees, non-cancelable rental payments
                       due under operating leases, other liabilities, an
                       agreed-upon maximum percentage of unprofitable units
                       (excluding units that have been in operation for less
                       than twelve months), liens, acquisitions, investments,
                       dividends and other distributions, mergers, sales of
                       assets, sale and leaseback transactions, distributions,
                       restricted payments, voluntary payments of other funded
                       debt, derivative contracts, affiliate transactions,
                       negative pledges, in each case subject to agreed-upon
                       exceptions and standard affirmative covenants, regarding
                       payment of claims and taxes, records and accounts,
                       notices, inspection rights, bank accounts, conduct of
                       business, compliance with laws and contracts, maintenance
                       of insurance, maintenance of office, ERISA compliance,
                       further assurances,

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                    Page 8
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       etc. Additional covenants, such as an appraisal on any
                       owned real estate may be proposed based upon the results
                       of the Agents' due diligence.

EVENTS OF DEFAULT:     Usual and customary for facilities of this type,
                       including but not limited to, failure to pay any
                       interest, principal or other amounts when due, failure to
                       comply with covenants, inaccurate or false
                       representations or warranties, cross defaults, change of
                       control, judgment defaults, ERISA, bankruptcy and

CLOSING CONDITIONS:    Closing shall be conditioned upon the satisfaction of the
                       following conditions precedent and other conditions
                       customary to transactions of this type or reasonably
                       required by the Agents:
                       1.   Satisfactory completion of due diligence.
                       2.   Satisfactory representations and warranties and
                            satisfactory documentation, including without
                            limitation loan documentation, security
                            documentation, merger agreements, and any other
                            agreements deemed necessary or appropriate by the
                            Agents or Agents' counsel in connection with the
                            Facilities and the Recapitalization, and opinions of
                       3.   Satisfactory indemnifications and environmental
                            reports on any owned real estate.
                       4.   Satisfactory corporate and capital structure of the
                            Recapitalization including, but not limited to, (i)
                            a minimum equity capital contribution by the
                            management investors of at least 7,308,356 common
                            shares and retained options equivalent to shares of
                            Uno in the Recapitalization, at least 6,445,000 of
                            which shall be common shares of Uno and (ii)
                            placement of $37,200,000 sale leaseback transactions
                            on terms acceptable to the Agents and the Arrangers,
                            and (iii) day one Revolver usage not exceeding
                            $12,250,000 (including L/Cs). Other than amounts
                            drawn under the Facilities, the sale leaseback
                            transactions discussed above, and approximately
                            $4,500,000 of existing capitalized leases and
                            mortgages, there shall be no funded debt at Closing
                            (subject to exceptions approved by the Agents and
                       5.   Completion of the Recapitalization (including the
                            merger of the Borrower into Uno) on terms and
                            conditions satisfactory to the Agents and the
                            Arrangers, including but not limited to the purchase
                            of a maximum of 4,550,000 million common shares of
                            Uno at a maximum share price of $9.75 per share to
                            public shareholders.

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                    Page 9
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       6.   The Agents' satisfaction that the Recapitalization
                            and Facilities comply with all applicable laws
                            including without limitation securities laws.
                       7.   Absence of any litigation or other proceeding the
                            result of which might impair or prevent the
                            consummation of the transactions contemplated
                       8.   Without limiting the foregoing, after giving effect
                            to the borrowings on the Closing Date, the Leverage
                            Ratio shall not exceed 2.37x.
                       9.   Without limiting the foregoing, at Closing the
                            trailing 4 quarter EBITDA shall be no less than
                       10.  No material adverse change in the assets or business
                            of the Borrower (including Uno) or Guarantors as
                            represented in the Uno's October 1, 2000 10-K
                            filing, any other filings with the Securities and
                            Exchange Commission made prior to the date hereof or
                            any other publicly available information existing on
                            the date hereof, the financial condition of the
                            Borrower or Guarantors as represented in the
                            consolidated financial statements relating to them
                            for the fiscal quarter ending December 31, 2000, the
                            management or prospects of the Borrower or
                            Guarantors, or in the ability of any of the Borrower
                            or the Guarantors to perform their respective
                            obligations or to complete the Recapitalization; in
                            addition, no material adverse changes in
                            governmental regulation or policy affecting the
                            Agents, Arrangers or any of the Borrowers or the
                            Guarantors and no material changes or disruptions in
                            the syndication, financial or capital markets that
                            could materially impair the syndication of the
                            Facilities prior to closing.
                       11.  Satisfactory 6-year projections (the "Projections")
                            prepared by management of the Borrower in good faith
                            based upon reasonable assumptions and no material
                            misstatements in or material omissions from
                            materials previously delivered to the Agents and
                       12.  Receipt by the Administrative Agent of a
                            satisfactory day one balance sheet and sources and
                            uses of funds, showing the effects of the
                            Recapitalization, the refinancing required as a
                            result of the Recapitalization, and compliance with
                            Financial Covenants and other terms and conditions
                            of the Facilities outlined herein.
                       13.  The existing debt (with exceptions to be agreed upon
                            for existing capitalized lease obligations and
                            certain other mortgage debt to be determined)
                            contemplated to be repaid in connection with the
                            Recapitalization shall have been repaid in full, all
                            credit facilities with respect thereto

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 10
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                            shall be terminated and all liens in connection
                            therewith shall have been released.
                       14.  All filings and other actions required to create and
                            perfect a first priority security interest in all
                            collateral of the Borrower and Guarantors shall have
                            been duly made or taken, and all such collateral
                            shall be free and clear of other liens (subject to
                            limited exceptions to be negotiated).
                       15.  The Administrative Agent shall have received the
                            results of a recent lien search in each of the
                            jurisdictions where assets of any of the Borrower or
                            Guarantors are located, and such search shall reveal
                            no liens on any of the assets of the Borrower or
                            Guarantors except for liens approved by the
                            Administrative Agent.
                       16.  The Agents and Arrangers shall have completed and be
                            satisfied in all respects with its confirmatory
                            legal due diligence investigation of the Borrower.
                       17.  The Lenders shall have received such evidence
                            requested by the Administrative Agent from officers
                            of the Borrower as to the Borrower's solvency on a
                            consolidated basis after giving effect to the
                       18.  The Agent's receipt of satisfactory evidence of
                            compliance with all applicable laws, applicable
                            third party consents have been obtained, appropriate
                            corporate approval, as well as opinions of counsel
                            satisfactorily covering matters customary in similar
                       19.  The Borrower shall have paid to the Agents and
                            Arrangers all fees and reasonable expenses payable
                            in connection with the Facilities described herein.

MATTERS:               Fleet will act as the exclusive administrative agent for
                       the Facilities and FSI and STES will act as the
                       Arrangers, advisers and syndication manager for the
                       Facilities and, in such capacities, each of the Fleet,
                       FSI and STES will perform the duties and exercise the
                       authority customarily associated with such roles.

                       FSI and STES will manage all aspects of the syndication,
                       including the selection of Lenders, the determination of
                       when FSI and STES will approach potential Lenders and the
                       final allocations among the Lenders. The Borrower agrees
                       to assist FSI and STES actively in achieving a timely
                       syndication that is reasonably satisfactory to FSI and
                       STES, such assistance to include, among other things, (a)
                       direct contact during the syndication between the
                       Borrower's senior officers, representatives and advisors,
                       on the one hand, and prospective

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                       Lenders, on the other hand at such times and places as
                       FSI and STES may reasonably request, (b) providing to FSI
                       and STES all financial and other information with respect
                       to the Borrower and the transactions contemplated that
                       FSI and STES may reasonably request, including but not
                       limited to financial projections relating to the
                       foregoing, and (c) assistance in the preparation of a
                       confidential information memorandum and other marketing
                       materials to be used in connection with the syndication.

                       The Borrower agrees that, prior to and during the
                       syndication of the Facilities, the Borrower will not
                       permit any offering, placement or arrangement of any
                       competing issues of debt securities or commercial bank
                       facilities of the Borrower and any of its subsidiaries
                       other than the issuance of a $37,200,000 sale leaseback
                       referred to above.

                       Fleet, FSI, SunTrust and STES shall be entitled to change
                       the structure, terms, pricing and/or amounts of any
                       portion of the Facilities if Fleet, FSI, SunTrust and
                       STES determine that the change is advisable in order to
                       ensure a successful syndication of the Facilities or an
                       optimal credit structure for the Facilities.

EXPENSES:              The Borrower will pay all reasonable fees and expenses
                       incurred by the Agents and Arrangers in connection with
                       the preparation and execution of the Facilities. These
                       will include, without limitation, legal, syndication,
                       collateral examination, appraisal, environmental survey
                       and other direct out-of-pocket expenses.

PARTICIPATIONS:        Lenders shall be permitted to grant participations or
                       assignments of their loans and commitments in accordance
                       with standard LSTA terms. Any Lender will be permitted to
                       assign a portion of the Facilities (on a non pro-rata
                       basis) to another financial institution in minimum
                       amounts of $1,000,000, subject to consent of the Borrower
                       (so long as no Default exists) and the Agents, which
                       consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

VOTING RIGHTS:         Lenders holding 66 2/3% of all of the outstanding
                       commitments under the Revolver and Term Loans for all
                       amendments and waivers, provided that the following shall
                       require 100% of the Lenders: (1) increase in commitments;
                       (2) decreases in interest rates or fees; (3) postponement
                       of scheduled amortization or final maturity; (4) release
                       of all or

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 12
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                       substantially all of the collateral; and (5) changes in
                       the percentage voting rights.

INDEMNIFICATION:       The Borrower shall indemnify the Agents, Arrangers and
                       the Lenders against all losses, liabilities, claims,
                       damages or expenses relating to their loans, the loan
                       documents, the Borrower's use of loan proceeds or the
                       commitments and the Recapitalization, including but not
                       limited to attorneys and other professional fees and
                       settlement costs.

GOVERNING LAW:         Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

AGENT'S COUNSEL:       Goodwin Procter LLP



BY: /s/ Robert M. Vincent


BY: /s/ Robert M. Vincent

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 13
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    Exhibits for Summary Terms and Conditions

                                    EXHIBIT I


                        TERM LOAN A                 TERM LOAN B                 TOTAL AMORTIZATION
Year 1                  $4,000,000                    $75,000                       $4,075,000

Year 2                   7,500,000                    165,000                        7,665,000

Year 3                   8,500,000                    165,000                        8,665,000

Year 4                   9,500,000                    165,000                        9,665,000

Year 5                  10,500,000                    165,000                       10,665,000

Year 6                                             14,265,000                       14,265,000

                 ========================== ============================ ==================================
                       $40,000,000                $15,000,000                      $55,000,000
                 ========================== ============================ ==================================

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 14
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Exhibits for Summary of Terms and Conditions

                                   EXHIBIT II
                                APPLICABLE MARGIN

             LEVERAGE RATIO                          REVOLVER
  LEVEL                                            & TERM LOAN A                     TERM LOAN B
                                             ALT. BASE +        EURO +       ALT. BASE +        EURO +
     I.               > = 2.00x                 2.00%           3.50%           2.50%           4.00%
     II.          > = 1.50x < 2.00x             1.75%           3.25%           2.50%           4.00%
    III.          > = 1.00x < 1.50x             1.50%           3.00%           2.25%           3.75%
     IV.               < 1.00x                  1.25%           2.75%           2.25%           3.75%

Pricing shall be locked at Level I for nine months after the Closing Date. Upon
the Administrative Agent's receipt of the first compliance certificate following
the ninth month and thereafter Pricing shall be determined in accordance with
the above grid.

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 15
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                              UNO ACQUISITION CORP.
                  Exhibits for Summary of Terms and Conditions

                                   EXHIBIT III


EXPENDITURES:          Amounts expended or financed for capital assets and
                       restaurant pre-opening costs.

CASH FLOW:             For any period, the sum of (a) the Consolidated Pre-tax
                       Income of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for such
                       period, MINUS (b) cash income taxes during such period,
                       PLUS (c) the aggregate amount of consolidated
                       depreciation and amortization charges made in calculating
                       Consolidated Pre-tax Income for such period, PLUS (d) the
                       Consolidated rent expense of the Borrower PLUS (e) the
                       Consolidated Interest Charges of the Borrower and its
                       subsidiaries for such period, plus (f) certain other
                       consolidated net non cash charges acceptable to the
                       Agents and Arrangers, PLUS (g) certain other one time
                       cash charges acceptable to the Agents and Arrangers MINUS
                       Maintenance Capital Expenditures during such period.

EBITDAR:               For any period, the sum of (a) the Consolidated Pre-tax
                       Income of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for such
                       period, PLUS (b) the Consolidated Interest Charges and
                       Rental Expense of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for
                       such period, PLUS (c) consolidated depreciation and
                       amortization expenses of the Borrower and its
                       subsidiaries for such period, PLUS (d) certain other
                       consolidated net non-cash charges of the Borrower and its
                       subsidiaries acceptable to the Agents and Arrangers PLUS
                       (e) certain other one time cash charges acceptable to the
                       Agents and Arrangers.

EBITDA:                For any period, the sum of (a) the Consolidated Pre-tax
                       Income of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for such
                       period, PLUS (b) the Consolidated Interest Charges of the
                       Borrower and its subsidiaries for such period, PLUS (c)
                       consolidated depreciation and amortization expenses of
                       the Borrower and its subsidiaries for such period, PLUS
                       (d) certain other consolidated net non-cash charges of
                       the Borrower and its subsidiaries acceptable to

Uno Acquisition Corp.                                                   Page 16
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       the Agent and Arrangers PLUS certain other one time cash
                       charges acceptable to the Agent and Arrangers.

OBLIGATIONS:           For any period, the sum of all scheduled payments
                       (including without limitation, principal, interest and
                       commitment fees) on Indebtedness of the Borrower and its
                       subsidiaries, including capital leases, plus consolidated
                       rent expense, which came due during such period.

INDEBTEDNESS:          At any time, the sum of (a) the aggregate amount of
                       Indebtedness of the Borrower and its subsidiaries, on a
                       consolidated basis, relating to the borrowing of money or
                       the obtaining of credit or in respect of capitalized
                       leases, PLUS (b) the aggregate maximum drawing amount of
                       all letters of credit outstanding, PLUS (without
                       duplication) (c) all Indebtedness guaranteed by the
                       Borrower or any of its subsidiaries.

NET INCOME:            The consolidated net income of the Borrower and its
                       subsidiaries for any period determined in accordance with
                       generally accepted accounting principles consistently

EXPENDITURES:          Capital Expenditures (including restaurant pre-opening
                       costs) for existing concept growth in the Borrower's
                       projections in amounts reasonably acceptable to the

INDEBTEDNESS:          All obligations, contingent or otherwise, that in
                       accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
                       should be classified on the obligor's balance sheet as
                       liabilities, or to which reference should be made by

EXPENDITURES:          All Capital Expenditures other than those constituting
                       Growth Capital Expenditures.

100 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110

201 Fourth Avenue North, 3rd Floor
Nashville, TN 37219

                                  May 11, 2001

                        Senior Secured Credit Facilities
                             UNDERWRITING FEE LETTER

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         This letter is delivered to you in connection with the $75,000,000
Senior Secured Credit Facilities Commitment Letter (the "Commitment Letter") of
even date herewith among Fleet National Bank ("Fleet"), SunTrust Bank
("SunTrust" and together with Fleet, the "Underwriting Lenders"), Uno
Acquisition Corp. ("Uno Acquisition"), Uno Restaurant Holdings Corporation
("URHC") and Uno Restaurant Corporation ("Uno" and collectively with Uno
Acquisition and URHC, the "Companies"), regarding the arrangement, underwriting
and syndication of the Credit Facilities described therein. Unless otherwise
defined herein, capitalized terms shall have the meanings set forth in the
Commitment Letter and the Summary of Terms and Conditions attached thereto. In
connection with, and in consideration of the agreements contained in the
Commitment Letter, the Companies agree with the Underwriting Lenders and the
Arrangers as follows:

Uno Restaurant Corporation
Uno Restaurant Holdings Corporation
Uno Acquisition Corp.
May 11, 2001
Page 2

         UNDERWRITING FEE. The Companies will pay to the Underwriting Lenders an
aggregate underwriting fee of $1,700,000 for their own account to be allocated
among the Underwriting Lenders on a pro rata basis. Such fee shall be for
underwriting a portion of the Credit Facilities and shall be earned and payable
as follows: $425,000 has been earned in full and paid upon the signed acceptance
by URHC and Uno Acquisition of the Preliminary Summary of Terms and Conditions;
$425,000 shall be earned in full and payable upon Fleet's issuance of an
Informational Memorandum to Lenders; and $850,000 shall be earned in full and
payable upon the closing of the Credit Facilities.

         Uno, URHC and Uno Acquisition hereby agree that Uno will be responsible
for paying 66.67% of the Underwriting Fee as and when due and payable, and URHC
and Uno Acquisition will be responsible for paying 33.33% of the Underwriting
Fee as and when due and payable in accordance with the terms hereof. The
obligations of Uno, on the one hand, and Uno Acquisition and URHC, on the other
hand, hereunder with respect to the Underwriting Fee shall be several and not
joint and several, and the obligations of URHC and Uno Acquisition hereunder
with respect to the Underwriting Fee shall be joint and several.

         The fees payable above shall be fully-earned upon becoming due and
payable, shall be non-refundable for any reason whatsoever and shall be in
addition to any other fee, cost or expense payable pursuant to the Credit
Facilities. The Underwriting Lenders reserve the right to allocate, in whole or
in part, to one or more of their affiliates any of the fees payable to them.

         If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, please
execute and return this letter to us.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                      FLEET NATIONAL BANK

                                      By: /s/ Elise M. Russo
                                          Name: Elise M. Russo
                                          Title: Senior Vice President

Uno Restaurant Corporation
Uno Restaurant Holdings Corporation
Uno Acquisition Corp.
May 11, 2001
Page 3

                                      SUNTRUST BANK

                                      By: /s/ Vipul H. Patel
                                         Name: Vipul H. Patel
                                         Title: Director

Accepted and agreed to as of the date first above written:


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
    Name: Robert M. Vincent
    Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
    Name: Robert M. Vincent
    Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
    Name: Robert M. Vincent
    Title: Executive Vice President

100 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110

                                  May 11, 2001

                        Senior Secured Credit Facilities

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

100 Charles Park Road
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         This letter is delivered to you in connection with the $75,000,000
Senior Secured Credit Facilities Commitment Letter (the "Commitment Letter")
of even date herewith among Fleet National Bank ("Fleet"), SunTrust Bank
("SunTrust"), Uno Acquisition Corp. ("Uno Acquisition"), Uno Restaurant
Holdings Corporation ("URHC") and Uno Restaurant Corporation ("Uno" and
collectively with Uno Acquisition and URHC, the "Companies"), regarding the
arrangement, underwriting and syndication of the Credit Facilities described
therein. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms shall have the
meanings set forth in the Commitment Letter and the Summary of Terms and
Conditions attached thereto. In connection with, and in consideration of the
agreements contained in the Commitment Letter, the Companies agree with the
Underwriting Lenders and the Arrangers as follows:

STRUCTURING FEE. The Companies will pay to Fleet an aggregate structuring fee
of $250,000 for its own account. Such fee shall be for structuring of the
Credit Facilities and shall be earned and payable as follows: $62,500 has been
earned in full and was payable upon the signed acceptance by URHC and Uno
Acquisition of the Preliminary Summary of Terms and Conditions; $62,500 shall
be earned in full and payable upon

Uno Restaurant Corporation
Uno Restaurant Holdings Corporation
Uno Acquisition Corp.
May 11, 2001
Page 2

Fleet's issuance of an Informational Memorandum to Lenders; and $125,000 shall
be earned in full and payable upon the closing of the Credit Facilities.

         ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT'S FEE. The Loan Parties will pay an annual
Administrative Agent's fee of $100,000 to Fleet, for its own account as
Administrative Agent for the Lenders under the Credit Facilities. Such fee
shall be earned in full and payable annually in advance upon the closing of
the Credit Facilities, and on each anniversary thereof, until the Credit
Facilities terminate.

         Uno, URHC and Uno Acquisition hereby agree that Uno will be
responsible for paying 66.67% of the Structuring Fee as and when due and
payable, and URHC and Uno Acquisition will be responsible for paying 33.33%
of the Structuring Fee as and when due and payable in accordance with the
terms hereof. The obligations of Uno, on the one hand, and Uno Acquisition
and URHC, on the other hand, hereunder with respect to the Structuring Fee
shall be several and not joint and several, and the obligations of URHC and
Uno Acquisition hereunder with respect to the Structuring Fee shall be joint
and several.

         The fees payable above shall be fully-earned upon becoming due and
payable, shall be non-refundable for any reason whatsoever and shall be in
addition to any other fee, cost or expense payable pursuant to the Credit
Facilities. Fleet reserves the right to allocate, in whole or in part, to one or
more of its affiliates any of the fees payable to it.

         If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, please
execute and return this letter to us.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                         FLEET NATIONAL BANK

                                         By: /s/ Elise M. Russo
                                            Name: Elise M. Russo
                                            Title: Senior Vice President

Uno Restaurant Corporation
Uno Restaurant Holdings Corporation
Uno Acquisition Corp.
May 11, 2001
Page 3

Accepted and agreed to as of the date first above written:


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
   Name: Robert M. Vincent
   Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
    Name: Robert M. Vincent
    Title: Executive Vice President


By: /s/ Robert M. Vincent
    Name: Robert M. Vincent
    Title: Executive Vice President