
                               6-K UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                December 19, 2001

                            BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT
             (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                                BASF CORPORATION
                (Translation of Registrant's name into English)

               Carl Bosch Strasse 38, LUDWIGSHAFEN, GERMANY 67056
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F

                      Form 20-F  X          Form 40-F
                                ---                   ---

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant by furnishing the information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                         Yes                  No  X
                             ---                 ---

     If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
Registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-         .

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                                                    December 14, 2001
                                                    Jennifer Moore-Braun
                                                    P 449e
                                                    Phone:   +49 6 21 60 2 08 29
                                                    Fax:     +49 6 21 60 9 26 93
                                                    E-Mail: jennifer.moore-braun



The Supervisory Board of BASF Aktiengesellschaft has appointed Klaus Peter
Loebbe as a member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF
Aktiengesellschaft with effect from January 1, 2002.

The Board of Executive Directors has also approved the following changes in

As of March 1, 2002, Klaus Peter Loebbe will assume responsibility for the
newly-created Ressort IX, based in Mount Olive, New Jersey. The Coatings
division as well as the region North America (NAFTA) will belong to this

Ressort VII, headed by Peter Oakley, will relocate its headquarters to
Ludwigshafen, Germany, as of April 1, 2002. Oakley will remain responsible for
the Agricultural Products and Nutrition segment which includes the Agricultural
Products and Fine Chemicals divisions, Specialty Chemicals Research as well as
BASF Plant Science GmbH. Following the acquisition of the crop protection
business of American Home Products, this cyclically resilient segment with a
clear growth strategy contributes about 20 percent to BASF Group sales.

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As of January 1, 2002, Jean-Pierre Monteny, member of the Board of Executive
Directors of BASF Coatings AG, will assume responsibility for the Coatings
division. The Supervisory Board of BASF Coatings will be recommended to elect
Monteny as Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF Coatings AG.

KLAUS PETER LOEBBE, 55, was born in Berlin and began a two-year business
training program at BASF in 1966. Following its completion in 1968, he
started his career in sales and marketing in the Organic Intermediates
division. In 1975, Loebbe was delegated to Tokyo where he spent four years
working for BASF Japan Ltd. He returned to Ludwigshafen in 1979 to work in
the Intermediates division. At the end of 1984, he moved to the Basic
Chemicals division and was responsible for marketing of electrolysis and
sulfur products and, from late 1987, for the marketing of diols in the
Intermediates division. In 1990, he was appointed Group Vice-President with
worldwide marketing responsibility for diols, carboxylic acids and other
products. In April 1993, he became President of BASF's Industrial Chemicals
division. Since 1996, Lobbe has been President of BASF's Coatings division
and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF Coatings AG.

JEAN-PIERRE MONTENY, 55, was born in Lyon, France. He studied in Nice and has
been involved in the coatings industry for more than 25 years. Monteny is a
member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF Coatings AG with
responsibilities for the areas of automotive refinish and industrial coatings.

BASF is a transnational chemical company that aims to increase and sustain its
corporate value through growth and innovation. The company's product range
includes high-value chemicals, plastics, colorants and pigments, dispersions,
automotive and industrial coatings, agricultural products and fine chemicals as
well as crude oil and natural gas. BASF's approach to integration, known in
German as "Verbund," is one of its particular strengths, ensuring cost
leadership and a unique competitive advantage. With sales of about E 36
billion (circa $34 billion) in 2000 and over 90,000 employees, BASF is one of
the world's leading chemical companies. BASF acts in accordance with the
principles of Sustainable

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Development. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS),
London (BFA), Zurich (BAS), Paris (BA) and New York (BF). The company's Internet
address is www.basf.com.

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