
                                                                  Exhibit 10.68

                             HANGAR AND OFFICE LEASE

     1. PARTIES. This Hangar and Office Lease ("Lease") is made by and between
AMR Combs, Inc. (hereinafter "LESSOR"), a Delaware corporation, being the owner
and operator of a fixed base operation at Indianapolis, Indiana, (doing business
as "AMR Combs Indianapolis"), and Chautauqua Airlines, having a mailing address
of 2500 S. High School Rd. Suite 160, Indianapolis IN 46241 (hereinafter

     2. LEASED SPACE. LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE and LESSEE accepts from
LESSOR, for the Term and upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Lease,
the following space in LESSOR's fixed base operation at Indianapolis, Indiana
(collectively referred to as the "Leased Space':

          30,398 useable square feet of office, shop and ramp space (the
          Space"), more particularly described in the diagram attached hereto as
          Exhibit A- 1; and

          Dedicated space in LESSOR's Hangar #2 more particularly described in
          Exhibit A-2 (the "Hangar Space") to park LESSEE's VARIOUS AIRCRAFT.

     3. TERM. The Initial Term of this Lease shall commence on JANUARY 1ST 1999.
and end on DECEMBER 31ST 2001. unless sooner terminated or extended as
hereinafter provided.

     4. HOLDING OVER. Should LESSEE remain in the Leased Space at the expiration
of the Initial Tern, or renewal terns as applicable, and LESSOR assents thereto,
this Lease shall automatically continue in force on a month-to-month basis in
accordance with the same terms and conditions herein as applicable. Should
LESSEE remain in the Leased Space after such expiration of the Initial Terns,
renewal term, or such other mutually agreed term, after receipt of LESSOR'S
written demand to vacate, the monthly rental shall increase sixty days after the
date of demand to vacate to one hundred and fifty (150) percent the monthly
rental as in effect for the last month of the immediately preceding Initial
Term, renewal tern or mutually agreed term as applicable. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, this Lease may be terminated as herein provided or as otherwise under
law, which rights of LESSOR shall not be prejudiced hereby.

     5. RENT. Effective JANUARY 1. 1999, LESSEE agrees to pay to LESSOR at AMR
Combs, Indianapolis, ATTN: Accounts Payable Department, or at such other place
as LESSOR may hereafter notify LESSEE in writing, rental of 18,400.00 per month
for the Space, payable in advance on the first day of each month during the
Initial Term of this Lease, time being of the essence. Effective upon the first
day of each annual renewal, the monthly rental shall be increased by 5 percent.
(SEE ADDENDUM #1 for rent structure and future leased space).



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     6. USE. The Space shall be used for general use. The Hangar Space shall be
used exclusively for storage and maintenance of Various aircraft and maintenance
equipment owned or operated by LESSEE (the "Aircraft"). 'The Hangar Space shall
be maintained by LESSEE in a neat and orderly condition in compliance with all
laws, rules and regulations and LESSEE shall prevent same from becoming
hazardous or unsightly. LESSEE shall conduct its business in a manner that does
not interfere with LESSOR'S or other person's use of the area surrounding the
Leased Space.

     7. UTILITIES. LESSOR agrees at its expense to supply electric power, gas
and water as may be reasonably required for the Leased Space, but in no event
shall LESSOR be liable or responsible for damages of any kind whatsoever
resulting from failure, shortage or stoppage of the supply thereof, unless due
to the negligence of LESSOR, its employees, agents and invitees. If interruption
is in excess of five (5) days, rent shall be equitably abated to the extent that
LESSEE is deprived of the use of the Leased Space.

     8. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. LESSOR agrees, at its expense, to maintain the
structural soundness of the buildings upon the Leased Space and to maintain and
repair the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and heating, ventilation and air
conditioning systems; provided that LESSEE shall reimburse LESSOR for the cost
of any maintenance and repairs occasioned by the negligent or intentional acts
of LESSEE, its employees, agents and invitees. LESSOR shall also make all
repairs, alterations or additions required to be made by any governmental
authority having jurisdiction, except to the extent resulting from LESSEE's
exclusive use of the premises which is different in nature from the customary
uses of the Lessor's fixed base operations. LESSOR shall be liable for damages
sustained by LESSEE resulting from the failure of LESSOR to make any of said
repairs; provided, however, that LESSOR shall not be liable for any incidental
or consequential damages, or lost revenues or profits, sustained by LESSEE
resulting front the failure of LESSOR to make any said repairs. LESSOR shall
keep the sidewalks, corridors, stairways and all other means of ingress and
egress for the Leased Space and all common areas, parking areas and facilities
and public portions of the Leased Space in good repair and in a clean and safe
condition, free of any accumulation of debris. LESSOR shall, at its cost,
provide janitorial services for the Hangar Space, including the restrooms.

LESSEE agrees that it will keep and maintain the Leased Space in a similar
condition and state of repair as received at the commencement of this Lease,
reasonable wear and tear and casualty damage not caused or contributed to by
LESSEE excepted, at LESSEE's own expense. LESSEE will not permit the undesirable
accumulation of trash or other undesirable material in or around the Leased
Space. LESSEE shall at its expense, provide janitorial services for the Office

     9. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. LESSOR hereby represents, warrants and agrees that
(i) all operations or use of the Leased Space or any portion thereof (except
LESSOR shall not be responsible for the operations or use of LESSEE) shall at
all times


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during the Term be in full compliance with all laws then governing Hazardous
Materials, and (ii) as to any Hazardous Material discovered in, on, under or
about the Leased Space during or after the Term (which hazardous material was
not released by any act or omission of LESSEE), required to be remediated under
applicable laws or standards governing the health and safety of LESSEE's
employees or invitees, LESSOR shall at its sole expense (a) promptly commence
and diligently prosecute to completion remediation thereof in compliance with
all laws; and (b) indemnify, defend and hold LESSEE harmless from all claims and
damages asserted by any governmental agency or by adjacent and successor
landowners or other lessees or third parties arising therefrom. The foregoing
indemnification and responsibilities of LESSOR shall survive the termination or
expiration of this Lease.  With respect to any Hazardous Material released by
an act or omission of LESSEE and discovered in, on, under or about the Leased
Space during or after the Term, LESSEE agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
LESSOR harmless from all claims and damages asserted by any governmental agency
or by adjacent and successor landowners or other lessees or third parties
arising therefrom; provided, that, LESSEE shall not in any event be required to
indemnify, defend or hold LESSOR harmless for decontamination or other cleanup
of its Leased Space unless and to the extent required in respect of oil or other
Hazardous Materials released by an act or omission of LESSEE and LESSEE shall
not be liable to or be required to indemnify LESSOR for claims and damages
arising merely as a result of LESSEE'S status as a tenant, occupant or operator
of the Leased Space.

"Hazardous Material" shall mean any hazardous, explosive, radioactive or toxic
substance, material or waste which is regulated by any federal, state or local
governmental authority, including any material or substance which is (i) defined
or listed as a "hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste," "restricted
hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," "hazardous material," "pollutant" or
"contaminant," under any law, (ii) petroleum or any petroleum derivative, (iii)
any flammable explosive, (iv) any asbestos, asbestos containing material or
"resumed asbestos containing material".

     10. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. Actual possession of the Leased Space shall be
delivered by LESSOR to LESSEE free and clear of all tenancies and occupancies,
broom clean, and in good order and condition.

     11.A. DEFAULT BY LESSEE. Should LESSEE default in the payment of any rent
or other monies required hereunder to be paid by LESSEE, as and when the same
become due, or should LESSEE default in the performance of any other covenant of
this Lease, LESSOR may, after twenty (20) days' written notice to LESSEE of any
such default in the payment of rent or other monies, or after thirty (30) days'
written notice to LESSEE of default in the performance of any other covenant by
LESSEE, if such default or other violation shall not have been corrected or
cured during such 20-day or 30-day period (or if the default is of such a nature
that it cannot be cured in the stated cure period and LESSEE shall not be
actively engaged during such period in attempting to correct or cure same),
terminate this Lease, re-enter and take possession of the Leased Space and relet
the same or any part thereof on such terms, conditions and rentals as LESSOR may
deem proper. In such event, LESSOR shall apply the proceeds that may


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be collected from any such reletting, less the reasonable expense of doing so,
against the rent and other sums to be paid by LESSEE and hold LESSEE for any
balance that may be due under this Lease. LESSOR shall also retain all other
rights and remedies under law with respect to LESSEE's default.

     11.B. DEFAULT BY LESSOR shall default in the performance of any material
covenant or agreement hereunder, LESSEE may, after thirty (30) days' written
notice to LESSOR of default in the performance of any material covenant or
agreement by LESSOR, if such default shall not have been corrected or cured
during such period (or, if the default is of such nature that it cannot, in the
exercise of reasonable diligence, be cured within the applicable cure period,
and LESSOR shall not be actively engaged in correcting or curing same), perform
any material covenant or agreement and shall offset the amounts spent to cure
LESSOR's default from LESSEE's rent. LESSEE shall also retain all other rights
and remedies under law with respect to LESSOR's default, including but not
limited to the right to terminate the Lease.

time to time, make, at its own expense, such interior non-structural changes,
improvements, alterations and additions to the Leased Space as proposed to and
approved in writing by LESSOR. Any changes, improvements, alterations or
additions affecting the exterior of the Leased Space or the structural parts
thereof or of the Hangar Space, shall only be made after LESSEE shall have
obtained the written consent of LESSOR. In addition, LESSEE shall have the
right, from time-to-time, to install, at its own costs and expense, in any
reasonable manner, such office or other equipment, fixtures and furnishings,
including without limitation, self-standing partitions, shelving, cabinets and
safes, as it may require for the conduct of its business, so long as they are
not attached or affixed to the walls or other structures of the Leased Space and
do not cause any damage thereto. All such equipment, fixtures and furnishings
shall be and remain the property of LESSEE, and may be removed by LESSEE upon
the termination of this Lease, or within thirty (30) days after the expiration
of the Initial Term hereof; or any time prior thereto; provided, however, that
any damage to the Leased Space caused by such removal (excluding redecoration)
shall be repaired by LESSEE. Any such items not removed by LESSEE within such
thirty (30) day period shall be deemed abandoned by LESSEE and, at LESSOR's
option, be removed by LESSOR and the related expenses shall be chargeable to
LESSEE, or shall become the property of LESSOR

     13. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING. LESSEE shall not assign this Lease or sublet
the Leased Space or portion thereof without the prior written consent of LESSOR.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, LESSEE may, without LESSOR's prior written
consent, assign this Lease or sublet all or a portion of the Leased Space to any
wholly-owned subsidiary of LESSEE or to any corporation which may be the
successor-in-interest of LESSEE by reason of any merger or consolidation.


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     14. INSURANCE

          (a) LESSOR is not a guarantor or insurer of the Aircraft, its
components or any other property owned by LESSEE, or for which LESSEE is
responsible. LESSEE currently maintains and will maintain at its expense at all
times during the term of this Lease, a policy or policies of all risk property
insurance, including hull coverage on the Aircraft. LESSEE shall be responsible
for determining the limits of such insurance from time-to-time. The policy or
policies of property insurance shall be endorsed to include a waiver of
subrogation in favor of LESSOR.

          (b) LESSEE, at its expense, shall procure and maintain in force,
throughout the term of this Lease and during any additional period that it
occupies the Leased Space, a policy of public liability insurance, including
broad form contractual coverage, with limits of at least One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for death, bodily injury or
damage to or loss of property. Prior to the effective date hereof, and at least
annually thereafter, LESSEE shall cause the insurance carrier to mail a
certificate of such insurance to AMR Combs, Inc., 8001 Lemmon Avenue Dallas,
Texas 75209 ATTN: Contract Administration.

          (c) LESSOR shall keep the buildings on the Leased Space and other
structures (including all improvements, alterations, additions and changes
thereto) including, without limitation, the Leased Space demised to LESSEE
hereunder, insured against damage or destruction by fire and the perils commonly
covered under an extended coverage endorsement to the extent of the full
insurable value thereof. LESSOR shall be responsible for determining the amount
of fire and extended coverage insurance to be maintained, but warrants that such
an amount will be equal to not less than full replacement cost.

          (d) LESSOR shall also maintain throughout the term of this Lease:
(i) comprehensive public liability insurance against claims on account of bodily
injury, death or property damage incurred upon any part of the Leased Space or
the common facilities, with limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence in respect to bodily injury or death, and not
less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) per occurrence in respect
to property damage, and (ii) Hangarkeeper's and Legal Liability Insurance in an
amount not less than Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) for each Aircraft and
Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000) per occurrence. LESSOR shall cause the
insurance carrier to mail a certificate of such insurance to LESSEE at the
address provided in Section 23 hereof.

          (e) LESSOR shall maintain through the term of this Lease such
Hangarkeeper's and Legal Liability insurance, and Lessee shall maintain
throughout the term of this Lease, hull coverage insurance with respect to the
Aircraft. To the extent that the Aircraft or other personal property of LESSEE
is damaged, the parties agree to look


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to the insurance of the party responsible for such damage. In the event there is
a dispute as to which party is responsible for such damage to the Aircraft, then
each party shall submit such claim to its respective insurance company for

     15.  CASUALTY. If the Leased Space shall be destroyed or damaged by fire
or arty other casualty to such an extent that the same cannot be restored to
tenantable condition in LESSOR'S sole opinion within one hundred and twenty
(120) days from the date of such destruction or damage, then either party hereto
may termite this Lease as of the date of such destruction by notice given to the
other party not later than thirty (30) days subsequent to the date of such
destruction or damage, and the rent and other charges payable by LESSEE
hereunder shall abate as of the date of destruction or damage. In the event of
any destruction or damage to the Leased Space not resulting in the termination
of this Lease as hereinabove provided, the Leased Space shall be promptly
repaired by and at the expense of LESSOR and, until such repairs shall have been
completed, the rent herein reserved shall be equitably abated from the date of
such destruction or damage in the proportion and to the extent that the Leased
Space is unusable. Unreasonable delay in excess of sixty (60) days on the part
of LESSOR in commencing or carrying out repairs following destruction or damage
shall entitle LESSEE to terminate this Lease as of the date of such destruction
or damage.

     16. INDEMNITY.

          (a) LESSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, release and hold harmless
LESSOR, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and
agents for and from any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action, fines,
penalties, damages, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and related
expenses) or demands arising out of or related to the occupancy, use, or control
of the Leased Space by LESSEE, its directors, officers, employees, licensees and
invitees, including, but not limited to, injury to or death of persons, or
damage to property, except to the extent that such liability, claim or demand
results from the negligence, contractual breach or other fault of LESSOR. In any
event, LESSEE shall not he liable for consequential, incidental or economic
damages. LESSEE shall not be liable or responsible to LESSOR, its officers,
employees, agents or representatives for any loss or damage to any property, or
death or injury of any person occasioned by: theft, fire, except to the extent
that any fire results from negligence, contractual breach or other fault of
LESSEE, acts of God, acts of any governmental body or authority, acts of the
public enemy, injunction, riot, strike, insurrection, war, acts or omissions of
other tenants or other persons in or around the Leased Space, or any other
matter beyond the control of LESSEE. LESSEE's foregoing indemnity obligation
shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease.

          (b) LESSOR agrees to indemnify, defend, release and hold harmless
LESSEE, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and
agents for and from any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action, fines,
penalties, damages, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and related
expenses) or demands arising out of or resulting from the negligence or other
fault of LESSOR, its directors, officers, or


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employees, including, but not limited to, injury to or death of persons, or
damage to property, except to the extent that such liability, claim or demand
results from the negligence, contractual breach or other fault of LESSEE. In any
event, LESSOR shall not be liable for consequential, incidental or economic
damages. LESSOR shall not be liable or responsible to LESSEE, its officers,
employees, agents or representatives for any loss or damage to any property, or
death or injury of any person occasioned by: theft, fire, acts of God, acts of
any governmental body or authority, acts of the public enemy, injunction, riot,
strike, insurrection, war, acts or omissions of other tenants or other persons
in or around the Leased Space, or any other matter beyond the control of LESSOR
LESSOR's foregoing indemnity obligation shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Lease.

     17.  SUBJECT TO THE AIRPORT LEASE. LESSEE acknowledges and agrees that
this Lease shall be in all respects subject and subordinate to the consent and
agreement of the Master Lease between LESSOR and the 1NDIANAPOLIS AIRPORT
AUTHORITY (and the underlying lease referenced therein) governing the Leased
Space, and any extension, modification, or amendment thereof ("Master
Agreement"). In the event that the Master Lease Agreement is cancelled or
terminated, the tern, of the Lease shall automatically terminate simultaneously
therewith and neither LESSOR nor LESSEE shall have any further liability
hereunder, except that liability, if any, accruing pursuant to those sections of
this Lease that expressly survive termination or expiration of this Lease.

     18.  COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS. LESSOR represents and warrants that the
Leased Space currently complies with all federal, state and local laws,
statutes, regulations and orders with respect to LESSEE's anticipated use of the
space. LESSEE shay conduct its business at the Leased Space in accordance with
all federal, state, county and municipal laws and ordinances, and all rules,
regulations and orders of any duly constituted authority, present or future,
affecting the Leased Space, irrespective of the nature of the work, if any,
required for such compliance. LESSEE, its employees, agents, representatives and
invitees, agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of LESSOR, a copy of which
is attached hereto, which may be hereafter amended by LESSOR No fuel shall be
brought by LESSEE onto the Leased Space for the fueling of any aircraft.

     19.  TOWING. LESSOR shall not provide towing or tractor services in and
around the Hangar and the terminal ramp.

     20.  SIGNAGE Any and all signs affixed to the interior or exterior of
the Leased Space shall be subject to written approval by LESSOR. LESSOR shall
provide sufficient signage on the exterior of the building to inform visitors of
the location of Leased Space,

     21.  QUIET POSSESSION. LESSOR represents and warrants that it has full
right and lawful authority to enter into this Lease and the undersigned have
corporate authority to act on its behalf. LESSEE, upon paying the rent and
observing the covenants


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of this Lease, shall and may lawfully and quietly hold and enjoy the Leased
Space, together with all appurtenances and rights appertaining thereto, during
the term hereof without hindrance, ejection, molestation or interruption.

     22.  TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. LESSEE shall pay all taxes and assessments
with respect to its personal property and any other taxes, assessments, etc.
levied against LESSEE arising from or relating to LESSEE's occupancy, use or
control of the Leased Space.

     23.  CONDEMNATION. If the Leased Space or any part thereof shall be taken
in any proceeding by any public authority by condemnation or otherwise, or be
acquired for public or quasi-public purposes, LESSEE shall have the option of
terminating this Lease as of the date of such taking by notice given to LESSOR
not less than thirty (30) days subsequent to the date on which LESSEE shall have
been deprived of possession of the part so taken and the rent and other charges
payable by LESSEE shall be adjusted as of such date of condemnation. In the
event that only a portion of the Leased Space shall be so taken and LESSOR and
LESSEE mutually agree, then LESSOR shall restore the Leased Space to a condition
substantially similar to that existing before such taking, and the rent payable
hereunder shall be reduced in the same proportion that the amount of floor space
in the Leased Space is reduced by such taking.

     24.  NOTICES. Notice required or permitted to be given by either party
to the other shall be in writing and delivered either in person to the other
party by overnight delivery with proof of receipt, or by United States certified
mail, return receipt requested, postage fully prepaid, to the address set forth
hereinafter, or to such other address as either party may designate in writing
and deliver as herein provided:

       If to LESSOR:            AMR Combs Indianapolis
                                P.O. Box 51568
                                Indianapolis, IN 46251
                                ATTN: General Manager

       With a Copy to:          AMR COMBS, INC.
                                8001 Lemmon Avenue
                                Dallas, Texas 75209
                                ATTN: Contract Administration

       If to LESSEE:            Chautauqua Airlines, Inc.
                                Box 160, 2500 S. High School Rd.
                                Indianapolis, IN 46241

All such communications shall be deemed given on the date of hand-delivery or
three days after first class mailing. LESSOR shall promptly notify LESSEE of any
change in the address of LESSOR and of any change in the ownership of the Leased
Space, giving


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LESSEE the name and address of the new owner and instructions regarding the
payment of rent.

     25.  MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT The terms, covenants and conditions hereof
may not be changed orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the
party against whom enforcement of the change, modification or discharge is
sought, or by its agent. The failure of either party hereto to insist in any one
or more cases upon the strict performance of any term, covenant or condition of
this Lease to be performed or observed by the other party hereto shall .not
constitute a waiver or relinquishment for the future of any such term, covenant
or condition.

     26.  SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS. The terms, covenants and conditions of this
Lease shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of LESSOR and LESSEE
and their respective executors, administrators, heirs, legal representatives,
successors and assigns.

     27.  HEADINGS. The headings herein contained are inserted only as a matter
of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or describe the
scope or intent of this Lease or in any way affect the terms and provisions


     29.  COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Lease contains the complete expression of
the agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and
there are no promises, representations or inducements except such as are herein
provided. This Lease shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the parties
hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns.

     30.  FUELING AGREEMENT. The parties may concurrently herewith enter into a
Fueling Agreement. Reference is hereby made to such agreement as same may be
necessary to interpret any of the terms or obligations detailed herein.

     31.  LESSOR'S CONSENT: Whenever, LESSOR's consent or approval is required
under the terms of this Lease, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,
denied, delayed or conditioned.


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     EXECUTED by LESSOR this 22 day of DEC, 1998.

                                  AMR COMBS, INC.

                                  By: /s/ [Illegible]
                                  Its: VP/General Manager

     EXECUTED by LESSEE this 22 day of DEC., 1998.

                                  Chautauqua Airlines

                                  By: /s/ James Muroski
                                  Its: Vice President


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AMR Combs, Indianapolis Hangar #2.

196' long by 156' wide. 24' 3" door height not including tail door opening.

Airport security clearance and badges required on all persons present in the
hangar. Security procedures required by local Airport Authority and FAA.



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Page 13


Rent structure calculation

Hangar #2, floor and office space in EXHIBIT A-1. Exhibit A-1 includes
floor space and offices inside hangar 2, with the exception of that space
currently occupied by AMR Combs Properties Department.
27,518 SQ. FT. @ $7.50 per sq. ft. annually is $17,000.00 per month

Ramp Space shown on EXHIBIT A-1 Is the area outside the south end of hangar 2.
2,880 SQ. FT. @ $.50 per sq. ft. monthly is $1,400.00 per month EFFECTIVE


AMR Combs, Indianapolis agrees to offer, to Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., first
right of refusal on the space currently referred to as the AMR Combs Ground
Maintenance Facility. This space is described as the garage area to the east and
adjacent to hangar 2.

AMR Combs, Indianapolis will offer this space to Chautauqua Airlines, Inc.
at 1/2 the sq. ft. hangar 2 rate or $3.75 per sq. ft. annually. This space
consists of 1,612 sq. ft, and would be leased at the rate of $503.00 per month.

AMR Combs, reserves the right to occupy this space until such time it is no
longer needed through the completion of our new Ground Maintenance Facility. The
completion date of this new facility has not yet been determined or implied

When this space becomes available, AMR Combs will complete an addendum
to this lease specifying the term and conditions under which to lease the garage


                               CONSENT TO SUBLEASE

Consent to Hangar and Office Lease by and between AMR Combs Indianapolis
and Chautauqua Airlines executed December 22, 1998.

                              INDIANAPOLIS AIRPORT AUTHORITY

                              By /s/ Michael W. Wells
                                 Michael W. Wells, President

                              By /s/ Gordon St. Angelo
                                 Gordon St. Angelo, Vice President

                              By /s/ Gene P. Haflich
                                 Gene P. Haflich, Secretary

                              By /s/ H. Patrick Callahan
                                 H. Patrick Callahan, Member

                              By /s/ Richard L. Cunningham
                                 Richard L. Cunningham, Member

                              By [SEAL]
                                 Max L. Siegel, Member

                              By /s/ David E. Mansfield
                                 David E. Mansfield, Member