
                                                                 Exhibit 10.5(a)

                                          December 31, 2001

Mr. Bryan K. Bedford
President and CEO
Chautauqua Airlines, Inc.
Indianapolis Int'l Airport
Suite #160
2500 South High School Road
Indianapolis, IN 46241

Sent via Fax to (317) 484-6060

   Air Services Agreement, dated as of June 11, 2001 by and between Chautauqua
            Airlines, Inc. ("Chautauqua") and AMR Corporation ("AMR")

Dear Mr. Bedford:

                  We refer to the agreement described above (the "Air Services
Agreement"). (Unless otherwise defined in this letter, capitalized terms that we
use below have the meaning set forth in the Air Services Agreement.)

Chautauqua has informed AMR that Chautauqua wishes to take delivery of [*]
Firm Approved Aircraft under a financing arrangement [*]. The [*] Firm
Approved Aircraft referred to above have serial numbers [*] (each, a
"Specified Aircraft"). AMR consents, on the following terms, to such
deliveries under such Alternative Financing arrangements.

1)   Until such time as Chautauqua is able to close an Alternative Financing
     arrangement with Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social or
     its affiliate Agencia Especial de Financimento Industrial - FINAME
     (either being referred to hereafter as "BNDES"), Chautauqua will only
     enter into an Alternative Financing with [*], and thereafter, Chautauqua
     will only enter into an Alternative Financing (including, without
     limitation, a refinancing of an [*] other than pursuant to a Lease
     meeting the requirements of Section 7.03(c) of the Air Services
     Agreement) with BNDES.

2)   Chautauqua acknowledges that AMR and AA intend to negotiate with BNDES
     forms of leveraged lease documentation (the "AA/BNDES Form Lease") based on

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* Confidential

     aircraft loans by BNDES to AMR affiliates and acceptable to AMR for
     submission to lessors (which may include Solitair Corp., an affiliate of
     Chautauqua; Chautauqua or a subsidiary of Chautauqua (each a "CAI
     Affiliate") as the equity participant) with respect to any Firm Approved
     Aircraft financed by BNDES that are subsequently leased to AA or an AMR
     affiliate (a "Permitted Assignee") pursuant to either the "put" or "call"
     provisions of the Air Services Agreement. Any AA/BNDES Form Lease shall be
     subject to the approval of the lessor under such leveraged lease.
     Chautauqua and AMR intend to negotiate leveraged lease documentation based
     on the AA/BNDES Form Lease and acceptable to AMR for lease to an AMR
     affiliate with a CAI Affiliate as equity participant acting through a trust
     or similar entity (such lease, a "Chautauqua Leasing Arrangement"). AMR and
     Chautauqua and their respective affiliates shall not have any liability
     under this letter for any failure to reach agreement as to an AA/BNDES Form
     Lease, as to a Chautauqua Leasing Arrangement, or as to any Alternative
     Financing or other arrangement.

3)   Until the date that (i) AMR and BNDES agree to the terms of an AA/BNDES
     Form Lease, (ii) AMR and Chautauqua agree on the terms of a Chautauqua
     Leasing Arrangement and, (iii) financing for a Specified Aircraft has
     been put in place with BNDES that permits such Specified Aircraft to be
     leased to a Permitted Assignee pursuant to an AA/BNDES Form Lease (and,
     if applicable, under a Chautauqua Leasing Arrangement) upon exercise of
     any put or call option referred to below, Chautauqua will not enter into
     any [*]. If the conditions of the preceding sentence are satisfied,
     Chautauqua may enter into an Alternative Financing of a Specified
     Aircraft on such agreed terms without further approval by AMR of such
     financing (a "Definitive Alternative Arrangement") for purposes of the
     Air Services Agreement.

4)   At the time of (a) a transfer to AMR or an affiliate of a leasehold
     interest in a Specified Aircraft or (b) a lease to an AMR affiliate under a
     Chautauqua Leasing Arrangement, in either case pursuant to a [*] (but
     otherwise free and clear of all liens, including liens permitted by the
     Alternative Financing).

5)   At such time as Chautauqua enters into an [*], provided that (a) the
     "Lender's Debt Rate" shall be the interest rate charged by [*], and (b)
     the illustrative Average Monthly Accounting Rent shall be [*] rather
     than the figure set forth on such [*] in each case subject to further
     adjustment as provided in [*]. In the event Chautauqua subsequently
     enters into a Definitive Alternative Financing with BNDES, Chautauqua's
     reimbursable aircraft

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* Confidential


     ownership costs with respect to the respective Specified Aircraft shall
     be recalculated pursuant to [*], as if such aircraft was leased by
     Chautauqua, provided that the illustrative Average Monthly Accounting
     Rent shall be [*] rather than the figure set forth on such Exhibit P
     subject to further adjustment as provided in Exhibit P. The foregoing is
     not intended to amend or modify Schedule E-3, Section 1. J of the Air
     Services Agreement or Schedule E-3, Section 1. K of the current proposed
     draft of the Amended and Restated Air Services Agreement.

6)   AMR agrees that it may not [*] of the Air Services Agreement and
     Chautauqua agrees that it may not [*] of the Air Services Agreement with
     respect to any Specified Aircraft that is subject to an Alternative
     Financing until such time, if any, that a Definitive Alternative
     Financing or a Lease is entered into with respect to such aircraft.

7)   Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this letter does not limit
     (a) any of AMR's[*] of the Air Services Agreement, which options will
     remain in effect with respect to each Specified Aircraft, or (b) any of the
     other rights or obligations of Chautauqua or AMR under the Air Services

8)   This letter agreement does not apply to any Firm Approved Aircraft other
     than the Specified Aircraft.

9)   AMR agrees that each Specified Aircraft shall be placed into service under
     the Air Services Agreement and waives any claim for any delay in placing
     such Aircraft into service, including any claim for liquidated damages
     under Section 1.02(a) of the Air Services Agreement. AMR further
     acknowledges and agrees that Chautauqua has the right under certain
     circumstances to return the Specified Aircraft to Embraer and agrees that
     in the event Chautauqua exercises such right, (a) such Aircraft shall
     be [*], (b) such Aircraft shall[*], (c) the Air Services Agreement[*],
     and (d) AMR[*].

         Except as modified hereby, the Air Services Agreement remains in
effect. This letter agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of Texas
without reference to conflict of laws rules.

         This letter agreement may be executed in separate counterparts, each of
which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such
counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument.
Execution may be effected by delivery of facsimiles of signature pages (and the
parties shall follow such delivery by prompt delivery of originals of such
pages). This letter agreement may be executed in any

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* Confidential


number of counterparts (and each of the parties hereto shall not be required to
execute the same counterpart). Any counterpart may be executed by facsimile
signature and such

         [Intentionally Blank.  Continued on next page.]


facsimile signature shall be deemed an original. Each counterpart of this letter
agreement including a signature page executed by each of the parties hereto
shall be an original counterpart of this letter agreement, but all of such
counterparts together shall constitute one instrument.

         If you are in agreement with the foregoing, please countersign a copy
of this letter agreement and return a copy to the parties set forth in the
notice provisions of the Air Services Agreement.

Very Truly Yours,








cc:      Wexford Capital, LLC, 411 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT  06830;
         Attention: Joseph Jacobs, President; Attention: Arthur Amron,
         General Counsel;
         Fax # 203-862-7312
         Tom Bacon - American Eagle
         Gary Foss - American Eagle
         Holly Stroud - American Airlines
         Lisa May - Haynes & Boone, Fax # 214-200-0511
         John Hoyns - Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Fax # 212-422-4726
         Debevoise & Plimpton, 919 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022;
         Attn: Nilima Muttana; Fax # 212-909-6836


                          ATTACHMENT TEXT OF EXHIBIT P

Note: input items marked with an asterisk (*) will be adjusted in the manner
specified. The figures included below are based on GECC indicative financing as
of November 7, 2001.

Purchase Price*:    [*]

Closing Date*:      November 23, 2001 (to be adjusted to reflect the actual
                    delivery date of the respective Firm Approved Aircraft).

5-yr Generic
US Swap Rate*:      [*] (determined using Bloomberg page "IRSB18." To be
                    adjusted to reflect the rate in effect on the Closing Date).

Equity After-Tax
Yield*:             [*]

Tax Rate:           35%

Debt Rate*:         CIRR Rate (as adjusted for the rate in effect on date of
                    closing, which is [*] as of November __, 2001).

CIRR                Rate: For any day, the Commercial Interest Reference Rate
                    for the U.S. dollar with respect to loans with a tenor
                    exceeding 17 semi-annual repayment periods applicable for
                    such day, as published for monthly periods by the United
                    States Export-Import Bank, at its official website address
                    under the heading "Commercial Interest Reference Rate

Rent Structure:     [*]

Average Monthly
Accounting Rent:    [*] (to be determined using the Warren & Selbert ABC
                    Program using the input items set forth herein; provided,
                    however, that in no event shall the rent be less than the
                    Lender's debt service).

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* Confidential


Residual:           [*] of Purchase Price

Early Buyout Date:  [*] Anniversary of the Closing Date.

Early Buyout Price: The greater of (a) the termination value, as determined
                    according to the Warren & Selbert ABC Program, and (b) the
                    estimated fair market value as of the Early Buyout Date of
                    the respective Firm Approved Aircraft determined by an
                    outside appraiser on the Closing Date.

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* Confidential