Exhibit 99.2

                           GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                           QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2001

PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                     PAGE
        Item 1.    Financial Statements of Galileo International, Inc.

                   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of June 30, 2001
                   (unaudited) and December 31, 2000                                 3

                   Condensed Consolidated Statments of Income for the quarter
                   and six months ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 (unaudited)           4

                   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
                   six months ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 (unaudited)               5

                   Condensed Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
                   for the six months ended June 30, 2001 (unaudited)                6

                   Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements              7



                           GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                        (In thousands, except share data)

                                                           June 30,    December 31,
                                                             2001         2000
                                                        -------------  -----------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                            $    17,643  $     2,460
   Accounts receivable, net                                 253,484      192,199
   Deferred tax assets                                       22,850       17,794
   Prepaid expenses                                          23,085       18,158
   Other current assets                                       9,350       14,084
                                                          -----------  -----------
Total current assets                                        326,412      244,695
Property and equipment, at cost:
   Land                                                       6,470        6,470
   Buildings and improvements                                76,757       76,452
   Equipment                                                419,503      416,406
                                                          -----------  -----------
                                                            502,730      499,328
   Less accumulated depreciation                            306,156      288,651
                                                          -----------  -----------
Net property and equipment                                  196,574      210,677
Computer software, net                                      195,386      160,270
Intangible assets, net                                      714,897      720,212
Other noncurrent assets                                     134,773      143,405
                                                          -----------  -----------
                                                        $ 1,568,042  $ 1,479,259
                                                          ===========  ===========

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                                     $    52,017  $    76,913
   Accrued commissions                                       45,184       34,471
   Income taxes payable                                      20,933        1,234
   Other accrued liabilities                                116,167      109,992
   Capital lease obligations, current portion                 8,753        1,638
   Long-term debt, current portion                          194,120      212,654
                                                          -----------  -----------
Total current liabilities                                   437,174      436,902

Pension and postretirement benefits                          87,565       79,285
Deferred tax liabilities                                     26,238       35,398
Other noncurrent liabilities                                 30,599       25,427
Capital lease obligations, less current portion              12,371        2,619
Long-term debt, less current portion                        456,207      434,392
                                                          -----------  -----------
Total liabilities                                         1,050,154    1,014,023
Stockholders' equity:
   Special voting preferred stock: $.01 par value;
     7 shares authorized; 3 shares issued and
     outstanding                                                  -            -
   Preferred stock: $.01 par value; 25,000,000 shares
     authorized; no shares issued                                 -            -
   Common stock: $.01 par value; 250,000,000 shares
     authorized; 105,540,057 and 105,232,696 shares
     issued; 87,462,281 and 88,311,977 shares
     outstanding                                              1,055        1,052
   Additional paid-in capital                               687,259      682,988
   Retained earnings                                        435,805      357,008
   Unamortized restricted stock grants                       (1,564)      (1,963)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income                    (8,635)      (4,493)
   Common stock held in treasury, at cost: 18,077,776
     and 16,920,719 shares                                 (596,032)    (569,356)
                                                          -----------  -----------
Total stockholders' equity                                  517,888      465,236
                                                          -----------  -----------
                                                        $ 1,568,042  $ 1,479,259
                                                          ===========  ===========

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                        GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                (Unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                         Quarter                  Six Months
                                                     Ended June 30,             Ended June 30,
                                                ------------------------  ------------------------
                                                   2001         2000          2001         2000
                                                   ----         ----          ----         ----
   Electronic global distribution services      $  424,510    $ 405,178      $ 867,056    $ 826,484
   Information and network services                 23,113       20,166         46,420       39,598
                                                -----------  -----------    -----------  -----------
                                                   447,623      425,344        913,476      866,082
Operating expenses:
   Cost of operations                              164,457      154,776        328,102      288,780
   Commissions, selling and administrative         192,778      176,013        390,768      356,747
   Special charge - services agreement                   -            -              -       19,725
   Special charge - in-process research
        and development write-off                        -            -              -        7,000
                                                -----------  -----------     -----------  -----------
                                                   357,235      330,789         718,870      672,252
                                                -----------  -----------     -----------  -----------
Operating income                                    90,388       94,555         194,606      193,830

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense, net                            (8,850)     (12,293)        (19,338)     (21,568)
   Other, net                                       (2,896)      (2,484)         (6,340)      (4,868)
                                                -----------  -----------     -----------  -----------
Income before income taxes                          78,642       79,778         168,928      167,394

Income taxes                                        34,602       36,618          74,328       76,834
                                                -----------  -----------     -----------  -----------
Net income                                        $ 44,040     $ 43,160        $ 94,600     $ 90,560
                                                ===========  ===========     ===========  ===========
Weighted average shares outstanding             87,441,618   91,154,649      87,708,479   90,916,802
                                                ===========  ===========     ===========  ===========
Basic earnings per share                            $ 0.50       $ 0.47          $ 1.08       $ 1.00
                                                ===========  ===========     ===========  ===========
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding     87,805,666   91,737,064      88,020,911   91,319,805
                                                ===========  ===========     ===========  ===========
Diluted earnings per share                          $ 0.50       $ 0.47          $ 1.07       $ 0.99
                                                ===========  ===========     ===========  ===========

                See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                           GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                            (Unaudited, in thousands)

                                                              Six Months
                                                            Ended June 30,
                                                          2001         2000
                                                          ----         ----
Operating activities:
   Net income                                           $ 94,600     $ 90,560
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                      122,213      100,726
      Write-off of in-process research and development         -        7,000
      Gain on sale of assets                              (1,096)         (48)
      Deferred income taxes, net                         (12,737)     (17,118)
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
          net of effects from acquisition of businesses:
        Accounts receivable, net                         (61,987)     (64,889)
        Other current assets                              (1,053)      10,217
        Noncurrent assets                                  5,553       (2,764)
        Accounts payable and accrued commissions          14,222       21,314
        Accrued liabilities                                7,964        3,817
        Income taxes payable                              18,548       22,277
        Noncurrent liabilities                            13,079        8,866
      Other                                                6,848        1,637
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash provided by operating activities                206,154      181,595

Investing activities:
   Purchase of property and equipment                    (58,654)     (15,853)
   Purchase and capitalization of computer software      (45,989)     (17,287)
   Proceeds on sale of assets                              4,795          227
   Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired of
    $167 and $15,551, respectively                       (12,802)    (129,191)
   Other investing activities                             (4,938)     (27,421)
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash used in investing activities                   (117,588)    (189,525)

Financing activities:
   Borrowings under credit agreements                    102,000      184,000
   Repayments under credit agreements                   (133,000)     (30,000)
   Dividends paid to stockholders                        (15,803)     (16,312)
   Repurchase of common stock for treasury               (26,676)    (119,583)
   Payments of capital lease obligations                    (826)         (61)
   Other financing activities                              1,157          406
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities      (73,148)      18,450
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                     (235)        (157)
                                                        ----------   ----------

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                     15,183       10,363
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           2,460        1,794
                                                        ----------   ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              $ 17,643     $ 12,157
                                                        ==========   ==========

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                          GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                            CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                                  (Unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                                                   Voting                   Additional
                                                                                 Preferred      Common       Paid-in      Retained
                                                                                   Stock         Stock       Capital      Earnings
                                                                                ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------

Balance at December 31, 2000                                                    $         -  $      1,052  $   682,988  $   357,008
Comprehensive income:
   Net income                                                                             -             -            -       94,600
   Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
    Unrealized holding losses on marketable securities                                    -             -            -            -
    Reclassification adjustment for gains included
      in net income                                                                       -             -            -            -
    Foreign currency translation adjustments                                              -             -            -            -
    Cash flow hedge- net derivative losses                                                -             -            -            -

   Other comprehensive income (loss)

Comprehensive income
Amortization of restricted stock grants                                                   -             -            -            -
Issuance of 261,749 shares of common stock under
   employee stock option plans                                                            -             3        3,616            -
Issuance of 45,612 shares of common stock under
   employee stock purchase plan                                                           -             -          655            -
Repurchase of 1,157,057 shares of common stock
   for treasury                                                                           -             -            -            -
Dividends paid ($0.18 per share)                                                          -             -            -      (15,803)
                                                                                ------------ ------------- ----------- -------------

Balance at June 30, 2001                                                        $         -  $      1,055  $   687,259  $   435,805
                                                                                ============ ============= ============= ===========

                                                                                 Unamortized    Other
                                                                                 Restricted  Comprehensive   Treasury
                                                                                Stock Grants    Income        Stock        Total
                                                                                ------------ ------------  ----------- -------------

Balance at December 31, 2000                                                    $    (1,963) $     (4,493) $  (569,356) $   465,236
Comprehensive income:
   Net income                                                                             -             -            -       94,600
   Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
    Unrealized holding losses on marketable securities                                    -          (799)           -         (799)
    Reclassification adjustment for gains included
      in net income                                                                       -          (686)           -         (686)
    Foreign currency translation adjustments                                              -        (2,170)           -       (2,170)
    Cash flow hedge- net derivative losses                                                -          (487)           -         (487)
   Other comprehensive income (loss)                                                                                         (4,142)
Comprehensive income                                                                                                         90,458
Amortization of restricted stock grants                                                 399             -            -          399
Issuance of 261,749 shares of common stock under
   employee stock option plans                                                            -             -            -        3,619
Issuance of 45,612 shares of common stock under
   employee stock purchase plan                                                           -             -            -          655
Repurchase of 1,157,057 shares of common stock
   for treasury                                                                           -             -      (26,676)     (26,676)
Dividends paid ($0.18 per share)                                                          -             -            -      (15,803)
                                                                                ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------
Balance at June 30, 2001                                                        $    (1,564) $     (8,635) $  (596,032) $   517,888
                                                                                ============ ============= ============ ============

                                    See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.



                       GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.


     The   accompanying   unaudited   interim   condensed   consolidated
financial  statements of Galileo  International,  Inc.  (herein referred
to as the  "Company",  "Galileo",  "we",  "us",  and  "our")  have  been
prepared   pursuant  to  the  rules  of  the   Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  for  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q and do not  include all
of  the  information  and  note   disclosures   required  by  accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America.  The
information  furnished  herein includes all  adjustments,  consisting of
normal recurring  adjustments,  which are, in the opinion of management,
necessary  for a fair  presentation  of results for the interim  periods

     The results of  operations  for the  quarter  and six months  ended
June 30,  2001  are not  necessarily  indicative  of the  results  to be
expected for the year ending December 31, 2001.

     These financial  statements  should be read in conjunction with the
audited  financial   statements  and  notes  to  the  audited  financial
statements  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2000  included  in the
Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission on March 13, 2001.


     On June 15, 2001,  the Company  entered into an Agreement  and Plan
of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") with  Cendant Corporation ("Cendant")
and Galaxy Acquisition  Corp.,  a subsidiary  of  Cendant, whereby  such
subsidiary will merge  with and into the Company with the Company as the
surviving corporation.  Following  the merger,  the  Company  will  be a
wholly owned subsidiary of Cendant.  The companies have filed all of the
required notifications  for U.S. and international regulatory  approvals
and have been notified by the U.S. Federal Trade  Commission  that early
termination  of the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  waiting  period has been granted
for  the   proposed  acquisition.   Additional  information was provided
to  the  Commission   of   the   European   Communities ( the  "European
Commission") in response  to  a   request.  Following  receipt  of  this
material, the European Commission advised that the effective date of the
requisite notification is August 9, 2001. The   European  Commission has
until September  11, 2001 to review the transaction. This initial review
period may be extended  for  up  to an  additional  four  months  if the
European  Commission  decides to  conduct  a full  investigation of  the
merger.  Alternatively,  the initial  review  period may be shortened at
the discretion of the European Commission. On July 13, 2001, the Company
announced  that  August 30, 2001 has been set as the date of its special
meeting of  stockholders  to consider and vote on adoption of the Merger
Agreement.  The Company  expects the  transaction to close by the end of
the  third  quarter  of


2001,  but can  provide  no  assurance  that  the  transaction  will  be
completed or as to the timing of its completion.  The  transaction  will
be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.


     On  April  2,   2001,   the   Company   acquired   Southern   Cross
Distribution   Systems  Pty  Limited  ("Galileo  Southern  Cross")  from
Travel  Industries  Automated  Systems Pty Limited,  the owners of which
are the  Qantas  Airways  group,  Ansett  Airlines  and Air New  Zealand
(collectively,   the  "TIAS  Owners").   Based  in  Sydney,   Australia,
Galileo   Southern   Cross   distributes   the   Galileo    computerized
reservation  system to travel agency  locations  across  Australia,  New
Zealand and the South  Pacific.  In  connection  with this  acquisition,
the Company also  obtained  five-year  non-compete  agreements  from the
TIAS Owners and certain  related  parties.  The  purchase  price of this
acquisition,  including the non-compete  agreements,  was $49.9 million.
The purchase  price  consisted of cash payments  totaling  $12.5 million
and the  issuance  of  credit  notes  totaling  $37.4  million.  The pro
forma effects of this acquisition are not significant.

     In connection with the acquisition of Galileo  Southern Cross,  the
Company  incurred  expenses of $0.4 million,  which have been  accounted
for as part of the  purchase  price.  The  Company  accounted  for  this
acquisition  using the purchase method of accounting.  Accordingly,  the
costs of this  acquisition  were  allocated  to the assets  acquired and
liabilities  assumed  based on their  respective  fair values.  Goodwill
and other  intangibles  related to the cost of the acquisition are being
amortized  over 5 to 17 years.  The resulting  amortization  is included
in cost of  operations  expenses.  The  results of  operations  and cash
flows of Galileo  Southern  Cross have been  consolidated  with those of
the Company from the date of acquisition.


     On  April  23,  2001,  the  Company   acquired  a  minority  equity
interest   in  a   travel-related   company  for  $4.9   million.   This
investment is considered  non-marketable  as the equity  securities  are
not  publicly  traded.  The Company  also  completed  the sale of one of
its marketable equity  investments  resulting in a realized gain of $0.6
million during the six months ended June 30, 2001.

     For the six months ended June 30, 2001,  the Company  accounted for
a  $1.3   million   unrealized   holding   loss  on   available-for-sale
marketable  equity  securities in accordance with Statement of Financial
Accounting   Standards   ("SFAS")  No.  115,   "Accounting  for  Certain
Investments  in Debt and  Equity  Securities".  The after tax  effect of
$0.8  million is  included  as a  separate  component  of  Stockholders'

     Also  during  the six  months  ended  June 30,  2001,  the  Company
recorded  net  impairment  charges of $6.4 million to write down certain
of    the    Company's     non-marketable    equity    investments    in
technology-related  companies to  estimated  fair value.  The  estimated
fair values were determined by using  management's  estimates of the net
proceeds the Company expects to


recover  upon the eventual  disposition of the  investments. The decline
in the estimated  fair values of these investments was considered to  be
other than temporary.

     At December  31, 2000 the Company  owned  1,106,564  non-marketable
depository  certificates  representing  beneficial  ownership  of Equant
N.V.  ("Equant")  common stock held by the SITA  Foundation on behalf of
its members.  In November 2000,  Equant  announced a planned merger with
France  Telecom's  Global One business.  In connection with this planned
merger,  the SITA  Foundation  signed a Share  Purchase  Agreement  (the
"Share Purchase  Agreement") with France Telecom S.A. to exchange all of
its Equant shares for France  Telecom  shares.  The merger was completed
on June 29,  2001,  at  which  time the  SITA  Foundation  received  one
France  Telecom  common  share for every 2.2  shares of Equant it owned.
As  a  result,   the   Company  now  holds   non-marketable   depository
certificates  representing  beneficial  ownership  of 502,984  shares of
France Telecom common stock.  The Share Purchase  Agreement  permits the
SITA  Foundation to distribute  France  Telecom shares to the depository
certificate   holders   after  a  period  of  seven  months  has  passed
following the closing of the  transaction.  The SITA  Foundation has not
made a final  decision  concerning  the  timing of any  distribution  of
France  Telecom  shares.  France  Telecom  shares are listed on  the New
York Stock Exchange under  the  ticker  symbol: FTE.  If  the  Company's
depository  certificates  were  converted  into registered  common stock
of France  Telecom,  the market  value at June 30, 2001 would  have been
$24.3  million.  The  Company's   carrying   value  of   the  depository
certificates  was  nominal  at  June  30,  2001  and December 31,  2000.
Any  future  disposal  of  such  depository certificates may  result in
significant gains to the Company.


     Basic  earnings  per share for the  quarter  and six  months  ended
June 30,  2001  and 2000 is  calculated  based on the  weighted  average
shares  outstanding  for the  period.  Diluted  earnings  per  share  is
calculated  as if the Company had  additional  Common Stock  outstanding
from the  beginning  of the year or the date of grant  for all  dilutive
stock  options,  net of assumed  repurchased  shares  using the treasury
stock  method.  This  resulted in an increase  in the  weighted  average
number of shares  outstanding  for the quarter and six months ended June
30,  2001 of 364,048  and  312,432,  respectively.  The  increase in the
weighted  average number of shares  outstanding  for the quarter and six
months ended June 30, 2000 was 582,415 and 403,003, respectively.


     The Company  recorded a special  charge of $1.7 million  during the
quarter ended  September 30, 2000 related to the  integration  of Travel
Automation   Services   Limited   ("Galileo   UK")  into  the  Company's
operations.  The  special  charge  was  comprised  of  $1.4  million  in
severance  costs related to the  termination  of 29 employees,  and $0.3
million in  facilities  expenses.  As of June 30, 2001,  $1.3 million of
severance related costs have been paid and charged against the liability
and  24  employees   have  been   terminated.   The  estimated remaining


liabilities at June 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 were $0.4 million and
$1.1  million,  respectively,  and  are  included  in  the  accompanying
condensed consolidated balance sheets.

     In 1993,  the Company,  formerly Covia  Partnership,  combined with
The  Galileo  Company  Ltd.  and   consolidated   its  two  data  center
facilities  resulting in the closing of the Swindon,  U.K.  data center.
In connection  therewith,  the estimated cost of the  consolidation  was
charged  to  expense.  At June  30,  2001 and  December  31,  2000,  the
estimated  remaining   liabilities,   principally  related  to  facility
closure  costs,  were $6.6 million and $7.0 million,  respectively,  and
are  included  in  the  accompanying   condensed   consolidated  balance


     Outstanding long-term debt consists of the following at June 30,
2001 and December 31, 2000:

       (In millions)                           June 30,     December 31,
                                                 2001          2000
                                              ------------  ------------
       Five-year credit agreement                 $ 400.0       $ 400.0
       16-month credit agreement                    181.0         212.0
       Term loan                                     34.4          34.4
       CRS credit notes                              34.2             -
       Other                                          0.7           0.7
                                              ------------  ------------
                                                    650.3         647.1
       Less current portion of long-term debt       194.1         212.7
                                              ------------  ------------
       Long-term debt                             $ 456.2       $ 434.4
                                              ============  ============

        In connection, with the acquisition of Galileo Southern Cross in
April 2001, the Company  issued  nine  CRS  Credit  Notes ( the  "Credit
Notes"), with an aggregate  notional  amount  of  $37.4  million, to the
former owners of Galileo  Southern  Cross. Payments on the  Credit Notes
are  effectively made by reducing CRS booking fee  invoices  owed to the
Company by these former owners. The maximum term of the  Credit Notes is
36  months.  Interest is payable quarterly  and is based upon the 90-day
LIBOR plus a specified margin. The effective interest rate on the Credit
Notes for the quarter ended June 30, 2001 was 5.8%.

     In July 2001,  the Company  replaced  the $500.0  million  16-month
credit  agreement  that was due to expire  in July 2001 with an  amended
and restated $350.0 million  six-month  credit agreement that expires in
January 2002.

     As of June 30,  2001,  the  effective  interest  rate  for  amounts
outstanding under the two credit agreements was 4.3%.



     On  February  22,  2001,  the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company
adopted a  stockholder  rights plan (the  "Plan").  Under the Plan,  the
Company  declared  a  dividend   distribution  of  one  Preferred  Stock
Purchase  Right (a  "Right")  for  each  share  of  Common  Stock of the
Company  outstanding  at the  close of  business  on March 8,  2001 (the
"Record Date"),  pursuant to the terms of a Rights  Agreement,  dated as
of February  22, 2001 (the  "Rights  Agreement").  The Rights  Agreement
also provides,  subject to specified  exceptions and  limitations,  that
shares of Common Stock issued or delivered  from the Company's  treasury
after the Record  Date will be entitled  to and  accompanied  by Rights.
The  Rights  are  in  all  respects  subject  to  and  governed  by  the
provisions  of  the  Rights   Agreement.   The  Rights  initially  trade
together  with  the  Company's  Common  Stock  and are not  exercisable.
Under certain  circumstances  specified in the Rights Agreement,  and in
the absence of further action by the Company's  Board of Directors,  the
rights  generally  will  become  exercisable  and  allow  the  holder to
purchase  from the  Company  one  one-hundredth  of a share of  Series H
Junior  Participating  Ordinary  Preferred Stock at an initial  purchase
price of $90. The Board  authorized the issuance of 2,500,000  preferred
shares under the Plan,  none of which have been issued.  The Rights will
become  exercisable  at a  specified  period of time  after  any  person
becomes the beneficial  owner of 15% or more of the  outstanding  shares
of Common  Stock or  commences  a tender or  exchange  offer  which,  if
consummated,  would result in any person  becoming the beneficial  owner
of 15% or more of the Common Stock,  in each case,  without the approval
of the  Board.  If any person  becomes  the  beneficial  owner of 15% or
more of the  outstanding  Common  Stock,  each  Right will  entitle  the
holder,  other  than the  acquiring  person,  to  purchase,  for $90,  a
number of  shares of the  Common  Stock  having a market  value of $180.
For persons  who, as of February  22,  2001,  beneficially  owned 15% or
more of the  outstanding  Common Stock,  the Plan  "grandfathers"  their
current level of ownership,  so long as they do not purchase  additional
shares  that  result  in  ownership  of 20% or more  of the  outstanding
Common  Stock.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors  may, at its option,
redeem  all  rights  for $0.01  per Right at any time  prior to the time
the  Rights  become  exercisable.  The  Rights  will  expire on March 8,
2011,  unless  earlier  redeemed,  exchanged  or amended by the Board of
Directors.  Pursuant to its Merger  Agreement,  the Company  amended the
Plan to provide that the Rights would not become  exercisable  solely by
reason of the  execution  and  delivery of the Merger  Agreement  or the
consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by the Merger  Agreement
and that the Plan would expire  immediately  prior to the effective date
of the merger.

     For the six months ended June 30, 2001,  the Company  accounted for
an $0.8 million net  derivative  loss on cash flow hedges in  accordance
with SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging
Activities"  ("SFAS  133").  The after tax  effect  of $0.5  million  is
included as a separate component of Stockholders' Equity.

     The Company  terminated  its share  repurchase  program on June 15,
2001  pursuant  to the Merger Agreement. The Company repurchased 470,658
of its  shares  in  the  open  market  at  a total cost of $11.6 million
between April 1 and June 15, 2001.  As of June 15,  2001 the Company had
repurchased $73.4 million in shares of  its Common  Stock under the $250
million share repurchase program, which  was  authorized by its Board of
Directors in April 2000. As of June 30, 2001, the Company held  a  total
of 18,077,776 shares in treasury.


     Comprehensive  income  for the six months  ended June 30,  2000 was
$87.4  million,  comprised  of net income of $90.6  million,  unrealized
holding  losses on securities of $(0.7)  million,  and foreign  currency
translation adjustments of $(2.5) million.


                                                      Six Months
(In millions)                                       Ended June 30,
Cash paid for:                                     2001        2000
                                                   ----        ----
   Interest                                      $ 22.9      $ 24.0
   Income taxes                                    69.3        71.7
Noncash investing and financing activities:
   Capital lease obligations from acquisition
   of software                                     17.7          -
