
                                                 Filed by Veeco Instruments Inc.
                           Filed pursuant to Rules 165 and 425 promulgated under
                        the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and deemed filed
                        pursuant to Rule 14a-12 promulgated under the Securities
                        Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
                                 Subject Company:  Veeco Instruments Inc.
                                                   Commission File No.: 0-16244

        On July 15th, 2002, Veeco made available the following transcript.

                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
                                                             07-12-02/9:00 am CT
                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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                             MODERATOR: DEBRA WASSER
                                  JULY 12, 2002
                                   9:00 AM CT

Operator:           Good day, everyone, and welcome to this Veeco and FEI merger
        conference call.  Today's conference is being recorded.

        For opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call
        over to Ms. Debra Wasser. Please go ahead, Ms. Wasser.

Debra Wasser:       Thank you, operator.  And good morning, everyone.  This is
        Debra Wasser, Vice President of Investor Relations for Veeco

        On behalf of the management teams of Veeco Instruments and FEI Company,
        I'm excited to welcome you all to this morning's conference call to
        announce the signing of our definitive merger agreement to form a new
        company, Veeco FEI, Inc.

        Joining me here in Woodbury New York are Vahe Sarkissian, Chairman, CEO,
        and President of FEI Company, who will become Veeco FEI's Chairman of
        the Board and Chief Strategy Officer, Ed Braun, Chairman, CEO...FEI's
        CEO and President, and Jack Rein, Veeco's CFO, who will continue in this
        role for Veeco FEI.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        I have few items to cover which may take a few moments - so bear with
        me - before we start the presentation. Copies of this morning's press
        release and the slide presentation related to this conference call are
        available on both www.veeco.com and www.feico.com.

        This call is being recorded by Veeco Instruments and is copyrighted
        material. It cannot be recorded or rebroadcast without Veeco's expressed
        permission. You participation implies consent to our taping.

        This call is also being Webcast live at both companies' Web sites and
        will be available for replay and archived for future reference. The
        companies do not plan to update the information on this Webcast once it
        has been archived.

        In regard to SEC filings, we draw your attention to the fact that in
        connection with the proposed merger Veeco and FEI will be jointly filing
        a proxy statement registration statement on Form S4 containing
        prospectus related to the shares to be issued to FEI stockholders with
        the SEC as soon as practicable.

        Investors and security holders are urged to read this document when it
        becomes available, because it will contain important information about
        the proposed merger.

        Investors and security holders may obtain copies of this document when
        it has been filed with the SEC as well as other SEC filings of Veeco and
        FEI free of charge from the SEC's Web site at www.sec.gov as well as
        from the applicable company by directing a request to investor relations
        for Veeco at 516-677-0200, Extension 1403, and to investor relations for
        FEI at 503-640-7500, Extension 7527.


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        Veeco and FEI as well as their officers and directors may be deemed to
        be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the Veeco and FEI
        stockholders with respect to the Veeco FEI transaction.

        Information regarding such individuals is included in Veeco's and FEI's
        proxy statements dated April 9, 2002 and April 17, 2002, respectively,
        available free of charge from the SEC and the applicable company as
        indicated above.

        Veeco and FEI will each be filing with the SEC within a few days current
        reports on Form 8K containing the full text of their merger agreement.
        These filings will be available free of charge from the SEC and the
        applicable companies as identified above.

        I will now read the Safe Harbor statement. Statements made on this
        conference call that are not historical facts and that relate to future
        plans or events are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
        Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

        These forward-looking statements include statements about prospects for
        future growth, the success of the proposed merger, product revenues,
        market acceptance of technology, and improved economic conditions. These
        statements are subject to risks and uncertainties.

        Factors that could materially affect the company's outlook include, but
        are not limited to, the company's ability to successfully consummate the
        merger and to achieve the anticipated benefits of the merger, downturns
        in the semiconductor manufacturing market, lower than expected customer
        orders, cancellation of customer orders, increased competition and new
        product offerings from competitors, failure of the competitors to
        introduce products as planned, failure of the company's products and
        technology to find acceptance with customers, as well as business
        conditions and growth in the electronics industry and general economy,
        both domestic and foreign.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        Additional factors that could materially decrease revenues, prospects,
        and market acceptance internationally include fluctuations in interest
        and exchange rates, including changes in relevant foreign currency
        exchange rates between time of sale and time of payment and changes in
        trade policies and tariff regulations.

        Moreover, there is no certainty that economic conditions will improve in
        the near future. We caution you that actual results may differ
        materially from those forward-looking statements due to a number of risk
        and uncertainties.

        We refer you to Veeco's and FEI's 10Q and 10K filings made with the SEC
        for additional information on risk factors which could cause actual
        results to differ materially from current expectations.

        I have one brief last item to cover. In this morning's press release,
        both Veeco and FEI stated each company expects to meet its prior
        guidance which was provided for the quarter - the second quarter of
        2002, excuse me. We do not intend to provide any further information on
        our quarterly financial results until we each individually report the
        second quarter on July 29.

        Thank you for your patience during this lengthy introduction. I would
        now like to, happily, turn the call over to Vahe.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Thank you, Debra. We are excited about our $1 billion merger
        with Veeco Instruments. Ed and I have known each other for more than ten
        years. Both of us are committed to creating a new company, Veeco FEI,
        that combines the strengths of both of our organizations and propels us
        into the top tier ranks as the leading supplier of 3D metrology.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        With combined revenues 2001 of $825 million, 3D metrology is the fastest
        growing market segment in the metrology space, which in turn is the
        fastest growing part of the semiconductor and data storage equipment

        This merger doubles our size and strengthens our respective leadership
        positions in surface and subsurface three dimensional metrology, which
        are key enablers for deep sub-micron device development and

        Veeco and FEI have rich technology portfolios and intellectual property.
        We serve similar markets and have little to no overlapping products.
        Both companies leverage their key 3D technologies across multiple
        markets. This merger extends our market reach, improves our R&D
        efficiency. It accelerates our (fab) penetration and creates new growth
        opportunities for Veeco FEI.

        In addition to the near term SG&A synergies, this merger will allow us
        to bring critical mass to our merged sales and support channels with the
        strength of more than 700 professionals, yielding higher efficiencies
        and accelerating growth as we move increasingly into (fab) operations
        with 24x7 coverage.

        In summary, Veeco FEI will have a combined management team with a proven
        track record for growth and profitability. The attributes of this
        merger, which I've discussed...will clearly help our combined management
        team achieve higher levels of growth, profitability, and capitalization
        than possible separately. Without question, this merger makes one plus
        one equal far greater than two.

        I will now turn the meeting over to Ed to discuss the formation and
        compelling strategic value of Veeco FEI.


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Ed Braun:           Thank you Vahe. Good morning. I'm very pleased to welcome
        Vahe and to have - and to join him in creating a strategically
        compelling merger in which we are creating a new world leader in 3D
        metrology and process equipment by announcing the signing of a
        definitive merger agreement to create a new company, Veeco FEI, Inc.

        The merger of Veeco and FEI is a combination of enabling technologies
        that many of you have suggested in the past. It is a significant step,
        as it redefines Veeco FEI's combined strength of products, of
        technologies, and of market opportunities going forward. It impacts all
        of the markets we serve.

        Today I will highlight three significant benefits. It increases the
        critical mass, the footprint of Veeco. It redefines our unique 3D
        metrology position and creates the third-largest metrology company in
        the United States.

        In what is, as Vahe has commented, the fastest growing most profitable
        segment of semiconductor equipment, it doubles our size and more than
        doubles our profitability.

        And thirdly, it sets the stage for increased levels of profitability as
        we continue to grow the company. And it does this with entirely
        complementary products and virtually no overlap. The merger is a very
        significant growth opportunity for our shareholders, our customers, and
        our employees.

        Permit me to describe the deal structure. This transaction is valued at
        nearly $1 billion, accounted for using purchase accounting in a
        stock-for-stock tax-free transaction with an exchange ratio of 1.355
        Veeco shares for each FEI share and with 73 million total shares


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        It will be accretive to Veeco's 2003 pro forma street consensus
        estimates. The closing is expected during the fourth quarter of 2002,
        pending both shareholder approval and government regulatory review.

        Veeco FEI will have a board of directors having 13 members, 7 of whom
        are current members of Veeco's board, 5 of whom are current members of
        FEI's board, and 1 member designated by Philips Business Electronics
        International, a significant FEI shareholder.

        Post-transaction ownership of the company will be 45% FEI shareholders,
        40% Veeco shareholders, and 15% Philips Business Electronics
        International. With Vahe as a Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, I
        will continue as CEO and President. And Jack Rein will continue as CFO.

        Corporate headquarters will remain in Woodbury New York with Veeco as
        the surviving business entity. The new company will be named Veeco FEI,
        Inc. and continue to trade on the NASDAQ market under the ticker symbol

        Let me next highlight the value of critical mass. In creating this very
        exciting new company, Veeco FEI, we will have distinct leadership in 3D
        metrology and process equipment, having larger critical mass with a
        clear technology leadership position in complementary core products and
        virtually no overlap.

        We will have combined 2001 revenue of $825 million. Veeco FEI will the
        third-largest US provider of semiconductor metrology equipment with a
        very unique 3D product focus.

        We will be the sixth-largest US company serving the semiconductor
        equipment industry. We will have had combined 2001 EBITDA of $127
        million with a strong balance sheet, including $476


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        million in cash. Again, this transaction will be immediately accretive
        to the current Veeco 2003 pro forma street estimate.

        Both companies have strong historic revenue and profit growth track
        records. Both in fact were profitable. Both had both increased sales and
        profits in a very difficult 2001 market, all of this with stronger
        worldwide presence, a larger combined customer base, and a very
        experienced combined management team.

        We will clearly be breaking away to a larger size. We will have created
        a new larger-cap semiconductor equipment company, which will allow wider
        investor interest, enhance shareholder value, and improve liquidity for
        our shareholders.

        Veeco FEI will be sixth in our peer group, behind Applied Materials,
        KLA, Paradigm, (Lam), and (Novellis). But we will be Number 1 in 3D
        metrology, as defined as a combination of atomic force microscopy,
        focused ion beam, transmission electron microscopy, (sem), and gas

        Point Number 2, the increased metrology content provided by the
        combination of this company drives higher margins and higher growth
        rates. The combined Veeco FEI will have a higher metrology product mix,
        where we will be approximately 2/3 metrology and 1/3 process equipment,
        compared to Veeco standing alone, where last year in a $450 million
        revenue base we had $172 million in metrology and $277 million of
        process equipment.

        That is 38% metrology and 62% process equipment. And FEI standing alone
        last year had $376 million, all metrology. So when one makes that
        combination, we change the mix to 2/3 metrology and 1/3 process
        equipment. So as our mix changes from Veeco's 1/3 metrology to Veeco
        FEI's 2/3 metrology mix, our gross margin...improves by 2 or 3
        percentage points.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        I think as you all know, the metrology - the gross margin content of
        metrology is typically higher than process equipment. Last year, for
        example, within Veeco's combined 45% margin, our margin in metrology was
        52%, our margin on process equipment was 41%. FEI's margin in process
        equipment was 49%. So in the combination, our total margin increases
        from 45% to 47%.

        Metrology spending increases with technology transitions. Metrology is
        increasingly important as feature sizes shrink and as new materials such
        as copper and low (kaydye) electronics are introduced.

        Additional process layers and new materials cause new defect failure
        modes, including both surface and subsurface embedded defects, driving
        the demand for Veeco FEI tools.

        Veeco's industry-leading atomic force microscopes, once used only in
        labs, are now widely used in production, a transition path that FEI's
        dual beam ((inaudible)) systems are clearly following.

        Veeco FEI's combined semiconductor metrology revenue for 2001 was
        approximately $240 million, a sizable amount of metrology sales to

        ((inaudible)) reports that metrology sales content will increase from
        15% of 1997 semi-equipment sales to 19% of the forecasted year 2004
        semi-equipment sales.

        So therefore, the metrology market size will go - will have gone from
        $19.2 billion in 1997 to a forecasted doubling of nearly $42 billion
        forecasted for the year 2004, making it the fastest growth area in
        semiconductor equipment. And this will be key to the growth of Veeco


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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        Again, Veeco FEI offers distinct 3D metrology products. As you look at
        our ranking among metrology companies, we will be the third-largest in
        total revenue in metrology-based - behind KLA-Tencor and Applied

        But our core metrology products, focused ion beam, atomic force
        microscopy, dual beam transition electron microscopy, are not offered by
        either KLA or Applied Materials.

        And our revenue exceeds the combined revenue of Numbers 4, 5, and 6 in
        the metrology listings -- (Thermowave), (Rudolph), and (ADE). So as you
        can see, we will be a leader in high-growth high-margin 3D metrology.

        Addressing our markets, we will provide complementary and -
        complementary technology serving each of our core markets which we have
        in common. Our combined products strengthen our leadership position in
        semiconductors, in data storage, in telecom, and in the scientific
        research sector.

        Both companies have found that market and product diversification have
        helped to offset industry cyclicality. Veeco's and FEI's technologies
        are indeed complementary, combining Veeco's broad ion beam and FEI's
        narrow focused ion beam process capabilities and combining surface and
        subsurface 3D metrology vital for defects in buried layers with
        virtually no product overlap.

        Our corporate cultures are similar. We are both technology-focused,
        profit-driven with a breadth of products serving research and production
        applications, backed by quite strong customer support.

        We bring a significant impact to our shared core markets, which are
        semiconductors, data storage, scientific research, and telecom. Let me
        spend a moment on each of those.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        In semiconductors Veeco provides leadership surface profiling atomic
        force microscopy. FEI offers a broad line of 3D metrology tools, ranging
        from failure analysis to in-line (fab) product process control.
        Together, we provide a very broad and unique surface and subsurface 3D
        metrology suite of products.

        In data storage FEI's focused ion beam and electronic beam metrology
        tools quite nicely complement Veeco's full line of ion beam process
        equipment and deposition tools.

        In scientific research, the combined companies provide state-of-the-art
        high gross margin metrology tools based on ion, electron beam, and
        atomic force microscopy, products seen as industry standards, measuring
        and imaging equipment that are building blocks for next-generation
        emerging markets.

        Scientific research as a market now includes life sciences,
        (nanotechnology), industrial and university research, a growth area over
        the last few years and one that's very important to the future.

        In telecom wireless, Veeco has expanded its product line to include ion
        beam etch and deposition equipment, now molecular beam (epitaxy) for
        wireless device deposition. And this is an emerging opportunity for both
        FEI and Veeco's metrology products as wireless and telecom business

        To further elaborate on some of the market positions, let me first speak
        to data storage, where aerial density continues to grow 100% each year,
        driving the need for new technology every five years as the head
        technology hits a wall in aerial density.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        And unlike semiconductors, the technology road map for ((inaudible))
        thin film head manufacturers is more closely held, giving the marketing
        advantage to incumbents. And Veeco has the industry's largest process
        equipment installed base of over 2000 tools.

        Metrology is increasingly important in achieving high yields for new
        advanced thin film heads. And FEI in fact is the leading supplier of
        focused ion beam systems to data storage with over 50 systems in the

        Veeco FEI will offer a broad line of process and metrology tools with no
        product overlap and with combined 2001 revenue of $200 million. The data
        storage market is often contra-cyclical with semiconductor, providing
        again some important diversification and cushioning.

        In the scientific research market, where we think tomorrow's advanced
        technologies emerge from laboratories, Veeco FEI's ion and electron beam
        line, atomic force, and atomic force microscopy provide a broad line of
        metrology products to address advanced and emerging markets in the
        combination of life sciences, (nanotechnology), industrial and
        university research.

        This market is far less volatile than semiconductor, data storage, or
        telecom. So while the growth rate is...the volatility is also less. And
        we often provide state-of-the-art FEI and Veeco research products that
        have high gross margins.

        The combined Veeco FEI 2001 sales in this important sector were $272
        million. And the high-growth (nanotech) market is expected to exceed $1
        trillion as a total market by 2010.

        So our combined products allow broader penetration of all of our core
        growth markets. Our market segments will be - by this merger will be
        more balanced between semiconductor, data storage, scientific research,
        and telecom.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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                                                           Confirmation # 491789
                                                                         Page 13

        As you can see on the Web page chart, scientific research would be 33%
        of our combined sales in 2001, semiconductor 28%, data storage 23%,
        telecom/wireless 16%, a clearly greater balance than we've had in the
        past. So as you can see, Veeco FEI's combined complementary technologies
        serve these core growth markets with no overlap, allowing greater market

        To highlight our important sales and service capability, I would comment
        that together we provide a strong worldwide sales and service channel.
        Half of our sales would be outside of North America.

        With a greater international presence and process support in the
        important growth markets of Asia/Pacific, Japan, and Europe, with
        improved strategic positioning in key accounts, with increased market
        share based on a broader and more competitive product offering, with
        improved 7x24 service, and sales, and technical support coming from 32
        worldwide offices, and with 775 sales and service professionals,
        clearly, we will be able to leverage sales and service expenses over a
        larger revenue base.

        If you look at our top ten combined customers as a merged Veeco FEI,
        five are semiconductor and five are data storage. And importantly, in
        the top ten, Intel, (AMD), and Samsung, not in Veeco's top ten
        previously, are added to the combined companies' top ten by FEI's

        Semiconductor, data storage, and telecom customers desire deeper
        strategic relationships with fewer suppliers having greater critical
        mass, thus allowing deeper technology partnerships with key customers
        where suppliers become an extension of our customers' R&D programs. And
        customers benefit by getting shorter time to market ramp for their new
        products. Veeco FEI will become more important to its key customers.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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                                                           Confirmation # 491789
                                                                         Page 14

        Concerning our profit improvement going forward, we have formed an
        integration plan in two phases. In the first six months, we will
        integrate a combined worldwide field sales and service organization. We
        will achieve $8 to $10 million of annual synergistic cost savings.

        In addition, we will maximize our combined companies' $100 million R&D
        program to make sure it's aligned to high-growth market opportunities.
        And we will gain by consolidating material purchase activity, thereby
        having better supplier management. And that will produce a number of

        In Phase 2, we will define common Veeco FEI customer hardware and
        software platforms. We will extend our product offerings. And we will
        add core technologies for growth opportunities.

        At this point, I would like to have Jack Rein, our CFO, review financial
        aspects of the merger, followed by some short summary remarks. And then
        we would be glad to take your questions. Jack?

Jack Rein:          Thank you, Ed.  I'd just like to comment on a couple of the
        key points of this from a financial perspective. Number 1, the improved
        income statement through higher-margin metrology content is pretty key.
        Two thousand one's historic combined sales were $825 million.

        Gross profit on a combined basis was 46.7%, compared to 45.1% for Veeco
        as a standalone. Operating profit before amortization would be $127
        million on a 2001 combined basis with 15.4% of sales.

        Head count for the combined companies is approximately 2900 people. We
        do have a very key service component, approximately 22% of the combined
        sales of the two companies.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        We have a quite strong balance sheet with cash at March 31 of $476
        million on a combined basis, long term debt, principally convertible
        notes, of $410 million, shareholders' equity in excess of $1.3 billion.

        And we also expect, as Ed noted, synergy cost savings to accrue. There's
        an opportunity of $8 to $10 million annually, which we'd expect to start
        realizing in the first quarter of '03.

        We believe that there are additional cost savings. But the initial ones
        will - most of those savings will come from the SG&A cost reduction
        area. We also expect to realize purchasing savings and efficiencies in
        R&D such as software development. There will also be geographic
        synergies that accrue as a result of this combination.

        Our operating model ((inaudible)) Veeco as a standalone in 2001 had a
        gross margin of 45%. On an historic combined 2001 basis, the combined
        company would have had a 47% gross margin. Our long term target is a 50%
        margin, which we think is achievable...by the improved mix of metrology
        and the efficiencies that we talked about.

        On an operating profit before amortization basis, Veeco as a standalone
        in 2001 was 13%. On a 2001 combined basis, we were at 15%. And our
        target long term is 20%. We expect to achieve that by keeping SG&A at a
        17% level and investing in R&D at a 13% level -- so a very achievable
        long term operating model target.

        At this point we'll return to Ed for some additional comments.

Ed Braun:           Thank you, Jack. Summing up, I would highlight that the new
        Veeco FEI will create significant value for our shareholders as a new
        leadership company. We will be a clear leader in the key product areas
        we've described, including 3D metrology, atomic force microscopy,
        focused ion beam, as well as our ion beam processing equipment.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
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        We will have the margin benefit of increases metrology sales in the
        fastest growing segment of semiconductor equipment, 3D metrology. We
        will be accretive to year 2003 pro forma street consensus with a very
        strong balance sheet to finance future growth.

        Our products of the combined companies are indeed complementary and
        serve all of our core growth markets. We will see improved profitability
        through cost synergies and increased margin.

        As Vahe and I have commented, we will double our individual company
        sales and more than double our profitability. And our combined companies
        have senior management strength and a record of revenue and profit
        growth achievement. Vahe and I are very excited to have this opportunity
        together to create a new significantly larger worldwide equipment
        company, Veeco FEI.

        Operator, we would be pleased to take questions.

Operator:           Thank you.  Our question and answer session will be
        conducted electronically. Anyone wishing to ask a question may do so by
        simply pressing the star key followed by the digit 1 on your touch-tone

        We'll take your questions in the order that you signal us. And we'll
        take as many questions as time permits. Once again, if you would like to
        ask a question, you may do so by pressing star 1 now.

        And we'll go first Chip Lontai with Bear Stearns.

(Robert):           Hello?  Do you hear me?


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Ed Braun:           Yes, we do.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Yes, we do.

(Robert):     Hi.  It's (Robert).  Sorry.  Congratulations on a nice merger.
        Could you give us a little more detail as to - I realize it's early. But
        in terms of SG&A, I heard Jack's comments. But what sort of target
        reduction are you looking for? And what - you know, give us some idea of
        some of the synergies you're looking at doing and what would be moved

Vahe Sarkissian:    First, let me comment on - both of us I think will answer
        this. (Robert), the synergies of $8 to $10 million that we spoke of come
        largely from SG&A in Phase 1 of the integration. And there will be
        additional savings from better material supplier management and later on
        from examining the opportunity to consolidate sites.

(Robert):           Okay. In terms of products going forward, have there been
        any requests from customers on either the Veeco side or the FEI side to
        get together or to work collaboratively on projects? And what sort of -
        without getting into specifics, any sort of broad directions that you
        can talk about that would work appropriately?


Vahe Sarkissian:    We both can answer that question.  And the answer is both
        implied and explicit - yes. In the data storage market, for instance,
        we very much complement each other.

        And the higher degree of coupling and collaboration in terms of
        manufacturing equipment and the 3D metrology that we provide will close
        the loop and give a significant time to data and efficiency improvements
        in that market segment. And there's also new applications that drive the
        processing metrology to become closer. There's a clear and unambiguous
        benefit there.


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        In the semiconductor arena, as we stated, surface and subsurface
        metrology combination is extremely important in making the metrology
        space even stronger and quicker time to data. And the ability to provide
        the optimal solution for the customers is going to be very important.

        If we take a look at the laboratory market and research in industry, we
        see significant coupling between the optical metrology that Veeco
        provides coupled with our environmental (sem) technology, which is the
        next generation as the dimension shrinks. So there's a lot of continuity
        both in terms of current applications and road maps going forward in all
        of the markets that we serve.

Ed Braun:           (Robert), the complementary nature in metrology is very
        powerful and very obvious.

        But in further answer to your question, in the last couple of months for
        the first time - we've never competed before. But in the last couple of
        months, we've seen opportunities where both companies have received
        (RRQs) in the process arena where people - and this is I think in no
        one's model, including our own, but an opportunity in answer to your

        If you look at Veeco as a broad beam ion beam supplier for process and
        you look at FEI as a narrow focused beam, it becomes apparent that
        between those two end conditions there indeed could be a variable beam
        product that is a piece of process equipment. And we have begun to see
        very early indicators that that has interest in data storage and in
        semiconductor. And that's not in any models.

(Robert):           Okay.  Okay, very good.  Thank you.

Ed Braun:           Thank you, (Robert).


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Operator:           Our next question today comes from Brad Hodess - I'm sorry,
        Brett Hodess, with Merrill Lynch.

Brett Hodess:       Good morning. Two questions, the first is, on the outlook
        for, you know, accretion or dilution, the press release it says that it
        would be dilutive if you included - excluded the (SAB) 101 deferred
        revenue recognition.

        And since, you know, the pro forma numbers - I think generally analysts,
        including myself, try to include the effects of (SAB) 101 in the pro
        forma numbers. Can you clarify that a little bit, if it would still be
        accretive if we had - you know, if we included the effects of (SAB) 101
        in the pro forma numbers?

Ed Braun:           I think, Brett, what we were referring to is that there's
        a - under purchase accounting - we will certainly be including (SAB)
        101. But under purchase accounting, a portion of the deferred revenue
        will not be realized - will never be realized by the company.

        That's just part of the purchase accounting rules. We have not sized
        that amount at this point. But we do expect that particular component to
        be very material.

Brett Hodess:       Okay.

Ed Braun:           Brett, if you remember, in purchase accounting there's a
        one-time charge associated with (SAB) revenue and profit recognition.
        But on an ongoing basis, including (SAB), we will be accretive.

Brett Hodess:       Okay, great.

Ed Braun:           Yes.


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Brett Hodess:       And the second question, back a little bit on the answer you
        were just giving on - between the product lines, given that, you know,
        Veeco is a lot more of a broad beam solution with the atomic force
        microscope and FEI is more of a narrow beam, are there - and that the
        products are different -- and that's quite clear that you do not overlap
        on the products -- are there applications that you already overlap on
        where there might be some application cannibalization? Or is it still
        pretty separated at this point?

Ed Braun:           No, there's no cannibalization. I mean, we really sell often
        - in semiconductor our tools are sold side by side in failure analysis
        and in (fabs). And that's really a matter of looking - our tools, the
        Veeco tools, are sold for surface analysis. The FEI tools are frequently
        sold for buried defects, buried layers...

Vahe Sarkissian:    Cross sectioning.

Ed Braun:           ...cross sectioning.  In data storage our tools are sold for
        a broad ion beam etching. And the dual beam (fib) is used for metrology.

        We do see an opportunity where people might want to combine some of our
        tools in the future in a cluster-like relationship. But again, that
        wouldn't be cannibalizing. That would be additive.

Brett Hodess:       That is great.  Congratulations.

Ed Braun:           Thank you, Brett.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Thank you, Brett.

Operator:           We'll go next to Ed Kressler with Angelo Gordon.


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Ed Kressler:        Hi.  Just some questions in terms of the merger agreement,
        are there any sort of walk-away provisions if Veeco should fall to a
        certain price that FEI shareholders can walk away?

Ed Braun:           No, there's no collar on this transaction.

Ed Kressler:        I mean, not - outside of a collar, there's no walk-away
        price at which FEI shareholders could walk away if Veeco should fall
        below a certain price?

Ed Braun:           No.

Ed Kressler:        Okay.  Thank you very much.

Operator:           And Mark Miller with Hoefer & Arnett has our next question.

Mark Miller:        I'm just wondering if you can give us any detail.  You've
        got a lot of convertible notes. And some of this, I think, was put out
        by FEI looking for an acquisition. Do you see - what do you see
        happening with those?

Ed Braun:           Well both companies have convertibles that are outstanding.

Mark Miller:        Right.

Ed Braun:           And by virtue of this merger -- it's a stock-to-stock
        transaction -- both convertible notes will remain outstanding and will
        be assumed by Veeco FEI.

Mark Miller:        Is there an impetus to convert or do anything with those
        notes in the future?

Ed Braun:           Well it's - we have three years before that's a possibility.
        So we'll address that in the future.


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Mark Miller:        Do you see any other moves strategically in terms of
        splitting out the divisions? You're becoming, it looks like, a metrology
        company because of the better future outlook there. Do you see any...

Ed Braun:           No.  I would say that both companies have a history of being

        Vahe and I have had long conversations about future pieces of technology
        we would like to add to both our process equipment and our metrology
        lines. And as you stated, the convertibles, in part, were to give us
        somewhat of an ability to do that for some technology purchases. And
        Vahe and I are very interested not in selling things, but in buying

Operator:           And next we'll turn to Steve Albert with Tanaka.

(Brian Sinnaka):    Hi.  Can you hear me?  It's (Brian Sinnaka), Ed.  How are

Ed Braun:           Yes, I'm great.  How are you?

(Brian Sinnaka):    Congratulations.  Just a couple of things, in terms - are
        there any accounting differences -- we all have to ask that question
        nowadays -- that have to be resolved or reconciled?

        And in terms of write-offs, I didn't catch the amount, if there is one.

Jack Rein:          (Brian), this is Jack Rein.  There are no accounting issues.
        We actually have gotten a ruling from the SEC or a review by the SEC
        that Veeco will be the continuing accounting entity.

        And therefore, Veeco's historic financials will be the financials of the
        combined company. And upon closing the merger, FEI's financials will be
        - FEI's results will be included.


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(Brian Sinnaka):    Great.  And in terms - would there be R&D write-offs or
        anything like that?

Jack Rein:          We expect that the combined - there will be write-offs. We
        have not at this point sized them. These amounts are, you know, very
        fact-sensitive and require time-consuming detailed appraisals, which
        we'll be undertaken over the next several months.

(Brian Sinnaka):    Okay.  The other thing is that it sounds like you have
        additional -- which is great -- Phase 2 or further cost savings. How
        much might they total up to relative to the $8 to $10 million for the
        first date?

Jack Rein:          Well we're putting together an implementation group.  And we
        need to address that both in terms of material cost savings and further
        synergies that we can achieve.

(Brian Sinnaka):    Okay.  The other thing is, I don't know if you've had a
        chance to get any...from customers. What do you think their reaction is
        going to be? And...

Ed Braun:           Well we share our customer list - I think it'll actually be
        quite positive.

        And as I've commented, there are, you know, customers who - our larger
        customers typically are multi-billion or multi-tens-of-billion dollar
        size and are frequently nervous about dealing with $100, $200, and $300
        million revenue suppliers who have narrow product lines and smaller

        So - and we share - probably six or seven of our top ten customers are
        common to both companies. So I think this will allow us to have deeper
        strategic relationships with those customers, offering them more product
        technology, and being able to offer them more technology solutions that
        are (clusterable) going forward, and to serve them better.


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(Brian Sinnaka):    That's...

Ed Braun:           I think this will be very well received by our customers.

(Brian Sinnaka):    Well that's terrific. That's great. A last question -- I'm
        sorry -- the competitive situation out there, I'm not sure in the FEI
        space what that looks like and what your combined market shares might
        be. It sounds like there's no overlap at all.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Well let me comment on that and amplify how we expect the
        customers to react also.

        Our dual beam technology has been very surely solo in the marketplace in
        terms of its effectiveness, in terms of its leadership, in terms of its
        newness. And it's created a dimension of its own. And we are the clear
        leader in that market.

        We have also combined our dual beam product, expanded it in terms of
        small, medium, and large to cover both laboratory and (fab)
        environments. In terms of the competitive space there, we are a clear

        In terms of some of the other laboratory equipment, we do have
        competition. And we have stated that we do compete with primarily
        Japanese competitors in the (sem) and (tem) arena.

        But the strength of that combination there is very strong. And I would
        like to state that even the Japanese have given our transmission
        electron microscope a product award of the year, the first time ever, in

        So we believe that the customers are looking for solutions. And
        therefore the broader the solution that you can offer them, the better
        off they are in terms of being able to share their road maps with you
        and being able to work with you to get that solution.


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(Brian Sinnaka):    Thank you very much.  Congratulations.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Thank you.

Ed Braun:           Thank you.

Operator:           And once again, if you would like to ask a question, you may
        do so by pressing star 1.

        We'll go next to John Pitzer with Credit Suisse First Boston.

Man:                ((inaudible)).

Operator:           Mr. Pitzer, your line is open.  You may ask your question.

Man:                Mr. Pitzer?

Operator:           Hearing no response, we'll move on to Fred Wolf with Adams
        Harkness & Hill.

Fred Wolf:          Yes, Vahe, can you give us a feeling for your progress and
        give us some benchmarks in terms of getting the focused ion beam into
        in-line production on the factory floor versus, you know, an R&D tool?

Vahe Sarkissian:    Well, you know, last conference call we stated that we are
        on course with that. And all I would like to say at this conference call
        is that we're again on course with our progress there.

        And we're getting more and more excited about that opportunity. We'll
        cover that...in our conference call subsequently. But the answer is we
        continue to getting increases in that area.


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Ed Braun:           Fred, we feel very good about the fact that this evolution
        that you're describing - that you and Vahe are describing, I think, is
        quite similar to the path that we've navigated within Veeco in having
        taken our atomic force microscope from research applications to
        production in-line.

        We're - you know, today, I think as you're aware, of our $130 million
        atomic force microscopy business, 1/2 of it literally has become in-line
        production tools. And it took a number of years to do that. And I think
        FEI's dual beam (fib) is well on that path. And Veeco can be very
        helpful in helping the combined Veeco FEI manage that transition.

Fred Wolf:          Can you give us a feeling for how many for how many
        state-of-the-art (fab) launch - production (fab) how many tools will be
        - could be sold?

Ed Braun:           I think that, you know, as you Vahe commented, in future
        conference calls we'll have more detailed information in that regard.

        But I really, you know, like (AFM) as the stage that (fib) is at. These
        are very rich failure analysis tools as well as very high potential
        in-line (fab) tools. And so you'll see growth in both areas. But I think
        we'll be more - Vahe and I will be more explicit in the next couple
        months in more - in our other conference calls.

Fred Wolf:          Okay.  Thank you.

Vahe Sarkissian:    The bottom line is that our models that we have talked
        about in the future continue to stand. And they're enhanced by this


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Ed Braun:           Yes.  This is a case also where the synergy is very
        important, because both companies in semiconductor sites have existing
        process support teams that are somewhat expensive given our installed
        base of either standalone (fib) or standalone (AFM).

        There's a tremendous benefit if we could use our current process support
        teams at TI, at IBM, and (Infinian) to leverage them over (fib) and
        (AFM). It's a very big win, because the customer gets a broader product
        line, and we get to do it at less expense.

Operator:           Our next question comes from Byron Walker with UBS Warburg.

Byron Walker:       Good morning.  Ed, can you give us a rough idea of what your
        - as you define the 3D metrology, what your market share position is
        with the new combined entity?

Ed Braun:           In all three of our leadership areas, in (fib), in atomic
        force microscopy, and in ion beam -- I'll mention ion beam in
        ((inaudible)) deposition -- we are a clear Number 1 supplier with market
        shares that range anywhere from 60% to 80%.

        We are not without competition. There's Seiko, Hitachi. You know, there
        are people we compete with. But we have enormous - very significant
        market share. So in the area of 3D metrology, surface and subsurface,
        you know, we probably have a 60% to 80% market share.

        But the growth will not come from going to 100% market share. The growth
        will come from the fact that that's the fastest growing element of
        semiconductor equipment.

        And as line sizes shrink and defects become more important, the number
        -- and KLA has done a nice job of showing that it has ((inaudible))
        research. But the amount of metrology content required as you go from .2
        to .15 to .13 increases triple-digits.


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        And it's a very high growth...to have to have the amount of defect
        inspection, profiling, trench measurement, CMP measurement as your line
        sizes shrink and as you introduce new materials.

Byron Walker:  Do you have a rough idea of what you think the growth rate will
        be in the next say three years or so...

Ed Braun:           Well it's...

Byron Walker:       ...for the 3D segment?

Ed Braun:           It's clearly over 25% a year.

Byron Walker:       All right.  And the other question I had - I guess you said
        that there's no issues with the converts. How about on the bank line
        side? Do you have to (re-cash) given some changes?

Ed Braun:           Well we certainly need to get our banks' approval.  We've
        had preliminary discussions with the banks. And I see no problem in that
        regard, Byron.

Byron Walker:       Great.  Thanks.

Ed Braun:           Thank you, Byron.

Operator:           Tony Reiner with Clinton Group has our next question.

Tony Reiner:        Oh hi.  It sounds like a great deal.  Congratulations.

Ed Braun:           Thank you.


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Tony Reiner:        Just a question, why now? I mean, is there - ((inaudible))
        industry, I mean, is there - was there a need to combine these two,
        possibly another company wanting to, you know, buy in, get involved in
        this strong segment - this growing segment? Or, you know, what's the
        impetus for doing it at this point in time...

Ed Braun:           Well...

Tony Reiner:        ...((inaudible))?

Ed Braun:           ...two or three answers.  I think as all of you know, the
        consolidation within the semiconductor equipment industry is a very
        positive thing. It builds stronger companies. It gives our customers
        suppliers who have greater critical mass.

        We've been looking at focused ion beam, I must say, for seven or eight
        years. Vahe and I have had conversations on and off certainly for the
        last five years. I have a board member who always likes to say, you
        know, the time to make a deal is when the other guy wants to make a
        deal. And we both see tremendous growth going forward.

        And, you know, the planets are aligned. And I think one shouldn't be
        hampered by today's stock price. One should look at the profitability
        gain of these two companies being combined.

        Vahe, do you...

Vahe Sarkissian:    Well both companies are very strong and are capable of
        going it alone. The exact timing of any deal is, you know, when it's
        right and when it gets done.


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        And the principal reason for the combination is the comparative
        strategic value, not for today, not for this quarter, not for next
        quarter. But it is comparing value over the long haul. We believe that
        that drove us to this conclusion.

        And therefore the timing is secondary, as opposed to being...primary
        reason for the deal. So we haven't done the deal because the time is
        right. We've done the deal because it is the right deal. And I think it
        just happens to have been concluded at this time. And that's kind of the
        best answer we can give you on that.

Ed Braun:           I think it's very important that we're doing this at a time
        where the growth of 3D metrology is so strong. And so that's going to
        help the new company, Veeco FEI, be launched with a very big driver
        coming from the need for advanced 3D metrology.

Tony Reiner:        Okay.  Thank you very much.

Operator:           Next we'll go to Glen Yeung with Salomon Smith Barney.

Glen Yeung:         Thanks. I have just a couple of - well I wanted you just to
        expand. You talked about potential cluster opportunities using both
        technologies. And if you could, just sort of look in your crystal ball
        and give us a sense, not so much just - well I guess how it will look as
        a product, but also, you know, the kind of applications that it might

Ed Braun:           Well, you know, there are lots of applications where people
        - you know, in semiconductor, people want to have tools that find the
        defects and then drive a metrology tool to that defect to examine - to
        uncover what the defect is, to cross-section it, to examine it, to
        measure what the materials are, what's the cause of the defect.


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        So, you know, there's a lot of (clusterability) being considered within
        semiconductor to not only know you have a problem, but to determine what
        is that problem.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Well there is one - there are three ways that things could
        be brought together, one, coupling of information, one is coupling the
        tools, and the third, embedding the tools.

        And as you know, in integrated metrology versus clustered metrology
        versus clustered information coupled metrology, all of that has an
        underlying element to it which has knowledge of the process, knowledge
        of the critical measurement, and knowledge of when and how most
        optimally to make that measurement.

        The proliferation of the technology and the tools that we have enable us
        to work with the customers in a way that picks the optimal point and the
        optimal place to make the measurement for best cost benefit.

        And this is where we think that we can bring a lot more to the party and
        the frequency and the number of measurements that we can provide, which
        will translate data to information for the customers. And that is the
        critical value that I think the combined company can bring.

        I'll give you a couple of examples. I think that data storage is way
        ahead in terms of geometry and in terms of criticality of ((inaudible))
        layer deposition. And the tight coupling of what you're depositing and
        what you're measuring very quickly is very important.

        For a long time, the Veeco tools have been doing the deposition and
        etching. And we've been really tracking whether the deposition
        ((inaudible)) profiles are the right way. And I think tighter coupling
        there is really going to bring a lot of value there.

        And in...


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Ed Braun:           And in that regard - just let me add this - there's a very
        important and a good point. In deposition - it's clearer to see the
        coupling in metrology.

        But in process equipment, you know, frequently the thickness of the
        deposited material influences the electrical or magnetic properties of
        that film - of that device.

        And you have now a way to both deposit and measure - deposit and control
        the thickness with a broad or a narrow beam and to measure the
        electrical and magnetic properties all at once. So you have a lot of
        potential in process equipment as well as potential in metrology.

Vahe Sarkissian:    The same thing applies in semiconductor in a bigger way...

Ed Braun:           Yes.

Vahe Sarkissian:    ...what is called integrated metrology inside the - coupled
        with the tool, calibration metrology.

        We're going to play, I think, as a combined company a major role in
        calibrating and making sure that the metrology that is integrated is
        really working, because what we bring is much more detailed measurements
        about the structure itself, which is becoming the limiting factor in
        most of these processes, not just the broad thickness or across a large
        area, but the actual structure.

Ed Braun:           Well and control the thickness, Glen, because now you would
        have - you could use either a broad beam, or a focused ion beam, or a
        variable beam in between to actually fine-tune the thickness while
        you're in-situ measuring electrical or magnetic characteristics. There's
        actually a very big brand-new area that, again, is not represented in
        today's product lines.


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Glen Yeung:         That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

        And one other follow-up thought, which is, it would bring to mind some
        opportunities. Well certainly some more could be done on the software
        side. But ultimately as you are able to integrate these kind of
        applications, it might open up some opportunities on the software side
        as well. I wonder if you've progressed in your thinking on that at all
        at this stage.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Well we're way ahead of the game on that one. And we've
        been talking about that. Software is generally the soul of the machine
        and the soul of the information that you get, and we have - because of
        the structures that we've measured and used for the most complex
        measurements that's there.

        And we've created some new software structures to be able to do that
        which we can leverage across all of our products. And we will be
        introducing and talking about some of this at (Semicon).

Glen Yeung:         Great.  Thank you.

Ed Braun:           Thank you, Glen.  Operator, we'll take one or two more

Operator:           Okay.  And we'll take our next question from Steven Connell
        with Capital Group.

Steven Connell:     Hi, yes.  Just on the last point, could you re-explain
        that...how fine-tuning - measuring the thickness and then measuring the
        electromagnetism? I didn't understand that point.

        But my question is, does FEI add anything to (nanotechnology)?

Ed Braun:           Well let me ask - quickly explain your first question.


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        If you think of an oscillator - there's many examples. But if you think
        of just an (RF) oscillator, where the oscillation is determined by the
        thickness of the metal that is on it, a piece of electric crystal with
        metal on it will have a varying frequency, depending upon how much metal
        you put on it.

        And if you want that filter to have a certain designed frequency, it
        would be really nice to watch its frequency while you're depositing
        metal and to thin the metal when you get beyond a certain point.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Selectively.

Ed Braun:           Right.  So there's, you know, a very straightforward example
        about putting down metal when I don't want to exceed a certain thickness
        to get frequency. I have a method of measuring.

        I could deposit in the same chamber. I could measure the frequency in
        that chamber. And now if I had a way of better controlling and thinning
        the deposition, I would have an automated filter deposition system.

Steven Connell:And you would provide all of those tools...

Ed Braun:           All of those, yes.

Steven Connell:     ...including the deposition?

Ed Braun:           Yes.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Yes, that's correct.


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Steven Connell:     That would be the (ND)?

Ed Braun:           No, that would be ion beam deposition of a metal onto a
        piece of electric...

Steven Connell:     Okay.

Vahe Sarkissian:    And also we, with the combination, will have the ability to
        fine-tune the deposition, to adjust, fine-tune. And that's one of things
        that is going to be very important.

        To answer your question, what is - we are at FEI a (nanotechnology)
        company. Every product that we manufacture is really
        (nanotechnology)-related. One of the most important things in
        (nanotechnology) is to be able to see and measure things at atomic
        scale. And one of the major driving factors on that is most of the tools
        run out of ability to see and measure.

        Transmission electron microscopy is the only viable tool to see atoms
        and how they're stacked up. And when we talk about molecular-level
        deposition and every layer going to the molecular level, transmission
        electron microscopy becomes the key to see, and measure, and analyze
        atomic-level structures.

Ed Braun:           So if you look at it in dollars - you know, both companies
        have been selling packages of (nanotechnology) tools, as Vahe has said,
        to manage technology centers.

        And we've had this conversation within Veeco recently where today we at
        Veeco present people with about $500,000 to $1 million combination of
        imaging tools for a (nanotechnology) center. And mostly they're (AFM)


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        And Vahe has done the exact same thing in (tem), and (sem), and dual
        beam. So together, we now go to a (nanotechnology) center with a package
        of equipment that's probably $2 million that serves life sciences,
        biomedical, and material science applications.

        So we are - we clearly - we instantly become more important to a
        (nanotechnology) center in doubling the amount of technology we can give
        him and doubling the amount of the sale.

Steven Connell:     Right.

Vahe Sarkissian:    And one final thought, just very important, and that's to
        prepare the sample to be able to see it at that atomic scale requires
        dual beam systems. So the dual beam systems prepare the sample for the
        transmission electron microscopy.

        So you need the set to be able to go there and do it. And that is really
        what's propelled us. That's why FEI, you know, has been extremely
        successful and highly profitable in this most severe downturn in the

Steven Connell:     So what percent of this $800-something million per year in
        revenues is...

Ed Braun:           Well research was about $250 million of the $825 million.

Steven Connell:     When you say research - I was going to ask what

Ed Braun:           We combine in our, what we're calling scientific research,
        in that number is the combination of (nanoscience), life science, and
        industry and university spending.

Steven Connell:     I was wondering what the (nano) portion of that was.


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Ed Braun:           The (nano) portion is probably 1/3 of the total - 1/3 of the
        $250 million. But it's the one that's growing at the highest rate.

Vahe Sarkissian:    That's the pure (nano).  But, you know, when you talk to
        semiconductor people, everybody says they already are leading in

Ed Braun:           The other sectors would be offended if we didn't - if we
        excluded them, because they may ((inaudible)) also.

        But for, you know, the venture capitalist who's tracking
        (nanotechnology), I would say that's about 1/3 of the total Veeco
        scientific research business. But that 1/3 is growing by like 50% a

Steven Connell:     Right.  And just a final confirmation, when you said 33%,
        28%, and 23%, the 33% was scientific?

Man:                ((inaudible)).

Ed Braun:           Yes, yes.

Steven Connell:     Thank you very much.

Ed Braun:           Last question, operator.

Operator:           And our last question will come from Christina Osmena with
        Needham & Company.

Christina Osmena:   Hi.  I apologize - I was disconnected, so I apologize if
        this was already asked. I have a couple of questions here.


                                                         Moderator: Debra Wasser
                                                             07-12-02/9:00 am CT
                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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        Could you review what the facilities will be of the combined entity and
        which kinds of combinations are - you know, what kind of consolidations
        are likely, you know, among the facilities now?

Ed Braun:           By facilities, Christina, do you mean sites?

Christina Osmena:   Yes, yes.

Ed Braun:           No, we didn't go through - what we spoke of was core
        synergies in the first six months that on an annual basis would be $8 to
        $10 million a year. That would mostly come from SG&A.

        You know, we have a combined company with 32 offices and 775 worldwide
        sales and service professionals. We have a - we share a lot of common
        accounts, so there are Veeco teams in many common accounts.

        And there are sales offices throughout Asia, Japan, Europe, and North
        America, so there's an opportunity for us to look at some SG&A
        consolidation that we've eyeballed at $8 to $10 million a year.

        That excludes - and we also commented that a lot of our bills of
        materials are common. We buy pumps, chambers, valves...ion gauges. And
        so there's a supplier management capability. We could be - and we will
        go back to all of those suppliers and get deeper discounts for combined
        buying. And that will be some number of millions of dollars per year.

        And the third leg that comes from site consolidations is probably
        something that doesn't happen in the first 6 to 12 months, but is
        identified by the integration team for activity in the second year.


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                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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Christina Osmena:   Okay. And if there were any sites that would be closed down,
        could we assume that it would be something like in the Netherlands or

Ed Braun:           No, no, no, no, no.

Vahe Sarkissian:    Because the Netherlands is a...

Ed Braun:           It's a vital...

Vahe Sarkissian:    ...very vital piece of the combination.  And that
        particular sector of the business is where we do a lot of
        (nanotechnology) and other core technologies that we do.

        Just to kind of give you the big picture on this so you're not all
        confused, we have SG&A synergies that we've identified right away. There
        are independent improvements that we have been undertaking independently
        in each company which we have articulated on an ongoing basis. And those
        will continue.

        And the third area is, we will look for ability to create efficiencies
        with the combination. And those are three distinct separate things that
        we are addressing as an integration team. And we believe there are
        benefits in each one of those areas. But the first thing that we've
        articulated and highlighted is very near term impact of the SG&A

Ed Braun:           No sites have been identified.  Let me repeat that.  No
        sites have been identified to be closed.

Christina Osmena:   What about - are there any R&D programs that you were
         conducting separately that look like they might be duplicative?


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                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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Ed Braun:           Well the combined company has a rather rich R&D spending
        program of probably something around $100 million.

        And clearly that gives us an opportunity to refocus our $100 million by
        identifying the high-growth opportunities, by looking at the minimal -
        the marginal activities that we could possibly eliminate and go more
        heavily after those that have tremendous leverage.

        So there is an R&D, you know, resorting that - although I won't promise
        we'll spend fewer R&D dollars, I will promise we'll get a bigger bang
        from them.

Christina Osmena:   Okay.  And also who is the - could you go over who might be
        in charge of the whole - you know, the integration of the two companies
        and who's going to be in charge of the operations?

Ed Braun:           Vahe and I will work together to form an integration team.
        And the integration team will consist of combined senior management from
        both FEI and Veeco.

Christina Osmena:   Okay.

Ed Braun:           Thank you. Operator, I think that concludes this morning's
        discussion. I want to thank everyone.

        I thank Vahe. And we're very, very excited by this combination. And Vahe
        and I look forward to speaking with you further in the next couple of
        months and certainly seeing you at (Semiwest) and speaking to you there.
        And both companies will, as Debora said, be reporting their second
        quarter earnings in two weeks.

        Operator, thank you.


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                                                             07-12-02/9:00 am CT
                                                           Confirmation # 491789
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Vahe Sarkissian:    Thank you very much.

Operator:           Thank you. That concludes today's conference.  We thank you
        all for joining us. Have a great day.

Ed Braun:           Thank you.
