
                                                                  Exhibit 10(bb)

                                CARSEN GROUP INC.

                                   as Borrower


                             NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA

                                    as Lender


                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

                                SEPTEMBER 7, 2001


                                STIKEMAN ELLIOTT




                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                                     ARTICLE 1
Section 1.1         Defined Terms............................................................................1
Section 1.2         Gender and Number.......................................................................20
Section 1.3         Headings, etc...........................................................................20
Section 1.4         Currency................................................................................20
Section 1.5         Certain Phrases, etc....................................................................20
Section 1.6         Accounting Terms........................................................................20
Section 1.7         Calculations on a Pro-Forma Basis.......................................................20
Section 1.8         Incorporation of Schedules..............................................................21
Section 1.9         Conflict................................................................................21
Section 1.10        Certificates............................................................................21

                                                     ARTICLE 2
                                                  LOAN FACILITIES

Section 2.1         Availability............................................................................21
Section 2.2         Commitments and Facility Limits.........................................................21
Section 2.3         Use of Proceeds.........................................................................22
Section 2.4         Mandatory Repayments and Reductions of Commitments......................................22
Section 2.5         Mandatory Prepayment Where Borrowing Base Deficiency....................................22
Section 2.6         Optional Prepayments and Reductions of Commitments......................................23
Section 2.7         Changes to Applicable Margins...........................................................24
Section 2.8         Fees....................................................................................24
Section 2.9         Payments under this Agreement...........................................................25
Section 2.10        Application of Payments and Prepayments.................................................25
Section 2.11        Computations of Interest and Fees.......................................................26

                                                     ARTICLE 3

Section 3.1         Advances................................................................................26
Section 3.2         Procedure for Borrowing.................................................................26
Section 3.3         Conversions and Elections Regarding Advances............................................27
Section 3.4         Circumstances Requiring Prime Rate Pricing..............................................28
Section 3.5         Interest on Advances....................................................................29

                                                     ARTICLE 4
                                               BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES

Section 4.1         Acceptances and Drafts..................................................................30
Section 4.2         Form of Drafts..........................................................................30



Section 4.3         Procedure for Drawing...................................................................30
Section 4.4         Presigned Draft Forms...................................................................31
Section 4.5         Payment, Conversion or Renewal of BA Instruments........................................32
Section 4.6         Circumstances Making Bankers' Acceptances Unavailable...................................32

                                                     ARTICLE 5
                                                DOCUMENTARY CREDITS

Section 5.1         Documentary Credits.....................................................................33
Section 5.2         Reimbursements of Amounts Drawn.........................................................33
Section 5.3         Fees....................................................................................33
Section 5.4         Documentary Credits Outstanding Upon Default............................................33

                                                     ARTICLE 6
                                            FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTRACTS

Section 6.1         Foreign Exchange Hedging Contracts......................................................34
Section 6.2         Notice of Hedging Arrangements..........................................................34
Section 6.3         Indemnification.........................................................................34
Section 6.4         Obligations Absolute....................................................................35
Section 6.5         Deemed Advances.........................................................................35
Section 6.6         Repayments..............................................................................36

                                                     ARTICLE 7
                                               CONDITIONS OF LENDING

Section 7.1         Conditions Precedent to the Initial Accommodation.......................................36
Section 7.2         Conditions Precedent to Accommodations and Conversions..................................38
Section 7.3         No Waiver...............................................................................39

                                                     ARTICLE 8
                                          REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES

Section 8.1         Representations and Warranties..........................................................39
Section 8.2         Survival of Representations and Warranties..............................................46

                                                     ARTICLE 9
                                             COVENANTS OF THE BORROWER

Section 9.1         Affirmative Covenants...................................................................46
Section 9.2         Negative Covenants......................................................................51
Section 9.3         Financial Covenants.....................................................................56
Section 9.4         Security Covenants......................................................................57



                                                    ARTICLE 10
                                                 EVENTS OF DEFAULT

Section 10.1        Events of Default.......................................................................58
Section 10.2        Remedies Upon Default...................................................................61

                                                    ARTICLE 11

Section 11.1        Review of Agreement.....................................................................61
Section 11.2        Amendments, etc.........................................................................61
Section 11.3        Waiver..................................................................................61
Section 11.4        Evidence of Debt and Accommodation Notices..............................................62
Section 11.5        Notices, etc............................................................................62
Section 11.6        Costs, Expenses and Indemnity...........................................................63
Section 11.7        Taxes and Other Taxes...................................................................65
Section 11.8        Successors and Assigns..................................................................67
Section 11.9        Right of Set-off........................................................................67
Section 11.10       Judgment Currency.......................................................................68
Section 11.11       Interest on Amounts.....................................................................68
Section 11.12       Governing Law...........................................................................69
Section 11.13       Counterparts............................................................................69
Section 11.14       Facsimile Signatures....................................................................69
Section 11.15       Consent to Jurisdiction.................................................................69


SCHEDULE 3.2(1)                      FORM OF BORROWING NOTICE
SCHEDULE 3.3(3)                      FORM OF ELECTION NOTICE
SCHEDULE 4.1(2)                      NOTICE PERIODS AND AMOUNTS
SCHEDULE 4.3(1)                      FORM OF DRAWING NOTICE
SCHEDULE 7.1(d)(iii)                 LIST OF LOAN DOCUMENTS
SCHEDULE 8.1(a)                      PROPERTIES
SCHEDULE 8.1(n)                      ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS
SCHEDULE 8.1(p)                      CORPORATE STRUCTURE
SCHEDULE 8.1(x)(ii)                  MATERIAL AUTHORIZATIONS



SCHEDULE 8.1(x)(iii)                 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
SCHEDULE 8.1(x)(iv)                  LITIGATION
SCHEDULE 8.1(x)(v)                   PENSION PLANS
SCHEDULE 8.1(x)(vi)                  MATERIAL AGREEMENTS
SCHEDULE 9.2(a)                      PERMITTED DEBT
SCHEDULE 9.2(b)                      PERMITTED LIENS
SCHEDULE 9.2(i)                      EMPLOYEE LOANS



                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

      Loan Agreement dated September 7, 2001, between Carsen Group Inc. as
Borrower and National Bank of Canada as Lender.

                                    ARTICLE 1


      As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following

      "ACCOMMODATION" means (i) an Advance made by the Lender on the occasion of
      any Borrowing, (ii) the creation and purchase of Bankers' Acceptances or
      the purchase of completed Drafts by the Lender on the occasion of any
      Drawing, (iii) the issue of a Documentary Credit by the Lender on the
      occasion of any Issue and (iv) the provision of any Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangement by the Lender (each of which is a "TYPE" of

      "ACCOMMODATION NOTICE" means a Borrowing Notice, a Drawing Notice, an
      Issue Notice, an Election Notice or a Notice of Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangement, as the case may be.

      "ACCOMMODATIONS OUTSTANDING" means an amount equal to the sum of (i) the
      aggregate principal amount of all outstanding Advances made by the Lender,
      (ii) the aggregate Face Amount of all outstanding Bankers' Acceptances,
      completed Drafts and BA Equivalent Notes which the Lender has purchased,
      and (iii) the aggregate Face Amount of all Documentary Credits for which
      the Lender is contingently liable. In determining Accommodations
      Outstanding, the foregoing amounts shall be expressed in Canadian dollars
      and each relevant U.S. Dollar amount shall be converted, for purposes of
      such calculation, into its Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount, as of the relevant

      "ADVANCES" means any advances made by the Lender under Article 3 and
      "ADVANCE" means any one of such advances. Advances are denominated in
      Canadian Dollars (a "CANADIAN DOLLAR ADVANCE") or in U.S. Dollars (a "U.S.
      DOLLAR ADVANCE"). A Canadian Dollar Advance is designated a "Canadian
      Prime Rate Advance" and a U.S. Dollar Advance may be designated a
      "EURODOLLAR RATE ADVANCE" or a "BASE RATE (CANADA) Advance". Canadian
      Prime Rate Advances and Base Rate (Canada) Advances are referred to,
      collectively, as "FLOATING RATE ADVANCES". Each of a Eurodollar Rate



      Advance, a Canadian Prime Rate Advance and a Base Rate (Canada) Advance is
      a "TYPE" of Advance.

      "AFFILIATE" has the meaning specified in the BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT
      (Ontario) on the date of this Agreement.

      "AGREEMENT" means this loan agreement and all schedules and instruments in
      amendment or confirmation of it; and the expressions "ARTICLE" and
      "SECTION" followed by a number mean and refer to the specified Article or
      Section of this Agreement.

      "ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN" means, in respect of the Borrower or Cantel, as the
      case may be, for any Fiscal Year, (i) quarterly detailed pro-forma
      consolidated balance sheets, statements of earnings and statements of cash
      flows of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries, or Cantel, as the
      case may be, prepared in accordance with GAAP, as approved by the board of
      directors of the Borrower or Cantel, as the case may be, and (ii) a
      capital expenditure program setting forth Capital Expenditures proposed to
      be made in the Fiscal Year.

      "APPLICABLE MARGIN" means, at any time and from time to time, a percentage
      per annum determined by reference to the table set forth below and on the
      basis of Cantel's Consolidated Debt to EBITDA at such time:


                                                                APPLICABLE MARGIN FOR ACCOMMODATIONS

                                                     CANADIAN                       BASE RATE
         EBITDA                                      MARGIN          RATE MARGIN    MARGIN         PRICE MARGIN
         Greater than 2.0 to 1.0                         1.75%           3.25%          2.00%         3.25%

         Greater than 1.75 to 1.0 but less than or       1.50%           3.00%          1.75%         3.00%
         equal to 2.0 to 1.0

         Greater than 1.50 to 1.0 but less than or       1.25%           2.75%          1.50%         2.75%
         equal to 1.75 to 1.0

         Greater than 1.00 to 1.00 but less than         1.00%           2.50%          1.25%         2.50%
         or equal to 1.5 to 1.0

         Equal to or less than 1.0 to 1.0                0.50%           2.00%          0.75%         2.00%


      Notwithstanding the above rates, prior to the date which is six months
      from the date hereof, the Applicable Margin for an Accommodation shall be
      3.25% for a Eurodollar Rate Advance, 1.75% for a Canadian Prime Rate
      Advance, 2.00% for a Base Rate (Canada) Advance and 3.25% for a Bankers'
      Acceptance or Draft.



      The ratio of Cantel's Consolidated Debt to EBITDA shall be determined
      three Business Days after the date on which the Lender receives financial
      statements for each Fiscal Quarter of the Borrower pursuant to Section
      9.1(b) and a Compliance Certificate. If the Borrower has not submitted to
      the Lender the Compliance Certificate as and when required under Section
      9.1(b) as the case may be, the Applicable Margin shall be, irrespective of
      the actual ratio of Cantel's Consolidated Debt to EBITDA, the highest rate
      set forth above for the applicable Type of Advance and for so long as such
      information has not been received by the Lender. The Applicable Margin
      shall be adjusted, if applicable, as of the first day of the month
      following the date of receipt of the Compliance Certificate, or the
      determination described in the preceding sentence, in the manner provided
      in Section 2.7.

      "ASSIGNEE" has the meaning specified in Section 11.8(3).

      "BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE" means either (i) a bill of exchange within the
      meaning of the BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT (Canada) or (ii) a depository note
      within the meaning of the DBNA, in each case issued by a Borrower and
      denominated in Canadian Dollars, which are accepted and purchased by the
      Lender at the request of a Borrower pursuant to Article 4.

      "BA EQUIVALENT NOTE" has the meaning specified in Section 4.3(3).

      "BA INSTRUMENTS" means, collectively, Bankers' Acceptances, Drafts and BA
      Equivalent Notes, and, in the singular, any one of them.

      "BASE RATE (CANADA)" means, at any time, the rate of interest per annum
      equal to the greater of (i) the rate which the principal office of the
      National Bank of Canada in Toronto, Ontario announces from time to time as
      the reference rate of interest for loans in U.S. Dollars to Canadian
      borrowers, and (ii) the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.50 of 1%, adjusted
      automatically with each change in such rates all without the necessity of
      any notice to the Borrower or any other Person.

      "BENEFICIARY" means, in respect of any Documentary Credit, the beneficiary
      named in the Documentary Credit.

      "BORROWER"  means, at any time, Carsen Group Inc. and its successors and
      permitted assigns.

      "BORROWER'S ACCOUNTS" means the Borrower's Canadian Dollar and U.S. Dollar
      accounts maintained by the Lender at its principal office, the particulars
      of which shall have been notified by the Lender to the Borrower, and a



      U.S. DOLLAR ACCOUNT" means a reference to either one of them, as the
      context so requires.

      "BORROWING" means a borrowing consisting of one or more Advances.

      "BORROWING BASE" means, subject to the next following sentence, at any
      time, the sum of (i) 85% of Eligible Accounts of the Borrower and each
      Designated Restricted Subsidiary, plus (ii) 50% of the aggregate value
      (computed at the lower of cost (in accordance with the Borrower's past
      practices) and current market value) of Eligible Inventory of the Borrower
      and each Designated Restricted Subsidiary, less (iii) Priority Accounts
      Payable, at such time. The contribution to the Borrowing Base of a
      Designated Restricted Subsidiary which is incorporated or created under
      the laws of the United States of America will be the lesser of (i) its
      Borrowing Base as calculated pursuant to the foregoing sentence, and (ii)
      the sum of (y) the outstanding principal amount of all loans by the
      Borrower to the Designated Restricted Subsidiary at the time of
      calculation which have been made with the proceeds of Accommodations from
      the Lender, and (z) the tangible net worth of the Designated Restricted
      Subsidiary at the time of calculation.

      "BORROWING BASE CERTIFICATE" means a certificate of the Borrower,
      substantially in the form of Schedule "A", mathematically computing the
      Borrowing Base and signed on behalf of the Borrower by its chief financial
      officer or any other officer acceptable to the Lender.

      "BORROWING NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Section 3.2.

      "BUSINESS" means the business of the Borrower consisting of the marketing,
      distribution and servicing of medical equipment (including flexible and
      rigid endoscopes and infection prevention and control products), precision
      instruments (including microscopes and high performance image analysis
      hardware and software) and industrial equipment.

      "BUSINESS DAY" means any day of the year, other than a Saturday, Sunday or
      other day on which banks are required or authorized to close in Toronto,
      Ontario and, where used in the context of (i) a Eurodollar Rate Advance,
      also a day on which banks are not required or authorized to close in New
      York City and dealings are carried on in the London interbank market, and
      (ii) a Base Rate (Canada) Advance, also a day on which banks are not
      required or authorized to close in New York City.

      "CANADIAN DOLLARS", and "CDN.$" each means lawful money of Canada.

      "CANADIAN PRIME RATE" means, at any time, the greater of (i) the per annum
      rate of interest quoted, published and commonly known as the "PRIME RATE"



      of the Lender which the Lender establishes at its main office in Toronto,
      Ontario as the reference rate of interest in order to determine interest
      rates for loans in Canadian Dollars to Canadian borrowers, adjusted
      automatically with each quoted or published change in such rate, all
      without the necessity of any notice to the Borrower or any other Person,
      and (ii) the sum of (y) the average of the rates per annum for Canadian
      Dollar bankers' acceptances having a term of 30 days that appears on the
      Reuters Screen CDOR Page as of 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on the date of
      determination, as reported by the Lender (and if such screen is not
      available, any successor or similar service as may be selected by the
      Lender), and (z) 0.75%.

      "CANTEL" means Cantel Medical Corp.

      "CANTEL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" means the letter from Cantel to the Lender dated
      September 7, 2001 acknowledging the Borrower's obligation to make certain
      deliveries in connection with financial matters relating to Cantel
      pursuant to this Agreement.

      "CANTEL'S CONSOLIDATED DEBT TO EBITDA" means, at any time, the ratio
      determined by reference to and in the manner provided for in the Parent
      Facility of Consolidated Debt (as defined in the Parent Facility) to
      EBITDA (as defined in the Parent Facility).

      "CAPITAL EXPENDITURES" means expenditures by a Person made for the
      purchase, lease or acquisition of assets (other than current assets)
      required to be capitalized and related to plant, property, equipment,
      intellectual property and other long term capitalized assets in accordance
      with GAAP.

      "CASH EQUIVALENTS" has the meaning specified in Section 9.2(i).

      "CASHFLOW" means, for any period, Net Income increased, to the extent
      deducted in calculating Net Income, by the sum of (i) Interest Charges,
      (ii) all deferred expenses of the Borrower and its Restricted
      Subsidiaries, (iii) Depreciation Expense, (iv) any other non-cash expenses
      and (v) unusual or non-recurring non-cash charges which require an accrual
      of, or a reserve for, cash charges for any future period and decreased by
      (vi) all cash payments during such period relating to non-cash charges of
      the type described in (i) through (v) above which were added back in any
      prior period, (vii) dividends, (viii) inter-company advances made by the
      Borrower to Cantel and (ix) Capital Expenditures which are not funded from
      incurrence of Debt, all as determined on a consolidated basis in
      accordance with GAAP.

      "CHANGE OF CONTROL" means Cantel ceases to own 100% of the outstanding
      share capital of the Borrower.



      "CLOSING DATE" means September 7, 2001 or such other date as agreed by
      both parties.

      "COLLATERAL" means any and all property and assets in respect of which the
      Lender has or will have a Lien pursuant to a Security Document.

      "COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE" means a certificate of the Borrower substantially
      in the form of Schedule "B" signed on its behalf by its chief financial
      officer or any other officer acceptable to the Lender.

      "CURRENT ASSETS" means, at any time, all current assets of the Borrower
      and its Restricted Subsidiaries, excluding any intercompany advances, the
      current portion of deferred costs, or any other assets of doubtful or
      intangible nature, determined on a consolidated basis as of such time in
      accordance with GAAP.

      "CURRENT LIABILITIES" of any Person means (a) Debt of such Person, except
      Funded Debt, that by its terms is payable on demand or matures within one
      year after the date of determination (excluding any Debt renewable or
      extendible, at the option of such Person, to a date more than one year
      from such date or arising under a revolving credit or similar agreement
      that obligates the lender or lenders to extend credit during a period of
      more than one year from such date), (b) all amounts of Funded Debt of such
      Person required to be paid or prepaid within one year after such date, and
      (c) all other items (including taxes accrued as estimated and excluding
      Funded Debt) that in accordance with GAAP would be classified as current
      liabilities of such Person.

      "DBNA" means the DEPOSITORY BILLS AND NOTES ACT (Canada).

      "DEBT" of any Person means (i) all indebtedness of such Person for
      borrowed money, including borrowings of commodities, bankers' acceptances,
      letters of credit or letters of guarantee, (ii) all indebtedness of such
      Person for the deferred purchase price of property or services represented
      by a note, bond, debenture or other evidence of Debt, (iii) all
      indebtedness created or arising under any conditional sale or other title
      retention agreement with respect to property acquired by such Person (even
      though the rights and remedies of the seller or lender under such
      agreement in the event of default are limited to repossession or sale of
      such property), (iv) all current liabilities of such Person represented by
      a note, bond, debenture or other instruments evidencing Debt, and (v) all
      obligations under leases which have been or should be, in accordance with
      GAAP, recorded as capital leases in respect of which such Person is liable
      as lessee but for greater certainty, excludes operating leases.



      "DEBT SERVICE" means, for any period, the aggregate of (i) all Interest
      Charges, and (ii) all regularly scheduled principal, capital lease or
      other payments on account of Debt, in each case for such period.

      "DEFAULT" means an event which, with the giving of notice or passage of
      time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

      "DEPRECIATION EXPENSE" means, for any period, depreciation, amortization
      and other non-cash expenses of the Borrower and its Restricted
      Subsidiaries which reduce Net Income for such period, determined on a
      consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP.

      "DESIGNATED RESTRICTED SUBSIDIARY" has the meaning specified in Section

      "DISTRIBUTION" has the meaning specified in Section 9.2(h).

      "DOCUMENTARY CREDIT" means a commercial letter of credit, standby letter
      of credit or letter of guarantee (each of which is a "TYPE" of Documentary
      Credit) issued or to be issued by the Lender for the account of the
      Borrower pursuant to Article 5.

      "DOCUMENTARY CREDIT DEPOSIT AMOUNT" has the meaning specified in Section

      "DRAFT" means, at any time, a bill of exchange, within the meaning of the
      BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT (Canada) or a depository note within the meaning of
      the DBNA, drawn by the Borrower on the Lender and bearing such
      distinguishing letters and numbers as the Lender may determine, but which
      at such time has not been completed as the payee or accepted by the

      "DRAWING" means the creation and purchase of Bankers' Acceptances by the
      Lender pursuant to Article 4.

      "DRAWING DATE" means any Business Day fixed for a Drawing pursuant to
      Section 4.3.

      "DRAWING NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Section 4.3(1).

      "DRAWING PRICE" means, in respect of Bankers' Acceptances or Drafts to be
      purchased by the Lender, the difference between (i) the result (rounded to
      the nearest whole cent with one-half of one cent being rounded up)
      obtained by dividing the aggregate Face Amount of the Bankers' Acceptances
      or Drafts by the sum of one plus the product of (x) the Reference Discount
      Rate multiplied by (y) a fraction the numerator of which is the number of
      days in the term of



      maturity of the Bankers' Acceptances and the denominator of which is 365,
      and (iii) the Applicable Margin.

      "EBITDA" means, for any period Net Income increased, to the extent
      deducted in calculating Net Income, by the sum of (i) Interest Charges,
      (ii) all income taxes of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries paid
      or accrued in accordance with GAAP for such period (other than income
      taxes attributable to extraordinary, unusual or nonrecurring gains or
      losses or taxes attributable to sales or dispositions outside the normal
      course of business), (iii) Depreciation Expense, and (iv) minority
      interest in earnings of subsidiaries or any equity loss, and decreased by
      (v) any non-cash items increasing Net Income for such period, (vi) all
      cash payments during such period relating to non-cash charges which were
      added back in determining EBITDA in any prior period, and (vii) unusual or
      non-recurring non-cash charges which require an accrual of, or a reserve
      for, cash charges for any future period, all as determined on a
      consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP.

      "ELECTION NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Section 3.3(3).

      "ELIGIBLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE" means amounts owing by account debtors to
      the Borrower by reason of sales of inventory, servicing and maintaining
      products and rental of equipment, in either case, in the ordinary course
      of business other than accounts receivable which are: (i) due or unpaid
      more than 90 days after their due date and in no case longer than 120 days
      from the date of the original invoice issued by the Borrower with respect
      to the sale giving rise thereto; (ii) derived from a sale by the Borrower
      not made in the ordinary course of the business or to a person, firm or
      corporation which is an Affiliate of the Borrower; (iii) in dispute to the
      extent of the amount in dispute; (iv) subject to any right of set-off by
      the account debtor, and that account debtor has not entered into an
      agreement with the Lender with respect to set-offs; or the account debtor
      has disputed liability, or made any claim with respect to any other
      receivable due from such account debtor to the Borrower, in which case,
      the receivable shall be ineligible to the extent of such dispute, claim,
      and/or set-off; (v) owed by an account debtor who has filed a petition for
      bankruptcy or any other petition for relief under bankruptcy, insolvency,
      or arrangement legislation, made an assignment for the benefit of
      creditors, or against whom any petition or other application for relief
      under bankruptcy, insolvency or arrangement legislation has been filed or
      who has failed, suspended its business operations, become insolvent, or
      suffered a receiver or a trustee in bankruptcy to be appointed for any of
      its assets or affairs; (vi) owed by an account debtor who is resident
      outside of Canada, unless (x) the sale is on Letter of Credit or
      acceptance terms acceptable to the Lender, (y) the receivables have been
      guaranteed by Export



      Development Corporation or otherwise covered by insurance on terms
      satisfactory to the Lender; or (z) the Lender, has a perfected security
      interest in such accounts receivable where the account debtor resides;
      (vii) arising out of a sale which is on a bill-and-hold, sale-and-return,
      sale-on-approval, consignment, or any other re-purchase or return basis
      (excluding the Borrower's policy of accepting the return of defective
      products); (viii) one which the Lender believes acting reasonably may not
      be paid by reason of the account debtor's financial inability to pay; (ix)
      owed by an account debtor who has exceeded a credit limit determined by
      the Lender acting reasonably on the basis of the credit policy and credit
      information of the Borrower in respect of such account debtor, at any time
      or times hereafter to the extent that such receivable exceeds such limit;
      or (x) not subject to a duly perfected security interest in favour of the
      Lender ranking in priority to all other security interests except
      Permitted Liens;

      "ELIGIBLE INVENTORY" means at any time, the value of all of the Borrower's
      Inventory (determined on a consolidated basis, with reference to
      Designated Restricted Subsidiaries, if applicable), valued on a first-in
      first-out basis in accordance with GAAP at the lower of the Borrower's
      cost thereof or the net realizable value thereof, including inventory
      which has not been delivered to the Borrower or Designated Restricted
      Subsidiary, as the case may be, within the preceding 30 days but in
      respect of which payment has been made or the supplier has waived or lost
      its rights to repossession under the BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY ACT
      (Canada); provided, however, that none of the following categories of
      inventory shall be taken into account in determining Eligible Inventory:
      (i) any inventory which is not subject to a duly perfected security
      interest in favour of the Lender ranking in priority to all security
      interests, except Permitted Liens; (ii) any inventory which is subject to
      a title retention agreement in favour of the vendor thereof; (iii) any
      inventory situated outside of Canada other than inventory in transit to
      Canada; (iv) any inventory which the Lender believes, acting reasonably,
      may not have material value to the Lender if the Lender is required to
      realize thereon pursuant to the Security Documents; (v) inventory in the
      possession of sales people or customers for the purpose of demonstration
      or on loan to such Person in connection with the Borrower's standard sale
      process; and (vi) inventory in the possession of other Persons on a
      consignment basis.

      "ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS" means all applicable laws, regulations, orders,
      judgments, decisions of and agreements with a Governmental Entity and all
      other statutory requirements relating to public health or the protection
      of the environment and all authorizations, permits, consents,
      registrations and approvals issued pursuant to such laws, agreements or
      statutory requirements.



      "ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES" means all liabilities imposed by, under or
      pursuant to Environmental Laws or which relate to the existence of
      contaminants on, under or about the Properties and which, in accordance
      with GAAP, must be disclosed in the consolidated financial statements of
      the Borrower.

      "EQUIVALENT CDN. $ AMOUNT" means, on any day with respect to any amount of
      U.S. Dollars, the amount of Canadian Dollars which would be required to
      buy such amount of U.S. Dollars using the wholesale rate quoted by the
      Lender in accordance with its normal banking practice at approximately
      12:00 noon (Toronto time) on the day.

      "EQUIVALENT U.S. $ AMOUNT" means, on any day with respect to any amount of
      Canadian Dollars, the amount of U.S. Dollars which would be required to
      buy such amount of Canadian Dollars using the wholesale rate quoted by the
      Lender in accordance with its normal banking practice at approximately
      12:00 noon (Toronto time) on the day.

      "EURODOLLAR INTEREST PERIOD" means, for each Eurodollar Rate Advance, a
      period which commences (i) in the case of the initial Eurodollar Interest
      Period, on the date the Advance is made or converted from another Type of
      Accommodation, and (ii) in the case of any subsequent Eurodollar Interest
      Period, on the last day of the immediately preceding Eurodollar Interest
      Period, and which ends, in either case, on the day selected by the
      Borrower in the applicable Borrowing Notice or Election Notice. The
      duration of each Eurodollar Interest Period shall be 1, 2, 3 or 6 months
      (or such shorter or longer period as may be approved by the Lender),
      unless the last day of a Eurodollar Interest Period would otherwise occur
      on a day other than a Business Day, in which case the last day of such
      Eurodollar Interest Period shall be extended to occur on the next Business
      Day, or if such extension would cause the last day of such Eurodollar
      Interest Period to occur in the next calendar month, the last day of such
      Eurodollar Interest Period shall occur on the preceding Business Day.

      "EURODOLLAR RATE" means, for each Eurodollar Interest Period for each
      Eurodollar Rate Advance comprising part of the same Borrowing, an interest
      rate per annum equal to the average (rounded upward to the nearest whole
      multiple of 1/16 of 1% per annum) of the rates per annum which leading
      banks in the London interbank markets shall quote and offer to the Lender
      for placing deposits with the Lender in U.S. Dollars, at approximately
      10:00 a.m. (London time), two Business Days before the first day of such
      Eurodollar Interest Period, for a period comparable to the Eurodollar
      Interest Period and in an amount approximately equal to the amount of the
      Eurodollar Rate Advance.



      "EVENT OF DEFAULT" has the meaning specified in Section 10.1.

      "FACE AMOUNT" means (i) in respect of a BA Instrument, the amount payable
      to the holder on its maturity, and (ii) in respect of a Documentary
      Credit, the maximum amount which the issuing Person is contingently liable
      to pay to the Beneficiary.

      "FEDERAL FUNDS RATE" means, for any day, a fluctuating interest rate per
      annum equal to the weighted average of the rates on overnight United
      States Federal funds transactions with members of the Federal Reserve
      System arranged by United States Federal funds brokers, as published for
      the day (or, if the day is not a Business Day, for the preceding Business
      Day) by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or, if such rate is not so
      published for any day which is a Business Day, the average of the
      quotations for the day on such transactions received by the Lender from
      three United States Federal funds brokers of recognized standing selected
      by it.

      "FEES" means the fees payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.

      "FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE" has the meaning specified in Section 9.2(i).

      "FISCAL QUARTER" means a period of three consecutive months in each Fiscal
      Year ending on October 31, January 31, April 30 and July 31, as the case
      may be, of such year.

      "FISCAL YEAR" means, in relation to the Borrower, its financial year
      commencing on August 1 of each calendar year and ending on July 31 of the
      immediately following calendar year.

      "FOREIGN  EXCHANGE  COMMITMENT"  means an amount not to exceed a Hedging
      Risk Exposure of US$2,000,000 or the Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount.

      "FOREIGN EXCHANGE HEDGING ARRANGEMENT" means any agreement under which the
      Lender provides foreign exchange rate protection in respect of any
      currency (other than Canadian Dollars) to the Borrower.

      "FOREIGN EXCHANGE HEDGING FACILITY" means the foreign exchange hedging
      facility to be made available to the Borrower under this Agreement for the
      purpose specified in Section 2.3(2).

      "FUNDED DEBT" means, with respect to the Borrower, the Accommodations
      Outstanding, and with respect to the Borrower and the Restricted
      Subsidiaries, all other Debt of such Persons that by its terms matures
      more than one year after the date of determination or matures within one
      year from such date but is renewable or extendible, at the option of such
      Person, to a



      date more than one year after such date or arises under a revolving credit
      or similar agreement that obligates the lender or lenders to extend credit
      during a period of more than one year after such date, including the
      current portion of all such Debt.

      "GAAP" means, at any time, with respect to the Borrower, accounting
      principles generally accepted in Canada as recommended in the Handbook of
      the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants at the relevant time
      applied on a consistent basis (except for changes made with the prior
      written consent of the Lender and approved by the Borrower's independent
      auditors in accordance with promulgations of the Canadian Institute of
      Chartered Accountants), and with respect to Cantel, accounting principles
      generally accepted in the United States.

      "GOODS" means tangible personal property but excluding chattel paper,
      documents of title, instruments, money and securities (as these terms are
      defined in the PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY ACT (Ontario) from time to

      "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY" means any (i) multinational, federal, provincial,
      state, municipal, local or other government, governmental or public
      department, central bank, court, commission, board, bureau, agency or
      instrumentality, domestic or foreign, (ii) any subdivision or authority of
      any of the foregoing, or (iii) any quasi-governmental or private body
      exercising any regulatory, expropriation or taxing authority under or for
      the account of any of the above.

      "HEDGING RISK EXPOSURE" means, at any time, the greater of (i) 10% of the
      Notional Amount of any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement in respect of
      any currency and (ii) any lump sum required to be paid by the Borrower as
      a deposit or as collateral pursuant to the terms of any Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Agreement.

      "INDEMNIFIED PERSON" has the meaning specified in Section 11.6(1).

      "INTEREST CHARGES" means, for any period, for the Borrower and its
      Restricted Subsidiaries, the sum of (i) the aggregate amount of interest
      expense (including imputed interest with respect to capitalized lease
      obligations) incurred during such period on a consolidated basis in
      accordance with GAAP, (ii) all capitalized interests during such period,
      (iii) all deferred charges representing capitalized interest during such
      period, (iv) the net amount payable (or less the net amount receivable) by
      the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries under any interest rate cap
      or collar arrangements or similar arrangements during such period, and (v)
      the aggregate of all purchase discounts relating to the sale of accounts
      receivable in connection



      with any asset securitization program, all as adjusted to reflect the
      impact of proceeds received from discontinued operations, but excluding to
      the extent included in the foregoing all amortized costs attributable to
      fees and closing costs paid by the Borrower to the Lender in connection
      with the Loan Documents.

      "INVENTORY" means all inventory now owned or hereafter acquired by the
      Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary, including (i) finished Goods, raw
      materials, new and unused production, packaging and shipping supplies,
      (ii) work in progress, (iii) all new and unused maintenance items, and
      (iv) all other materials and supplies on hand to be used or consumed or
      which might be used or consumed in the manufacture, packing, shipping,
      advertising, selling, or furnishing of Goods.

      "ISSUE" means an issue of a Documentary Credit by the Lender pursuant to
      Article 5.

      "LEASES" means the leases, subleases, rights to occupy and licences of
      real property to which the Borrower or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries
      are a party (i) at the date of this Agreement, as listed and described in
      Schedule 8.1(a), or (ii) after the date of this Agreement as notified to
      the Lender pursuant to each Compliance Certificate, but shall exclude
      (iii) leases, rights and licences terminated in accordance with their
      terms (and not as the result of a default) or assigned or otherwise
      disposed of after the date of this Agreement as permitted by this

      "LENDER" means National Bank of Canada, its successors and assigns.

      "LENDING LIMIT" has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(1).

      "LIBOR ADVANCES" means Eurodollar Rate Advances.

      "LIEN" means any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation, security
      interest, assignment, encumbrance, lien (statutory or otherwise), title
      retention agreement or arrangement, restrictive covenant or other
      encumbrance of any nature or any other arrangement or condition that in
      substance secures payment or performance of an obligation.

      "LOAN DOCUMENTS" means this Agreement, the BA Instruments, the Security
      Documents, the Cantel Acknowledgement, the Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangements entered into between the Borrower and the Lender and all
      other documents to be executed and delivered to the Lender by the Borrower
      and the Restricted Subsidiaries.



      "LOAN FACILITIES" means collectively, the Operating Facility and the
      Foreign Exchange Hedging Facility, and, in the singular, any one of them.

      "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" means a material adverse effect on the business,
      operations, results of operations, prospects, assets, liabilities or
      financial condition of the Borrower or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries.

      "MATERIAL AGREEMENTS" means the agreements listed in Schedule 8.1(x)(vi)
      and any agreement, contract or similar instrument to which the Borrower or
      any of the Restricted Subsidiaries is a party or to which any of their
      property or assets may be subject for which breach, non-performance,
      cancellation or failure to renew could reasonably be expected to have a
      Material Adverse Effect.

      "NET INCOME" means, for any period, the net income (loss) of the Borrower
      and its Restricted Subsidiaries determined on a consolidated basis in
      accordance with GAAP.

      in Section 6.2(1).

      "NOTIONAL AMOUNT" means the U.S. Dollar amount (or the Equivalent Cdn. $
      Amount) under any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement by reference to
      which the obligations of the Borrower thereunder are determined.

      "OPERATING  COMMITMENT"  means, at any time, in respect of the Operating
      Facility, up to U.S. $5,000,000, as reduced pursuant to Article 2.

      "OPERATING FACILITY" means the operating revolving credit facility to be
      made available to the Borrower under this Agreement for the purposes
      specified in Section 2.3(1).

      "ORIGINAL CURRENCY" has the meaning specified in Section 11.10(1).

      "OTHER CURRENCY" has the meaning specified in Section 11.10(1).

      "OTHER TAXES" has the meaning specified in Section 11.7(2).

      "PARENT EVENT OF DEFAULT" means the occurrence of an Event of Default (as
      defined in the Parent Facility) pursuant to the Parent Facility.

      "PARENT FACILITY" means, collectively, the credit facilities provided to
      Cantel by a syndicate of U.S. banks pursuant to a loan agreement of even
      date herewith among Cantel, the Lenders named therein, Fleet National
      Bank, as



      Administrative Agent and PNC Bank, National Association, as Documentation

      "PAYMENT ACCOUNT" means an account maintained by the Borrower with the

      "PERMITTED ACQUISITION" means an acquisition by the Borrower or any
      Restricted Subsidiary of (i) the assets constituting a business, division
      or product line of any Person engaging in a business relating to the
      Business who is not a Related Party, or (ii) 100% of the issued and
      outstanding shares or ownership interests in the capital of such Person,
      and which satisfies the following conditions:

      (a)   No Default or Event of Default exists at the time of the
            acquisition or would exist after giving effect to it;

      (b)   The total cash and non-cash consideration to be paid in
            connection with the acquisition (including assumed liabilities)
            is not in excess of U.S. $1,000,000;

      (c)   The Borrower establishes to the satisfaction of the Lender pro-forma
            compliance with the covenants contained in Article 9 after giving
            effect to the acquisition;

      (d)   The acquisition could not reasonably be expected to cause or result
            in a Material Adverse Effect or result in or create any material
            contingent liabilities which are not in the ordinary course of
            business (including contingent environmental, tax or other
            contingent obligations).

      "PERMITTED LIENS" means:

      (a)   Liens for taxes, assessments and governmental charges due and being
            contested in good faith (and for the payment of which adequate
            provision has been made) by appropriate proceedings;

      (b)   landlord Liens, construction Liens, and mechanics', workers',
            repairers' or other like possessory Liens, arising in the ordinary
            course of business for amounts the payment of which is either not
            delinquent or is being contested in good faith (and for the payment
            of which adequate provision has been made) by appropriate

      (c)   Liens arising out of judgments or awards with respect to which at
            the time an appeal or proceedings for review is being prosecuted in
            good faith (and for the payment of which adequate provision has been
            made) by appropriate proceedings and with respect to which there



            shall have been secured a stay of execution pending such appeal or
            proceeding for review;

      (d)   servitudes, easements, restrictions, rights-of-way and other similar
            rights in real or immovable property or any interest therein,
            provided the same are not of such nature as to materially adversely
            affect the use of the property subject thereto by the Borrower;

      (e)   Liens for taxes due but for  which  notice of  assessment  has not
            been given;

      (f)   Liens granted pursuant to the Loan Documents;

      (g)   Purchase Money Mortgages provided that the indebtedness secured
            pursuant to such Purchase Money Mortgages shall not, in the
            aggregate, exceed at any time Cdn. $150,000, and the renewal,
            extension or refinancing of any such Purchase Money Mortgages
            provided that the indebtedness secured thereby and the security
            therefor are not increased thereby in excess of 110%;

      (h)   Liens  granted  pursuant to operating  leases  provided  that such
            operating leases are permitted pursuant to Section 9.2(m);

      (i)   leases on property pursuant to arrangements made with any Person
            whereby property is sold or transferred to such Person and a lease
            is entered into with respect to the property so sold or transferred
            or other property substantially the same as such property so sold or
            transferred provided that the indebtedness secured thereby shall
            not, in the aggregate, exceed Cdn$150,000; and

      (j)   Liens, the existence of which have been consented to by the Lender
            and which Liens are set out in Schedule 9.2(b) and inchoate Liens
            for amounts not yet due.

      "PERSON" means a natural person, partnership, corporation, joint stock
      company, trust, unincorporated association, joint venture or other entity
      or Governmental Entity, and pronouns have a similarly extended meaning.

      "PRIORITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE" means, at any time, the amount owed by the
      Borrower or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries or which they have an
      obligation to remit to a Governmental Entity pursuant to any applicable
      law, rule or regulation in respect of pension fund obligations,
      unemployment insurance, goods and services taxes, sales taxes and other
      taxes payable or to be remitted or withheld, workers' compensation and
      other like charges and demands, in respect of which any Governmental
      Entity may claim a security



      interest, trust claim or other claim ranking or capable of ranking in
      priority to the Security.

      "PROPERTIES" means, collectively, the real properties forming the subject
      matter of the Leases.

      "PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE" means any security interest charging property
      (other than accounts receivable or Inventory) acquired by the Borrower or
      a Restricted Subsidiary, which is granted or assumed by the Borrower or a
      Restricted Subsidiary or which arises by operation of law in favour of the
      transferor concurrently with and for the purpose of the acquisition or
      lease of such property, in each case where (i) in the case of an
      acquisition of property, the principal amount secured by the security
      interest is not in excess of 100% of the purchase price (after any
      post-closing adjustment) of the property acquired, and (ii) in the case of
      a lease of property, the amount secured by the security interest is not in
      excess of the value of the asset leased, and (iii) such security interest
      extends only to the property acquired or leased and its proceeds.

      "REFERENCE DISCOUNT RATE" means, in respect of any Bankers' Acceptances or
      Drafts to be purchased by the Lender pursuant to Article 4, the arithmetic
      average of the discount rates (calculated on an annual basis and rounded
      to the nearest one-hundredth of 1%, with five-thousandths of 1% being
      rounded up) quoted by the Lender at 9:30 a.m. (Toronto time) as the
      discount rate at which the Lender would purchase, on the relevant Drawing
      Date, its own Bankers' Acceptances or Drafts having an aggregate Face
      Amount equal to and with a term to maturity the same as the Bankers'
      Acceptances or Drafts to be acquired by the Lender on the Drawing Date. If
      the discount rates cannot be calculated on any Business Day on which they
      are required to be calculated the applicable discount rate shall be the
      CDOR rate in effect on such day for bankers' acceptances having a term to
      maturity the same as the applicable Bankers' Acceptances.

      "RELATED PARTY" means in respect of the Borrower or any Restricted
      Subsidiary (i) a Person which alone or in combination with others holds a
      sufficient number of securities or has contractual rights sufficient to
      affect materially the control of the Borrower or Restricted Subsidiary,
      (ii) a Person in respect of which a Person referred to in Section (i)
      alone or in combination with others holds a sufficient number of
      securities or has contractual rights sufficient to affect materially its
      control, (iii) a Person in respect of which the Borrower or Restricted
      Subsidiary alone or in combination with others holds a sufficient number
      of securities or has contractual rights sufficient to affect materially
      its control, (iv) a Person who beneficially owns, directly or indirectly,
      voting securities of the Borrower or Restricted Subsidiary or who



      exercises control or direction over voting securities of the Borrower or
      Restricted Subsidiary or a combination of both carrying more than 10% of
      the voting rights attached to all voting securities of the Borrower or
      Restricted Subsidiary for the time being outstanding, (v) a director or
      senior officer of the Borrower, Restricted Subsidiary or related party of
      the Borrower or Restricted Subsidiary, or (vi) an Affiliate of any of the

      "REPAYMENT DATE" means, in respect of the repayment of all Accommodations
      made under the Operating Facility, the date that is five years following
      the Closing Date.

      "RESTRICTED SUBSIDIARIES" means any subsidiary, including any subsidiary
      acquired pursuant to, or incorporated for the purposes of, a Permitted
      Acquisition, which may from time to time become a guarantor of the
      obligations of the Borrower under this Agreement and the other Loan
      Documents provided that it has delivered to the Lender a guarantee and
      security over all of its property and assets together with a favourable
      opinion of counsel, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender.

      "SECURITY" means, at any time, the encumbrances in favour of the Lender,
      in the assets and properties of the Borrower or the Restricted
      Subsidiaries securing their obligations under this Agreement and the other
      Loan Documents.

      "SECURITY DOCUMENTS" means the agreements described as such in Schedule
      7.1(d)(iii) and any other security granted to the Lender as security for
      the obligations of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries under this
      Agreement and the other Loan Documents.

      "SUBSIDIARY" has the meaning specified in the BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT
      (Ontario) on the date of this Agreement.

      "SUBSIDIARIES" means the subsidiaries of the Borrower including, without
      limitation, those identified as such in Schedule 8.1(p).

      "TANGIBLE NET WORTH" means, at any time, with respect to the Borrower and
      its Restricted Subsidiaries, (i) the total shareholders' equity (including
      stated capital or equivalent account in respect of issued and outstanding
      shares, retained earnings and contributed surplus, but excluding any
      foreign exchange adjustment, treasury shares and any subscribed but
      unissued shares) determined as of such time on a consolidated basis in
      accordance with GAAP, increased by (ii) deferred taxes, and decreased by
      (iii) amounts attributable to that portion of any outstanding shares
      which, by their terms (or by the terms of any security into which they are
      convertible or for which



      they are exchangeable), or upon the happening of any event, mature or are
      redeemable pursuant to a sinking fund obligation or otherwise, or are
      redeemable for cash or debt at the sole option of the holder on or prior
      to the Repayment Date, (iv) deferred charges; (v) loans to officers,
      directors or shareholders; (vi) intercompany advances; (vii) goodwill and
      (viii) any other assets of intangible value.

      "TAXES" has the meaning specified in Section 11.7(1).

      "TOTAL LIABILITIES" means at any time in respect of the Borrower and its
      Restricted Subsidiaries the aggregate of all indebtedness, liabilities and
      obligations of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries on a
      consolidated basis which, in accordance with GAAP would be included in
      determining total liabilities as shown in the liability section of the
      balance sheet of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries, including,
      without limitation, (i) all indebtedness for borrowed money including
      borrowings of commodities, bankers' acceptances, letters of credit or
      letters of guarantee, (ii) all indebtedness for the deferred purchase
      price of property or services other than for goods and services purchased
      in the ordinary course of business paid for and in accordance with
      customary practice, (iii) indebtedness created or arising under any
      conditional sale or other title retention agreement with respect to
      property acquired by the Person (even though the rights and remedies of
      the seller or lender under such agreement in the event of default are
      limited to repossession or sale of such property), (iv) all current
      liabilities of such Person represented by a note, bond, debenture or other
      evidence of debt, (v) all obligations under leases which have been or
      should be, in accordance with GAAP, recorded as capital leases, (vi) the
      aggregate amount at which any shares in the capital of the Person which
      are retractable at the option of the holder may be retracted provided all
      conditions precedent for such retraction have been satisfied, and (vii)
      the maximum amount of all Total Liabilities of the kind referred to in (i)
      to (v) of this definition which is directly or indirectly guaranteed by
      the Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary or which the Borrower has agreed
      (contingently or otherwise) to purchase or otherwise acquire, or in
      respect of which the Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary has otherwise
      assured a creditor or other Person against loss (eliminating from such
      calculation where it is duplicative of another Person's debt, any
      guarantee by a Restricted Subsidiary of the Borrower's or another
      Restricted Subsidiary's obligations or any guarantee by the Borrower of
      the obligation of a Restricted Subsidiary), provided that there shall be
      subtracted therefrom (viii) deferred income taxes.

      "UNRESTRICTED SUBSIDIARIES" has the meaning specified in Section 9.2(k).



      "UNUSED OPERATING COMMITMENT" means, as of any date, the Operating
      Commitment less the Accommodations Outstanding at such time.

      "U.S. DOLLARS" AND "U.S. $" means lawful money of the United States of

      "UTILIZATION" has the meaning specified in Section 3.2(2).


      Any reference in the Loan Documents to gender includes all genders and
words importing the singular number only include the plural and vice versa.


      The provision of a Table of Contents, the division of this Agreement into
Articles and Sections and the insertion of headings are for convenient reference
only and are not to affect the interpretation of this Agreement.


      All references in the Loan Documents to dollars, unless otherwise
specifically indicated, are expressed in Canadian currency.


      In any Loan Document (i) (y) the words "including" and "includes" mean
"including (or includes) without limitation" and (z) the phrase "the aggregate
of", "the total of", "the sum of", or a phrase of similar meaning means "the
aggregate (or total or sum), without duplication, of", and (ii) in the
computation of periods of time from a specified date to a later specified date,
unless otherwise expressly stated, the word "from" means "from and including"
and the words "to" and "until" each mean "to but excluding".


      All accounting terms not specifically defined in this Agreement shall be
interpreted in accordance with GAAP.


      If the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary has made a Permitted
Acquisition during a period relevant to the determination of EBITDA or Interest
Charges then:

      (a)   EBITDA and Interest  Charges shall be calculated on a consolidated
            basis from the date of the Permitted Acquisition; and



      (b)   Any indebtedness of any description incurred or assumed by the
            Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary in connection with the
            Permitted Acquisition, or any indebtedness of any Person acquired,
            shall be deemed to have been so incurred, assumed or acquired on the
            date of the Permitted Acquisition.


      The schedules attached to this Agreement shall, for all purposes of this
Agreement, form an integral part of it.


      The provisions of this Agreement prevail in the event of any conflict or
inconsistency between its provisions and the provisions of any of the other Loan


      Any certificate required by the terms of this Agreement or any other Loan
Document to be given by an officer of the Borrower for and on behalf of the
Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary shall be given without any personal
liability on the part of the officer giving the certificate.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                                 LOAN FACILITIES


      The Lender agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to make
Accommodations to the Borrower in accordance with the Operating Commitment and
the Foreign Exchange Commitment. Accommodations shall be made available as (i)
Advances pursuant to Article 3, (ii) Bankers' Acceptances pursuant to Article 4,
(iii) Documentary Credits pursuant to Article 5 and (iv) as Foreign Exchange
Hedging Arrangements pursuant to Article 6.


(1)   The Accommodations Outstanding to the Lender under the Operating Facility
      shall not at any time exceed the lesser of (i) the Operating Commitment,
      and (ii) the Borrowing Base (the "LENDING LIMIT"). The Foreign Exchange
      Commitment limit is specified in Section 6.1(2).

(2)   The Operating Facility shall revolve and no payment under the Operating
      Facility shall reduce the Operating Commitment.



(3)   A conversion from one Type of Accommodation or Advance to another Type of
      Accommodation or Advance shall not constitute a repayment or prepayment.


(1)   The Borrower shall use the proceeds of Accommodations under the Operating
      Facility only for its operating requirements and for Permitted

(2)   The Borrower shall use the proceeds of Accommodations under the Foreign
      Exchange Hedging Facility for its foreign exchange trading requirements


      The Borrower shall repay (subject to  Section 10.1)  the  Accommodations
Outstanding under the Operating Facility, together with all accrued interest and
Fees and all other amounts payable in connection with the Operating Facility on
the Repayment Date.


(1)   If, on any day, the Accommodations Outstanding under the Operating
      Facility exceed the Lending Limit (based on the most recently delivered
      Borrowing Base Certificate and the Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount of the
      Accommodations Outstanding in U.S. Dollars on that day), the Borrower
      shall on that day (i) prepay Borrowings, or (ii) pay such amount to the
      Lender and irrevocably authorize and direct the Lender to apply such
      payment to Eurodollar Rate Advances or as a repayment of the Borrower's
      reimbursement obligation in respect of any Drawings or Issues on the next
      maturity date; such that the Accommodations Outstanding, after giving
      effect to the payment, do not exceed the Lending Limit, and thereafter
      (iii) deliver, upon request by the Lender, within two days of such
      disclosure or knowledge on a daily basis a Borrowing Base Certificate for
      the next week and, thereafter, on a weekly basis for the next month.

(2)   The Borrower may, upon receipt of written consent from the Lender,
      designate in writing from time to time a Restricted Subsidiary as a
      participant in the calculation of the Borrowing Base (a "DESIGNATED
      RESTRICTED SUBSIDIARY") with a view to increasing the amount of Eligible
      Accounts Receivable and Eligible Inventory supporting the availability of
      Accommodations under this Agreement. The Borrower shall cause each
      Designated Restricted Subsidiary to execute and deliver to the Lender in
      such form as may be acceptable to the Lender and its counsel, (i) an
      unconditional guarantee of the obligations of the Borrower to the Lender,
      (ii) Security



      (subject only to the Permitted Liens listed in Sections (i) through (vii)
      of the definition) supporting such guarantee and registered in those
      jurisdictions which the Lender and its counsel determine is appropriate,
      and (iii) a favourable legal opinion or opinions of counsel to the
      Borrower and the Designated Restricted Subsidiary as to the enforceability
      of the guarantee and Security and the registration thereof.

(3)   Upon receipt of a designation as provided for in Section 2.5(2) and the
      granting of the Security and delivery of the documents and opinions
      contemplated by Section 2.5(2), the Restricted Subsidiary will become a
      Designated Restricted Subsidiary for purposes of this Agreement.

(4)   The Borrower shall, from time to time until payment in full of the Loan
      Facilities and the termination of this Agreement, within ten days
      following the receipt by the Borrower of any payment in excess of $25,000
      of proceeds of any insurance required to be maintained pursuant to Section
      9.1(j) on account of each separate loss, damage or injury to any part of
      the Collateral (unless the Borrower shall have insurance on a replacement
      cost basis and substantially all of such proceeds or an amount not less
      than such proceeds shall have been expended or committed by the Borrower
      for the repair or replacement of such property and the Borrower shall have
      furnished to the Lender evidence satisfactory to the Lender of such
      expenditure or commitment or unless the Lender may otherwise agree with
      the Borrower upon the presentation of a replacement plan reasonably
      satisfactory to the Lender) apply the proceeds to the Loan Facilities in
      the case of business interruption insurance and insurance relating to
      Current Assets.


      If the  Borrower  has,  upon the number of Business  Days' notice to the
Lender specified in Schedule 4.1(2) delivered a notice to the Lender stating the
proposed date and aggregate principal amount of any prepayment of Accommodations
Outstanding or reduction of the Operating Commitment, it shall, on that date,
pay to the Lender the amount, if any, by which the Accommodations Outstanding
under the Operating Facility exceed the proposed reduced Operating Commitment.
Each partial prepayment or reduction shall be in an aggregate principal amount
of U.S. $50,000 or an integral multiple of such amount in the case of
Accommodations denominated in U.S. Dollars, and in an aggregate principal amount
of the equivalent or in an integral multiple of such amount in the case of
Accommodations denominated in Canadian Dollars. The Borrower shall prepay (i) a
Eurodollar Rate Advance only on the last day of the Eurodollar Interest Period
applicable to it, and (ii) the amount of any Drawing only on the maturity date
for the relevant BA Instrument.




(1)   The changes in the interest rates contemplated in the definitions of
      Applicable Margin shall be effective on the first day of the month
      following the end of the Fiscal Quarter with respect to which the
      Compliance Certificate contemplated under Section 9.1 is required to be

(2)   Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of a Default or an Event of
      Default, each of the Applicable Margins shall revert to the highest rates
      provided for in this Agreement.

(3)   If the Lender believes, in good faith, that the financial condition of the
      Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary has deteriorated so as to result in
      the most recently delivered Compliance Certificate being inaccurate in any
      material respect, then, at the request of the Lender, the Borrower shall
      promptly appoint a consultant from a nationally recognized accounting firm
      acceptable to the Lender at the Borrower's expense. The consultant will be
      given the full and complete cooperation of the Borrower including
      unrestricted access to the property, assets, documents and books and
      records of, or related to, the Borrower's and the Restricted Subsidiaries'
      respective businesses. The Lender may, on the basis of the consultant's
      report, adjust the Applicable Margins in accordance with the
      recommendations set forth in the report.


(1)   The Borrower shall pay to the Lender a processing fee in connection
      with the credit application in the amount of U.S. $37,500 on the
      Closing Date.

(2)   The Borrower shall pay to the Lender standby fees from the Closing Date
      until the Repayment Date, payable monthly in arrears on the last Business
      Day of each month, commencing September 28, 2001, and on the Repayment
      Date on the average daily Unused Operating Commitment at a rate per annum
      equal to the percentage per annum determined by reference to the table set
      forth below on the basis of the ratio of Cantel's Consolidated Debt to


      Greater than 2.0 to 1.0                               0.50%

      Greater than 1.75 to 1.0                              0.50%
      but less than or equal to 2.0 to 1.0

      Greater than 1.50 to 1.0                              0.40%
      but less than or equal to 1.75 to 1.0




      Greater than 1.00 to 1.0                              0.35%
      but less than or equal to 1.50 to 1.0

      Equal to or Less than 1.0 to 1.0                      0.30%


      The ratio of Cantel's Consolidated Debt to EBITDA shall be determined and
      adjusted in the same manner as it is for purposes of the Applicable


(1)   Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the Borrower shall
      (i) make any payment required to be made by it to the Lender by depositing
      the amount of the payment to the relevant Borrower's Account not later
      than 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on the date the payment is due, and (ii)
      provide to the Lender, upon the number of Business Days' notice to the
      Lender specified in Schedule 4.1(2) a notice of repayment which shall be
      irrevocable and binding on the Borrower and shall specify (x) the date of
      repayment, and (y) the Type and amount of Accommodation to be repaid. The
      Borrower shall make each such payment (iii) in Canadian Dollars, if the
      Accommodation was originally made in or has been converted to Canadian
      Dollars, and (iv) in U.S. Dollars, if the Accommodation was originally
      made in or has been converted to U.S. Dollars.

(2)   Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the Lender shall
      make Accommodations and other payments to the Borrower under this
      Agreement by crediting the relevant Borrower's Account (or causing the
      Borrower's Account to be credited) with the amount of the payment not
      later than 1:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the date the payment is to be made.

(3)   The Borrower authorizes the Lender, if and to the extent payment owed to
      the Lender by the Borrower is not made when due, to charge from time to
      time any due amount against any or all of the Borrower's accounts with the


      All amounts received by the Lender from or on behalf of the Borrower and
not previously applied pursuant to this Agreement shall be applied by the Lender
as follows (i) first, in reduction of the Borrower's obligation to pay any
unpaid interest and any Fees which are due and owing, (ii) second, in reduction
of the Borrower's obligation to pay any claims or losses referred to in Section
11.6, (iii) third, in reduction of the Borrower's obligation to pay any amounts
due and owing on account of any unpaid principal amount of Advances which is due
and owing, (iv) fourth, in reduction of the Borrower's obligation to pay any
other unpaid



Accommodations Outstanding which are due and owing, (v) fifth, in reduction of
any other obligation of the Borrower under this Agreement and the other Loan
Documents, and (vi) sixth, to the Borrower or such other Persons as may lawfully
be entitled to or directed to receive the remainder.


(1)   All computations of interest shall be made by the Lender taking into
      account the actual number of days occurring in the period for which such
      interest is payable and (i) if based on the Canadian Prime Rate or the
      Base Rate (Canada), on the basis of a year of 365 days, or (ii) if based
      on the Eurodollar Rate, on the basis of a year of 360 days.

(2)   All computations of Fees shall be made by the Lender on the basis of a
      year of 365 days taking into account the actual number of days (including
      the first day but excluding the last day) occurring in the period for
      which the fees are payable.

(3)   For purposes of the INTEREST ACT (Canada), (i) whenever any interest or
      Fee under this Agreement is calculated using a rate based on a year of 360
      days or 365 days, as the case may be, the rate determined pursuant to such
      calculation, when expressed as an annual rate, is equivalent to (x) the
      applicable rate based on a year of 360 days or 365 days, as the case may
      be, (y) multiplied by the actual number of days in the calendar year in
      which the period for which such interest or fee is payable (or compounded)
      ends, and (z) divided by 360 or 365, as the case may be, (ii) the
      principle of deemed reinvestment of interest does not apply to any
      interest calculation under this Agreement, and (iii) the rates of interest
      stipulated in this Agreement are intended to be nominal rates and not
      effective rates or yields.

                                    ARTICLE 3


      The Lender agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to make
Advances to the Borrower under the Operating Facility from time to time on any
Business Day prior to the Repayment Date.


(1)   Except as provided in Section 3.2(2), each Borrowing shall be made on the
      number of days prior notice specified in Schedule 4.1(2), given not later
      than 11:00 a.m. (Toronto time) by the Borrower to the Lender. Each notice
      of a Borrowing (a "BORROWING NOTICE") shall be in substantially the form
      of Schedule 3.2(1), shall be irrevocable and binding on the Borrower and



      specify (i) the requested date of the Borrowing, (ii) the Type of
      Advances comprising the Borrowing, (iii) the aggregate amount of the
      Borrowing, and (v) in the case of a Eurodollar Rate Advance, the initial
      Eurodollar Interest Period. Each Canadian Dollar Advance Borrowing shall
      be in the minimum amount of Cdn.$50,000 and in integral multiples of the
      same and each U.S. Dollar Advance shall be in the minimum amount of
      U.S.$50,000 and in integral multiples of the same. Upon fulfilment of the
      applicable conditions set forth in Article 6, the Lender will make such
      funds available to the Borrower in accordance with Article 2.

(2)   Borrowings may be made as Canadian Prime Rate Advances or Base Rate
      (Canada) Advances on no advance notice to the Lender by utilizing or
      drawing upon (a "UTILIZATION") the Borrower's Canadian Dollar Account (in
      the case of Canadian Prime Rate Advances) or the Borrower's U.S. Dollar
      Account (in the case of Base Rate (Canada) Advances) up to a maximum
      principal amount available such that Accommodations Outstanding do not
      exceed the Lending Limit. Each Utilitization of the Borrower's Accounts in
      the principal amount utilized shall be deemed to be an Accommodation
      Outstanding as at the time such Utilization becomes outstanding.


(1)   Each Advance  shall  initially  be the Type of Advance  specified in the
      applicable Borrowing Notice and shall bear interest at the rate applicable
      to that Type of Advance until (i) in the case of a Eurodollar Rate
      Advance, the end of the initial Eurodollar Interest Period specified in
      the Borrowing Notice, (ii) in the case of a Floating Rate Advance, the
      date on which the Advance is repaid in full or is changed to another Type
      of Advance pursuant to Section 3.3(2), or (iii) in the case of any
      Advance, it is converted to another Type of Accommodation pursuant to
      Section 3.3(2).

(2)   The Borrower may elect to (i) change any Advance to another type of
      Advance in accordance with Section 3.3(3) or convert an Advance to another
      type of Accommodation upon the number of days notice specified in Schedule
      4.1(2) (y) in the case of a Floating Rate Advance, as of any Business Day,
      and (z) in the case of a Eurodollar Advance, as of the last day of the
      Eurodollar Interest Period applicable to the Eurodollar Rate Advance and
      in a principal amount equal to its equivalent currency amount (as
      determined by the Lender as of the date of the Accommodation Notice in
      accordance with the relevant definitions of Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount and
      Equivalent U.S. $ Amount), or (ii) continue any Eurodollar Rate Advance
      for a further Eurodollar Interest Period beginning on the last day of the
      then current Eurodollar Interest Period in accordance with Section 3.3(3).



(3)   Each election to change from one type of Advance to another type of
      Advance or to continue a Eurodollar Rate Advance for a further Eurodollar
      Interest Period shall be made on the number of days prior notice specified
      in Schedule 4.1(2) given, in each case, not later than 10:30 a.m. (Toronto
      time) by the Borrower to the Lender. Each such notice (an "ELECTION
      NOTICE") shall be given substantially in the form of Schedule 3.3(3) and
      shall be irrevocable and binding upon the Borrower. If the Borrower fails
      to deliver an Election Notice to the Lender for any Eurodollar Rate
      Advance as provided in this Section 3.3, the Eurodollar Rate Advance shall
      be converted (as of the last day of the applicable Eurodollar Interest
      Period) to and be outstanding as a Base Rate (Canada) Advance. The
      Borrower shall not select a Eurodollar Interest Period which conflicts
      with the definition of Eurodollar Interest Period in Section 1.1 or, in
      the opinion of the Lender, with the repayment schedule in Section 2.4.


      If the Lender, acting reasonably, determines, which determination shall be
final, conclusive and binding upon the Borrower, and notifies the Borrower that
(i) by reason of circumstances affecting financial markets generally, deposits
of U.S. Dollars are unavailable to the Lender in Canada, (ii) adequate and fair
means do not exist for ascertaining the applicable interest rate on the basis
provided in the definition of Eurodollar Rate or Base Rate (Canada), as the case
may be, (iii) the making or continuation of any U.S. Dollar Advances has been
made impracticable or unlawful (y) by the occurrence of a contingency (other
than a mere increase in rates payable by the Lender to fund the Advances) which
materially adversely affects the funding of the Operating Facility at any
interest rate computed on the basis of the Eurodollar Rate or the Base Rate
(Canada), as the case may be, or (z) by reason of a change since the date of
this Agreement in any applicable law, order, treaty or official direction, or in
the interpretation thereof by any Governmental Entity affecting the Lender, or
financial markets or institutions generally and which results in the Eurodollar
Rate or the Base Rate (Canada), as the case may be, no longer representing the
effective cost to the Lender of deposits in the market, then:

      (a)   The right of the Borrower to select any affected Type of Advance
            shall be suspended until the circumstances causing the suspension no
            longer exist and the Lender so notifies the Borrower;

      (b)   If any affected Type of Advance is not yet outstanding, any
            applicable Accommodation Notice shall be cancelled and the requested
            Advance shall not be made;

      (c)   If a Eurodollar Rate Advance is already outstanding at any time
            when the right of the Borrower to select Eurodollar Rate Advances



            suspended, it and all other Eurodollar Rate Advances in the
            same Borrowing shall become Base Rate (Canada) Advances on the
            last day of the then current Interest Period (or on such earlier
            date as may be required to comply with any applicable law, rule,
            regulation, judgment or order) or, if the Borrower does not have
            the right to select Base Rate (Canada) Advances at such time, the
            Eurodollar Rate Advance shall become a Canadian Prime Rate
            Advance on the last day of the then current Eurodollar Interest
            Period applicable to it (or on such earlier date as may be
            required to comply with any applicable law, rule, regulation,
            judgment or order) in a principal amount equal to the Equivalent
            Cdn. $ Amount of the Eurodollar Rate Advance determined on the
            date on which the Advance becomes denominated in Canadian
            Dollars; and

      (d)   If any U.S. Dollar Advance is already outstanding at any time
            when the right of the Borrower to select U.S. Dollar Advances is
            suspended, it and all other U.S. Dollar Advances included in the
            same Borrowing shall become Canadian Prime Rate Advances (i) in
            the  case of a Eurodollar Rate Advance, on the last day of the
            then current Eurodollar Interest Period (or on such earlier date
            as may be required to comply with any applicable law, rule or
            regulation), and (ii)in the case of a Base Rate (Canada)
            Advance, immediately, in a principal amount equal, in each case,
            to the Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount of the related U.S. Dollar
            Advance determined on the date on which the Advance becomes
            denominated in Canadian Dollars.


(1)   The Borrower shall pay interest on the unpaid principal amount of each
      Advance from the date of the Advance until the principal amount of the
      Advance is repaid in full, at the following rates per annum:

      (a)   If and so long as the Advance is a Canadian Prime Rate Advance, at a
            rate per annum equal at all times to the sum of the Canadian Prime
            Rate in effect from time to time plus the Applicable Margin;

      (b)   If and so long as the Advance is a Base Rate (Canada) Advance, at a
            rate per annum equal at all times to the Base Rate (Canada) in
            effect from time to time plus the Applicable Margin; and

      (c)   If and so long as the Advance is a Eurodollar Rate Advance, at a
            rate per annum equal, at all times during each Eurodollar Interest
            Period for such Eurodollar Rate Advance, to the sum of the
            Eurodollar Rate for such Eurodollar Interest Period plus the
            Applicable Margin.



(2)   Interest on Canadian Prime Rate Advances and Base Rate (Canada) Advances
      shall be calculated daily and payable in arrears (i) on the first Business
      Day of each month, and (ii) when the Advance becomes due and payable in
      full, is repaid, or is converted to another Type of Advance or
      Accommodation. Interest on Eurodollar Rate Advances shall be calculated
      and payable (iii) on the ninetieth day, if any, of the Eurodollar Interest
      Period, and (iv) on the last day of the Eurodollar Interest Period.

                                    ARTICLE 4
                              BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES


(1)   The Lender agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and from
      time to time on any Business Day prior to the Repayment Date to create
      Bankers' Acceptances by accepting Drafts and to purchase such Bankers'
      Acceptances in accordance with Section 4.3(2).

(2)   Each Drawing shall be in a minimum Face Amount and in integral multiples
      of the amount in Schedule 4.1(2) and shall consist of the creation and
      purchase of Bankers' Acceptances or the purchase of Drafts on the same
      day, in each case for the Drawing Price, effected or arranged by the
      Lender in accordance with Section 4.3 and its Operating Commitment.


      Each Draft presented by the Borrower shall (i) be in a minimum amount of
Cdn $500,000 and in multiples of Cdn $100,000 thereafter, (ii) be dated the date
of the Drawing, and (iii) mature and be payable by the Borrower (in common with
all other Drafts presented in connection with such Drawing) on a Business Day
which occurs approximately 30, 60 or 90 days at the election of the Borrower
after the Drawing Date and on or prior to the Repayment Date and which would
not, in the opinion of the Lender, conflict with the repayment schedule set out
in Section 2.4.


(1)   Each Drawing shall be made on notice (a "DRAWING NOTICE") given by the
      Borrower to the Lender not later than 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on the
      number of days notice specified in Schedule 4.1(2). Each Drawing Notice
      shall be in substantially the form of Schedule 4.3(1), shall be
      irrevocable and binding on the Borrower and shall specify (i) the Drawing
      Date, (ii) the aggregate Face Amount of Drafts to be accepted and
      purchased, and (iii) the contract maturity date for the Drafts.

(2)   Not later than 2:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on an applicable Drawing Date, the
      Lender shall complete one or more Drafts in accordance with the Drawing



      Notice and accept the Drafts and purchase the Bankers' Acceptances so
      created for the Drawing Price. Upon receipt of the Drawing Price and upon
      fulfilment of the applicable conditions set forth in Article 6, the Lender
      shall make funds available to the Borrower in accordance with Article 2.

(3)   The Borrower shall, at the request of the Lender, issue one or more
      non-interest bearing promissory notes (each a "BA EQUIVALENT NOTE")
      payable on the date of maturity of the unaccepted Draft referred to below,
      in such form as the Lender may specify and in a principal amount equal to
      the Face Amount of, and in exchange for, any unaccepted Drafts which the
      Lender has purchased in accordance with Section 4.3(2).

(4)   Bankers' Acceptances purchased by the Lender may be held by it for its own
      account until the contract maturity date or sold by it at any time prior
      to that date in any relevant Canadian market in the Lender's sole


(1)   To enable the Lender to create Bankers' Acceptances in the manner
      specified in this Article 4, the Borrower (i) shall supply the Lender with
      such number of Drafts as it may reasonably request, duly endorsed and
      executed on behalf of the Borrower and (ii) hereby appoints the Lender, as
      its attorney by any authorized signatory of the Lender:

      (a)   To execute, for and on behalf and in the name of the Borrower as
            drawer, and to endorse on its behalf, Drafts in a form in accordance
            with Section 4.2 and which constitute both bills of exchange for the
            purpose of the BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT (Canada) and depository bills
            for the purpose of the DBNA;

      (b)   To complete the amount, date and maturity date of such Bankers'
            Acceptances; and

      (c)   To deposit such Bankers' Acceptances which have been accepted by the
            Lender with a clearing house (as defined in the DBNA);

      Provided that such acts in each case are to be undertaken by the Lender in
      accordance with instructions given to the Lender by the instructing
      Borrower as provided in Section 4.3(1).

(2)   The Lender will exercise such care in the custody and safekeeping of
      Drafts as it would exercise in the custody and safekeeping of similar
      property owned by it and will, upon request by the Borrower, promptly
      advise the Borrower of the number and designations, if any, of uncompleted
      Drafts held by it for the Borrower. The signature of any officer of the
      Borrower on a Draft may be



      mechanically reproduced and BA Instruments bearing facsimile signature
      shall be binding upon the Borrower as if they had been manually signed.
      Even if the individuals whose manual or facsimile signature appears on any
      BA Instrument no longer hold office at the date of signature, at the date
      of its acceptance by the Lender or at any time after such date, any BA
      Instrument so signed shall be valid and binding upon the Borrower.


(1)   Upon the maturity of a BA Instrument, the Borrower may (i) elect to
      issue a replacement BA Instrument by giving a Drawing Notice in accordance
      with Section 4.3(1), (ii) elect to have all or a portion of the Face
      Amount of the BA Instrument converted to an Advance by giving a Borrowing
      Notice in accordance with Section 3.2, or (iii) pay, on or before 10:00
      a.m. (Toronto time) on the maturity date for the BA Instrument, an amount
      in Canadian Dollars equal to the Face Amount of the BA Instrument
      (notwithstanding that the Lender may be the holder of it at maturity). Any
      such payment shall satisfy the Borrower's obligations under the BA
      Instrument to which it relates and the Lender shall then be solely
      responsible for the payment of the BA Instrument.

(2)   If the Borrower fails to pay any BA Instrument when due or issue a
      replacement in the Face Amount of such BA Instrument pursuant to Section
      4.5(1), the unpaid amount due and payable shall be converted to a Canadian
      Prime Rate Advance made by the Lender under the applicable Operating
      Facility and shall bear interest calculated and payable as provided in
      Article 3. This conversion shall occur as of the due date and without any
      necessity for the Borrower to give a Borrowing Notice.


(1)   If the Lender determines in good faith, which determination shall be
      final, conclusive and binding upon the Borrower, and notifies the Borrower
      that, by reason of circumstances affecting the money market generally,
      there is no market for Bankers' Acceptances, (i) the right of the Borrower
      to request a Drawing shall be suspended until the circumstances causing a
      suspension no longer exist, and (ii) any Drawing Notice which is
      outstanding shall be cancelled and the requested Drawing shall not be

(2)   The Lender shall promptly notify the Borrower of the suspension of the
      Borrower's right to request a Drawing and of the termination of any



                                    ARTICLE 5
                               DOCUMENTARY CREDITS


      The Lender agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to issue
Documentary Credits under the Operating Facility only for the account of the
Borrower from time to time on any Business Day prior to the Repayment Date upon
execution of the Lender's prevailing standard form documentation in relation
thereto, including the applicable application and indemnity.


      If the Borrower fails to pay to the Lender the amount drawn under any
Documentary Credit, the unpaid amount due and payable shall be converted
automatically as of such date, and without the Borrower having to give any
Borrowing Notice pursuant to Section 3.2, to (i) a Canadian Prime Rate Advance,
in the case of a Documentary Credit denominated in Canadian Dollars, and (ii) a
Base Rate (Canada) Advance, in the case of a Documentary Credit denominated in
U.S. Dollars.


(1)   The Borrower shall pay to the Lender a Fee in respect of each Documentary
      Credit equal to 1.2% per annum of the Face Amount (and if outstanding in
      U.S. Dollars, on the the Equivalent Cdn. $ Amount of its Face Amount), in
      each case, for the period during which the Documentary Credit is
      outstanding. Such Fee shall be calculated on a per annum basis on the
      basis of the number of days that such Drawing Credit will be outstanding
      and payable on the date of issue of a Documentary Credit in the currency
      in which the Documentary Credit is payable and shall be non-refundable.

(2)   The Borrower shall pay to Lender upon the issuance, amendment or transfer
      of each Documentary Credit and each drawing made under it, the Lender's
      standard and prevailing documentary and administrative charges for
      issuing, amending, transferring or drawing under, as the case may be,
      Documentary Credits of similar amount, term and risk.


      If any Documentary Credits are outstanding upon the occurrence of an
Event of Default, the Borrower shall immediately pay to the Lender an amount
(the "DOCUMENTARY CREDIT DEPOSIT AMOUNT") equal to the undrawn principal amount
of the Documentary Credits. The Documentary Credit Deposit Amount shall be held
by the Lender in an interest bearing account to be applied on any Drawing by a
Beneficiary. If no Drawing is made in respect of a Documentary Credit prior to
its expiry date, the Documentary Credit Deposit Amount applicable thereto and



accrued interest thereon, or such part thereof as has not been paid out,
shall be returned to the Borrower promptly following the expiry or cancellation
of the Documentary Credit.

                                    ARTICLE 6
                           FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTRACTS


(1)   Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Lender
      agrees to provide Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangements on terms
      consistent with its practice from time to time.

(2)   The aggregate Notional Amount of all Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangements
      outstanding at any time shall not exceed the Foreign Exchange Commitment.

(3)   For the purpose of determining the Lender's Accommodation in connection
      with Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangements entered into by it, the Lender
      shall be deemed to have made an Accommodation in an amount equal to the
      Hedging Risk Exposure in respect of any such Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangements entered into by it.


(1)   The provision of Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangements shall be made on
      notice given to the Lender not later than 11:00 a.m. on the same day as
      issue (or such longer period as may be required by the Lender) which shall
      give the Lender notice of the proposed Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangements to be entered into by the Borrower. Each such notice (a
      substantially the form of Schedule 6.2(1), and shall specify therein (i)
      the Notional Amount of each Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement; and (ii)
      the maturity or expiry date of the Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement.

(2)   The Borrower shall not request the provision of Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangements the maturity date of which would be (i) more than 365 days
      after their issuance or (ii) subsequent to the Repayment Date.


      The Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lender from
and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs,
charges and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) which the
Lender may incur or be subject to as a consequence of the provision of any
Foreign Exchange



Hedging Arrangements, other than for damages suffered or incurred as a result
of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Lender.


      The obligation of the Borrower to reimburse the Lender for amounts payable
under the Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangements entered into pursuant to this
Article 6 shall be unconditional and irrevocable and shall be paid strictly in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Foreign Exchange Hedging
Arrangement in all circumstances, including, without limitation, (i) any lack of
validity or enforceability of any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement; (ii) the
existence of any claim, set-off, defence or other right which the Borrower may
have at any time against the Lender or any other Person, whether in connection
with this Agreement, the Loan Documents, the transactions contemplated herein
and therein or any unrelated transaction; or (iii) the fact that a Default or
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing.


(1)   The Lender shall notify the Borrower on or before the date on which any
      Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement becomes due and the Borrower shall
      deposit in the Payment Account an amount, in same day funds, equal to the
      amount due and payable under such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement.

(2)   Unless (i) prior to 11:00 a.m. on the Business Day immediately prior to
      the maturity date of any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement the Borrower
      notifies the Lender that it intends to reimburse the Lender for the amount
      due and payable under such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement; and (ii)
      on such maturity date, the Borrower shall have made payment to the Lender
      for the amount due and payable under such Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangement in same day funds equal to the amount due and payable under
      such Foreign Hedging Exchange Arrangement, then (iii) a request shall be
      deemed to have been given by the Borrower to the Lender requesting the
      Lender to make a Base Rate (Canada) Advance in respect of Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangements made thereunder on the date on which the amount under
      any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement is due and payable thereunder, in
      an amount equal to the Hedging Risk Exposure under such Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangement or such lesser amount as may be required; and (iv) on
      the date such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement is due and payable the
      Lender shall make such Base Rate (Canada) Advance (notwithstanding that
      the making of such Advance would cause the Lending Limit to be exceeded)
      and the Lender shall apply the proceeds thereof to the reimbursement of
      the Lender for the Hedging Risk Exposure under such Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangement.



(3)   The Borrower shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.5(2) and
      in addition to its obligations thereunder, pay to the Lender on the
      maturity date of any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement all amounts
      owing to the Lender in excess of the amount in respect of the Hedging Risk
      Exposure paid to the Lender pursuant to Section 6.5(2).


(1)   If the Borrower shall be required to repay the Accommodations Outstanding
      pursuant to Article 2, 4, 5 or 10 then the Borrower shall pay to the
      Lender, to the extent required pursuant thereto and in the amount provided
      therein, an amount equal to the Lender's contingent liability in respect
      of (i) any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement outstanding hereunder; and
      (ii) any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement which is the subject matter
      of any judicial order restricting payment by the Lender under and in
      accordance with such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement or extending the
      Lender's liability under such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement beyond
      the expiration date stated therein. Payment in respect of each such
      Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement shall be due in U.S. Dollars.

(2)   The Lender shall, with respect to any Foreign Exchange Hedging
      Arrangement, upon the later of: (a) the date on which any final and
      non-appealable order, judgment or other such determination has been
      rendered or issued either terminating the applicable judicial order or
      permanently enjoining such Lender, from paying under such Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangement; and (b) the earlier of (i) the date on which either
      (x) the original counterpart of such Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement
      is returned to such Lender for cancellation, or (y) such Lender is
      released from any further obligations in respect thereof; and (ii) the
      expiry (to the extent permitted by any applicable law) of such Foreign
      Exchange Hedging Arrangement, pay to the Borrower an amount equal to the
      difference between the amount paid to such Lender pursuant to Section
      6.6(1) and the amounts paid by the Lender under such Foreign Exchange
      Hedging Arrangement.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                              CONDITIONS OF LENDING


      The  obligation  of the Lender to make its initial Accommodation under
the Loan Facilities is subject to fulfilment of the following conditions
precedent at the time the initial Accommodation is made available:



      (a)   No Default or Event of Default has occurred or is continuing or
            would arise immediately after giving effect to or as a result of the

      (b)   The Accommodation will not violate any applicable law, order or

      (c)   The representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in
            ARTICLE 8 are true and correct on the date of the Accommodation as
            if such representations and warranties were made on that date;

      (d)   The Lender has received, in form, substance, scope and dated a date
            satisfactory to it and its counsel:

            (i)   Certified copies of (i) the charter documents and extracts
                  from the by-laws of the Borrower relating to the execution
                  of documents, (ii) all resolutions of the board of
                  directors or shareholders, as the case may be, of the
                  Borrower approving the borrowing and other matters
                  contemplated by this Agreement and the other Loan
                  Documents, and (iii) a list of the officers and directors
                  authorized to sign agreements together with their specimen

            (ii)  A certificate of status, compliance or like certificate with
                  respect to the Borrower issued by the appropriate Governmental
                  Entity of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and of each
                  jurisdiction in which it owns any material assets or carries
                  on any material business;

            (iii) The Loan Documents specified in Schedule 7.1(d)(iii);

            (iv)  an interlender agreement in relation to and with the Lenders
                  under the Parent Facility;

            (v)   Evidence of registration of the Security Documents in such
                  jurisdictions as the Lender may require;

            (vi)  All discharges, subordination agreements, waivers and
                  confirmations as may be required to ensure that all
                  obligations under the Loan Documents are secured by first
                  priority Liens on the property and assets of the Borrower with
                  such exceptions as are permitted pursuant to this Agreement or
                  any of the other Loan Documents;


            (vii)  Certified copies of the insurance policies required pursuant
                   to Section 9.1(j) together with certificates of insurance
                   showing the Lender as loss payee and named insured;

            (viii) Favourable opinion of counsel to the Borrower;

            (ix)   a Borrowing Base Certificate;

            (x)    Such other certificates and documentation as the Lender may
                   reasonably request;

      (e)   The Lender shall have completed, to its satisfaction, a due
            diligence review of the draft financial statements of the Borrower
            for the Fiscal Year ended July 31, 2001;

      (f)   All fees and other amounts then payable  under the Loan  Documents
            have been paid in full; and

      (g)   There has not occurred, developed or come into effect or existence
            any event, action, state, condition or major financial occurrence of
            national or international consequence or any law, judgment, order,
            inquiry or other occurrence of any nature whatsoever which
            materially adversely affects, or may materially adversely affect,
            the financial, banking (including syndication markets) or capital
            markets in Canada or the United States of America.


(1)   The obligation of the Lender to make Accommodations or otherwise give
      effect to any Accommodation Notice is subject to fulfilment of the
      following conditions at the time of any Accommodation Notice or
      Accommodation, as the case may be:

      (a)   No Default or Event of Default has occurred or is continuing or
            would arise immediately after giving effect to or as a result of the
            Accommodation or Accommodation Notice;

      (b)   The Accommodation will not violate any applicable law, judgment
            or order;

      (c)   The representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in
            Article 8 are true and correct on the date of the Accommodation or
            Accommodation Notice as if they were made on that date; and

(2)   Each of the giving of any Accommodation Notice by the Borrower and the
      acceptance by the Borrower of any Accommodation (including by way of



      utilization of the Borrower's Accounts in the manner contemplated by
      Section 3.2(2) hereof) shall be deemed to constitute a representation and
      warranty by the Borrower that, on the date of such Accommodation Notice or
      Accommodation, as the case may be, and after giving effect to it and to
      the application of any proceeds from it, the statements set forth in
      Section 7.2(1)(a), Section 7.2(1)(b) and Section 7.2(1)(c) are true and


     The making of an Accommodation or otherwise giving effect to any
Accommodation Notice, without the fulfilment of one or more conditions set forth
in Section 7.1 or Section 7.2, shall not constitute a waiver of any condition
and the Lender reserves the right to require fulfilment of such condition in
connection with any subsequent Accommodation Notice or Accommodation.

                                    ARTICLE 8


      The Borrower represents and warrants to the Lender, acknowledging and
confirming that the Lender is relying on such representations and warranties
without independent inquiry in entering into this Agreement and providing
Accommodations that:

      (a)   INCORPORATION AND QUALIFICATION. The Borrower is a corporation duly
            incorporated, organized and validly existing under the laws of
            Ontario. Each of the Restricted Subsidiaries is a corporation duly
            incorporated, organized and validly existing under the laws of its
            jurisdiction of incorporation. Each of the Borrower and the
            Restricted Subsidiaries is qualified, licensed or registered to
            carry on business under the laws applicable to it in all
            jurisdictions in which such qualification, licensing or registration
            is necessary or where failure to be so qualified would have a
            Material Adverse Effect;

      (b)   CORPORATE  POWER. Each of the Borrower and the Restricted
            Subsidiaries has all requisite corporate power and authority to (i)
            own, lease and operate its properties and assets and to carry on its
            business as now being conducted by it, and (ii) enter into and
            perform its obligations under the Loan Documents to which it is a

      (c)   CONFLICT WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS. The execution and delivery by the
            Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary and the performance by each
            of them of their respective obligations under, and compliance with
            the terms, conditions and provisions of, the Loan Documents to which



            they are a party will not (i) conflict with or result in a breach of
            any of the terms or conditions of (t) its constating documents or
            by-laws, (u) any applicable law, rule or regulation having the force
            of law, (v) any contractual restriction binding on or affecting it
            in any material way or its properties, or (w) any judgment,
            injunction, determination or award which is binding on it, or (ii)
            result in, require or permit (x) the imposition of any encumbrance
            in, on or with respect to any of its assets or property (except in
            favour of the Lender), (y) the acceleration of the maturity of any
            Debt binding on or affecting the Borrower or any Restricted
            Subsidiary in principal amount in excess of $50,000, or (z) any
            third party to terminate or acquire rights under any lease or any
            other contract or agreement of a material nature;

            delivery of each of the Loan Documents by the Borrower and each
            Restricted Subsidiary and the performance by the Borrower and each
            Restricted Subsidiary of their respective obligations under the Loan
            Documents have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate
            action including, without limitation, the obtaining of all necessary
            shareholder consents. No authorization, consent, approval,
            registration, qualification, designation, declaration or filing with
            any Governmental Entity or other Person, is or was necessary in
            connection with the execution, delivery and performance of
            obligations under the Loan Documents except as are in full force and
            effect, unamended, at the date of this Agreement;

      (e)   EXECUTION AND BINDING OBLIGATION. This Agreement and the other Loan
            Documents have been duly executed and delivered by the Borrower and
            each Restricted Subsidiary which is a party thereto and constitute
            legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower and each such
            Restricted Subsidiary enforceable against them in accordance with
            their respective terms, subject only to any limitation under
            applicable laws relating to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency, arrangement
            or creditors' rights generally, and (ii) the discretion that a court
            may exercise in the granting of equitable remedies;

      (f)   AUTHORIZATIONS, ETC. The Borrower and each of the Restricted
            Subsidiaries possess all material authorizations, licenses, permits,
            consents, registrations and approvals of Governmental Entities
            necessary to properly conduct their respective businesses;

      (g)   OWNERSHIP AND USE OF PROPERTY. Except for Permitted Liens, each of
            the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries owns its properties and
            assets with good and marketable title thereto, free and clear of all



            Liens. The Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary owns, leases or
            has the lawful right to use all of the assets necessary for the
            conduct of their respective businesses at full operating capacity;

      (h)   PROPERTIES.  Neither Borrower nor any Restricted Subsidiary owns any
            real property and neither is bound under any agreement to own or
            lease any real property in connection with its business except for
            the Properties. Each lease in respect of the Properties, as it
            applies to the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary is in good
            standing in all material respects (except as disclosed in writing to
            the Lender) and all amounts owing thereunder have been paid by the
            Borrower. Each Lease, allows (at minimum) the assignment thereof by
            the lessee with the consent of the landlord, which consent may not
            be unreasonably withheld;

      (i)   TRADEMARKS, PATENTS, ETC. The Borrower and each of the Restricted
            Subsidiaries possesses all the trademarks, trade names, copyrights,
            patents and licences necessary for the conduct of their respective
            businesses. To the best knowledge of the Borrower, neither it nor
            any of the Restricted Subsidiaries is infringing or is alleged to be
            infringing on the rights of any Person with respect to any patent,
            trademark, trade name, copyright (or any application or registration
            in respect thereof), licence, discovery, improvement, process,
            formula, know-how, data, plan, specification, drawing or the like
            and the Borrower does not know of any facts which might result in
            the assertion against the Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary of a
            claim for such infringement;

      (j)   USE OF LANDS. The uses to which the Properties have been put are not
            in material breach of any federal, provincial or local laws or any
            statutes, by-laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, restrictions
            or official plans;

      (k)   WORK ORDERS. There are no outstanding work orders requiring, in
            aggregate, expenditures exceeding Cdn. $100,000 relating to the
            Properties from or required by any police or fire department,
            sanitation, health, environmental or factory authorities or from any
            other federal, provincial or municipal authority, nor are any
            matters relating to the Properties under discussion with any such
            departments or authorities relating to work orders;

      (l)   EXPROPRIATION. As at the date hereof, no part of the Properties or
            the buildings located thereon has been taken or expropriated by any
            federal, provincial, municipal or other competent authority nor has



            any notice or proceeding in respect thereof been given or commenced
            nor is the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary aware of any intent
            or proposal to give any such notice or commence any such

      (m)   NO DEFAULT. Neither the Borrower nor any of its Restricted
            Subsidiaries has amended its constating documents or by-laws except
            for such amendments notified to and approved by the Lender and none
            of them is in violation of its constating documents, its by-laws or
            any shareholders' agreement applicable to it;

      (n)   ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE. To the best of the knowledge of the
            Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries, as tenants, except as
            set out in Schedule 8.1(n):

            (i)   None of the Properties or other property or assets under
                  the charge, management or control of the Borrower or any of
                  the  Restricted Subsidiaries (i) has ever been used by any
                  Person as a waste disposal site or a landfill, or (ii) has
                  ever had any asbestos, asbestos-containing materials, PCBs,
                  radioactive substances or aboveground or underground
                  storage systems, active or abandoned, located on, at or
                  under it at the date of this Agreement;

            (ii)  To the best knowledge of the Borrower, no properties
                  adjacent to any of the Properties are contaminated;

            (iii) No contaminants  are, or have been, stored or located on, at
                  or under any of the Properties;

            (iv)  Neither the Borrower nor any of its Restricted Subsidiaries
                  has transported, removed or disposed of any waste to a
                  location outside of Canada as at the date of this Agreement;

            (v)   No order, approval, direction or other notice from a
                  Governmental Entity relating to the environment has been
                  threatened against, is pending or has been issued with respect
                  to any of the Properties or the operations of the business
                  being conducted at any of the Properties; and

            (vi)  Neither the Borrower nor any of its Restricted Subsidiaries is
                  aware of any pending or threatened action, suit or
                  proceedings, relating to any actual or alleged environmental
                  violation from or at the subject property;



      (o)   MATERIAL AGREEMENTS, ETC. Neither the Borrower nor any
            Restricted Subsidiary is in default in any material respect and
            no event has occurred which, with the giving of notice, lapse of
            time or both, would constitute a default in any material respect
            under, any material agreement, indenture, mortgage, deed of
            trust, agreement or other instrument to which it is a party or by
            which it or any of its property may be bound. There is no
            dispute regarding any Material Agreement;

      (p)   SUBSIDIARIES. Except as set forth in Schedule 8.1(p) in respect of
            Restricted Subsidiaries incorporated or acquired after the date of
            this Agreement:

            (i)   The Borrower does not own or hold any shares of, or any
                  other interest in, any Person;

            (ii)  The Borrower is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cantel;

            None of the Borrower or any of the Restricted  Subsidiaries  is an
            unlimited liability company;

      (q)   NO MATERIAL ADVERSE AGREEMENTS. Neither the Borrower nor any of
            the Restricted Subsidiaries is a party to any agreement or
            instrument or subject to any restriction (including any
            restriction set forth in its constating documents, by-laws or any
            shareholders' agreement applicable to it) which has or in the
            future may have a Material Adverse Effect;

      (r)   NO LITIGATION. There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending,
            taken or to the Borrower's knowledge, threatened, before or by any
            Governmental Entity or by or against any elected or appointed public
            official or private person in Canada or elsewhere, and, to the
            knowledge of the  Borrower, no Law which affects the Borrower or any
            of its Restricted Subsidiaries has been enacted, promulgated or
            applied which (i) challenges, or to the knowledge of the Borrower,
            has been proposed which may challenge, the validity or propriety of
            the transactions contemplated under the Loan Documents or the
            documents, instruments and agreements executed or delivered in
            connection therewith or related thereto, or (ii) could be reasonably
            anticipated to have a Material Adverse Effect;

      (s)   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Each of the Properties have been used, and the
            Borrower and each of the Restricted Subsidiaries are, in compliance
            with all applicable laws, judgments and orders and rulings,



            and decisions having force of law other than to the extent it
            it would not have a Material Adverse Effect;

      (t)   TAX LIABILITY. The Borrower and each of the Restricted
            Subsidiaries have filed all tax and information returns which are
            required to be filed. The Borrower and each of the Restricted
            Subsidiaries have paid all taxes, interest and penalties,  if any,
            which have become due pursuant to such returns or pursuant to any
            assessment received by any of them other than those in respect of
            which liability based on such returns is being contested in good
            faith and by appropriate proceedings where adequate reserves have
            been established in accordance with GAAP. Adequate provision for
            payment has been made for taxes not yet due. There are no tax
            disputes existing or pending involving the Borrower, any of the
            Restricted Subsidiaries or the Business which could reasonably be
            expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

            any agreement, option, right or privilege, whether pre-emptive or
            contractual, capable of becoming an agreement or option for the
            purchase of any securities in the capital of the Borrower or any
            Restricted Subsidiary. The authorized and issued capital of the
            Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary and the registered and
            beneficial holders of all the issued and outstanding shares in the
            capital of the Borrower are as set forth in Schedule 8.1(p);

      (v)   CAPITALIZATION. Each of the Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary
            has capital sufficient to carry on its business and transactions and
            all business and transactions in which it is about to engage, is
            solvent and able to pay its debts as they mature and owns property
            having a value, both at fair valuation and at present fair
            realizable value, greater than the amount required to pay its debts;

      (w)   FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The draft financial statements of the Borrower
            for the year ended July 31, 2001, copies of which have been
            furnished to the Lender, fairly present the consolidated financial
            position of the  Borrower at such date and the consolidated results
            of the operations and changes in cash flows of the Borrower for such
            period, all in accordance with GAAP. Since July 31, 2001, there has
            been no change in the financial position or operations of the
            Borrower which could have a Material Adverse Effect;



      (x)   SCHEDULE DISCLOSURE. At the date of this Agreement:

            (i)   Schedule  8.1(x)(i) is a list of all jurisdictions (or
                  registration districts within such jurisdictions) in which
                  the Borrower and each of its Restricted Subsidiaries
                  (i) have their respective chief executive office, head
                  office, registered office and chief place of business,
                  (ii) carry on business, (iii) have any account debtors, or
                  (iv) store any tangible personal property (except for goods
                  in transit in the ordinary course of business);

            (ii)  Schedule 8.1(x)(ii) is a list of all authorizations, permits,
                  consents, registrations and approvals which are material to
                  the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary;

            (iii) Schedule 8.1(x)(iii) is a list of all trademarks, tradenames,
                  copyrights and patents (and the registration particulars
                  thereof) which are material to the Borrower or any Restricted

            (iv)  Schedule 8.1(x)(iv) is a list of all actions, suits,
                  arbitrations or proceedings pending, taken or to the
                  Borrower's knowledge, threatened, before or by any
                  Governmental Entity or other Person affecting the Borrower or
                  any Restricted Subsidiary involving claims which individually
                  or in the aggregate exceed Cdn.$100,000;

            (v)   Schedule  8.1(x)(v)  contains a list of all pension plans of
                  the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries;

            (vi)  Schedule 8.1(x)(vi) contains a list of all agreements,
                  contracts or similar instruments to which the Borrower or any
                  of the Restricted Subsidiaries is a party or to which any of
                  their assets could be subject, for which breach,
                  non-performance, cancellation or failure to renew could
                  reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

      (y)   DISCLOSURE. All (i) forecasts and projections supplied to the Lender
            were prepared in good faith, adequately disclosed all relevant
            assumptions and are reasonable, and (ii) other written information
            supplied to the Lender is true and accurate in all material
            respects. There is no fact known to the Borrower which could
            reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and which
            has not been fully disclosed to the Lender;



      (z)   PENSION PLANS. All contributions required under applicable law have
            been made in respect of all pension plans of the Borrower and each
            of the Restricted Subsidiaries and each such pension plan is fully
            funded on an ongoing and termination basis;

      (aa)  BOOKS AND RECORDS. All books and records of the Borrower and the
            Restricted Subsidiaries have been fully, properly and accurately
            kept and completed and there are no material inaccuracies or
            discrepancies of any kind contained or reflected therein. The
            Borrower's and its Restricted Subsidiaries' books and records and
            other data and information are available to the Borrower in the
            ordinary course of its business; and

      (bb)  LABOUR MATTERS. Neither the Borrower nor any Restricted Subsidiary
            is a party to any collective bargaining agreement.


      The representations and warranties herein set forth or contained in any
certificates or documents delivered to the Lender pursuant hereto shall not
merge in or be prejudiced by and shall survive all Accommodations hereunder and
shall continue in full force and effect so long as any amounts are owing by the
Borrower to the Lender hereunder or under any of the Loan Documents. In case an
inaccuracy with respect to any of the representations and warranties herein set
forth becomes known to the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary or both of
them, the Borrower shall or shall cause the Restricted Subsidiary to immediately
give notice of the same to the Lender, and the Borrower shall or shall cause the
Restricted Subsidiary, within five Business Days from the date of giving such
notice to the Lender, to use its best efforts to cure said inaccuracy (to the
extent curable) to the satisfaction of the Lender.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                            COVENANTS OF THE BORROWER


      So long as any amount owing under this Agreement remains unpaid or the
Lender has any obligation under this Agreement, and unless consent is given in
accordance with Section 11.2, the Borrower shall:

      (a)  FINANCIAL REPORTING. Deliver to the Lender (i) within 60 days of the
            commencement of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower's Annual Business
            Plan for the Fiscal Year, together with the detailed budget for the
            Fiscal Year providing supplementary detailed schedules and
            information supplementary to and consistent with the Annual Business
            Plan, (ii) as



            soon as practicable and in any event within 45 days after the end of
            each of the first three Fiscal Quarters in each Fiscal Year, and
            within 60 days after the end of the fourth Fiscal Quarter, a
            consolidated balance sheet of the Borrower as of the end of the
            Fiscal Quarter, (y) consolidating balance sheets of the Borrower and
            each of the Restricted Subsidiaries, and (z) the related
            consolidated and consolidating statements of earnings and cashflows
            for the Fiscal Quarter (and year-to-date); in each case (except for
            the statement of cashflows) setting forth in comparative form the
            figures for the corresponding Fiscal Quarter and corresponding
            portion of the previous Fiscal Year, (iii) as soon as practicable
            and in any event within 105 days after the end of each Fiscal Year,
            a copy of the audited financial statements of the Borrower for the
            Fiscal Year prepared on a consolidated basis and reported on by the
            Borrower's independent auditors and (iv) together with each delivery
            of financial statements, a Compliance Certificate;

      (b)   CANTEL. Deliver to the Lender (i) within 60 days of the commencement
            of each Fiscal Year, Cantel's Annual Business Plan for the Fiscal
            Year, together with the detailed budget for the Fiscal Year
            providing supplementary detailed schedules and information
            supplementary to and consistent with the Annual Business Plan, (ii)
            as soon as practicable and in any event within 45 days after the end
            of each of the first three Fiscal Quarters in each Fiscal Year, and
            within 60 days after the end of the fourth Fiscal Quarter, a
            consolidated balance sheet of Cantel as of the end of the Fiscal
            Quarter, and the related consolidated statements of earnings and
            cashflows for the Fiscal Quarter and for the period commencing at
            the end of the previous Fiscal Year and ending with the end of the
            Fiscal Quarter; (iii) as soon as practicable and in any event within
            105 days after the end of each Fiscal Year, a copy of the audited
            financial statements of Cantel for the Fiscal Year prepared on a
            consolidated basis and reported on by Cantel's independent auditors
            together with unaudited consolidating financial statements and (iv)
            together with each delivery of financial statements, a copy of the
            compliance certificate delivered pursuant to the Parent Facility;

            as soon as available, and in any event within 30 days of the end of
            each month in respect of the preceding month, (i) a detailed
            statement of accounts receivable and an aging of the accounts
            receivable reconciled to the general ledger of the Borrower and the
            Restricted Subsidiaries and such other details, including
            classification by nature, customer location and currency as Lender
            may reasonably require, (ii) a



            summary detailed statement of Inventory reconciled to the general
            ledger of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries classified by
            species thereof or on any other basis the Lender may reasonably
            require, (iii) a detailed statement of Priority Accounts Payable and
            (iv) a Borrowing Base Certificate, calculated as of the date of such

      (d)   ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING. Promptly, and in any event within 10 days,
            deliver to the Lender a detailed statement describing any of the
            following occurrences (i) any order or judgment of any Governmental
            Entity requiring the Borrower or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries
            to incur Environmental Liabilities (w) in excess of Cdn.$50,000 in
            any one instance, (x) together with all other expenditures incurred
            in respect of Environmental Liabilities in any Fiscal Year, in
            excess of Cdn.$100,000 in the aggregate, (ii) any state of affairs
            on any of the Properties which could result in the incurrence of
            Environmental Liabilities in excess of Cdn.$50,000 in any one
            instance, or together with all other expenditures incurred in
            respect of Environmental Liabilities in any Fiscal Year, in excess
            of Cdn.$100,000 in the aggregate, and (iii) the action taken or
            proposed to be taken in connection with such occurrences;

      (e)  ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Deliver to the Lender:

            (i)   as soon as available, and in any event within 30 days after
                  the end of each calendar month a detailed statement of the
                  accounts payable of the Borrower and each Restricted
                  Subsidiary as the Lender may reasonably require;

            (ii)  promptly upon becoming aware thereof, notice of all actions,
                  suits and proceedings before any court or governmental
                  department, commission, board, bureau, agency or
                  instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or any other event,
                  materially adversely affecting the Borrower;

            (iii) promptly upon becoming aware thereof, notice of any event that
                  may have a Material Adverse Effect;

            (iv)  within two Business Days of becoming aware thereof of any
                  default, or event, condition or occurrence which with notice
                  or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default under
                  any agreement for Debt of the Borrower and under which the
                  Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary owes at least



           (v)    promptly notify the Lender of any changes to the corporate
                  structure and shareholdings as contemplated herein with
                  respect to the Borrower from that set forth in Schedule 8.1(s)

           (vi)   as soon as practicable, and in any event within five days
                  after the occurrence of each Default or Event of Default, a
                  statement of the chief financial officer of the Borrower or
                  any other officer acceptable to the Lender setting forth the
                  details of the Default or Event of Default and the action
                  which the Borrower proposes to take or has taken;

           (vii)  from time to time upon request of the Lender, evidence of the
                  maintenance of all insurance required to be maintained
                  pursuant to this Agreement, including originals or copies as
                  the Lender may request of policies, certificates of insurance,
                  riders, endorsements and proof of premium payments;

           (viii) promptly upon their issuance, copies of all notices, reports,
                  press releases, circulars, offering documents and other
                  documents filed with, or delivered to, any stock exchange or
                  the Ontario Securities Commission or a similar Governmental
                  Entity in any other jurisdiction; and

            (ix)  such other information respecting the condition or operations,
                  financial or otherwise, of the Business or the Borrower or any
                  Restricted Subsidiary as the Lender may from time to time
                  reasonably request;

      (f)   USE OF PROCEEDS. Use the proceeds made available to it under the
            Loan Facilities only for the purposes specified in Section 2.3

      (g)   BANK ACCOUNTS. maintain bank accounts with the Lender into which
            all receipts of the Borrower shall be deposited;

      (h)   PAYMENT OF OBLIGATIONS TO LENDER. Duly and punctually pay to the
            Lender all amounts payable by it hereunder when due;

      (i)   PAYMENT OF TAXES, ETC. Pay and discharge and cause each of its
            Restricted Subsidiaries to pay and discharge, before the same
            shall become delinquent, (i) all taxes, assessments and
            governmental charges or levies imposed upon it, a Restricted
            Subsidiary or upon its income, sales, capital or profit or such
            of a Restricted Subsidiary over any other property belonging to
            it or a Restricted Subsidiary, and (ii) all claims which  if
            unpaid, might by law become a Lien upon the



            assets, except any such tax, assessment, charge or claim which is
            being contested in good faith and by proper proceedings and for
            which adequate provision for payment has been made in accordance
            with GAAP or which are Permitted Liens;

      (j)   MAINTENANCE OF INSURANCE. Maintain insurance with responsible and
            reputable insurance companies or associations in such amounts and
            covering such risks as is usually carried by companies engaged in
            similar businesses and owning similar properties in the same general
            areas in which the Borrower operates, such policies to show the
            Lender as a loss payee thereof under a mortgage clause in a form
            approved by the Insurance Bureau of Canada and promptly furnish or
            cause to be furnished to the Lender, evidence of the maintenance of
            all such insurance satisfactory to the Lender;

      (k)   PRESERVATION OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE, ETC. Preserve and maintain its
            and cause its Restricted Subsidiaries to preserve and maintain their
            corporate existence and rights (charter and statutory);

      (l)   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, ETC. Comply and cause each of its Restricted
            Subsidiaries to comply, in all material respects, with all
            applicable laws, (including Environmental Laws) regulations, orders,
            decisions and awards and duly observe all valid requirements of
            Governmental Entities, and all statutes and regulations or which
            relate to Environmental Laws;

      (m)   VISITATION RIGHTS. At any reasonable time or times, on reasonable
            advance notice, (i) permit the Lender and its representatives access
            to the premises of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries and
            permit the Lender to discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of
            the Borrower with the officer appointed as (or performing the
            functions of) the chief financial officer of the Borrower or any
            person performing a similar function, and permit such representative
            to discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the Borrower and
            its Restricted Subsidiaries with the Lender, and (ii) arrange for
            the chief financial officer of Cantel to discuss the affairs,
            finances and accounts of Cantel with the Lender;

      (n)   KEEPING OF BOOKS. Keep and cause each of its Restricted Subsidiaries
            to keep proper books of record and account, in which full and
            correct entries shall be made of all financial transactions, assets
            and business of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries in
            accordance with GAAP;



      (o)   MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTIES, ETC. Maintain and preserve and cause each
            of its Restricted Subsidiaries to maintain and preserve all of its
            material properties in all material respects in good repair, working
            order and condition (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and, from
            time to time, make and cause each of its Restricted Subsidiaries to
            make all needful and proper repairs, renewals, replacements,
            additions and improvements thereto, so that the business carried on
            may be properly and advantageously conducted at all times in
            accordance with prudent business management;

      (p)   CURE DEFECTS. Promptly cure or cause to be cured any defects in the
            execution and delivery of any of the Loan Documents or any of the
            other agreements, instruments or documents contemplated thereby or
            executed pursuant thereto or any defects in the validity or
            enforceability of any of the Security and at the Borrower's expense,
            execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered, all such
            agreements, instruments and other documents as the Lender may
            consider necessary or desirable for the foregoing purposes and make
            all necessary filings and recordings for the foregoing purposes;

      (q)   TRADES PAYABLES. Make payments to creditors only in the ordinary
            course of business and in accordance with the customary practice of
            the Borrower with respect to the aging of such accounts payable
            prior to payment;

      (r)   CREDIT POLICY AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. Maintain, at all times,
            written credit policies consistent with good business practices,
            adhere to such policies and collect, and cause each of its
            Restricted Subsidiaries to collect, accounts receivable in the
            ordinary course of business;

      (s)   AUDITORS. Appoint as its auditors a firm of national standing; and

      (t)   FURTHER ASSURANCES. At its cost and expense, upon request of the
            Lender, execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered to
            the Lender such further instruments and do and cause to be done such
            further acts as may be necessary or proper in the reasonable opinion
            of the Lender to carry out more effectually the provisions and
            purposes of the Loan Documents.


      So long as any amount owing under the Loan Agreement remains unpaid or the
Lender has any obligation under this Agreement and, unless consent is given in
accordance with Section 11.2, the Borrower shall not:


      (a)  DEBT. Create, incur, assume or suffer to exist or permit any of the
           Restricted Subsidiaries to create, incur, assume or suffer to exist
           any Debt other than (i) Debt to the Lender under this Agreement, (ii)
           Debt incurred in respect of Purchase Money Mortgages up to an
           aggregate outstanding amount, at any time, of U.S.$150,000 (or the
           equivalent amount in any other currency), (iii) Debt described in
           Schedule 9.2(a) or any refinancing, replacement or renewal of such
           Debt not exceeding (y) in principal amount, the amount outstanding on
           the date of the refinancing, renewal or replacement by more than
           110%, and (z) in interest rate, a market competitive rate on the date
           of the refinancing, renewal or replacement, and otherwise on terms
           and conditions no more restrictive than the terms and conditions of
           the Debt to be refinanced, renewed or replaced, (iv) Debt of any
           Restricted Subsidiary to the Borrower or any other Restricted
           Subsidiary which shall not, in any event, exceed the limitations set
           forth in Section 9.2(i), (v) Debt of a Restricted Subsidiary that is
           subordinated to the Debt owing to the Lender pursuant to this
           Agreement, such subordination to be on terms satisfactory to the
           Lender prior to its incurrance or assumption, and (vi) additional
           unsecured Debt not otherwise permitted pursuant to Section (i) to (v)

      (b)  LIENS. Create, incur, assume or suffer to exist, or permit any of the
           Restricted Subsidiaries to create, incur, assume or suffer to exist,
           any Lien on any of their respective properties or assets other than
           (i) Permitted Liens, and (ii) Purchase Money Mortgages;

      (c)  MERGERS, ETC. Enter into, or permit any of the Restricted
           Subsidiaries to enter into, any reorganization, consolidation,
           amalgamation, arrangement, winding-up, merger or other similar

      (d)  DISPOSAL OF ASSETS GENERALLY. Sell, exchange, lease, release or
           abandon or otherwise dispose of, or permit any of the Restricted
           Subsidiaries to sell, exchange, lease, release or abandon or
           otherwise dispose of, any assets or properties (other than shares) to
           any Person other than (i) bona fide sales, exchanges, leases,
           abandonments or other dispositions in the ordinary course of business
           for the purpose of carrying on the Business or its business, as the
           case may be, and at fair market value, (ii) property or assets (other
           than shares) which have no material economic value in the Business or
           business or are obsolete, and (iii) dispositions pursuant to a
           transaction permitted in Section 9.2(e);

      (e)  TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES. Except as otherwise permitted in
           Section 9.2(c), Section 9.2(h), and Section 9.2(i), directly or



           enter into or allow any Restricted Subsidiary to enter into, any
           agreement with, make any financial accommodation for, or otherwise
           enter into any transaction with, a Related Party except in the
           ordinary course of, and pursuant to the reasonable requirements of,
           business and at prices and on terms not less favourable to the
           Borrower or the Restricted Subsidiary, as the case may be, than could
           be obtained in a comparable arm's length transaction with another

      (f)  CHANGE IN BUSINESS. Make any material change in the nature of the
           Business or permit any of the Restricted Subsidiaries to make any
           material change in the nature of its business;

      (g)  SHARE CAPITAL. (i) Issue or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries
           to issue shares, or any options, warrants or securities convertible
           into shares, except to the Borrower, Cantel, or another Restricted
           Subsidiary, provided in each case, the shares, option, warrants or
           securities issued by the Restricted Subsidiaries have been pledged to
           the Lender pursuant to the Security Documents, or (ii) permit any
           transaction which result in a Change of Control of the Borrower or
           any Restricted Subsidiary;

      (h)  DISTRIBUTIONS. Declare, make or pay or permit any Restricted
           Subsidiary to declare, make or pay any Distributions, except
           (provided that no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is
           continuing or could result therefrom) that (i) any subsidiary of the
           Borrower may declare and pay dividends to the Borrower or any
           Restricted Subsidiary; (ii) the Borrower may make Distributions to
           Cantel; and (iii) the Borrower may make payments on account of
           management fees up to a maximum amount of $500,000 in any Fiscal

           For purposes of this Section 9.2(h), "DISTRIBUTION" means with
           respect to any Person the amount of (i) any dividend or other
           distribution on issued shares of the Person or any of its
           subsidiaries, (ii) the purchase, redemption or retirement amount of
           any issued shares, warrants or any other options or rights to acquire
           shares of the Person or any of its subsidiaries redeemed or purchased
           by the Person or any its subsidiaries, or (iii) any payments whether
           as consulting fees, management fees or otherwise to any Related Party
           of the Person or any of its subsidiaries.

      (i)  FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Give or permit any of the Restricted
           Subsidiaries to give, any Financial Assistance to any Person, except
           for (i) inter-company loans made by the Borrower to Cantel, (ii)
           Financial Assistance by the Borrower to a Restricted Subsidiary, by a



           Subsidiary to the Borrower or by a Restricted Subsidiary to another
           Restricted Subsidiary not exceeding $100,000 in the aggregate,
           provided that if it is an inter-company loan where the lender is a
           Restricted Subsidiary located in the United States, the inter-company
           loan is evidenced by a promissory note and security satisfactory to
           the Lender which have been assigned to the Lender as Security, (iii)
           investments in Cash Equivalents, (iv) Financial Assistance which
           constitutes a Permitted Acquisition, (v) Financial Assistance
           permitted under Section 9.2(h), (vi) financial accommodations made
           for employees (including any loans outstanding at the date hereof and
           listed on Schedule 9.2(i)) not in excess of $200,000 in the
           aggregate, and (vii) such other Financial Assistance as the Lender
           may approve in writing in the exercise of its sole discretion;

           For the purposes of this Section 9.2(i), "FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE" means
           any advances, loans or other extensions of credit, guarantees,
           indemnities or other contingent liabilities or capital contributions
           (other than prepaid expenses in the ordinary course of business) to
           (by means of transfers of property, money or assets), or any purchase
           of any shares, stocks, bonds, notes, debentures or other securities
           of, any Person or the acquisition of all or substantially all the
           assets of, any Person or of a business carried on by, or a division
           of, any Person. In determining the aggregate amount of Financial
           Assistance outstanding at any particular time, (i) take the amount of
           any Investment represented by a guarantee or similar contingent
           obligation at not less than the principal amount of the obligations
           guaranteed and outstanding, (ii) deduct in respect of any Financial
           Assistance any amount received by the Borrower or a Restricted
           Subsidiary as return of capital (but only by repurchase, redemption,
           retirement, repayment, liquidating dividend or liquidating
           distribution), (iii) do not deduct in respect of any Financial
           Assistance any amounts received as earnings on such Financial
           Assistance, whether as dividends, interest or otherwise, and (iv) do
           not deduct from the aggregate amount of Financial Assistance any
           decrease in its market value;

           For purposes of this Section 9.2(i), "CASH EQUIVALENTS" means any of
           the following, so long as the same are maintained in accounts in
           which the Lender has a perfected security interest: (i) securities
           issued, guaranteed or insured by the government of Canada or any
           province, or the United States of America or any state, and having
           terms to maturity of not more than one year, and (ii) certificates of
           deposit having maturities of not more than one year issued or
           guaranteed by a



           Canadian chartered bank and rated R-1 low (or the then equivalent
           grade) or better by Dominion Bond Rating Service;

      (j)  LEASE-BACKS. Enter into or permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries
           to enter into any arrangements, directly or indirectly, with any
           Person, whereby the Borrower or such Restricted Subsidiary, as the
           case may be, shall sell or transfer any property, whether now owned
           or hereafter acquired, used or useful in the Business, in connection
           with the rental or lease of the property so sold or transferred or of
           other property for substantially the same purpose or purposes as the
           property so sold or transferred unless such arrangement constitutes a
           Permitted Lien;


           (i)    Incorporate or acquire any subsidiaries or commence to carry
                  on the Business, otherwise than through the Borrower or become
                  a partner or participant in any partnership or joint venture
                  except for Unrestricted Subsidiaries or Permitted Acquisitions
                  where, in such latter case, the subsidiary (i) is a
                  wholly-owned subsidiary incorporated as a limited liability
                  company under the laws of Canada or one of its provinces or
                  territories, and (ii) has executed and delivered to the Lender
                  an unconditional and unlimited guarantee of all obligations of
                  the Borrower under this Agreement and the other Loan Documents
                  together with first-ranking Security over all of its property
                  and assets and accompanied by opinions satisfactory to the
                  Lender; and

           (ii)   Permit any Unrestricted Subsidiary to (i) carry on an active
                  business, (ii) have assets or revenues in excess of $50,000,
                  (iii) have any liabilities in excess of $50,000, or (iv) have
                  any Debt which cross-defaults or cross-accelerates to any Debt
                  of the Borrower or any of the Restricted Subsidiaries;

            For purposes of this Section 9.2(k), "UNRESTRICTED SUBSIDIARIES"
            means all Subsidiaries other than the Restricted Subsidiaries.

      (l)  CAPITAL EXPENDITURES. Make or commit to make, or permit any of its
           Restricted Subsidiaries to make or commit to make, in the Fiscal Year
           ending July 31, 2002, any Capital Expenditures or Permitted
           Acquisitions (to the extent such acquisition would not otherwise be
           included as a Capital Expenditure) exceeding, collectively with the
           cash and non-cash consideration to be paid in connection with a



           Permitted Acquisition, U.S. $1,000,000, and thereafter, in such
           amount as the Lender advises on an annual basis;

      (m)  OPERATING LEASES. Enter into any operating leases requiring payment
           on an annual basis in excess of Cdn. $500,000;

      (n)  COMPROMISE OF ACCOUNTS. Compromise or adjust or permit any of the
           Restricted Subsidiaries to compromise or adjust any of its accounts
           receivable (or extend the time for payment thereof) or grant any
           discounts, allowances or credits, in each case other than in the
           normal course of business;

      (o)  INVOICES. Redate any invoice or sale or provision of service or make
           sales or provide services on extended dating beyond that customary in
           the Business or the business of the Restricted Subsidiaries;

      (p)  FISCAL YEAR. Change its Fiscal Year;

      (q)  AMENDMENTS. Allow any amendments to any Material Agreement if
           such amendments could reasonably be expected to have a Material
           Adverse Effect;

      (r)  PAYMENTS IN ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS, ETC. Make, or permit any
           Restricted Subsidiary to make, any payments outside the ordinary
           course of business, make any prepayments of professional fees or
           place any funds in excess of $100,000 on trust with third parties;

      (s)  CONTAMINANTS, ETC. Permit any asbestos, asbestos-containing
           materials, PCBs, radioactive substances or other contaminants which
           could be the subject of a clean-up order to be located on, at or
           under any of the Properties. Permit any underground storage vessels
           to be located or installed at any of the Properties; and

      (t)  MANAGEMENT FEES. Pay any annual management fees exceeding, in the
           aggregate, U.S.$500,000.


      So long as any amount owing under this Agreement remains unpaid or the
Lender has any obligation under this Agreement, and unless consent is given in
accordance with Section 11.2, the Borrower shall:

            times, a ratio of Total Liabilities to Tangible Net Worth of not
            more than 1:1;



      (b)   MAINTENANCE OF DEBT SERVICE RATIO. Maintain, at all times, a
            ratio, calculated at the end of each Fiscal Quarter for the four
            Fiscal Quarters then ended of Cashflow to Debt Service of not
            less than 3:1; and

      (c)   MAINTENANCE OF CURRENT RATIO. Maintain, at all times, a ratio of
            Current Assets to Current Liabilities of not less than 2:1.


      So long as any amount owing under this Agreement remains unpaid or the
Lender has any obligation under this Agreement, and unless consent is given in
accordance with Section 11.2, the Borrower shall:

      (a)  STATUS OF ACCOUNTS COLLATERAL. With respect to the Collateral (i)
           maintain books and records pertaining to the Collateral in such
           detail, form and scope as the Lender reasonably requires, (ii) within
           two Business Days upon learning thereof, report to the Lender in
           respect of any reclamation, return or repossession of inventory
           (other than such inventory as is resorted and redelivered) in excess
           of Cdn.$100,000 for any single reclamation, return or repossession of
           inventory or in excess of Cdn.$500,000 for all such reclamations,
           returns or repossessions taken together in any Fiscal Year, or claims
           or disputes in any Fiscal Year in the aggregate in excess of
           Cdn.$500,000 asserted by customers or other obligors, any loss or
           destruction of, or substantial damage to, any of the Collateral and
           any other matters affecting the value, enforceability or
           collectability of any of the Collateral, (iii) if any amount payable
           under or in connection with any account in excess of Cdn. $25,000 is
           evidenced by a promissory note or other instrument, immediately
           pledge, endorse, assign and deliver to the Lender the promissory note
           or instrument, as additional Collateral, (iv) notify the Lender in
           writing of any agreement under which any terms of sale or service
           (written or oral) which are materially different from normal
           operating procedures may have been or will be granted, and (v)
           conduct a physical count of the Inventory at such intervals as the
           Lender may reasonably request and promptly supply the Lender with a
           copy of such counts accompanied by a report of the value (based on
           the lower of cost (on a first in, first out basis) or market value)
           of such inventory;

      (b)  BUSINESS OUTSIDE CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS. At least 30 days prior to any
           of the following changes becoming effective, notify the Lender in
           writing of (i) any proposed change in the locations of (w) any place
           of business of the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary, (x) the
           chief executive office or head office of the Borrower or any



           Subsidiary, (z) any place where tangible property of the Borrower or
           any Restricted Subsidiary is stored, and (ii) any proposed change in
           the name of the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary; and

           deliver and cause its Restricted Subsidiaries to perform, execute and
           deliver all acts, agreements and other documents as may be requested
           by the Lender at any time to register, file signify, publish,
           perfect, maintain, protect, and enforce the Security including,
           without limitation, (i) executing, recording and filing of the Loan
           Documents and financing or continuation statements in connection
           therewith, in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender, (ii)
           delivering to the Lender the originals of all instruments, documents
           and chattel paper and all other Collateral of which the Lender
           determines it should have physical possession in order to perfect and
           protect the Security, duly endorsed or assigned to the Lender, (iii)
           delivering to the Lender warehouse receipts covering any portion of
           the Collateral located in warehouses and for which warehouse receipts
           are listed, (iv) placing notations on its books of account to
           disclose the Security Interest, (v) delivering to the Lender all
           letters of credit on which the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary
           is named beneficiary, and (vi) taking such other steps as are deemed
           necessary by the Lender to maintain the Security.

                                  ARTICLE 10
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT


      If any of the following events (each an "EVENT OF DEFAULT") occurs and is

      (a)  The Borrower fails to pay any amount of the Accommodations
           Outstanding, interest or Fees when such amount becomes due and

      (b)  Any statement, representation or warranty or certification made
           or deemed to be made by the Borrower or a Restricted Subsidiary
           or any of their respective directors or officers in any Loan
           Document shall prove to have been incorrect in any material
           respect when made or deemed to be made; and, if the circumstances
           giving rise to the incorrect representation or warranty are
           capable of modification or rectification (such that, thereafter
           the representation or warranty



           would be correct), the representation or warranty remains
           uncorrected for a period of five days;

      (c)  The Borrower fails to perform, observe or comply with any of the
           covenants contained in Section 9.2 or Section 9.3;

      (d)  The Borrower fails to perform, observe or comply with any of the
           covenants contained in Section 9.1 or in any other Loan Document and
           such failure remains unremedied for five days;

      (e)  A Restricted Subsidiary or Cantel fails to perform or observe any
           term, covenant or agreement contained in any Loan Document to which
           it is a party and such failure remains unremedied for five days;

      (f)  There is a Parent Event of Default;

      (g)  The Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries fails to pay the
           principal of, or premium or interest on, any of its Debt (excluding
           Debt under this Agreement) which is outstanding in an aggregate
           principal amount exceeding Cdn.$50,000 (or the equivalent amount in
           any other currency) when such amount becomes due and payable (whether
           by scheduled maturity, required prepayment, acceleration, demand or
           otherwise) and such failure continues after the applicable grace
           period, if any, specified in the agreement or instrument relating to
           the Debt; or any other event occurs or condition exists and continues
           after the applicable grace period, if any, specified in any agreement
           or instrument relating to any such Debt, if its effect is to
           accelerate, or permit the acceleration of the Debt; or any such Debt
           shall be declared to be due and payable prior to its stated maturity;

      (h)  The Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary fails to perform or observe
           any term, covenant or agreement contained in any Material Agreement
           on its part to be performed or observed where such failure could
           reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect; or any
           Material Agreement is terminated or revoked or permitted to lapse
           (other than in accordance with its terms and not as a result of
           default); or any party to any Material Agreement delivers a notice of
           termination or revocation (other than in accordance with its terms
           and not as a result of default) in respect of the Material Agreement;

      (i)  Any judgment or order for the payment of money in excess of Cdn.
           $100,000 (or the equivalent amount in any other currency) is rendered
           against the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries and either
           (i) enforcement proceedings have been commenced by a creditor upon



           the judgment or order, or (ii) there is any period of 30 consecutive
           days during which a stay of enforcement of the judgment or order, by
           reason of a pending appeal or otherwise, is not in effect;

      (j)  The Accommodations Outstanding exceed the Lending Limit as disclosed
           in any Borrowing Base Certificate delivered on a weekly basis
           pursuant to Section 2.5(1) or if such Borrowing Base Certificate is
           not delivered within two days of the due date specified therefor in
           Section 9.1(c); or

      (k)  There is a Change of Control;

      (l)  The Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries (i) becomes
           insolvent or generally not able to pay its debts as they become due,
           (ii) admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally or
           makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (iii)
           institutes or has instituted against it any proceeding seeking (x) to
           adjudicate it a bankrupt or insolvent, (y) liquidation, winding-up,
           reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, protection, relief or
           composition of it or its debts under any law relating to bankruptcy,
           insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors including any plan of
           compromise or arrangement or other corporate proceeding involving or
           affecting its creditors, or (z) the entry of an order for relief or
           the appointment of a receiver, trustee or other similar official for
           it or for any substantial part of its properties and assets, and in
           the case of any such proceeding instituted against it (but not
           instituted by it), either the proceeding remains undismissed or
           unstayed for a period of 30 days, or any of the actions sought in
           such proceeding (including the entry of an order for relief against
           it or the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other
           similar official for it or for any substantial part of its properties
           and assets) occurs, or (iv) takes any corporate action to authorize
           any of the above actions;

      (m)  The Lender shall determine in good faith, but otherwise in its sole
           opinion, that there has occurred an event or development likely to
           have a Material Adverse Effect which relates to the ability of the
           Borrower to perform its obligations under the Loan Documents or that
           materially adversely affects the Collateral; or

      (n)  The audited consolidated financial statements of the Borrower are
           qualified in any material respect by the Borrower's independent



then the obligation of the Lender to make further Accommodations shall
immediately terminate and the Lender may declare the Accommodations Outstanding,
all accrued interest and Fees and all other amounts payable under this Agreement
to be immediately due and payable, without presentment, demand, protest or
further notice of any kind, all of which are expressly waived by the Borrower.


(1)   Upon a declaration that the Accommodations Outstanding are immediately due
      and payable pursuant to Section 10.1, the Lender may commence such legal
      action or proceedings as it, in its sole discretion, deems expedient,
      including, the commencement of enforcement proceedings under the Loan
      Documents all without any additional notice, presentation, demand,
      protest, notice of dishonour, entering into of possession of any property
      or assets, or any other action or notice, all of which are expressly
      waived by the Borrower.

(2)   The rights and remedies of the Lender under the Loan Documents are
      cumulative and are in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other
      rights or remedies. Nothing contained in the Loan Documents with respect
      to the indebtedness or liability of the Borrower to the Lender, nor any
      act or omission of the Lender with respect to the Loan Documents or the
      Security shall in any way prejudice or affect the rights, remedies and
      powers of the Lender under the Loan Documents and the Security.

                                   ARTICLE 11


      The Lender and the Borrower agree to review the terms of this Agreement
and the Operating Facility provided hereunder at least annually and, in any
event, no later than October 31, 2002.


      No amendment or waiver of any provision of any of the Loan Documents, nor
consent to any departure by the Borrower or any other Person from such
provisions, is effective unless in writing and approved by the Lender. Any
amendment, waiver or consent is effective only in the specific instance and for
the specific purpose for which it was given.


(1)   No failure on the part of the Lender to exercise, and no delay in
      exercising, any right under any of the Loan Documents shall operate as a
      waiver of such



      right; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right under
      any of the Loan Documents preclude any other or further exercise of
      such right or the exercise of any other right.

(2)   Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the covenants,
      representations and warranties shall not merge on and shall survive the
      initial Accommodation and, notwithstanding such initial Accommodation or
      any investigation made by or on behalf of any party, shall continue in
      full force and effect. The closing of this transaction shall not prejudice
      any right of one party against any other party in respect of anything done
      or omitted under this Agreement or in respect of any right to damages or
      other remedies.


(1)   The indebtedness of the Borrower resulting from Accommodations under the
      Loan Facilities shall be evidenced by the records of the Lender which
      shall constitute prima facie evidence of such indebtedness.

(2)   Prior to the receipt of any Accommodation Notice, the Lender may act on
      the basis of a notice by telephone (containing the same information as
      would be contained in the Accommodation Notice) believed by it to be from
      an authorized person representing the Borrower. In the event of a conflict
      between the Lender's record of any Accommodation and the Accommodation
      Notice, the Lender's record shall prevail, absent manifest error.


      Any notice, direction or other communication to be given under this
Agreement shall, except as otherwise permitted, be in writing and given by
delivering it or sending it by facsimile or other similar form of recorded
communication addressed:

      (a)   to the Borrower at:

            151 Telson Road
            Markham, Ontario
            L3R 1E7

            Attention:  Vice-President Finance
            Telephone:  800-387-0437
            Telecopier: 416-479-2595



            with a copy to:

            Cantel Medical Corp.
            150 Clove Road
            9th Floor
            Little Falls, New Jersey
            07424  U.S.A.

            Attention:  Vice-President and Controller
            Telephone:  973-890-7220
            Telecopier: 973-890-7270

      (b)   to the Lender at:

            3901 Highway #7
            Suite 302
            Vaughan, Ontario
            L4L 8L5

            Attention:  Senior Manager Commercial Banking
            Telephone:  905-856-5626
            Telecopier: 905-856-8474

Any such communication shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively
given if (i) personally delivered, on the date of such delivery if such date is
a Business Day and such delivery was made prior to 4:00 p.m. (Toronto time),
otherwise on the next Business Day, (ii) transmitted by facsimile or similar
means of recorded communication on the Business Day following the date of
transmission. Any party may change its address for service from time to time by
notice given in accordance with the foregoing and any subsequent notice shall be
sent to the party at its changed address.


(1)   The Borrower shall, whether or not the transactions contemplated in this
      Agreement are completed, indemnify and hold the Lender (the "INDEMNIFIED
      PERSON") harmless from, and shall pay to such Indemnified Person on demand
      any amounts required to compensate the Indemnified Person for, any claim
      or loss suffered by, imposed on, or asserted against, the Indemnified
      Person as a result of, connected with or arising out of (i) the
      preparation, execution and delivery of, preservation of rights under,
      interpretation of, maintenance of, perfection of, enforcement of, or
      refinancing, renegotiation or restructuring of, the Loan Documents and any
      related amendment, waiver or consent, (ii) any advice of counsel as to the



      rights and duties of the Lender with respect to the administration of the
      Loan Facilities, the Loan Documents or any  transaction contemplated under
      the Loan Documents, (iii) a default (whether or not constituting a Default
      or an Event of Default) by the Borrower, (iv) any proceedings brought
      against the Indemnified Person due to its entering into of any of the Loan
      Documents and performing its obligations under the Loan Documents except
      to the extent caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the
      Indemnified Person, and (v) the presence of contaminants at, on or under,
      or the discharge or likely discharge of contaminants from, any of the
      Properties or any of the properties now or previously used by the
      Borrower, any of the Restricted Subsidiaries, or the breach of or
      non-compliance with any Environmental Law by any mortgagor, owner or
      lessee of such properties. The Borrower authorizes the Lender to debit the
      Borrower's Accounts for any and all of the costs and expenses referred to
      in paragraphs (i) and (ii) and for all on-site inspections by the Lender
      or its representatives.

(2)   If, with respect to the Lender, (i) any change in any law, rule,
      regulation, judgment or order of general application, or any change in the
      interpretation or application of such law, rule, regulation, judgment or
      order, occurring or becoming effective after this date, or (ii) compliance
      by the Lender with any direction, request or requirement (whether or not
      having the force of law) of any Governmental Entity made or becoming
      effective after the date, has the effect of causing any loss to the Lender
      or reducing the Lender's rate of return by (w) increasing the cost to the
      Lender of performing its obligations under this Agreement or in respect of
      any Accommodations Outstanding (including the costs of maintaining any
      capital, reserve or special deposit requirements but other than a
      reduction resulting from a higher rate or from a change in the calculation
      of income or capital tax relating to the Lender's income or capital in
      general), (x) requiring the Lender to maintain or allocate any capital or
      additional capital or affecting its allocation of capital in respect of
      its obligations under this Agreement or in respect of any Accommodations
      Outstanding, (y) reducing any amount payable to the Lender under this
      Agreement or in respect of any Accommodations Outstanding by any material
      amount, (z) causing the Lender to make any payment or to forego any return
      on, or calculated by reference to, any amount received or receivable by
      the Lender under this Agreement or in respect of any Accommodations
      Outstanding, then the Lender may give notice to the Borrower specifying
      the nature of the event giving rise to the loss and the Borrower may
      either (iii) on demand, pay such amounts as the Lender specifies is
      necessary to compensate it for any such loss, or (iv) provided no loss has
      yet been suffered by the Lender or the Borrower has paid the compensating
      amount to the Lender, repay the Accommodations Outstanding and terminate
      the Lender's Commitments. A certificate as to the



      amount of any such loss submitted in good faith by the Lender to the
      Borrower shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest

(3)   The Borrower shall pay to the Lender on demand any amounts required to
      compensate the Lender for any loss suffered or incurred by it as a result
      of (i) any payment being made in respect of a BA Instrument, Documentary
      Credit or Advance, other than on the maturity or expiration or on the last
      day of an Eurodollar Interest Period applicable to it, (ii) the failure of
      the Borrower to give any notice in the manner and at the times required by
      this Agreement, (iii) the failure of the Borrower to effect an
      Accommodation in the manner and at the time specified in any Accommodation
      Notice, or (iv) the failure of the Borrower to make a payment or a
      mandatory repayment in the manner and at the time specified in this
      Agreement. A certificate as to the amount of any loss submitted in good
      faith by the Lender to the Borrower shall be conclusive and binding for
      all purposes, absent manifest error.

(4)   The provisions of this Section 11.6 shall survive the termination of this
      Agreement and the repayment of all Accommodations Outstanding. The
      Borrower acknowledges that neither its obligation to indemnify nor any
      actual indemnification by it of the Lender or any other Indemnified Person
      in respect of such Person's losses for the legal fees and expenses shall
      in any way affect the confidentiality or privilege relating to any
      information communicated by such Person to its counsel.


(1)   All payments to the Lender by the Borrower under any of the Loan Documents
      shall be made free and clear of and without deduction or withholding for
      any and all taxes, levies, imposts, deductions, charges or withholdings
      and all related liabilities (all such taxes, levies, imposts, deductions,
      charges, withholdings and liabilities being referred to as "TAXES")
      imposed by Canada or the United States of America (or any political
      subdivision or taxing authority of it), unless such Taxes are required by
      applicable law to be deducted or withheld. If the Borrower shall be
      required by applicable law to deduct or withhold any such Taxes from or in
      respect of any amount payable under any of the Loan Documents except, as
      provided in the next sentence, (i) the amount payable shall be increased
      (and for greater certainty, in the case of interest, the amount of
      interest shall be increased) as may be necessary so that after making all
      required deductions or withholdings (including deductions or withholdings
      applicable to any additional amounts paid under this Section 11.7(1), the
      Lender receives an amount equal to the amount they would have received if
      no such deduction or withholding had been made, (ii) the Borrower shall
      make such deductions



      or withholdings, and (iii) the Borrower shall immediately pay the full
      amount deducted or withheld to the relevant Governmental Entity in
      accordance with applicable law.

(2)   The Borrower agrees to immediately pay any present or future stamp or
      documentary taxes or any other excise or property taxes, charges,
      financial institutions duties, debits taxes or similar levies (all such
      taxes, charges, duties and levies being referred to as "OTHER TAXES")
      which arise from any payment made by the Borrower under any of the Loan
      Documents or from the execution, delivery or registration of, or otherwise
      with respect to, any of the Loan Documents.

(3)   The Borrower shall indemnify the Lender for the full amount of Taxes or
      Other Taxes (including, without limitation, any Taxes or Other Taxes
      imposed by any jurisdiction on amounts payable by the Borrower under this
      Section 11.7 paid by the Lender and any liability (including penalties,
      interest and expenses) arising from or with respect to such Taxes or Other
      Taxes, whether or not they were correctly or legally asserted, excluding
      taxes imposed on the Lender's net income, capital taxes or receipts and
      franchise taxes. The Borrower will not be required to indemnify the Lender
      for any Taxes or Other Taxes imposed by reason of the Lender being
      connected with Canada otherwise than merely by lending money to the
      Borrower pursuant to this Agreement. Payment under this indemnification
      shall be made within 30 days from the date the Lender make written demand
      for it. A certificate as to the amount of such Taxes or Other Taxes
      submitted to the Borrower by the Lender shall be conclusive evidence,
      absent manifest error, of the amount due from the Borrower to Lender.

(4)   The Borrower shall furnish, at the request of the Lender, the original or
      a certified copy of a receipt evidencing payment of Taxes or Other Taxes
      made by the Borrower within 30 days after the date of any payment of Taxes
      or Other Taxes.

(5)   If the Lender is, in its sole opinion, entitled to claim a refund or able
      to apply for or otherwise take advantage of any tax credit, tax deduction
      or similar benefit by reason of any withholding or deduction made by the
      Borrower in respect of a payment made by it under this Agreement, which
      payment shall have been increased pursuant to Section 11.7(1), then the
      Lender will use reasonable effort to obtain the refund, credit, deduction
      or benefit and upon credit or receipt of it will pay to the Borrower, the
      amount (if any) not exceeding the increased amount paid by the Borrower,
      as equals the net after-tax value to the Lender of that part of the
      refund, credit, deduction or benefit as it considers is allocatable to
      such withholding or deduction having regard to all of its dealings giving
      rise to similar credits, deductions or benefits in



      relation to the same tax period and to the cost of obtaining the same.
      Nothing contained in this Section 11.7(5) shall interfere with the right
      of the Lender to arrange its tax affairs in whatever manner it deems fit
      and in particular, the Lender shall be under no obligation to claim relief
      from its corporate profits or similar tax liability in respect of any
      deduction or withholding in priority to any other relief, claims, credits
      or deductions available to it and the Lender shall not be obligated to
      disclose to the Borrower any information regarding its tax affairs, tax
      computations or otherwise.

(6)   The provisions of this Section 11.7 shall survive the termination of the
      Agreement and the repayment of all Accommodations Outstanding.


(1)   This Agreement shall become effective when executed by the Borrower and
      the Lender and after that time shall be binding upon and enure to the
      benefit of the Borrower and the Lender and their respective successors and
      permitted assigns.

(2)   The Borrower shall not have the right to assign its rights or obligations
      under this Agreement or any interest in this Agreement without the prior
      consent of the Lender, which consent may be arbitrarily withheld.

(3)   At any time prior to the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Lender may
      with the prior written consent of the Borrower (which consent, in the case
      of the Borrower, is not to be unreasonably withheld), assign all or any
      part of its interest in the Loan Facilities to one or more Persons (each
      an "ASSIGNEE") provided that such assignment is not made to a Person the
      identity of which would have the effect of imposing additional obligations
      upon the Borrower as a result of the application of Section 11.7 hereof.
      At any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Lender may
      assign all or any part of its interest in the Loan Facilities to an
      Assignee without any requirement for notice to or consent of the Borrower
      or any other Person. In the case of an assignment, the Assignee shall have
      the same rights and benefits and be subject to the same limitations under
      the Loan Documents as it would have if it was a Lender.


      Following the occurrence, and during the continuance of an Event of
Default, the Lender is authorized at any time and from time to time, to the
fullest extent permitted by law (including general principles of common-law), to
set off and apply any and all deposits (general or special, time or demand,
provisional or final) at any time held and other indebtedness at any time owing
by it to or for the credit or the account of the Borrower against any and all of
the obligations of the Borrower under



any of the Loan Documents. If an obligation is unascertained, the Lender may, in
good faith, estimate the obligation and exercise its right of set-off in respect
of the estimate, subject to providing the Borrower with an accounting when the
obligation is finally determined. The Lender shall promptly notify the Borrower
after any set-off and application is made by it, provided that the failure to
give notice shall not affect the validity of the set-off and application. The
rights of the Lender under this Section 11.9 are in addition to any other rights
and remedies (including all other rights of set-off) which the Lender may have.


(1)   If, for the purposes of obtaining judgment in any court, it is necessary
      to convert a sum due to the Lender in any currency (the "ORIGINAL
      CURRENCY") into another currency (the "OTHER CURRENCY"), the parties
      agree, to the fullest extent that they may effectively do so, that the
      rate of exchange used shall be that at which, in accordance with normal
      banking procedures, the Lender could purchase the Original Currency with
      the Other Currency on the Business Day preceding the day on which final
      judgment is given or, if permitted by applicable law, on the day on which
      the judgment is paid or satisfied.

(2)   The obligations of the Borrower in respect of any sum due in the Original
      Currency from it to the Lender under any of the Loan Documents shall,
      notwithstanding any judgment in any Other Currency, be discharged only to
      the extent that on the Business Day following receipt by the Lender of any
      sum adjudged to be so due in the Other Currency, the Lender may, in
      accordance with normal banking procedures, purchase the Original Currency
      with such Other Currency. If the amount of the Original Currency so
      purchased is less than the sum originally due to the Lender in the
      Original Currency, the Borrower agrees, as a separate obligation and
      notwithstanding the judgment, to indemnify the Lender, against any loss,
      and, if the amount of the Original Currency so purchased exceeds the sum
      originally due to the Lender in the Original Currency, the Lender shall
      remit such excess to the Borrower.


      Except as may be expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, all
amounts owed by the Borrower to the Lender which are not paid when due (whether
at stated maturity, on demand, by acceleration or otherwise) shall bear interest
(both before and after default and judgment), from the date on which such amount
is due until such amount is paid in full, payable on demand, at a rate per annum
equal at all times to (i) in the case of an amount payable in U.S. Dollars, the
sum of the Base Rate (Canada) in effect from time to time, the Applicable Margin



and 2%, and (ii) in the case of an amount payable in Canadian Dollars, the sum
of the Canadian Prime Rate in effect from time to time, the Applicable Margin
and 2%.


      This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of
Canada applicable therein.


      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and all of
such counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same


      This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature, in which case the
party executing by facsimile shall forward an original counterpart thereof to
the other party but failure to so deliver shall not invalidate this Agreement.


      The Borrower hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of any Ontario
court sitting in Toronto in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating
to the Loan Documents and hereby irrevocably agrees that all claims in respect
of any such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in such Ontario
court. The Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary hereby irrevocably waive, to
the fullest extent they may effectively do so, the defense of an inconvenient
forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding. The Borrower and each
Restricted Subsidiary agree that a final judgment in any such action or
proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by
suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law. Nothing in this
Section 11.15 shall affect the right of the Lender to bring any action or
proceeding against the Borrower or each Restricted Subsidiary or their property
in the courts of other jurisdictions.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement.

                                         CARSEN GROUP INC.

                                         By: William J. Vella - President
                                             and Chief Operating Officer
                                             Authorized Signing Officer

                                         By: Gladys Soer - Vice President
                                             Authorized Signing Officer

                                         NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA

                                         By: Paul Rostrup - Senior Manager
                                             Authorized Signing Officer

                                         By: Jonathan Elkins-Account Manager
                                             Authorized Signing Officer