
                                                                    Exhibit 3.13


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           CERTIFICAT DE CONSTITUTION

                        Loi sur les compagnies, Partie IA
                              (L.R.Q., chap. C-38)

                 J'atteste par les presentes que la compagnie

                 9006-1359 QUEBEC INC.

                 a ete constituee le 7 JUIN 1994, sous l'autorite de la
                 partie IA de la Loi sur les compagnies, tel qu'indique dans les
                 statuts de constitution ci joints.

                 DEPOSES AU REGISTRE LE 8 JUIN 1994
                 SOUS LE MATRICULE 1140566846

                                 Inspecteur general des institutions financieres


                                         STATUTS DE CONSTITUTION
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1  Denomination sociale

   9006-1359 QUEBEC INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  District judiciaire      3  Nombre precis        4   Date d'entree en vigueur
   du Quebec ou la             ou nombres minimal       si posterieure a celle
   compagnie etablit           et maximal des           du depot
   son siege social            administrateurs

Montreal                    Minimum 1   Maximum 10
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5  Description du capital-actions

See Schedule < <  A  < <  attached herewith
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  Restrictions sur le transfert des actions, le cas echeant

See Schedule < <  B  < < attached herewith
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  Limites imposees a son activite, le cas echeant

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  Autres dispositions

See Schedule < <  C  < < attached herewith

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9  Fondateurs
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Adresse incluant le             Signature de chaque
        Nom et prenom     code postal (s'il s'agit        fondateur (s'il s'agit
                         d'une corporation, indiquer         d'une corporation,
                          le siege social et la loi           signature de la
                               constitutive)                personne autorisee)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fondateurs             651 Notre-Dame Street West
Inteltex Inc.          Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1J1
Inteltex               Corporation incorporated
Incorporators Inc.     under the Canada Business
                       Corporations Act                   President

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Si l'espace est insuffisant, joindre une annexe en deux (2) exemplaires

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve a l'administration


                                   SCHEDULE A

                                  SHARE CAPITAL

The unlimited share capital of the company carries seven (7) classes of shares
with the following rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions:

A)   CLASS A SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class A shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDENDS AND PARTICIPATION. Subject to the rights and privileges
     attached to other classes of shares, holders of class A shares shall have
     the right, equal in all respects with holders of class B shares:

          a)   to participate in the property, profits and surplus assets of the
          company, and for that purpose, to receive any dividend declared by the
          company, and

          b)   to share in remaining property of the company upon dissolution.

     2)   RESTRICTION. Subject to section 123.70 of the COMPANIES ACT no
     dividend can be paid on class A shares nor can such shares be acquired by
     the company which would result in the realizable value of the net assets of
     the company being insufficient to redeem class D and E shares.

     3)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Holders of class A shares shall have the right to vote
     at any meeting of the shareholders of the company. Each class A share
     confers one (1) vote, except at meetings where only the holders of certain
     classes of shares are entitled to vote.

     4)   RIGHT TO CONVERT. Subject to the approval by the directors of the
     company and by the holders of the majority of outstanding class D shares,
     any holders of class A shares shall have the right, if he so decides, to
     exchange all or part of the class A shares that he holds for class D
     shares, according to the prorata and conditions hereunder contained: the
     rate of conversion shall be one class D share for each class A share
     exchanged, the new class D share representing the same amount added to the
     share capital account issued and paid for the converted class A share.

          A class A shareholder who wishes to prevail himself of this right of
     exchange shall submit to the head office of the company or its transfer
     agent a written notice indicating the number of class A shares he wishes to
     exchange. The notice shall bear the signature of the shareholder registered
     in the register of securities of the company as being the sole qualified
     person to exercise the rights attached to the shares, or the signature of
     his representative. Certificates representing the class A shares submitted
     for exchange shall be attached to the notice. Upon receipt of the
     above-mentioned notice and certificates, the company shall issue a
     certificate for the class D shares resulting from the exchange. If only
     part of the class A shares represented by the above-mentioned


     certificates are to be converted, the company shall, without charge, issue
     a new certificate representing the class A shares which were not exchanged.

          On the date of redemption, the redeemed class A shares shall be
     cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share capital
     account for class A and D shares in conformity with the provisions of
     sections 123.50 and 123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

B)   CLASS B SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class B shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDENDS AND PARTICIPATION. Subject to the rights and privileges
     attached to other classes of shares, holders of class B shares shall have
     the right, equal in all respects with holders of class A shares:

          a)   to participate in the property, profits and surplus assets of the
          company, and for that purpose, to receive any dividend declared by the
          company, and

          b)   to receive the remaining property of the company upon

     2)   RESTRICTION. Subject to section 123.70 of the COMPANIES ACT no
     dividend can be paid on class B shares nor can such shares be acquired by
     the company which would result in the realizable value of the net assets of
     the company being insufficient to redeem class D and E shares.

     3)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Holders of class B shares shall have the right to vote
     at any meeting of shareholders of the company. Each class B share confers
     one (1) vote, except at a meeting where only the holders of certain classes
     of shares are entitled to vote.

C)   CLASS C SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class C shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDENDS AND PARTICIPATION. Holders of class C shares shall not
     participate in the profits and surplus assets of the company and, for that
     purpose, shall not be entitled to any dividend declared by the company.

     2)   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event of the assets of the company were
     distributed following its dissolution, voluntary or forced liquidation or
     otherwise, holders of class C shares have a right, prior to all other
     classes of shareholders of the company, to be reimbursed the amount added
     to the issued and paid capital share account for these class C shares.

     3)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Holders of class C shares shall have one (1) vote per
     share at any meeting of shareholders of the company, except at meetings
     where only holders of certain other classes of shares are entitled to vote.

     4)   AUTOMATIC REDEMPTION. The death of a shareholder holding class C
     shares shall automatically result in the redemption by the company of all
     class C shares held by such


     shareholder in the share capital, for a price equal to the amount added to
     the issued and paid share capital account for these shares. Within thirty
     (30) days of the date of redemption, the company shall pay such price to
     the executor or administrator, upon receipt of the certificates
     representing the redeemed shares, subject to section 123.54 of the

          On date of redemption, the redeemed class C shares shall be cancelled,
     and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share capital account for
     class C shares according to the provisions of section 123.51 of the

     5)   RIGHT TO PURCHASE. The company may, when it deems advisable to do so,
     without notice and without taking into account the other classes of shares,
     purchase by mutual agreement, at the best possible price, all or part of
     the outstanding class C shares.

          On date of purchase, the purchased class C shares shall automatically
     be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share
     capital account for class C shares according to section 123.51 of the

     6)   VETO RIGHTS. No conversion of class C shares, creation of new classes
     of shares, equal or preferential to class C shares or modifications
     concerning class C shares, or other existing classes of shares in the
     purpose of conferring to these other classes of shares equal or
     preferential rights or privileges to class C shares, shall not be
     authorized unless this conversion, creation or modification is approved on
     a vote regrouping 3/4 of the holders of class C shares present or
     represented at a general or special meeting convened to this effect, and
     subject to the other provisions of the COMPANIES ACT.

D)   CLASS D SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class D shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDENDS. Holders of class D shares shall have the right to receive,
     prior to holders of class A, B, E, F and G shares, out of the funds
     applicable to the payment of dividends, as and when such dividends are
     declared, a monthly, preferential, non-cumulative dividend of one per cent
     (1 %) per month on the redemption value of class D shares, as defined in
     subsection (5) hereunder. Such dividend shall not be declared for more than
     one month at a time and shall be payable from the date, at the time and in
     the manner which may be determined by the directors.

     2)   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event the property of the company should
     distributed following its dissolution, voluntary or forced liquidation or
     otherwise. holders of class D shares shall have the right, prior to holders
     of class A, B, E, F and G shares, but after holders of class C shares, to
     be reimbursed the redemption value of class D shares defined in subsection
     (5) hereunder, plus the amount of any declared unpaid dividends on class D

     3)   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of class D shares shall not
     otherwise participate in the profits or surplus assets of the company.


     4)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Subject to the provisions of the COMPANIES ACT, holders
     of class D shares shall not be entitled, as class D shareholders only, to
     vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company, to receive a notice of
     such meeting and to attend same.

     5)   RIGHT TO REDEEM. Subject to the provisions of section 123.54 of the
     COMPANIES ACT, each class D shares is redeemable upon written request by
     its holder, if the company can do so legally, at a price which shall
     include the amount added to the issued and paid share capital account for
     this share, plus a premium equal to the difference between this added
     amount and its share of the fair market value at the time of exchange, of
     the class A shares of the company exchanged for class D shares, such price
     being considered as the redemption value of class D shares with, in
     addition, all declared unpaid dividends on such shares. The amount of the
     above-mentioned premium shall be determined on the basis of the estimated
     fair market value of class A shares of the company on date of exchange; in
     the event the federal or provincial Revenue Departments would allocate to
     such class A shares a fair market value lower or higher than the one used,
     the amount of the premium shall be reduced or increased according to the
     difference or excess of such evaluation by the departments with respect to
     the initial evaluation, provided that the company and the holders of class
     D shares had an opportunity to debate with the departments or before the
     tribunals, the validity of such a different evaluation. In the event of a
     difference between the federal and provincial evaluations, the
     afore-mentioned adjustment shall be made on the basis of the lowest of
     these evaluations, determined following an unquestioned assessment or final
     court decision, as the case may be.

          On date of redemption, class D shares redeemed with the agreement of
     their holders shall be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued
     and paid share capital account for class D shares according to the
     provisions of section 123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     6)   RIGHT TO PURCHASE. Subject to the provisions of section 123.56 of the
     COMPANIES ACT, the company may, when it deems advisable to do so, without
     notice and without taking into account the other classes of shares,
     purchase by mutual agreement all or part of the outstanding class D shares
     at the best possible price, which in no way shall exceed the aforementioned
     redemption price nor the realizable value of the net assets of the company.

          On date of purchase, the purchased class D shares shall automatically
     be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share
     capital account for class D shares according to the provisions of section
     123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     7)   VETO RIGHT. No conversion of class D shares, creation of new classes
     of shares, equal or preferential to class D shares, or modifications
     concerning class D shares, or other existing classes of shares in the
     purpose of conferring to these other classes of shares equal or
     preferential rights or privileges to class D shares, shall not to
     authorized unless this conversion, creation or modification is approved on
     a vote regrouping 3/4 of the holders of class D shares present or
     represented at a general or special meeting convened to this effect, and
     subject to the other provisions of the COMPANIES ACT.


E)   CLASS E SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class E shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDEND. Holders of class E shares shall have the right to receive
     prior to holders of class A, B, F and G shares, but after holders of class
     D shares, out of the funds applicable to the payment of dividends. as and
     when such dividends are declared, a monthly, preferential, non-cumulative
     dividend of one per cent (1%) per month on the redemption value of class E
     shares, as defined in subsection (5) hereunder. Such dividend shall not be
     declared for more than one month at a time and shall be payable from the
     date, at the time and in the manner which may be determined by the

     2)   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event the property of the company should be
     distributed following its dissolution, voluntary or forced liquidation or
     otherwise, holders of class E shares shall have the right, prior to holders
     of class A, B, F, and G shares, but after holders of class C and D shares,
     to be reimbursed the redemption value of class E shares defined in
     subsection (5) hereunder, plus the amount of any declared unpaid dividends
     on class E shares.

     3)   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of class E shares shall not
     otherwise participate in the profits or surplus assets of the company.

     4)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Subject to the provisions of the COMPANIES ACT, holders
     of class E shares are not be entitled, as class E shareholders only, to
     vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company, to receive a notice of
     such meetings and to attend same.

     5)   OBLIGATION TO REDEEM. Subject to the provisions of section 123.54 of
     the COMPANIES ACT, class E shares shall be redeemed by the company totally
     or partially, at any time upon written request of the holders of these
     shares, at a price equal to the amount added to the issued and paid share
     capital account for these shares, plus a premium equal to the difference
     between the fair market value, at the time these class E shares were
     issued, of the consideration received by the company for issuing these
     class E shares and the total comprised of:

          a)   the amount added to the issued and paid share capital account for
          these shares, and

          b)   the fair market value of any property, other than class E shares.
          given in payment by the company for that consideration.

          Such a price shall be considered as the redemption value of class E
     shares and the company shall, in addition, remit to the holders of class E
     shares so redeemed, the amount of the declared unpaid dividends on these
     shares, as the case may be. The fair market value of the aforementioned
     consideration shall be as determined by the company and the subscriber to
     class E shares upon issuance of class E shares. In the event the federal
     and/or provincial Revenue Departments would attribute to this consideration
     a fair market value different from that determined by the aforementioned
     persons, the amount of the premium shall be reduced or increased
     consequently, provided that the company had an opportunity to debate with
     the departments or before the tribunals the


     validity of such departmental evaluations, and provided that should there
     be a discrepancy between the provincial and federal evaluation, the above
     adjustment shall be made, based on the lowest evaluation determined
     following an unquestioned assessment or a final court decision, as the case
     may be.

          The above-mentioned redemption shall be carried out by the company
     without regard to other classes of shares. Within thirty (30) days
     following the date of redemption, the company shall pay the redemption
     price to the former class E shareholders. Should the company be unable to
     pay the full redemption price within that delay by reason of the provisions
     of section 123.54 of the COMPANIES ACT, it shall pay a first amount on
     account of the full redemption price within the thirty (30) day delay, and
     pay the balance as soon as it can do so legally.

          On date of redemption, class E shares redeemed with the agreement of
     their holders shall be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued
     and paid share capital account for class E shares according to provisions
     of section 123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

          What is more, if in the event of a price adjustment, the company
     redeem all of class E shares, the company shall pay to its shareholders, as
     soon as it can legally do so, an additional sum, if the premium is
     increased, or the holders of the redeemed shares will repay any sum due in
     the event that the adjustment decreases the premium, with all interest at
     the highest rate between the one prescribed by virtue of Article 28 of the
     LAW OF THE MINISTRY OF REVENUE (L.C.Q.) or the one prescribed by Article
     4301 of the REGULATIONS OF THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX ACT, as determined from
     time to time, prorata to the class E shares held by each shareholder. If
     only a part of the class E shares were redeemed, the portion of the
     additional payment or repayment, as the case may be, corresponding to the
     redeemed shares will be made as soon as is legally possible, with interest
     at the rate hereinabove mentioned, and with regard to the shares still to
     be redeemed. The value of these shares will modify, either more or less, as
     the case may be, the amount of the premium for these shares.

     6)   RIGHT TO PURCHASE. Subject to the provisions of section 123.56 of the
     COMPANIES ACT, the company may, when it deems advisable to do so, without
     notice and without taking into account the other classes of shares,
     purchase by mutual agreement all or part of the outstanding class E shares
     at the best possible price, which in no way shall exceed the aforementioned
     redemption price nor the realizable value of the net assets of the company.

          On date of purchase, the purchased class E shares shall automatically
     be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share
     capital account for class E shares according to the provisions of section
     123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     7)   VETO RIGHT. No conversion of class E shares, creation of new classes
     of shares, equal or preferential to class E shares, or modifications
     concerning class E shares, or other existing classes of shares in the
     purpose of conferring to these other classes of shares equal or
     preferential rights or privileges to class E shares, shall not be


     unless this conversion, creation or modification is approved on a vote
     regrouping 3/4 of the holders of class E shares present or represented at a
     general or special meeting convened to this effect, and subject to the
     other provisions of the COMPANIES ACT.

F)   CLASS F SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class F shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDEND. Holders of class F shares shall have the right to receive,
     prior to holders of class A, B and G shares, but after holders of class D
     and E shares, out of the funds applicable to the payment of dividends, as
     and when such dividends are declared, an annual, preferential,
     non-cumulative dividend of one dollar (1$) per share: such dividend shall
     be payable from the date, at the time and in the manner to be determined by
     the directors.

     2)   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event the property of the company should be
     distributed following its dissolution, voluntary or forced liquidation or
     otherwise, holders of class F shares shall have the right, prior to holders
     of class A, B and G shares, but after holders of class C, D and E shares,
     to be reimbursed the amount added to the issued and paid share capital
     account for class F shares and to be paid the amount of any declared unpaid
     dividends on class F shares.

     3)   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of class F shares shall not
     otherwise participate in the profits or surplus assets of the company.

     4)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Subject to the provisions of the COMPANIES ACT, holders
     of class F shares shall not be entitled, as class F shareholders only, to
     vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company, to receive a notice of
     such meeting and to attend same.

     5)   OBLIGATION TO REDEEM. Subject to the provisions of section 123.54 of
     the COMPANIES ACT, any holders of class F shares may demand in writing at
     any time from the company that it redeems to that effect, all or part of
     the shares of that class held by that same shareholder, at a price equal to
     the amount added to the issued and paid share capital account for these
     shares, as well as the unpaid declared dividends on use shares. Upon
     receiving such a request, the company shall pay to their ex-holder, all or
     part of the aforementioned price which it can then pay without committing
     an offence under section 123.54 of the COMPANIES ACT; the company shall pay
     him the full balance, should there be one, as soon as it can legally do so.

          On date of redemption, class F shares redeemed with the agreement of
     their holders shall be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued
     and paid share capital account for class F shares according to the
     provisions of section 123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     6)   RIGHT TO PURCHASE. Subject to the provisions of section 123.56 of the
     COMPANIES ACT, the company may, when it deems advisable to do so, without
     notice and without taking into account the other classes of shares,
     purchase by mutual agreement all or part of outstanding class F shares at
     the best possible price.


          On date of purchase, the purchased class F shares shall automatically
     be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share
     capital account for class F shares according to the provisions of section
     123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     7)   VETO RIGHT. No conversion of class F shares, creation of new classes
     of shares, equal or preferential to class F shares, or modifications
     concerning class F shares, or other existing classes of shares in the
     purpose of conferring to these other classes of shares equal or
     preferential rights or privileges to class F shares, shall not be
     authorized unless this conversion, creation or modification is approved on
     a vote regrouping 3/4 of the holders of class F shares present or
     represented at a general or special meeting convened to this effect, and
     subject to the other provisions of the COMPANIES ACT.

G)   CLASS G SHARES: The rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions
attached to an unlimited number of class G shares without nominal value, are as

     1)   DIVIDENDS. Holders of class G shares shall have the right to receive,
     prior to holders of class A and B shares, but after holders of class D, E
     and F shares, out of the funds applicable to the payment of dividends, as
     and when such dividends are declared, an annual, preferential,
     non-cumulative dividend of one dollar (1$) per share; such dividend shall
     be payable from the date, at the time and in the manner which may be
     determined by the directors.

     2)   REIMBURSED. In the event the property of the company should be
     distributed following its dissolution, voluntary or forced liquidation or
     otherwise. holders of class G shares shall have the right, prior to holders
     of class A and B shares, but after holders of class C, D, E and F shares,
     to be reimbursed the amount added to the issued and paid share capital
     account for class G shares and to be paid the amount of any declared unpaid
     dividends on class G shares.

     3)   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of class G shares shall not
     otherwise participate in the profits or surplus assets of the company.

     4)   RIGHT TO VOTE. Subject to the provisions of the COMPANIES ACT, holders
     of class G shares are not be entitled, as class G shareholders only, to
     vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company, to receive a notice of
     such meeting and to attend same.

     5)   UNILATERAL RIGHT TO REDEEM. Subject to the provisions of section
     123.53 of the COMPANIES ACT, the company may, if it wishes, redeem class G
     shares unilaterally by giving a thirty (30) day written notice of its
     intention and by paying a price equal to the amount added to the issued and
     paid share capital account for these shares, as well as the dividends
     declared and unpaid on said shares. In the event of partial redemption,
     such redemption shall be in proportion to the number of outstanding class G
     shares, excluding fractions of shares.

          On date of redemption, the redeemed class G shares shall be cancelled,
     and the company shall reduce the issued and paid share capital account for
     class G shares according to the provision of section 123.51 of the


     6)   RIGHT TO PURCHASE. Subject to the provisions of section 123.56 of the
     COMPANIES ACT, the company may, when it deems advisable to do so without
     notice and without taking into account the other classes of shares,
     purchase by mutual agreement all or part of outstanding G shares at the
     best possible price.

          On date of purchase, the purchased class G shares shall automatically
     be cancelled, and the company shall reduce its issued and paid share
     capital account for class G shares according to the provisions of section
     123.51 of the COMPANIES ACT.

     7)   VETO RIGHT. No conversion of class G shares. creation of new classes
     of shares, equal or preferential to class G shares, or modifications
     concerning class G shares, or other existing classes of shares in the
     purpose of conferring to these other classes of shares equal or
     preferential rights or privileges to class G shares, shall not be
     authorized unless this conversion, creation or modification is approved on
     a vote regrouping 3/4 of the holders of class G shares present or
     represented at a general or special meeting convened to this effect, and
     subject to the other provisions of the COMPANIES ACT.


                                   SCHEDULE B


No share issued by the company shall be transferred without the approval of the
directors. Such approval shall be expressed in a resolution of the Board of
directors and may validly be given after the transfer has been registered in the
corporate records, in which case it shall take effect retroactively upon the
date on which the transfer was recorded.


                                   SCHEDULE C

                                OTHER PROVISIONS


     The company shall be a "closed company" as defined in within the meaning of
the SECURITIES ACT (R.S.Q., c. V-I, s. 5), and, as such:

     a)   the number of shareholders of the company shall be limited to fifty
          (50), exclusive of present or former employees of the company or of a
          subsidiary; two or more persons who jointly hold one or more shares
          ace courted as one shareholder; and

     b)   any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities is


     In addition to the powers conferred by its articles and without restricting
the generality of the powers conferred upon the directors by section 77 of the
COMPANIES ACT, R.S.Q., c. C-38, the directors, if they see fit, and without
obtaining the authorization of the shareholders, may:

     a)   borrow money upon the credit of the company;

     b)   issue or reissue debentures or other securities of the company and
          pledge or sell the same at such price or for such amount as is deemed

     c)   give a guarantee in the name of the company to secure the obligation
          of another person, provided that it is established that the company is
          or will be able to discharge its liabilities when due and that the
          book value of its assets will not be less than the sum of its
          liabilities and of its issued and paid-up share capital account;

     d)   hypothecate the immoveable and movable or otherwise affect the movable
          property of the company; and

     e)   delegate one or more of the above-mentioned powers to a director, to
          an Executive Committee, to a committee of the Board of Directors or to
          an officer of the company.



                                         AVIS RELATIF A L'ADRESSE
                                         DU SIEGE SOCIAL
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Denomination sociale

     9006-1359 QUEBEC INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Avis est donne par les presentes que l'adresse du siege social de la
     compagnie, dans les limites du district judiciaire indique dans les
     statuts, est la suivante:

       651                       Notre-Dame Street West
               N(DEG.)           Nom de la rue


     Quebec                                                 H3C 1J1
               Province                                   Code Postal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

La compagnie

                                  Fonction du
        /s/ James Smith           signataire   INCORPORATOR
- ---------------------------------              ---------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve a l'administration



                                         AVIS RELATIF A LA COMPOSITION
                                         DU CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Denomination sociale

     9006-1359 QUEBEC INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Adresse actuelle de la compagnie:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     651                         Notre-Dame Street West
               N(DEG.)           Nom de la rue


     Quebec                                                 H3C 1J1
               Province                                   Code Postal

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3    Les administrateurs de la compagnie sont:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Nom et prenom                  Adresse residentielle complete
                                                      (incluant le code postal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James Smith                                  651 Notre-Dame Street West
                                             Montreal (Quebec)
                                             H3C 1J1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Si l'espace est insuffisant, joindre une annexe en deux (2) exemplaires.

La compagnie

                                  Fonction du
        /s/ James Smith           signataire   INCORPORATOR
- ---------------------------------              ---------------------------------

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Reserve a l'administration



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                           CERTIFICAT DE MODIFICATION

                        Loi sur les compagnies, Partie IA
                              (L.R.Q., chap. C-38)

                    J'atteste par les presentes que la compagnie

                    ET FILS INC.

                    a modifie ses statuts le 17 AOUT 1994, sous l'autorite de la
                    partie IA de la Loi sur les compagnies, tel qu'indique dans
                    les statuts de modification ci-joints.

                    DEPOSES AU REGISTRE TO 31 AOUT 1994
                    SOUS LE MATRICULE 1140566846

                                 Inspecteur general des institutions financieres


                                         STATUTS DE MODIFICATION
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Denomination sociale

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Adresse actuelle de la compagnie:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               N(DEG.)                   Nom de la rue


     QUEBEC                                                 G0M 1S0
               Province                                   Code Postal

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3    / / Requete presentee en vertu de l'article 123.140 et suivants de la Loi
     sur les compagnies

4    Les statuts de la compagnie sont modifies de la facon suivante:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5    Date d'entree en vigueur, si      6    Denomination sociale (ou numero
     differente de la date du depot         matricule) anterieure a la
     (voir instructions)                    modification, si differente de celle
                                            mentionnee a la case 1

                                              9006-1359 QUEBEC INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Si l'espace est insuffisant, joindre une annexe en deux (2) exemplaires.

Signature de                          /s/ Ghislain Jacques
l'administrateur autorise    GHISLAIN JACQUES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve a l'administration


                                         AVIS RELATIF A L'ADRESSE
                                         DU SIEGE SOCIAL
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Denomination sociale

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Avis est donne par les presentes que l'adresse du siege social de la
     compagnie, dans les limites du district judiciaire indique dans les
     statuts, est la suivante:

               N(DEG.)                   Nom de la rue


     QUEBEC                                                 G0M 1S0
               Province                                   Code Postal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

La compagnie

                                          Fonction du
        /s/ Ghislain Jacques              signataire    Director (July 18, 1994)
- -----------------------------------------               ------------------------

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Reserve a l'administration



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           CERTIFICAT DE MODIFICATION

                        Loi sur les compagnies, Partie IA
                              (L.R.Q., chap. C-38)

                 J'atteste par les presentes que la compagnie

                 ET FILS INC.

                 a modifie ses statuts le 21 DECEMBRE 1994, sous l'autorite
                 de la partie IA de la Loi sur les compagnies, tel qu'indique
                 dans les statuts de modification ci-joints.

                 DEPOSES AU REGISTRE TO 18 JANVIER 1994
                 SOUS LE MATRICULE 1140566846

                     Inspecteur general des institutions financieres par interim


                                         STATUTS DE MODIFICATION
                                         Loi sur les compagnies, L.R.Q., c. C-38
                                         Partie 1A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Denomination sociale

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Adresse actuelle de la compagnie:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     106                                 DU PARC INDUSTRIEL
               N(DEG.)                   Nom de la rue


     QUEBEC                                                 G0M 1S0
               Province                                   Code Postal

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3    / / Requete presentee en vertu de l'article 123.140 et suivants de la Loi
     sur les compagnies

4    Les statuts de la compagnie sont modifies de la facon suivante:

       L'annexe 1 ci-jointe fait partie integrante de la presente formule

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5    Date d'entree en vigueur,      6    Denomination sociale (ou numero
     si differente de la date            matricule) anterieure a la
     du depot (voir instructions)        modification, si differente de celle
                                         mentionnee a la case 1

s.o.                                     s.o.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Si l'espace est insuffisant, joindre une annexe en deux (2) exemplaires.

Signature de                 /s/ Ghislain Jacques
l'administrateur autorise  -----------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve a l'administration



                                    ANNEXE 1

                      AUX STATUTS DE MODIFICATION (FORM 5)

4.   Les statuts de la compagnie sont modifies de la facon suivante:

     1.   The provisions relating to the description of the share capital of the
          Company are amended as follows:

          1.1  by repealing the class B, class C, class D, class E, class F and
               class G provisions and by creating an unlimited number of class
               H, class I and class J shares, without par value, which rights,
               privileges, conditions and restrictions are hereby defined in
               Schedule A hereto which forms an integral part of these Articles
               of Amendment;

          1.2  all issued class A shares in the capital stock of the Company
               prior to the filing of the said Articles of Amendment are hereby
               converted into an equal number of class J shares;

          1.3  all the class A shares, none of which remain outstanding as a
               result of such conversion, are hereby cancelled and their
               provisions deleted.

     2.   The amounts added to the issued and paid-up capital account maintained
          for the class A shares existing before the filing of these Articles of
          Amendment shall be reattributed and credited to the issued and paid-up
          capital account of the new class J shares of the capital stock of the
          company created following the filing of these Articles of Amendment.


                                   SCHEDULE A

                          DESCRIPTION OF SHARE CAPITAL

The company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Class H, Class I and
Class J shares, all without per value.

1.   Subject to the rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions attaching to
     the Class J shares, the Class H shares carry the following rights,
     privileges, conditions and restrictions:

     1.1  holders of Class H shares are entitled to receive notices of, attend
          and vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company;

     1.2  holders of Class H shares are entitled to receive, PARI PASSU with the
          holders of Class I shares, any dividend declared by the company;

     1.3  however, no dividend may be declared or paid on Class H shares and no
          such share may be acquired by the company if there are reasonable
          grounds to believe that, as a consequence, the value of the company's
          assets would be less than the sum of:

          1.3.1  the company's liabilities;

          1.3.2  the company's issued and paid-up share capital account
                 pertaining to all the shares of the company (in the case of a
                 share acquisition, the issued and paid-up share capital account
                 shall be that which is established immediately after having
                 given effect to such acquisition of shares); and

          1.3.3  the amount by which the Redemption Value of the outstanding
                 Class J shares established in accordance with subsection 3.5
                 exceeds their issued and paid-up share capital account,

     1.4  upon the winding-up of the company, holders of Cuss H shares shall be
          entitled, PARI PASSU with the holders of Class I shares, to share the
          remaining property of the company, in proportion to the number of such
          shares held respectively by each of them, the whole in accordance with
          section 4.

2.   Subject to the rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions attaching to
     the Class J shares, the Class I shares carry the following rights,
     privileges, conditions and restrictions:

     2.1  except where the COMPANIES ACT (Quebec) otherwise confers on holders
          of Class I shares the right to vote and subject to section 5, the
          Class I shares do not confer on their holders the right to vote at, be
          called to or attend shareholders' meetings;

     2.2  holders of Class I shares are entitled to receive, PARI PASSU with the
          holders of Class I shares, any dividend declared by the company;


     2.3  however, no dividend may be declared or paid on Class I shares and no
          such share may be acquired by the company if there are reasonable
          grounds to believe that, as a consequence, the value of the company's
          assets would be less than the sum of:

          2.3.1  the company's liabilities;

          2.3.2  the company's issued and paid up share capital account
                 pertaining to all the shares of the company (in the case of a
                 share acquisition, the issued and paid-up share capital account
                 shall be that which is established after having given effect to
                 and acquisition of shares); and

          2.3.3  the amount by which the Redemption Value of the outstanding
                 Class J shares established in accordance with section 3.5
                 exceeds their issued and paid-up share capital account;

     2.4  upon the winding-up of the company, holders of Class I shares shall be
          entitled, PARI PASSU with the holders of Class I shares, to share the
          remaining property of the company, in proportion to the number of such
          shares held respectively by each of them, the whole in accordance with
          section 4.

3.   The Class J shares carry the following rights, privileges, conditions, and

     3.1  holders of Class J shares are entitled to receive notices of attend
          and vote at any meeting of shareholders of the company;

     3.2  holders of Class J shares are entitled to receive, for each mouth of a
          fiscal year of the company and to the extent that the directors so
          declare, a non-cumulative, non-preferential dividend at a maximum rate
          of one half of a per cent (1/2%) per month, calculated on the
          Redemption Value of such sharers at the date of declaration of the
          dividend; such dividend being non-cumulative, the directors may, for a
          given monthly period and in their entire discretion, abstain from
          declaring it or declare a part only thereof, in which case the right
          of holders of Class J shares to such dividend or to the undeclared
          portion thereof, as the case may be, for such monthly period, shall be
          extinguished forever;

     3.3  subject to the provisions of the COMPANIES ACT (Quebec) and to
          subsection 3.6, the company is entitled, upon a resolution of the
          board of directors, to redeem, unilaterally, at any time or from time
          to time, all or pact of the Class J shares then outstanding the whole
          in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

          3.3.1. the company shall deliver to each person who, on the day of
                 sending of the notice defined hereinafter, is a registered
                 holder of glass J shares, a prior written notice of redemption
                 or send such prior notice by mail to the last address of the
                 holder as it appears on the books of the company, or, in the
                 event that the address of the holder does not appear thereon,
                 to the last known address of the holder; such prior notice
                 shall inform the holder of the


          3.4.2  at the Redemption Date, the company shall issue a cheque, made
                 out to the order of the holder, in an amount equal to the
                 entire portion of the aforementioned price which it may then
                 pay without infringing the applicable legislative provisions;
                 the balance, if any, will be paid by the company to any such
                 holder as soon as the company may legally do so;

          3.4.3  from the Redemption Date, the Class J shares so redeemed at the
                 request of a holder shall be irrevocably cancelled and such
                 holder shall then cease to benefit from the rights incidental
                 thereto, except the right to receive payment of the redemption

          3.4.4  the company shall pay, for each Class J share so redeemed, an
                 amount equal to the Redemption Value of such share, as
                 established in accordance with subsection 3.5, grossed up, as
                 the case may be, by the amount of any dividend declared and
                 unpaid on such share at the Redemption Date;

     3.5  each Class J share shall have a redemption value (the "Redemption
          Value") which is established as being equal to the quotient obtained
          by dividing the fair mark value of the consideration received by the
          company in respect of the issue of such Class J shares (hereinafter
          collectively referred to as the "Exchanged Property") by the number of
          Class J shares issued by the company, minus, as the case may be, any
          amount paid to a holder of a Class J share on account of a reduction
          of the issued and paid-up chart capital account of the Class J shares;
          the fair market value of the Exchanged Property referred to above is
          that which is established by agreement between the company and the
          person to whom the Class J shares are so issued; however such fair
          market value shall be subject to revision in accordance with any
          binding agreement with, or decision by, the appropriate taxation
          authorities, or any judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction; in
          the event that any such agreement, decision or judgment shall result
          in a final determination under the provisions of the appropriate
          taxation legislation and the amount thereby determined is an amount
          other than the amount for which such share was originally issued as
          determined in accordance with the preceding, such finally determined
          amount for the purpose of the appropriate taxation legislation shall
          then be deemed to be the fair market value of the consideration
          received by the company upon the issue of such Class J share, and the
          company and the holders of any such Cum J shares shall make such
          adjustments between them as may be necessary to give effect to the

     3.6  the company shall not purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire Class J
          shares for an amount which is less than the lower of the following

          3.6.1  the Redemption Value, as established in accordance with
                 subsection 3.5, for the Class J shares purchased, redeemed or
                 otherwise acquired; AND

          3.6.2  the book value of the company's assets (or the realization
                 value of such assets, as the case may be), after deduction of
                 the company's liabilities and


                 the Redemption Value of any share payable by preference, if
                 any, immediately prior to the purchase, redemption or
                 acquisition concerned;

     3.7  upon the winding-up of the company, holders of Class J shares shall be
          entitled to a participation which is limited to the Redemption Value
          of their shares, grossed up, as the case may be, by the amount of any
          dividend declared and unpaid on such shares, such participation being
          equal and proportional among them and in priority to any participation
          of holders of Class H shares and holders of Class I shares, the whole
          in accordance with section 4.

4.   The following provisions shall apply upon the winding-up of the company:

     4.1  holders of Class J shares shall receive, in respect of each such share
          held, an amount equal to the Redemption Value thereof (as calculated
          in accordance with subsection 3.5) grossed up, as the case may be, by
          the amount of any dividend declared and unpaid on such shares; if the
          company's remaining assets are insufficient to pay in full the amounts
          to which the holders of Class J shares are entitled, the available
          amounts shall be shared among them proportionately to the amounts
          which would be payable to each holder respectively if payment were
          made in full; holders of Class J shares shall be entitled to receive
          such amounts (and not more) out of the company's property, by
          preference and in priority to any participation in a similar
          distribution by holders of Class H shares or holders of Class I

     4.2  holders of Class H shares shall receive, PARI PASSU with the holders
          of Class I shares, the company's remaining property in proportion to
          the number of such shares held respectively by each of them;

5.   Subject to the amendment of the company's articles in accordance with the
     relevant provisions of the COMPANIES ACT (Quebec) and subject to any
     unanimous shareholders' agreement among shareholders of the company, the
     company's board of directors may at any time pass a by-law which varies,
     amends, suspends or cancels, in whole or in part, the rights, privileges,
     conditions and restrictions attaching to the Class H, Class I or Class J
     shares, or which authorizes the creation of new share classes ranking PARI
     PASSU with or prior to the shares of such classes; however, no such by-law
     shall have effect unless confirmed by the vote of at least three-quarters
     (3/4) of the votes can respectively by the holders of shares of each class
     affected by such amendment, present or represented at a special general
     meeting of the holders of such classes called for that purpose, all of
     which meetings may be held simultaneously provided that, in all cases, the
     vote is taken separately for each class of the company's shares of which
     the holders' rights are affected by such variation.
