
                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

USA will file a proxy statement and other relevant documents concerning USA's
contribution of its Entertainment Group to a joint venture with Vivendi
Universal and certain related transactions with the Securities and Exchange
RELATING TO THE PROPOSED TRANSACTIONS. Investors will be able to obtain such
documents free of charge at the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. In addition,
such documents may also be obtained free of charge by contacting USA
Networks, Inc., 152 West 57th Street, New York, New York, 10019, Attention:
Investor Relations.


USA and its directors and officers may be deemed to be participants in the
solicitation of proxies from USA shareholders to adopt the agreement
providing for USA's contribution of its Entertainment Group to a joint
venture with Vivendi Universal and the other related transactions described
therein. A detailed list of the names and interests of USA's directors and
executive officers is contained in the definitive proxy statement on
Schedule 14A filed by USA with the SEC on April 9, 2001. Copies of USA
filings may be obtained free of charge at the SEC's website at
www.sec.gov < http://www.sec.gov >.

                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 1

                               USA NETWORKS, INC.

                                DECEMBER 17, 2001
                                  8:15 A.M. CST

Coordinator       Good morning, and thank you all for holding. I would like to
                  remind all parties that your lines have been placed in a
                  listen-only mode until we open for questions and answers.
                  Today's conference call is also being recorded. If you have
                  objections, you may disconnect at this time. I would now like
                  to turn the call over to Mr. Barry Diller. Thank you, sir. You
                  may begin.

B. Diller         Thank you.  Good morning, everyone.  I don't know how many
                  of you were on the last call.  I doubt any of you were on
                  our first call this morning, which was at 6:00 a.m. New
                  York time, which was done for European analysts,
                  particularly, obviously, for Vivendi Universal.  On this
                  call today with me are Victor Kaufman, our Vice-Chairman;
                  Roger Clark, who is Vice President of Investor Relations;
                  and John Miller, who is the CEO of Information Services.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 2

                  In any event, I think you all have a general understanding of
                  this. The only thing that I would say at the outset is, and I
                  don't really want to repeat myself very much from before, but
                  the central issue is that, in this transaction, and I'll in
                  this case speak for USAI shareholders, we have been able to
                  achieve through this a standalone and independent company with
                  interactivities that already is a large player in Internet
                  commerce worldwide with about 9%, which we hope over the next
                  year that we'll be able to double. We certainly have the
                  resources; we have the wind at our back to be able to do so.

                  We start off with a projection for next year of over $600
                  million in cash flow, we have an extremely strong balance
                  sheet, and we are in an area that is just a perfect time to be
                  in the, so to speak, pure position that we will find ourselves

                  I want to address one other thing, and then I'd really like to
                  turn it over to questions, because I think that's the way we
                  will get the most out of this session. There have been, and it
                  is entirely reasonable that there be, questions about how I
                  will spend my time. I am, of course, going to remain as the
                  Chief Executive of USA Interactive. I will also be the Chief


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 3

                  Executive of Vivendi Universal Entertainment, which will
                  comprise the studios group, the recreation group, and the USA
                  Entertainment asset. As to how I will divide that time, there
                  is no precision at this. Life does not work that way. I,
                  previous to this day, have divided my time somewhat equally
                  between the two. With that said, I would expect that, again,
                  one side of that would be on one day I would spend a majority
                  of my time on the Interactive side, and the other day I would
                  spend a majority on the Entertainment side. Life works that

                  The one thing that I think is absolutely true, and I have
                  thought about this a great deal in the last month, is that I
                  understand what the responsibilities are. I have history in
                  this area, in both of these areas. I have a very long, as you
                  all know, history in the entertainment business, and I think I
                  have a pretty long history in the, so to speak, Interactive
                  business, which began for me almost exactly ten years ago. So,
                  I know what needs to be done. I am perfectly confident that I
                  can do both without diminishing either, and without in any way
                  having either say to me, "We thought you would be here this
                  morning," or things of that nature. I am really quite
                  confident about that. I wouldn't have done this otherwise.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 4

                  Of course, all of my actual equity, in terms of not having
                  sold a share of USA stock, is on the USA side. I have an
                  interest in the Vivendi Universal Entertainment venture, and
                  it's not an insignificant interest, but USA also has a not
                  insignificant interest--5.4% interest in VUE, as we will start
                  to call it. I think that balances are fine here. While I
                  understand concern, and I understand issues, I really do think
                  that I am the one who can tell you all that it is not to
                  worry, and I don't say it cavalierly.

                  With that, I think that Victor Kaufman is going to do a very
                  brief summary of the deal, and then we will turn it to Q&A.

V. Kaufman        The transaction that we've entered into, with all of its kind
                  of inherent complexity, is really quite simple. USA and
                  Vivendi are forming a joint venture, which will own both
                  companies' domestic entertainment assets. USA Interactive, our
                  new company, will retire in effect 377 million shares, or
                  approximately 47% of USAI's outstanding shares on a fully
                  diluted treasury method basis.

                  We'll receive $1.6 billion in cash, as well as $750 million in
                  a full value preferred. We will also own, as Barry just said,
                  5.4% of the JV, which we value at approximately $1 billion.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 5

                  VU, for all intents and purposes, will no longer be a USAI
                  shareholder, except that VU will receive warrants to purchase
                  60 million shares of USA common stock, plus it will retain the
                  upside on an additional 56 million shares at prices above $41
                  per share.

                  To put this in context, if USA sells at $40 a share, there
                  will be approximately 3% dilution relating to VU's upside
                  interest. At $75 a share, the dilution is approximately 12%.
                  This dilution, in our mind, is relatively modest, since USAI's
                  outstanding stock base is relatively small.

                  In addition, USA will receive enough cash dividends relating
                  to the preferred stocks that we're receiving to more than
                  cover all of the deferred taxes on the transaction, which
                  become due 15 or 20 years out with respect to the cash and
                  securities. That's an extremely important point because in the
                  way in which you can look at the transaction, you can view all
                  of this cash and the preferred stock, the $750 million
                  preferred, as real cash.

                  If you assume that we have reacquired our own stock at $22 a
                  share, which is a relatively cheap price, and that's the price
                  we were kind of talking


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 6

                  about with Vivendi, the consideration received by us in the
                  transaction is $11.7 billion.

                  So, what does the new USA Interactive look like after the
                  transaction? We anticipate revenues in 2002 of over $4 billion
                  growing to over $5 billion in 2003. EBIT DA for our operating
                  businesses is budgeted at over $600 million for 2002, and over
                  $800 million in 2003. We'll have outstanding approximately 427
                  million shares on a fully diluted treasury method basis, and
                  this low share base should prove as a real lightening rod for
                  growth as we build our businesses at well in excess of a 20%
                  growth rate for the foreseeable future.

                  We also have a lot of capacity to use for growth. We'll have
                  about $2.3 billion in cash, another $750 million in preferred,
                  which we expect to monetize and turn into cash, plus debt
                  capacity of over $1.2 billion. Based on our usual conservative
                  ways of looking at leverage, we will not lever the company at
                  more than two times EBIT DA, which we have been historically
                  been true to.

                  All in all, we'll have over $4 billion to use for internal
                  growth and for acquisitions, but don't think we're going to
                  use this cash for large acquisitions of "overvalued" assets.
                  As you know, we don't overpay. We


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 7

                  think there are a significant number of potential acquisitions
                  out in the marketplace, which we will pursue to fit perfectly
                  into our integrated interactivity strategy. Hopefully, we can
                  buy those assets at very reasonable EBIT DA multiples, which
                  will be worth significantly more as part of our asset base.

                  Of course, we believe that we are significantly undervalued at
                  our present stock price. If we just take the considerations we
                  are receiving, which equal $3.3 billion dollars in cash and
                  cash equivalents, the market value of the shares of
                  Ticketmaster, Expedia, and HRN, that would leave our remaining
                  assets, HSN, PRC and ECS at being only worth $2.5 billion
                  dollars, which is virtually impossible in our mind since that
                  valuation would represent a 6.9 multiple of EBIT DA.
                  Hopefully, we are looking at a period with extremely good
                  prospects for stock appreciation and for real growth within
                  our enterprise. So, with those thoughts, now let's turn to

Coordinator       Thank you. Victor Miller, you may ask your question. Please
                  state your company name.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 8

V. Miller         Victor Miller from Bear Stearns, good morning.  A couple of
                  questions.  First of all, could you give us a sense of the
                  size, if possible, of the pro forma revenues and pro forma
                  EBIT DA of the residual VUE Company, as you call it?
                  Secondly, I imagine one of the challenges in the past of
                  ever considering rolling up what's left of some of the
                  public stub companies has been the fact that the
                  entrepreneurs may not want to own certain assets or certain
                  combinations of assets with maybe slower growth, or they
                  may perceive them as being slower growth.  Does this change
                  this at all now that you've got all of these kind of
                  similar natured companies under the same kind of thing in
                  the long run?

B. Diller         We've thought about this, as I think you all know, and I
                  would think in the next year we will think upon it again.
                  There is, of course, probably a simplicity that could be
                  gained in putting all of the assets, so to speak,
                  together.  We're certainly going to look at it.  There are
                  reasons to do it, and there are some reasons not to.  We
                  won't do it from the first hour of the first day, but we've
                  got a lot of process to get through.

                  What I think you will see through this process is a much more
                  simplified, so to speak, structure in terms of how we operate
                  these. What they are technically is these are actually
                  subsidiaries because in each one, we


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                          PAGE 9

                  control those entities. So, whether or not we roll them up or
                  not is something for us to contemplate, which we will do, I
                  would say, at some point. We've been doing it as we go, but I
                  would think we'd turn to it sometime probably after the first
                  or second quarter.

                  As far as your first question, which related to Vivendi
                  Universal Entertainment, with me here is Guillaume Hannezo,
                  who is the Chief Financial Officer of Vivendi, and he will of
                  course answer this, since I wouldn't even begin.

G. Hannezo        The sale of Vivendi Universal Entertainment will be in the
                  range of $7 billion with EBIT DA between $1.3 and $1.4
                  billion. Its value for the purpose of this transaction has
                  been computed at $22 billion or less the debt, which is
                  between $18 billion and $19 billion; enterprise value $22
                  billion, which consists of the $12 billion...by USA Network,
                  and $10 billion put on USG.

Coordinator       Niraj Gupda, you may ask your question.  Please state your
                  company name.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 10

N. Gupda          Good morning, and congratulations.  Niraj Gupda from
                  Salomon Smith Barney.  The first thing was just, Barry,
                  obviously you are spending your time on both companies, and
                  you talked to that at length, but how do you see both
                  companies being able to work together to create even more
                  value for USA Interactive going forward just in terms of
                  leveraging the assets of the new Vivendi partnership?

                  Secondly, you guys obviously have a big war chest, and I was
                  hoping you could just speak a little bit to some of the
                  vertical opportunities, just in general, that you're not in
                  today that you would like to be in going forward, in terms of
                  the commerce marketplace and how you think, generally
                  speaking, valuations look in that sector in general.

B. Diller         As to the second question, it would not probably be the
                  best idea for us to talk about what we're going to, so to
                  speak, go after or look to.  We are in conversations right
                  now that go across the range.  You have to look also to the
                  indication of the areas that we've already developed, and
                  our sensibility, which is to only engage in Internet life
                  that is on a real business basis with real margins, either
                  at the outset, or real margins that we believe will be able
                  to be developed over time.  I would say that the active
                  discussions that we have are certainly more than a dozen,
                  and they do go


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 11

                  throughout the range of activities. I think it would be
                  inappropriate for us to be any more specific now, except to
                  say that there is a great deal of opportunity out there.

B. Diller         For the first question, we're going to execute commercial
                  arrangements with Vivendi Universal as part of this, and I
                  think there is much that we can do, particularly, I think
                  in this regard, outside the United States where the
                  businesses that they are in complement very much the
                  Interactive businesses that we have that have yet to
                  develop in a substantial way outside the United States
                  other than Home Shopping, which is already now worldwide
                  for us in eight languages and countries from China, Japan
                  to almost all of Europe, with one significant territory
                  that is not developed, in Spain, which is very much
                  developed in the United States with HSN Espanol.  So, I
                  think that there is a natural alliance here that is going
                  to make sense, I think, for both of us.

N. Gupda          Barry, if I could ask one last question.  You've started a
                  lot of networks over the years, or at least played a role
                  in creating a couple of big assets over time.  As Vivendi
                  does cable networks that have a commerce twist to them, how
                  that might be allocated in terms of the upside that would
                  go to USA Interactive versus Vivendi core?


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 12

B. Diller         I am glad you asked if there's confusion.  The definitions
                  are very clear here.  In terms of the future ability to
                  develop assets, everything on the commerce side, or the
                  transaction side, is in the USAI province, and everything
                  on the entertainment side is in the Vivendi Universal
                  Entertainment side.  In addition to that, of course,
                  Vivendi has its own Interactive assets, which are separate
                  and apart from us, but the television channels or services
                  that we develop on the commerce side, of which we plan to
                  develop at least two in the very near term, with one
                  already announced, travel, and in another area we are soon
                  to announce, those will be owned and operated solely by USA
                  Interactive, and part of the USA Interactive business.

Coordinator       Gordon Hodge, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

G. Hodge          Thomas Russell Partners. Just a question on the taxes, if
                  could you just quantify the amount that is being deferred,
                  and you said it's all being covered by the cash payments on
                  the preferred?

V. Kaufman        Yes. I think the taxes are probably around $1.4 billion,
                  but they're payable between 15 and 20 years out in time,
                  and the cash dividends that we're


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 13

                  receiving start at over $60 million a year and actually get up
                  to over $100 million a year towards the end, so that aggregate
                  sum well exceeds the tax that we're going to pay on all of the

G. Hodge          Terrific, and then I just had a follow up. I didn't hear
                  perfectly the valuation, or I guess the balance sheet, of
                  VUE--the debt number, you said $22 billion enterprise value, I
                  think $1.3 billion to $1.4 billion in EBIT DA, and then I
                  missed what the debt number was.

V. Kaufman        It was $2 billion.

Coordinator       David Lions, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

K. Stuponious     It's actually Kathy Stuponious.  Victor, just a couple of
                  housekeeping questions.  Can you go over what the ownership
                  stake will look like in the USA shareholder base, including
                  yourself, Liberty Media, and what's going to float?  When
                  do you expect the deal to close?  I don't think there are
                  any major regulatory hurdles other than Hart-Scott-Rodino.

                  Finally, a question for Barry. If you look at basically your
                  ownership stakes in Interactive, as well as in Vivendi
                  Universal Entertainment, you


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 14

                  obviously have a lot of your net worth tied up in Interactive,
                  and it sounds like there is a minimum value to your stake in
                  VUE. Is that a correct assumption, and isn't the Interactive
                  portion a lot bigger?

V. Kaufman        Kathy, as to the first question, we're going to have
                  outstanding around 427 million shares. Liberty is going to own
                  20% of that, and other than Liberty, most of the float really
                  stays as it is today, so I think that we have an extremely
                  favorable float situation. I think the timing of the
                  transaction, as there will be a shareholder vote by our
                  shareholders, we would hope to conclude the transaction during
                  the first quarter of the year.

B. Diller         Specifically, Liberty will have 18.6, Microsoft post
                  Expedia will have 3.3, I will have 7.4, and the public will
                  have 59, approximately.  As it relates to my own holdings,
                  I am not selling any stock.  I have, between owned and
                  optioned stock, shy of 50 million shares of USA.  I have an
                  interest in VUE, Vivendi Universal Entertainment, which is
                  a little over 1%, which has a base value of $275 million.
                  It has puts and calls attached to it.  Everybody can do
                  their own addition.  I have economic incentives in multiple
                  places, as I said earlier, and as I think would be clear to
                  all, I think that there are no, so to speak, conflicts in


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 15

                  I saw one report today, which said, "What are going to be the
                  agreements in terms of conflicts?" There really aren't any
                  here. What we have done is we have very carefully divided the
                  definitions in terms of the scope of the businesses in terms
                  of how each area can compete in those businesses--that's
                  absolutely clear. We will have commercial agreements between
                  the two, which will tie us together in various ways, which are
                  to the benefits of both sides. Other than that, the issue for
                  us is to start to work and start building the assets. There is
                  no government issue here. We will go through some of the pro
                  forma things, and as soon as we possible can, we will get on
                  to light and business.

Coordinator       Jeff Lawson, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

G. Clowery        Gerard Clowery. Congratulations, Barry and Victor. When might
                  the Expedia transaction close now? Obviously there has to be a
                  new amendment to the proxy statement.

B. Diller         We think about two months. I think we have to re-mail, so to
                  speak, and then the transaction proceeds.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 16

G. Clowery        Secondly, Barry, where is your heart?  Is your heart really
                  in the entertainment side of the business, or is it in the
                  Interactive side?  I'm just trying to get sense of where
                  your affection really lies.

B. Diller         I have talked about this heart issue before, so I'll tell
                  you what I've said before.  This transaction absolutely
                  follows that.  I have said over the last several years that
                  it may be odd, but it is true--I have two real hearts going,
                  and they are fairly fullblooded.  I have had an
                  entertainment heart going since I was 20-years-old.  I'm
                  still curious, and I'm still interested in it, and it's
                  still something that I think has enormous potential,
                  particularly in this period of consolidation and
                  concentration, given now the ability for Vivendi Universal
                  strategy to really compete anywhere in the world at any
                  level with anybody's assets.  That's definitely an area
                  that interests me.

                  On the Interactive side, since the day I left FOX I have been
                  genuinely interesting in interactivity. I was not a latecomer
                  to the party; I came to it three years before there was an
                  active Internet life, much less the two years after it when
                  there was an Internet explosion. I am fascinated by
                  interactivity. Those who know me and talk to me and hear me
                  and who are around me almost say, "Shut up, we've heard enough
                  about this." So, I


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 17

                  really do believe, when as you say, "Where is the heart," that
                  that's where the heart is.

                  As I have said before, and will probably have to keep saying,
                  although I say it because I recognize that people say, "Well,
                  how are you going to do both of these things," I don't think
                  that's the issue here. As I said, I've been doing about half
                  and half anyway, and we've built a hell of an Internet
                  business with half, so to speak, my time. As I've also said,
                  time doesn't run in halves or quarters or anything like that.
                  I am absolutely sure that on the USA Interactive side, we are
                  going to grow this business. This business is at the most
                  interesting, wonderful, opportunistic time for a company such
                  as ours, organized as we are, with the kind of people who are
                  inside this company throughout all of our Interactive assets,
                  so I have no issues, nothing that I would in any way worry
                  about as it relates to my being the Chief Executive of USA

                  On the VUE side, we have all talked about that, and I think
                  that has got some terrific potential, too, and as I said
                  earlier, I am going to have time left over to do the other
                  parts of my life, which some of you who know me know I do
                  certainly in and under the water with some vigor.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 18

Coordinator       Sharon Williams, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

S. Williams       AG Edwards. In the past, you've had a fairly large portfolio
                  of developing assets, some with losses expanding as you
                  develop them and others getting near to EBIT DA positive and
                  popping up to the developed side. Do you think now that you
                  don't have the stability of the cable networks cash flow that
                  that's something you will pursue less aggressively, or how do
                  you view your developing asset portfolio?

B. Diller         I would think that we certainly have the capacity and
                  ability to increase it.  We certainly won't decrease it.
                  Developing assets either turn into real assets, or you
                  admit your mistakes and you move on.  In our case, we have
                  had, I would certainly say, less mistakes than many others
                  have.  We have had a few, of course, and they have been
                  very small.  We very much as a company believe that you've
                  got to in some cases, and should, start from scratch with
                  original creation, and take your chances with things.

                  As you all know, we are pretty conservative, and we're fairly
                  hawkeyed on being careful when we actually put money on the
                  table, much less we put equity on the table. So, we'll
                  continue to do it, but we'll do it in the way


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 19

                  we've done it in the past, which hopefully we'll have few
                  mistakes, though there will be mistakes made--there will be
                  business that don't come to term--but hopefully it will be
                  balanced by an awful lot that do, as has happened in the past.

J. Miller         I just want to make a point of fact. If you look at our
                  published 2002 budget, the developing or emerging businesses,
                  the losses in that category are almost approximately half of
                  what they were in 2001. Just as a point of fact, these
                  businesses are tending in the right direction in each case.

Coordinator       John Dean, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

J. Dean           Loomis Sales. Could you talk a little about your pro forma
                  balance sheet, including any acquisitions that you've already
                  announced, and also give me an idea of what you think EBIT DA
                  will be in cash as well as the value of the Vivendi shares?

V. Kaufman        In terms of the balance sheet, it's extremely strong. We have
                  over $600 million of net cash now, this transaction will add
                  to that about $2.5 billion of additional cash, and we'll have
                  $3 billion. We're in a very, very strong position. I'm not
                  sure I understand the second part of the question.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 20

J. Dean           How are you valuing the Vivendi shares?

V. Kaufman        The shares that we repurchased?

J. Dean           No. I think that you're getting shares of Vivendi?

V. Kaufman        No, we're getting shares in the joint venture, which is VUE,
                  and we're valuing that based on an enterprise value of $22
                  billion with some debt that's attributed to it.

J. Dean           How much debt do you expect to have on your balance sheet
                  including the effects of any acquisitions that are

V. Kaufman        As I said before, we don't have net debt today--we have $500
                  million of outstanding of public debt.  Our debt on a net
                  basis will not be in excess of $1.2 billion or two times
                  our EBIT DA now, and I think as we do acquisitions, we will
                  use the cash that we have and not really increase the debt
                  beyond that, and we believe that we can do acquisitions to
                  really buy very strong EBIT DA or businesses that are about
                  to enter the profitability stage.  We think ultimately, as
                  we use this cash, that we'll be able to do


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 21

                  acquisitions with net multiples of ten and below, which when
                  translated into our company should translate into greater
                  value for us.

J. Dean           So, the debt outstanding roughly is around something over
                  $500 million?

V. Kaufman        Yes, in terms of actual debt.

Coordinator       Max Lew, you may ask your question. Please state your company

A. Richards       Actually, it's Amy Richards. I hate to go back to the debt
                  issue, but I know, Victor, you mentioned on the previous call
                  that the outstanding debt would remain obligations of USA. Can
                  you actually split off the major assets of USA Networks and
                  Sci-fi channel without tripping any of the covenants under the
                  bank indenture?

V. Kaufman        Yes, we can. I would think that bondholders would be extremely
                  happy. That debt has always been guaranteed by the parent
                  company, and I think everyone has always looked at all of the
                  assets, and now the assets that we have include an extremely
                  large amount of cash, and we're not going to use that cash to
                  buy really, really high multiple businesses. We're going to
                  use the cash to buy EBIT DA, so I think that over the course
                  of the next 12


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 22

                  to 18 months that we're going to be actually replacing the
                  EBIT DA of the businesses we just sold.

Coordinator       Jetsen Joshi, you may ask your question, and please state your
                  company name.

J. Joshi          Good morning. Jetsen Joshi from JP Morgan. Just to follow on,
                  then, the $500 million in debt will stay with USAI, and the
                  numbers you gave earlier in the call were related to that
                  entity, which was $4 billion in revenue growing to $5 billion,
                  and cash flow going from $600 million to $800 million? Is that

B. Diller         Yes, that is correct.

J. Joshi          At the same time, a little bit later in the call you did
                  say that losses were narrowing in some of the less mature
                  Interactive businesses.  On these projections, it seems
                  like the EBIT DA margin is staying flat essentially year
                  over year, which doesn't necessarily indicate an ongoing
                  improvement in some of the loss producing business or some
                  of the less mature businesses.  Could you just flesh out a
                  little bit more of the 2003 projections?  Does that include
                  some amount of acquisitions, or is it just the base
                  business here?


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 23

V. Kaufman        It's just the base business. It doesn't include any
                  acquisitions at all, and I think once we factor in
                  acquisitions, the growth rate, which is incredibly strong
                  growth on the EBIT DA line for our operating businesses, I
                  think, will even become stronger. We are really poised to grow
                  at a very strong rate.

B. Diller         Margins on the operating business go from 13.1 in 2001, to
                  14.4, we believe next year, to 15.5 in 2003.  That's not
                  bad growth.

J. Joshi          So, the hundred basis point improvement is going to
                  continue into 2003?  I was perhaps rounding some of the
                  margin numbers, but that's kind of what you're expecting
                  into 2003?

V. Kaufman        Yes, and as I said, I think we will do better than those
                  numbers as we factor in acquisitions.

Coordinator       Sam Morely, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 24

R. Sing           It's Rick Sing at Carsh Capital. I just want to make sure I
                  understand the remaining entity completely. Based on your
                  current capital structure, you have 427 million shares, $3.3
                  billion in cash, and about $500 million in debt. When you talk
                  about the $600 million in EBIT DA, what operating assets does
                  that include? Does that include the consolidation of Room and
                  the Ticketmaster Online, or is that just the operating assets
                  that you don't have public equity stakes in?

V. Kaufman        No. Those are the operating assets that we consolidate, and we
                  consolidate all of the publicly traded subsidiaries.

R. Sing           What is the EBIT DA of the assets that aren't publicly

B. Diller         For 2002, it's $360 million, and for 2003 it's $460 million.

R. Sing           Does that include the losses from the developing assets?

B. Diller         No.

R. Sing           What would the losses from the developing assets be?


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 25

B. Diller         In 2002, $69 million, and in 2003, $39 million.

Coordinator       Victor Miller, you may ask your question. Please state your
                  company name.

V. Miller         Victor Miller, Bear Stearns. Just a follow-up on free cash
                  flow. What's the impact of free cash flow here, because
                  obviously you won't have the programming investments, which
                  have been substantial? What's the impact of cap ex? Then, out
                  of the cable fees for broadcasting cable, how much of that has
                  been related to USA and Sci-fi side? Again, on the tax side,
                  you've also paid taxes to Vivendi for its portion of the
                  taxable income on the USA holding now that that's gone. What's
                  the overall impact of free cash flow? It seems like it would
                  be positive, yes?

V. Kaufman        I think it would be extremely positive. The only real
                  deductions from the EBIT DA are cap ex, which are significant
                  but not huge. I would say it would probably range in the $100
                  million-plus category, so we would have very significant free
                  cash flow going forward.

Coordinator       Our final question comes from Alan Katzen. You may ask your
                  question, and please state your company name.


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 26

A. Katzen         Barry, it's Morris Mark and Alan Katzen. First of all,
                  congratulations. Secondly, one thing I didn't quite understand
                  is USA will now have a minority interest in Vivendi Universal.
                  If Vivendi Universal is not a public company, how will USA
                  benefit from that, and how will you ever be able to either
                  personally, or from the viewpoint of USA, monetize that

B. Diller         On the USA side is an investment in Vivendi Universal

A. Katzen         Exactly. That's not a public company.

B. Diller         It is not a public company, but there are puts and calls that
                  come into effect in five and eight years respectively to
                  monetize that asset. We're certainly hopeful that over that
                  period it will grow, and we have not done a very good job if
                  it did not substantially grow. As it relates to my interests,
                  there are puts and calls that begin essentially in year two.

                  If that answers fully that question, then I would like to
                  thank you all. We are available on and off line as we wind our
                  way through this day to talk with you about any and all. We
                  only in summation say, that I think we've


                                                              USA NETWORKS, INC.
                                                        MODERATOR: BARRY DILLER
                                                DECEMBER 17, 2001/8:15 A.M. CST
                                                                         PAGE 27

                  just, so to speak, set free the power of USA Interactive, and
                  I think you'll see that develop over the next period fairly

                  I, with my colleagues at USA Interactive, who will be the name
                  of the company, will look forward to talking with you and both
                  telling you what our plans are and answering any questions as
                  we go. For now, thank you for being interested and being on
                  the call.

Coordinator       That concludes today's conference call. You may now disconnect
                  at this time.