
                                                                    Exhibit 3.12


                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY
                                     TO THE

         Equity Residential Properties Trust, a Maryland real estate investment
trust (the "Trust"), hereby certifies to the State Department of Assessments and
Taxation of Maryland, pursuant to section 8-203(b) of the Corporations and
Associations Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to the authority granted by the Second Amended and
Restated Declaration of Trust of the Trust, as amended and supplemented (the
"Declaration of Trust"), the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution classifying
and designating up to 270,000 preferred shares of beneficial interest of the
Trust, $.01 par value per share (the "Preferred Shares"), as 7.625% Series M-6
Convertible Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares of Beneficial Interest, $.01
par value per share (Liquidation Preference $50.00 Per Share) (the "Series M-6
Preferred Shares"), with the following preferences, rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications and terms and conditions of redemption, which, upon any
restatement of the Declaration of Trust, may be made a part of Article XIII of
the Declaration of Trust, with any appropriate changes in the enumeration or
lettering of any section or subsection hereof:

                           SERIES M-6 PREFERRED SHARES

1.       A.       CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.

                  Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in
this subparagraph A of paragraph 1 shall have, for all purposes of these terms
of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares, the meanings herein specified (with terms
defined in the singular having comparable meanings when used in the plural).

                  "Business Day" shall mean any day, other than a Saturday or
Sunday, that is neither a legal holiday nor a day on which banking institutions
in New York City are authorized or required by law, regulation or executive
order to close.

                  "Closing Date of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares Offering"
shall have the meaning set forth in subparagraph (1) of paragraph C below.

                  "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as


                  "Common Shares" shall mean the common shares of beneficial
interest, $.01 par value per share, of the Trust.

                  "Constituent Person" shall have the meaning set forth in
subparagraph (7)(e) of paragraph B below.

                  "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per Common
Share for which the Series M-6 Preferred Shares are convertible, as such
Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to subparagraph (7)(d) of paragraph
(B) below. The initial conversion price shall be $68.76 per Common Share
(equivalent to a conversion rate of 0.7271 Common Shares for each Series M-6
Preferred Share, with such Series M-6 Preferred Shares being ascribed their
$50.00 liquidation value).

                  "Current Market Price" shall mean the current market price of
publicly traded common shares or any other class of shares of beneficial
interest or other security of the Trust or any other issuer for any day shall
mean the last reported sales-price, regular way on such day or, if no sale takes
place on such day, the average of the reported closing bid and asked prices on
such day, regular way, in either case as reported on the New York Stock Exchange
("NYSE") or, if such security is not listed or admitted for trading on the NYSE,
on the principal national securities exchange on which such security is listed
or admitted for trading or, if not listed or admitted for trading on any
national securities exchange, on the NASDAQ National Market, or, if such
security is not quoted on such NASDAQ National Market, the average of the
closing bid and asked prices on such day in the over-the-counter-market as
reported by NASDAQ or, if bid and asked prices for such security on such day
shall not have been reported through NASDAQ, the average of the bid and asked
prices on such day as furnished by any NYSE member firm regularly making a
market in such security selected for such purpose by the Chief Executive Officer
or the Board of Trustees, or, if such security is not then currently traded on
any established market and no bid and asked prices for such security on such day
shall be available, the Current Market Price shall be as determined in good
faith by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Trustees.

                  "Declaration of Trust" shall have the meaning set forth in
Article First of these Articles Supplementary.

                  "Distribution Period" shall have the meaning set forth in
subparagraph (3) of paragraph B below.

                  "Event" shall have the meaning set forth in subparagraph
(6)(c) of paragraph B below.

                  "Fair Market Value" shall mean the average of the daily
Current Market Prices for a Common Share during the five (5) consecutive Trading
Days selected by the Trust commencing not more than twenty (20) Trading Days
before, and ending not later than, the earlier of the day in question and the
day before the "ex date" with


respect to the issuance or distribution requiring such computation. The term "ex
date" when used with respect to any issuance or distribution means the first day
on which the Common Shares trade regular way, without the right to receive such
issuance or distribution, on the exchange or in the market, as the case may be,
used to determine that day's Current Market Price.

                  "Issue Date" shall mean the first date on which the Series I
Preference Units are issued.

                  "Junior Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in
subparagraph (2) of paragraph B.

                  "Non-Electing Share" shall have the meaning set forth in
subparagraph (7)(e) of paragraph B below.

                  "Person" shall mean an individual, corporation, partnership,
estate, trust (including a trust qualified under Section 401(a) or 501(c)(17) of
the Code), a portion of a trust permanently set aside for or to be used
exclusively for the purposes described in Section 642(c) of the Code,
association, private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the
Code, joint stock company or other entity, and also includes a group as that
term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, but does not include an underwriter which participates in a
public offering of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares; provided, that the ownership
of Series M-6 Preferred Shares by such Underwriter would not result in the Trust
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Trust failing to qualify as a REIT.

                  "Preferred Shares" shall mean shares of beneficial interest of
the Trust designated as or otherwise on a parity with the Series M-6 Preferred
Shares as to distributions and rights upon voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
winding up or dissolution of the Trust as may be issued and outstanding from
time to time, including Series A Preferred Shares, Series B Preferred Shares,
Series C Preferred Shares, Series D Preferred Shares, Series E Preferred Shares,
Series F Preferred Shares, Series G Preferred Shares, Series H Preferred Shares,
Series K Preferred Shares, Series L Preferred Shares, Series M Preferred Shares,
Series M-1 Preferred Shares, Series M-2 Preferred Shares, Series M-3 Preferred
Shares, Series M-4 Preferred Shares and Series M-5 Preferred Shares and any
other shares so designated.

                  "Quarterly Distribution Date" shall have the meaning set forth
in subparagraph (3) of paragraph B below.

                  "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in subparagraph
(3) of paragraph B below.


                  "REIT" shall mean a Real Estate Investment Trust under Section
856 of the Code.

                  "Securities" shall have the meaning set forth in subparagraph
(7)(d)(iii) of paragraph B below.

                  "Series I Preference Units" shall mean the 7.625% Series I
Cumulative Convertible Redeemable Preference Units of Lexford Properties, L.P.

                  "Series M-6 Preferred Shares" shall have the meaning set forth
in Article First of these Articles Supplementary.

                  "Series M-6 Redemption Date" shall have the meaning set forth
in subparagraph (5) of paragraph B below.

                  "Series M-6 Redemption Price" shall have the meaning set forth
in subparagraph (5) of paragraph B below.

                  "Special Triggering Event" shall have the meaning set forth in
subparagraph (1) of paragraph C below.

                  "Trading Day" shall mean any day on which the securities in
question are traded on the NYSE, or if such securities are not listed or
admitted for trading on the NYSE, on the principal national securities exchange
on which such securities are listed or admitted, or if not listed or admitted
for trading on any national securities exchange, on the NASDAQ National Market,
or if such securities are not quoted on such NASDAQ National Market, in the
applicable securities market in which the securities are traded.

                  "Transaction" shall have the meaning set forth in subparagraph
(7)(e) of paragraph B below.

                  "Transfer Agent" shall mean Fleet National Bank, which may act
through its affiliate, EquiServe Trust Company, N.A., or such other agent or
agents of the Trust as may be designated by the Board of Trustees or their
designee as the transfer agent for the Series M-6 Preferred Shares.

                  "Trust" shall have the meaning set forth in Article First of
these Articles Supplementary.

All other capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in the Declaration of Trust.



         (1)      NUMBER AND DESIGNATION. A series of Preferred Shares,
consisting of 270,000 Preferred Shares designated as 7.625% Series M-6
Convertible Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares of Beneficial Interest, $.01
par value per share (liquidation preference $50.00 per share) (the "Series M-6
Preferred Shares"), is hereby established.

         (2)      RANKING. In respect of rights to receive distributions and to
participate in distributions or payments in the event of any voluntary or
involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Trust, the Series M-6
Preferred Shares shall rank pari passu with any other Preferred Shares of the
Trust, and will rank senior to the Common Shares and any other class or series
of shares of beneficial interest of the Trust ranking, as to distributions and
upon liquidation, junior (collectively, the "Junior Shares") to the Preferred

         (3)      DISTRIBUTIONS. The holders of the then outstanding Series M-6
Preferred Shares shall be entitled to receive, when and as authorized by the
Board of Trustees and declared by the Trust out of any funds legally available
therefor, cumulative distributions at the rate of $3.8125 per share per year,
payable in equal amounts of $.953125 per share quarterly in arrears in cash on
the fifteenth day, or if not a Business Day, the next succeeding Business Day,
of January, April, July and October in each year (each such day being
hereinafter called a "Quarterly Distribution Date" and each period ending on a
Quarterly Distribution Date being hereinafter called a "Distribution Period"),
beginning on the first Quarterly Distribution Date following the issuance of the
Series M-6 Preferred Shares, to shareholders of record at the close of business
on such date as shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees at the time of
declaration of the distribution (the "Record Date"), which shall not be less
than 10 nor more than 30 days preceding the Quarterly Distribution Date. The
amount of any distribution payable for the initial Distribution Period and for
any other Distribution Period shorter than a full Distribution Period shall be
pro-rated and computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, if and when the
holders of the Series I Lexford Preference Units exercise their right to convert
the Series I Lexford Preference Units into Series M-6 Preferred Shares, the
amount of any distribution payable for the initial Distribution Period shall
include any and all amounts of distributions accrued but not yet paid on the
Series I Lexford Preference Units in accordance with Section 9(B)(ii) of the
Other Securities Term Sheet and Joinder to Amended and Restated Limited
Partnership Agreement of Lexford Properties, L.P. Distributions on each Series
M-6 Preferred Share shall accrue and be cumulative from and including the date
of original issue thereof, whether or not (i) distributions on such shares are
earned or declared or (ii) on any Quarterly Distribution Date there shall be
funds legally available for the payment of distributions. Distributions paid on
the Series M-6 Preferred Shares in an amount less than the total amount of such
distributions at the time accrued and payable on such shares shall be allocated
pro rata on a per share basis among all such shares at the time outstanding.


                  The amount of any distributions accrued on any Series M-6
Preferred Shares at any Quarterly Distribution Date shall be the amount of any
unpaid distributions accumulated thereon, to and including such Quarterly
Distribution Date, whether or not earned or declared, and the amount of
distributions accrued on any Series M-6 Preferred Shares at any date other than
a Quarterly Distribution Date shall be equal to the sum of the amount of any
unpaid distributions accumulated thereon, to and including the last preceding
Quarterly Distribution Date, whether or not earned or declared, plus an amount
calculated on the basis of the annual distribution rate of $3.8125 for the
period after such last preceding Quarterly Distribution Date to and including
the date as of which the calculation is made based on a 360-day year of twelve
30-day months.

                  In determining whether a distribution (other than upon
voluntary or involuntary liquidation), by dividend, redemption or other
acquisition of shares of beneficial interest of the Trust or otherwise, is
permitted under Maryland law, amounts that would be needed, if the Trust were to
be dissolved at the time of the distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights
upon dissolution of holders of Series M-6 Preferred Shares will not be added to
the Trust's total liabilities.

                  Except as provided in these terms of the Series M-6 Preferred
Shares, the Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall not be entitled to participate in
the earnings or assets of the Trust.

         (4)      LIQUIDATION RIGHTS.

                  (a)      Upon the voluntary or involuntary dissolution,
                  liquidation or winding up of the Trust, the holders of the
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares then outstanding shall be entitled
                  to receive and to be paid out of the assets of the Trust
                  available for distribution to its shareholders, before any
                  payment or distribution shall be made on any Junior Shares,
                  the amount of $50.00 per Series M-6 Preferred Share, plus
                  accrued and unpaid distributions thereon.

                  (b)      After the payment to the holders of the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares of the full preferential amounts provided for
                  in this paragraph B, the holders of the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares as such shall have no right or claim to any of the
                  remaining assets of the Trust.

                  (c)      If, upon any voluntary or involuntary dissolution,
                  liquidation or winding up of the Trust, the amounts payable
                  with respect to the preference value of the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares and any other shares of beneficial interest
                  of the Trust ranking as to any such distribution on parity
                  with the Series M-6 Preferred Shares are not paid in full, the
                  holders of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares and of such other
                  shares will share


                  ratably in any such distribution of assets of the Trust in
                  proportion to the full respective preference amounts to which
                  they are entitled.

                  (d)      Neither the sale of all or substantially all of the
                  property or business of the Trust, nor the merger or
                  consolidation of the Trust into or with any other entity or
                  the merger or consolidation of any other entity into or with
                  the Trust, shall be deemed to be a dissolution, liquidation or
                  winding up, voluntary or involuntary, for purposes of this
                  paragraph B.

         (5)      REDEMPTION.

                  (a)      OPTIONAL REDEMPTION. On and after June 22, 2006, the
                  Trust may, at its option, redeem at any time all or, from time
                  to time, part of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares at a price
                  per share (the "Series M-6 Redemption Price"), payable in
                  cash, of $50.00 per Series M-6 Preferred Share, together with
                  all accrued and unpaid distributions to and including the date
                  fixed for redemption (the "Series M-6 Redemption Date"),
                  subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 herein.

                  (b)      PROCEDURES FOR REDEMPTION.

                           (i)      Notice of any redemption will be mailed by
                  the Trust, postage prepaid, or sent via overnight delivery
                  service, not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to
                  the Series M-6 Redemption Date, addressed to the holders of
                  record of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares to be redeemed at
                  their addresses as they appear on the share transfer records
                  of the Trust. No failure to give such notice or any defect
                  therein or in the mailing thereof shall affect the validity of
                  the proceedings for the redemption of any Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares except as to the holder to whom the Trust has failed to
                  give notice or except as to the holder to whom notice was
                  defective. In addition to any information required by law or
                  by the applicable rules of any exchange upon which Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares may be listed or admitted to trading, such
                  notice shall state: (a) the Series M-6 Redemption Date; (b)
                  the Series M-6 Redemption Price; (c) the number of Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares to be redeemed; (d) the place or places where
                  certificates for such shares are to be surrendered for payment
                  of the Series M-6 Redemption Price; and (e) that distributions
                  on the shares to be redeemed will cease to accumulate on the
                  Series M-6 Redemption Date.

                           (ii)     If notice has been mailed in accordance with
                  subparagraph (5)(b)(i) above and provided that on or before
                  the Series M-6 Redemption Date specified in such notice all
                  funds necessary for such redemption shall have been
                  irrevocably set aside by the Trust, separate and apart from
                  its other funds in trust for the pro rata benefit of the
                  holders of the


                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares so called for redemption, so as to
                  be, and to continue to be available therefor, then, from and
                  after the Series M-6 Redemption Date (unless the Trust
                  defaults in the payment of the Series M-6 Redemption Price),
                  distributions on the Series M-6 Preferred Shares so called for
                  redemption shall cease to accumulate, and said shares shall no
                  longer be deemed to be outstanding and shall not have the
                  status of Series M-6 Preferred Shares and all rights of the
                  holders thereof as shareholders of the Trust (except the right
                  to receive the Series M-6 Redemption Price) shall cease. If
                  payment of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares is improperly
                  withheld or refused and not paid by the Trust, distributions
                  on such Series M-6 Preferred Shares will continue to
                  accumulate from the original redemption date to the date of
                  payment, in which case the actual payment date will be
                  considered the date fixed for redemption for purposes of
                  calculating the applicable Series M-6 Redemption Price. Upon
                  surrender, in accordance with said notice, of the certificates
                  for any Series M-6 Preferred Shares so redeemed (properly
                  endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Trust shall so
                  require and the notice shall so state), such Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares shall be redeemed by the Trust at the Series
                  M-6 Redemption Price. In case fewer than all the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares evidenced by any such certificate are
                  redeemed, a new certificate or certificates shall be issued
                  evidencing the unredeemed Series M-6 Preferred Shares without
                  cost to the holder thereof.

                           (iii)    Any funds deposited with a bank or trust
                  company for the purpose of redeeming Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares shall be irrevocable except that:

                                    (A)      the Trust shall be entitled to
                                             receive from such bank or trust
                                             company the interest or other
                                             earnings, if any, earned on any
                                             money so deposited in trust, and
                                             the holders of any shares redeemed
                                             shall have no claim to such
                                             interest or other earnings; and

                                    (B)      any balance of monies so deposited
                                             by the Trust and unclaimed by the
                                             holders of the Series M-6 Preferred
                                             Shares entitled thereto at the
                                             expiration of two years from the
                                             applicable Series M-6 Redemption
                                             Date shall be repaid, together with
                                             any interest or other earnings
                                             earned thereon, to the Trust, and
                                             after any such repayment, the
                                             holders of the shares entitled to
                                             the funds so repaid to the Trust
                                             shall look only to the Trust for
                                             payment without interest or other


                           (iv)     No Series M-6 Preferred Shares may be
                  redeemed except with funds legally available for the payment
                  of the Series M-6 Redemption Price.

                           (v)      Unless full accumulated distributions on all
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall have been or
                  contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
                  sufficient for the payment thereof set apart for payment for
                  all past Distribution Periods and the then current
                  Distribution Period, no Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall be
                  redeemed (unless all outstanding Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  are simultaneously redeemed) or purchased or otherwise
                  acquired directly or indirectly (except by conversion into or
                  exchange for shares of beneficial interest of the Trust
                  ranking junior to the Series M-6 Preferred Shares as to
                  distributions and upon liquidation); provided, however, that
                  the foregoing shall not prevent the redemption of Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares pursuant to Article VII of the Declaration of
                  Trust or the purchase or acquisition of Series M-6 Preferred

                           (vi)     If the Series M-6 Redemption Date is after a
                  Record Date and before the related Quarterly Distribution
                  Date, the distribution payable on such Quarterly Distribution
                  Date shall be paid to the holder in whose name the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares to be redeemed are registered at the close of
                  business on such Record Date notwithstanding the redemption
                  thereof between such Record Date and the related Quarterly
                  Distribution Date or the Trust's default in the payment of the
                  distribution due.

                           (vii)    In case of redemption of less than all
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares at the time outstanding, the
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares to be redeemed shall be selected
                  pro rata from the holders of record of such shares in
                  proportion to the number of Series M-6 Preferred Shares held
                  by such holders (with adjustments to avoid redemption of
                  fractional shares) or by any other equitable method determined
                  by the Trust.

         (6)      VOTING RIGHTS. Except as provided in these terms of the Series
M-6 Preferred Shares, the holders of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall not
be entitled to vote at any meeting of the shareholders for election of trustees
or for any other purposes or otherwise to participate in any action taken by the
Trust or the shareholders thereof, or to receive notice (except for such notice
as required by law) of any meeting of shareholders.

                  (a)      In any matter in which the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares are entitled to vote (as expressly provided herein),
                  including any action by written consent, each Series M-6
                  Preferred Share shall be entitled to 10 votes, each of which
                  10 votes may be directed separately by the holder thereof


                  (or by any proxy or proxies of such holder). With respect to
                  each Series M-6 Preferred Share, the holder thereof may
                  designate up to 10 proxies, with each such proxy having the
                  right to vote a whole number of votes (totaling 10 votes per
                  Series M-6 Preferred Share).

                  (b)      Whenever distributions on any Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares shall be in arrears for six or more quarterly periods,
                  the holders of such Series M-6 Preferred Shares, voting
                  separately as a class with all other series of Preferred
                  Shares upon which like voting rights have been conferred and
                  are exercisable, will be entitled to vote for the election of
                  two additional Trustees of the Trust at a special meeting
                  called by the holders of record of at least ten percent (10%)
                  of any series of Preferred Shares so in arrears (unless such
                  request is received less than 90 days before the date fixed
                  for the next annual or special meeting of the shareholders) or
                  at the next annual meeting of shareholders, and at each
                  subsequent annual meeting until all distributions accumulated
                  on such Series M-6 Preferred Shares for the past distribution
                  periods and the then current distribution period shall have
                  been fully paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the
                  payment thereof set aside for payment. In such case, the
                  entire Board of Trustees of the Trust will be increased by two

                  (c)      So long as any Series M-6 Preferred Shares remain
                  outstanding, the Trust will not, without the affirmative vote
                  or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the Series
                  M-6 Preferred Shares outstanding at the time, given in person
                  or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting (such series
                  voting separately as a class), (i) authorize or create, or
                  increase the authorized or issued amount of, any class or
                  series of shares of beneficial interest ranking senior to the
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares with respect to the payment of
                  distributions or the distribution of assets upon liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up or reclassify any authorized shares
                  of beneficial interest of the Trust into such shares, or
                  create, authorize or issue any obligation or security
                  convertible into or evidencing the right to purchase any such
                  shares; or (ii) amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the
                  Trust's Declaration of Trust or the terms of the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise
                  (an "Event"), so as to materially and adversely affect any
                  right, preference, privilege or voting power of the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares or the holders thereof; provided, however,
                  with respect to the occurrence of any Events set forth in (ii)
                  above, so long as the Series M-6 Preferred Shares remain
                  outstanding with the terms thereof materially unchanged,
                  taking into account that upon the occurrence of an Event, the
                  Trust may not be the surviving entity or the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares that remain outstanding may bear a new title,
                  designation and/or be issued by a different issuer, the
                  occurrence of any such Event shall not be deemed to materially
                  and adversely affect such rights, preferences, privileges or
                  voting power of holders of Series M-


                  6 Preferred Shares and provided further that (x) any increase
                  in the amount of the authorized Preferred Shares or the
                  creation or issuance of any other Series M-6 Preferred Shares,
                  or (y) any increase in the amount of authorized Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares or any other Preferred Shares, in each case
                  ranking on a parity with or junior to the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares with respect to payment of distributions or the
                  distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up, shall not be deemed to materially and adversely
                  affect such rights, preferences, privileges or voting powers.

         The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the
time when the act with respect to which such vote would otherwise be required
shall be effected, all outstanding Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption and sufficient funds shall have been deposited
in trust to effect such redemption.

         (7)      CONVERSION. Holders of Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall have
the right to convert all or a portion of such shares into Common Shares, as

                  (a)      Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of
                  this subparagraph (7), a holder of Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  shall have the right, at his or her option, at any time after
                  June 22, 2011 to convert such shares into the number of fully
                  paid and non-assessable Common Shares obtained by dividing the
                  aggregate liquidation preference of such shares by the
                  Conversion Price (as in effect at the time and on the date
                  provided for in the last paragraph of subsection (b) of this
                  subparagraph (7)) by surrendering such shares to be converted,
                  such surrender to be made in the manner provided in subsection
                  (b) of this subparagraph (7); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that a holder
                  of Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall have the right to convert
                  such shares as provided above, at his or her option, at any
                  time subsequent to such shares being called for redemption
                  pursuant to subparagraph (5), which right to convert such
                  shares upon a call for redemption shall terminate at the close
                  of business on the fifth Business Day preceding the Series M-6
                  Redemption Date fixed for such redemption, unless the Trust
                  shall default in making payment of the Common Shares and any
                  cash payable upon such redemption under subparagraph (5)
                  hereof, in which case the holders will retain the conversion
                  rights provided herein, and PROVIDED FURTHER that, prior to
                  such time as the Series M-6 Preferred Shares have been
                  registered for resale with the United States Securities and
                  Exchange Commission and listed for trading on the NYSE or the
                  NASDAQ National Market, the Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall
                  be convertible in whole, but not in part, with respect to all
                  of the outstanding Series M-6 Preferred Shares.


                  (b)      In order to exercise the conversion right, the holder
                  of each Series M-6 Preferred Share to be converted shall
                  surrender the certificate representing such share, duly
                  endorsed or assigned to the Trust or in blank, at the office
                  of the Transfer Agent, accompanied by written notice to the
                  Trust that the holder thereof elects to convert such Series
                  M-6 Preferred Share delivered to the Trust by (a) fax and (b)
                  certified mail postage prepaid or overnight delivery to:
                  Equity Residential Properties Trust, Two North Riverside
                  Plaza, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois 60606, Attention: Bruce C.
                  Strohm, facsimile number (312) 454-0039. Unless the shares
                  issuable on conversion are to be issued in the same name as
                  the name in which such Series M-6 Preferred Share is
                  registered, each share surrendered for conversion shall be
                  accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory
                  to the Trust, duly executed by the holder or such holder's
                  duly authorized attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any
                  transfer or similar tax (or evidence reasonably satisfactory
                  to the Trust demonstrating that such taxes have been paid).

                  Holders of Series M-6 Preferred Shares at the close of
                  business on a distribution payment record date shall be
                  entitled to receive the distribution payable on such shares on
                  the corresponding Quarterly Distribution Date notwithstanding
                  the conversion thereof following such distribution payment
                  record date and prior to such Quarterly Distribution Date.
                  However, Series M-6 Preferred Shares surrendered for
                  conversion during the period between the close of business on
                  any distribution payment record date and the opening of
                  business on the corresponding Quarterly Distribution Date
                  (except shares converted after the issuance of notice of
                  redemption with respect to a Series M-6 Redemption Date during
                  such period or coinciding with such Quarterly Distribution
                  Date, such Series M-6 Preferred Shares being entitled to such
                  distribution on the Quarterly Distribution Date) must be
                  accompanied by payment of a pro rata portion of the
                  distribution payable on such shares on such Quarterly
                  Distribution Date equal to the product of (i) the amount of
                  the quarterly distribution multiplied by (ii) a fraction, the
                  numerator of which is the number of days beginning on the date
                  of surrender of such Series M-6 Preferred Shares as provided
                  in the preceding paragraph and ending on the Quarterly
                  Distribution Date, and the denominator of which is 90. A
                  holder of Series M-6 Preferred Shares on a distribution
                  payment record date who (or whose transferees) tenders any
                  such shares for conversion into Common Shares on such
                  Quarterly Distribution Date will receive the distribution
                  payable by the Trust on such Series M-6 Preferred Shares on
                  such date, and the converting holder need not include payment
                  of the amount of such distribution upon surrender of Series
                  M-6 Preferred Shares for conversion. Except as provided above,
                  the Trust shall make no payment or allowance for unpaid
                  distributions, whether or not in arrears, on converted shares
                  or for distributions on the Common Shares issued upon such


                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates
                  representing Series M-6 Preferred Shares as aforesaid, the
                  Trust shall issue and shall deliver at such office to such
                  holder, or on his or her written order, a certificate or
                  certificates for the number of full Common Shares issuable
                  upon the conversion of such shares in accordance with the
                  provisions of this subparagraph (7), and any fractional
                  interest in respect of a Common Share arising upon such
                  conversion shall be settled as provided in subsection (c) of
                  this subparagraph (7).

                  Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
                  immediately prior to the close of business on the date on
                  which the certificates for Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall
                  have been surrendered and such notice (and if applicable,
                  payment of an amount equal to the distribution payable on such
                  shares) received by the Trust as aforesaid, and the person or
                  persons in whose name or names any certificate or certificates
                  for Common Shares shall be issuable upon such conversion shall
                  be deemed to have become the holder or holders of record of
                  the shares represented thereby at such time on such date, and
                  such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at
                  such time and on such date unless the share transfer books of
                  the Trust shall be closed on that date, in which event such
                  person or persons shall be deemed to have become such holder
                  or holders of record at the close of business on the next
                  succeeding day on which such share transfer books are open,
                  but such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect
                  on the date on which such shares have been surrendered and
                  such notice received by the Trust.

                  (c)      No fractional shares or scrip representing fractions
                  of Common Shares shall be issued upon conversion of the Series
                  M-6 Preferred Shares. Instead of any fractional interest in a
                  Common Share that would otherwise be deliverable upon the
                  conversion of a share of Series M-6 Preferred Shares, the
                  Trust shall pay to the holder of such share an amount in cash
                  based upon the Current Market Price of the Common Shares on
                  the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion.
                  If more than one Series M-6 Preferred Share shall be
                  surrendered for conversion at one time by the same holder, the
                  number of full Common Shares issuable upon conversion thereof
                  shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares so surrendered.

                  (d)      The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to
                  time as follows:

                           (i)      If the Trust shall after the Issue Date (A)
                  pay a distribution or make a distribution on its shares of
                  beneficial interest in Common Shares, (B) subdivide its
                  outstanding Common Shares into a greater number of


                  shares, (C) combine its outstanding Common Shares into a
                  smaller number of shares, or (D) issue any shares of
                  beneficial interest by reclassification of its Common Shares,
                  the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on
                  the day following the date fixed for the determination of
                  shareholders entitled to receive such distribution or at the
                  opening of business on the day following the day on which such
                  subdivision, combination or reclassification becomes
                  effective, as the case may be, shall be adjusted so that the
                  holder of any Series M-6 Preferred Shares thereafter
                  surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to receive the
                  number of Common Shares that such holder would have owned or
                  have been entitled to receive after the happening of any of
                  the events described above had such shares been converted
                  immediately prior to the record date in the case of a
                  distribution or the effective date in the case of a
                  subdivision, combination or reclassification. An adjustment
                  made pursuant to this subsection (i) shall become effective
                  immediately after the opening of business on the day next
                  following the record date (except as provided in paragraph (h)
                  below) in the case of a distribution and shall become
                  effective immediately after the opening of business on the day
                  next following the effective date in the case of a
                  subdivision, combination or reclassification.

                           (ii)     If the Trust shall issue after the Issue
                  Date rights, options or warrants to all holders of Common
                  Shares entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days
                  after the record date mentioned below) to subscribe for or
                  purchase Common Shares at a price per share less than the Fair
                  Market Value per Common Share on the record date for the
                  determination of shareholders entitled to receive such rights,
                  options or warrants, then the Conversion Price in effect at
                  the opening of business on the day next following such record
                  date shall be adjusted to equal the price determined by
                  multiplying (I) the Conversion Price in effect immediately
                  prior to the opening of business on the day following the date
                  fixed for such determination by (II) a fraction, the numerator
                  of which shall be the sum of (A) the number of Common Shares
                  outstanding on the close of business on the date fixed for
                  such determination and (B) the number of shares that the
                  aggregate proceeds to the Trust from the exercise of such
                  rights, options or warrants for Common Shares would purchase
                  at such Fair Market Value, and the denominator of which shall
                  be the sum of (A) the number of Common Shares outstanding on
                  the close of business on the date fixed for such determination
                  and (B) the number of additional Common Shares offered for
                  subscription or purchase pursuant to such rights, options or
                  warrants. Such adjustment shall become effective immediately
                  after the opening of business on the day next following such
                  record date (except as provided in subsection (h) below). In
                  determining whether any rights, options or warrants entitle
                  the holders of Common Shares to subscribe for or purchase
                  Common Shares


                  at less than the Fair Market Value, there shall be taken into
                  account any consideration received by the Trust upon issuance
                  and upon exercise of such rights, options or warrants, the
                  value of such consideration, if other than cash, to be
                  determined by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of

                           (iii)    If the Trust shall distribute to all holders
                  of its Common Shares any shares of beneficial interest of the
                  Trust (other than Common Shares) or evidence of its
                  indebtedness or assets (excluding cash distributions paid out
                  of the total equity applicable to Common Shares, including
                  revaluation equity, less the amount of stated capital
                  attributable to Common Shares, determined on the basis of the
                  most recent annual and quarterly consolidated cost basis
                  balance sheets of the Trust and its consolidated subsidiaries
                  available at the time of the declaration of the distribution)
                  or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any of its
                  securities (excluding those rights and warrants issued to all
                  holders of Common Shares entitling them for a period expiring
                  within 45 days after the record date referred to in subsection
                  (ii) above to subscribe for or purchase Common Shares, which
                  rights and warrants are referred to in and treated under
                  subsection (ii) above) (any of the foregoing being hereinafter
                  in this subsection (iii) called the "Securities"), then in
                  each case the Conversion Price shall be adjusted so that it
                  shall equal the price determined by multiplying (I) the
                  Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the close of
                  business on the date fixed for the determination of
                  shareholders entitled to receive such distribution by (II) a
                  fraction, the numerator of which shall be the Fair Market
                  Value per Common Share on the record date mentioned below less
                  the then fair market value (as determined by the Chief
                  Executive Officer or the Board of Trustees, whose
                  determination shall be conclusive) of the portion of the
                  shares of beneficial interest or assets or evidences of
                  indebtedness so distributed or of such rights or warrants
                  applicable to one Common Share, and the denominator of which
                  shall be the Fair Market Value per Common Share on the record
                  date mentioned below. Such adjustment shall become effective
                  immediately at the opening of business on the Business Day
                  next following (except as provided in subsection (h) below)
                  the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled
                  to receive such distribution. For the purposes of this
                  subsection (iii), the distribution of a Security, which is
                  distributed not only to the holders of the Common Shares on
                  the date fixed for the determination of shareholders entitled
                  to such distribution of such Security, but also is distributed
                  with each Common Share delivered to a Person converting a
                  Series M-6 Preferred Share after such determination date,
                  shall not require an adjustment of the Conversion Price
                  pursuant to this subsection (iii); PROVIDED that on the date,
                  if any, on which a person converting a Series M-6 Preferred
                  Share would no longer be entitled to receive such Security
                  with a Common Share (other than as a result of the


                  termination of all such Securities), a distribution of such
                  Securities shall be deemed to have occurred, and the
                  Conversion Price shall be adjusted as provided in this
                  subsection (iii) (and such day shall be deemed to be "the date
                  fixed for the determination of the shareholders entitled to
                  receive such distribution" and "the record date" within the
                  meaning of the two preceding sentences).

                           (iv)     No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall
                  be required unless such adjustment would require a cumulative
                  increase or decrease of at least 1% in such price; PROVIDED,
                  HOWEVER, that any adjustments that by reason of this
                  subsection (iv) are not required to be made shall be carried
                  forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment
                  until made; and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that any adjustment shall
                  be required and made in accordance with the provisions of this
                  subparagraph (7) (other than this subsection (iv)) not later
                  than such time as may be required to order to preserve the
                  tax-free nature of a distribution to the holders of Common
                  Shares. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
                  subparagraph (7), the Trust shall not be required to make any
                  adjustment of the Conversion Price for the issuance of any
                  Common Shares pursuant to any plan providing for the
                  reinvestment of distributions or interest payable on
                  securities of the Trust and the investment of additional
                  optional amounts in Common Shares under such plan. All
                  calculations under this subparagraph (7) shall be made to the
                  nearest cent with ($.005 being rounded upward) or to the
                  nearest one-tenth of a share (with .05 of a share being
                  rounded upward), as the case may be. Anything in this
                  subsection (d) to the contrary notwithstanding, the Trust
                  shall be entitled, to the extent permitted by law, to make
                  such reductions in the Conversion Price, in addition to those
                  required by this subsection (d), as it in its discretion shall
                  determine to be advisable in order that any share
                  distributions, subdivision of shares, reclassification or
                  combination of shares, distribution of rights, options or
                  warrants to purchase shares or securities, or a distribution
                  of other assets (other than cash distributions) hereafter made
                  by the Trust to its shareholders shall not be taxable.

                  (e)      If the Trust shall be a party to any transaction
                  (including, without limitation, a merger, consolidation,
                  statutory share exchange, self tender offer for all or
                  substantially all of the Common Shares, sale of all or
                  substantially all of the Trust's assets or recapitalization of
                  the Common Shares and excluding any transaction as to which
                  subsection (d)(i) of this subparagraph (7) applied) (each of
                  the foregoing being referred to herein as a "Transaction"), in
                  each case as a result of which Common Shares shall be
                  converted into the right to receive shares, stock, securities
                  or other property (including cash or any combination thereof),
                  each Series M-6 Preferred Share which is not converted into
                  the right to receive shares,


                  stock, securities or other property in connection with such
                  Transaction shall thereafter be convertible into the kind and
                  amount of shares, stock, securities and other property
                  (including cash or any combination thereof) receivable upon
                  the consummation of such Transaction by a holder of that
                  number of Common Shares into which one Series M-6 Preferred
                  Share was convertible immediately prior to such Transaction,
                  assuming such holder of Common Shares (i) is not a Person with
                  which the Trust consolidated or into which the Trust merged or
                  which merged into the Trust or to which such sale or transfer
                  was made, as the case may be (a "Constituent Person"), or an
                  affiliate of a Constituent Person and (ii) failed to exercise
                  his or her rights of the election, if any, as to the kind or
                  amount of shares, stock, securities and other property
                  (including cash) receivable upon such Transaction (provided
                  that if the kind or amount of shares, stock, securities and
                  other property (including cash) receivable upon such
                  Transaction is not the same for each Common Share of the Trust
                  held immediately prior to such Transaction by other than a
                  Constituent Person or an affiliate thereof and in respect of
                  which such rights of election shall not have been exercised
                  (the "Non-Electing Share"), then for purposes of this
                  paragraph (e) the kind and amount of shares, securities and
                  other property (including cash) receivable upon such
                  Transaction by each Non-Electing Share shall be deemed to be
                  the kind and amount so receivable per share by a plurality of
                  the Non-Electing Shares). The Trust shall not be a party to
                  any Transaction unless the terms of such Transaction are
                  consistent with the provisions of this subsection (e), and it
                  shall not consent or agree to the occurrence of any
                  Transaction until the Trust has entered into an agreement with
                  the successor or purchasing entity, as the case may be, for
                  the benefit of the holders of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  that will contain provisions enabling the holders of the
                  Series M-6 Preferred Shares that remain outstanding after such
                  Transaction to convert into the consideration received by
                  holders of Common Shares at the Conversion Price in effect
                  immediately prior to such Transaction. The provisions of this
                  subsection (e) shall similarly apply to successive

                  (f)      If:

                           (i)      the Trust shall declare a distribution on
                  the Common Shares (other than in cash out of the total equity
                  applicable to Common Shares, including revaluation equity,
                  less the amount of stated capital attributable to Common
                  Shares, determined on the basis of the most recent annual and
                  quarterly consolidated cost basis balance sheets of the Trust
                  and its consolidated subsidiaries available at the time of the
                  declaration of the distribution); or


                           (ii)     the Trust shall authorize the granting to
                  the holders of the Common Shares of rights or warrants to
                  subscribe for or purchase any shares of any class or any other
                  rights or warrants; or

                           (iii)    there shall be any reclassifications of the
                  Common Shares (other than an event to which subsection (d)(i)
                  of this subparagraph (7) applied) or any consolidation or
                  merger to which the Trust is a party and for which approval of
                  any shareholders of the Trust is required, or a statutory
                  share exchange involving the conversion or exchange of Common
                  Shares into securities or other property, or a self tender
                  offer by the Trust for all or substantially all of its
                  outstanding Common Shares, or the sale or transfer of all or
                  substantially all of the assets of the Trust as an entity and
                  for which approval of any stockholder of the Trust is
                  required; or

                           (iv)     there shall occur the voluntary or
                  involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                  Trust, then the Trust shall cause to be filed with the
                  Transfer Agent and shall cause to be mailed to the holders of
                  the Series M-6 Preferred Shares at their addresses as shown on
                  the share records of the Trust, as promptly as possible, but
                  at least 15 days prior to the applicable date hereinafter
                  specified, a notice stating (A) the date on which a record is
                  to be taken for the purpose of such distribution or rights or
                  warrants, or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of
                  which the holders of Common Shares of record to be entitled to
                  such distribution or rights or warrants are to be determined
                  or (B) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation,
                  merger, statutory share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up is expected to become effective, and
                  the date as of which it is expected that holders of Common
                  Shares of record shall be entitled to exchange their Common
                  Shares for securities or other property, if any, deliverable
                  upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, statutory
                  share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up. Failure to give or receive such notice or any
                  defect therein shall not affect the legality or validity of
                  the proceedings described in this subparagraph (7).

                  (g)      Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
                  provided, the Trust shall promptly file with the Transfer
                  Agent and the Depository an officer's certificate setting
                  forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and setting
                  forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such
                  adjustment, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of
                  the correctness of such adjustment absent manifest error.
                  Promptly after delivery of such certificate, the Trust shall
                  prepare a notice of such adjustment of the Conversion Price
                  setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective
                  date such adjustment becomes effective and shall mail such
                  notice of such adjustment of the Conversion Price to the
                  holder of each


                  Series M-6 Preferred Share at such holder's last address as
                  shown on the share records of the Trust.

                  (h)      In any case in which subsection (d) of this
                  subparagraph (7) provides that an adjustment shall become
                  effective on the date next following the record date for an
                  event, the Trust may defer until the occurrence of such event
                  (A) issuing to the holder of any Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  converted after such record date and before the occurrence of
                  such event the additional Common Shares issuable upon such
                  conversion by reason of the adjustment required by such event
                  over and above the Common Shares issuable upon such conversion
                  before giving effect to such adjustment and (B)
                  fractionalizing any Series M-6 Preferred Share and/or paying
                  to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of any fraction
                  pursuant to subsection (c) of this subparagraph (7).

                  (i)      There shall be no adjustment of the Conversion Price
                  in case of the issuance of any shares of beneficial interest
                  of the Trust in a reorganization, acquisition or other similar
                  transaction except as specifically set forth in this
                  subparagraph (7). If any action or Transaction would require
                  adjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to more than one
                  subsection of this subparagraph (7), only one adjustment shall
                  be made, and such adjustment shall be the amount of adjustment
                  that has the highest absolute value.

                  (j)      If the Trust shall take any action affecting the
                  Common Shares, other than action described in this
                  subparagraph (7), that in the opinion of the Board of Trustees
                  would materially adversely affect the conversion rights of the
                  holders of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares, the Conversion
                  Price for the Series M-6 Preferred Shares may be adjusted, to
                  the extent permitted by law, in such manner, if any, and at
                  such time, as the Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion,
                  may determine to be equitable in the circumstances.

                  (k)      The Trust covenants that it will at all times reserve
                  and keep available, free from preemptive rights, out of the
                  aggregate of its authorized but issued Common Shares, for the
                  purpose of affecting conversion of the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares, the full number of Common Shares deliverable upon the
                  conversion of all outstanding Series M-6 Preferred Shares not
                  theretofore converted. For purposes of this subsection (k),
                  the number of Common Shares that shall be deliverable upon the
                  conversion of all outstanding Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  shall be computed as if at the time of computation all such
                  outstanding shares were held by a single holder.


                  The Trust covenants that any Common Shares issued upon
                  conversion of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall be validly
                  issued, fully paid and non-assessable. Before taking any
                  action that would cause an adjustment reducing the Conversion
                  Price below the then-par value of the Common Shares
                  deliverable upon conversion of the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares, the Trust will take any action that, in the opinion of
                  its counsel, may be necessary in order that the Trust may
                  validly and legally issue fully paid and nonassessable Common
                  Shares at such adjusted Conversion Price.

                  The Trust shall endeavor to list the Common Shares required to
                  be delivered upon conversion of the Series M-6 Preferred
                  Shares, prior to such delivery, upon each national securities
                  exchange, if any, upon which the outstanding Common Shares are
                  listed at the time of such delivery.

                  Prior to the delivery of any securities that the Trust shall
                  be obligated to deliver upon conversion of the Series M-6
                  Preferred Shares, the Trust shall endeavor to comply with all
                  federal and state laws and regulations thereunder requiring
                  the registration of such securities with, or any approval of
                  or consent to the delivery thereof by any governmental

                  (l)      The Trust will pay any and all documentary stamp or
                  similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of the
                  issue or delivery of Common Shares or other securities or
                  property on conversion of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  pursuant hereto; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Trust shall not
                  be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of
                  any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of Common
                  Shares or other securities or property in a name other than
                  that of title holder of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares to be
                  converted, and no such issue or delivery shall be made unless
                  and until the person requesting such issue or delivery has
                  paid to the Trust the amount of any such tax or established,
                  to the reasonable satisfaction of the Trust, that such tax has
                  been paid.

                  (m)      In addition to the foregoing adjustments, the Company
                  will be permitted to make such reductions in the Conversion
                  Price as it considers to be advisable in order that any event
                  treated for federal income tax purposes as a dividend of stock
                  or stock rights will not be taxable to the holders of the
                  Common Shares.

         C.       RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Series M-6 Preferred Shares
shall be subject to the restrictions on transfer and ownership of Shares in
Article VII of the Declaration of Trust, as supplemented below.


                  (1)      CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.

                           For purposes of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares the
                  following terms shall have the following meanings:

                           "Closing Date of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  Offering" shall mean the time and date of payment for and
                  delivery of Series M-6 Preferred Shares issued pursuant to the
                  conversion of Series I Preference Units.

                           "Special Triggering Event" shall mean either (i) the
                  redemption or purchase by the Trust of all or a portion of the
                  outstanding shares of beneficial interest in the Trust, or
                  (ii) a change in the value of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
                  relative to any other class of beneficial interest in the

                  (2)      SPECIAL TRIGGERING EVENT. If during the period
         commencing on the Closing Date of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
         Offering and prior to the Restriction Termination Date, a Special
         Triggering Event (if effective) or other event or occurrence (if
         effective) would result in any violation of section 7.2(a) of the
         Trust's Declaration of Trust, then (i) the number of Series M-6
         Preferred Shares (rounded up to the nearest whole share) that would
         (but for this section) cause any Person to Beneficially Own either
         Series M-6 Preferred Shares, or to Beneficially Own Series M-6
         Preferred Shares and any other shares of beneficial interest in the
         Trust, in violation of section 7.2(a) shall be treated as provided in
         Article VII. Such treatment shall be effective as of the close of
         business on the Business Day prior to the date of the Special
         Triggering Event or other event or occurrence.

                  (3)      AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the
         application of any of the provisions of this section, including any
         definition contained in paragraph (1), the Board of Trustees shall have
         the power to determine the application of this section with respect to
         any situation based on the facts known to it (subject, however, to the
         provisions of Section 7.2(a)).

                  (4)      EXCLUSION OF OTHER RIGHTS.

                  The Series M-6 Preferred Shares shall not have any voting
         powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other
         special rights, other than those specifically set forth in these terms
         of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares (as such terms may be amended from
         time to time) and in the Declaration of Trust. The Series M-6 Preferred
         Shares shall have no preemptive or subscription rights.


                  (5)      HEADINGS OF SUBDIVISIONS.

                  The headings of the various subdivisions hereof are for
         convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation
         of any of the provisions hereof.

                  (6)      SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS.

                  If any voting powers, preferences and relative, participating,
         optional and other special rights of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares
         and qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof set forth in
         these terms of the Series M-6 Preferred Shares (as such terms may be
         amended from time to time) is invalid, unlawful or incapable of being
         enforced by reason of any rule of law or public policy, all other
         voting powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and
         other special rights of Series M-6 Preferred Shares and qualifications,
         limitations and restrictions thereof set forth in these terms of the
         Series M-6 Preferred Shares (as so amended), which can be given effect
         without the invalid, unlawful or unenforceable voting powers,
         preferences, and relative, participating, optional or other special
         rights of Series M-6 Preferred Shares and qualifications, limitations
         and restrictions thereof herein set forth, shall nevertheless, remain
         in full force and effect and no preferences or other rights, voting
         powers, restrictions, limitations as to dividends or other
         distributions, qualifications or terms or conditions of redemption of
         the Series M-6 Preferred Shares herein set forth shall be deemed
         dependent upon any other such voting powers, preferences and relative,
         participating, optional or other special rights of Series M-6 Preferred
         Shares and qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof unless
         so expressed herein.

         SECOND: The Series M-6 Preferred Shares have been classified and
designated by the Board of Trustees under the authority contained in the
Declaration of Trust.

         THIRD: These Articles Supplementary have been approved by the Board of
Trustees in the manner and by the vote required by law.

         FOURTH: The undersigned Executive Vice President of the Trust
acknowledges these Articles Supplementary to be the act of the Trust and, as to
all matters or facts required to be verified under oath, the undersigned
Executive Vice President acknowledges that, to the best of his knowledge,
information and belief, these matters and facts are true in all material
respects and that this statement is made under the penalties of perjury.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trust has caused these Articles Supplementary
to be signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and
attested to by the Assistant Secretary this 22nd day of June, 2001.


/s/ Bradley A. Van Auken       /s/ David J. Neithercut
- ------------------------       ----------------------------------------------
Bradley A. Van Auken,          David J. Neithercut, Executive Vice President and
Assistant Secretary            Chief Financial Treasurer
