
                                                                   Exhibit 1

                              Visible Genetics Inc.
                    Consolidated Statements of Operations for
                          12 months ended June 30 2001
                             (United States Dollars)

      Products                                             $ 13,271,407
      Services                                                  251,934

Cost of sales
      Products                                               10,260,562
      Services                                                  247,784

Gross margin                                                  3,014,995
 Sales, general and administrative                           32,158,977
  Research and development                                   11,030,330
  Exit and termination costs                                    540,000

Loss from operations before interest                        (40,714,312)

      Interest income                                         4,370,514
      Interest and financing expense                            (12,237)
Net loss for the period                                     (36,356,035)

      Cumulative preferred dividends and accretion
      of discount attributable to preferred stock            (3,381,168)
Net loss attributable to common shareholders              $ (39,737,203)
      Weighted average number of common
      shares outstanding                                     16,070,019
Basic and fully diluted loss per share                          $ (2.47)