<Page> Conference Call Carrier1's Third Quarter 2001 Results Wednesday, November 14th, 2001 15.00 (Middle European Time) 14.00 (UK time) 09.00 (North America Eastern Standard Time) 06.00 (North America Pacific Standard Time) We are pleased to invite you to participate in a conference call on Carrier1's third quarter results of 2001. Mike McTighe, President and CEO and Alex Schmid, CFO, will present a financial review of the 3rd quarter and the nine months of 2001. The call will be held on Wednesday, November 14th, at the above-mentioned hours. Please call: 020-8240-8245 from UK or 020-8240-8246 +44-20-8240-8245 for international calls or +44-20-8240-8246 +1 800-491-3127 from North America and quote "Carrier1 3rd Quarter Results" If you miss the call, you can listen to an instant replay by calling: 020-8288-4459 access code 631 252 from UK +44-20-8288-4459 access code 631 252 for international calls +1 800 625-5288 access code 133 4865 from North America This replay will be available for 5 working days and webcast on www.carrier1.com. For any questions please call Helene Baril at +41-1-297-2615 or e-mail at helene.baril@carrier1.com