Exhibit 99.1

             [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL
                           Creative Capital Solutions(SM)

                       $200,000,000 Senior Notes due 2008

                             Investor Presentation

                                  August 2001

Disclaimer                                              ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

Statements in this presentation which are not historical fact may be deemed
forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although
iStar Financial Inc. believes the expectations reflected in any forward-looking
statements are based on reasonable assumptions, the Company can give no
assurance that its expectations will be attained. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from iStar Financial Inc.'s expectations
include completion of pending investments, continued ability to originate new
investments, the availability and cost of capital for future investments,
competition within the finance and real estate industries, economic conditions,
and other risks detailed from time to time in iStar Financial Inc.'s SEC


The Offering                                            ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

o     Issuer                iStar Financial Inc. (NYSE: SFI)

o     Issue                 $200,000,000 Senior Notes (Public Filing)

o     Maturity              Seven years (2008), Non-Callable

o     Ratings               Moody's: Ba1

                            S&P:     BB+

                            Fitch:   BB+ (positive)

o     Use of Proceeds       Pay Down Secured Revolving Credit Facilities

o     Financial Covenants   1. Fixed Charge Coverage

                            2. Total Indebtedness to Net Worth

                            3. Senior Recourse Indebtedness to Net Worth Plus
                               Subordinated Debt

                            4. Unencumbered Assets to Unsecured Debt

o     Timing                Roadshow 7/31 - 8/9


- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                                  Jay Sugarman

                      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Our Market Focus                                        ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

We are the dominant provider of structured financing for transactions where the
          corporate credit, real estate and capital markets intersect.

     [The following table was depicted as a graph in the original material.]

                                Corporate Tenant

             Corporate Credit                           Real Estate
                 Markets                                  Markets


Corporate                                                        Structured Real
 Finance                         Capital Markets                  Estate Finance


What We Do                                              ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

          We have built a unique business platform servicing high-end
         private and corporate owners of real estate who require highly
                             structured financing.

     [The following table was depicted as a graph in the original material.]

Price   ^
Higher Expertise Required, Higher Margins Achievable
- ------------------------------------------------------------------>

                                                 ($100 bn market)
                                                  iStar Financial
                                                 (few competitors)

                            ($600 bn market)
                            Life Companies,
                            Commercial Banks
                         (multiple competitors)

($250 bn market)
(pure commodity)                                                -------------->

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Efficient Market - Commodity Products   Inefficient Market - Structured Products


What We Do                                              ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

   [The following table was depicted as a pie chart in the original material.]

                                  $4.0 Billion
                               Owned Receivables

    Loans                                                   Leases
    -----                                                   ------
$2.3 Billion                                             $1.7 Billion

> 61 Loans.                 Loans                        > 116 Investments.

> 426 Properties.                   Leases               > 161 Properties.

> 71% LTV.                                               > 52% Investment Grade.


What We Do                                              ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

  Our diversified product lines and investment strategy reflect eight years of
        intensive experience in a very focused, niche lending business.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Investment          % of        % of
        Product Line                       Description                       Size (millions)      Assets     Revenue
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Structured Finance          Mortgages and other loan products,                      $36.4        24.7%       23.6%
                              secured by institutional-quality single
                              assets in supply-constrained markets.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Corporate Finance           Secured and unsecured loans to leading                  $52.5        13.2%       12.2%
                              public and private companies engaged in
                              real estate-related businesses.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Portfolio Finance           Mortgages and other loan products cross                 $40.6         9.2%       10.0%
                              collateralized by diversified pools of real
                              estate assets.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Loan Acquisition            Opportunistic purchases of loans and loan               $51.3         9.1%        9.6%
                              participations secured by real estate assets.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=====================
                                                                    Subtotal:                      56.2%       55.4%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Corporate Tenant Leasing    Strategic office and industrial facilities              $14.6        43.8%       44.6%
                              net-leased to creditworthy corporate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Superior Business Model                                 ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

o     Non-Commodity Focus: Core value proposition: provide level of service,
      knowledge, creativity and flexibility unavailable from other lenders.

      >     Do not compete on price.

      >     Avoid commodity businesses such as conduit lending, CMBS, RMBS.

o     Lower Leverage, Higher ROE: Non-commodity focus creates better ROAs and
      higher ROEs with lower leverage.

      >     Nearly $2 billion of tangible equity capital in place to support
            future expansion.

o     Tax-Advantaged Returns: Tax-exempt structure creates attractive returns on
      invested capital at a fraction of the leverage of taxable finance

o     Match-Funding Discipline: Broad array of capital sources and
      asset-liability matching reduce liquidity risks and exposure to changes in
      interest rates.

      >     100 basis point move in short-term rates impacts annual adjusted
            earnings by 1.4%.

o     Management Expertise: Management team with leading talent/experience
      across all key success disciplines - principals, not processors.

      >     Executive management team averages over 20 years of experience.


Deep Senior Management Team                             ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

Management's expertise includes extensive experience across all key disciplines
                    necessary to execute our business plan.

o Investments
o Capital Markets
o Legal
o Risk Management / Servicing

                                                13 years
                                     |               |
                                     |        ------------
                                     |           Haber*
                                     |       President/CFO --------------------------|
                                     |          13 years                             |
                                     |        ------------                           |
                                     |                                               |
                                     |                                               |
                                     |                                               |
    |             |             |              |            |                        |             |              |            |
- -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------                  |      -------------   ------------   ---------
 Olmstead*      Digel*        Lodge*        Jones*        Dorsch*                    |          Matis*         Curtis*     O'Connor*
   EVP -         EVP -         EVP -         EVP -         EVP -                     |      EVP - General   SVP - Credit   EVP - COO
Investments   Investments   Investments   Investments   Investments                  |         Counsel
 21 years      20 years       19 years      21 years      18 years                   |         29 years       16 years     20 years
- -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------                  |      -------------   ------------   ---------
     |            |             |              |            |                        |             |                          |
     |            |             |              |            |                        |             |                          |
     --------------------------------------------------------                        |             |                          |
                                                                                     |             |                          |
                                                                                     |             |          |---------------|
                                                                                     |             |          |               |
     --------------                  ------------------------------------------- ----|             |          |               |
     |            |                  |               |             |             |                 |          |               |
- -----------   -----------   ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------   ---------------  |           ----------
 Blomquist       Cozzi*          Merchant        Tretola        Sinnett       Richardson         Dugan        |              Rubin
   SVP -         SVP -              VP -            VP -          SVP -      SVP - Capital   SVP - HR, Asst.  |           SVP - Loan
Investments   Investments   Investor Relations  Controller  Project Finance     Markets       Gen. Counsel    |            Servicing
- -----------   -----------   ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------   ---------------  |           ----------
     |            |                 |               |              |              |          |                |               |
     |            |                 |               |              |              |          |                |               |
     --------------                 -----------------------------------------------          |                |               |
           |                                                  |                       -------------           |               |
           |                                                  |                           Legal               |               |
           |                                                  |                             2                 |               |
           |                                                  |                       Professionals           |               |
           |                                                  |                       -------------           |               |
           |                                                  |                                               |               |
           |                                                  |                                ------------------             |
           |                                                  |                                |                 |            |
       -------------                                    ----------------                 -------------  -------------  -------------
        Investments                                     Finance / Acctg.                 Project Mgmt.   Asset Mgmt.  Loan Servicing
             9                                                 22                              6            35              11
       Professionals                                     Professionals                   Professionals  Professionals  Professionals
       -------------                                    ----------------                 -------------  -------------  -------------

- ----------
*     Denotes member of Investment Committee.


Managing Growth                                         ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

We have structured and originated $5 billion of financing transactions with over
          $1.6 billion of volume from repeat customers and no losses.

Cumulative Financing Transactions                                ($ in millions)

                                  Zero Losses

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the original material.]

       iStar Financial Predecessors              iStar Financial
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/31/95   12/31/96   12/31/97   12/31/98   12/31/99   12/31/00   3/31/01   6/30/01
 $768(1)    $933(1)    $1,120     $2,250     $3,267     $4,283     $4,539    $4,910

- ----------
(1)   Includes third-party senior positions originated, placed and/or structured
      by SFI.


Asset Quality and Diversification                       ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

   Our asset base is broadly diversified by year of origination, asset type,
                     obligor, geography and property type.

  [The following tables were depicted as bar charts in the original material.]

               Owned Receivables at June 30, 2001 ($4.0 billion)

                                   Asset Type
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Corporate Tenant Leases       44%
First Mortgages               26%
Corporate/Partnership Loans   22%
Second Mortgages               8%

                               Geographic Region
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

West                          31%
Northeast                     21%
South                         16%
Southeast                      9%
Central                        7%
Mid-Atlantic                   7%
Northwest                      5%
North Central                  2%
Southwest                      2%
Various           is less than 1%

                                 Property Type
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Office                        48%
Hotel                         20%
Resort/Entertainment           8%
Industrial                     7%
Retail                         5%
Apartment/Residential          4%
Mixed Use                      4%
R&D                            3%
Homebuilder/Land               1%
Various           is less than 1%



Asset Quality and Diversification                       ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

   [The following table was depicted as a pie chart in the original material.]

           Loans                                             Leases
           -----                 $4.0 Billion                ------
       $2.3 Billion            Owned Receivables          $1.7 Billion

        -----------                                     ----------------
First   Senior Debt                                     Investment Grade
Dollar  ----------- 31.8%                                      52%
         "Average"              Loans
           iStar                        Leases          ----------------
 Last   -----------                                          Unrated
Dollar   Borrower   71.4%                                      26%
          Equity                                        ----------------
        -----------                                       Non-Investment
                                                             Grade 22%

                               Summary Statistics
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>     61 loans/426 properties

>     Average size: $37.3 million / borrower
                    $5.3 million / property

>     Weighted average maturity: 4.1 years

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Summary Statistics
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>     116 investments / 161 properties

>     Average size: $14.6 million / investment
                    $10.5 million / property

>     Weighted average term: 8.6 years

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Case Study: Portfolio Finance                           ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                           San Diego Office Portfolio

                                [PHOTO OMITTED]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Collateral: Cross collateralized portfolio of downtown office buildings
      totaling 1.1 million sf.

o     Equity Sponsor: Southwest Value Partners, a leading private real estate
      investment firm.

o     Investment Structure: 1st and 2nd mortgages.

o     Credit Statistics:

      >     LTV: 0% - 76%.

      >     DSCR: 1.68x.

o     Match Funding Vehicle: STARs(SM).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Case Study: Portfolio Finance                           ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                           140 Apartment Communities

                                [PHOTO OMITTED]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Collateral: Diversified portfolio of 140 apartment communities located
      primarily in 10 major U.S. markets.

o     Equity Sponsor: Olympus Real Estate, a large institutional private equity

      >     $400 million equity investment junior to iStar

o     Investment Structure: Mezzanine

o     Credit Statistics:

      >     LTV: 59% - 77%.

      >     DSCR: 1.33x.

o     Match Funding Vehicle: Syndicated term loan.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Case Study: Corporate Tenant Leasing                    ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                         17 Hotels in Northwestern U.S.

                                [PHOTO OMITTED]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Collateral: Bondable lease recourse to Baa3 credit and cross
      collateralized portfolio of 17 full-service hotels (3,989 rooms).

o     Corporate Customer: Hilton Hotels.

o     Credit Rating: BBB- / Baa3.

o     Investment Structure: Bondable credit tenant lease.

o     Participation: 7.5% of gross revenue over 1996 base.

o     Credit Statistics:

      >     LTV: 54%.

      >     Lease Coverage: 2.11x.

o     Match Funding Vehicle: Securitized term loan.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                                 Spencer Haber

                     President and Chief Financial Officer


Investment / Underwriting Process                       ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

o     Initial transaction screening and evaluation using proprietary Six Point

o     Intensive underwriting process provides for comprehensive review of
      potential investments from all key disciplines.

o     Multi-tiered approval process.

      >     $0 - $30 Million: Management Investment Committee
      >     $30 - $50 Million: Board Investment Committee
      >     Over $50 Million: Full Board of Directors

o     Extensive management controls built into loan/lease documentation:

      Structured Finance Assets

      >     Extensive borrower reporting requirements.
      >     Budget submissions and approvals.
      >     Lease approvals.
      >     Lock box administration.
      >     Escrow funding and administration.
      >     Covenant requirements.

      Corporate Tenant Leases

      >     On-site facilities management.
      >     Annual core compliance inspections.
      >     Corporate tenant lease approvals.
      >     Credit enhancements: letters of credit, cash deposits, guarantees.


Comprehensive Risk Management                           ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

      iStar Financial has one of the lowest loss ratios in the finance industry.

o     50+ person risk management team with in-house expertise in asset
      management, corporate credit, loan servicing, project management and

o     Proactive strategy centered around information sharing, frequent customer
      contact and "early warning" system.

o     Compilation and analysis of asset information is distributed on-line to
      all iStar Financial professionals on a continuous, real-time basis.

o     Comprehensive risk rating process that enables us to evaluate, monitor and
      pro-actively manage asset-specific credit issues and identify credit
      trends on a portfolio-wide basis.

                Weighted Average Structured Finance Risk Ratings

                      (1 = lowest risk; 5 = highest risk)

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

Dec-98           2.71
Mar-99           2.64
Jun-99           2.62
Sep-99           2.63
Dec-99           2.54
Mar-00           2.55
Jun-00           2.55
Sep-00           2.59
Dec-00           2.50
Mar-01           2.53
Jun-01           2.68


Lease Expiration Profile                                ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

At June 30, 2001, the weighted average remaining lease term of iStar Financial's
 corporate tenant leasing portfolio was 8.6 years, and the portfolio was 96.7%
 leased (99.2% excluding a vacant facility currently under contract for sale).

                            Lease Expiration Profile
                              (at March 31, 2001)

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

                        % of Q2'01 annualized
                             total revenue
2001                              0.9%
2002                              2.8%
2003                              4.0%
2004                              5.0%
2005                              3.5%
2006                              5.7%
2007                              3.9%
2008                              1.6%
2009 and thereafter              22.7%


Deep, Broad Capital Resources                           ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Secured Credit Facilities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     State-of-the-art, committed revolvers from RBS, Deutsche Bank and Lehman

o     $1.9 billion (capacity) in place.

o     $790 million outstanding (Q/E).

o     Primary source of working capital.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Unsecured Credit Facilities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o     Leading commercial banks, including Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Fleet
      and UBS.

o     $300 million (capacity).

o     $159 million outstanding (Q/E).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Match Funding Facilities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o     iStar Asset Receivables (STARs(SM)).

      >     Recent upgrades strengthen funding capabilities and lower costs.

o     Term lending relationships with a dozen commercial banks and insurance

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Unsecured Corporate Bonds
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o     Ba1 / BB+ / BB+ senior unsecured credit ratings.

o     $475 million outstanding (pro forma).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------
As of June 30, 2001.


Conservative Financial Policies                         ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

o     SFI's leverage policies provide for a maximum targeted 1.5 - 2.0x book
      debt/equity ratio.

o     Maximum leverage range developed by satisfying three primary objectives:

      >     No losses to creditors in high severity stress test.

      >     Ability to match-fund in long-term, secured debt markets if credit
            facilities, corporate debt or equity is unavailable.

      >     15 - 20% sustainable ROE target.

o     Maintain large equity base.

      >     $1.8 billion tangible book equity.

o     Maintain diversified sources of investment capital.

o     Match-funding discipline: maturities and interest rates.

      >     100 basis point change in short term rates equals a 1.4% change in
            adjusted earnings.

o     Comprehensive reserve policies.

      >     No losses experienced to date.

      >     Loan loss reserves (including accumulated CTL depreciation) equals
            205 basis points of owned receivables.


Reliable Cash Flow Performance                          ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL


   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

                                 ($ in millions)

1998(1)                             $148.6
1999                                $234.9
2000                                $423.9
LTM 6/30/01                         $439.0

- ----------
(1)   1998 EBITDA represents 2Q - 4Q '98 actual performance annualized (Company
      went public in 3/98).

Attractive Returns on Invested Capital                  ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

                        ROAA          ROAE
9/30/98                 6.0%          12.3%
12/31/98                5.3%          13.0%
3/31/99                 6.3%          13.6%
6/30/99                 6.0%          14.1%
9/30/99                 6.4%          14.7%
12/31/99                6.6%          15.1%
3/31/00                 6.6%          15.1%
6/30/00                 6.7%          15.5%
9/30/00                 6.7%          16.1%
12/31/00                6.8%          16.7%
3/31/01                 7.0%          17.3%
6/30/01                 7.2%          17.5%


Conservative Leverage                                   ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

                              Debt-to-Book Equity

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

9/30/98               1.3x
12/31/98              1.1x
3/31/99               1.2x
6/30/99               1.2x
9/30/99               1.1x
12/31/99              1.1x
3/31/00               1.1x
6/30/00               1.2x
9/30/00               1.2x
12/31/00              1.2x
3/31/01               1.2x
6/30/01               1.2x


Strong Credit Statistics                                ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

   [The following table was depicted as a bar chart in the printed material.]

                      GAAP EBITDA/Interest       GAAP EBITDA/Fixed Charges
9/30/98                       2.5x                          2.5x
12/31/98                      2.3x                          2.2x
3/31/99                       2.5x                          2.0x
6/30/99                       2.5x                          2.0x
9/30/99                       2.5x                          2.0x
12/31/99                      2.7x                          2.1x
3/31/00                       2.6x                          2.1x
6/30/00                       2.5x                          2.0x
9/30/00                       2.4x                          2.0x
12/31/00                      2.4x                          2.0x
3/31/01                       2.4x                          2.0x
6/30/01                       2.6x                          2.1x


Pro Forma Capitalization                                ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

($ in millions)

                                            6/30/01                      6/30/01         % of
                                            Actual      Adjustments     Pro Forma    Capitalization
                                           --------     -----------     --------     --------------
Total Assets                               $4,053.4          $5.0       $4,058.4

iStar Asset Receivables Secured Notes         486.4                        486.4
Secured Term Loans(1)                         459.8                        459.8
Secured Revolving Credit Facilities           789.9        (195.0)         594.8
                                           --------        ------       --------          -----
     Total Secured Debt                     1,736.1        (195.0)       1,541.1           38.0%
Unsecured Revolving Credit Facilities         159.0                        159.0
Unsecured Subsidiary Notes(2)                 257.9                        257.9
Unsecured Notes Due 2008                         -0-        200.0          200.0
                                           --------        ------       --------          -----
     Total Unsecured Debt                     416.9         200.0          616.9           15.2%
                                           --------        ------       --------          -----
Total Debt Outstanding                     $2,153.0          $5.0       $2,158.0           53.2%
Other Liabilities                              69.2                         69.2            1.7%
Shareholders' Equity                        1,831.1                      1,831.1           45.1%
                                           --------        ------       --------          -----
Total Capitalization                       $4,053.4          $5.0       $4,058.4          100.0%
                                           ========        ======       ========          =====

- ----------
(1)   Includes $16.6 million of other debt obligations.
(2)   Includes $17.1 million of debt discounts.


Attractive Credit Statistics                            ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

($ in millions)
                                                                       Pro Forma

EBITDA / GAAP Interest Expense                                           2.52x

EBITDA / Fixed Charges                                                   2.08x

Total Debt / Total Shareholders' Equity                                  1.18x

Unencumbered Assets / Unsecured Debt                                     2.21x


Significant Ratings Upside Potential                    ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

 iStar Financial outscores the A-rated finance company peer group on both risk
                           and profitability metrics.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            iStar         Peer Group      Peer Group
                                          Financial         Mean(1)        Median(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior Unsecured Credit Rating            Ba1 / BB+         A3 / A-         A3 / A-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tangible Book Equity ($in millions)          $1,831          $1,853          $1,420
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Liabilities / Tangible Equity            1.2x            8.2x            7.7x
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBIDA / Interest                               2.6x            1.7x            1.6x
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROAA                                           7.2%            1.4%            1.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROAE                                          17.5%           10.6%           10.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G&A / Revenue                                  6.4%           19.0%           18.8%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rating Agency Risk-Based Capital
Adequacy Score                                 2.55            0.89            1.06
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------
(1)   Peer Group includes CIT Group Inc., GATX Capital, Heller Financial and
      Textron Financial.


Significant Ratings Upside Potential                    ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

 Our objective is to achieve an investment grade senior unsecured credit rating
                             within 12 - 24 months.

o     What we need to do:

      >     Continue to demonstrate leading business franchise.

      >     Continue to season as a public company.

      >     Continue to execute through current economic cycle.

      >     Continue to diversify debt structure as we grow.


Investment Highlights                                   ------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] iSTAR | FINANCIAL

o     Largest independent finance company in attractive $100 - $150 billion
      market niche.

o     Consistent, eight-year track record of superior results.

o     Non-commodity focus and tax-advantaged structure create attractive returns
      with significantly lower leverage.

o     Large tangible equity capital base and match funding discipline.

o     Intensive risk management and employee ownership lead to best loss
      performance in finance industry.

o     Significant ratings upside potential with non-call life structure.
